The Perfect Game
By nanomage
Loosing the Division championship was the lowest day of my
life, at least I thought so then. That night I sat in the
corner of the country club hall at the party thrown by a
few alumni of Jefferson High. No one was in a mood to party
at all, I guess the teams that had loosing seasons have the
consolation of just not being good enough, but nothing
bites more than being second best. Instead of partying I
replayed in my mind, then as I have done a thousand times
since, the final downs of the game.
It started well enough, the ball snapped to Dexter
"Dexterous" Bradley the quarterback, who did a neat turn
concealing that he had handed off the ball to me. In the
second play with a half a yard to go, I had my work to do.
I found my receiver, Jerome "Jet" Black, our only African-
American player and my best friend. Yeah everyone had a
nickname, mine was "Lucky", because they said I looked like
a leprechaun, only built to human scale. Try getting ready
for a game and finding your locker filled so some stupid
kid's cereal. So I pump faked right because by then the
Bobcat defense had figured it out. Then popped it in a
short spear aimed just barely past the scrimmage line.
Where Jet was waiting for it. I nailed him between the
numbers. He kicked in the afterburners and was over the
goal line before anyone knew what happened. as he did his
victory dance I thought it was a bit too soon, we needed
the extra point to tie, and force overtime, without it we
were dead ducks.
A bad snap to the kicker ended our chances; no field goal
and the Bobcats ran out the clock on their possession. Game
over. Story of my life, my good luck countered by an even
more disastrous mishap.
I don't remember much of the party afterwards because
someone managed to sneak in some beer. And I drank as much
of it as fast as I could. I know one guy was laughing and
smiling his way through the room, he had bet us against the
spread, and won big. I would have twisted his head off, but
I was too unsteady on my feet by then. He shook everyone's
hand and had a few words with each of us. Some blather, I
couldn't care less. I blew him off with a few bitter words.
Jet had a scholarship to a good college, so did Dex and
half the others. I had the $5,000 "gimme" that the alumni
posted for all the players if we made it to the
championship. If I was careful that would give me a year at
some Midwest cow college. My lackluster career as a
football player was over. That one shining moment was all I
had. All I would ever have. I always seem to get screwed by
someone else's bad luck.
The rest of the night passed in an alcoholic blur. Frankly,
I had needed the win, I had counted on it. My future had
depended on it, and I had lost it because someone else
choked when the pressure was on. I remember Dad saying one
more than one occasion, "Don't put all your eggs on one
basket." But when you don't have a basket you learn to
juggle real well. Well, all my eggs were lying broken on
the floor now.
I don't blame Dad for not providing college money, the last
two years had been bad business, and the hardware store was
just barely making money. I handed him my bankbook when it
was lean and we lived on it, counting on an athletic
scholarship, which at the time seemed in the bag.
So when Jet and I were scouted as a pair, I thought it was
all set, but Jet got his confirmation letter, while I sat
twisting in the wind. My plans for the last 4 months of
school was simple, work at Castelle Hardware part time, as
I had since I was 16, and enroll in City College in the
Fall next year.
City College had no football program. What skills and
talents I had would go stale there. If you can't maintain
the Intensity, it can't be reclaimed. I had played my last
game. Oh, I had more than one sport, but not at that
performance level. My next best sport was Tennis, but that
is such a prissy game, not to my taste. I also shot a good
game of golf, but I am no Tiger Woods.
That night I thought my life was disastrously complete. I
had no idea that it was going to get much, much, worse.
The next morning started as all mornings after do,
hungover, and with the aches and pains I always had after a
game. When you push yourself that hard, you will hurt the
next day. Football is just that way, I have noticed, so is
Drinking. I stumbled from my room to the common bathroom.
Sometimes I use my parent's bathroom, which has a double
sized tub, big enough for my 6' 3", 208 lbs, but the
bedroom door was closed, meaning that they were not up yet.
I share the common bathroom with an older sister and two
younger brothers.
My face in the mirror looked as bad as I felt, as I downed
a handful of aspirin. Setting the shower for maximum
tolerable heat, I stood under it trying to get the cramps
out of my muscles. Actually, I leaned against the cold tile
of the stall, and let the near scalding water pummel me.
I stayed there until the water began to run cold, only
marginally relieving the pain in muscles and joints, but
better than before. I was debating shaving that morning,
but why bother, Saturdays were my off day from school and
work, I could be scruffy and get away with it. That was
when I saw myself in the full-length mirror Dad had
installed for my sister.
Okay, I admit that I often preened in front of it myself, I
had a body that looked good, nice proportion, well muscled,
my face a bit too boyish looking for my taste, red-gold
hair in a buzz cut, freckles. And then there was the other
reason I was named "Lucky". That being the 8-inch monster I
had between my legs.
Or rather I should say used to have. In the mirror my
reflection was missing that essential member.
Where it used to be was a hairless mound, split vertically,
by a cleft that should not be there, could not be there,
could not possibly be there. And the persistence of
reality, was very much THERE.
It was a Beaver, a Pussy, a... you get my point. And there
was no possible way I could have one.
I stood in absolute silent terror, I knew that if I moved,
or made the slightest sound, it would prove itself to be as
real as anything, and as solid flesh as the rest of me. I
remember chanting in my mind: "This is not me, this is not
real." and trying by force of will to make the mirror
Eventually, I knew it was useless, I could hear family
moving about in the house, and any second now, someone
would be pounding on the door. I tore my gaze from the
mirror, knowing that I was truly and completely screwed
now. And discovered I had voided by bladder, I was standing
in a puddle of my own urine.
Damage control time. I pulled on my pants fast and dumped a
towel on the floor to sop up the mess. With clothes on my
shame was secret, no one would know. Tough it out, there
had to be an explanation, a reason, a cure. I grabbed the
towel and loose clothing and rolled them in a ball that I
held to my belly.
Sneaking out was impossible. As I opened the door, Jason,
who most the family calls "ratboy" for his hobby of
breeding Brindled Rats, was standing at the door. "You are
getting as bad as Sally in there." he said as I passed by
with my bundle.
I can only blame panic for what I did next. The next thing
I knew, the bundle of clothes was on the floor, and Jason
was slammed against the wall, head even with my own, my
fist twisted in his shirt.
"What do you mean by that! What do you know!" I screamed at
I have never done something like that before, and Jason's
look of terror was a shock to me, having just seen that
look on my own face minutes before.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." I said softly as I put him
Strength is not a license. Physical power and size is no
excuse. They are gifts that come with the price of
responsibility. To my already frazzled sensibilities I had
added shame.
