Thumper Ch. 03 free porn video

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With their marriage on the rocks, Abby and George turn to a most unlikely source for help. Unbeknownst to George, Abby has agreed to let the incubus, Damian, and his mate, Britt, act as marriage counsellors.


George drove his rusted pickup past the university campus where he’d been chasing tenure for the last several years. It was Friday evening and students wandered the lamp lit paths, hurrying to their dorms or to some club or another.

As for George, he had a date.

No, he reminded himself, not a date. A session. A session with a marriage counsellor. A solo session with a female marriage counsellor. An attractive, buxom marriage counsellor who made his heart race and tied his tongue like a pretzel.

Stop it, he chided himself guiltily. It’s a session, nothing more, nothing less.

Better concentrate on driving, he decided, as his truck groaned around a corner.

The truck had been a concession to Abby’s unreasoning distrust of anything that couldn’t stand up by itself without support. Ten years ago, George had been mooning about motorcycles. Hogs. Softtails. Never mind that he’d never ridden a motorcycle before, but by God, he was born to be wild and he could take a course at the community college to teach him how. In the end, Abby had quietly approved of a truck, but one with a quad cab in case they ever decided to have kids. The truck would give George’s depleting testosterone room to float about in. Free range hormones. He’d made a great show of reluctantly sacrificing his dreams of roaring down the wide open road to a Steppenwolf soundtrack. The bike was out, the truck was in. Abby had chosen red, which was okay with George. She’d called it his sexy, sexy red truck. Of course, the finance company had owned half of its sexiness at the time, but his testosterone, what there was of it, was all his own.

The truck was now rattling its way to the converted warehouse that housed the office of the counsellors. Abby had insisted on giving therapy one more chance. She’d said that these counsellors were recommended, that they often succeeded where all others had failed. If this doesn’t work out, she’d said, at least we’ll know that we tried everything. Please, she’d said. She’d practically begged.

George had grudgingly agreed.

He and Abby had met the counsellors two weeks ago, in a meeting that left more questions than answers. As he rolled through town, he replayed that first meeting in his mind.

They’d pulled up in front of an old factory that had been converted to office lofts. The name of the defunct company peeled from the crown of the building.

‘Doesn’t look like much, does it?’ said George.

Abby shrugged and stepped out of the car.

The lobby was spacious and richly appointed, in contrast to the building’s shabby exterior. A chandelier hung from the high ceiling, and light gleamed in the polished marble, burnished metal, and dark hardwood. An office directory featured a dozen buttons, but only a few were labelled. ‘We want unit four,’ said Abby, checking a slip of paper.

‘What’s this business called?’ asked George, noting that unit four was unnamed.

‘I don’t know. All I have is a person’s name and address.’

George shrugged and pressed the button. For a minute, nothing happened. George glanced around, noticing a closed circuit camera affixed to the ceiling.

‘George and Abigail Masterson?’ came a disembodied voice.

‘Yes,’ answered George.

‘Take the elevator to the top floor. First door on the right.’

A buzzer sounded and George hurried to open the door.

At the door stood a man dressed in an exquisitely tailored grey suit. George judged him to be a shade taller than six feet, which was several inches taller than he was. The man had a lean, chiselled face, strong jaw, and body that appeared to be no stranger to physical exertion, which was unlike George on all counts. His dark, wavy hair revealed a hint of grey at the temples, George noted. George himself had almost no grey, for which he was happy, but his hair was thinning. The man was tanned, bespeaking a disdain for the conventional wisdom about UV rays. His face was rugged and weathered, but not unattractively, with a network of lines that radiated out from his eyes. Deep creases bracketed a firm mouth. He was handsome and George immediately disliked him. He preferred his old counsellor, who had the look of an unassuming accountant.

‘I’m Damian,’ said the man. They shook hands all around and Damian ushered them inside the office.

Tall windows overlooked a busy commercial street, but no sound penetrated. The room was dominated by a heavy oak desk set against the backdrop of bookcases. A laptop occupied the desk, but otherwise its surface was uncluttered. Off to one side sat a meeting table with four leather chairs, on the other a low leather couch and coffee table.

