Courtesan Ch. 04 free porn video

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I parked my car in the driveway rather than pulling it into the garage. I didn't live in this house anymore. Using the garage seemed inappropriate. I got out of my car and walked up the side walk. At the front door I started to take out my key but stopped. Using my key wasn't appropriate either. Instead, I rang the door bell.

I heard footsteps inside and then the front door opened. Kelly looked beautiful. It was a chilly October day. She was wearing a pink cable knit sweater and a pair of denim jeans. She'd put on fresh makeup and brushed her hair.

"Why didn't you use your key?"

"I don't live here anymore Kelly."

"I see." Disconcerted by my answer, Kelly paused. She took a moment to regain her composure and then she said, "Timmy please come in."

I stepped inside.

"Why don't we sit in the living room."

"Very well."

I followed her into the house. She gestured towards the couch. "Let's sit here."

I walked over to the easy chair opposite the couch and sat down. "I'd prefer to sit over here."

Kelly nodded uncertainly. My usually self assured wife appeared hesitant, insecure. I wasn't certain what she was expecting, but my attitude was apparently unsettling for her. That gave me confidence. Maybe she did still care about me.

"Can I get anything for you?"

The question surprised me. This was the first time in almost a year that Kelly had offered to do something for me. I shook my head. "No, I'm fine."

Kelly sat down on the couch. As soon as she was seated she said, "Timmy I'm so sorry about everything. I don't..."

I put up my hand and interrupted her. "Kelly before you begin I have two things I have to say."


Marshaling my courage, I said, "Kelly, if you want a divorce I'll let you have everything. You can keep the house, our savings account, all of our stocks and bonds, everything. All I'll take will be a few personal items and my car."

Staring at me, Kelly asked, "Timmy is that what you want?"

"No Kelly, it isn't. I love you. I will always love you. I'd like to find a way to resolve this mess so we can start living together again, but if you want to end our marriage I'm offering you that opportunity right now."

Kelly shook her head. "No Timmy, I don't want a divorce. I want to stay married to you. I love you too. Please give me a chance to explain..."

I interrupted her again. I was trying to be firm. "I am going to give you a chance to explain, but please don't lie to me. I don't care how many men you've had sex with during the past year and I don't believe you've done anything that I can't forgive. I just want you to be truthful with me."

Kelly whispered. "Timmy I'm sorry that I lied to you. I am so very sorry that I lied."

She stared at the floor. After a moment she said, "I've done awful things. I'm really not certain how many men have fucked me in the past year. It's a lot." She looked up at me. "Timmy I don't know how to tell you all of this. I'm sure you're going to hate me when you find out what I've done."

"No Kelly, I know you. You're my best friend."

She smiled at me.

"I don't believe you could ever do anything that would make me hate you. We have a lot of time. Let's go slowly. Start at the beginning. Tell me about everything that's happened since you started working for JTandR."

Kelly again stared at the floor. I watched her take several long slow breaths. She was gathering her courage. I waited. Suddenly she looked up at me and blurted out, "Timmy, I was a prostitute for JTandR."

"I thought you preferred the term courtesan." I was smiling. She'd finally told me the truth.

Looking at me with a puzzled expression, Kelly asked, "How did you know about that?"

"This morning I spent almost an hour talking with Martin Jackson."

"You talked with Martin this morning?"

"Yes I did."

"What did he tell you?"

"Enough so that I now have a pretty good idea about what you've been doing for the past year."

"And you still called me? You still came to see me?"

"Yes I did and I still love you." I paused and looked at Kelly. "But I do need to hear you to tell me about it, all of it."

"Okay." There was a tone of resignation in Kelly's voice. She was silent for a moment and then she said, "I don't know where to begin."

"Why don't you start by telling me about Chris Kendricks."

"Mr. Jackson told you about him?"

"Yes he did."

Kelly sighed and closed her eyes. She didn't say anything for almost a minute. Finally she looked at me and said, "Timmy you know how much I love sex."

"Yes, of course I do."

"In my family girls were expected to be proper ladies. I was taught that sex was an expression of love that was supposed to be reserved exclusively for my husband. When I graduated from high school I was still a virgin." Kelly smiled. "Because of my big tits the boys were constantly hitting on me, but I was a good girl. I always fought off their advances."

I nodded. Kelly had alluded to this before.

"When I got to college I rebelled. I think that's pretty common. I lost my virginity during freshman orientation week. It was wonderful and I immediately fell in love with sex. Timmy I fell in love with cocks, big hard magnificent cocks. I loved touching them, playing with them and getting fucked by them. Most of all I loved sucking them. By the end of my freshman year I was a dedicated blow job queen. I had an insatiable appetite for sucking cocks."

She sighed. "And then during the winter of my sophomore year I met you and immediately fell head over heels in love. Timmy you are the man of my dreams. You are my white knight. You are my soul mate." She paused and then she quietly added, "Except...." Her voice trailed off.

I finished her sentence. "I can't fuck worth a damn and my tiny cock isn't much fun to suck."

Vehemently shaking her head, Kelly answered, "No that's not true, I love sucking your tiny cock. I adore your tiny cock." She looked at me for a moment and then she whispered, "The problem is that sometimes I need more. Sometimes I want to suck a really big cock."

"I know that and I never objected when you did it."

"Yes and that was just one more reason for me to love you. Timmy you were the perfect man."

"And you were the perfect girl."

"No Timmy, that's the problem. I wasn't."

"What do you mean?"

"I was taught that the perfect girl is faithful to her man. She doesn't sleep around." Kelly shook her head. "Timmy during college I always felt so guilty when I left you waiting in my dorm room while I went out on a date with another guy."

"But it was okay with me. I knew what you were doing and I didn't mind."

"Yes, but I'd been taught that what I was freely giving to those other guys should only be given to you. Timmy, I loved having sex with all those other guys, but while I was doing it I felt like I was cheating you out of something that should exclusively belong to you and only you."

"But I didn't care."

"I know that, but I did." Kelly looked at me."The night we decided to get married you made me the happiest woman in the world. That night, after you went to sleep, I vowed to myself that after our wedding I would be faithful to you for the rest of our lives. You were the perfect husband. I wanted to be the perfect wife."

"But you didn't have to do that."

"Yes I did. Not for you, for me."

Understanding, I said, "Okay."

