Justins Descent Part 1
- 4 years ago
- 47
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They were jolted from a deep sleep by loud pounding. Gabe bolted upright in bed and Cass grabbed his arm, confused and startled, her heart beating in her throat.
‘What the-‘
‘Cass! Cass, open the door!’
‘Shit,’ Gabe sighed as Aaron’s voice tore through the early morning, shattering the peace.
‘You should hide.’ Cass’s mind still felt muddled with sleep and she was more irritated with Aaron for waking her than anything else.
‘No, I’m not gonna hide. He already knows I’m in here or he wouldn’t sound so pissed.’
He swung his legs over the side of the bed and leaned down to grab his jeans, standing to slide them up over his taut butt. She couldn’t help staring, still unused to being able to look at him openly like this, and a little smile flitted across her face until the banging started again.
‘Cassandra Carson, get off your ass and open the goddamn door!’ A sharp blow sounded, louder than the banging, and it made Cass jump, a little shriek escaping her. It was enough to bring her fully out of her sleep haze and into the moment.
‘That fucker,’ Gabe muttered. He’d been about to put his t-shirt on, but he tossed it to her instead. ‘Put that on.’
The expression on his face made her heart speed up even more, his uncharacteristic anger sending a spike of fear through her heart. ‘Gabe? What-‘
‘Quick, before he breaks the door down.’ He buttoned his jeans and pushed his hair back out of his face, stepping toward the door with his shoulders squared. Just as he reached for the handle another blow fell, accompanied by the sound of cracking wood.
‘That mother fucker better not be in there with you or I swear to god I’m gonna-‘
‘You’re gonna what? Cuss your sister some more?’ Gabe asked, swinging the door open.
Aaron was already in fighting stance ready to kick the door again so he when his fist shot out it wasn’t entirely a surprise and Gabe was able to jump out of his reach. He walked back a couple of steps, holding his hands up in a gesture of peace.
‘Look Aaron I know you’re pissed at me, but there’s no need to talk to her like that.’
Aaron advanced into the room after him. ‘Shut the fuck up. Don’t even try to act self-righteous with me after you’ve been in here all night FUCKING MY SISTER.’
‘Aaron!’ Cass snapped at him, absolutely floored by his behavior as he took another swing at Gabe’s face.
Neither man looked at her, Aaron’s fury was focused entirely on Gabe, who was busy blocking another blow. She wanted to get up and intervene, but Gabe’s t-shirt barely hung to her thighs and a frantic search through the sheets didn’t turn up any underwear.
‘You need to chill the fuck out, man,’ Gabe said, his voice rising in anger as he grabbed Aaron’s wrist to stop another punch. ‘I don’t want to fight you, Aaron. Come on, let’s-‘
Aaron used Gabe’s grip on his wrist to yank him forward and slam his forearm into the side of Gabe’s face, catching his jaw with an elbow. Gabe’s head snapped back and to the side with an audible crack and he released Aaron’s wrist and staggered backwards a few steps until he hit the wall, then slid to the floor with a dazed look on his face.
‘STOP!’ Cass leapt out of the bed, modesty completely lost to fear and anger. She grabbed the back of Aaron’s shirt and pulled as hard as she could to spin him away from Gabe, then knelt on the floor between them and ran her fingers gently over Gabe’s cheek. ‘Oh God, Gabe are you alright?’
Gabe just nodded, still in a daze. He opened his mouth and moved his jaw back and forth to test it, wincing in pain.
‘Get up, you pussy. I’m not done beating the shit out of you yet.’
Cass stood and whirled on Aaron, whose eyes were still fixed in anger on his friend. She placed her hands on his chest and pushed as hard as she could, barely budging him.
‘Get out,’ she gritted out through her tears.
Aaron looked at her for the first time, almost as if he were surprised to see her there. ‘Cass-‘
‘I said get out!’
‘I’ve watched him do this over and over for years, Cass. He fucks and then he leaves. Don’t for a second think you’re any different from any of the others. You were just convenient.’ He turned his sneer on Gabe again. ‘Easy target right there in the next bedroom, huh mother fucker? And drunk too, no doubt. I didn’t think I had to worry about you of all people taking advantage of her.’
