Jessica #3 free porn video

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I was awakened early —farmer’s daughter, got-to-milk-the-cows early— and she wouldn’t tell me why. She just sent me off to my own place, told to shower, shave and pull the car around.

She had me headed west toward the college. I rarely went that way except when I had a craving for deep fried country chicken as there was a great place near the college. There was also fairly well stocked used book store to spend a few hours sorting through all the garbage they make k**s read today to find the occasional jewel in the rough.

“Slow down. Parking is over there.”

“Where on earth have you brought me? And at this hour…on your last day of freedom?”

“Oh hush now and do as your told like a good daddy!”


“I want you to be my father for a couple of hours. Think you can manage that?”

“And just how am I suppose to pull that off? I know nothing about the man let alone what its like to be a farmer.”

“It’s not like that silly. Not that kind of daddy.” The puzzled look on my face as I pulled the car to a stop demanded further explanation. “I’m going to introduce you to Ginger. She’s the same major and we’ve become good friends and I’ve shared everything about us to her.”

“You’ve what?”

“Simmer down. It’s our secret and Ginger, well, let’s say she wants to meet you and I thought you’d like to meet her.” Jessie giggled. There was a serious mischievousness about her laugh that made me feel uneasy. “I thought we could eat breakfast here and you two could get to know one another a bit before….”

“Before what?”

“Never you mind. It’s my day and you promised to play along, remember? So just be your loving self. No one’s going to pay us any never mind. It’s just a bunch of college k**s.”

After ordering and awaiting our food and out guest, it was time to talk.

“Jessie, what we have between us is something most others would greatly frown upon. We’ve talked about this. You know I don’t mind being seen in public with you. That’s not the issue. I just don’t see the wisdom…”

“Oh hush now. Here she is. You’re overthinking it.”

I stood up as a redheaded young lady, a few inched taller than me, dressed in jeans and sweatshirt with the name of another college on it, smiled at me and hugged Jessie.

“So….” the redheaded girl said, “this is him!” I confess, occasionally I had looked a girl up and down but never the way I just got looked up and down by this young alabaster beauty. The girls just giggled while sliding together into one side of the booth, leaving the other side for a stunned old ‘daddy’ to park his behind.

“How was your summer?” I listened as two girls exchanged twenty questions, ignoring everything but the waitress who came to take Ginger’s order.

Our breakfast place was a noisy cauldron made up of almost entirely students who were also seemingly getting reacquainted with their returning classmates. Our food arrived. It was better than cafeteria fair but really, how bad can you screw up eggs, bacon as two small pancakes?

“I’ve got to powder my nose. Join me?” said Ginger to Jessie.

“No. I’m fine.” As the energetic redhead departed, I scooted out of the booth and a slid in next to my blonde bombshell.

“What’s up? You two are up to something. You don’t get this old and not be able to read body language.”

“Do you have to know everything? Now relax. There’s nothing to worry about and as you can see, just students here.”

“Where to now?”

“You’ll see. Ted. I think we’ve gotten to know each other well enough to know that I only want you to be happy.”

“I am happy. You make me happy. I don’t need anything else. I like Ginger. She’s a real firecracker. She seems to bring out a side of you I hadn’t really seen before. So that’s cool.”

“Then be still. You’re going to enjoy it.”

Eventually Ginger returned, gathering her things before leading us out.

“Where’s the car?”

“Over here. And he didn’t bring the car.”

Ginger guided us out of town with Jessie’s arm wrapped in mine, smiling and encouraging me that the surprise the two of them had in mind was going to be something special.

It took us a solid hour to get to the destination. We ended up on a narrow paved country road that wound its way through the typical local countryside of corn, soybean and wheat fields before arriving at our journey’s end. A wooden wall greeted us. Someone was hiding something. A full fifteen feet high, it extended a hundred yards in either direction.

“Here! You’ve got to use this.” Ginger handed me a black, blank faced plastic card with a magnetic strip on the backside. Inserting the card into the card holder, the wall moved. “Park in the lot on your left,” was all the direction I was given before she turned to Jessie to ask, “Are you sure?”

