Road Trips For Peter (Chapter Nine) free porn video

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It was about 10:00 in the morning. I had just left the Cincinnati area and was traveling west on U. S. 50. The sun was behind me and I was buzzing along, having a good time. I enjoyed the landscape. It was late Spring and there were still plenty of trees blooming, along with the flowers beside the road. Mostly croplands along the roadside, with lots of old farmsteads to bring back memories of bygone days. I would come to little towns and usually go straight through the middle on Main Street, or whatever they called the main drag. It was soothing and enjoyable to a Geographer.

Outside one small town I was slowly gathering speed, after having been traveling about 35 miles per hour, when I spied two figures up ahead hitchhiking. I never pick up hitchhikers. Not since I was young and much more reckless. But something about the forlorn figures drew me in. I slowed down, saw it was a female in her 20s and a male about the same age. Both were wearing old army jackets against the chill in the air. It was spring, but still cool on some days. I stopped. Perhaps because of my own army service. I don't know.

My gear was in the back, under the hatchback, but I had more room for the two backpacks they were carrying. I got out, greeted them, and opened the rear. We stashed the bags there. Then they both got in the back seat. I thought that was a little odd. I would have thought the guy would get in front with me. Now I was feeling a little apprehensive.

"So where are you heading? I'm traveling down 50 all the way. Will that take you where you're going?"

"Yeah, it's fine. We're just heading west. We want to get to St. Louis." That was the guy.

"Okay, then this road will go right to St. Louis. We'll be there today. I'm Peter."

"I'm Will and this is my lady Jennie. We've been hitching for days now. It'll be great to get there. Thanks, man."

"Oh, we'll get there. No problem."

After that there was more small talk, but I was keeping my eye in the rearview mirror. After awhile they said they were going to zonk out and sleep. It had been a tiring trip for them. The cuddled together and I drove. I wasn't tired in the least.

An hour or so later I heard some muffled sounds in back. I looked in the mirror and saw Jennie was going down on Will. He was on his back and she was above him, moving up and down. They had covered themselves with their jackets, but I knew what was going on.

"It's cool guys. Just take off the jackets. I don't mind the view. I'll keep my eye on the road too."

"Really? What about it Jennie? Wanna give our driver a show?"

Her only answer was muffled by the fact that his cock was filling her mouth. Then I could see a grin on her lips as her mouth surrounded his prick. She started giving me a good show. Jacking his long dick and licking it up and down the shaft. My own member had become stiff. I carefully unzipped and hauled him out to do some old fashioned jerking off. I kept a good eye on the road. I slowed down, in fact, because there were no other vehicles around right now. It was an empty road.

I could hear her slurping as her drool ran down his prick. He was moaning and began forcing her head down with his hands, and fucking up into her throat. She was gagging and I could see tears forming but her hands kept busy squeezing his balls and running up his shaft when her mouth wasn't surrounding it. She hummed happily at her work, anticipating the payoff when he filled her mouth with his spunk. Which he did, suddenly and surprising her. She struggled to swallow it all. I had played with myself but had not shot off.

"Very sweet show Jennie. I loved it. You're great. Don't lose her Will. She's a gem."

"No chance, dude. We're together for good."

That's called forewarning folks.

We stopped around 1 o'clock to get a bite to eat. It was just a local burger joint. Will and Jennie got their gear out from the back of the car saying that they needed some things to change into.

We took a booth near the front, and I took the seat facing the door. I always do. We ordered our food. I told the waitress I was alone, and the couple were together, so to write separate tickets. We were served quickly and efficiently. I rather enjoyed the simple food. I could see that Will and Jennie were really hungry. They ate rapidly and cleaned their plates.

Then Will said he was making a pit stop. He picked up his backpack and walked to the back of the restaurant. He went into the doorway to the restroom area.

Jennie was sitting with her head down. She started to cry.

"What's up little one?"

"He's not coming back. He's going out the back door. We don't have any money. He was going to rob you but I was afraid you might hurt him so I talked him out of it. He's not coming back."

Hell. It was no big deal. A few bucks. I just thought it was a shame leaving a lady in the lurch like that. She looked like she hadn't been able to shower and get really cleaned up for days. I had noticed that both of them had an aroma. I was used to worse. It hadn't bothered me that much. But now, what to do with Jennie.

