"A Mother's Seduction"..con't. free porn video

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I didn’t see mom again until dinner time. She was quiet, a bit preoccupied I guess; enough so that Dad asked her if everything was all right. “Yeah, fine.” She tells him as she moves the food around on her plate with her fork. “I have a report I have to finish by Monday, that’s all. I can’t seem to get it out of my head.” She shot a quick glance in my direction; a snotty glance. We sat and ate; my father asking the usual questions. “How was school?” “How’s baseball going’?” Bla— Bla— Bla— Bla… Every once-in-a-while, I caught Mom looking at me. She was hard to read. One time she looked mad, the next time, she didn’t. I was beginning to worry about the repercussions heading my way.

The rest of the night went relatively normal. After dinner the dishes were cleared, Dad sat down in front of the TV watching baseball, and Mom sat at the dining room table going through her briefcase. The only thing different was the fact that I found myself looking at my Mom a lot. For a second, I wondered how my Dad managed to get a woman as beautiful as my Mom and how lucky he was. Then after a few more minutes of thought I realized with the bitching and the mood swings Mom was notorious for…I figured that maybe Dad broke even on the whole thing. But she certainly was hot

Her hair was back in a pony-tail; the tail hanging well past her shoulders. She had a long, off-white sun dress on that had some-kind of yellow and pink floral print over one shoulder and down the other side. She seemed to float as she walked. She was bare foot; something she didn’t do often. I found it very “Girl next door”, although she was way more beautiful than any girl that had ever lived next door; or on the entire street.

Her make-up was light, her lips a pretty shade of pink. Her make-up looked fresh; like she’d freshened up a bit before dinner. That was something she didn’t normally do. She looked much younger then forty-three. She looked… …Well, like she should be on the cover of some magazine.

I was sneaking glances at my Mom so much that I started to feel self-conscious. I told them that I had a book report coming up and headed up to my room “To read”. “That’s my boy”, my old man boasted. “He’s something’ isn’t he Kat?” {Kathy} Dad asked, never taking his eyes off the TV. “Oh yeah, he’s something alright.” Mom agreed as she looked away from her paperwork only to find me staring at her again. I was close enough to first see her cheeks fill with color and maybe a hint of embarrassment in her eyes and then, the next second, her lips tightened and her eyes narrowed. She quickly turned back to her work. Talk about hard to read, Holy Fuck. It was like living with Mrs. Jeckle & Mrs. Hide.

I went upstairs and read for a book-report that wasn’t due for three weeks. I straightened up my room and fucked around on my computer. I did anything to try and stop from thinking about what Mom had done this afternoon. But wouldn’t you know it; I ended up on a porn site dedicated to “Mature Women”.

I was browsing through pictures and movie clips, stopping at the ones that reminded me of my Mom. There were a lot: ‘Moms’ getting themselves off; home alone, in the car, even in store dressing rooms. It was wild. I saw ‘Moms’ doing their ‘son’s’ best friends and even their son’s girlfriends too. And I watched movie clips of ‘moms’ doing more than one young boy at a time. It was pretty hot. I didn’t see any Mom’s doing the family pet but I’m sure, given the time, I would have eventually wound up there.

I‘d gotten sucked into the computer and was shocked when I noticed the time. It was 12:20. Normally my parents would say good-night before they went to bed. I figured that Dad had fallen asleep watching TV again and Mom was probably just pissed off or too embarrassed to bother.

I got up out of the chair and looked down at the bulge in my pants. I gave it a little rub and kinda smiled, picturing my Mom on her knees in front of me. I still couldn’t believe it. I grabbed hold of the bulge and started to prance around the room like I was riding a stick horse. Evidently I was in an exceptionally good mood.

“I guess I’m gunna have to take care of you before I’ll be able to go to sleep, huh Partner?” I told the front of my pants. “You’ll have to wait a few minutes though.”

I figured I’d get ready for bed, {I sleep in my old gym shorts.} then I’d slip down to the kitchen real fast and get a drink before I came back up to deal with this hard-on I had. I slipped into my gym shorts, adjusted my hard dick, and headed for the kitchen.

I quietly walked down the steps. Sure enough, there was dad sleeping on the couch snoring away. I slipped into the kitchen and reached for the light switch. I saw my Mom, her back to me, still sitting at the dining room table in front of the work she’d brought home. She had changed for bed. She wore a pretty short, black night dress with thin straps that showed a great deal of leg. It was hot!!

She was leaning back in the chair, her head tilted way back and she was pulling at the scrunchie that held her hair in a ponytail. I watched her arch her back as she stretched. She was tired. I couldn’t help but stare as she freed her long hair, ran her fingers through it, and then shook it out with a quiet moan and the slow, sexy swaying of her head.

She reminded me of one of those hot babes on the shampoo commercials. “More shine-Better body”
I watched silently, Dad snoring in the back ground, as she stretched her arms over her head and then she wiggled her fingers to loosen them. A slow tired grown escaped her as she dropped her hands and rubbed her neck and shoulders. I was mesmerized. I could feel my shorts getting even tighter. I instinctively reached down and adjusted my dick again.

“Jesus.” I heard my mom whisper. “I can’t believe it.” She moaned quietly to herself. I was pretty sure I knew what she was thinking about. I watched from the shadows of the kitchen as Mom massaged the back of her neck. “You have to stop thinking about it.” She advised herself under her breath before putting her elbows on the table and burying her face in her hands. She shook her head slowly with regret and sighed long and slow.

