pissed off professor
- 3 years ago
- 29
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At the Christmas show...
I can’t help but smile, watching my beautiful daughter sing her solo. This year’s Christmas show is the biggest and best yet. Turning to my wife, I take her hand and look into her eyes. She is glowing with pride, as a happy tear forms, then trickles down her cheek. Looking again on stage, I feel how lucky we are to have such a talented daughter as Natalie. The lighting brings out the highlights of her strawberry blonde hair, making it shimmer, and the glitter on her cheeks makes her look angelic. I smile thinking how much she looks like her mother when we were in High School.
The schools after show dinner was a treat. Natalie and her friends were delighted with the show, and everyone was kind, with their praise, and congratulatory remarks. The entire faculty is here with more than a hundred parents attending the Christmas dinner. We’re sharing a table with one of the school counselors and psychologist, Professor Carter. I’ve spoken with Professor Carter a few times, once during a parent/teacher conference, and another time when we met to discuss Natalie attending a school function in NY City with her drama class.
After we were seated, I re-introduce my wife and me.
Me: “Hello, I’m Robert Fontaine, and this is my wife Colette.”
The Professor held out his hand.
Professor: “Natalie’s parents, of course I remember you. I’m Brett Carter, and this lovely lady is Stacy.”
Colette held out her hand and they shook.
Wife: “It’s good to see you again Professor Carter.”
Professor: “Please, call me Brett this evening, after all, this is a casual affair.”
The Professor looked at me as we shook hands, his grip quite firm.
Professor: “Bob, it’s nice to see you again, Colette, you look ravishing, and may I say, Natalie did a spectacular job in tonight’s performance. You must be proud of her.”
Me: “Thank you, we are proud of her.”
Professor: “Well, she’s way ahead in academics, and from what I hear, they’re expecting great things from her in vocals and drama. And just a sophomore, I can only imagine what the next few years will bring for her.”
Wife: “She’s driven, and knows what she wants out of high school, and she’s already looking at colleges.”
Professor: “That’s great, and she should be encouraged to look, even though she’s what? 16 now?”
Wife: “She’ll be 16 in two months as a matter of fact.”
Professor: “She’s got a good head on her shoulders. I’ve spoken with her a few times, and she’s always seemed so, how did you put it? driven!”
Me: “That she is.”
The dinner wasn’t bad for being catered. Because the proceeds go to the school’s music department, it makes it worth the expense. Seeing the faculty brought back memories. You don’t realize when attending, that the teachers and staff were only 10 years older than us when we went to school here. Who would have known my daughter would have the same teachers as I.
I look closely at Brett, and guess his age about 50. He has a few gray hairs but otherwise looks fit. He probably works out and maybe plays sports. Looking closer I imagine him having a gym membership, and one of those people who stop at the gym on his way to work every day. And he obviously knows he looks good, still wearing hip clothes, and has that chiseled look about him. And his date, who he introduced as Stacy, as if she has no last name, looks to be about 20 at the most. Come to think about it, she hasn’t said a word all night. Just smiles and seems to hang on every word he says. She’s gorgeous, and I definitely see what Brett sees in her. She’s probably into older men, or looking for a sugar daddy. He probably doesn’t realize he’s a lucky man with her hanging on his arm. But with his looks and personality, I can somehow understand it, because he’s a very likable guy.
After dessert, we talked about upcoming school events. We love attending them, and want to support all of Natalie’s wishes and dreams. We’ve always felt encouragement and participation is the best thing we can do, to help our daughter academically and emotionally.
Professor: “Bob, Colette, have you two come in to go over Natalie’s curriculum in detail? I don’t remember meeting with you yet. Most of the parents have by now.”
Wife: “No, and I don’t remember reading anything about that. Was something mailed or sent home?”
Professor: “You would have been notified soon after the school year started. You two need to come in, so we can go over everything, including her physical and mental health. We can go over every aspect of her well-being for this year, and her future.”
Me: “Sure, we’ll call next week to set up a time. I don’t remember doing this last year though!”
Professor: “You don’t have to call, I have time on Monday at 6pm. That way you don’t have to leave work early and you can both attend. Will that work?”
Me: “Sure, we can make it at 6.”
Professor: “It’s settled then, just come to the Administration Building, and you’ll see the directory just inside. My office is on the second floor room 2B. I look forward to it.”
Me: “As do we Brett, I feel badly we somehow missed this, and Natalie never mentioned it either.”
Professor: “Students don’t participle unless we find problem areas, then we meet together, parents and students. I don’t foresee that Bob.”
We made small talk for a while before getting up to mingle with other faculty members, and parents we’ve come to know. By 9pm we were tired and ready to go. We found Natalie sitting with her friends, then drove home.
Part 2. ~~~~~~~~~~
We had an uneventful weekend, and I spent most of it doing yard work and cleaning out the garage.
At 7am Monday morning I’m shaving and waiting for my hair to dry. Colette is down in the kitchen making bacon, and I can smell it all the way up here. Natalie is talking on her cell with one of her friends, just like every morning. I wonder how girls coordinated their school clothes when we were in high school, some 20 years ago.
At breakfast, we sat and talked about the Christmas Play, and how impressed everyone seemed to be with it. It’s nice to see Natalie so happy with herself, and her self-confidence was shining through today. Then Colette began asking Natalie about Professor Carter. I listened since I am curious about him, he seemed mysterious.
Wife: “Natalie, what do you think of Professor Carter, your counselor?”
Natalie: “Everyone loves Professor Carter mom, and most of the girls think he’s hot!”
After choking on my coffee.
Me: “What? Your friends think that about a teacher!”
Wife: “Robert, come on, she just means they notice. I’m sure it’s nothing, and they are teenager girls.”
