Fender Bender #8 free porn video

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My name is Robert, but when I am dressed I call myself Jazmine . I m 5'9" and 180 pound .18 years old

It was Tuesday evening and I had stayed home alone all day. I had a lot to think about. I was relaxing and listening to some music on the stereo. Mom had just called to checked on me, making sure I was staying out of trouble while she was on vacation in Jamaica with my Step dad Curt.

I was wearing a pair of Light blue panties, the matching lacy Bra with pantyhose stuffed in them to fill out the cups, and an oversized white T-shirt that came down to mid thigh. I had my head back and my eyes closed as I was thinking back on everything that had happened to me since Mom and Curt had left on Friday morning.

The phone rang again and when I checked the Caller ID I seen it was Mike. After Mike and I had sex on Saturday night he had promised he would call. Part of me was hoping he would but part of had hoped he wouldn't.

I started not to answer it but at the last second I pick up the receiver and said Hello.

"Uh, hi there. How are you?"

"Hi Mike, I am ok, how are you?"

"Much better now, I would be even better if I could come over but I am tired and need to rest tonight."

I really wanted to discourage him, "Well I really do not feel like visitors tonight anyway."

"Ok, well the reason I was calling, I have two tickets to the Dragon's game tomorrow night and I was wondering if you would like to go?"

The Dragon's were a minor league baseball team in a nearby City.

"I don't know...."

"Please Jazmine I promise you will have a good time. And it will give you a chance to dress sexy for me."

"Now wait a minute, I am not sure if I am ready to go out as Jazmine".

"Oh come on, you are pretty and a natural, unless someone got up close and personal, they will just think you are a very pretty girl. Personally I think you are super hot and very sexy."

I giggled, "Thank you, you do know how to flatter a girl."

"So will you go out with me tomorrow night Jazmine?."

"I am still not sure, let me think about it ok?"

"Tell you what, I will pick you up around 5 tomorrow, you can go as Vicki, or if I show up and you are not dressed, It will just be two guys catching a game."

Mike was being so nice, "OK Mike, I will see you tomorrow at five."

He seemed happy, "Oh, before I go, Uh tell me what you are wearing, please?"

I decided what harm would it do if I flirted a little, "Mike you naughty boy. I am wearing a blue bra and panties, and a white T-shirt."

"Oh My Jazmine you sound so sexy, I am hard just thinking about you. I know that image will be in my head all night."

I just giggled.

"OK I have to go, see you tomorrow beautiful." and he hung up.

I spent the rest of the night trying to decide what to do. I admit that the idea of going on a real date was tempting. Was I ready to go out as Jazmine ?

The ball park was over an hour or so away, and I really doubted if we would run into anyone I knew, but still....

I decided to take along hot bath, then shave what little hair I had off of my body. I sat on the bed and redid my nails, then painted my toenails a bright pink. I hope Mom doesn't notice I had been using her makeup, lipstick and perfume when she gets home from vacation.

I wrestled with my decision all morning, I wanted to call Susan and talk to her about it but I was not sure how she or Mark would react if they knew I was fooling around with another guy.

I did not think they would be too mad but I was not sure. Finally around 1 I call Susan and asked her if I could come over because I had something I really needed to talk about with her. She said she was on her way out but she would only be gone for an hour or so and if I wanted, She could stop by my house when she was done.

I told her that would be great and I would see her in a little bit.

When Susan stopped by later she could tell I was nervous so she got straight to the point and asked me was making me so fidgety.

I took a deep breath and blurted out every thing. About how Mike and Gary caught me wearing panties on Saturday night and how Mike came back later and we had sex. How, now Mike wanted me to go out with him dressed as Jazmine .

Susan sat there patiently and let me ramble on until I finished. When I finished I looked at her and pleaded with her not to be mad at me.

She put her hand on my shoulder and told me it was ok, There was no reason for anyone to be mad. That her and her husband really enjoyed playing with me and that, yes they were some more things that she was sure Mark would require from me before I would get my step dad's car back, but it was all in fun and they understood if I wanted to fool around with other people.

