"A Mother's Seduction"..con't. free porn video

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I didn’t see mom again until dinner time. She was quiet, a bit preoccupied I guess; enough so that Dad asked her if everything was all right. “Yeah, fine.” She tells him as she moves the food around on her plate with her fork. “I have a report I have to finish by Monday, that’s all. I can’t seem to get it out of my head.” She shot a quick glance in my direction; a snotty glance. We sat and ate; my father asking the usual questions. “How was school?” “How’s baseball going’?” Bla— Bla— Bla— Bla… Every once-in-a-while, I caught Mom looking at me. She was hard to read. One time she looked mad, the next time, she didn’t. I was beginning to worry about the repercussions heading my way.

The rest of the night went relatively normal. After dinner the dishes were cleared, Dad sat down in front of the TV watching baseball, and Mom sat at the dining room table going through her briefcase. The only thing different was the fact that I found myself looking at my Mom a lot. For a second, I wondered how my Dad managed to get a woman as beautiful as my Mom and how lucky he was. Then after a few more minutes of thought I realized with the bitching and the mood swings Mom was notorious for…I figured that maybe Dad broke even on the whole thing. But she certainly was hot

Her hair was back in a pony-tail; the tail hanging well past her shoulders. She had a long, off-white sun dress on that had some-kind of yellow and pink floral print over one shoulder and down the other side. She seemed to float as she walked. She was bare foot; something she didn’t do often. I found it very “Girl next door”, although she was way more beautiful than any girl that had ever lived next door; or on the entire street.

Her make-up was light, her lips a pretty shade of pink. Her make-up looked fresh; like she’d freshened up a bit before dinner. That was something she didn’t normally do. She looked much younger then forty-three. She looked… …Well, like she should be on the cover of some magazine.

I was sneaking glances at my Mom so much that I started to feel self-conscious. I told them that I had a book report coming up and headed up to my room “To read”. “That’s my boy”, my old man boasted. “He’s something’ isn’t he Kat?” {Kathy} Dad asked, never taking his eyes off the TV. “Oh yeah, he’s something alright.” Mom agreed as she looked away from her paperwork only to find me staring at her again. I was close enough to first see her cheeks fill with color and maybe a hint of embarrassment in her eyes and then, the next second, her lips tightened and her eyes narrowed. She quickly turned back to her work. Talk about hard to read, Holy Fuck. It was like living with Mrs. Jeckle & Mrs. Hide.

I went upstairs and read for a book-report that wasn’t due for three weeks. I straightened up my room and fucked around on my computer. I did anything to try and stop from thinking about what Mom had done this afternoon. But wouldn’t you know it; I ended up on a porn site dedicated to “Mature Women”.

I was browsing through pictures and movie clips, stopping at the ones that reminded me of my Mom. There were a lot: ‘Moms’ getting themselves off; home alone, in the car, even in store dressing rooms. It was wild. I saw ‘Moms’ doing their ‘son’s’ best friends and even their son’s girlfriends too. And I watched movie clips of ‘moms’ doing more than one young boy at a time. It was pretty hot. I didn’t see any Mom’s doing the family pet but I’m sure, given the time, I would have eventually wound up there.

I‘d gotten sucked into the computer and was shocked when I noticed the time. It was 12:20. Normally my parents would say good-night before they went to bed. I figured that Dad had fallen asleep watching TV again and Mom was probably just pissed off or too embarrassed to bother.

I got up out of the chair and looked down at the bulge in my pants. I gave it a little rub and kinda smiled, picturing my Mom on her knees in front of me. I still couldn’t believe it. I grabbed hold of the bulge and started to prance around the room like I was riding a stick horse. Evidently I was in an exceptionally good mood.

“I guess I’m gunna have to take care of you before I’ll be able to go to sleep, huh Partner?” I told the front of my pants. “You’ll have to wait a few minutes though.”

I figured I’d get ready for bed, {I sleep in my old gym shorts.} then I’d slip down to the kitchen real fast and get a drink before I came back up to deal with this hard-on I had. I slipped into my gym shorts, adjusted my hard dick, and headed for the kitchen.

I quietly walked down the steps. Sure enough, there was dad sleeping on the couch snoring away. I slipped into the kitchen and reached for the light switch. I saw my Mom, her back to me, still sitting at the dining room table in front of the work she’d brought home. She had changed for bed. She wore a pretty short, black night dress with thin straps that showed a great deal of leg. It was hot!!

She was leaning back in the chair, her head tilted way back and she was pulling at the scrunchie that held her hair in a ponytail. I watched her arch her back as she stretched. She was tired. I couldn’t help but stare as she freed her long hair, ran her fingers through it, and then shook it out with a quiet moan and the slow, sexy swaying of her head.

She reminded me of one of those hot babes on the shampoo commercials. “More shine-Better body”
I watched silently, Dad snoring in the back ground, as she stretched her arms over her head and then she wiggled her fingers to loosen them. A slow tired grown escaped her as she dropped her hands and rubbed her neck and shoulders. I was mesmerized. I could feel my shorts getting even tighter. I instinctively reached down and adjusted my dick again.

“Jesus.” I heard my mom whisper. “I can’t believe it.” She moaned quietly to herself. I was pretty sure I knew what she was thinking about. I watched from the shadows of the kitchen as Mom massaged the back of her neck. “You have to stop thinking about it.” She advised herself under her breath before putting her elbows on the table and burying her face in her hands. She shook her head slowly with regret and sighed long and slow.

