Strictly Wetting free porn video

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Emma froze, immobile on the dance floor as her worst fear came true. The silence was total. The audience, just a few seconds before cheering and clapping were as still as statues. None of them could believe what they were seeing. Emma wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole, but more than that, she wished she'd never agreed to appear on the damn show in the first place.

It had all started with Emma's wish to be a journalist. She had dreamt of being a journalist from an early age, sitting behind a cardboard desk even then, reporting the news to lined up toys in her bedroom. She'd studied media and journalism at university, then a Masters, then a lucky break just after completing her course. There had been an opening at a regional station, miles from where she lived but she had to take the shot. She had broken up with her boyfriend of four years, said goodbye to her parents, her friends, even some of her old school enemies and finally set off on the journey two hundred miles north.

Emma looked out at the three judges sitting in a row, staring opened mouthed at her, for once in their careers they were completely speechless. The presenter of the show, a veteran of countless TV shows, was looking to the producer who could only shrug. Nobody seemed to know what to do. Emma didn't see him, or anyone else. She was staring at the wet pool at her feet and feeling her face begin to burn with embarrassment.

Her first day on the news floor had been a lucky one. The presenter of the lunchtime news fell ill halfway through the broadcast with what later turned out to be a heart attack. As she was passing the studio someone with a clipboard grabbed her and she was manhandled into the vacant chair, spending the remaining fifteen minutes of the bulletin reading out the details of hospital closure protests and cuddly puppy stories.

The collapse of Barry Smith on screen, the longest serving newsreader in the county, was an internet hit, but as the views increased, just as many people were impressed by the confidence shown by the young woman taking over mid broadcast. That assured performance soon led to a regular spot and within a year Emma was headline news herself, the quickest career progression anyone had seen, getting a main anchor role, her own chair at the station board meetings, something even Barry had never achieved.

After a year at the helm, Emma was instantly recognisable wherever she went, small towns, cities, walks in the countryside, everyone seemed to know her or thought they did. Nobody suspected her secret, but then she had never had the courage to tell anyone before.

One lunchtime, her routine was interrupted, just days before she got the fateful letter asking if she'd like to appear on the national dancing show, Anything Goes. She was on her way down the corridor on the seventh floor, past the sport department, round the hideous pot plants by the lift and to the toilet to make her last trip before the broadcast began. Unfortunately her slavish devotion to routine had a downside. The toilets were locked, a lopsided sign declaring them "Out of Order."

Emma tried the door nonetheless to no avail. She glanced at her watch but time was against her. The show was due to start in less than a minute. Her makeup was already done, another of her quirks, getting that done before her last toilet visit rather than just before getting into the newsroom. So with heavy heart and a deep breath Emma made her way to her chair to begin broadcasting, with a quite desperate need to pee burning away inside her. The show itself went without a hitch but eagle eyed viewers might have spotted that the presenter seemed to shuffle in her seat more than usual and at one point could be seen glancing under her desk as if checking something.

Emma finished the broadcast with an aching bladder and a sense of exhilaration. It was as if she'd somehow cheated her own body, mastered an art of self control that she hadn't realised existed inside her. She liked the feeling and vowed to repeat it. So began a new routine, she would wait until after broadcasting to visit the bathroom, no matter how desperate she was.

For weeks this went on, her sense of power increasing until like any addict it just wasn't enough to just be desperate. She started drinking a bottle of water before stepping into the studio, making her desperation ever more severe. She would sometimes have to climb to her feet during video sequences, dancing on the spot before sitting down at the last possible moment when the camera returned to her. Some shows, she held her notes with one hand only, the other buried under the desk, clamped between her thighs to press against her urethra, trying to ensure she didn't commit the ultimate sin and wet herself live on air. That was her only fear, that one day she would go too far, wait too long, and everyone would know about her secret, know what she liked to do. That idea terrified her but not enough to make her stop.

When she read the letter from Anything Goes, she was delighted. An invitation on to a national televised dance contest. This was her chance to really hit the big time, a move from regional star to national treasure. Maybe a shot at getting on the national news. After all nobody from a regional show like hers had been invited on to such a prestigious show as Anything Goes before but then she was an internet sensation.