It was right then, remembering the attitude Mom had when she first caught me this afternoon that I got an idea…

I quietly walked up to my Mom. I reached out and put my hand on her shoulder. She jerked around and saw that it was me. “You scared the shit out of me.” She barked quietly. Her eyes immediately caught the big bulge in my gym shorts as I stood next to her.

“I was just thinking about you, Mom.” This time it was me that was throwing around the sarcasm.

“Yeah well, I’m having a little trouble finishing this report so if you don’t mind. . .” Her eyes bounced back and forth between my eyes and my shorts nervously. She leaned to one side a little to catch a glimpse of the couch. Dad was still sleeping. I just stood there.

“What do you want Robert?”
“ I just came down to get a drink and saw you here. You look kinda. . . . . .stressed.”
“Well, I have a lot on my mind.”
“I bet you do”, I responded.

Mom cocked her head a little, trying to figure out what I was up to. She again looked at the erection I was sporting. “I don’t think you should be walking around like that.” She says nodding her head towards the front of my shorts with a disgusted look on her face. She shot another look towards the couch. I looked down at the bulge. “It wasn’t like that when I came down the steps.” I lied.
“Is that so?”
“Yeah, I got that watching you doing the hair-thing and all.” I told her matter-of-factly.

She looked a little surprised at my bluntness and a little uncomfortable with it as well. I was glad to put the shoe on the other foot. “Robert, what do you want?” She asked sternly.
“I’m not really sure.”
“Something else to hold over my head no doubt.” She hissed with a snotty whisper.

She turned to her paperwork for a few seconds while she assessed the situation. She bit her lip a little and softly scratched her face with her long fingernails. She turned a little more in her chair so she could see the couch better and talk to me at the same time. She looked worried.

“That should have never happened Robert. . .” She started. “. . .but it did and we can’t change that.” She says. “I think it would probably be best if we just forget today ever happened.”

“Best for who?” I shot back; glad that I was holding some good cards this hand.

“So what are you going to do…Blackmail me?” She says, shocked that I might even consider such a thing. Blackmail hadn’t really entered my mind ‘till then.

“I have an idea.” I told her.

“Is that so?”

“Yeah…” I leaned in closer, “How about… …another blowjob?” I asked with a lump in my throat. I was really hoping I didn’t look as scared as I really was. I was fucking around with fire here.

She jerked her head back on her neck. “Robert!” She shot a look towards the couch. “. . .You need to shut up. What if your father wakes up and hears you?” She asked in a quiet but stern voice.

“Well… …that wouldn’t be very good.” I said sarcastically. She stared at me for a few seconds.

“Bobby?” {I was “Bobby” again}She looked pretty tense. “We can talk about this tomorrow morning after your Father leaves to play golf.”

She had a hopeful look in her eyes. But she hadn’t let me off the hook that easily this afternoon. “We can do that.” I told her.

She looked a little relieved. But before she had a chance to say anything or get to comfortable, I told her, “But for right now…” She looked at me attentively. “I think that maybe you should take care of this.”

I swallowed hard. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but I did it anyways. I pulled the front of my shorts down. A bold move for sure. Sink or swim here. “Bobby!” She gasped as she slid her chair back real quick. She looked down at my hard-on and jerked her head towards the couch again to make sure my dad wasn’t sitting there watching all this. He snored lightly with his back to us.

“Robert! Put that thing away before your father wakes up.”

I leaned in towards her a little and whispered, “I guess we’d have some explaining to do, wouldn’t we Mom?”

“You can’t be serious…” She hissed. “You want me to do that …Here?… Now?”

I was standing my ground. Believe me, the thought of my Dad waking up and catching me exposing myself to mom, scared the shit out of me. But the thought of what my Mom had done earlier that day; the picture of her with her lips around my cock, well―it was like a d**g. I really wanted more.

Her eyes flickered back and forth from my Dad back to the hard dick right in front of her as she shifted nervously in her chair. She certainly looked conflicted. She looked the way I probably looked when she stood over me in the living room this afternoon telling me that I didn’t have much time to comply with her demands.

She groaned quietly as she scrutinized her predicament. She could have just got up and run up the stairs but she didn’t. She truly was running out of time. Dad could wake up at any second and see us and she knew it.

I didn’t respond. I just stood there with my dick out, waiting. I felt kinda like the family pet that shit on the new carpet. I wasn’t really sure what was gunna happen, but I knew it was coming.

“I can’t do this… …I won’t do this” She hissed under her breath. She took a deep breath; looked over nervously at Dad, and then shot a quick look around the kitchen. “. . Not here.” she whispered anxiously.

“In my room?” I suggested, more than surprised at her response.

“No―Not in your room, Robert.” She rolled her beautiful eyes. “ If your father wakes up. . .” She cut her eyes at him, “. . .and sees that I’m not in our bed, he’ll come looking for me. ”

“How bout the garage then?” I asked with a smirk on my face. {Like the movie she’d caught me watching} She exhaled loudly and rolled her eyes again. “I can’t believe this.” She groaned.

She looked at the couch one last time then back to me. She stood up slowly, “Come on…”

I tucked myself in and followed my Mom. “She’s really gunna.” I thought. “Holy shit!”
I felt like a little k** that just stole Santa’s sled.

Mom led the way to the garage. She opened the door, took one final glance back through the kitchen before descending the five steps into the cool garage. She walked directly to the front of my Dad’s cherry MG; the furthest spot from the kitchen door, and turned to me with her hands on her hips.

“Did you shut the door?”, She hissed.


“Are you sure Robert?”

“I shut the door Mom!”

“Lower your voice. I don’t like having to do this one little bit Robert.” She lied.

