Gods Of GardheChapter 16: Skirmish free porn video

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The forest was silent except for the faint sounds the car's engine made as it cooled off. One of Gardhe's lesser moons crept hesitantly from behind ragged clouds, throwing the looping, furry branches of nearby trees into sharp relief against the sky.

They could feel faint glows of energy from a few tiny minds in the woods nearby, coming from birds that slept high in the branches of the trees. No larger animals were anywhere around. And nowhere, strain as they might, could they find the brighter glow of a human mind. Not satisfied, Chad tuned his probing to the band that could penetrate the Dark God's thoughtscreen material. He scanned the entire area around the car in minute detail. Finally, he was satisfied that there was nothing to be found.

"So okay, we're here," Slick Jim at last commented uneasily, reaching to switch the car's ignition back on. "What do we do next?"

"We'd better wait for morning. I didn't figure on us getting here at night," Chad answered after a moment's thought. "The moons are pretty dim, and there sure ain't no street lights in these here woods. We might as well grab us some shuteye, 'stead of trying to drive through these trees in the dark. Anyhow, from the position of the moons and stars, daylight shouldn't be too far off. When it gets light enough out we'll take off. We'll stick with the car until it bogs down, bumps into something it can't get past, or runs outa gas. These forest paths are pretty smooth, but they weren't made for driving cars on."

Ginger turned to him, her face barely visible in the glow of the car's dash lights. "Can't you just call The Goddess? Have Her pick us up?"

"'Fraid not. She told me that our minds work on a little different wave length from Hers, or whatever it is that minds operate on. She can't locate us unless we're fairly close. We could get Her attention by letting off a big enough bang of energy all at once, but around here that might not be too smart. We're a lot closer to The Dark God's territory than we are to Hers. We sure as Hell don't want Him to find us before She does! It would've been real neat if we could have been dumped off down by where She lives, but we couldn't have gotten Tucker to do it without making him more suspicious of us than he already was. At that, we wouldn't of managed to get away with as much as we did with him, if he hadn't been off balance and scared of getting caught. We just didn't give him time to think."

"Does the CD player work?" Kenny turned from looking out a window, disappointed that he couldn't see more of this new world.

"I don't know, and we ain't gonna find out," Slick Jim slapped his hand away from the knobs before Chad could say anything. "We hadn't better do nothing to attract attention until we know what's goin' on."

They leaned the seats back and stretched out the best they could, deciding to stay within the dubious protection of the car, and took turns dozing and scanning the area around them. At last the sky turned lighter along one edge, and shortly after that Gardhe's yellowish sun climbed reluctantly into view over the top of a nearby ridge.

"Okay, let's move it." Chad woke the others. "We can see what we're doing now, anyhow. You can all practice scanning what's up ahead of us, picking out where it's smooth enough for Jim to drive this junker."

"Whattaya mean, junker?" Slick Jim grinned at him, feeling too good about this adventure to take offense at Chad's kidding. "It got us here in one piece, didn't it? It'll take us a long way farther yet, and it's a lot faster'n walkin'. It's got fourwheel drive, and at least it ain't one of these new buggies what ain't got no ground clearance to speak of. You wouldn't get far with one of them around here."

They were making pretty good time, Chad agreed as they drove slowly along through the forest. Better than walking, and a whole lot easier on the feet. They stopped occasionally to drink from Gardhe's clear streams, to munch sandwiches and once or twice to top up the old car's radiator. The sun rose higher and the day grew warm as they worked their way ever southward.

"Uhoh," Chad exclaimed at last. It was late in the afternoon, and they were confronted by a rough stretch of ground with no way around it as far as they could probe. "I think this's it. Looks like this here's about as far as we're gonna get with this buggy."

"That's okay," Slick Jim answered, killing the engine. He leaned back with a tired sigh, stretching his arms to relieve aching muscles. "We're 'bout outa gas, anyhow. It'll feel good to walk for a while."

