Plans Change Ch01 free porn video

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I once heard, "If you want to make God laugh, just tell him your plans," and found out how true that was.

You see, my name is Chris, and this is my tale of how that happened to me.

It all began back when I was naïve and young. Right out of high school at the ripe old age of eighteen, I married my high school sweetheart, Jessica.

We were on top of the world, and Jessica was the love of my life. She was the woman who melted my heart, and I had the rest of my life to enjoy how happy she made me.

Jess and I worked out a way to finish our education. I worked full time for a construction company that supported us, while she attended the local college. After she got her degree and a good job, the plan was that I would go back and get mine.

We'd been married two years when we had our first significant change. Jess told me she was pregnant and nine months later gave birth to a wonderful baby girl we named Jennie, after Jessica's grandmother.

Jennie resembled her mother, with just a touch of me. I was pleased about that, since I never consider myself to be handsome, even though Jess claimed I was.

So with the birth of our daughter came new life challenges. Jess took some time off school and raised our daughter until she could be left with my mother, Lauren, or the daycare, which was expensive but necessary. I had to take on another part-time job in the evening just to make ends meet.

Things started to look up for us. Jess was just four months away from finishing her classes, and this heavy burden would soon be merely a memory. At least, so I thought.

I'll never forget that horrible day. I got a call at work from the police telling me Jess was in a car accident and had been rushed to the hospital. I raced to be by her side, but was greeted by a doctor who gave me the news. My wife was gone…

I fell to my knees in horror as the thought of her not being by my side left me numb. Words could not express the emptiness and pain I felt.

My parents and Jess's tried to ease my grief, but it was clear I was lost in self-sorrow. I struggled through the funeral and dealt with all the impossible details that came with it.

Jess's parents had an insurance policy on her, and they helped with the funeral expenses. They even offered to give me what money was left to help with raising Jen. However, while I was so lost and confused, I didn't want to talk about it.

Six months later, I still struggled with not continuing, and I fell into a dark place that I didn't want to leave. If I didn't have Jennie, I'm sure I would have ended my misery at my own hand.

Mom did her best to help me out, but she was going through her own hell at the time. You see, my father had been diagnosed with cancer which, after several treatments, went into submission.

You would think that would have made him appreciate his family more. But in reality, it did the opposite. He spent more time away from home. And on numerous occasions, Mom caught him cheating with younger women. I'm not sure why she stayed with him after that, but she did.

Mom wound up spending more time over at my small apartment, watching my daughter than she did at her house. I offered on several occasions to drop Jen off at her place, but she liked the idea of getting out of her empty home.

Mom tried her best to shake me out of my slump, and would pester me into going out on dates. The problem was I didn't feel up to it. The thought of finding a woman to replace my Jess didn't interest me. In my mind, there wasn't a woman in the world that could fill her shoes.

However, to please Mom, I did make an effort, and of course, they all ended horribly.

Finally, after months of Mom pushing me to enjoy life again, I stood my ground and challenged her.

"Mom, you're so worried about my happiness, what about yours? Why don't you go out and enjoy life, yourself?" I demanded.

I think I shocked her with that comment, because she fired back with how she was too old to enjoy life.

My mother is only twenty years my senior, which I wouldn't consider old by any means. I knew I wanted to help her out for all she's done for me, and decided to get her involved whether she wanted to or not.

"Mom, if you want me to go out and enjoy myself, then you have to, too! If you'd like, we can see a movie or hit a club for a short time this Friday. I'll find a sitter for the night."

Mom thought about it and finally caved. We settled on seeing a movie, and that was the start of my life taking another turn.

I picked Mom up at her house, and as she stepped out, I had to wonder when the last time was that she went anywhere. She looked great, but was overdressed for just a movie. Mom wore a long, dark-blue dress that nicely swayed as she walked. I also noticed how her face and hair were done, and I commented on her appearance.

"Mom, you do know it's just a movie, right?"

Mom smiled and replied, "I can't go looking like an old hag."

Her response got my temper going. I couldn't stand hearing her put herself down.

"Mom… Stop calling yourself that! I don't know who put that notion in your head, but believe me, you're far from being a hag. In fact, you're downright gorgeous!"

Mom blushed as I helped her inside the car, and we drove to the theater.