"After we were married I spent a lot of time fending off old boyfriends."

"I didn't know that."

"They called me on my cell phone. Baby I was so proud of myself, I turned all of them down."

"So what happened when you went to work for JTandR?"

"They assigned me to the guy you just asked me about, Chris Kendricks. He was one of the corporate analysts. Timmy when I met him I nearly wet my panties. He was so handsome. Chris is about thirty. He's tall, at least 6'2". He has sexy long dark curly hair and a gorgeous face with deep blue eyes. He's in excellent shape. He goes to the gym every day. He has a slim waist, broad shoulders and nice firm muscles. I'm sorry Timmy, but Chris is an absolute dreamboat."

I nodded.

"Timmy as soon as I saw him I had the hots for him, but I wanted to be a good wife. I resisted him. At the end of our first day working together he made a pass at me. I was putting some folders back in one of the file cabinets. He came up behind me, put his strong hands on my shoulders and whispered in my ear that I was irresistibly beautiful. He longed to take me in his arms and kiss me. Then he let his right hand slip to my breast."

"What did you do?"

"Timmy I almost gave in and let him kiss me, but I didn't. I really did want to be a faithful wife. Instead I pulled his hand away from my breast and told him that good girls never play around at work."

"That was an odd thing to say. Why didn't you just tell him you were a married woman?"

"I don't know. I guess I'm so used to fending off advances that I rarely think about what I'm actually saying. I always try to crack a silly joke when I'm saying no to a guy. I think it makes the situation a little less awkward."

I nodded. That actually made sense. It also explained why Martin Jackson and his partners thought Kelly was turning down Chris's advances because she was already inundated with dates outside of work.

"I held out for two months. After his initial attempt to seduce me failed Chris cooled his advances, but he kept working on me."

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe I'm not being completely fair to Chris when I say that. He's an extremely thoughtful and considerate man. Working for him was pleasant. He's one of those people who are always making you feel good about yourself. He complimented me on my appearance all the time. Not in a creepy way. It was more like he was just being friendly. He always noticed when I got my hair cut and styled. If I was trying a new shade of lipstick he would comment on it. Things like that. And he was constantly telling me how smart and efficient I was. I really started to like him."

Kelly sighed. "After a while I began having fantasies about sex with him. Timmy you are the love of my life and if someone told me that I could only have sex one more time before I died I would want it to be with you. I would want you to lick my pussy, there is nothing in this world I enjoy more than that."

I laughed. "It's lucky we found each other because I feel the same way. There's nothing in this world I enjoy more than licking your pussy."

Kelly grinned at me. "Timmy I've missed you so much during the past year."

At first that struck me as a strange comment. After all, up until five days ago Kelly and I were living together, but as I thought about it, I understood exactly what she was saying.

We smiled at each other. For a brief moment I felt a surge of electricity between us that hadn't been there for months and then just as suddenly as it had appeared, it was gone again.

Kelly must also have felt it dissipate because her excited smile turned into a frown. She sighed and then she quietly continued. "Timmy after two months of being faithful to you, I have to admit that I was beginning to miss the wonderful sensation of sucking and being fucked by a beautiful big hard cock. I'm ashamed to tell you that I started day dreaming about Chris. I couldn't get him out of my mind."

"I wish you would have told me. I would have given you my blessing."

"I know, but I wanted to be a good wife. I had to be a good wife. It was important to me. I was trying so hard."

Taking a deep breath, Kelly said, "On the first Wednesday in September the firm completed a takeover of a struggling company. Chris had been instrumental in drawing up the initial plan. Since I worked for Chris I was also involved. The stockholders meeting was held in the early afternoon. We succeeded in taking control of the board of directors. When the partners got back to the office they called everyone who'd worked on the project into the conference room. Timmy, they had two cases of French champagne. I'd never even tasted French champagne. It was wonderful, I had three glasses."

Kelly's voice dropped to a whisper. "After the party ended Chris and I went back to his office. I was organizing some papers on his desk when he walked up behind me, put his hands on my shoulders and whispered to me that I'd been an important part of this success. He told me they couldn't have done it without me and then he kissed my neck."

Closing her eyes, Kelly slowly shook her head. "Timmy I'm so sorry, I melted. I fell into Chris's powerful arms and let him kiss me. It was a soft, gentle kiss. Sometimes those can be the most exciting. While he was kissing me he slipped his hand to my breast. Timmy I didn't stop him. I didn't even try. Instead, I let my hand slip to his crotch. He had an erection and it was huge. I was so excited. Baby the next thing I knew I was on my knees. Chris's pants were unzipped and I was sucking his cock."

I nodded.

"I let Chris fuck me three times that afternoon. The last time he fucked me I had this huge orgasm. It was wonderful." Kelly closed her eyes. It looked like she was reliving the moment.

Suddenly realizing what she was doing Kelly opened her eyes and looked at me with an alarmed expression.

I smiled at her. I knew my wife. I understood how much she enjoyed sex. I also realized that it had nothing to do with her love for me. I was happy that she was finally being honest with me.

Kelly smiled back, but it was a smile laden with remorse. "Timmy I'm sorry I slipped. I was trying so hard to be a good wife."

"It's okay, I just wish you'd told me about it."

"I couldn't. Timmy, you weren't the problem. It was me. I was the problem. That afternoon I let both of us down. Later, when I was driving home I cried. I felt so awful about what I'd done. I drove around aimlessly for over an hour. I was afraid to face you. I was overwhelmed with guilt."

Kelly looked at me. My smile had encouraged her. Her eyes were pleading for my forgiveness and understanding. I did love Kelly and I did understand her. My anger was dissipating. My resolve was wavering. I wanted to reach out and console her, but then I remembered the blatant lies and callous treatment I'd endured for the past year and my heart hardened. I looked back at Kelly with fixed eyes.

Sighing, she continued. "When I got home that night and finally did face you I was so ashamed. You'd prepared a wonderful dinner. While I was eating, it was all I could do to keep from crying. After dinner I tried to make it up to you. I took you into the bedroom. We made love for a really long time. That night I desperately wanted you to be able to enjoy my body even more than Chris had."

I remembered that night. It had been wonderful. The memory was further weakening my resolve. Suddenly a thought occurred to me. I asked, "Did Chris wear condoms that afternoon?"

