Gods Of GardheChapter 15: Advance free porn video

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"That's right, I've been offplanet," he repeated, tossing a handful of gold nuggets and a scattering of roughcut gems onto the table. "No, it wasn't no kind of legal, but nobody but me made it back in one piece, so we don't need to worry about no one else butting in for now. There's lots more gold and jewels where these came from, just about for the taking. I won't kid you that it ain't dangerous, but if we win out, we've got it made! We can come back here filthy rich if we want to, or we can stay there and just about run the place. It's a good place to live, too. Nice people, most of them, and it ain't too crowded."

"Why us?" Mig demanded. "Mainly, why me? How come you picked us five for this, and not some of the others? I won't say that I got along any too well with Rafe, but you know damned well I've never been no buddy of yours."

"Because all five of you've got something I need for this job, that's why."

He looked them over. Black, white, brown and inbetween. Mig Perez was Mexican, and mostly Indian at that. Nora's skin was a creamy tan, her eyes a deep and lustrous green. Sammy Sawbucks, what was his real name? Oh, yeah, Sakata. Ginger Smith was pure redheaded Irish, and little Kenny was almost as black as Chad. He'd heard that kid gangs' members used to be all the same, all one race or ethnic group. Not any more, that was for sure. Things was too tight all over for that to work these days; you took what members you could get from inside your own turf. They looked back at him, expectantly. He picked up a nugget in one hand, tossed it into the air and caught it again.

"You all know me well enough to know that I used to get hunches, every once in a while. Well, this other planet is in a universe where hunches and stuff like that work one Hell of a lot better than they do here. I learned a lot of tricks there that you wouldn't believe if you didn't see them for yourselves. The reason I picked you five, is 'cause maybe you can learn them too."

"Like what, for instance?" Nora challenged.

"Like this!"

Before their unbelieving eyes he tossed the nugget of soft gold into the air and held it there with his mind, molding and squeezing as it danced and spun before their eyes. When he let it come to rest on the table, it was a tiny, perfect statuette of a nude woman.

"Don't touch it for a minute," he warned. "It's colder'n Hell."

"Hey, man!" Mig breathed. "Howdja do that?"

"It... It looks kinda like me!" Nora bent close, brushing off the light coating of frost crystals that formed as her breath touched it.

"You mean, we could do stuff like that?" Ginger whispered, her eyes wide. "You're kidding us!"

"Like that, or maybe different things. The point is, you five are the only ones in the Wolves who've got the kind of minds that can learn to do these things. At least, you're the only ones what ain't got no families to worry about if you take off. The rest of our homeboys never could learn in a million years. It ain't a question of how smart you are, neither. It's just a talent, like havin' an ear for music, bein' good with numbers like Sammy Sawbucks is," he flashed a quick grin at him, "or bein' able to wiggle your ears, like Kenny here."

"Show us how to do it," Kenny pleaded. "Please, Chad?"

"I'll try to, but don't be too disappointed if it don't work for you right away. Okay, now all of you listen up and do just what I tell you to. Pull your chairs up to the table and get yourselves comfortable. Kick your shoes off if that helps you to relax. I want you to concentrate on this nugget. Try to reach out with your minds. Feel its shape, and how heavy it is. Relax all you can. Now, stay relaxed, but try to make it move, make it lift up off the table. I'll help you get started."

He reached out with his own mind as he spoke, guiding and stimulating the others. Slowly, erratically, the nugget lifted. It bobbed and twisted as the minds around it were momentarily distracted, and the forces on it waxed and waned.

"That's enough," he told them after twenty or thirty seconds as they began to show the strain and the nugget started to sag. "Don't try to do too much all at one time. I did that once, and blew a fuse so's I couldn't do nothing at all for weeks. It damned near got me killed, too. You all did real well, better'n what I expected."

"You mean we was doin' that our own selves?" Sammy marveled, rubbing his forehead to drive away traces of a headache. "We really was?"

"I was helpin' some," Chad admitted. "But you was doin' most of it. You know you was, you could feel it. After you've rested, we'll try it again. Between times, there's some exercises I'll show you that'll help. Don't worry about the headaches, they'll go away as soon as you get rolling."

