Favor For The Professor free porn video

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Ray Franklin was grading badly-written German essays when the Professor called him into the office.

"Raymondt, I have something to ask you." Professor Morton Dichter had been teaching at the university for twenty years, but his accent had never completely disappeared. "My younger brother informs me that my niece now is attending university here."

Ray nodded blankly, wondering whether congratulations were expected. Fortunately, the Professor continued without much pause. "I did not know I had a niece, but then Kurt and I have not spoken much since I came to this country. Twenty-five years is a long time..." The Professor's deep voice faded briefly, then resumed its normal volume. "My brother tells me that Marta - that is my niece, you see - studies computer science but she is too focused on her books and her assignments.  She is not, what do you call it, having her social life. He has asked because of my position here if I can do something to see that Marta does more with her time than sit with her face to the computer."

Ray hadn't gotten to be a teaching assistant to the head of the German department by being slow. He hadn't stayed one by being presumptuous, either. He settled for tilting his head to one side and inquiring, "And how could I be of assistance, Professor?"

"Raymondt, I have been observing you in the year and a half that you have been one of my teaching assistants. You are a young man of quality and character. Of course, with your name that only makes sense - you do know that your name means 'protector?' Well, I wish to ask you a favor. Would you agree to, what is the term, escort my niece for a few weeks? My brother thinks once she gets used to the idea of being among people that she will naturally open up. I will, of course, reimburse you for half of your expenses."

That was the Professor for you. Just when he started to sound human and personal, he had to add that coldly clinical comment about money. Granted, it saved Ray from raising the issue himself, but it impaled him neatly on an ethical dilemma. There was probably something in the University policies that said professors couldn't use their teaching assistants as gigolos, paid or otherwise. On the other hand, turning down Morton Dichter would probably eliminate Ray's chances at a plum graduate school. Anyway, how bad could it be taking a girl around a few times, even if she turned out to be a total dog?

Ray had reasons to rethink his answer to that last question several times over the next two weeks.

* *** *

The first encounter (Ray refused in his mind to call it a "date") was actually chaperoned by the Professor, who took both students to dinner at the Faculty Club. He explained over a veal roast and wine, that his brother wanted Marta to spend some more time away from her studies, that the University experience was meant to be more than the awarding of a degree. Ray listened with half an ear, inserting comments here and there but devoting the bulk of his attention to sizing up his new companion.

Marta was an inch taller than Ray but otherwise, she was about what he had expected - brains without looks. She was solid, broad-shouldered, and plain, with streaked brown hair falling artlessly to her shoulders. Her voice was low and unremarkable, and she wore a drab red dress that managed to emphasize all of her curves, including the unflattering ones. However, she ate with a delicate grace that made Ray feel somehow like a country villager invited to dine with the squire.

She also flashed him a look during her uncle's monologue that said clearly, "Okay, he's forcing us to be together, let's try not to make it more painful than it has to be."

Away from her uncle, Marta was a different story. The following Tuesday she met him at Gino's for pizza before seeing the latest chick flick. Ray was in casual dress, but Marta turned up in flip-flops, ratty jeans and a well-worn t-shirt that jiggled in several places every time she moved. Her conversation at dinner was centered around trees, cycles, and other words that sounded like English but instead meant something else in terms of her computer courses.

Ray did his best to look like he understood every third word. His brief attempts to turn the conversation to something non-academic were politely ignored. The movie theatre was better, if only because he didn't have to try and maintain a conversation and in the relative darkness he could easily avoid the appearance of staring at her chest or waist. She seemed unimpressed by the movie and they parted with a handshake, her hand capturing his in a damp but firm grip.

Over the next week, he took her in turn to a basketball game, a Physics lecture by a visiting Nobel prize winner, a comedy movie, and a CD release party for a local rock group. Her clothing decisions varied from not-quite-embarrassing to just off-center; at the basketball game she looked like a frumpy overweight librarian, but for both the Nobel lecture and the CD party she chose clingy eye-catching blouses and knee-length skirts that practically forced you to take all of her curves in at once.

Ray wanted to give her some advice, but he couldn't find any way that wouldn't be either condescending or insulting. Luckily, he had picked his events well and hadn't run into any of his usual crowd, and his opinion of her didn't seem relevant since they always parted at her apartment door with the same damp handshake.

On one front, however, Ray felt he was finally giving the Professor some value for his money - Marta was starting to open up to him about herself rather than her coursework. After the CD party, which she appeared to enjoy thoroughly, they went to a coffee bar for dessert. She told him about growing up in one of the smaller states on the banks of the Rhine, being unpopular (without specifying a reason), and deciding that the best way to get out of town was to excel at school.

She then surprised Ray by demonstrating a fondness and wide knowledge of American poets, from Emily Dickinson to Carl Sandburg. Poetry was one of Ray's side interests, and he was doubly surprised to find out from Marta that Professor Dichter was a poet, having been published back in Germany before he moved to America. Marta for her part was surprised that her uncle's top teaching assistant wouldn't know that, a comment that Ray chose to take as flattery.

Their evening ended as usual at her apartment door with Ray prepared for her clammy handshake, but instead, she leaned into him for a quick hug, her arms pulling him briefly but emphatically against her before she turned and went inside. Ray drove home in a confused and disturbed mood, and decided by Monday morning to tell the Professor merely that Marta seemed to be adapting to college social life. He didn't, however, claim that his escorting services were finished.