She sounded pissed again. But I really didn’t care. All I could concentrate on was that I was going to watch my beautiful mom give me another blow-job. It was dark in the garage. I flipped the tiny light on above the workbench.

“Turn that light off.”


“What do you mean ‘No’? If your father opens that door he’s going to see us.”

“ We can duck down behind the car. I want to watch you.”

“What? Watch? Why?”

“Because you’re so hot.” I told her honestly.

She stared at me for a few long seconds but said nothing. She rubbed her lips together. I thought she was about to change her mind then she slowly, seemingly reluctantly, squatted down.

“Come here.”, she says reaching out for the top of my shorts with a certain measure of distaste on her face. I stepped right up to her and she pulled my shorts down to my knees.

“We have to hurry.” She whispered.

“I know… …Before someone catches us.’” I quoted the movie.

“I just knew this was the kind of shit that got you off.” She whispered under her breath and shook her head slowly as she started to run her long fingers over my hard-on; examining it. Her tone was harsh, but her eyes were soft and wanting.

She glanced up at me, “i****t…” She whispered. “It’s so wrong to make me do this, you know that don’t you?” She added as she returned her attention to the hard dick in front of her. She plucked a tiny piece of lint off the tip of my dick with her long fingernails and flicked it to the floor. She returned to her scrutiny as she moved my hard dick from one side to the other; inspecting, seemingly indifferent like it was a job she’d been doing forever.

She could take all night as far as I was concerned. She looked incredibly sexy down there.

“How long have you been thinking about me like this Robert?” She asked me as she ran her fingertips over me. It was getting a little hard concentrating on the conversation as I watched her.

“I don’t know, for a while I guess.”

“I can’t see why you would want me to do something like this to you.” She says. The question sounded sincere.

“You mean besides the fact that you’re gorgeous?” Another burst of honesty.

She looked up at me as she crouched there. She looked like she actually appreciated the compliment.
She turned us both a little so that the light from the workbench showed her pretty face more clearly. She caught the long strands of hair that hung in her face with the fingernail of her pinky and hooked them behind her ears; first one side then the other.

“Is that better?” She says as she looks up at me. There seems to be no sign of resentment in her eyes.
She opened her mouth wide and I watched my dick slowly disappear.

I gasped, “Jeez!” When she had it all in her mouth she wrapped her full pretty pink lips softly around it and sucked.

She stared into my eyes as she slowly, very slowly, pulled her head back until just the red tip was left between her lips. She was putting on a show. She was teasing me. Showing me just how sensual she could be. “Jesus!” I moaned and rested one hand on the front of the car to steady myself while I watched her do it again. “You look so…so…amazing… doing that.” I told her.

Her pointy tongue twirled slowly around the head of my dick as her hand slid down to the base. She didn’t look like someone being blackmailed. I felt her pinky touch my ball sack. She held me firmly and began to bob her head back and forth over me in earnest; taking all of my hard cock all the way in her mouth until her lips touched her fingers.

She wasn’t fooling around. She wanted to make me cum as fast as she could and she knew just how to make that happen.

She took it out of her mouth and started jerking me off real fast as she glanced at the garage door. She shut her eyes and let her tongue flicker around the head some more. The head of my dick slapped her lips repeatedly, smearing her pink lipstick and covering her lips with my pre-cum.

“This is disgusting. . .” She whispered.

I lost my breath when Mom licked her lips and filled her mouth with it again. I felt her moan as she sucked it.

I slipped my hands behind her head and pulled her beautiful long hair back into a ponytail so I could better see her face. She stopped and looked up at me again with just the head of my dick in her mouth. I held her head still, I felt her slide her hands to my bare hips. I slowly pushed forward. She let me slowly start to fuck her mouth. She didn’t look so mad now.

I can’t describe how she looked. All I can say is that she looked hotter and sexier than any slut I’d seen in any porn magazines or any movies. I could hear her, “Ummm― Ummm― Ummm― Ummm…” each time I pushed it in her mouth. I could feel the tip of my dick hitting the back of the throat with each stroke.

After a few minutes she pulled back, letting my dick fall from her mouth. It was really wet now. She spread her spit all over it as she stroked it quickly. That squishing sound filled the garage.

Then mom stared at my cock and got this disgusted look on her face and said something I wasn’t expecting; “I bet you think about fucking me too, don’t you?” She hissed as she stroked me. I was a bit surprised at the sharpness of her tone. The show that she was putting on made me temporarily forget that she “Didn’t want to do this”.

She looked at my cock as she pumped it and talked. “You probably want to make me bend right over your father’s car I bet, so you can stick this thing in me and fuck me with it right now, don’t you?” She bitched.

I thought the questions might be rhetorical.

She looked up, “Is that what you’re gunna make me do Robert? You gunna tell me you’ll tell your father what we did. . . what I’m doing now.” She stroked me more aggressively. “ Is that what you’re gunna tell me so I have no choice but to let you do that to me?

She was moving her hand faster now. “You’re gunna blackmail your own mother… …Aren’t you? So you can fuck her? Aren’t you Robert?”

I was “Robert” again. She looked kinda mad kneeling there in front of me as she sucked my dick back into her mouth. I thought that behind the phony anger I could see the pleading. I told her with a quick breath what she wanted to hear, “Yes!”

She took one last look at the door that led to my father. I swear I saw her eyes roll back when she sucked my cock back in between her lips.

She sucked and licked it for a minute or so, like she loved the taste; like it was a big Pop-cycle and she couldn’t get enough of it. She pinned it to my stomach with her lips and kissed the belly of it; kissing her way to my balls. It felt amazing. It was all I could do to keep from cumming.