The day of the first show had been like a dream. Not just a chance to meet other stars from round the country, but also the chance to put her holding skills to the test whilst moving, a whole new challenge. It had been easy at first, keeping on the move distracted her, stopped her realising she needed to pee. But when she finished her first dance, she found herself in agony. She hadn't peed before starting the show and now thought that might have been a mistake. She stood with the presenter by her side, being interviewed, managing to keep her legs moving as if still excited from dancing, trying to conceal how desperate she was, how she would have done anything to run to a toilet and peel off her skin-tight underwear, let the balloon of a bladder insider her relax, let go at last.

Instead she had to stand in her thigh high miniskirt, her glittery top, her tiara perched on her head (glued on before the show to ensure it didn't slip.) What was worse, after the interview she couldn't leave, she had to sit with the other dancers whilst the show continued. In the rehearsals, once they'd performed, each couple could leave but someone had obviously had a rethink. So Emma had to spend forty minutes dying to pee, ten minutes longer than any of her news broadcasts. She was sweating under the studio lights, her legs clamped together, jiggling her heels up and down and squirming in her seat, enough to make the rugby player beside her give her a number of strange looks.

"Are you all right?" he whispered.

"I just need the bathroom," she whispered back, trying to smile at his mixed look of sympathy and disgust.

She watched the huge clock on the wall behind the audience. It seemed to pass the time at such slow intervals, every minute scraping past as she was hit with waves of pain, shooting spasms through her bladder. Tensing her thigh muscles helped but she couldn't hold them like that forever. Every time she relaxed her body tried to pee and she had to immediately tense up again. At one point she could almost feel a drop of pee wetting her panties, hoping against hope that she was imagining it. Finally the studio audience applauded for the last time and the lights dimmed. Emma shot up from her seat, almost knocking over the soap star in her rush to the door. She ran down the corridor and into her dressing room, locking the door behind her. She pushed open the door into the connected bathroom, almost tripped over the toilet in her rush to turn and sit down, frantically yanking down her panties and perching on the edge of the cold plastic seat. She was just in time, the instant her bottom touched the seat, her bladder gave way and a torrent of urine echoed against the porcelain bowl, splashing down into the water beneath. Emma sighed happily, almost able to see her tummy deflating. She stared at the floor at her feet, a smile playing across her face as for a moment she tensed up, stopping the flow momentarily, just long enough to feel the warm ache inside her again. Unable to hold it for more than a few seconds, she again relaxed and another gush of pee sprayed out of her into the toilet.

Finally she was finished, after what felt like forever, and she was able to tear off a sheet of toilet paper, dab between her legs and stand up. As she sat down at her dressing table to wait for her call to do the interview for that night’s news, there came a knock at the door. It was one of the producers, a tall man wearing a grey suit, phone in hand.

"Hi Emma," he said as she invited him in. "Mind if I sit down?" He had a tendency to ask questions without waiting for a response. "Now that was great tonight, simply super yeah? But next week if you want to really show the audience what you can do, you need to do something really special. Can you bring something really special? Think of something unique that nobody else has and you'll go far. I've got a good feeling about you Emma, catch you later yeah?"

Emma nodded and he was gone before she even had a chance to speak. She sat looking at herself in the mirror, pulling at a strand of hair and wondering just what she could bring to the next show that nobody would have seen before.

Emma spent the next week training hard with her dance partner, but on the night of the show he wrenched an ankle and had to be rushed to hospital with a suspected fracture. Emma had less than two hours to practise with an understudy, one of a range of back up dancers, all eager to appear on screen, get their chance at the big time. As they rehearsed over and over again, Emma had to snatch sips from her bottle of water between moves, the heat in the studio was overpowering. She found herself drinking more and more but was still trying to nail the end moves when the call came to appear on stage. The show was about to begin. Emma was rushed through make up and into a changing room. She was helped into her outfit, a skimpy approximation of a nurse uniform as their performance tonight represented nurse and patient.

Emma was slightly shocked by the costume, a skin tight white crop top, most of her torso exposed. She tugged at her skirt, pink, again skin tight with a few slight frills, making her wonder just how much freedom of movement she would have on the dance floor. Her frantic catching up with a new dancer had left her no time for a dress rehearsal but she would have to make do. Her socks reached her knees and her white shoes completed the ensemble, two red crosses over her chest, covering her nipples which would otherwise have shown through the thin fabric. As she was dressed she realised that as last week she was becoming desperate for the toilet.