Immediately grasping the significance of my question, Kelly gasped. She stared at the floor. After a moment she looked up at me and asked, "Do you really want to know?"

"Yes I do."

She shook her head. "No he didn't. It all happened so suddenly. We didn't have any and Chris told me that he'd just gotten himself checked by his doctor."

"I see, so that night when I was licking your pussy I was also eating Chris's dried semen."

Kelly nodded. "I guess so. I'm sorry sweetheart, I didn't really think about that at the time."

I tried to maintain my anger, but I couldn't. I loved my wife too much. There was also another factor. My perverted little penis woke up and started sending ripples of excitement through me. I melted and smiled at Kelly. "It's all right. Anyway, it kind of fits into my cuckold fantasies." I shook my head, "But I would have enjoyed it more if I'd actually known what I was doing."

"I'm sorry baby, I was so confused that night. I felt horrible about cheating on you." She closed her eyes. "There's more."

"Tell me."

"When I was falling asleep that night I was already starting to fantasize about Chris's big cock again. Timmy, that made me feel wretched."

"Kelly, if you'd just told me, everything would have been fine."

"I know, but do you understand why I didn't?"

"I'm think I'm starting to."

She shook her head. "It gets worse."

"Go on."

"The next morning, as soon as I walked into his office, Chris took me in his arms and kissed me. This time it was a hot passionate kiss. By the time we were finished I was burning with desire. But then something really strange happened."

"What was it?"

"After Chris kissed me he held me in his arms and asked me how you reacted when I got home and told you about what had happened the previous afternoon."

"He asked you that?"

"Yes he did. The question startled me."

"What did you tell him?"

"Baby, I'm so ashamed. At that moment I wanted him so badly that I lied. I told him you were just fine with it." Kelly closed her eyes and whispered. "And then I dropped to my knees, unzipped his pants and started sucking his cock."

"You got yourself into a real mess, didn't you"

"That was just the beginning." Suddenly Kelly started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, it just feels so good to finally be telling you the truth about all of this."

That made me feel good. I smiled and then I asked, "So how long did your affair with Chris last?"

Kelly stared at me. After a moment she started shaking her head.

"Are you questioning my use of the word affair?"


"Okay, I'll rephrase the question. How long did you continue having sex with this man?"

"About a month."

"How often?"

"Every day." Kelly's voice was a barely audible whisper.

"So if it wasn't an affair, what word would you use to describe it?"

"Okay, it was an affair. It's just that every night while I was driving home I'd swear that would be the last time I'd let Chris fuck me." Slowly shaking her head, Kelly continued, "But by the time I was driving back to work the next morning I'd already be finding reasons to justify letting him do it one more time. Timmy, I'm sorry. I kept telling myself it was wrong, but I couldn't stop. By the time we finished our work day I'd always end up letting him fuck me again."

"What you're trying to tell me is that you didn't want it to be an affair. Is that correct?"


"Why did the affair end after a month?"

Kelly thought for a moment and then she said, "I guess it really didn't end. It just sort of tapered off. Chris and I still get together about once a month for sex. We've kind of become fuck buddies." Suddenly she realized what she'd just said and looked at me. "I promise I won't ever see him again."

"Kelly, I don't want you to make promises you're not going to be able to keep. Why don't we worry about the future of your relationship with Chris a little later. Now, why did the affair taper off?"

Kelly quietly said, "I got involved with another man."

"Who was he?"

"John Reynolds, he's the youngest of the three partners. I think he's in his early forties. John's not a total dream boat like Chris, but he's still a very handsome man."

"How did it happen?"

"It was just before Halloween. The firm had been researching a company. They thought it might be a good possibility for a takeover. Chris and I had been heavily involved in the research. The partners set up a dinner party at the Goldenrod Supper Club to discuss the feasibility of a takeover attempt. Chris and I were included in the group. It was the first time I'd ever been invited to a meeting like that."

"That must have been very exciting for you."

"It really was. When we sat down to dinner, I was seated right next to John Reynolds. Timmy, I'd met the partners during my interviews, but after I started working for JTandR I had very little contact with them."

"So being seated next to John Reynolds made the evening even more exciting."

"Timmy I was so nervous, but John was wonderful. He was so easy to talk to. He started out by asking me about Kelroy and then we talked a little bit about you." Kelly smiled at me. "I told him how wonderful you were and how you were working so hard to support me in my job. After dinner the business part of the meeting started. Chris had cautioned me to not say anything unless I was asked a direct question, so I just sat next to John and listened. Martin Jackson and Wendell Tyler were both there too, but John had led the research effort on this project, so he was running the meeting.

"And you were sitting next to him."


"That must have made you feel important."

"Timmy it really did and John was so masterful." She sighed. "Timmy you're my favorite man in the entire world, but I have to admit that I do find powerful men exciting."

Suddenly Kelly stopped. There was an expression of alarm on her face. "Timmy, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply that you weren't a powerful man. It's just that you demonstrate your power in other ways."

"It's okay, I understand."

Kelly sighed. It was a sigh of relief. It was clear that she was extremely concerned about hurting my feelings while she was telling me about all of this.

After a moment she continued. "Anyway, the meeting didn't last very long. After a short discussion they concluded that there were still two questions that had to be answered before they could make their final decision."

"I see, so what happened next?"

"As soon as the meeting broke up Martin Jackson approached Chris and asked him if he could talk to him for a few minutes. Chris told Martin that I'd ridden over with him and he felt responsible for getting me back to the office. Martin turned to John and asked him if I could ride back with him. John smiled at me and gallantly asked if I would do him the honor of allowing him to escort me back to the office. I giggled at his exaggerated chivalry and told him that of course I would. He offered me his arm and said that his car and his driver were awaiting us outside the restaurant.'"

Kelly looked at me. "Timmy all three of the partners go everywhere in chauffeured Cadillac Escalades."

"I'm fairly certain I rode in Martin Jackson's Escalade this morning."

"Really? How did that happen?"

"After you're done telling me your story, I'll tell you about my day."

Kelly stared at me for a moment and then she shook her head and continued. "When we got back to the Whetmore building John invited me up to his office for a drink. Timmy, I had to go. He was one of the partners."

"He was also very handsome. Be truthful Kelly, you wanted to go, didn't you?"

"Yes Timmy I did. At that moment I was so turned on. I really was hoping that John would try to seduce me."

