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200 MG

There she was speeding to class in her brand new Subaru BRZ! Cassandra has always wanted one and now that she had landed a decent paying secretary job in the city she was able to afford one. Just turning 33 she still looked a good 10 years younger for her age and many assumed she was lying to them when she said she was in her 30’s. Very long silky black hair, smooth soft complexion, with only a tad bit of tone showing on her arms and legs from her former life. Cassandra is a transgender female on full hrt. She has been taking the blockers and estrogens since 23, so 10 years and her body has essentially fully feminized. Gone are the days of raging testosterone, prolonged and unexpected erections, and the tone firm body. She pulled into the parking lot at precisely 5 am with an exercise class scheduled to start at 6. She was about to take a trampoline fitness class, something she had never done before! She wanted to be there early enough to grab some breakfast and get her body warmed-up. Lately she had been slacking a bit on her diet, but by no means was out shape. She noticed at the end of the shopping complex there was a new bakery that had opened up. It was small and on the corner, called Mistress Cupcake! Oh my what a name she thought! But beings today starts my new diet and exercise routine I am going to enjoy fueling up with something tasty!

Now Cassandra always attempted to eat healthy, though she usually fell short. In her younger years it wasn’t as big of a deal and even in the early days of hrt she remained very thin. But since the hrt has taken it’s full effect it is starting to show a bit on her. Her weight has been slowly creeping up from a lean and fit 130 lbs to a now soft and squishy 165lbs. Though standing rather tall at 5 foot 11 inches it has spread out amongst her to give her soft feminine legs, a nice popping booty, a soft middle with a small muffin top the really bulges when she overeats, a softened and smooth face with a small under chin forming, and gorgeous B cup breasts without and surgery!

It was a warm summer morning, the sun now just peaking up, the air still thick and humid from overnight, with the fog beginning to lift. Taking in a deep breath and soaking up the signs of the coming day Cassandra picked up her small black purse from the passenger seat, stepped out, locked her precious BRZ and walked to the cupcake shop. Wearing her white sneakers, black silky high ankle socks, thin black leggings that are now a tad too small, a tad too sheer, and a tad too sexy for trampoline class, along with a black sports bra and a gray sports jacket overtop she felt comfortable and fem as she made her way across the lot. Her make-up is always done up and today even with trampoline class she has her long hair smoothened and pull back held in place with a butterfly clip, thick red lipstick on her plump lips, a nice light layer of foundation to smoothen out her complexion, thick mascara, thin black liner, and a touch of silver eye shadow. She always enjoys looking as fem as possible and back in her younger days she use to love going out and playing transvestite, but with age and hormones those days are behind her, or so she thinks…

Cassandra took a deep breath and opened the doors to the cupcake shop. The smell was decadent, pictures of cupcakes and various pastries were framed and hanging on the walls, the tables were set up on each side with a walk way in the middle that led to the counter. Each table was dressed up too look like a delicious cake of some sort, and the counter was pink with a big display case under lined with amazing looking cupcakes, donuts, éclairs, cakes, cinnamon buns and a more. Cassandra could feel her mouth watering as she began to feel tingly between her legs. Oh how she longed for an erection again like the old days. An older couple was sitting on the left side, both of them rather plump and seemingly still in love after a good number of years. They eyed Cassandra up and the two smiled and said good morning as Cassandra returned the gesture. Behind the counter a young woman was preparing the final treats in the display case. When she finished this young lady stood up allowing Cassandra to see her beauty in all her glory. Thick legs in black leggings, a tight fitting pink long sleeve that complimented her full figure perfectly, D cup breasts bulging out, her hair tied up in a cute bun, light make up with pink lipstick, and the cutest apron that read Mistress Cupcake with a cute little pink cupcake stitched underneath.