"Gather up your stuff Jennie. You're still with me if you want to go to St. Louis. I'm still heading that way. I can get the meal. Don't worry about it. Really."

She did so, wiping her nose on her jacket sleeve. I paid the bill, left a good tip, and we were on our way again, down Highway 50 and to the west. Jennie sat up front with me.

As we drove along she told me her story. Not much different from lots of others. She was 28 years old. She had finished college, found a great job and then the recession came. Out of work because of downsizing she had hooked up with Will hoping to get to her home and parents. She was ashamed to call them and beg for money. She actually didn't live in St. Louis. She lived farther along in Columbia, Missouri. That's where she had gone to school and the university, and her parents still lived there.

"That's no problem. I can make it to Columbia tonight. It might be a little late. I can find a motel there."

"You're sweet. Thanks. Really, thanks so much Peter."

Then we began talking more earnestly and openly. She learned of my life, which had been much longer than hers, and all my travels. I didn't go into what I had been doing on my last two trips. We should have some secrets. But she learned of all the jobs I had done, and the service I performed for my country. Also about my writing, which had started in my retirement years. She took it all in.

Finally she just said, "You're amazing Peter."

Not really. Many people lived much more interesting lives. But I just smiled at her.

We passed through East St. Louis, crossed the bridge to St. Louis, and headed west towards Columbia. That was around 3:00 in the afternoon. I was following 50 and Jennie asked why I didn't just use I-70 since it was much faster. The simple truth was that I was enjoying the ride and I had intended to use 50 all the way. It took us longer, but we would get into Columbia around 7 o'clock. She didn't seem to mind. She had been smiling for most of our trip together. So was I. Approaching Columbia I saw an independent motel and pulled in.

It was not really late. Only around 5:30, and I thought I would get the motel room before I took Jennie into town and dropped her at her parents' house. That's what I told her.

"Peter, would it be alright if you let me use your bathroom here at the motel before I go home? I'm feeling a little funky, if you know what I mean. I could use a shower."

"Jennie, that was on my mind too. I just didn't want to say anything." And I gave her my best smile. She returned it.

I got out and rented the room. Then I drove down to it and we unloaded our gear. Jennie was taking off her jacket and outer clothing as she moved into the bathroom.

"Hey little girl. I need to use the facilities real quick before you get started, okay?"

"Oh, sorry Peter. Go ahead."

I went in and had a long piss. One of the best feelings in the world. Almost as good as sex. Almost.

"Okay, all yours Jennie."

She was in her panties and bra as she passed me going through the bathroom door. She patted me on the cheek and then closed the door. I heard the shower start up and I took off my shoes and relaxed on the bed and plugged in my laptop. I needed to check my emails and other sites.

When she came out of the bathroom she was wearing a towel wrapped around her head and another long one was tight around her body. She couldn't have been more than 5 feet tall. Her legs were freshly shaved and her feet were bare. Her eyes were blue. I wondered what her hair would look like now that it was clean. She had tiny feet, the way I liked them. She came over and sat sideways on the bed. She smiled as her legs were bared. I loved pretty legs.

"Well, I feel great. Peter, you're great. I was thinking. You know? I was thinking. Could I spend the night here? You can drop me off at home when you leave tomorrow. Is that cool, Peter?

Was it cool? Damn, Jennie. How naive are you girl?

"Of course, that'd be fine. We have two beds. Do you want to dress and go out for something to eat? Or would you like to wait here. I can run out for some fast-food and be back in 45 minutes. I need to eat something or I'll be famished by bedtime."

"That's great. I'll just wait for you then. You're so sweet and amazing, Peter. I feel so fine now."

"Okay. Back in a few. The TV is right there. Relax. You'll be home in the morning."

Going out the door I made sure that I left a room key for her. I had got two at the desk. I headed into town and found a fast food place for some fried chicken and side dishes. I was gone just at 45 minutes and arrived back. I knocked first, in case she was not dressed yet. She called out to come on in. I used my key and entered with the bags of food.

She was standing back by the open bathroom door. All the lights were on. The TV was off. She was naked. Her pussy was hairless. I think she had freshly shaved it. Her breasts were small but perfect. No sag in those young tits yet. I closed the door quickly and walked towards her. I could now see that her hair was wavy brown and fell about her soft shoulders. Her lips bore scarlet lipstick. Her smile was welcoming. In fact, she was holding her small arms out towards me. I approached her, dropping the food on a table, and gathered her into my arms. I looked down into her eyes and she tilted her mouth up to be kissed.

