Suzy's College Entrepreneurialism free porn video

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As a young woman at college in the late sixties, I soon became aware of the power I could exert over guys of my own age! Although this was supposed to be “the swingin' sixties”, anything of a sexual nature has passed my small village by. I was the sort of person who liked to study what was going on around me though, so when I got to college, as a virgin, I was intrigued to explore aspects of sex for the first time. I guess it was due to having an elder brother and hanging around with him and his mates as I grew up but I had been learning all the time. In general I had been allowed to play with my brothers and his pals, I was a bit of a tomboy and they didn't mind having me along as we climbed trees and made camps together. I eavesdropped a lot on their conversations though and I discovered how important fantasies about girls were to them. I also discovered the various girlie mags they shared with each other – easy really, since my brother hid his under his bed in an old toy box. I learned exactly what turned them on, whether it was sexy underwear, bosoms, the promise of seeing a hairy fanny (in those days girlie mags were very tame indeed) and of course of actually touching, seeing and eventually fucking a pussy.... They would talk for hours about their fantasies and I overheard much that would be of later use.

I was also testing out my emerging theories, that I could benefit from the power I, and girls generally, had, having fun with situations where I could tease and explore the effects I was having on guys. Occasionally I would deliberately let a lad see my panties – just a little peek. He would think it was entirely accidental, but I was testing and testing reactions. I noticed how a guy would position himself near a girl who he thought he may be able to catch unaware, how guys would let girls get on the bus home first, then follow them up the stairs to the upper deck, trying to look up at their panties. How they would hang around outside girls changing rooms, how they'd get a girl to reach for something or bend over to pick something up.

I got very good at fulfilling some of these fantasies myself. Once at college a guy was standing by a lab bench with his hand flat on the surface and I bent over putting my breast over it as I pretended to reach for a book. He thought that was an accident! I became adept at going up to a guy and saying his tie needed straightening in a way that let him see down at my bra. It was great fun seeing the reaction.

Miniskirts were not allowed at college, but most of us girls ignored this by rolling over the waist-bands of our skirts to make them shorter. In the late sixties in winter I would wear tights with a panty-girdle over the top and would sit opposite a boy in discussions and let my skirt ride up so he could see the gusset as I moved my legs slightly – this would usually happen while he was speaking or asking a question and it was great to hear him stutter and lose his train of thought.

After a few weeks at college I had ratcheted up a gear. In summer, on the college field at breaktime, I would remove my knickers and would give tantalising glimpses of my bottom – just short enough to make my subject wonder if he had really seen what he thought and hoped he'd seen.

This was all well and good, and I had fun with it, but I wanted more – I loved the reaction my teasing was generating, but I was beginning to feel horny myself, seeing the power I exerted was not enough. So I chose my first victim. Dave was a slightly geeky guy, not one of the elite sportsmen (who had serious ego problems) but a nice shy boy. I quite fancied him and thought he'd make a good subject. One lunchtime I contrived to be sitting and talking to him in a corner of the college field about our upcoming history exam. I knew he fancied me and he had responded well on earlier occasions when I'd “accidentally” let him see down my blouse. I was wearing a summer dress, and had “forgotten” my panties. He was sitting on the grass alongside me as I went to my bag to retrieve a history book, bending rather more than was necessary. I assumed he was watching and he would have seen quite a bit of arse-cheek. Then I sat back down carelessly, one leg flat on the grass and tucked under me, the other upright so I could lean on it. This allowed him to see right up my hairy pubes from the angle he was sitting, though it still looked accidental. He swallowed hard.

“Err Suzy, I think you should be careful sitting like that,” he stammered.

“Oh? Why's that, Dave?”

“Well you don't seem to be wearing any knickers and I can see your, you know...”

“Oh, that's OK. I often don't bother with knickers on nice hot days. I like to air to get to me. Is it a problem for you?” And as I said this, I reached down and touched my mound with my fingers. “I find that knickers make me itchy sometimes too. I'm sorry if it worries you, shall I go?”

“Oh god no, don't do that Suzy! Its fine by me, I like looking at your, your... hairy bit. In fact I love it. I just thought you may not be happy that I could see it. I've never seen one before...” He was fiddling with the front of his trousers, which I knew from earlier research that he had an erection.

“Well I don't think I've let any lads see mine before. I'm glad you like it. Would you like to see more?”

“Oh gosh, yes please!”

So, looking around to ensure no-one was nearby, I sat back with an arm supporting me and lay my legs out flat on the grass. Then I slowly hitched up my skirt until my hairy pussy was exposed. Dave was transfixed and focused completely on my little triangle while I gently opened my legs further, leant back a little more and then raised my knees. I was getting wet down there, and feeling very sexy, but it was nothing to what Dave was clearly experiencing – he was bright read and sweating, a great bulge in his school trousers and breathing very deeply and quickly. He looked like he was going to faint. With my free hand I reached down, thinking I'd expose my pussy lips and open them up for him, when...

“Oh shit!” he said and I could see his hips thrusting involuntarily and a wet patch appeared at his flies. “Oh shit, I've cum in my pants!”

It was my turn to be transfixed. I'd made a boy ejaculate without touching him, just by almost showing him my most secret parts. I was feeling extremely horny at this, and was nearly on the point of rubbing my pussy, there, on the field!

Dave looked mortified at himself, picked up his bag and held it in front of himself as he ran. “Sorry Suzy...really sorry,” he said as he went.

“Its OK Dave!” I shouted but he had run off in the direction of the gents toilets. I took a deep breath and adjusted my dress before I too left the field. “Now what?” I thought.