I slunk quietly back to my room and laid down. If I
remained perfectly still, I could pretend that everything
was normal and right. But the alien feelings grew more
pronounced as time moved on. I tried to use force of will
to restore things to their proper order, then begged God to
make everything right. No luck on either count, my genitals
persisted in being female. Not that I touched the thing to
make sure, I didn't need to, and I didn't want to. Soon I
was considering the How and Why of my situation, not just
the What.
How had this happened? How was it even possible? What had I
done to make it happen? There was no reasonable answer, so
that left the unreasonable, Magic, or some kind of Divine
Intervention. That changed the question to Who. God? The
Devil? Some sort of Wizard or Witch? That brought me back
to why again, And the circle went on and on without
Sometime around noon, there was a knock on my door. It
broke my concentration and aborted the endless loop of
obsessive thinking. As I snapped to attention of the world
around me I realized that I had been well on my way to some
kind of mental illness. I could see that I was going in
mental circles to the exclusion of anything else.
There was another knock, then I heard my dad say, "Lee?"
"Yes Dad." I answered quickly, and jumped up from the bed.
He entered the room with a look of concern on his face. I
put my hands over my crotch to cover the shame that was
already fully clothed, but who could say I was in a
rational frame of mind.
"I understand you put Jason into a wall and yelled at him,
is this true?"
"Yes Sir."
He considered or a moment, "You are a legal adult, but
still under my roof, and therefore under my authority, but
it is your call. Will you take summary punishment, or do
you have an explanation?"
"Summary Sir, I have no excuse for what I did."
"I know that last year or so has been hard, and not getting
the scholarship has added to the stress, but beating up on
family only adds to the problems. It was Jason you have
wronged, and your duty is to clean his rat cages under his
supervision for one hour, at his convenience, not yours.
You do the crime you do the time. "Yes Sir."
"Your friend Jet called, he says he needs to see you as
fast as possible. Check with Jason and see if he wants you
to do your punishment first."
I sighed, "Yes Sir."
Jason was amused by my sentence, but wasn't going to do the
cages until the next day. His glee was tempered by knowing
that if he took too much satisfaction in it, he would get
double the grief when his turn came, and it always did.
What goes around comes around.
Walking the four blocks to Jet's apartment made me horribly
aware of the void between my legs, and the odd sensation of
my new sex as the muscles flexed around it. It was hard not
to think about it, but obsessing was a trap all by itself.
I wondered what Jet wanted. Had the Beaver fairy visited
him too? Was there more to this strangeness than just me?
Jet lived in a two-bedroom apartment with his parents and a
younger brother. A big step down from only a few years
before, when Mr. Black had a successful Grading and
Landscaping company, now collapsed in bankruptcy. A housing
subdivision his company had graded had slid down a hillside
a couple years ago, and the geological study had shown an
ancient landslide under the houses.
Mr. Black's business, like my Father's was suffering from
hard times.
Jet answered the door, I was stunned to see his right arm
in a cast, he was uninjured the night before, but before I
could say a word he said, "Wait." He ushered me into the
room he shared with his little brother and closed the door.
"You are the first person who was surprised to see my arm
in a cast."
"When did that happen? You were fine last night!" I managed
to stutter out.
"Last week at the City Final according to everyone else."
He handed me his clipbook, "At least someone else knows
something is wrong. You know we did not win the Division
Final last night?"
"Yeah, and your point?"
"Look at my clipbook. We didn't PLAY the division final."
He waved his casted arm, "This happened in the third
quarter of the City Final according to the news clippings
and check out what else is missing."
The First headline he showed me was: Wolverines lose to
Bruins in 13-14 squeakier. The next was: Tomaso leads
Bruins to stunning victory in Division Finals.
None of this could be right.
The Bruins finished way back in the pack after I took
Tomaso down at the beginning of the season, a freak hit
that shattered his collarbone.
I began to feel ill, the only significant things I had done
in my life had been erased. And it only increased when Jet
showed me the Team Roster for the season. My name was gone
from the list. All of it was gone, everything I was seemed
to be gone. Who could have hated me so much that I had to
be destroyed?
Jet looked at me with the same sick look that I am sure my
eyes were showing as well. "My Scholarship is gone too." He
said bleakly.
Jet's tragedy was nearly as complete as mine, and I was not
about to reveal my total defeat, just in case he was forced
to show me the same! I wanted to think that at least he was
intact in his physical person. Besides the broken arm at
We talked for about an hour or so, then Jet surprised me by
breaking down into tears. And I surprised myself by holding
him as he wept. After that male etiquette required me to
find an excuse to leave, so that his shame not hang between
More changes when I got home. When I arrived, my bondo-clad
classic Mustang that had died an unfortunate death one
night last summer when a teammate had borrowed it for a
beer run was in the driveway. This car, exactly the same
right down to the license plate sported a new butter-yellow
paint job. Inside, my trophy case was empty save for some
ceramic nick-knacks and collector plates. No one remembered
my altercation with Jason that morning.
Every time my back is turned, reality twists itself into a
new pattern. Looking through my report cards, I found my
grades had improved, but I was on a short program this
semester, leaving early to go to work at the family
hardware store, no football or other sports on my schedule
at all. In fact, I had never attended a P.E. class due to a
"birth defect." Some birth defect.
My check from the Alumni was gone, but my bankbook with
$6800 had returned to me.
I couldn't even find a football in the whole house. Jason
and Robbie were into baseball, I apparently was not
interested in sports. The walls of my room had no posters,
just photographs of landscapes and buildings, seems my new
hobby was photography.
Putting on a clean shirt for dinner, I noted almost without
emotion, that the hairlessness now covered my entire torso.
Dropping my pants confirmed that the legs were clear of
hair too. The family, save for dad, who was still at the
store, was home for dinner, Jason and Robbie still wearing
baseball jerseys, and Sally in her store apron, here for a
quick meal before heading for night class at community
I found that I didn't have much in common with my brothers
anymore, they used to look up to me, now every question I
had about their team was met with a sullen silence. Sally
informed me on all the gossip from the store, as if that
kinda junk was in the least interesting. Mom wanted to know
if I was still planning to go up to Cedar Hills the next
morning to do a photo shoot of the lake. If I had not
figured out that reality was changing around me, I would
have thought that I was suddenly surrounded by aliens.
