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Whorehouse Chapel

Copyright Oggbashan October 2015

The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.


It started several years ago when Tom, one of our older widowers, found that Maria, the professional lady he visited two or three times a month, was on holiday. It was early on a Sunday evening, the time he usually booked to see Maria. Tom is retired but had lived an interesting working life as a civil engineer working all over the world.

Tom knew, as most of us did, that there was a newish brothel in the oldest building in our small town. He decided to give it a try. He wasn’t sure that it was a good idea. Maria, our professional lady, knew him very well and provided exactly what he wanted. Another whore, perhaps a much younger one, might not be so patient with him.

Tom went to the discreet side door and knocked. The door opened and an older lady let him into a waiting room. Although she was older than he expected, she was still much younger than him, and probably a similar age to Maria. He thought his needs might be met by her. She disappointed him. She pointed to four framed photographs on the wall.

“There is your choice,” she said. “Which one would you like?”

While Tom was looking at the four photographs, all of women only slightly older than his grandc***dren, she was rapidly detailing the fees for the various services on offer. The prices were slightly higher than he paid Maria, but not exorbitant. The four names above the pictures were Anja, Divna, Sanja and Tamara. He thought they must all be from South Eastern Europe if those were really their names. Eventually he pointed at a photograph of a woman who seemed slightly the oldest.

“Could I choose Tamara, please?” Tom said.

“A good choice. I’m sure that Tamara will meet your requirements. Do you object to paying in advance?”

Tom expected that. He paid cash. He had left his credit, debit and identity documents at home, just in case he might be rolled for his wallet. He didn’t think he would be. There had been no complaints from other customers. If there had been, that information would have been known around the town within hours.

The woman pressed one of four identical bell-pushes mounted on a small desk.

“I’ll take you to Tamara. She’ll be waiting for you.”

The woman unlocked a door, and walked through it ahead of Tom. She locked the door behind them. He was slightly concerned that he was locked in and that the door looked very solid.

“Sometimes we have drunk customers who won’t take no for an answer,” the woman said, noticing his glance, “So that door is to protect the girls. Tamara will let me know when you are coming out.”

Tom wasn’t convinced as they walked down a corridor into the old part of the building. They stopped at a closed door. The woman unlocked that door and stood aside for him to enter. It was obvious that they were in the old chapel. The corners of the room were defined by massive stone pillars. Ahead was a large bed and behind it a solid stone wall rising twelve feet or more below a stained glass window. The side walls were crudely painted block work with a light partition for a bathroom.

Tamara was standing in front of the bed. She was wearing a blue shift dress, stockings and white high heels. She had a cheap cross on a silver necklace. Tom remembered that all four women in the photographs were wearing similar crosses. So was the older woman.

“Tamara, this is...”

“Tom.” Tom said.

“OK, Tom. You have paid for an hour with Tamara, for basic services. If you want more than the basic, she can agree that with you for cash in hand, paid to her. I’ll leave you. Your time starts now.”

The woman left, locking the door behind her.

“We’re locked in?” Tom said to Tamara.

“Yes, Tom. If I don’t press the bell to call Irena at the end of the hour, she’ll arrive five minutes later anyway to escort you out. If you want to leave earlier, just tell me.”

Tamara was obviously reciting a scripted statement. She walked towards Tom, took his hand and led him towards the bed. She sat on its edge and patted it, encouraging him to sit beside her.

“Why an hour, Tom? It doesn’t usually take that long.”

“For younger men, perhaps not, Tamara. I need time and help to become aroused and I don’t like being rushed.”

“So how?”

“How do I get aroused? It’s difficult for me to explain. Normally I go to a lady who knows exactly what I want. Now? I think talking to you for a few minutes might help.”

“Talking? Do you mean talking dirty? Does that work?”

“No, Tamara. I mean talking, Tom to Tamara the person, not to Tamara the professional lady.”

“Professional? I’m not, Tom. I do what the customers want, that’s all.”

“Where are you from, Tamara? You’re English is good, but you don’t sound English.”

Tom was startled. Tamara had started to cry silently. He put an arm around her shoulder. She flinched at first, but relaxed slightly. She muttered something under her breath. Tom knew she wasn’t speaking English. Together with the clue of the women’s names he thought he recognised the language. He spoke to her in that language to check whether he was right.

“You’re not English, are you, Tamara? Are you from?” He named a South East European country.

“Yes,” Tamara whispered in that country’s language, “and I hate it here.”

Tom listened carefully while Tamara whispered in her own language how she had been tricked into coming to England to a promised job, and owed money to those who had brought her here, imprisoned her in the brothel, and said she would have to work until she had paid the debt.

Initially Tom thought this was a typical sob story designed to extract more money from him, but as they talked and he learned more about her, he began to believe that what she was saying was true. The two locked doors had made him suspicious. There was no way that Tamara could leave this room except by the locked door. The only window was too far up and covered with a wire mesh that might be to protect the stained glass. But the mesh on the inside looked too substantial for the task. Tamara was effectively a prisoner.

Eventually Tamara admitted she had been an i*****l immigrant. She wouldn’t be now because travel from her country was now possible. She had paid two thousand Euros to the people smugglers for a promise of a job in England. As soon as she arrived they took away her passport, said she owed another two thousand Euros, and that she had to work for them to pay back the debt. She had been beaten repeatedly until she agreed to be a prostitute, originally in another town. She and the other three women had been moved to our town when the new brothel opened. She didn’t really know where she was. Most of her customers didn’t talk to her, except about sex.

She had been working for three years yet the debt had increased. She now owed four thousand Euros. The only consolation she had is that in this new brothel there seemed to be a friendly presence at night. She seemed to hear calming female voices in the darkness, speaking in a language she didn’t understand. Those voices seemed to offer comfort and eventual help.

She didn’t hate Irena, the older woman who had met me at the door. She thought that Irena was also working under duress with threats to her family back home. Irena tried to look after them but it was the four men who visited once a week that they all feared.

Tom learned that the men came every Tuesday evening at about six o’clock. The men collected the money, had rough sex with the women, and beat them because they hadn’t earned enough, no matter how busy the brothel had been. Those men were from her country.

Tom had heard enough. He couldn’t have sex with a woman who was an unwilling prisoner. He looked at his watch. They had been talking for nearly forty minutes.

“Tamara,” Tom said, “I’m going to leave. I’ll tell Irena that despite your best efforts I couldn’t get an erection because I hadn’t taken my blue pill. I’ll say I’ll come back on Tuesday evening and take a pill before I do. But I won’t. I’ll talk to you again.”

Tamara didn’t really understand what Tom was implying, but she pressed the bell push to call Irena. As Irena opened the door, Tamara hugged Tom and kissed him on the cheek.

As they walked back towards the entrance Tom told Irena that he had been unable to have sex. Irena offered him Viagra and another session but Tom said he would like to return to visit Tamara on Tuesday evening. Irena booked an appointment for six-thirty on the Tuesday, and took payment for an hour then.

On the Monday morning Tom went to the local Police Station and asked to speak to Inspector Thomas, whom he knew. Inspector Thomas wasn’t immediately available but Tom made an appointment to see him later that morning. The desk clerk didn’t ask why Tom wanted to see the inspector. Tom was and is a significant and well known person in our town. A request from Tom was enough.

The inspector reacted as Tom expected. The following Tuesday as Tom knocked at the brothel’s door, Police and Immigration officials had surrounded the building. As soon as Irena opened the door, the Police rushed in. Irena was relieved of her keys. Four men were detained as they tried to leave through a fire door at the rear of the building.

Tamara, Irena and the three other women were temporarily detained by the Immigration authorities. Their five passports were found in a safe that Irena couldn’t open but one of the men had stored the combination on his mobile phone. Unfortunately for him and the other men he also had the addresses, contact telephone numbers and safe combination numbers for the other five brothels they were running in the county.

Twenty other women were released from imprisonment as sex slaves, and two other men were arrested. The Police in their own country, acting on information from England, had arrested other men who were part of the gang.

All of the women were needed as witnesses at the men’s trial. They were offered a choice. If they could find sponsors or people to provide them with accommodation they could go there, but not leave the country. If not, they would have to stay in an immigration detention centre. Tom volunteered to take all five women to his large detached house.

Irena returned to her own country as soon as the trial was completed. The six men were sentenced to lengthy periods in jail to be followed by deportation. The gang members still in their own country had already been tried, convicted and jailed.

But Tom had four house guests. Since the status of their country had changed since they had arrived in England, they were no longer i*****l immigrants. Anja, Divna and Sanja found local jobs as shop assistants at a newly opened supermarket on the edge of our town. Tamara worked part-time while studying to convert her teaching degree to an English qualification as well as acting as Tom’s housekeeper. He sponsored Tamara’s studies.

Tom still visited Maria. He felt that as the four women had only become prostitutes by force he couldn’t accept sexual favours from them. All of them frequently hugged and kissed him but went no further.

