- 4 years ago
- 22
- 0
Chapter 1.
His footsteps echoed through the uninstalled halls of the Art Gallery as he walked towards the showing room. It was quiet. It was hard to believe that just a few hours ago, this place was buzzing with people for the unveiling of a new collection. In this collection was his target. A painting estimated to be about 70 years old from an unknown artist. The gallery purchased it for 60 million and would probably pay double to get it back. Which is why he knew she’d be after it.
After interrogating security guards, who told him that is was all quiet inside, he was positive she was there.
‘You’re a homicide detective. Why are you patrolling for an art thief?’ One of them asked.
‘Because she killed my partner.’
Her name was Tess Reims. She was a thief who’s been robbing galleries and museums for 2 years now.
No one had ever caught her, and she’d been non-violent until 3 weeks earlier when she was involved in the death of 2 officers and one Detective. His partner. His Best friend. Now, he was set on revenge, and he had to find her.
Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind him. He stopped and looked, but there was no one there. Positive that someone was still following, he hurried around the next bend and stood waiting.
As he peered out to the hallway to see if someone was coming, he felt someone tap he shoulder. He looked around just to be punched in the nose.
‘Ow, Fuck!’ he screamed in pain. He had gotten a good look at his attacker. It was her.
‘What the fuck are you doing?!’ He asked, still holding his nose.
‘Can’t have you getting in the way, Ash.’
‘How the hell does she know my name?’ he thought.
Before he had time to retort, she threw another punch at him. This time, he blocked and grabbed her wrist. She tried to pull away, but he gripped tighter.
‘Don’t even try,’ he said glaring at her.
She tried to knee him in the balls but he blocked and punched her in the stomach. He released her roughly and she stumbled backwards, coughing.
‘I thought you were smarter than to show up here.’ He said.
‘What, you didn’t think I’d leave you, did you?’
They circled each other, waiting for the other one to strike.
‘Why’d you kill those men?’ He asked.
‘I didn’t kill anybody.’
She tried to hit him again, but he grabbed her and enclosed her in his strong arms so she couldn’t move.
‘Damn!’ She hissed as she jerked and tried to pull away.
‘Hey now, no need to get feisty,’ he said looking down at her.
Compared to him, she was on the smaller side. She was about 5’5, which made her feel small pressed up against his 6’2 frame. Her long, dark, wavy hair was pulled back in a ponytail, with her shorter strands framing her face. Her thick thighs and hips curved up to her small waist and her full , soft breasts, that were pressed up against his chest. He wasn’t gonna deny, he loved the feeling. But the most mesmerizing were her eyes. They were big, with long thick lashes and were dark. Sparkly, but dark as night.
She scowled up at him as he gazed at her face. He scanned it, noticing she had a few faded freckles. His eyes moved down to her lips which were parted from her panting.
Without even thinking, he leaned in to kiss her.
‘Hey, what are you-‘ he cut her off by planting his lips on hers. She stopped fighting and moaned into his mouth as his tongue probed hers.
Her cheeks flushed, and she felt warm pressed against him.
Lost in the moment, he loosened his grip on her.
‘Idiot.’ She thought.
Before he could even come back to reality, she slipped one arm out of his grasp, reached behind her and pulled out his handcuffs, closed one on his wrist and cuffed him to one of the pipes running along the ceiling.
Chapter 2.
I pull at my handcuffed wrist with my free hand.
‘Damn succubus,’ I think to myself.
I look over at her. She’s grinning like a cheshire cat. She’s smart enough to stand out of my reach.
‘Oh, is this what you’re in to?’ I ask her.
I reach for my gun. Not there.
I hear her laugh. Fuck. Even her laugh’s adorable.
‘Looking for this?’ She holds up my gun.
Damn. She must’ve swiped it while I was holding her.
I jerk my cuffed hand harder, and hear her laugh again.
‘This fun for you?’ I ask.
‘Only because you tongued me.’
‘You’re not mad about that, are you?’ I say with a laugh.