“Hello and welcome to Mistress Cupcake! How may I be of service?” beamed the gorgeous lady from behind the counter. “Oh well hello and good morning hun… hmmm well let’s see, I really don’t want to eat too much because I have a fitness class in an hour, but I definitely could use a nice pick me up! OOO, those cranberry muffins in the case look amazing, I think I will take one of those and a strawberry smoothie with the caffeine boost.” said Cassandra with her mouth practically watering while reading the name tag of the employee, Vanessa. “Coming right up sweetie, I will bring it out to you, go ahead and grab a seat!” she replied. Vanessa walked to the back to work on the smoothie while Cassandra picked the first table to sit at. The booth was elegant, soft, and seemed to contour itself to Cassandra’s body. She settled her growing booty into the seat and felt like she was melting for a moment. Little did she know that the seats are wired up with the latest in technology mind mapping, or TMM, something that even the government doesn’t have it’s hands on… this seat can read the inner most desires of a persons darkest fantasies and pleasures and if it happens to suit the mission of Mistress Cupcake all the better. Vanessa began mixing up the shake as the data came in on her computer screen. “Oh my, she is transgender, I had no clue. And she desires erections again and would love to experience full bliss orgasms in public, loves the attention and embarrassment of being outed! What a perv! Hehe. And ooo, she has a secret desire to gain more weight, a goal in her mind of 250 lbs. Well I think we could make that happen. Computer, please mix the Viagra and herbal sexual enhancer powder as well as the addictive and metabolism slowing powder!” In only a few minutes two small powders in capsule form appeared from the machine that was hooked into the computer and were both perfectly blended into the smoothie by Vanessa. “Oh she is going to get EXACTLY what she wants.” She beamed as she brought the tray to Cassandra’s table and smiled… “Enjoy! And really ENJOY the rest of your morning, see you soon!”

“Ohhh myyyy God!!!” exclaimed Cassandra out loud! She quickly hushed and did a look to see if anyone was watching and only noticed the older couple give her a smile. The muffin was heavenly, the perfect blend of sweetness, moistness, and flavor. Large in size, but not overly big. She had never eaten anything quite this amazing, and believe me, Cassandra has had her fair share of sweet treats which anyone can tell by looking at her luscious butt that is just begging for a larger pair of leggings. Bite after bite she was in heaven and before she knew it the muffin was completely gone. She was left with a rather full feeling from the richness of it but not overly stuffed or bloated. She was ready for her smoothie and began sipping… then totally inhaling the amazing creation. Rich, smooth, and creamy, it left a tingly sweetness on her tongue. Within a few minutes the smoothie was gone. Leaning back into the booth she could feel her tummy had swelled up reminding her of why she had packed on that extra weight and why she really should go the trampoline class. However, as she lay back rubbing her swollen belly under her sport jacket she couldn’t help but to imagine what life would be like at 250 lbs, something the computer was picking up on. Feeling heavy, satisfied and full she dozed off into a sleep dreaming of walking into Mistress Cupcake and gorging, eating not 1 but a dozen cupcakes filled and topped with the most amazing icing she has ever tasted in her life, drinking smoothie after smoothie, then laying in the warm booth and pleasuring herself to climax, exploding through her nylon leggings while a crowd cheered her on. “Miss… excuse me miss…” Vanessa was tapping Cassandra on the shoulder. “Your class starts in 10 minutes miss, I don’t want you to be late.” Cassandra sprung awake, “I didn’t even realize I drifted off, must be because I am not use to being up this early! Thank you so much!” she replied. She gathered her things and didn’t realize there was a small bulge in the front of her leggings as she walked out. This made the Vanessa and the older couple grin in pleasure.

