Jasmine's Return free porn video

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Julia didn’t let go of my hand. She looked calmly at her daughter. ‘Jasmine. We weren’t expecting you. Why aren’t you at university?’ 

‘University’s closed for face to face teaching. Everything’s online. Everyone’s gone home. It’s really boring there now. Bob gave me a lift.’ Bob was her latest boyfriend. Julia stood and led her out, to the drawing-room. They were in there for about ten minutes. I ate some food, drank some wine. Then I heard them going down to the kitchen; another five minutes and they reappeared, Jasmine carrying a plate piled high with food.

She sat down beside Julia, across the table from me, and looked seriously at me. ‘I’m sorry, John, that was rude of me. Mum’s explained the situation, and I’m glad you’re here for her.’

I’m here for me too, I thought, but just said, ‘It must have been a surprise for you, Jasmine. Is the uni closed for the term?’ 

‘Hmm. I’ll be here for a while,’ she said, around a mouthful of food. I thought I caught a mischievous glint in her eye, and glanced at Julia, who smiled back at me sweetly. I knew that look; it meant she had more to tell me, in private, so we talked of other things, like a family does, until it was time to go to bed.

‘What did you say to Jasmine when you took her away tonight?’ I was watching Julia pad around the room doing things to her face as, I understand, many women do before retiring. She was naked, so it was nice to watch her. I wondered if I would ever get tired of the way her muscles moved, her grace and poise. Poetry in motion. As she bent forward to peer at some invisible blemish in the mirror I felt a stirring under the bedclothes. 

She straightened and turned towards me, wiping at her face with a little cloth. ‘I told her why you were here, and that you were staying here for the duration of the lockdown, perhaps longer. I think she wants to get reacquainted with her riding crop, as wielded by you. I told her that the riding crop was the last thing she should worry about. I didn’t give her a taste of the cane tonight, but I’ve a feeling she’ll be feeling it on her impudent backside before too long. And I’m going to be using it, not you.’ I raised an eyebrow. ‘What, you think I can’t wield the cane effectively? I’ve had more practice than you, buster.’ 

She took a quick step, pulled back the covers. ‘Turn over,’ she said. This was getting interesting. I lay on my front, my growing erection digging into the mattress. I heard the cupboard door opening and then Julia was at my side, a thin cane in her hand. ‘Now,’ she said, ‘I won’t give you the full monty, just a little taste. Perhaps six of the best, just to show you...’

She lowered the cane so that it rested on my backside. Fear and anticipation built in me as I waited. My erection grew harder. Much more and it would lift me out of the bed. The cane disappeared, to crack hard across both cheeks. It felt like an iron rod. I gulped in a breath, to let it out with a gasp as the thin cane swished down and bit, harder this time into my cheeks. I gritted my teeth and tensed as it lay down a line of fire a third time. Four. Five. Six.

The swish as the cane whipped across my smarting backside was loud in the room. After six stinging blows, I felt a hand smoothing my soreness and then a kiss, on each cheek. ‘There. That wasn’t so bad, was it? Oh my. I must make this a regular thing,’ said Julia, as I turned over to reveal the erection that had been building during my caning. She smiled widely, put the cane down and climbed on. 

Later, we lay side by side in sated togetherness. We were even holding hands. ‘We haven’t spoken about what we do after this is over,’ she said. ‘You know, when it’s all back to normal. What do you think?’ 

I took my time to answer. Truth was, I’d been thinking about this a lot. Sometimes, at the stables, I’d look towards the big house, and wonder at the change in my life. From living alone - happily - to living as a couple, with a woman I’d fantasised over sexually for years, but, just as importantly, admired and liked as a person for just as long, was a huge leap. One that I was still getting used to. And now Jasmine was back.

‘I think that I like this arrangement we’ve got, this life, a lot. And I don’t want it to stop. I was happy on my own in my cottage, but you must know how I’ve felt about you all these years. It’s not just because of my love of the horses that I’ve stayed here so long, you know.’ 

Julia turned, put her leg over mine and her hand on my chest. ‘I’m glad you said that, but don’t you think it should be more than an arrangement?’ My heart started thudding in my chest. This was getting serious. ‘I was thinking more of a partnership.’ She sat up, and her hand migrated to my leg. The covers fell away, and she looked magnificent. At that moment I would have willingly agreed to anything she said. 

