Lost Bet TS Model Doesn't Mean Totally Satisf free porn video

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Tom should have known better. It was something between a bet and a dare; something he'd been goaded into by his half-drunken buddies on a particularly boring night. The four of them were halfway through splitting a case of cheap beer when Sam had brought out one of those cheap "XXX" newspapers from a vending machine a few blocks from the airport.

They'd chuckled at the attempt to write news articles, then they'd laughed and howled at the huge variety of ads for "adult services" in the back. Hell, the ads were three-quarters of the whole thing. Sure, some of them looked nice and professional, but the majority were poorly-worded, misspelled, and the pictures in them were blurry, if there were pictures at all. There were women offering massages, men offering massages, even folks who seemed somewhere in-between offering massages and other services.

Tom's buddies were pretty familiar with the folks in-between; they'd had fairly open city upbringings and were at least familiar with the concepts. Tom's midwestern background became painfully apparent as he just got more and more confused as the night and the beer went on. Eventually, Sam, Ralph, and Jack couldn't resist goading him a little.

The bet was simple enough. They'd open to a random page, drop a quarter on it, and whatever ad the quarter landed on, Tom would call and make an appointment for "services." Whatever it was or whoever it was. Tom was both ill-informed enough and drunk enough to go through with it; if he actually went through with the appointment and meet-up, it was a hundred bucks. That, and the other three would pay for any "services" involved.

Tom was just sharp enough to flip past the majority of "men offering services" ads, and the quarter landed on a blurry picture of a blonde in a corset and stockings. The ad offered an "unforgettable night, five minutes at a time, with a beautiful T.S. model and guaranteed full-release." It was also fairly cheap.

"What's a T.S. model?" asked Tom, his alcohol-riddled brain reeling from the possibilities. He kind of had a sense of what "full-release" was, and he didn't hate the idea.

"I think that's a 'Totally Satisfying' model," said Sam, barely holding back the laughter.

"Looks like you lucked out. Yeah, we'll pay for that. Make the call!"

So, it was that a few hours later, Tom was ringing the bell on an apartment in a worse part of town, his buzz fading and wondering what the hell was about to happen.

Anticipation had him half-hard, worry kept him at half.

A sultry blonde in a silk robe opened the door, and Tom had to raise his eyes to look into her face. With the heels she was about six foot four, and built solidly.

"Tom?" she asked, her voice low and dusky. Tom just nodded, trying to find his voice.

This was NOT what a boy from the Midwest was supposed to be doing with his Friday night.

She chuckled, low and sexy. "I'm Vicky. Come on in."

Tom entered the darkened apartment, eyes taking in every detail. The furniture was old, but well-maintained. It was mostly covered in purple velvet and other dark cloths, lending to an air of mystery and sensuousness. There was a sweet incense in the air, and soft music. Vicky closed the door and smiled at him.

"It's pay up front," she said. "I like to get that out of the way so there's no stress. You can always tip me afterwards, if you think I've earned it," she said, holding her hand out.

Tom fumbled for the crumpled bills his friends had put together. They HAD added some for a tip, so he held that back. It seemed like the right thing to do. He handed the money over, and Vicky straightened, organized, and folded the bills before sliding them into the pocket of her robe.

"You've never done anything like this before, have you?" she asked, leaning back against an inner doorway. Her breasts thrust out against the robe, and Tom shook his head.

"Not ever," he said. "It... it's kind of a dare, really," he admitted, blushing a little.

"You're adorable," said Vicky. "Let's get you your money's worth, all right?"

Tom just nodded, and Vicky took his hand and led him into a back room.

The room featured a four-poster bed in the same purple velvet and a large dresser with a LOT of drawers. Vicky slipped the robe off and hung it on a hook, revealing the corset and stockings she was wearing in the ad. Tom swallowed hard; even if she was kind of solidly built, that outfit said "sexual activity." She turned to him and gave him a long, appraising look.

"You'll want to get out of those clothes. All of them."

He nodded, and started to disrobe. Whatever this thing was, he was in... his hard cock was making the choices at this point, and it said "do this thing."

Soon he was naked, his clothes neatly folded on top of the dresser. Vicky walked a slow circle around him, then playfully shoved him towards the bed.

"Don't worry, I'll make your first time a good one, baby. Just relax."

Tom laid flat on his back, hard six inches sticking straight into the air. Vicky went to the dresser, opened a drawer, and took out a handful of silk scarves. Tom's eyes widened, but he laid still.

