The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 22
- 3 years ago
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"She's here." Jose shouted.
I thought he had recognised her from the photographs, we had a careful checklist system for our operation front and side photographs, colouring, hair colour, and of course the appointment time, it worked, flawlessly.
"You must be Fiona?" I asked with my best fake creep gay shop assistant leer as she approached the long counter running most of the length of our shop.
"Yes," she said sealing her fate.
"If you would like to come through." I opened the door and invited her to step inside, and as she passed she looked back past me, to the ordinary low rise shopping precinct street scene she would never see again.
The Inner office was the full width of the shop unit, a regular hair salon at first glance, only the slightly wider than usual door frame was at all different, and Jose was waiting.
I triggered the stopwatch facility on my fake Rolex wristwatch.
"Fiona?" he enquired, hell what were the chances of her being called Fiona, brunette five five, and yet not the Fiona, we were expecting.
The capture shaft was behind and above the door, four feet long three inch long diameter Aluminium shaft with rows of two inch aluminium spikes each with a quarter inch ball at the end so it didn't cut or scratch which turned slowly and silently powered by an electric motor, twenty four rows of six spikes each, I swung the shaft down with my left hand as she passed under it as we had rehearsed, and I flicked her long brown hair away from her neck and over the spikes with my right hand allowing the spikes to grip and wind in her hair as the shaft turned.
Her hair was wound tightly imprisoning her before she realised anything was wrong, and as she squealed in pain and stopped abruptly so I killed the motor and locked the shaft so her head was held firmly by her hair as it stretched around the shaft above and behind her head.
She screamed for maybe two seconds until Jose pushed the gag in her mouth, but it did not matter as the soundproofing was state of the art.
"Hey calm down or you'll rip your scalp off." Jose joked.
She stood absolutely shocked, imprisoned by her hair wound inextricably around those rubber tipped aluminium spikes on a shaft now five feet six above the floor sloping out at a about twenty degrees off vertical, held by ratchet's on its two independent legs, the shaft locked firmly to the frame preventing it from turning and unwinding and freeing her.
I checked my watch, Hung by her hair and gagged, H plus thirty seconds, on schedule.
I opened the cupboard and pulled the end of the belt mounted on the reel behind the door out and passed it behind her at neck height then reached round and handed to Jose so he could pull it round the front of her and hand it back to me, I looped the belt around and clipped the end fitting back over the belt forming a loop, we lowered it over her shoulders and down to her elbows and pulled it tight, I tripped the end fitting clamp trapping her arms to her sides.
H plus ninety seconds and her skirt was on its way off, Grey, business suit skirt, clean, not new, worth ten dollars on ebay maybe, the pantihose and panties followed she tried to kick but the pain from being supported by her hair must have been excruciating, and she had to submit to being bared from the waist down.
The shoes were near new, two hundred dollar shoes, maybe sell for forty, the pantihose and panties maybe we could use for rag.
I handed Jose the low level belt, he passed it round her ankles, pulled tight and tripped the end fitting clamping her ankles, now she could not kick.
"Look, Fuckmeat," Jose used her title for the first time. "You stay still and you will be alright, but if you wriggle and lose balance then your scalp comes right off."
I guess she understood, and he undid her jacket and shirt then he nodded and I pulled the release lever on the belt, and loosened it so he could slide the jacket off her shoulders.
He stopped mid point, she had cuff buttons on her shirt, they were fiddly so he busted them off but it cost us several seconds.
Her Jacket and shirt came off together, the Bra was classy, I undid the bra strap and as it fluttered to the ground so I tightened the belt once more trapping her arms to her sides again.
"Time" shouted Jose, I glanced at my watch.
"One hundred and twelve."
"Shit, we're slow, the cuff buttons man."
"Hey chill man its under target." I had the soft leather cuffs around her wrists, and her wrists behind her back, "Hands at One Twenty," I confirmed, then the ankle cuffs, soft leather so no marks, and release the ankle belt. Hands and feet One Thirty two, where's the clipper?"
"Fuck" Jose shouted, and rushed to get the clippers from the barbers chair by the mirror.
They buzzed and the lush brown hair peeled away freeing her head from the spiked capture bar, and I held her steady as Jose worked to free her, finally she came free and I laid her down.
"One Eight Two, Two seconds outside the Three minutes," I informed Jose sadly as we carried her through to the back room, he led with her feet I followed with the shoulders and we strapped her into the barbers chair.
I went to tidy the spike bar and frame away, unpicking the long brown hair, and placing it in a plastic bag for the Wig maker.
I put her purse on the counter, credit card wallet, I put the cards through the shredder, it was too easy to get traced using or selling cards, drivers license in the shredder, dollar bills and coins in the gratuities jar, the wrap of cocaine was as unexpected, as the tampons were not, and the rest was junk, part of an identity she no longer possessed.
I clipped the uprights for the capture bar into their housings alongside the door frame and the spiked bar back into iits neat grey housing and wound the straps back onto their reels, before closing and locking the cupboard, and when everything was back to its usual tidy state I went to assist Jose.
He was doing well, her scalp gleamed where he had shaved it expertly and oiled it so it shone, and he had the wax heating on the ring and the lint ready.
I attached her ankles to the foot steps of the chair individually with soft leather straps, then removed the pair of cuffs, the foot steps swung easily outwards as the ratchets clicked parting her legs but preventing her from closing them and Jose reclined it back so I could lay the lint over the mass of brown hair which hid her trim little snatch.
Jose applied the wax and worked it well in amongst the hair and lint, he even got some in her ass crack from in front to save a bit of time and I checked the order form as we waited for the wax to solidify.
Fuckmeat 2000, standard. It was best to check, teeth were easy to pull, very expensive to put back, Fiona Blenkinsopp. I double checked but it still never registered, that long eleven letter surname, I should have realised. Her credit card had only a six letter surname, I should have taken more care but we were in a hurry.
Her eyes were wide as we ripped that lint away, but suddenly she was beautiful, her labia hairless and childlike, her legs were already smooth saving me a task.
I checked the list for variants, Tit rings, No, Clit rings, No, Nose rings, No. Teeth, Six and Six. all pretty much standard.