I kissed her lips. I could smell the lipstick, and a perfume she must have been saving. Something flowery. Her breath was sweet too. Our lips played a game of hide and seek as we traded tongues back and forth. I could feel her naked body with my hands but I needed to feel her with my whole body. I broke away with a smile and started disrobing. She helped. When she took down my boxer briefs she released my hardness and her small hand tried to surround it. She could only hold part of it. I kissed her again, and drew her close so I could feel her young body against mine.

Continuing to hold my prick she jacked it and made it even harder. My mouth had taken a nipple in and I was sucking so hard it was getting red with her lust and passion. I moved to the other and duplicated the action, while her moans grew louder and louder. Then I gathered her small body in my arms and I carried her over to a bed. I carefully placed her on the bed and then I covered her with my body. I was up on my arms looking into her eyes and I saw nothing but need and caring. She needed me. I needed her. She took my cock in her hand and guided it to her clit and rubbed it up and down.

I was ready for a good fuck, but she was teasing me and herself. She rubbed my prick on her pussy. At that point I remembered something. I quickly got up, looked in my ditty bag, and found the condom I needed. I tore it open, rolled it down my hardness and returned in a flash. She grabbed my dick and this time she guided it into her swollen vulva lips. I began to slowly press it in but she grabbed my ass with her hands and then wrapped her legs about me, forcing my prick into that moist cunt. I thrust and she whimpered with happiness.

With that I began the joyous business of fucking a young pussy. So fucking tight, and it sucked on my cock as I fucked her. I was able to kiss her carmine lips as it was fucking that sweet cunt. So fucking good and tight. In I fucked and she moaned. Out I pulled slowly and she moaned again. Then I started fucking in earnest. Faster and deeper. And she was squealing now with passion. God, it was good pussy. I fucked her for almost an hour and she kept wanting and begging for more. Her juices were dripping all over that motel bedspread, but she wanted more and more. I gave her what I had.

It finally came time for me to release my seed. My milk started spurting out and filling the rubber. She had come so much, but she felt it and came again. I feed her all of my cock I could and as deep as she could take it. She never took it all, but I was completely satisfied as I pumped out my semen into the condom. All the while I was sucking on her tits and kissing her sweet mouth, even as her face grimaced with the lust of sexual satisfaction. I was spent. So was she.

I rolled over beside her and gathered into my arms. She snuggled and nuzzled my neck with her lips. I held her tight against my side with her head on my shoulder. I reached down and removed the rubber and tossed it on the floor. The I took her hand and placed it on my now flaccid pecker. She squeezed it and played with it like a little toy. I caressed her tits. We kissed.

The food was cold but it didn't matter. We had a little picnic on the clean bed, eating the cold chicken and the rest of it. Sipping our sodas we grinned at each other and finished all of the food I had brought back. We were both in need of sustenance after that bout of lovemaking. It tasted great right about then.

After putting all the debris in the trash cans we went into the bathroom and took a quick shower to wash off the remains of lust. I washed her and she washed me and it was fun time all over again. I wasn't ready to come again, but it was a pleasure just looking at a perfect little body and having mine admired too. When we finished we toweled each other off and then nestled together on a bed and watched some TV until we both felt sleepy. Spooning, we went to sleep.

It is never easy for me to sleep in a motel or any other place that is not home. I was awake on and off all night. Finally, about 6:30 I could not try anymore. I got up carefully and went into the bathroom and performed my morning routine of washing my face and cleaning my teeth. I didn't bother to shave with the electric razor because it would wake up Jennie. Instead I used my spare hand razor. I didn't use it much because I always cut myself. Didn't matter this morning.

We had stayed naked all night. She was lying on the bed with a sheet covering her. I got close and then slowly removed it so I could look at what had so pleased me the night before. It still looked lovely. Her breasts rose up and down as she breathed and her pussy was so fresh looking. Very edible looking.

I couldn't resist. I slowly moved her so she was flat on her back and her legs were spread apart. I gently crawled up between and softly licked her pussy lips. She quietly moaned and spread her legs wider. I licked up one side and down the other and then nuzzled her thighs. She was whimpering now. She was awake and ready for me. I sucked on her pussy.