The next week was first trimester exams, so Marta was busy with her computer programs and Ray was occupied grading papers. He didn't even realize that Friday had arrived until Marta called him for a change.

"Hi, Ray!" Her voice was breathless, excited, almost girlish. If it weren't for her accent, he'd have thought the call was from someone else. "There's a goth group playing at a club downtown tonight, and I don't want to see them by myself. I wondered if you'd be interested?" Goth wasn't at all Ray's preference, but he was so amazed to hear this side of Marta that he heard his agreement and her acceptance before his brain caught up to reality. The incongruous image of frumpy Marta being excited about dark, moody goth music broke Ray's concentration for the rest of the afternoon.

He grabbed a quick dinner and drove to Marta's apartment, where she was already standing outside her door waiting for him. Ray did a double-take to make sure he had the right apartment - the woman there was Marta's size and general shape but that was the only thing familiar about her. Her eyes were heavily made up with black shadows, and she wore a dress of some stiff but flexible black material that made her look like a heavyset voluptuous witch. She held out one hand imperiously, and Ray escorted her to the passenger side of his car with something more than his usual gentlemanly manners. She took her seat without so much as a thank-you.

Halfway to the club, Marta finally broke her dramatic silence with a low chuckle. "Oh Ray, you should have seen your face when you saw me! I'm glad you agreed to take me, I've got some friends in the band but I didn't have a ride. I think you'll really like this." The comment eased Ray's confusion somewhat, although he still wondered where this side of Marta came from.

The downtown club was dim and dingy, and smelled vaguely of beer and less savory intoxicants. Ray paid the cover charges and followed Marta in, noting her animated greetings to several of the dark-clad figures in the crowd. He felt distinctly out of place, and was glad of the occasional squeeze of Marta's hand on his. He followed her lead in getting a club soda at the bar, and they wandered through the close-packed space until Marta found an empty booth, urging Ray to scoot in first.

He took a long swallow from his drink, and finally found his own voice. "You said friends of yours - computer science majors?" The tone of his voice indicated he found this hard to believe.

"Yes, Kellie's into OS design, Greg, the drummer, does something involving parallel architectures and Nina is an AI geek. You'd like Greg, he's a heads-down focused kind of worker like you." She squeezed his hand as if to take the sting out of that last remark. At that moment, the club lights dimmed and the band came out on stage. They looked like outcasts from a George Romero movie, but when the music started it was evident even to Ray's ears that they could play.

Nina, the lead singer, was especially eye-catching. There was nothing particularly revealing about her outfit - a torn shirt and dark jeans - but she moved with sinuous electricity and her voice had a husk that insisted on your attention. He couldn't quite understand the words of the song, but if he closed his eyes he could feel it pulsing in his blood.

"... drink?"

Ray shook his head. The song was over and he'd missed Marta talking to him. She waved her hand in front of his face and repeated herself. "I said, can you get me another drink?" Ray apologized for his inattention and squeezed out between the booth and Marta's backside as she moved to give him room. He sucked in his breath, feeling the stirrings of an erection he hadn't been aware of as he slid past.

When he got back to the booth with her club soda and his Tom Collins, Marta was conversing animatedly with the lead singer, and Ray took a moment to contrast the picture with the frumpy reserved girl he'd had that first dinner with. It was hard to put the two in the same universe, much less the same person. Nina looked up and saw Ray, and burst into giggles as he slid into the booth opposite the two.

"What's the joke," he asked between curiosity and annoyance.

"Oh nothing, just... girl talk," was Nina's reply.

Up close the singer was even more of a contradiction than on stage. There wasn't anything about her appearance that Ray could single out, and yet there was a definite aura about her - and Ray didn't even believe in such things. He decided to change the focus of the conversation, smiling to Nina and complimenting her on her stage presence and the band's musical chops. She thanked him gravely, then slipped away quickly to get ready for the next set.

"I just wish I'd been able to make out the words," he added after Nina was safely out of earshot.  That brought a loud hoot from Marta.

"Don't let my uncle hear you saying that," she admonished him. When Ray looked at her in bewilderment, she smiled and leaned forward to speak over the club noise. Ray couldn't help looking down the front of her dress and wondering whether those mounds were being supported by a bra as Marta's voice curled into his ear. "You really weren't paying attention to the words - they were in low German and I thought you were understanding them. That's from one of my uncle's poems, I adapted it for the group. I've written several songs for them."

He lifted his attention to Marta's face at this new revelation. Her hand snaked across the top of the booth to squeeze his. "Raymond... I'd be very happy to read you his poems. And if you're very nice to me, well... Nina told me she thinks you're cute." Marta rolled her thumb in the center of Ray's palm, and he felt a wave of heat wash across his forehead. Thoughts of the Professor vanished from his mind, and he spent the rest of the concert in a warmly fuzzy anticipatory haze.

* *** *

Ray let Marta drive his car back to her apartment; the last Tom Collins had pushed him past his normal limit and he needed her help to get the seat belt fastened across his lap. They arrived at her front door, but a damp handshake was not in the cards for this night. Marta opened the door and helped Ray keep from tripping over the threshold while she turned on the lights. The inside was a cocoon of plush, soft surfaces - velours, thick carpet, padded fabrics on the walls, and everywhere the sheen of silk.