I can honestly say I enjoyed myself that night. Mom's presence next to me seemed to soothe my soul, and I felt almost like my old self again as we watched the flick. The pain I had felt was put aside, and I actually found myself wanting to do other things. As the night ended and I dropped Mom off at home, I admitted how much I enjoyed her company. She kissed my cheek and told me the same before she walked back to her front door.

The following weekend rolled around, and we decided to do it again. I was happy to see Mom dressed more casually this time, but she still couldn't help asking if what she had on was okay.

"Mom… You look great," I commented. I know most men would just say that to rush their woman out of the house, but the fact was, she did.

Mom wore a pair of blue jeans and a nice light-blue sweater top. Her hair and face, of course, were again done to the max. And I couldn't help but notice how the makeup had accented her blue eyes. I'm sure they were always that blue, but tonight they stood out more.

Again, we had a wonderful time at the movies. The show was a comedy/love story with a fantastic ending, and I found myself wishing it wasn't over. I enjoyed our time out so much, I suggested we should stop by a club and have one glass of wine before calling it a night.

I think Mom felt the same, as she happily agreed with my idea. We drove to a club that wasn't far from her house.

The club had a dark atmosphere and was set up nicely, with many booths surrounding the dance floor. The other great thing was that they didn't blast the sound system, so you could have a conversation while still enjoying the music.

Mom and I had our glass of wine and talked about everything and nothing. Time seemed to fly as our conversation went on. As an upbeat song played, I noticed Mom's foot begin to tap to the beat, and I asked if she'd like to dance.

At first, she shied away from my request, but our one glass of wine turned into two, and then three. By the fourth glass, she finally accepted my offer, and we hit the dance floor.

I never knew my mother was such a great dancer, and we tore up the floor for the rest of the night. We stayed until closing, and I called a cab since I was sure it wouldn't be safe driving in our condition.

As the cab pulled up to Mom's house, she gave me a kiss goodnight. I was surprised at first, when instead of on my cheek Mom placed her mouth on my lips, and a sudden rush of pleasure raced through my body. I swear it touched my soul! A part of me that I had forgotten about had just been awakened like a sleeping dragon.

Mom's kiss lasted only a fraction of a second, but it felt as if her lips were still touching mine as she walked away.

I thought about that kiss while the taxi driver drove me home, and once more, after I paid the sitter for watching Jen for the night.

There was something magical in that kiss that made me feel like a person once again. No, not a person; it made me feel like a man.

My mind was spinning as I plopped my tired body on my bed. I just lay there and reminisced over the entire night. However, the more I thought about our fantastic night, the longer I pictured Mom and how she danced flawlessly.

I'm not sure if it was the booze or not, but my psyche began to produce more intimate images of Mom, as her body moved to the music.

Then my attention drew to how her breasts bounced to the beat, and how her hips swayed to the tempo. My eyes in my mind slowly scrolled up from her chest until I was staring at her wonderful smile, as her shiny, long blonde hair flowed across her face and shoulders. I couldn't believe it, but I felt my penis twitch and increase in size!

I couldn't understand how I was getting hard picturing my mother, and I knew I should have been shocked by this unthinkable body response. Nevertheless, for some strange reason, it didn't feel perverted at all. As a matter of fact, it felt wonderful.

I fell asleep with those sultry images and awoke late the next morning feeling like a new man. My depression had all but disappeared, and for the first time, I didn't awake thinking back over what I had with Jess, but instead wondered what Mom was doing. I found myself wanting to see her again. I couldn't help but hop out of bed and give her a call.

Mom had just woken up, herself, and even though she said she had a great time, her voice told me another story. She couldn't fool me, and finally admitted that Dad never came home last night. She'd fallen asleep on the couch waiting for him to arrive.

I could feel the anger growing inside me. Again, Dad took advantage of Mom's loving and forgiving personality. I didn't care at that point if the old fucker ever came home! In my mind, the best thing would be for him to leave and never come back.

I tried to cheer Mom up, but it seemed hopeless, until I thought of something she couldn't turn down.

"Mom, it's a beautiful day outside. Why don't you spend it with Jen and me at the park? I know she'd love to spend the day with you."

I could hear Mom's breath over the phone as she paused for a couple of seconds before asking me a strange question.

"And what about you? Do you want me to come?"

I felt compelled to tell her my newfound feelings, but instead, I held back.

"Mom, there isn't another woman I would want to spend all my time with. Well, except for my daughter, of course," I chuckled.

I could tell that lightened her mood, and she agreed to do it.