They piled out of the car and started unloading equipment from its spacious trunk. Chad had tried to set them up with everything they'd need, but it had been an almost impossible task to find it all on such short notice. They certainly hadn't had time to send off to L. L. Bean or Eddie Bauer's for anything. It wasn't long before they had on their new hiking boots, their loaded packs slung on their backs.

"Hey, I thought we was gonna get us a lotta gold and jewels, and stuff," Slick Jim complained, the second or third time that they stopped to rest and drink from a goodsized stream that tumbled down the side of a ridge. "Not hike our feet off in these here woods."

"There's all kinds of gold here, if you wanta carry it with you," Chad told him. "There's about all you could ever want, right here in the gravel at the bottom of just this one stream, even."

He reached out, feeling around in the stones of the stream bed for masses of the heavy metal. One by one, yellow chunks of all sizes burst up from the water and landed at their feet, until he had amassed a pile of gleaming nuggets almost a foot high.

"There's your gold if you really want to carry it with you, but there'll be a lot more than that for us before we're through."

Slick Jim dropped to his knees, catching up a handful of nuggets and letting them slide through his fingers.

"It's for real," he whispered, awed by their solid weight. "It's really gold! Hey, man. How much would a pile like this be worth back home?"

"Maybe seventyfive or a hundred gees," Chad replied offhandedly. "I can find you a half a million bucks worth or more, if you want me to take the time to do it. Right here and now, it's worth nothing at all."

Slick Jim got reluctantly to his feet, eyes still glued to the glittering pile. At last, shaking his head, he reached down and picked up a single nugget that was about half the size of a golf ball. He studied it carefully, rubbing it lovingly with his thumb before putting it in his jacket pocket.

"Okay! Let's git. I got the picture."

"Oh, no!" They were interrupted by a cry of horror from Ginger. She was standing at the edge of the clearing, hand pressed against her mouth, staring down at something that was hidden from the rest of them by a low fringe of brush.

"What is it? Oh..." Chad's voice trailed away as he saw what had shocked her. "It's all right. Just a couple of the Followers who made it a little farther than most of their friends."

They stared in fascination at the bodies already entwined by slender furry vines, stretched out in the glassy immobility brought on by The Dark God's weapons. A young man and woman in tattered garments, their faces were still frozen in grimaces from the terror that had gripped them. Each carried a small child clutched in their stiffened arms. No roaming predator had touched the still figures, and only the encroaching vines showed that they had not fallen mere moments before.

"Can't... can't you do something for them?" Ginger quavered. "Do we have to just leave them there like that?"

"There's nothing we can do," Chad answered grimly, picturing in his mind the still forms of his friends as he'd last seen them. "There's maybe nothing anyone can do that will ever wake them. It's better to just leave them where they are."

It was with quiet footsteps and muted voices that the little group went on its way, in every mind the bitter thought that if they failed in their task, the same fate could be theirs. Or even if they succeeded, Chad thought to himself. He kept them to a steady walking pace, not wanting to overstress muscles unused to such tasks, stopping frequently along the way to adjust pack straps and rest their feet.

"Hey, man," Kenny spoke up as they set up camp for the night. "I thought you said these here woods was full of all kinds of wild animals and stuff. I ain't seen nothin', hardly, 'cept for one or two of these little birds."

"They're here," Chad answered grimly. "Just like the Followers we saw back there. Hiding under bushes, or down in their holes. You can find them, if you want to take the time and know where to look."

"Oh. Yeah. I guess so." Kenny looked a bit sick. "It's all like this?"

"All this part where the fighting was, anyhow. I s'pose once we get south of the cities it won't be so bad. No reason for them to hit that part of Gardhe quite so hard."

They huddled close around a small fire that night, depressed by the thought of all the open space around them. They were children of the cities, and in all their lives had never known anything but littered streets, junked cars and crumbling buildings. Only Chad slept soundly, reassured by the quiet of the night, but he was sure that the others would be glad to see the light of morning.