The Class

Still sort of waking up from her little nap at the bakery, Cassandra hurried her way to the trampoline class. Little did she know of the spiked smoothie, herbal sex enhancers and 200 mg of Viagra in her system! The facility is a rather large complex with various trampolines, foam pits, and an obstacle course section with ropes, swinging bars, and a rope wall. She was at a similar place a while back in her younger years but hasn’t been on a trampoline in quite sometime. She stood inside and just took it all in for a moment and was soon feeling energized and ready for her class. A young woman, probably around 21 or 22 greeted her at the counter. “Hello, are you here for the fitness class?” she asked. Cassandra replied “Umm, oh yes I am here for the class. Don’t mind me I am just taking in the whole of everything, this is such a large place!” The young woman behind the counter replied “Yes it really is. I am your instructor for the day. My name is Jamie, nice to meet you! And you are Cassandra I assume?” “Ya, that is me, Cassandra Adams. It is a pleasure to meet you!” replied Cassandra. “Alright, wonderful, I will get you checked in and you can join the others on the main trampoline court. Oh and please remove your shoes and feel free to get warmed up a while. We will be working up a good sweat so if you want to get into a tank top or sports bra go right head.” said Jamie. Cassandra replied “That sounds wonderful. I wore my thinner leggings and a black sports bra because I presumed it would be a pretty hard workout.” She placed her purse in a one of the cubby holes on the shelf, removed her white sneakers and placed them neatly next to her purse, and lastly removed her sports jacket to reveal her soft mid section. As she walked away Jamie watched her large legs, thick booty shifting from side to side, and her back fat bulging out slightly over those too tight leggings. “Oh my she is in denial…” whispered Jamie under her breath. Jamie is very fit and slim. She stands around 5 foot 6 and weighs 120 lbs, all of it lean muscle with very little body fat. Having long curly blonde hair, a smooth complexion, and that resting bitch face, she is a bit snooty but secretly she is jealous of women with curves. She gets down to her gray sports bra that cover her small A size breasts, reveals a lean 6 pack of abs, and very toned legs with only a small booty that pops out from her slim fitting gray leggings. She slipped on her pink ankle socks and headed after Cassandra to start the class.

There were four other people already warming up for the class. Three women and one man… the pervert of the group thought Cassandra, yet he looked rather out of shape, middle age, pot belly, slightly balding, some muscle tone still showing in his arms from his younger years, and a bit of scruff on his face. Wearing loose fitting baggy shorts and a black tank top he was dressed like any typical guy at the gym. She thought to herself, More then likely his wife made him do this to slim down and get back in shape! She giggled at the prospect. The three women seemed to know each other and were mingling a bit and doing some light stretching. All of them average build, the shortest looking around 5 foot 1 and the other two maybe around 5 foot 6 or so. All there were very pretty, had friendly smiles, and greeted Cassandra as she stepped into the main trampoline court. “Hello there!” beamed the short one. “My name is Jessica, and these are my two friends Monique and Deb.” The other two gave little waves and Cassandra returned the smile and waves. The man kind of kept to himself but did give a slight smile and everyone could tell her most certainly felt out of place there. The trampoline court was rather large. The trampolines themselves were separate squares but all linked together. There were even ones up the side that you could bounce onto and off of. “Okay ladies!! It is time to get into it!!!” exclaimed Jamie. She started some modern upbeat workout music and began the warm up. Each person was assigned their own square. Cassandra was in the back next to Monique, Deb directly in front of Cassandra, Jessica to the left of her, and all the way in the very front was the man. “I think he picked that as to not seem like a total creeper.” said Monique quietly to Cassandra and the two of them giggled. Monique with her black curly hair, luscious thick frame, a pretty and strong face, long thick legs, bulging C cup breasts in her black sports bra, black leggings, and black ankle socks looked stunning. Cassandra had never been particularly attracted to African American women but this lady was stunning! Jessica was in a tank top and looser fitting swoosh pants, with her medium length blonde hair tied up. It was hard to judge her weight because of her height and looser clothes but Cassandra assumed she was a bit on the chunky side and trying not to let it show. Deb was a luscious beauty with a thick behind practically ready to blow her yoga pants apart! You could totally see the outline and her red panties through the thin black leggings. Wearing red ankle socks and a red sports bra to match it all up she looked amazing. A very small waist with wide hips and B cup breasts pushing close to a C cup she was an hourglass to a T. Her silky brown hair fell well past her shoulders and she didn’t bother to tie it up. Her face looked chiseled and more squared off like a mans face but her smile as warm and soft. Cassandra noticed something happening that hasn’t happened in a long time. Her body began to feel warm, very tingly and excited as she was surrounded by all this amazing sexiness. She began to sweat as the warm up turned into jumping jacks and jumping jacks into 360 spins followed by a shore break. As her body cooled a bit she noticed a pleasure building in her groin and felt something pushing against her leggings. Noticing that her soft tummy and breasts weren’t the most extended point in the front she panicked a bit… an erection was forming and her clitty was poking outward wanting to stand straight up! She suddenly felt extremely horny and dizzy. Should I keep going and bouncing, or excuse myself, omg I can’t do that they will all see! she thought. She turned and did a quick adjust so that it would be allowed to stand straight up. As she did this her erection became full and she now had an 8 inch bulge in the front of her leggings, the outline totally visible and the precum on the tip soaking through…