It was a large compound with multiple buildings, none of which apparently we were granted entrance. There was a section where camping trailers could slide in between the trees. There was a baseball diamond, a horse shoe pit, some weird sort of monkey bars and what appeared to be workout beams of various sorts with iron tie downs. For the life of me, none of it made much sense to me.

Leading us on without hesitation, it was obvious Ginger had been here before. She was quite at ease as if it were a home away from home. Eventually she led us to a crushed limestone trail that led back into a well manicured woods. If it weren’t for the trees, it could have been a world class golf course. I thought of my own forest back home and how much work it would take to even take a stab at being this clean.

The crushed gravel trail ended at a paver stone cul de sac. I was like Alice in Wonderland. The whole complex spoke of money and lots of it. What looked like a mini-medieval castle complete with moat and a fake draw bridge, stood at the end.

“In here,” Ginger encouraged us as her black card energized an automatically opening beam and iron door. Lights flickered on as we entered. There were velvet covered benches and two rows of lockers with four digit locks. At the back were showers and to one side toilet stalls. Thick fluffy towels hung on racks. That was it.

“Who’s going to be first?” the jubilant redhead inquired. I looked at Jessie who smiled and let go of my hand before walking over to one the lockers and opened. Ginger then smiled at my dismay and found her own locker before both girls turn back to me.


Ginger’s arms then in one fluid motion drew her sweatshirt up over her head before stowing it away in her locker. Jessie did likewise. Dumbstruck, I stood there watching each of them removing shoes, socks and jeans. Jessie was the first to remove her bra, looking not at me but at Ginger, both laughing at my unease. Then Ginger unfastened her own bra, discarding it into the locker while having her eyes fixed on mine. A blind man could have discerned how proud she was of her breasts. Clasping her hands behind her head, pretending to mess with her hair while shoving out her chest, my mouth watered. Sheer white panties indicated that she was a true redhead.

“Your turn now, Ted.” Jessie’s voice called my attention back to her. She had removed all of her clothing and stood there waving me over to her. As if walking in a Chicago fog bank, I made it over by her. I didn’t say anything but my face did. “Sssssss! It’s ok. You don’t have to say anything. Here, let me help.” Jessie didn’t have to remove jockey shorts to discern my arousal. She peeked around me to look at Ginger who had remained by her locker but with interest, now strolled up next to me.

“How old are you, Ted?” Ginger asked it in such away that I knew she knew the answer and was just paying me a back handed compliment.

“It’s not what you think, Ted,” Jessie spoke to me as she put a finger on my chin turning me back to herself. “It’s a nudist colony.”

“At least part of it,” Ginger corrected her. “There’s a lot more things that go on here but usually those are scheduled on weekends. Judging by the parking lots, we have the place to ourselves today. Are you ready?”

I didn’t ask for what. I was fighting the battle of the boobs. This was the no win scenario that most men feared. I know, if asked, Jessica would say she didn’t mind me being distracted by Ginger’s boobs. But there is that fine line one must sometime walk where the amount of attention given must not exceed a line drawn in shifting sand. Simply put, Ginger’s boobs were pleading with me to be sucked. Though a fair size smaller than Jessie’s, Ginger’s puffy salmon colored nipples of youth, drew my attention like iron to a magnet. I had to be careful. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Leaving the “castle” we wandered down a serpentine path of fine grade sand to an open meadow. Sitting smack dab in the middle of that meadow was a two acre pond, complete with what appeared to be a “castle” boat house.

“What do you think?” asked our host.

“Wow! It’s just as you described,” answered the bare naked blonde. “What’s in that building?”

“Just a secondary changing room, bathrooms and if they are still there, two massage tables. Mostly its just the bathrooms that are used. Everyone I’ve ever seen changes back were we did.”

The noon-day sun sat high in a near cloudless sky. I wondered how these two alabaster dolls were going to fare in the bright sunlight.

“Do they store sunscreen in there for the likes of you two?”
“I don’t know. But I’ll be okay. How about you, Jess?”

“I think I’ll be okay. If I start feeling anything I’ll get underneath one of those umbrellas. But we didn’t come here to hide, did we?”

Standing between them, I sensed Ginger doing another one of her hands-behind-her-head stretches. The periphery of her ice cream cone breasts tortured my sensibilities.