It was right then, remembering the attitude Mom had when she first caught me this afternoon that I got an idea…

I quietly walked up to my Mom. I reached out and put my hand on her shoulder. She jerked around and saw that it was me. “You scared the shit out of me.” She barked quietly. Her eyes immediately caught the big bulge in my gym shorts as I stood next to her.

“I was just thinking about you, Mom.” This time it was me that was throwing around the sarcasm.

“Yeah well, I’m having a little trouble finishing this report so if you don’t mind. . .” Her eyes bounced back and forth between my eyes and my shorts nervously. She leaned to one side a little to catch a glimpse of the couch. Dad was still sleeping. I just stood there.

“What do you want Robert?”
“ I just came down to get a drink and saw you here. You look kinda. . . . . .stressed.”
“Well, I have a lot on my mind.”
“I bet you do”, I responded.

Mom cocked her head a little, trying to figure out what I was up to. She again looked at the erection I was sporting. “I don’t think you should be walking around like that.” She says nodding her head towards the front of my shorts with a disgusted look on her face. She shot another look towards the couch. I looked down at the bulge. “It wasn’t like that when I came down the steps.” I lied.
“Is that so?”
“Yeah, I got that watching you doing the hair-thing and all.” I told her matter-of-factly.

She looked a little surprised at my bluntness and a little uncomfortable with it as well. I was glad to put the shoe on the other foot. “Robert, what do you want?” She asked sternly.
“I’m not really sure.”
“Something else to hold over my head no doubt.” She hissed with a snotty whisper.

She turned to her paperwork for a few seconds while she assessed the situation. She bit her lip a little and softly scratched her face with her long fingernails. She turned a little more in her chair so she could see the couch better and talk to me at the same time. She looked worried.

“That should have never happened Robert. . .” She started. “. . .but it did and we can’t change that.” She says. “I think it would probably be best if we just forget today ever happened.”

“Best for who?” I shot back; glad that I was holding some good cards this hand.

“So what are you going to do…Blackmail me?” She says, shocked that I might even consider such a thing. Blackmail hadn’t really entered my mind ‘till then.

“I have an idea.” I told her.

“Is that so?”

“Yeah…” I leaned in closer, “How about… …another blowjob?” I asked with a lump in my throat. I was really hoping I didn’t look as scared as I really was. I was fucking around with fire here.

She jerked her head back on her neck. “Robert!” She shot a look towards the couch. “. . .You need to shut up. What if your father wakes up and hears you?” She asked in a quiet but stern voice.

“Well… …that wouldn’t be very good.” I said sarcastically. She stared at me for a few seconds.

“Bobby?” {I was “Bobby” again}She looked pretty tense. “We can talk about this tomorrow morning after your Father leaves to play golf.”

She had a hopeful look in her eyes. But she hadn’t let me off the hook that easily this afternoon. “We can do that.” I told her.

She looked a little relieved. But before she had a chance to say anything or get to comfortable, I told her, “But for right now…” She looked at me attentively. “I think that maybe you should take care of this.”

I swallowed hard. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but I did it anyways. I pulled the front of my shorts down. A bold move for sure. Sink or swim here. “Bobby!” She gasped as she slid her chair back real quick. She looked down at my hard-on and jerked her head towards the couch again to make sure my dad wasn’t sitting there watching all this. He snored lightly with his back to us.

“Robert! Put that thing away before your father wakes up.”

I leaned in towards her a little and whispered, “I guess we’d have some explaining to do, wouldn’t we Mom?”

“You can’t be serious…” She hissed. “You want me to do that …Here?… Now?”

I was standing my ground. Believe me, the thought of my Dad waking up and catching me exposing myself to mom, scared the shit out of me. But the thought of what my Mom had done earlier that day; the picture of her with her lips around my cock, well―it was like a d**g. I really wanted more.

Her eyes flickered back and forth from my Dad back to the hard dick right in front of her as she shifted nervously in her chair. She certainly looked conflicted. She looked the way I probably looked when she stood over me in the living room this afternoon telling me that I didn’t have much time to comply with her demands.

She groaned quietly as she scrutinized her predicament. She could have just got up and run up the stairs but she didn’t. She truly was running out of time. Dad could wake up at any second and see us and she knew it.

I didn’t respond. I just stood there with my dick out, waiting. I felt kinda like the family pet that shit on the new carpet. I wasn’t really sure what was gunna happen, but I knew it was coming.

“I can’t do this… …I won’t do this” She hissed under her breath. She took a deep breath; looked over nervously at Dad, and then shot a quick look around the kitchen. “. . Not here.” she whispered anxiously.

“In my room?” I suggested, more than surprised at her response.

“No―Not in your room, Robert.” She rolled her beautiful eyes. “ If your father wakes up. . .” She cut her eyes at him, “. . .and sees that I’m not in our bed, he’ll come looking for me. ”

“How bout the garage then?” I asked with a smirk on my face. {Like the movie she’d caught me watching} She exhaled loudly and rolled her eyes again. “I can’t believe this.” She groaned.

She looked at the couch one last time then back to me. She stood up slowly, “Come on…”

I tucked myself in and followed my Mom. “She’s really gunna.” I thought. “Holy shit!”
I felt like a little k** that just stole Santa’s sled.

Mom led the way to the garage. She opened the door, took one final glance back through the kitchen before descending the five steps into the cool garage. She walked directly to the front of my Dad’s cherry MG; the furthest spot from the kitchen door, and turned to me with her hands on her hips.