"This is going to be something very special for you," said Vicky. She laid the scarves next to Tom's head, then released the top of her corset. Tom's eyes drank in her big, round, stiff breasts; he'd never seen the like, and he was immediately mesmerized.

Vicky took up one of the scarves and, after making sure Tom had gotten a proper eyeful, she wrapped it around his eyes, blindfolding him.

"This makes it better," she said as he murmured in concern. "You feel everything more. Do you trust me, baby?"

"I... yeah," said Tom, the last of the beer fueling his bravado. "Let's do this."

Vicky chuckled deep in her throat again, and took his wrist in her hand. "Relax."

Tom laid still as she tied his wrists and ankles to the four corners of the bed, laying him out spread-eagled. His cock throbbed with need, and the strangeness of the situation only made the need more intense. He heard her move to the dresser and open another drawer, then felt her weight on the bed next to him.

There was a brief mechanical whizzing, then a ticking next to his head.

"Five minutes at a time, baby. I'm good at this... very good. You just relax and let Vicky work."

"Not much choice," said Tom, as he heard some sort of container being opened. Then, after a moment, her warm, oiled hand softly grasped his throbbing prick.

Tom moaned out loud as she slowly stroked his raging cock, fingers just tight enough to glide over his stiffness. She knew just how to touch him, just where he needed a brush or a rub of the pads of those fingers. She teased the man vein along the underside, the sensitive spot just below the head, and the super-sensitive cleft. Tom squirmed, unable to control his body's reactions to the lascivious stimulation.

"I'm going to really enjoy this," said Vicky, as she kept her stroking slow. Her fingers traced the length of him, up and down, over and over, bringing him incredible stimulation, but never quite enough.

"Oh... oh shit," said Tom, his voice quivering. "Please... please, Vicky... just a little more... PLEASE..."

"Shhh," said Vicky, keeping the speed slow. "Just let Vicky work. It's all good, hon."

Tom gritted his teeth as his hips thrust without his permission, her hand tightening ever so slightly on just the right spot. Then, suddenly, she sped up. Just a little. Just the right amount, fingers gently clasping at the slick head of his cock as her fist slipped up.

The timer next to his head rang, and Tom yelled as his cum boiled out in huge ropey spurts. Vicky milked five hard spurts out of him, his cum landing on his stomach and thighs as she continued to jerk him just so.

She finished milking out his orgasm, then released him. Tom, exhausted and happy, basked in the glory of his orgasm. Then he heard the mechanical whirring of Vicky turning the dial on the timer, and the ticking was set back next to his head.

"Vicky? What..."

Then his cock was surrounded in wet, tight heat, and Vicky moaned around the head of his super-sensitive cock. Tom groaned loudly again, partially in pain. Was this what she meant by "five minutes at a time?"

"Oh... oh FUCK!" cried Tom, as she slowly and gently sucked his too-sensitive cock. Tom threw his head back and pulled at his bonds, but he was well tied and not going anywhere. As the nerves in his prick screamed, he started to wonder if maybe he'd done something that wasn't entirely safe.

He'd had a blowjob or two before, but this was different. Vicky had skills. She knew just what every part of her mouth was doing; from the tight, slick lips that gripped his cock in a ring of pleasure to the tip of her tongue dancing along the underside; even the teeth that occasionally grazed the rim of the head of his cock, bringing ice-cold electric shocks of too much pleasure. His nerves wanted a chance to come down from the first orgasm, but she never gave him the chance.

Again, it was slow... just, barely, too slow. Tom tried to beg her to stop a couple of times, but every time he started to speak, Vicky would let her teeth graze the head of his cock and the shock of sensation would take the breath out of his lungs. She was in total control of him through his cock, and there was nothing he could do to stop her.

She would work the head for a little bit, drawing yelps and little screams from him, then take him all the way down her hot, tight throat. She had no gag reflex to speak of, and every time her nose mashed into his pubic hair, Tom would let out a low groan and pull hard on his bonds. His muscles were getting quite the workout even as he laid there helpless to stop Vicky's attentions.

Suddenly, she sped up just a little, her head bobbing up and down at a furious pace, sucking him all the way in with each descent of her light, wet lips. The timer next to his head rang and Tom cried out as his cock fired off again, his cum blasting into Vicky's hungry mouth.

She milked him completely with lips and tongue, then slowly pulled off, gasping a little. Tom was breathing heavy, covered in sweat.

"That... that was great... thank you," he said, nervously. "I... I think that's good, you can let me up now..."

Then she was back at the dresser, opening another drawer. Before Tom could ask what was going on, there was the whir of Vicky setting the timer, and the ticking resumed next to his head.