I fetched the vise grips, Jose held her head and as he released her ball gag and eased it forwards I slid a piece of wood in behind, between her back teeth to keep her mouth open, and secured it with a leather strap.
It must have been agony for her as I pulled her teeth out, but it was on the list, six top ones at the front, six bottom ones at the front, clip the vise grips on nice and tight, pull forwards, back, forwards and repeat and repeat again until they came free, sweet perfect little teeth, they would look nice on a chain round her neck when she came to accept her new role, but for now it was enough to clear the way , so to speak, make giving head so much nicer for us men and less jaw aching for her.
Someone banged on the outer door, pushed the bell push, the bell rattled noisily, I ignored it.
Blood was dripping from her mouth, running down dripping of her chin and on to her breasts and on downwards, Jose wiped it away with a white cloth turning it red.
I filled in the label for the collar, Fuckmeat 2000/106, while Jose tested her mouth, sometimes spurs of bone were left when the teeth were pulled but when he found she was reasonably smooth by running his fingers round he asked me to help, he lowered and reclined her seat and stood straddling it as he undid his belt and tugged down his zipper, I simply placed a clothes pin on her nose and when she opened her mouth wider to breathe I pulled the piece of wood from between her teeth, and Jose thrust his prick in.
She squealed "Qua" as he slid in, it was that quick.
Of course she tried to gag, but they always do, and he very nearly got his balls in her mouth as he fucked into her. It didn't take him long, it never did but I waited till he spunked down her throat, then as he withdrew I slipped a wooden rod back in her mouth silence her, like a gag and held it in place with a leather strap.
"Do you need a drink." I asked. she nodded.
I had the feeder ready, actually it was a bicycle pump, I had a doubled up the washers on it so it sucked water from a jug and then with the extension passed behind her gag I could blast water down her throat, it was good for Glucose and I liked her so I sucked it full of Red Bull and gave her a refreshing drink, to go with Jose's spunk.
We had the dirty bit to do so I released the ratchet and closed her knees then re-fitted the ankle cuffs so we could carry her to the bathroom. I raised the chair and pulled the backrest up vertical to ankle it easier to lift her then we released her from the chair and carried her to the lavatory and shower room.
Jose had taken a liking to her so he shoved the tube up her ass as we laid her over the lavatory can, as I disconnected the shower head and shoved the other end of the tube into the shower flexible fitting, I turned the water to hot and as the flow started I blended more and more cold with it as her belly swelled.
I sat her on the can and when I figured she could take no more I signalled Jose and he whipped the tube out her ass and the water and shit flowed, nasty blacks lumps of congealed shit, she had been constipated but not now.
We gave her three cycles for luck and when she flowed clean Jose tried her for tightness, but even with loads of lube he struggled, but eventually he got the helmet of his penis inside her then he started cumming, what a waste, what a mess.
We did another cycle with the hose then we got a size four butt plug in her, and then after some persuasion we got her knees apart and a catheter up he pee hole, we lashed the bag to her leg and made sure the little balloon thing was fully inflated with water, so it would not fall out in transit.
I brought the transit box, Five feet eight internal, well padded, breathing holes, but no water feeder for the short trip to our upstate facility. It looked like it was for a big Grandfather Clock, cardboard on the outside over hardwood with an aluminium frame, classy, bespoke, well used now, probably done forty trips, on of five we used within the US, the long haul ones always started with a trip upstate, so all in all forty was a safe ball-park figure.
We didn't only do girls, we did a grandma, and several effeminate guys, trannies, queers , mainly, at least one guy was some sort of executive, but shaved, pierced mouthed, as in teeth pulled, they made FM 2001 or 2 suffix 'M, Some were hard to subdue and but we always managed, somehow, just as long as there was enough hair to use the spiked capture bar or or if not an air gun with a tranquilliser dart.
I fitted Fiona with a ball gag instead of the wooden rod in her mouth, a nice new red one, and as I laid her in the box on the soft red velvet lining I saw piss trickling down her catheter.
"It's quite safe, and you'll come to love being someone's fuckmeat, it's much better than working in Walmart." I said, I saw from the paperwork that she was a checkout girl in Walmart until she answered our advert. well Mr Haines' advert for a trainee hair stylist.
We had her all boxed and prepped in three hours, six man hours, and we sat waiting for Mr Haines to check for marks and sign her off for transit.
The back door bell rang and the phone rang together, I went to get the phone while Jose checked the door, he needed to check the CCTV before he let anyone in, so he was beside me when I got the phone.
"Hi," said some airhead bimbo. "You were shut when I called."
"Yeah, staff training and interviews, can I make you an appointment at our sister establishment, Snipers on Moncton Ave."
"No I came about a Job, Fiona Blenkinsopp." My heart sank, suddenly there was a lead weight in my guts.
"Ah the interviews were at Snippers, sorry, the position is filled, leave your number and we will be in touch if a new opportunity arises." she rang off.
"Its the wrong fucking girl." I said to Jose, "You said it was her."
"Well right time, right hair, you checked her ID." he explained. "Fuck man, you did check her ID."
I shook my head, "I thought you checked the pictures."
"No man, we're fucked." he confirmed.
"Wing it, by the time she's done the psycho she wont care who she was." I suggested.
Jose looked scared, at forty and balding where would he get a new job if he was dismissed, at least where would he get fifteen hundred a day, and me, where would I get another job, at twenty one a high school dropout, failed hair stylist, part time chauffeur.
Jose let Mr Haines in, he checked the merchandise. he seemed pleased "Prime fuckmeat gentlemen, very succulent" it seemed we were going to be ok but then he asked "may I try her."
It was Joe's way of giving orders, "May I try her. " meant "get her now I want to fuck her"
We pulled her from the box where she lay on her side, slipped her in the chair with her arms behind the backrest, and I asked "Cunt or Ass sir."
"No mouth son, my wife has these nasty sharp teeth, its much nicer like this." he said.
He took off his jacket, hung his shoulder holster and his little automatic on the hook on the back of the door and dropped his pants, I pushed the lever on the chair and it sunk down so her mouth was at penis level.
I pulled the ball gag as Jose slipped the wood bit in then as Mr Haines parted her lips with his prick I whipped the wood away.