A couple of years after the trial, the former brothel was put up for auction. It had been deemed to be proceeds from criminal activity and confis**ted. At this point I enter the narrative about the brothel.

I’m much younger than Tom. My business is buying neglected properties, renovating or converting them before renting them out or selling them on. I had gone to the auction with a list of possible properties. The former brothel wasn’t on that list. But I was outbid on the three lots I was really interested in, and I might have to wait until the next quarterly auction before a suitable property was put up for sale.

The brothel buildings were the last lot. The guide price was low, reflecting its condition and the listed status of the old chapel. There were no bids at the guide price. I attracted the auctioneer’s attention and made an offer of half the guide price.

“I don’t think I can accept that offer, Mr Jonas,” he said, but his clerk whispered in his ear.

“OK. That bid is acceptable to the vendor. Any advance?”

There wasn’t. After completion of the preliminary paperwork and writing a cheque, I was the presumed owner of one former brothel for a ridiculously low price. I was nervous. It was the first time I had made an impulse property purchase but it was in my home town. Surely I could make something from it?

I wondered what the reaction would be from my on/off girlfriend Nicola when she found out that I had bought a former brothel. I should have time to compose a suitable email. She was visiting her sister in Australia and enjoying her young nieces and nephew. I’d email her tomorrow otherwise one of her other friends might tell her. No one locally would know until the auction report was printed in our local newspaper, in a couple of days' time.

I was still worried as I drove home, deliberately passing my new property. It looked a dump with 1960s additions on the road frontage partly concealing the chapel behind. But when I spread the plans of the property out on my office desk, I needed the malt whisky I had poured to calm my nerves. The size of the plot was much larger than I had thought. The chapel occupied less than a sixth of the site, large though the ancient building was.

I knew about its recent history and the local notoriety of Tom and his harem. I had met all four women when they were working in the supermarket. They were popular members of our community even if some local men, former customers of the brothel, were embarrassed. The women had told no tales, named no names but some of the men were known.

Nicola’s email response was amused, not annoyed. ‘Are you that desperate for female company while I’m away that you need to BUY a brothel?’ But she also said that the chapel needed rescuing and she knew I’d do my best. She wanted to see it when she got back.

Three weeks later the final paperwork had been completed. I was the owner of a former brothel. I had made an appointment to meet Alan, the architect who I usually work with on my renovations, at the buildings for a first assessment. It would take at least a month before we could produce a first draft planning application, perhaps longer because of the chapel’s listed status. Getting planning permission might be long-winded and complex.

I parked in the road outside the old brothel. If I was going to do anything substantial to the buildings I would need some off-road parking as part of the development. There was already a dropped kerb across the whole frontage. That was a relief. Providing a pavement crossing was decided by a different level of council. I could use an existing one without informing them.

Alan and I stood side by side looking from across the road. We could barely see the chapel’s high pitched roof because of all the modern structures in front of it.

“Geoff,” Alan said, “we need to get rid of everything in front of the chapel. If we expose it to the road that would help with the conservation authorities. We could have a substantial forecourt with two road entrances. But we need to see more.”

“I agree, Alan. None of that is of any architectural merit, and in a poor state of repair. I’ve got the keys. It’s a warren in there with a whole maze of partitions. Before we decide on the use for the chapel itself I think we need to strip all those partitions out. Only then can I see what I’ve bought.”

I opened the door that had been the brothel’s entrance. I had overlooked or forgotten that the four women’s photographs were still on the waiting room’s wall.

“I’ll come back later today and remove those,” I said. “They’re respectable members of our community now and don’t want to be reminded of their past ordeal.”

“Aren’t some of them married now?” Alan asked.

“Three of them are. Tamara probably will be soon even if Tom is the only person in our town who doesn’t know she wants him. All four of them love Tom, not just because he was responsible for their freedom, but because of who he is. He looked after them for years and asked for nothing from them.”

We walked through the locked door towards the chapel. Alan and I were looking closely at the partitioning as we entered the main building. Alan suddenly got down on his knees and poked with a penknife.

“Whoever did this was very careful. Look, Geoff. The block work is resting on planks that protect the tiled floor. We’re walking on a false floor.”

He grabbed a section of the flooring and pulled it upwards. We could see the framing that supported the modern floor. That framing was not fixed except by gravity.

“I wouldn’t have believed it,” he said. “we could strip all of this out with minimal damage. I can’t see brothel owners being that considerate.”

“I think they used our local builders, Flemings. Mike Fleming would have been careful and not fixing the floor and partitions would save money.”

“You’re probably right, Geoff. Mike has a feel for older buildings. No matter what the client says, Mike has standards and he won’t divert from them.”

“That’s why I use him so often, Alan.”

“OK. I think I need to talk to the planning department this week to see if we can get permission to strip the modern stuff out the interior of the chapel. Only when that’s done can we see what we’re dealing with.”

“OK, Alan. I agree. I’d like to see what there is in here once we’ve opened it up.”

We entered all the cubicles and looked up at the stained glass windows. All of it was intact, protected inside and out by heavy-duty wire mesh.

“It looks like Mike’s handiwork, again,” I said. “Those screens are substantial yet they are held in by friction, not holes drilled into the masonry.”

“Can I ask Mike to come round with me as soon as I can get him?”

“Yes, Alan. We aren’t at the point where we can talk what work needs to be done, but my preference would be to use Mike if his price is right. It usually is.”

We continued to tour the building. Outside the chapel there was evidence of more old structures partially concealed by the modern additions.

“Geoff, we’re going to need some real history of the building for the planners,” Alan said.

“Already in hand. The day after my offer was accepted I consulted the town history in my own library. This chapel was part of a joint monastery and nunnery that was suppressed by Henry VIII. His commissioners found evidence of poor behaviour and sinful activities. Unlike many such claims that one seems to have been justified here. The Abbot was the Priest for both, but there were only other four monks and an Abbess with nine nuns. The published history is discreet, but locally we know that the Abbess and nuns were running the place, using the Abbot and his monks as sex slaves. Some of the history will have to be in the Council’s confidential papers.”

“As bad as that?”

“The fact that it was last used as a brothel will have to be confidential even though the whole town knows. The early history will be far more embarrassing. I’ve commissioned the local history society to produce everything they know about the chapel. That will cost me a couple of hundred pounds and much of it will be confidential. Did you know it’s supposed to be haunted?”

“Haunted? It doesn’t feel eerie or creepy, Geoff.”

“It shouldn’t be. The ghosts are supposed to be friendly, very friendly.”

“That sort of friendly?”

“Yes, Alan. The ghosts are reported to be sex starved nuns and men who stay overnight have erotic dreams. Some accounts suggest that dreams are not all that happens.”

We continued around the buildings. Outside the open ground was a tangle of brambles ten feet high but no trees. That was a relief. I didn’t want to fight tree preservation orders as well as conservation experts.

Alan left after a couple of hours. I went to my car to get a screwdriver. I decided I was going to remove the four pictures now before anyone else came into the building.

The screws had been painted over so it took me longer than I had expected to remove the pictures. It was getting dark and the electricity had been switched off years ago. I began to feel that I wasn’t alone. There seemed to be a distant sound of singing, happy singing not religious chanting. I also seemed to feel a benign presence watching over me, but I didn’t want to stay any longer. I took the four pictures to my car and locked the building.

I didn’t return until the following week. Alan had obtained verbal agreement from the planners to remove the internal partitioning in the chapel. He had suggested that I should tour the chapel with Mike, because Alan was busy with another client. I met Mike Fleming at the door.

“I’m not sure about this job, Geoff,” Mike said as we went inside. “Some of my workers won’t want to come here again. They are years older now, and they felt hands caressing their privates every time they were alone.”

“I haven’t noticed anything like that, Mike.”

“Perhaps you haven’t been here on your own for long enough, Geoff. We were here for weeks.”

“I thought it was your work, Mike.”

“It was. I didn’t want to do it but at the time we didn’t have much else on, so the money was useful. The groping hands were unexpected. The three single men didn’t mind, then. Now they are married. You know who to.”

Mike pointed to the marks on the wall where the photographs had been.

“All three of them?”

“Yes, and they are very happily married.” Anja married my son Pete; Divna married my nephew James; and Sanja married Nick, another of my nephews.

“I took the photos down. I didn’t want to evoke any unpleasant memories.”

“I think the women have put this place long behind them, but you’re right. It could have been embarrassing to remind my blokes. Let’s go to the chapel. That’s what you want emptied.”

Mike pointed out the way the partitions were fixed. They hadn’t attached anything to the floor or walls.

“I could have used lightweight partitioning, like office cubicles, but they wanted solid block work and locking doors. Now I know why, but then? They were paying good money so who was I to argue? If I had known they were going to be prison cells? I didn’t.”

“So how much work to take the partitions out, Mike?”