From the moment he first stepped into their office, something told George that this foray into marital rescue would be different. The walls of the office were adorned with provocative artwork, striking after the nondescript and consciously neutral office decor of the counsellors he and Abby had visited in the past. One painting was of a woman’s hand against a dark red background, palm upraised, fingers slightly curled, caught either in the moment of release or of making a fist. Another was of a woman, done in the style of Caravaggio, bound to a column, light playing dramatically against her lowered head and the folds of white cloth draped loosely around her torso. A sculpture of two stylized figures impossibly entwined stood on the credenza.

So absorbed was George with the decor that he failed to notice the entrance of a woman into the office.

‘Sorry I’m late. I was tied up,’ she said.

‘Ah, Britt. We were just getting acquainted,’ said Damian.

Damian made the requisite introductions, but George scarcely heard. Britt walked towards them with feline grace and shook hands. She led them to the meeting table and sat next to George, opposite Damian. She and Damian exchanged a brief, inscrutable look. Britt smiled at George and idly twirled the stands of her ponytail between slender and expertly manicured fingers. Her hair was light brown and her bangs neatly framed expressive and beguiling green eyes. She wore little makeup, as her clear and healthy complexion would scarcely have benefited from it. Rimless glasses sat on a delicate nose. Her lips curved in a gentle smile as she addressed Abby and George. ‘I hope I haven’t missed anything.’

She wore a simple, white blouse. The top buttons were undone, revealing a crucifix nestled in the cleft of her cleavage. A thick leather belt cinched the narrow circumference of her waist, and she wore a short leather skirt. Completing the ensemble were shiny black boots that sheathed her legs to the tops of her calves. Seated and without the advantage of four inch heels, she no longer appeared as tall as she had on her entrance. She crossed her legs and her skirt rode up, revealing an expanse of toned thigh, stockings, and a garter strap. George’s eyes widened. She was young enough to have been a grad student, thought George. He hoped that she wasn’t, any professor would have been mightily distracted by her presence.

‘We were just getting started,’ said Damian. ‘I was just about to explain to Abby and George that we are not counsellors or therapists in the traditional sense of the word.’

No shit, thought George, sneaking a peek at Britt.

‘For certain couples,’ continued Damian, ‘therapy works well. It reveals hidden motivations and all that blessedly interesting stuff. But for some couples, those who have undergone, like you, therapy two…’

‘Three,’ offered George.

‘…or three times, sometimes a different approach is needed. An approach that is less orthodox.’

Damian poured water from a pitcher into four glasses.

‘The key, of course, is whether both of you are still committed to each other, and what you’re willing to sacrifice to return your marriage to that matrimonial bliss that you promised each other at the altar.’

Damian smiled, waiting for an answer.

‘We wouldn’t be here if we weren’t committed,’ said Abby.

‘I agree,’ said George with as much conviction as he could muster.

‘Wonderful. Although Britt and I borrow heavily from standard practices, we do not, in this context, regard ourselves as therapists or marriage counsellors. Rather, we consider ourselves to be coaches.’

‘Just so you understand,’ said Britt, picking up the theme, ‘we observe no doctor – patient relationship in the conventional or regulatory sense. For one thing, we’re not doctors, and Damian and I get involved with our clients.’

The way she spoke the word involved made George’s heart lurch. ‘Involved? How?’ asked George.

‘Suffice it to say that we take a more hands-on approach than our colleagues do. More, certainly, than is commonly accepted by our peers,’ said Damian.

‘Hands on?’ blurted George.

Damian ignored the question. ‘But I think we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Just so that Britt and I are clear on whether we can help you, and whether we want to take you on as clients, we would like you to complete a questionnaire. This will help us determine whether our methods are suited to you, and, more importantly, whether you might be receptive to our methods and our rules.’

Britt pulled two forms out of a folder and pushed them towards George and Abby. ‘In the interest of privacy, I’ll ask George to move to the desk and complete the form there. Okay?’

Abby and George nodded.

With that, Britt and Damian left the room.

‘They’re an interesting pair,’ said George from the desk.