‘Can I have a little credit please? I wasn’t drunk, I am not a target, and Gabe didn’t take advantage of me. We…’
She trailed off as she realized that disabusing Aaron of the notion that last night had been the first time anything had happened between them would probably not be a good idea at the moment. Unfortunately he must have heard something in her tone because she watched the comprehension dawn on his face and then morph into utter disgust as he turned back to Gabe.
Gabe looked up imploringly, as if he could will his friend to understand. ‘Aaron, bro, I-‘
‘Don’t fucking call me that! I am NOT your brother.’ Aaron stepped toward him again, but Cass placed herself squarely in his way so that he had to look over her shoulder to see him. ‘I trusted you. My parents trusted you. We treated you like family, welcomed you into our home when yours was…’
He shook his head as he trailed off. His voice sounded calmer, quieter, but Cass could hear the trembling underneath. She knew he was speaking from hurt now, not anger, but that didn’t excuse what he was saying. He was trying to hurt Gabe and, she assumed, succeeding quite effectively since Gabe was just sitting silently now, taking the abuse. Tears stung her eyes.
‘Aaron, please-‘ she began, but it was like she wasn’t even there.
‘And this is how you repay us? I can’t believe I thought for a second that you had any respect for me or my family. I should have known better than to expect you to think with anything other than your dick. Some things never change.’
‘That’s enough Aaron,’ Cass said, her voice shaking with emotion as she tried again to push him toward the door.
Turning to Cass he just shook his head in disappointment. ‘And I can’t believe you were stupid enough to fall for his bullshit.’
‘Check. Yourself.’ The tone of warning in Gabe’s voice was clear despite the mild slurring.
Aaron uttered a harsh laugh. ‘Really? You’re the one waking up naked in my sister’s bed and I should check myself?’ He turned to Cass again. ‘I hope you aren’t expecting him to suddenly grow a heart and declare his undying love like one of those idiotic romance novels you read because this story ain’t gonna have a happy ending.’
‘You don’t know what you’re talking about, Aaron. You need to go.’
‘I know exactly what I’m talking about-‘
‘No! You don’t. I’m not some innocent little girl who got corrupted by your big bad friend. I came on to him and I got exactly what I wanted out of it.’
Aaron’s eyebrows shot up, then came together in an angry scowl. ‘Oh I get it. You’re just gonna sign on to be another one of his trashy fuck buddies.’
‘Do. Not. Talk to her like that.’ Gabe’s voice was all cold fury now and when she turned to look at him Cass could see the angry determination in his eyes as he pushed himself up off the floor.
‘Get out before you insult either of us any more than you already have.’ Cass pushed Aaron hard in the chest. Her hands were shaking with barely-contained anger and she had a few choice words she wanted to lay on her asshole of an older brother, but she knew she had to get him out of there before Gabe got on his feet. She didn’t even want to think about what would happen if they both went into a fight actually trying to hurt each other. Just the idea of it made her feel sick inside.
Aaron resisted just long enough to make it clear that he was going of his own accord and not because she told him to. ‘I swear to God if I see your f
ace again I will finish what I started,’ he ground out, jabbing a long finger into the air in Gabe’s direction. ‘You aren’t welcome here anymore.’
He stormed out, slamming the door behind him. Cass wiped the tears from her cheeks and turned to see Gabe on his feet, his face a sickly shade of white as he leaned heavily against the wall to steady himself. Wrapping one arm around him, she helped him to the bed and knelt in front of him.
‘Let me see,’ she said, reaching to touch his jaw again. He pulled away and shook his head, wincing at the movements.
‘It’s fine. I should just go.’
‘You can hardly walk.’
‘Yeah. He wasn’t pulling his punches, was he?’
The fact that he wouldn’t meet her eye led her to believe he wasn’t really talking about the blow to the jaw. ‘He doesn’t really think that way about you.’
‘No, I’m pretty sure he does and maybe he’s right about me, but you don’t deserve to be treated that way. If I ever hear him talk to you like that again I’ll tear his fucking head off.’
‘He’s angry, Gabe. That’s his problem, not ours. It doesn’t make anything he said true.’
She tried again to touch him, resting her hand on his arm, but once again he pulled away. She stood and backed away, confused about why he seemed to be shutting her out all the sudden.