I let out a sigh of relief then told her I was still not sure if I had the confidence to go out in public as Vicki quite yet. Susan asked me what time Mike was suppose to pick me up and I told her at 5.

"well we have a little time, why don't you let me help you get dressed and we will see how pretty you are. If you still don't think you can pass in public you will have time to change back."

That sounded good to me, I had never had anyone help me with make up before. All I had learned so far was from the Internet and trail and error.

I got Susan a glass of wine and went to take a quick shower. When I had showered I met Susan in my Mom's bedroom. I knew what outfit I wanted to wear and started taking out items and explaining what look I was going for.

I told her that since it was just a ball game I wanted something casual. First I chose a red lace bra and the matching silk panties. Next I chose a pink tank top and a pair of white shorts. I was going to add a long sleeve white shirt as a cover that I had planned to leave unbuttoned.

While I was getting dressed Susan was looking through the closet. I finished and then modeled my outfit. Susan told me I looked cute but then she held up a white skirt.

"I think you will look better in this. It is still modest but it will show off those sexy legs of your."

I slipped off my shorts and put on the skirt. I wasn't sure if I looked better but I had to admit the skirt made me feel sexier. I found a pair of open toed sandals that showed off my pink toenails.

Susan sat me down at my Mom's vanity table and told me to watch and learn. She started applying my makeup. Then she put on a bright shade of pink lipstick that matched my tank top and my nails.

After I fixed my blonde wig into place Susan brushed it out for me and fixed it into a ponytail with a pink bow. When she allowed me to look in the mirror I saw a very pretty young girl looking back at me.

I was so happy I gave Susan a big hug and thanked her for all of her help. Then I kissed her on the lips lightly. When I pulled away she was smiling at me. She told me to be careful I would smudge my lipstick.

I was walking Susan out when the phone rang. It was Mike saying he was running late but that he would be here soon. I gave Susan another kiss and thanked her again for all the help. She told me to have a great time and she wanted to hear all the details tomorrow.

When I opened the door for Mike I could see the surprise on his face. The surprise turned into a big smile as he looked me up and down, "Jazmine , You look great!!"

I smiled back at him, "Thank you."

Then he took me into his arms and kissed me. Not a gentle kiss either, it was a deep passionate kiss and I felt his tongue pass my lips and explore my mouth. I felt his hands squeezing my butt through my skirt and panties.

Mike is around 250 pounds, 6'2" and he had wrestled and play football in High School. He had red hair and freckles. Today he was wearing a black and blue T-shirt with the Dragon's logo on it along with really tight jeans that showed off a nice bulge. Remembering what his cock looked liked made me lick my lips. When hard Mike's Cock is almost 7 inches long but not thick.

I was afraid if I did not stop him soon we would get carried away and not leave the house so I pulled away and told him we better go or we would miss the start of the game. He apologized for being late but he had to stay late at work to finish up. He said he had planned on taking me out to eat first but we did not have time. I told him it was ok and we could get something at the game.

When we arrived they were already singing the national anthem. Mike came around and opened my door for me like a gentleman. Hr reached behind the seat and grabbed a blanket, he said it might get chilly before the game was over. Mike was holding my hand as we entered the stadium.

There were not many people at the ball game and it was a blow out. A lot of people were already leaving after the fifth inning. Mike said we should change seats so maybe we could have a better chance of getting a foul ball.

We chose a place down the third base line, halfway up the bleachers. we had the section all to ourselves. Mike covered us up with the blanket and I snuggled close to Mike, resting my head on his shoulder. After another inning Mike asked me if I wanted to leave. I told him no I wanted to stay a little longer then I kissed him. I whispered in his ear that I thought we could have fun right here.

I looked around and made sure no one was watching us. Under the blanket, I reached over and unbuttoned Mike's jeans. I pulled the zipper down and squeezed his cock through his underwear. I heard Mike gasp as I pulled it free and slowly started running my hand up and down his growing cock.