Over the ensuing days Dave kept well away from me, even though I was itching to chat to him about his reaction. If he caught my eye, he'd go red and slink away, but one day I managed to way-lay him on the way to the bus-stop. I sidled up next to him as he walked and, after making him jump with surprise and embarrassment, I asked him what the matter was and whether he regretted my little show?

“Oh no Suzy, it was fantastic, but I felt so bad at cumming in my pants. I thought you'd be disgusted at me and wouldn't ever want to talk to me again. I felt like I'd ruined something lovely. I can't stop myself thinking about how wonderful it was to see your furry bits, but then I remember how awful I felt when I ejaculated and it spoils it for me.”

“You silly sausage,” I smiled, “I don't mind. I was just amazed what an effect it had on you. I know boys like to see girls without their clothes on, and I know all my friends will certainly not let a boy see them like that, but I hadn't realised just how desperate you lads are to see it! And I hadn't really showed you much anyway really!”

“Well my friends and I do swap girlie mags between us, but they are so frustrating – they show girls boobs but nothing 'down there'. You letting me see yours was so exciting I just couldn't help it – in fact just thinking about it now is in danger of making me cum again in my pants!” He looked very sheepish.

“Have you told anyone about what happened, your friends?”

“No. I wanted to, but couldn't face telling them about me messing up. They'd all be really jealous but they'd make fun of me. I'd look a right fool.”

An idea rapidly formed in my brain. “Would they like to see my hairy fanny do you think?”

“Goodness yes!” said Dave.

“Well I wouldn't want to show it to anyone just like that,” I said, “there'd have to be something in it for me. How many of your friends would come along if you asked them if they wanted to see inside my knickers?”

“Well, Pete, Phil, Tony and probably Mike would – they're all like me – no girlfriends and desperate! What are you suggesting?”

“Well I think that if it was worth my while, they could come along with you and I could show them what I showed you – but I'd have to get paid for it. I get 30 shillings a day working on Saturdays at the chemist, so I think if the five of you could get, say three pounds together between you, I could do a little private show. What do you think?”

Dave swallowed. “I think they'd be up for that. I certainly would, Suzy. Where would you do it?”

“Where do you lot meet and talk about girlie mags then?”

“Usually at my house, in my bedroom. My mum keeps out of the way cos its just us boys listening to records and talking. I suppose I could sneak you in when she's in the kitchen. Could you do that?”

“Yes, as long as you make sure they're well-behaved. I don't want anyone touching me, so you'd better make sure they don't – if I scream I don't think your mum will be happy?”

“Good grief no. OK I'll make sure that's all right. Shall I get it organised then?”

“Yes, do that, but for Christ's sake keep it just between ourselves. I don't want gatecrashers, or that'll be it. And your mates won't want others muscling in either will they? Let me know when its all agreed, and remember I want three pounds!”

That was it – I'd committed myself now, but I wasn't unsure, now that I'd thought about it, and the money I'd be getting.... I started to look forward to seeing the effect I would have on Dave and his mates!


Next day Dave made a bee-line for me at the mid-morning break. His pals were chomping at the bit, he said and would pay me the three pounds if I did as I promised. Could I come to his place that evening? No problem.

After my dinner at home I left to go out “to see some friends” and went over to Dave's house – just a short bus ride away. The deal was that I'd meet his friend Pete down the road and he would then go into Dave's hose and when the coast was clear (i.e. Dave's mum in the kitchen) one of them would come down and let me in – then I had to go straight up to Dave's bedroom. (It would have been so much easier of mobile phones had been invented then!) It all went well and I arrived to find all five of them sitting on Dave's bed or on the floor. They all had a hungry look in their eyes.

“Hand over the cash then!” I said by way of greeting. “And keep your own hands to yourselves! I know you're all a bunch of randy frustrated perverts but I'm a generous girl and I've taken pity on you!” This was actually pretty true, I did feel a bit sorry for them – it must have been hell being a boy in those days – no internet porn, no access to hardcore porn like nowadays. Even girlie mags only really showed what Page 3 of The Sun showed. No wonder they were frustrated. Victims of male sexuality... themselves!

Dave handed me the money and I checked it before putting it into my purse. “What are you going to do then, Suzy?” one of them asked.

“Didn't Dave tell you? I'm going to take off my knickers for you! What did you expect?”

“Well,” said Pete, “I think we didn't really believe you would, but you're here so that's good. Can we see your tits as well?”

“I prefer boobs,” I replied. “But, OK, that's fine”. And with that, standing at one end of the bedroom, I slowly took off my jacket and hung it up on a hook on the back of the door. Then I began to undo the buttons on my blouse. I looked straight into each of their eyes in turn and they began fidgeting where they sat, surreptitiously putting their hands on their trouser fronts. I did this as slowly as possible until all the buttons were open and the blouse loose, showing just a narrow line of my chest and the middle of my white bra (I only had white bras...). I was just about to open the blouse when I realised I could make more of a show of this, and heighten the pleasure and anticipation for the boys, so I turned my back on them as I removed it and let it drop to the floor. There was shuffling behind me as they were confronted with my back and the back of my bra. I could hear heavy breathing and whispers of “wow” and “don't know if I can stand this”. Then I turned towards them, stretched out my arms and asked them if they liked my pretty underwear.

“Oh yes its great”, said Tony, “are you going to take it off?”

“All in good time – you really are impatient aren't you? You lot are so needy. Mind you I think all boys are. No wonder girls won't show you what you want, you almost ruin it by being so desperate!”

“Well we are desperate!” Tony replied. “We cant help it, girls tease us so much, our willies have a mind of their own, girlie mags are rubbish. We only want to look for God's sake!”

