Ariela Ch.01: Depravities Origin free porn video

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With the enemy on the verge of defeat she had invited their would-be leader, the last son of the old King, Prince Belind, to her camp to ‘parlay’. The army he had may have been numerous but little better than peasantry and though Ariela knew she could have the army eliminated with the flick of her wrist, she also understood that she would need peasants to farm her fields and work her mines in her new Empire, it shouldn’t be hard, she reasoned, to persuade them to surrender given the dire alternative she offered.

Her plan was simple, challenge the Princeling to a duel, one on one their single combat deciding the fate of the battle without the armies needing to fight. If he accepted she had no doubt in her mind that she would come out victorious and if he refused her offer his accompanying officer, likely no more than a peasant himself, would be aware that the boy Prince had saved his own skin at the cost of his army's, which would almost certainly inspire a coup and subsequent overthrow of the Prince, allowing the army to then surrender regardless.

It couldn’t fail either way she reasoned, she would rid herself of the last vestiges of the King's bloodline and forces with the death of a single man, and finally she would be able to disperse her own dark forces through the land to keep the peace and solidify her new rule, allowing the realm to grow and prosper in her design.

“Announcing Prince Belind and his companion!” a man called out, one of her own, his voice clear and strong as it passed through the tent she had set up in the ranks of her forces.

Ariela grinned and sat up straight, expectant, her dress light and airy, barely covering her lush figure, displaying a scandalous amount of skin and cleavage, which, she knew, would distract the Prince to no end.

In they walked, two men in gleaming armour, one tall and proud, his body strong and his eyes fierce, a gleaming helmet held under one arm looking all the bit a King, his hair dark and short flecked with grey, his jaw strong with a scar running across it from an old wound, the other was younger, barely more than a boy, his armour ill-fitting and poorly maintained on an unmasculine frame, his peasant attache.

Ariela addressed the older man, “Prince Belind, I presume.”

The younger boy's face reddened in embarrassment and he stepped forward, “You presume incorrectly, Lady, I am Prince Belind, this is my General.”

Ariela raised one delicate eyebrow and reevaluated the pair, she hadn’t known the age of the King’s last son, not having stopped to ask him, and she found herself in one way disappointed and in another intrigued as she eyed the young boy with his too young face and his shock of red hair.

“I see.” She said flatly, “I had expected the King's son to be a little more... Kingly. Regardless, you know why I arranged this parlay?”

The Prince tried his best to look strong, to adopt an air of might like his defeated father had worn so easily. “To discuss an armistice?”

Ariela burst into laughter, open and loud, she was joined by her at encouragement by her own companions, the guards, generals and stewards that attended on her all mocking the prospect.

The prince reddened further and the General looked down patiently as the laughter drew out, stopping only when Ariela raised a hand, her grin wide, “Funny, a cute prospect. You are beaten, Princeling, I’ve no doubt your General told you that before coming here as he seems wise to these things, but I commend your bravery! Unless I’m just mistaking stupidity.”

“I-...” he started, but his general laid a hand on his shoulder, the prince turning to look at him, uncertain and worried. He motioned with a hand for his General to speak in his place.

“Please, Lady Ariela, why did you wish for us to attend you?” the general asked, polite and formal, she made a mental note of that.

“Well, General…?” she led.

“Atrin, my Lady.”

“Well General Atrin, I don’t enjoy pointless slaughter, your forces are incredibly outmatched, there is no pitched battle out there awaiting us,” She waved a hand towards the entrance to the tent beyond which sat both armies, dismissive, “merely a massacre. I offer an alternative, a duel, between myself and the Princeling. If I am victorious, your army surrenders and every single man is allowed to return to his home, to his family, to his land and his life. If the Prince wins, well, I’ll be dead and without me, my army collapses to infighting. Even your little band of, I think they’re supposed to be fighters, could mop up the survivors of that mess.”

Belind frowned deeply, “I… I couldn’t, you should-”

Again he was interrupted by Atrin, “Might I suggest putting more thought into this, Sir.” he said the last bit with a hint of exasperated impatience in his voice, this time meeting the younger boys look with a steely gaze. Belind might’ve been an adult in age, but next to his General he felt like a child.