‘Cassie, I’m sorry.’
‘For what?’
‘For all of this, I never should have-‘
‘Don’t!’ She stomped her foot, fully aware it was a childish, silly thing to do, but not caring in the least. ‘Don’t let him make you feel like you did something you need to apologize for. You know you didn’t take advantage of me. You know we didn’t do anything wrong.’
‘Right. It was just a game. Fun for everyone and no one gets hurt.’ His voice was thick with sarcasm and her temper flared again, but the look on his face drained all the anger from her. Her heart broke in two to see the shame and self-doubt there.
‘I did have fun, Gabe. And you helped me learn things about myself that I don’t think I ever would have figured out on my own. That was the whole point, right? I don’t regret any of it. Please don’t ruin the whole thing by walking away acting like you do.’
‘So you meant it?’
‘Meant what?’
He looked up at her, finally meeting her eye. ‘What you said to Aaron. That you got exactly what you wanted?’
She hesitated, unsure how to answer that question.
‘Because he was right, Cassie.’
‘Right about what?’
‘All that bullshit, physical recreation, sex with no strings…you deserve better than that. You deserve more than just being a fuck buddy.’
‘I wasn’t ASKING for more than that. That was enough for me.’
His head dropped and he stared intently down into his lap. Cassie stared at the top of his head, her hands clenched into fists, willing herself not to cry.
She didn’t want to lie to him so she was careful not to answer his question, but there was a huge part of her that wanted to admit the truth. Of course she didn’t mean it. Of course it wasn’t exactly what she wanted. But it was enough. She never expected anything more and was honestly okay with just taking what he’d been offering.
At least she was pretty sure she would have eventually talked herself into being okay with it.
But she couldn’t say that. She didn’t want him to think he’d hurt her when he’d given her so much. She didn’t want him to think Aaron was right about him. Without thinking she reached out and touched his hair, smoothing it back from his face. He jerked away from her as if she’d burned him.
‘Can I have my shirt?’
She drew back, shocked at his cold tone. When he didn’t apologize or even look up at her she pulled the shirt off and threw it at him, reveling in brief triumph when he sat with it bunched in his hand for a long moment while his eyes drifted over her body. But he turned away before they reached her face. She went to her closet and quickly pulled on her old flannel robe and by the time she turned back around he was standing by the door, still slightly shaky but steadier on his feet.
‘I should go.’
‘Yeah, you said that already.’
‘I’m heading back tomorrow.’
‘I know.’
He was silent for a long time before he finally spoke, his voice so quiet she almost couldn’t hear him. ‘I guess that’s it, then.’
She flinched at how flat and emotionless he sounded and wished he would look up and meet her eyes, but they remained fixed on the floor, his hair hanging against his scruffy chin. The left side of his jaw was obviously swelling and he had to hold his mouth slightly open to compensate.
A pang of guilt hit her as she realized that she’d been keeping him there when he needed to go deal with his injury. She wanted to take care of him. She wanted to put ice on his face and hold him and try to make him feel better, but since that wasn’t really an option at the moment she had to just let him go so he could take care of himself.
A second later she crossed the room and wrapped her arms around his waist. When he finally returned her hug, squeezing her tight against his chest, she tucked her face into his neck and kissed the soft warm spot between his collarbones.
‘Thank you,’ she said, stepping out of his embrace and swallowing back her tears. ‘I won’t ever forget this.’
‘Me either.’ His fingertips brushed her cheek and his eyes flicked up to hers for a split second before dropping away again. ‘Bye, Cassie.’
She listened at her bedroom door to make sure Aaron didn’t accost him on his way out, breathing a sigh of relief when she heard the front door open and close. Then she gave into the tears and curled up on the bed to cry herself back to sleep.
As it turned out, she didn’t get the chance. Her door opened and Avery and Jill poked their heads in. When they saw that she was crying they rushed in and climbed onto the bed next to her, Avery rubbing her back while she sobbed.
‘Are you alright sweetie?’
‘No,’ she said into her pillow. ‘What the hell was Aaron doing up so early?’