Getting into the more rigorous section of the workout involved bending forward then standing straight up and jumping. Cassandra was unable to take her eyes off of Deb’s amazingly plump behind as she was bending and popping straight up into the air, those sexy leg muscles working and working with every pop, the cheeks jiggling and bouncing in perfect sink to the music and rhythm of the jumps. Jamie walked between the trampolines to check everyone’s forms. She noticed everyone was doing well. Their bodies were covered in sweat, their hearts pumping blood as fast as they could, all of them getting in a fabulous workout together. Jamie took notice to Cassandra and saw that her heart was pumping blood to a very particular region in her groin area. At first she was a bit shocked, but then giggled and thought to herself, This will be the PERFECT opportunity to embarrass her in front of EVERYONE! “Attention everyone!!!” Exclaimed Jamie to gain their undivided attention. “You have all done very well during this session. I am proud of all of you. If you could turn your attention to Cassandra please! Her form is absolutely perfect during the drop and pops. Will you please demonstrate a few for everyone with that elegant form of yours Cassandra?” she asked. The other four in the class turned to Cassandra and instantly noticed her massive bulge in the leggings. Monique turned her head to hold back a laugh, Deb’s eyes grew wild and then she smiled, Jessica was trying to peer over everyone to get a better look, and the man started to get hard himself even though he was about dieing from the brutal workout. Cassandra flushed, she was so embarrassed and almost ashamed which turned her on even more. This caused a mini orgasm just as she was standing there and some cum shot threw the tip of her clit, through the leggings and dripped down onto her black socks. She bent forward a bit because of the pleasure and let out a soft moan. At this moment the man couldn’t take anymore and went to the restroom to pleasure himself before he was caught with a boner tenting under his shorts! “Yes ma’am, I can certainly try, though I am getting a it wore out myself!” she replied to Jamie. Jamie responded, “Oh I am sure there is enough left in you for a few more, you look rather excited to be honest, doesn’t she girls?” They all giggled together. Cassandra dropped down and popped back up which cause another great surge to her massive clit. More precum was dripping as she popped into the air with the others all watching. “Good Cassandra! Said Jamie, that is perfect form. Let me show you something else to try” said Jamie. Jamie walked in front of Cassandra and stood face to face. “Okay, I am going to show you a different technique on this. For this one I want you to really push your hips out.” She then demonstrated directly in front of her. She turned so her back as now to Cassandra. Bending down so her butt was directly in Cassandra’s view made Cassandra harder then she had ever been in her life. “Bend like this, then come up into a high stand position, stretch your arms out wide and push your hips forward as you bend back slightly, then come forward again, lay on the trampoline and thrust your hips upward as you go into a back bend, then lower back down. Got that hun?” said Jamie. “Umm, yes, I think so… I can try.” stumbled Cassandra. The others looked on as Cassandra went though the motions. Her thoughts were all consumed with what she had just witnessed in front of her eyes. Down, forward, leaning back her massive clit started leaking more as her body filled with warmth and pleasure. She laid down and thrust her hips forward going into the back bend. The eruption began. Her clit exploded with pleasure and the cum started blowing out like a firehouse, her whole body tingling with excitement like she had never felt before. The cum was such a strong stream that it blew though the leggings and into her stomach during the back bend. She collapsed from the pleasure and finished the final eruptions on her back while moaning in sheer ecstasy. She could see the other girls giggling and chatting with each other as she laid there unable to move for a moment. “Very good Cassandra! You held that longer then I expected! Okay everyone that does it for today. Let’s get cleaned up and move on with our days. I hope everyone enjoyed class as much as Cassandra did!” She smiled and winked at Cassandra as her and the other women walked off the trampolines together giggling and exchanging words.