She put her hand on my manhood, which, true to form, was starting to get twitchy. ‘No, not right now.’ She smiled. ‘Perhaps later, though.’ Then a serious face. ‘I mean a partnership in the truest sense. Business.’ She noticed my disappointed look. ‘Well, ok, that too,’ and she stroked the inside of my thigh, tantalisingly close to my cock. This was like teasing, so I sat up in bed. 

‘Julia,’ I said, ‘will you please stop dicking around. What exactly do you mean?’

‘Yeh, sorry, I’m finding this kind of difficult. So I’ll just say it. I have no money. Or next to no money, anyway. Gerald left me the house and a lump sum, which is - was - invested. That money’s been dwindling, and some of the investments weren’t sound. I have maybe a year, year and a half left. That’s why I’ve had to put the house in the Highlands, and the flat in London, on the market. They should get enough for another year or so. Jasmine’s education is paid for by Gerald, so she’s alright.’

I took her hand from my thigh. ‘You have my cottage, and the stables,’ I said, ‘and some land, a few fields? You know, I’ve thought for a while now that the stables could do more. They’re only about a third full. We could run a livery business. A riding school. You’d be good at that, with your riding crop and your penchant for discipline.’ She snorted, and moved gracefully on to my lap, straddling my legs. She put both hands on my chest and leaned in to kiss me. 

‘That’s what I love about you, apart, of course, from your massive cock; your optimism. You never let anything get you down.’ She put her serious face on again. ‘But do you think we could? Would we be able to make enough to live on?’

‘Well, you’d need to curb your spending a bit. No more jetting off to Cannes for the weekend.’ I laughed at the pout. ‘But you’d have me here, with my massive cock. But yeh, I think we could. First thing you need to do, get an accountant, sort out the finances, make you - us - into a limited partnership.’ I wanted another kind of partnership too, but one step at a time.

She sat back and regarded me. ‘Not bad for a stable lad,’ she said. ‘I had no idea. I thought you were just good with horses. Umph!’ The 'umph' was a result of me flipping us both over so Julia was on her back and I was poised to show her that I wasn’t just good with horses. All that movement of her gorgeous backside on my lap had had the usual result. Without any further ado, I pulled her further down the bed and slid my erection into her waiting embrace.

When I was fully installed I lowered myself to kiss her on the lips, a long, sensuous kiss that made me swell even more inside her. Her eyes were shining as they looked up at me and she said the words that meant so much, that I’ll never forget. ‘I love you, John.’  

I moved inside her and we made love, slowly, without haste, without any thoughts other than each other’s pleasure. It was possibly the most profoundly sensual coming together in the history of the world. Or possibly not. It was pretty damned profound for me at any rate.

Julia came slightly before me, arms and legs wrapped tight around me as she gasped out her ecstasy. I came almost immediately after, my seed flooding into her as I disappeared into the moment. I held Julia in my arms, feeling her softness and her strength, marvelling. I held her as her breathing softened and she slipped off to sleep.

We were woken by a line of sunlight that appeared round the edge of the curtains. We lay together quietly for some time, then turned as one for a long, lingering kiss. Which ended when the door banged open and Jasmine was suddenly there, at the foot of the bed. She stood with her fists on her hips. ‘Are you two lovebirds EVER going to get up?’ Jasmine spoke in capitals a bit too much for my liking. She looked at me. ‘I’ve had my breakfast and I want to take Rosie out. I need her saddled and ready in ten minutes!’ 

Julia sat up in bed and flung the covers back. Her eyes glinted in a way that should have made Jasmine turn and run for her room. ‘How DARE you burst in here like that and PRESUME to order John about like some stable boy?’ I could see where Jasmine got her love of speaking in capitals from. I had never seen Julia so angry. ‘Get out of here THIS MINUTE and wait for me in the drawing-room.’ 

Jasmine stood her ground for a few seconds and then fled. Julia leapt out of bed and pulled on a silk dressing gown, fastening it tightly at the waist. ‘Come on,’ she said, picking up the cane she’d used on me. ‘I’m going to teach that madam a lesson she won’t forget and I want you to be there.’ I pulled on a dressing gown and hurried after her as she strode out and made her way to the drawing-room. 

Jasmine was standing by the window, leaning against the wall, chewing her thumb. She turned and saw the cane in Julia’s hand. ‘What, are you going to get John to cane me now?’ Her face was a sneer. It didn’t help Julia’s mood. 

