One Family's Awakening - Chapter 13 free porn video

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It was Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. Kris and Kim would be home later that evening, so Karen arranged for Ms. Davis to spend the afternoon with her and Keith since school was out for the holiday. Karen knew they both needed to get some good fucking accomplished before they faced several days of abstinence while the her other son and daughter were home. Karen was still hoping to get at least a good look at Kris' huge cock now that she knew he was hung, but she also tried to dismiss it, knowing it could ruin everything if she slipped up in the process.

Linda Davis jumped at the opportunity. She was planning to visit her dad for the holiday and she only had a two hour drive to his place and otherwise had nothing to do. She and Karen spent the first part of the afternoon pegging Keith's ass with an assortment of toys in her red duffel bag. Keith was more than willing and enjoyed the variety of things Linda had brought to entertain her friends. Karen took a break to give Keith some needed relief and sucked him off and when he came, aimed his cock at Linda's firm tits, watching him shoot an impressive load all over her tits, some of it hitting her chin. While Keith recovered a bit, Karen and Linda enjoyed each other's pleasures with a combination of toys and tongues until both of them were near exhaustion.

While his mother and his principal were eating each other, Keith moved in behind Linda and slid his cock into her pussy. Karen enjoyed watching her son's cock filling Linda's cunt up close and the feel of his balls rubbing her face as he stroked in and out. Linda came on them both just before Karen came and then felt Keith tense up and empty his balls into her pussy. They laid beside one another, catching their collective breath, not saying too much. They just simply enjoyed the close physical presence of one another for a few minutes.

Karen broke the silence, "You could just stay with us for the holiday. It doesn't sound like you are that excited to go see your father."

"I appreciate the offer, Karen. That is very kind of you. It's not that I don't want to see him. It's just that since it is only the two of us, well, it doesn't really seem like a holiday. We enjoy our time together, but holidays are supposed to be for larger families."

Keith suddenly began to see his principal differently. She seemed more human to him for some reason. He was used to seeing her as part of the "system" and a fuck toy until now. But now, with her guard down a little, she seemed more like a typical woman with needs beyond sex and maybe even some regrets about where life had led her so far.

"What happened to your mother?" he asked casually.

Linda stared at the ceiling for a moment. "Neither of you can say a word of what I am about to tell you. I trust you, so this has to be kept as a secret between us. Agreed?"

Karen and Keith both agreed wholeheartedly.

Linda hesitated and finally opened up, "Oh fuck it. I need to tell someone and it might as well be two people I enjoy time with the most. My mother was a bitch on wheels for as long as I can remember. But my dad was totally devoted to her. She only had me because she couldn't stand being pregnant and she liked having a k** around even less. Once I came along, my dad did most of the daily care of my needs. I don't think I ever remember my mother doing much of anything for me or going to any of my school events or anything like that. It was always my dad. When I was 17, my mother finally left us. Neither of us ever heard from her again. Dad was devastated. We spent the next two years trying to track her down with no luck. I didn't care one way or the other, but my dad had a hard time letting go.

"I lived at home while I went to the local college. I took the place of his wife in every respect other than sleeping with him. We split the housework, I did the laundry and fixed the meals, he did most of the cleaning, and I went to school while he went to work. Some people assumed we were married and he had a trophy wife and he was my sugar daddy. It was nothing like that, of course, but that is how we began to act around each other as I took on the role my mother left behind.

"My dad was slowly losing his mind, though. I could see it wasting away since he could not get over mom leaving us. We both reached the point of no return. He couldn't take much more and neither could I. So one night, out of desperation, I went to his bedroom just before he went to sleep and I spent the night fucking him as many times as he could take. I figured that I was his woman in every other way and he had done so much for me over the years that I could do that much for him. If that didn't work, I would lose him and he would lose himself. If it did work, we could fight through it and eventually he would get over mom and find someone else. He didn't, but I had to go on with my life. He eventually pulled out of his nosedive into insanity, but he never trusted another woman other than me. He adjusted to living alone as I started my career and I drive the two hours to see him about once a month and I spend the weekend fucking him as much as he wants. I love him dearly and I don't dread it at all, but it is not your classic holiday. It was that experience that pushed me into education and psychology specifically. It is also how I learned to read the signs of other youth having sex with family members. Rarely does it really work out like it has for me or for the two of you. I don't get in the way of people like you, but I do protect those who aren't willingly embracing it."

All were quiet for quite some time before Linda decided it was time to leave. "I better get a move on. It would not be a good thing for your brother and sister to get here and find us all in bed together."

Keith got up and gave Linda a tender hug. "I am sorry your family turned out that way. And I am sorry you don't have a mother as loving as mine. I wish you were part of our family, Ms. Davis."

"Well, in one way I feel like I am. That is good enough for me. At least for now. Maybe someday I will have a family of my own. In the meantime, I appreciate that you two have let me into yours." Linda grabbed her bags after getting dressed and left the two of them alone.