However, she’s looks at Natalie quizzically.
Natalie: “God dad, don’t be gross he’s like a hundred years old.”
Me: “Ok, just checking.”
I sip my coffee wondering why she would have said he’s hot, then just as quickly change her view. It’s probably one of her friends who had said something.
Natalie: “Dad we need to go, I want to get there a few minutes early.”
I push my chair back and stand up, stepped over and kiss my wife, then grabbed my keys and cell.
Me: “Have a good day hun, I’ll be home a little earlier today. Ok Nat, I’m ready, let’s go.”
Wife: “Have a good day at work, I’m meeting Jan for lunch, then some shopping but I’ll be back by the time you get home from school Natalie.”
I drove Natalie to school, dropped her off, then drove the short drive to my office, still getting in a few minutes early. My secretary, Mrs Johnson was already in and had a few memos for me to go over. Just before lunch, I walked up front to talk with my secretary.
Me: “Mrs Johnson, your son goes to Central High doesn’t he?”
Mrs Johnson: “Yes, he’s a junior this year.”
Me: “What do you know about Professor Carter, one of the counselors there?”
Mrs Johnson: “Yes, he’s my son’s counselor. He’s so handsome and distinguished looking.”
Me: Chuckling “Yeah, so I hear, I had dinner with him Friday night after the Christmas play, and he set up a meeting to go over Natalie’s schedule and mental health. It seems we had failed to do that after school started in September.”
Mrs Johnson: “That’s funny, I don’t recall having to meet with him over anything like that, however, I met with him several times this year about Chris’s soccer camp. But weird, I don’t seem to recall anything about those meetings now. I just had to sign a paper he brought home from school, and pay for the camp. He had a great time.”
Me: “So, what were the meetings about then?”
Mrs Johnson: Tilting her head, thinking. “I honestly don’t remember, but it had something to do with soccer camp. I just can’t remember what we talked about. Details about camp I’m sure”
Me: Puzzled “Oh well, I have those days too.”
At 4 O’clock I left the office. On my way home I called my wife, who says dinner will be ready about 5, and I let her know I’ll be home in 15 minutes.
After getting home I decide not to change into something casual, but wear my work suit to the meeting with Professor Carter. Colette is wearing a dress tonight, even though it’s cold out. She assumed I would wear my suit, so we both look good.
At dinner, we ask Natalie about school and how things are going. Does she like her classes and her teachers. We’re trying not to come across like an interrogation, but still gathering as much information as we can for our meeting tonight with her counselor. We tell Natalie we’ll be going to meet with some friends and not be gone long. Just meeting for a glass of wine and maybe dessert.
After dinner Natalie went to her room to listen to music, and we got our coats to go to our appointment. During the drive I mention what Mrs Johnson had said about remembering this type of meeting, but that she seemed unsure of the details.
Arriving at school there are very few people in the Administration Offices, and they seemed to be leaving as we walked in. We walked up the stairs as opposed to the elevator and found Professor Carters Office a few door down. We enter and see a small waiting area with 4 chairs, and a table displaying various magazines. We see a coat rack, and hang our coats while looking around the room. The only other door in the room is slightly cracked open, so I assume it’s Professor Carters office. I knock on the door and hear.
Professor: “Come!”
I push on the door, and we enter. I see the Professor sitting behind his desk writing in a ledger, and just as we get inside he looks up, puts his pencil down and stands.
Professor: “Mr and Mrs Fontaine, I’m glad you were able to keep your appointment. Please come in and have a seat.”
Walking around the desk toward us, he gestured to some comfortable looking chairs in front of his desk. As he reaches us, he puts out his hand, and we shook. Then he takes my wife’s hand and helps her sit in one of the chairs.
Me: “We wouldn’t want to miss the appointment, considering we’re so late meeting with you to go over Natalie’s classes.”
Professor: “Oh that’s quite alright, the important thing is that you’re here now.”
I take a seat in the chair next to Colette as the Professor walks around his desk, then over to a counter against the wall under a window. There’s a single cup coffee maker, and an electric hot water pot for tea. We have one just like it at home.
Professor: “I like to start each session by relaxing with some herbal tea. This tea is a blend I mix myself from assorted varieties from Europe and the Far East. It’s quit delicious, and helps set the tone before we begin serious discussions regarding Natalie’s education and well-being.”
Wife: “It sounds delicious, thank you.”
Professor: “Milk and sugar?”
Wife: “Just milk for me.”
Me: “Just plain.”
After a moment the Professor turns on a sound machine that makes the sounds of birds chirping and a gentle breeze through the trees. Then he brings a small tray to the side of the desk and sets it down. He places a cup of tea in front of Colette, then another in front of me. He picks up the last cup for himself and sits down behind his desk, letting out a sigh, as if it’s been a long day, and he can finally relax. He begins sipping his tea.
Professor: “Do drink up, wasn’t that a wonderful Christmas show this year. It was so nice to sit with you at dinner and get better acquainted. I see why Natalie seems so well-rounded and mature.”
I take a sip as does Colette, and we both smile at the Professor. It’s nice to have someone take a real interest in her education. Him seeing her potential means a lot to us.
We sit and talk about the schools upcoming events for a few minutes before the Professor opens a folder with Natalie’s records. Then the Professor begins going over each of her classes. He discusses the advantages of each particular class, and how it pertains to the following class next year. After going over the first class he sits back, and we sip the tea before moving on to the next.
I look at my watch, and it’s already 6:25, and I sense we’re just getting started. This is beginning to become boring, and I’m having a hard time paying attention. I sit up straighter, so I can pay better attention to something as important as this. The Professor takes another sip as do we then he sits up and turns the page and begins going over the next class.