‘First, Jasmine,’ she said, calmly, ‘our bedroom is private. If you ever want to speak to either of us, you knock and wait. Second, John is not a stable boy. He is my...’ I was transfixed. What was she going to say? ‘... partner.’ She stood tall after she’d said that, as if a decision had been made. ‘In all senses of the word. So you will give him the respect he’s due. And he won’t be saddling Rosie or anyone else for you. You can do it yourself. And third, John is not going to cane you. I am. I’m going to try and beat some sense into your impudent, spoiled arse, as I should have done years ago. Now get these riding breeches down and touch your toes!’  

I took a seat on the couch and watched with interest. Julia stood, tall and strong, flexing the cane in her hands. Jasmine’s face was white. She stood facing Julia, fists clenched, jaw clenched, everything clenched. ‘You? Cane me? I don’t think so! I’m not a child!’

‘That’s exactly what you are,’ Julia said calmly. In two quick steps, she was unzipping Jasmine’s riding breeches and pulling them down, ignoring her daughter’s cries of outrage and attempts to stop her. Once Jasmine’s trousers and panties were bundled around her ankles, Julia grabbed an arm and pulled her over to the couch opposite mine.

It was a solid old couch with high arms and back; Julia pushed her daughter until her hips met the arm and put her hand in the small of her back, forcing her inexorably down. Once Jasmine was bent over enough she measured the cane against her exposed backside, drew back and let fly. 

Smooth rattan met taut skin with a sharp crack and Jasmine let out an almighty howl. She tried to straighten but Julia is strong, and was like a woman possessed that day. Keeping her hand on her daughter’s back she whipped the thin cane across her backside again and again with hard strokes, fast and relentless. After about a dozen stinging cuts Jasmine grabbed the cushion of the couch, holding on for dear life, crying out with every stroke.

Seeing this, Julia released her hold on her daughter's back and stood back. She turned to me, blew me a kiss and smiled. I knew that look. It meant she was really going to get going. Jasmine’s backside wasn’t as full as Julia’s but it was rounded and eminently spankable. Just at that moment, as Jasmine stretched on the tips of her toes, it was striped with red marks and in a perfect position for more. Julia planted her feet and drew the cane back. 

Swish-Crack! The thin rattan bent as Julia whipped it hard across both cheeks. Jasmine’s eyes opened wide and her hands opened on the cushion as she cried out in pain and surprise. ‘Aaah! Jesus. Fuck. That was sore.’

‘At last I’m starting to get through to you,’ Julia said, and drew back again. The sound of the cane thrashing Jasmine’s backside was loud in the room as Julia laid it on hard and fast, relentlessly. Jasmine’s bottom was crisscrossed with red lines by now; I noticed that each time the cane laid a trail of fire across her cheeks it turned white, then red. A few were starting to puff up slightly. And still Julia, whipped the cane across those reddened, punished cheeks.

Jasmine was crying out through clenched teeth with each stroke, eyes alternatively squeezed shut and opened wide as the blows landed. She was just enduring, holding on while the storm of Julia’s anger broke on her. I lost count after thirty or so hard, stinging strokes. Julia had started adding a little upward flick to the end of each stoke, and it seemed to have the desired effect, making Jasmine’s legs kick her back arch as she tried to deal with the pain. 

At last, Julia stopped. Jasmine was still, panting slightly, eyes moist with tears. Her bottom was lined and red, with more than a few puffed out welts swelling painfully. Julia ran a hand over them. ‘There are a few weals there, perhaps riding Rosie wouldn’t be the best idea today.’ She took her daughter's arm, helped her to her feet. Jasmine groaned and her hands flew to her bottom, trying to knead out the pain. 

‘God, mum, I never thought you could cane that hard. My ass is on fire. And it feels huge, especially with these lines across it.’ She wiped her eyes with the heel of a hand, and gulped back her tears. ‘No-o-o, I think I might just go back to my room for a while.’ She stopped, looked at her mother. ‘If that’s alright?’ Julia smiled. ‘Of course it is. Just as soon as you’ve apologised to John and me for your behaviour.’ 

Jasmine turned to me. Hands clasped to her burning cheeks, she looked the very picture of contrition. ‘Mum, John, I’m sorry I behaved so badly. It won’t happen again.’ And she pulled up her pants and trousers, wincing as they stretched over her backside, and hurried from the room. Julia looked at me and smiled. She pulled the cord on her dressing gown. She looked magnificent and powerful, her breasts rising and falling as she breathed hard after her exertions with the cane.

‘I could cut glass with these nipples,’ she said, fondling them with one hand. She stopped, held the hand out to me and pulled me to my feet. ‘But right now, I’m going to fuck you senseless.’ That sounded fine to me, so I let her lead me, unprotesting, to the bedroom, and heaven.

