Tre Lloyd Adventures Ch. 07 free porn video

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As I leapt back I kept my left hand in front of me, a slightly glowing aura around it as I activated the magic of the ring on my middle finger and, almost without thought, my sword-spell brought my flaming no-dachi to my right hand. As I came down out of the hallway, Akiro was to my right, His no-dachi held in a two handed grip and Keio was to my left with his twin katanas held in a typical twin sword fighting stance.

I heard a rasp of steel down the hall and knew the young man had drawn a sword. I watched as the smaller of the two leaned up, murmuring unheard to him for a moment before turning back to face us. I watched as it stepped over the threshold of the Villa, turning back to gesture to the bigger to follow. It walked slowly down the hall as I heard everyone fanning out behind Akiro, Keio and me. I kept my left hand up between us and my sword-spell in my right hand ready to strike as it stepped into the light of the atrium, pulling the hood from its face fully. I heard Akiro gasp a prayer and Keio choked out a ‘No’ before dropping to his knees, his katanas slapping the tiny stones of the floor as they dropped from his suddenly nerveless fingers.

‘Hello, Tre,’ Kimiko said. ‘It’s been a long time.’ She smiled a crooked smile, the fang thus exposed marring the picture that I had seen so often in my dreams over the years.

Suddenly I felt a surge of power and heat behind me and I dropped as a lance of fire shot over my shoulder. ‘No!’ I screamed, looking back at Heidi, who cut off her spell though her eyes continued to glow with fire and her hair kept whipping around her as if blown by a hot wind.

I looked back at Kimiko in time to see the last of Heidi’s fire disappearing into Robert’s sword, held over her shoulder. The Japanese sigils along the blades length were glowing an angry red and the ones touched by the flame were only now returning to that color from the near blinding white they had turned on contact with the fire. As soon as the fire-lance had been absorbed fully, Robert stepped around Kimiko and placed himself in front of her but out of her line of sight and taking up a stance identical to Akiro’s double-handed grip.

I stood back up, lowering my magic absorbing ring and letting its power fade, the shimmer around my hand disappearing. The sword-spell also was allowed to drop and it faded into nothingness. I glanced over my shoulder as I heard Tomas speak, a ball of lightning held in one hand ready to throw. ‘I tried to tell you, Tre. I checked the door astrally as you opened it. She is a vampire, a full-blooded vampire.’ Tomas shook his head as he let the lightning ball dissipate. ‘I’m not sure what he is. He has a human aura, but it’s like it is crossed with a vampire’s. I’ve never seen anything like it. He is definitely a mage, though. I can sense that much at least, and a powerful one at that.’

I looked over at the one who called himself Robert. An unimpressed smirk was on his face as his eyes roamed constantly around the room. I shifted to my astral perception and gave them both a thorough look, seeing that Tomas had called it right on the spot about them. Robert’s aura had the glow of a human’s but it was darkened by something. I agreed with Tomas’s call that it looked like a human-vampire cross. I blinked my eyes and let my focus return to normal sight, turning to look at Kimiko. ‘What is he? And how did you get past my wards, vampire?’

She laughed and I almost cringed at the way my heart gave a flip-flop hearing that sound again. ‘You have not altered the way you make your wards in nearly twenty years, love. I recognized the workings and just came through. Your wards were never meant to keep me out. And Robert’s human half allowed him to pass through without triggering them.’ She looked at her protector. ‘As for ‘what’ he is. That will become clear in time.’

‘Is this how Tre Lloyd welcomes guests to his house?’ Robert said in a low growl. ‘With questions and attacks?’ He broke off with a low snarl as Kimiko placed a hand on his forearm. He lowered the sword but did not sheath it. I could see that the sigils along its length had returned to their natural black color instead of the glowing red and white they had been.

‘No it is not how I welcome guests to my house.’ I said, looking at him. ‘But I am not accustomed to having vampires as guests.’ I looked from him to Kimiko and then slowly back to him. ‘I am also not accustomed to having the lackeys of vampires as guests in my house. What I -am- accustomed to is being at war with vampires and their allies for the better part of two decades. So you will excuse my natural response and that of my friends.’ I turned my back on them and walked back over to Keio, who had not moved since seeing his ‘dead’ twin sister up and walking around as a vampire, kneeling down beside him to check on him. He was staring at Kimiko vacantly and murmuring to himself in Japanese, his hands resting on his swords as if to anchor himself to sanity.