“Did you shut the door?”, She hissed.


“Are you sure Robert?”

“I shut the door Mom!”

“Lower your voice. I don’t like having to do this one little bit Robert.” She lied.

She sounded pissed again. But I really didn’t care. All I could concentrate on was that I was going to watch my beautiful mom give me another blow-job. It was dark in the garage. I flipped the tiny light on above the workbench.

“Turn that light off.”


“What do you mean ‘No’? If your father opens that door he’s going to see us.”

“ We can duck down behind the car. I want to watch you.”

“What? Watch? Why?”

“Because you’re so hot.” I told her honestly.

She stared at me for a few long seconds but said nothing. She rubbed her lips together. I thought she was about to change her mind then she slowly, seemingly reluctantly, squatted down.

“Come here.”, she says reaching out for the top of my shorts with a certain measure of distaste on her face. I stepped right up to her and she pulled my shorts down to my knees.

“We have to hurry.” She whispered.

“I know… …Before someone catches us.’” I quoted the movie.

“I just knew this was the kind of shit that got you off.” She whispered under her breath and shook her head slowly as she started to run her long fingers over my hard-on; examining it. Her tone was harsh, but her eyes were soft and wanting.

She glanced up at me, “i****t…” She whispered. “It’s so wrong to make me do this, you know that don’t you?” She added as she returned her attention to the hard dick in front of her. She plucked a tiny piece of lint off the tip of my dick with her long fingernails and flicked it to the floor. She returned to her scrutiny as she moved my hard dick from one side to the other; inspecting, seemingly indifferent like it was a job she’d been doing forever.

She could take all night as far as I was concerned. She looked incredibly sexy down there.

“How long have you been thinking about me like this Robert?” She asked me as she ran her fingertips over me. It was getting a little hard concentrating on the conversation as I watched her.

“I don’t know, for a while I guess.”

“I can’t see why you would want me to do something like this to you.” She says. The question sounded sincere.

“You mean besides the fact that you’re gorgeous?” Another burst of honesty.

She looked up at me as she crouched there. She looked like she actually appreciated the compliment.
She turned us both a little so that the light from the workbench showed her pretty face more clearly. She caught the long strands of hair that hung in her face with the fingernail of her pinky and hooked them behind her ears; first one side then the other.

“Is that better?” She says as she looks up at me. There seems to be no sign of resentment in her eyes.
She opened her mouth wide and I watched my dick slowly disappear.

I gasped, “Jeez!” When she had it all in her mouth she wrapped her full pretty pink lips softly around it and sucked.

She stared into my eyes as she slowly, very slowly, pulled her head back until just the red tip was left between her lips. She was putting on a show. She was teasing me. Showing me just how sensual she could be. “Jesus!” I moaned and rested one hand on the front of the car to steady myself while I watched her do it again. “You look so…so…amazing… doing that.” I told her.

Her pointy tongue twirled slowly around the head of my dick as her hand slid down to the base. She didn’t look like someone being blackmailed. I felt her pinky touch my ball sack. She held me firmly and began to bob her head back and forth over me in earnest; taking all of my hard cock all the way in her mouth until her lips touched her fingers.

She wasn’t fooling around. She wanted to make me cum as fast as she could and she knew just how to make that happen.

She took it out of her mouth and started jerking me off real fast as she glanced at the garage door. She shut her eyes and let her tongue flicker around the head some more. The head of my dick slapped her lips repeatedly, smearing her pink lipstick and covering her lips with my pre-cum.

“This is disgusting. . .” She whispered.

I lost my breath when Mom licked her lips and filled her mouth with it again. I felt her moan as she sucked it.

I slipped my hands behind her head and pulled her beautiful long hair back into a ponytail so I could better see her face. She stopped and looked up at me again with just the head of my dick in her mouth. I held her head still, I felt her slide her hands to my bare hips. I slowly pushed forward. She let me slowly start to fuck her mouth. She didn’t look so mad now.

I can’t describe how she looked. All I can say is that she looked hotter and sexier than any slut I’d seen in any porn magazines or any movies. I could hear her, “Ummm― Ummm― Ummm― Ummm…” each time I pushed it in her mouth. I could feel the tip of my dick hitting the back of the throat with each stroke.

After a few minutes she pulled back, letting my dick fall from her mouth. It was really wet now. She spread her spit all over it as she stroked it quickly. That squishing sound filled the garage.

Then mom stared at my cock and got this disgusted look on her face and said something I wasn’t expecting; “I bet you think about fucking me too, don’t you?” She hissed as she stroked me. I was a bit surprised at the sharpness of her tone. The show that she was putting on made me temporarily forget that she “Didn’t want to do this”.

She looked at my cock as she pumped it and talked. “You probably want to make me bend right over your father’s car I bet, so you can stick this thing in me and fuck me with it right now, don’t you?” She bitched.

I thought the questions might be rhetorical.

She looked up, “Is that what you’re gunna make me do Robert? You gunna tell me you’ll tell your father what we did. . . what I’m doing now.” She stroked me more aggressively. “ Is that what you’re gunna tell me so I have no choice but to let you do that to me?

She was moving her hand faster now. “You’re gunna blackmail your own mother… …Aren’t you? So you can fuck her? Aren’t you Robert?”

I was “Robert” again. She looked kinda mad kneeling there in front of me as she sucked my dick back into her mouth. I thought that behind the phony anger I could see the pleading. I told her with a quick breath what she wanted to hear, “Yes!”