"Please Peter. Let me suck your cock. Please, I need to eat some come baby."

Fine, I thought. We will both eat something this morning. I moved around and let my cock point down to her mouth then I began eating that cunt again. She grabbed my prick and sucked the head so hard I thought it would burst. My pre-cum was being licked off now and her tongue was encircling my dick as she slowly caressed my balls, softly squeezing them as she began a deep suction, taking my cock into her mouth and into her throat. Damn, she was good at cock sucking. I was gobbling up the juices that were squirting out of her cunt as my finger fucked it and found her G-spot.

She was humping her pussy up to get more, but she was still taking me deeper into her mouth. I began fucking her face as if it were a cunt, while I licked the real cunt of all its fluids. I could not hold off much longer. But she had came, which was important to me, so I felt good about feeding her some of mine now. I raised up.

"Take my come baby girl. Take daddy's come. Oh fuck here it comes."

I spurted into her mouth and some overflowed and ran down her chin. She struggled to suck it all up but some escaped. I wiped my mouth clean of her juices and milked my prick with my hand to give her all the seed I could. She relished it. She ran it about her mouth and then swallowed it all in one big gulp. Then she grinned at me as I sat back. I kissed her. She tasted of me. I tasted of her.

That was a great adventure. Sometimes it is good to pick up a hitchhiker. Not always, of course. We again cleaned ourselves and she dressed in her cleanest clothes. We checked out of the motel and held hands as we walked to the car. I got in my side, she in hers, and then she guided me to her parents' home on the south side of town. It was just south of the university. Giving me a kiss she grabbed her backpack from the back seat, waved goodbye and walked up the sidewalk to her front door. She rang the bell. As the door opened I shifted into Drive and drove away.

I was on my way back onto U. S. 50 and heading west.

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Crossing the LineChapter 2 Peterrsquos Examination

Peter glanced at his wife, Clarice, as she came and sat beside him; he was hoping that Clarice would drop a hint as to what happened in the doctor’s consultation room. Clarice had no idea what had happened to her so how could she give Peter the heads up. Suddenly Peter was jolted out of his daydream by Dr Ruth calling his name; he gathered his wits quickly and rose to head to the open door, the door his beloved Clarice had recently entered by. As he strode across the room for a fleeting...

2 years ago
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Alex and PeterChapter 20 Alex

The night of the St. Patrick's party, I wear my green suit. It's not my choice; I wear what the dance team tells me ta wear. I eat what Mom cooks. I go where anyone takes me; I do what Peter tells me. Still. I don't care if he did say no more rules, I know me. If I do it on my own, I'm gonna fuck up. Peter got called in at the dock, so I had to do all the last minute stuff he usually handles - pick-up the corsages, call the restaurant, call the girls. Well, girl. I called Missy 'cause I...

3 years ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 32 Robbing Peter

Peter was confused and frightened. As he regained consciousness he recalled his last waking moments. Peter had taken the bus from the Governor Grimes Indentured Servant Dormitories to his workplace as he did every morning from Monday to Saturday. He got off the bus, checked through Security, and collected his office key card. Upstairs, Peter made coffee and started the daily office routine by booting up his data system and scanning reports. Lieutenant Lester Boron was was more agitated than...

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Donkey Named PeterChapter 3 A Donkey Named Peter

The Kinsey reports tell us that women are known to give cunnilingus to cows and mares, sheep and goats. They fellate donkeys and manage coitus with bulls, stallions, donkeys, and ponies. Not always for "show" purposes, but because they prefer it and like it. Most bestiality on farms is between boys and animals. Dr. Frank Caprio details this in Variations in Sexual Behavior, but "most" means some bestiality is between girls and women and animals. And Dr. Rosenberger, in Bestiality,...

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Alex and PeterChapter 22 Alex

Friday morning, Lisa caught me on my way to first period. "Don't be mad, Ok?" "I hate it when you say sh- stuff like that Lis! I'm not gonna get mad. Just say it." "I wanna break our date tonight." I opened my mouth to yell then closed it. I'm not mad, I told myself. I took a quick deep breath, held it briefly then blew it out in a huff. Granddad says you inhale all the anger, give it a couple seconds to boil, then shoot it out. Says it kept him from killing Uncle Julius more than...