I took my time. I would vary the speed at which I was jacking him off. I would go slow for a few minutes then work my hand up and down faster. This went on for a while. When I felt him getting close I would stop and wait for his cock to settle down before I would start again.

It was exciting but I was nervous and every little bit I would look around making sure no one knew what I was up to. Once when I had stopped for a few minutes I felt Mikes hand on my thigh. He rubbed my inner thigh for a few seconds then his hand moved up to brush against my panties.

Mike surprised me by squeezing my cock through my silk panties. I looked up into Mikes face and he had an intense but caring look in his eyes. He kissed me again as he started rubbing my crotch harder.

I took his cock into my hand again and started pumping it. I decided that this time I was not going to stop until he cum. His hand messaging my panty clad cock had me close to cumming and I was trying to hold off until he was ready to cum.

I could not hold back any longer and moaned into his mouth as I shot my load into my panties. When Mike felt the cum soak the front of my panties he pulled his hand away. I doubled my effort to make him cum. I was tempted to put my head under the blanket and finish him off with my mouth but I was not that brave yet.

Mike pulled my hand away and buttoned and zipped up his pants. He told me we were leaving NOW. He all but pulled me to his truck and opened the door, putting his hand on my ass as he helped me into the cab.

He was unusually quiet as he drove me home. Suddenly Mike took an exit off the interstate and pulled onto a back road. He turned off onto a dirt road that lead into a peach orchard. He came to a clearing and stopped the truck.

Mike all but ordered me out of the truck as he grabbed the blanket again. I knew what was going on but decided to play dumb so I asked him why we had stopped here. He gave me a look that excited me but scared me at the same time. "You teased me all night and I can't wait until we get back to your house. I am going to fuck you NOW."

When he let the tailgate down I assumed we were going to spread the blanket in the bed of his truck. I was wrong as he sat on the tailgate and dropped the blanket on the ground. Putting his hand on my shoulder he forced me to my knees.

"You know what to do little girl." Mike growled in lust as he started sliding down his jeans and boxers exposing his hard throbbing cock.

Mike hand his fingers in my hair pulling my head toward his cock and I opened my lips to allow him to push it into my mouth. I started sucking the head then bobbing my head up and down his cock. I admired the pink rings of lipstick around the shaft as I pulled back.

I sucked on his cock a few more minutes then he pulled it out of my mouth and grabbed me by the arm pulling me to my feet. Pushing me against the truck he bent me over the tailgate. When I felt Mike pushing my skirt up and my panties to the side I started begging him to go slow, I told him I did not have any lube with me.

He said I had better hope that I had lathered up his cock enough with my tongue because there was no way he was going to stop now. I felt Mikes hands around my waist pulling me back to him. When I felt the head of his cock press against my ass I was afraid that this was going to hurt a lot.

Mike pushed forward and I had to bite my lower lip to keep from screaming as I felt the head of his cock enter me. He started off with slow long strokes pushing more and more into me each time. I was afraid how bad it would hurt but to my surprise it was just a little uncomfortable at the start and the longer Mike fucked me the better it felt.

Mike was starting to pick up speed. The sounds of crickets and night creatures mixed together with the sounds of our bodies slapping together and Mike's grunting each time he slammed into me.

I doubted if Mike could hold out much longer. I know I was still new to this but He was fucking me with an urgency I had not known before. Mike drove his cock deep inside me and emptied his load.

He rested for a minute before he pulled out of me, pulled his pants up and turned me around. Mike took me into his arms and started kissing me. He kissed my neck then whispered in my ear how much he enjoyed what we had just done and he hoped I was not mad at him for getting carried away.

I told him that the setting could have been better, maybe a little more romantic, but I enjoyed it also. We made out some more and he said we had better leave before we were discovered by someone.

We were both quiet on the drive home. Mike walked me to the door I invited him in. We sat on the couch and talked for awhile. Mike said he should probably leave, but I kissed him again and shyly said, "Well you could spend the night."

He smiled, "are you sure that is what you want?"