I spoke to Keio quietly in Japanese until I heard the young man speaking behind me. ‘I am no lackey of vampires, Mr. Lloyd.’ I looked over my shoulder, noting his sword fairly quivering in anger as he spoke. He stepped forward angrily and Akiro raised his weapon and stepped to interpose himself between Robert and me. Robert once again stopped as Kimiko put a hand on his forearm, speaking quietly to him. He nodded his head, speaking quietly and with a flash of steel sheathed his sword on his back.

I only caught a portion of what he said but it was enough. I rose and spun to face the two of them, pushing Akiro out of the way as I looked at the two figures. ”Mother’?’ I said in disbelief. He is your SON?’ I fought back the surge of anger that coursed through me, not very successfully and looked at Kimiko. I waited for an answer, my fists clenched and my entire body tight in anger. Akiro and Keio moved up beside me, their weapons also returned to their sheaths but their hands resting on the hilts. I could tell that Keio was still unsettled when he bumped into me trying to get closer to hear.

Kimiko stepped around Robert and walked into the atrium, the young man now revealed to be her son following close behind. She nodded and reached over with one hand to caress each of her brothers’ cheeks while looking from them to me. ‘Yes, Tre, he is my son.’ I stepped angrily back from her and she shrugged and took advantage of the opening to hug Akiro who hugged her back stiffly with one arm, keeping his eyes on Robert. When she turned to hug Keio, he stepped back from her to avoid the hug and a look of sadness crossed her face.

‘So which of the blood-suckers fathered your son? I want to know if I have killed the bastard over the years or not.’ I forced my hands to open and almost didn’t notice as they once again closed into angry fists as I looked at the woman I had loved nearly twenty years ago. I looked from her to her son and saw a flash of anger in his eyes before it was hidden by the alertness that had been there since he arrived.

Kimiko turned away from her twin with a last sad look and walked slowly back over to Robert, turning to look at me. Her long hair floated around her face like a cloud as she faced me. ‘No vampire fathered him, Tre.’ She took a deep breath, sadness flashing through her dark eyes. ‘His father is human, although from what I have seen, he is quite dead.’ She looked back at me and before I could ask again who the father was, spoke up. ‘His father is the young man I was with the night I was taken.’

My jaw dropped in shock as her words slammed into me full force. ‘What? You’re saying that I am his father?’

She nodded slowly. ‘Yes, Tre, you are his father.’ She looked back at him for a moment before turning to me.

‘How? When did it happen? You never told me you were pregnant.’ The confusion ripping through me was making my words come a mile a minute.

‘The how is easy. The same way everyone gets pregnant. It happened about two months before I was take
n.’ She smiled sadly and stepped towards me. Once again I stepped back from her, wanting to know more. ‘We had both told the other that we had surprises for each other. Yours was to ask me to marry you. Mine was to tell you that I was pregnant with your child. I was about to tell you when the vampires burst in and took me. That is why I didn’t tell you. I was taken to a laboratory in Memphis and turned into a vampire. I was bitten and turned by Freyja herself.’ She turned and rested her hand proudly on Robert’s arm. ‘My son, OUR son, was born roughly seven months later.’

Everybody in the room tensed as she gestured towards the triclinium and the feel of a spell being cast tickled those who could sense it. Slowly a glass of wine came to her hand and the spell stopped. I gestured for everyone to relax and she smiled, sipping from the wine. As she lowered the cup she gestured to it, ‘This is a very good year’, enjoying everyone’s surprise. She walked over and leaned against a wall of the atrium, putting her foot against the wall. ‘I was given daily feedings from Freyja herself while I was pregnant. This gave me some of her tolerance for human food and drink. It also served the more important purpose for her doing it. It made both me and Robert very powerful.’