‘Yes! But we can deal with that later. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a painting to collect before the cops show up.’
‘Don’t touch that fucking painting, Tess.’
‘Try and stop me.’
She aims my gun at me and fires.
I bite back a scream as the bullet tears through my shoulder.
‘You bitch,’ I say, passing out.
I woke up a few hours later, tied to a chair. I blink a couple times and realize where I am, with the pain coming back. I’m in the middle of the show room.
‘What th-‘ I start to say to myself, and then I realize the empty spot where the painting was. Damn it. Then I hear footsteps behind me.
‘Cops will be here in 20 minutes.’
I recognize that voice…How can something so sweet be so evil?
‘You think you’re gonna get away this time?’ I ask.
‘I know I’m going to.’
She walks around front of me a bends over so we’re eye to eye.
All I’m really focusing on is the view of her tits she’s giving me.
‘You know Ash, I really hope one day we can move past all this.’
I glare at her. She won. This time.
Police sirens wail in the distance. She looks to the window, then back at me. Gah, I love those eyes…
She places her hand in my hair and kisses me. When she’s finished, she pulls my hair and I say,
‘I’m gonna find you.’ I say, giving her a look that says ‘I want to fuck you.’
‘Goodbye, Asher.’
‘Oh I can’t wait till I get my hands on you.’ I tilt my head sideways. ‘And in you.’
Now she’s pissed. She hits me in my wound and I pass out again.
For weeks I’ve searched. Every database, every computer I know of and found nothing. Apparently Tess Reims is a cover. Smart girl. I’ve spent hours sitting in front of a computer searching for anything that might lead me to her. I think I’m losing my mind. Why am I so obsessed with this girl? I need to get out. I haven’t had sex in weeks.
Finally, I find a Tess Reims in and old foster home record. It’s her. Younger, but it’s her.
Only problem is, her records state that she died 8 years ago when she was 15.
I look for birth records. She was born Eleanor Winters, but her foster parents changed her name.
It didn’t take me long to find out where she lives.
Chapter 3.
I walk into my apartment, closing and locking the door behind me. I go to the living room, kicking off my shoes and tossing my bag on the couch. I turn around to go to the kitchen, when I notice the window is open. I feel a breeze on my skin and I shiver. pretending not to notice, I walk
to my fridge and open the freezer. I quickly pull out my 45. and turn around, cocking it and pointing it at him. Asher Vasquez. He stands still, Cool as a cucumber. He’s smirking at me.
‘Found you.’ He says. ‘Have a good day?
‘What the hell are you doing here?’ I ask.
‘Now Eleanor, is that any way to treat a guest?’ He says walking to my counter, rifling through the mail.
Crap. He knows my name.
‘It’s Ella.’
‘Hm. I like that.’ He says turning around to look at me.
‘Don’t move.’ I say, trying to sound stern.
He leans against the counter, folding his arms across his chest.
‘How was your hospital stay?’ I ask him.
‘Wonderful. I’ve been meaning to pay you back for shootin
g me.’
‘What the hell does that mean?’
He doesn’t reply, he just shakes his head back and forth.
‘Why’d you kill a cop, Ella? Why now after all this time?’
‘I didn’t kill anyone.’
‘That’s not what our witness says.’
‘Find a new one.’
He stands up and walks towards me. Slowly.
‘Why are you still moving?’ I ask.
‘Cause I don’t think you have it in you.’
‘Try me.’
He pauses for a moment.
‘I don’t really wanna play games with you all day, Ella.’
‘Then what do you want?’
He walks towards me again. This time, a smirk forms on his face. Damn, he’s cute! Why are the cute ones always assholes?
I squeeze the trigger.
*click click click*
He pretends to look shocked, and places his hand on his heart before chuckling.
‘Looking for this?’ He says, pulling my clip out his pocket.
Shit. I toss my gun on the floor as he starts walking towards me again.
‘Ash,’ I say quietly as he stalks towards me. I swallow hard as he backs me up against the counter. I have nothing to do but look up at him. Not a bad view.