I know I should have been mad for the way he treated me earlier but I was starting to like Mike and to be honest I was quickly becoming a slut and cock whore. I did not answer him but walked to the door and locked it, taking his hand I led him to the bedroom. Kissing him I grabbed the hem of his T-shirt and started pulling it up and over his head. I kissed his lips again then kissed my way down to his chest.

I pushed him down on the bed and slipped to my knees. I reached down and untied his shoes and removed them. Then I slipped his socks off of his feet. easing up I kissed his tummy, swirling my tongue around his belly button as I unsnapped his jeans. Unzipping them, Mike raised his butt allowing me to pull them down and off. Next came his boxers and Mike was completely nude.

I took the head of his cock into my mouth and started sucking gently. As I sucked the head I cupped and messaged his balls. I start working my head up and down slowly making his cock rock hard again. I let it slip from my lips and started licking and sucking his balls as my hand stroked up and down the shaft.

I kissed the head again then pushed back and stood up. Smiling down at Mike I slowly started swaying my hips as I slide white button up shirt off of my shoulders. Next I pulled the hem of my tank top from under my skirt and pulled it over my head and off.

I turned my back to Mike as I unzipped my white skirt and I wiggled my butt at him as I bent over and slid the skirt down my legs. I tried to strike a sexy pose as I looked back over my shoulder to see Mike with his fist wrapped around his cock stroking it.

I was not sure how Mike would react to what I was going to do next. I reached behind me and unhooked my bra throwing it onto the pile of clothes I had already taken off. with my back still to Mike, I shook my butt again and pushed my red silk panties down and off.

For the first time I was completely nude in front of a guy. I shyly turned to face Mike trying to act modest, my right hand covering my small "clit" and my left arm across my chest covering my "boobs".

I was afraid Mike might be mad at me but He smiled, held out his hand and told me to come there. I walked to the bed and threw my leg over Mike straddling him. laying across his chest I kissed him again. As we kissed I felt his hands on my ass.

I raised up as Mike spread my butt cheeks. Positioning my ass over the head of his cock I slowly lowered myself down. I was still sore from earlier so I took a deep breath, then plunged down taking the entire length of his cock into my ass.

I sat there a minute getting use to having my butt filled with a hard cock again. After a little bit I started raising myself up and down fucking Mike's cock as he laid there with his eyes closed and moaning.

As I was bouncing up and down and trying to milk Mikes hard cock he reached up and started squeezing and pinching my nipples. I know I did not have breasts like a woman but my nipples were still hard and sensitive as he pinched and twisted them. I felt my desire grow as I started bouncing up and down on Mikes cock like the slut I knew I was becoming. My small cock was hard and throbbing and I knew I was about to cum.

I soon felt waves of pleasure wash over me as I sunk down on Mikes cock and started shooting strand after strand of cum all over Mikes belly. I sat there in a daze until Mike twisted my nipple hard to get my attention.

"You had your fun, now fuck me little girl." He seemed to enjoy calling me little girl.

I started fucking him faster and faster, riding his cock for all I was worth. I felt Mikes hands on my waist slamming me down on his cock harder and harder. I felt the head of his cock going deeper inside of me than any time before.

Mike let out a sound that was a mixture of a groan and a growl. Pulled me down hard and held me there as he emptied his cum into my ass a second time that night.

When he had finished shooting and his cock started to go limp, I rolled off of him and then I kissed him again. After breaking the kiss, I kissed my way down his body to his belly where I lapped up the sticky mess I had made earlier when I had cum.

After his belly was clean I continued down to lick the residue off of his soft cock. I licked around the base of his cock cleaning the cum from his pubic hair, then started licking the shaft of his cock from the base to the head.

Mike must have been exhausted because even as I was licking his cock he drifted off to sleep and was soon snoring. I cuddled up beside of him and laid my head on Mikes chest and pulled his arm around me. I closed my eyes and soon I was a sleep in Mikes arms.

Mike had told me that he needed to be up by seven the next morning so he could get to work on time. The alarm woke me up at 6:30. I quickly slapped at it and was glad to see that Mike was still a sleep.