She got real noisy, Jose slapped her but she was going ballistic so we clothes pinned her nose till she passed out.
Mr Haines was riding that face, fucking it like a cunt, I worried he might break he nose, or she might choke but he was real pleased.
"Fucks like a dream, well done boys." he said.
"Oh, did Fiona call by." I asked in mid stroke.
"My daughter, she thinks this is a Hair shop."
I looked at Jose, he looked at me, we looked at her."
"No matter," he said then he was cumming,
He pulled out, and she lolled forward unconscious.
He slapped her face, "Hey Fuckslut, suck me clean."
He slapped her again.
Jose grabbed his car keys and was out the back door and well away across the car park when she came round.
"Fuckslut, suck my tool clean."
"Daddy." she whimpered.
"Master, me master you Fuckslut." he explained.
It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion.
He shoved his tool on her mouth again, I saw her start to suck.
"Hey, clean it just," he paused "Oh fuck." he took her head in his hands again and started to fuck her face again.
He still never realised. "Oh yes baby suck daddies cock." he moaned, then he was pumping his jism in her again.
He looked round, the draft from the open door tickling the hairs on his ass, "Shut the door." he bellowed.
I obeyed automatically and was too slow to get the bit in,
"Dadddy." she said awkwardly.
"Master, Fuckslut, do you think you'll like being a Fuckslut?" he asked.
"Why daddy, why did you do that?" she asked plaintively.
"Its Master, Fuckslut." he replied.
"Daddy" she screamed, "Why?"
"Fi?" is that you Fi, oh my god." he reeled in shock. "You look so different naked with no hair!" he said stupidly as I grabbed his gun just in case.
"Fiona, sir, Three O'clock sir, brown hair, height, colour, it all matched sir, Fiona Blenkinsopp, sir."
"This you moron is my fucking daughter, I've been fucking my own daughters face." he screamed at me.
"For fucks sake sir." I panicked.
"I'm going to fucking kill you." he informed me.
"I have the gun sir, may I suggest that you calm him down miss," I suggested, "suck his cock again?"
"Fuck you" he swore.
"Fuck her face again." I said.
He reluctantly held his flaccid penis out and she started to kiss and suck it once more.
"Jose said it was the right girl sir, I had no idea, I'm ever so sorry sir." I apologised.
He was not listening but as I walked over and released her hand cuffs she pulled him to her, lost in the thrill of illicit lust.
Part 2
I fixed some coffee, hardly original or appropriate but what is appropriate for when Father finds himself fucking his own daughter's face?
They were talking.
"It happened so fast," she sobbed awkwardly through the gap where she used to have teeth, "they asked my name and sent me through, and then my hair was all up and I was swinging by my hair and I was gagged and," she could not continue as she sobbed uncontrollably.
"You may have the gun but I'm going to kill you for this." Mr Haines said. "What the fuck does she do now? work as a whore?"
"I guess she is no worse than cancer sufferers, Mr Haines, she just needs false teeth and a wig."
"She's twenty years old you moron, who is going to want her now?"
"You sir, I mean me sir, they do wonders with corrective dentistry and her hair will grow back." I pointed out. "It's our first mistake sir."
"Oh, that makes it all right does it?" Mr Haines asked.
"Is this what they do Daddy, snatch young girls, do this to them?"
"Some are older women and gay men," I added unhelpfully."
"I'm going to the police." she said, "You're evil, and you Daddy, I'm going to Mmmmpphh" she said as I got the ball gag back in, he looked hard at me, he saw I had the gun in my back pocket but he chose to help me as I fixed her hand cuffs and then he helped me lay her back in the box.
"You're going to the Police, even if I wipe out these low-lifes for you,?" Mr Haines asked incredulously.
She nodded stupidly
"Best get her upstate, you fix the place up then come along for the ride." Mr Haines suggested. "I'll back the truck up to the Loading bay."
"Yes, right sir. Mr Haines," I confirmed.
"And load a spare transport box." he ordered.
H plus four hours twenty, I looked at my watch three hundred and forty minutes, street to packaged Fuckmeat rolling out the door, a new record.
I signed off the paperwork, on the computer terminal, encripted it wiped the memory, and sent it on upstate, like I had dozens of times before, except I was on autopilot, not thinking clearly, shocked I guess. I never changed the order number, It should have read Special / 01 not Fuckmeat 2000.
I headed upstate, the fifty five mile per hour limit a challenge to my little Honda motorcycle on the upgrades, my haversack and spare fuel cans weighed it down, and my waterproofs billowed like a sail as I droned through the gathering dusk.
I found the facility on my fourth attempt, four miles down a dirt road, the truck had gone, Joe Haines was not around just Harry and Dean and Monica, sitting around in the old office at this ex military facility.
"Coffee." Monica asked, as I climbed the ladder to their upper floor hideaway.
"Yes," shouted as heaved my back pack through the door. "What a fuck up!"
"What's that son?" Harry asked, he was like a parody of me like Fifty years old, could have almost been my dad, except he was in LA when mom was screwing everything in Charlesville when I got started, "Shoot the wrong guy?"
"No the wrong girl." I explained.
"Shot the wrong girl?" Monica asked, I had this awful sinking feeling.
"We, ah, prepped Miss Haines by mistake." I explained.
"That's Joe's kid down there?" Dean enquired, his deep dark ebony complexion almost going white as he spoke.
"I sent an order," I started to say.
"Fuckmeat 2000, standard," Monica read, "Fiona Bentworth,"
"Blenkinsopp." I corrected as I looked over her shoulder, "fuck I never saved the ammendments. shit."
"So we got Joe's princess strapped to the double fucker, downstairs, we just double fucked Joe's little girl, That was Joe's little girl sucking on my weenie, is that what you're saying."
I nodded.
"Shit man we're dead." Harry exclaimed, "Check the monitor Monica, how's she doing."
The screen image changed, four views, Monica clicked the top right and Fiona's crotch filled the screen, the double fucking machine with its two pistons working rhythmically but out of sync to loosen her ass and pussy. "Looks ok, no blood." Monica observed as she changed image to the girls bound hands and ankles and the padded frame and ankle spreader, and finally to the move-able cam showing the dildo rammed deep in her throat, and her sweet little dog collar.