Shaking her head, Kelly said, "Timmy, I'm sorry. I know I should have told you about all of this, but once I started sleeping with Chris it was almost like I was living two separate lives. In my work life I saw myself as a hardworking, free living libertine. I was the woman that I'd dreamed of becoming while I was going to college. In my home life I was trying to be a faithful and respectable wife. Timmy when I was with you I was trying so hard to be the woman I was taught to be while I was growing up."

"And your work life was fun and exciting, but when you came home you were racked by guilt."

"Yes! But how...?"

I sighed. "The pieces of the puzzle are beginning to fall into place. Kelly, what happened when you got to John's office?"

"He took off his suit coat and tie and then without saying anything he put his arms around me and kissed me full on the lips. He didn't ask permission, he just did it. John is the kind of man who takes what he wants. I melted. He was so powerful. I Suddenly had this overwhelming desire to please him. I dropped to my knees, unzipped his suit trousers and started sucking his cock. He came in my mouth. I swallowed all of his semen."

Kelly's voice dropped to a whisper. "As soon as John was finished cumming he led me over to the sofa in the corner of his office and told me to undress. He sat on the couch and watched as I stripped for him."

"You've always enjoyed stripping for a guy."

"I guess I'm kind of an exhibitionist."

"Kind of?"

Kelly grinned and then she said, "Once I was naked John told me to turn around so he could look at me. Timmy I did it."

"You've always enjoyed a man who takes control."

"I'm not submissive."

"I know that."

"Yes, I guess you do."

Suddenly we both realized that we'd temporarily forgotten why we were talking, why we were separated. Our lighthearted mood evaporated.

Sighing, Kelly said, "Timmy, I'm so sorry that I didn't talk to you about all of this. It just got so badly out of control so quickly and then I was lying to you and I didn't know how to get out of it, so I kept lying to you. That just made it worse."

"It's okay, it's over now. We have some work to do." I chuckled. "We have a lot of work to do, but if you're willing to try I am too."

"Timmy I'll do anything, anything at all." Kelly shook her head. "But I was so awful. I don't know how you'll ever be able to forgive me."

"Kelly, I love you and even after everything that's happened I still believe you love me."

"I do Timmy, I really do."

"So let's start by trying to rebuild some trust."

"How do we do that?"

"By being honest with each other, totally honest."


"Lets get back to that night with John Reynolds. What happened next?"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive. Kelly it's the only way."

"Okay." Kelly took a moment to think and then she said, "Once we were both naked I kneeled on the floor between John's legs and started sucking him again. As soon as he was hard he pulled me up on the couch, laid me down and climbed on top of me. He fucked me twice that night. The second time I think he must have lasted for over forty-five minutes. Timmy I had three orgasms while he was fucking me."

"It was an exciting evening."

"It was, but when it was over I had to go home and face you."

"You could have come home and told me everything. It would have been okay. We both could have enjoyed it. I could have written a story about it."

Kelly winced.

I stared at her.

After a moment she said, "Timmy, you have to understand. I couldn't do that. I really couldn't. I wasn't your girlfriend anymore, I was your wife."

"And you wanted to be the perfect wife."

"Yes I did and I failed miserably."

"I never wanted that kind of a perfect wife. I prefer a wife who's a free spirit."

Kelly smiled.

"Let's finish talking about that evening."

"Okay, It was almost nine o'clock when I finally got home. You were in the den watching television. As usual, by the time I walked in the front door I was overwhelmed with guilt about cheating on you. That evening it was even worse than normal. That evening I'd not only cheated on you, I'd done it with a new man. Somehow that made it even more deplorable. I felt awful.

I nodded sympathetically.

"Timmy when I saw you sitting in the den I was so ashamed about what I'd just done with John. The only way I knew how to cope with my guilt was to try to make amends for my behavior by giving you a wonderful session of steamy sex before we went to bed." Kelly grinned at me. "When I got home that night I was primed for a very hot time."

"Last fall your work days did start to get longer, but when you came home we always seemed to have fantastic sex."

Kelly giggled. "We did didn't we. Anyway, when I walked into the den you stood up and greeted me. As soon as I sat down you disappeared into the kitchen. When you returned you had a single glass of wine on a tray. That was the first time you'd ever served me with a tray. It got me even more excited. We'd been playing around with sexual domination games since we first met. In the beginning they were subtle. I think we were both a little self conscious about admitting to each other just how much we enjoyed them. As we became more confident about our roles and more comfortable with each other, the games gradually became more and more overt. I was really starting to enjoy dominating you, and it was apparent that you loved submitting to me."

Laughing, I said, "Yes we compliment each other in a variety of ways."

Kelly grinned and then she asked, "Timmy do you remember that night?"

"Yes, I remember it very well. You were starting to work longer hours and I was so lonely and I was also bored. I was spending an increasing amount of time on the Internet reading erotic stories. I was reading stories about female domination and those stories were fueling some very vivid submissive fantasies for me."

"Baby, I'm sorry that you were getting lonely, but that night you were fantastic. You served me that glass of wine like you were my slave and then you kneeled down on the floor in front of me, took off my shoes and massaged my feet. After a moment you started kissing my toes. Timmy, it was so wonderful, you made me feel like a queen and suddenly I didn't feel as guilty about cheating on you. I guess I felt like I was your goddess and goddesses don't have to feel guilty about anything."

"The game would have been more fun if I'd been included in that part of it."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"After that night you started to become more and more dominant, didn't you?"

"Yes, for awhile it helped me cope with my guilt, but as my cheating escalated my guilt overwhelmed me and I think my dominance turned into cruelty. Timmy I'm so very sorry about the way I've treated you over the past several months."

"I can forgive you for that."


"I love you."

"Even after everything you've heard?"


"Timmy I love you so much."

"I know you do Kelly."

"Do you?"

"Yes, you got confused and made some serious mistakes. You hurt me. I should be angry. A big part of me is angry, but another part of me realizes that sometimes we make choices that get out of control. When that happens we often do things that later make us feel ashamed."

"Thank you Timmy. Thank you for understanding."

"Kelly, I fear your thanks might be premature. I'm still angry, unbelievably angry. You hurt me."

"I know, I really am sorry. Please try to understand."

"I'm trying, but you have to understand, hurt and anger are emotions that are difficult to overcome."