"Oh... oh shit no, please... no more..."

"We've barely started," said Vicky, her voice even lower. "You come to me for services, you get what you pay for. Now relax. I think you'll like this."

Tom pulled hard on the scarves, finding them just as tight and binding as when they'd started. Then her hand was on his scrotum, softly caressing his nuts, rolling them in the sack. Tom relaxed a little. That wasn't so bad.

Then she was gently lifting his nutsack, and rubbing something cool and slick on his anus.

"Wait... whoa... don't do that..."

"I said relax," said Vicky. Then Tom heard the sound of something buzzing just before something cool and hard was pressing gently at his shitter! It was vibrating and it didn't feel entirely bad; at least not until Vicky started forcing it up his ass!

"AH! NO! DON'T WANT! STOP IT!" yelled Tom as the vibrator penetrated his sphincter.

Vicky only chuckled and let the blindfolded young man yell as she violated his asshole.

It hurt, it felt wrong, it was nightmarish, and then she expertly hit his prostate. Tom's yelling ceased, replaced with a deep gasp as his exhausted, too-sensitive penis started to rise again. His exhausted limbs went limp in their bonds as she pressed the vibrating tip of the hard-plastic vibrator to his inner love gland and made excruciatingly slow, tiny circles with it.

The inexperienced young man had no concept that these sensations were possible, and he went just a little mad. He groaned, his breath squeezed tight from excitement and lust even as his tears wet the blindfold. He was taking something up his ass, and he was loving it!

Vicky kept gently massaging his aching, tortured balls as she probed and prodded his prostate, his anus quivering around the vibrator. It was pain, it was pleasure, it was excruciating and exhilarating, and it was just... too... slow...

Tom's mind was lost in a haze, trapped between begging her to stop and begging her to go just a little faster. Suddenly, she sc****d her long fingernails along the underside of his scrotum as she pressed the vibrator in just a LITTLE harder. The timer rang and Tom hollered as his cock valiantly tried to fire off again. A couple of weak spurts, and Tom had experienced his first prostate orgasm.

Vicky gently removed the vibrator and released his nuts, and Tom felt her weight come off the bed.

"I... I think I'm done, now," said Tom, his voice weak. He felt like he'd run a marathon, his nuts aching from the unaccustomed activity. This was pleasure and it was torture and it was more than he could take. Vicky's weight fell back on the bed, and she slipped the blindfold down off his eyes.

"You're almost done," she said, smiling. "Not quite, though. I think you're ready for the good part."

"The good mmmmphhh!" Tom started to ask, as Vicky tightened the scarf that had been around his eyes over his mouth. He was effectively gagged, his eyes wide and adjusting to the light.

Vicky stood next to the bed and lowered her panties, then released a strap between her thighs. Her hard eight-inch cock sprang up, throbbing and ready. Tom yelled behind his gag, only barely comprehending. T.S. did not mean "Totally Satisfying."

Vicky lifted the timer, and looked down at Tom with a combination of lust and pity. "You get one more," she said, twisting the dial with a mechanical whir. "Then I get mine."

The ticking timer went next to Tom's head, and Vicky reached down and caressed Tom's aching cock.

It was overly-sensitive, but the prostate orgasm had given the nerves just a bit of a break. It took only a few moments for her gentle caresses and a few kisses to bring Tom to a semblance of hardness, and a minute of slow sucking brought him to another full erection.

Then she was straddling his waist, her bigger cock bobbing over his stomach.

"Now relax, Tom. I'm going to do all the work, and you're going to cum again. Just accept it."

Tom shook his head, his fear of the unknown and the pain in his groin bringing more tears to his eyes. As he watched, helplessly, Vicky rocked back, reached behind herself, and lifted the tip of his cock to her own anus.

With a gasp, she sank down on him, taking his whole length up her butt. Tom closed his eyes and felt his head go limp. It was wrong, it was bad, it was... heaven.

His cock had never been gripped so tightly, never been in so much wet heat, never felt such pleasure. Vicky raised herself upright on him, her big artificial breasts glistening in sweat, and slowly rose. When only the head of his cock was clasped in the harsh tightness of her tight sphincter, she squeezed it a couple of times, drawing gasps and yelps from the gagged young man.

Smiling down at him, she sank down on him quickly again, bringing pain and pleasure to them both.

Tom's first assfuck was not a gentle affair. Vicky started to bounce up and down on his hard prick with wanton abandon, taking his cock again and again, squeezing it tightly in her depths and growling from the sensation of it. Tom's head lolled about, the sensations overcoming him. His overly-sensitized cock screamed for relief; if not the release of orgasm at the very least the cessation of activity.