‘Uh-huh,’ said Abby, scanning the questionnaire.

George turned his attention to the page before him. There were twenty-five statements, each with a rating scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). It looked like the course evaluation forms he gave to his students at the end of term. George rolled his eyes and quickly glanced to Abby to see whether she’d noticed. She hadn’t. George sighed and picked up a pencil.

George scanned the first questions and dutifully circled the numbers. The next got his attention.

‘I defer to my partner. ‘

George tapped the pencil against the desk and Abby shot him an angry look. The tapping stopped. The myth during his undergraduate years was that the worse you treated a girl, the more she felt drawn to you. George had seen the theory borne out in practice, but had never put the theory into practice himself, having been raised to be sensitive to the needs of others. He tried to recall if he’d ever had to put his foot down, to impose his will on Abby or anyone else for that matter. He couldn’t remember the last time. Abby and he had often agreed on things and those they did not agree on were too trivial to fret about. All in all, he supposed, he was a pretty undemanding guy, attuned to the needs of his spouse. Or so it seemed, he reminded himself, until someone else satisfied her needs. He circled the four.

‘Anything goes between consenting adults.’

George prided himself on a healthy libertarianism. Live and let live. Or as Pierre Eliot Trudeau put it, the state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation. Five.

‘I communicate my fantasies to my partner. ‘

George closed his eyes. There was a big difference between communicating fantasies and having them acted upon. True, he hadn’t exactly communicated his fantasies in words, but that naughty French maid outfit he’d bought years ago was certainly emphatic enough. Whatever happened to that? Two.

‘I characterize my love life as creative and exciting.’

George, suddenly depressed, circled one.

After Abby and George had completed their questionnaires, Britt collected them and sat at the desk to review them.

‘While Britt is looking over your answers, perhaps you can tell me what brought you here.’

George looked at his shoes. He noted that they needed polishing. Fortunately, Abby spoke before he could evaluate his cuffs.

‘I was unfaithful.’ There. It was said. The big transgression.

‘That’s irrelevant.’

George’s head perked up. This was typically where the therapist would adopt a look of concern and ask a question. A statement, and a blunt one at that, was wholly unexpected.

‘I hardly think it’s irrelevant,’ said George. ‘It’s pretty relevant to me. Not to mention that she still works with the guy.’

‘I’m not surprised that that should unnerve you,’ said Damian.

‘So what is relevant?’ asked Abby.

Damian’s eyes bored into hers. ‘Obviously what’s relevant is what brought you to the point of infidelity. What’s also relevant is why you have failed with three other marriage counsellors.’

George watched Abby’s reaction to the word failed. She never failed at anything, and the way her face hardened gave George a perverse thrill.

‘We found them incompatible with us,’ said Abby tightly. ‘They weren’t working for us.’

‘Either that, or you sent them packing if they didn’t agree with you. Either of you. Or perhaps you were disappointed when they couldn’t wave their magic wands and make everything better. A lot of couples would have given up.’

‘I don’t give up.’

Damian smiled, but there was no warmth in it. ‘Good,’ he said. ‘Perhaps you are ready for a different approach. I hope your questionnaires will shed some light on that subject.’

Britt returned to the group with her notes in hand. Her cheerful smile contrasted with the tension at the table.

‘Did you learn anything interesting?’ asked Abby testily.

‘Absolutely. I’ve reviewed your responses and they appear to fall within a common client profile.’

‘Oh, goody,’ said George.

Britt flipped though her notebook and took a deep breath. ‘From reviewing your questionnaires, I can see that your relationship is suffering from ennui, which isn’t all that unusual in longer term relationships.’

‘I could have told you that,’ said Abby.

‘What’s more revealing are the roles you have adopted in your relationship. For example, George indicates that he defers to Abby. Abby’s response was similar.’

‘So?’ asked George.

‘So it’s also evident from the responses that no one is effectively in charge. George defers to Abby and Abby defers to George. What’s missing is a desire to lead, an embracing of that responsibility, and the desire of one party to submit to the leader. Ordinarily, it’s the man who has the authority and directs the relationship.’

Abby sat up in her chair, brow furrowing.