When he finishes the second of seven classes, I’m becoming disinterested, and begin feeling guilty about it. After all, this is supposed to be something we take an active interest in. Looking at Colette I see her eyes are about to glaze over, and can tell she’s about as bored as I am. The clock above the door now reads 6:40 and at this rate we’ll never finish.
After finishing our tea, the Professor moves on to the next class. History is something I’ve never had much interest in, and I see no reason why he needs to add his opinions of historic events, but he does. I feel like I’m at a lecture that I’d rather not be in. I occasionally catch myself nodding off and luckily he doesn’t notice. I wouldn’t want him thinking I wasn’t interested, or that he had been boring me beyond belief.
This time, when I caught myself nodding off, he was standing up behind his desk. I felt horribly ashamed of myself, and glanced at Colette, she too looked like she was in a fog. I felt like I owed her an apology, and felt so guilt ridden. The Professor turned around to the counter behind his desk and began gathering some things as he spoke. I felt confused and had a hard time focusing, like I had missed something. It had been a long time, and I vaguely remember several odd, yet serious conversations. I was afraid to say anything, fearing he would realize I had dozed off.
Professor: “I’m proud of both of you for opening up to me. I’m glad you feel comfortable enough to let me help you through this. I agree that meeting again is necessary, and my home office does make more sense, with this no longer being a school matter. You do agree, don’t you Bob.”
Me: “Yes, that does make sense.”
Professor: “What’s that you say Bob?”
Me: “Yes Professor, it does.”
Professor: “How about you Colette, do you agree as well?”
Wife: “Yes Professor, I agree.”
Professor: “That was an excellent idea you had Bobber. You two just relax while I get your to-go package of tea ready. I’m glad you like the background sounds, that’s why I always keep an extra copy around. You’d be surprised how relaxing your home becomes when you have relaxation sounds playing. But of course it has to be certain sounds. Some can cause your heartbeat to become erratic and elevate your blood pressure, so take my advice and only listen to the good stuff. I’ve researched and found the best, and I’m more than willing to share it with you.”
Wife: “Thank you Professor, I already feel what you mean. What a difference already.”
Me: “It’s true Professor, quite a difference.”
I watch the Professor gather the tea and a copy of the CD we had been listening to, and he handed both to Colette.
Professor: “Now remember, a cup of tea an hour before bed and then put the CD on to help you get a good nights sleep. Next meeting, I’ll get you another good CD. Oh, Colette, you may leave those on the desk and I’ll take care of it”
I couldn’t look her in the eye and felt such guilt and shame. I had no idea Colette felt this way because she had never mentioned it to me. I saw her wipe back a tear with the handkerchief then place it on the Professors desk. I glanced at it and noticed how much it looked like panties, but disregarded it. I looked at the clock above the door, it was 8:35 and getting late. I felt badly about taking so much of the Professors time. We stood, and the Professor walked us to the outer waiting area where we had hung our coats. The Professor took Colette’s coat off the rack and held it up for her to put on. I put my coat on while watching, and feeling so inferior of him, I looked away.
Professor: “You two shouldn’t talk about this between yourselves, wait for our meeting Wednesday night. Problems like this are fairly common, so Bob, don’t go blaming yourself for what you have no control over. It’s genetics and some men are just, shall we say, less endowed than others. Colette, I think it’s commendable that you’ve kept this to yourself all these years, but you’re smart to finally seek help. We’ll get more into what we can do to solve the problem as we go.”
Wife: “Thank you so much for the extra time you spent with us tonight Professor Carter. I feel so much better already, and look forward to Wednesdays meeting.”
I watched as Colette lifted onto her tiptoes, and kissed the Professor on the cheek, and accidentally left a lipstick print. He was obviously used to women doing that, because there were other lipstick prints down his neck, and some on his collar. As he escorted us down the hall to the stairs, he walked beside Colette with a hand at the small of her back. It made me somewhat self-conscious but I knew he was trying to help. When we stopped at the top of the stairs, I took my wife’s hand to walk down with her.
Me: “Thanks Professor Carter, and we’ll see you at your home office on Wednesday at 7pm.”
Professor: “I look forward to it Wednesday. See you soon Colette. Drive safe.”
We made it to the car and sat quietly for the 10-minute drive home. My mind was racing to make sense of all that’s happened over the last few hours. I learned things about my wife I hadn’t realized were bothering her. Feelings that she’s kept secret from me for all these years. I felt like I’ve been such a disappointment to her, now that I know the truth. Finally, just a few blocks from home I ask.
Me: “Hun, I feel terrible that you’ve felt this way all this time. I had no idea you felt that way.”
Wife: “I’m sorry it came out this way Robert. To be honest, I suppose I’ve felt this way for so long I’d forgotten how I felt. So I guess, in a way, it’s new, or a renewed feeling for me too. But Professor Carter seems to know what’s best, and I have a good feeling about our sessions. I hope you feel the same.”
Me: “I feel the same, and I think it’s something we have to do to work through this. I want us to be as happy as I’ve always thought we were.”
Wife: “I want that too.”
We arrived home, and Natalie was in her room. We were both tired, and wanted to go straight to bed.
Wife: “Go ahead and get the CD ready to start while I say goodnight to Natalie.”
While Colette went to check on Natalie and say goodnight, I put the CD in the player so it’s ready for bedtime. Then I changed into my pajamas and got ready for bed. I sat on the edge of the bed and pull the covers down, then waited to see what Colette has to say about Natalie when she got back.
Colette comes back in and said Natalie says goodnight to me. I started crawling under the blankets as Colette stepped over to the closet. I got comfortable as she opened the closet door then reached up to unbutton her dress. She pulled her dress off, and I was surprised to see her standing there putting the dress on a hanger wearing only a bra and no panties. When finished she walked to her dresser and stood, opened a drawer and unhooked her bra, removed it and put it in the drawer. Then she turned and walked to the bed and climbed in on her side, pulling the cover up. I reached over and pushed the play button on the CD player, and the same sounds of birds chirping and a light breeze through the trees started.