I have to admit, I wasn’t thinking much about my Dad catching us at this point. I don’t think I could’ve cared less at that moment. I was way too wrapped up in my Mom. It became quite apparent that Mom wasn’t giving Dad a lot of thought either when she stood up and turned to face the car. She pulled her night dress up around her waist, and leaned over the hood of the small car.

Her ass was beautiful. A thin black string from her thong separated her firm ass checks. The thin, transparent patch of material that covered her pussy, looked wet. It was soaked with her juices. The juices that I, no doubt, made her secrete.

She looked back over her shoulder, almost maliciously, “Here! Is this what you really want Robert?” She hissed as she reached back and caught the string of her thong with a long fingernail to pull it to one side.

I hesitated. I wasn’t sure who was in control here but quickly decided I didn’t care.

“I knew this was what you wanted when I caught you jerking off to that movie… …You wanted to fuck me, didn’t you? Come on then― Fuck me!.” She demanded through gritted teeth.

I slipped up behind her. My hard cock slipped easily into her wet pussy. I felt mom push back hard to make sure she had it all. She made small circles with her ass as she pushed back. She released her thong, rested both hands on the car, and laid her cheek on the cool red hood of the little MG.

“Come on!” She scowled.

I fished her thong out of the crack of her ass. It was soaked too now. I pressed it to the cheek of her nice round ass with one hand and held her lacey night dress out of the way with the other so I could see better. I started to fuck her. Slow at first; watching it go in and out of Mom’s slippery, pink pussy. “It matches her lips…” I thought. I started to fuck her faster and harder.

In just a few minutes Mom lifted one bare foot up and propped it up on the front bumper. She positioned herself more securely on the front of the car and then did the same with her other foot, spreading them far apart and crouching to keep her ass low enough, giving me a better view and better access. She pushed back on me using the bumper and the windshield for leverage. She felt tighter and it felt like I was in even deeper now.

I held her there and shoved forward as she pushed back. It felt amazing and the view was incredible.
My Mom grunted each time my balls smacked her clit. Each grunt seemed to get a little louder as my thighs slapped into hers.

“Umh― Umh― Umh― Umh― Umh― Umh― Umh―” I don’t know how I lasted as long as I did.

“I’m gunna cum!!!” I groaned through my tight lips.

My mom didn’t slow down a bit. If anything, she moved her ass faster in response.
I let go of her thong and filled my hands with the roundness of each ass cheek. I spread my fingers apart and dug into ass as I drove up into her.

“I can’t believe you’re making me do this…” She grunts. I hear her whine through labored breathing. “You’re making me cum! I’m cumming! I’m cumming too Bobby!!” {I’m “Bobby” again}

The timing couldn’t have been better. I started to shoot a tremendous load of spunk into my Mom’s sweet pussy as she pushed up onto her hands and rocked her ass up and down and side to side. She moved her ass in small circles as she pushed off the windshield of the car.

“Oh God Bobby!!! FUCK!!!” I could feel her ass quivering.

“Oh God!” She says and buried her mouth in her forearm and bit down in an attempt to muffle her moans. “UMMMMMMMMMMMMM” she groaned.

We both came and came hard. I could feel stuff pouring out of her pussy with each trust, running down my balls and onto my thighs. I could feel it splashing my legs as my balls slapped her pussy.

Mom collapsed on the front of the MG trying to catch her breath; her heavy breathing drowning out what she was trying to say. I let my hands glide over her firm ass-checks, running both thumbs down the crack of her ass; marveling at its shape. I hear her moan quietly as my thumb eased over her asshole. I pulled out and slide my fingers down to her soaked pussy.

I took a few seconds feeling how wet and swollen her pussy lips were. They were soft and slippery. I touched her clit. It was hard and swollen. She jerked her ass in response each time my fingertips glided over it. I could feel that Mom’s pussy was smooth, shaved and I spread some of the wetness over its softness.

I don’t know how long we stayed there like that but I was in no hurry to leave the garage. At that point, I doubt I could have even found my way back to my room.

She mumbled something again, but I still couldn’t understand what she was saying with her face buried in her arm. I stepped around to the front fender, “What?” I whispered. “I can’t hear you.”

She lifted her head and looked over at me. She took a deep steady breath and released it. “I suppose you’ll tell your father about this if I don’t let you fuck me tomorrow too.” She bitched as she lay her head back down on the car and concentrated on breathing.

I couldn’t believe that after all this, the “bitchy” had returned full force. I smiled and tucked my wet dick back into my shorts. Nothing she could say now could ruin my mood.

Then Mom did something else that shocked me. She slid off the hood of the car and dropped down to her knees in front of me again. She pulled me to her by the front of my shorts.

“You’ll probably want to do some more sick shit to me after your Dad leaves for the Golf Course tomorrow, Won’t you?”

She griped as she exposed my tired, wet dick. She glided the tip of one finger down its slimy length as it hung semi-soft in front of her. She twirled her finger around the sloppy head a few times then rubbed her thumb and finger together. She looked like she was in deep thought as she watched her fingers sliding back and forth together.

“You’ll wanna do something depraved …Like fuck me on the kitchen table or cum on my face, I bet. . .” She hissed, staring at my prick the entire time she bitched.

She wrapped her fingers around my wet, semi-hard dick and pulled at it roughly, angrily, stretching it. It didn’t really hurt but her attitude kinda caught me by surprise.

“This is i****t…”, she reminds me. “You’re sick…” She growled as she took me in her mouth again. I leaned back on the hood of Dad’s car while she sucked my dick clean.