‘Before you get your feminist hackles up,’ said Damian, smiling, facing Abby, ‘Britt is only suggesting that this is the most common model.’

‘Right,’ said Britt. ‘As it stands now, your relationship follows the opposite model, to an extent. George has effectively surrendered a leadership role to Abby. That’s fine as far as it goes. However, what I sense from George’s responses is that he feels emasculated, due partly to a lack of intimate engagement. As a result of his powerlessness, Abby treats George treated with indifference, which serves only to further emasculate him. In the meantime, the woman feels deprived of the masculine strength that she desires. Abby wants to be led.’

Britt took a breath. ‘Are you with me?’

George and Abby were speechless. In a few sentences, Britt had neatly encapsulated their relationship.

‘You can also look at it another way. Abby’s infidelity is a misdirected response to the powerlessness of her husband. It’s a symptom of the fundamental erosion of the roles you’ve been unwilling or unable to play in each other’s lives. Women have a hard-wired attraction to strong men, particularly those who combine
strength with compassion, tenderness, and consideration. In the absence of these characteristics, well, you know what happens.

‘So it’s no surprise that your relationship has stagnated and suffers from a lack of imagination and creativity.’

Britt smiled brightly into the silence, a sunniness in sharp contrast to the gloom that had settled over Abby and George. ‘Aw, come on, it’s not so bad. It happens all the time. Surely you’ve heard this before.’

George replied gloomily. ‘Never in the space of five minutes. Usually we’re hundreds of dollars in the hole before the psychological bafflegab comes out.’

George directed his next question to Damian. ‘Now that we’ve established our pathetic credentials, what next?’

‘We proceed, provided, of course, you’re willing to be our clients and you agree to our terms.’

George sat back. ‘Would those be financial terms?’

‘Partly that,’ said Britt. ‘More importantly, you have to agree to a set of rules.’

‘As I suggested earlier,’ said Damian, ‘Britt and I are considerably more hands-on than our peers. This is for the simple fact that deeds speak louder than words, and leading by example tends to be more effective than idle chat. Britt and I will lead you through various scenarios that will serve to press the reset button on your relationship. The process requires you to be open minded, to trust us completely, and to leave your inhibitions and preconceptions behind.

‘It’s important that you agree to treat our sessions as guilt- and recrimination-free,’ added Britt. ‘A lot of the couples we deal with have constructed the most elaborate barriers to intimacy. Breaking down these barriers will require you complete a series of exercises you might feel uncomfortable with. We’ll be challenging you to act outside of your comfort zone. You’ll be doing things with us and with each other that might be seen as licentious, possibly immoral.’

‘What kind of things?’ George squeaked. He was perturbed. This meeting had taken an altogether unexpected direction. Not to mention the fact that Britt’s leg rested against his. He didn’t dare to move away, for fear that she would move closer and demonstrate that their contact was not accidental and not entirely chaste.

‘Damian and I need to discuss a strategy, to determine which barriers need to be broken down and how best to do it.’

‘You said something earlier about your unorthodox methods and rules. What exactly are you talking about?’ Abby asked.

Damian glanced at Britt at the desk. She gave a slight nod. ‘Yes,’ said Damian. He leaned back, but did not take his eyes off Abby as he recited them, ticking them off on his fingers. ‘One: There will be no recrimination about what occurs during our sessions. What happens during our sessions stays there. Two: You will not speak of your sessions without our consent to each other or anyone else. Three: Britt and I have carte blanche. You will grant us blanket consent to do what we see fit. Four: You can stop a session whenever you want, but there will be a penalty, usually forfeiture of your deposit and the termination of our relationship.’

‘Why should we trust you?’ asked Abby, anger and fear flashing in her eyes. ‘It sounds to me that all you want to do is take advantage of desperate people.’

‘Unlike the divorce lawyers you’d be facing otherwise?’ asked Damian sharply. He added more softly, ‘Think of it as a challenge. At this point, you have nothing to lose.’

‘Except for my self-respect.’