I stare up at his eyes. They’re the most beautiful shade of blue I’ve ever seen. Almost like cobalt, they contrast well with his tan skin.
My heart starts to beat faster as he takes my hoodie’s zipper and pulls it down a few inches. I’m glaring at him now, trying not to let him see through me. I don’t think its working.
We stare into each others eyes for what seems like an eternity. I refuse to break first.
‘What are you doing?’ I almost whisper.
He smirks and leans in to whisper in my ear.
Oh. Heat flushes through my entire body.
Before I can even process what he’s doing, he grips my waist and sets me on the counter like I’m nothing.
I whimper as he places his hands on my thighs and spreads them, moving close into me.
Fuck. Why is this turning me on?
My heart’s pounding now, and my breathing’s fast.
He moves his hands up my thighs to my hips, and up my sides, curving with my waist. He’s giving me that look again. The one that says, ‘I want to fuck you.’ And I think I’m gonna let him.
Moving one hand down to my hip again, the other reaches up to my collar bone, where he traces the scar I have there with his index finger, before moving it to my face where he brushes my hair out of my eyes. He looks me in the eyes, he seems almost mesmerized, but I can see desire burning in his blue ones.
His hand cups my face and pulls me in for a kiss. I close my eyes, but he pauses right before his lips reach mine. I open my eyes and see him searching my face. He looks me in the eyes before almost smiling.
Just as I’m about to demand his mouth, he plants it on mine.
We’re deep in the middle of a passionate kiss, and I place my hand on his chest, and slide it up to the back of his neck and lace it in his thick, dark hair. He kisses me deeper and I pull his hair , forcing him closer to me. He doesn’t seem to notice or care as he lowers his hands from my face to explore my body. Down my shoulders, over my breasts, to my sides, all the way down to my thighs. I feel myself start to get wet as he touches me.
He’s acting like he’s in control, but he’s really just waiting for me to give him the green light.
He stops kissing me and looks at me. I look back at him, narrowing my eyes.
‘You’re not wimping out on me, are you?’ I say, breathing hard.
He says nothing as he pulls me into him and lifts me off the counter. I wrap my legs around him and kiss him as he carries me down the hall to my bedroom.
He breaks our kiss and gently sets me down in front of the door.
Dammit! He planned this. How else would he know which door was my room? Too bad I don’t care right now.
Without looking away from him, I reach behind me and turn the knob. I push the door open and walk backwards towards my bed. Good thing I cleaned in here yesterday. He walks with me, pulling my zipper down all the way this time, he brushes it off my shoulders. I grip the hem of his shirt and start pushing it up his body, revealing his abs. Without taking his eyes off mine, he reaches behind his back and pulls it off, right as we reach my king sized bed. Just as I was going to reach for his belt buckle, he reaches down and unbuttons my shorts, and pushes them down my legs.
I can tell he’s getting hard now, which is probably why he’s moving faster.
His eyes are burning holes in mine as he pulls my tank top over my head.
He kisses me again as he reaches into my black lace panties. He smirks when he feels how wet I am, and pushes me down onto my bed. He hovers over me, his knees on either side of my hips.
I close my eyes as he kisses me, and I feel him rummaging around in his pocket. He moves his arm up and slams something on the bedside table. Damn, he’s wound up. He moves his mouth down to my breasts, kissing as he goes.
I look over at his hand now gripping the table. I see what he’s holding. Condoms. OOooh. I wrack my brain trying to remember how I’m doing with my pill. Ding! I remember taking it this morning.
I place my hand on his upper arm. I haven’t felt how hard they are yet. woah.
He stops his relentless assault on my chest and looks at me.
‘We’re good,’ I say glancing at his hand.
He grins at me. What a little asshole. He leans back down and kisses my mouth. He reaches behind my back to unclasp my bra but I stop him.
‘Ah, ah, ah.’
He stops kissing me and looks at me like a child looks at you when you take their toy away.