I was happier than a pig in shit. But as I rushed to get my daughter and me ready, I vaguely remembered I'd left my car at the club, and once again had to call a taxi to retrieve my automobile before picking Mom up.

I found myself anxiously waiting to see what clothes Mom chose to wear to the park. I wasn't disappointed with her choice. Mom walked out wearing a pair of white shorts that hugged tight to her slim waist, with a pair of open sandals covering her feet. Her top was a light pink, buttoned short-sleeve shirt, and again, I caught myself watching Mom's hips sway while she walked.

I opened the door for her, and she slid inside. As Mom sat, my eyes caught a glance down her shirt that revealed the white lacey bra that covered her soft bosom. I quickly commented how nice she looked, as I closed the door and went over to the driver's side.

We went to the park located just outside of town, since it's close and had some kiddy rides that Jennie could enjoy. However, when it came time to ride on them, I insisted Mom should go with Jennie instead of me. I thoroughly liked seeing them both together and having fun.

Just like the night before, the day flew by. As we made our way back to the vehicle, I put my arm around Mom as she pushed Jen's stroller, and overheard a couple as they passed by say how happy we looked together.

I wasn't sure if Mom overheard them, and quickly I blurted out, "So, Mom, did you have a good time?"

"Yes… Yes, I did. I can't remember the last time I've had so much fun as I've experienced over the last week with you."

Mom's words touched my heart, and I pulled her closer with the arm that dangled over her shoulder. I felt compelled to stop and embrace her body. I wanted to feel that magical kiss once again, but I didn't.

We engaged in more small talk as I drove Mom home and found myself interested in all she said. Mom began to tell me stuff she never mentioned before. She was opening herself up and telling me her hopes and dreams. It was stuff a mother and son wouldn't discuss openly, and I found myself remembering when Jess and I had these conversations.

Mom suddenly stopped her talking as I pulled up the driveway. I saw why. Dad was washing a bright-red corvette. I read Mom's face as her show of happiness quickly faded.

"Christ, what did he do now?" Mom said as she stepped out of the car without even saying goodbye.

Jennie was sleeping in the back, and I felt I should leave before Mom confronted Dad over his new toy. I was sure it wouldn't be a pretty sight.

What a selfish ass. I thought as I looked in the review mirror and saw my father yelling with his hands while Mom stood with her hands on her hips.

I made it home and gently carried my daughter inside. She was sleeping soundly as I laid her tiny body inside her crib. I stood over her and watched her as a tear tracked down my face.

I found myself thinking over how she would never get to know how wonderful her mother was.

I then thought of how much Mom had been filling those shoes, and wished she was standing next to me.

The phone rang and snapped me out of my trance as I quickly answered it before it could wake Jennie.

It was Mom calling to say how sorry she was for rushing out without saying goodbye. She told me everything that happened as I drove away.

Mom explained how Dad went off the deep end. Not only did he buy a new car, but he planned on renting an apartment in the city!

"Can you believe he thinks I should be okay with the idea?" Mom said, as her voice cracked.

"Mom… Please calm down. I… I don't know what to say except that he's treating you like a piece of crap! I hate to say this, but you deserve someone who appreciates all you have to offer."

"Thank you, honey, but it's too late for me. This is the hand I was dealt, and I have to play it."

"That's such bullshit!" I said. "You're too much of a fantastic woman to have to settle for this. Toss Dad out and move on! The only person that thinks it's too late is you."

"Thanks, honey. At least, I have you to cry to."

"I'll always be there for you, Mom. Now pick yourself up and move on."

"I'll have another talk with your father when he gets back."

"Back!" Is he gone again? Jesus, Mom!" I said, but too loudly, and I heard Jennie begin to cry. So did Mom, and I was forced to hurry off the line. However, before I hung up the phone, I told her how she had to start thinking about her own happiness.

It took me an hour of rocking to get Jen back to sleep. I'd almost dozed off myself when I heard a tap on my door.

I was shocked to see it was Mom and waved her in, while I whispered, "What are you doing here?"

Mom entered my little apartment, and we made our way into the other room before she explained how she didn't want to be alone. What I told her had finally sunk in, and she didn't want to think about it anymore. She needed to be around people that made her happy.

"Mom, you can stay as long as you like," I said, as I went to Jen's room to check on her once again.

Mom followed, and we both stood looking over my daughter as she slept.

Mom whispered how content she looked, and wished she could feel that secure.