“But I-...”

“The army does not stand a hope of defeating her force, Belind. Even should you lose, you will save countless lives.” Atrin explained in a hushed tone and Ariela found herself smirking, enjoying the fruition of her plan.

The colour from Belind’s face drained and he stood stock still for some time, looking into the eyes of his General, “...Very well If… If it is for the people.” he said, finally turning his eyes back as he sized up Ariela. Her skills as a mage and a leader were well known, but in single combat, he had no information, “But I choose the weapons with which we fight.” he said softly.

Atrin looked a little impressed, it was a sound tactical move which was something he clearly did not expect from the Prince.

Ariela paused, seeming to ponder it for a moment, pointedly looking at his armour, “Very well. But I choose the armour in which we fight.” she responded, mimicking him speech mannerisms in a slightly mocking tone.

Before Atrin could interrupt, Belind had nodded, “So be it. I choose the rapier.”

“Splendid.” Ariela spoke, rising to stand and stepping down to the carpeted floor of her tent, beckoning with a hand towards one of her men, “Fetch two rapiers, allow the Princeling to choose his first.”

“And the armour?” Belind asked.

“Oh, how forgetful of me. We will fight bare skinned.” she said simply, no trace of shame of embarrassment in her voice.

The Prince’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open, “We-..”

“Do you refuse?” she asked, tilting her head curiously as an orb of orange formed around one hand.

Atrin spoke in a low, cautioning tone, “You agreed to her terms, to refuse is to concede, to concede is to…” he looked meaningfully towards the orb of power in her hand, Belind swallowed, looking around at the crowd.

“Your depravity knows no bounds.” he said, humiliation and regret mixing in his voice.

She shrugged, “Strip or die.”

She watched with a mocking smirk as the boy, with the help of Atrin, began to remove his poorly fit armour. Her smirk slid as it was removed piece by piece, revealing his feminine body. She realised the youth of his features did not now seem to be too young, that impression had been fueled by his natural femininity, his skin fair and unblemished, his body lithe, looking quick but not especially strong. She felt her desire for conquest shift from that of land to something more primal.

He stood before her then, nude and beautiful, a princess born to the wrong life, his hair a fine strawberry blonde, his eyes a deep blue, his manhood while not so small as to warrant a mocking by the average man was not particularly something to write home about. She felt curious.

A man returned to the room bearing two identical blades. Belind, trying to ignore the piercing stares around him picked each up, weighing them and looking for any faults. They were well balanced and he could detect no sign of tampering or deception. He took a blade and the man offered the other to Ariela.

“You must change into your fighting garb.” he said, feigning confidence, trying to instil some of the humiliation that was flooding him into her.

“True.” she said simply, shrugging the dress down from her shoulders, letting the thin fabric fall to the floor. Her long raven hair cascaded down her body, her full rounded breasts on display.

However, as Belind drank in the view he realised it was not her embarrassment that her nudity would create, as she seemed quite comfortable without her clothes, but his own, as he looked down and her massive cock came into view, he felt confusion flow rife through him. He looked at her with a red face, his mind trying to comprehend what he was looking at when a single word cut through to his mind.


Belind blinked and fell back into a defensive stance, trying to buy a few moments time to clear his thought and place his mind but Ariela was in no mood for a slow drawn out show to toy with him. While she was confident in her nudity, the guards and generals in her tent were not deserving of her full beauty for more than a few moments.

She stepped forward and feinted a blow to the right, he parried mechanically, his movements stiff, practically pulled straight from the textbook. It would’ve been a fine move, but Ariela had read every such book. She stepped to the left and ducked down inside his guard, her leg sweeping out to catch behind his own, sending him sprawling onto his back, in the space of a breath he found himself on the ground, a foot on his sword-bearing wrist and the point of her rapier against his neck.

“Submit or die, your choice.”

Swallowing, very carefully, he released his blade, whispering as to not flex his throat against the point of her blade, “I submit…”

She nodded simply and looked up to the General, “You will carry the message back to your forces that your Prince has submitted and that they are all to lay down arms and return to their homes. If they have not left the camp unarmed in two hours my forces will clear them out. Will they leave?”