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Jasmine8217s Journey 8211 Part 1 8211 The Reunion

I walked through the door of his bedroom, in my jeans shorts and a sleeveless top. It was unusual for me to walk like this at home. My husband wouldn’t allow me. But this wasn’t my husband’s house. This was where I truly belonged. “Good morning, Jasmine!”, Prady greeted me with a smile. He had just woken up. His face had not changed. Not a bit. I recalled the day I lost my virginity to him at a resort. We were lovers from college. He was a Hindu. I was Christian. Our parents didn’t approve. He...

2 years ago
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Jasmine Chapter 2

Doug slept surprisingly well. He wasn’t sure he would, but once Jasmine snuggled up against him, it felt like the most natural thing in the world. During the night Jasmine had turned away and Doug rolled with her and woke pressed against her back. He felt his ‘morning wood’ pressed against her ass but didn’t want to move, even though his bladder was what woke him up. He also didn’t realize Jasmine was awake and simply liked the feel of his hard cock against her.When she realized Doug was awake,...

4 years ago
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Jasmin Wears The Pants

This story is fictional. You know the drill: If you are underaged or don't like TG stories don't bother reading any further. All rights are reserved. If somebody wants to publish this story somewhere else please contact me first. Jasmin wears the pants by Greta I had just arrived in New York for a week long visit. After I checked in my Hotel I left in order to grab a bite. I walked the streets not really knowing where I...

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Jasmin the sexy air hostess

I glanced at the electronic clock inside the airport lounge. In another 5 minutes, there would be announcement for the passengers for the security-check. So, I thought of relieving myself before the security check and went towards the Men’s toilet. I was not sure whether I glanced on the door correctly as I was attentive on my steps and looking at the mosaic floor so that I did not slip. In the melee, I pushed the door open and went inside without any sound. When I raised my head, I had a shock...

1 year ago
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Hi, my name is Joe. I'm about 6'1, 180 pounds, latino, and quite handsome.Well this is my story which is actually a true story. And I was a virgin until that day in that hotel. Me and my family went to six flags in San Antonio and after we check in to a hotel my parents got a room on the second floor and me sice I was a only child took a room alone in the fourth floor. It was really late when I check in but I felt dirty so I took a bath. After I took a bath I was still in my robe when I heard a...

First Time
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Parker leaned back in his chair as he watched his younger cousin Jasmine play a round of Halo 3 multiplayer. Well, he wasn't so much watching her play as he was just watching her. She had long, slightly curly, brown hair, brown eyes, and dark skin owing to her half hispanic ancestry. Her breasts were a small and perky 30B, something Parker had learned from a recent game of truth or dare. As he stared at her body he decided that her cute bubble butt, just barely contained in a pair of short...

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Total Return

1. The Leaving Party The time of day was .663 by the decimal clock; late afternoon, as anyone with their head in the present day would know. To a small minority, though, to those annoying individuals who are forever making a nuisance of themselves with their insistence on clinging to an antiquated and obsolete method of keeping time, it would be 15:55 or (even more annoyingly) five to four P.M. The date: 2342.115, which to the aforementioned reactionaries would be the 26th day of the...

2 years ago
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Jasmine at Halloween

October 31st. All Hallow Evening. Normally I'd be staying away from the streets at this time, our kind prefer to be alone stalking our prey, too many people on the streets dressed up in costumes. My name is Jasmine of Hangzhou, I'm a walker of the night, and ingesting the blood of people to stay alive ... I am a vampire. I'm not sure why I couldn't stay in ... wanderlust I suppose? Or something else, I rose from my 'bed' and dressed in my clothes. John was reading as I entered the...

3 years ago
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Suki II Sunshine Returns

Author’s note Suki II begins approximately where Suki I ends in the early 2030s.  Character development is in Suki I, available on Amazon Kindle ASIN: B0029F1UGC?and in PDF at ?http://www.e-junkie.com/SukisPlace/product/75658.php#Suki+I? Suki I contains the majority of the background information to make Suki II make more sense.  Suki I is not as fast paced and not as much sex as Suki II, but if you are interested in the characters, it is a good place to start. Online Character Profiles, maps,...

2 years ago
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Chapter 6 Mommy Returns

Chapter 6Mommy ReturnsSo much had happened in the last few days. My wife's best friend hadconfided in me that my wife of five years, Heidi, was three monthspregnant with her lover's baby and was planning on serving me withdivorce papers when she returns from holiday next week. That same woman,who just happened to be my doctor and was the person who had administeredmy three year course of oestrogen treatment, had now declared herinterest in me, not so much as a prospective spouse but as a...