Kris and Kim arrived a couple of hours later and hauled their bags to their old rooms. Karen and Keith both had mixed feelings. Both were glad to see them but also deep down resented the fact that they really fucked up their lifestyle for a few days. And both still heard Ms. Davis' words about family resonating in their minds and felt ashamed that they were thinking this way.

Karen fixed dinner for everyone and they all enjoyed catching up on more details about their lives than they typically covered on the occasional phone calls they had through the semester. Kim and Kris were laughing and telling stories from classes and jobs and much more open and talkative than Karen had ever seen either of them be before. She noted that they both had seemed to come out of their shells and were almost outgoing compared to the two introverts she had sent off to college. Then Karen noticed that a couple of times, Kim and Kris exchanged looks normally reserved for couples. She couldn't put her finger on it exactly and couldn't explain it to someone if pressed, but her sixth sense told her there had been something added to the mix in their relationship that couldn't just be chalked up to maturity.

Kim got up to clear the table and as she walked past Kris' chair she let her hand sweep over his shoulders and back as she passed. Karen leaned back in her chair, resting her chin in her hand, thinking when she saw Kim's hand brush over Kris and it dawned on her what had changed. But confirming her suspicions would be a totally different challenge and she could be entirely wrong. She could just be thinking in some warped way, projecting her relationship with Keith onto her other two offspring. She had to be careful and make a few more observations before diving into the deep end on this topic.

The next day was Thanksgiving and they all worked together in the kitchen preparing a traditional dinner and making idle chatter as they worked. They all had a fine time together and in most ways it seemed as if time had stood still from the last time they were all together. Karen maintained her private vigilant observations, looking for other telltale signs that Kim and Kris had developed another dimension to their relationship. But all through the preparation of the meal, sharing the meal, then finally cleaning up afterward, Karen saw nothing and began to write off her early suspicions as her warped mind playing tricks on her. Then they all decided to watch movies for the rest of the afternoon and evening. Karen was the last one to enter the living room. Keith was sitting in one of the arm chairs and Kris was sitting at one end of the sofa with Kim lying on the sofa with a pillow propped against Kris' leg between her and contact with his body. Karen sat in the remaining arm chair noting that Kim never positioned herself with Kris like that in the past. They had always been close, but they were more prone to needling each other than to be practically snuggling with each other. Karen's suspicions returned. Between movies, Kim got up to get a drink and asked Kris if he wanted anything. He declined and Kim remembered to ask the others if they wanted anything. Keith took her up on the offer and asked for a beer as he changed to another movie. Again, Karen took note that Kim thought of Kris' possible needs, something she would not have done before. Had she matured that much in such a short period of time? Not likely. And it was evidenced by the fact that her mom and Keith were afterthoughts.

Karen's mind wondered through most of the last movie, trying to figure out how to get to the truth and not do it with Keith present. He was probably doing well not to give up his own secrets about himself and mom. They all went to bed finally, since all of them were about to fall asleep through the last movie. Keith and Kris went to their room and Kim to hers. After Karen made sure things were in order, she went to her room, thinking how empty it felt not sharing it with Keith after months of sleeping with him.

Karen had just settled in when there was a knock on her door.

"Come in," Karen said, slightly annoyed thinking it was Keith unable to go 48 hours without drilling his mother.

Kim walked in and seemed somewhat distracted. "Mom, can we talk for a few minutes?"

"Sure, honey. Something wrong?" Karen asked with genuine concern.

"No, not really, well, I don't know. This is going to sound strange and coming from out of nowhere." Kim began. She was only wearing her panties and loose fitting tank top. Her nipples were clearly on display poking through the thin material.

"Go ahead, Kim. Just tell me what's on your mind. We've got all night if needed."

"Is my ass too big for the rest of me?"

Karen laughed in spite of herself. She got out of bed, wearing nearly the same outfit as Kim - panties and a loose fitting t-shirt. Her nipples were clearly visible as well and both could clearly see the other's ass if they wanted to look. Karen turned on the lamp beside her bed and motioned Kim to her full length mirror on the closet door.

Karen had not really studied Kim's figure in quite some time and just now realized that Kim's figure was very nearly identical to her own. Kim had larger tits and a slightly larger ass than Karen had, but otherwise they could pass as sisters other than for the obvious age difference.

"Kim, you have a beautiful ass on you." Karen said as she took the opportunity to run her hands over it. Kim took an audible deep breath and the touch of her mother's hands on her butt. "What on earth made you wonder if your ass is too big? Someone make a shitty comment about it or something?"

"No, it's just that, well, I do want to be attractive and while it seems like big asses are "in" these days, I don't know, I just wanted an honest opinion about my ass. I guess my figure as a whole. Becoming self-conscious I guess, later than most girls."

Karen turned Kim around and let her hands run down her shoulders and arms and back up from Kim's hips to her waist to her breasts and decided to cup them a little to see if they were as firm as they looked. Karen was getting aroused even though she knew better and when she touched Kim's tits, Kim sucked in another breath of air.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Kim asked without accusation and without pulling away.