Damian stared hard at Abby. ‘Both of you have the choice of taking advantage of what Britt and I have to teach you. I won’t deny that it’ll require a huge leap of faith — perhaps one you’re unwilling to make — but you know that our methods get results. You have nothing to lose except for your marriage, after all, and if for a moment you feel the process to be humiliating, you’ve clearly never been taken apart and exposed by a divorce attorney.’

That was the beginning. Then yesterday, he’d gotten a call from Britt. Would he come to the office, alone? Would seven in the evening be okay?

‘Of course,’ George had said, thinking anew about how Britt had mouthed the word involved and wondering what exactly that meant.

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"Come with me," sima whispered in my ear at the end of the party. I'd been chatting with her earlier as she was so beautiful and I have something of an obsession with Indian girls, and she'd seemed really nice. Everyone else was either collapsed in a drunken heap, asleep, in couples or a combination of the three, but neither of us had drunk anything that evening.I followed her wondering where she was taking me, and admiring her shapely form under her tight white t-shirt, short black skirt and...

4 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 78

Ted Billings smiled broadly when a carload of women pulled up to drop off his first-round draft pick. “They’re staying, right?” he asked. “Stacy will murder me if they don’t. I told her that she wouldn’t be the only one in the stands this year.” “They’re just going to park,” Phil assured him with a laugh. “I asked them to watch for Stacy and invite her to sit with them. I had some classes with her last year. I didn’t know you two were dating.” “Engaged,” Ted said proudly. “We’ve been...

3 years ago
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Moving to a Retirement Community

Chapter 4 The whole move took just over two weeks. First of all I had to visit several times to make sure the changes to the house were coming along the way I wanted them to. Of course the bathroom had to be enlarged. I'd grown use to the larger bath area, as well as the multiple shower heads and I was damned certain that I'd have the same thing at this house, too. Then the bedroom had to be enlarged as well. To get this right the second bedroom was incorporated into the one I chose as my...

2 years ago
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Enjoying the Pleasure of Her Company

Tom and Sandy had become hot lusty lovers that Friday night when he'd come by her house and found his older married friend so disconsolate and so totally uninterested in having sex with her husband or anyone. Tom had begun to really appreciate Sandy's friendship towards him several months before the fateful Friday night but when he was bold enough to attempt seducing her, he had been more than amply rewarded as Sandy had succumbed to his caring advances and his obvious desire and lusty hunger...

2 years ago
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Just Fucked sisterinLaw

I just violated my sister-in-law’s virginal pussy. My cock lay in her still convulsing inner walls. My cum slowly started to spill out from her. And our mouths were locked and tongues swirling in the heat of passion. I wanted to stay in that moment longer. I gently rocked in and out of her for a couple more minutes. I was sweaty. She was flushed. It was a lovely sight to see her face in tingling pink hue and her bust and neck area prickly red from her first fucking.“That was amazing!”I grinned....

1 year ago
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Exchanged Chapters 9 and 10

Before you read this story you need to know it is heavily written towards the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover readers. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. It is not a Whateley FanFiction like my last story and instead is in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Before I begin I have to give full credit to PrincessPottyPants for the DiaperDimension universe, as well as...

3 years ago
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Eric Olafson Captain Black Velvet Vol 6Chapter 3

DALBRA Ninohfiv, the guarantor of Kermac protection and guardianship to the Dolbarian society stepped out on the balcony of his residential tower overlooking the sprawling capital city of the numerous and industrious Dolbarians. Those perpetual nervous and laughable weak mammalians had the great fortune to be of interest and use to the Kermac. Ninohfiv longed for a real Kermac world, and despised these rodents. They were hairy and small; their technology rudimentary at best and their...

2 years ago
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Oil of RosesChapter 64 Oil of Roses

Saturday 10/14/06 10:00 AM "Rise and shine, Master, Mistress, subbies galore!" rasped Dayna. "In two hours Dommi will be here to discuss scheduling." "She can fuckin' join us in bed," Carol said from under the covers. "So will Nancy Velacourt," Dayna continued. "She can definitely join us in bed," Harry said in a muffled voice. "Nope, she likes little oriental girls, you don't qualify," Dayna said. "Dammit." Harry's head came out from under the covers, and he grabbed a...