She took one last look at the door that led to my father. I swear I saw her eyes roll back when she sucked my cock back in between her lips.

She sucked and licked it for a minute or so, like she loved the taste; like it was a big Pop-cycle and she couldn’t get enough of it. She pinned it to my stomach with her lips and kissed the belly of it; kissing her way to my balls. It felt amazing. It was all I could do to keep from cumming.

I have to admit, I wasn’t thinking much about my Dad catching us at this point. I don’t think I could’ve cared less at that moment. I was way too wrapped up in my Mom. It became quite apparent that Mom wasn’t giving Dad a lot of thought either when she stood up and turned to face the car. She pulled her night dress up around her waist, and leaned over the hood of the small car.

Her ass was beautiful. A thin black string from her thong separated her firm ass checks. The thin, transparent patch of material that covered her pussy, looked wet. It was soaked with her juices. The juices that I, no doubt, made her secrete.

She looked back over her shoulder, almost maliciously, “Here! Is this what you really want Robert?” She hissed as she reached back and caught the string of her thong with a long fingernail to pull it to one side.

I hesitated. I wasn’t sure who was in control here but quickly decided I didn’t care.

“I knew this was what you wanted when I caught you jerking off to that movie… …You wanted to fuck me, didn’t you? Come on then― Fuck me!.” She demanded through gritted teeth.

I slipped up behind her. My hard cock slipped easily into her wet pussy. I felt mom push back hard to make sure she had it all. She made small circles with her ass as she pushed back. She released her thong, rested both hands on the car, and laid her cheek on the cool red hood of the little MG.

“Come on!” She scowled.

I fished her thong out of the crack of her ass. It was soaked too now. I pressed it to the cheek of her nice round ass with one hand and held her lacey night dress out of the way with the other so I could see better. I started to fuck her. Slow at first; watching it go in and out of Mom’s slippery, pink pussy. “It matches her lips…” I thought. I started to fuck her faster and harder.

In just a few minutes Mom lifted one bare foot up and propped it up on the front bumper. She positioned herself more securely on the front of the car and then did the same with her other foot, spreading them far apart and crouching to keep her ass low enough, giving me a better view and better access. She pushed back on me using the bumper and the windshield for leverage. She felt tighter and it felt like I was in even deeper now.

I held her there and shoved forward as she pushed back. It felt amazing and the view was incredible.
My Mom grunted each time my balls smacked her clit. Each grunt seemed to get a little louder as my thighs slapped into hers.

“Umh― Umh― Umh― Umh― Umh― Umh― Umh―” I don’t know how I lasted as long as I did.

“I’m gunna cum!!!” I groaned through my tight lips.

My mom didn’t slow down a bit. If anything, she moved her ass faster in response.
I let go of her thong and filled my hands with the roundness of each ass cheek. I spread my fingers apart and dug into ass as I drove up into her.

“I can’t believe you’re making me do this…” She grunts. I hear her whine through labored breathing. “You’re making me cum! I’m cumming! I’m cumming too Bobby!!” {I’m “Bobby” again}

The timing couldn’t have been better. I started to shoot a tremendous load of spunk into my Mom’s sweet pussy as she pushed up onto her hands and rocked her ass up and down and side to side. She moved her ass in small circles as she pushed off the windshield of the car.

“Oh God Bobby!!! FUCK!!!” I could feel her ass quivering.

“Oh God!” She says and buried her mouth in her forearm and bit down in an attempt to muffle her moans. “UMMMMMMMMMMMMM” she groaned.

We both came and came hard. I could feel stuff pouring out of her pussy with each trust, running down my balls and onto my thighs. I could feel it splashing my legs as my balls slapped her pussy.

Mom collapsed on the front of the MG trying to catch her breath; her heavy breathing drowning out what she was trying to say. I let my hands glide over her firm ass-checks, running both thumbs down the crack of her ass; marveling at its shape. I hear her moan quietly as my thumb eased over her asshole. I pulled out and slide my fingers down to her soaked pussy.

I took a few seconds feeling how wet and swollen her pussy lips were. They were soft and slippery. I touched her clit. It was hard and swollen. She jerked her ass in response each time my fingertips glided over it. I could feel that Mom’s pussy was smooth, shaved and I spread some of the wetness over its softness.

I don’t know how long we stayed there like that but I was in no hurry to leave the garage. At that point, I doubt I could have even found my way back to my room.

She mumbled something again, but I still couldn’t understand what she was saying with her face buried in her arm. I stepped around to the front fender, “What?” I whispered. “I can’t hear you.”

She lifted her head and looked over at me. She took a deep steady breath and released it. “I suppose you’ll tell your father about this if I don’t let you fuck me tomorrow too.” She bitched as she lay her head back down on the car and concentrated on breathing.

I couldn’t believe that after all this, the “bitchy” had returned full force. I smiled and tucked my wet dick back into my shorts. Nothing she could say now could ruin my mood.

Then Mom did something else that shocked me. She slid off the hood of the car and dropped down to her knees in front of me again. She pulled me to her by the front of my shorts.

“You’ll probably want to do some more sick shit to me after your Dad leaves for the Golf Course tomorrow, Won’t you?”

She griped as she exposed my tired, wet dick. She glided the tip of one finger down its slimy length as it hung semi-soft in front of her. She twirled her finger around the sloppy head a few times then rubbed her thumb and finger together. She looked like she was in deep thought as she watched her fingers sliding back and forth together.