Marta settled Ray into the deeply cushioned sofa and brushed her lips across his forehead, then wandered off toward the back of the apartment. Music started up; Ray recognized the voice of Lotte Lenya from the Threepenny Opera and he floated along with those familiar lyrics until Marta returned.

She came out of the bedroom in a clinging black silk robe, the lines of a panty girdle clearly visible at her waist and below her thighs; but above that no lines, only large swaying curves. Her hair was pulled back caressing the tops of her shoulders. Ray gaped, and managed to summon up a whistle. Marta smiled at that, dark brown eyes twinkling above neat white teeth, and she moved forward to climb up into his lap.

"Ray, you've been a lovely and well-behaved gentleman for these past few weeks. Of course, we both know my uncle and my lack of looks have a lot to do with that." She chuckled, and squirmed her full bottom from side to side over Ray's trapped erection. "But you've been nicer than you had to be, and I've seen where your eyes have gone when you think I'm not looking. I think you're sweet, and Nina agrees with me."

That was her second odd reference to the singer, and Ray would have asked about it had Marta not opened the top of her robe, presenting him with two large, dark-nippled breasts that begged for his attention. He was more than willing to do just that, giving either side equal open-mouthed attention and lifting his hands to caress the outsides of her heavy curves. He suckled, drawing as much of the sweet-scented flesh into his mouth as possible.

Marta leaned into him and clasped her hands behind his head, and with his mouth full Ray couldn't do anything to warn Marta about the rapidly increasing urgency in his lap. She hugged him into her cleavage as he exploded in his pants, his face ruddy from embarrassment and shortness of breath, and she didn't release him until his body ceased to shake and quiver.

"You're embarrassed," she observed before kissing him thoroughly. "Don't be, that was the sweetest compliment you could possibly give me." She shifted atop him, removing her robe and wrapping it around his eyes. "Now be a good boy and don't move or talk or peek, and we'll get ourselves cleaned up for a lovely time together!"

Ray wasn't inclined to argue as he felt Marta's soft hands remove his shoes, undo his belt and fly and drag his slacks down off his legs. The soggy cotton of his briefs followed suit once he lifted his hips off the sofa cushion. The fuzzy material of the sofa tickled his bottom, and he was acutely aware of the feel of semen drying on his skin. The apartment was cool, but not enough to make him shiver.

Something orchestral, Brahms perhaps, was on the music system and it effectively masked any sounds Marta might be making despite his best efforts to listen. After what seemed a long time (and to a half-naked and blindfolded Ray, any time seemed long) Ray's hearing was further muffled by the heft of Marta's breasts pressed around his ears from behind. Her fingers deftly unfastened the buttons of his shirt and she pressed him forward just enough to remove that last garment before lacing her hands across his chest and playing with his nipples. His erection, which had never gone completely away, sprang back to life as Marta's fingertips danced and teased their way down over his stomach, tantalizing near his waistline.

A damp, slick hand clasped his erection, another set of fingers rolled his testicles. Even as his legs stiffened in a wave of lust Ray could work out there were too many hands for one person.

"Marta has good taste."  The voice was familiar... the singer from the band?  "Yes, I'm Nina, and you're my treat.  You can thank Marta for that later.  Or maybe she'll thank you."  The hand around his shaft led his cockhead into the caress of damp folds of flesh, and he moaned as the woman twisted herself down onto him until her thighs were comfortably snuggled against his legs.  For an unknowable time, Ray felt the effects of four hands plucking, teasing and stroking his body while Nina did things with her inner muscles that he had only read about in cheap porn magazines. 

She started slowly and picked up her tempo gradually, playing her own kind of physical music until she dug her fingernails into his underarms and shrieked out her climax, pulling Ray into a simultaneous explosion that left him drained and dizzy.  Not too drained, as he discovered when she began moving again, and her second act pulled the curtain down over Ray's senses.

Ray's dreams were busy, fragmentary, and vaguely erotic.  He woke in semidarkness with Marta's hand curled around his shaft, her breasts pressed into his back.  She was breathing slowly and deeply, and her occasional wriggle made the material of her panty girdle brush lightly against his ass.  Nina was nowhere in evidence.  Ray wondered how to detach himself enough to get to the bathroom, but that problem went away when Marta woke up.  She stirred against him and spoke sleepily.  "Mmm, Ray, you were wonderful but I need to get some sleep - are you okay to drive now, or can I put you up on the sofa?"

Confused by the abrupt dismissal, and more than a little annoyed, Ray allowed that he had slept enough to be street legal but would need to find his clothes.  "I'll take care of that, hon, you just catch up on your rest.  I guess we really wore you out."  She was right on that score, Ray's body felt like he'd run a marathon and then kept the judges' daughters busy for the afterparty. 

He felt himself gingerly; nothing seemed to be broken, but everything from his groin outward ached.  The feeling was not unpleasant, but it was tinged with frustration.  Ray had the definite sense that he'd missed some of the action.