"Take it easy along through here," Chad warned, shortly before noon. "We should be getting close to a main road. We don't know how many patrols the cities may still have out."

They looked around in sudden alarm, realizing anew that this was not just some simple stroll in the park. Chad risked a brief probe ahead once in a while, careful to stay on a band far removed from the normal ones. He reminded the others to keep their still rudimentary powers as nearly dormant as they possibly could.

The road when they reached it was deserted, stretching broad and bare as far as they could see in both directions. Suddenly uneasy, they stopped at the edge of the open space where sheltering trees had only months before been cleared well back from the traveled roadway.

"That sho' look lak a long way over to the other side," Ginger said with a nervous giggle. "We gonna make a run fo' it?"

Chad didn't answer for a moment. Nothing stirred, as far as he could probe in any direction, but there was something about the road itself that made the hair on the back of his neck prickle and try to stand on end.

"Something's wrong here," he muttered, half to himself. "I dunno just what, but this sure feels like a trap, somehow. All right! Let's go, but keep together, and be ready for anything."

The very air seemed still and dead as they ventured forth, and they hunched their shoulders as they trotted toward the shelter of the trees on the far side of the road. They had almost made it, and Chad had started to relax when a blast of invisible force lashed out at them!

"Brace yourselves on me!"

Chad flashed the thought to the others, and then he was fully occupied with fighting back. It wasn't quite mental force, or anything else he was familiar with. He groped blindly, trying to resist it. Once the first shock had worn off, he was able to fight its numbing, burning effects. Gradually, he extended his protection to the rest of the group. Strangely enough, the attack never wavered. It neither strengthened nor faded as he stood there waiting for the others to recover. As soon as they could move, they staggered on toward the trees. Then, just before they reached shelter, the attack snapped off, vanishing as suddenly as it had begun!

"Wow! That was really rough," Sammy gasped, helping Ginger to a seat on a swelling tree root while Mig halfdragged Kenny to safety under the trees.

"Yeah, like what happened, man?" Nora leaned against Slick Jim's muscular arm. "What hit us?"

"Sheer, raw power," Chad answered, puzzled. "Like it was a curtain of energy, set to keep anything from crossing the road. All of you stay here. I'm gonna check it out some more."

Blanking out his surroundings, he sent a delicate tendril of perception toward the invisible curtain. Hunt and strain as he would, he could detect no trace of the energy he knew was there. Bracing himself, he stepped out once more into the roadway, to be hit and inundated again by the flooding energies.

At first, all that he was conscious of was the steady flow. He tried to figure out where it was coming from, but it seemed to pour straight down at him from the empty sky. His efforts to trace it back to its source made no sense to him, until suddenly he realized that the energy was coming from two directions at once.

As soon as he had that much figured out, it only took him another moment or two to decipher the rest of the puzzle. The energy came from a pair of matched devices, one at each of the two cities connected by this particular stretch of road. As far as he could determine, neither machine was set to respond when anything living ran into their curtain of force.

"What did'ja do?" Kenny asked worriedly when he rejoined them. "You was givin' off all kinds of static out there."

"Tryin' to find out where all that energy was coming from," he replied, and told them what he had found out. "Looks like they was tryin' to keep any loose Followers from heading south."

"How come the barrier follows the road?" was Ginger's question.

"It doesn't. It only goes in a straight line. This stretch of road just happens to be on a direct line between the two cities. We were lucky. If we'd of hit it any place but right here we wouldn't have been ready for it, the way we were walking all strung out through the woods."

"But how can they use the roads, with these barriers set up along them?" Slick Jim asked. "And, are you sure you didn't set off an alarm? Kenny's right, you made one Hell of a racket out there, for anyone what could hear it."

"I don't see how they could use the roads, or do anything else around where these barriers are. Nothing with any kind of a mind could survive hitting them, unless it was strong enough to fight off the effects. Now that I know what to look for, there's a few dead birds strung out along the road, here. Maybe, if we run into any more of these barriers, that'll give us a little warning. As for setting off an alarm, that's a chance I had to take. If we didn't set any off the first time we went through, my going back shouldn't have hurt anything. We'd better make tracks outa here, though. Just in case someone does come along to check it out, or even just makes a routine patrol along here."