“About a week for four of my men. That’s not the problem. It is what we do with the materials. It will cost a lot to remove all that. We might be able to reuse the wood, but the blocks aren’t up to modern standards. They’ll have to go as hardcore. If someone wants hardcore? Three hundred pounds to deliver it. If no one wants hardcore? Eight hundred pounds to take it to a waste contractor.”

“Ouch. I hope someone wants the hardcore, Mike.”

“I’ll ask around, Alan. I don’t need any at present. I’m doing conversions, not new builds needing foundations. You might need it here if you’re rebuilding, but knocking down the additions would make more than you could possibly use. They were built in the twenties.”

“Twenties? You’re sure? They looked like sixties to me.”

“I’m sure. My grandfather built them and grumbled because the clients wanted cheap shoddy work. My father refaced some of them in the sixties because water was getting in. He grumbled too because he really wanted to rebuild properly. If you get permission to demolish? A few hefty blows and they’ll fall down like a house of cards. The only thing we’d have to be careful about is to avoid damaging the original medieval buildings.”

“Any idea how much was left apart from the chapel? I can’t see much except a few odd pieces.”

“There’s a lot, Geoff. The corridor we came down was part of the cloisters. It links to the refectory and most of that is still there hidden by partitions and a lowered ceiling. You might be able to see the refectory roof with binoculars from... No. You won’t. The new supermarket is in the way. Except from that blocked angle the roof is hidden by other buildings.”

“OK, Alan. How much to clear the chapel? That’s all we’re allowed to do at present.”

“I’ll work it out and give you an estimate in a couple of days. I can’t give you a fixed price. Apart from the uncertainty of disposing of the hardcore, I don’t know how easily the partitions will come down, particularly as we’ll have to be very careful with the old fabric.”

Three weeks later Mike and his workers were ready to start. His estimate was reasonable for the quality of work his team produced. The hardcore was wanted but would cost me four hundred and fifty pounds to relocate.

To our surprise Tamara and the three women married to Mike’s workers wanted to see the chapel before and after the partitioning was removed. I took them around with Tom. None of them had seen much beyond their cubicles and they were surprised at the total size of the buildings. They took many photographs with their mobile phones. Divna was particularly interested in one of the stained glass windows. Her cubicle had only had half of a window and she had always wanted to know what the whole window looked like.

The work started during the school holidays. Tamara and Tom elected themselves as tea-makers and unofficial site supervisors, recording the progress of the gradual revealing of the chapel’s original features.

The workers found that if Tamara or another woman was present the previous manifestations didn’t occur except for a faint sound of singing. If no woman was there, invisible hands might stroke or grasp their crotches. That could be disastrous if they were using tools or carrying a load. After a few days, Tamara or one of the three wives were there all the time the work was in progress.

I was surprised and delighted when the chapel was empty. Mike and his workers had seen it uncluttered by the partitioning, but originally it had been full of broken furniture. They hadn’t really looked closely at the whole, because they were concentrating on the work to be done.

I asked Mike to clean the floor, walls, ceiling and roof beams. I knew they would be careful not to remove any original paint, nor damage original features. Once that clean had finished I arranged for my architect Alan and some of the Council’s planning officers to visit on a private viewing day. Tom, Tamara, Mike’s workers and their wives also wanted to come. I ordered a buffet lunch from local caterers.

At a local auction I had bought some old Victorian church furniture from a church being converted into flats. I had eight pews, some solid oak tables with matching chairs, many tall candle stands and other items. The pews came with embroidered hassocks. I had those cleaned and repaired by a dry cleaner.

The eight people who were closely associated with the old brothel seemed to want to be associated with the renovation. Tom and Tamara were there several times a week with Tamara’s former colleagues and their husbands. They cleaned and polished the oak furniture so that it gleamed.

Divna and Sanja had carefully washed the stained glass windows inside and out. Both of them had been fascinated by the quality of the work. The external mesh was removed, repainted and replaced but the internal protection had been removed. When the sun came out the light through the windows spread colour across the whole chapel.

Mike, Alan and I were proud of what we had achieved, with the unexpected help. Tom, Tamara and the others had arranged a display of before and after photographs, together with some downloaded press reports of the people traffickers’ trial. The details of the trial would be removed after the private event. The display of the information the local history group had discovered about the suppression of the monastery/nunnery would be ready in the morning of the event. I think they wanted it to be a surprise.

Nicola had arrived back from Australia a couple of days before the event. She slept most of her first day back home and met me for a coffee in the High Street. She was still tired from the journey. We would meet at the private view and I had booked a restaurant meal with her for that evening. I was pleased to have her back and surprised just how much we had missed each other. Before she went to Australia we had been drifting apart. Now Nicola was back we wanted to be together.

My idea for the private view came because I still had no real idea what to do with the chapel or the rest of the site. Each time I had bid on every other building I had bought at auction I had a solid idea of what I could do with the property. I had bought the chapel on impulse. I hadn’t expected my very low bid to be accepted. Now I was short on ideas.

The chapel building was important, possibly more important than its conservation listing grade suggested. Now I could see all of it I didn’t want to change it. But what could I do with a medieval chapel?

I could demolish and clear the more modern buildings leaving the cloister and refectory but I needed to make a profit. How? I hoped that all those who came to the private view would have suggestions. Any ideas the planning officers had could be valuable, giving an indication of what might be possible under the planning regulations. But they don’t tend to come up with radical suggestions. Even my architect Alan has mundane ideas, good ones, sound ones, but boringly conventional.

The morning of the private view I let two members of the local history group into the chapel to erect the information boards with their details of the chapel’s history. The first board was innocuous, detailing the foundation and early years of the Monastery and Nunnery. The second board had a picture of the first page of the original report of King Henry VIII’s commissioners, in their original Latin, followed by a modern English summary. It would have to be in the Council’s confidential papers.

The commissioners had been aware that concerns had been expressed about the activities of the nuns and monks. They decided to arrive at the time of Vespers, let themselves in quietly, and observe the service. They included a locksmith who opened a side door. The commissioners were able to watch everything. Even for hardened soldiers, they were shocked.

All the monks and nuns were naked. Apart from the stained glass windows there was no Christian symbolism anywhere in the chapel. The altar was adorned with effigies of Venus and Zeus, both copulating with various partners in a variety of poses. The Abbot was tied down to that altar. The Abbess was riding him. Another nun was pressing her private parts on his mouth.

There were four small pillars dedicated to Priapus. Each had erect penises that could be adjusted for height. One pillar had erections on all four sides. Four nuns had impaled themselves on those erections and were kissing each other.

The other four nuns were riding the four monks. Each monk had been tied to iron rings set in the floor, and gagged into silence. There were other ‘devilish devices’ around the chapel, most for restraining the monks so that they were available for whatever sexual service the nuns required.

The Abbot, the Abbess, the four monks and the nine nuns were arrested.

The chapel was cleaned up, an altar installed, and was reconsecrated by the Bishop of Dover. It was used as a Parish Church for five years until the whole complex was sold to a minor courtier. The chapel was deconsecrated and he demolished everything except what is now remaining and took the stone by sea up The Thames beyond London to build a new house overlooking the river.

He sold the site to a burgess from Canterbury who used the buildings for weaving until the late 18th Century when it became a store for furniture. The windows had been covered by weatherboarding outside. The chapel remained a store until the 1920s when the surrounding structures had been built as temporary offices for a department store. The chapel had remained untouched until it was converted into the brothel.

The local history society had made a folder with more details. The secret trial was a formality. They should have been tried in an Ecclesiastical Court but the Church had expelled all of them.

The men successfully pleaded that they were acting under compulsion by force and witchcraft. They were imprisoned for life. The women were condemned to death for witchcraft and blasphemy. Although the commissioners published their report to justify the executions, the public version had been severely edited, but the real report had been filed in the Royal archives.

There were also sketches and a plan of the various lewd devices in the chapel. Those sketches were a significant part of the evidence. The folder contained copies of the sketches and plan.

The trial and more lurid details of the confessions obtained under ‘the question’ i.e. torture while the nuns and monks were held at Dover Castle. They variously confessed to witchcraft, Satanism, raising the dead, communing with the Roman and Greek pagan gods, perverting the citizens of the locality with their lascivious behaviour, pregnancy, c***dbirth and offering their services indiscriminately to men and women in exchange for money. How much of their confessions were true? No one knows.

The executions, unusually for that time, were not in public. The commissioners stated that as the nuns were supposed to be virgins they should have been forcibly ****d by the executioner before he killed them, but ‘it was manifest that they were no virgins’ and the executioner was spared that duty. All ten women were strangled in the dungeons of Dover Castle, and their weighted bodies were taken out to sea and thrown overboard.

I could see that the historical information would have to be drastically edited before inclusion in the Council’s confidential papers as part of a planning application. I wasn’t even sure that the folder should be available at the private view. I spoke to Nicola about my reservations. That was a mistake. She wanted to rush to the chapel and read the folder – now!

