Two Lovers free porn video

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He awoke in his bed, naked, and restless, on a Sunday morning. He looked over, and saw Lucy sleeping naked, with her arms around him. Thoughts came to his head of how great the previous night was, but how morally wrong it was too. Step siblings are not supposed to have sex, even as they were both eighteen.

Their parents left them for the weekend, and resistance against her was useless. He looked at her five foot eight body, with her b-cup boobs, and brown hair. She was a loving, but seductive she devil. Tears were frequently used. Eventually, she woke up too, and leaned up.

"We can't keep doing this, Lucy," he told her.

"Well, we're not going to tell anyone. We agreed the first time we both woke up in the same bed we would keep it on the down low," she reminded him.

"I know, but this is wrong. We're stepbrother, and sister. I think we're officially out of the fling category, and into relationship territory. We can't do that, our parents will find out," he explained.

"We've been careful to make sure they don't find out. It's been six months now, and they don't have a clue," she replied.

She brought her lips to his, and said something for the first time.

"I love you, Paul," she told him.

What he thought was just confirmed. He couldn't say it back, but she knew he loved her too. In a matter of speaking, he was delaying the inevitable. As they were both in too far deep already. She wasn't going to press her luck, so she slowly got out of the bed, and got her clothes.

Before she left, she glanced at his six foot tall body, with brown hair, and he felt horrible. Over those six months, there were many sexual encounters. In the shower, both of their bedrooms, and even their parents bedroom a couple times. Ironically enough, the shower was where it all started.

On day one, Paul was in a relationship with someone else. The shower ran, as he stood there, and let the water hit him. He also had a sleepover with his girlfriend, and she was sleeping his room.

Lucy had caught them a few times having sex in the shower, and had even watched them a few times before. So Lucy knew there was a grand opportunity on the horizon, for really anyone that a had thing for him.

The first time she watched, it was a foreign, but pleasurable feeling. She just viewed it as porn, because they weren't actually related. A smeared look of his girlfriend sucking his cock was viewed by her, and her fingers went right between her pussy lips.

She could hear them over the water. The moans, and slurping sounds entered her ears, and just made her get hot. Some slightly heavy breathing happened, as her fingers, and panties became very wet.

She honestly was just curious to see the act, but it appeared to be much hotter than she ever imagined. She quickly, but quietly escaped, and a crush came upon her. After watching them a few more times, it became clear to her that she had to have him, whether he had a girlfriend, or not.

As their parents frequently left them alone, and his girlfriend was asleep, she took advantage of that opportunity. Lucy came to her door, as she naked, and her hand pushed it open. Quiet as a mouse, her feet move their way slowly to the bathroom.

As she knew he would assume it was his girlfriend, her hand landed on, and twisted the knob. She pulled the door towards her, and slowly went in. The door quietly shut, and she wanted to just stand there for a minute, and masturbate. Although, he still noticed movement.

When he knew someone was there, her feet moved right in front of the shower. With that clear shower door, you could still see movement, but smeared, so she knew he was about to open it.

"I thought you'd never get up," he mentioned just before he opened the door.

To his surprise, he found his stepsister standing there naked, glaring at him. Speechless for the first ten seconds, he looked at her from head to toe.

"Lucy, what are you doing?" he quickly pondered.

As her only thought of having him plagued her mind, she invited herself right in, and put her lips right onto his. Her arms went right around him, and made out with him. No fighting came at first, but after thirty seconds, he slowly pushed her away.

"Lucy, no," he said.

The words entered her ears, but the ones that entered her brain were, 'Yes, give me more.'. She came right back to him, and super glued their lips together. His sexual juices began to flow quickly, and he already had trouble resisting her.

From her sexy body to how she flaunted herself when the parents were out, she really always had him on a silver platter. His hands landed on her butt and brought her closer to him. Her boobs pressed on his chest and from one minute to another, he was hers.

After another five minutes of passionate making out, she lowered herself to her knees. She put her right hand onto his nine-inch cock, as his eyes stayed on her. She just did what she had to do to get him and it paid off as she took his cock in her mouth.

No protesting came, but joy did. A soft moan exited his mouth, as his hands arrived at the back of her head. The shower kept going, but her slit added to the wetness. She seemed to move from 'Dreamer' to being cocky.