Before she left, I borrowed a hand mirror from Sally, who
didn't seem to think twice about me borrowing it. That
evening, I sat in my room and watched my beard fade away,
and surprisingly, the hair on my head become a deep red-
brown, like Mahogany, and frizz out like a mad scientist's.
I took a shower before bed, carefully avoiding the problem
area. My hairless skin seemed more sensitive, and when wet,
my hair curled into tight ringlets. It was significantly
longer than the buzz cut of this morning. Several inches
longer in fact.
I dreaded going to bed. What other changes could happen
while I slept? What new terrors? I brought the hand mirror
to bed with me, and took my first real hard look at my
They looked exactly like the ones I had encountered in
happier times when I was a big bad football player, and
willing girls could be had from time to time.
I set the mirror down, reached for my non-existent penis,
and cried myself to sleep.
Mornings come whether you want them to or not. Personally,
I would have preferred not. It was still there, and my hand
was cupping it! The shock and shame began again. Just like
the day before. The squishy alieness of it was just as
repellent as before. My manhood ripped away, with, well, my
manhood. I had nothing. My only consolation was that one
person knew what I had been, that I had mattered, that I
had had accomplishments and pride.
So I woke to a smaller world. The hardware store and school
were it now. Duties and Obligations. So be it.
Jason was rather surprised that I came out to the patio and
assisted him with the rats before I went to work. Just
because everyone else had magically forgotten my misdeed of
the day before, I had not.
More curiosities at the store, it was stocked much more
than normal, a lot of back stock where we had kept just
barely enough before, and more variety. We had always kept
stock to the level that we could get at the longest credit,
and our credit was not that good. Oh on paper, the store
was worth close to a million and a half, but our debt was
bigger, so in fact we were always on the edge of
bankruptcy. I had a terror that Dad was preparing one final
push for success, before it all fell apart. Where had the
extra credit come from to stock the store that completely?
Ours is not to question why. We had stock and I was going
to shelve it, and pray Dad knew what he was doing.
My hair kept getting in the way, from last night, the dark
red hair had grown in a thick tightly curled mass that was
so thick that a comb was useless and so long it was down
past my shoulders. Not much I could do about it but tie it
back, I feared cutting it would trigger more changes.
Oh, come to think of it, other than the hair, no more
changes, a minor consolation.
Shelving stock is a mindless task, and I thought hard about
my situation while doing it. I could think of no method of
attack, so what was left was damage control. I had to work
with what I had. And what I had was a male body with female
sex organs. First thing on the agenda, stop freaking out
when I saw or touched it, like it or not I had to live with
it. Fighting with something you cannot change is a waste of
effort. If I had taken a bad hit on the field and been put
in a wheelchair, I would have to deal with that like a man,
no difference here.
But the idea of taking having a female crotch, 'like a man'
was inherently funny in a sick sort of way. By noon, I knew
that male boxer shorts would not do the job. My clothes
were literally rubbing me the wrong way.
That afternoon Jet came in. Since he could not do much with
a busted wing, his dad sent him on supply runs. I knew
their account was close to busted as far as credit was
concerned, so I was surprised to see Jet dumping a lot of
stuff onto the loading cart. As I helped him load some 50
lb bags of fertilizer, I said quietly, "How you guys gonna
pay for this?"
"Cash," he replied, "Dad handed me three bills without even
looking." He looked around, then continued. "This is
freakin' weird, we have 5 accounts now that we did not have
yesterday, and these are not new accounts!"
"I noticed, look at the store, we have credit like we have
not had in years!" I shook my head, "We got creamed by this
changing reality, but our families are doing better."
"It still bites Lee."
"You'll get no argument from me." I said, touching the
empty spot in my pants in a way no one would notice. "Not
from me."
So things went. I did my job, went to school, where it
seemed that I was a nobody. At least I didn't have a
girlfriend anymore to have to explain things to. But since
this was "real" I would not have had to explain anything I
guess. I picked up a feminine hygiene booklet from the
health class, and followed the instructions to the letter,
hating every second of it. I got some jockey shorts cut for
women at the Wal-mart, which helped, and they didn't look
like panties.
It was three weeks later that I was presented with a new
indignity. A few spots of blood on my shorts. But living
with a sister and that handy hated booklet made it clear
what it was, a period. Okay. I had not anticipated it, and
I knew it would get worse. I had felt a bit off for a
couple days, and I just thought it was all the extra work
at the store, but now I knew. Mom and Sis were not prone to
PMS, so I guess I had that in my favor, but I had no
supplies for it!
Time to bite the bullet.
"Uh, Sally?"
She looked up from her textbooks. "Yes. Lee?"
"I... Uh... need some help."
I stammered out my problem, and my needs to a surprisingly
unfazed Sally. As I spoke, it seemed that she was pleased
by what she heard.
"That's incredible Lee, the doctors never thought you
would... I mean, that is why the shrinks thought it would
be okay for you to live as a boy..." She stopped, and
looked thoughtful, "I guess this blows your 'I'm really a
boy' lifestyle, doesn't it."
"Sally, please. We can deal with that later, right now I am
making a sopping mess of my underwear!"
I won't go into details of the indignity, except to say it
was the most degrading moment of my life, tempered only by
the love and care of a sister who I had previously under
A few minutes later, and feeling like I had a corncob
jammed into a place where I had not anticipated having a
place, I slunk back to my room. I called Jet and canceled a
date we had had to drive down to the beach and run the
shoreline for the afternoon. The lack of a regular training
regimen had slacked a lot of my muscles, and the runs were
to start getting myself back into "fighting trim". Even if
I had no Football, I had no excuse for slacking. And even
if Jet had no scholarship, he could still attend college,
and sign up for tryouts, he was good enough to make the
second team at least. So we ran, and trained as if we were
both still in playing season. And tomorrow, I was supposed
to play a round of golf with Dad, no way to safely beg off
And Sally had just explained I could expect 3 to 5 days of
wretchedness, even without PMS. So I had gotten to the
point where I didn't greet the morning with a fresh start
of horror, but frankly, this set me back to square one. I
lay in bed, hating life, and damning whatever force had
done this to me.
That afternoon, Mom, and Sally came in and had with me the
"standard" mother-daughter talk. I, it seems, had managed
to miss when I turned 13 in this reality. Mom insisted that
I would have as soon as she could arrange it, a full
gynecological exam. I wanted to reject the notion, I wanted
to scream at the moon, I was so embarrassed.