“You’ll wanna do something depraved …Like fuck me on the kitchen table or cum on my face, I bet. . .” She hissed, staring at my prick the entire time she bitched.

She wrapped her fingers around my wet, semi-hard dick and pulled at it roughly, angrily, stretching it. It didn’t really hurt but her attitude kinda caught me by surprise.

“This is i****t…”, she reminds me. “You’re sick…” She growled as she took me in her mouth again. I leaned back on the hood of Dad’s car while she sucked my dick clean.

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A curious girl submits to the pleasures that her dog has to offer

Epic walked into her room, it had been a long day and she was ready to take a shower and use her favorite vibrator to work off the stress. She set down her backpack and stripped out of her clothes, setting them in a pile on the floor. She turned around and headed for the bathroom. She reached down and patted Joey as he leisurely walked into her room. She turned around and watched as he sniffed her clothes and then walked over to her bed and curled up at the end to take a quick nap. She smiled...

1 year ago
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CFNMTeens Addison Lee Stretching Stepsis Hidden Boner Site

Ike has been out of commission since he hurt his leg in a tragic muff diving accident. All he can do is sit on the couch all day and ponder lifes many mysteries, until his annoying stepsister Addison gets home. Shes been craving her yoga stretches all day, and decides to jump right into it. Ike watches her, and starts getting aroused as fuck, not just because he stepsis is pretty hot, but the fact that she wasnt wearing any panties also contributed to it. Addison notices it, and offers to take...

3 years ago
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The Swedish Farm Girls

I had had a great two weeks backpacking around Europe, but seeing how I had gone through my money much faster than anticipated, it looked like I would have to cut my trip well short of the month I had planned. However, just outside of Stockholm, traveling toward Germany, the train passed through a small farming community and an idea struck me- if I could find work on a farm for a week or so, I could make enough to finance the re- maining week of my trip. On an impulse, as the train ...

1 year ago
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A Matter of Good Taste

Lois was one of those girls that tended to take things at face value. That was probably the reason why she allowed Danny Gallagher and his little band of bad boys to shamefully grope her so many times in the cloak room. Of course, they usually did it right in front of the other boys and girls watching with a sense of glee and thanking the good Lord up above for not being involved in the troubling situation. She really didn’t terribly mind the humiliating indignities taken by the tight little...

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Two week before Prom

  It happened like this.   My name is Domaneque.   I am an Army brat and was residing in Germany when all this happened.   I was graduating from the same school that my mother had graduated from.   Here I was 5’4, 110 pounds, 38d, 26 waist, and 32 hips, with hazel eyes.   My mother was the same size when she graduated.     Of course mom wanted me to wear the same prom gown that she had worn with some minor alterations.   It was just to long for me and it was...

3 years ago
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Part 4 “That will be for me.” Tania said. “It might be, but it could be the police trying to catch me out!” I said as I carried her down stairs. I picked up the handset in the Kitchen. “Can I speak to Tania please?” It was a woman’s voice, one that I had never heard before. “I’m sorry, Tania who? I’m afraid there’s no-one here except for me.” I said cautiously, and I held the phone so that Tania could hear. “Mr. Archer! I know my daughter is there! Tell me is she still being an...

1 year ago
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Swati Ka Akelapan Door Kiya

Hello friends, mera nam vishal hai, mai bhilai, chhattisgarh ka rehne vala hu or abhi mumbai ki ek software company me job karta hu. Ye kahani mere or meri cousin swati k beech bane sambandho ki hai. Swati mere mama ki ek lauti beti hai jo mujhse 2 sal choti hai. Swati cousin hone k sath sath meri bohot achhi dost bhi hai. Dikhne me swati bohot sundar hai, gora rang, khoobsurat chehra, sexy figure(32/28/34). Baat 2016 ki hai jab mai apni company ki ek training k liye hyderabad gaya tha. Swati...

2 years ago
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finding the naughty side of parents 4

later that week i went to a wedding with my friend and his mom to see a neighborhood friend get married. my friend and his mom had to leave to pick up a congrats card and she left me at the wedding and told me to hold her purse. she took her wallet and left. i went straight to the bathroom and starting searching the purse. i found a condom and a vibrating bullet. i put the condom on and started jacking off. then i heard a vibrating sound as i looked down it was her phone. i ignored the phone...

2 years ago
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A quick touch

Inspired by your touch last night, I couldn't help myself this morning.  I don't know if you'll ever read this but I felt like I needed to let this out.I only have a few minutes but can't resist any more.  I can feel my body begging for a quick release.  I knew when I left this morning I hadn't gotten enough of you and the wetness at just the thought of your lips on mine is enough to make me quake.  I picture you sleeping still and wish I could have stayed in bed with you imagining all the ways...

4 years ago
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Caught shop lifting and punished part 2

I opened the door to the corner shop and the fresh air hit my cum covered face making the cum feel dry and sticky. I turned to my left and started to walk down the street heading towards home. I noticed an old Asian man sitting on the opposite side of the road, he was on his door step just sitting there looking at the world go by. I tried to look forward hoping he wouldn't notice my current state. As I got halfway down the road the young assistant from the shop stepped out in front of me and...

3 years ago
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A Chance Encounter

Steve was wandering aimlessly through the aisles of the store, not looking for anything in particular. As he was walking down the snack aisle, eyeing a box of Oreos someone else turned the corner. Steve looked up and saw a nice looking girl, who somehow looked familiar. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but something about her face was ringing a bell. She didn't really notice that anyone was in the aisle and was busy filling her shopping cart. She had to get snacks for the kid’s lunches...