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God is a Slut Chapter 3 Getting in Touch With Your Masculine Side

Rachel, God and I were sitting naked in a hot tub, enjoying the scenery the underworld had to offer. I felt guilty about putting the poor mortal through emotional trauma when I tempted her with an eternal sibling romance, so I decided a spa day would be nice before her next test. I couldn’t help but let my gaze linger on her wet, pale breasts. Rachel was oblivious to my staring, but God caught me. She scooted next to Rachel and wrapped an arm around the mortal, before giving me a little...

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God is a Slut Chapter 2 Rachels Darkest Fantasy1

“Today, Rachel, we begin the second test.” I said to the mortal, “I just need you to lie on your back and relax.” We were in a therapist’s office, with cream colored walls, brown carpeting and windows that looked out onto a hellish cityscape below us. I was dressed in a white dress shirt, with a black skirt, black high heels and rectangular glasses. I enjoyed playing the part of the therapist, and was fully committed to the role, though, I did unbutton my shirt low enough to reveal my...

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God of LoveChapter 6 Caritas

“Ok ... What the fuck?” Rose stared in shock at her screen, which showed a lot of different information. She didn’t even know what to think, so instead of trying to figure it out, she decided to let Lucas explain. “It will be a long explanation, I’ll warn you.” Pulling Rose close, Lucas set both screens beside the bed and was silent deciding how to explain it. “I’m a little confused about how to explain this, so if you think I left any point unexplained, or badly explained, let me...

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God is a Slut Chapter 5 A Devil at the College Party

God and I sat back in the observation room as Rachel changed into a hospital gown. We were both wearing white doctor’s coats, a stethoscope, and scrubs. The theatrics weren’t necessary, but the monotony of immortality could wear on a woman, so spicing things up with a little role-play was always fun. “I need you to lie on your back,” I said to Rachel through the microphone, “and hold your breath when the light goes on.” In the middle of the room Rachel was in, was a CT-scanner I’d...

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God is a Slut Chapter 8 The Final Test2

GOD Anna and I sat in the lavish theatre room of my hotel in hell. Freshly buttered popcorn slickened our fingers and lips and crunched loudly between our teeth. The large projection screen displayed the dinner date between Lucy and Rachel in crystal clarity. It was shown to us as an actual movie, with differing camera angles and clear sound production. The two lead actresses of this production sat across from each other at the table, their postures leaning forward as their eyes locked....

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God is a Slut Chapter 7 A Date With The Devil

LUCIFER “So...” Rachel said as she sat across from me on the coffee shop patio, “you, Lucy Satan, are in love with me, Rachel Johnson.” “Yeah,” I sighed as I stirred my coffee, “I am.” “How…” Rachel said as she searched the brimstone sky, hoping to find the words written there, “how did that happen?” “A series of chemical reactions in the brain that form endorphins based off compatible immune systems,” I replied through a wry smile, “or an immortal goddess finally found someone...

1 year ago
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Gods Great Plan

GOD’S GREAT PLAN By Al Steiner My best friend when I was growing up was a k** named Mike Tilden.Though he was considered to be a geek by practically everyone else, Mike wasan intelligent k** who read everything he could get his hands on. The termfor him these days would be ‘nerd’. Mike's family was a little on the weird side, at least that is myimpression of them today. They were nice people, don't get me wrong, butthey were religious fanatics. His Dad, a bearded, hip-talking leftover...

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Gods Great Plan

GOD’S GREAT PLAN By Al Steiner My best friend when I was growing up was a k** named Mike Tilden.Though he was considered to be a geek by practically everyone else, Mike wasan intelligent k** who read everything he could get his hands on. The termfor him these days would be ‘nerd’. Mike's family was a little on the weird side, at least that is myimpression of them today. They were nice people, don't get me wrong, butthey were religious fanatics. His Dad, a bearded, hip-talking leftover...