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This is a transcript of my chat with Darling_Bitch, a domme and one of my first friends when I graduated from romance novels to erotic lit. DB: I still don’t see why you’re going to such extreme measures, CumBunnyHoney. You can’t possibly deserve this. Me: Listen Darling, you wouldn’t know this because you haven’t experienced it, but let me tell you what marital sex is. You close your eyes and watch while your memory and your imagination project a porn video on the dark side of your eyelids and...

2 years ago
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The Statue of Jocasta

*ring, ring* *ring, ring*…. *Click* “Report.” “We lost something from the restricted vault.” “Lost. What did ‘we’ lose?” “Serial number 0001.” “The Order of Saint John doesn’t lose things from the vault! If this breaks containment we may not be able to contain it again. If it spreads… it could take centuries to fix.” “My people are looking. I can fix this.” “You have twenty-four hours. If it’s not back by then I’ll have to call the main office.” “Yes sir. Deus Vult.” “Deus Vult.”...

2 years ago
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The Day That The Orgasms Stood Still

The Day the Orgasm stood still. "Bobby, be quiet, there's a news bulletin on the radio." "What do they mean? UFO?" Bobby asked. "Shh, shut up and listen or I'll box your ears, send you up to your room without dinner, or worse ... make you were a checkered shirt to school tomorrow, now be quiet, I'm trying to hear what they're saying!" Helen Bendover listened intently to the news broadcaster. It seemed impossible that he could actually be reporting that an Unidentified Flying...

2 years ago
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© 1994 - Black Angora Press Kathryn's visit to town was, of course, a welcome event. It seemed like a year since I had gone to Hartford to visit her, though it had only been two months, now it was her turn to visit me. I had picked her up at the airport and brought her back home on Thursday night, where we knoshed on fresh shrimp and dry grape soda. After that, we made passionate love and fell asleep in each other's arms. All in all, a pleasant reunion. But it was only the...

3 years ago
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Bruces Birthday Surprise

Our baby girl was finally sleeping through the night. I started feeling better; worked hard to lose sthe baby fat and get back into shape. It would be Bruce's birthday in a few weeks and I wanted to look good for him and show him my appreciation. On the night of his birthday, we wanted to go out to eat and I told him that we were invited to some friends house for hid birthday surprise. Little did he know that his real birthday surprise was being alone with me in a hotel room for the...

2 years ago
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Marine GamesChapter 3 2nd Games

Bret and Bob were dropped at the departure point by Diane, Heather, Kim, Kelley, Ann, Mark and Andy. Andy was spending a couple of weeks of summer vacation with the 'family.' Bret and Bob were both excited about the opportunity that awaited them. The squad was presented the mission as soon as they landed on the reservation. As Bob and Gunny Smith studied the terrain, Bret focused on his assignment for the mission. The mission was to rescue three hostages being held on a farm. Bret's...

3 years ago
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Borders Crossed Part One

Introduction: The true story of a tangled love affair between two tourists, a mother and her daughter. This is a true story of how three people I know first met and fell in love. The following events are based on what has been recounted to me by the persons involved. However, their names have been changed to protect their identities. ******************************************************************************************************************** Borders Crossed Part One ...

1 year ago
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The Vagina Trap

Alice was glad that girls had vaginas and boys had penises. It seemed logical when one thought about it and she was a bit concerned about the fact that she had to be on the receiving end of the whole business winding up on the bottom ... She had felt a bit cheated when the boys showed her their streamlined tools that were built to pound and hammer on female weak spots but she thought copulation as a lock and a key and she was the lock waiting to be opened by the appropriate key at the right...

1 year ago
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Missy Day Six

I woke up on my back, my t-shirt riding up above my belly button. Before I could open my eyes I felt rough hands pulling down my panties. I opened my eyes to find Daddy kneeling on my bed naked, his fat cock hard and throbbing against his abs. “Daddy needs to fuck baby girl, open your legs.” He said gruffly, his eyes glued to my puffy bare pussy. “Oh!” I said surprised and did as he told. I spread my legs wide and without any foreplay he mounted me, sliding his cock into my tiny pussy...

4 years ago
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Kellys First Time

"Do you like them?" she wanted to ask him. However, she knew she couldn’t seeing as she was his tutor and that was it. Okay, so what if he is a sweet kid. So what if he’s only 19 years old. She was 39. She was way out of his league. Although she was only semi-attractive and faintly pudgy, she could be sexy too, if dressed right she knew. Then she thought "what’s he going to do anyway?" Say he wants to feel me out? "Come on kid" she told herself, that isn’t going to happen in a million years....

First Time
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From Out of the Rain

Introduction: Rob Holden is surrounded by a life of sex, something he didnt want to get involved in. Until an unexpected new visitor arrives… Rob Holden, 15, 6ft 2, 200lbs, blond hair, brown eyes, it all sounds so routine. In fact it was, Robs live was always the same boring circle over and over again. He wanted to break free, live a little more, but he never knew how. Exploring didnt work, it just didnt help him fulfil his wants. But what youre about to hear sounds like a massive story of...

2 years ago
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Love Amongst Tragedy

Donovan Powers watched her silently from beside a cottonwood tree. He looked on as she ran her hand slowly across the engraved name on the smooth granite gravestone. It was as if Linden Sealy couldn’t believe he was gone. Neither could Donovan. At first, only a single tear formed in her eye, spilling over to streak down her pale cheek. After only a moment, more tears followed the first. Suddenly, the sky opened up, mixing ice cold rain with her tears. She raised her face to the harsh...