I needed to snap Mom out of this mood. I know the dark place she was heading towards, far too well. And I couldn't let her go there, not after she pulled me out of my own depths of despair. It was my turn to save her.

I waved Mom out of the room and closed the door behind us, before I motioned Mom over to my tiny sofa couch.

"Mom, we had such a fantastic time, last night and today. I can't let Dad steal that away from us. I think instead of just sitting around here moping, we should go do it, again."

"Do what again? Do you mean the club? No… I couldn't; not dressed like this."

Mom hadn't changed since the park, and I knew she was correct. Her light top and shorts wouldn't be that warm once the sun had finally set.

However, I remembered something. I couldn't bring myself to get rid of Jess's clothes, and had them nicely folded in boxes I placed in my closet.

"Mom, you can wear something of Jess's," I hesitantly said.

Mom looked surprised by my offer, and made another comment that put herself down.

"Thank you, Chris, but I'm sure I would never fit into Jessica's clothes. I'm nowhere near her size!"

This again wasn't true, and I surveyed her slender, firm body before I told her to at least try something on, before assuming that.

Mom and I both lightly bickered over her, trying on Jess's apparel, before she finally caved and went into my closet.

I sat on the couch for about a half-hour before my bedroom door opened, and Mom came out.

My jaw dropped as Mom gracefully swooshed back into the living room. I couldn't believe how hot she looked, as she posed before me wearing Jess's little black sequenced dress.

The dress went high on her upper thigh, and had a deep plunge in the front that dipped between her bosoms. Mom spun around and asked what I thought, as I admired how the open back of the dress went to her lower back and exposed more of her soft flesh to me. It was quite obvious Mom had to be topless under the tiny material that taunted me, and my eyes focused on her plump breasts when she finished her spin.

"Earth to Chris," I heard as Mom's face blushed, and I noticed where she was looking.

Her sexy appearance so entranced me I didn't realize my trousers bulged, and it became quite visible.

It was my turn to be red-faced, as I quickly apologized.

"It's okay, Chris. It's natural for a guy to, um… have that happen. So, what do you think; too much?" Mom asked, as she pulled her arms out to her sides and slowly twirled again.

"Are you kidding me?!" I barely was able to say, as my eyes drank in her beauty once again.

Mom's finishing touch was a pair of black high heels, with long black straps that crisscrossed up her leg and stopped short just below the knee.

"Mom, you look extravagant," I said, as I did my best to conceal my unelected growth.

I excused myself and headed into my bedroom to change into something that would complement Mom's attire.

I felt giddy as I got ready and couldn't wait to show off the gorgeous woman that would be by my side.

I called the babysitter again, and expressed it might be another late-night. I was happy she didn't have a problem with that.

However, Mom made the suggestion we should also take a taxi, just in case we get carried away again.

We went to the same club as the night before and even sat at the same table. The place wasn't that crowded since it was still early, and I began to notice how the other guys there kept glancing over at us. I was sure it wasn't me but Mom that drew their attention, and I felt like a million dollars knowing they wished they were me!

We started the night off with a glass of wine, and again we engaged in conversation, and I became engrossed with Mom's fantasy as she told me how she wanted to sail around the world and visit far exotic places.

The wine flowed around the table, and we both became very relaxed. Finally, we again took to the dance floor and let ourselves go.

The way Mom danced and moved in that little devil dress was affecting me deeply, and my newfound passion for her was building into a sexual want. I once again found it hard to control my penis from showing my unacceptable desire.

I thought I had a reprieve when the music changed from a fast-paced beat to a slow, soft love song, and I turned to make my way to our table. But Mom grabbed my hand before I could make my escape, and pulled me towards her.

"Don't leave, I love this song!" Mom said, as she pulled me close to her. I moved my hands to Mom's waist as we slowly swayed to the music.

Mom's hands were lightly around my neck as she placed her cheek against my chest. My heart pounded there as her closeness filled my senses. I could smell Mom's perfume and her soft bosom pressing against my chest as she hummed the song.

Mom's body moved closer to me, and I felt the stiff dick, that I tried so hard to keep concealed, press against her body.

However, Mom paused for a second, and I knew my secret was out. But, instead of pulling away, Mom pushed closer as our bodies rocked back and forth to the music. My breath grew more profound, and my hands gripped Mom's hips. I was lost in the moment when Mom lifted her head and lightly spoke.

"I wish we could stay like this," she said, and I felt her pull on my neck, drawing our faces closer to each other until our lips pressed passionately together.