"Sorry dear. You seem so concerned about your figure, I thought you might be concerned about your firmness as well. The fact is, you have a beautiful ass and both your ass and tits are nice and firm. You have nothing to be concerned about."

"You're just saying that because you are my mother." Kim argued.

"Check for yourself, sweetie. compare how your ass and tits feel compared to mine. I have more than 20 years on you, so you should be able to notice the difference." Karen was hoping Kim would take her up on the offer and was pleased that Kim did so. Kim stepped forward and embraced her mother and lowered her hands to feel her mother's ass. True, it was not as firm as her own, but was still a nice ass and Kim enjoyed the feel of it in her hands. Then she leaned back a little so that she could feel her mother's tits. Both women were breathing harder now and it was clear to both that they were getting aroused. Kim squeezed her mother's tits and totally gave up on making comparisons. She just began to play with them and Karen dropped all pretense and began playing with her daughter in return. Karen removed Kim's shirt and began sucking on a nipple. Then she removed Kim's panties and fondled her daughter's ass.
She took Kim to her bed and they intertwined legs and spent quite some time deeply kissing and touching each other all over.

"Mom, you are a beautiful woman. I want to have sex with you. I think you want to as well. Am I right?" Kim searched for her mother's agreement and consent. Karen responded by thrusting two fingers into Kim's now very wet pussy. Kim let out a loud moan and Karen quickly put a hand over her mouth to muffle it.

The two spent much of the night giving each other oral pleasures and Karen even dared to bring out one of her toys and fucked Kim with it multiple times and allowed Kim to use it on her as well. Karen and Kim were both relieved to finally be honest with each other about their attraction to one another. Neither could have done it before now and only now because they had let their walls down by having fucked the two young men in their family, who were now sleeping in the room across the hall.

Keith and Kris were not asleep however. Both were awake and periodically checked on each other to see if they were asleep. Keith finally asked Kris why he was having a hard time drifting off.

"Because I have a fucking hard on, that's why. What's your excuse?"

"Same problem, you dickhead. I am not 14 anymore in case you haven't noticed." Keith went from sullen and trying to hide it most of the day to being pissed that his brother was still treating him like a k**.

"You're right, Keith. Sorry. You are clearly a full grown man and I should treat you like one." Kris was being a helluva a lot more mature about it than Keith was and now Keith felt like a k** again as a result.

"Tell you what, bro. Since we are both laying here with boners, why don't we jerk off together?" Keith suggested.

"I'm game." relied Kris.

They both threw back the covers and revealed their hard cocks to each other by the moonlight coming in through their window. Even though they had separate twin beds parallel to each other across the room, their cocks were clear to one another and they slowly started stroking as they watched the other do the same.

Kris got up and walked over to Keith's bed and told him to move over. They lay beside each other to get a better look at the other's equipment and continued to stroke.

"Jeez, you got a big fucking cock, Kris!" Keith was clearly in admiration for his brother's big stick.

"You are pretty well hung yourself, Keith. How about we stroke each other? Does that turn you off to think of that?"

"Not at all. I was thinking of asking the same thing." Keith was beginning to see how this weekend might not be a total loss after all.

They took turns stroking each other for a little while when Kris leaned over and gave Keith a lick on his cock head. Keith's cock twitched with added excitement and Keith thrust up a little. Kris took the hint and sucked a little more into his mouth and then pulled away. Keith then leaned over and sucked the first few inches of Kris' cock into his mouth.
Keith leaned over to his nightstand and retrieved some lube and rubbed it all over Kris' cock, the head and shaft, all over his 10" of cock meat. Keith started to stroke it more and picked up the pace.

"Kris, you ever thought of fucking a guy before?"

"Yeah, just never saw an opportunity. Always been curious about it, though."

"Well, here is your opportunity if you want to try it. But that is such a big fucker, if you go for it, you better go easy or I will wake mom and Kim when I scream in pain. So you gotta promise you will go slow and do what I say."

"Fair enough. But this has to be our secret. I still prefer women and I don't want this getting out, got it?"

"Sounds like we are both on the same page." Keith agreed. He rolled over face down on his bed and spread his legs so that Kris had clear access to his brother's asshole. He squirted some lube on Keith's opening and rubbed it around thoroughly. He then got himself into position and began to ease his long cock in slowly, careful not to inflict any pain that would cause all kinds of hell to break loose in the household.

Kim was snuggling with her mother after several rounds and orgasms had passed. Kim finally mustered up the courage to speak some more.

"Mom, you have always taught us to be honest with you and I need to tell you something. But you have to keep it a secret between the two of us. It is going to be a long-ass weekend if I don't tell you now."

"What is it, baby?" Karen suspected, but did not let on.