The next few days kept them all busy. There were political fences to be mended, and lines of authority to be straightened out. Chad was alone at Wolf headquarters one afternoon when he was joined by one of the gang members.

"Chad, we've got us a problem."

"Yeah, Kwando?" Chad looked up from the littered table where he was studying a rough map of the neighborhood. "What is it this time?"

"More of the same old crap," Kwando sat down heavily in the chair across from Chad, shaking his head angrily. "Some of these assholes jes' can't get it through their heads that things've changed. That dummy, Gordo keeps hasslin' Freddy Fox at school, won't leave 'im alone."

"Ain't Freddy with the Bruisers?" Chad leaned back in his chair, looking worried. "We've got things settled with the Black Cats, at least for now. We don't need no trouble with the Bruisers. What'cha think we'd oughta do about it?"

"If'n it was up to me, I'd bang both their heads together. Freddy's as bad as Gordo. Keeps eggin' him on, thinks he won't dare do nothin' about it. They've heard about this new deal of ours, and kinda got the idea that it means we're gettin' soft."

"Yeah, an' if we don't back Gordo up, then the Bruisers'll all start pushin' on us. Is Fat Al still headin' up the Bruisers?"

"Tha's right." Kwando suddenly grinned at Chad. "Think a couple of us night have a talk with him?"

"Might do some good, at that." Chad grinned back at him. "You still think you're the one who should be runnin' the Wolves, 'stead of me?"

Kwando's expression froze, and he glared suspiciously at Chad for a moment before he answered. "You bet I do. What about it?"

"How about if you do the talkin', this time. It'll be good practice. Like I warned all of you, I ain't gonna be around here too much longer, an' somebody's gotta take over when I leave. You've been doin' a pretty good job of handlin' things, so far."

"But..." Kwando suddenly looked uncertain, as though he'd rammed his shoulder against a door only to find that it wasn't even latched, let alone bolted and barred. He grinned as he stood up, pushing his chair back. "All right, I'll do it!"

"You might remind Fat Al that the Black Cats're doin' the same thing we are," Chad called after him. "Don't come right out and say it, just let him think that Slick Jim might come in on our side if things start getting rough."

A few of the Wolves couldn't or wouldn't get it through their heads that there would be no more hassling of people and businesses in their territory. No shoplifting. No getting drunk or stoned and picking fights. These had to be weeded out, some of them forcibly. Others, ones who were willing enough but had trouble measuring up to the new standards, were assigned to squads under the leadership of more reliable members.

Muggings and burglaries were another thing. There were always a few of those committed by crooks and drifters who, more often than not, simply acted on the spur of the moment. These happenings dropped off sharply as the word got around that broken heads and smashed knees were a high price to pay for such activities. Gradually, as the crime rate on their blocks started to drop and money began to trickle in, a new spirit took over.

"I really think they'll hold it together," Chad finally decided. "Kwando's the right one to be King Wolf while the rest of you're gone. I wondered at first if he had the stuff to pull it off, but he's doin' real good."

In between training sessions, he filled them in on the situation they would face when and if they made it back to Gardhe, and continued teaching them a few words of the language.

"But you said that the Goddess's machine had six head bands hooked up to it," Nora objected. "How come you've only got five of us gettin' ready to go back there with you?"

"That's 'cause I've only found the five of you Wolves what qualify. There's a couple more like you in the gang, Kwando for one, but they've all got families what'd raise Hell if they just up and left. There's one more around that we could use, and he'd be a damned good one. I just dunno how to get ahold of him, convince him to go back there with us."

"We can do it," Mig Perez stated confidently, his eyes glowing with controlled energy. Of the five, he'd been the one who had developed the fastest and now most nearly rivaled Chad in strength. "Who is he?"

"Slick Jim."

"Oh, like wow, man!" Mig doubled over with laughter, and the others wore broad grins. "That's gonna be a real gas, gettin' him to join up with us. How you plannin' to put that one over?"