I looked back and forth from her to Robert. I was stunned, floored with the news I had just heard. ‘Why? Why didn’t you contact me and let me know… let me know that you weren’t dead?’ I numbly pointed towards Robert, ‘Why didn’t you tell me that I had a son?’ I felt rage beginning to build beneath the shock and fought to control it. ‘Almost twenty years I have fought because I thought you were DEAD! And now you show up on my doorstep, not only NOT dead, but with someone that turns out to be our SON!’ I fought back the rage, only able to spit out one more word, ‘Why?’

Kimiko lowered her head, her hair falling around her as Robert moved to stand beside her. She looked up and stared me straight in the eyes. ‘I could not contact you at first. For the duration of my pregnancy I was virtually a prisoner in the compound housing the laboratory. I was allowed two one hour sessions to exercise per day. The rest of the time I remained locked in my room waiting on Freyja to come feed me.’

She broke eye contact with me and looked at Robert. ‘After he was born, he was taken from me and only brought back so I could feed him. I was even guarded while feeding him.’ She looked around the atrium slowly, still speaking quietly. ‘Once he was no longer being breast fed, my daily feedings from Freyja ceased.’

Robert spoke up quietly, a cold anger evident in his voice. ‘I was taken from her and not allowed to see her except for a few minutes a day. The rest of my time was spent being educated. I learned everything I was supposed to so far as schooling. I was also taught, as far back as I can remember, the history of the vampires in America, Freyja in particular, magical history and theory, personal combat techniques and how to use my… powers.’ He scowled. ‘I think I got the sour end of the deal. I was ‘gifted’ with all of these powers,’ his voice dripped with sarcasm, ‘but I was taken away from my mother, I never knew my father until a few years ago. And then I was unable to contact you because I was watched too closely.’

Kimiko placed her hand on Robert’s arm again. ‘Neither of us could contact you, Tre. It took me years to work my way into Freyja’s trust so I could even leave the compound alone. Before, I was always forced to take escorts with me. I was told that Freyja had invested too much time and power in me to be allowed to wander off and get myself killed by the ‘insane’ vampire killing mage’ that ran around this area.’ She smiled at me. ‘It took me years to even find out who that mage was. And when I did I began planning ways to contact you. Until now, there was no way that I could get away from Freyja’s eyes and ears long enough to.’

The look on her face hardened as she looked back at Robert and then to me. ‘I found out later that Robert was considered a freak, an aberration by the other vampires. He was not alone in this. Dozens of pregnant women were taken around the same time I was, from all over the country, and brought to Memphis for this. They were all turned and gave birth to half-human, half vampire children. Most of them died in childbirth. Many others went insane when their children were taken from them and were killed.’

She took another deep drink from her cup and sighed. ‘The ‘Old Bloods’ of the Vampire Kingdom call Robert and those like him ‘Dhampir’. They are looked on even lower than those who are turned from human to vampire. Freyja tolerates them because they are useful. But even she does not much like having them around.’ A slight smile crossed her face. ‘All except for Robert that is. She taught him magic and he learned it well. So she likes him.’

Kimiko looked back up at me and for a moment she looked like the girl I knew years ago. ‘All of that would change if she knew that you were his father. If she knew that she would kill him on the spot and me too. Your ‘crusade’ against the vampires has long since turned from a vampire disappearing here and there to vampires being killed left and right. I hope you can understand why I didn’t tell you before.’ Her dark eyes met mine searching for some kind of sign.

I didn’t know what to say listening to her telling about what had happened since she was taken from me all those years ago. ‘The dream I had recently. You were responsible for that weren’t you?’

She nodded, reaching up to tuck her hair behind her ear. ‘Yes I was. A trick I learned from Freyja. It has helped me over the years.’

I interrupted her as she paused and looked about to continue. ‘So why now? Why have you chosen to come forward and tell me you were alive now and that I have a son?’ I couldn’t keep the anger from my voice as I continued, ‘You kept the information from me for this long, what prompted you to come and tell me now?’

‘Because Freyja is… .’ Robert spoke up from beside his mother, breaking off as she put her hand on his arm.

I sensed the others tensing up at Robert’s words and I chuckled. ‘Freyja is… what? Angry with me because I killed her favorite? I know this. I have heard it from several good sources.’