“And you are getting a look now aren't you, so calm down and enjoy it – I'm not running off just yet, relax.” As I said this I reached behind myself and began to unhook my bra. I suppose I should tell you about the bra, but there really isn't much to say about it – it was, to be honest, boring. Plain white Marks and Spencer cotton. My mum would never have let me buy anything that she would have called exotic, or you would call sexy, so the delights of push-up bras, underwired bras, coloured bras and so on were not available to me. Or the boys. But they didn't seem to mind. My boobs were quite pert in those days, and still growing. I was a 36B, and I fitted my bra quite well, possibly it was a little tight for me. I knew the boys had seen plenty of pictures of breasts, but was guessing they hadn't seen real ones and judging by the attention focused on them I was right. Five sets of eyes were boring into my chest as I held the cups over my boobs then let them fall away.

“Oh fantastic” shouted someone only to be hushed by Dave, “Shhh, don't let my mum hear!” Then some more whispered appreciation as they looked at my nipples. I moved a little closer to them all so they could see better, and they certainly took advantage by leaning forward, but they remained well-behaved as promised.

“Can we see them from the side?” I obliged.

“Can you let them hang down a bit, you know, sort of bend forward?” I did so, then cupped them with one hand so they could get a sense of the size. I continued to play with them for the boys benefit, squeezing them a little, then diddling the nipples with a finger, describing a circle around the areolae. I noticed one or two of Dave's pals had their hands in their pockets and seemed to be rubbing themselves. I didn't comment. After a minute or two I sensed they were ready for more and decided to put the bra back on. If I was going to show them “down there” I didn't want to be completely nude, maybe Dave's mum might just appear or something and that would be difficult to handle.

“What are you doing Suzy, you promised we'd see your furry front?” said Dave.

“Its OK, I'm not going, but its sexier if I have some clothes on – I promise that!” I made the act of putting my bra back on as sexy as I could, leaning forward so my boobs dropped into the bra cups, then turning my back as I reached for the clasp. Then I put the blouse back on too, leaving most buttons undone and let each in turn have a look down the front, but with no touching, though I guessed they would be itching to get their hands on them.

“Right then,” I said, “this is what you've come to see, so sit tight now. Don't get over-excited!”

This evening, although it was still summer, I had decided, for show purposes, not to be bare-legged, so, on top of my knickers I was wearing plain tan tights and a shiny nylon panty-girdle. In those days, that was what you did. We didn't wear stockings anymore, not in the swinging sixties with mini-skirts so fashionable, and our mothers made sure they were always well supported and covered, hence the panty-girdle. Over the tights I had long black plastic boots.

I turned my back on the lads again and bent forward from the waist so that my miniskirt hem rose up showing more and more of the back of my thighs. “Touch your toes, Suzy” hissed one wag. I knew what he was up to, and so I did as he suggested. There was a collective intake of breath as my skirt rode up higher and my panty-girdle-clad bottom came into view.

“Do you like looking up girls' skirts then?” I asked.

“I like looking up your skirt, Suzy!”

I stood back up. Some moans. Then I sat on the floor with my back to the wall and bent my legs with my knees in front of me. My skirt was bunched up but the back of it was on the floor. Then I moved my feet apart and opened my knees a little so they could see up the skirt and my panty-girdle gusset was visible. “Oh, now that is really nice!” breathed Pete. Murmurs of agreement. I pulled my skirt up so they could see properly, then stood back up and unzipped the skirt, kicking it off. I stood there in my blouse and, skirtless, they could see all my tights and the panty-gridle to my waist. I twirled round so they could admire my nylon-clad bottom. I bent forward again to touch my toes. I could feel the temperature of the room getting higher. I could see some of the boys rubbing themselves more openly now.

“Don't get too excited!” I whispered. Then I had an idea. I found myself thinking about the money I was getting for this – equivalent of two Saturdays at the chemist shop, and thought how good it could be if it was a regular thing – would they be prepared to pay more in future? So I said “Look, I know I said you are not to touch, just look, but I'm prepared to give Dave a little treat for organising this and letting us into his bedroom for it, so, just this once Dave, come over here and take my panty-girdle off for me will you?”

He was over like a shot. “No funny tricks, Dave, just grab each side and slip them off me, OK?” He gulped and with trembling hands put them on my waist and held me quite gently. Then he slowly began to pull them down my tights. They are quite a good fit, so it took a little effort, but they gradually descended down my legs, and I put a hand on his shoulder as I stepped out of them.

“Your legs are really hot, Suzy, I can feel the heat coming off them. I'd love to touch them! Can I?”

“Well, you didn't try any funny stuff so I suppose I can allow a little touch, just a treat for you. Give me a hand.” Dave held a hand out to me as I stood there in my tights, my plain white M and S panties visible through the nylon. I took his hand and opened my legs a little, guiding his palm onto my inner upper thigh, about six inches below my crotch. I held it there as he coloured up into a deep beetroot and used his other hand to adjust himself in his jeans.

“You REALLY like this don't you Dave?” I grinned at the boys and they grinned back, but jealously. I held it in place longer so he could feel the heat off my legs and from my gusset. “Imagine putting your hands between my legs eh, lads! Would that make you cum do you think?” I glanced at Dave and gave him a secret wink, he went redder, if that was possible... “Imagine running your hands up my legs, then rubbing my panty gusset, then putting your hands inside my knickers...”

One of the boys was getting beside himself and I saw him unzip his flies and begin to get his tool out. “You can put THAT away right this minute, we're NOT doing anything like THAT today thank you...” I told him, and he fumbled it back and zipped up. But I hoped that the “today” was noticed....

“OK Dave, that's enough for today,” I smiled, “I think your friends are ready aren't you, boys?”