First Time
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Sruthi8217s Juggling Boobs

Hi. I’m Karthik. 23. Introvert and very much hate family gathering and all. In my family, we are 4. Mom, Dad, Sruthi and Me. She completed her education and doing a job in Thoughtworks. I just completed my education and been in home from like 2 months, waiting for my call letter. Well, coming to the story…My akka, Sruthi is soo jovial, extrovert and she has a big friend circle. I always likes her energy. And me, I’m a fucking cat. Always sitting in home, reading books and fucking grumpy....

3 years ago
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A Late Night Interruption

A knock on the office door. Andi is surprised to hear it. It's after eleven and this was Kate's long day teaching yoga; Andi assumed she would be sound asleep by now. She lets Kate know she can come in and then goes back to typing her exposé on collusion in the city mayoral race.After a moment of silence, Andi looks up from her laptop screen and sees a long leg provocatively extended into the doorway, a bare foot at the end twirling playfully. She rolls her eyes. Kate knows she has a deadline...

3 years ago
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Why Me

We're the Fowlers: Dana and Gordon. Common age thirty-one. Married right out of high school: that makes thirteen years ago as of the first of next month. Dana's a beautician, learned the trade on the job working for Julia's Styles, a shop catering mostly to ladies with blue hair. I'm a short haul truck driver for Drummond Trucking, freight haulers. I'm never gone more than one day in a row, and most times home by five or six every night. Maybe this would be a good place to describe us a...

2 years ago
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The ultimate pleasure 3

The ultimate pleasure – Part 3We slept cuddling each other. Jane was so soft and was so easy to sleep with. The night was warm but with the aircon going at full speed the room was nice and cool.I felt something move between my legs. I opened my eyes and saw Jane sucking on my dick. I was half asleep, and it felt so good. I usually have a massive hard-on in the morning and her mouth felt so nice against my hardness. She was so good at giving blow jobs. With lot of spit and suction she had my...

2 years ago
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Master P C Alexs OdysseyChapter 8 Two Steps Back

(Four years ago) Friday, at last, Alex thought. And I don't even have a girlfriend to talk to about what to wear or how far I should let him get or ... anything. Even as she bemoaned her lack of friends, she realized that between hunting down skunks (that's how she thought of the Marc-Us-type males who merely abused and treated women badly) and bastards (the real MPC abUsers who enslaved their subjects) and trying to have a normal social life and taking care of her charges (the ten women...

2 years ago
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Encounter in the Lab

Introduction: This story is fictional, however, it is based upon actual people and authentic situations. In order to provide anonymity, names have been changed and details have been modified. Dr. Ken Mathews was well known around the hospital as a ladies man, or more correctly, a lecher. He was particularly anxious to fuck any new, young, and attractive nurse who joined the staff. Regardless, had been also known to readily tap into any gorgeous MD or eye-catching woman on the administrative...

1 year ago
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My First Sexual Experiences as a Teen

By Katie I always kind of wanted to be a boy because I grew up with all boys. When my dad passed when I was 11; I took over the whole role as boy. I rarely ever wore girl’s clothes and guys never really saw me as anything more than a boyish girl. I loved the feel of boy clothes and I liked only girls. My mom was free spirited and open minded; she believed I could like anyone I chose. I hated to be alone after school with my sister at...

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Jims WorldsChapter 13

The first thing the Team noticed was that "feudal society" did not necessarily mean Hollywood-style castles and knights with lances riding around on giant horses. Feudal society meant a triangular power structure with one person on top ultimately responsible for everything. The guy on top was usually called a king, but he could be called anything: boss, fuhrer, chief executive officer, or high muckety-muck. With this responsibility came absolute authority: whatever the boss said, went. It...

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Mom After Mom Season 3 Part 4 The Rejections

The next day we woke up, lying on one another. I was the first to open my eyes to see her fair and flat belly. I raised my head to only find her half-naked and full breasts over me. The sight instantly triggered my lust, or should I call it fondness. I looked at her face and her fair cute expressions always put a smile over my lips. I moved up, over her body and hugged her tightly to which she adjusted herself, enclosing me in her wide arms. I rested my face on her chest, snuggling over her...

4 years ago
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My name is a Dinesh and this is my econd story paheli story me mekah chukka hu ki me ak saadi ki side ka member hu tabhi mene no age bar rakha he aur useme ak woman rekha name kit hi aur uski umra 50 year thi uska .aur meri umara 24 saal hi mene kaha ki muje koi tanasan nahi hi tumse dosti rakhne me mene rekha se kaha rekha boli I like you ham dono roz bat karnelage aur me ak din use mene gaya me use mene lagar ur va rooz us ke room me bethae aur me uske sath bethata va bat karti va meri maa ki...

2 years ago
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Dressed like a girl II

I told her I wasn't going to put on any of her clothes. Ann said do it or she'd tell the school. I said what if someone sees me, she said no one will. Mommy went to the store and Tom was gone for the weekend, and daddy was at work. I said ok, but I'll just put on the panties and top, she said no. You put everything on or I'll tell. I took off my shirt and pants, she said underwear too. I said ok and pulled them off. Standing naked in front of her,I asked her to get naked too. She giggled and...