“Oh, that sun feels so good. Don’t you agree, Jess?”

Not waiting for hear her reply, I marched down to the waters edge and poked in a toe. Bath water warm. Fearing the redheaded temptresses charms, I waded in and began to swim toward the raft that sat about a hundred feet off of shore. About half way there I could sense the change in water temperature. I wondered how deep the lake actually was. Though the water appeared to be spring fed crystal clear, the sun glaze made it difficult to tell. Diving temporarily, I could see nothing but long blades of snake grass maybe twenty-five feet below me. Perhaps bottom was another ten feet further on down.

Resurfacing, I could hear the screaming of two playful girls splashing each other before finally diving in themselves to follow me out to the raft. I wasn’t a great swimmer. Couldn’t float to save my life. But climbing the ladder and looking back, I saw Jessie doing slow effortless breast strokes while Ginger hurried past her in free style.

“Going to help a lady up?” Ginger called up to me as she extended her hand. How do other men at nudist camps evade such unrelenting charms?

Taking hold of my hand, Ginger began to climb the ladder but not without continually leaning back so as to force me to securely grasp her hand. As she stepped on the final rung, she pulled herself forward, launching herself on top of me as I fell back. “I know you want me,” she whispered before laughing out loud and rolling off to one side as Jessica’s head popped up over the edge. Quickly I stood back up and offered her my hand as her gleaming wet body climbed out of the lake.

Jessica flashed me one of her amazingly innocent smiles as if nothing had just occurred. I know that she saw what happened. Did she not care? Was this part of her surprise? To watch me and her friend flirty friend frolic on the raft front of her? Oh for a crystal ball to tell me her mind. I already knew what Ginger’s thoughts were. I was pricked by the nagging thought that I was too old for this sort of shenanigan.

The raft was covered with an artificial turf matting which was soft to lay back on. I gazed skyward as the two girls sat next to me exchanging small talk.

“This isn’t so bad, now is it, Ted?” Jessie inquired.

“No. The sun feels good and its good to be on the water and out once again in the middle of nowhere. I wonder if Google Earth is photographing us now?” I watched as the two naked girls shield their eyes while looking up and waving.

“Well I hope I get compensated for it if they are,” said Ginger.

Jessica laid down next to me on an elevated elbow while the other hand fingered my chest hair. She just held that position for a while smiling at me before mouthing, “I love you.” That was just as Ginger took a similar position opposite of her, only she wasn’t fingering chest hair. Ginger giggled with a wide toothy grin, looking over at Jessie while she massaged my manhood into granite.

“Do you want impalement by his harpoon first or shall I?” Ginger inquired the woman next me.

Jessie didn’t reply verbally. She just nodded her head as she sat up, lifting one leg up to straddle me so as to have my shoulders pinned to mat. Her thick gleaming bush was inches from my chin while her friend climbed aboard me below, grasping my cock and rubbing her apex before working herself deeper and deeper onto the shaft. She moaned in delight.

Jessie continued to smile, breathing not another word before sliding forward, offering her dripping wet, two handed spread for my licking and sucking enjoyment as her heavy breasts danced in the sunlight.

Ginger was not as wet as Jessie. Maybe that accounted for the difference as she felt tight and resistant to penetration. She moaned excessively, calling to God while commending Jessica on her selflessness. I struggled to remain concentrated on savoring my facial liquid lunch so as not to give into the desire to pop my gun too quickly. Jessie had removed most of the ammo the preceding night. Nor did I know whether or not my little tadpoles still were capable for swimming after seven decades. If anyone was to get pregnant from all this, I wanted it to be Jessica.

Always quick to reach first climax, Jessie fell forward as her vaginal lips pressed against my mouth, shaking and quivering as I heard her shuttering moan. She shivered once or twice more before falling off to one side, sighing a deep breath as Ginger took the opportunity to lean forward.

Though her height hadn’t intimidated me when first being introduced at the breakfast nub, now I found it quite beneficial as hands grabbed my wrists, wrestling them above my head as she plunged her right breast into my face and rubbed it back and forth across my mouth as her hips began a slow rise and fall.