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BSC02 the Adventures of Janet and BeckyChapter 10 Peter Does Janet

Danny and Becky were lost in their own world of pleasurable thoughts as their sexual climaxes subsided when the front door clicked open. Seconds later Janet and Peter were standing at the bedroom door. They saw Danny pulling his semen covered penis out of Becky’s semen soaked vagina and they both stood motionless as they took in the whole messy scene. Janet looked at them both and said abruptly, “Right! That does it!” She grabbed Peter by his shirt and said loudly, “You sir, are coming with...

1 year ago
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Alex and PeterChapter 15 Peter

Valentine's Day falls on a Saturday. I actually beg - first my Dad, then my Mom. I even ask Granddad to back me up. He laughed and stayed out of it. Alex begged Uncle George and Aunt Stacy and finally, a week before, our parents give in. "Alright! Alright! Enough!! Yes, you can get a room!" "Yes!" Alex and I high five. "On the condition that Beth stays with you." Dad adds. "What?" Alex and I are dumbfounded at the same time Beth is stunned. "Really?" she launches at Dad, "Oh,...

1 year ago
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Peter Is 18 My First Trip Away From Home BeijingChapter 3

The opening ceremony was a blur. I remember parading in the team uniform. A lot. I remember the amazing water cube thing we swam in. And press. I know I talked to the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Washington Post and, oddly enough, a pair of Japanese papers. There were others but those were the ones I remember. If I wasn't in the water, I was at the pool rooting for someone. If I wasn't there, I was either eating or sleeping. In all that, there were a couple moments that time stopped and...

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Alex and PeterChapter 14 Alex

I hate Essex. I gotta admit it - Northumberland is not a great football school. We usually finish 6-and-6 or there'bout but we have finished 0-and-12 - more than once, sadly. We've had a couple really good players - like Uncle Charles - but we only ever made it to the state finals once an' even then we lost. Essex goes every god damn year. Our last game of the season this year is December 23rd and it's against Essex. We're hoping to finish this season 7-and-5; they're playing for...

2 years ago
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Alex and PeterChapter 24 Alex

Someday, even a total dick can do something right. I realized that later, after the graduation ceremony. Gracie and Peter were both graduating. Gracie, my sister, was salutatorian, meaning that she was merely the second smartest in her class and I had spent most of the month giving her shit over it. Not that I wasn't proud of her or whatever just that, you know, I can't actually tell her that, right? Anyway, she had to give a speech awarding the Senior Class Teacher of the Year award and...

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Peter Is 18 My First Trip Away From Home BeijingChapter 8

I stop at the gift shop and am thrilled to find that they do indeed stock corsages. I pick up two. Alex and Beth were both ready and waiting when I get to the room. My only suit was laid out and pressed. "Thanks!" I hop in the shower and wash as fast as I can. But while I'm in there, a thought occurs to me. I come out still drying. "I've been a complete dick today haven't I?" "It's cool." Alex shrugs, "You the Dom." "Stop that." I hate it when he says stuff like that. "Look,...

4 years ago
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Peter Is 18 My First Trip Away From Home BeijingChapter 17

Our last day was at sea. I woke before Barb did and thought maybe I'd skip my morning swim and spend the whole day with her. She curled against me with a sigh and I held her tightly. "Shouldn't you be up?" She murmured. "Rather be with you." I kissed her temple. "You just think you'll get lucky." "I already am lucky." I was very glad I wasn't falling in love with her. That would make today heartbreaking. I stroked her back and tried to memorize exactly how her body felt...

1 year ago
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Peter Is 20 YvetteChapter 6 Nightfall

A couple weeks after that, Alex came back for the new school year. "Alex?" Yvette had been a bit timid all day so I knew she had something on her mind. "Yeah?" "Would you do something for me?" "Sure." He hadn't even paused chewing but I knew I wasn't gonna like whatever came next. "Would you talk to a therapist for me?" He actually looked up at that and I put my fork down. "Yvette -" I started but he talked over me. "Cool. When?" Yvette looked at me but if Alex was...