‘I don’t think he ever went to bed. I’m pretty sure he was still drunk from last night. We were sleeping in your parents’ room when he came storming in looking for you. He was already pissed because he tried to call Gabe and heard his phone ringing in your room, but the door was locked. When he didn’t find you downstairs with us he flipped out,’ Avery said.
Avery sounded worried so Cass sat up and wiped her eyes. ‘I’m alright, really. I’m not the one that got sucker punched. Oh God, poor Gabe, this is all my fault-‘
‘Bullshit,’ Jill snapped angrily. ‘Poor Gabe was getting his dick wet and Aaron was being an asshole. Don’t even try to take this all on yourself. You’re the only person in this scenario that didn’t do anything wrong.’
‘Gabe didn’t-‘
‘He fucked his best friend’s little sister. I’m not saying Aaron didn’t totally over react, but Gabe’s not an innocent bystander.’
‘She’s right,’ Avery said. ‘I’m pretty sure there’s some kind of guy code he violated.’
‘I don’t give a crap about guy codes, Aaron was totally out of control. I had the most amazing night of my entire life, the most amazing week really, and now it’s over. Just like that. I mean, I wasn’t expecting…well I don’t know what I was expecting, but I didn’t think it would end with my brother thinking I’m some kind of slut and Gabe wishing none of it had never happened.’
‘He didn’t say that, did he?’ Avery looked shocked.
‘He made it clear he felt like the whole thing was a mistake.’ Cass dropped her head in her hands so she missed the disbelieving look her two friends exchanged.
‘I seriously doubt Gabe feels that way,’ Avery said. ‘But I was talking about Aaron. He didn’t really call you a slut, did he?’
Cass broke into fresh tears as she remembered what her brother had said to her. ‘He called me a trashy fuck buddy.’
h, guys are such assholes,’ Jill fumed. ‘What a fucking hypocrite to say something like that after he hooked up with that skank from the bar last night.’
‘Look, you get some more rest,’ Avery said, pulling Cass into a tight hug. ‘We’re gonna go get started cleaning this place up. You have five hours before your parents get home.’
‘I’ll be down in just a minute.’
Her friends closed the door quietly behind them and Cass lay down and covered her head with a pillow. She planned to just lay there long enough to stop crying and then get up and take a shower, but exhaustion overtook her and the next thing she knew she woke up with sunlight streaming brightly through her window.
A quick glance at her phone told her she’d slept another two hours and she quickly jumped out of bed, anxious to make sure the house was ready for her parents’ return and worried about what she was going to say to Aaron when she saw him.
After a quick shower she felt more awake, but no more ready to renew the fight she knew was coming. The house was silent as she descended the stairs. She padded through the empty rooms to find that the majority of the mess had been cleaned up already and that she appeared to be alone.
Making a mental note that she owed Avery and Jill her eternal gratitude, she stuck her head in the living room. Aaron was slumped on the couch with a glass in his hand and a bottle of whiskey on the table beside him. He’d pulled the curtains and was sitting in the darkened room staring at the Christmas tree, its lights throwing mottled colors and pine needle silhouettes against the walls.
‘Are you drunk?’
He looked up at her in mild surprise, so absorbed in his thoughts he hadn’t heard her approach. ‘No. Not anymore.’ He set the glass on the table. ‘Pouring a drink seemed like the thing to do, but I haven’t been able to choke much down. Straight whiskey kind of tastes like shit.’
He didn’t appear to be in a violent rage so she entered the room and tentatively sat down on the opposite end of the couch.
‘I’m so sorry, Cass. I was out of line. I said things I shouldn’t have.’
‘You sure as hell did. I don’t know what gave you the idea you could say and do whatever the hell you want just because you’re pissed off, but let me tell you right now that it is not okay.’
‘I know. I’m sorry. It’s not even you I’m angry with.’
‘I don’t know why not. If you’re going to be angry at all it might as well be at both of us equally. What happened between Gabe and me was my decision as much as it was his.’ She noticed his flinch when she said Gabe’s name, but ignored it. ‘Not that I think you have any right to be mad at either of us.’
‘Oh you don’t? How long has he been sneaking around behind my back and lying to my face?’
The heat had returned to his voice and she had to suppress a surge of irritation. If she could talk to him rationally he’d be more likely to actually listen to what she was saying without this devolving into another yelling match.