The next day I shot 10 over par on a course that I was used
to doing three under. Dad critiqued my swing, while
remaining totally clueless as to why.
I managed to hide at work for a few days, or so I thought,
but mom swooped down on me as soon as she was sure my
period was over. She said she was waiting for the day I
stopped "walking like I had a stick up my butt." Off to the
docs I went.
I do not understand why women do not deck more docs. It was
humiliating to me, and I am sure the sight of those
stirrups in the examining room is no less distasteful to a
born woman. All I can say, and all I really want to say, is
the tests came back showing I was fully functional, even
though I had more male hormones than female.
Oh, a test I demanded showed I had a normal female XX
chromosomes, not the XY I should have been.
My life was beginning to feel like the slow ponderous scene
in a horror flick just before the killer strikes.
I was just a couple days short of 'celebrating' my one
month anniversary when the "killer struck".
These days, I avoided looking at the mirror when I
showered, while I had reconciled myself to what was, I did
not need reminders. So, I didn't realize that I had been
screwed again till I picked up my pants to put them on.
They looked different, too thin at waist, and too thick at
the hips. For a moment I thought they were someone else's,
but no one in this house was near my size. I stood there
and very calmly looked at the cloth tag on the inside.
30 waist, 38 hip, 28 inseam.
I reached back to touch a newly expanded backside, and a
sudden surge of hips. I rather coldly determined that the
pants would indeed fit. I felt the disassociation of self
that sometimes happens when you take a bad hit on the
field, and you want nothing more than to get your hands on
the asshole who had blindsided you.
I managed to stifle a scream of absolute rage.
But nothing stopped me from ripping the thick denim cloth
to shreds.
If you can't win, learn to enjoy losing.
In the next couple hours I watched hard earned muscle
subside into soft round flesh. Very well rounded flesh. My
butt expanded to a plush 42 inches before stopping. My arms
and belly lost definition, and the hard pecs, softened to a
pair of flat, maybe A cup breasts. Flat, save for the
nipples, fat and thick, like a pair of accusing fingers
jutting out from conical aureolae at least two inches in
diameter. I lost 4 inches in height, settling in at 5'11",
due to shorter thicker legs.
By afternoon I was, to all who could see, a heavyset girl
with a flat chest and an overly ample backside. Even my
face had softened to a feminine cast.
Anger is a useless emotion, it solves nothing. I took a
page from my coach (who would not recognize me even if he
remembered) to the effect that negative emotions can be
burned out by running.
I pawed through an obviously feminine closet until I found
a running outfit, shorts, top, and sweats. Running shoes I
still had, and a quick search of the dresser revealed a few
sports bras. As much as I disliked the idea, I knew I would
need a bra, for running at least.
I picked up my keys and my wallet and started for the door,
grabbing a fanny pack next to it. But before I jammed the
wallet in, I opened it to see if I had any cash. There was
at least $20 in loose bills, a credit card I know I didn't
had before, and my ID. The ID stopped me dead. My new face
was on it, looking like all Driver's Licenses do, like a
mug shot of some wanted criminal. But what really took my
attention was the name. Not Lee Andrew Castelle, but Leigh
Anne Castelle. And that single capital letter "F", that now
dominated my awareness.
I closed the wallet, suppressed an urge to vomit, and
headed for the car.
"Mom," I called out as I nearly ran passed, not wanting any
interactions I could avoid, "if Jet calls I am up at Cedar
Hills Lake, running the circuit."
Mom managed to get out "I'll tell him Leigh." before I
closed the front door and near to sprinted to my car.
Cedar Hills Lake is a runner's dream, 11 kilometers around
the lake, no cross traffic to speak of and the runner's
path had splits that let people choose to go over the
slight hills or around them. The setting was parklike in
parts, nearly natural in others. Since I came to here to
lose myself in an endorphin haze, I ran the circuit with
the hills.
As I came around the final turn to where I had parked, I
could see Jet, one foot rested on the hood of my car,
stretching his leg tendons in warm-up. I ran by, yelling
"Catch up Jet, I'm not loosing my pace!" My voice was a bit
smoother than before, lacking in masculine edge, but still
sounded like me, I think.
I was only a couple hundred yards passed, when Jet caught
up with me.
"I woke up in a house I never saw before this morning." he
said as he matched my pace.
"Yeah the changes are starting again, one month after the
last batch."
"Speaking of changes, that is one huge ass you got now."
I must have let a full mile go by before I responded, "It
isn't just a huge ass Jet," I let another hundred yards
pass, Hoping I was not about to end the only link to my
real past. "I'm a girl now."
"Shit. No kidding?"
"No kidding, I got the big butt this morning..." I let a
few more yards pass by, "but I got the girl parts the night
after the game."
Another mile passed in silence.
"Is it... Uh, different?" Jet asked.
"Yes it is. Very." I responded glad that he had not freaked
as bad as I had feared.
"Is it better?"
"What do you mean better? I hate it."
"I mean when you play with yourself, better, worse, or just
"I don't know, I touch it only when I have no choice."
We made the final turn back to the parking lot.
"I would have tried it." Jet said as we did the cool down
lap around the parking lot.
"Anyway," Jet said as we sat down to an after run snack
heavy in carbs, "This morning, I woke up in a house about a
block from yours, on the next street over. I have a room of
my own and I swear it's nerd heaven: computer, bad ass
stereo, hundreds of freakin' science books on the shelves.
my trophy case has as many academic awards as sports!"
"You are turning into a nerd, and I am turning into a girl,
a little bit at a time, on the month like clockwork. And no
one notices a thing."
"I think your timing is a bit off, it wasn't a month, it
was 28 days."
"Does it make that much difference? Really?" I said a bit
"It could, lemme check something." Jet reached over to
another booth and snagged an abandoned newspaper. He turned
it the back front page. "Here, the weather forecast, look
at the phase of the moon. A new moon, exactly 28 days ago,
it was also a new moon. Aunt Ciselly is into that new age
junk and she says new moons are for new beginnings."
A New Moon, one Lunar month. I felt my stomach lurch, and
the fries were no longer interesting to me. With my recent
experience I could think of one other thing that moved to
the lunar month, A woman's menstrual cycle.
I must admit I zoned out of most of the conversation after
that. The moon is significant in both magic and religion,
so the source of our predicament was no clearer. But one
thing became clear, the source was one that followed rules,
even if we didn't know them, and had a timetable that could
be predicted. My attention was regained by Jet dropping a
"You better be prepared for one thing, you are a hero in
our house, we damn near have a shrine dedicated to you in
the living room."