2 years ago
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She Is My Cousin

Hi,Rafey is back for you.Thanks for your reply on my mobile and e-mail.For new readers let me introduced my self again,My name is Rafey from Karachi and i am 17y with 7inch dick.This is my 2nd story for you all it happend few days ago,with my cousin.My cousin is elder than me she is 20.with good figure and big boobs.Few months ago she has seen sex movie in my mobile and say what is this i said nothing and not for you girls!!!Few days ago she was in my home and we both were having fun on...

2 years ago
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Transformations DiversityChapter 26

[Julia & Staff] Late December As it turned out, Clark's experience would probably become the pattern for new male employees, although each situation tended to be unique. The reason was not just because he responded so well and became comfortable so quickly. It was also because the women were thrilled to be helping. In a staff meeting, Julia addressed Clark's experience. "Although Clark thought it would kill him, the women consider the two times he got hard to be the highlights of...

1 year ago
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HussiePass Charly Summer Charly Meets Brickzillas Meat

Spinner cutie Charly Summer make her Hussie Pass debut for you today and of course we just had to pair the petite newbie up with Mr. 13-Inch himself, Brickzilla. After we get to know Charly a bit, Brickzilla comes in and lubes up her slim 5-foot-1 frame and we get to see her shake her tiny little booty. She then pulls down Brickzilla’s underwear and see his ginormous cock for the 1st time! Charly does her best to suck on it before giving him a footjob. Brickzilla tastes her little pussy a...

2 years ago
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Empty LandChapter 10

Mak was only one of several scouts who ranged out ahead of the caravan. They wove from side to side, always picking out the easiest paths for the laden donkeys to follow. Even so the pace gradually slowed as the forest grew thicker, darker, damper. The game trails narrowed and were less frequent, cutting deep into the yielding soil. "We're coming to a river," Mak trotted back to report. "The ground is getting pretty swampy up ahead." Nurm brought out his map, laboriously handcopied on...

3 years ago
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Collision Course part 3

It had been a few weeks since the incident between Ethan and Amber had happened. No doubt it had changed both their lives as they both thought it was amazing. Although things had gone so well for the two of them, they went about their lives as if nothing had happened. They acted as though nothing had happened between the two of them which was actually a good thing because it kept their parents from being suspicious. In fact things went a bit further than that, Ethan had a new girlfriend...

1 year ago
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Winter FiresChapter 6

Less than a week later Marianne got out of the taxi outside CAT studio. From the outside, it looked like a small slightly run-down photographic shop in a terrace of similarly sized (and similarly run-down) shops. There was a small display of second-hand cameras, and a variety of different films for compact 'Instamatic', 35mm and larger format cameras. Marianne went in and the shop bell rang. She looked around, seeing a variety of different photographic albums for sale as well as some more...

3 years ago
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My Second Gangbang With Stranger Guy And His Brother

Mera naam Parul Parikh hai, mai 23 years ki hu, mai Gujarati hu, aur mai Ahmedabad Gujarat se hu.Mai Second time yaha pe mera naya incident share kar rahi hu,, aur asha hai kea p sabko pasand ayega. So apne comments parulparikh4u at yahoo dot com pe jaroor bheje. Mai mere bare me batana chahti hu ke mai M.B.A just shuru kiya hai, mai rich family se belong karti hu, meri height 5 feet 4 inches hai, mai bohot bohot fair hu,, aur mera figure 36 29 38 ka hai. Mujhe tshirts aur jeans pehana pasand...

4 years ago
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Master of the SwampChapter 3

Several days had passed and life had settled into a new routine for Erik and Jessica. Jessica became less rebellious and no longer missed her curfew while Erik cleaned up his act and actually got some work done, rather than drinking beer and complaining about everything and everyone all day long. It was Sunday and Erik had been busy cleaning up the barn while Jessica did the last of her homework for the day. Mm, what’s this? Erik pulled a worn cardboard box from the back of the barn into...