3 years ago
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Peter Is 18 MariaChapter 3 Show

When I opened my eyes, however, there was sunlight. "Fuck." I groaned. How much of that was a dream, how much was me actually falling asleep on a gorgous woman? I opened my eyes to see Maria, curled up in a chair, looking lovely, reading. She was wrapped in a robe that looked like something Ms. Rachael would buy but not something my Grandfather would wear. I fell asleep on a chance to make love to that. I'm a moron. No one can be that tired. "Mornin'." I managed to yawn. "Good...

2 years ago
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Peter Is 18 My First Trip Away From Home BeijingChapter 11

We three meet up again in the cabin in time for dinner. As we're dressing, there's a knock at the door. Beth answers it casually, "Oh hey, come in." I glance up in the mirror and smile to see Barb in a mini dress and stiletto heels. I turn around. "Hello Ms. Robinson." Alex pops out of the bathroom, naked, then jumps back again. "Whoa! Jeez! Hey! Warn uh guy!" "I don't mind." Barb winks at me. He comes out again, wrapped in a towel and grabbed a shirt and pants then dashes back...

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Peter Is 18 My First Trip Away From Home BeijingChapter 15

In our room, there's a note from Beth. 'Go see Steve.' I call Barb and we head down to the infirmary. Steve's off-shift but he left long instructions for us and permission for us to use the infirmary's satellite internet. The lab has a website; we could check our results on line. Over Alex's shoulder, I breathe a sigh of relief as we view the list of negative results. Only one positive. A yeast infection. I've got it too. "How the fuck do guys get a yeast infection?" Alex mutters...

3 years ago
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Alex and PeterChapter 2 Alex

I like strong women. Not these fuckin' princesses that whine and play coy an' shit. Not girls. Women. The ones who drink beer from a bottle, who help haul the wood for the bonfire, bait their own hooks and gut their own fish. The kind that don't play that 'no means no' bullshit because they don't have to — if they don't want you touchin' 'em, you don't touch 'em. That's why I like Lisa. She has never broken a nail and cried about it. She can take a hit — literally. I saw her get...

2 years ago
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Alex and PeterChapter 4 Alex

I play the guitar. At home and occasionally at church. My Grandma taught me and, when we were kids, used to make me an' Peter and my sister Gracie sing with the children's choir. Playing guitar is the only thing other than football that makes sense to me all the time. I don't get school, I don't get women, I don't get life in general. Football and music, I get. I don't get Lisa. One minute she's rock solid, the next she's a fuckin' whimp. She still won't tell me who left the bruise...

1 year ago
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Alex and PeterChapter 8 Alex

Runnin' hurts. Then again, so does walkin', standin', sittin' an' lyin' down. Peter fucked my ass up. An' I'm glad. It's totally fucked up. It's sick and bizarre but it's the hottest fuckin' thing ever. Every time I think about how much pain I'm in, I get a boner. Every time I move, I remember how much pain I'm in. It doesn't help to remember that he's a guy or that he's my god damn blood-related cousin for Christ sake; that just makes it sicker and me harder. I am one...

4 years ago
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Peter and Chloe

Peter and Chloeby IntrospectiveWandererPeter Jacobson was sitting at the dining table, slowly scooping cereal into his mouth. High school ended the week previous and now he was faced with an uncertain future. He knew that he was destined for college; he just wasn't sure in what. He had an interest in architecture as well as engineering. But then he also had a knack for business. He had been worked as an intern at a local investment firm as part of one of his classes. He impressed the owner...

1 year ago
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Auntie Wendy Makes Peter Punish Tina Part Two

Wendy walked over to where Jessica White was still holding onto her sobbing niece’s wrists and laid the small leather spanking paddle down, smiling as she picked up her large, wooden spanking paddle with the eight round holes in it that ran down its length in two rows of four. She held it up and made sure that Peter got a good look at it before she returned to where he was standing, still in shock at spanking Tina. The dark-blonde-haired French Mistress leaned over and kissed him softly on the...

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Peter and Dash A Turn Part III

Peter and Dash: A Turn Part III By Wolverine Three Marines slowly worked their way toward the door. The door was dark and gloomy and the growth on it was years old, but behind the door lay the salvation for what they had called their universe. The first Marine planted the explosive on the door and ran back to join the others behind the rocks nearby. The explosive flashed and as the smoke cleared the Marines felt the universe's salvation resting upon their shoulders. They would be...