"I didn't think you would approve until tonight and what you and I have been doing, but now I feel like it is safe to tell you everything." Kim paused and then spilled it. "Kris and I have been fucking each other for most of the semester."
Kim went on to tell her mother how it all started innocently enough and that they found it comforting to each other and she just unloaded the whole saga, leaving out the encounters with others so that her mother did not think they were total trash.

Karen laid next to her daughter and soaked it all in with relief. She hugged Kim and told her she understood and that she had a confession of her own to make.

"Kim, this is a little different, but not too much. You see, at about the same time you and Kris started fucking each other, I started fucking Keith. You see, we are not all that much different. I hope you don't think any less of me. I certainly don't think any less of you two." Karen proceeded to tell Kim most of the background on how it got started. She didn't mention any of the gang bangs they had hosted. That could come later if needed.

Kim kissed her mother and said, "You know, since we are fucking the two guys in the other room, there really isn't much of a need to keep it a secret from them. There really is no secret. How about we go wake them up and you can fuck Kris and I will see what my little brother has to offer. Want to?"

"I think that is a fine idea. I will enjoy seeing the looks on their faces when we march in and demand that they fuck us!"

They both laughed as they got out of bed, not bothering to dress. They crossed the hall together and opened the boys' bedroom door to find Kris on top of Keith fucking his ass like it was his last piece of ass. Kris and Keith heard the door open and saw the women standing there shocked at the scene in front of them.

"This is better than I had hoped for," said Karen with a big shit eating grin on her face.

Keith smiled and Kris looked like he had seen a ghost. He started to go limp in Keith's ass, but Keith started humping back against Kris' cock and told him it was fine and to keep fucking until he was finished. Karen and Kim sat on Kris' bed and fingered each other as they watched Kris fuck Keith until he filled Keith's ass with a massive amount of cum.

"Bravo, bravo!" said Kim, clapping her hands. "That was fucking hot! Kris, go wash off your cock in the shower and then lets all meet in mom's room. We have a party planned for you two that may last all night."

Keith and Kris both got in the shower and Kris washed off his cock and Keith cleaned the cum out of his ass. Both arrived together in their mother's bedroom to see the girls eating each other out. The two women came shortly after Keith and Kris walked in.

"Come on in boys and join the party!" Karen said with zeal.

Kris still looked somewhat bewildered and slightly amused, but wasn't entirely over the fact that his mom and sister caught him fucking his brother's ass.

Kim curled her index finger at Keith, signaling that he was going to be her partner for the first round. This was going to be a much better holiday weekend than he could have hoped for. He wasn't sure how this all came about, but he was reasonably certain he could wait until later to learn the backstory. Kim and his mother were on their backs next to each other with their legs apart. It struck Keith that Kim simply looked like a younger version of his mother and in that regard, the first time with his sister seemed like familiar territory to him. Karen had to work a little harder to get Kris ready. He was still a little distracted by the earlier event, but once he saw Keith mounting Kim and starting to fuck away at her hungry pussy, his cock responded and he buried his long staff in his mother's waiting slot. He was surprised that she could take him with relative ease and did not show any signs of discomfort at all. He was beginning to think there was hope for him to eventually find someone outside of the family that hadn't fucked the entire world who would be willing to venture into big dick country and make a go of it with him. For the moment, however, he was enjoying the woman under him and driving it home for the enjoyment of both of them. Keith was right beside his brother, thrusting in and out of his sister and thinking of this same kind of encounter the previous weekend when Rick and Abby were fucking him and his mother side by side. Keith was now having a hard time deciding who he enjoyed fucking the most. As he was stroking away inside his sister, he went through the growing list of women with whom he had blown his load. Linda Davis was one of the hotter ones, Abby, was equally intense, but not quite as kinky as far as he knew, Amanda was enthusiastic and his first and she just made him feel warm all over, Shelley was a hot, kinky bitch, but not really his type long term. Penny wasn't all that special, but he had only dicked her once. Then there was his mother and now his sister. There was no doubt in his mind that his mother was at the top of the list and Kim was quickly moving to the number two slot, but Keith hated the thought of giving up any of the others. Abby and Linda were close on the heels of his family members, but right now, all he could really think of was making his sister cum for the first time.

His mother's orgasm brought him out of his wandering mind as she shrieked, cumming hard on the huge cock in her love box. Kim was right behind her and let out a low grown of her own that escalated as her cum built to its peak. She nearly bucked Keith off of her as she came and he had to hold her down without ruining her orgasm in the process. Finally, Keith went over the edge himself and shot his thick goo into her pussy. Kris suddenly pulled his cock out of his mother and shot his cum all over her mid section and up and over one tit as he came for the second time that hour. The four of them went for another couple of rounds until fatigue took its toll and they agreed to pick up where they left off later the next day.

Now that is was truly going to be a family affair, all four of them could look forward to being together at one place or the other and sharing their experiences with one another. The rest of the weekend was spent mostly naked, mostly fucking or sucking or trying a new position and getting better acquainted physically with the ones they did not live with every day.