"Remember the Morningside development, the one that slid
down the hill? You stopped it, no landslide, no lawsuit, no
"How can one person stop a landslide?"
"With a photograph, come to my house and I'll show you."
It wasn't much to look at. A flat construction site. Dirt.
A large grading tractor. A man standing at the site. And
the important part, an 8 inch vertical rip the man was
sanding next to, running about an area 6 acres around. A
newspaper clipping with the same picture, with a caption,
"Amateur Photographer's lucky shot averts potential
"Mike Barret, the grader operator," Jet said quietly, "saw
the rip and covered it up. In the trial that only you and I
remember, he denied seeing it. You brought this picture to
Dad's attention, he stopped work and ordered a new
geological study where the fault in the ground was
discovered. He gave the shot to the paper, and a press
release saying why work had been stopped. It cost us a lot
in punted performance bonds, but not anything like the
bankruptcy did. We fired Mike the day after you gave Dad
the photo."
Jet led me through the rambling ranch style he now called
home. His room was twice the size of the apartment room he
had shared with his little brother, with his own bath, and
a sliding glass door to the patio out back. He wasn't
kidding about the "Nerd Heaven" he had awoken to. Two walls
covered in shelves loaded with science books, a telescope,
a microscope for God's sake, a top end computer, and a
Stereo system that looked like it could launch a space
shuttle. Oh and a little thing, his clipbook, where there
was no mention of football, but a lot of track and field
awards, and a news story on his probable acceptance to the
US Olympic team, decathlon.
While I was looking over his book collection, half of
titles of which I had no clue as to what in the hell they
were about, Jet sat at his desk and looked at a piece of
paper. When I noticed him, he looked at me with a face that
would have been pale if it had been possible.
"What's wrong?" I asked carefully.
"NO, What's right!" he looked up, his eyes a bit crazed,
"This is an acceptance to Western University, Full
scholarship in the Art of Mathematics!"
Jet had rocketed thought every math class our High School
offered, if not for his otherwise lousy academics, he
probably would have gotten a merit scholarship. It seems
that freed of the pressure of football, he had managed to
do just that.
"Congrats, Jet." I said, not letting the sudden welling of
envy, and anger his good news caused, creep into my voice.
In a few months Jet would be at Western, and I would be
completely alone. In a strange world, with a frightening
future. "It's about time luck broke in your favor."
My own house was a surprise. In the time I was out running,
it had acquired a second story. Inside, where the boy's
room had been was now a stairwell, where mine had been, an
expansion of the living room. There was a new 1 ton truck
in the driveway, and a 5 year old Miata. The family fortune
had increased again. To bad it was happening at the expense
of my manhood.
My room was on the second floor, in the back. Sally's room
was across the hall, a sunroom shared the center space with
the stairwell, and two guest rooms on the other side. I
didn't have to guess where my room was; I simply went to
the room I would have chosen if I had been given a choice.
Sally's room and mine shared a bathroom, with both rooms
having a door and none on the hallway. The bath on the
other side was open to the hall.
Aside from the extra darkroom red light in the bath, it
looked like a women's bath fully, the enlarger and other
darkroom gear were stored under the sink on my side of the
double sinked counter. A suspended wire above it did double
duty for drying film and pantyhose. And an extra large
bathtub, which after my run, I was eager to use.
A bathtub is a place to think, it's nominal purpose as a
place to get clean is secondary. And it is a place where
body awareness is high, since that is what the thing is
for. I slipped into the hot water and enjoyed, probably for
the first time since the game, the simple pleasure of being
alive. Even the ever-present feelings of wrongness faded. I
had limited myself to basic cursory showers to avoid
looking at myself.
Now I was getting into the sensations of who I was now. I
admit, the words Jet spoke had struck a chord. "I would
have tried it."
I didn't touch myself any more than I had to before, since
doing so would have been a defeat in my eyes. But the time
comes when you have to accept what life brings you, without
whining or denial. I started with the new acquisitions, the
nipples, big as ripe strawberries, on the conical expanse
of the aureole, each seeming as sensitive as the head of
the penis I used to have.
I spent some time on the nipples alone, then a hand strayed
to the crotch, which it seems, aroused, was even more
sensitive. I idled myself in a fantasy, where I was a man
again, and wandering my hands over a willing girl. I
thought I had found the apex, but each time, I found a new
plateau. The orgasm was soul shattering.
I dried myself off and put on clean clothes, female ones.
It didn't matter, I lost. Or did I win? I don't know, but
what I had found was self-acceptance.
And it didn't bother me that my last organized thoughts at
orgasm were about Jet's hand on my female body.
At school I was still on short schedule, but not to work at
the store, but to attend Community College, Photography,
Spanish and Russian for God's sake. Each day I drove three
other "nerd" girls to accelerated classes. I was part of
the "brain" social clique now, if you could call it a
clique at all. I threw myself at class work. I didn't have
much else to do. Jet moved in all the social circles at
will, crossing the invisible lines that exist at all
Even with my new acceptance of fate, if you will, I still
hated it, on a fundamental level. And if I could get my
hands on the source, I would cheerfully throttle it. That
someone could interfere with my life without regard to me
or my friend angered me still. I still had no clue as to
who had done it, nor would I ever I suspect, unless that
source showed itself.
I ran the lake circuit with Jet every night. In our
conversations we speculated. I had the feeling it was not
over yet, frankly, I expected my top to fill out as had
happened to my rear. I was even anticipating it. Jet
thought that he was as far as he was going. I once
respected Jet for his physical skills, now I was in awe of
his increasing mental clarity. Actually, I was in awe of my
own as well, but I was way behind Jet.
At night, I pleasured myself thinking about him, but I
didn't dare let him know that.
I could see where things were going, good thing Jet was
About a week after my second change, Jet failed to show up
for our run. In the morning I found out at school that Jet
had been mugged, and had spent the night in the hospital
for observation. I found it an odd coincidence that Bob
(shifty) Johnson and Greg (dirty) Waters were sporting a
shattered kneecap and doubled black eyes respectively. The
two I knew well from our now non-existent days on the
football squad together as "aggressive" players, they were
well known as having rather bigoted opinions. In practice,
Jet had always been in more danger from them than from any
opponent. I had no doubt that the three sets of injuries
were closely related.
Jet was home before I was done with classes so I went there
immediately. He was battered and bloodied, but in all I
think, better condition than the two attackers I knew of.