"Be damned if I know," Chad answered sourly. "I can just see us sayin' to him, 'Please, won't you come along with us to another world? It'd be lots of fun.' He'd be sure we were out of our tree, and it might even blow the whole operation."

"Oh, I don't know," Nora disagreed. "If it was put to him the right way, it might work."

"Naw, he's already got a girl," Ginger objected with a giggle. "Might be fun to try, though."

"That wasn't what I meant," Nora snapped back at her. "Anyhow, I heard that he kicked Millie's ass out a while back. She got too kinky, even for him. But if we showed him what we could do, he might want in on it."

"I've got a better idea," Sammy spoke up from where he was making pictures shift and change on a screen from a junked television set. "Instead of tellin' him, why don't we use our new mind powers to show him what we want him to know?"

"That's it!" Chad exclaimed. "Why didn't I think of that? Anyhow, this'll be a good chance for us to practice linking up."

Joining their minds together in the way that he'd had them practicing so hard the last few days, they reached out across the sleeping city. Through the soft glow of life forces they searched for the pulsating flicker of Slick Jim's mind. They brushed lightly against one mind after another, but none of them were the one they wanted. None had the inner strength to use the talents that lay concealed within them. Once, they thought they had found him, but the mind whose strength and clarity had attracted them so strongly was in the body of a tiny child.

"That one's gonna be a humdinger when she grows up!" The thought glowed from among their linked minds. Then they spotted another mind, one whose flickering and pulsing stood out like a beacon among the steady glow of lesser minds.

"Easy, now. We don't want to push too hard until we know what we're doing." The thought wasn't quite in words, being expressed at a far more fundamental level.

They watched as the duller glows surrounding their target departed, or dimmed in sleep. When the time was right, they gently reached out and made their first delicate contact. Faint wisps of thought energy leaked across the connection, slowly strengthening and gaining in clarity as the immaterial linkage broadened.

The Black Cats' clubroom was the dingy remains of an abandoned night club. One corner of the largest room was dimly lighted by a couple of small table lamps. In their feeble glow, Slick Jim was trying to make sense out of a ledger's neat rows and columns of figures. At last he gave up in disgust, slamming the book shut and staring into the gloom. Without his realizing it, his thoughts drifted away from the sorry state of the gang's finances.

Subtly influenced by the tendril of thought energy that linked his mind to Chad's Wolves, his imagination drew pictures of strange lands and stranger people. He saw piles of gold and jewels that only waited for the man who was bold and strong and adventurous enough to claim them.

"Reach out," a voice seemed to be telling him. "You are strong, not like these others. Leave this world behind. Reach out! Take what should be yours!"

He grabbed up his jacket and fled the confines of the stuffy room, clattering down the short flight of stairs to the street. Once outside, he drew in a breath of Chicago's damp, smoggy air and started walking along the cracked and broken sidewalk.

His unclouded vision saw as though for the first time the littered streets and boardedup store fronts of the neighborhood he'd always called home. He tried to close his eyes to these sights that should have been so familiar to him. It was no use. Every step, every glance hammered home the squalor that he had so long taken for granted.

"Not pretty, is it?"

The flat statement of his innermost thoughts jerked his head up, and he realized that a semicircle of dim figures stood before him. Hard on the heels of this shock, he realized where he was! Deep within Wolf territory, and alone! He fell into a fighting crouch, knife held low and ready before him.

"Relax." Chad held up a hand, palm out. "Nobody's gonna get hurt. We didn't bring you here just to start a fight."

"Whaddya mean, bring me here? I brought myself here, and I'm takin' myself back again. Now get outa my way before somebody does get hurt, and hurt bad!"

For answer, Chad held out his hand. Slick Jim's shocked gasp was loud in the night as his knife wrenched free of his hand and flew to Chad's, to be caught with a meaty smack!

"Maybe now you'll listen. I told you, you won't need this." Chad folded the wickedly sharp blade back into its handle and casually tossed it back to him. "I've been offplanet the last few months, and I've stumbled onto something big! Bigger'n anything Chicago has to offer, with all kinds of gold and jewels, but I need help to make a go of it. A special kinda help." In short sentences he spelled out the situation he'd left behind on Gardhe, and the battle of minds that awaited his return. "The only thing is, I need six other people with these talents, and I've only got five so far. So, if you want in, all you've got to do is say so. How about it, you with us?"