As I looked at Kimiko, waiting on her to say something, she spoke softly. ‘As you probably know, there is an assassin after you.’ She smiled slightly and continued. ‘The best assassin available to Freyja, maybe the best in the world.’

‘Yes,’ I said, nodding. ‘I know that she has an assassin after me. My sources have told me that as well.’

Dave spoke up from behind me somewhere. ‘You seem to know a lot about this assassin git. Wot’s goin on?’ He demanded in his British accent.

Kimiko smiled at him. ‘I do know a lot about the Blue Dragon. Freyja has made extensive use of the Dragon over the last few years. Aside from that, I have some rather… unique… knowledge of the Blue Dragon.’

‘And just how is that, Kimiko?’ I asked, looking at her intently. ‘How do you know so much about the Blue Dragon?’

She looked down at the floor and I thought I caught a bit of a flush to her cheek as she reached out, making a quick gesture, the illusion of a leg appearing in the air between us. The intricately detailed tip of a tail coiled around the ankle and ran up and around the leg, turning into the full body of a blue dragon farther up the leg. She added a bit of detail and a lower torso appeared attached to the tail and the dragons sinuous neck and head appeared, lightning coming from its mouth headed towards the figures groin.

Releasing the illusion she reached down and pulled the cuff of her pants leg up, revealing the tip of a tail coiled around her ankle. As she let it drop she pulled her shirt up to reveal her smooth belly, a blue dragon’s neck and the back of its head visible. ‘Because I AM the Blue Dragon.’

In a flash Keio was around in front of me, his hands resti
ng on his katana hilts. Robert moved in front of his mother as fast as Keio did, his sheathed no-dachi held in his left hand, the right wrapped around the hilt ready to draw, staring at his uncle. I put a hand on Keio’s shoulder. ‘Relax, Keio. If she was out to kill me, she could have done it already.’ I looked over at Kimiko. ‘I can think of two times just recently that she could have possibly killed me when I was with Marie.’

She smiled but a flash of annoyance sparked in her eyes. ‘Is that her name? She was pretty. And yes, I could have killed you twice that night while you were with her. Once at the club and once back at her apartment when you were preoccupied.’ She smiled and drained her cup, putting her hand on Robert’s arm. He relaxed and took his place at her side again. Seeing him relax, Keio moved back beside me. ‘I do apologize for interrupting your fun, Tre. To be honest, I saw you with her and had to do something. So I put on the show at her apartment.’ She laughed. ‘But the show I put on was nothing compared to the show I watched.’ She smiled, keeping her dark eyes locked on my face.

I looked back at her, meeting her gaze levelly. ‘So you’re the Blue Dragon. How did that little career change come about? Before you were taken you were a model.’ I loaded the last sentence with all of the bitterness I still felt about her being snatched.

She sent the cup back into the triclinium with another spell and looked at me. ‘After I was taken and turned and allowed to roam on my own, I went ahead and got the tattoo that your friend drew for me. As you saw, it runs up my leg with the dragon’s head resting on my hip and it’s lightning breath blowing in my pubic area. Shortly after that, I was challenged to a fight by someone who was jealous of my closeness to Freyja.’ She chuckled. ‘To make a long story short, we fought and after he burned all of my clothes off with a fireball spell, I killed him with a spell that I improvised on the spot. I remembered it from playing Dungeons and Dragons with you. I made the spell up on the spot and hit him with a blast of lightning breath. Everybody saw the blue dragon on my leg and the spell I used to kill him and the nickname stuck. I have been the Blue Dragon ever since.’

She squatted down, leaning against the wall. ‘After that Freyja started to pay even more attention to me. I was taught a lot of her old magic. One time I asked her why she was teaching it to me and she said ‘because now I have the perfect assassin to get to all of those mages with’. I was shocked but I had to do as she said. She exerts a lot of control over those she makes. It was only after my last ritual of power that I was able to put up mental shields strong enough to block her commands and still act like they were in force.’

Akiro cut her off. ‘So you are stronger than she is now?’