I lie here wondering what’s different. Colette always wears panties and usually wears them and a nightgown to bed, even the times when we make love. This is out of character for her. I think she might want to make love, so I roll her way and cuddle up.
I run my hand up and down her thigh a few times. She feels warm and her skin is soft to the touch. I feel her rub her thighs together and softly moan. I run my hand up and over her thigh and down to her mound. She’s always had the softest pubic hair, but I don’t stop there. My fingers glide down to her slit, I feel her nub of a clit, and as my fingertip runs over it, I hear her gasp a short breath. I slide down, and my fingers find her wet and slippery pussy. She the wettest I’ve ever known her to be. She moans aloud and reaches for my cock, pushing my pajama bottoms down enough to expose my member. I suck in a deep breath in anticipation of her grasping my cock, and giving it that squeeze that’s her way of saying she’s ready. She holds it and begins rubbing it to get me hard. She squeezes and rubs, working on my cock while my fingers slide up and down her slit, teasing her clit. I concentrate on my cock to get hard, willing it to get ready, but for some strange reason it remains soft. Colette rolls over onto her back, and as she pulls me atop her says...
Wife: “Come on sweetie, go ahead and start, it’ll get ready quickly enough.”
I moan and smile thinking, yes, it’s never let us down before. I slide down between her legs as she spreads her thighs, then get myself into position and onto my elbows at the ready. Colette reaches down and grabs my cock as I push up to her waiting pussy. As Colette rubs the head up and down, wetting the head of my cock, and teasing her clit, she lets out a moan of disappointment. My cock is still soft, so I close my eyes and concentrate, trying to force it to harden, but I know that’s useless. Colette tries using her fingers to stroke it, but it’s completely soft.
Wife: “Robert, what’s going on?”
Me: “I don’t know what’s wrong but it’s not getting hard.”
Wife: “Oh, I know, remember, the Professor said once this comes out, and you know about the problem this might happen. But just temporarily he said.”
I thought about it a moment, and remembered him saying something on the lines of being ashamed of my small size and stamina, I might subconsciously become temporarily unable to get an erection. I feel so embarrassed that she even brought up the subject at all, especially if it has suddenly caused this.
Me: “I remember him saying that, and I hate this happening. I’m sorry.”
Wife: “I know you can’t help it sweetheart. We’ll ask Professor Carter about it again on Wednesday.”
Then she begins pushing me off of her. We spoon together, and I can’t stop thinking of everything. I lie awake frustrated and confused for a long time while Colette sleeps next to me.
Part 3. ~~~~~~~~~~
The alarm goes off, so I tap the button. Colette rolls over and stretches, then smiles saying...
Wife: “Good morning.”
Me: “Good morning, sleep well?”
Knowing she did.
Wife: “Yes I did, I slept better than I have in a long time.”
Me: “Good, me too.” (I hate lying)
We got up and kissed good morning, then went to make coffee. I began getting ready for work while Colette made breakfast. This day, like others, I drop Natalie off at school then drive into the office.
The next two days seem to drag on. Colette and I seem to be getting along normally, but there is a difference. Some underlying problem that we’ve never had before. I hope we get to the bottom of it when we meet with the Professor. We’ve been good about having our tea shortly before bed, and listening to the CD faithfully to fall asleep. Each day I feel more and more confident the Professor is the perfect solution. Colette is becoming more and more anxious to meet with him over the last few days, and talks about him often. I, too, am anxious to ask him about my sudden erectile dysfunction.
I’m finally home from work on Wednesday. I sense how anxious Colette is, because dinner is ready, and she’s dressed quite nicely for a couples counseling session. She chose a nice dress with shades of purple and off-white, she looks great in it, and sexy as hell. Maybe she wants to try again before we leave, but I’ve tried several times unsuccessfully to get an erection, and it’s not happening.
At 6:45pm we get into our car and drive across town to the Professors house. He has a beautiful home that sits back from the road with a tall hedge around it. I was surprised to see a security gate with an intercom. We pressed the button and spoke with a female who opened the gate to let us in. We parked and walked to the front door, and I noticed how private his property actually is, since I couldn’t see beyond the hedge any direction.
Stacy, the same girl who was with the Professor at the Christmas dinner, answered the door. She was smiling and more social this time. She led us to a large family room where she offered us seating anywhere we wished. She said Professor Carter would he right with us, and stepped to a bar and began making tea. Colette and I sat on a sofa, and within moments Stacy brought a tray with our teas to the sofa table in front of us. She served our teas explaining this is what the Professor wants us to drink prior to the meeting. She sat with us making small talk about the weather and the Professors collections he kept in the room. After 10 minutes, the Professor came around the corner apologizing for a lengthy telephone call. He sat in a chair facing us while we finished our tea, and joined in the conversation about his collections.
Another 10 minutes pass before the Professor stood and said let’s get started shall we. He escorted us down the hallway to the very first door, and ushered us inside. When we stepped inside, there was a desk with 2 arm chairs in front of it, and much like his office at school, he had a counter behind his desk. He had bookshelves along one wall with hundreds of books and several framed certificates on the wall above the counter. There was already soft sounds playing in the background but this time, it sounded like waves crashing onto rocks and seagulls squawking. On the right side of the room was a large canopy bed fully made up with nightstands on each side. There is a huge stone fireplace against the wall with a crackling fire dividing the office area, and where the bed is. The Professor motioned toward the chairs...
Professor: “Please take a seat, would either or you like more tea before we get started?”