There was no time to go now though as the lights went on and she was ushered to the stage with the other performers. This week she was drawn last and had to spend the first half of the show sat watching the other performers as they strutted across the dance floor. The audience seemed happy, cheering and clapping as the cameras moved round and the judges quipped. Emma sat as still as she could, though she became increasingly uncomfortable as the show progressed. She began shuffling on her seat, placing her hands under her bottom to help lift herself on and off the seat every few seconds. Her feet were tapping on the floor and she began to feel the familiar pain in her bladder as it became more and more uncomfortable, demanding she let go, get to a toilet now.

Finally, just as Emma was glancing at the exit door, wondering if she could dash off and come back without being spotted, she was called to dance. With a groan she hauled herself to her feet and gravity immediately made the pain inside her worse. She stepped out to the dance floor as the presenter chatted away to the crowd. Shuffling on the spot, squirming almost, her legs stuck together as the crowd all stared at her captured by her beauty and her costume, so different to the newsreader they all knew.

"Look at this now," the presenter grinned. "Raring to go, can't even keep still. And I thought nurses were meant to help make my blood pressure lower! Anyway let's see how you get on."

Emma took her place by a bed, positioned at the top of the stage. The music began and her partner climbed into the bed, getting under the covers and looking ill. As she bent over him, ostensibly to take his temperature, she found herself moaning in pain once more, gripping her thighs together tightly and wishing this was all over, that she'd never agreed to come on the show in the first place.

Her partner leapt from the bed and began limping round the stage, before slowly picking up the pace, grabbing her and spinning her round and round. The crowd cheered but Emma felt herself wincing as a tiny spurt of pee fell from her involuntarily, soaking her panties. She hoped nobody would notice, tensing even more to prevent further accidents. As the dance continued the two of them moved more and more in sync, at one point Emma stretching one leg up in the air behind her, blushing in case anyone noticed the damp patch there in the moment it was visible. She bit her lip, knowing there were only a few seconds to go. If only she could last. As the music reached a crescendo her dance partner lifted her into the air and ran across the stage with her. As he brought her back down he slipped and Emma fell, losing her concentration and accidentally relaxing her bladder as she stood back up.

"Oh no," she whispered to herself, turning bright red as a trickle filled her panties and overflowed the sides. It soon turned into a torrent, Emma was unable to stop it, she'd lost control. A never ending stream of urine ran down her legs, splashing onto the stage and pooling at her feet as she stood there wetting herself in front of the entire audience and all those watching at home.

The crowd was silent, the judges staring open mouthed. Finally the presenter stepped out on stage, as the last few drops fell from a humiliated Emma. She felt the warmth on her legs, the wetness of her panties, the burning shame on her face and wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole.

"Well," began the presenter. "At 75, I thought I was supposed to be the one who couldn't control his bladder."

That broke the spell, the audience laughed, so did the judges. Even Emma half smiled. As she slowly made her way to her seat there was a sympathetic round of applause from half the audience, the other half giggling and whispering. Emma sat staring at the floor, wondering if her career was over before it had had a chance to really get going. She didn't hear the judges' comments, lost as she was in her own thoughts.

"The results are in," said the presenter. "And today's winner is Emma and Evan!"

There was a moment of confusion before the crowd began cheering. "The people at home must have liked your stunt!" he added as Emma was brought back out to the stage.

Afterwards she made her way in silence to her dressing room, ignoring the looks people gave her on the way. She closed the door behind her and lifted her skirt. With an effort she pulled off her still wet panties and threw them on the floor. As she tugged at her skirt there was a knock at the door. It was the producer again and this time he didn't wait for an answer, just pushed the door open and stepped in.

At the sight of Emma wrestling with her skirt he froze for a moment before taking a seat on the sofa as if he didn't even notice her half nudity.

"What the fuck?" Emma said, incredulous at his lack of respect, just walking in on her. She pulled the skirt back to her hips and glared at him. "What do you want now? Here to boot me off the show I suppose."

"Not even close." He smiled. "They loved you out there, highest viewing figures ever. Clips of you are whizzing round the internet faster than I can even tot up the profits. You are a star Emma my dear. I told you to do something nobody's done before and it's not often I get surprised. But you, you surprised me. You surprised us all. I just hope you can pull something out of the bag for the final next week because they will be expecting even more from you then."

He got up and left before she had a chance to reply, leaving her wondering if she could turn this around after all.

"You've got to be kidding. No way am I agreeing to that."

Emma leaned back in her chair and sipped her coffee. "Trust me, we both want to win and this is the way to do it. I know it. You want to be famous don't you?"

Evan looked at her, the smile on her face, the smile he'd grown in love in the week they'd been dancing together. Even after wetting herself he still liked her, if anything it made her appear more vulnerable, cuter. But this idea of hers, could it really work?