The lights in the apartment came up, enough to see by and not enough to make his eyes hurt.  Marta stood in front of him holding his slacks and shirt and a pair of purple panties.  "Hon, you really can't wear those briefs again.  I hope you don't mind wearing something of Nina's."  Ray wasn't at all pleased with the idea of panties, but he didn't want to go bare under his slacks either.  He stood and slid the silky sheath up his legs, tugging the waistband up.  At least he didn't have a roommate to see this.  

Before Marta gave him the rest of his clothes she hugged him tight and kissed him deeply, one hand caressing the backside of the panties.  "I know you're disappointed, but I promise I'll make it up to you."  A twinkle came into her eyes as she continued, "You just keep those around, and I'll let you redeem them next time."

And with that Ray found himself out in the parking lot, getting into his car, driving home.  The sensation of the panties around his groin kept him alert for the drive.  If that was a bum's rush, it was certainly the most interesting one he'd ever been given.  It was a very confused Ray, still wearing Nina's panties, who fell into bed and into sleep as the sun rose.

* *** *

Thanksgiving came and went, and Ray found himself frequently accompanying Marta to lectures and movies.  The professor hadn't said anything about terminating their arrangement, and Ray hadn't taken the initiative to mention it.  The scene inside Marta's apartment was not repeated although she was much more affectionate than before in saying goodbye. 

After each of these kind-of dates, while relieving his unfulfilled arousal, Ray would say to himself that the panties were a silly idea and he should just forget about it.  But each time Marta asked him out, he wound up wearing the cool caress of nylon under his slacks.

Outside of seeing Marta, Ray was kept busy with his teaching assistant duties and work on his master's thesis.  He put his frustrations to good use by completing almost a hundred pages before homecoming weekend arrived.  Neither Ray nor Marta were football fans, so they arranged to attend a theatre arts festival a few hours out of town.  Ray had always thought Shakespeare boring, but one of the festival entries was a crossbreed of Romeo and Juliet and Taming of the Shrew, set in modern times and done in rap. 

It was totally bizarre, but amazingly it made sense.  The real revelation to him was a troupe performing a setting of the Parsifal tale written in the thirteenth century.  With Professor Dichter as his mentor, Ray was of course well-read in classical German literature, but this was a completely different animal.

The two of them went to a small cafe after the last performances and spent hours talking about what they'd seen, finally being chased out by the cafe's owner who wanted to close.  By that time it was too late to be driving back to the campus, and Marta suggested they stay with some friends of hers near the festival site.  Ray, yawning, thought it a good idea and followed Marta's directions to find their house.

Marta's friends were a pair of older women, perhaps in their early fifties, and they greeted her like a long-absent daughter with plenty of hugs and giggles.  Ray's reception was more guarded but still friendly, with overtones of, "any friend of Marta's..."  The two insisted that the younger couple join them for a nightcap, and they fluffed up the bedding in the guest room before calling it a night.  Marta pulled out a book and waved Ray to join her on the bed, and they snuggled while she read him her uncle's poetry.  It was good, but Ray was tired, so Marta suggested that he use the bathroom first.

When he came out, Marta was still on the bed but had stripped down to her large white bra and panty girdle.  She giggled at him, saying, "Surely you're not going to come to bed wearing jeans!"  Ray turned toward the bathroom, but that seemed even more silly all things considered.  Instead, he stood with his back to Marta, unbuckling his belt and letting the jeans down. 

The thin purple panties were stretched tautly across his bottom, and in front, they clearly framed his budding erection as he turned around.  "Is that for me?" Marta cooed, and wiggled her fingers inviting Ray up to the bed.

The mattress was high enough that Ray's crotch was at the same level as Marta's thighs, and she grabbed his ass to rub his lingerie-covered shaft into the gusset of her panty girdle.  "I'm so glad you wore these for me, Ray, it tells me you're thinking about me!"  Wrapping her legs around his, she slid her hands up his chest and pulled his head down to meet hers for a long, engrossing kiss. 

His chest was pressed against the crinkles and texture of her heavy bra, and she led his hands around behind so that he could busy himself removing that garment.  When the catches popped apart, he rubbed the lines out of her back before pulling himself away bringing the bra with him.  Marta smiled and held her arms out, her breasts falling unsupported, large russet areolas framing thick nipples.  Ray licked his lips unconsciously, and Marta grinned to see that. 

He practically fell forward into her cleavage, leaving no inch of skin untouched or unkissed.  Marta enjoyed that almost as much as the feeling of his erection sliding against the gusset of her panties, and she almost regretted having to push his face away from her body.

"Ray," she said softly, "would you help me off with these?"

In other circumstances, the look on Ray's face would have been funny.  He resembled nothing so much as a puppy about to be given a big juicy doggy snack.  Marta slid down to stand next to the bed, and helped Ray to tug and pull the heavily elastic material down over her ample ass.  He held the garment for her as she pulled first one foot and then the other out.

If Marta thought she was leading this dance, she found Ray capable of surprising her.  He pressed his face unprompted between her cheeks and slithered his tongue out to tease her dangling nether lips.  She moaned in appreciation and leaned forward to rest her torso on the bed, spreading her thighs for him.  His face jiggled against her bottom, then vanished to be replaced by a very different part of his body.  Marta sighed and rocked from side to side in anticipation, and Ray didn't disappoint. 