Kimiko smiled. ‘No, Akiro, I am not. It is just that I have grown strong enough and skilled enough in magic to be able to deflect her attempts and still make her think I am under her control. If she suspected that I was not under her control, she would simply batter her way in and there would be nothing I could do. Ask Tre. He knows how powerful and skilled she is.’

‘That’s true’, I nodded. ‘Freyja is naturally strong. She is a millennium old after all. A thousand years of blood sacrifices and blood magic has undoubtedly increased her strength even beyond what would normally be expected from her. Add to that a thousand years of active practice and you have one skilled, powerful mage.’

Kimiko nodded gravely. ‘That’s absolutely right. She is very skilled, but she uses the same old tricks over and over. She doesn’t vary things at all and that makes it easy to counter what she is doing.’

I chuckled. ‘That is a weakness with most of the ‘Old Blood’ vampires from Europe. They are set in their ways and do not alter easily. That makes them easy targets. Or I should say easier targets. No vampire that is that old is an easy target.’

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Juans day at school juans sex adventures

Introduction: Juans Sex adventures, Part Two. Remembering that Day @ School Please keep your seatbelt on till plane is fully at a complete stop, Por favor, sigan el cinturó,n de seguridad hasta que el avió,n está, a una parada completa the women speaking with sexy Latin voice maybe early 20s over the planes intercom. I a woke from a wet dream as usually, cock stiffin my pants thank Goodness I have my briefcase over my lap. Because the women an her daughter would have been...

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Bdsm adventures

This story is for a compilation of many different bdsm adventures. It was formerly known as latex adventures, but as chapters developed they dealt more and more with different aspects of bdsm, and less consistently with latex. Latex still exists as a strong element in many of the chapters, namely because I like to write about characters wearing it. I created this as a one all stop for my and others bdsm themed stories, so they can be in one place instead of spread through various stories...

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Ratna The Beginning 8211 Part 2 Exploring The Sex Adventures

Hello Everyone! Greetings of the day. This story is a continuation of my previous sex adventures, ‘Ratna – The Beginning’. For a better experience, please read it. I’d like to pay gratitude to readers who liked it and the ISS editors for publishing it. Coming to the story. It was around 8:30 in the morning when I woke up. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Ratna sleeping beside me, stark naked with a comforter covering her upper body. The sunshine falling on her body was making her look so...

4 years ago
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New House New Adventures

New House, New AdventuresMy name is Dave and I had just moved into a brand new house in a nice suburban area with my wife and her two daughters. I own a few restaurants in the area and had been lucky enough to find a beautiful wife. This was my second time being married and did not have any k**s in my previous marriage and married into having two new beautiful daughters. We had finally just got everything situated and had unpacked all of our belongings and finally had a second to relax. The new...

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Treehouse Masters Teenage Love HutChapter 4

Pete and Devin stood atop a temporary platform which allowed them to look down through the hollow. The men smiled as they saw water draining away. Pete’s cell phone rang. As Pete answered it, Devin got a knowing look on his face. “Hello?” Pete answered. “Yes, this is Pete Nelson. Yes, Nelson Treehouse and Supply. Your treehouse ... hurting the tree? The side of a cliff!? Uh, yeah, that’s not something I’ve come across before.” The head of NTAS glanced around the work-site. “Um, yeah, I’ll...

1 year ago
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Trents Crush

Trent was 18, he was 6 '1, he had curly hair, bright green eyes, and a cute smile, and well...he was gay--but he did not want to admit it to himself. Everyday in gym class he would find himself looking forward to changing in the locker room with all the other sweaty guys after class. He also discovered that he had a crush on this one guy in his class named Chris. Everyday in the hall Trent would find himself looking through the crowds in the hall to get a glimpse of him. Chris was the...

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Our first 3 Adventures

Adult BookstoreWe had had a lot of fun all afternoon at our local club throwing darts and the wife flirting with our regular friends. About dinner time we left for a restaurant across the river from Omaha in Council Bluffs. As we drove a sign we never noticed before came into view. Adult Emporium was what it read. LuEllen was feeling very good after having a few drinks at the club and we both looked at each other and said let’s check it out. We did a U-turn and headed back the way we came to...