"They are, but I beg you to try. I fucked up. Please don't let my stupidity destroy our lives."

"I'll try Kelly, I really will."

"Thank you Timmy, thank you very much."

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The crews spent the next week settling into their new lives. They still had fitting out to complete and plenty of work otherwise. Juanita had effectively taken over the mining enterprise. With the Bolo boys, they had soon selected four locations they wanted to exploit to keep the recyclers tanks full. Sean and Lee went with them to the first location and helped Juanita plan how to protect the workers while there. Minnie had already produced new fencing materials and Bear bricks. The four...

2 years ago
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My Dream Sex With My SisterInLaw

Hi to all and my name is James and I hail from Kottayam. I am married. This is an incident which happened between me and my sis-in-law Sil few months back. Now about my sil and she is 26 years with whitish complexion and has a figure of 36 30 32. She got married 2 years back and has no children. Her husband is abroad and she is staying with my in laws now from the time I got married I was very friendly with her and we used to talk about casual sex whenever we used to meet. That was in a...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Into Bitch Friend

Hi ISS readers,I’m Anand from Chennai. This story is 100% true. Happened in my real life. I am Doing B.E. in pvt. College. And my girl friend name is Malathi. She is my classmate. Very homely and shy girl. We are in love from our 2nd year of our college. But yet to fuck each other. She has such a lovely structure. Her bra size is 34DD. And hip size 28. Lovely ass size is 38. I love her ass a lot. In fact I fall in love & proposed her mainly because of her big ass. She has a big ass in our...

2 years ago
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Farm GirlPart 1

I grew up on a farm in Maryland. I had three brothers all older then me. We lived rural but bussed into the city for school. The rural kids weren't as popular as the city kids. I was up early each morning and had two hours work done before showering, having breakfast then off to school. In school I had some friends but never really fit into any of the cliques. The girls are the ones who were mean to me. They nicknamed me "Farm Girl". Some of the jocks would talk or flirt with me but if their...

Love Stories
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Tims Abenteuer German

Tims Abenteuer Tims Abenteuer   1. Die Fotos Tim hatte in letzter Zeit mehrere Probleme. Das gr??te davon war Geld. Er hatte nach seinem Hauptschulabschluss sofort eine Ausbildung angefangen und war dann sehr schnell bei seinen Eltern ausgezogen. Inzwischen 18 ? Jahre alt hatte das Unternehmen wo er gearbeitet hat vor kurzem Konkurs angemeldet und Tim sa? nun ziemlich unvermittelt ohne Arbeit da. Wem man vom Arbeitslosengeld noch ein paar Schulden die er noch hatte abzog wusste er kaum wie e...

2 years ago
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March Madness Chapter 7

This story is not intended for children and if you are not old enough to read sexually explicit material, go away. This story features some elements of female domination (femdom), teasing & denial, chastity training, mild bondage, creampies, cuckolding cross-dressing and a few other fantasies of mine. I hope you find it entertaining, but if you might be offended, stop reading and do something else. The author retains all rights to this story. You may re-post the story...

1 year ago
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Sams sisters black bfs cock 2

"Mmmmm you taste so good baby I can't wait for you to fuck me" Liz purred. "Damn bitch you gotta give me a minute don't you ever get enough?" asked T. "Nope" said Liz with a smile as she grabbed the still 90% hard cock and shoved it down her throat about 3/4 of the way. "Fuck! Alright you slut if you want it then take it!" T yelled as he grabbed Liz's pig tales and savagely throat fucked her causing her to gag before slobbering all over the hardening cock. Meanwhile Sam was still...

1 year ago
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At first we were like most couples. We both worked and shared the housework in our modest downtown condominium. My wife, Andrea is a very neat person, keeping herself well dressed and tidy at all times. She is tall with shoulder length red hair that is usually in an up-do style with curls and pinned up in the back. She has long lean legs, a well- proportioned body, and a lovely face. Because she works in a prestigious financial office she wears tailored outfits with matching accessories...

3 years ago
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A Valentines TraditionChapter 2

So anyway, Valentine's Day 2010. Or more specifically, the day before Valentine's: last chance shopping! It was my idea; as a kind of joke Valentine's gift, I said I would take him lingerie shopping. Not lingerie buying; buying would be breaking the no-gifts rule, but shopping's free so it doesn't count. Geoff agreed pretty readily. What guy wouldn't, really? To see their wife trying on all those sexy outfits? I loved it too; it's just another way of getting him horny in a place where...

3 years ago
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This is the story of my life time sexual fantasy and sexual encounters Characters ages and the period of relation areMe – 19yearsMom – Shobha – 36years 36d-34- 36 sizesDad Murali -46yearsKistappa – 56 yearsTIME PERIOD (1990-1992)My dad is a landlord. Mom is a house wife. I have a brother and a sister. We live in a town nearby. First let me start with a small incident that awakened the sexual desire in me and two small events before a big incident which made me think and lust for my mom.It was...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Chloe Couture 04162017

Chloe Couture is the biggest slut ever. Just ask her boyfriend. He likes to brag about Chloe and her slutty ways to all his friends. Just listen to him shooting hoops and blabbing about all the naughty things his girl will do! Which is just about the time Chloe comes out to do a little sunbathing. She’ll go topless, too, and not care what her boyfriend — or his buddies — think. Chloe’s boyfriend brags “she’ll do anything I say! Just watch!!” Soon,...

3 years ago
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Horses in the City Ch 01

Horses in the City © 2010 All rights reserved Prologue "Emma, what are you talking about?" Lila Hutchins stared at her sister, unable to comprehend what she'd just heard. They were at a Christmas party but Lila barely registered the lights, the decorations, or the songs. Emma's words had blocked everything else out. "Just what I said, Lila. I don't think it will work with the two of us. It's just not . . . ." Emma put her hands together, back to back. "Just not meshing." Her brown eyes were...

Love Stories
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Office Assistant Turned As Lover

Hi! I am a regular reader of this site. This attempt of writing stories and I have thought for a long consider to write then dropped and continued the same and finally now I decided to write, because. I feel in the same line that happiness is doubled when it is shared of course; sex is also joyful fun, when shared. I mean if it is only one partner of the two enjoys not minding about the other, and then there is no sex. Its only fuck and just as like as one drinks water from tap to quench his...