Sunday afternoon rolled around and Kim and Kris prepared to leave for the last few weeks of the semester. Within half an hour after they left, Karen and Keith both received texts at the same time.

Keith's text was from Abby.

Abby: "I would really like to see you again. And fuck you again. And fuck you alone this time."
Keith: "I would really like to see you again too. And fuck you again too. And fuck you alone this time too."

Karen's text was from Rick and said the exact same thing Abby's text to Keith said.
She chose to give the exact same response to Rick that Keith gave to Abby after Keith had shown her his message.

"Seems like we have some new admirers or friends or both." said Karen.

"Apparently." said Keith. "Looks like we both have dates coming up in the near future."

"In the meantime, let's you and I go back to bed and wear each other out some more. Up for it?"

Keith revealed his stiff cock. "What do you think?"

"It looks like it is going to be a long evening." Karen said, smiling.

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This is the final chapter in Awakening. I am working on Melinda and Mark’s story. Thanks for reading. Ashira CHAPTER EIGHTEEN -Months later- ‘Stop fiddling with your tie,’ Ashira said, batting at Jake’s hand. ‘I can’t help it,’ he grumbled. Ashira sighed and looked up as Mark and his lawyer walked into the court room. ‘I want him to just …’ Jake jumped as someone placed a hand on his shoulder. ‘Jeez Trevor, you gave me a heart attack,’ Jake groused. Trevor laughed. ‘Where’s Sunny?’...

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The Awakening of Chris Part 6

I walked back through the coolness of the kitchen and out into the heat of the pool area. I walked back into my apartment and saw Caley and Paul sitting at the table eating breakfast. Caley was in a towel. She looked beautiful. Paul turned, "At last.....thought you had left for the day. Everything OK?" I could see that Paul was a little worried about how things might have gone regarding his little hook up last night. "Everything's fine, just needed to wait for Mom to get out...

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The Awakening Chronicles Chapter 3

Chapter 3 === === The rest of the work day went like any normal day for Nathan. For Rebecca however, it was an odd day. After the incident with Sheila she was very horny, and decided to see if Nathan had one more round in him by sneaking under the table to clean off the naughty bosses juices from his cock. She was very surprised when Nathan had told her to stop, but she was even more surprised when she was compelled to do so. Something wasn't right. A genie is never compelled by...

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The Awakening Chronicles Chapter 1

=================================================================================== Yesterday was a normal day. Yesterday monsters weren’t real. Yesterday he didn’t know Rebecca. Yesterday is the past, forever unchanged, and when you have a day like the one Jonathan Adkins had, the future is most uncertain. Join me now as the tale unravels of a normal man thrown into a world he never knew existed. Jonathan Adkins lay in his bed waiting for his alarm to make the accustomed noise it...

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Her Awakening

No, this couldn’t be happening, she thought. This was not something she would ever dream of doing, no, she was a “good girl”. She had never even had a one-night stand, how could she now want to do this? She couldn’t help but relive that day. It was a warm late winter day, the kind that makes you know you’ve made it through the winter and that spring was on the verge of blossoming. I had had flights of fancy before, but something was brewing inside that was totally new. I had taken to calling...

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An Awakening in English Lit

Note: This is more of a literary exercise, however there is an erotic scene or two. Also to you who have not read D.H. Lawrence’s ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’ do so, and not just for the ‘fuck scenes’ dp * * * * * ‘Professor Donovan?’ Constance called out to her English Literature professor as he turned into the hallway in front of her. The young tall dark bearded man turned, his piercing blue eyes catching hers. She felt blood flow into her cheeks every time he looked at her. It was a...

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Awakening ndash Chapter 2

My fantasy continued… (If you have not read the first chapter titled "Awakening" ( this may leave you confused)Rachel held me tightly, her arms pulling me close, our lips met as the first spurt of cum left my cock and shot into her pussy. She moaned on my tongue again and I felt her rock her hips, rubbing her swollen clit against my shaft. She broke the kiss, breathing heavily, “Oh yes, fill me up,” she begged as the second spurt filled her and I...

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Mom8217s Summer Sexcapades 8211 Ch 1 Awakening

Prologue: The untimely summer rains kept pattering on the panes as I felt jolt after jolt of uninhibited orgasm escape my body like never before! Moans mixed with the fumes rising from the hot earth as the rains quenched the parched thirst of the soil quite parallel to the way Raju was ravishing my mom inside the car. Biting, nibbling, gobbling leaving no posture of oral sex fervor untouched! It was as if both their libidos were set ablaze in the lonely countryside as passion flared up in the...

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The awakening chapter 1

The Awakening:Chapter 1There are three remarkable things about this story. The first is the awakening of manhood. How a boy, whose age we’ll keep under wraps just in case people with higher moral conscience come banging on my door, became a man.How human imagination can open floodgates of thoughts and these thoughts culminate into elaborate dreams. The second remarkable thing would be how this imagination has no bounds. How it opens the gates to such immense possibilities without us realizing...