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171 Lending out his lady An interview with Tam NobleOk, let`s start from the beginning, I am Tam and my wife is named Samantha she`s blond, blue eyed 40dd chest 5ft8 high weighs 8stone and turns heads, oh and she a whore, let`s be honest, not a make believe hot in bed ‘call me a whore’ type wife but a genuine ‘sleep with you if you pay me whore’, it`s her job, she likes it, let`s face it, I like it too it saves me from working, we live well and it fills my cuck tendencies as a bonus! We have a...

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Training Her For Double Anal

We were training her ass for double anal sex, or at least that was the plan. We had already had success taking her virginity; opening up her pussy to a dildo, then to my dick, then to double vaginal, and even some anal. We had talked about fisting, along with other things that were pure fantasy. Like, what monster would you fuck? (her answer: a werewolf)... But after our success with letting two men in her pussy, she became intrigued at the idea of doing the same with her ass. She agreed to let...

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Cant I just have 2 minutes to myself

Note : This story is completely fictional! My brother has been a major stud. Ever since he hit puberty I wanted him. It's perverted I know it. I know he wants me. I was just getting out of the shower when I noticed the door open about an inch. It was him, peeking at me. I thought I'd give him something to arouse him. I dried off my legs and made sure to bend over. I dried my 36D tits with a hand towel. I dried of my pussy(which was wet because I could hear him saying oh my god I fuckin love...

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Amys Husbands

This is a fictional story. Any resemblance's to anyone's real life is purely coincidental. My wife, Amy & I have been married for 2 years when she surprise me by picking up a new fuck flick one weekend. To my surprise one story line was of a couple which added another guy. I was shocked when the guys started sucking each other. I notice Amy was really turned on by the scene. She went crazy on my cock, bobbin’ her head up & down on my dick. After we fucked she asked, “What do you think of adding...

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The SongbirdChapter 10

Cate I got to Derby station late on the Friday evening. I was tired after a hectic day and a little bit grumpy as the train was crowded. I had booked my seat, but some guy was sitting there when I got on. He refused to move, saying that he had paid for his ticket and that guaranteed a seat. Eventually the ticket inspector came along and asked him to move. "Or else, Sir, I shall have to ask the railway police to remove you from the train." The man remained obdurate. The ticket inspector...

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with Rosalie before Al

Rosalie Blankenship, Al's wife, was the sweetest lover. She was used to being submissive sexually (but not any other way) to her big husband. For the first time since I had been having sex with women, I found a lover who was on the same plane as me. She didn't want to be a dom for me, and she helped me understand that there were other roles I could play with her besides sex slave.When she was holding me, I noticed how strong she was, her neck and arms and shoulders and back."I'm a drummer,...

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Transformation of LindaChapter 9 Couplings 2

Will handed the gorgeous temptress Kathy a glass of wine, by coincidence the remnant of the drugged wine Brother Bob had sent home with Linda previously. Will and Kathy touched glasses in a toast as Kathy said, "To what ever you dream of tonight Will. I bet your dreams will come true." They both took large sips of the wine, and thus guaranteed their inhibitions were much reduced. As they had touched glasses, Kathy had intentionally leaned forward, giving Will a complete, if brief, view of...

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Crowded Train

i am from mumbai (India) this is real story happened with me in mumbai local, whee in crowded train many people enjoy and complete there fantasy...On day i was traveling by Train, i was late for my work i got in a compartment with hurry, after long struggle to get in side the compartment, i took one corner and stood, after a while i realized one hand rubbing my pant over my cock, i did not give attention but after some time i saw a person intentionally dong it. as crowd, i was not able to move...