‘Not yet.’ I say giving him a smug grin.
Well that did it.
He grips at my panties and starts sliding them down my legs.
The bulge in his pants is rock hard now as he runs a finger down my slit.
I moan with pleasure as he lightly grazes my already hard clit. My eyes are closed and I bite my lip as he dips down into my wetness, dragging it up my slit to make slow circles around it.
Shit, he’s good at this.
I gasp as he moves his hand and plunges his finger inside me, his thumb rubbing my clit. He starts to move it in and out of me, massaging my walls as he goes.
I can feel it start to build inside of me, and he pushes in a second finger into my pussy.
‘Uhh, uhh, uhmm…’
My pussy stretches around his fingers, resisting the pressure…I can only imagine what his dick is going to do to me.
His fingers push deeper in me and I feel my climax building.
He rubs my throbbing clit harder and I’m about to burst.
I’m practically screaming my moans now along with his name as he says,
‘Look at me, Eleanor. I wanna see those eyes when you come.’
I love the way he says my name. His words are my undoing and I come crashing down around him, screaming his name.
I’m still panting as he starts undoing his belt. I regain some composure and I start to assist him.
As we pull his jeans down, I see for the first time how big he is, his length straining against his boxers.
I reach inside and wrap my hand around it.
This time it’s him moaning as I prep him for my body. I let go and start pulling his boxers down.
He reaches behind my back again and this time I let him unhook my bra. He takes it off and tosses it to the side. My hands are now free as his cock lines up at my entrance. I rake my fingers through his hair.
I gasp as he rubs it up and down my slit. I’m still so sensitive.
‘Tell me what you want, Ella.’
At this point, I’m not really sure. I think I’d rather go eat something and take a bath, but seeing how he just gave me one of the most mind blowing orgasms I’ll probably ever have, I’ll o
‘I want you inside me.’ I half moan, half whisper it as I say it.
I can feel him smirk and then suddenly push inside me.
He feels so good as he pushes past my entrance, my walls gripping him as he forces my dripping wet pussy to open for him.
I feel so tight, so full as he pushes deeper inside me, testing my limits. The feeling is delicious. Stretching, filling, perfect. I take it back. I definitely want this.
I moan his name again as he presses against my cervix and keeps pushing.
He’s so cute when he moans.
He stops moving as soon as he’s all the way in, letting me acclimatize to his size.
I’ve never felt so full before.
He soon starts moving again. Pumping in and out, sweet and slow. But that’s not enough, because soon he starts thrusting faster. Harder. I love the way it feels.
Soon, the repetitive motion on my g-spot has me building again.
I tangle my fingers in his hair and press is face into my chest.
He moves even faster and I’m coming apart at the seams.
‘God, yes!’
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The Castle of Stromgard was busy as usual. At the castle courtyard, soldiers stood in rows, responding to commands from their trainers. Sound of metal clashing and heavy boots thumping on the ground filled the air. The instructors drilled the soldiers vigorously, yelling and screaming all the time, and were quickly answered with the same intensity. For most people, they found the environment noisy and annoying, for the sound could be heard throughout the city beneath the palace gate. For...
‘I do like you looking after me and bringing me tea in bed, and your definitely going to do so in the future.’ Pippa was half smiling up at me as she sat in bed. After I had knocked and brought in the tea, and she had asked me to just wait a moment, while she sat up so that she could take it without spilling it. I stood there like a servant. Waiting while she sipped the tea. I could feel it… more games.. Pippa glanced over.. ‘Does it make you feel good being told to bring me tea in bed?’ I...
I had more or less expected her to continue, but she got off me, kissed my belly lightly, and went to mix another two Gins. Then she shed her negligee and sat down on her chair. She was a lovely sight. She had never before been very comfortable, being naked around the house. Now she openly displayed all her beauties, which were enhanced by her relaxed and satisfied movements. Her happy smile gradually turned off and was replaced by an annoyed expression. "What's on your mind? You don't...