4 years ago
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Jasmine my new favorite flower

"Break one-nine," blared out of the speaker on my dash. I reach over, grab the mike and respond, "Go ahead breaker." "Thanks for the break, anyone wanting a little commercial company go to five," a sultry voice responds. I drop down to channel five and hear, "Anyone make it?" "Go ahead darling, you got some company, where you at?" "I'm mobile, around the front street area, how about you?" "Coming up on the exit now, where you want to meet?" "You know where the empty warehouse is on Corporate...

Oral Sex
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The Last Return

A continuation to an ending, of Wonder Woman's Sexual Misadventures. Princess Diana flew back to Paradise Island considering her future. She had to bring these 35 blocks of Amazonium back to the Amazon and then return to man's world and resume her duties there as Wonder Woman, the Amazon Ambassador. She had enjoyed her time on Wently Island and wished it could go on forever, but she was First Princess of the Amazon, next in line to the throne. Her duties and responsibilities to the Amazon...

3 years ago
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An Early Return

You are alone in the hotel room, I had to leave for a several hours and told you I’d be back around 10:30. You didn’t want me to leave, but when I promised you extra special treatment when I returned, you graciously didn’t argue with me. After an hour or so you decided to draw a bath, and prepare yourself for my return. You soak and luxuriate until you feel as if your skin is going to slough off if you stay in any longer, and then rinse the suds off with the showerhead as the tub drains. I...

3 years ago
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The Point of No Return

The Point of No Return By Callie Messenger I read and re-read the advert every day for a fortnight before replying. SWM seeks same, 18-30, submissive, to train/transform into the woman of your dreams. On the fifteenth day I replied. It was a Thursday. There was nothing special about that day. There had been nothing special about any day for quite some time now. I worked, I got home, I watched TV, I slept. On weekends I drank. Sometimes I met people. I had few friends - had had few...

2 years ago
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Point of no return

I can't believe I walked through the door. I told myself over and over that it would never happen, that it would always remain a fantasy.Here I am on my knees and the the most perfect specimen is mere inches from my face.It is cut, long, smooth, and capped with a large mushroom head.I know I want to taste it, to run my tongue up an down it, to take it inside my salivating mouth.I can't, I can't go beyond the point of no return.But I can grab it, I can stroke it, and so I do.I feel it throbbing...

5 years ago
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Beyong the point of no Return

I can't believe I walked through the door. I told myself over and over that it would never happen, that it would always remain a fantasy.Here I am on my knees and the the most perfect specimen is mere inches from my face.It is cut, long, smooth, and capped with a large mushroom head.I know I want to taste it, to run my tongue up an down it, to take it inside my salivating mouth.I can't, I can't go beyond the point of no return.But I can grab it, I can stroke it, and so I do.I feel it throbbing...

4 years ago
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Mistress Nandis return

You instruct me to meet You at the airport in my best suit, carrying a MUCH larger sign this time :) You will finally be coming home to Your boy after spending two months abroad. You instruct me to meet You at the airport in my best suit, carrying a large sign that says ?Mistress Nandi? You and i kiss deeply, then You pull away, and say "I've had a lot of time to think, my kgotso. I love you with all my heart, and you belong beneath me, but things will be changing. You are a wonderful...

4 years ago
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Lee Returns

Introduction: A dear friend returns. LEE RETURNS Its been a long time since weve seen Lee. He moved away a few years ago and until today has not been able to return. In that he has come to town for a conference, he has arranged to stay with us. He and his gigantic rock hard cock will be very welcome. Lee arrives, rings our door bell and we invite Lee in. As you may remember, Lee is a very tall, very handsome black man. He and his wife have been our friends for a very long time. Unfortunately,...

3 years ago
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Lenias Return

Lenia's Return by MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. This story is a prequel to the story titled "For Womanhood". It is not necessary to read that fantasy to understand the plot of this tale. The story develops the character of Lenia's leaving Giuliana and her lovers to re-establish a relationship. Lenia's Return, for Womanhood When she called my cell I was surprised. The picture in the Hudson's advertisement was...

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Jasmine Learns The Ropes

“Good morning daddy,” chirped Jasmine walking down the stairway in her nightie.Caffeine was not required to tune into the fact my daughter’s supple 15 year old frame was filling in nicely these days.“What’s for breakfast?”Wish it were your nipples soaked in maple syrup so I could swirl my tongue around them for a while, I thought. “Pancakes,” I answered.Plumping her petite five foot nothing frame on the sofa and resting her feet up on a table caused my boner to press up hard against my jeans,...