Vainly I tried to catch sight of Jessica as she remained fully prostrated next to me. But I could not. So I closed my eyes and accepted Ginger’s gift, sucking nearly all her breast into my mouth while tonguing its taut nipple. I enjoyed the sensation of the particular hardness of her puffy areola, nursing on it as she moaned and wretched her body, continuing to call out to God.

Though I was in the process, it was Ginger who came first. Her whole weight collapsed on top of me. Jessica’s climax was anything but serene, but Ginger’s could only be described as demonically exercised as she shook uncontrollably as her eyes rolled back up in her head, moaning and screaming without reserved. The big quake was soon followed by countless after-shocks and tremors. She laid on top of me, catching her breath as my hips slowly, cautiously began sliding my cock in and out of her yet contracting velvet warmth. I was not meeting any resistance from above as her own hips tried to harmonize the rhythm.

Slowly gaining consciousness, I heard Ginger suck in a mouthful of saliva as she pushed herself back upward. She smiled down at me, positioned on bended knees, just slowly grinding her hips as she sought to have every inch of my cock deep with in her. I could feel it bottoming out, knocking on that last remaining door, hoping to open it to dump my creamy white surprise across its threshold.
Jessica rolled over and began kissing me. Quickly I wrapped an arm about her as my free hand fingered through the yellow mop of hair, pressing her head down hard onto my lips as our tongues danced inside. The ember that remained inside her soon burst into flame. Rising, she turned back to Ginger who immediately understood. Though she smiled, I could tell she didn’t want to dismount as the tip of my manhood pressed hard against that last remaining door.

I watched as Jessie’s breasts swayed by their weight as she effortlessly slid my cock into her blonde thatch. The difference was amazing. She was so wet and so receptive; a gelatinous ooze, warm and almost motherly. Whereas Ginger was smooth but restrictively tight and not a deep. I enjoyed both but in the end, it was Jessica that would continue to find the deepest delight in.

The pump had already been primed. Jessie’s final door opened at the same time I erupted. It was a first for us and I think it put Ginger on the sidelines as she watched and heard. We were lost and clinging desperately each other as the emotional explosion washed over us. Perhaps it was Ginger’s part, perhaps it was laying nude and making love out in a sunny nowhere, whatever the cause, I remained erect and continued to pound away until Jessie’s big one had her nails pressing hard into my back as she arched and cried and cursed till fell into a state of semi-conscious rapture, breathing as hard as I had ever heard her breath.

I smiled and winked at Ginger as Jessie’s limp body rested beneath me. She returned a curious smile.

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Daddy Please Marry Me

Peter was 38. He was divorced and lived alone. He had an eighteen-year-old daughter, Tammy, who he adored but didn't see very often. His wife had left when she was only four and had moved to another city. However, Tammy was going to visit for the entire summer break and Peter was looking forward to it. Peter waited at the gate to the airport for Tammy and she finally appeared and ran towards him. Rather than look happy Tammy burst into tears on reaching her father, then held Peter very tight...

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Maintenance Workout Candi Run

Zane took two steps at a time as he exited the underground station. Not that he was in a hurry. Today, he just had a spring in his step. Maybe it was his whistling that led to two police patrols stopping him and checking his credentials. Not that Zane minded. Nothing could ruin his good mood. The Bexter Commercial Tower was only four blocks away and Zane made it in record time. Slipping into the service entrance, Zane went straight to the service elevators. Today, he was lucky. It...

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Altered Fates Friday

Some of you will notice that this story is very much like several others I've written. That's because I like to mess with families, and I like Freaky Friday type stories. Both to read and to write. So, here's another one. Altered Fates: Friday By Morpheus Eric stormed up to his room, still annoyed at his Mom. He wasn't really angry her since he knew that she wasn't trying to be mean or anything, but he was still very annoyed that she didn't understand him and made no...

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1st night working at the Strip Club

My ex decided she wanted to work at the club. She was only going to waitress but had to dress sexy. She was 5'4, 110lbs red hair 36C tits. She decided she was going to wear her green corset a green thong and of course the matching thigh hi's attached to her garters and 6" green heels. She looked hot and left for work.She got home about 3am and still looked hot as hell. She sat on the bed and told me about her night. She said she had to see the owner first to get her outfit approved so she went...