2 years ago
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THE family ROOM

The family Room I think I was quite lucky to have found my husband, Josh, since he is just the kind of man that would fit in perfectly with my family. After attending my college classes, I would usually go to this little diner where he worked. At nineteen, I had never been allowed to date. This made starting college even harder on me. For the prior three years, the only sexual contact I had was with my father, my three brothers, and my grandfather. Obviously, i****t is taboo in most families,...

4 years ago
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I had promised him this trip for months, promised to take the days off of work and make this time just for us. I'd been looking forward to it, setting up my calendar so that I was free with no work or worries. And then it happened. Hurricane Katrina hit taking out half the project that I thought was almost wrapped up and leaving me with a mess on my hands just two days before we were supposed to leave. I, personally, was called into the boss's office and told to deal with the mess. I...

3 years ago
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Time JumperChapter 1

"Hello, Billy. It's nice to see that you arrived all in one piece. That's a pleasant change." I had just opened my eyes to what looked like a hospital room. How did I get here? Oh, now I remember. I was out in the Gulf with my parents on our small boat when there was an explosion. The last thing I remember was a wall of flames coming toward me. Everything went blank, and now I find myself waking up to stare at a man bending over me. He was dressed in what I guess were pale blue hospital...

1 year ago
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Flights of ConsciousnessChapter 18

Arriving from the east, the plane landed facing a beautiful sunset that spread across the western horizon. Carol stood and gathered her things. Besides her purse, she carried a briefcase full of orders. The show in Albuquerque had been an astonishing success, due in no small part to Denise. The young woman's talent for sales had amazed Carol. Saturday evening after the show, Carol and Denise had met in the hotel bar for a drink, and Carol had asked her if she'd work all of Carol's trade...

3 years ago
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Freshman Year part 2

“Well, it is 8.” HOLY FUCK I WAS IN THE SHOWER FOR AND HOUR AND A HALF! “Haha true…well I was just about to get dressed and come on over. So did your roommate come yet?” “No, she moves in tomorrow I guess…so do you have any cups?” I pointed to the stack of disposable cups in the little kitchen area, which just consisted of a sink, mini-fridge, and microwave. I grabbed a pair of shorts and another t-shirt from my drawer and said that I would be back in a sec, and headed off to the bathroom...

2 years ago
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Rogers Laptop

This story may be offensive to some and contains scenes of hardcore sex, incest, religion and rape and underage sex. Please be warned and do not read on if you are offended by any of these things. It is only after an older man loses his wife to cancer that he rediscovers his true deviant sexual potential. Roger’s Laptop Paul entered his Father’s study cautiously and glanced around at the tidy room. He still felt a pang of sadness after the recent funeral but knew he needed to...

2 years ago
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Across the Ages Book One Ch 01

‘You wanted to see me, Father?’ Rene asked as she respectfully inclined her head. ‘Yes, I did my daughter,’ he began. ‘I have had many days to consider the dilemma that I stand faced with…’ He paused. The look on his face told her she was not going to like his decision. ‘And?’ She prodded him, holding her head a little higher as she braced herself for his answer. ‘And I have spoken with the king of Spain. You will-‘ ‘No!’ She interrupted. ‘No, please Father! Do not send me away! I have done...

1 year ago
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Wonderful Sex In Forest

Hi, I am sam with one of my good gay experience in a forest. Me and one of my college decided to have a trip. We went to voganegal(near to Bangalore) in tamil nadu. Its the place famous for water falls .We planned two days and a night and planned to get into the forest to take some photographs of birds. Morning around 11:30 AM we reached booked a room and we got ready around 3:00pm to get inside the forest. We reached the forest area around 4:00. We took his camera and I took some food...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Sex on the road side

Introduction: pt of my short stories We have been to your mothers fiftieth birthday [arty and Were on our way back home in your car, You have been looking at me all night like you want to eat me alive and decide to pull the car over to the side of the road and drag me out, walking us into a field you tell me to take my dress off. You tell me to stand there in the cold air in just my bra and French knickers, you stand in front of me looking at me before you decide what you want to do. I notice...