She fell forward, her hands on his chest, clawing at him as she drove her hips down on him again and again, grunting and mewling. Her eyes went wide, looking down into his, and she squeezed down a little extra hard.

The timer rang, and Tom fired the remnants of his nut juice into Vicky's bowels with a whimper. There wasn't a lot left, but she used her tight asshole to milk out every single last drop.

He ached from the bottom of his chest to the top of his knees. He groaned slightly when Vicky pulled herself up and off of his softening cock, unable to do so much as pull at his bonds any more. Vicky took a moment to calm her breathing, then bent down and nibbled the side of his neck.

"You ALMOST made me cum with your cock up my ass, you naughty boy," she said. "Then I wouldn't have properly gotten mine. Just for that, I'm setting the timer for TEN minutes, this time."

Tom barely heard her. He wanted to drift off to sleep; he was more tired than he could recall ever having been, and the dull ache in his lower body only drove him to deeper exhaustion. He didn't know what she was talking about, and at the moment, he didn't care.

He was relieved when she released the scarves on his ankles, anticipating freedom. Then she was lifting his right leg by the back of the thigh, and using a scarf to tie his knee to the upper corner of the bed. As he started to weakly struggle, Vicky tied his other knee to the other corner, leaving his legs spread wide and his ass completely exposed.

He moaned behind the gag as she slid a pillow under his hips, lifting his ass just a bit. He was starting to get it.

Smiling wickedly, Vicky gave the timer twice the twist she had given it before, and settled down on the bed between his widely-spread thighs.

"The ad promised full release," she said, as she rubbed some lube on her throbbing cock. "That means both of us, baby. Pucker up, now..."

The feeling of the hot, slick head of her cock against his asshole gave Tom a burst of adrenaline and he struggled and cried out behind the gag. He shook his head and pulled at the scarves so hard that the wood of the four-poster bed creaked with the effort. Vicky nodded; it was so much better when they were a little lively!

Slowly, SO slowly, she forced the head of her big cock up his tight, virgin asshole. The penetration of the vibrator earlier had loosened him a bit, but his terror and pain made him tighten up good and proper for her. Putting her hips into the effort, Vicky slowly sank her whole length up the exhausted, helpless young man.

Once her balls rested on his, she got a grip on his hips and started to fuck him, good and slow. This wasn't one of her five-minute quickies; she settled in for a long, hard screw. The young man and his protests had been exciting her all evening, and it was time she took her pleasure and satisfaction from him most fully.

Tom's burst of adrenaline made him quite a ride for her; he bucked and squirmed and yelled behind the gag, straining the bonds and the bed with his attempts to free himself from the situation. It made his ass twist and thrust back on Vicky's throbbing cock, and inspired her to thrust in more and more vigorously.

Over a few minutes the adrenaline surge waned. Vicky was almost disappointed as fatigue settled into the young man's frame like a big, heavy blanket, sapping all of his strength and even the token of resistance.

She fucked him good and hard, grunting as her cock bottomed out in his bowels again and again. A sheen of sweat covered her body, matching the one on his, and her muscles trembled with the effort of fucking Tom deep and hard.

She wrapped her hands around his straining thighs and pulled his ass onto her cock harder and deeper, her hips slapping into her ass with a clapping sound that filled the room and drowned out his pitiful whimpers.

To Tom, it went on forever. Her big, throbbing cock rubbed against his already stimulated prostate and brought him waves of pleasure, but the pain from his violated asshole merged with the ache from his strained, tortured balls and turned into a whole-body agony that dragged heavily on his very consciousness.

He was barely cognizant when the timer rang, and Vicky's muscles locked in a rictus as she fired rope after rope of hot, sticky cum into his bowels. She trembled with the effort of cumming into the young man's ass, and then slowly thrust into him a few more times. His unwilling, quivering anus milked out every drop of her pleasure, and seemed to release her only regretfully.

Vicky sat on the side of the bed, breathing heavily and wiping sweat off her forehead.

"That was great, Tom. Thank you," she said. She bent down and kissed his cheek, then removed his gag. His eyes drooped with fatigue, hair plastered to his scalp with sweat.

She stood and carefully untied him, letting his aching limbs rest in more natural positions. He laid there in an aching, exhausted stupor as she stripped and showered, and only came to a bit of awareness as she returned and ran several warm washcloths over his tortured frame.