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A Trip With Many Adventures

Hi Friends this is Sk from Chennai & currently working in Bangalore. This is my first story I am posting in ISS & I had quite few encounters which will be posted based on your comments. About myself I am shapeless 6.1ft tall creature with brown skin & I never bother about my attire or looks which attracted this good looking white skin girl named Anu, She works with one of our client whom I used to meet often & during one such visit we exchanged our contacts for official reason which later...

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TreehouseChapter 3 Busted

Bob awoke to birds singing in the tree limbs above him. Kim was nestled in his arms. The early morning sun was warm, but not enough to offset the chill from their nakedness. Kim stirred and looked adoringly at Bob. "Good morning, lover," she whispered sweetly. Then she realized that she had no clothes on, and that, even though she was snuggled close to Bob, she was freezing. "We had better climb down and go inside," said Bob. Bob and Kim grabbed their clothes and hurriedly threw them...

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Healslut Adventures

"And don't come back!" That's the last you hear before you're kicked out into the street and a door is slammed behind you. This isn't the first time you've been kicked out of an inn, but it is the first time you have been thrown out into the street in the middle of the day stark naked, your belongings kept by the proprietor to pay your debt. You blush deeply, hoping nobody along the bustling street is noticing your state of undress. It has been several weeks since you left on your "grand...

4 years ago
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Ares adventures

You walked slowly towards the gates of the city, pack on your shoulder and sword on your hip. You had stayed as long as you had dared and was looking for adventure and treasure. At the age of 18 you had left your small farm with dreams of doing something with your life rather than growing old and farming. At the age of 21 now, you had established yourself as a great fighter, great treasure seeker and even greater lover. Your specific choice was the male species, for you truly loved cock and...

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Treehouse Masters Teenage Love HutChapter 5

Pete drove up to the Harris property, having just returned from a cliff-side treehouse near Memphis, Tennessee which was in serious need of modification, lest it kill both of the trees which were supporting it. The first thing the head of NTAS saw as he brought the pick-up truck to a stop was his son Henry, who was carrying a bucket of paint. “How’s it going?” the father called out. “Going great,” Henry called back as his father made his way to the back yard. “But Paula wants to talk to...

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Treehouse Masters Teenage Love HutChapter 6

Pete led Julie into her back yard, at which point he insisted that she look down, not up. Her parents and what looked like half of Tupelo followed at a respectful distance. “OK, now just stay looking down,” Pete told the eager teenage girl, “OK, now on three-two-one you can look up. Ready?” Julie was almost vibrating with excitement. “Yes, yes I’m ready!” “OK then,” Pete told her. “Three, two, one ... Look up!” Julie looked up and gasped. “Great Shades of Elvis!” she breathed. Several...

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A Very Barntastic Adventures

A Very Barntastic AdventuresAuthor: ikkitousenCelebs: Bridgit Mendler, Dove Cameron, Olivia Holt, Ryan Newman, Selena GomezDisclaimer: This is all fiction and I guess it never happened although thinking it did is hot. No one under 18 should read this according to the law. If attractive hot celebs doing all sorts of debauchery is not your thing, go read something else!Selena Gomez, Dove Cameron, Olivia Holt and Ryan Newman were all hanging out with Bridgit at her parent’s ranch home.“Girls, Dove...

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Pokemon Adventures

Pokemon Adventures By Paul G Jutras It was a sunny day and our three travelers were once again lost in the woods. What they didn't know was that their strangest adventure was just ahead of them. Instead of finding it, it was about to find them. "Can't you even read a map?" Misty shouted as he put down the map that showed nothing but woods on it. Brock; figuring this was good time for lunch, whipped out a checkered blanket and silverware from his nap sack. "Oh settle down...

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The Rupert Family Adventures

                               The Rupert Family Adventures 01        It was hard to believe that only last evening the entire family was having dinner and discussing their daughter‘s private diary. Ralph and Arlene had both read it from cover to cover and considered it very interesting. Their daughter, Winifred, was delighted to hear what they had to say about her private life and where it might take her in the very near future. Their son, Harold, was three years younger than his big sister,...