4 years ago
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Kicking and ScreamingChapter 3

“So, it’s done now. The divorce is final. And you can marry Consuela now. A smart choice, I might add. Just not one that most men in my experience would have made. You’re a rare fellow, Jack Jackson. Incidentally, where the ‘Jack’ come from, anyway? It’s not your legal name, and as your wife, I definitely noticed,” Jill commented on the notice that we both received that the divorce waiting period was over and the settlement took effect. “All that time as my wife, and you never asked....

1 year ago
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PropertySex Aryana Amatista Putting The Clients First

Chuck and his partners haven’t been too happy with their employee Aryana Amitista’s performance. While her colleagues close sales within two or three months, it has been taking her nearly half a year! Aryana explains that this is because she puts the client first, not the profits, and though this may come off as soft, Chuck realizes the benefits of her business strategy. Aryana tells Chuck she can show him how naughty she can be, and opens her blouse to reveal her big fake boobs!...

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Madhuri Aunty8217s Sex Dairies 8211 Episode 1

So spring break was on and I was happy that I was going back to my parents place from my horrible hostel for a month. I had not planned anything previously about this vacation. I always loved surprises and I was aware there had to something going on inside my dad’s head about this vacation. But fate had some other surprise for me. I reached home by 9:00 am in the morning. Rubbing my eyelids I opened the door of the cab and there she was standing. A tall lady about 5.9, long dark hair with a...

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The Minstrels Tale Part 3

Edwin touched his wrist again to reassure himself. The tiny vial was there, tied securely to his arm. The king sat at the head of the table with the prince on his right side. The banquet table was lined from end to end with the various lords and ladies who had come to the castle for his birthday celebration tomorrow. The food had not yet been brought from the kitchen, but servers rushed here and there, anxiously refilling wine goblets before they could be drained. A lock of light golden hair...

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Willing slavefrom her point of view conclusio

My Master is dj_oh, and these stories are true.He tells me to go downstairs. I obey. There is a big red armchair in my living room with a matching ottoman. He sits in the armchair and I bring him his drink. He is relaxed, confident, powerful. He looks like a king in his throne. I sit before him on the ottoman. He surveys his property: me. He is watching my face. He likes what he sees. I have no resistance left. I have submitted completely. He knows he can do whatever he wants, and...

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Pleasure Island The Bikini Chapter 11

With Wendy's announcement you go ahead and down your glass of rum. "Well this is going to be a busy night. There had better be a lot of lube available." Wendy comes to you and kisses holding you behind the neck. Then she begins running her fingers over the shaved part of your head. "You're going to be getting a lot of lube baby, don't worry." Then she looks at the officers around the table. "Can you make sure that the rest of the crew is well fed and has some rum as well. You can...

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Harry Potter And The Love Feather

"Common, Harry it's getting late, lets all go to bed," Ron said. I got up and packed my homework. We were in the Gryffindor (our house in our school, Hoghwarts) common room studying. "Yeah, lets go," Neville agreed. We all talked and then walked to our dormitory of five. It was lit by candles and immediately caused us to feel drowsy. That was the beauty of magic. We all jumped into our beds and went to sleep immediately as we were dog-tired from the Quiditch match (I love that game)...

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Tropical Island Vacation Chapter 8

Talia pushes me backward ‘til I’m lying face up on the blanket. She climbs onto me, straddles my hips, takes my cock in her hand and starts rubbing the tip on her pussy lips. She looks down at me and says, “How ‘bout it, sweetie-pie? Have you got another big load of cum for me today?” I nod. “Good! But I need to feel you inside me first. I want to ride your cock for a while!” With that, she lifts herself up slightly and suddenly her pussy glides down the length of my shaft and we both breathe a...

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Protection and Preservation Book 07Chapter 28

[Janice writes] We stood in plain sight with our rifles at rest. We were wearing sneakers, shorts, and tee shirts. Mine were tighter than Robby's were. The two people approaching us on horseback were a man and a woman. They were good-looking people though both looked to be in their mid to late forties. The woman was Hispanic and still very attractive. I couldn't resist it. "Arnold and Maria Ralston, I presume?" They looked shocked and nodded slowly. "I am Janice Cook-Thomas-Sullivan...

1 year ago
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Husband Begging For Humiliation

People ask me about my other stories, click on my name above, which leads to all me stories, this is completely fiction, idea is to write erotica on different aspects of it, which helps the arousal around, mail me on for feedbacks, please respect girls, I do. It all started with a mail, which read, “interested in a sexy wife”, who would deny a chance, I replied surely, a sexy photo would do, next day what I get is not what I was prepared for, I see a lady in her early thirties, she is in a...

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An unusual f amily 1

The first time I suspected my family was not like every other family was when I was 18. Being a teenage boy, I had all the normal hormones and urges, and I had become fond of masturbating. It wasn't something my family talked about a lot, and I knew that my older sister on occasion played with herself. But it was certainly not discouraged, and to me it was normal to fondle myself in my pants or even out in the open while we were watching television or sitting outside on the patio. In my family,...

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Iridani Kitten Academy 9

Iridani Kitten Academy, 9 Friday rolled around again, I'd adopted the practice of alternating between Academy Meetings and Seeker Meetings until I learned more about Seekers. It wasn't that I didn't trust Ta, it was because two of the people most dear to me were Seekers, and my father had been one. This just happened to be my Friday to attend the Academy Meeting. We conducted the usual business then Mistress Gina introduced us to Mistress Denice, the new Earth Academy' Kitten...