I smiled to myself as I pulled the sheet down to look at Mikes naked body. He was in good shape. I wondered what Mike had been dreaming about because his cock was already hard.

I was still feeling naughty so I leaned down and took his cock into my mouth. After sucking his cock several minutes I felt Mike's hand on the back of my head and heard him mumble, "Damn, what a way to wake up."

Between sucking his cock and messaging his balls, it did not take Mike long to fill my mouth with a load of delicious cum. I swallowed it all and licked my lips as I smiled and said Good morning.

((((( to be continue )))))

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My foot fetish experience

I have a major foot fetish my fovorite part of the female feet are the soles. Today I'm going to tell you about my very first footjob. So it was my senior year of high school i was 18 years old at the time and i had a killer crush on this sexy readhead she was also 18 and a senior her name was shelby and she was the captain on the varsity cheerleading squad which made me like her even more. She had the sexiest feet i had ever seen she wore flip flops alot so that was a big turn on her feet...

2 years ago
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Mothers Model Son

Frankie looked at the clothes his mother had laid out for him and shook his head slowly, not in disbelief, but in resignation. It had all happened so quickly. He realized there would be terrible consequences when she had caught him. He had been home alone and he thought he had plenty of time to dress in a skirt and heels, to slip on a pair of pretty panties, too. It had been so easy and he had done it so many other times. He loved how he felt when he dressed in his sister's and his...

1 year ago
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Stockholm Syndrome

Duncan Macmillan had been in prison for 13 years and 2 months when he escaped in the chaos of the Great Pulse. Under the circumstances, he didn't even bother to change out of his green jumpsuit. No one cared at the moment about the recapture of criminals, when the government at all levels had collapsed. He knew exactly how he would survive: home invasion. More intense than simple burglary, it would enable him to take over a household for a day or so, eating whatever food was available and...

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Gujarati Teacher Ko Choda

Hi dear friends. From a long time i m Beem the reader of iss and it really turns me on. I love all the category of stories they all r really hot. Any auntys, teachers, girls or horny house wife who ever r interested in sex and relationship plz do contact me on my id thts I m frm ahmedabad. Nw lets continue with the story…it all happend when i was studyiny in a school. I was in 11th standardtht time and as it was beggining of the year our principle introduced us to our new gujarati teacher neha...

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Maryanne is officially knocked up again

I'm having fun with her. Quite often asking "Who's the Daddy?". She has little sense of humor on the subject matter.Readers need to go back to our jointly written story about "Sharing my BBC".After the 1st time with Frederick she did the morning after pill. No black babies for her. I thought that pill wiped her out till her next cycle. Nope. It just negates anything taking hold.I say 1st time because once the d**gstore dipstick showed her loaded, we both had another go at Frederick. We...

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Keep it in the Family

The doorbell rang.I looked at Jayne across the mattress we were lying on. It’s what we used on the decking for sunning ourselves amongst other things. The sun shone on her naked body, the beads of sweat like small jewels on her relaxed breasts glistening in the light.“You expecting anyone?” “Nope, your turn”I stood and walked inside grabbing the communal sarong wrapping it loosely around my naked waist and answered the door. There stood Jayne’s mother, in a white thin skirt tights or stockings,...

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Noor Arora A Sexual Journey Part 8211 2

Hi Guys and Girls, This is Romy bringing you the second part of Noor’s journey. At the onset, I would like to apologize for the typos in the first story. Hopefully, as I keep writing, I will keep getting better. Thanks for all the great feed back, I am passing it on to Noor. Also, sorry, but Noor has settled down now, so the chances of a meeting with her are low. Anyways, I will shift to her perspective and continue the story. It is highly advisable to read the Part 1 Noor Arora: A Sexual...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Cousin Sis Part 8211 3

Hi, guys. This is raja again.. with 3rd part of my story i.e. Sex with my cousin sis.. hope you all read my prev story.. if not then read that and come back here for happy ending ;) Please do comment to I have got more good comments..and got some good friendship too. girls and aunties can come here for best friendship.. privacy is 100% guaranteed. Ok coming to the story…after that incident we didn’t get any chance to do our foreplay atleast..I was very busy in my stuff..story will be little...