3 years ago
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The Education of Jasmine Ch 03

Jasmine awoke the following morning with George sprawled on top of her still partially dressed. They had fallen asleep immediately after their extremely hot lovemaking, both were totally satiated. George rolled off of Jasmine and got out of bed, ‘I could stay here all day with her’ he thought. He kissed her gently and went to shower before work. The hot shower washing over his body and relaxing his aching muscles, reminding him why they were aching in the first place. Jasmine stretched lazily...

1 year ago
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Battered but Not Broken

"I, Amanda Claire Stephenson, do solemnly swear, that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God." There was some polite applause. The Army Surgeon General reached out to...

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A Moms Sexuallity is Awaken Chapter Two

Chapter Two A Mom’s Sexuality Is Awaken Josh looked down at his mother’s head as she was busy sucking his cock again today. Her face was still covered from the last blow job she gave him earlier. Three times every day now she had been sucking him off. She never once complain no matter how long he’d take or how many times he wanted it. She would suck him off six times a day if he asked. On the morning of his 19th birthday she sucked him without stopping until he...

1 year ago
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CYBERPARTNERS BY M.M. The weather was a real bitch; I had plans togo out today and spend all day outside of these walls, but the rain justwouldn't stop. Wind was pretty strong, too, filling my apartment with scentof soggy soil. TV? No, not tonight, I spend too much time in front of itanyway. So, I decided to surf a little; the net is always an interestingplace. After checking some interesting and some dull sites I ran my browserto a chat command; I wanted to find a new chat room; one I...

2 years ago
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Labyrinths Litches and Lesbians Side A The World

The finals of the tourney were about to begin. The final two competitors, one a dark horse Knight Errant adorned in simple armor, completely unbecoming of one who might dine with royalty. There was no crest, no colors, or any other adornment, just cold, hard steel. Hell, even the knight’s shield had no crest, just scratches from the countless blows it had protected its wearer from.The Knight’s opponent had been predicted as victor from the start. The King’s own personal champion and future...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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?This is some gully washer? I say to my daughter as she sits next to me in the truck as we bump along the dirt road sloshing from time to time as we try and maintain traction on our way up the mountain. ?Maybe we should pull over and wait it out? my daughter says as she is always the more timid of us. ?I thought of that but there has not been anywhere to pull over at and as you can see we are near the top so then it will be easy downhill from there to the cabin? I reply looking over at her. She...

3 years ago
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Going Nova ch 10 Hazel Goes Nova

Hazel enjoyed the company of Tyler, but did not hold as strong a relationship with him as her husband did, nor with Tyler’s wife. At one point early on, Warrick took the risk of inviting him into a threesome or foursome between the two couples, but Lindsay was not amused. Ever since then, even though Warrick and Tyler continued to carry on like normal, Hazel felt like she was something of an outsider. “How’s Dominic been doing?” Warrick asked. “Eh, you can see for yourself. Dominic!” Tyler...

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A Promise

The nightclub had lively rock music playing from the speakers scattered throughout and a thin haze of cigarette smoke lingered in the air as Matt and Jill entered. Matt scanned the bar area for a place to sit and saw many unoccupied seats. He grabbed Jill’s hand and led her to the bar taking a seat on the left side where they could scan the bar. “What can I get yeah?” they looked up at the voice and saw a cute blond wearing a white blouse and black slacks waiting patiently for their reply. ...

4 years ago
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The Stalled Elevator Labia Massage

I always make it to work on time. I have a routine. Normally I hit the elevator by 7:15, but this day I was early as I stepped into the cab, the door began to close when suddenly a left hand slid into the crevice of the closing door and the doors sprang open. Her hair was a bit out of place, pulled back, blonde highlights but her graying roots were becoming. She apologized and stated something about having a bad day. The doors closed and began its trek up. First floor, second third fourth they...

Oral Sex
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The garbage black guy

When living in L.A. I used to be at the front garden every time the garbage truck passed along our door. There was one guy in particular I always wanted to see; his name was Jimmy, a huge muscled black guy in his early thirties. I loved to watch him as his T-shirt was plastered against his sweaty body and his muscles were visible as he moved to pick up the trash cans... One morning my loving Victor had flown out of town and I was too horny.When the garbage truck came in, I shouted to Jimmy that...

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