"There's the stiff." Monica observed switching to a view of a transit box with the lid removed. Jose lay there, a heat hole in the top of his nose, he lay very still.
A cold chill swept over me, fuck I was dead.
"Get her out of there." I yelled and shot out the door, I had forgot the way, it was a store room.
"Other door moron, you free her off, you fucked up." Harry suggested.
I went down to the machine room and slowed the fucking machine down, you could not just stop them straight away without causing trauma, which is what we usually wanted to achieve, ecstacy then nothing, make the bitches crave cock, that was the Psycho they did upstate, we were getting the whole reprogramme done in a week quite often now.
I pulled the dildo from her mouth, it went way down her windpipe, she coughed.
"Drink," she croaked.
"Coffee, Diet Coke," I asked.
"Just a fucking drink you moron." she demanded.
"Fix it yourself if you can't be civil." I suggested as I loosened her fastenings.
"Don't hurt me." she pleaded as she suddenly realised she was still in real trouble.
I pulled the pin on the cunt-fucker dildo shaft and eased the tool from her sopping vagina, and then pulled the pin on the lower ass-fucker and tried to get that out, she screamed, the tool was in too far and her spinchter had closed over the shaft not the dildo.
I helped her from the machine, ten inches of gleaming metal shaft hung from her ass hole, she staggered and I caught her,
"My daddy will kill you for this." She predicted.
She felt nice and warm, she smelled good despite the way she was sweating.
"I guess so, I'm sorry." I apologised.
"Fucking little gay shit," she snarled, "Do you hate women that much?"
"Hell no," I told her, "It ain't that bad, we sometimes get trade ins or girls needing extra work and they don't complain, what would you rather do, work in Wal Mart or watch TV and fuck all day?"
"I want to go Law school." she said, "How can I after this," she had her hands round my throat squeezing, it just emphasised how weak and vulnerable she was.
"I guess I'm a dead man." I explained, "So you won't begrudge me one last indulgence."
My pants hit the floor with a rustle and a clatter of the belt buckle on the wood floor, then I had my best friend in my hand and I pushed her up against a wall and guided it up inside of her.
I imagined my tool parting those sweet childlike lips of hers, I hoped her little clit would like my lower belly rubbing it.
"Fuck. why didn't we meet some other time and place." I exclaimed, "You sure are a grade A piece of ass."
I kissed her mouth, she tried to push me away and then the heavy dildo and shaft dropped out of her ass hole, bounced and landed on my foot. I jumped and forced my tool hard into her..
"Oh fug, Oh fugging hell," she squawked through her shattered teeth, "hold me I feel faint." she went limp in my arms, I held her close and laid her down so I could finish fucking her.
She came around as I let my jism fly in her, her gorgeous blue eyes were wide open, "You spunked in me?"
"Sure." I said "Why not, didn't you like it?"
"I could get a disease, a gay disease, or baby." she stammered in shock.
"Except I ain't gay, or diseased and you're on birth control." she shook her head, "So get an abortion."
"I don't belief in birth control," she said.
"Shit." I held on to her. "Holy shit." I was getting hard again. "I always wanted a kid."
I fucked right into her, trying to get the tip of that fucker right in there with those eggs and I never heard the door open.
"Not now Daddy, I'm busy," she lisped sarcastically. I felt the cold air on my ass and the door clicked shut. next thing my poor balls were emptying a second time right there up inside of her, we lay there for ages.
"I'll fix you a drink." I suggested.
I handed her a can of Red Bull, "Keep your strength up." I suggested, "You're beautiful if you don't smile." I told her, as I kissed the top of her shaved head, "thanks, that's about the best fuck I ever had, I just wish we could do it some more, but,"
She gasped in amazement, "You strip me, shave me, rape me and then you want a date? what sort of moron are you?" she stammered and lisped through the gap where her teeth used to be.
"I mean when your hair grows back, of course." I said inadequately. I head movement footsteps.
"Daddy," she lisped, as the door opened again.
"Hi Princess," he greeted her, "Calmed down yet?"
He stood in his expensive suit, pistol held loosely by his side while she sat against the wall naked, spunk oozing from her as I tried to haul my pants up.
"You're evil, just evil." she snarled completely misjudging, "Nothing you say will stop me going to the police."
He started to raise the gun."Sorry Princess" I can't let you do that."
"No," I shouted, "don't do it. just put her through the program"
He paused, "You're next, so shut it,"
I lunged at him, my pants fell down round my ankles and I head-butted the wall and ended up sprawled all over her.
"Can't even get that right." he sighed, "but yes put her through the program." he turned on his heel and left us.
"What exactly is the program? she enquired, as I crawled back off her.
"Sort of brainwashing, like well, I don't know, but you'll be happy, no stress, no worries."
"I don't want brainwashed, I want to finish my degree at Uni." she was crying again, it gets boring after a while.
Harry and Dean arrived, laughing, "Looks like it's your lucky day Stevie boy," Harry slyly suggested, "Joe says she's back on the program."
Dean carefully picked her up and sat her on the fucking machine and started to reassemble everything.
I gave her a little kiss before Harry shoved the mouth dildo back down her neck and pretty soon the machine was back on its pre programmed cycle.
I went after Joe, "How can you do that to your own kid?" I asked, "Sell her as a brainwashed fuck-toy to some total stranger?"
"You want a bullet in your head? he asked, "Like Jose."
"No, but surely, surely there's some other way?" I suggested.
"I'm listening." he said thoughtfully
"Shit, sir you're the ideas man." I challenged
"Fuck it Henderson, what can I do." he asked helplessly.
I did some quick imagining. "Make her see sense sir, get some Fuckmeats in show her how happy they are." I suggested or was it pleaded.
"And what's in it for you?" he asked naively.
"She fucks like a dream." I replied honestly.
"She sure sucks like a dream," he agreed, "Look Henderson, I brought that girl up like my own all these years, ever since Margie died, hell thats four wives ago, but I know she ain't really mine, blood groups, that sort of thing, she can't be."
"Then you can't brainwash her and sell her," I said, "Cause she's family."