“Oh yes, Suzy, let's have a look, we can't wait much longer,” said Pete who seemed to have become the spokesman. So I took off my boots and started to pull down my tights – that got them interested OK. Not the most seductive of moves I thought to myself as I held the door handle for support and balance on one leg as I peeled them off. Anyway, I was finally standing there naked from the waist down apart from my panties. Very appreciated.

“Now, just in case your mum comes in, I'm putting my skirt back on – don't worry, you wont miss anything!” This was true but I also thought it was sexier to be partly clothed and to tease them a little when I eventually showed all. I also put my boots back on and stuffed the tights into my handbag. But I lifted the hem of my skirt up so they could see my knickers – I'm not that mean. “Now look at my nice knickers, that's all that stands between you and what you're longing to see isn't it?” I teased, pulling up the skirt at the back now and showing my bottom. “If I go like this I bet you like it even more don't you?” and I moved my feet apart about 18 inches and bent forward to touch my toes again. “Can you see my panty-gusset? Do you like how it's stretched over my private parts? All my bottom crack is in there, and my hairy fanny. You like it don't you? I know this is your fantasy, isn't it?” Then I reached under myself and ran a finger along my gusset. “Can you imagine how nice it would be if you were doing this?” No-one spoke but the silence was palpable, you could hear a pin drop, and some quite heavy breathing from my little audience. It was time to put them out of their misery. I let my skirt drop and, with my back still to them, I reached for my panties and deftly took them down and stepped out of them. Now they gasped in unison, they knew my pubic area was completely bare now. I turned around and stared at them as slowly, so really teasingly slowly, bit by bit, I began to raise the skirt again. Inch by inch. I had my legs together and gradually I reached “see-level” the bottom of my furry triangle came into view.

“Oh fuck..” said Pete.

“Don't stop!” said Dave.

I didn't. I just kept raising my skirt until my entire pubic triangle was on display. There was a lot of trouser and jeans rubbing going on now.

“Wow let's see your bottom please Suzy” asked Dave, so I turned round to oblige. One of the boys began to exclaim and looked super embarrassed at his lap. I knew from previous experience what he'd just done – or I'd made him do - but I looked away to spare further blushes. He was certainly satisfied.

But I was getting fed up with holding my skirt bunched up in my hand so I sat down again and leant against the wall. Once again I pulled the skirt up and bent my knees, then I lazily let my legs fall open so they could see my crotch, unadorned now, external pussy lips fully on show. “Now I think that's what you wanted to see isn't it? Do you like my little pussy? You can come a bit closer if you like... Hey careful, not too close, let everyone have a look!” I was feeling extremely turned on myself now, seeing the effect I was having. “I think you boys would like a lesson in female anatomy. Stand clear and let me lay on Dave's bed.”

I got up, smoothed my skirt down and sat myself on the bed, then I told them all to sit opposite me on the floor and stay there. Then I settled back and lifted my legs onto the bed, knees bent again, pulled my skirt up to my waist and opened up fully – they stared at my blatantly rude display. I felt myself getting wet. I pulled my legs back onto my chest and felt my pussy opening wider and wider. I knew now that all my inner and outer lips were splayed for their examination. “Can you see up me all right boys – nice isn't it.”

“Oh shit!” said one of them, “I've cum off. Oh bloody hell!” Another one for me I thought! I could feel juices running out of me.

I pulled my lips open a little more and put a finger lightly on my clitoris, touching it so lightly and delicately I was in danger of cumming myself. “Can you see my little love button – that's what a girl likes to have rubbed, that's how you bring a girl off. See my pee-hole, that's where my wee comes out, see it? See how wet I am, that's because I'm enjoying seeing you lot excited. Now... when I do this..” and I moved my bottom to the edge of the bed, right in front of their faces, lifted my bum up a bit as I bent my legs further back and apart.. “you can see my bum-hole too. What do you think about that? Its rude isn't it, more than you ever hoped isn't it? Isn't it?”

“Fuck yes, Suzy! Oh fuck its lovely! Oh blimey!” said Pete and he unzipped his jeans, got his erect penis out, held it and gave it one rub then just shot what seemed like pints of cum out into the room, some going on the carpet, some onto the bed next to me. “Oh shit, sorry everyone, just had to do that. Fantastic. Sorry Suzy, I know what you said but you're so lovely, so sexy. Couldn't help it. Really. Just couldn't help it!”

Then Dave and the other lad, who had either not brought himself off yet, or had not yet cum in his pants, both followed suit, getting their willies out and wanking off – just like that! Bloody hell – they were so overcome with lust they didn't care who saw them, or what effect it might have on the furniture! They just spurted out. I was fascinated to see how engorged they were and how the spunk just exploded out of them. It was disgusting but exciting at the same time. I didn't say anything. I tried to look disapprovingly at them, but just remained as I was, legs akimbo and displaying everything I had. In fact I decided to give them a final treat and pulled open my blouse and lifted my bra off my boobs so they could see my nipples again. I was still on the verge of orgasm but told myself not to cum – that would have meant a loss of control. I'd wank off myself later at home thinking about this evening, I didn't want them to think I needed this almost as much as they did. I told myself it was just for the money. But I'm not sure I was feeling that now.

The guys were all exhausted but ecstatic. It was time to go. They wanted me to stay, of course. “Maybe you could do something else? Can I touch you, Suzy? Can I lick you? Can I put a finger in you Suzy? Can I feel your tits? Can we undress you, then? Can we feel you through your panties? ….” They were really randy little sods and I told them so. No! No! No! That wasn't what we agreed. You got more than your money's worth.

“But Suzy! You cant leave us like that. We must have another show! Please Suzy, please!”