"Like I said," she said, "I'm happy to accept any tips you think I earned. I don't always do repeat customers, but if you ever feel like getting yourself all worn out again, I'll give you a discount. I don't get to cum that hard very often."

Tom somehow managed to get out of the bed and get dressed. He dug the handful of bills that had been set aside for a tip out of his pocket and dropped them in front of her, and stumbled out of the apartment.

He had taken a ride service from his place; he took one back as well. His apartment was empty when he got there, and he collapsed fully-clothed onto his bed and slept for a day.

He was awakened by a phone call from Sam.

"So, was it Totally Satisfying?" asked Sam, a chuckle in his voice.

"You owe me a hundred bucks, fucker," said Tom. His mouth tasted like death and his lower body felt like someone had driven over it. He thought back to the event, remembering the helplessness, the pain, and the pleasure.

His cock twitched a little bit, and started to rise.

"Yeah, we do," admitted Sam. "We'll come over tonight and pay it off, no worries."

Tom reached down and randomly stroked his length through his wrinkled pants, mind going back to Vicky's beautiful rack.

"Ok. But... how about double or nothing?"

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Lost Bet

My wife Amanda was not really into football, but she would bet on the games anyways, sometimes she would get lucky, but not to often. The bets were always if she lost, she would mow the grass or she would take the trash out for a week,or the odd time, I would do the dishes or clean the house, you know innocent stuff. Well this time, it all changed, she was either getting bored, or she really thought her team could win, any ways, the game was just about to start, I had two friends over, and they...

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lost bet

Hope you like comments are welcome Well you lost the bet! It started by you asking me if I ever just stroked my hard cock just because of a random thought or text? This was totally out of the blue you should know by now that I think about your naughtiness all the time and I love just stroking my hard cock thinking about it! Well it went on from there and ended up with a silly bet that you lost LOL. Long story short NO TOUCHING while we were apart BUT we could heighten each others sexual...

2 years ago
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The Model

The Model Sam Edwards adjusted the seat into a more reclined position and reached out for the glass of Champaign that the attractive stewardess had brought him shortly after takeoff. He sighed with satisfaction as he took a sip, relishing the comfort of the First Class section of the British Airways 747 homebound for London. He leaned forward to replace the glass on the pullout table and as he did so he felt the thud of the medal against his chest. The Olympic team was returning home...

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A present from MaryBeth

True story? You decide A couple of years ago, I decided to lose weight and bought a bike for exercise. A few years later, I got a gym membership. Last Christmas, because I got tired of riding the bike in rush hour I got an elliptical machine. Between the workouts at home and at the gym and the long bike rides, I was, if I do say so myself, turning into middle-aged stud muffin. As I was trimming up, my wife of fifteen years was making no headway. She was always on the heavy side. With the...

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Elizabeth To Beth

Authors Note: I quote in part from a review on one of my stories Painting The Rose. The review Stupid is as stupid does 01/20/09 By Anonymous in USA: ‘The sex was minimal, and for the most part, not there. Hence, some might not have liked it for its lack of vicarious luridness. This Story does not contain vicarious luridness. To Anonymous in USA: Thank You! I am a Correction Officer assigned to a maximum-security prison of some notoriety in Western New York. I have lived alone since my wife...

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How I Became Mistress Mischelles sissy maid babette

How I became Mistress Mischelle's maid babette sissy babs This is the beginning of a multi-part story that I am working on with my wife. She wrote the part "Mischelle's maid babette's training" and submitted it to Fictionmania. It was added on 7/24/2007. I suggest that you open up another Internet window and have that story ready but don't read it until the character in this story is reading it. After reading my wife's story then return to this one but...

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A Model Child 3

A Model Child By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Three Out the door Ray went, feeling as self-assured as he could possibly be, as he made his way down the hallway and then over to the elevator. Down he went, double checking his phone on the ride before the doors parted at the ground floor and he noticed some of the other models making their way to a big stretch limo. Over he went, checking in with Miss Opal who casually gave him the once over before she nodded,...

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My Mum A porn model

Before you start reading... This is NOT an original story written by me. Another xhamster user posted this a few years ago, but for reasons I won't bore you with, they have restricted the access to this piece of prose and so the audience for it is much smaller than it once was.In my opinion, it's one of the best and most well-written stories I've ever read on xham, and for that reason I have decided to repost it in my stories for others to read.It's a bit long (it was originally in 4 or 5...

1 year ago
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Model by Karen Elizabeth L Mom always thought I was good looking enough to be a model. She and dad were always arguing about it, he'd say that it was a waste of money and she'd tell him that he was blind! I can remember how she'd tell people that someday she was going to take me to a company that would make a model out of me and teach my dad a lesson! One day her and her Grandma (her mom) decided to teach dad a lesson and took me to one of those companies. Mom made me get...