"All right, I'll do it. But I just hope you're right."

They spent the week preparing for the big finale. An hour long spectacular with the winner crowned at the end of the show, a huge prize and the shot at their own national show. Emma was up against a soap actor and a former marathon runner. She thought she was in with a good chance and with her final performance she had prepared something very special.

Before the show began Emma drank two large bottles of water in preparation and as the winners of last year's show were paraded before the crowd, Emma could feel herself already starting to need to pee. She just hoped she could hold it in, loving the sense of power over her body once more as she grew increasingly desperate. She kept sipping at the bottle by her chair, adding to sense that she might explode at any moment.

Time ticked by until at last it was time for her first performance of the evening. Each couple would complete two dances and it was Emma's time to shine. She took to the stage in her black ball gown, her tummy noticeably bulging with fullness as she was waltzed around the floor, her bladder full to bursting. She waited until the music had stopped and then squatted for the final move, her legs spread, her dress riding up to her waist. The crowd gasped, wondering what she was about to do, her long legs on show to them all.

Finally Emma just shook her head and got to her feet, somehow managing to hold in the pee that was dying to come out. The crowd clapped half heartedly and she returned to her seat to wait for the real performance to begin.

As she sat there, Emma looked at her partner, he was grinning at her, his dance suit sparkling with glitter just as she was called for her costume change. Making her way backstage Emma was brought into the costume room and her ball gown was taken from her. She stood there in her peach thong holding her bare breasts to keep them covered up as the costume assistant brought her the outfit she had asked for.

Emma thanked the young woman who handed it to her, and looked at the outfit, unaware of the assistant's eyes boring holes in her almost completely naked body. She was entranced with her costume and pulled it on. It was a modern version of a flappers dress, black with dangling sequinned threads. It barely covered her bottom and as the assistant stared Emma pulled down her thong and handed it to her.

"Do you want some other knickers?" the girl asked.

"No thank you," Emma replied, walking back towards the stage, feeling her heart begin to race with excitement. Was she making a mistake? All she knew was she wanted to win and her plan seemed the best way to achieve that. She reached the stage just as she was called to begin her final dance.

Standing perfectly still, she winked at her partner as he waited in his suit at the far side of the stage. The music began and Emma started to move, swaying her body from side to side before suddenly bending forward. The audience gasped as they were treated to a momentary flash of her peachy round bottom. In the control room people were suddenly deep in conversation, not sure if they had seen what they thought they'd seen.

Downstairs the dance continued and Emma was lifted in the air, spreading her legs wide as she was spun on her back. This time the audience was silenced as suddenly they could see flashes of what lay between Emma's legs. Nothing like this had ever happened on television before, not even on a show called Anything Goes. Emma had shaved her pussy especially for the show and as she whirled on her back she began to pant slightly, her breath laboured with excitement at the thought of the countless eyes all staring between her legs as a single drop of pee squeezed its way out of her.

The dance continued and Emma flashed her bottom over and over again, each time drawing appreciative murmurs from the crowd until the music built to a climax. The judges stared as Evan knelt down, ripping open his suit jacket and shirt in one movement.

Emma for her part was now so desperate to pee she felt she felt she might burst at any moment. As Evan lay on his back, his muscular chest exposed, Emma strode over and stood above him, tugging her dress over her head. The producers were going ballistic at the sight of a naked newsreader on stage, her breasts proudly sticking out from her chest, her nipples hardened with excitement. The crowd cheered louder than ever before as in the control room an argument broke out on whether to cut the transmission.

Emma felt nothing but exhilaration now, too late to turn back, it was now or never. With a deep breath she stood over Evan and stared into the middle distance, willing her bladder to relax. At last it obeyed and she felt her urethra widening as a flow of urine passed to her outer lips and dripped onto Evan's chest. She pushed her muscles slightly, squeezing them rhythmically as the flow strengthened to a river of piss, spraying out of her and gushing down onto Evan. It splashed onto his face, surprising him with its warmth. Emma looked straight at the judges as with both her hands she spread her pussy lips aside, giving them an even better view as she continued to piss.

She almost jumped when she felt Evan's hands on her legs, he was raising his face closer to her now, his mouth open as the flow weakened, finally ending with a few drops splashing down to join the pool on the floor as the music came to an end. Evan stood beside her and together they took a bow, Emma staying down long enough for her bottom to be photographed by countless surreptitious camera phones within the audience.