I felt that magical spark once again shoot through my body, as our kiss lingered without ending! Mom's hand pulled my head even tighter to hers as our tongues danced together. My hands clutched her waist tight, and drew her to my body until my hard pole snuggled against her precious mound and drew a light moan from Mom.

"Hey, you two," a voice said, and broke our momentary escape from reality. "Song's over. Get a room!"

Mom and I looked at ourselves, and Mom chuckled. "Maybe we should sit for a while."

We ventured back to our table holding hands, and I held Mom's chair as she sat. We sat and held hands while we gazed at each other, and didn't speak a word until I finally got the nerve to break our silence.

"What are we doing, Mom?" I asked.

"I… I don't know, Chris. But it feels so right," Mom said, as she squeezed my hand in hers.

I didn't want this to end, and selfishly wanted more. I needed to feel her soft body touching mine, and boldly asked if she wanted to go back to my apartment.

Mom didn't say a word as we gazed deep into each other's eyes, until I felt her pull her hand away from mine and she said, "I think we had enough for tonight. Maybe I should go home."

I felt my heart sink, but agreed to take her back to her house.

I was going to call a taxi, but Mom wanted to walk the short distance, instead. So walk we did. As we made our way slowly to her house, I put my arm over her shoulder while she wrapped hers around my waist.

We walked in silence the entire way as our hips connected with every other step.

Once inside Mom's home, I began to call for a ride, and Mom suggested I wait. At first, I wasn't sure why, but Mom suggested she would change and give me back Jess's clothes.

"Mom… That's okay. There's nobody I would rather see wearing that than you."

Mom moved close to me and moaned, "Oh… Chris…"

And once again, we stood and embraced passionately and kissed.

Our breaths raced as our mouths pressed tight together. I could feel my deep sexual desire building beyond my self-control until Mom put me over the edge.

Mom's hand reached down and grasped my stiffTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Changes in Paradise Chapter 14 Choosing Change

Disclaimer: If you're underage, stop reading. If you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading; and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. This story is definitely adult material. Finally, if mermaids aren't your "thing," read this story anyway; it might change your mind. Please read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 13," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment to the site on which this story appeared, or...

1 year ago
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She was the one who became the game changer

Cheating can be defined as an accident, unintentional or maybe intentional act. It depends on person to person and maybe situations are different for everyone. We can’t say until we go through the same condition and become the game changer. I was the one lady in his life and the only mistress. The guy I was married to was my high school boyfriend and the love that evolved over time can never be compared to anything. But maybe it’s time which leads you on a different path. We needed some space...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 332 Archangel Michaels Press Interview

Thursday, April 5, 2007 (Continued) I suggested, "Before we start the Question and Answer session, I have some advice for you. I would like you to behave sensibly and maturely. You're all adults, so I'll assume you're all aware of what I'm asking for. If you behave in ways that annoy me, I will sensibly and maturely toss you into the ocean. At the risk of annoying all the reporters, I'll take the first question from the only non-reporter smart enough not to remove himself from the...

2 years ago
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The Waterfall Changer 9000

The Waterfall Changer 9000 by Samantha * * * "Welcome one and all to the new fantastic Waterfall Changer 9000! Our hotel have specially equipped our pool with this great system for our guests' enjoyment. As you can now see, we have installed a waterfall in the middle of the pool, effectively separating it into two parts. It is a most ingenious device! "Simply put, passing under the waterfall will change your gender! Easily! Simply! No problems! Your swimsuit will get transformed...

4 years ago
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Changeling it up

Marcus opened the door and Stephi snickered as she rode his back drunkenly before they landed on his couch "So... what now?" Stephi asked pulling off her high heels "What you really want to..." Marcus trailed off not having the nerve to say what he thought, the date was going so well and if he screwed this up how could he come back from it? Stephi chuckled "Okay. Close your eyes and tell me if you like it." Marcus closed his eyes as he did Stephi pushed him onto his back, opening her mouth she...

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The Changeling

THE CHANGELING BY JANICE Part 1: My name is Glen; I was twelve year sold when I ran away from home and changed my life forever. My Mother and Father were both drunks and very abusive to my sister, Connie, and me. Connie is three years older then me. I had always tried to be a good boy for them but no matter what I did, I never did anything right, they were never satisfied. They wanted me to do better. It was...