She began thrusting her mouth, as she had seen it done on him many times before. She was more than willing to add her own mix to making the pleasure quite great. Her tongue quickly began to massage his cock as it rubbed on the bottom.

Not another word was spoken, but his movements and moans proved that he might have had a thing for her, too. His hands slowly pushed her head just a little bit further and she officially began to deep throat him.

That very well could be what won him overall, considering what happened next.

As it was a foreign concept for him too, and not ready for a sex session with his stepsister, he was ready to shoot his load. She felt him clench, and took his cock out, and let him squirt her boobs.

After a quick, but life fulfilling blow job, she stood up. They both wanted to look at each other, but couldn't. Before a word was said, the door opened.

"Hey you," his girlfriend said.

Lucy quickly went down, so she couldn't see her.

"I'm just about to get out, I'll see you back in my room," he told her.

"Okay, see you soon," she replied disappointingly.

She left, and shut the door. Lucy stood back, and put her lips back on his. After one more minute, she set the bait.

"Come to my room when she is gone if you want more," she whispered.

She grabbed a towel, and ran back to her room dripping wet. It wasn't her intention to invite him for more, but she wanted it, so she did it. As she was back in her room, she lost the towel and put herself on the bed.

After two hours and several masturbation sessions, her door opened at six in the evening. She found Paul standing there naked with a condom on, and holding his phone. There was a text on it that read 'We're gonna be back tomorrow. Love, mom.'.

"Jenna is gone, and we're all alone," he let her know, as he put the phone down, and walked towards her.

His body moved onto the bed with her, and became positioned right over her. No time was wasted, he just stuck his cock right into her slit.

"Oh," they both moaned.

His cock began thrusting slowly, and love was made. Even though she really could have baited him at any time, her appreciation meter sky rocketed.

"Yes, make love to me, Paul," she moaned.

His mouth opened, but no words made their way out. Curiosity made her wonder what happened with Jenna, but a special sex session was happening, and she didn't wanna spoil it. He was on his elbows, and his hands came to her head.

He felt it, and took her hair out of her eyes. They had been stepsiblings for two years by then and always been close, but her love struck first. As they made love, love was in their eyes. Except for her single line, no words were spoken.

For seconds at a time their lips were busy kissing too. She caressed his butt and he did the same to her boobs as well, pleasuring one another with their fingers too. Still with other body parts moving and being pleasured, both of them managed to keep their eyes right on each other.

Lucy wanted to tell him she loved him then, but feared it would be too much. Just feeling his long, thick cock in her slit was a very close second place prize. The closer he came to cumming, the closer every part of his body to hers,to where even his feet were on hers and all of his that touched the bed were his balls. His head came to her right shoulder and she felt his heart zooming. She gathered that he was about to cum and she wanted it.

His body got up off her and his cock aimed to the floor. Although at the last second her right hand came to his cockand had it cum right onto her tits. They both collapsed on the bed but they still didn't speak. They only made love again a few minutes later.

In fact, they had sex numerous times with very limited speaking. They went until about midnight, before any real talking took place.

"May I sleep with you tonight?" she pondered.

He nodded, and kissed her. The next morning for the first time, they awoke in the same bed. There were no regrets, but their minds were spinning. Not because of the act, but how morally wrong it was.

Their new sexual relationship was decided to be kept out of everyone's knowledge. After that, they began to see each other when they could, frequently sleeping with each other as their parents were always away.

One month into it, she found out that he never ended it with Jenna. They were having sex in the slide position, when Jenna just let herself in his room.

"What the fuck?" Jenna wondered.

There was no real explanation for it, he just wanted both women. Once he lost Jenna, he found himself feeling how wrong it was to be with Lucy. Luckily, she never told their parents about them.He became very reluctant to continue the sexual relationship.

Later that day, she found herself back at his door. She just let herself in and went to the bed he was already laying on.

"Please don't break up me, Paul. I love you, and you love me, even if you won't say it. Even if we had to pick between each other, and our parents, I would pick you. If they want to kick us out, it would worth it to me, because of how I feel about you," she pleaded.

A strong look came upon his face, and he looked at her.

"I think should at least slow it down. We're just having sex, and your backup plan is what exactly when they find out? We just get a studio apartment? Let's slow down, and eventually stop before we get too far down," he explained.