He entered her slowly, with great focus and determination, his hands deftly stroking her hips and teasing around her waist to get their bodies together at the most effective angle.  He was, she thought, a very thoughtful lover.  Not sudden, hard and fast, but deliberately paced with a good sense of how her inner fires were slowly rising.  She recognized the moment and the need when he softly kissed her in the middle of her back, tickling her sides and asking her to turn over.

The bed squeaked as she rolled, and Ray quickly slid his cock through her wet channel, holding her open with one hand as he pushed his length fully inside her.  Marta's legs wouldn't go over his shoulders, but together they managed to find a position that was comfortable for her as he slapped his thighs into her.  He leaned forward and played with her breasts drawing coos of delight as his face turned red with effort and arousal.  Marta returned the favor, teasing her fingernails up and down his sides as he huffed and puffed atop her until his eyes rolled and he clutched at her sides, his hips jerking as he spilled what must have been three months of pent-up desire into her.

It was good for him, that much was obvious, and he was still shaking between her legs when Marta reached down to find her hidden clit, giving herself that little extra she needed to go over the edge herself.  The sound Ray made when she came was merely icing on her cake.

Later, after showing Ray how she liked to be cleaned both in and out of the tub, Marta lay in bed with him sprawled inside her arms and legs. She stroked his back and teased his bottom, smiling as he weakly jerked his body against her.  He was sensitive there; she would enjoy teaching him.  Nina was very special to her, of course, but Marta wanted a good man - between her legs and in all the other ways.

She hoped her uncle wouldn't mind when his prize student became hers instead.

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The Naked Professor

Professor Timothy Boxer walked briskly into the classroom wearing a blue tie with white stripes.Just a tie.  Nothing else.“Good morning, and welcome to Waterbury Hills College.  As you know, this class, Human Sexuality and Social Behavior, is a required course for all freshmen.”Tim Boxer was a relatively young full professor.  At thirty-six years old, Boxer was on the fast track as a rising star with his research on human relationships and sexuality.  But he was mostly known for his unorthodox...

College Sex
1 year ago
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The Lonely Professor

The two students only moved in a month ago. Into the downstairs flat.Love's Young Dream I called them. They're not married, but no-one is these days, are they? Not that age anyway. I found out they're not even twenty.It's all so much freer than in my twenties, fifty years ago, or even when I became Professor. Yes, we held hands in public, and a man walked with an arm around his girl. Even then, the neighbours could look askance. But if I'd let an arm slide as far down my girl's back as that...

3 years ago
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The Lonely Professor

The two students only moved in a month ago. Into the downstairs flat.Love's Young Dream I called them. They're not married, but no-one is these days, are they? Not that age anyway. I found out they're not even twenty.It's all so much freer than in my twenties, fifty years ago, or even when I became Professor. Yes, we held hands in public, and a man walked with an arm around his girl. Even then, the neighbours could look askance. But if I'd let an arm slide as far down my girl's back as that...

3 years ago
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Punishment for the Naughty Professor

Rick, the head of campus security, pops his head through the open doorway as I finish gathering my things from the now empty classroom. “Yes, Rick, I’m ready to go.” I smile as I walk towards him. His eyes sweep my figure, as he does most evenings. I’m wearing a black A-line skirt over sheer stockings and my chiffon top hugs my curves. Knowing that Rick would walk me across campus to my car, as he does every Wednesday, I surreptitiously unbuttoned the top three buttons of my blouse while...

1 year ago
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I Got Fucked by My Professor

A note from me: Some of you may have read my 6 part series which details my relationship with my husband and his friends. While that series focuses on true events from my life, I had such a fun time writing about it that I wish to continue writing more short stories, but this time with elements of both truth and fiction. I will use myself as the central character in these stories and put to words the scenarios that I think and fantasize about. I hope you enjoy. My name is Nina and I am 20...

1 year ago
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Teaching a Professor

Ense??ndole a un Profesor Teaching a ProfessorChapter 1: The Course?That way, opposite sexes generate attraction between them. It is an enjoyable feeling that nature imposes us to instigate our instinct of procreation. Having intercourse is in its own a very pleasurable moment for both sexes, just because of the same reason, it is a feeling natures uses to encourage reproduction.?Scott Kendall, 33 years old and Licensed in Sex Education, gave this course year after year, and it was finishing ...

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College girl has hot sex with Professor

Kelly was not just your average girl...she had a way with men that no other woman did. She could make a guy want her so bad they would do anything to fuck her. This was very well known to her college Professor. He was finding it harder and harder to keep his mind on teaching the class instead of on fucking Shelly. As she bit the tip of her eraser while thinking....she noticed the professor scanner her body stopping at her breast. Shelly had agreed to meet her boyfriend after class for a date...

1 year ago
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Episode 51 Pleasing The AsstProfessor

Author: XXXAuthor Asst. Professor Joshi took Aarushi to his home. It was not too far away from the college, and Joshi was still heavily pumped up with the prospect of having Aarushi all alone at his home. At first he did not believed when his senior – professor Agnihotri – had told him about Aarushi. But after seeing Aarushi with his own eyes, he was quite thrilled and impatient at the same time. He thought professor Agnihotri was very generous in sharing his booty with him too. He had never...