Atrin cleared his throat and nodded, “Yes, Lady Ariela. They will disperse eagerly. What… What of the prince?”

“What of the prince indeed.” she looked down at the boy, beautiful and helpless. “I’m going to take him, as a trophy and a pet.” she decided out loud, “He will be my little sex toy and lover. Pass that message onto the masses, let them know what resistance and defiance bought this Prince.

Belind opened his mouth to speak but at the flick of her wrist his voice fell silent, his mouth moving but no sound being produced, his first taste of her magic.

“...I… I will say so, Lady Ariela.” Atrin said, bowing some, “May I?”

“Mmm, you may leave.” she said and he nodded turning to go, but once again he stopped as she continued to speak, his hand already lifting the flap to the tent, “Be sure to come back to my camp, though, once you have passed on your message.”

“My Lady?” he asked, his voice level, no trace of fear.

“I like you, General Atrin. And I’ll be in need of good generals who know the lay of the land and the will of the people in the coming months and years. You will be rewarded well for your service to me.” she explained.

He hesitated, but only for a moment. “Yes, Lady- Yes, my Queen.”

Belind stared at his former General with a look of betrayal, but the man didn’t meet his eyes.

“Wonderful, you are dismissed. You all are, as a matter of fact.” she said, addressing the tent.

The figures all filed out, one steward pausing only to collect the rapiers before vacating the tent, leaving the two alone, the Conqueror and the conquered.

Ariela smirked as she moved back to sit on her throne, leaving the boy sitting on the floor, shocked at the turn of events. It took a few long moments until he worked up the courage to speak, his voice shaky and desperate, “I, I am Prince Belind, and… And I will not be kept as a pet…”

Ariela’s smirk broke into a grin, “Are you still a Prince? Your lands conquered, your armies disbanded or dead, your royal line ending with you.” she shook her head some, “Regardless, you are my pet and you will serve me. Come.”

He looked down, “I’d sooner die.”

“While that could be arranged, I always get what I want Belind. And I want you, on your knees submitting to me in the basest of ways. I won’t kill you, but I will break you to get what I desire.”

Belind looked up and saw an emerald mist around her hand, feeling a tingling he noticed too the mist was swirling around his genitals. He looked at her in fear as she slowly started to close her spread hand.

He felt a squeezing and let out a sharp gasp of pain, curling into a ball as agony lanced through him, he felt tears spring to his eyes as she released the pressure, stopping the pain as if it had never existed, tilting her head curiously, “I will continue to do this until you submit.”

He lay there, without responding.

“Very well…”

“Wait! Wait! Please, no!” he cried out, desperate not to suffer a repeat of the phantom pain, “What… What would you have me do?”

Ariela grinned and lowered her hand, resting it on the arm of the throne, though the mists still lingered, “You’ve lain with a woman, yes? You’re no virgin?”

He nodded tentatively.

“Then you’ve had your cock sucked I presume?” she said, grinning as she waved her hand pointedly towards her soft intimidating length.

“I… I couldn’t…” he stammered, looking at her with pleading eyes.

She shrugged, “You will, it’s just a matter of how much pain you want to endure before you give in. The easiest route is submission.”

He swallowed and moved to stand, but a flick of her wrist and a wall of pressure pushed him back down, “No no, you crawl to me.” she instructed with a lazy grin, reclining in her seat as she forced the pride from him.

Slowly, reluctantly, he complied, shame dominating his expression as he made his way, on hands and knees towards her, pure defeat obvious in his every movement.

He came to rest at the foot of her throne between her perfect thighs, his eyes downcast.

“Look at it.” she said simply.

His eyes trailed from the carpeted floor to her smooth flawless calves, trailing up to her knees and thighs, resting finally on her hefty soft cock and her smooth balls.

“Like what you see?” She asked, teasingly and he shook his head, grimacing slightly, causing her to chuckle softly, “Don’t worry, you’ll learn to. Kiss it.”

He looked up at her with pleading watery eyes in his gorgeous feminine face, admiring the strawberry blonde hair that was going to look simply delightful grown out.

She raised an eyebrow, not even needing to remind him of her threats to make him fold now.

He leaned in and, squeezing his eyes shut, pressed his full soft lips lightly to the silky warmth of her sleeping python.