“I'll think about it – perhaps I'll allow one or two of you to go further – but it'll cost you! I'll talk to Dave about it soon.” I got myself dressed and looking acceptable. I put my knickers in my handbag along with my tights, put my jacket on and left them, after they checked that Dave's mum was safely engrossed in a TV programme. I caught the bus home, feeling quite horny without my tights or knickers on, but decided not to go onto the upper deck. Just in case. Fortunately my mother didn't notice my bare legs when I got home.


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Saving my College CareerI was the first person in my family that ever attended a college and/or university. It was a very daunting experience for a naïve girl with no idea what college is suppose to be like. My parents who were self-made millionaires who came to the States with nothing but their clothes on their back never finished school. They couldn’t give me the moral support that I really needed to succeed in college but helped financially They thought college is for the high and...

2 years ago
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Two college lovers reunite

Mason was in his final year of high school. Between touring possible college sites and worrying about scoring well on his ACT he had a lot on his mind. His mom, Tana, was helping out best she could as she juggled home life with work life. Tana was still in love with her husband Charles, but over the course of their 25 year marriage they had just grown apart. Charles was both a loving husband and good father. Charles would have liked to have a more involved role in Mason's life, but work...

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College Teacher Chapter One

College Teacher. Chapter one. Quentin College was a place that I had taken a fancy to when I was studying for my doctorate at University and was very pleased when I received a letter asking me to attend an interview. I was one of twenty there that day and I progressed into the next interview of ten and finally for a third visit of just three of us for a position in such a prestigious college. I was the last to be interviewed and I went into the Dean’s office to find two other people sitting...

First Time
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Mumbai8217s hottest college girl

Hello friends! Let me introduce myself to all of you. My name is Nisha. I’m a 20 year old girl, born and raised in Mumbai. I come from a conservative family. I guess one of the reasons for me being such a horny nymphomaniac is the restrictions placed on me by my family. I have always been a rebel right from the beginning. Let me begin by describing my body. I am 5 2″ tall with a petite body frame of 34-24-34. I have a fair skin complexion. My brown nipples look really sexy on my fair body. My...

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Odd Man in CollegeChapter 02

In the morning Lyn is fed and taken to court for his initial hearing. A lady from the Child Welfare Office accompanies him to the court. Due to him being a minor the hearing is held in a closed court with only the relevant people present. Because of that Doctor Grey, Dave Richards, and Chad Hall are denied access as they don’t have with them all of the legal papers to prove they’re Lyn’s guardians. In the court the bailiff reads out the charges. The judge looks at Lyn and asks, “How do you...

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Odd Man in CollegeChapter 03

At Lyn’s request Nancy drives the pick-up to the college and she takes it around to his rented lock-up garage behind the dorm. There’s more than enough open parking for the students and visitors near the dorms but only a few lock-up ones, so the college charges a high rental fee for them. Lyn can afford it so he rented one while at Housing earlier. They get out of the car and Lyn grabs two bags of clothes to do him for the next few days. Just like most of his gear they’re baggy sweats and...

1 year ago
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College Sluts

Reddit College Sluts, aka r/CollegeSluts! Is there a more perfect time to get pussy than in college? There’s something about bitches in college that makes them infinitely hornier. Maybe it’s because they’re not tied down at home anymore, or perhaps it’s because they have instant access to cock – all they have to do is walk across campus and go to a dorm room. Hell, nowadays all they have to do is hail an Uber, and they can get dick anywhere in the city where mommy and daddy are nowhere to be...

Reddit NSFW List
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College Tuition

Chapter One Stephanie wanted to go to college ever since she finished high school. Butwith the economy the way it was, everything was so high priced, including tuition.She had worked for a few years with the hopes that she would be able to saveenough money to afford college. She continued sending in applications to allthe colleges she found, explaining her financial needs, but all of them hadturned her down so far. One college, a private university about 150 miles fromhome, placed her on a...

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College Humiliation

Hello guys, this is my story about college humiliation is fictional. It is based on a virtual world, which is male dominant and is on BDSM. There was a small country which was highly self-dependent and followed their own rules. Males dominated the country, and they held all senior positions. The country had only one college specializing in medical, engineering, commerce, arts, etc. Being the only college, there was a good strength of students. However, the students had to live in a hostel and...

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Becoming What You Are a Swiss College story

Swiss College vignette - on becoming what you arethis story takes place in the Swiss College universe. You can read more stories with the same setting, and they might helpt this one make sense.A Classroom Vignette Morning the Levels of Control "Growing up is all about change. Jeanne and Pat enjoy a...

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Having Sex With Virgin Senior Girl From College In Hyderabad

Hi to all ISS readers, this Santhu back again with another wonder full experience..Let me introduce myself for the first time who are reading my story I am Santhu from Hyderabad, my age is 24 with 7.5 inch cock and diameter of 2 inch . My height is 6.2 with good body and handsome face. I work for a MNC in Hyderabad as a software engineer. Any one interest in me ping to me This lovely incident took place in Hyderabad. When I am studying my b.Tech in one of reputed engineering college in...

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Boarding College With Foreign Students

This story took place when I was 22 years, well built…6’2″tall…with 125lbs…very handsome and graduated from the University and now doing teaching skill in one of the college in Karachi….my name is DANIYAL KHAN..I was very brilliant student in my studies…for this reason I got several jobs…but I prefer to take this Job…because this has the residence for foreign and local student…and the Principal of this college also gave a offer for Warden…to look after the boys in the Hostel. I was very happy...

Gay Male
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Milky Adventure 8211 One Off Event In The College

Hello friends. Hope you are having a good day. This is a one-off story from my ‘Milky Adventure’ series. Please, after reading this story, please give your views about it and give me your feedback. I will be eager to read it all. (This episode takes place before Riya meets Rahul and Aman.) It was Monday, sunny morning. Riya woke up early since Rajesh had come home for the weekend. Now both Shreyas and Rajesh had to go, and their college bus could come anytime soon. Riya went to the bathroom...