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Black Familys Nasty Adventures

Once there was a 14 year old black fuckslut named Ayesha. Ayesha was a wanton whore who loved the big black cocks sported by the men in her family. Her addiction to incestuous black fuckstick had started about a year back, and she'd been fucked by her three older brothers and her father almost nonstop since then.One day, she came home from school to find her mother knealing naked in the kitchen, sucking noisily on her 18 year old brother Bob's shiny footlong cock. Her mother, whose name was...

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Sexual Adventures

We lived across from each other for years. We never talked until one day when I picked up a piece of trash off her yard that was near the street. I placed it in my trashcan that was by the road, ready for pickup. She came over and thanked me. We introduced ourselves. I’m Gary, and she’s Jazmin. We’re both mature in our late fifties and close in ages. We also learned that her husband’s job always has him traveling, as did my wife’s job. Jazmin and I were home alone...

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City Doctor In Horny Village 8211 Pt 5 Drunken Adventures

It had been 3 months since my deployment to the lusty village, and I enjoyed it. These are the drunken adventures of Aman with Ramla, Seena and Himesh while drunk. Although Ramla was always horny for me, our sex sessions were few and irregular in fear of getting caught. We only had sex when her kids weren’t at home. Also, we had to distract her hubby Jignesh. Sometimes she’d visit my clinic or Seena’s house when Jignesh was out. But those were too few. Once Jignesh was drunk and making a...

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Streetwalker My wife and I enjoy a little roll playing in our marriage. My two favorite roll-playing games are the “Little Catholic Schoolgirl” and the “Streetwalker.” I love it when my beautiful wife puts on a “Catholic Schoolgirl” outfit that she got at a yard sale last summer. Usually I’m the “Head Mater” and have to punish her for something. She really gets into it too. It sure makes for some really good sex afterwards. Now the “Streetwalker” allows my tall slender wife to...

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Treehouse Adventures 3

They say that time changes everything, and that people move on. But, do they really move on, or do they just set things aside and allow themselves to be okay with it? Was I okay with setting things aside and completely moving on, once and for all? ___________ “He is what?” I said, almost enraged by what I was hearing. “What do you mean ‘Henry is getting married.’ He can’t be getting married.” I flung myself down on to my over sized black leather sofa and crossed my legs. I shook the leg...

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TreehouseChapter 2 Truth or Dare

"Well, that certainly was a unique experience!" said Bob. He and his friends, Kim, Heather, Sarah, and Jack had just witnessed from the vantagepoint of Bob's old treehouse some passionate lovemaking by his next door neighbors, the Smiths. The dim light of a lamp in the lower level of Bob's palatial hiding place in the leaves illuminated all their faces. Each glowed with perspiration from the experience of watching. They sat for a long time in silence each wondering if the sexual tension...

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Treehouse Masters Teenage Love HutChapter 2

The team from Nelson Treehouse and Supply was making good time on the treehouse Paul and Paula Harris had commissioned for their daughter’s sweet sixteen. There was much use of pulleys, nail-guns, and human muscle with an occasional break for coffee or to talk to the Animal Planet production crew. Suddenly Paula came running up to the base of the tree. “Pete!” she cried out, “Pete, I’ve got bad news. I just got a notice from City Hall. You can’t build this design!” Pete was horrified. He...

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Ashleys Crossdressing Adventures

It's Sunday and Mommy wants to hear what sissy things I have been up to, and don't leave anything out Sissy Ash, Don't be shy, out with it sissy, I already know you love being a complete sissy!Did you buy anything sissy? Yes Mommy, I did, I want to hear, everything you bought you little sissy, let mommy remove your bra, to access your sissy nipples,Mommy I bought 4 pairs of sheer nylon panties to add to my collection, pink, blue, white and yellow.What else sissy? I ordered 3 packages of...

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Zodiac Adventures

There is no underage sexual relationship in my story. * I’ Ahmad. I’m 20 years old. I’m a Virgo man and I’ll tell you about my exciting adventures with the Zodiac signs. I fucked the 12 women of each astrological sign. Some of them had zodiac sign tattoos. And some I knew their sign from their birthdays. 1- With the Sagittarius Woman : I had gotten back to Egypt after traveling around Europe for nearly two years. I had decided to relocate in Cairo and was looking for a job to pay for my...