"We love each other, we're already too far down," she said with tears in her eyes.

"I'm not saying that should end it soon, but eventually," he replied.

She was not going to let him just begin to put nails in the coffin. She had to fight fire with fire. She left crying. He remained strong and didn't cave.

A week later, a plan was formulated in her head and she sprung it into action. She arrived at his door and walked in there, as he was playing with his phone.

"Hey you," she said, as she walked towards the bed.

"Hey," he replied, not moving his eyes.

"Our parents left again, and said they wouldn't be back until tomorrow," she mentioned, as there was a few feet in between her, and the bed.

"Okay," he replied.

She removed her shorts and got on the bed with him.

"We're trying to cut down that, remember?" he pondered.

"I know, but making love to me one extra time won't hurt," she told him.

He was still uninterested, so she pulled out the big guns. Her shirt came off, and she wasn't wearing a bra.

"I know you want me, and love me. No matter how much you fight me on this, it won't do any good," she let him know.

She took his hand, and put it right on her right tit. As history repeated itself, he gave in. He let her kiss him and then his face went to her tits. His tongue landed on her right nipple and her hands made the trip to his head.

A grin appeared, as she had him in the palm of her hand again. The sweet pleasure was enjoyed and he even took off her panties as his tongue remained busy.

"I told you. I know you think this is too much, but you still want it," she mentioned.

A minute later, he pulled her on top of him, and she leaned up so her tits were right above his face. His tongue went on a nipple licking workout, as it went to both of her nipples multiple times. Pussy juice was slowly oozing out, and she was felt anxious again to get his clothes off too. She always took pride in knowing how she could get his cock so hard, just by being his sexy stepsister. He laid down on his back and she turned her body. Her tits were still over his face, but her head was towards his stomach.

Her hands reached over towards his crotch, and made sure his cock would come out to play. Her hand stroked it slowly and made it rock hard. As his cock was locked and loaded, he forced her onto her back.

"Oh, feisty," she said.

He bolted right down to her wet pussy and dove in face first. A deep breath was taken in for preparation for the ride she was about to take. His fingers entered her slit and spread out those wet lips.

His tongue entered as her body tingled and he removed his fingers. It went in shallow at first, but just to get her started. Her motor was running, but he was cocky. He frequently got it going into overdrive before he would make love to her.

It went in a little deeper and her entire body went down. His tongue seemed to suck in her energy and any movement from her just made her less pleasure. All she could do was lie there holding still and take all the pleasure she could take.

"Yes, my wonderful lover," she moaned.

His fingers began to thrust in her slit, as he looked at her, with lusty, and loving eyes. He looked at her naked body and realized that she was his life. There was no turning back. A kiss was blown her way and one came right back at him.

Then his face went right back to her slit, only this time he was out to make her cum. His tongue went in very deep and her voice box got quite a workout.

"Fuck!!" she screamed.

With two fingers and his tongue pleasuring her, the tables had turned. He had her just where he wanted her: screaming, and moaning his name. Still just laying there frozen, except for her head.

"Paul, Paul, I love you, Paul!" she screamed.

His tongue acted his weapon for her to have an explosive orgasm. The love was her weakness to hold out, because of that she splattered him like a waterfall before she knew it.

"Oh, Paul!" she screamed.

Even as his face was covered in cum, he was not done with his step sister. His feet got up off the bed and his hand came out. Her hand came to his and she came up with him.

"You are trouble, Lucy, but I love you that way," he let her know.

His lips kissed her's once, and he his hands pushed her back onto the bed. His eyes went to her legs and he grabbed them. She was pulled closer and his cock entered her slit. Then her legs went north with her knees on his shoulders and bent behind him.

Her arms stayed on the bed and his cock began thrusting once again as his hands supported her being on her butt. Their eyes glared towards each other. A starring contest began and as they were both being pleasured, it was anyone's game.

"Don't ever leave me, Paul. I don't know what I'd do without you," she let him know.

"I won't," he told her.

"Please cum inside me, and knock me up," she pleaded.

They both knew he wanted to say no, but that wasn't an option. For the first time in their sexual relationship, tears were shed by Paul. He knew deep down he was willing to sacrifice his plans for her, to do what he had to keep her around with him.

"I love you, Lucy," he made sure she knew.