3 years ago
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Sex On Refuge Flat And Some Foreplay During Our College Festival

Hello, guys! This is my fourth story in ISS and hopes you guys had enjoyed my previous stories. But I was very disappointed in the feedback section as major replies were for having sex with me and even some guys have sent there dicks pictures also. This was highly insane. Coming back to the topic in this post you guys will come to know about sexual activity during our college fest and even on the refuge flat. This incident took place when I had shifted to a new building in my home town. The...

1 year ago
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My First Sex In The College

Hi ISS readers, I like to read the stories of ISS as you like too. As I like reading the stories of ISS I want to share my story of my sex with my girlfriend at college. Please give me feed back of this story on my mail Id , so that I could write my other stories. At first I want to tell you about sex bomb of this story, her name is Priyanka (name changed). she was just 18 when I had sex with her she got perfect figure (32-24-32) with average boobs like big orange. She did had perfect round ass...

3 years ago
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Transitioning to College 1

Transitioning To College Chapter 1: To some kids college is just a consideration or pipe dream. In my family it was assumed that high school graduation would be just the kicking off point for my real education. My father had been a doctor, my mother graduated with honors from Michigan and my sister was in her first year at Duke. Going to college was a given. The only questions were to which school and what I would major in. With my sister out of the house my mother and I lived alone...

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College Boy In Prison

COLLEGE BOY IN PRISON by Throne Everything had been going great for Sammy. He was starting college, with courses in art and poetry, and still hadn't decided what his major would be. His jet-setting parents lived on the opposite coast and honestly didn't have much to do with him except to pay his bills. So he had stayed briefly with his Uncle John, a tall dignified man, until the first semester began at the nearby college. While he was on campus he met a guy his own age, Ray, who...

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Upholding college tradition

Although I didn't get the grades they asked for, the college still confirmed the offer of a place for me. Lady Cecilia's College, not the most prestigious campus, but nevertheless I'd be able to say I'd studied at Cambridge. It had been an all-girl college for decades, but this academic year it had allowed boys in too. I turned up for fresher's week. I registered and was allocated a room in a hall of residence. My Mum helped me to get my belongings from the car to the room, wished me...

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An AllMale Private College

My name is James Hyperion. The year is 2030. I am ninety years old. I am dying. Nothing can change that fact. That’s okay because I am a man who has led a very fulfilled life. I was born in Atlanta, Georgia, in the year 1940. The eldest son of a poor African-American family. Nevertheless, I did fairly well for myself. I won a scholarship to the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1968 and graduated in 1972 with a degree in engineering. Ten years later, I started my own company, Hyperion...

4 years ago
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Sharmeelee8217s Free Sex College 8211 Part I

Author: kamaraju (I thank Miss Sharmeelee for sharing her fantasy. Please note this story is completely based on fiction and fantasy and does not have an ounce of reality. Anything that happens in this story is not true. Such colleges do not exist. Please send suggestions and comments to or ) When I opened the door, Salman smiled at me and rushed into kitchen. “Aunty, I am joining a college few kilometers away. Please let Sharmi also join. We can study together” he pleaded with Mom. Mom told...

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College Teacher Chapter Six

College Teacher. Chapter Six. I was awake before him but let him sleep until he woke up himself and I gave him a sweet smile and kissed him good morning. ‘You’re not ashamed of we did last night are you?’ but I put a finger to his lips to stop him from answering that wrong question. ‘For I am certainly not, for I enjoyed what we did. You needed the release from the pressures you’re always under and I was here to help you in that. It was my fault for I wanted you to have me and so don’t think...

1 year ago
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College Teacher Chapter Six

College Teacher. Chapter Six. I was awake before him but let him sleep until he woke up himself and I gave him a sweet smile and kissed him good morning. ‘You’re not ashamed of we did last night are you?’ but I put a finger to his lips to stop him from answering that wrong question. ‘For I am certainly not, for I enjoyed what we did. You needed the release from the pressures you’re always under and I was here to help you in that. It was my fault for I wanted you to have me and so don’t think...

First Time
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Wells College and its First Males

Wells College and its First Males In real life, Wells College will admit males as students in the fall of 2005. 136 years of tradition will bite the dust. I have no ties to Wells College. This story is a work of pure fiction. No buildings mentioned here exist at Wells College at the time of this writing. No people or animals were hurt in the writing of this tale. Beware of my use of historical characters in slightly different roles. See if you can spot them all. I am side stepping here....

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Diary of College Slut Amy

My name is Amy Henderson. I’m a young brunette, twenty years old, starting my third year of college. I suspect my parents would be more than a bit surprised to hear about the things I’ve gotten up to in college life, but up until very recently I don’t think there’s any way that they would have known what went on all those months each year that I was away from home.I’ve been labelled a ‘college slut’ by more than a few people. I like my long, straight brown hair, and more than a few guys have...

1 year ago
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College Week 2

When I got up in the morning, I tried to think of a way to get out of going to college. Then I remembered that freshman girl.I showered, then nervously picked out some clothes that I could remove without much fuss. I wore blue sweat pants that unzipped at the bottom, and a pink short sleeved sweat shirt. I walked to college, avoiding the other students. Even going to college, I felt awfully conspicuous. I went to the main entrance. There was an old mailbox there, with a sign above it, "For use...

3 years ago
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Not Just Another College Reunion Complete

Four years ago, Dev said goodbye to Nidhi at their college graduation party with a pleasant hug and an overly dramatic "I'm going to miss you!" After that, it had been surprisingly easy to fall out of each other's lives. He left India for his MBA and she found work in Bangalore. Four years later, though, he was finally returning home. When Nidhi saw him post this on Facebook, she sent him a message: Hey! Ohmygod it's been too long. I'm in town too. Let's meet up tonight? He stared at...