At first I was disappointed with the private view. The planners were delighted with the reclaimed chapel, but everyone’s interest was on the History Society’s display and folder. I shouldn’t have been surprised. Most of those present had been involved in clearing the chapel. They knew what it looked like already. But they hadn’t been aware of the salacious history of the nuns and monks.

Nicola was obviously getting ideas about recreating some of their activities with me as her victim. I wasn’t so sure. Some of what the nuns had done must have been painful for the monks.

Tom and Tamara were walking around the chapel while the others were reading the folder, some of it aloud. Tamara’s arm was tucked into Tom’s. She looked as if she had claimed him. Why not?

Suddenly Tamara stopped at pointed at something on the floor. She whispered in Tom’s ear and then pointed to other parts of the floor. Tom looked at me and then beckoned for me to join them.

“Geoff,” he said, “Tamara thinks she’s spotted something. Tell him, Tamara.”

“Mr Jonas,” she started.

“No, Tamara, I’m not Mr Jonas to you. I’m Geoff, please.”

“You’re sure?”

“Tamara. You have helped me to restore this chapel. That was the act of a friend. Thank you.”

“OK, Geoff. What I noticed? When I was here I had long hours with nothing to do. I studied my surroundings in minute detail, and part of the floor intrigued me. It was just slightly different. Now the partitions have gone and the floor is clean, I could see it again. Here.”

Tamara pointed at the floor just in front of her feet. At first I couldn’t see what was different. I had to move around so that the light was coming from the side. She was right. There was an irregularity.

“It didn’t mean anything to me, Geoff, until I read the folder and looked at the plan. I think this was where one of the pillars to Priapus was. And over there are similar faint marks. I think they were the other pillars. Where the altar was is even less obvious, but it could only be in one place. There.”

Tamara pointed again. She walked towards the East end of the chapel. Tom and I followed her. No one else noticed us. They were too engrossed in the detail of the History Society’s folder.

“If we get lower down, I can show you more clearly,” Tamara said.

She pulled Tom down to kneel beside her. I squatted on my heels. There was an outline of a rectangular structure on the tiles. I stood up. I was pleased but I felt mischievous looking at Tom kneeling beside Tamara.

“Tom,” I said quietly so that only we three could hear. “She’s got you in the right position, just where she wants you. You’re kneeling in front of an imaginary altar. When are you going to do it for real?”

Tamara looked shocked. Tom was startled at first as he took in what I had said. Tamara started to get up. Tom gently pulled her back and looked at her.

“Is that what you really want, Tamara? This old man?”

“Everyone else except you, Tom, know she does.” I said.

Tamara’s face paled. She looked at me.

“Don’t look at me, Tamara. Look at the man you love. You do, don’t you?”

She turned her head towards Tom.

“Yes,” she whispered.

I walked away, back to Nicola who was coming towards me. Everyone else was still crowded around the History Society’s display. She hugged me.

“What have you done, Geoff?” She said, looking past me at Tamara and Tom, still kneeling but with their arms around each other.

“Told Tom, but not in so many words, that he should marry Tamara. I think it worked.”

“You romantic idiot! You could have...”

“But I didn’t. They love each other, Nicola.”

“And I love you but sometimes you are impossible, Geoff.”

“I know. That’s not likely to change. But while I’m being impossible, why don’t I go even further?”

“Further? Haven’t you done enough?”

“No, Nicola.”

I knelt down in front of her.

“Geoff! You can’t! Not now!”

I smiled up at her.

“Yes, Nicola. I can. Will you marry me, please?”

She paused, looking over my head at Tom and Tamara still kneeling side by side, closely wrapped together.

“If you love me like Tom does Tamara...”

“I do,” I said.

“Then, yes Geoff, I will marry you.”

“Thank you, Nicola. I will try to make sure you never regret it.”

I fumbled in my trouser pocket to produce the box with the ring.

“Here you are, Nicola. My mother’s engagement ring. It should fit.”

Nicola pretended to hit me.

“You knew you were going to propose, Geoff, didn’t you?”

“Let’s just say I was prepared in case there was a suitable moment, Nicola, my new fiancée. And Tamara’s love for Tom was the catalyst.”

Nicola pulled me up into a kiss. When we ended that kiss she rested her head against my shoulder. An entwined Tom and Tamara walked up to us.

“Thank you, Geoff,” Tom said. “I didn’t realise...”

“I gave you enough hints, Tom,” Tamara interrupted. “But thank you from me too. We’re engaged.”

“So are we,” Nicola said.

“Congratulations,” Tom and Tamara said together.

“And congratulations to you too,” Nicola said. She and Tamara hugged each other. Tom and I shook hands.

“Shall we tell them?” I said, pointing to the other people who were as yet unaware of us.

“Why not?” Tom said. He clapped his hands loudly.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” Tom shouted. They all turned to look at us.

“We have an announcement to make.”

Tamara squeezed his hand.

“Tamara and I are engaged.”

They all started clapping. Tamara’s former associates rushed across to her for a session of hugging and kissing that included Tom.

“And we have another one,” I said loudly. “Nicola has agreed to be my wife.”

Anja, Dvina, Sanja and Tamara swamped Nicola and me. Both couples were congratulated by everyone. Eventually I was able to speak again.

“Although our engagements are important and unexpected,” I said, “the original purpose of today was to get ideas about the future use of this building. Obviously this chapel will be retained, but what do I,” I stopped myself. “No, WE, do with the rest of the site?”

There were a few diffident suggestions such as turning the chapel into a community hall, building houses behind the chapel, or making flats out of the 1920s structures.

Then Tom said something:

“Why don’t you learn from the Courtaulds work at Eltham Palace, Geoff? You could use the chapel for entertaining. But you and Nicola will need a family home. Why not here?”

“Why not?” Nicola added. “This building has had a sad past. I’d like to see it as a happy place. It will always mean a lot to Tamara and me.”

The planning officers were dubious. They knew about Eltham Palace but weren’t sure that the local councillors in the 21st Century would support such a radical transformation.

Their concerns irritated me. I thought Tom’s suggestion was a good one. Of course it would be difficult to sell to the local councillors, but so would any proposal that wasn’t boringly conventional.

Tom’s suggestion sparked an interesting debate. Even Alan the architect was shocked but gradually there was a consensus that the idea was worth investigating.

Nicola whispered in my ear.

“Geoff, I like the idea of using the chapel as a room for entertaining. Why not hold our wedding reception here – on Halloween?”

“Halloween? But the chapel is haunted. Wouldn’t that be asking for trouble?” I whispered back.

“They are supposed to be friendly ghosts, Geoff. Perhaps they’d like it.”

“You’re sure, Nicola?”

“Yes, Geoff. Tom and Tamara could share the reception too. Ask them.”

We managed to separate Tom and Tamara from the crowd. Nicola made her suggestion. Tamara was enthusiastic. Tom had mild reservations, like me, but we couldn’t argue with our new fiancées. Nicola wanted us to make it a costume party and re-create the monks and nuns.

That idea brought all five women together in a huddle because party planning is important. Tom and I started discussing how a miniature Eltham Palace might work. We involved Alan and Mike. Within a few minutes we had separated into different groups.

Nicola had produced a writing pad from her handbag and was frantically scribbling ideas for the Halloween and Wedding Reception.

I found some paper. I made a sketch of the site but Alan wasn’t happy with my draughtsmanship skills. He made a better plan, outlining the older buildings that we wanted to keep.

By the time the event was over, I had enough ideas for Alan to consider an outline planning application to demolish the 1920s structures and build a five bedroom family house. Nicola and the women had agreed to meet again soon to discuss how they could stage the party.


By a week before Halloween Alan had submitted the planning application. The public consultation period had produced support and surprisingly no public objections. It might even be approved by the Council’s officers without the need to refer to the Planning Committee. The Councillors would have to be consulted when we converted the outline into a defined structure, but we could start demolishing before then – if we got approval from the officers.

Nicola and Tamara were meeting frequently. Apart from the party, they had agreed to have a joint wedding. We four had decided on a quiet Church wedding. The organisation for the reception seemed much more elaborate than for the wedding. The reception would be very small at just ten people. The two Brides and Grooms would be joined by the other three women who had been in the former brothel, and their three builder husbands. Mike and Alan had been invited but declined. Both would be involved with Halloween activities for their grandc***dren.

The five women cluttered one of the rooms in Tom’s large house with their sewing. Apparently the wedding and bridesmaids dresses, from local charity shops, only needed simple alterations. The costumes for the Halloween reception had to be made from lengths of material.

Why? Those coming to the Halloween reception would be just ten. The men would be Tom, me, and the three builder husbands. The women would be Nicola, Tamara, Anja, Dvina, and Sanja, two brides and three bridesmaids.

We didn’t have electricity in the chapel apart from the long extension leads used by the builders. Putting electric light into the chapel without damaging the fabric would require detailed permission from the conservation experts. That would take months, if it was possible. Nicola asked me to find some battery-run candles for the candle holders, as many as possible. I found twenty. They should give us enough light for most things.