"You seem to have a soft spot for her?" Mr Haines suggested, "If you can guarantee you can keep her in line, yeah, why not, I think we can cut a deal."
We sat right down and drew up this agreement, then we told her.
She didn't like it, she got the full FM2000 treatment except the brainwashing.
Almost three weeks of uninterrupted screwing by the double fuck machine, it does something to a girl, gives them a physical need to have sex every few hours, and if that don't do it and if she forgets what she is then there's the brands under her tits and the Fuckmeat and serial number tattooed across her scalp to sort of remind her.
What we didn't do was the psycho stuff, the serious brainwashing but we did show her pictures of me every time the machine sensed she was about to cum.
You can't see the "Fuckmeat" brand across her scalp anymore, hidden by that dark brown hair, and the brands under her tits and the FM logos beside her cunt are hidden by her Bikini, but her ceramic teeth shine different if you know what to look for, and she smiles so pretty.
We never brainwashed her, she's still real clever intellectually, but she still struggles to get through the whole day without a fuck, It's lucky she only has lectures for half a day most days but if not then I pick her up at lunchtime and do what she needs to have done, in the apartment just off campus that Mr Haines bought specially for us.
Mr Haines soon came around, he was pissed off thinking I had ripped him off but after a while he missed having a daughter, even if she was a step daughter, and for her part when she got some nice ceramic teeth and a wig she soon figured that she missed him and she found the idea of being an heiress to the Fuckmeat business and the multi million fortune Mr Haines had amassed had a certain appeal..
Fiona also realised that I really enjoyed fucking her, and as she had some pretty rampant needs so she started to see the advantages in having me around.
And me, well apart from keeping Fiona happy,which is pretty much a job in itself, I just help out, I do testing mostly, when the FM 2000s come off the line, make sure they suck and fuck to specification, either standard or special order and if they're OK I sign the paperwork, it's a major responsibility and it's tough work, but hey, somebody has to do it.
Maybe I'll tell you about it some day.
I was doing a cleaning job, the older man asked me to do it bottomless against money, he ended up fucking me. [email protected]
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I tried responding to the story called Kelly and Marcus and Becky and I, but I think it was too long to just put in comments. So I have to write this here.I guess I should start by telling all of you that I am the same Becky that Michael has written about. While he was still married to my best friend Kelly, him and I had a baby together. And I never regretted it. Back then, I had sandy blonde hair, blue eyes and I was 5’ 4” and weighed 112 {And Michael, I didn’t weigh 115 either!} Over the...
Race relations in the United States were expected by many to improve after the first black president was elected and then reelected by wide margins. However, recent events involving conflicts between primarily black minorities and various police jurisdictions have caused numerous protests, some of which have turned violent. It is in the backdrop of those demonstrations that I first cuckolded my husband with some of the black protesters, many with prejudices against white people.My name is...
InterracialA nice football night gangbangI had hooked up with my black lover Jerome a couple of times. One night he texted me he was again in town and willing to see me. He said he was having a football party with some friends and that I should come by. I really don't like football but I promised him I should go. Victor would be still away of town by another couple of days, very long and boring days… So, Saturday night I was a little horny as always so I dressed up very sexy for my black lover, because I...
Hi this is tamilpayyan again back with the new sex story with my college friend. I hope you guys and girls would like this sex story. Girls can mail me in This story starts from my college life. The heroine of this story is a typical village girl. During the lab in the college we came to know about each other and we introduced ourselves. And started the lab work. Since she is a village girl she didn’t know about computer. I started to work in the computer but she didn’t turn on it. I came to...
‘Lunch with the berg,’ Dylan gave a low whistle as Gwyneth finally plopped herself down at her desk. ‘Someone’s becoming the new teacher’s pet.’ She felt a little flustered when he said that, but she kept her cool and refused to let the comment weigh down on the endorphin rush she was currently experiencing. Lunch had been delightful and completely unexpected – she was mentally prepared for a stilted charade of formality between her and Aidan while they talked business with Marty, but...
Hi, people, my name is Vaishali and I am here to share my experience about exhibitionism and seduction. Needless to say, this includes sex, for those who were disappointed at not finding that word in the abstract (:P). This story is about sex between me and my neighbor Swapnil. Let me tell you about myself first, I am fair in complexion, 34D in my bust, 30 waist and 36 hip. I am a very happy-go-lucky person, very outgoing, a people teaser (I love to show-off my body), and, quite literally, a...
“Honey, Dave was just telling me you guys had threesomes in college? You never told me about that…” “I’m not sure watching Dave rail half of our graduating class counts as a threesome.” Dave had been quite the womanizer in college, and while I had no shortage of female companionship, it was rare for me to spend an evening in our shared apartment without listening to the rhythmic knocking of his headboard against his bedroom wall. I knew the story he was referring to though. There was...
It had been almost two weeks since my husband had quenched my sexual thirst. That has become the norm between us. Nothing new, the same old sex every time. Not this time. Today I could wait no longer. I thought all day about his huge black cock throbbing in my mouth. The taste of his pre-cum smeared on my lips. My cunt pulsed with excitement at the thought of his tongue twirling around my clit. I rushed home from work to complete the necessary preparations for the erotic evening I had day...
1)We met online at a dating site, and immediately I was drawn to her. Just from the small sampling of pictures, I could tell that she fit my tastes in women. She was about 5'4, athletic build, short cropped hair, some tattoos (which could be easily concealed, but enough to express herself. Love women with tattoos.) and these green eyes that were fitting of a Goddess. Her features are soft and gentle, but she still has a strength in the way that she carries herself. Beyond her physical...
Are you looking for a place where you can play adult sex games that come somewhere between porn and video games? You are in the right place cocksucker. You see, some of us just want to play that kind of games to the point that they are so drilled in our brains we feel like zombies. That’s one of the aspects of playing a video game anyway. It’s even better when such games combine fun with sexual arousal; I’m talking about sexy virtual babes ready to be fucked hard, and all you need is to use...
Free Sex GamesFor me, it started the day after my 15th birthday.I had suffered through the embarrassing ordeal of having my mother be one of my teachers in the spring semester. The ending of the school year trumpeted, for me the end of school, the beginning of summer which started of my celebrated birthday. Despite my parents, both educators in the local school system, being nearly over bearing and puritanically conservative people, they were very considerate when they came to throwing my...