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The Model

The Model Belladonna [Based on a concept suggested by Eva Conevil] Fran Dukes shook her head as she stared at her inventory before her eyes drifted back to the website that her boyfriend had set up for her. Fran felt that the pictures of the clothing across a white background did not do them justice and were inhibiting internet based sales for her boutique. The boutique was a labor of love for Fran. She had started it with money provided from her wealthy parents and had made it...

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My mom the model

It was a cold winter morning and Susan Osborne was ready for her big day. Susan had always wanted to be a model but family got in the way at an early age. Susan is a 38 year old mother of one. She knew she had a great body and was ready to sign a modeling contract when she found out she was pregnant. She quickly married her husband and spent the next eighteen years as a dutiful housewife.Susan loves her husband and son but in the back of her mind she often wondered, "What if?"After sharing her...

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My Mum the model part one

The camera clicked, lights flashed. “Mark, can you just adjust the silk, its slipped.”I walked across the studio, and pulled the flimsy material back into place, so it covered the models tits. Covered but not hidden. Her red erect nipples were still visible through the see through material. I moved back out of view of the camera, as Gerry continued photographing the girl. I had been working for Gerry for six months. Six fantastic months. Photographic assistant. Three days a week, three poorly...

2 years ago
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Bettes Bar Bet

First off I live way out in the country. The closest neighbor is almost a half mile away across a creek and behind a hill. I walk around the house and yard naked whenever possible. It make going out and doing things like feeding the horse and dogs or doing something that required me to bend over or be on my hands and knees interesting sometimes. We have six outside dogs, all male, and there were times that one or more of them tried to mount me. My friend Bette kept telling me I should let them....

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A Model Child 2

A Model Child By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Two As Raymond headed off to school, his mother got ready for work and then headed off to her office on the final day before the show. She had barely slept, worried about finding a model and even worse now, worried about her son's intentions to help. As she got into the office, she headed right down to her studio to walk through her collection again and begin the process of final alterations. As she began the process...

1 year ago
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Model Daughter

But, her mother was not a fan of this. And, being divorced, there was little I could do. So, with her 18th birthday a few months away, I figured we could sneak it in. Then, if Sarah liked it, she would be 18 and able to make the decision herself. When I told her about it, she was incredibly excited. “Oh, dad! That would be so much fun.” So, I let her investigate it and find someone she was happy with. After a couple hours on the internet, she found a photographer that not only took...

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Cyberterix Model 1XRSF

Cyberterix Model 1X-RS-F By Alysa Desiree January 15, 2005 I was out of work and had been for a year. Things were really starting to get tight as I hadn't been able to find steady work. If it hadn't been for my layoff payout, stocks and savings I would have been in sorry shape after only a couple of months. Even the little amount I got from unemployment wasn't really helping. It made it hard being a 41 year old male. It seemed most people wanted the younger generation. One day...

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Model Section 1

Model: Section 1 By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 1: The Stage Backstage was a whirlwind of action. Designers, hair stylists, and make up men raced about everywhere. Voices which were already raised increased in volume minute by minute to be heard above the din of the noise and chaos. Production teams dashed about shouting orders at lighting and sound crews - designers dashed about shouting orders at production teams. Scores of clip board holding bodies wove in and out of the rows of...

4 years ago
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A Model Child 1

A Model Child By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter One "Hey mom." Ray walked into his house with a with a McDonald's bag. "Raymond?" his mother asked, sitting at a sewing machine. "What are you doing here?" "I got your text, so I thought I'd bring something to eat," Ray replied, raising the bag. "I know how you get when it's getting close to the show and you forget to even feed yourself." "Oh gaaawwwddd I know," said his mother, taking a breath. "That's...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 8 Fashion Model

Being with Ramon was a wonderful experience. He shared with me his interest for music, the arts, good food and most of all his worship for the female body. He made me feel like a fully grown, mature woman, like the only woman in the world. His attention, his gentleness, his generosity made me want to give myself to him in any possible way. And when he fucked me - although he rarely used this term; he preferred to say we were making love - I wanted time to stand still, wanted the experience to...

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Elizabeth To BethChapter 2

"How peaceful he looks when he is sleeping, my big stubborn sweetheart...my love, with not a care in the world. I'm so happy, I won't get a wink of sleep at all tonight.... my mind is just racing...isn't it wonderful. Poor Stanley, how did Margaret put it, hmm... yes that's it, she said, "hum dinger" and "smitten, Richard is smitten with you." Stanley is going to have one hum dinger of a shiner, a black eye when he say's the early Mass tomorrow morning. Dear Margaret, you...