1 year ago
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My English Professor

It was my second year of college and I decided I needed to take a core class aside from my political science major. What to take, what to take? I hated math and science, so I figured I would be ok with English. How can I do badly in a subject that I actually liked, right? I ended up signing up for English 1301 with Professor Collins, since I had heard he was a pretty good professor. The first day of class came around, and I had to drag my butt out of bed for the 8 AM English class. What was I...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Love Comes to the Professor

She sat there, in the very front row, to my immediate left. When I walked into the classroom at the outset of the spring semester, and set my materials down, and met her glance, I knew that I was in big, big trouble.She was a recent transfer student to the Midwestern private college at which I was an adjunct professor. I had noticed her in the hallways in the building in which I taught, and was transfixed by her beautiful eyes and shy smile.And she returned my hallway interest with an interest...

3 years ago
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Love Comes to the Professor

She sat there, in the very front row, to my immediate left. When I walked into the classroom at the outset of the spring semester, and set my materials down, and met her glance, I knew that I was in big, big trouble.She was a recent transfer student to the Midwestern private college at which I was an adjunct professor. I had noticed her in the hallways in the building in which I taught, and was transfixed by her beautiful eyes and shy smile.And she returned my hallway interest with an interest...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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The Professor

It's 10:30 at night and I'm sitting here in the Times newsroom, well actually in what we call the sport bullpen, trying for the tenth time to polish off a story about the latest win by our local junior college basketball team. The team is just 14-17 this year but they have a very good power forward on their less than spectacular team. The kid has a real chance to transfer to a four-year college if he can just get some good ink and that's been my goal all year. Earlier this evening he shot...

2 years ago
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The English Professor

Michael Lavine was one of the most sought after bachelors that I knew. Not only an English professor adored by both his students and peers, he was charming, charismatic, and gorgeous. He was toned with a muscular build, short wavy brown hair, and had the most dazzling set of green eyes anyone had ever seen. He was also a best seller novelist causing fortune to be added to his resume. Women of all ages would always have the tendency to throw themselves at him. But he always pulled away, not...

1 year ago
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The Math Professor

There are two types of people in this world: those who enjoy math and those who do not enjoy math. Another way to divide the world is into virgins and those who have not experienced sexual intercourse. I am a professor of mathematics. I enjoy math. I have not experienced sexual intercourse. I cannot describe what an intolerable agony it is to be a thirty-five year-old virgin. After my morning masturbation, I took a shower and proceeded to ride my bicycle to lecture. I am an assistant professor...

First Time
4 years ago
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The slave professor

The Slave ProfessorChapter 1 Dr.Karin is a professor of art in New York University. She is 37 years old. She is holding PhD degree in Art. Her major is English literature. Despite her age she is working hard to keep herself in good shape and fitness. She is a beautiful lady with long brown hair, brown eyes, firm breast and relatively slim white body. She is married and has one son. Her husband is a plastic surgeon in the university hospital. He has a very good reputation among his colleagues....

2 years ago
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Untouchable Professor

This is an account of a reputed untouchable married woman who secretly developed and sustained a taboo lifestyle until her career in academia ended. It all began soon after a devastating personal crisis when a county fair fortune-teller claimed a man would unexpectedly enter her life. In her ensuing fantasies a tall, dark and handsome suitor swept her off her feet. Within a week the Dean of Administrative Affairs introduced a new adjunct professor and football coach. Even though deeply tanned,...

1 year ago
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Amy and the Professor

Amy and the Professor Dr. Andrew T. Temple & Pooch- Dr. Temple sat deep in his leather recliner. His right hand held a portfolioof the students scheduled for his upcoming Graduate Philosophy 522 class. Hisleft hand held a tumbler of his favorite Single Malt Scotch. It promised tobe a good night. One of his favorite activities lay before him; picking hissemester prey from among the many young, bright and fuckable co-eds who hadregistered for his course. Over his long and successful tenure at...

2 years ago
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My Professor

“Did you earn good grades, Leslie?” My stepmother asked. “I did, I’ve aced every test and done well on all the homework.” “So why won’t she give you the grade?” I didn’t know Melanie that well, she’d married my dad just a couple months earlier, She was twenty nine with a model’s body, long legs, a big solid rack and a little BB ass and a gorgeous face. We were getting along pretty well so I decided to tell her the truth. “She caught me fooling around with another girl in the locker room...

4 years ago
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Gracey and Her Professor

Grace was beautiful. Five feet, four inches with creamy skin with an equally creamy complexion and long, wavy brown hair. A pert nose, dark bedroom eyes, and full pink lips gave her a face that most people paid to have nowadays. Her body was like a valley, curves leading the eyes every which way. Her breasts were full, firm, and high; her waist small, but her hips wide. Her generous thighs would make a priest forget his vows. She had decided to buy a new wardrobe after moving out...

1 year ago
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A Night With the Professor

My name is Neethu and I am 21 years old now. I live in bangalore but completed my college studies in Delhi. This story that I am going to narrate what happened to me when I was 17. I was in Delhi and I was studying in a pretty good college, I lived with my father back then, my mother died when I was 3 so I don't remember her much, my father had to work a lot so he was rarely home and since I had no authority figure I was quite a mess at the age of 16 itself so he decided to send me to Delhi for...