"Hell, yes!" Slick Jim didn't even have to pause to think it over before making up his mind. "If this here story of yours is really on the level, I'm all for it. But I ain't got no fancy mind powers or nothing. What good am I gonna do you?"

"You've got the powers, all right," Chad reassured him. "I made sure of that, a long time ago. You just need 'em trained, and that we can do. It won't take long, with all of us workin' on it. Just as soon as that's done, we'll be takin' off for Gardhe, or I hope we will. How long will it take for you to get things set up you can leave without everything falling apart on you?"

"Four, maybe five days more is all. I'll be eighteen in a couple of months anyhow, and I've had the feelin' for quite a spell that it was time for me to be movin' along. I've already started settin' up the system you told me about so's it'll work without me. It shouldn't take more'n another week to get it runnin' smooth."

During the next few days Chad could feel the tension inside of him winding higher and tighter. At last, all was ready. He had traded in the last of his gold and gems at Melton's hock shop, spending part of the money on clothes intended to make them look like a group of school kids on an outing. The rest of the money went for an old car that Slick Jim knew about, and the camping gear and other supplies that they would need to survive when they got to Gardhe.

"You sure this old clunker'll get us to where we're going?" Sammy asked nervously. "It don't look like much."

"It'll do," Slick Jim answered from behind the wheel of the battered fourdoor sedan. "Fix it up a little inside, iron out a few wrinkles and give it a new paint job, and you'd have a real valuable antique. These old Jeep Eagles are hard to beat. It's got good rubber on all four wheels and the motor's sound, even if the body's a little rough. Now, which way we heading?"

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Gods of GardheChapter 7 Men of Black and Red

The sun was warm and bright in a cloudless sky as they lazed by the edge of the water. The air was fresh and clean, pungent with the myriad odors of moist earth and growing things. It had been late November and Chicago had been firmly in the grip of winter when Chad had left it behind, but even this close to Gardhe's equator spring was fast fading into the warmth of summer and the shade of the trees along the river bank was welcome. He'd said something about it to Mike, who'd just shaken...

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Gods of GardheChapter 8 Duel with Blunt Swords

"No way! I'm not gonna do it any more. I'm tired, and my head hurts!" Chad lurched to his feet rebelliously, resting his forehead against the bole of a tree at the edge of the clearing. He knew that he was being childish about the whole thing, but he'd sat crosslegged on the mossy ground until he could hardly move, staring at the quarterinch nugget of raw gold until he felt like his eyes were permanently crossed. A throbbing ache bounced back and forth inside of his skull, and even the...

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Gods of GardheChapter 11 Blind

He probed again and again at the featureless black mass of the Great Temple, trying to force his way past the barrier by brute strength. Nothing. He shifted his viewpoint around to one side, then to another. Still nothing. Even the great gates were layered with so many thicknesses of the black material that they were proof against his probes. If it hadn't been for the evidence of his eyes, he might have thought that the universe ended right there at the surface of the walls. Narrowing down...

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Gods of GardheChapter 13 Regroup

Darkness! Chad's bones ached with cold. Was this death? He tried to move, to sit up. His stiffened muscles screamed in protest. He drew on his anger for strength. His stomach protested, heaving, trying to turn itself wrong side out, but there was nothing in it to come up. His head seemed to spin in the darkness. Waves of weakness forced him to lie back. "Rest, oh Man of Black," the familiar high, thin voice of The Goddess came softly to him from somewhere in the darkness. "Rest, now....

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Gods of GardheChapter 14 Consolidate

The knife was a deadly flash of silver from hand to target. It came at him almost too fast to see, but Chad was keyed up and ready for anything. Spinning a net of mental energy, he caught the knife in midflight. Slowing and turning it as it drew near, he caught it easily in one hand. "Thanks, but like I said, I really don't need a knife to take care of the likes of you." He flipped the knife back at the stunned Rafe, giving it enough of a boost as it flew through the air to bury it...