3 years ago
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Mary lay, naked on the bed, her long legs spread wide, knees slightly bent and her hands gripping the edge of the mattress. Widowed at twenty eight with a five year old son, she had devoted her life to the boy and shunned any male contact. Ten years of self imposed celibacy as long as you don’t count her middle finger as sexual contact.Suddenly her womanly needs had surfaced and she knew she needed a man, not just to hold and be romantic with but a man who would take her, Gently when she...

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Mustang Love

Boredom and cable television are not a good mix. One can get into trouble with this combination. You see people flipping houses, storage locker purchases, auto auctions, auto rebuilds and everything under the sun. After watching these programs, my dreams of owning a '57 Thunderbird or a Corvette of the first or second generation were out of the question. I saw the prices of these autos and decided that I could afford a '67 Ford Mustang Convertible.I searched the auctions, trade papers,...

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A frozen wasteland is all that remains of what used to be a flourishing, green landscape. Climate change has plunged the world into a new ice age. Humanity was not prepared for the freezing temperatures, and much of our technology seized up, became unusable, due to the extreme temperatures. Colder countries became nigh on uninhabitable, and warmer places saw much of the population die out, due to their inability to cope with the suddenly freezing temperatures. Governments collapsed as systems...

2 years ago
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Going back where I started Cocksucking

From the time I got married till now, sex with my wife has never peaked to the level that I imagined. My wife never came around to real letting loose and enjoying sex, I have drifted and found other women who have completely enjoyed sex – but, those times have past. I know many of you reading this are in the same situation, spending you time alone watching porn, going on chat rooms, anything to get off. I have always enjoyed watching women giving blow jobs, especially when they are enjoyed what...

2 years ago
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Sisterhood of the Succubus

Isaiah 3:12 "As for men, children will be their oppressors, and women will rule over them." By the year 2030 the American culture was in a state of chaos, somewhere the powers to be, figured out that single parent households weren't good for society. To repair the mess, it became the law that if a woman became pregnant the father would be required to marry her and would remain with her till the child reached 18 years old. With every one's DNA being of public record, establishing who the...

4 years ago
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The Accompanyist Part 1

This story takes place in 2003. A bit about myself, I am in construction management. I am a short guy, 5’7′, good looking with brown hair, a moustache and green eyes. I do have a good size cock for my size, it is seven inches. In all of the stories I have read on here and other sites the guy always has a nine inch dick, six inches thick. Most women I have had sex with are surprised at the size of my dick as they seem to judge penis size by how tall a man is and I suppose in most cases they...

1 year ago
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Innocent Mommy Turned Slut

Hey friends! Me karan back with squeal of poor mom turned bitch and to understand this story please read my last story and next morning I got up and saw my mom was still sleeping. It never happened before but may be because of last night’s hard work. I went to kitchen where my sis was preparing breakfast. She told me that mom is having headache. So she prepared breakfast and lunch and we can have it when we want as she is going to Mausi’s place and will return tomorrow. I took breakfast and...

2 years ago
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Walking the DogChapter 9

I walked back to the cottage through the fading light. A man and a boy were making their way down to the beach. They were festooned with the arcane gear of beach fishermen. Long Rods, tackle boxes, paraffin lamps and the like seemed to hang everywhere and they were making heavy weather of it, trudging through the soft sand. The boy was animated, obviously excited. His father, for such I supposed the man to be, was patiently plodding in the child's wake. I looked up and tried to spot my...

3 years ago
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Four days of Heaven 2

My eyes flickered open, and a momentary state of confusion remained. I started to realise that what had been happening WAS a dream …. BUT I could still feel the same sensation of tightness about my cock … I raised my head slightly and, looking down, was momentarily dumbstruck to see the profile of a remarkably beautiful Asian girl with her mouth gently rising and lowering over my erect shaft! …. Surely I was still dreaming? … then vague recollections of the night before started to...

3 years ago
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The office Meeting

AI walk into my office and much to my surprise see you sitting on my desk. I look bemused but appreciative at the same time. A hint of that sexy smile sets my pulses racing. You run your hands slowly up and down my legs, all the while moving them closer and closer to my aroused lips. You watch, a definite bulge rising in my pants. I begin to feel a bit uncomfortable, so you reach down to adjust it. You notice this, give a smile of appreciation, and move one hand to fondle and caress your...

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Empathic Echoes Ch2

Empathic Echoes by Quiver Chapter 2: Surround Sound Sienna and Jasper had spent the last two weeks together, holed up in his warehouse basement. Luckily, Sienna had been right about there being a bathroom down there. In fact, there was basically an industrial sprinkler that Jasper had turned into a relatively functional shower, complete with shampoo, soap, and even a razor. Sienna was starting to feel more comfortable here. It helped that she had sent Jasper to grab a few things from her...

1 year ago
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A Wad for Wifey CH 01

A Wad for Wifey: Chapter One Seeking a Diagnosis What an odd scene: a lone young man seated in a doctor’s waiting room surrounded by women of all ethnicities, shapes and sizes. Sid Harman was that 18-year-old boy — to his left sat Trish Harman, his stressed-out mother, and to his right, an obviously pregnant woman squirmed from one hip to the other, trying to find a comfortable position. “Sorry,” she said to those near enough to hear her. “No problem,” Sid whispered back, not quite sure...

2 years ago
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teach me to love cock

I woke up from my soft bed and started watching tv then the door bell rang and it was the mail women she was black and she had big lips big huge tits a big nice round ass and a thin body she want to welcome me to the naberhood she also had sexy long green and red hairshe gave me her number and said i was cute and would like to hang out some time i said ok mybe we can play some video games at my house later when she got of work she said that would be niceso it got late and then i was dark out...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 67 Why am I here

I woke in my cage to the smell of shit and piss. Looking around me I saw that all of the cages were now filled with naked boys or girls. The boys looked very similar to me. The girls seemed to fall into three different groups. One group was of tall white blonde girls with almost no tits. The second group was girls that still had a bit of baby fat, were slightly tanned brunettes, and had cone shaped breasts. Finally, the third group had fully developed tits, black hair and flared hips. The...