Wife: “No thank you, Professor Carter.”
Me: “No thanks.”
Professor: “Excuse me, what was that Bob?”
Me: “No thank you, Professor.”
The Professor sat down in a huge leather chair, then opens a folder that’s already lying on his desk. I look around the room feeling more and more intimidated by him. I had thought he was like other academics, under paid and under appreciated, but from what I see, that’s not the case with the Professor. Looking to the right, I wonder why there’s a bed in his office when...
Professor: “I often have company and need an extra bed for them. I don’t mind sharing my office space when they’re here Bob.”
I quickly look back at the Professor, who had seen me looking at the bed.
Me: “I’m sorry, I was just looking around. You have a great place here Professor.”
Professor: “Thank you Bobber, so let’s get started. Colette, have you made the list I asked you for?”
The Professor looked from me to my wife as he asked. I don’t remember him asking for a list and surprised when my wife reached into her purse, and pulled out a folded sheet of paper. They both lean forward as she hands it across the desk to him. I look at her, and she doesn’t look at me, but stares at the Professor intently. I look back at the Professor and hear...
Professor: “I see you’ve given this some thought Colette. As you are fully aware, some items can’t be addressed, but most can be. For instance, Bobs penis size itself can’t be helped. But there are things that can do, for instance, a penis extender. They come in different sizes, and buying one could increase Bobs penis to double its size, to say, 6 or 8 inches. They are designed to increase the pleasure for the woman, but usually decrease satisfaction for the man. This is all hypothetical, because it depends on how well it’s used.”
Wife: “They really have such a thing Professor?”
Me: “What? when did the size of my penis become an issue?”
Professor: “Yes Colette, you can buy them online almost anywhere. Another advantage is that it may solve another problem you’ve listed. Premature ejaculation! Since Bob will receive less pleasure, because the sheathing of the extender reduces sensitivity, Bob may last longer.”
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Some of you may have read my 6 part series which details my relationship with my husband and his friends. While that series focuses on true events from my life, I had such a fun time writing about it that I wish to continue writing more short stories, but this time with elements of both truth and fiction. I will use myself as the central character in these stories and put to words the scenarios that I think and fantasize about. I hope you enjoy. In the future, I will continue to write true...
The sexual high of Halloween weekend came crashing down three weeks later when Missy stopped by my house unexpectedly. She was in tears. I assumed the worst, thinking something had happened at school. It was far worse. Missy’s brother and I had grown apart. I was a jock by day, diva by night kind of guy. He was kind of a stoner who had abandoned our friend group. So while it wasn’t surprising he wasn’t the one delivering the news, having a tearful Missy show up at my front door was.“My family...
CrossdressingDeconstructing the Professor: A Novella Summary: A proud black MILF is slowly dommed by a racist white co-ed. WARNING 1: This story includes many politically incorrect words (such as nigger). If any such words or concepts offend you, please do not read any further WARNING 2: Personal Reflection: I have many kinks. I love the thought of being seduced and used by a younger woman, I love the idea of submitting to a black man or woman (ideally both), I love the thought of utter submission. My...
Chat Night Guest: The Professor On Friday September 24, 11PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal You can contact the Professor at: [email protected] (*Anne-Mal) Hello! (Sir_Lee) It seems I'm the first to arrive today! (*Anne-Mal) So far. Chrissy did have a chat a couple of hours ago. (Sir_Lee) Yes, but I can't hang out before 3:00 GMT, the phone rates kill me! (*Anne-Mal) Ah, your a European too! (Sir_Lee) Not really, I'm from South America. The phone rates here drop...
Professor Timothy Boxer walked briskly into the classroom wearing a blue tie with white stripes.Just a tie. Nothing else.“Good morning, and welcome to Waterbury Hills College. As you know, this class, Human Sexuality and Social Behavior, is a required course for all freshmen.”Tim Boxer was a relatively young full professor. At thirty-six years old, Boxer was on the fast track as a rising star with his research on human relationships and sexuality. But he was mostly known for his unorthodox...
College SexProfessor Timothy Boxer walked briskly into the classroom wearing a blue tie with white stripes.Just a tie. Nothing else.“Good morning, and welcome to Waterbury Hills College. As you know, this class, Human Sexuality and Social Behavior, is a required course for all freshmen.”Tim Boxer was a relatively young full professor. At thirty-six years old, Boxer was on the fast track as a rising star with his research on human relationships and sexuality. But he was mostly known for his unorthodox...
College SexThe two students only moved in a month ago. Into the downstairs flat.Love's Young Dream I called them. They're not married, but no-one is these days, are they? Not that age anyway. I found out they're not even twenty.It's all so much freer than in my twenties, fifty years ago, or even when I became Professor. Yes, we held hands in public, and a man walked with an arm around his girl. Even then, the neighbours could look askance. But if I'd let an arm slide as far down my girl's back as that...
ThreesomesThe two students only moved in a month ago. Into the downstairs flat.Love's Young Dream I called them. They're not married, but no-one is these days, are they? Not that age anyway. I found out they're not even twenty.It's all so much freer than in my twenties, fifty years ago, or even when I became Professor. Yes, we held hands in public, and a man walked with an arm around his girl. Even then, the neighbours could look askance. But if I'd let an arm slide as far down my girl's back as that...
ThreesomesA note from me: Some of you may have read my 6 part series which details my relationship with my husband and his friends. While that series focuses on true events from my life, I had such a fun time writing about it that I wish to continue writing more short stories, but this time with elements of both truth and fiction. I will use myself as the central character in these stories and put to words the scenarios that I think and fantasize about. I hope you enjoy. My name is Nina and I am 20...