She let out a pleased little sigh, the sensation was familiar to her but no less pleasant for the experience.

For Belind though it was a different story, the humiliation, the shame and the act were all new to him. He had expected it to be worse than it was as he kissed it, though he wasn’t sure why. She was clean and smooth, feminine and beautiful despite her appendage.

He guessed perhaps he would’ve felt something change, something snap in him as if he was broken, but the truth of the matter was he felt no different for the act, it was just skin pressing to skin.

“Keep going.” she said gently, her cock starting to swell with desire.

He did so, kissing up and down the length, much to her satisfaction. Each kiss didn’t chip away at him, make him feel any less than who he was and he knew this would be how he would get through this ordeal. He would play the part of the toy, bide his time, maybe strike to kill her or forge a rebellion from the heart of her new Empire.

He looked up at her and they shared a moment gazing into each other's eyes. He felt as if she saw something in his expression, but she didn’t speak of it.

“Now…” she said, voice low as her semi-hard cock twitched and bobbed before his wet lips, “Show me why I should keep you around.”

He looked up at her grimly and part of him wished she would force him, physically make him do it as opposed to this. It seemed worse to him somehow, to be forced to perform with words and threats.

She raised her eyebrows expectantly, she was not, he was becoming swiftly aware, a patient woman.

He leaned forward and pressed his lips to the very tip of her swollen cockhead, hesitating, as if just kissing it before squeezing his eyes shut, swallowing his pride and shame as he prepared to swallow something entirely different, but he feared, equally as bitter.

He leaned forward and let the silky smooth tip of her cock pry his lips apart, its presence filling his mouth and coming to settle on his tongue. He tried to focus on the mechanical actions he was performing as opposed to what it symbolised, he let the thick cock slide down across his tongue deeper into his mouth as it hardened, dominating his mouth and stretching his lips.

Ariela relaxed on her throne enjoying the sweetness of her victory, a kingdom conquered, what better end could there be than to have the last of her fallen foes royal blood serving her cock.

She let the familiar pleasure roll through her as he, tentatively and with stiff motions, rolled his lips up and down her impressive length. He was undeniably unskilled, but that would change and he would learn.

“Use your tongue. Suck.” she urged, enticing him further.

Swallowing back spit he did as he was bid, his tongue washing over the underside of her shiny cockhead, lavishing it as his cheeks caved in, sucking on the length as he continued to slowly bob his head up and down.

Ariela grinned and reached down, running her fingertips through his beautiful hair as he obediently went down on her. This boy had caved so easily, raised in such luxury the merest threat of physical pain had made his will collapse faster than, well, his Kingdom.

She relaxed for some time, watching as he struggled to pleasure her, his jaw doubtless aching, his tongue sore and his mind running in circles about just how long this would take. She could feel herself starting to draw close, as unskilled as he was the outcome had, ever since she had set out to conquer, been inevitable.

She bit her lip and curled her fingers in his hair a little tighter, he looked up at her again, past the full swell of her chest, rising and falling with her breath, to her beautiful face, eyes focused and intent on him, he knew what was to come and, as her fingers held him, he knew there would be no eleventh-hour reprieve.

She saw in his eyes a spark of defiance, an impressive feat given his plush lips were currently wrapped around her spit-shined shaft, his hot velvety mouth drawing her to climax and she couldn’t help but to smirk, she didn’t know why he seemed defiant, but it felt good to know there was still spirit to break.

“You better swallow it, my pretty little pet…” she said in a low hungry voice, the tone laced with no small measure of threat, lost to the lust as her cock began to twitch and throb in his mouth.

Unable to bare looking her in the eyes as she completed the defilement of his mouth he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to close his mind to what was to come, a task, as she began to cum, he quickly realised was impossible.

He whimpered and squirmed in her grip as his mouth filled with her hot thick seed, each new pulse bring a salty, bitter mouth load for him that coated his tongue and shamed him as he gulped it down, feeling the intense heat settle deep inside his body as she sated herself on his delicate form.

She held him all throughout her powerful climax, giving him no moment's respite as she finished inside him, still holding his head she grinned playfully, “Stroke it… Milk out every last drop.”