‘No one lied to you about anything. And we only snuck around because we knew it would upset you and we didn’t see the point,’ she said, maintaining a level tone.
‘How long?’ he demanded, his voice as hard as his stare.
‘Just the last week.’
His shoulders relaxed visibly and she could tell he was relieved to hear that it hadn’t been going on for very long. But he was chewing on his lip in that way he always did when he felt uncomfortable so she knew there was more. She started to really get curious when he reached for his glass and took a sip of whiskey.
‘Was he…were you…’ With a shaky sigh he rubbed a weary hand over his face and turned away, staring intently at the Christmas tree across the room. ‘Were you a virgin?’
‘Jesus Christ, Aaron.’ Cass jumped up and walked a few steps away, irritation, amusement, and embarrassment warring for her attention.
‘Come on Cass, believe me I don’t want to ask that question any more than you want to answer it. I just… I need to know.’
She waited a minute for the burning in her face to die down. The amusement was winning out and she was half-tempted to lie just to mess with him. Then she thought of Gabe and how much Aaron’s words had hurt him. Maybe the truth would soften him a bit and he’d be more likely to apologize to his friend.
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The game was played at the conference center in downtown Clanton every third Saturday of the month. The game was called "Your Number is up". It was a voluntary hanging game that had six women contestants, two who would hang themselves and the other four remaining women and their families were paid a cash prize of $100,000. It was one of the highest rated shows in the Valley. The object of the game was that the women would stand nude on small stools with a noose around their necks on the...
The game is simple. Six guys, six girls, on the farm for the weekend. The farm was out in the wilds, and the nearest neighbour was over three hours away.The girls would be restrained, and allowed to run for an hour, before the guys chased them.Each of the girls had a number painted on their backs, and on their thighs. Each of the guys, after the girls were sent off, would draw a number from the tub, and that was the girl he chased. They were not allowed to interfere with any other girl, only...
Walter (Walt) Simpson and Victoria (Vickie) Taylor met their junior year at college. They were a handsome, athletic couple who took good care of their slender bodies. Walt was 6' tall with chestnut brown hair, and Vickie was 5' 9" with sandy blond hair. They both loved the excitement and living on the edge. Vickie was probably the more daring of the two. Their favorite past-time was watching other people and fantasizing about what they would look like naked and what they may be like in bed....
What started as a Fantasy becomes a Reality.Walter (Walt) Simpson and Victoria (Vickie) Taylor met their junior year at college. They were a handsome, athletic couple who took good care of their slender bodies. Walt was 6' tall with chestnut brown hair, and Vickie was 5' 9" with sandy blond hair. They both loved the excitement and living on the edge. Vickie was probably the more daring of the two. Their favorite past-time was watching other people and fantasizing about what they would look like...
Looking for a free sex MMO game like meet and fuck club? I have been delving into the world of online porn games a lot lately. For those of you who follow my reviews, you may already be aware of the fact that this is a new interest of mine and that porn games have never really been my thing. I am generally the kind of guy who likes his porn to be direct and to the point.When I am horny, I am horny … Do you know what I mean? I don’t necessarily want to have to run around, save damsels in...
Best Porn GamesJumanji "A game for those who seek to find a way to leave their world behind. You roll the dice to move your token, doubles get another turn. The first player to reach the end wins." Adventurers Beware: "Do not begin unless you intend to finish. The exciting consequences of the game will vanish only when a player has reached Jumanji and called out its name." Jumanji, ah yes, Jumanji… that is the name of the game, a name that sparked the imagination, a word with promise of adventure and...
Mark laid out a cheese platter and took a big swig of wine. His wife had decided that they would throw a little party for their college friends. He checked the temperature on the probe thermometer. The chicken would be done soon. He walked to the fridge and checked his tie in the stainless steel reflection. "A tie? Really?" Allison had managed to sneak up on him again. Her lithe form was covered with jeans and a simple white peasant blouse, her long brown hair in a ponytail. "We...