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Ahriman The Evolution of a Serial Killer 2

Introduction: Part 2 Please read part 1 to understand the story, especially before voting. I woke up to the smell of piss again. I scrambled out of bed and was stripping the sheets when the door slammed open against the wall. She closed it, grabbed me by the hair, and threw me to the ground. No, Mother, please! Youre disgusting! Fourteen years old and still pissing in your bed! Strip those filthy clothes off now! I had to do what she said, even though I knew what was coming. The sick...

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The Djinn and I Chapter 13 Early Monday Morning Day 10

Chap 13 Early Monday Oscar was just a thin wall away; the magical and psychic energy wave hit him hard, as he was both magical and had psychic abilities, his saving grace was the amount of liquor still in body and in particular his brain. At this point he was severely concussed; the later waves would double down on the damage to his brain and body. All of the wards and charms were fried around the house and barn, everything within the barn survived as the medallions absorbed and stored...

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Handcuffed and made to watch part two

As alison and kay walked into the room they made their way past where i was sat and as they did so they both reached out and rubbed my cock just the once and continued towards the bed, the feel of them both rubbing my cock but not being able to do anything about it was such a turn on. As they got comfortable on the bed i just sat there watching intensely as they laid down and started kissing, tenderly they probed each others mouths with their tongues and as they were doing this their hands were...

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I tapped my fingers absently on the steering wheel as I maneuvered my car through the final sweeping turn, keeping my speed down to what I'd term 'moderately stupid' as opposed to 'suicidal'. Tall trees arched overhead at intervals, casting dappled sunlight over the interior of the Audi and the remains of my junk-food lunch in its crumpled waxpaper wrapping. I could smell the sea, and I desperately hoped it would still warm enough for a swim when I got there.It had been nearly a season since I...

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The Necklace of Inanna

Dr. Jessica Anderson was a leading writer, researcher and archeologist on ancient Bronze Age civilizations, despite only being in her early thirties. Her work was cited worldwide, and her discoveries lined the halls of museums around the globe. This fame and skill had not come without cost though. Being a successful woman in academia required a degree of social sacrifice. Dr. Anderson had to develop boundaries between herself and her assistants and colleagues for fear of appearing to "sleep her...

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Hot Padosan

Hi I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories. I am happy that people share their experience here. ab khani pe aate hue mera naam luv hai mai punjab distt. bathinda se belong krta hu yeh kahani aaj se 4 mahine phale ki hai yeh kahni mere or meri padosan ki hai jiska karib 1 yr phale divorce ho gaya tha waise toh meri us pr aankh suru se hi thi lekin divorce hone ke baad usse paane ki tamana kuch jayada hi bad gayi thi kyunki mai janta tha ki woh bi tadap rahi hogi kyunki uski shadi 2 saal tk...

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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 14 September 1983 Val Gets Knocked Up

The marriage between Joe and Val occurred well before schedule for two reasons. Initially, they spent most of their free time fucking like rabbits. Both freely admitted to friends they were addicted to sex and each other. This raised a serious question, one which neither could adequately answer. If they loved having sex so much, what would happen if one of them were to find themselves alone with someone else, with the opportunity to have sex without the other being aware of it? Joe was well...

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Yukios Adventures Part 2

Introduction: Continuation of series. You may want to read Chapter 1 first. Yukios Adventures Part 2 **I want to take a moment to thank all the people who have taken the time to read my stories thus far and who have given me so much encouragement. Your PMs and comments really have made me smile when I didnt think I was doing that well. Special thanks to JetiJah, workingman, Stillagood1, and BadinAGoodWay for their time and suggestions to a new writer. To all the Unknown people who took the...