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Lost bet

I remember it like it was yesterday even though it happened decades ago.Me in my white briefs, on my knees in front of the living room couch firstlooking up at the smiling faces of my buds and then straight at theircircumcised teenage dicks. How the hell did this happen. I am going to bea cocksucker. As I think back, I remember how and when it happened like itwas yesterday.Shit, shit, shit! What am I going to do? There is no way I can tell Momthat I lost all my Christmas money in a card game...

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The Model

The Model By Bobbie Peters The peace and quiet of a summer Sunday afternoon was broken by the shrill voice of my sister, Jean, as she walked through the living room. "I need a head to work on and I need it now," she said to Mom. "Dear, I just don't have the time or patience to spare." Sis was persistent. "I need practice rolling hair or I'll never pass tomorrow's test." "Practice on the wig," Mom suggested as she prepared lunch for the family. Squiggling up her face,...

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Mothers Model Son In Black Lace Lingerie Part Three

Frankie clattered down the short hallway in his high heels with Valerie close behind. Dressed as he was in his high heels, seamed black stockings, black lace panties with matching garter belt and bra, he looked like a young woman in a very big hurry. And indeed, he was. Dressing in this tantalizing and very feminine lingerie, having his make-up done to perfection and then seeing himself in the full-length mirror had been all too much for the poor young man to take. His throbbing...

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Andy sat at the kitchen table looking at the upcoming class schedule and wondering what classes he should take during the next semester. At 19 years old he was about to start his second semester at the local University where he was majoring in computer sciences but like all universities he was also required to take elective classes not associated with his major. The problem was that there wasn't anything that he was really interested in and he had to sign-up for classes by the end of the...

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by Melanie Kay I often arrive at my life class quite early. By doing this it is possible to set up my easel and reserve one of my favourite positions in the studio by fastening my paper to the drawing board. Frequently there is till time to go next door into the cafeteria to buy a coffee and perhaps chat with some of the other students. On the day in question, I was alone and just sitting down to drink my coffee when the door into the cafeteria opened. At first I could...

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How my wife became a lingerie model 8211 I

My name is Nasir. I am from Pakistan (Karachi). I am 35 while my wife Zeenat is 37. Though it is against the taboo in my country to marry women older than you, but I have always been unorthodox in terms of my values. Ours was a love marriage and we have been happily married for 7 years, with a son who is now 5. The story I’m about to narrate is an experience we had almost a year ago, and it may not be very exciting for those used to the kind of hard core Pornographic fantasies that appear on...

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New Model

New ModelByRicky ValeKatie's hands were shaking, and, to her embarrassment, she was beginning to sweat despite the chilly room.  A couple weeks ago she had run into money trouble, and now she was sitting on a cold leather couch about to interview for nude modeling.  Ricky, the agent, (thats what he called himself), spoke like a used car salesman, his tongue as slick as a snake's.  The man was grossly overweight, with thick, knobby hands and a round belly.  The way his eyes lingered on Katie's...

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Lost my Bet Maryanne

Lost my Bet - Maryanne.Hi guys I’m Maryanne, Dave’s fuck buddy. We fuck each other whenever one of us wants relief. Our respective significant others don’t know. Yes, this adds to the excitement. I have agreed to write this if he promises not to change a word. So dear reader this is all true. You know Dave is a fit horny 30 ish bloke. He would never comment on his dick but it’s bigger than my current boyfriend’s. He fits my pussy very snugly. He continues to deny that he enjoyed the follow...

3 years ago
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A Model Boss Part Two of Three

A Model Boss - Part Two of Three Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on an idea by Parrie] Allen awoke on Saturday morning and got ready to go out en femme as he had every Saturday morning for years. This time, however, Allen knew that he was not going shopping in a supermarket or even for clothes. Allen realized that he was going to be around far more people and forced to interact much more than he wanted to en femme that day. After Allen finished shaving, showering, putting...

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Amateur Model

A neighbour helps out * ‘Hello, Nelson how nice to see you. Come into the kitchen, I’m baking,’ Stella told her young visitor. Nelson was eighteen, yet the wiggle of Stella’s hips was interesting, despite her being thirty-six. She had a slim waist, largish breasts with hips to match, which swayed seductively. He stared at her heart shaped bottom, trying to take in every muscular twitch as she walked before him. She wore sensible, everyday clothes, and he couldn’t help imagining her wearing...