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Daniel Effeminate College Student Chapter 13

Chapter 13Back HomeEarly Sunday morning Terry received a text from his friend Ken requesting him to call him as soon as he arrived back from the cruise as he had a legal matter to discuss. Terry and Ken had been friends from the summer they first met and it continued through college and today as Terry was Ken's lawyer. Ken was a very successful businessman partly because of his family background and also because he married the daughter of a very rich and influential politician. Ken had always...

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Back To College Kneehigh Socks and No Knickers

Danielle perused her latest balance sheet, as she relaxed in her plush office at DC Lingerie. Emma, her PA, was massaging her shoulders, relieving what little knots had formed after her session in the gym. “Looking good?” asked Emma. “Yes, hosiery is up 33% on this time last year.” “Hmmm… you’re a genius baby.” “Thank you Emma,” said Danielle, stroking her friend’s hand as her fingers brushed the side of her neck. “I was thinking Danielle…” Danielle looked up at her sexy assistant. “Come and...

2 years ago
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Swiss College On the Levels of Control

On the levels of controlSwiss College VignetteThis is a vignette (although you could also call it a short story) set in the Swiss College, an environment about and inside of which I propose to write more in the future. The dangling threads have been left intentionally so, in order to provide hooks for more vignettes and short stories. You may also want to read Swiss College: a classroom vignette at Wrong Assumptions: a ponygirl story...

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Mom Gets Gangbanged By College Seniors

Hi, this is my new series. I hope you enjoy it and please do give your comments. I am Lingesh, studying in college. This story is about my mom who became a slut and started enjoying sex with strangers. Coming to my family, my dad is a businessman and is working in Malaysia, my mom Suganya, is a Indian housewife aged 29, and my sister Sanju is aged 19. I am 18+ years old My mom has a stats of 36D-28-30. She is fair, slim, and a tall lady who used to go to the gym and maintains her body shape. My...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 9 The War College Fiasco

The estate was an impressive, imposing, and surprisingly large underground complex that filled a huge cavern, with a dim looking pseudo-sun in the centre. The cavern was so large Jason was sure the whole of Manhattan Island could fit in it with ease. They walked along the stone path that was lined with grey/brown foliage none of which Jason could recognize. The plants looked like a cactus with thick oddly shaped leaves and a conical stem that was about two feet tall. There were trees that...

3 years ago
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College Mate Ko Pataya Aur Fir Choda

Hi friends I am Rohit. Main Bangalore se hu. Main is site par new hoon. Ye meri pahali story hai. Mene is site par bahut story padi hai aur mujhe laga ke kyu na main bhi apni ek story aap logo se share karu jo mere college batchmate ki hai. Aap apna feedback mjhe is mail id par de sakte hain. Meri mail id hai “” agar koi ladki mujhse chudwana chahe to vo mujhe mail kar sakti hai aur ye sab secret rahega. To ab hum story par ate hain. Mera name rohit hai aur man bangalore se hu. Mere lund ka...

2 years ago
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My College Education

My College Education Hello everyone. This Belle again with a tale from a client. I will my client tell the tale. Greetings everybody. I am John MacDonald. That was my name at birth, but this tale deals about the time when I was Jackie MacDonald. It starts when I first entered college. I was an incoming freshman. I was taking all the mandatory courses for a freshman. I was enrolled in Business Administration for my major. I know that sounds lame, but it is true. It was the first...

4 years ago
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The College Nerd

Japhta was the college nerd. He was lanky and slightly skanky. Although Japhta did not pong too severely, it was clear that deodorant and showering did not form part of daily routine, and most girls were put off by him. This fact never concerned him because Japhta had always preferred boys. His clothing always looked well used, presumably between infrequent washing, and the odd tear, smear, or stain, did not seem to worry him at all. Japhta was exceptionally bright and one of the brightest...

Gay Male
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Sex With College Classmate Jahnavi 8211 Part 1

Hey everyone, I am Diganth, 26 years old and I am from Bengaluru. I am an average-built guy with a good size dick that can satisfy any girl. I firstly thank all the readers who read my previous stories and enjoyed them. To the readers who haven’t read my previous stories, please do read them. And I am overwhelmed by all the responses I received. As I had promised all the readers, I will keep posting my real sex experiences. And this is one of them. This story is also a real one that took place...

2 years ago
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Teaching Experience at St Benedict College Bangkok Thailand

Teaching Experience at St. Benedict College, in Bangkok, Thailand BACKGROUND: Originally, I’d been in business, as an insurance underwriter, but left that occupation when my company was decimated by the “Great Recession” of 2008. The following year my wife and I divorced after a short, unhappy, childless marriage. I decided to change careers. Reinvent myself. Do something more rewarding. Having taught English in Europe, during a backpacking stint after college, and having loved it, I...

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College Widow

The college widow was born in 1850. During the war she lost her heart to an older boy who went off to the Union Army. He was killed in the fighting. After the war, she was educated at one of the first new colleges for young women. A visiting male professor courted and married her. They were wed the day after her graduation and went off to honeymoon in Europe. He was 48, she was 22. He was virile and experienced and on their honeymoon he taught her the art of love. She had her first orgasm on...

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The College King 8211 Part 1

Dear ISS readers, this is my first story so please bear with my mistakes. My name is Vinayak. I ma from a middle class family which has just now become rich. I am 5’10’ tall,handsome, and horrifyingly intelligent. Have 7.2′ cock and an athletic body and a four pack. Till 12th std I have changed about 10 schools and just now my father has got a high salary job in Thailand, let me come to the story. As my father got a job in Thailand he is moving there with my mom. I refused to go there and told...