I knew that the three builders had been asked to reproduce the chapel fittings as described by the Commissioners. I didn’t ask questions, just paid Mike’s bills from time to time.

Nicola, Alan and I had spent many hours trying to produce an acceptable design for our house. Our real problem was that until the 1920s additions had been removed we wouldn’t know what ancient buildings would be left. Whatever we designed would have to fit around the original buildings. Eventually we agreed what Nicola and I wanted but not how our requirements would work as a building.

A week before our wedding Nicola asked me to take her to the chapel after dark. She wanted to see whether the battery operated lighting would be enough, and to check how well we had reproduced the chapel’s layout compared with the Commissioners sketch.

I was still nervous about going to a haunted chapel after dark but if Nicola was with me I hoped the ghosts would leave me alone. I collected her at six o’clock. I had to park about one hundred yards away, reminding me that I need to get parking on the site.

Mike had laid temporary wiring from the mains supply in the former reception area. The route to and from the chapel was lit by fittings temporarily attached to the ceiling. Most of the power on the rest site was provided by cables snaking across the floor. None of the wedding party would go anywhere near those cables.

Inside the chapel I switched on my small torch to find the first two battery powered candles. As my hand reached out for the switch another hand caught my wrist. I was about to ask Nicola what she was playing at.

My mouth was covered with a thick cloth. I heard Nicola gasp and then as sound of her struggling. I was struggling too but my arms were tightly held.

“Welcome, Geoff, and Nicola,” a female voice said, echoing in the chapel. “We had hoped you would come together with no one else.”

“Don’t worry,” another female voice said. “You’re in no danger from us. We want to thank you for retrieving our chapel and we want to show you that the recorded history is false.”

“sister Helen, please can we have some light?” That was the first voice again.

We heard the clicking of a tinder box, saw a taper being lit, and then taken to candles mounted around the walls of the chapel. As more on more were lit we could see that Nicola was held by three women dressed as nuns. A cloth was being held against Nicola’s mouth. I was held by four nuns, one standing behind me hold my gag in place. Two more nuns were standing by the altar.

“Geoff, Nicola. We don’t want to restrain you.” I was the first voice again. She was behind me holding my gag. “Although you can’t leave because the chapel door is locked, we will let you go after you have listened to us. You might find our tale amusing. If you are really frightened, just tell us and you can leave. But I don’t think you will want to.”

She flipped the gag away from my mouth. Nicola’s gag was also taken away.

“Shall we sit down?” She pointed at a table, my table, with twelve chairs around it.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“Isn’t it obvious? I’m the Abbess. Abbess Mary, head of this religious establishment. Or perhaps I should say ‘I WAS Abbess Mary, head of what was apparently a religious house’.”

“I wish I could say ‘I’m pleased to meet you, Abbess Mary’, but your appearance is unexpected and slightly worrying.”

“Very worrying,” Nicola added.

“I’m sorry, but if you’ll let me explain, you shouldn’t be alarmed. Please sit. Why not? It’s your table, your chairs, and we are now tenants in your property, Geoff. Sit?”

We sat down. Nicola’s hand held mine. Abbess Mary sat opposite us with five other nuns. There were two nuns either side of Nicola and me. Although they were ghosts they seemed solid enough, and smiling at us.

“I did say this was a religious establishment,” Abbess Mary started. “It wasn’t in our time. It HAD been one until my father bought it from the monastic order who had built it. They were French and had closed it down because of friction between the English and French. I...” She paused.

“I was a fallen woman. I was pregnant but my intended had been killed fighting the French. My father bought this place as a retreat for my shame. He could say I had become a nun. The other ladies who joined me here were in similar difficulties so all ten of us were due to produce bastards. We did. We set up a nursery and then a school in the buildings, including local c***dren with our own.”
“But we still wanted sex...” A nun beside Abbess Mary interrupted.

“This is sister Helen. Apart from her title, she was actually my younger sister, also pregnant by my devious fiancée. It was just as well he died in the wars otherwise my father might have killed him anyway. sister Helen is right. We wanted sex. The Abbot and his monks were our lovers.”

“Where are they?” I asked.

“Them? That’s part of the story after the Commissioners discovered us. It was obvious that we weren’t genuinely religious but sex-starved women. The men were our sexual slaves, paid well for providing what we wanted. Abbot and Monks they were not. Well-endowed young men? Yes, they were. We wore them out and had to replace them after about a year. The five who were here when the Commissioners arrived didn’t deserve death for being our sexual partners. So they didn’t die.”

“Neither did we,” That was Helen again.

“sister, let me tell the story, please. Our father, and the other women’s parents were displeased that the deception had been discovered. They were all powerful men and the Commissioners were not averse to receiving cash in hand as long as the buildings became the King’s. They concocted the story of the men’s’ plea that we were witches. The men were condemned to life imprisonment in the dungeons of Dover Castle where they would be forgotten. They were soon forgotten because they were never in the dungeons. They went to London with new names. As for us, strangled and dumped at sea? Rubbish! We went to Calais and then a few miles beyond the area controlled by the English to start another women’s refuge. No one knew or cared what some Englishwomen were doing in a former chateau, particularly as we paid for our supplies and services in gold.”

“If you didn’t die associated with this chapel, why are you still here?” Nicola asked.

“Because this is the place where we were happiest. We were young, fit and well swived daily by handsome young men. When we did eventually die, surrounded by our c***dren and grandc***dren, we wanted to return here to the scenes of our happy youth.”

Abbess Mary paused. She waved a hand. The furnishings of the chapel changed. The replica altar and Priapic pillars we had installed changed slightly.

“This is how it was when those Commissioners came. Nicola? Can you bring Geoff to the altar? I want to show you what it was really like.”

Nicola stood up and virtually dragged me to the altar.

“sister Helen? Show them how it works, please.”

Helen lay on her back across the altar. Her hips were higher than her torso. Her legs, bent at the knees, dangled off one end. Her head was supported by a projection at the other end.

“Whoever is lying on the altar can be secured in place,” Abbess Mary said, “and their head clamped firmly. Usually that isn’t necessary because our sacrifices were willing volunteers. Geoff? Please take Helen’s place so that Nicola can appreciate the advantages.”

I was not sure I wanted to do that. Nicola squeezed my hand.

“Go on, Geoff. This could be interesting.”

“You want to do this?”

“Yes, Geoff.”

I matched sister Helen’s position on the altar. It was surprisingly comfortable, padded underneath my body.

“If we turn our backs, Nicola, you can try...”

I didn’t hear the rest. Nicola had flipped up her skirt and had sat on my head. Her thighs were against my ears. My lips were against her labia. She hadn’t been wearing panties. She moved slightly forward, spreading her thighs so I could insert my tongue.

I felt another pair of legs straddle me. My erection inside my trousers was growing rapidly. Could I be fucked by a ghost? The apparent weight of whoever it was seemed to suggest that it was really possible. The weight was removed seconds later. Nicola lifted herself off my face.

“You can see the possibilities, Geoff,” Abbess Mary said. “That was only a demonstration, even if both Nicola and sister Helen wanted to do it properly. But I said we wouldn’t alarm you and jumping on your cock would be going too far on a first meeting.”

“Yes, Abbess Mary, that would be alarming,” I replied. “I can appreciate the utility of the altar, but being ridden by a ghost? That would be worrying.”

“It shouldn’t be,” sister Helen said. “We are very experienced.”

“sister?” Abbess Mary interrupted. “Please let me do the talking. Nicola, Geoff, what we would like to do is to come to your wedding reception on Halloween. Of course you’ll have to ask Tom and Tamara as well, but we could be the entertainment, perhaps? We could enter singing one of our chants...”

“Chants?” Nicola asked. “Most of us had heard singing but they didn’t sound like chants.”

Abbess Mary looked embarrassed.

“We call them chants but they are more like your modern Rugby songs, in Latin of course, but they celebrate making love – physically.”

“Eskimo Nell?” I suggested.

“Perhaps,” Abbess Mary replied. “They are sung from the women’s point of view, praising the male organ and what we can do with it. sisters?”

Abbess Mary stood in front of the altar and raised her hands like a conductor. The other nuns stood facing her. Nicola and I were to one side of the altar, slightly behind it.

“Jubilate,” Abbess Mary announced. She waved her hand to give the beat and the nuns started singing as she brought her hand down.

She was right. This was nothing like a chant. Although it was in Latin it was very bawdy with hand actions from the nuns. Translating the words in my head was difficult but Nicola, who never studied Latin, got the message of the song easily. Put simply, the bigger the cock the better the ride...

The chorus was simple. After the third repeat of the chorus, Abbess Mary turned to us.

“You can join in with the chorus,”

We did.

At the end of the song, the nuns were giggling.

“That’s a sample of what we’d like to do tomorrow evening,” Abbess Mary said. “If we are welcome.”

“I’d like all of you to be there,” Nicola said without consulting me. “I’ll just ring Tamara and see if she’ll agree.”