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God Among Men

There are many things in this world that are unknown to man. One of those things is the existence of the Angels. A few believe in Angels, but most people don’t. The Angels are well-known in art and literature as the servants of God. Winged beings with a somewhat benign human appearance. Very little is known about them and few of them are named. This is a story about these unapproachable celestial beings. Long ago, there was a War in Heaven. God had recently created Adam and Eve, the...

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GOD By SsiRuuk25 The little boy stood by his mother's bedside. The mother didn't look well at all, and if you knew anything about reading medical charts, it was clear she was not long for this world. The child looked worried, but wasn't scared. He didn't understand such things as death or dying yet. He was too young. Being raised as a good Christian though, he knew about heaven and hell, mostly heaven. And he some how felt that his mother was going there. "Momma, are you...

3 years ago
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God of LoveChapter 8 Radical change of thought

“Relax, let me see.” While Rose was still holding the tablet, Caritas turned and began to click a little on the tablet’s surface. Pointing to the lower right corner of the home screen, she said. “See this button here “send”? Click on it, I can’t click for you.” Rose clicked, and the screen changed, showing a question. Are you sure you want to submit your recent achievements for assessment? It is possible to make more achievements and earn more points. The first assessment will have...

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God thinks Im funny Parts 1 2 and 3

I like church girls. I guess that's my MO. Won't every catch me though, that "good girl" tendency is the closest thing to a pattern they'll find. There’s always a pattern though. Constantly plagued by it. Even if you never have a pattern, never having a pattern becomes a pattern, right? Maybe I over-think it, but that’s what keeps me ahead. I definitely have one common factor in all my attacks though. I never let them live. For a while, I never left DNA evidence, but it became too much...

4 years ago
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God of Central Park West

The building was a stone, steel, and glass spire the likes of which New York had never seen. It simply appeared out of nothingness on the Winter Solstice between the Langham and the Dakota on Central Park West. Up close, it appeared to be like every other high-rise apartment complex in the neighborhood. The farther you backed away from it, however, the more it took on the appearance of a medieval fortress tower perched atop a craggy bluff. At its appearance, everyone from the neighborhood...

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God and Adam

God was watching Eastenders. Don’t ask me how, but they do say he works in mysterious ways. And being omnipotent, he could, if it was his wont, sit under a larger tree in a beautiful garden and watch the miserable faces of walford. Especially as this was Sunday all and his day off. Just put all calls on the answer machine and let ’em pray. Life was sweet. When he notice Adams figure meandering along the meadow he guessed that life wouldn’t be so sweet for much longer. Adam plonked his self...

4 years ago
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God of LoveChapter 25 Warning

On the way to the mall, Lucas was having some problems. Although at first, it was easy, as the minutes passed, the blowjob was becoming increasingly dangerous, it was getting hard to concentrate on the road. It wasn’t enough to cause a dangerous accident, but Lucas didn’t want to crash the car, he had too much to do, having to explain to the police about the crash was not in his plans. So he was doing his best to keep his mind calm. It didn’t help that Violette was going all out to please...

3 years ago
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God is So Good

As I reflect on the events of last month, I am overtaken with the immense depth of God’s love for His children: On June 3, my mother calls me, her only son, and tells me that the doctors found a very large malignancy against the brain stem of my fathers brain, poised to take his life with the slightest event. Mom said that they were doing surgery the following day at Cox South in Springfield. I went up to the hospital not knowing what to expect. What we found, was my father filled with peace,...

3 years ago
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God Hates The Warners

In March 2014 the Westboro Baptist Church announced that their 85 year old founder Fred Phelps Sr. had passed away due to natural causes. But did you notice how they never held a funeral for him? Most folks assume that this was because they didn't want a million people showing up to pay them back with the same kind of vicious harrassment they have dished out to so many grieving families, but the truth is far stranger. This is what REALLY became of Reverend Phelps, who now goes by the name...