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Gods of GardheChapter 16 Skirmish

The forest was silent except for the faint sounds the car's engine made as it cooled off. One of Gardhe's lesser moons crept hesitantly from behind ragged clouds, throwing the looping, furry branches of nearby trees into sharp relief against the sky. They could feel faint glows of energy from a few tiny minds in the woods nearby, coming from birds that slept high in the branches of the trees. No larger animals were anywhere around. And nowhere, strain as they might, could they find the...

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A young married teacher succumbs to a young black students aggressive sexual advances

As Janet Ross needed help with her yard work since her husband was always gone on business trips. She was an attractive woman at thirty with short brown hair and a firm trim body. She was pushing the lawn mower to the front yard, when Leroy Hanks came down the sidewalk. Janet knew Leroy from the basketball games she attended at the high school where she taught. He was a big tall kid of 6′ 2″, with broad shoulders. He looked almost like a grown man at the age of fourteen. As he...

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BabySitters Advances

My wife, Heather, and I had a rare night out, dinner at a decent restaurant and then on to the cinema. It was nearly midnight when we returned. I'd half expected to find Marie, our sitter, asleep on the couch or in the spare room, but no, she was up, surfing the 'net, and apparently full of beans.Marie was a new sitter as far as we were concerned. Our old sitter had out-grown the job and one of Heather's friends had recommended Marie. My personal opinion was that she was a little young for the...

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A King and His QueenChapter 25 Significant Advances

Ginger was a true redhead. If her long mane of bright red hair wasn't enough evidence to that fact, she bore proof of her hair color in the neatly trimmed landing strip just above her pussy. She was a very attractive woman with pale skin, freckles, and a womanly figure. At the moment she was sitting on a stool watching Raven working on a laptop. She shifted her position a little to be more comfortable. "Sit still," Raven said. Confused by what she was asked to do and bored at doing it,...

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CompanionChapter 18 General Advances

Brigadier General Robert Branch sat stoically in the canvas-slung seat of the helicopter. Conversation with his security team was essentially curtailed by the noise of the whirling blades, even if anyone on the team had the nerve to talk to the cold-eyed general. That was fine with General Branch. He wasn't a big fan of small talk. In fact, most social interactions irritated him. He didn't play well with others. He acknowledged to himself that his rapid rise through the ranks had more to...

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My Education Gets Advanced

Suzie opened the bottle of champagne and poured three glasses. She passed one to each of us, held hers towards us and said, ‘Cheers, here is to a fun evening.’ We sipped the champagne and made small talk. It all felt a little surreal. There I was standing buck naked with a hard on, Diane was naked apart from her heels and stockings and Suzie was wearing a silk dressing gown. Seeing me looking, Suzie just shrugged her shoulders and slid the gown off. The silk just flowed off her body like...

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Spontaneous Public Nudity Towel Drop 2 Advanced

My first towel drop story was from my much younger days. When caught with just a towel around one's waist, by controlled breathing, it is easy to allow the towel to drop to the ground at the time of one's choosing, leaving oneself "accidentally" naked. To reinforce the accidental nature of the drop, one is expected to quickly apologise, appear embarrassed, and replace the towel promptly. On occasions, when the target reaction warrants it, one can take one's time to return to modesty.Such an...

4 years ago
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My Education Gets Advanced

Suzie opened the bottle of champagne and poured three glasses. She passed one to each of us, held hers towards us and said, "Cheers, here is to a fun evening." We sipped the champagne and made small talk. It all felt a little surreal. There I was standing buck naked with a hard on, Diane was naked apart from her heels and stockings and Suzie was wearing a silk dressing gown. Seeing me looking, Suzie just shrugged her shoulders and slid the gown off. The silk just flowed off her body like...