Without any alternative he slowly wrapped his hand around her cock, between his fingers it was softer than it had been a moment ago, but as he stroked it the last few drops of cum flowed out to rest on his tongue, Ariela doing the best she could to make him play as big a part as possible in his own downfall.

“Mm, there's a good little boy.” she purred as he swallowed the last of her essence.

Softening the grip on his hair, now finished with him he pulled back slightly, the cock falling from his lips as he released it, the ruby red tip shining as she smirked, her hand once more caressing through his fine hair as he looked up at her, his eyes wet, the defiance she had seen hidden or gone.

“I’m going to have a lot of fun with you.” She said with a predatory grin as she shuffled her hips forward on her throne, tugging him forward gently to press his face up under her softening shaft, pressing his lips to her heavy smooth sack that had just provided him with his unwanted drink.

This time she didn’t need to speak, she merely tightened her grip, prompting him and she felt his lips start to kiss at her spent balls.

She sighed contentedly and looked up away from him as he kissed her, the Kingdom was hers, her Empire was formed and the spoils were bountiful. Not bad for a day's work.


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uBlock Origin

I just had a really weird experience that I might have avoided with uBlock Origin. My breakfast Viagra was kicking in hard, so I pulled up a lesbian tube. After watching Abella Danger eating pussy for a while, I tried to skip ahead to the scissoring. I got a spam pop-up for my trouble, but I was so engrossed in my fapping I ended up cumming to an advertisement for fake Rolex watches. I think I have a new fetish, as well as a newfound appreciation for cheap plastic watch bands. Metal chafes the...

Useful Software
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The Pickup Truck Man Origins

This is a complex story centered on the origins of a very bad man briefly introduced at the end of The Logic of My Anger: A Sociopath’s Tale of Vengeance.  The Pickup Truck Man is a professional kidnapper, a taker of beautiful women for one of several Midnight Harvest teams rumored to be run by an elderly Eastern European.  This businessman is thought to live in south-central Texas and uses these teams to acquire new talent to stock a high-end whorehouse he owns.  In this story, during the more...

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Great Shift The Origin

* Warning, this story uses the events that happened on Sept. 11, 2001 as a loose model in trying to give a feel of the carnage that'd happens during a massive calamity. If you feel this depiction is too traumatizing in bringing up memories, or if you have PTSD issues, you may not want to read ths story.* The Great Shift (Origins) I like many have enjoyed many a story of the fun and mayhem of that fateful day that the world was turned on it's ear, and many a men had to learn...

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Femdom Origin

...It all happened to me earlier in life, when i had very little idea and understanding of what real erotic meant. Ever since i was a child, i had this fantasy of being amongst a group of girls, who would humiliate, disregard, torture, abuse me, even beat me up. At the time i had no idea where this all came from, or what it meant. I could not make much sense of this all, and i´d still be in the darkness now, if it wasn´t for this one experience, which opened up the horizons for me, in regards...

4 years ago
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As sex originate

As sex originate? The answer is no - the puzzle to solve science of the XXI century. But there is a hypothesis: According to one of them, this is a side effect of the biochemical mechanism of repair of damaged genes that arose more than a billion years ago. Evolution has proven - Sex useful. Actually, we talked about this and so have guessed. Science has given to rational arguments.Sex has emerged from unicellular distant human ancestors more than a billion years ago. Almost all the a****ls...

1 year ago
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SMOMS The Origin

by DiscipleN --- For extra context, please read my first SMOMS story, set in modern times. Google for: "Submissive Moms Organized for Mutual Support" DiscipleN --- I'll claim, the difference between porn and erotica is, porn is ridiculous, erotica less so. This here be some crazy shit. --- all characters herein, who act explicitly, are 18 or older. - Chapter 1 I cannot blame my downfall on the lie I told, just as spring is not at fault for melting frozen rivers. I would have died,...

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Suburban Sadist Origin

This story contains: Blackmail Humiliation The actions described are fictitious and entirely illegal and immoral. *** Sadism: noun 1. Psychiatry. The condition in which sexual gratification depends on causing pain or degradation to others. 2. Any enjoyment in being cruel. 3. Extreme cruelty *** Mrs Blackwell looked at me with wide and tear-filled eyes as I explained what was going to happen to her. She would come to understand that her body was no longer hers. Instead,...