His cock began thrusting as hard as it could in that position. The bed shook and his pulsing cock made her slit leak. It acted as a perfect lube and, considering how big his cock was, it was just what her pussy ordered.

"Go faster, Paul. Make my pussy sore," she ordered.

The desire to pound her just became a little more than he could chew. An overdose of pleasureTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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The picture belongs to SprinklePoo: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'I love you so much.' I couldn't make those words come out, no matter how much I wanted to tell both of them. As if reading my mind, she slowed and, over the course of what could have been centuries for all I knew, she pulled herself out of me, but then continued to gently press herself against me with just enough pressure to almost slip back inside. The delicate...

3 years ago
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GENTLEMEN’S CLUB RENDEVOUZNOT BASED ON A TRUE STORY IT IS FICTIONOne day, I woke up from a sexy dream and said to myself there is something that I want to do out the ordinary that no one would have never thought that I would never do. That fantasy is to visit a high-end gentlemen’s club in mid-downtown DC‘s business district. I have always been this ‘good girl’ always expect to do the right thing and follow the rules. Some say that I am somewhat prudish and on a conservative side. I want to...

2 years ago
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Controlled Lovers

All rights reserved by Author Edited by my friend, takemedown This story is from the imagination of tcs1963. It contains Bisexuality, light Femdom, some may even say coerced or forced Homosexuality. If this offends or doesn't interest you, please feel free to find another story. Thank you... Controlled Lovers I was late coming home from work. As I entered our house I noticed the living room was dark. The only light coming from the flickering embers burning in the hearth. Shadows were...

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Same Day Lovers

It was a regular Monday, nothing much to fuss about. The summer day was warm and subtle. I was expecting the boyfriend. He arrived at 12 PM or so in his wife beater and some tore up jeans. We chatted for a minute and then it was on, as usual. He began to rub my pussy until I became really wet. He already knows the secret to my pussy is just rub! I'm like the magic lamp of sex. Rub me a few times and you can bet you were going to get laid. Minutes passed and I was nude on my bed....

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4 Curious College Girls Ch3 Not So Secret Lovers

By John Morrison/anonymous Creator of “The Adventures of John and Holly” Chapter 3: Not So Secret Lovers Cynthia unlocked the door to the suite, entering the darkened living room. She was wearing a tight blouse that attempted to show off her B cup breasts. Her curly shoulder length blonde hair was all done up, and her long athletic legs were being shown off by her tight short skirt. Julie walked in just behind her, the pair just returning...

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Internet Lovers

Red Roses x: okay my love 5.30PM I will be waiting, Mwah… That was the message we parted on, I turned the computer off and rushed upstairs to get ready, I could not believe it I was going to see my love for the first time and have an evening together, what was I thinking? Oh, I know what I was thinking? I put on my jeans and boots and a jumper thinking its going to be cold where we are going, then brushed my hair and looked in the mirror, smiled at myself and left the room heading down the...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Lovers

Starlight and candlelight gave warmth to the night as nobles and royalty danced intricately choreographed dances to the soft sighs of strings and the rolling trills of woodwinds. In the flickering light, priceless jewels shone darkly against powdered white skin. Brightly colored dresses that billow from tightly laced waists swirl gracefully as those who wear them are twirled around by their partners in the elegant courtyard. The air is heady with the scents of many different perfumes mingling...

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How my Mother and I Became Lovers

I've decided to tell you the story of how my mother and I became lovers. My promise is, I'll stay truthful to what really happened but I'll take some liberties here or there (hopefully to not bore you with the details). This is my way of expressing myself, to put it in writing and release it anonymously; I can't exactly go out in good company and tell them I've fucked my mother. It started in 2010 when I was 16. My parents marriage was not going well. My father George ran a huge construction...

2 years ago
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My New Lovers

While reading a spanking story on lush one night I became so turned on by it that I couldn’t help but run my hand down my stomach and slide my hand into my lace underwear. I was freshly shaven after my shower and my fingers felt amazing rubbing my warm and moist lips. After rubbing my fingers around my slit a few times I slowly pushed in one, then two fingers. I shoved them in a few times before becoming a little frustrated. I reached for my hidden vibrator before remembering I hadn’t gotten...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Lovers

Starlight and candlelight gave warmth to the night as nobles and royalty danced intricately choreographed dances to the soft sighs of strings and the rolling trills of woodwinds. In the flickering light, priceless jewels shone darkly against powdered white skin. Brightly colored dresses that billow from tightly laced waists swirl gracefully as those who wear them are twirled around by their partners in the elegant courtyard. The air is heady with the scents of many different perfumes mingling...