2 years ago
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The Love Toys ReprieveChapter 2

The Return of Jezebel "Why did you call me 'master' Jen?" I asked in surprise and concern. After a brief pause, Jen's face became more animated and she wore a huge smile "Because you're her Master now, Sam." "Whose master?" "Jezebel's," replied my grinning love. "I'm confused here. I thought that Jezebel was gone." "Not completely. She's still in my mind." "How is that possible? I saw her melt away." "You saw her form change back into my form. Her connection to...

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F amily fire pt3

As my aunt and my mother finished making love, I tried to make sense of it all. Mom had wanted me to see them. Did that mean she was telling me it was over for her and me? I didn't want that. That moment intensified my love for her and I knew I wanted to be with her, any way I could. Mom reached her hand out to me. I took it and she said, "Can you still love me baby?"I said, "Of course mom."She said, "I need you both." Lila said, "We're both here." She also took my hand and urged me down on the...

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Through the Looking GlassChapter 4

Tetsuo opened the doors to the medical facility to find Todd Callaway and Dr. Kobayashi standing in the hallway yelling at each other. Several people were standing around listening but tried to look like they were working. "You have no idea what that will do to her!" Dr Kobayashi yelled. "You can't just cut her off without testing it first!" "So how the hell do you suggest I test it," Todd yelled back. "You have another person I can try it on?" Tetsuo stepped up to the two men and...

3 years ago
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Hot Wives Investment Club Ch 05

The chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Teresa’s Summer Race, The Trilogy series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act...

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The Eighth Warden Book 2Chapter 18

“It’s done,” said Cenric, a bulky, brown-haired man who’d become the spokesman for the former red-eyes. He spoke in a dull, tired tone. He and his remaining men had spent the entire morning building two massive funeral pyres, one for the red-eyes who’d died and another, larger one for the villagers. Corec looked up from where he’d been conferring with Sarette. “Then line everyone up. I want to speak to them.” Cenric trudged back to where the others were standing in a dispirited group, with...

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Johns Penis

Hello, I just want to introduce myself. I'm John's penis and I want to share our adventures with you. A little about John, he's 6'1” and pretty fit. He keeps his dark hair neatly trimmed and stays clean shaven. He does well with the ladies, so I assume he's a good talker. Me? I'm a circumcised grower who ends up being a solid 8” long with good girth. When I'm really excited I am hard as a steel rod, and honestly I am pretty easy to excite. I spend most of my days in the dark either sleeping or...

1 year ago
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Hot Texas sex with the handy man

His eyes trailed over my whole body, stopping at my chest and then again at my ass once I turned towards the counter again. Each time I saw this particular maintenance man, he would be undressing me with his eyes. Not that I was any better. I often let my mind wander, imagining what his cock would look like pumping in and out of my cunt, staring at his muscular tattooed arms and large hands. From the way he looked at me, with a hint of cruelty behind his eyes, I bet he fucked like a bull;...

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Rise of The Veritas

Earth Date: 16th Dec 2237 From: Senator Wayne Bannister To: Commander Philip Goldberg These were the last dispatches we received from our agents on Verius VI. Agent Valerie Lim, Agent Robert Booth and Agent Shane van Hook were originally sent to Verius VI on a fact-finding mission on the natives of the planet. When the colonist group Earth Return stated that the natives of the planet, called the Mind-Runners, have telepathic powers, few in the Federation believe their findings. The 3 agents...

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Aaron Loves To Watch 12

I slipped into it and peeked at her lying on the bed. "Are you ready for me, Rachel?" I pondered, strolling towards her."Yes, Evette, now get on the bed and make love to me. I'm pretty sure the dildo is plenty lubed up now, so don't tease me."I slowly got onto the bed with her and lay right on top of her. "I love you, Rachel," I whispered before I kissed her and placed my hands on her thighs."I told you not to tease me," she reminded me before her palms found their way onto my butt. "You are...

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23rd Century Digital Girl Chapter 1

I saw her as she walked out of a restaurant. She was a petite, dark haired girl with stunning blue eyes. She caught my attention not only by the fact that she was incredibly beautiful, but also by her peculiar way of walking. Two aluminum crutches were tucked under her arms, making her look vulnerable. I stopped, stared at these old fashioned devices, and wondered when I had last seen someone walking on crutches. It must have been many years ago. She looked around her, then cautiously descended...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Rachael Cavalli Busty Blonde Makes Him Bust A Nut

We know that Rachael Cavalli’s premiere on DDFBUSTY is going to get you creaming, so get yourself ready for a messy few minutes with this saucy sexy newcomer. Our blonde glamour model has Van Wyld at her home doing some repairs, and the horny MILF is caught spying on the unsuspecting serviceman as he showers at her house after his job is done. Get into their hot and hardcore encounter with us as we take our 4K premium porn cameras into the livingroom where the busty American is pussy...

3 years ago
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Rekindling a Highschool Romance

I stood at the counter cutting up tomatoes for tonight’s salad. My parents were out of town for the weekend. It was just me and Scott there together. It was planned, a date night. Scott was my high school boy friend. After graduation he joined the Air Force and we gave up on it all and went our separate ways. Scott was home and wanted to get back together. As I cut up the tomatoes, I thought that it will never work. Long distance relationships never work. I glanced up at him as I thought he...

3 years ago
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Jamal takes Ana to a black gang party

Jamal takes Ana to a black gang party Things were going worst for Ana and me every dayThat afternoon, as I was pumping her buttocks doggie style, she was screaming and yelling at me:“Fuck me harder, love… you can do better than this, come on, fuck me” And there it was, right where I could see. A small tattoo on her right shoulder was the queen of spades, a symbol reflecting that she preferred black men…“Come on, Victor, fuck me harder, feel that nigger cum in my pussy…”Her black bull Jamal had...

2 years ago
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An Alternative to Punishment

Debbie, a sixteen year old sophomore, was in her science class. The class was waiting for their teacher to arrived, it wasn’t unusual for him to be late for class. He doubled as he disciplinary official and often had to witness the spanking of a student, usually boys but occasionally girls as well. That particular day she had been verbally fighting with one of the boys off and on throughout the day. The boy, whom she’d been fighting with, happened to sit behind her in this class and had started...

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A Midnight Encounter

(This is my first attempt writing a story. This is a true story. I’m much more comfortable living out these experiences than writing them but I’ve been inspired by Lush Stories! Please give me feedback…I’d love to hear it!) My phone binged announcing that I had a new text message. It was Jake, a sexy ex-Army guy I met a few weeks ago online. We initially connected when he responded to a tease and denial fantasy I shared online. He wrote to tell me how he found it very erotic and arousing to be...