1 year ago
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Earths CoreChapter 18 First Harvest

By dawn the storm had gradually passed. Zax and Fengar, after entering Demirva Ridge, kept running in the open till first rays of light. Any person, whether a cultivator or a regular human being, could feel the foreboding atmosphere of the ridge. Most disturbing was the absence of any type of life, not even the tiniest insect or even plants could be seen. “Luckily we haven’t met slumbering wraiths or other cultivators. If possible, I rather let someone be the first to validate the...

2 years ago
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Encounter with my first girlfriend

My first encounter was with my first girlfriend (she is still in my memories) our affair lasted very short. Once before our break up I went to meet her to her place (her city of residence). There she had big bungalow and they lived in joint family. We had long talks and she asked me to see her at night. We were in her house in her separate room. To describe her she is 5’4”, wheatish, long hair (one of my likings, especially they are waving around the cute buts), 36- 28-38. She was in her...

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I Broke My New Years Resolution Version A

I made a resolution to improve my finances. You see, I tend to make mistakes that do not help my finances. First of all, I do not balance my checkbook. Once I make a deposit, I glance at the receipt, and that’s all I do. Second, I tend to put almost everything on my credit card. That has worked well in the past, but I have only paid the minimum payment, and now I am near my credit limit. Also, I like buying the new gadgets all of the time. It makes me feel good to have all of the newest and...

3 years ago
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Celebrity Trainers Megan Fox

Disclaimer: This is fantasy. Fantasy is not real. Rape is wrong. I do not encourage rape or violence against women. This is part 1 of a multi-part series. Please feel free to comment rate and appreciate. Any suggestions and requests for this or any future story are welcomed. Please include your username in the emails so that I may answer you. If I do not answer you email, it’s likely due to a technological failure. Thank you and...

1 year ago
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The Bet Chapter 23

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 23 (Sunday - week 4) Her dreams were different this time. In a way, far more serious than they had ever been before - not that she would remember any of them though. She had dreamed many times before of love, but this time it was different. This time, in her dreams, she was in the arms of the man she loved. At least she loved him. And that was why she felt so distressed in her dreams, because she knew that the one she loved didn't return...

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Aunt Robyn

Robyn told John that her niece Amy was coming by for the weekend. John sighed, but Robyn told him that Amy was hawt, and liked to party, so who knows where this could go. John’s face lit up, he’d always wanted a 3-way, and hoped it would happen.Upon Amy’s arrival, she had an over night bag and a 4 month old black lab named Spunky. Amy hugged Robyn and Amy hugged John, as John awkwardly hugged this cute 20 something cutie. Robyn showed Amy to her room and John petted Scooter who seemed...

2 years ago
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A MILF and Two Young Punks

When you are eighteen years old and have a cock between your legs, you basically want to fuck everything that moves. Being young, dumb, and full of cum has a way of making you throw the normal thought process to the wind. But still, when you’re that young and have massive wet dreams every other night and wake up with a rock hard cock just screaming out “go rip the panties off of something and fuck her like a jackhammer!” , there are still things you just don’t normally think about. Things like...

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A Most Unusual RomanceChapter 8

I sipped my coffee as Zoe finished her story. She looked up the end of her admission and smiled at me, “So do you still want me with you on your grand road trip.” I laughed and muttered, “So long as you realize I’m going to blame you for all the wrong turns I make.” She smiled and sat back in her seat and gave a contented little burp. She shot me an embarrassed grin. “I take it that means you’re done?” She nodded. I paid our bill, and we headed out to check on the car. Zoe stopped me at...

3 years ago
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Cruise Ship Regeneration 2Chapter 2

The sexual enlightenment of a mother, son and tutor Part-2 Aron and Daniel, Ellie and Daniel 02.12 Aron and Daniel, Sexual Guidance: 02.13 Aron and Daniel, Mirror, Deepthroat: 02.14 Aron and Daniel, Mirror, The Mating: 02.15 Ellie, Daniel, A Programmed Encounter: 02.16 Ellie, Daniel, oil massage, Masturbation: 02.17 Daniel, Ellie, Oral Orgasm: 02.18 Ellie, Daniel, The Mating: 02.12 Aron, Daniel, Sexual Guidance: Aron had prepared the room while Daniel slept. The harness was...