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The Changeling

The changeling Hoping to get some ideas for my software business I had been to a EU sponsored conference at Bled in Slovenia. I had picked up a lot of good ideas and was looking forward to getting home to work on them, so once back in my hotel I logged on to check my flight with Adria Airlines. I was annoyed to find that my flight had been delayed by a whole day, but decided to make the best of it by exploring the Triglav mountain area, so using the hire car, I set off through several...

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The Changeling Part Three

The Changeling, Chapter 3 Inches I woke up topless, in a cardboard box in an alley somewhere downtown. It was after dawn, but not by much. A ceiling of ominous grey clouds blocked the sky, and I shivered as my skin was pelted by a light spray of needle rain. There had a momentary pang of elation when I had first come out of my dream, a nightmare of gang rape and murder. This blissful feeling evaporated the moment I realized that the soft pillows on which I had been resting my...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 330 Archangel Michael with the Police FBI and Lifeguards

Thursday, April 5, 2007 (Continued) I was flying toward downtown LA's tallest skyscraper, the 1,017-foot Library Tower, intending to start a press conference on its helicopter pad. It was about fifteen miles from the pier to the CBD (Central Business District; a.k.a. downtown), and I was flying it at about eight hundred feet and 30 mph, to let people see me reasonably clearly and to give time for word to get out so I wouldn't have to hang around the CBD waiting for the news organizations...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 6 Chapter 5 The Changelings Bride

Book Six: Heart's Longing Chapter Five: The Changeling's Bride By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Xandra – Black Glass Aerie, The Island of Birds “My husband,” I whispered into Chaun's ears as I lay draped over his body, my naked breasts rubbing into his ebony skin, his cock hard inside me, his seed swirling through my once untouched depths. “Husband?” he asked. “Of course” I giggled. “My love. My husband.” It was so wonderful to say...

3 years ago
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The Fat Older Men Change1

The life is so terribly for Nun, the 29 year old Thai girl who’s living in Great Britain. Last year she worked in a Thai restaurant and met the young black stud who said he loved her with a true heart and promised many things to her. Everything looked so perfect at that time. Now she’s jobless, and that’s not the worst part, when she got back to her BF’s flat from job seeking she found him fucking another girl. He tried to explain but it was too late. She decided to pack her bags and...

2 years ago
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When Jon woke up, he could feel rain hitting his skin. Slowly he sat up and looked around, shaking his head. He quickly realized that he was naked and that he sat in the middle of a forest. Slowly he looked around, noticing the smoking pieces laying around. Slowly a bit of his memory came back. He had been on the way home from a business meeting in a neighbor city and had taken the, slightly longer, route over the mountain pass to enjoy a bit the storm raging over the mountainside. Then, on the...

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In all your life you could only feel one way about yourself. You were a loser. Everything about you could be described as "below average" everything from your eyesight to the size of your penis. You were socially inept. You frequented the library, you would spend your time reading romances and erotica, wishing that you could have something like the characters in the stories. Despite everything you told yourself, despite all of your efforts, your attempts at improving any aspect of yourself...

2 years ago
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The Seachange

Jack and Dianne had lived a comfortable life in Melbourne..... the capital city of Victoria, Australia. Jack, the senior accountant of a major corporation had worked 30 years. Dianne, a housewife who loved entertaining. But, after 30 years of work, Jack and Dianne wanted to enjoy their remaining days in comfort and peace. Fresh air beckoned.....a country lifestyle. Jack and Dianne packed up, and bought a lovely house in Toolern Vale, Victoria. The air was clean, the horses were...

3 years ago
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Pounding by Daddy in the Changerooms

I was single, bored and masturbating way to often. I was young, innocent, and i was in my last year of high school. I had done everything with a previous girlfriend, from kissing to sex and I was straight of course, but had a pure obsession with older men. I spent a lot of my time, stripping, rubbing my hard cock, fingering myself at the sight of and older man fucking a younger boy. I went on websites, playing with them over webcam and still do to this day. But I was still a virgin, wanting...

2 years ago
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Wild Sex In The Pool8217s Changeroom

Hi, everybody! This is my third story here and the reactions and steamy emails I have received for my previous story have been overwhelming. I particularly have a thing for women older than me and I have been to their service of all those who have contacted me. I welcome all suggestions and emails especially from women and girls in Bangalore. I’m 26 years old now and this story is about a year old with my then girlfriends who was of my age. I’m 5.10 with an athletic physique with a well-endowed...