2 years ago
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Allys webcam friends

I Ally entered her apartment, struggling to hold back her tears. She was carrying a heavier bag than usual as she had to clear her desk, like many others that day. Mass layoffs had finally arrived at her company, and after 14 months of being productive and being a model employee, she was one of 20 who were let go that afternoon.She had nowhere to go to. Her family had cut her off, following her decision to move to ?the decadent, immoral big city? and her choice of boyfriend at the time. They...

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Summer Discoveries No 3 The Party Dream Comes True

In the predecessor to this story, “Party Dream,” Steph dreamt about a Canada Day party she and Jack had planned. In the dream, Amy and Phil had watched from the kitchen — and then the deck — as Steph rode Jack's cock to an incredible orgasm in their back yard, well aware that Amy and Phil were watching. In Steph’s dream, Phil's gorgeous, swollen cock — pumped by Amy's fingers — showed that he was as turned on by Jack and Steph as Jack and Steph had been the previous weekend when they had...

Wife Lovers
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Sukanya and Me

It all started on the fateful evening 20 years ago. I was minding my own business and walking down the road at 7:30pm. I was a very quite, thin teenager of 16 years, just finished my 10th and looking forward to college. I was about 5'7" weighing about 130 pounds (around 58 kgs), brown eyes, black hair and a thin just sprouting moustache. I had never shaved my face before, so there was a thin beard also. I was always a very clean kid and made sure that I was always presentable. I did...

4 years ago
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Escape From Buggery Ch 05

V ‘Who the fuck are you?’ were the words by which the two girls were woken just a few hours later. They raised up their weary heads from the hard straw pillows which had come to seem so incredibly comfortable, and blearily focused on the towering figure of a woman dressed only in leather boots and leather shoulder-pads. This in itself made the woman a formidable and intimidating sight, but this was reinforced by a body which was more muscular than either Sharon or Tracey were sure a woman’s...

1 year ago
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Taking Advantage of Her

The following script is based on actual events....Parental Advisory ONLY!Background:I'm a 21 year old male college student out for the summer. College had just ended and a few days later, on April 27th 2011, Tornadoes struck all across the nation particularly in the south. The power was out for a few weeks and it was crazy. A lot of people were panicking, but me being a country boy that i am was totally fine...But there was one problem. At my house when there is no electricity, there is also no...

2 years ago
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Teasing my neighbour again

I’ve taken on board everybody’s comments and suggestions. Hope you enjoy this. I’ve really let my fantasies run wild. It was a Wednesday and the day of my next shoot for a lingerie catalogue. The guy who does the photos has been trying to get me to do some private work on the side but so far I’ve turned him down. He’s OK but he has the hots for me and he’s not my type so I think I’ll give it a miss. Anyway I got up nice and early and had a shower and made myself a quick breakfast of crusty...

Straight Sex
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I Seduced Part I

Hi, I am Vinodh from Chennai and at present working in Bangalore in an IT company. This was one of the best experiences in my life when I got to seduce my long time crush Nijesh. We both work in the same firm and have been friends for almost 6 months now and from the time I met him, I had this strong urge to seduce him somehow. Nijesh was an awesome guy, with a great physique, 6 foot tall and the body of an athlete. He was from Kerala and no need to tell about his spicy charm, especially with...

Gay Male
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Bookstore BadBoy

First of all let me say that I am not a sweet transvestite, nor a mincing crossdresser. I am a very male looking male with a kink for sexy lingerie; basically if I can't get someone to wear it for me, I wear it for myself. Introduced to women's lingerie and male to male sex at a very tender age (another story) it has been a part of my sexuality for many years. ...now for the story. It had been quite a while since I had satisfied my baser urges, it was Friday afternoon and I had the...