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godess sarita 5 piercing

next morning it was all a mess mistress unlocked me I was dehydrated and pale I cleaned up myself it was time for goddess to go to work I preapered breakfast .. goddess finished breakfast and before leaving she told to kneel in doggy style a lubed butt plug was inserted she pumped it till I screamed .. I was commanded to get ready with the cloths on the bed and clean the whole hose and make food as her frnds would be coming over tonight..I went to the bed there was a red bra and red panties it...

1 year ago
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View From My Window

Copyright© 2001-2003 A sweetheart named Teresa Arden Went down on her beau in the garden. He said, "Good lord, Tess, Don't swallow that mess!" And she replied, "Ulp, beg your pardon?" "Turn your light off and get some sleep young man!" Gregory's mother had her head stuck in her son's bedroom doorway, and though she spoke harshly, she had a familiar gentle smile on her lips. It was the warm familiar 'game' she played as a 'mom'. "OK mom." Gregory put down his book and...

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The Businessman

The Businessmanby SpectreOfHellEven the most moral man can sometimes face a situation in which all that he believes about himself can be cast aside, allowing him to engage in the type of behavior he thought restricted to more profane people. That was the lesson Kyle Richardson learned on the day he interviewed for a replacement secretary. He wanted to believe there existed no situation that would have made him do what he did, and looking back on it he could find many factors that contributed...

2 years ago
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KristianaPart 2 Wilderness

The lodge owned a twelve passenger Mercedes van used for picking up guests and staff. I spotted the sign for the Glacier Aletsch Hotel almost immediately and headed for it. A family of five was there before me and the man with the sign was greeting them and checking them off a list. When he had shown them the way to the van, he turned to me. "You must be Richard," he smiled. "I am Jan Nordberg. Welcome." "Thank you. It's nice to meet you Mr. Nordberg." "Please, it is very informal...

4 years ago
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Becoming femme

Just a little interlude before I continue the storyWhile we were getting our stuff together to go to my place I happened to to remark that his his swimsuit looked a little like a girls bikini bottoms." That's because it is one" he replied " I have the top with me too .I'll put it on for you"I admitted to my self once he put it on that it looked really good.. gorgeous really"Well what do you think ,am I a pretty girl you think" I nodded,he smiledCan we stop off at my place before yours I need to...

2 years ago
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Naina Ki Seal Todi Pyar Se

Hi Indian sex stories readers. Sabhi khade laudo ka maal nikalne or pyaari chuto ko gila karne ke liye mai Pyara Prince haajir hu. Ye ek sachi kahani hai. Jise yakin ho kare na ho to koi bhi chut jab chahe mere saath is kahani ko repeat kar sakti hai. Mera mail id hai Ye kahani ek saal pehle ki hai jab me meeting ke liye Delhi se Mumbai gya tha. Hum ek paanch sitara hotel me ruke the or lagbhag wahan 55 log the jisme 3 ladki thi. Usme se ek ladki thi Naina joki delhi se hi saath me gayi thi....

3 years ago
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Shadow EscapeChapter 2

The walk back to the Clan Hall seemed oddly quiet after the loud question and answer session with the children. Although they had been quite disappointed to learn there never had been a real "Phoebe", I thought we discussed enough actual history to show that many more exciting things existed than one mythical bird. I directed the kids to the library and to the Guild masters with the rest of their questions. The Phoenix Garden was much as I had left it, with the possible glaring exception...