4 years ago
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ChangesKatie Beginnings

ChangesKatie: Beginnings By Lacey_Katie My cousin Lisa met me at the airport. She reminded me of Nicole Kidman, just not quite as tall and as pencil-thin. Lisa was, and is, a natural redhead, 26 years old, and she wore a royal blue blazer, matching skirt which reached her mid-thigh, and navy stockings. She highlighted that with small gold earrings and a matching bracelet. She was 5'8" tall, around 125 pounds which made a great figure. I later learned it was 36D, 24, 36. Lisa...

3 years ago
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The Role Exchanger

Just a heads up, this story is a bit odd and the TG elements in it are fairly light, but I do hope you enjoy it. And I wrote this story for my own amusement while playing around, so if you don't like it... too bad. The Role Exchanger By Morpheus The college courtyard provided a scene much like every other morning, being filled with a throng of students. Several dozen young men and women were scattered about, going about their normal routines as they awaited the start of...

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The Role Exchanger 2

This story was written as a serial over the period of several months. The Role Exchanger 2 By Morpheus Part 1 It was a nice Saturday in the quiet suburban neighborhood, with the people who lived there going about their normal business. There was nothing to break the usual peace and calm... until now. There was a strange flickering in the very air as a glowing blue ball of light slowly moved across the sky above. Reality itself seemed to rippled around the alien entity... Then...

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The Role Exchanger 3

This story was written as a serial for my Yahoo group The Role Exchanger 3 By Morpheus Part 1 A glowing ball of blue light slowly moved through the atmosphere, guided by an alien intelligence as it sought out its next destination. Humans who knew of this strange being called it the Role Exchanger, though it didn't think of itself as such. In fact, the very idea of names was alien to this being. The Role Exchanger shifted direction and descended from the...

2 years ago
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The Changeover

Note: the author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. THE CHANGEOVER By Wyrdey There are many scholarly theories about the Changeover - why it happened, how it happened. They talk about 'social forces' or 'chemical pollutants' or 'historical inevitability'. None of them are even remotely true. The lunatic fringe have their theories as well - They prefer 'the wrath of god' or 'alien intervention'. They're closer, but still...

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Changeday Five Years

CHANGEDAY: FIVE YEARS by BobH (c) 2009 Changeday was upon us again, four Mondays after the last one, and just like on every other Changeday there was a palpable tension in the air. It was 6.50pm - ten minutes to go, ten minutes before we switched from the alpha phase to the beta. "Daddy, I don't want Bryan wearing my yellow dress!" said Sophie my six year-old daughter. "Daddy bought it for both of us!" protested her twin brother. "It's not just for you!" "He's right,...

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ChangeDay Advent Part One

======================================================================= DISCLAIMER: The following story is based on the ChangeDay universe, created by BobH. However, below I use exact dates that are NOT conducive with the universe canon and should not be confused as such. As part of my creative process, it helps if I have exact dates, but, again, these dates are NOT universe canon. If you feel the inspiration to write in this universe, I would suggest contacting BobH first. He's a...

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The Role Exchanger 4

This story was written as a serial story on my Yahoo group over a period of several months. The Role Exchanger 4 By Morpheus Part 1 The cramped office was filled with the sound from the air conditioner, a sick grinding sound which strongly suggested that the equipment was quickly nearing the end of its life. The man sitting behind the desk scowled in annoyance at the sound, silently cursing the noise which kept distracting him from his work. Of course he could just turn...

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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 1

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland in Deutschland Teil 1 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________- Es war der erste Juni als es das erste Mal passierte. Ich Mirko 18 Jahre war grade zu Besuch bei Paul (19) und seiner Freundin Heike (grade 18). Wir waren kurz vor unserem Abi. Ich bin ein stabilere Junge kurzen...

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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 2

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 2 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul, und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Heiko zog nach der Verwandlung meine Kleidung an, w?hrend Paula und i...

3 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 3

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 3 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Heiko zog nach der Verwandlung meine Kleidung an, w?hrend Paula und ich i...

4 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 4

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 4 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

2 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 5

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 5 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

4 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 6

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 6 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

4 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 7

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 7 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

4 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 8

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 8 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

2 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 9

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 9 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

3 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 10

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 10 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 11

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 11 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

4 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 12

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 12 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 13

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 13 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

2 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 14

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 14Ich wartete, dass ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt...

3 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 15

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 15 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

2 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 16

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 16 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

4 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 17

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 17 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

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