Ray Franklin was grading badly-written German essays when the Professor called him into the office."Raymondt, I have something to ask you." Professor Morton Dichter had been teaching at the university for twenty years, but his accent had never completely disappeared. "My younger brother informs me that my niece now is attending university here."Ray nodded blankly, wondering whether congratulations were expected. Fortunately, the Professor continued without much pause. "I did not know I had a...
FetishEnse??ndole a un Profesor Teaching a ProfessorChapter 1: The Course?That way, opposite sexes generate attraction between them. It is an enjoyable feeling that nature imposes us to instigate our instinct of procreation. Having intercourse is in its own a very pleasurable moment for both sexes, just because of the same reason, it is a feeling natures uses to encourage reproduction.?Scott Kendall, 33 years old and Licensed in Sex Education, gave this course year after year, and it was finishing ...
Kelly was not just your average girl...she had a way with men that no other woman did. She could make a guy want her so bad they would do anything to fuck her. This was very well known to her college Professor. He was finding it harder and harder to keep his mind on teaching the class instead of on fucking Shelly. As she bit the tip of her eraser while thinking....she noticed the professor scanner her body stopping at her breast. Shelly had agreed to meet her boyfriend after class for a date...
EroticAuthor: XXXAuthor Asst. Professor Joshi took Aarushi to his home. It was not too far away from the college, and Joshi was still heavily pumped up with the prospect of having Aarushi all alone at his home. At first he did not believed when his senior – professor Agnihotri – had told him about Aarushi. But after seeing Aarushi with his own eyes, he was quite thrilled and impatient at the same time. He thought professor Agnihotri was very generous in sharing his booty with him too. He had never...
Ray Franklin was grading badly-written German essays when the Professor called him into the office. "Raymondt, I have something to ask you." Professor Morton Dichter had been teaching at the University for twenty years, but his accent had never completely disappeared. "My younger brother informs me that my niece now is attending the University here." Ray nodded blankly, wondering whether congratulations were expected. Fortunately, the Professor continued without much pause. "I did not...
Rick, the head of campus security, pops his head through the open doorway as I finish gathering my things from the now empty classroom. “Yes, Rick, I’m ready to go.” I smile as I walk towards him. His eyes sweep my figure, as he does most evenings. I’m wearing a black A-line skirt over sheer stockings and my chiffon top hugs my curves. Knowing that Rick would walk me across campus to my car, as he does every Wednesday, I surreptitiously unbuttoned the top three buttons of my blouse while...
It was my second year of college and I decided I needed to take a core class aside from my political science major. What to take, what to take? I hated math and science, so I figured I would be ok with English. How can I do badly in a subject that I actually liked, right? I ended up signing up for English 1301 with Professor Collins, since I had heard he was a pretty good professor. The first day of class came around, and I had to drag my butt out of bed for the 8 AM English class. What was I...
Straight SexIt's 10:30 at night and I'm sitting here in the Times newsroom, well actually in what we call the sport bullpen, trying for the tenth time to polish off a story about the latest win by our local junior college basketball team. The team is just 14-17 this year but they have a very good power forward on their less than spectacular team. The kid has a real chance to transfer to a four-year college if he can just get some good ink and that's been my goal all year. Earlier this evening he shot...
Michael Lavine was one of the most sought after bachelors that I knew. Not only an English professor adored by both his students and peers, he was charming, charismatic, and gorgeous. He was toned with a muscular build, short wavy brown hair, and had the most dazzling set of green eyes anyone had ever seen. He was also a best seller novelist causing fortune to be added to his resume. Women of all ages would always have the tendency to throw themselves at him. But he always pulled away, not...
There are two types of people in this world: those who enjoy math and those who do not enjoy math. Another way to divide the world is into virgins and those who have not experienced sexual intercourse. I am a professor of mathematics. I enjoy math. I have not experienced sexual intercourse. I cannot describe what an intolerable agony it is to be a thirty-five year-old virgin. After my morning masturbation, I took a shower and proceeded to ride my bicycle to lecture. I am an assistant professor...
First TimeThe Slave ProfessorChapter 1 Dr.Karin is a professor of art in New York University. She is 37 years old. She is holding PhD degree in Art. Her major is English literature. Despite her age she is working hard to keep herself in good shape and fitness. She is a beautiful lady with long brown hair, brown eyes, firm breast and relatively slim white body. She is married and has one son. Her husband is a plastic surgeon in the university hospital. He has a very good reputation among his colleagues....
She sat there, in the very front row, to my immediate left. When I walked into the classroom at the outset of the spring semester, and set my materials down, and met her glance, I knew that I was in big, big trouble.She was a recent transfer student to the Midwestern private college at which I was an adjunct professor. I had noticed her in the hallways in the building in which I taught, and was transfixed by her beautiful eyes and shy smile.And she returned my hallway interest with an interest...
She sat there, in the very front row, to my immediate left. When I walked into the classroom at the outset of the spring semester, and set my materials down, and met her glance, I knew that I was in big, big trouble.She was a recent transfer student to the Midwestern private college at which I was an adjunct professor. I had noticed her in the hallways in the building in which I taught, and was transfixed by her beautiful eyes and shy smile.And she returned my hallway interest with an interest...
Love StoriesThis is an account of a reputed untouchable married woman who secretly developed and sustained a taboo lifestyle until her career in academia ended. It all began soon after a devastating personal crisis when a county fair fortune-teller claimed a man would unexpectedly enter her life. In her ensuing fantasies a tall, dark and handsome suitor swept her off her feet. Within a week the Dean of Administrative Affairs introduced a new adjunct professor and football coach. Even though deeply tanned,...
“Did you earn good grades, Leslie?” My stepmother asked. “I did, I’ve aced every test and done well on all the homework.” “So why won’t she give you the grade?” I didn’t know Melanie that well, she’d married my dad just a couple months earlier, She was twenty nine with a model’s body, long legs, a big solid rack and a little BB ass and a gorgeous face. We were getting along pretty well so I decided to tell her the truth. “She caught me fooling around with another girl in the locker room...