"Jeese, Jet," I said in the most innocent manner I could
manage, "What Semi ran over you?"
Jet half smiled through discolored lips, "It was a half
dozen rabid Wolverines."
"Bob and Greg I know about, who else?"
"Oh just about the whole defensive line."
So much for former friends. "They give a reason?"
"Yeah, it was for the crime of dating outside my race."
"But you never..."
"We run every night, that was a date as far as they were
My anger flared, both at our former allies, but also at our
unseen tormentor. "When I find him, I will kill him, raise
him from the dead so I can kill him again."
"I'll hold him while you punch." Jet said, understanding
who I was referring to.
Jet was back in class the next day, and for most of the
next week, I gave dark and threatening looks at the guilty
boys. They had a cover story about being out at the lake,
riding a borrowed dirt bike, but no one believed them. One
of the boy's father was employed by Mr. Black, who called
the man in to tell him there would be no retribution in
absence of evidence, and probably not even if it were
I was feeling the stomach quivers that presaged my next
period and maybe a week before the next new moon when it
happened. I was walking down the hall from one class to
another when I heard Greg's unpleasant voice behind me.
"Move that fat ass, Nigger lover."
I wheeled around fast and stared him down. Well, I stared
at his Adam's apple, then brought my gaze upwards. He had a
self serving smirk, as if he had done something that he was
going to get away with. That smirk did it. As my rage grew,
I remember thinking that I could show him what a real
Wolverine could do.
I took him down with a "knee break" takedown I knew from
wrestling, and straddled his huge chest as I slammed my
fists into his face over and over. I was pulled back by
several people as that bastard whimpered and tried to crawl
away. I was dizzy and weak, had he hit me? I realized I had
crossed the line bad, I was in trouble. I was running at
full speed for the parking lot as I heard the Assistant
Principal yelling something I didn't want to hear.
I could think of only one thing, run. It was my only
solace, and my sanctum. I slid my car into the parking lot
at the lake and hit the circuit. After a while, I realized
I wasn't alone.
"You want to hear what you did to him?" Jet asked as he
paced me.
"Whatever I did it wasn't enough."
"I think it is, broken nose, cheekbone and jaw, 4 teeth
knocked out and a separated kneecap. You probably ended his
football career."
"Serves him right, He had no respect for the gifts God gave
him, only contempt."
"Lee, you have to stop running."
"No reason to, I can't go home." I gritted out bitterly.
"You can turn yourself in."
"That isn't it. I can't face my Father, because I am not
repentant. That asshole deserved it and more."
"I can think of another good reason." He said, "Look at
your hands."
In all the time I had been running, I had kept my gaze on
the horizon, as if somehow I could actually reach it. I
brought my hands up and looked at them.
They were bloody and cut up, probably from the creeps teeth
as I knocked them out. The fingers on the left hand were
twisted and strange. Broken, they had to be, but I couldn't
feel them. I was still marveling at the twisted fingers
when the running path and my face collided.
I wandered in and out of consciousness for a while. One
time I heard Jet arguing with someone, and another time, my
hands being wrapped in something. When I came fully aware,
I found myself in a storeroom of some kind. I was on a
folding cot; there was a small refrigerator and hot plate
on a counter nearby. Jet and a man were sitting at a table
nearby. As my focus improved I could see the second man was
Coach Ramirez. Our Track and Field coach, and a weekended
"She needs a hospital, Jet. I splinted the hand, and gave
her some Lidocaine, but in a few hours she will need more
and I won't risk my job again by giving it to her. The hand
is shattered, every bone it looks like, and will probably
have to be surgically repaired."
"She can't go back coach. We both know it."
"Well, give her one of these every 4 hours, and forget
where you got them. And press her hard to get to a hospital
now, while they can still save her some use of that hand."
I held myself still, and silent, as Jet and Ramirez talked.
I waited until Ramirez left.
"Where are we Jet?" At the sound of my voice he jumped over
to me.
"A warehouse my uncle owns, it's empty, he knows we're
here, and it's okay."
"How did we get here?"
"I dragged you off the running path to my car. After that
it was easy."
"You should have let me run. I could have gotten to the
edge of the world and jumped off."
"That is not what I want to hear Lee."
"He's making me your girlfriend, making me want you, and it
isn't right."
"I won't do anything you don't want to."
"But I do want to, and in a week, I will be ready. We don't
have a choice, he isn't going to let us." I looked at him
realizing that what I said was true, "But I am not worthy
of you, my anger is out of control, I am hurting people. My
soul is corrupt." tears welled up. "I can't have you, I am
evil, it would not be fair."
Jet didn't respond, I didn't expect him to.
After a long awkward pause, he continued as if I had said
nothing. "I got a friend to drive your car back to the
school, they won't figure to look for it there." He
fidgeted a bit, "Look, I have to show my face or they will
be looking for both of us, can you hold out for a while?"
"I can manage, I think." Rejection, as I expected, how
could he want me if I couldn't want me. How could he want
me knowing who I used to be?
He looked at me for a moment, "There is food and soda, and
a working bathroom over there." he took one last look at
me, then slipped through the door.
Alone, I had to time to think. I had shamed myself
completely. There was no excuse. And yet I still felt no
remorse. I didn't care, and that frightened me. I was
becoming something I could not accept. Every problem I had
since the game seemed to be answered in violence. And I had
become so valueless that I could not work up remorse. All
the ethical standards I believed in had been somehow short
circuited, and I can't live with that. The changes to my
body were trivial compared to the monstrous ones occurring
in my own soul. What I must do became clear. Penance. I had
to pull myself away from the world and find my ethical
About a mile from my house is an abandoned brickyard, I
could get there, no one will find me. My grandfather owned
it but the land was useless and the building not worth
enough as salvage to demolish it. Years ago, before I was
born Dad had used the land as security for buying the
hardware store. I don't know if that mortgage was still
there, but it hardly mattered.
Outside, it was morning; I had been out all night long. I
hooked a bus using pocket change and was off. I wondered if
my nemesis would find me, or if I could escape. Not that it
would make any difference.
Pain was acceptable, almost welcome. I found a place in the
old brickworks and settled in. My hand was wrapped in yards
of bandages, and a hard splint held the hand still. The
drugs wore off, and it really began to hurt. I made a nest
of some old tarps and waited. Nearby was a working water
spigot, and from time to time I would get up and drink.