First Time
2 years ago
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Janna and the Professor

M/F, M+/F, BDSM, spanking, humiliation, anal, toys JANNA AND THE PROFESSOR PART I Janna walked around the house, bored to death. Her English Lit professor,Dr. Atkins, had asked her if she could house-sit for the weekend while he wasout of town. Now, she wasn't sure she should have accepted since he apparentlydidn't believe in cable. "Who in the world doesn't have cable TV" she thoughtto herself. She had already explored most of the house, finding nothing to stimulateher interest. When she...

1 year ago
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My College Professor

Introduction: My first story. I hope you like My college professor Its the beginning of a new semester and Samantha is not happy with the school she is at. You see over the summer Sams mom had a heart attack and because of that Sam moved home to take care of her. So instead of going to the top notch college that she had loved her freshman year she was going to the local technical college that took anybody. Being a business major Sam had to take a marketing class that she didnt think she was...

4 years ago
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Let me tell you the story of how my worst day become a dream come true. My name is Professor Jackson I use to be an English teacher at Harvard but got fired because of an obvious misunderstanding. Mrs Flowers, 66 years old Librarian, accused me of sexual misconduct. she claimed i grabbed her ass and made sexual advances towards her. which is complete BS. i am a gentleman and i would never make advances without expressed permission. But all it took was one complaint by Mrs flowers and i was out...

2 years ago
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A fake professor

Hi there, I am about 35 years old and here is the story that took place not long ago, I remember everything vividly and I still can’t believe it really happened to me. All my life, I was working as a driver, not a cab driver but driving some big shots. I received decent salary and was happy with my life. What is more, I always has a luxurious car by my side, the better part was that the gasoline and repairs were covered by my employer. So, in short, I could drive wherever I wanted and enjoy the...

2 years ago
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Horny Student Hot Professor

She walks briskly into class a few minutes early and sits in the front row. She pretends to look over her notes from the previous class. She sits up straight, her eyes down, swinging her crossed leg rhythmically. She has a big secret and she’s deathly afraid someone will surmise. She’s wearing a short, flirty summer skirt and her legs are bare, no tights. The professor comes in and class begins. He notices that she is sitting in the front row, notices her posture and her big black Mary Jane...

1 year ago
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DeStress the Professor

As the sound of mumbling students and rustling bags grew louder, Ron Fuller looked up from the whiteboard he was writing on to check the clock. Class had run a few minutes over yet again, and students were getting antsy.He turned from the board to face his class. Rows of stadium seating were packed with students, a few who'd arrived late forced to stand to the side to take notes. A month ago, this history class only took up a little over half of the seats, and he had trouble with too many open...

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Episode 27 8211 The Naughty Professor

In our last episode, Aarushi was concerned and stressed about her exams which was just a few days ahead. And she was not prepared for writing the exams. Alike most of her other friends she too was seeking help from the rest of her classmates, but they selfishly refused to help. But just when the rest of her friends were about to lose all hope, Aarushi had her own ways of getting what she wanted. She approached Mr. Agnihotri, their professor, directly. He was at the library when Aarushi...

2 years ago
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My College Professor

It's the beginning of a new semester and Samantha is not happy with the school she is at. You see over the summer Sam's mom had a heart attack and because of that Sam moved home to take care of her. So instead of going to the top notch college that she had loved her freshman year she was going to the local technical college that took anybody.  Being a business major Sam had to take a marketing class that she didn't think she was going to like. When she walked into the class and saw that...

2 years ago
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Fucked by college professor

TRUE STORYWhen I was in college, (graduated now) I worked in my department office. Working in the department office had its perks. I was basically a TA (teacher's assistant) for every teacher in our department. I had access to almost all the grades for every student in the program for that particular course. I knew my job well and did my job well. Recently, at the time, we just gained a new adjunct professor who was to teach some of our online courses. I was recommended to him by our office...

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Maggie and The Professor

Being awarded a senior faculty fellowship was the culmination of three long hard years of work, and David couldn’t remember the last time he had felt this kind of professional validation. Such satisfaction. And the paid sabbatical would be a welcome respite from teaching. He hoped to use that time to finish the text that he’d begun to work on years ago, just bits and pieces collected here and there. He’d use that text to instruct an undergraduate class in the new course he would be adding to...

1 year ago
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The English Professor

It was late into the semester and the college announced that there would special classes for certain Students. For all did I know that these classes would turn out to be really “special” for me. IAM a 20 year old, good looking, (and since this page is about sex), I do have a medium sized penis but I can fuck like the animal she wants me to be. Coming back to the story. I attended classes only for this sexed out and curvy professor in my college.. beaula.. shes 5’4 in height big titties a bubble...

2 years ago
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The Professor

Ashley looked at herself in the mirror. She liked how she looked. At 5’9” in her four inch heels she was tall. Being on her feet at work had helped her shed the freshman fifteen she gain almost five years ago. She was now a slim 115 pounds. Tonight she had also taken the time to curl her long brown hair and apply make-up. She was excited to be going out tonight, even if it was by herself. It had been two months since she graduated from college and started her new job, a month since she had a...