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Painted Lady Nikkis Awakening

Tales From The Painted Lady: Nikki's Awakening - By Beryl33 Hello, everyone! This is Nikki again, chambermaid at The Painted Lady. I've had some requests for the beginning of my story, the tale of how I became Mistress Anne's devoted - and transformed! - "lesbian" slavegirl and slutty she-male maid. Here's how it all began: I woke slowly, or half-woke, still drifting in the dream - a bizaare but very erotic dream in which I tried on various pieces of lingerie at the orders of a...

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Andersonville 22 The Awakening

Mike Stoner sat and watched as his boss read the report. Dennis Butz scanned through each page carefully, taking extra time to check out the psychological profile Mike had prepared. Satisfied with what he saw, Dennis placed the report down next to him. "Very thorough," he stated. "Thank you," Mike smiled. Dennis Butz was a good man to work for. "I think she is a very good choice for who you have in mind." Dennis nodded. "When can you move her?" "Tomorrow morning. I...

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Danis Story Book I Awakening Chapter I

Dear reader, this is my first effort at fiction, but after enjoying so many writers' efforts for years I felt I should try to give something back to the wonderful people who write and publish these marvelous stories. This is a story of a sissy by a sissy for sissies - and hopefully a few cute admirers as well. Book I - Awakening, in five chapters, deals with a 48 hour period where our heroine realizes and actuates her sissy-self. If it is well received, I plan on writing several...

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Danis Story Book I Awakening Chapter III

Book I - Awakening, in five chapters, deals with a 48 hour period where our heroine realizes and actuates her sissy-self. Chapters I and II took Dani through her initial transition in the hands of her Mummy and Sir John. She is now to be presented to (a very select) society as a sissy debutant. It is rated X, and deservedly so, as there is graphic sex and references to all sorts of other wonderfully kinky things. Please be of appropriate age or be gone! I hope you enjoy it as much as I...

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Danis Story Book I Awakening Chapter IV

Book I - Awakening, in five chapters, deals with a 48 hour period where our heroine realizes and actuates her sissy-self. This chapter continues with the party and focuses on Dani's becoming all the sissy girl she can be! It is rated X, and deservedly so, as there is graphic sex and references to all sorts of other wonderfully kinky things. Please be of appropriate age or be gone! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Either way, please do let me know. DANI'S...

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Danis Story Book I Awakening Chapter V

Book I ? Awakening, in five chapters, deals with a 48 hour period where our heroine realizes and actuates her sissy-self. Chapter V deals with the party's aftermath, Dani's first experience with another sissy, and looks into the future. It is rated X, and deservedly so, as there is graphic sex and references to all sorts of other wonderfully kinky things. Please be of appropriate age or be gone! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Either way, please do let me...

2 years ago
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My Awakening Part One

My awakening into the world of bi-sexual encounters which have rocked my world.Up until I was 19 I had never even looked at another women with anything but a fashionable eye and a bitch about her beauty, but a hot and sticky July afternoon was to change that forever. My best friend had invited me to her beach hut where she spent most of her summers to relax and enjoy some sunshine and white wine with a couple of her colleagues from work, I had never been out with this crowd before but very soon...

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The Awakening of Christine

My wife, Chris, and I live in an urban center on the east coast. We're both successful lawyers who work downtown and have been married for 15 years; 14 of them in total monogamy. I am 50 years old and she is my second wife.Chris, who is 38, stands 5'5" tall, has short brunette hair, 116 lbs., beautiful legs with breasts in total proportion to her body; a lovely figure with a defined, European face...big eyes and soft lips. (Her parents came from Sweden.) We don't have any c***dren by choice....

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Brendas Awakening Chapters 12

Brenda's Awakening There I was, Xander Estevez, standing in the middle of my apartment looking at the news on my exe's Social Media account. "WE'RE PREGNANT". Those two words, well three if you break up the contraction, just shattered my world. Now I know what you're thinking and no, the kid's not mine. You may also be feeling pity and Empathy for a guy who just felt the world come down on top of him but I promise this is not a sad story, this isn't a horror movie or a tragedy. No....

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The Awakening

The AwakeningThis is based on true a story and some of you who have read some of my very early stories may recognize this story.Well  where can I start … from the beginning I suppose picture this a bored 30 something housewife , married her high school sweetheart and now almost 15 years later felt like she was screaming inside with boredom. I felt like I was abnormal because I wasn’t enjoying lovemaking – it was always over too soon, was always the same and if I dared to suggest something out...

1 year ago
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Carolines Awakening

Caroline's Awakening Caroline's Awakening The setting sun lazily flashed and flickered off the final water jump. Caroline dug her boot heels in to goad her horse, Odyne, to complete the final jump. Before the ripples caused by the mud falling from the horses hoofs had reached the bank, she had crossed the line to what can only be described as polite, almost sympathetic applause.?Bugger? she thought, disheartened in knowing that for the third year running she had failed to finish inside...