Straight Sex
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LimitsChapter 32 At School d Shower Lovers

Katie's unfiltered passion and, yes, constant nudity had finally become too much for Meredith's self-control. She barged out of her meeting with Gwen and Jordan and found the blue-eyed nymph patiently waiting in the hallway, oblivious to all of the leers and stares from the unaffected. Meredith rushed up to her former friend-turned slave and kissed her wetly as she held her flawless face with both hands. Katie moaned and hungrily returned the emotion as her hands slipped over Meredith's...

1 year ago
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Lauren gets two new lesbian lovers

"Can i stop yours tonight?" asked Lauren "Yeah sure, my parents are away" replied Jess "Great i'll see you about 6?" said Lauren "Yeah but i hope you don't mind Katies stopping the night too." said Jess "Thats fine, see you later" said Lauren 6 o clock came. The doorbell rang. Lauren was greeted by Jess and Katie, who were giggling and stumbling around. "Your drunk" said Lauren, hardly shocked. "Yeah, grab a drink" said Jess, filled with enthusiasm. Jess' mum had left the alcohol cupboard...

1 year ago
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BBS Lovers

The BBS lovers wrote back and forth to each other, til they both had enough of writing letters. Both were married but not to each other. They lived over 1500 miles apart. They both wrote to each other asking if they could meet. They both came upon an agreement and meet halfway. He landed at his halfway point on Friday late afternoon, waiting for his lovers plane to land. When it was for the plane he got all nervous and excited. He heard them announce on the loud speaker that the plane was...

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James Is Stunned How Anne Has More Lovers

James knew and agreed in writing when he married Anne .It's the 1970's. "Sexual freedom" "Women's Lib." He signed an agreement to share her with other men. She has an overactive libido. She had sex with boys in grade school and high school, and college. Recently while he was gone for a few days, he learned that Anne and her friend Carol had fucked a lot of guys. James and Anne have been married 2 years. They dated in college. Both are in their early twenties. Anne was always honest with James...

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In The Cover Of The Clovers

"The Devil made me do it." Have you ever heard anyone say that? You're probably thinking whoever said that is just using that as an excuse to get out of trouble. You could be right, but on the other hand... it could be I really did make them do it. That's right, I'm the one and only Devil. Pleased to meet you, by the way. I would shake your hand, but, you know, the Corona virus thing. Being the Prince Of Darkness doesn't mean I have to have bad manners. Good manners or not, I've been...

Mind Control
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Walk like a man A story of the Apolloverse

James William Casey did not know what happened. All he knew was that he went to bed one night with his wife in the two storey suburban home and woke up in Point Place Mercy General hospital's intermediate care ward. The machines beeped and their sensors felt strange on James' now enlarged and bulbous chest. Carolynne, James' wife stood in the room and looked at him. She clutched at the wad of Kleenex in her hand and listened as the dr. whispered to her. When he stopped talking,...

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Lovers Lab! What’s the best part of playing video games on PC? Is it the incredibly immersive graphics that you display on your 8k monitor? Is it the complex storylines and narrative of your favorite characters? Is it the supreme performance that only a $5000 beast of a machine could accomplish? Fuck no. None of that shit is the best part of a glorious PC experience. It’s the sexy ass mods. I’m talking xrays, nudes, fuckable NPCs, giant titty mods, and all that awesome shit. You can’t do that...

Free Sex Games
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InterracialSexx, also known as Brotha Lovers, has a blurb out on their tour page saying they’re “Celebrating our 20th year as the best interracial sex site on the web!” As a guy who spends most of his waking day fap testing free tubes, sex forums and premium porn sites, I’m used to seeing that type of big-dick bragging just about everywhere. Everybody’s always claiming to be the biggest or the best at something, but in this case, the site’s longevity does speak to the quality of their content....