The presenter was gobsmacked as the camera turned to him. "Well...well...I...wasn't that something unique ladies and gentlemen?"

Emma pulled her dress back over her head and returned to her seat, trying to look casual even as her heart raced in her chest. She waited as the judges gave their comments, for the most part acting as if the climax of the dance hadn't happened, just talking about her dancing prowess.

At last the decisions were made and Emma waited for the audience and at home votes to be tallied. She began to wonder if she'd done the right thing, eventually concluding that if nothing else she would certainly be remembered for this.

"We have a winner. Please step forward Emma and Evan!"

The audience went wild as the two dancers accepted their trophies, hugs from the other dancers followed and Emma found herself facing the camera to talk about what she'd done. She suddenly felt unable to speak and had to let Evan do the talking, telling the world how they'd thought an accidental wetting had helped them win last week so a deliberate one might be even more useful in winning the final this week.

Finally the show was over and Emma was in her dressing room alone. She pulled the flapper dress over her head and looked at her naked body in the mirror. She was happy with it and felt strangely excited by the attention she knew she'd receive over this. As she stood there she ran her hands over her chest, feeling her nipples harden as she brushed over them. Her hands moved over the taut muscles of her well toned stomach before sliding over the shaved skin above her pussy. She felt a tingle of something else then, was it desire? She realised there was wetness in her pussy, it had made her lips slick to the touch as her hands moved between her legs.

Behind her there was a knock at the door, Emma ran for her dress but it was opened before she had a chance to reach it. This time it wasn't the producer though, it was Evan, he was topless, his ripped shirt obviously dumped somewhere.

"Hi," Emma said, suddenly embarrassed by her nudity, covering her chest with one hand, the other over her pussy.

"Hi," Evan replied, staring at her body. "I...err..."

Emma suddenly leaned over and kissed him, hardly even thinking about it. She was just so excited about winning, about what she'd done, about the fact that Evan had agreed to it, to let her piss on him. She planned to just give him a peck on the lips but suddenly their tongues were touching and his hands were gliding over her back. Emma had never been this close to him even when dancing and she found herself gripping his muscular bottom through his trousers. Their waists touched and Emma could feel a bulge pressing against her as his cock hardened.

"We shouldn't be doing this," she whispered as at the same time she fumbled for his zipper, undoing his trousers and pushing them to the floor with his boxers. His cock sprang out, sticking up in the air. Emma gasped as she saw the size of it, suddenly certain she had to have him just this once. Evan placed his hands on her breasts, toying with her nipples and bringing one then the other to his mouth, licking and sucking their hardness. His cock was pressed against Emma's stomach, she could feel its hotness as she placed one hand on it, making him moan loudly. She slowly moved her hand up and down his shaft as she sank to her knees. With her eyes widening she looked at the glistening head of his cock. She had never wondered what it was like but now she wanted nothing more than to guide it inside her. She licked the tip, tasting the salty precum before sucking it straight into her mouth, as far as she could take it. Evan moaned above her as she began to slide it in and out of her mouth, the saliva dripping from it as she hungrily tasted him, the heat almost burning her tongue.

Evan stood over her, not wanting to cum too soon. He had to stop her, it felt too good. With a concerted effort he tapped her shoulder, forcing himself against the joy he was feeling.

"Please stop or I'll cum," he gasped.

Emma let his cock plop wetly from her mouth and then stood up. She moved to the dressing table and leaned casually over it, well aware that made her bottom stick pertly up into the air.

"Get inside me!" she heard herself say, not even sure why she was saying it. She looked over her shoulder as he stood behind her, holding his stiff prick before gently guiding it between her legs. She felt the head glide through the wetness at the entrance to her pussy before he slowly moved his hips towards her, letting his cock sink all the way up into her pussy. He held it there for a moment before gradually starting to thrust.

The two of them stayed like that for as long as they could, Evan looking down to see his cock disappearing up his dance partner before sliding back covered in her juices. Emma stared into the mirror, watching his face change as he began to fuck her harder. She slid her hand between her legs and began rubbing her clit, feeling it engorged with blood and so sensitive it made her shudder to touch it. One finger was able to feel the side of his cock as it thrust in and out of her, pushing her against the table. She moved her hand quicker on her clit, aware of a building pressure in her.