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The Awakening

The awakening part 1 ?The awakening part 1 As the taxi drove through the Oxfordshire countryside I lent forward and wound down the window, the warm spring air blew around me, the scent of Elder, Hawthorn and grass heavy in the breeze, the dappled sun shining on to open fields, as the clouds roll through the heavens, crops beginning to sprout as Nature begins another cycle. I sat back as I thought of what was to come, meeting Cathy for the first time as my submissive. We had met twice...

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My Awakening

My Awakening My Awakening Part 1; The day was like any other day. I got out of bed somewhere around 3 PM, but only because I set my alarm. I took a quick shower and forgot to shave. I played around on my computer for a while, then I was off to work. I'm only 23 and I own my mother's old corner store, after she sold it to me for basically nothing as she expanded her other businesses. Anyway, it was a Saturday night, which is a corner store's best night. That meant I could have two people...

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Staceys Awakening part 2

To follow the story please pick up on the first part of the series. now on things will start to pick up for the better (or worse) for our lovely Heroin. Make sure to like or leave a comment. All input is greatly appreciated and motivational for continuing the story. Chapter 3 : And so it begins Stacey lifted her head, a buzzing pain clouded her ability to think straight as she lifted her head from her pillow.My god, she thought...

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Awakening Ch 3 Quickening

This is the third chapter of Awakening. This is the uncensored version of this story and contains extreme gore and death. If you would prefer a censored version with a minor rewrite to avoid human death, feel free to visit my profile on Literotica or Lush Stories (links to both profiles are available in my DeviantArt bio under the name QuiverWrites), where the censored version will be published. Both versions are also available on my Patreon. As with previous chapters, this story contains...

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Awakenings 3

AWAKENINGS 3 Well, here it is right after the holidays and Im alone again while Stu is enjoying himself in London for three weeks. Like last year, Id have to spend this New Years Eve alone again. I started writing this stuff for therapeutic reasons, a way to blow off steam for a while, but something makes me want to finish it now that Ive gone this far. This may be my last story. I dont know at this point. Cant see any more happening to me that someone would want to read about. Also, cant...

1 year ago
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Awakening Ch 1

Awakening by Quiver Chapter 1: Summoning Rebecca heard the creak of the front door opening as Steven entered the house. "Hey Honey," he chimed from the front hallway. "How was your day?" he asked absently as he hung his jacket on the coat rack. "Fine, what about you?" Rebecca answered from the kitchen. "Yep, same. All good," Rebecca heard him mumble from the other room. Hopefully he'll come in here before he sits down in front of the computer, she thought to herself. She had...

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Bree 6 The Awakening

Introduction: Girlfriends 1st Time with Dog & Pony NOTE: If you have not read the previous Bree stories 1-5, I would highly suggest that you do, so you can have a historical perspective of the past history of the people involved, that events that lead up to each individual chapter and how this lifestyle has evolved among these friends. If you have not read Bree 5, it is a prerequisite as Bree 6 is the continuation of where Bree 5 laid the groundwork and left off, then Bree 7 Shannons Encounter...

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Awakening Blood of the Unknown

Background: Amelia is the last but highest ranking surviving member of her bloodline. She knows that if she finds her destined mate that she will be able to birth more purebloods and will not have to augment her forces with turned vampires. She loves all of her children but is in need of purebloods to strengthen her forces to combat the humans. She does not want war but will not allow her family to be extinguished by human hatred and fear. Humans know that if Amelia finds a mate Humanity will...

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Bree 6 The Awakening

I have tried to accurately represent the events as they were related to me and have submitted the manuscripts back to those who provided the information for review for accuracy. As a reminder, you are encouraged to read these stories in succession so you will gain an understanding of how these events began and unfolded over time. 41 Pages Bree 6 The Awakening About a month before the planned get together at the ranch, they all met in San Antonio at The Shops of LaCanterra to...

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The Awakening

THE AWAKENING By Betty Noone The Beginning Howard Polk, Age 34, and Margaret (Maggie) Polk, age 33 were in the kitchen of their home having the most important conversation of their lives since their marriage ten years ago. They were both college professors with doctorate degrees, he in History and she in Economics. While very young for such an honor, they were both tenured at their school and each earned just short of $100,000.00 a year. They had two children, a boy named Mark,...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 07

The trip to San Francisco, California, goes at a faster pace than Boone likes because Peter, the trader, is pushing to get there and back home. Boone has little choice about matching Peter’s pace if he wants to get the extra money for hauling the goods. At camp on the night after the first full day Boone walks over to Peter and ask, “Is this the pace you’ll be keeping all the way to San Francisco and back to Arizona City?” Peter looks up at Boone from where he’s sitting as he says, “Only on...