How many times have you been at a party where you don’t know anyone? Assuming your lame ass has been invited to a party at all, if you’ve been in this kind of situation, you know how shitty it can be. You don’t know anyone, it’s nothing but small talk, and you’re walking around with a raging boner hoping to fuck some strange. It’s usually a no-win situation – that is, unless you’ve been to one of Eek! Games’ house parties.If they are anything like the house party in its appropriately named...
Free Sex GamesTake Me Out To The Old Ball Game by Teddie S. I sat there, in my satin robe, curdled up on the chair, watching her sleep. Watching her slow, rhythmic, breathing. And, smiled to myself as I remembered the events of the past year or so. I had met Sandy at work one Friday afternoon. I work for a fairly large engineering firm, and my computer had crashed. I'd called the computer department to get it fixed. The guy on the telephone had me try a number of...
LYNSEY'S GAME Lynsey was bored one night, which isn't the best reason for your life to changecompletely. But then, she didn't realize how far it would go or how much shewould lose. Lynsey was a pretty ordinary young woman, in her twenties. Her parents hadspent a lot of money educating her, so she'd gone to University, learned amarketable skill, and then, well lubricated by family money and family contacts,she'd slid right into a well paying career. Nothing too extraordinary, butcomfortable....
The Sissy-Girly Game by SissyKimmy1 Chapter 1 - Let's Play Ballerina I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I was still in shock. It was all my little sister's fault. She was always a little bitch but now she had ruined my life completely. I never thought she would take it this far. I couldn't believe she wouldn't come clean and tell our parents the truth. She was following behind me snickering as we approached my new home. My father rang the doorbell. "Dad! You...
Eileen had texted me earlier in the day. “Game night tonight. 8. Coming?” My text was sent almost immediately, and without much forethought: “Yes.” At eight sharp, I knocked on Eileen’s door. The afternoon had been spent wondering what game she had for me this evening. I wondered how she would be dressed. I wondered whether this game would be as exciting and enjoyable as our previous games have been. It’s a strange relationship, what I have with Eileen and its nights like this that have me...
Spells R Us: The Game By Morpheus ([email protected]) 26 Jan 98 This story was created after I wondered what would have happened had the game Jumanji come from the Old Man. I make no claim to the idea, but simply tell a story of a magical game. Donny had just seen a new store in the mall named Spells R Us, which he thought was odd, since when he went in, the store seemed to sell all sorts of odds and ends, rather than magic tricks like the name suggested. He'd walked in...
A while back, we were on vacation. It was the last night of our trip so we went out to have a nice casual dinner, nothing dressy. I had on jeans and a collared shirt and Stacy had on some pants and a regular button-up shirt.We walked from our hotel to a restaurant around the corner and had a nice dinner with a few drinks (that always helps). We had started the evening early at around 6:00. By the time we finished dinner, it was still early, around 7:30-ish. On the way back, we noticed a nice...
Wife LoversMary Catherine McMillian sat in owner’s box in the eighth inning of the Sixth Game. Her boys fought hard during this championship series, they won the first two games at home, lost three on the road, and now they were poised to claim the Sixth Game at home. If they made it to Game Seven, anything could happen. But they were three outs away, after her team finished hitting in this inning, and had a two run lead to protect. Another run or two would be nice: no cushion was big enough. Her friend,...
I couldn’t take any more days off that summer. My time with Kelly was restricted to evenings and weekends, which was probably a good thing, at least as regards to my health. Keeping up with her appetite for sin was tiring! She might kill me, but I’d die with a smile on my face. I did speak to Dad about a temporary dock, and he nixed it, at least for this year. “One, it’s not as easy as you think, or as cheap, or as quick. You won’t get it done, at least not done right, until the end of the...
Hey to you all, what's up?... :)I promised to you all something, and a promise is a promise, so...welcome to the first (and most important) part of my "program" of the dating game, meaning how you can date and have as many women as you want, as well as any woman you want. Also, a deal is a deal so, although I'll share to you information worth 1 billion dollars, I'll do it for you totally free. ;)Now, let's get it started...Have you ever wondered why women react differently while getting...
Caught in the Storm Chapter 5 - Prelude to a New Game [Author's Note: I didn't intend for this to be an "anticipation" chapter, but it sorta worked that way. I generally write the situations in my head first and let the story unfold naturally as I write it, to try and give as much agency to the characters themselves. Sometimes that leads where I expect, sometimes it doesn't. This time, it didn't, and it wound up giving a juicy little prelude to the game itself, and allowed for...