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The Pastors WifeChapter 12

The next two bridge games were cancelled because of seasonal scheduling conflicts. Other than the conversations about the bridge games, Aggie and Carla had no further discussions of what they aired at Aggie’s house over tea. Three weeks after that indescribable day though Carla called and wanted to have lunch again. “The things I would like to talk about are of such a private nature though; can you come to my house? I just don’t want to take the chance of other’s hearing even a smidgen of our...

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A Boy and His Alien

Henry was 15 years old. He first sat on a dildo last year, his Mom’s, of course, a slender phallus 6” long. It had a startling likeness to a real cock. Not that he’d knew what a real erection looked like. Until his 14th birthday, Mom and Dad had his Internet activity tightly under control, which meant there was only his dad’s flaccid member to go by. He’d never seen Dad erect. Still, he knew exactly what a boy might do with a 6” dildo. The dildo up his ass now was big brother to Mom’s old...

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Vanessa screamed her orgasm, her body squeezing around Tom in every sense. They held each other close as he pumped those streams of cum she so loved deep into her body. They rode the waves together, merging their unholy union. Then he groaned, and slowly pulled his length from his sister's soiled pussy. She raised her hips and stuck in two fingers, as if trying to push all that cum further inside her body, trying to make sure none of it was wasted. "I can feel it inside me," she said. "You're...

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TommyChapter 9

Mimi’s turn: Okay, I’m premeditating mayhem here. Mizz Donna told me to get over myself. I had to tell Tommy. I felt like I owed him at least that much. I was almost surprised when he picked me up. I could really understand if he’d washed his hands of me for more than one reason. It’s Tommy, though, and he’s a decent guy. Really decent. He accepted my apology, took me to dinner where he was a charming as all get-out, and then offered to take me home. I counter-offered to watch a movie at...

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The Djinn and I Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Day 5 In the morning with everyone awake, Aidan asked for everyone to join her in the bedroom. '(Good morning everyone, I hope everyone got a good night's sleep.)' Everyone nodded yes. '(That's good, so the good news is that Dylan is in a much better state of mind involving his entire family. Oscar, he overheard the conversation between you and his kids, he says you did fantastic and to thank you for your help. The Unicorn was nice enough to give me some background that...

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Laid Off

Brian leaned against the door frame of his room. His girlfriend, Eliza, had texted him as she left work that she needed to come over and blow off some steam. Usually that meant she’d left the store horny after a slow day had left her alone with her thoughts. This didn’t seem like that. She’d barely said anything and instead flopped down on his bed immediately. He knew she was upset about something but he couldn’t help but take a moment to admire the view. Eliza was barely 5’2” so her DD cups...

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Stuck4K Canela Skin Be careful with the stairs or youll get stuck

Canela Skin lives in a tiny, cozy studio apartment. She’s obsessed with keeping her place spotless, so on that day she was happily wrapping her regularly scheduled cleaning session. There was only one thing left to do – dust off the stairs! She squeezed her head between the railings only to find it stuck. All of the attempts to free herself were in vain, so she decided to call up an acquaintance. – Alright. I’m on my way now. – He responded. In no more than 10 minutes, he showed up at...

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A letter from Janet

From my girlfriend Janet, written after an incredible weekend camping trip last summer... we were in a very secluded spot near our campsite.. she finally agreed to let me share it. Sheila To the love of my life, The feel of you playing with me is more than I can handle. The pleasure is so immense. My excitement is overtaking me, and I can't help myself any longer. I climb up on top of you and grab your hands. Pulling them up to your head. I place my lips on your neck and begin to nibble my...

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Dost Ki Hot Mami Neerupa Part 8211 1

Hello readers my name is raghav and i am here with a fresh and real story. This is my fourth story on iss titled “dost ki mami”. This the first part of the story. Please send me your feedback and suggestions on I am a 6ft tall guy with muscular body and fair complexion doing my batech from delhi. The story i am going to narrate is a real one. This story has mainly 4 characters me, my friend parul, sohan (parul’s mama) and the heroin of this story neerupa (parul’s mami). and further story will...