"Welcome, Miss Harter. Have a seat." Still unsure of why I was here, I made my way across the room and sat down on the plush tan sofa that is the trademark of a psychiatrist's office. It wasn't the first time I had entered my parents' counselor's room, but I was surprised when he asked to see me and my parents separately. Surprised since I wasn't the patient. Unfortunately, though, Mom was. She had undergone a huge metamorphosis in the last few months, ever since her bookstore had...
Jaimie had never been happier for the invention of skirts as her lover pushed the garment up over her hips, ripped her knickers from between her thighs, and fed his engorged prick into her folds. Her Rider set her down on her dresser with its mirrored back and groaned approvingly.“God I’ve missed you,” Harry whispered as he closed his eyes in bliss and flexed his prick within the woman’s core.“And I you,” Jaimie replied while she squeezed his shaft with her inner muscles.The mage opened his...
11. TOTAL SUBMISSION. She had had a rough life really, she had been orphaned in her early teens, distant family didn’t want to know, so she had been in local authority care till she was too old for them but by then she had learnt to use her body for both pleasure and gain. She was no shapely blond bimbo; she was a brown haired, 5 foot 6 inch, wiry, street wise, a woman with small but attractive tits, few inhibitions and a slewed slant on life. She had few untried sexual deviations, having...
Chapter IIIDuring the ten minutes grace that I mentally allowed Alice in which to recover from the v******e of her struggles, I quietly studied her as she stood helpless, almost supporting herself by resting her weight on her wrists. She was to me an exhilarating spectacle, her bosom fluttering, rising and falling as she caught her breath, her cheeks still flushing, her large hat somewhat disarranged, while her dainty well-fitting dress displayed her neat comely figure to its fullest...
Hello iss ke redero this is my first story story, muzzey waqth he nahi milta ki mai koi kahani likhon aur waisey bhi meri zindgi to bilkul jaath hai, jaana cahaatey hoo kyu…to suno..let me explain about myself..i m Rajesh, mai 26 yrs ka hu medium hight rang gora but i m HANDICAP person mai apang hu…mere right leg me polio huwa hai i cant walk without stick but mai woh sub kuch kar sakta hu jo ek normal insaan kar sakta hai deekhne me smart hu per aap sub jaante he hongey ki apang insaan se koun...
Hi everyone, this is raj from New Delhi… I am a great fan of ISS really Shayad he mujhse bada koi aur fan hoga haha :p well this is my first story of how i fucked my 33 year old maid and this is no fiction kind of shit this a true incident from my life please give your feedbacks at and any aunty or girl in Delhi wants to have sex can mail me it will be a nice to serve you and unki privacy ka me pura dhyan rakhunga that is for sure u can trust me. :) Well let me tell you something about me my...
"Are you gonna get around to fucking me?" It surprised Leo, took him back, so much so, the answer wasn't emminent. Leo was no rook at this game, his ledger had grown long at the age of 25. My first 3 were mature ladies and sex is only sex, and my 4th, my fiancee who I managed to do once a week until she dearjohned me in bootcamp. The subsequent bar girls, and night time groupies in the age of the Sexual Revolution allowed me to notch my bedpost, but this was different. She was different,...
First TimeI have always been a very normal wife and mother at home. I travel a lot for work and change a lot when on the road. I am 28 years old and have a very slutty side that comes out when I can do so anonymously. I just adore being taken by a hot man or men. My husband knows nothing about this so I thought I would try Flickr to avoid his finding these pictures. If there are like minded women out there please let me know. Sometimes I think I might be crazy. There are face pictures for family but only...
“You guys are NOT calling her MOM,” I whispered to the other girls angrily. “Why? Your mom said we could,” Mandy smiled at me because she knew this was really pissing me off. “You are just doing it because you want to butter her up like a little brown noser. That’s why you made us lez out in front of Mr. Greenbaum!” I told her. “Was that what we were doing? I thought we were making a lonely old man happy and getting a drink,” Mandy looked at Julie, and they both grinned at my discomfort...
I entered the hotel lounge, and wandered over to the bar, looking over the room. It was somewhat dimly lit and about half-full of people at booths and tables. I took a seat on a stool, flipping my short skirt out behind me as I sat down, putting my bare rear on the leather of the seat. I hooked my heels into the rung of the stool, and let my knees fall open about a foot or so. The bartender appeared in front of me, a cute blonde, and I asked for a glass of white wine. When it arrived, I took a...
Title: GamerGirled for Life (Part 1) Author: Cupertino Abstract: A VR game going through beta test has strange effects on Scott and one of his friends. Standing alone in a sterile all white environment of a futuristic empty warehouse, Scott inspected his scoped rifle. He couldn't wait to try it out in unison with his automatic dropdown visor, which offered him an ultra zoomed crosshair visual on any target in range. According to the specs, his tall lissome body could hold a gentle...
I thought Daddy would have a conniption fit when he found out the Registrar didn’t have a single record of the Fall semester fun and games. Oh, they had paperwork, but it was strictly the papers on the attempted rape and the arrest of the Dean and his cohorts, not a single thing on the expulsion merry-go-round, or our terrible grades because of it. “If it’s not written down, it didn’t happen.” I said to Daddy. “What did you do?” He choked out, “You did something.” He glared at me, “I know...
A week later, Cindy was with King again -- and just as horny for his cock. But she got interrupted before she could get to the dog's cock. There was a knock on the door and when she answered it, it was her girlfriend, Linda Simms. "Linda. What are you doing here?" "Your mom told me you were babysitting here. Why? Isn't it okay for me to visit?" "Well, no, it isn't that. I just didn't expect anybody." Linda entered and frowned at her friend. "Why are you blushing?" "I'm not...
Just as the sun began to come up Jack rolled over onto his back and yelled, "Jesus!" "Ugh. What? What is it?" Zelda asked, not even half awake. "It felt like a hot knife just went through my spine. I can't move and it hurts. Oh man but it hurts. Quick, roll me over on my belly, please." He moaned, and then grunted as she rolled him over face down on her bed. Another small lump formed just above his tailbone. The festered area pushed up, almost breaking through the skin. "Wait here,...