Nicola did. She walked to the doorway into the chapel and used her mobile to ring Tamara. They spoke for about five minutes. Nicola came back to us.

“Tamara would be delighted,” Nicola announced.

“How about Tom?” I asked.

“Tom? He’ll do whatever Tamara wants.”

I could see that Tom and I are going to have to accept that tomorrow’s brides will expect to be the decision makers in our married lives.

“Don’t worry, Geoff,” Abbess Mary said. “You’ll enjoy it. So will Tom. sisters? Another song. You know which one.”

The nuns serenaded us again. This time the actions were even more explicit. During the last verse Abbess Mary, sister Helen and Nicola surrounded me and performed the actions against my body. When they ended my erection was almost unbearable.

“We’ll leave you two until tomorrow evening,” Mary said. “Nicola, I think Geoff needs to be on our altar – now!”

The nuns formed up in a double line and walked out of the chapel, singing the chorus of their second song. Nicola pulled me to the altar, unzipped my trousers and mounted me. As she rode me, I could hear the nuns’ chorus in the distance.


The wedding was a very low key affair. Apart from the Brides and Grooms, the three Matrons of Honour and their partners as Ushers, the congregation was no more than about thirty.

After the photo session in the churchyard, everyone else said their farewells. The ten of us walked to the old chapel. The caterers had left the food and drink on a side table just inside the chapel door. We stood around for about an hour chatting before we adjourned to separate rooms to change into our costumes for the Halloween Party as Monks and Nuns. I had left a CD of Gregorian Chants playing in the entrance hall.

We assembled in that entrance hall, in couples side by side dressed as monks and nuns. I had switched the CD player off. Nicola and I pushed open the doors to the chapel. We tried to conceal our surprise. The chapel wasn’t as we had left it a few minutes earlier. It was as it had been last night when Abbess Mary and her nuns had come to us, with some small difference. Instead of a single altar and pillars to Priapus there were four more altars arranged around the original one. There were fewer candles.

I shut the doors behind us. Nicola and I went and stood by the central altar. Why not? It is our chapel.

I heard the nuns singing in the distance. I walked forward.

“Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome Abbess Mary and the nuns of this chapel,” I announced loudly.

Most of them looked at me, puzzled, but swung around as the chapel doors were opened. The nuns entered singing. Our costumes were knee length. Theirs brushed the floor as they entered. Our hoods or headdresses were loose. Their headdresses and wimples were tight around their heads, forcing them to look forwards. They walked up the aisle in pairs and stopped facing Nicola and I.

“Please join in with the chorus,” I asked.

The nuns continued singing, emphasising the chorus. Nicola and I added our voices to the first repeat. By the third chorus most of the others had joined in. Only then did the nuns add the actions to the verses and chorus. Tom started to smile and then grinned broadly. The other three men were startled when their wives started doing the actions too.

At the end of their song, Abbess Mary stood between Nicola and I.

“Thank you Geoff, for introducing us. We have been working on our songs because some of you might not understand our Latin. Here is Jubilate in sister Helen’s translation into English. Again, please join in with the chorus...”

There were gasps at the end of the first voice and chorus. Tom and I had understood that the Latin of Jubilate was obscene, but sister Helen’s translation of this song was as rude as Eskimo Nell. Again there were accompanying actions, very explicit.

After several more songs, and one from Tom – The Good Ship Venus – I offered Abbess Mary and her nuns some champagne to celebrate the double wedding. I wasn’t sure that ghosts could drink. These ones could and obviously enjoyed the champagne. They were mixing with the humans but I could see that the five couples were being assigned to two nuns each. Abbess Mary and sister Helen were with us.

“Geoff,” Abbess Mary said quietly, “In a minute or two I want you and Nicola to demonstrate your position on the altar, please.”

“We will,” Nicola said before I could.

“When do we tell them you are actually ghosts?” I asked.

“When the men are in position with their wives astride them,” Abbess Mary replied. “Not before. You’ll have to do it, Nicola. Geoff won’t be able to...”

“I will, Abbess Mary,” Nicola replied. “I will.”

A few minutes later Abbess Mary waved at us and pointed to the central altar. I positioned myself on it. Nicola and sister Helen stood beside me.

“Ladies and Gentlemen!” Abbess Mary said loudly. “We will demonstrate how the altar was used in our time. If the gentlemen will please match Geoff’s position, each on their own altar, my nuns will help your partners appreciate the utility of the arrangements.”

The four men placed themselves on the altars. The nuns whispered in their wives’ ears. The wives flipped up their husbands’ habits and lowered themselves across the hips.

“The altars are equipped with restraints but I don’t think they’ll be necessary tonight,” Abbess Mary said, “but my nuns will show what is possible.”

One of each pair of nuns stripped off their outer habit, revealing bare breasts. They stood at the man’s head and lowered their torsos until the head was between naked breasts. All the men had almost immediate erections that were quickly claimed by their wives’ bodies. My head was between sister Helen’s breasts.

“Nicola?” Abbess Mary asked, coming to stand beside our altar. The breast smothering nuns eased backwards slightly so that the men could hear.

“As you know,” Nicola started, “this chapel is haunted. Tonight is Halloween, the best time for ghosts to appear. But it might be a more enjoyable evening if we were naked...”

Nicola pulled her habit up and off. sister Helen slid my habit off. The other pairs of nuns revealed the other couples. Each man had a pair of breasts poised over his face with their wives’ breasts in sight. The spare nun at each altar reached around the impaled wife to cradle their breasts.

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CS and the Football Coach

Cs said to me that she didn’t want to fuck the football coach Gregg. But when I talk to Cs I could tell she liked him and she really wanted too but didn’t want to admit it she wanted me to think she didn’t want too. Cs was afraid of hurting me and that maybe that I would not want to be with her anymore. I knew it was lust for her that she liked the idea of someone that thought she was attractive and wanted to have sex with her. I know how hot she is because I have been in love with her for...

Group Sex
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Digital Manipulation

I wanted him from the moment I saw his hands resting on the counter that rainy Friday afternoon at the pharmacy. They were neither callused, like a construction worker’s, nor effete. His nails showed no signs of the dirt or grease that would evince a farmer or mechanic. They were trimmed to the quick, but the beds were long—a perfect end to the shapely fingers they capped. He waited patiently for his purchases to be rung, tapping his fingertips in time to the inoffensively boring music that...

3 years ago
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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop Chapter 4

Drew opened his eyes. No it hadn't been a dream. He was lying on his side. Tess was cuddled into his back. Dave was spooning her. He quietly slid off the bed. First he went to the kitchen to put on a fresh pot of coffee. He returned down the hallway to the bathroom. He was about to walk in when he heard the water start to run. Peeking around the corner he saw that Dave was adjusting the temperature of the shower. "He must have got up just as I left the room," Drew thought. "Do I just walk in?...

3 years ago
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Sex in the Wildpart 2A sexy alliance

Last time I didn't get to introduce you to all the contestants. There are eleven contestants not counting me. There are only two males this year. All the contestants are between the ages of eighteen and twenty six except one person who is thirty five. Percy is the name of one of the boys. He has black hair. His eyes are green like seaweed. He has an athletic body. He has the body of a runner. He seems to be pretty shy. He hasn't really talked much since we got to the island. Jason has blonde...

2 years ago
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The pleasure of older guys

Having first met with ian a couple of weeks ago, after exchanging details on gaydate tv, we finally had our second meet last night. After our first encounter, which as he requested was more of a tender, mutual pleasuring session. I decided this time that i wanted to show him the more dominant side to my nature and asked him if he was ok with being submissive. Being a larger build guy and a bit of a bear himself he had always played the top role but said that he was willing to succumb to me just...

4 years ago
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Jamaica Blacken PT14

AftermathThis brings us up to Dec 2014 and our most significant event - and introduces Robert, our Bull and future MasterDec 2014 --It's been 6 years since that vacation to Jamaica. When we got back we intended to return to our normal Vanilla existence. But we couldn't -- too much had happened. As Jaye put it, the door had been opened to something deep inside both of us and it couldn't be shut.The first few weeks were exciting, as memories of Jamaica filled our heads and fueled our bedroom...

2 years ago
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Udays Toy ft Anna KournikovaChapter 7 Private Consult From A Pasha

Another day had passed, and all was NOT going well on the Middle-Eastern front. At least not from the point of view of Anna Kournikova. We find our heroine securely attached to the Wheel again, the Golden Horseshoe sparkling between her thighs, peeping from between her slightly blood-engorged lips. Tarek had done a magnificent ringing-job indeed, with few to none complications. It had stung somewhat, but in retrospect Anna had to admit that it had been nothing even close to warrant her...

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Cherry Hill Ch 01

The subtle breeze of the early summer morning brought the scent of freshly mown grass through the screened windows of the O’Connor home. The sound of birds chirping in the early morning light mingled softly with the sounds of the neighborhood awakening from its contented slumber. The front door of the small white house opened and a man stepped through the door, bending to pick up the morning paper from the front step. His terry cloth robe parted slightly, clinging desperately to his waist by...