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Title: Jasmine Chapter 1: A Drink I was corresponding with a girl had I met on one of those "alternate" internetsites that cater to the kinky crowd. Her name was Jasmine, and she turned outto be as pretty as her name. I hadn't been able to figure out her level ofexperience with D/s because she was shy and reluctant to talk about such thingsonline (kind of cute really). After a couple weeks of emails and a couple ofphone conversations, we agreed to meet to have a drink and possibly dinnerat a...

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 138 A triumphant return

Alyssa slipped her arm around John’s and admired his reflection in the mirror. “I have to hand it to Mael’nerak, the man really knew how to make an impression. You look magnificent.” John glanced down at the beautifully tailored suit, with its high neck and stylish lines, then gave her a self-conscious smile. “There’s certainly no fading into the background wearing this ... but are you sure it says ‘benevolent protector’ not ‘tyrannical overlord’?” She turned to face him and stroked his...

3 years ago
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Bordello of No Return

Bordello of No Return by Bill Hart I couldn't believe I was standing here. Here was the porch of an abandoned old house, although some preferred to call it a mansion. But what it had been was perhaps more important. Some had called it a brothel, while others referred to it as a house of ill-repute, a bordello, or even a cathouse. Which name was used made no difference in the long run, for it was simply the house on the hill where women had been paid to make men feel like...

4 years ago
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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 67 Bills Return

Thoughts Fifty-nine years, four months, thirteen days, four hours and several minutes after he last left us, Bill returned to Anna. I heard about this a couple hours later when Anna finally had a moment to divert her mind enough to message me this vital tidbit — along with the admonition to, "Keep this to yourself for now, please." I was happy to comply. She estimated that they could maintain the secret of his return for nearly a week. In truth, they managed to keep it nearly three...

2 years ago
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Plain Joe 2 The Return

I have to mention I am just a plain man from earth. I do, however, have abilities that have been handed down from a distant relative, apparently from an agent from Jenny's planet that had crashed on my planet thousands of years ago. Jenny's planet is the home of the peace keepers of this galaxy, a fact that she swore me to, under potential destruction of earth. Though I do, and can, return to earth I don't as often as I used to, as it worries Ari and Sandy as I call them now. I am not...

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Randis Return

Randi's Return Randall reached over and silenced the alarm clock that had brought him out of his sleep. He lay there looking around his room trying to get completely awake. He felt a little saddened looking around his own bedroom; it wasn't the bright place that was Denise's where he had woken up just yesterday. At last he decided he best get ready for work and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He sat there for just a minute longer looking down at himself sitting there in his...

2 years ago
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The Return

Jolene looked at herself closely in the mirror, She hoped Danny liked the silky pink bra and panty set that she bought for her return home. Blushing, she thought of when he might first see them. She wondered if it would be at their new house or perhaps before they left the airport. Thankful for the two-hour layover before the final leg of the flight home, she stood examining herself from every angle, making sure she knew just what Danny would be seeing. When the flight had arrived at the...

Love Stories
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Plain JoeChapter 2 The Return

Hello again, I am Joe Broily, some might remember me last year when I told the story of three words and three Queens. I am in love with those 3 Queens though I live on 2 of the worlds with two of the Queens, there is a third that I also love that lives on a world I cannot go to. The first Queen's name is Sandella, a flaming red haired, green eyed beauty. The second is Arianna, a raven haired piercing blue eyed beauty. The third Jenny, might take a little longer to describe. She has legs that...

4 years ago
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Club PT Part 2 The Return

Introduction: A return to the Pre Teen dance club… Another story. Question and comments in the comments section and at [email protected] Thanks guys. CLUB PT Part 2:The return Exhausted, I wiped at my eyes. It was 8:45 PM on a Saturday night and I had been working for about 11 hours. Multi-millionaire media mogul Magnus Thenn had directed me to coordinate the direction of a marketing campaign for yet another big budget prime time action drama series and it had taken all day just to get the...

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Sisters Return

She’d been across the country close to nine years now, vowing never to return seeing as daddy did things with mommy’s best friend, but seeing as now her parents are no longer married she decided it was as good a time as any to come home. Daddy moved away. It was only Jessie and Peter, and Peter was about to go away to college. About to turn 19 in November, Clarisse felt she had to see him seeing as she hadn’t seen any of them in all these years, and Peter and the brother had been bugging their...


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