"Harder!" she snapped and Evan obeyed. As he slammed in and out of her now he could feel his orgasm approaching. Emma knew she was about to cum just as she felt a need to pee again. She relaxed her bladder and pushed her hips backwards. As Evan's cock pushed as far into her as it could go she felt her climax hit. It made her pussy tense and relax, muscles spasming as her legs went weak. She gasped as suddenly she began peeing at the same time, hot urine falling over Evan's cock, pushing him over the edge. As Emma screamed through her orgasm Evan grunted loudly, his own climax hitting him as a jet of cum spurted out of him, filling Emma's waiting pussy. He thrust again and a second spurt flew out. A third followed before his cock finally began to soften. He could still feel Emma's orgasm continuing as she lay pressed against the table, her breathing laboured as she moaned slightly.

There was a knock at the door and Evan quickly pulled out of Emma, dashing into the bathroom and closing the door just as the producer walked in. He glanced at Emma bent over the table, her pussy starting to dribble a small amount of cum back out as her eyes remained closed.

"Well done," the producer said, ignoring the sight before him. "You did great tonight yeah? Did you enjoy it? Everyone's talking about your performance and the chemistry between you and Evan. Where is he by the way? I must see you both before you go home, get contracts signed for your own show. We were thinking of calling it Anything Goes, subtitle - Emma Goes On Anyone. What do you think? Anyway I'll see you soon."

He left, pulling the door closed behind him. Evan peered out from the bathroom door before stepping back out. Emma slowly stood up, her legs wobbling as she made her way to the sofa, collapsing onto it. Evan sat beside her and wrapped his arms round her. "You okay?" he asked.

"I think so," Emma replied. "Just that was the most powerful orgasm I've ever had. What the hell were you doing that was so good?"

Evan shrugged and gave her a kiss as the audience outside made their way home, all abuzz at the sensation they'd witnessed. Back in the dressing room, the focus of their attention was getting dressed before stepping out into the corridor. She walked hand in hand with Evan to the waiting taxis outside.

"I'll see you later," he said as she climbed into the back. But Emma didn't close the door, instead looking out at him.

"Well," she said, smiling. "Are you getting in or not?"

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Strict and Dirty Mom 4

She was exhausted from the action we had but looked extremely satisfied. I was as well. But we had gone quite deep in our relationship. I never expected my such a strict mom to have such a kinky side of hers. Not a single body part of her was left which I hadn’t seen and felt. She got to see my manhood and looked quite pleased. But my dream was taking her in her ass and I knew she wouldn’t let me so easily do that. I knew she wanted more, so much more than we had, even if it meant screwing our...

2 years ago
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Strict rules of engagement Part 21

"I’ve never been a squirter!" Janice thought to herself as she squeezed her thighs together and felt her cum spread around her inner thighs from the pressure. She held that position for a while as she leaned against the center counter in the kitchen, amazed at having that much fluid leave her pussy during an orgasm. Brody came up stairs and sat in the living room. Dinner was almost ready so he found no point in going up to his room only to be called down in a few minutes. While sitting...

2 years ago
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Strict Schooling 1

Smack!“Ow!”Smack!“Ow!”Smack!“Ow! Ow! Miss, you can't spank me, Miss...”Smack!“I am spanking you, Susan. And the more you keep fighting me, the longer I shall go on spanking you.”Smack!“Ow! Oh, Miss...”Eventually the struggling subsided and the punishment was finished with six hard slaps across the centre of the sixteen-year-old's seat. A rosy glow was visible through and around the snug white cotton and Miss Marshall gave a small sigh of satisfaction.“Up you get, girl. Here, use this.” She held...

3 years ago
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Strict aunt spanks unruly girls

Your parents were going away so they decided to send you to your aunt who lived in the country for a couple of weeks ... it was always a time of mixed emotions for you as you loved going out investigating in the woods looking for a****ls and this time you were going with your friend Amy , but your aunt was always from the school, she lived in a time warp and believed c***dren should be seen and not heard and she dressed liked an old spinster from the old days , long dresses, a broach by her...

2 years ago
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strict up bringing

being bought up in the 60's my two older sisters and myself,were subjected to a strict catholic up bringing by our parents,any infraction no matter how minor was dealt with,by either canning or a leather strop.all punishments were dealt with on a saturday evening at 7pm directly after finishing dinner and cleaning up the dishes,durring the week,from sunday till friday when we misbehaved our deeds would be recorded on the board,by either our mother or father so that we would know that we were in...