3 years ago
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The Promotion She Deserves Part One

Two fucking percent! Rebecca couldn't believe what she was reading. The letter had been dropped off at her desk via courier, she'd been expecting something extravagant. Truly, even one else was seeing spikes in annual pay since the merger, why was she shown such poor love!Despite the bad news, there was still work to be done today. Rebecca paged her assistant to join her in the office, Penny came as quickly as she always did. Her black skirt hung just below her knees, hiding away most of her...

Office Sex
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house rules

So meet this couple at a site call AFF.I will call them S and J ,they are a south hill couple very rich very classy and also very nice people fun the be around .WE hooked up in January a few years ago ,and would party every month or so. This time it was in Aug. We had house rules that we only partied together all same room sex and fun ,no problem I like it that was ,they are and my self in our early or mid 50's . We were going to get together this time about 6:00 or so it was hot so I rode...

4 years ago
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Sold By Those I Love Book Two of The Rachel Trilogy

The story began in Book One "Betrayed by Those I Love" with parts one and two. The story continues now with "Sold by Those I Love" which is Book Two of my Rachel Trilogy. It might be split it up into several parts once again do to length. I would like to thank Aardvark for the wonderful editing of this trilogy so far. He has been a teacher as well as an editor! Huggles Aardvark! Sold By Those I Love Book Two of The Rachel Trilogy By Angel O'Hare Is this the real life? Is this...

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I Will Take You There Someday

I’ll take you there someday. We’ll pick a campsite, set up a tent and get all of our camping and hiking gear out, all the while touching and playing with each other, whispering naughty things into each others ears. You want me to take you right there at our campsite, but I want to wait until we get there. We pack some fruit, sandwiches, water, and a blanket and we start to walk down to the river. I let you lead the way, but tell you where to go, so I can watch you as you walk. You are so...

4 years ago
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Mere Area Ki Rupali Bhabhi

Hello iss readers me rocky from mumbai ek nae story jo mere are ki rupali bhabhi ki 2nd part hai. Ye story bhi hum do no sath me hi likh rahe hai. Rupali ki aur meri taraf se aap sabhi ko thanks humari story ko itne ache feedbacks dene k liye. Koe bhi girls aunt ya bhabhi mujhse sex karna chahti hai to mujhse mail kare  Aur jo mujhe ladke mujhe mail kar rahe hai kisi aunty bhabhi aur ladki ka no k liye to unke liye khas ye bata du. I will never ever share any contact to them. Qki would koe rand...

1 year ago
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Dont get caught playing with markers

At my 10th birthday my grandfather had given me a box of markers and there was a free gigantic marker in the box about 8 cm wide and 25 cm long. As I building a tower with my smaller markers, I accidentally fell on one and drove it into my kitty hard and breaking my cherry in the process. I screamed hard wiggling trying to take it out since it had gone a bit too far and my fingers couldn’t take it out. As I lay teared up my kitty began to get all warm and I got all wet inside it started to...

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Lady in Red Book 2 The Rise of the WarriorChapter 10

Steve and Chip had been somewhat surprised at the delays that cropped up on their trip to Iraq. They had to switch aircraft three times and the trip wound up taking several hours more than they would have expected. "Doesn't it seem strange that they were in such a hurry for you to get to the airport, but sent you on such a round-about way to get to Iraq?" asked Chip as the two men prepared to land in Baghdad. "This whole thing seems odd. Why are they bringing you in, even if the...

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Supervisor and Cashier Part V On a Break

Ashleigh had found someone to take her shifts on Tuesday and Wednesday so she and Andy could spend time together, meet her family, and talk. Andy had dumped a lot of information on her the Thursday prior. I could only imagine what she and Andy were talking about or what conclusions they would reach. I also wondered if Ashleigh would tell Andy about me. I had three full days to wonder about that, and luckily, I had plenty to take my mind off it.On Friday, I arrived to work to find that Ashleigh...

Straight Sex
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Sorkanas Rise Character listincomplete

Sorkana's Rise character list Person: Dragon/Hold/Craft Title Sorkana 'Sorkan' Gold Gayleth/Between Weyr Woman/L Western Weyr K'lar Bronze Carneth/Landing Weyr Leader Zinda Gold Lilith/Landing Weyr Woman/L Rita/R'ta Landing/Between Head Woman Western/Brown Parth D'ven Bronze Torrith/Between Weyr Leader Western...

2 years ago
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Ghost StoriesChapter 10

On the side of the street was a large open green field. Thirty meters from the pavement was a large bonfire, with a gathering of people. On the background was an old large decaying empty mansion. Josh and Reggie parked their cars by the pavement, near this open field where the bonfire was taking lace Josh: I take everything I said about this town back. Archie: Are they celebrating Halloween? Josie: I don't know if they are even wearing costumes. Archie: Josh what do you think is going...

3 years ago
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Changing Channels The House Sitter

Changing Channels- The House Sitter By Zouscha I saw the notice posted on the bulletin board in the university center, and I pulled it off before anyone could beat me to the punch. The note said 'Housesitting- will pay $250 for one week' and it gave a number. Well, I was pretty cash-poor this semester, so I jumped at the chance. I got back to my dorm room and called right away. An airheaded voice came on the phone, and said yes, they were leaving tomorrow. They'd leave the keys under...

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One Night of Bliss

'Across a crowded room.' That's where I first noticed her, and immediately my mind jumped to Rossano Brazzi (his voice dubbed by Giorgio Tozzi) singing those words to Mitzi Gaynor from 'Some Enchanted Evening' in the musical 'South Pacific.' But while the attraction in that movie scene was Nelly Forbush's face, right there in the frat house my eyes dropped a bit lower. And while in the show the song was a precursor of Love, the 'L' word that best describes my emotions that evening was...

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A Genies Magic

Day 1: Your name is Sam Park, you've lived in a small flat in southern London for about several years now. You're just a delivery boy and you have a very low income. Your Physical Statistics: Name: Sam Park, Height: 5'9", Weight: 185 Lbs, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Black, Build: Average, Age: 22 You work for an Indian man named Insif, who basically runs a deli. The man has always been fairly nice to you. Not wealthy himself, he cannot afford to give you much of a pay increase. You are late to work...

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Maxs Chance by robcub32 from Literotica

(Note: This story features characters from "A Clean Start". You don't have to read that story first, but I recommended it.)"Hi, Max!" the familiar voice called out.As I walked out of the locker room, I looked and saw Pete's smiling face standing next to the weight rack. Pete was my best friend Tank's boyfriend or partner or whatever you want to call it."Hey, Pete," I replied back.Pete grinned back. I smiled and shook my head. Pete was just way too happy sometimes. He was a cute little fucker,...

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Love Asian massages? Looking for a happy ending massage at Rub Maps? The idea of an erotic massage at the hands of some Asian dimepiece is a thought that keeps me awake at night. Mostly because I’m jerking off. Not because it worries me or some shit. It’s the kind of shit you always see people doing in movies or hearing about happening to a friend of a friend. The idea of a sensual, oiled massage where some slut jerks your dick or blows you seems like a fantasy.But is it? The hardest part about...

Erotic Massage Sites
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Willful Planning

This is 'Sleep Training Module F-18-43b: Willful Planning' which describes what can happen out there and explains why good wills are important. It is mandatory for all sponsors in the Bedford Military District. There are good ways and bad ways to write your will. The module also explains why some of the clauses in these wills exist. I am Rear Admiral Frank Jefferies and I am currently commander of the 181st fleet out of the Bedford District. My task today is to explain to you why wills are...

2 years ago
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A Reluctant Daughter

Introduction: Purely Fantasy I posted these stories before. I originally wrote them. They are dark and disturbing and the only reason Im posting them again is because some assholes on other sites have been taking my work and winning awards. Let it be known that dirtydiana18 is the true author of this series, and also let it be known that the main character Steph is completely legal when everything goes down. Honey, you in there, he asked. Without waiting for a response he nudged the door open,...

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Prototype TenChapter 13

The erstwhile Imam fell bonelessly to the floor of the mosque, spilling blood from multiple bullet wounds. The crowd stared in bewilderment at the two Americans who, without seeming to do anything, had turned his followers against him. As one, they surged forward, murder on their minds, only to be stopped as if by a giant hand. Without words, each of them 'heard' the words of the Americans. You, and these men, have been mislead. This man deliberately took advantage of the fact that you...

1 year ago
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InnocentHigh Chloe Rose We8217ve Got Company

Chloe and Rion prep for the upcoming chemistry competition with the help of Mr. White – no, not that one. Rion is frustrated because Chloe is underqualified with her lacking scientific knowledge, but Chloe is only doing the competition so that Rion will notice her. The trio decides to take a power nap, but while Mr. White sleeps, Chloe and Rion experience an entirely different type of chemistry. Chloe tries to play coy, but she is beyond excited for Rion to whip out his cock. The blonde teen...