It was a game we played, and nothing more. Some flighty teases here, some forbidden glimpses there, dropping my purse and bending over, making sure my short dress rode up to reveal more of creamy thighs and butt cheeks than considered proper or allowing greedy, foreign hands to linger on my body far too long, all that was part of the secret, thrilling game we used to play whenever we were spending evenings mingling with ‘society’. These games, they always ended with Paul’s arms encircling me...
Cheating“You ready to learn something today?” Coach Way asked. He and I were in center field, and Coach Short was hitting balls to me. “Of course,” I said with a sideways look. “Here’s something I bet no one has ever told you,” he said, ready to lay some wisdom on me. “Have you ever been unsure whether or not a line-drive ball will drop in front of you?” There were times when that could be tricky. I just nodded in response. “Use the bill of your cap to help judge it. If the ball’s below the bill...
The story is in the Dutch language. Several times is asked the stories to translate in English. But I am sorry, not alone no time, but also is my English not good enough for translating. But perhaps is there anywhere a dutch speaking person with a good translating feeling who will translated my stories. It is possible under the name of Louis, but can also under your own name. Zoals al mijn verhalen is ook dit verhaal weer van A tot Z verzonnen. De personen die worden genoemd bestaan...
Wednesday November 2 I had my bags packed and was ready to go to St. Louis. The plan was to go to morning classes and then leave at noon. The game was to be shown on ESPN, and the network wanted to do their prep this afternoon. Coach Hope had shared that we were one of only a handful of high school teams that had had their games televised on ESPN in back-to-back years. Until this week, I’d ignored this game for several reasons. Honestly, my focus had been on two things: recruiting and my...
Introduction: 5 Friends, 5 Slaves and a poker game that the slaves are just dieing to play. END GAME Story: #13 Copyright 2005 Written: January 09 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** The door slid open with a powerful crash as the light of day forced its way in to the dark metallic closet that was Jessicas resting place, when her master Jason...
Over the years, because of the many articles and stories that were written about my gaming prowess, the press anointed me with absurd sobriquet of The Gaming Master. It was reported, somewhat erroneously, that I had never lost a game of any sort, whether it was a board game, video game or sports. In truth my prowess at sports was limited, but I had indeed mastered most other forms of gaming. And my prowess along with my celebrity became the wellspring of my rather considerable fortune....
Justin and Phyllis Shemale, Trans, Hardcore sex, Oral, Double Anal, Flashing, Cum, Cream pie eating. Phyllis sat thinking of Justin. He had moved into a 1 bedroom apartment a few doors away while working and attending trade school. A nice young who schooled by day, worked at night and mostly slept in between. They were neighbor friends who slowly grew closer. That closeness brought them together on holidays and personal celebrations. Justin being only 21 had been kept at a distance as Phyllis...
The year was now 1990 and the eighties were officially over. Big hair would stubbornly cling to life for a couple more years, but it was in it’s death throes. Cassette tapes were going the way of the dinosaur and cd’s were the big new thing. And I was half a year away from graduating . The rest of the year was mostly sedate for the most part; Beeder’s departure for some reason took the winds out of our wildness. Don’t get me wrong, I was still fucking up a storm every weekend. But gone...
Introduction: Go Cougars! Charity Jones here again, sending you back in the time tunnel to the sexploits of my wonderfully misspent youth. The year was now 1990 and the eighties were officially over. Big hair would stubbornly cling to life for a couple more years, but it was in its death throes. Cassette tapes were going the way of the dinosaur and cds were the big new thing. And I was half a year away from graduating . The rest of the year was mostly sedate for the most part, Beeders...
"Yo dude let's get a ranked game going. I wanna rank up to Global already, I'm almost there!" Zeke's squeaky voice cheered through his headset. "Bruh. You and me both," Kane replied through his mic. "I swear to god if we end up with shitty teammates again." "Boys do you want anything to eat or drink?" a woman's voice called down from upstairs. Zeke moved his headset off his head. "No thanks mom we're good!" "Okay have fun you two!" Zeke put the headset back on and moved his...
game of porn April is one of those months that makes you feel like you can never make any plans, since the weather could be anywhere from freezing your ass off cold, to boiling your nuts in oil, hot.Looking outside, today looked like it was one big horrible April Fool's day joke on the entire city.Though winter was officially supposed to be over more than a week ago, the first of April showed up with a rude surprise for anyone hoping to get anywhere. The streets were covered in a thick coating...