3 years ago
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Construction Team

His eyes blinked and he yawned, he knew it was morning and his cock was hard with morning wood. He rolled over and took hold of his wife of three years, and kissed her on the cheek. His hands went directly to her breasts and he started to make her nipples harder. She stirred in her sleep and said ‘Tommy, don’t please.’ It didn’t make any difference, as he rolled over and pushed her legs apart. She knew her breath was bad from sleeping overnight. He crawled on top of her and pushed his cock...

4 years ago
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Jim and Stacy Naked in SchoolChapter 3

Wednesday morning; Jim and Stacy get to school early like they did yesterday, but this time they decided to wait until the other program boys and girls get there to strip, but the principal gets there before the last two get there. He tells the six who are there to go ahead and strip. They told him that they were waiting for the others. He tells them that they were required to strip as soon as they were on school property. As this fact was not made clear to you I will not punish any of you...

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Darkside Miners

The last time the water bandits had hit Frank Kabrosky and Jose Ferrera's claim, they were unprepared. Five anonymous figures with shiny faceplates, three wicked looking clubs with sharp spikes on the ends, and they had to flee in awkward hopping bounds, to preserve suit integrity, leaving the bandits to transfer six-thousand gallons of water they had toiled the past four months to refine from the unforgiving hard rock extraction mine. There are no guns on the moon. Just five months earlier,...

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Almost a Virgin

This is the first story in a series about the sexual adventures of Maggie. Each story is complete in itself, but taken together they are a sexual biography. “I, Margaret Smith, pledge to God, myself, my future husband, and my family that I will remain sexually pure until I am united in holy matrimony.” It was 1968 and seven girls and five boys took the pledge of chastity on a hot summer night in the basement of the First Baptist Church in the Kansas town of Smoky Hill. Maggie had just...

4 years ago
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DIY Teens ptIII

After a couple of weeks of sneaking around we would go to Gary’s house every Wednesday night and Saturday afternoon when his Mum was at the shops or Bingo and his Dad and brother at a football match or the pub and fuck, suck and masturbate like horny rabbits. I just couldn’t get enough of his stiff cock in my hand, mouth or pussy and I soon developed a love of his sticky spunk and would drain his cock at any opportunity; most afternoons behind some garages near my house on the way home...

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Turning Into an Alien

I was human and hated it, I was an albino and could not even go out into the light of day. I was extremely smart and on Gavin that mattered. I watched many races and the one I wished I had been born into would have killed me at birth. That did not stop me from watching and dreaming. I studied many things, only one mattered to my plans. My dad had been an engineer and my mother a bio gene engineer. I had spider spies in dozens of Kaire clan homes. One was a extremely large clan that was...

3 years ago
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The Girl Next DoorChapter 3

"But it's our first school disco, Paulie ... you've got to go!" Penny Palmer was 12 and excited! "You know I don't like that stuff, Pen ... what you mean is, you want to go, so I have to," Paul Jennings replied. They had lived next door to each other for seven years now and were about as close as it was possible for two non-related people to get: although they were so emotionally attuned, that they acted more like twins than friends. "Well ... yes ... but I'm sure you'll enjoy it...

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Teresa the Dirty Stripteaser

My Stepmother Teresa hadn't done much, it seemed, in quite a while, since her last experience documented in her other stories. She dressed pretty conservatively again, and all seemed quiet and placid in our lives.This peace was broken one day, however, when I was walking with Mum around the corner, past the local shops. There was a group of youths in their late teens hanging around outside the shops, and although I knew their faces from experiencing their nuisance making and petty vandalism in...

3 years ago
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A Boy and His dungeon XIV

Friday morning, Jill and I were on our way to London to bring Jennifer home. We rented a small trailer, and the three of us had all of Jennifer's things loaded, including her scooter, and were on the road by mid afternoon. The drive back to Swansea passed quickly. We arrived in the early evening, unloaded everything and returned the trailer to the rental yard, had dinner at a coffee shop, and went home exhausted, lacking the energy for anything more than cuddling together. Saturday...

1 year ago
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Our first holiday

Its july 12th 2011 an me an lisa are away on our first holiday. We have decided on all inclusive week in turkey. The place is gorgeous an the weather is so hot, i couldnt have asked to be in a better place with a better person. So far we have been here for 3 days an we are having an amazing time. Tonight were gona go out an have a drink in a couple of the bars. All day I have been keeping a sexy suprise for lisa. I have arranged for 3 lads to join us in the last bar we will be going to that...

Group Sex
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Arlene and JeffChapter 306

... And ... that's a hint. Just what are the two of you up to?" "Well..." Margaret reached to grab Kathy's hand for a second. "Come on. Spill it. It's bound to be a Christmas present for your man, right? So what's it going to be?" Kathy and Jill passed a look before Kathy turned to Margaret. "This really can't get back to Bill. And ... there's little chance it will work out, anyway, but..." Bill's two wives quickly brought Margaret up to date about the woman who had been so...

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Lisas first gang bang

Lisa always wanted a gang bang. She was married to Max and it was their fantasy for many years. Many times during their sex sessions, she indicated that she had to have a gang bang. At least 6-8 or more men. All fucking her and using her body for their complete satisfaction. Different cocks, different shapes and sizes and even colours pounding into her. Ramming into her, making her cum and ultimately using her as a cum dump. That is what she wanted, to ultimately be a cum dump for men. During...