3 years ago
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Wrong Address

Well I guess that is one benefit of going away for a week, I have a big pile of mail waiting for me. I dumped the load on the dining room table and started sorting through it. Bill, bill, junk, junk, … not for me, not for me, … bill, not for me. Does the mailman use a white cane or a seeing eye dog? By the time I finished, the ‘not for me’ pile was almost as big as my pile. Mine mostly junk mail. They all had yellow change of address stickers on them. Sheila Johnson? What a screw up someone...

1 year ago
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The MicrobrewChapter 2

I didn't feel like myself when I woke up. I felt, strange. I looked around but I couldn't see anything or focus. I tried to sit up, but I couldn't move. I began to panic. "Zylen! Zylen!" I screamed. Nothing. I was alone. "Zyana! Zyana!" I cried. An odd, three-dimensional image of Zyana appeared that was fuzzy and oddly colored. "What is it Phoebe?" There was an odd tone to her voice, almost ethereal. "Something's wrong!" I exclaimed. "I can't move! I can't seem to focus!...

1 year ago
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Amateur dramatics

My wife and are both keen amateur actors. Recently I’ve got more into directing but my wife, Sylvie, stills prefers to perform. She’s in her forties and has a full but still very attractive figure. Recently our amateur dramatic group put on a farce. One of those sex romp things where everything gets mixed up and nobody knows who is getting off with whom. As director it was my responsibility to do the casting and I made sure Sylvie got a part that involved a lot of kissing and canoodling with...

3 years ago
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Carmen Sandy and a good night

The three of us relaxed for a little while more before deciding it was time to head for bed. I stayed in my birthday suit while Sandy slipped into a sheer black bustier and Carmen put on a white camisole. After finishing our preparations, Sandy and I headed for the master bedroom while Carmen started for the guest room. "Carmen" I cried out "Get in here" I demanded of her. Carmen came into the bedroom and I looked at her, "I want you to suck Sandy's cunt" I told her, then added "Get it nice and...

1 year ago
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Watching the Boys Part 10

I still couldn't believe my eyes as I watched these hot Speedo wearing boys happily frolicking with my son under the warm Miami night sky. The other boys must have been from the other two condos that lined the outside of the private pool area. As I stepped out onto the patio I noticed two large muscular Latin looking men sitting at a patio table in front of the middle condo watching the boys playing in the pool. They were only wearing loose board shorts with the rest of their impressive...

3 years ago
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My Best Friend 17 The Relative Pt 1

Author Notes: Last we saw Jay and Amanda they were attending a party with the Varsity football squad after a dual win by both the JV and the Varsity teams. Amanda had talked Jay into treating her like a slave to liven their sex lives. We fast forward to the beginning of Jay and Amanda’s junior year in high school. They are both 17 years old and have been dating each other for nearly a year. Jay and Amanda have been continuously happy with one another. We approach Jay in the middle of his...

Love Stories
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Filthy fucking day out

The weather had been beautiful when I awoke that autumn morning and I had no work to turn up to for a few days, which made things even better! I decided the best way to spend the day would be to jump in the car and see where I ended up. It was coming up to 6 o’clock and I had travelled miles, stopping occasionally to take in the beautiful scenery on route, but now was time to head for home. Daylight was starting to fade when things began to go wrong- my engine began to misfire and splutter as I...

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Ambers Anticipation

Just one more hour, Amber thought. The day had dragged on and on, and the longer it did, Amber felt more and more excited to the point where she was barely able to focus on her work.Brent was coming into town today and she was so, so excited to see him. The excitement had been building ever since he told her that he was able to get away to come and see her this weekend.Amber found that her excitement was not only emotional, it was also physical. She couldn’t remember ever being so physically...

2 years ago
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The wind was whistling round the village, there were flurries of cold rain creating delightfully muddy puddles but the children didn’t want to play outside, it was too cold. Winter was sometimes unpleasant even here. This was one of those days, the beams of the Rabbi’s new roof would have to wait until the weather improved and the old carpenter sat by the fire calmly whittling. “Another wooden man for the child to play with?” Asked his much younger wife, stroking her belly. Her husband was...

2 years ago
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Opals Fantasy

Opal’s Fantasy?A Gift of Ben Wah Balls? ?Ohhhh, my!? You say, as the Ben Wah Balls are handed to you.  Large and made of slick, cool steel, they vibrate gently in your hand as you click them together.  Warming to your hand, they seem almost alive and you manipulate them with your fingers, swirling them in the palm of your hand.  I can see the small hairs on the back of your neck stand up at attention as the harmonics of the balls resonates up your arm. Your body is responding to them...

4 years ago
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Random RelationsChapter 4

"We're here." Helen said, pulling up to the kerb outside their house. The cooling engine ticked loudly in the still night air as Elaine lifted her head to look nervously out the window. Not a soul could be seen at this ungodly hour but still she felt reticent about walking around dressed as she was. The pvc suit cut into her crotch and she squirmed uncomfortably. "Do we have to do this?" She asked querulously. "Can't we just have our own fun here?" Her mother lit the interior light...

2 years ago
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Help Part 11

*** Later that day, back at the old wishing well where Danny had confessed his feelings to him, Jake was getting impatient. He reached into his deep pocket and pulled out his mobile phone. He searched through the menu system, menu, messages, inbox... until he found the text which Danny had sent him earlier that day. It read: *** Jake, I’m sorry about how I acted yesterday, I know I fucked things up but I was just tired and confused I guess. I hope u can 4give me. If you wanna talk,...

3 years ago
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La corista capitulo 4

LA CORISTA CAPITULO 4 Ya hab?an pasado varias semanas del incidente del restaurante y por suerte nadie en el gimnasio ni en el grupo hab?an reconocido a Daniel que ya se hab?a adaptado a su vida de mujer. Para evitar que a cada rato los hombres se le acercaran para pedirle su telfono (o algo mas), Julia le dio un anillo de plata liso que se parecia al que usan las mujers casadas. Arturo se hab?a convertido en un buen amigo de su versi?n femenina ya que realmente solo buscaba una amistad. Pedro y...

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