Hi, I’m Raju. This is my first story submitting to ISS. I like the incest very much, so here is my story of my first incest edition. This story is purely fictitious and based on my imagination. My family consists of four members, mom, elder sister Sahana, myself Raju and younger sister Shilpa. My father passed away recently due to heart attack. My father occupation was agriculture and it is our main source of income. We have some land and we cultivate seasonal crops. My mom is tailoring...
IncestJack had decided upon a real razor today instead of electric one. It was the day before Christmas and there was some nostalgia in the air. Sure, he had an electric razor, but there was no romance in using this droning device, especially on such a special occasion. When the kids were still at home and it was oh so many years ago and Jack was still much younger, still before the war and even afterwards, he was preparing for his early Sunday morning ritual in the kitchen before church. ...
Friday Afternoon I came home from work to find my wife upstairs in our bedroom, where she was sitting cross-legged with her laptop on the bed in front of her. I smiled as I entered the room. It was unusual for my wife to be sitting here instead of the living room downstairs. “I want to be her,” my wife said, motioning to the screen of her laptop. I frowned a little as I took off my coat. This was an unusual statement for my wife to make, as she is very attractive and doesn’t normally have...
ExhibitionismIntro (a blues, just a random blues)The fat lady dances like a spinning topand everyone falls in love with herThe fat lady dances like a spinning topshowing her surgical steel smileThe fat lady dances like a spinning topdespite of the needle-like high-heeled shoes she wearsThe vile thief grins, shows two lines of rusty saw bladesLeans his head, winks an eye —and that implies too many things—,causes loathingSlides his black tongue between his teeth, a waitress have the urge to pukeFrom the vile...
I heard about this park near my home where men gather to engage in nameless gay sex, so I summoned up my courage and headed there last Tuesday. My name is Tim. I am married and anyone who knows me would say I am the straightest man they know. I am not attracted to men, but very attracted to gay sex. I just love seeing naked men from the waist down. I enjoy taking a penis in my hand, stroking it, then kissing the tip and when it's hard, opening my mouth and taking it deep down my throat. Back to...
Gay MaleThe Dizyntk Grand Imperium would be regarded, in human terms, as a true monarchy. Although in structure it is an unusual one. There are actually three monarchs. The fourteen star systems that make up the Imperium are divided into three groups. These are the Imperial Star Cluster, the Second Star Cluster and the Third Star Cluster. As the name implies the Imperial Star Cluster is ruled directly by the Empress herself. She technically rules over the entire Imperium, but her authority is...
Andre went to prom with his friends, but it didn’t quite feel right. He was always a bit awkward, so getting into relationships was next to impossible for him. Spending senior prom without a date made him feel unworthy, so he looked up at the night sky and whispered. “If only I could have another chance with Lila. If only I could tell her how I felt back then. Maybe things would be different.” That night Andre went to sleep, and when he awoke, he could help but feel different. He seemed to...
This is my second part of my series. I hope you all enjoyed the first part. The first part is all about me a fresher gets horny in an empty office and naughty stuff. Let’s go into the second part where worse is about to begin. So getting into the story. After an intensive orgasm for the first time in office, I reached home had a good shower and was watching tv. Suddenly office thoughts struck while going to sleep. I got a little doubt about Ashok’s presence. I was almost 1 hour alone in the...
The car door opened. A black stiletto heel appeared. A smooth leg covered in nude pantyhose stemming out of it. Another stiletto appeared with the other smooth silken clad leg. "Click, Click," the heels stepped to the side and the car door shut. Panning up from the long silken legs was a tight black dress that barely came to the thigh. The dress curved around a perfectly rounded buttox, up further passed the 29 inch waist, beyond what appeared to be the size 38C breasts. This black...
Hello Guys ! This is Mehar. I’ve been an avid reader here at Indian sex stories for almost 6 years now and this is my first story. So I started as a male escort recently in Delhi. One day I get a call from a middle aged lady to meet and we talked about what she wanted and what I could offer. We agreed to meet the following weekend at her Farmhouse in the the outskirts of the city. She did tell me before hand that she hadn’t done it in 2 years now so I knew it was going to be rough. I get to the...