Wife Lovers
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The Alluring Song Of The Ocean UC

// 1 // - It was a quiet morning and Gabriel took a moment to enjoy the sun rising above the waves. Around him, he heard the familiar murmur of the ocean lapping at his boat, and the half-sunken houses around him. The same whisper of the water helped him to fall asleep every evening and greeted him in the mornings like this one. A grumbling of his stomach reminded him of the tasks at hand. As he looked in his secret stash, Gabriel had to suppress a sigh. A half loaf of bread, by now...

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Crossedressed In best friends mom clothes 25

By HosieryQueenPart 25I quickly went into my apartment and found my handcuffs and took the elevator back up to Jaiden. I got to the apartment again and started rolling some joints while I took another beer. I thought about Lauren and how she was doing right now. If she just kept on getting fucked by Roger. Hmm...it started bothering me again. But then again, Jan had just fucked me. So I should maybe relax a little!? Mmm, that cock felt so good inside me. And his warm cum filled my pussy so...

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Jacobs GranddaughtersChapter 3

Monday December 8, 2014 Kate came awake slowly. It took her awhile to figure out where she was. It was dark and Sam the cat was pressed against her side. She stretched, trying not to disturb him, unkinking her muscles after what felt like a long sleep – she wondered how long it had been. The soft bed above the garage would certainly have been preferable to a sleeping bag on the floor, but she had slept in worse places. At least she was warm and out of the weather. How long that would last...

2 years ago
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Sagarika 8211 The New Bride

I am 37 male, decent body ,fair 5’8″ but single…the predicament of my life was that I was about to get married and get married at an age where my peers already have a kid of 13 or 14. The girl was full of 34 so in one aspect we both were not so young and yet very young. We both I presume were not exhausted in life and looked forward to a lot many things that could happen as it rightly happens between couples. At the out start we can call it a wedding of mid age couples, howsoever very common...

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My Wicked WaysChapter 22

Our enjoyment of the Hobbit was cut a bit short when Stephanie received a text message from Captain Yanagi, showing photos of a fireball that rose from his native Kyoto, followed by a message...”Check the news, now!” Stephanie showed it to me and I nodded, reluctantly switching to the news ... and there it was. A series of fireballs had risen from no fewer than fourteen cities in East Asia, throwing the governments and economies of the nations into utter chaos. This catastrophe threatened to...

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What We Do for LoveChapter 4 Evelyn and Kathy Get Acquainted

After school, I stopped in to see if Kathy was home. Kathy Griffin is the real name of Lotta Rain. When I rang the doorbell and said who I was, Kathy buzzed me right in. She answered her door wearing an all-latex outfit, which made me do a double-take. Her boobs, while tightly encased in the shiny black outfit, were pushed up as far as they could go without nipple popping out. The skirt only just covered her groin and included really big pleats, like a window covering would have. Being latex,...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Alina Lopez Hot Ass Fuck Alina Lopez

Alina Lopez gets pounded hard by Manuel and keeps wanting more in this steamy scene. Alina’s looking super sexy in her pink lingerie with matching pink fishnet stockings and high heels as she teases by the pool. She removes her top to let the sun drench her her beautiful breasts then slides her panties to the ground leaving her standing there with only fishnets and heels on. Alina gets in the pool and twerks for us, making waves in the water with her bodacious booty, then makes her way inside...

3 years ago
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Building a DreamChapter 4

Whenever he could find the time to work as an engineer Sam worked on designs for several new farm implements and a small tractor. His tractor, of course, was limited by the engine. So far he had not come up with a working engine strong enough to do much work. He was now waiting on his fourth attempt to be shipped to him from the shop he had hired to manufacture it. Three weeks after the Phelps clan came to work for Sam and his family he again made a trip into Nacogdoches. This time he took...

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Who Played WhomChapter 8

Saturday, August 17 As promised, Tim pulled up to Sandy's house promptly at 11:00 Saturday morning. He had no idea what he was going to tell her or how she might react. He had no contingency plan; he would just have to wing it as best he could. He walked up to the door and rang the bell as if he were signaling his own doom. "Ask not for whom the bell tolls," Tim thought as he waited. Sandy opened the door and smiled. "Hey baby, how are you?" she said as she opened the door. "I'm...

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If I Could

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. What would I do if I could be with you? In my black lace underwear, I’d kneel before you, undoing your belt and zip. I’d pull down your trousers and pants to your knees, and breathe hotly over your exposed cock and balls. I’d put my hands around you, and squeeze your bum cheeks as I fluttered my eyelashes up your soft shaft, until I felt you beginning to swell. Then I’d suck little kisses down your...

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My Sister Is My Dom Pt3

“Where are you going?” she inquired. “To the bathroom, I really have to pee.” “What time is it?” “A little after ten,” I answered. She was asleep when I returned from the bathroom so I went downstairs and made coffee and breakfast. She came down after the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee had wafted upstairs. “Why didn’t you come back to bed?” she asked. “I would like to have had sex before I got up.” “I was hungry,” I answered. “Besides, my dick is getting sore. We’ve been...

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Industrial Accident

Amanda was sitting at her lab balance when all of a sudden, the whole lab shook. She heard her supervisor Mary ask ‘What was that?’ Amanda told Mary ‘Sounded like an explosion.’ Mary asked ‘So what do we do?’ Amanda thought for a moment. ‘Well, if anyone is hurt, they might appreciate having wet towels to clean their faces. Let’s prepare some wet white towels and put them in bags so they stay clean until used. We’ll put them into a bucket.’ As she was talking, Amanda was starting to do what...