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Flirting With Exhibitionism And IncestChapter 8

Writing this glimpse into my sexual past has allowed me to better understand the sexual dynamics at the heart of my home life. It's also helped me come to terms with my love of exposure. The more I look back, the more I truly understand that my love of being unclothed as well as my overactive libido were manifested themselves very early, certainly from the onset of puberty, onward. As I sit here reminiscing about my erotic odyssey, a flood of memories is charging to the forefront of...

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Time to try a Real Cock Gay

Even though my new roommate was straight, he never had any problem with me being gay. In fact, from the start I think he was intrigued by it. More and more he was hanging out with my gay friends and acting totally comfortable among them, unlike many other straights guys I've known. Brian was a freshman and was assigned as my roommate after my old one dropped out of school. So he was impressionable, as he found himself spending time with me and my buddies, an older crowd.One night I came back to...

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Becoming a Sissy Slut 5

Standing outside a gay bar under a street light with several loads of cum in my ass , plugged with a large bead necklace , wearing my very slutty outfit , I see a Dodge Ram truck cruising passed with the windows down. The two people in the front are both staring at me so i arch my back push my ass out , fake tits , sexy pout ..... they stop and ask if i want to take a ride?I reply with a smart ass comment. The guy in the passenger seat replies but i can't hear him so i move next to the truck...

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Bhabhi Ka Dhoodh

Hi ISS readers, boys and girls, thank you all for your appreciation. This is a milky story about my aunt. I was doing my tenth standard after and I finished my tenth standard I had to go to town for higher studies, because my parents were very eager to make me an engineer or a doctor but I had no such goals and I was roaming the village without any tensions in my mind I was very perverted at such a young age, I use to smoke, peep into girls or aunties bathroom while they were bathing, watch BF...

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She was nervous beyond belief, she wasn’t the type to do this kind of thing. Hell, if she hadn’t decided to ask her best friend about it, she wouldn’t be here right now. She checked behind her as she kept walking. ‘It’s too damn cold for this…I should’ve picked a warmer day.’ A few joggers ran past her down the sidewalk, under the metro station, people were carrying briefcases filled with work back to their houses, locking their bikes against the railings… And I’m here doing this…this…oh...

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Tina and the Stuffed Pussy Chapter 5 18th birthday party

Friday rolls around and I eye my night’s uniform with mistrust. It is a pretty straightforward school girl uniform. Pink and gray plaid skirt that is a little short but modest compared to my normal uniforms, white blouse, pink push-up bra which will show through the blouse a good bit, and pink panties that have a lacy crotch with a little ribbon bow on them. I don my uniform and Sylvia gives me a pair of pigtails with pink ribbons. “Well aren’t you just all the boy’s school girl fantasy...

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The Third Gender

In this story, you are allowed to play as a lot of different characters who live in this world (or outside it), like: Arthur, an 18 years old boy who is trying to have a comfortable life, while sharing a house with his futanari mother and sisters, also survives the end of high school, a place with dozens of horny futa teachers and bullies. Lilith, an 18 years old girl who is trying to, both "have fun", as she is stuck on family travel to her aunt's beach house, and also keep her holes intact,...

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Fantasy on the Balcony

This is a fantasy story. It is an idea of sex on a balcony at my buddies apartment with a young sexy black woman. The idea came from watching her, sexy chick dancing on the balcony, and at times she bounced her butt like she was getting fucked. I did meet her, using Amber for her name, and we joked about her sexy dancing. She had thoughts about sex up there, but yet to find anyone to do it, yet. Of course, I am working on her about trying it out, but her busy work schedule has made it tough....

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Jimmy P6

So now i had the money from my aunt, i quickly headed to the shops and got myself a new phone and wallet, and was feeling pretty good about the day again.And i was on my way home when i spotted big fat Sally ahead of me.Now big fat Sally wasn't actually that big and fat, she was just tall and chunky with a big pair of tits, and an arse to match, it was just the nickname the other k**s gave her at school, and its always stuck.So anyway, Big fat Sally was trudging back from the shops with...

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