Hunger was a transitory sensation that went away in time. I
soon reached a point where my self didn't matter, my family
didn't matter, Jet didn't matter. Pain mattered. Pain would
My period was such a trivial discomfort that I barely
noticed it when it began, and in a fever that came a day or
so later and stayed with me, didn't notice at all when it
ended. I could see the turn of days and nothing mattered. I
could die here, it would be good idea. Would the universe
recycle itself back to normal, only without me? Would my
family bury a son, or a daughter?
I must have kept an internal count of days, because I knew
when the new moon was due. In a fever dream I was making
Jet a meatloaf, but kept getting blood in the food, and
knew it wasn't right. So I would start over. If I didn't
finish the meatloaf by the new moon it would turn into a
casserole, which would be an inconvenience to everyone.
Then I was taking a handoff from Dex, but Bob and Greg and
the rest of the linemen were facing the wrong way. I was
trying to work my way out the scramble and out in clear,
looking for a receiver. Jet signaled that he was open in
the end zone, so I fired off the meatloaf in a nice spiral
Then the Linemen tackled me, and pulled up my jersey. Greg
and Bob reached from behind their backs, and came out with
a pair of breasts. The linemen held me down and the two
pushed the breasts under my shoulder pads, meanwhile, Jet
did victory dance in the end zone, meatloaf held over his
head. Cheerleaders shook pom-poms chanting, "You go girl."
Mom handed me a corncob and Sally wanted to show me how to
use it. Jason led a cheering section of rats in the stands,
and Dad came out to tell me I had been accepted to charm
I knew what I had to do.
I had to run.
And run.
And run.
There comes a moment that you are aware you are dying and
it is okay. My head was clear and I was aware for the first
time in days. I had no needs or wants or cares. I lay there
in a field house full of the tools and equipment for
maintaining an athletic field. That the brickhouse was gone
didn't even register a pip to me, reality had changed
again. But I was beyond such trivialities.
My anger had burned out with the fever. I was in a peaceful
place, my soul had no burdens. I didn't ponder over a non-
existent future, nor or worry about the past, I was only in
the moment.
When people came into the room, I barely noticed. That they
seemed so exited and urgent meant nothing to me. They
lifted me unto a gurney and wheeled me out, I just looked
at them with a slightly amused look on my face. The only
reaction I had was when they wheeled me passed a sign:
Black-Castelle Athletic Park. That struck me as funny
somehow. I had an image of Knights jousting as maidens
watched from the sidelines.
"...extreme disassociative disorder, probably brought on by
trauma, lack of food and dehydration. We will know more
when she is stable."
Poked. Prodded. Catheterized. Diapered. The only difference
between me and a medical cadaver was that I was still
breathing. I faded out for a while.
"...injury to the hand was extensive. And the infections
made it more difficult, but we expect recovery with limited
mobility, maybe 50 percent or so. We know she is awake and
aware, but she still has no signs of responding outside
People come and go. Some I know, others are strangers. None
of this makes a difference. I don't have to think, I don't
have to know. Food is put in front of me, then it is taken
away. None of this matters, I am playing football. Every
play, from Pee-Wee league to the Division Playoff. All
mine, no one can take that from me.
I guess now I was contemplating the Perfect Game. Hard
fought, brutal as the sport can be, outcome in doubt till
the last play. A ballet of pain, the commitment of 11 men
to a simple goal, get the ball to the goal line. An
aggressive dance and an art form. A symphony of grunts and
groans, led by the barked commands from the Quarterback.
Eventually I realized I wasn't dying, and that the game had
to end. I had used my last time out and the final play had
to take place.
I realized Jet had been there with me often, sitting,
waiting. When he and I were alone, I broke the silence.
"Don't say a word to anyone." I grated out through disused
vocal chords.
Jet nearly hit the ceiling, startled, "You're awake!"
"I always was, but I couldn't get through. Did I get tits?
I was too far out to notice."
"Yeah, you did."
I didn't have the strength to move, to check things out.
"So how are they?"
"Big, but they shrunk a lot while you were out, you lost a
lot of weight."
"How long have I been in the twilight zone?"
"A month, we thought you might not ever come out."
"You sure of the timing?"
He stooped for a second, "28 days, since you walked out of
my Uncle's warehouse."
"Yeah, 28 days, you know what that makes tonight?"
"The night of the New Moon... but you finished changing,
you are girl from head to toe."
"One more change to go, and he'll be here personally to see
to it, I can feel it."
"I'll be here if I have to sneak in."
"Thanks, I will need the support. But for now I think I
need to speak to Dad. I have some serious explaining to
I am not a coward, or at least I like to think of myself as
not. The last few months had taught me that there were
things about me I didn't like. A smug moral superiority,
for one. A penchant for turning fear and anger into
violence. The outright jealousy I had when someone got a
break I didn't get. A bad habit of making bad choices when
confronted by temptation. The beers had not teleported into
my hand at the party, nor had they a few times before, like
at the summer vacation party that cost me my mustang. The
perfect son, yeah right, if the world wasn't turning for
only for me. I made a great show of being the High School
Hero, beyond reproach, a paragon of virtue. All false. All
And Jet. He was not the only black at our school, but I
never spoke to any others, save the few girls he dated.
About 20 percent of the school is Asian, did I mention
that? Nope, didn't think so. I wonder if my friendship with
Jet was only because he made me look good in the field.
I had a lot to think about before my final doom at
That night Jet slipped in. At the doorway, I saw him pass
money to someone.
"The deal is rigged." he said as he sat down on the side of
the bed, "No one will 'see' me, and no one will come in
unless you hit the call button." he looked at the bedside
clock. "We have an hour to midnight."
"An hour can be a long time." I said.
"An hour is just about enough time to put this in
I started, and Jet spun around the source of the new voice.
It began as a wisp of a shadow in the corner of the room,
but quickly took the form of a man, in seconds the fully
formed figure of a man dressed all in black, was complete.
He was familiar, but I was not sure why.
"Mr. Jeremy." Jet said.
"I am so glad you remember, but the lady seems not to,
perhaps too many beers that night."
I remembered then, that night, at the party. The High
Roller who won the bet.
"I make a point to see to the final phase of any work I do.
And I must say, this one turned out very well, a few minor
modifications and I will be off."
"I think not." Jet said quietly.
"Ahh, but I do, and that is what counts. I might suggest
that you put the gun you have in your pocket on the table
there so no unfortunate accidents happen," Mr. Jeremy
smiled, "Not that any CAN happen. The gun is useless, the
bullets have no powder. Now, I am sure you both have
"Yes," I said, surprised at my own calm, "One, Why."