3 years ago
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God is a Slut Chapter 1 The Purest Girl in the World1

God was sitting across from me at the table of the Limbo Bar. She had blonde hair that flowed freely save for two braids that roped along the crown of her head. Her skin was light, but well colored, and her eyes were big and pale blue. She wore a white silk dress with a neckline that descended past her navel, revealing her torso and the inner portions of her ample breasts. The dress flowed gracefully down her thick backside and stopped just above a pair of sandals. Being the devil, my outfit...

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God is a Slut Chapter 4 The Gang Rape Movie1

I sat in my office with famous psychologist Sigmund Freud and sexologist Alfred Kinsey. We poured over the dossier I had on Rachel, trying to figure what made this pure girl tick. Smoke filled the air as we inhaled pack after pack of cigarettes. “…I think you’re overestimating the controlling nature of Rachel’s sexuality.” Freud said, “All humans desire control, but Rachel seeks to put that control in the hands of an idealistic interpretation of God.” “That’s where I think you’re...

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God is a Slut Chapter 6 Jesus is a Douchebag1

Chapter 1 Lucifer and God are both women, and both very sexually active. They make a bet, where God tries to create a human of ultimate purity, and Lucifer (called Lucy), tries to corrupt that child. Rachel is the main character here, a god-fearing, virgin, college freshmen with a killer body. She gets sent to hell, much to her shock, and is given the details of her quest. She agrees to do it, and misinterprets God's slutty nature as a test of her faith. The first trial in Lucy's seven-day...

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God is a Slut Chapter 3 Getting in Touch With Your Masculine Side

Rachel, God and I were sitting naked in a hot tub, enjoying the scenery the underworld had to offer. I felt guilty about putting the poor mortal through emotional trauma when I tempted her with an eternal sibling romance, so I decided a spa day would be nice before her next test. I couldn’t help but let my gaze linger on her wet, pale breasts. Rachel was oblivious to my staring, but God caught me. She scooted next to Rachel and wrapped an arm around the mortal, before giving me a little...

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God is a Slut Chapter 2 Rachels Darkest Fantasy1

“Today, Rachel, we begin the second test.” I said to the mortal, “I just need you to lie on your back and relax.” We were in a therapist’s office, with cream colored walls, brown carpeting and windows that looked out onto a hellish cityscape below us. I was dressed in a white dress shirt, with a black skirt, black high heels and rectangular glasses. I enjoyed playing the part of the therapist, and was fully committed to the role, though, I did unbutton my shirt low enough to reveal my...

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God of LoveChapter 6 Caritas

“Ok ... What the fuck?” Rose stared in shock at her screen, which showed a lot of different information. She didn’t even know what to think, so instead of trying to figure it out, she decided to let Lucas explain. “It will be a long explanation, I’ll warn you.” Pulling Rose close, Lucas set both screens beside the bed and was silent deciding how to explain it. “I’m a little confused about how to explain this, so if you think I left any point unexplained, or badly explained, let me...

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God is a Slut Chapter 5 A Devil at the College Party

God and I sat back in the observation room as Rachel changed into a hospital gown. We were both wearing white doctor’s coats, a stethoscope, and scrubs. The theatrics weren’t necessary, but the monotony of immortality could wear on a woman, so spicing things up with a little role-play was always fun. “I need you to lie on your back,” I said to Rachel through the microphone, “and hold your breath when the light goes on.” In the middle of the room Rachel was in, was a CT-scanner I’d...

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God is a Slut Chapter 8 The Final Test2

GOD Anna and I sat in the lavish theatre room of my hotel in hell. Freshly buttered popcorn slickened our fingers and lips and crunched loudly between our teeth. The large projection screen displayed the dinner date between Lucy and Rachel in crystal clarity. It was shown to us as an actual movie, with differing camera angles and clear sound production. The two lead actresses of this production sat across from each other at the table, their postures leaning forward as their eyes locked....

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God is a Slut Chapter 7 A Date With The Devil

LUCIFER “So...” Rachel said as she sat across from me on the coffee shop patio, “you, Lucy Satan, are in love with me, Rachel Johnson.” “Yeah,” I sighed as I stirred my coffee, “I am.” “How…” Rachel said as she searched the brimstone sky, hoping to find the words written there, “how did that happen?” “A series of chemical reactions in the brain that form endorphins based off compatible immune systems,” I replied through a wry smile, “or an immortal goddess finally found someone...