Hello everyone. Myself Rachit. I am back with my second story on Indian sex stories and with a BANG. I hope you all will enjoy this and will leave comments on Now, without wasting time I will start with the story. There is a very religious and cultural family situated in Gurugram. Everyone respected the family very much. They own a big bungalow because of their high status and money. Yes. They are the Grovers. The family consisted of a grandfather (66), father(45), mother(40) and a...
IncestWe first met each other while on vacation with our respected families at a resort on the beach near Jacksonville, Florida many years ago. Homer and I played on the beach while the folks got acquainted. As we all started back home, we discovered that we lived only about thirty-five miles apart so we would all get together now and he and I became friends.After we started college we kept in touch with each other. When I found out he was going to be at the same outdoor concert I was attending with...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI grew up in a very small, southern, country town but I knew boys from many different backgrounds, as some boys had moved to town from bigger cities. I had girls for friends too but mostly boys, because at that young age us boys just stuck together more. I guess you could say I was all-boy, as people used to say, and most of my friends were too. We played baseball, loved to swim, run, play army, all that… and we also liked to mess around with each other, usually when we would spend the...
To doston ye kafi pehle ki baat hei, tab mein College mein 1st year mein tha to January ke mahine mein apne cousin ke wahan gaya tha. Wah log village mein rehte hein to mujhe village ke life style ke are mein janne ka mauka mila. Shayad un dino college mein election ka time tha aur mein College polytics se door rehta tha. Mere Cousin log 4-5 brother hein aur wah sab combine family mein rehte hein. Uss samay mere 3 cousin ki marriage ho chuki thi aur 2 kunware the, iss tarah se karib 12-14...
Kira and I have shot numerous times over the years and still have such a hot dynamic and connection together. We start with making out up against a wall which transitions in to us fucking while standing before moving to the bed. She is incredibly sensual and I indulge in every part of her body as we have sex in a bunch of positions. She gives me a sloppy blowjob and rides my cock while shot in POV. The scene ends with us fucking in missionary as I look in her eyes and cum really deep inside of...
xmoviesforyou“I swear I thought it was you, why would I have any reason to think otherwise?” “You can’t tell the difference between me and mom?” “I didn’t see her, it was dark, and she held my hands the way you do, which is why I thought it was you! I’m the victim here!” I said finally making a case for myself. She looked at me with that “I believe you, but I’m not letting this go” look on her face. Just then our dad called us down to breakfast, where I was gonna make some effort to confront mom....
I was 21 and booked a trip with my cousin to go and learn how to start up a painting business. I was super excited to be getting away for the weekend and flying for the first time. All was good until my cousin and his girlfriend broke up the day before we were to leave. This left me with a extra plane ticket. I was feeling desperate to find someone to go with me. I was hoping to find a buddy to take along so maybe we could go out and find some girls to bring back to the hotel room with us....
She headed for the back corner of the public library, the part that housed the technical manuals that nobody ever really looked at. Luckily the library was pretty empty today, she knew if she got caught she would be in a lot of trouble, but the risk was part of what turned the followers on. She set up her laptop and put her username and password into the login screen. She had been hyping her followers up for today's show for the last few weeks. As she signed into the chat program she could...
Chapter One - Vacation PlansRodger had dreamt his entire life of going to Alaska and bagging himself a big moose, or maybe even a mouton goat, with a full curl.He had saved for this adventure for over twenty years, it was one of the few selfish things he had allowed himself to indulge in. Roger had been happily married to a beautiful woman named Amanda. They married early, raising two kids; Jesse who was a nineteen-year-old college sophomore, and Lora, an eighteen-year-old freshman in the same...
Cheating“Wonder if I have to become a Mormon again?” Melissa asked as she stared down at the blue water. “What on earth does that mean?” Holly Danvers asked her bodyguard as their small plane circled the small island below. “You, of all people, would appreciate how Master PC is able to jack people around,” said the former cop. “As best as I’ve been allowed to remember, I’ve been a whore to a horny cop, a secret agent, an undercover bimbo at a bachelor party and God knows what I’ll be when we land...
Senior year had just begun at Rochelle High School. This massive high school looked more like a college campus. That’s because this was one of the top boarding schools in the country and alumni loved to give money back. My friends and I sat in the luscious green grass of the main quad and reminisced on our summer escapades. My closest friends, Rich, had spent the summer at a sleep away camp on the lake as a boat instructor. He retold stories of long nights with beautiful blonds fucking in the...
Straight SexSaturday: Sushi woke me with a steaming cup of mocha! What a way to wake up. We drank our mochas. It was still foggy outside. I checked the WE clock. It was 0615. Sushi and I packed and stowed our tent and bedding, then went and helped James and his set with their things. We soon had the camp clean and ready for the next campers. Joe took all of the extra fire wood and built a large pile in the fire circle so it too would be ready for the next camper to use. We were on the road by 0715. We...
Sara woke up the next morning praying it had been a horrible dream but as she laid in bed she knew even though alone she was naked under the blankets and her body was cramping. She barely made it into the bathroom where she took a long hot shower trying desperately to feel clean. She noticed as she dressed she had bruises along her breasts and her body. As she dressed she desperately hoped if she continued to be good it would not happen again. She knew if she told her mum she would be locked up...
My name is Fathima (34-25-35). This story took place when I was in my second year of the degree. I came from a very traditional Muslim family where I had to follow a strict dress code everywhere, even inside my own house. Everything had changed from the time I started living in a college hostel. I was free from those vigorous rules. Since my native was very far from the city I lived in, my parents visited me very less. This, in turn, resulted in me getting sufficient pocket money every...
LesbianI finished my glass of champagne as the sleek, black Mercedes swept down the ramp and into the parking garage under the hotel. As agreed, this level was completely empty - no-one would see me arrive.The chauffeur pulled up next to a fire exit, and climbed out. I checked myself in the mirror one last time before he opened my door and I stepped out into the cold, echoing space.A security officer came out of the building, and as she held the door for me, my chauffeur handed her my overnight...