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Humping A Big Boobs MILF In Bangalore

Hi all, I have been an ISS reader for the last 9-10 years. Previously, I used to read Humandigest. But, once they stopped publishing stories, I found ISS which is really helpful for single guys like me. I have been always fantasizing about the stories I read here. After reading stories here, a thought came to me. Why not start writing my own experience in life? So, here it is. This is a 100% true sex story of mine. Let’s begin. This started 3–4 years back when I was new to Bangalore. Being from...

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It Was Just Bridge

The class work at the junior college was much less than stimulating, so there I was again, at the student union, playing bridge.  But this time I was playing with three really beautiful women.  How lucky was that?  Ann, on my left, was a woman I knew as a bridge player and classmate.  I'd met my partner for the first time and Ann's partner was a beautiful, tall, black woman whom I  had seen in school but not met. As my partner and I won the hand I said, "Come on Ann, concentrate, you should...

Group Sex
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MomsBoyToy Lauren Phillips Anything For Mom

Lauren Phillips has a stepson in Juan Loco and this hot busty mommy really wants to use him as her own personal boy toy. She asks Juan for help in the small kitchen and makes sure to show off her T&A to their fullest potential in the most innocent-seeming way possible. She follows up by giving Juan a hug where she smushes his face into her boobies. Later, Lauren dresses in a lingerie demi-bra and matching thong, then calls Juan into the bedroom to fix her vibrator. He offers to bring her...

3 years ago
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Deanne and Me Chapter One

It was Friday, about two hours before my shift was to end. I glanced at the note that had just been placed on my desk. It was from the office manager of the call center I work in. “Come see me when this call is done” is all it said. Having no idea what bug might be up her ass, I wasn’t looking forward to it but I did as requested. When I walked in her office, she was there with a lady younger than either of us. This woman was a knock-out! Long, thick, dark hair, soft brown eyes, full and...

2 years ago
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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 36

Bryant and David got the Kozlov family settled at the Seaside Inn before heading in opposite directions. David and Maria were going out to an intimate dinner at the Stone Crab Resort. The teenage girls had planned an evening of miniature golf and go-kart racing. Jan and Bryant settled down at her house for a quiet evening at her house. "Did you get all the invitations out for tomorrow?" Bryant asked. "I told Linda," Jan replied. "That should be enough." Bryant laughed aloud and...

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The Fundraiser Part 1

The Fundraiser Part One Note: This story does have sex…it just comes near the end. No one under 18 involved. Every January for the past 15 years I have blocked out the fourth weekend of July to participate in a two hundred mile bike ride to raise money for medical research. Starting at one end of the state and ending at the other, thousands of spandex clad men and women of all ages, shapes and sizes come from all over the country to further the cause. The event has been going on for almost...

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The Bet

At school, I was on the wrestling squad. I wasn’t exactly stocky, but well-built. Apart from wrestling, I also dabbled in martial arts and boxing. The latter was not my forte and didn’t come to me naturally, because my foot and hand speed were never quite up to scratch. But when it came to grappling, I was able to hold my own.I was also not the greatest student and settled for a trade after leaving high school. I chose the electrical route. Two years after school, I had completed my trade and I...

Gay Male
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Separation Anxiety

Even though I know I'm going to miss her while she's gone, I was also excited about the prospects of flirting online again with JS. Nothing was ever going to happen in real life, neither one of us would let that happen, but the sexual chemistry for a good on-line flirt is there (or so I hope).I guess my mind got caught up thinking about her sexually, after she and Suzie joked about her breast exam by a male Doctor. There was some silly reference to men and boobs – and she had some big ones. ...

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Neighbors Chapter 4

Matt left the shop, seeing that it was fully dark and he glanced at his watch, the dial reading 7:10 PM. He hurried back to his apartment, getting there at twenty minutes to eight. Going up to his apartment, Matt glanced across to his neighbors darkened windows, then changed into his new outfit, slipping on the one pair of cowboy boots he owned and wiped the dust off of them with one of his socks. When he had changed, he looked across to his neighbor’s apartment again. There were no lights on,...

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Mama or papa

I am aruna now I am going to tell you how my best friend rahul going to do something with his sister “owwww….what was that for?” rahul turned around angrily looking at varun. He has just jabbed him with his elbow. Varun just motioned in one direction with his eyes, a big grin pasted on his face. Rahul too looked in the direction to see what had made him so happy. The sight in front of made him go hard in his pants. There in front of them was ayesha, the sexiest girl in their college with the...

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Attraction of the Younger Man

Chapter 1 Jane Seymour, the famous and beautiful actress, had been married two times before and now she was on her third husband. But, as often happens with celebrity marriages, Jane wasn't happy and one of the things she wasn't happy about was that her newest husband couldn't seem to give her a baby. Jane loved being pregnant and she loved the entire process of having a baby from the fucking and efforts to get herself knocked up through the nine months of expectant motherhood and then...

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Footjob Heaven

I have had a foot fetish for a long time. The first time I thought about feet as more than feet, I was in high school. I used to play with my neighbor’s feet. She would let me as I would massage them. Ever since my first encounter with them I have wanted to suck on them. As I grew older my desire grew greater and I also began to want to fuck feet. I had read and watched so much porn about feet and footjobs. My favorite were ones were bare toes were sucked, feet were fucked and soles were...

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Irgentwie hat mich ein Verdi-Mensch dazu überredet Personalrat zu werden und ich wurde tatsächlich gewählt. Dröge Sitzungen aber immerhin ich musste nicht arbeiten und bekam mit was alles in der Firma läuft. Dann kam die Sprache auf Vanessa. sie ist eine bildhübsche Azubine, blonde Haare, immer sexy gekleidet, klein tolle Figur, tiefer Ausschnitt toller Busen. Leider hat Vanessa mehrmals unentschuldigt gefehlt, hat gelogen und steht im Verdacht geklaut zu haben. Alle meinen sie sei psychisch...

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The Devils PactChapter 32 Decisions

Desiree de la Fuente I caught Alison's eyes across the dining room, across all the shouting women. They had just left. Mark and Mary. With a few words, I was suddenly horrified to discover I didn't choose to be their ... slut. My entire world was crumbling as I realized for the last three weeks of my life I had been a different person, a plaything for Mark and Mary. Someone to satiate their lusts and cook them food. I had always thought of myself as a strong, independent woman, not easily...

4 years ago
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A Holiday to Remember

Late in the summer of 2010 I went on holiday with my mum Jane and I took my mate kyle with me.We went to tenerife for a week , the hotel was really nice and because I had kyle with me I wouldn't get boredThe first 2 days we just had a good look round the hotel and just chilled out reallyMy mum would just go down to the pool and read her books all day working on her already dark tan My Mum Is 48 and looks quite good for her age she is around 5 ft 8 , a little chubby but not big she has short...

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Batcrazy NymphoChapter 3 Who

The Big Reveal One Week Later - September 2015 My wife and I put a lot of thought into the script for our next meeting, the dramatic big reveal; she wanted to surpass the Mother of Dragons reveal at the end of season one of “Game Of Thrones.” (Movie folks always think in those terms. It was a striking reveal.) My driver could get Jace to the house between 1:30 and 2. He would skip stopping for lunch, my driver would have a sandwich and a cold beer for him. Then what? Does he shower before or...

2 years ago
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Martina S. streicht die langen blonden Haare aus ihrem hübschen Gesicht und setzt ihr gewinnendstes Lächeln auf, als sie im grellen Scheinwerferlicht der Kamera an der Wohnungstüre der Familie Schmidt klingelt. Insgeheim verflucht sie jedoch ihren frischangetrauten Ehemann Robert, der sie ohne ihr Wissen zu dem einwöchigen „Frauentausch“ angemeldet hat, weil er meinte, dass sie das Geld für ihr geplantes Studium sehr gut brauchen könnten. Sie muß jetzt halt irgendwie das Beste aus der Situation...

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Wifes First Time with Older Mans Thick

We've been together 10 years, married 5 of those. Lately (several months) our sex life hasn't been great. Everything else in the relationship has been great though with no issues. Over past several months the work-life balance has gotten better of us both and our sex life suffered due to stress, etc. We went out on our monthly "date" night and had some drinks and live music. We both discussed the elephant in the room and talked about ways to liven up the bedroom. We have toys, massage bars,...

1 year ago
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FuckingAwesome Kayla Kayden The Workout

In The Workout sexy young blonde Kayla Kayden is looking to get over her cheating ex-boyfriend Alex Legend. Kayla had been moping around while trying to forget about her ex, so she decided to hire a personal trainer to help get her motivated. The private workouts were going well but Kayla realizes that she still needed that hot rebound fuck. The gym session gets a lot more intense as Kayla takes off her top to put her perfect DD tits on display. She makes good use of her trainer as she gets...


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