Grace was beautiful. Five feet, four inches with creamy skin with an equally creamy complexion and long, wavy brown hair. A pert nose, dark bedroom eyes, and full pink lips gave her a face that most people paid to have nowadays. Her body was like a valley, curves leading the eyes every which way. Her breasts were full, firm, and high; her waist small, but her hips wide. Her generous thighs would make a priest forget his vows. She had decided to buy a new wardrobe after moving out...
Amy and the Professor Dr. Andrew T. Temple & Pooch- Dr. Temple sat deep in his leather recliner. His right hand held a portfolioof the students scheduled for his upcoming Graduate Philosophy 522 class. Hisleft hand held a tumbler of his favorite Single Malt Scotch. It promised tobe a good night. One of his favorite activities lay before him; picking hissemester prey from among the many young, bright and fuckable co-eds who hadregistered for his course. Over his long and successful tenure at...
Introduction: My first story. I hope you like My college professor Its the beginning of a new semester and Samantha is not happy with the school she is at. You see over the summer Sams mom had a heart attack and because of that Sam moved home to take care of her. So instead of going to the top notch college that she had loved her freshman year she was going to the local technical college that took anybody. Being a business major Sam had to take a marketing class that she didnt think she was...
Let me tell you the story of how my worst day become a dream come true. My name is Professor Jackson I use to be an English teacher at Harvard but got fired because of an obvious misunderstanding. Mrs Flowers, 66 years old Librarian, accused me of sexual misconduct. she claimed i grabbed her ass and made sexual advances towards her. which is complete BS. i am a gentleman and i would never make advances without expressed permission. But all it took was one complaint by Mrs flowers and i was out...
Hi there, I am about 35 years old and here is the story that took place not long ago, I remember everything vividly and I still can’t believe it really happened to me. All my life, I was working as a driver, not a cab driver but driving some big shots. I received decent salary and was happy with my life. What is more, I always has a luxurious car by my side, the better part was that the gasoline and repairs were covered by my employer. So, in short, I could drive wherever I wanted and enjoy the...
She walks briskly into class a few minutes early and sits in the front row. She pretends to look over her notes from the previous class. She sits up straight, her eyes down, swinging her crossed leg rhythmically. She has a big secret and she’s deathly afraid someone will surmise. She’s wearing a short, flirty summer skirt and her legs are bare, no tights. The professor comes in and class begins. He notices that she is sitting in the front row, notices her posture and her big black Mary Jane...
M/F, M+/F, BDSM, spanking, humiliation, anal, toys JANNA AND THE PROFESSOR PART I Janna walked around the house, bored to death. Her English Lit professor,Dr. Atkins, had asked her if she could house-sit for the weekend while he wasout of town. Now, she wasn't sure she should have accepted since he apparentlydidn't believe in cable. "Who in the world doesn't have cable TV" she thoughtto herself. She had already explored most of the house, finding nothing to stimulateher interest. When she...
My name is Neethu and I am 21 years old now. I live in bangalore but completed my college studies in Delhi. This story that I am going to narrate what happened to me when I was 17. I was in Delhi and I was studying in a pretty good college, I lived with my father back then, my mother died when I was 3 so I don't remember her much, my father had to work a lot so he was rarely home and since I had no authority figure I was quite a mess at the age of 16 itself so he decided to send me to Delhi for...
First TimeIt's the beginning of a new semester and Samantha is not happy with the school she is at. You see over the summer Sam's mom had a heart attack and because of that Sam moved home to take care of her. So instead of going to the top notch college that she had loved her freshman year she was going to the local technical college that took anybody. Being a business major Sam had to take a marketing class that she didn't think she was going to like. When she walked into the class and saw that...
TRUE STORYWhen I was in college, (graduated now) I worked in my department office. Working in the department office had its perks. I was basically a TA (teacher's assistant) for every teacher in our department. I had access to almost all the grades for every student in the program for that particular course. I knew my job well and did my job well. Recently, at the time, we just gained a new adjunct professor who was to teach some of our online courses. I was recommended to him by our office...
In our last episode, Aarushi was concerned and stressed about her exams which was just a few days ahead. And she was not prepared for writing the exams. Alike most of her other friends she too was seeking help from the rest of her classmates, but they selfishly refused to help. But just when the rest of her friends were about to lose all hope, Aarushi had her own ways of getting what she wanted. She approached Mr. Agnihotri, their professor, directly. He was at the library when Aarushi...
As the sound of mumbling students and rustling bags grew louder, Ron Fuller looked up from the whiteboard he was writing on to check the clock. Class had run a few minutes over yet again, and students were getting antsy.He turned from the board to face his class. Rows of stadium seating were packed with students, a few who'd arrived late forced to stand to the side to take notes. A month ago, this history class only took up a little over half of the seats, and he had trouble with too many open...
Being awarded a senior faculty fellowship was the culmination of three long hard years of work, and David couldn’t remember the last time he had felt this kind of professional validation. Such satisfaction. And the paid sabbatical would be a welcome respite from teaching. He hoped to use that time to finish the text that he’d begun to work on years ago, just bits and pieces collected here and there. He’d use that text to instruct an undergraduate class in the new course he would be adding to...
It was late into the semester and the college announced that there would special classes for certain Students. For all did I know that these classes would turn out to be really “special” for me. IAM a 20 year old, good looking, (and since this page is about sex), I do have a medium sized penis but I can fuck like the animal she wants me to be. Coming back to the story. I attended classes only for this sexed out and curvy professor in my college.. beaula.. shes 5’4 in height big titties a bubble...