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Gods Great Plan

GOD’S GREAT PLAN By Al Steiner My best friend when I was growing up was a k** named Mike Tilden.Though he was considered to be a geek by practically everyone else, Mike wasan intelligent k** who read everything he could get his hands on. The termfor him these days would be ‘nerd’. Mike's family was a little on the weird side, at least that is myimpression of them today. They were nice people, don't get me wrong, butthey were religious fanatics. His Dad, a bearded, hip-talking leftover...

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Gods Great Plan

GOD’S GREAT PLAN By Al Steiner My best friend when I was growing up was a k** named Mike Tilden.Though he was considered to be a geek by practically everyone else, Mike wasan intelligent k** who read everything he could get his hands on. The termfor him these days would be ‘nerd’. Mike's family was a little on the weird side, at least that is myimpression of them today. They were nice people, don't get me wrong, butthey were religious fanatics. His Dad, a bearded, hip-talking leftover...

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God Among Men

There are many things in this world that are unknown to man. One of those things is the existence of the Angels. A few believe in Angels, but most people don’t. The Angels are well-known in art and literature as the servants of God. Winged beings with a somewhat benign human appearance. Very little is known about them and few of them are named. This is a story about these unapproachable celestial beings. Long ago, there was a War in Heaven. God had recently created Adam and Eve, the...

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GOD By SsiRuuk25 The little boy stood by his mother's bedside. The mother didn't look well at all, and if you knew anything about reading medical charts, it was clear she was not long for this world. The child looked worried, but wasn't scared. He didn't understand such things as death or dying yet. He was too young. Being raised as a good Christian though, he knew about heaven and hell, mostly heaven. And he some how felt that his mother was going there. "Momma, are you...

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God of LoveChapter 8 Radical change of thought

“Relax, let me see.” While Rose was still holding the tablet, Caritas turned and began to click a little on the tablet’s surface. Pointing to the lower right corner of the home screen, she said. “See this button here “send”? Click on it, I can’t click for you.” Rose clicked, and the screen changed, showing a question. Are you sure you want to submit your recent achievements for assessment? It is possible to make more achievements and earn more points. The first assessment will have...

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God thinks Im funny Parts 1 2 and 3

I like church girls. I guess that's my MO. Won't every catch me though, that "good girl" tendency is the closest thing to a pattern they'll find. There’s always a pattern though. Constantly plagued by it. Even if you never have a pattern, never having a pattern becomes a pattern, right? Maybe I over-think it, but that’s what keeps me ahead. I definitely have one common factor in all my attacks though. I never let them live. For a while, I never left DNA evidence, but it became too much...

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God of Central Park West

The building was a stone, steel, and glass spire the likes of which New York had never seen. It simply appeared out of nothingness on the Winter Solstice between the Langham and the Dakota on Central Park West. Up close, it appeared to be like every other high-rise apartment complex in the neighborhood. The farther you backed away from it, however, the more it took on the appearance of a medieval fortress tower perched atop a craggy bluff. At its appearance, everyone from the neighborhood...

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God and Adam

God was watching Eastenders. Don’t ask me how, but they do say he works in mysterious ways. And being omnipotent, he could, if it was his wont, sit under a larger tree in a beautiful garden and watch the miserable faces of walford. Especially as this was Sunday all and his day off. Just put all calls on the answer machine and let ’em pray. Life was sweet. When he notice Adams figure meandering along the meadow he guessed that life wouldn’t be so sweet for much longer. Adam plonked his self...

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God of LoveChapter 25 Warning

On the way to the mall, Lucas was having some problems. Although at first, it was easy, as the minutes passed, the blowjob was becoming increasingly dangerous, it was getting hard to concentrate on the road. It wasn’t enough to cause a dangerous accident, but Lucas didn’t want to crash the car, he had too much to do, having to explain to the police about the crash was not in his plans. So he was doing his best to keep his mind calm. It didn’t help that Violette was going all out to please...

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