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PureTaboo Giselle Palmer Uncle Fucker

SCENE opens on Jessica, a precocious 18-year-old girl, as she sits knees tucked on her bedroom floor finishing her makeup in front of a mirror. She smiles and pouts at herself, taking a few selfies, before overhearing her father call her into the kitchen. It’s Sunday, the day of the big game, and he is having several buddies over … including John, a man who’s always been like an Uncle to Jessica and someone she’s crushed on for years. When she struts in the kitchen,...

3 years ago
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Teen Slumber Seduction

Kayla knocked twice on the door of her best friend's house. They were having a slumber party and so had invited a multitude of girlfriends over to stay the night. Kayla was sweaty after having ran twenty minutes from her house on the other side of the bay. She wore a tight pair of grey leggings which perfectly complimented her slim physique. In hindsight, Kayla regretted not wearing her usual pink sports-bra for running (she had noticed a considerable amount of boob "bouncing" as she ran), on...

2 years ago
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Holy Hollies School of Purity

Alicia had never been as mortified as she had been when her father had walked in on her having sex with a classmate from her high school. She had always been very promiscuous, but had always succeeded in keeping her indiscretions a secret from her highly religious parents. Her father had caught her with the boy pounding her from behind, and her father’s temper had quickly overtaken the situation. The eighteen year old had been terrified, and had covered herself up quickly. Her parents had...

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Milk Maid Lover 2

The next morning, we were preparing for discharge and I was saddened I haven’t had any more contact with the girl. Darla’s milk still hasn’t come in and we were worried as to if it ever would. The nurse gave Darla and I a pamphlet on different vitamins and techniques that would improve milk production. They also told us we could come by as often as needed to get more of the surrogate’s breast milk. There was no fee, but a donation would be appreciated to enable the only surrogate they had...

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Taking the Class Part 4Chapter 25 Tuesday Afternoon 216PM

Messaged Mom to say we were going out for a few hours, dropped off the campaign proposal with Dr. DaSilva, checked in on Ms. Perez ... Hopefully Will can figure out what’s going on with her. She definitely seemed a little off. I think. The president of the student council pushed through the doors and exited her school. I didn’t hear Laura get called down over the P.A. at the end of the day. Mom said she was gonna talk to people at school ... I guess it makes sense; if they were gonna do...

3 years ago
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The Professional Woman Part Two Down But Not Out

 The Professional Wife Part Two: Making it big. I sat in my chair as the waiters brought out our plates before us. The appetizers were magnificent. Even though Mark had brought me here under false pretenses, I was in complete awe. Then the talking began, and I wanted to throw up all the contents of my stomach. Mr. Crawford or Edward Crawford was doing all the talking, and as usual, all the men around him just nodded their heads or kept repeating what he said, no matter how disgusting or stupid...

1 year ago
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Missing it

When Robbie and Kendra had gotten married, a lot of people had told them that an interracial relationship wouldn't work. But Robbie's biggest concern had been that Kendra would grow to miss the doses of big black cock she was used to. She had sworn that she wouldn't. "Oh baby, you feel so big inside me," Kendra moaned. She was lying on the bed, her legs lifted up in the air, as her friend Frank pushed his enormous black cock in and out of her pussy. His rod was glistening with her juices, and...

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The Resort

The exclusive island resort offered the ultimate vacation experience - a week in someone else's body. What could possibly go wrong? THE RESORT by BobH (c) 2018 - 1 - "Jeez, everyone here is so *old*!" said Wanda, with that mixture of horror and distain that only a fourteen year old girl could manage. To be fair, her equally fourteen year old friend Christine looked embarrassed by her outburst, though she tried to hide this by fumbling awkwardly...