Stephanie....Through the Looking Glass Stehpanie had just turned 13. She knew what other girls thought, or at least she thought she did. 'Good girls don't do it'. Oral sex. Sucking a man's dick; his cock. Taking a boy's erection and putting it in your mouth. You weren't supposed to do something like that. It was filthy and disgusting. That was certainly her attitude now that she was in junior high school, where, like all the other...
Welcome to Influencers have sex. In this story, influencers (Wait for it...) have sex! Shocking right? These could range from Tiktokers to Youtubers to Public figures to Singers to Twitch streamers and many more. I'm gonna focus on Youtube and Twitch, but you can add chapters of any of them. If you've enjoyed reading this, then I'd really appreciate a like, It motivates me to write more Ps: If you have any story ideas but can't be bothered to write, I'd really appreciate it if you sent me the...
The Year was 2001, I had Graduated High School had a Great summer and it was fall, In fact just two days away was Halloween. My friends and I were getting ready for the holiday getting all of our best pranks out. We already had some raw eggs that we had colored on Easter of that year saved, Three dozen in all and of course we had about a case of TP saved up, Among other things. It was going to be one Hell of a Halloween... The Big night was here and we were in the driveway of the worst...
Gaden glanced out the kitchen window for the umpteenth time at the middle aged woman across the street tending her flower bed between bites of his sugar infested KaPow cereal. She had just moved into the house across the street two weeks ago but he had since failed to meet her. Her name was Joanne or Joyce or something like that. He tucked a brown lock of his shoulder length hair behind his ear which kept obscuring his view of her shapely bottom and long legs encased in white slacks, the knees...
Introduction: Like a lot of women, Ive had some fantasies during my 40+ years, but had never had the opportunity or nerve to live any of them until now. My First Exposure Meeting My Paperboy Part-1 ———————————————– This story is woven around an old friends fantasy she shared with me over a span of nearly 30 years. ———————————————– Like a lot of women, Ive had some fantasies during my 40+ years, but had never had the opportunity or nerve to live any of them until Mike took me for a...
Captains Log, Fleet Captain Charles Anthony Tucker III, November 3rd, 2156 The complete overhaul of Jupiter station has been finished. By incorporating Tellarite metallurgic technology, an evolution design of the non-organic matter re-sequencer, developed during our rebuild of space station Salem One, and Vulcan welding techniques, we are looking at the most sophisticated shipyard in all of the Coalition. The Andorians and Tellarites are chomping at the bit to inspect our handiwork in a bid...
The unfortunate circumstances of Sister Angela’s abduction along with her young student Bucky were rumored to be a subject of much titillating speculation in the upper echelons of Vatican Hierarchy. Even the future nuns in the novitiate daydreamed of being used in such an obscene manner by rough thugs with no semblance of respect for a dedicated religious person of the female persuasion. It was decided without much input from poor Sister Angela perspective that she should be detached from...
Ryan Mclean and his girlfriend Aubree Valentine are at a party. Things are winding down, and this Little Red Riding Hood wants to ride her Big Bad Wolf. Aubree tells Ryan to find a room while she goes to freshen up. As Ryan is wandering down the hall, he sees what he thinks is Aubree. Her back is turned, so Ryan comes to kiss her on the shoulder. Little does he know that it’s Maya Woulfe, not Aubree. Taking her mystery lover by the hand, Maya leads Ryan into a bedroom where he crawls into...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: This is the continuing story of Kathy Barrows visit to the South Pacific island of Maki A Trip to Remember Chapter 2 Authors Note: This is the 2nd chapter in the story of Kathy Barrows erotic trip to Maki, a little known island in the South Pacific. Some sex in this chapter but it really heats up later. Youll have to read the first chapter to catch up as she continues her search for the truly unique wood carvings hand- made by the natives. Kathy woke to the soft light of the...
I have been inspired recently by my wife for whom I have written a few dirty stories and by some of the fantastic contributions to Lush. I only discovered this after my wife told me what a good writer I was and I innocently searched for sex stories. As I say, I have recently written a few short stories for my wife, which has spiced up our sex life beyond imagination. We have always had a reasonably good sex life, but since I began sending her notes it has become even better. I think the first...
MasturbationIt was the night after the blind date, and Allie awakened to Andy sleeping next to her. She couldn’t help but smile at herself, knowing she scored big last night. She peeked under the covers, revealing Andy’s hard-on and his masculine chest. She wanted to wait until he was awake to be pleased, but she couldn’t help herself. She reached down to her swollen pussy and began to touch herself. She was moving her finger in circles, and just as she was about to slide her finger into her wet pussy,...
InterracialAmanda continued to laugh, "Ok. I hope you know what you are doing." She hoped she finds what she is looking for. All she knew was that the whole place was a little cold because of the rain outside. It also didn't help that her and Amanda were completely stark naked. That really didn't matter to her at this moment, she was on a mission. Besides once they were done here she was just going to go back down to relax in steam room again. She just hoped she finds what she is looking for. It only took...
NovelsInstead she married a doctor and within weeks of their marriage they both agreed that she didn't have to put up with such disrespect. She left on good terms from her side, staying professional. It was only on the inside where she felt shame in the pit of her stomach for being so incompetant at her job in front of a strong capable woman from whom she only wanted respect. She really wished she could have done better but she knew she had given it her best and it just wasnt up to snuff. Now...
Penny never had another repetition of that violent dream, and had virtually forgotten it after a couple of weeks. They were weeks which saw her continue her twice weekly visits with her friend Madge to the gymnasium. They both made a lot of friends there and both professed to feeling a great deal better in themselves. Penny would stand before her full-length mirror every morning and see the signs of her improvement in shape and tone. The morning jogging sessions lengthened and she was...
Whorehouse Chapel Copyright Oggbashan October 2015The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************It started several years ago when Tom, one of our older widowers, found that Maria, the professional lady he visited two or...
It was a Friday afternoon as I sat in my office, looking over the dossier of my newest employee. A picture of the gorgeous Mina Lari stared back at me. The five-foot-nine Indian girl with long black hair was an employee most companies would absolutely love to have working for them. Twenty-five years old, an advanced degree in Economics, top of her college class, and single. For most jobs, she would be the ideal worker. Unfortunately for her, the company I own isn't like 'most jobs'. Sure, the...