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“My name is Logan Deana Braxton,” the naked blue-eyed brunette said as she sat at the foot of her bed looking into the camera, “I’m female and I’m fourteen years old and I want to die.” A tall black man with salt-and-pepper hair stepped into the frame. He was naked, his foot-long cock fully hard and throbbing in the teen’s face. “It says here that you want to have your first sexual experience with a Viper so that when he cums inside of your vagina you die while cumming, is that right?” The...

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Sweet CarolineChapter 25

Caroline asked, “Who listed those homes that sold today, Rich?” “Covington Road was Robbie, Cuesta was Stan, and Rex Manor was me. Why do you ask?” “Just doing some figuring in my head, will I get Robbie’s Commission again, like before?” “Sure, what did you come up with, Caroline?” “Roughly, Robbie ... me gets $5,600 dollars, Stan gets over $16,000 dollars and you get over $54,000 dollars, on all three together.” “I’ve never known anybody who can do those kind of calculations, all in...

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Holiday Fuck

On the way to our house Lily was very cheerful and walking very fast. It was difficult for me to catch up with her as I was carrying all those things necessary for the beach. It all was very funny for her. Using the fact my hands were busy with bags she pressed to me and I could feel her hot breathing, hard nipples and a soft belly. She kissed me and then ran away from me laughing. I felt she was very excited about meeting our neighbors again. And frankly speaking I was rather turned on...

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Massage Session With A Professor

Hi readers, I am back with a new experience with a professor from Coimbatore. For new readers and those who do not know me. I am Sai, completed my study in NIT Trichy, 25. Doing massage as I like to give pleasure and have fun while doing it. After college got completed, I was waiting to leave within a week to my home town. Then I was contacted through the mail by a lady Kavitha. As usual, we started chatting in Hangouts. Actually, I told her regarding the massage service which I provide in...

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Too Big for Comfort

Too Big for Comfort By: Fantasy Man He sat nervously in the waiting room at the clinic, waiting to see NurseVice. He had met her before and wondered if she suspected his obsession withher - those narrow sexy hips, that short white skirt and those unbelievablylarge breasts. The top two buttons of her stretched blouse were always undone,revealing a glimpse, though not unprofessional, of her deep cleavage. He was in for a full physical. He couldn't help but imagine her inspectinghis unnaturally...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 53 History Surprises

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you will please quiet down and take your seats, I have a very important announcement," my history teacher said coming into the room. "We have been granted a rare opportunity to visit Washington DC this year for a freshman class field trip." Everyone seemed really excited. It took her a few minutes for us to all calm down. "Now we have taken the freshman class on trips like this before, but it was always for those who could afford the airfare and hotel costs....

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Deb at Walmart

My wife Deb is 58 but in great shape and very pretty. We both keep slim and exercise regularly. She has a luscious set of big titties that hang nicely. Even at 58 she looks great when going braless in a sheer top and it drives men nuts. They can’t take their eyes off of her. Deb is submissive to me so when I tell her to wear one to go out, she does it. She knows that refusing to do so will result in a spanking. Two weeks ago we went to Walmart because I wanted to buy her a couple of "whore...

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Bloody and Blondie Traitorous Pride

Bloody and Blondie - Traitorous Pride Chapter 1 - Red Forrest The woods, I love the woods, the sounds, the mystery. I'm confident; I'm prepared for anything that shows up in front of me. I'm alone, walking to nowhere, searching for adventure, for challenge, and for some gold too. I spent all my gold with drinks and girls in the last city I visited. So now I have just my clothes (gray pants, gray shirt, leather boots and a black cloak with a cap), my leather bag with some...

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How I Fucked Indian Sex Stories Reader

Hello, guys, Firstly thanks for the love and appreciation that I got for my story. Through this story, I met a woman with whom I had sex encounter last month. Let me thank Indian Sex Stories dot net for sharing my sex story and making me meet a stranger and we both are sexually satisfied. So any unsatisfied woman in Hyderabad can approach me on and your privacy will be my priority. Your feedback and suggestions are most welcome. I’m Asad from Hyderabad, 5’11” tall, with an average body, 6”...

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Zeus and Io Book 3Chapter 35

The 17th Sustainment Brigade of the Nevada National Guard, specifically the 240th Engineer Company, the 277th Engineer Haul Platoon, the 777th Engineer Detachment and the 1864th Transportation Company, had been working on helping to build power substations for several weeks when their assignment suddenly changed to string electric cable toward Las Vegas. In late January, the 1st squadron of the 221st Cavalry Regiment showed up – in numbers greater than the commander-in-chief of the Guard (the...

2 years ago
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Gunslinger a Somewhere in Time NovellaChapter 6 The Revelation

Clint had no memory of the night, what he had done, or where he had gone. He woke, stiff and sore on the hay-covered floor of Mr. Akin’s stable. Someone had thrown an old blanket over his prostrate form. He had made it back to the hotel somehow. The pounding in his head would not go away. His shaky hand would not hold the key still enough for him to insert it in the lock. Clint finally hit the hole, and he entered the room. He found nothing out of place as he looked around the room. He...

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Brandi Protector of the Gateway Season 2Chapter 23

“How long does it take a guy to get off?” Brandi asked, and Lily didn’t even hesitate before responding. After Greg had cum inside her ass, he’d taken the toy out (an action which had simultaneously filled her with relief and disappointment) and asked her what she was up to that evening. “Nothing,” she’d said, looking up at him obediently. “I’m all yours.” He’d paused at that. “All mine?” “Yes, sir,” Lily responded, enjoying the burst of arousal she got from using the term of...

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