1 year ago
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Me And My Father In Law 8211 Part XLVI

This was so weird! Maya was now moving her ass faster and even sucked baba’s cock with lust. We all used her hand to masturbate ourselves and Divya had Maya’s toe in her pucchi and was humping it greedily. Maya’s body stiffened and she fell on my husband’s body and lay still. She had big orgasm! All the men got up and I woke Maya and told her to take the precious cum of the men on her body. Baba stood near her face and rubbed his cock. I went to his assistance and masturbated him so that he...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 833

This one is compliments of tony k. The Professor for the Sexual Education class was describing a penis. He decided to ask for a volunteer to come to the board and draw one. A beautiful senior put her hand up. She went to the board and started drawing. She was an accomplished artist. After several minutes, the masterpiece was done – a fully hard 7-inch-long penis. The Professor complimented her and asked her if she would draw one the other way. She said, confused, “What other way?” This...

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IncidentsRon and Mack had a feeling they had met before but could not remember where or when. They were at a mall where their teenage daughters had decided to go shopping. The girls had met on a previous “Dad’s turn weekend.” Their Dads had mostly just nodded and said hello each time they found themselves at the same place until that day. Neither would remember where they had met for years.Time passed and they became friends. After each had attended the other’s daughters wedding they did not...

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The Powerless

Aries Valefar walked into the school for the first day of his senior year. He had already made sure that all students in his school were only those of age 18 or older. Everyone else had been converted into the middle school which now went from grades 6-11. He went straight to the principal's office, and past the secretary. When Principal Samantha Shrewd saw him, she was about to tell him to leave until she had the sudden need to tell the entire student body about an announcement. The...

Mind Control
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Catherine Bell PostBaby Desires

Catherine Bell, better known in the last eight years as Lt. Col. Sarah McKenzie, USMC (or "Mac") knew there was more than one reason she was cast for her role in the TV series, JAG. One reason was her demonstrated acting ability. That was definitely true because Catherine is an astounding and very convincing actress. But, there were some other obvious reasons -- Catherine's beauty and her shapely figure. Anyone that doesn't know that sex appeal is a huge characteristic desired in TV shows...

4 years ago
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My beautiful asha

Dear readers, this is my replay to my sweet internet friend staying at chennai and also added our first experience had at my friend’s house with my sweet girlfriend. Her name is anupriya and running 42year. She is very good looking with good size of boobs and round eyes, sweet lips, fair, sexy look, etc. Just go through my replay to her and there after our experience. If u have any opinion about this, u can contact me on I can try to insert my pool in to your koothy (sweet hole) but u may get...

2 years ago
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Designer Children Part 6

Chapter 14 "Die you mother fuckers!" "What the hell? How old are you kid?" I watched as little bits and pieces of my opponents sailed in every direction. No matter what game you were playing, the rocket launcher was always a satisfying weapon. Three seconds later, I snuck up behind a camper and cut him in half with my chainsaw. For the uninitiated, campers are players who wait by respawn points in FPS games, not to be confused with snipers, who choose strategic locations to pick...

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Dominated By Margaret Jeanette Vickie Storm was putting up pictures in the living room. She needed one more picture hanger. She decided to look in the basement in Jason's workshop. She was in the workshop and opening drawers looking for a hanger. The third drawer held some magazines. She glanced at them and closed the drawer. She checked the two other drawers and didn't find anything. Then she thought about what she had seen of the magazines. She opened the drawer and looked...

3 years ago
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My son and I the third chapter

We both slept all through the night, I guess really hot sex will do that to you. I woke up first, at I think around 10:00 or so. I got up completely naked and went to the bathroom. I thought he'd wake up by time I got back, but he was still sleeping. I was still horny though. I thought about waking him up so we could have sex again, but I decided not to. I however, saw his laptop, and I decided to get a better look at Scott fucking his mom. Even I would admit that she was a total MILF. I didn't...

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Aunt Kim defloweres

I am clara this is based on a true story. .. destiny is remarkable—- The cabin creaked as it was old Victorian . It was warm and filled with candles all the lights were off. As the rainstorm thundered from outside. Darkness becomes, as the rain storm showered the walls. Crackle crackle. In darkness she rose. Like a ghost. The cabin lit with candles and the smell of lavender filled the room as I slept. .. as if in a dream aunt Kim entered.. sliding herself next to me and caressing my breast....

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