2 years ago
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By Command of Julias InvitationChapter 9

Laura Wentworth had proudly received her husband back to the grand house his dubious businesses had provided her, after a week of severe conditioning by she, and the women of the society at Agnes Fairchild’s residence, the night before his appointment with the gallows. This was no reprieve though; Laura was to enjoy her big day to the full, and Wentworth had spent the night in bondage on a padded dog mat at the foot of her bed in what was once his master bedroom. His efforts to evade the...

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Summers day being watched

It was one of the gorgeous summer’s days that appear in April when it’s totally unexpected and stunning. Sunshine has always made me very horny (just ask any of my ex’s that I’ve been on holiday with – I become insatiable)So I woke up to find that the sun was out and it just felt like a great day. I pottered into the kitchen in my silk nightdress to get a drink and spotted the young fit window cleaner...that boy doesn’t have a clue how hot he is. I stood in the kitchen for what felt like...

3 years ago
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Oral for her

we are in my bedroom kissing passionately and deeply, i have your soft sexy body rubbing against me and my hand has gone through your silky hair to the base of your head, pulling you close as we kiss, feeling your mouth on mine breathing in what you exhale as my other hand unbutton's your blouse turns me on so much and you feel the buldge in my pants grow as i take off your shirt. between kisses you take off my shirt and run your hands over my large chest and broad, muscular shoulders as i...

1 year ago
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I am in the tastefully lit bathroom of a downtown nightclub, taking a picture of myself reflected in the wall of mirror in front of me. The sweater I am wearing is suggestively low-cut, but I center on my face. My sea blue eyes sparkle in the unnatural light. I had stepped out into the alley with some random guy to smoke a joint about an hour ago, so I am a little light-headed. I made out with the guy for a minute or two, in payment for the joint, I guess. Guys always want something, and...

2 years ago
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Fiddling With HistoryChapter 5

The next morning, we got down to business. “Now that we have an almost unlimited ability to alter our future, which areas seem to be within our purview, given that we now understand a bit better about the impact of unexpected side effects?” “We could do stuff like go to Dallas just before JFK is shot and keep an eye on the ‘grassy knoll’, for instance.” “What good would that do? Most people know who shot JFK and the presentation of hard proof would only make them want to shoot us.” “Good...

4 years ago
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The Paper RouteChapter 15

“Eddie, this is such a beautiful sight. Just look at all those happy women frolicking naked in the pool. I envy you - my young protege. You will live a long and illustrious life filled with love, and the joy many children.” “Thanks, Reverend Dick. We’ll have to declare you a grandfather to all the babies born here at Masters Naturist Ranch.” “I would be honored to serve in such a capacity. I am even more excited about our plans for the future, now that you’ve taken over direction of our...

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Summer of 93rsquo Nothing Compares To You Part VIII

Summer of 93’Nothing Compares To YouPart VIIIWell we survived Dave’s party, we had fun and Dave’s wife made passes towards me all night behind Dave’s back. Natalie and Maggi ran interference for me. Natalie was developing a strong dislike for Becky, Maggi said, well you got to admire her persistence. One positive thing that rose from the party is that we all did become better friends. We found that our next door neighbors Curtis and Lorraine, (both 35 y/o) were very interested in making new...

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Sissy8217s Erotic Encounter With A Chennai Couple

Hello ISS readers, my name is Shri, I am 29 years old bisexual guy from Chennai. I am coming from a well-to-do family which gave me all the freedom to do whatever I liked. I have had my fair share of experiences and I would love to share them with you all. I am a chubby guy with the right amount of flesh at the right places. I have been into girly and feminine things since a very young age. I now fit a 34B bra and love wearing silky panties under my male clothes. I don’t know if it is because...

2 years ago
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The unexpected client

This story is a fantasy, and my first experiment in writing in the third person. Please leave feedback and if you like it I will publish part two. As the doorman opened the cab door she felt his gaze sweep from her 4-inch heels up her ankles, calves and to her well-toned thighs. She saw him catch himself and immediately shift his eyes to meet hers. “Good evening, Miss. Welcome to the Grosvenor House Hotel”. She smiled. “Hello”. After paying the driver she walked the few steps to the door...

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Shadi Shuda Auntie Se Pyar

Hi Dosto & I am regular reader of ISS since a last four-year but never dared to write story on ISS. I don’t know why… lets start my first story on ISS My name is Rahul & I am from Mumbai. Yeh us samay ki bat hai jab mai 22 sal ka tha. Aur jinke bare me batane ja raha hoon Wah ek Shadishuda Meri Padosan hai aur unka naam Vimal hai. Unki age 25 thi aur Shadi hoke 4 saal hue the. Aur unke 2 bacche the. Husband unka kafi time bahar rehta tha aur jab bhi aata tha to pike aata tha. Ghar pe bhi unka...

2 years ago
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Sex Fantasy TV A Play Sixth Stab

Sex Fantasy TV, A Play Scene 1: A television studio set sometime in the future. Three couples are seated in front of the main TV camera. The show’s host is standing in front of them with a stage behind the host. On the stage are prizes for the contestants. A studio audience is observing the goings on. Characters: Peter Long: Sharply dressed middle-aged man. He is the host of the show. Debbie: Shapely, young woman in a sequined dress. She points to the prizes on the stage. The Announcer: Deep...

1 year ago
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Birthday Present for Wife

"So?" I asked cryptically when I opened the door. "So?" he mimicked my tone and a sly smirk formed on his lips. "Oh come on. You have to tell me what it is?" I pouted. "It's my birthday. I deserve to know." He stepped through the doorway, closed the door behind him, and then pressed me up against the wall with his lips on mine. I inhaled the woody scent of his cologne as we tasted each other. My pussy quivered in excitement; the heat of arousal brewed between my legs. He...

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