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Awakenings 5

Introduction: A continuation: Awakenings 5 I didnt think I would be writing about this anymore, but so much has happened to me since the last chapter, and a lot of people have asked whats going on, so here goes nothing. Awakenings 1-4 will tell you how much my once simple life has changed, and how I went from a happily married young wife to someone with an almost unquenchable sex appetite. I could blame Randy, the man who introduced me to that life-style, but I know it was completely my own...

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Awakenings 4

Introduction: Read Awakenings 1-3 before this one. Awakenings 4 I didnt think Id continue with my story, but a few things have happened lately that made me reconsider. One, Cleo (the woman who helps me write this) got so many responses asking what has happened since the first stories, that she persuaded me to continue. Secondly, my extreme behavioral and personality changes are something Im still trying to understand. Ive gone from a meek, nave little creature who thought sex was just...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 03

After Boone sees everyone in the camp is properly set out for their first night in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, he goes over to the cooking fire for the Gray contingent, asks for both Olive and Nellie to walk with him, and he walks toward the horses. He stops short of the rope corral they’ve put up for the stock, turns to the two young ladies, and says, “A couple of weeks back your mother told me both of you want to be my wife and have insisted I’ll be your man for some years. Is that...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 08

The trip of about five hundred miles to Santa Fe should take them about twelve to fourteen days to make the journey. After much talking on who’ll go Mary decides Nellie and Sam will accompany Boone and he’s to hire three or four of the Apache as scouts. After the decision is made preparations are made for the trip, the three family members will share the gold between them in their saddlebags, and the ladies will lead two pack-horses carrying their camping gear and food supplies. To ensure...

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Blinding Lust 2 The Dark Lords Awakening

Disclaimer: I hoped you liked the first part of this saga I have started…its my first sex story, I have yet to expand more…but I hope you will understand…I will try my best to meet your expectations in the stories to follow…but I hope you will follow this story as it progresses…and it would be helpful if you leave me comments…hope you will enjoy… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Blinding Lust 2 – The Dark Lords Awakening No ordianry man could hear it, and he...

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Second Nature The Awakening

Second Nature: The Awakening By Crystalline Chapter 1 - A Hopeless Struggle I was faced with a situation that was just out of the realm of my ability to handle. Sure, I was one of the most powerful people on the face of the planet. I have the ability to use the energy of my own soul as a weapon. I am what's known as an extradimensional. You see, in my world, angels, demons, dragons, they aren't myth. They're real, and they're damned strong. Myself, I'm half-demon. You can call...

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The Long Hot Summer The Awakening

Purely Erotic Fiction. THE LONG HOT SUMMER – The Awakening Chapter 1 Well, as all things seem to go in life, new opportunities and experiences present themselves at unexpected times, and in unbelievable places. My story begins when I was a few days away from my eighteenth birthday. I was a bit of a shy guy, a studious “straight A” student, a good athlete, lettering in a number of sports, and really naïve about sex. I had offers from a number of very good universities, so life was good....

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 04

Bright and early on Monday July 1st, 1861 the doors to the barn are opened and the four wagons move out. Yesterday afternoon was spent cleaning up the barn and stables and now they’re leaving after several weeks of living there while getting ready to go west. Three of the wagons are fully loaded and the fourth is mostly loaded, they’ll finish loading it when they reach Columbus, Ohio, where they plan to buy a great deal of salt. Nellie is at the reins of the lead wagon pair with Heidi in...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 05

When rolling into town mid-morning Boone has a stray thought of, Something must be wrong! This is a Tuesday, not a Monday. We never get anywhere except on a Monday. He’s amused by the thought. During the afternoon they talk while they unpack the wagons, and Boone says, “While in Council Bluffs I caught up on the news. There’s been a dozen or so battles between Army units in Missouri since April, hundreds of shootings and killings in Kansas, and militia attacking the people all over Kansas...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 02

Following the talks in December 1859 Mary, Heidi, and Boone start their preparations to leave Virginia. Materials and things are bought and put aside, for now. The tensions and troubles increase with each passing month of 1860. Mary, Heidi, and Boone become more worried with each rise in the tensions between the two major political forces. Boone starts to build a wagon like his father made using his father’s drawings which Mary has. They don’t have a farm wagon so he builds two of the large...

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Boone The Early YearsChapter 06

The trail west from Fort Laramie, Nebraska Territory, is well marked due to the many hundreds of wagons along the trail in the past twenty years. Many of the worst parts of the trail have been improved by earlier wagon-trains; which just means the trail is wide enough for the wagons, it’s well marked, also some water crossings have stones in them to stop the crossing from washing away, and some of the worst crossings now have ferries in place to make them easier. There are still some places...

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Kellys Awakening

Introduction: How Kellys adventures began This is rather a short opening, not as much sex as you may want but Ill upload more of the story in future depending on the response Kellys Awakening Part One Kelly Richmond was having a very bad day. It had been about 20 minutes since she had hung up the phone and she was still in shock. Jennifer, her girlfriend for the last 9 months, had ended their relationship with a phone call! Not only that, but Jennifer had admitted that she had been having...

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