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Satay Ghatna Mausi Ki Nanad Ko Choda

Hello, Dosto main fir se vishal kolkata se ek satay ghatna laya hu pichli story mein pada hoga ke kaise maine aunty ka rape kiya kolkata females mail karna matt Chalo story sunno aur apna land hilao aur aunty chut mein ungli daal kar maal girao. Ye baat 9 feb 2016 ki hain main apne mousi ke ghar pune gaya tha meri mousi dekhne mein koi khas nhn lekin unki nanad ooo yaaro kya batau figure 38 ka chuchi gaand tho 50 hoga mast maal jaisa main sapno mein dekhta tha waise he khair main mousi ke...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Evelyn Claire Alexis Tae Book Club Of One

Alexis Tae is VERY excited as she opens her front door for Evelyn Claire, who is an esteemed author. Evelyn has arrived to read parts of her book for a book club and Alexis can hardly contain her excitement since she’s Evelyn’s biggest fan! But once Evelyn is led inside, she’s surprised to see that nobody else is in the room. Sheepishly, Alexis explains that she is the book club’s only member. She read online that there weren’t any restrictions about the size limit...

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Teasing Mum

Mark rolled out of bed, took his shower and dressed for work, all of which he managed to do while still half-asleep. He stumbled blindly to the kitchen where his Mum stood at the sink rinsing off a few of the morning's dishes. Helen was also in the process of getting ready for work, and was dressed in her usual business suit, skirt together with crisp white blouse. Her jacket was hung on a nearby chair. Unknown to James, under her skirt she wore black lace knickers and a pair of black silk...

3 years ago
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Gator Story 1

I love my job, and I make no bones about it. I enjoy my work. I travel all over the country- Canada included, scouting for talent, I get to sleep with beautiful women every day, as well as having a constant supply of pornographic videos and photos to keep me company when I'm not casting, I get to stay in some absolutely beautiful locations and dine with rich people. The freebies within the industry are pretty good. Expensive alcohol, cigars, drivers to take me wherever I want, disposable...

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Afternoon Alone Part Two

Later on that day. I had already showered and was watching television as Rachel went up for a shower herself. Within a few minutes I heard Rachel calling me. I walked to the bottom of the stairs and shouted up to see what she wanted however Rachel simply said “come here”. I didnt know what she would be wanting but I went up anyway to see. I knocked on the bathroom door and asked what was up however Rachel told me to come in. Why would be want me to come in I thought to myself as I slowly opened...

4 years ago
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Part 1 Country Western FUN in Vegas Angel had a

We were at home 1 night watching TV when the phone rang. I answered it to hear an old friend of Angels ask to speak to her. He was a Country Western star & band leader that Angel had met years before we met the 1st time when he was performing at a bar she was a cocktail waitress at then. He took a liking to her then & during a break he asked her to dance & after the show to a late dinner. Dinner then led to his room & more fun that night. Then he asked her to join his troupe...

3 years ago
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I Dominus Power

“Please, Gil? Pretty please? Say yes. She’s one of the most respected Dominatrices in the scene. It’ll be fun.” Ophelia begged as she slid off the couch and placed her head on my naked lap. I had just emerged from the shower and wore only a towel wrapped around my waist. Ophelia had asked if I would accompany her to a Fetish Night event. Mistress Nikita, a respected practitioner and bdsm educator, would be the guest speaker. Nikita was also the author of a well-regarded book called “The Art of...

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Sexual Experience With My College Friends

Hi friends, I am a regular reader of ISS and I was eagerly waiting when will my story be published. Please forgive my grammatical mistakes as I studied in a government school. Ok. First, let me introduce myself. I am a 22-year-old female with 34 size boobs. I am studying engineering final year in Tamil Nadu. And this story is about how I lost my virginity during my study leave. Exams dates were announced, and I had 10 days of study leave for my exams. As there is no one in my home, I planned...

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WTF Over

By Jax_Teller It had been a long couple of weeks working 18 hours a day with out so much as a day off. I pushed myself too long and hard with out a break. So being it was friday evening and the truck I was supposed to be driving broke down, I decided to take a night off. I went to the enlisted club on base and met up with some friends. I was drinking like I had before this last stretch of working and my alcohol tollerance was low so, I was getting drunk way faster than I intended....

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Dude in dresses, looking fine as heck, and being naughty as ever… I think that is the best way for me to describe what r/GoneWildCD/ is all about. Now, if you are interested, the name stands for ‘Gone Wild Crossdressers’, and that is exactly what you will see. There are hot crossdressers of all shapes and sizes doing all kinds of naughty things in their bedroom, in public, or wherever the fuck they want basically.To make this shit even better, is a free website with literally...

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