A mature student makes out sex and insinuates for the first time. I was able to manage quite well to exploit this submissive, obedient attributes in this woman who had begun to reveal. I still wonder how I succeeded in using my best method ever. She was submitted, I became her master, and finally could penetrate within her; she amazingly liked this. When she felt her body playing with mine, she began to discern lust, desire and envy. I definitely was a man who awakened...
Love Stories"Professor Snape?" he looked at me with the scowl he had been wearing all night. "My name is Chris" i said and he reluctantly (or so he was playing out) shook my hand and nodded. i followed him to class seeing as i didn't know where i was going anyways. i sat down and pulled out my sketch pad. i was a fare artist and wanted to add his sweet ass face to my collection. slowly i sketched away not really paying attention. i was hoping he would get irritated and hold me after for detention. but...
The first day of classes was already half over and I was not scared at the perspective workload. My next class was a writing class, it look interesting because we were able to write stories, poems, essays, opinions, or whatever came to mind. I took my seat just as this tall redhead walked in. she looked young and I half expected her to sit down in one of the desks near me. Instead she put her bag on the desk in the front of the classroom and started writing stuff on the board. I could not...
It was an unseasonably warm day in mid-October as I strolled up to our usual meeting spot at the southeast corner of the university quad. I was the first of the group to arrive, so I snatched up a seat at the picnic table, at the far end, that was excluded from the shade of a nearby tree.I took off my jacket, exposing my shoulders to the late afternoon sun. Let the warmth wash over my body, knowing that this would be one of the last balmy days before the weather chilled for fall.I pulled out...
College SexIt was an unseasonably warm day in mid-October as I strolled up to our usual meeting spot at the southeast corner of the university quad. I was the first of the group to arrive, so I snatched up a seat at the picnic table, at the far end, that was excluded from the shade of a nearby tree.I took off my jacket, exposing my shoulders to the late afternoon sun. Let the warmth wash over my body, knowing that this would be one of the last balmy days before the weather chilled for fall.I pulled out...
College SexAmber was late for her appointment with Professor Crimson. He was kind enough to let her come by his home for her oral dissertation. Unfortunately, Amber got stuck in college traffic and arrived a half hour late. She rang the bell but got no response. Hearing voices coming from the back, she crept quietly around the corner of the house and hid in the bushes. The Professor led his wife by the hand to a chair in the center of a screened porch. He used his stern teacher voice.."what did we agree...
BDSMAshley looked at herself in the mirror. She liked how she looked. At 5’9” in her four inch heels she was tall. Being on her feet at work had helped her shed the freshman fifteen she gain almost five years ago. She was now a slim 115 pounds. Tonight she had also taken the time to curl her long brown hair and apply make-up. She was excited to be going out tonight, even if it was by herself. It had been two months since she graduated from college and started her new job, a month since she had a...
BDSMMonica I sat at my desk watching my professor talk. The man loved to hear himself talk. I can't even imagine a person being more... well, boring. But still, if I was going to get the internship I desperately needed, I had to get an 'A' in his class. It wasn't my fault really...Ok, sure I could have studied more, but a girl has other things she needs to do, and reading paper after paper of boring psychological studies... well, it's enough to put you to sleep. I need my sleep. So... I guess I...
Taboo"I'm really sorry, Hunter. You're a beautiful girl, you really are. And you'll find someone much better - and younger - than me. You shouldn't be with a man in his mid-forties; you should be hanging out with the other young 20-somethings." "What if I don't want to?" I looked at her for a moment. It was difficult to deny this girl. "Well. In any case, I can't risk my job." She used the handkerchief again and stood up to leave. Her bared, flat white tummy - and a delicate belly...
I returned to college a few days after giving Daddy his very special present on his birthday, Halloween (see the story “Trick or Treat, Daddy?” posted on this site in the Incest category). After I spanked Dean Robertson and did him with the strap-on so he would let me go home to Daddy, I began to understand what needed to be done to please my professors. You had to find out what interested each one the most. Some liked cunnilingus, some liked fellatio. Some liked to stick you up the ass and...
FetishAva had her first long weekend off since starting her new job. She practically raced to the locker room to change out of her nursing scrubs and into an outfit she had perfectly planned to go with her after work adventure. She was planning to pay her husband a special visit. Her husband, Jake, was a microeconomics professor at a private college no more than 10 minutes away. She changed into her only bra that made her small boobs look at least in the B-cup range. Ava pulled her waist length...
Straight SexAnthony Wiggins was above all a gentleman. His hard-working parents had raised him to be honorable and honest. He was of good character and yet he had a weakness that he kept well-hidden from the eyes of the public and most of his friends and family. Anthony was a shameless cuckold! Some readers will be shocked by that assertion and others will just giggle and pity a fool. In all honesty, the only one most comfortable with the fact would be his stunningly beautiful spouse Betty who had...
Dear Professor, I haven’t had time to finish my assignment, so I’m sending you this letter to explain. Hopefully, you will be understanding of my situation and, perhaps, feel kind enough to grant me an extension? I think I may need another week. You see, I’m struggling to maintain my focus, but I guess you’ve noticed that? Despite enjoying the subject and your authoritative and intelligent lectures, I am prone to daydreaming recently. I apologise. It’s just that when you’re stood there and I’m...
Dear Professor, I haven’t had time to finish my assignment, so I’m sending you this letter to explain. Hopefully, you will be understanding of my situation and, perhaps, feel kind enough to grant me an extension? I think I may need another week. You see, I’m struggling to maintain my focus, but I guess you’ve noticed that? Despite enjoying the subject and your authoritative and intelligent lectures, I am prone to daydreaming recently. I apologise. It’s just that when you’re stood there and I’m...