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Squire Flynns Adventures

“My water, boy.” Sir Egan said, his voice raspy. Moving forward, Flynn dutifully took the bottle out of his bag and handed it to the knight. Yes, Flynn was Sir Egan’s squire, having started earlier than most boys did. Many had chastised Sir Egan’s choice in picking Flynn, with most saying the boy was still too small to be able to serve him in his knightly duties effectively. It was true, with his small frame, Flynn was smaller than most boys his age, though he never did get picked on back...

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By Docker5000 Part 1 David Hart lay on his bed reading a sci-fi comic and relaxing, it was only the first week, of his summer holiday from college. And he was already board. June Hart was in her bedroom stripping off the dirty sheets from her bed. It was wash day. She walked onto the landing carrying her dirty sheets, which she tossed down to the bottom of the stairs. She then went into her son's bedroom. David's mother walked into his bedroom. He looked up at her as she entered...

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Juans day at school juans sex adventures

"Good bye thank you for riding with us and have a safe trip" she smile and wave at me as I past her. "Thank you very much. Muy hermosa las cosas que haría que si era su hombre(You very beautiful the things I would do to you if I was your man), I said as I walked off. She just smiled and blushed. As I walked the hall try to find the exit, my phone goes crazy with text messages once I turn it back on. 60 messages from friends saying there sorry for my Grandpas passing. I quickly fall...

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Tinas Horse Adventures

She lay on the bank of a small pond about 100 yards from her uncles house, feet resting on a rock underwater. Just as she was dozing off, she heard her uncle calling her. "Tina!" he said "I need to talk to you for a minute, come on inside." "Coming!" said Tina. She got up and made her way back to the house. When she walked in through the backdoor, her uncle had a cup of sweet tea waiting for her. She picked up the glass and took a nice, long sip. "Ah, Tina, I need to ask...

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Toms summer adventures

Disclaimer: This story is fictional and it involves sexual actions between teenage boys. If you find stories of this kind inappropriate and/or you are not old enough to read them, please leave this site now. Info: This is my first erotic story ever, so I would very much appreciate any kind of comments, suggestions etc. I hope you would also forgive any possible grammatical mistakes, because English is not my mother tongue. So if you have any opinions, suggestions, comments, questions,...

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Ninas Adventures

My name is Nina, I am 23 years young. My body measures cute 152 cm, but they have it in themselves. My long pitch-black hair is silky and falls down smoothly around my head, my neck and my shoulders and goes as far as my breasts. I am a small fitness freak and for my body I have - as I am gladly told - huge titts. My breast size is 75 D and fortunately they are round and firm. My nipples are small and light brown. My little ice blue eyes are ideal to give people puppy eyes with which so far I...

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Sexy Naruto Adventures

Ok so in this story you create your own naruto character male or female and take them through perverted adventures and stuff. You will need to provide information like their name, what clan they are in, what is their gender, what do they look like, and what ever else you want to tell the readers about. Oh and please follow chyoa guidelines

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Celine begins her porn Theater Adventures

An Early Excursion to the TheaterFor Wifex & CelineCeline enjoyed some of our outings to a porn theater, but was still a bit reticent in going very often and was a bit shy in what she would wear to the theater. She was a bit more afraid of what she actually wore to walk from the parking lot to the theater entrance.I was a bit surprised then, when I came home and Celine was dressed in a new, and fairly slutty outfit. She was in a short skirt, black hose and heels, displaying lots of her...

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Farm Family Adventures

Farm Family Adventures----------I was taken quite by surprised seeing Kelly again. She had spent the day here during the Farms open membership event a few weeks ago, and I convinced her that she would be a perfect model for the Prestige Farm Brochure that featured the custom saddles and bridles. Her body is that of an athletic swimmer, pear shaped, with wide shoulders, 36DD chest, trim waist and shapely hips. Her piercing green eyes glowing like emeralds under blondish hair bundled in a green,...

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