4 years ago
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College Expectations

College Expectations Part 1 Jeremy Sanders was a fairly normal eighteen-year-old, who had lived in the same small Midwest town for most of his life. Jeremy had just recently graduated high school, finishing with a fairly high GPA and a few academic honors. The boy had always thought of himself as a good student, even though he never had to try very hard to earn good grades. Ultimately he felt that it was his ability to "skate" through life that had contributed to many of his...

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Best College Election And Sex For Vote

Hi guys, I am a regular reader of ISS and today, I am sharing my story with you. This is a true story and happened during my college days. The heroine of the story is Heena. She is damn hot and sexy. Most of my classmates must have masturbated thinking about her, even me before I got the chance to sleep with her. Let me tell you a brief about the background story. Our college was having the college elections and this hot sexy college girl Heena was standing for the post of college Ladies’...

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College Friend After Her Marriage

Dear indian sex stories dot net friends, Yeh story ek real story hai jo meri aur friend k beech ki hai. Yeh story meri friend pp ki hai jisko maine uski shadi k baad base maje se thoka alag alag places par le jakar. My name is x and is story ki heroine ka name pp hai. Meri age 30 years hai and pp ki abhi age30 years nai. Ab story start karte hai. Main aur pp ek hi college me graduation karte the . College k time pe meri bahotsarigf hi to maie pp k ya college ki ladkiya pe jyada dhyan kabhi nai...

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Story Of College Hotties 8211 Part 1 8211 Threesome

Hi.. Handshake to guys and boob shake to my dear girls.. I am Akshay from Bangalore.. I am 5 7′ height, average build, horny teenager i.e., 20 year old studying medical in Bangalore. Please reply and comments to my e mail any girls or females need satisfaction in and around Bangalore contact me for secret relation and hot chats.. Any age females are welcome.. And any couples are welcome if they are interested in threesome.. Contact me on my email.. Please do comment on my story so that i can...

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my College Days

These are the experiences that I have post in the website www.experienceproject.comSome Incidents happened just two years before at my college ... All the day in my college was very hot because the boys used to paly with my pussy and breasts in the classroom without knowing the teacher. I love them doing fingering and sucking my boobs. May of my friends also know my habit of spending playful times with boys. I never allow them to fuck with their cock in my pussy. But many have put their cums on...

1 year ago
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Home from College 1

MY sister is 18 years old now, when I moved out for college she was only 11 so there is a pretty big age and sibling difference between us. Mom is a teacher at the elementary school about 45 minutes away from the old farm house. I sat down on the couch that would have to serve as my bed for a while until I could get my bed put together. I'm feeling pretty much like a loser at this point so when at 8 am I heard my sister and father upstairs in the kitchen I didn't want to go up but knew dad...

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Odd Man in CollegeChapter 06

Wednesday morning is a slow start because the cafeteria is staying open for breakfast much later than usual in recognition of the break period. That’ll be the situation for the whole week. After a nice shared shower and late breakfast Lyn explains his plan to Nancy. They discuss the whole situation and his plan before they start sending emails to people they think can help them. Barry is a key starting contact. They break only for a quick lunch. By dinnertime Lyn and Nancy have networked...

2 years ago
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Sex With College Classmate Jahnavi 8211 Part 5

Hey everyone. I am Diganth with the continuation of my previous part. Readers, please read the previous parts for mine details and Jahnavi’s details and for continuation of the story. The next day, early morning I called my friend Abhishek and asked about the Sports day incident. Abhishek: It’s true whatever Jahnavi said to you. And you were an asshole and damn lucky to fuck that sexy girl on that day. She was looking so sexy on that day bro and I was jealous of you that you got a chance to...

1 year ago
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Bet Games at College

This is s story about me which happened to me long time ago. I am a simple girl; at least i was. I am from the rural part of the country. Life was simple and going simple until i had to move to city area for better quality higher-education, as my parents thought it so. After I moved in to the city for higher education. First few weeks were hard to adjust. Everything and everyone was in rush. It took me a week to find the college after we moved in. I was really excited as the college was...

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Parting of the Ways Part 5 College Troubles and epilogue

Chapter 14 The military foursome were going to miss out on their fall semesters, with Scott barely returning in time to start his first semester in late January. The group staying in Winnisimmet were saddened to see the four heading west leave back in June, it was the first time since 8th grade that the group had been separated for any length of time. It was the start of the group becoming their own people, but for the 14 it was still a tough revelation to them. Jaimie and Miles...

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College with a Cane Pt 0103

Note: This is a work of historical fiction. Though my wife and I met after I had completed my master’s degree, I loved my experiences in my undergraduate college. In this on going story, I will be exploring the way our relationship would have developed if we had met during our collegiate experiences College With a Cane, Freshmen Year, Part 1 ‘Erik!’ ‘Nnuuuuhhh—?’ ‘Erik! Wake up!’ ‘Hhhhhbbbbnnnrrr—‘ ‘Erik! Wake up you douchebag! Your alarm has been going off for 15 minutes!’ I slowly...

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A mature hirsute lesbian cleaning woman lusts after the young college girls that she sees every day at work

Mary pulled her beat-up old car in front of her house and stepped out. It had been a long day at work. For the past fifteen years, she had been a cleaning lady in a girl’s dormitory at the local college. Day in and day out, Mary spent her days cleaning the hallways, emptying trashcans, and scrubbing down the dorm’s common bathrooms. On her way to the front door, Mary felt her aching muscles. As she walked into the lonely little house, Mary sat down on the sofa in tears. Her life...

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