2 years ago
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Auntie Wendy Makes Peter Punish Tina Part One

Several months had passed since Peter had been punished by Auntie Wendy and her friends, Sylvia Davies and Natalie Bolton. She had wanted to punish him again soon after he had recovered from the hiding that he had taken from the ladies, but this had to be postponed indefinitely as her husband had stayed at home rather than heading abroad again to play golf, or meet his fancy woman, or whatever he did during his months away. However, he had finally left for ten weeks that Monday morning and Mrs....

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Trucker Peter and Emma

It was another typical day at the Happyville high school. After a long day of classes, Emma and Emily had the cheerleading practice, and now they were heading home. They hit the highway, and just before the exit to the rural roads to their farms, they heard a clunking noise from Emily's hand-me-down old Volvo sedan she got from her mom, and they pulled over. With their nice cheerleader uniforms still on, they get out of the car. There was some smoke coming out of the trunk. Emily opened it...

3 years ago
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Peter Susie Ch 2

Susie looked over Peter’s shoulder, her legs still round his waist his cock still buried inside her. Her grip on him tightened as she saw Harry descending into the pool. Her eyes were fixed on his cock, it looked just like some of the ones she’d seen on the porn sites, it was bigger than Peter’s, not much longer but definitely thicker, the shaft curving upwards to a bulbous head that looked almost the size of her tiny fist. The thing that startled her more however was that Harry was completely...

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The Chronicles of Narnia XXX The White Witch Peter Edmund

WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!!!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This work is copyrighted to the author ? 2007. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your...

3 years ago
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I got to meet Peter North

My wife Stacey and I were in desperate need of a getaway from everything. Our lives had become too hectic with work and our c***d. We decided that we were going to go to Montreal, Quebec. Not the typical place that we would pick but something told us to go there. As we were packing, she wanted to know if we could make this trip all about sex. As usually we do some sightseeing wherever we are and only have sex maybe once while we are on vacation, as having a little one around makes intimate time...

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Peter North Encounter

My wife Stacey and I were in desperate need of a getaway from everything. Our lives had become too hectic with work and our c***d. We decided that we were going to go to Montreal, Quebec. Not the typical place that we would pick but something told us to go there. As we were packing, she wanted to know if we could make this trip all about sex. As usually we do some sightseeing wherever we are and only have sex maybe once while we are on vacation, as having a little one around makes intimate time...

2 years ago
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Alex and PeterChapter 6 Alex

Mom drops me an' Gracie off at school Tuesday on her way into work so I get there pretty early. She still thinks I'm gonna say something but I've only got two words ta say an' one person ta say 'em to. I'm sitting on the front step of the school when the bus arrives and people flood off and into the building. No one bumps me; by now everyone knows that's an easy way ta get hit. Lisa gets off the bus and for some reason I remember the day my great grandfather died. The air suddenly has...

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Alex and PeterChapter 17 Peter

If I had any doubts about Michelle dumping me, the way she hung all over Scott at school the next week resolved them. I asked around but no one knew who the mysterious brown-haired girl at the dance was. It wasn't that I couldn't get a date - I could. I just couldn't get a date I wanted. Michelle wouldn't speak to me - which also, by the holy laws of high school, eliminated all her friends. Trina would speak but not much more than 'hi' and 'bye'. And the girl at the dance might as...

3 years ago
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Peter Is 20 YvetteChapter 4 Dusk

We were a little family for six months. Yvette and I opened a joint bank account to save for the wedding and a house. I likely could have paid for them outright - and certainly, the family could have - but Yvette wanted our lives together to start on our joint footing. I couldn't argue the logic. I was wrestling with my own inner demons as I realize slowly that while I did want to move back to Reedville when I graduated, I didn't want to work for the fishery. The problem was that I didn't...

2 years ago
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Please read, but I can't bring myself to say enjoy. Peter By Samantha Jay (c) February 2002 Part 1: In the beginning. "Samaritans, I'm Sam. How can I help you?" "You can't, nobody can," a voice said. "I'm willing to try, if you'll let me. What can I call you?" "Peter," the voice replied. "Hello, Peter, I'm Sam," I said. "I'm going to kill myself," Peter said. I pressed a button, which lit a lamp on the supervisor's desk. "Why do you want to kill yourself?"...

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