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
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Another meeting of weblovers

Kelly nervously watched the occasional care drive by as she stood outside the hotel waiting. A few moments passed before Alan came out. ‘I got the key, we’re good until morning’ He said, putting his wallet away. It had been four weeks since they last met up, and both were eager to repeat the events of that day. But they also wanted to try something else too. ‘What room number are we?’ Kelly asked as she fiddled with her cellphone. ‘8’ Alan said, eager to get inside. ‘So, we’ve got about an...

Group Sex
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Sylvia and Rosalie are lovers

Rosalie Blankenship was the sweetest lover. She was used to being submissive sexually (but not any other way) to her big husband. For the first time since I had been having sex with women, I found a lover who was on the same plane as me. She didn't want to be a dom for me, and she helped me understand that there were other roles I could play with her besides being her sex slave. When she was holding me, I noticed how strong she was, her neck and arms and shoulders and back."I'm a drummer,...

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Written by one of my wifes lovers

Your wife is now with superior man. You, are but a caretakerof her soft flesh, serving first me, then her, obeying our every wish and whim. she has chosen this because you, are a snail of a man, an unfit partner for any female. By her word, you, you will never have sex with her again, never feel her silky skin against you, never deposit your pathetic squirt of semen inside her. Now all these things will be done by other men, men worthy of her voracious appetite to be used as a purely sexual...

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One between Two Lovers

----------------- Max was there just watching tv and I was doing what I do best, what I enjoy so very much. On the tube was some paid actress riding on a dick, giving such loud moans and all sorts of crass language, telling us how much she loves being the dumb whore she plays on screen. Right now I was that dumb whore in my own special way, sucking my best friend's dick. I'm called Joey but also called Sarah by my two best friends because I'm their 'girl'. I'm not really a girl...

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The Dog Lovers

The Dog Lovers by Author Unknown Chapter 1 The big German shepherd panted, as if grinning, up at the tall, curvaceous girl with the long, ash-blonde hair, and whimpered in excitement when she reached down and petted his great head. She smiled, revealing a perfect set of even white teeth, oohed a pet phrase at him, then directed her attention to the attractive brunette standing in the apartment doorway. "Has he been a good dog today, Peggy?" Carol Dorsett...

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Old Friends New Lovers

“Boy, have you ever changed! A couple of months ago you would flirt with our friends with no intentions of letting it get out of hand. Now you’re lining up people you’d like to fuck!” I thought about how when we visit Michael & Kathy, we always end up in their hot tub naked. Michael waits until just after dinner and says “Let’s get naked and jump in the tub!” He likes to sit next to Bonnie and check out her tits and bare pussy. He never fails to say “Kathy, I think you should shave yours...

2 years ago
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Old Friends New Lovers

Introduction: Wife swapping tale . . . Each year we take a sailing trip with our friends Michael and Kathy. Weve been friends since our college days. Bonnie talked about trying to seduce them. She new that Michael was a real horn dog, Kathy says he fucks her every day. And she says that Kathy thinks I am attractive. Boy, have you ever changed! A couple of months ago you would flirt with our friends with no intentions of letting it get out of hand. Now youre lining up people youd like to fuck!...

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Class Reunion My Two Lovers

I went to my high school’s 25th reunion expecting nothing. I was recently divorced and figured I might as well get out of the house, enjoy a trip, have a few laughs. And ended up at a table with two women that had, long ago, been a part of my teenage fantasy life. By the end of the weekend, adult reality turned out to be even more interesting than my adolescent fantasies.One of my old classmates was Beth, a girl I had dated a few times my senior year. I had some very fond memories of goodnight...

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Apocalyptic Lovers

Lover at World’s EndSex, Apocalypse & Me!How it happened, what started it and why were some of the many questions asked by the billions dead. Seven days it took for the world to become a horror show where every day was like the last!Some had joined the newcomers willingly, some through desperation and many from the fear of opposing their rule. The cities were theirs and yours if you accepted their draconian law, but conditions were not humane, or human!I lived in the wastes, areas outside...

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wives and lovers

wives and loversMary giggled like a schoolgirl as she made her wobbly way back to the car. The young man with the close crop hair she danced with was helping steer her to me. She tried to kiss him but he held her at arms length saying. “Whoa there sweetie, can’t be doing that here.”He got her as far as the the trunk of the car and disappeared into the night. Mary slid into her seat, leaned over and kissed me. A warm sloppy kiss that left a salty taste in my mouth.“There. She said. I did it and...

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