"Interesting evolution of soul, not 'Why me'."
"The 'me' part is unimportant, now. Just explain it, do
what you will and be gone."
"And you Jet?"
"I accept Lee's response, but I would rather pound you to a
A glass appeared in Mr. Jeremy's hand, "Applause, Sir,
refreshingly honest." He quaffed it. "To explain the 'why'
we must first see the 'what'. The what was one half of a
wish, split between the two of you."
"One half of a wish?" Jet said.
"Exactly so, Sir!" Mr. Jeremy sipped his drink. "Do you by
chance remember yours?"
"I do, but I can't see how making Lee a girl accomplished
"And you, my dear lady, don't have a ghost of a clue, do
I could barely remember that night, so angry and drunk, the
whole thing was a blur to me. I remember the beer, and
being pissed at Mr. Jeremy for profiting at my expense.
"Perhaps best I show you."
The walls of the hospital room faded and I was again in the
country club banquet room. Though I was in my proper body,
I could do and see only what had been before. A beer in my
hand, and still griping about the game, but I could see Jet
standing alone, as Mr. Jeremy approached. As Mr. Jeremy
spoke the noise of the crowd faded.
"Mr. Black, your fine efforts were instrumental in my good
fortune, I would like to extend a token of appreciation.
Anything is possible, so choose with care."
"If I could have anything, I guess beyond winning a game
already lost, it would be to have Lee come with me to
Western. We are too good a team to break up."
"Consider it done, my good sir."
The room noise swelled back up.
Given a chance for nearly anything, Jet thought of me. And
I remembered, I remembered what I said. I am such a petty
jerk. "Jet, He did us no harm, I am responsible for this."
"Ahhh, you remember now, we can skip the review if you
"No, he has to see how vile a creep I can be. Play it."
I was again standing with that cursed beer in my hand. Mr..
Jeremy approached. "Good day sir. Your brilliant
performance has enriched me, and I would offer you a token
for my good fortune. Anything you might imagine, but choose
"My brilliant performance..." I slurred, "My. Brilliant.
Performance. Wrecked as usual by someone else's
incompetence. I've been screwed over so many times by
someone else's bad luck I might as well just lie down
spread my legs and enjoy it."
"And that is your wish?"
"I wish to be seen for my achievement, I want my efforts to
be recognized!"
"As you will." Mr. Jeremy's image turned away.
"Bastard." I said as the hospital room faded back into
Mr. Jeremy paused, for effect I suppose. "Now we will
proceed with Why. And the simple answer, to stop a
"All this to stop the Morningside development from sliding?
Couldn't you just wave your hand?" I said.
"No magic on earth can stop something that already
happened. Unless, an Agent Of Change is found. I searched
for years to find the exact persons to be that agent. I
cast auguries on every individual connected in any way to
the event, but it wasn't till I began to check on groups
that the two of you showed up."
"You couldn't have been concerned by a housing development,
money could have solved that, and no one was significantly
hurt in the accident. So why is it so important that you
made this huge effort?"
"To save a musician."
"But, no one was hurt bad in the accident." Jet exclaimed.
"The injuries were minor."
"Robert Channing, age 12 at the time of the accident, would
have been a major innovator in music 20 years from now. But
a head injury destroyed the fine motor control of his
hands, and effectively dropped his IQ by about 20 points.
Since he was so young, and his potential not known, his
injuries seemed minor."
"It's almost midnight." Mr. Jeremy looked at his own pocket
watch. "You know the How, What, and Why, one question
remains, and time is fleeting."
"And that is?" Jet asked.
"Simply, sir, do I finish what I started, or undo it all?"
"I can't answer that, I don't have the right." Jet said.
"Indeed sir, the key is with the lady, as it has always
been. She has an innate talent in magic that made this
possible to begin with. Warping reality is difficult at
best, almost impossible to make history coincide with it."
I could see in Jet's eyes, what answer he needed, but was
unwilling to influence my choice. It comes down to me. Do I
choke? Or do I execute a flawless play and end a Perfect
I am humbled. "So all of this good was done, saving a
talent, Jet's and my families good fortune, through me?"
"Through you literally, I had to draw heavily on your
native abilities of magic, to make this happen at all."
"So if you were to restore me, all this is undone."
"Yes. All of it and no way to try again."
"Then finish the deed. I am ready."
Not a bobble, or a hitch, Perfect execution, and the crowd
goes wild. If you expect play by play, there isn't any. As
the clock ticked over, the pain in my hand lessened
considerably, overall I felt better. Jet looked at me
oddly, and Mr. Jeremy nodded.
"All is complete," He intoned. Then looked at us, "My work
here is done." and he faded out like a bad movie special
Jet was still staring at me. "What did he do?" I asked,
puzzled. "Did he put antlers on me or something?"
"UHHH, No," Jet began slowly, "He... Uhhh... made you
"Really?" I considered this, "Cool."
Time to wrap this up. They let me go home the next morning.
On the way home I saw the old brickyard had been turned
into an athletic field, as I had seen. My parents were glad
to have their adoptive daughter home. Even the rats seemed
As for Jet. Well, I am a couple shades darker than my
fiancee now, and in bed I have take to calling him
"paleface". The wedding is a week before our heading to
When I got home. The first thing I noticed was a note
pinned to my pillow.
Dearest Leigh,
As you recover from your injuries you will discover
the other aspects of your wish. You will find
yourself, stronger, faster and more dexterous then
you were as a man. There is no solo sport, like
running, that you will not excel at. Except those
that have 'artistic' considerations like ice skating
or gymnastics, due to your rather abundant womanly
charms. The high jump might be a bit of a problem too
with that backside, but no matter.
Professor Barnhart in the Anthropology department of
Western is one of us, he will train you if you
desire. He is expecting you to drop by.
To you and yours, a good life.
Mr. Jeremy.
AP Greece, Olympic Games.
Leigh Castelle, USA, turned in an amazing Marathon
this afternoon, shaving 2 minutes off the Olympic
record, and a full minute over her previous world
record. Leigh's husband, Jerome (Jet) Black has
maintained a slight lead in points with half the
Decathlon events completed. The running events remain
which are considered his strongest.
Amolie Jane Black, age 2, the couple's first child watched
her mother's victory from the stands, accompanied by her
maternal grandmother.
Leigh and Jerome run a free athletic program for youths in
their hometown.