2 years ago
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Strict Social Services The Lesbian Rape of Missy

Strict Social Services: The Lesbian Rape of Missy By Powerone ( [email protected] )and Missy ( [email protected]) Copyright 2004 F+/f, humil, solo, reluc, bond, young Chapter One: The Investigation How could this have happened to her?  She was only fifteen; a girlher age shouldn't be treated like this.  What made the situation evenworse was that these were women doing this to her!  She had always beenleery of men, not talking to strangers, watching her surroundings, always...

4 years ago
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Strict Rules for Engagement Pt 3

“Now that was an exciting and tasty dinner.” She said with a beaming smile on her lips. Brody just stared at her for a moment without saying a word. This woman looked and sounded like his mother but who he saw was a sex goddess who could rival even the hottest pornstars in existence. “Holy fuck mom. That was so intense!” He said as he tried to get the feeling back in his legs. “I know hey, just imagine if he caught us, how would we have explained that one?” She said as she got up...

4 years ago
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Strict Owners Daughter

My name is Angie. I’m 19, and a few months after starting work as a shop assistant in the local butcher’s, I was asked to witness a very exciting punishment of the Saturday delivery boy, Jim. He started doing deliveries each Saturday when he was 16, and even though he was younger than me, I quite fancied him. He was fit, attractive and had a sense of humour. The shop was owned by George Andrews, but really it was his very attractive daughter Janine who ran the place. Another young lad, Dave,...

2 years ago
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Strict Owners Daughter part 2

My name is Angie and I worked in a butcher’s shop where Janine, the owner’s daughter, ruled the place. A few weeks ago I was made to witness and take part in the spanking of Jim, the 17 year old Saturday lad. She made him strip off and used the cane on his bum and a springy plastic ruler on his cock to teach him to control himself. When he came into work the following Saturday he looked down when he saw me and was clearly embarrassed so I did my best to put him at ease. I reassured him that...

2 years ago
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Strict auntie deals with naughty nephew

There are three things I must tell you about Martin. First, he’s a tall, gangly youth, lean and fidgety, with a shock of black hair, earnest brown eyes and cute button nose. Second, he’s a perfect brat, mucky minded and insolent with it, and third, I had the misfortune to be his aunt. He usually stayed with me for a week or two during the summer holidays, to give his mother a break. She had younger children to cope with, and Martin’s slovenly ways and cheek were a constant source of anguish to...

2 years ago
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Strict Owners Daughter part 3

I’m 19, my name is Angie and I work in a butcher’s shop where Janine, the owner’s daughter, rules the place. To set the scene, a few months ago I was made to witness and take part in the spanking of Jim, the 17 year old Saturday lad. She made him strip off and used the cane on his bum and a springy plastic ruler on his cock to teach him to control himself. I really fancied Jim and a week or so later Janine caught him and me in the act in her stockroom and spanked us both. Jim and I started to...

4 years ago
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Strict Aunt spanking fantasy

Initially, Jerry was not happy with his wife joining the local amateur theater group. However, the first time that he saw her made up to be the mature school teacher, he knew he had to do a fantasy scene with her done up like that. Since they had previously done scenes, to spice up the sex life in their marriage, he knew that the issue would not be getting her onboard, but rather, what scene would be really hot? After milling it around in his head for awhile, he made some notes and approached...

3 years ago
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Strict Schooling 5 Alma Mater

“Well, Verity, it has been a while.”“Indeed, Headmistress.” The small stab of annoyance made Lady Vernon shift in her chair. Her name was the one thing she had been glad to leave behind with her school days. But no matter. She was back on a visit and it went with the place.“May I speculate that your life has been more settled of late? Young lover, perhaps?”It was useless to resist and the past pupil of almost twenty years gave a wry laugh. “I see that your mind-reading powers have not...

4 years ago
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Strict Schooling 3

Miss Winters bent the riding crop between her hands with a small smile. Not far short of a yard of braided leather its tapered end carried a head an inch square. One of a number made to her specifications, the instrument was intended not for horses, but for its role in Riding School discipline. Highly flexible, it carried a bite designed to bring a wayward girl sharply to heel. And one such was now awaiting its attentions.The young lady to be punished was arrayed across a wooden trestle, legs...

2 years ago
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Strict Schooling 2

“Right Johnson, I'm Mr. Jones. You have been sent to us for six weeks' disciplinary training, and it starts now. So bend over the horse. Right over and get a grip on the crossbar in front.”The instructor flexed his rattan cane into a semicircle, eyes on the backside filling a snug pair of shorts. “Six strokes, boy, and these are going to hurt. It's not a punishment – you've done nothing wrong yet – but an exercise intended to leave you eager to shape up and avoid any future encounter with this...