4 years ago
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God forgive my sins

Synopsis: Young catholic girl tortures herself  to atone her sins the she just committed  in very extreme ways, using common household stuff as torture devices .I attempt to be logical and reasonable as much as possible but it is still more or less random stuff.About me: I prefer to stay anonymous and I release this story from all copyrights, do what you like as you like.it was just my first story to test of my abilities to create something. So if you like it or use it, my work is sucess.p.s....

3 years ago
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God for a Day

God for a Day By Morpheus It was mid afternoon of a day that had been pretty much like any other. The only good thing that I could really think of about it at the top of my head was that it was vaguely sunny... and of course that I had it off from work. I guess that was two things, but I didn't feel like getting picky. My name was Elliot Blaine and I was a fairly average looking man of 29. In fact, with my 5 foot 11 height, my dull brown hair and nondescript face, it was...

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God Hates Superman

Just for some context, this story was inspired by the article of the same name, written by a friend of mine. But I should note: any similarities to any persons living or dead is purely a coincidence. Would I lie? God Hates…. Superman? A story of Sean Ryan. Security specialist Sean Aloysius Patricus Ryan did not like working science fiction conventions. There were too many places to hide real weaponry under fake weapons. While plastic ties were useful, anyone who had come prepared for...

1 year ago
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God of LoveChapter 7 Painful Past

“Rose, do you understand what all this means? You seem too indifferent to this whole situation.” In Caritas’s speech, Lucas realized too, Rose seemed too indifferent. Knowing about all the things he said would normally make people too shocked, and many points would be raised. The biggest of them, Lucas realized from the start that Rose didn’t even touch. “Do you know what it means to Lucas to be the Primordial God of Love Candidate? He cannot love you, and only you. You understand...

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God I love Big Black Cock Blacken

It all started one day at the mall after leaving my friends. I was running late so I used the parking garage, which was not done by the cool k**s. After leaving my friends to go home I was m*****ed in the garage.My friends and I didn't bother to change from our cheerleading uniforms before going either. Besides, we enjoyed teasing all the boys when we walked around in those tiny red skirts and tight tops. The male population all ogled our very feminine frames. Being only eighteen, at 5'8" with...

4 years ago
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God Bless the Child

God Bless the Child Katie Leone Chapter One Jeremy Bergeron was not living a life of luxury or anything closely resembling the idyllic picture that many associate with childhood. He didn't know that; most four year olds wouldn't. Jeremy's world was the part of the rural city that the people from the bad part of town called the worst part of town. A subdivision of run down, five room, single family houses was all that Jeremy knew existed. Rarely did the toddler ever leave the...

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God of LoveChapter 46 Metube

Not long after, the class was over. The song was long and so it took up most of the class. Lucas left the room along with the other students. Everyone was talking excitedly about the song and its origin. Behind the group of students, Marcus and his girlfriend were talking in low voices. “You said you met him in the first class. What do you think of him?” Amelia asked Marcus, who went silent for a few moments. He seemed to be thinking about what he was going to say. “It’s still too early to...

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God My Life

Copyright 2009 by notepad, all rights reserved Disclaimer; This story is intended for ADULTS ONLY.  It contains explicit depictions of sexual activity, sometimes involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your place of residence to view such material or if such material offends you, do not read further.  God My Life     by notepadChapter 1: God I hated life.  It was Monday morning....ugh Another day where I have to leave my bed early in the morning, prize myself away from the comfort...

1 year ago
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God Pussy

Reddit God Pussy, aka r/GodPussy! I mean, what a fucking name? This site deserves the name since it features them heaven sent pussies. The girls on God Pussy are not afraid to show you their most private parts. In fact, they will fully expose their wet cracks almost inside out in such a way that they will awaken the wannabe gynecologist in you. Expect to see a lot of shaved pussies, some wetter than a river flow, close up pussy shots for you notorious voyeurs, and generally babe ’s privates...

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