"You were a collage student and your grades weren't doing so well, so you asked to see the teacher after class. Ms. Henderson can you give me some extra credit or something." No i'm sorry I cant, your teacher was always a bitch to you it's like she wanted you to fail. "Ms. Henderson was a very strict Teacher who wanted everyone to fail it seemed like." You didn't want to resort to it, but you had recently purchased a magic wand that could hypnotized anybody. Ms. Henderson just look at my wand,...
Mind ControlPreface- This short story is a work of fan fiction, inspired by work that is not my own. This piece takes place directly where "Confrontations," my previous story, left off. If you haven't read "The Secret Stash" by Shy, "The New Girl" by Sissy Maid Sapphire, and "Confrontations" by Maria Kenton (moi), then I suggest you do so. Otherwise, none of this will make much sense on its own. Continuity edit from previous story: When James gets some time alone to play video games,...
Chapter 3: Moving Out and Moving On My last week on the job was one of mixed emotions. I was busy working, but I was saying goodbye to many of the guys and gals that I had befriended over the years. I had no way of knowing if I would see any of them again, but if I did, I was confident that it would be a happy reunion. If I could take anything from my twenty-three years with F & C it would be my relationships with my customers. I really couldn’t think of anyone that I wouldn’t want to work...
John and Kandy became friends with their neighbors Jeff and Erin shortly after they moved to the quaint Midwestern town. John and Kandy have a great sex life. They are not interested in wife swapping or swinging. Jeff and Erin are more reserved and are not into swinging. This is their story of how an innocent back yard barbecue can turn into something the four of them least expected. John is fifty-four years old and works for an accounting firm. He stands six two, has a masculine figure,...
Group SexYou walk onto the school grounds, through those big gates, and wonder why you’re here. You, 18 year old John Doe. You’ve been place in a world renowned, strict, elite boarding school in a city you’ve never even heard of. The students here are all uptight, rich, spoiled little brats in your opinion, something your parents wanted you to be all your life. You’ll be spending your last year of school here, as long as you don’t get expelled like what happened at your old school. You smile as you...
‘How dare you talk to me like that?’ I finally managed to say. Sam stopped laughing. He spun around quickly and his eyes narrowed on me. ‘Piper. Stop acting brave. You’re just as scared as he is.’ He said. I glanced at Shane he stood up very slowly and came to stand beside Sam. Sam looked at him as if just realizing he was there. ‘Shane my man. Why don’t you join in?’ Sam asked. Shane looked at him uncertainly. Suddenly the phone in Sam’s pocket rang. ‘Hello?’ ‘Sam. It’s Nathan.’ ...
"Oh, god, I'm turnipy today," Pepper sighed. "It's been way too long since we spinached.""Come here, pumpkin," Sorrel told her. "Are you thinking you'd like some good old-fashioned yamming?""God, yes." Pepper settled into his arms. "It's been a week, and I've been dreaming about your zucchini.""Glad to hear it, because the past few days, all I've been able to think about is your sweet little potato," Sorrel said. He hugged her. "Come on, baby, let's go upstairs so we can cabbage.""Upstairs? My...
There were already about fifty people at the party when we walked in, and more were arriving every minute. We deposited our hors d’oeuvres on the proper table so they’d be eaten, presented the wine to Amber, who plastered her body against mine for an epic hug and kiss that almost felt like raw sex, and then made sure we got to the right bar so we could get our first drinks. Amber went back to repeat the routine on the next arrivals. The waitresses were walking around in their sexy uniforms...