3 years ago
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The Professor

 It was an unseasonably warm day in mid-October as I strolled up to our usual meeting spot at the southeast corner of the university quad. I was the first of the group to arrive, so I snatched up a seat at the picnic table, at the far end, that was excluded from the shade of a nearby tree.I took off my jacket, exposing my shoulders to the late afternoon sun. Let the warmth wash over my body, knowing that this would be one of the last balmy days before the weather chilled for fall.I pulled out...

College Sex
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The Professor

 It was an unseasonably warm day in mid-October as I strolled up to our usual meeting spot at the southeast corner of the university quad. I was the first of the group to arrive, so I snatched up a seat at the picnic table, at the far end, that was excluded from the shade of a nearby tree.I took off my jacket, exposing my shoulders to the late afternoon sun. Let the warmth wash over my body, knowing that this would be one of the last balmy days before the weather chilled for fall.I pulled out...

College Sex
1 year ago
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Psyche The Professor

Monica I sat at my desk watching my professor talk. The man loved to hear himself talk. I can't even imagine a person being more... well, boring. But still, if I was going to get the internship I desperately needed, I had to get an 'A' in his class. It wasn't my fault really...Ok, sure I could have studied more, but a girl has other things she needs to do, and reading paper after paper of boring psychological studies... well, it's enough to put you to sleep. I need my sleep. So... I guess I...

2 years ago
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The professor

A mature student makes out sex and insinuates for the first time. I was able to  manage quite well  to  exploit this submissive, obedient attributes in this woman  who had begun to  reveal.  I still wonder how I succeeded in using my best  method ever. She was submitted, I became her master,  and   finally could penetrate within her;   she amazingly   liked this.   When she felt her body playing with mine,    she began to  discern  lust, desire and envy.  I definitely was a man who  awakened...

Love Stories
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Amber and the Professor

Amber was late for her appointment with Professor Crimson. He was kind enough to let her come by his home for her oral dissertation. Unfortunately, Amber got stuck in college traffic and arrived a half hour late. She rang the bell but got no response. Hearing voices coming from the back, she crept quietly around the corner of the house and hid in the bushes. The Professor led his wife by the hand to a chair in the center of a screened porch. He used his stern teacher voice.."what did we agree...

2 years ago
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Please Professor

"Professor Snape?" he looked at me with the scowl he had been wearing all night. "My name is Chris" i said and he reluctantly (or so he was playing out) shook my hand and nodded. i followed him to class seeing as i didn't know where i was going anyways. i sat down and pulled out my sketch pad. i was a fare artist and wanted to add his sweet ass face to my collection. slowly i sketched away not really paying attention. i was hoping he would get irritated and hold me after for detention. but...

3 years ago
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seducing my professor

The first day of classes was already half over and I was not scared at the perspective workload. My next class was a writing class, it look interesting because we were able to write stories, poems, essays, opinions, or whatever came to mind. I took my seat just as this tall redhead walked in. she looked young and I half expected her to sit down in one of the desks near me. Instead she put her bag on the desk in the front of the classroom and started writing stuff on the board. I could not...

2 years ago
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Bad Professor

"I'm really sorry, Hunter. You're a beautiful girl, you really are. And you'll find someone much better - and younger - than me. You shouldn't be with a man in his mid-forties; you should be hanging out with the other young 20-somethings." "What if I don't want to?" I looked at her for a moment. It was difficult to deny this girl. "Well. In any case, I can't risk my job." She used the handkerchief again and stood up to leave. Her bared, flat white tummy - and a delicate belly...

1 year ago
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The Panty Professor

I returned to college a few days after giving Daddy his very special present on his birthday, Halloween (see the story “Trick or Treat, Daddy?” posted on this site in the Incest category). After I spanked Dean Robertson and did him with the strap-on so he would let me go home to Daddy, I began to understand what needed to be done to please my professors. You had to find out what interested each one the most. Some liked cunnilingus, some liked fellatio. Some liked to stick you up the ass and...

1 year ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

4 years ago
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My Husband the Professor

Ava had her first long weekend off since starting her new job. She practically raced to the locker room to change out of her nursing scrubs and into an outfit she had perfectly planned to go with her after work adventure. She was planning to pay her husband a special visit. Her husband, Jake, was a microeconomics professor at a private college no more than 10 minutes away. She changed into her only bra that made her small boobs look at least in the B-cup range. Ava pulled her waist length...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Cuckolded Professor

Anthony Wiggins was above all a gentleman. His hard-working parents had raised him to be honorable and honest. He was of good character and yet he had a weakness that he kept well-hidden from the eyes of the public and most of his friends and family. Anthony was a shameless cuckold! Some readers will be shocked by that assertion and others will just giggle and pity a fool. In all honesty, the only one most comfortable with the fact would be his stunningly beautiful spouse Betty who had...

2 years ago
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Letter to the Professor

Dear Professor, I haven’t had time to finish my assignment, so I’m sending you this letter to explain. Hopefully, you will be understanding of my situation and, perhaps, feel kind enough to grant me an extension? I think I may need another week. You see, I’m struggling to maintain my focus, but I guess you’ve noticed that? Despite enjoying the subject and your authoritative and intelligent lectures, I am prone to daydreaming recently. I apologise. It’s just that when you’re stood there and I’m...

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