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Stacy the Asian pharmacist Secret Origin

In her last year of college, Stacy took an internship with a pharmaceutical company in order to earn credits toward her degree. She was young and in love with her fiance, who was studying to be a doctor and had proposed to her only a few months before she accepted the internship position, and the future looked bright and amazing. Unknown to her, the small company she was interning with was almost on its last legs, supported mainly by its reputation for its long, friendly relationship with the...

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Jessica Jones Secret Origin

Jessica Jones is grinning from ear to ear as she flies above the streets of Manhattan. Her life sucks, something she says and thinks quite often. Her parents died in a car crash, at school everyone makes fun of her, and just in general she is a social outcast. But up here, in the skies of New York with the wind in her face, everything is worth it. She’s only had her powers for a few months. The eighteen year old high school senior woke up from her coma and suddenly she could fly and lift...

Mind Control
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The title of this story is entitled "Genesis". Why would I say so to you, because I have to say why I have totally changed after many years. She changed her way of thinking, changed the way she spoke, her approach, and most importantly changed her way of enjoying a man. I know it may be difficult to understand at this point, but soon you will know why I'm all talking about it.For a long time since I was 16, I slept with a boyfriend. I've never been to any partner who changes each night and...

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My pantyhose fetish origin

Part of what I find erotic is the pursuit of the feeling you got in your belly those very first times you were sexually turned on. What was turning you on and how intense and erotic it was as your hands were shaking and you were all nervous and aroused. Probably similar to d**g addicts always trying to get that first buzz feeling. For me it was, and always has been, pantyhose. Not stockings and that, but nude or suntan pantyhose. Probably a symptom of growing up in the 70's. I don't even really...

2 years ago
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Silver BloodOrigin

Well,here I am, the last one alive in the research lab. The vampires have either turned or killed everybody else here. Luckily, I am in a sealed off self contained bunker with its own sealed water and air recycling systems. Now I can put my plan into action to destroy the menace. [-][+][-] It all started when we received an aged corpse in a wooden coffin filled with dirt. What was unique about the corpse was that it had fangs and pointed...

1 year ago
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Radiator Springs A Zansasi Highway AdventureChapter 10 Return to Origin

We made it with time to spare. Of course this was partly because of some wild — safe, but wild — driving down the Interstates. No doubt that this car loves the open highway every bit as much as the twistiest little backwoods road. We zoomed around and through trucking convoys, while I turned down every offer to race outright that we encountered. Not that I was worried about losing. Sally can top a hundred and eighty, and was more than willing to show it. I, on the other hand, decreed that...

2 years ago
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A Fathers RevengeChapter 2 The Deceptions Origin

March 17, 1991: Teresa Magavio and her 3 best friends had taken a much-needed vacation from their university classwork and headed off to Panama City for spring break. Teresa, Jill, Mary, and Tammy were all about to graduate from the Auburn University school of architecture and begin their professional lives. All of them had been looking to relax, work on their tans, and maybe enjoy a bit of harmless romance along the way. Since arriving on Friday evening, the ladies had spent 2 days on the...

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The Original Candid has been around for a little over a year now, though you probably wouldn’t know that from stopping by the landing page. In fact, there’s basically nothing to be seen out front except for a header graphic of the site’s name in 3D letters. You’ll have to sign up for an account to see anything, but they’ve switched from their original invite-only model to free, open registration to anyone who loves candid is a good name for a site, because it tells...

Porn Forums
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There’s a Tube Origin to that sticky puddle beside my laptop, by which I mean I had a lot of fun with this next website. The joint’s had a massive explosion in traffic over the last couple months, so maybe you’ve even had the opportunity to appreciate it firsthand. Well over half a million visitors stopped by last month, and I have to wonder just how much productivity they wasted and how many gallons of lube they went through.What are you in the mood for today? Would you rather beat off to a...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Crystal Sky Origins

Crystal Sky: Origins by Red The Bard It all started when a rock fell from the sky and landed on Zoey's head. It had been a pretty nice day so far, she had finished her morning shift at the hospital, and was heading home for some sleep, the noon sun pounding hot against her head. It wasn't long, however, until she felt a more decisive pounding, as a small yellow rock cracked against her skull, sending the brunette crumpling to the floor. She groaned, motes dancing in her vision and her...