The stories popped up in various newspapers across the country but seemed random and many instances never made the papers. Finally enough instances took place that the authorities began to take notice and detect a pattern. Male Student Found Not Guilty of Date Rape is Found Dressed as a Prostitute Joe Ivy who had been recently found not guilty by an all male jury of the date rape of Cindy Barnes was found dazed and confused on a street corner normally habituated by sex workers. He was...
i though my Girlfriend Melissa was an ordinary cute girl. But she was more than that after learning her secrect,and it changed my life FOR THE BETTER!!!I have been in a relation with Melissa who is from England for at least 2 years. Despite me being black and her white , she liked me as the person and not for my skin. However she was drop dead hottie,and was bisexual as well since i am a supporter of the LBGT community. I eventually got the courage to purpose to her and she said yes.Felt like...
She didn't recognize his voice. As she sat behind her desk, lost in a reverie she couldn't quite have put into words...she was sure she didn't know this man. And yet the things he was saying..."I don't mean to shock you. But then perhaps that's not entirely true.""I'm sorry, I can't answer that-""But you want to." He was calm, confident in the way he spoke to her, although she was sure they knew nothing of each other."I can't.""Its a simple question. When was the last time you had an...
Andrew set his alarm early, used the bathroom, dressed and then went and knocked on Katrina's door. He had to do so twice before there was any response. "Good morning, Katrina," he called. "The bathroom's free. Breakfast when you're ready." "'Kay." He went downstairs and started on the breakfast leaving only the eggs until she arrived which she did twenty minutes later. They moved silently towards each other and kissed gently. "Sleep well?" he asked. "Very...
Khloe answered an ad for a Calendar shoot put out by Jax. Khloe sets up a meeting to interview for a calendar shoot but just can’t shake her clingy jobless wanna be pro gamer boyfriend Kevin. Kevin insists on going with Khloe to her interview. They both show up and the door gets answered by Jax. Both come inside, and take a seat. Klhole posses for jax as her boyfriend Kevin watches. Khloe is informed by jax that there are a lot of girls that are interviewing for this spot in his calendar. Khloe...
xmoviesforyouHi ISS reader this is the true story happened at Mumbai when i was studying there and working as a part time tuition teacher.It so happened, that one of my student was to be taught at 9pm till 10pm and as usual I went into his house as the door was slightly open. I proceeded directly into my students study room. I look all round, but my student was missing.Suddenly I could hear the footstep voice of a lady with payal moving towards my room. It was my student’s mother brushing her long hair with...
‘Oh, wow! Look at this place!’ Bobby exclaimed when he and Paula pulled into the driveway of their weekend hideaway. The beach house was very modern and jutted out from the bank, set on top of pilings driven into the beach sands. Behind it, built into the bank, was a concrete parking area and two-car garage. The minute the car stopped, Paula got out and started walking toward the house. Bobby watched her for a second, then got out of the car, too. Paula took the key out of her pocket and...
She was escorted to the back entrance of a large home in the hills of LA. Dressed in a leather, cupless bra, leather zippered panties and a garter. Her Mistress handed her leash to a large black man dressed in a black suit. “Just put her in with the other girls, for now. You may take her to the executive bathroom in an hour If I want her personally, I’ll send for her.” She was taken down the hall and led into a dark room, painted red, one door and windowless. There were sofas, comfortable...
Group SexThey were jolted from a deep sleep by loud pounding. Gabe bolted upright in bed and Cass grabbed his arm, confused and startled, her heart beating in her throat. ‘What the-‘ ‘Cass! Cass, open the door!’ ‘Shit,’ Gabe sighed as Aaron’s voice tore through the early morning, shattering the peace. ‘You should hide.’ Cass’s mind still felt muddled with sleep and she was more irritated with Aaron for waking her than anything else. ‘No, I’m not gonna hide. He already knows I’m in here or he...
Marg and I had travelled east to investigate if Lyn, Marg’s sister had been manipulating Sue to cheat on me. I guess I already knew the answer but I was hoping against hope that it was not the case because it meant that I had often blamed Sue for things that were not totally her fault. This meant that I had a larger involvement in Sue’s decision to leave me than I was comfortable with.Marg being Marg wanted us to become lovers while in the east. It appeared that Cherie had given her what some...
Wife Lovers