MatureShe could hear the five men in the next room anteing up, raising and folding as the regular Thursday night poker game heated up. They had been meeting like this for over a year, most of the time at the Morley house because the other wives didn't seem to understand the importance of this male bonding thing. Lacy didn't mind, the guys were always nice, they never made too big a mess and they always were genuinely appreciative of the way she would bring them beer so they wouldn't have to...
Introduction: sometimes things go a little too far Lacy Morley carefully applied her make-up. Her stomach was churning as she lightly traced across her eyebrows with the dark pencil. Her brown eyes stared back at her as she lightly brushed the blush on her cheeks. It was an unsure stare that Lacy couldnt answer, she wasnt sure what she was doing even thinking about what might happen tonight. Sure they had cooked this little scheme up together, but it wouldnt be Lees butt on the line it would be...
The Perfect Game By nanomage Loosing the Division championship was the lowest day of my life, at least I thought so then. That night I sat in the corner of the country club hall at the party thrown by a few alumni of Jefferson High. No one was in a mood to party at all, I guess the teams that had loosing seasons have the consolation of just not being good enough, but nothing bites more than being second best. Instead of partying I replayed in my mind, then as I have done a...
'andy i'm really sorry but i can't afford to pay my rent this week since i lost my job and i'm finding it hard to get another i'm sorry mate' justin says'well justin when i agreed to let you stay i told you that you have to pay rent at the start of every month or you have to leave i'm sorry but you did agree to it''yeh but look mate i am good for it just give me a chance to find another job i don't have anywhere else to stay please''no i won't back down on this you agreed to pay at the start of...
This is my final PLANNED addition to the Game On story, but I will write other things in the future. Once again, feel free to email me at [email protected] don't forget the _, or IM me with ICQ at 247193981. I do have to give credit to Zilvara Dejewels for the name of the game. I strongly recommend you reading 'Game On: After Party' before reading this, as it is its sequel. And despite the negative feedback, I decided to keep this in the present form, as the others were in...
Chapter Two: Danielle's Naughty Birthday Game By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 July 22nd, 2037 – Danielle Carter “A naughty party game?” Adelia Tash asked, the caramel-skinned talk show host leaning towards me. I sat closest to her on my loveseat, my half-sister Bethany beside me with Leah on the other side of her. On the opposite side of Adelia was another love seat on which set my other three half-sisters. Christina, Rebecca, and Lola sat there along with Lola's new wife, Jen. “Oh, it...
The Penal Game Inspired by the Bimbo or Billionaire stories on mcstories.com, originally by TheHandsThatLead (for example, https://mcstories.com/BimboOrBillionaire/BimboOrBillionaire2.html). Ross was the latest unwilling contestant on the new hit game show, The Penal Game. With all of the advances in nano technology in recent years, it wasn't long before the state put those advances to use in pacifying the masses and meting out punishments. Now, certain criminals could...
Introduction: While leaving a concert in LA Justin Bieber gets kindnapped and raped pleases rate and subcribe Thanks !!! The story starts off in a parking lot where justin bieber walks. He is leaving his concert and is now getting ready to go home. Justin yawns wow what a concert. Suddenly there bes a noise. Hello? says Justin. Justin continues to walk to his car and all of a sudden he gets hit in the head.Justin passes out cold. When he comes to he relizes he is tied up on a chair naked. Where...
Introduction: While leaving a concert in LA Justin Bieber gets tackled and raped The story starts off in a parking lot where justin bieber walks. He is leaving his concert and is now getting ready to go home. Justin yawns wow what a concert. Suddenly there bes a noise. Hello? says Justin. Justin continues to walk to his car and all of a sudden he gets hit in the head.Justin passes out cold. When he comes to he relizes he is tied up on a chair naked. Where am i? he says. All of a sudden a sting...