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Aw Fuck MeChapter 15 Origins

Captain Noah was sitting in his comfortable command chair observing his watch perform their duties, not that much needed to be done. While not precisely a milk run, it didn’t require the same sort operations that a warship would require. Still, the Captain had his crew keep a watchful eye out for potential dangers. There had been that communiqué that pirates had attacked a colony ship just weeks before they left port. They were more than a year out, with another still to go. Just an...

3 years ago
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Strangers on a Train part 2 Origins

“Fuck,” I said in a relaxed, even voice still sounding drunk on our sex, “just smelling you can make me hard… look.” As I took another deep breath the air seemingly went past my lungs, past my diaphragm, and magically began to inflate my well-used member again, not so I was fully hard, but enough for it to plump back up. Sofia just smiled, her deep brown eyes lighting up still lost in the afterglow of her multiple orgasms. “C’mon baby,” she purred in that sexy accent. Everything about...

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RoboSluts Origins

It was years ago in a hidden robotics lab. One high class scientist and engineer was working on his first original robotic humanoid. The idea was to create a robotic slut, whore or prostitute who can fully please it's partner no matter what they wanted. If this worked out then the rate of unwanted rape could go down since even the biggest and sickest perverts would have a better and more legal alternative. But we're getting ahead of ourselves. Let us meet the who would be the future creator of...

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The Summer Job 1 Super Secret Origins

Maxwell Summers was bored. This, in and of itself, was nothing spectacular. Max himself would venture that he was bored at least thirty to forty-five minutes every day. No, what was special about this particular case of boredom was not merely its existence, but its incredible intensity. Max had stumbled upon what could possibly be the most boring place in all existence. It wasn't just boring, it was boring with gusto. Most of the time boring things are only passively dull. They're...

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Part 1 of 3 Origins

As the two well-wrapped figures made their way quickly through the quiet streets on an increasingly stormy Sunday afternoon, it was clear that the forecasters had been extremely accurate in predicting a dramatic change in the weather over a 24-hour period, as a band of heavy rain, with storm-force winds, came hurtling in from the Atlantic Ocean. The temperature was plummeting, the wind was gaining strength rapidly, and the skies were darkening unusually early for the time of year.The early...

Love Stories
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Eternal Destiny Chapter Two Final original

____________________________________________________________________________ I'm am sorry to say this my dear fans. This is the final chapter written by captius during his original posting of this series. Please enjoy and remember you can read his new form of this series on just search for Eternal Awakening or Captius. I will be posting City Guardsman by Ka Hmnd next. Remember if you have suggestions you can PM me or post them in the comments, I will try to find your author and...

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The Original

The nightclub was fairly full on this warm Saturday night in June of 1986. The oldies and classic rock played as the crowd of mostly middle-aged party seekers mingled and mixed.My buddies and I had decided to stop in and check out the crowd as we cruised bar to bar in search of some interesting ladies. As we were in our early twenties we certainly stood out as we moved throughout the club. I split from the group and worked through the bustling crowd to one of the stand up bars. The bartender...

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Saving Alfie A Fans Sequel to the InCase Original

To all Alfie fans, this sequel begins during the ending of chapter 15. I am making this because while I am waiting for the last pages to be published, I realized that I want more Alfie. The story connects to me on a personal level, so while I’ve been waiting my mind has exploded with possibilities as to how it could end. To those of you who have never read Alfie, it is a surprisingly sweet story for a NSFW web comic. I do advise you take the time to read the original work from the original...

1 year ago
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Knot your Average Girl Origins

Or the boyfriend who bought a dog, apparently. He leads me to our spare room, and there is scuffling behind this door as well. He opens it after warning me that “He’s kind of big!” I take a step back from the door as a huge German Shepard puppy slams into me, his paws on my chest. He’s full-grown, but still quite young. Jasper explains that he’s a puppy, but he’s fully grown and could use someone who wouldn’t get upset trying to train him. German Shepards are incredibly smart he says. They...