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The Model

THE MODEL THE MODEL Chapter one ? A modelling assignment ?What time is your next show?? My girlfriend here would really love to be your model, wouldn?t you honey??? Amy nodded, not wanting to make him angry with her.? ?We have been walking around, looking at all the displays and exhibits, and this seems to be the best one here.? Do you think we could do a deal or something?? Paul looked at the couple standing before him.? The man was quite tall, with dirty, blonde hair that fell into his...

4 years ago
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My Brother Made Me A Model 8211 Part 1

Hi ISS lovers, I’m Deepika and this is my story that changed my life for ever. To tell you about myself, I was a normal 21 year old girl who had just finished engineering and was searching for a job. I wasn’t having much of a success in finding a job due to my average grades. But I didn’t care much and took this opportunity to hang out with my friends. Then one fine day my brother Nithin, who was working in a modelling company, offered me a proposal to model for an Italian fabric industry that...

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Lost Bet Blacken

This guy was really getting on my nerves the way he kept talking about how there wasn't a woman out there he couldn't bed. I told him he was full of shit. He called me on it and said name the woman and in 3 months I will have her.I was having a bad day and I don't know why but I just blurted out that he had no chance with my wife. He looked at me and said "So you want me to fuck your wife?" I said "No asshole, I said you don't have a chance with her and there's no way she would let you even so...

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A little about us. My wife and I have been married 20 years. She was a virgin on our wedding night. I started talking to her about me sharing her with other guys and maybe even a couple. First time I brought it up she was very upset with me. Thought I was not enjoying her anymore and I wanted an excuse to play around. well I told her I know how much she enjoys sex and she had never experienced another male before. I thought she might want to. She said no I was all she wanted and had no thoughts...

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Wanted Nude Model Shaved Pussy

Wanted Nude Model Shaved Pussy When I was eighteen and a senior in high school I knew exactly what I wanted to be…a photographer, or more specifically a Nude Photographer where I could sell my work to magazines such as Playboy, Penthouse, and the like. I had been accepted to a four-year college for photography, my father had bought me a really good digital camera for Christmas, and I had been taking hundreds of pictures to get better with that camera. They were mostly outdoor...

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A Model Start

Kelly swallowed hard and knocked on Louisa’s door. It soon opened to show Louisa’s green eyes and smiling mouth, which even without lipstick looked suited to an advertisement. “Hi, Kelly!” she said happily, and as she opened the door Kelly saw her model’s body filling out a white T-shirt and slacks. Kelly stared at Louisa’s firm breasts unrestrained by a bra and wondered how a woman in her mid-twenties could have such a young, taut figure. “Please come in,” she said, smiling as Kelly’s eyes...

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Glamour Model part 1

Glamour ModelOpportunities?She didn’t know it yet, but today would change the beauty ther****ts’ life irrevocably. It seemed like any other day, but it wasn’t. If she ever cared to look back, which she probably wouldn’t, today would be the day that her life changed forever. For good or bad, well only time would tell. It was a slow day in the salon, a very slow day. When she came to think of it, there had been lots of slow days of late, much to many. It was probably nothing to worry about, just...

1 year ago
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Slu The Model Returns Part 1

Slut: The Model Returns. Part 1.About twelve years ago, I was heavily involved with an older married guy, who did some amateur photography. He turned this young girls head with aspirations of life as a glamour model. Needless to say I was his model and would pose for him, innocently at first, then as the weeks went by the posing became more and more provocative. I was only eighteen when the relationship started, so I did not possess an abundance of sexy lingerie, Corsets, Basques, Waspies or...

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Bets a Bet

I take my daughter to a dance class each week. Her teacher is Nicky and I have to admit I have always had a thing for her although as a married man I never intended on acting on my desires. What is more I always thought the fit and bubbly dance instructor was way out of my league. Standing about 5 foot 6 inches tall and weighing around 110 pounds, Nicky is 30-years-old. She has long, brown hair that is rarely not tied back in a ponytail while one of her most outstanding features is her...

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My Mum the model part four

We were home. It had been a long, and hard ten days. Mum, or rather Linda had been working almost non stop for all of that time. And yesterday I’d fucked her. It had been inevitable We’d both known that at some point we’d fuck. The guy in the shoot couldn’t get it up, so I was picked by the director to step up. Mum had always said we should protect the secret. Secret and lies. My cock had never been harder, her cunt never so wet, her arse so tight. I’d fucked her hard, sadly I was sharing her,...

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