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It was the summer between sophomore and junior year. It had been a whirlwind of a year for me. My body had changed so much. In the Fall I was still in my old body. I had always been viewed more athletic than attractive: I was 5’2” rather flat chested and more of a tom-boy than prom-queen. I was on the tennis team so that kept me in shape with nice legs. I always thought of them as my best feature. Anthony always said it was my face and smile that caught his eye. He said I reminded him...

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Dragon Age Origins

Loghain has lost his life fighting the dragon. The hero, {firstname} did not take her up on her offer now he has finally caught her. He will punish the witch for trying to leave him, he will either break him or she will. Or you are Alistair in the final battle you manage to save the Queen Anora in the final battle instead of releasing you, she has another punishment for you, to punish him for there past. Or you are now King Alistair and have not yet going to execute queen yet and it is year...

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Lilith Origins

You finish drawing a pentagram onto the floor of your basement and start lighting the candles around it. This wasn't the first time you had summoned a demon, and hadn't had any problems so you didn't expect anything to go wrong here. You knelt on the floor and opened up the book of summoning and began chanting. The candles suddenly flared up and you looked up to see the fire swirl around the pentagram. You smiled, it was working perfectly, and as long as the pentagram stayed intact you could...

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Normality in Dragon Age Origins

Normality: Normality is the power that allows any and all your actions to seem completely normal, anything you do and say will be seen as completely normal. This power makes you in a way the most powerful man in the history of Thedas. If you want to have your way with the Lelliana while she is praying to the Maker you can since doing that is completely normal, if you want to have your way with Queen Anora during the landsmeet you can since you fucking the Queen of Ferelden is seen as something...

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Jessicas Choices Origins

First day of the rest of your life Jessica stood a slim, pretty, 5 foot 2 blond in her room in front of her mirror admiring her tan against her stark white boxers and sleeveless vest top. Jessica and her mother had just came back from holiday during the summer holidays in Marrakesh for four weeks. “Jess, your going to have to get a move on if your going to catch the bus” Her mother shouted up the stairs, startling her. “Coming mum” Jessica shouted down slipping out of her clothes and meandering...

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Catfish Origins

So, I want to write this story so people learn from my experiences and can also get inside of the head of someone who catfishes. Obviously, you need to understand my background to know how I became a catfish. I was a very shy k**. I played sports and did all the right activities that the popular k**s did (even though I wasn’t very good at them). I didn’t fit most of the black male stereotypes. I wasn’t tall, I wasn’t outgoing, and I wasn’t good at sports. Around 5th grade, people starting...

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ConeShaped Cock Society part I Origins

Author's Note: My multi-part short stories tell the exploits of a special society: The Cone-Shaped Cock Society. Membership in the CSCS is exclusively by invitation. Invitees must be a male with a particular anatomical feature:When erect, their penis must be more than three times as wide at the base as it is at the tip.Very few men qualify for membership, but those who do share their bedroom exploits with each other in this Society - online, sharing short stories, usually accompanied by...

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Brave New World Chapter 1 Secret Origins

And so, one day, I woke up to find myself smack dab in the middle of a comic book. I had a few odd sensations that day, beginning with waking to find something that obviously wasn't human standing above me on my bed. It looked human, sounded human, but very clearly wasn't human. The creature was a young woman, looking to be about twenty-six or twenty- seven. She reached down with one hand and touched me on the forehead. She giggled, then stood back up again. "You have been chosen,"...

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While this should more than likely serve as the conclusion to the story,I fear that it will not be read if written as such. And being the sort of storythat it is, I suppose the greatest hope is that it will not be finished, unlessout of curiosity and with a sense of carnal completion, so to speak. This is a love story. It's neither chaste nor gentle, is messy and oftenbrutal, and its completion is uncertain. My experiences are not contrived;what you will read is my life, as best I can...

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I felt quite good to have ridden the city of a filthy vermin, yet I needed to see my sweet Elizabeth in order to feel more man than beast again. Only the touch of her creamy flesh would expunge the violent death from my hands. I was desperate to see her flawless face before me; it was the only thing that would help erase the sickening vision of the filth I had just eliminated.I need you, Elizabeth! I need you now…The hour was late, but I went to her anyway, weaving my way silently through the...


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