4 years ago
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Strict Bhabhi Ki Pills Se Chudai

Hy and hello friends my self virat from bhopal m.P.And my height is 6ft.Tall.Fair and handsome and me 20 sall ka hu..Mu dick size is 7inches so freinds ye hua mera intro ab jiske mene soft boobs dabaye aur unke sath sex kiya unke bare me bata du to vo ek dam sexy fair mall lady he my bhabhi unko dek ke hi kisi ka khada ho jaye figure 30-28-32 approx.But aise mall he baba ki chodne maza aa gaya..To ab me direct story pe aata hu bhaiya ki shadi ko 5 sal ho gaye the aur unka ek beta bhi he bhaiya...

3 years ago
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Strict and Loving Aunt Hazel

This Fictional Story is written by Jennifer and contains explicit sexual material and situations involving consenting Adults No reference to u******e persons is intended or implied. No reference to real Persons dead or alive is intended or implied. I had been visiting my Aunt Hazel every summer for as long as I can remember, but this year would be different because now that I am 21 I will be traveling by myself and my parents will be staying home. When I told my Aunt she said that would be...

3 years ago
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Soaking Wet

It was raining heavily and, by the time I found a cab, I was already running late. It was one of those summer rains that could get you soaked in a blink of an eye. “Fucking shitty day this will be!” , I uttered rather loudly as I settled on the backseat of the cab looking down at myself. I couldn’t show up at the meeting looking that way, but I couldn’t miss the meeting either. So I decided to try and save my appearance while the cab slithered through the jammed traffic, seeming mostly...

3 years ago
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Soaking Wet

It was raining heavily and, by the time I found a cab, I was already running late. It was one of those summer rains that could get you soaked in a blink of an eye. “Fucking shitty day this will be!” , I uttered rather loudly as I settled on the backseat of the cab looking down at myself. I couldn't show up at the meeting looking that way, but I couldn't miss the meeting either. So I decided to try and save my appearance while the cab slithered through the jammed traffic, seeming mostly...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Wife Writing Dripping Wet

On her hands and knees, the sinewy muscles of her naked back jerked with each thrust I pushed into her. I had her long black hair pulled back, tightly gripped into a wad in my hand. I yanked it harder, pulling her face up so I could see the expressions on her face in the large wall mirror at the head of the bed.“Oh god, fuck me!” She screamed and moaned as sweat ran down her face and dripped off her chin.The steamy humidity sent sweat dripping down my own face, onto my chest then onto her. A...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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99 Things that make my Pussy Wet

1. The blues. Something about that hot, steady rhythm just makes me want to take my clothes off… 2. Goth girls. Streaked purple and black hair, tattoos, a sexy little tramp stamp on the lower back, navel rings, tongue studs… nipple rings… ripped fishnets and high heels, dark clothes and dark moods. Makes me want to peel it all off and find the soft spots underneath, the sweetness at the center… mmmm.3. Feeling a hard cock pressing against me from behind, that insistent, early morning hardon,...

3 years ago
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Ida Gets Wet

Ida Gets Wet - Part 1 Ida is a shy exhibitionist. She and her husband Art enjoy letting her show her twat to truckers on long trips. But so far, that’s usually pretty much the extent of her exhibitionism. They do this several times a year, and it spices up their sex life. It also has the added benefit of making her wet, since she is in her sixties and has started to dry up a bit. Art tells her that her juices smell totally different on their “outings” than at home.“Darker and spicier“, he says,...

2 years ago
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Hot and Wet

In my story “Poolside Posers” I described the nude swim and sex romp in our hotel on the first day of the graduates induction course our company sent me, my colleague Tony, and two girls, blonde Babs and brunette Lucy on at our site in Germany. Readers have been asking what happened the next two days. The four of us spent the whole of the next day in mind numbing meetings in a stuffy windowless room in our company office. For me, and I guess Tony, the boredom was relieved only by re-living the...

1 year ago
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Hot and Wet

A shower together after a day of meetings leads to much more! I couldn’t believe my luck when my company sent me, my colleague Tony, and two sex-bomb girls, blonde Babs and brunette Lucy to our company headquarters on a graduate induction course, putting us in an expensive hotel in the town for a couple of nights. The four of us spent the whole of the first day of our course in mind numbing meetings in a stuffy windowless room in our company office. For me, and I guess Tony, the boredom...

4 years ago
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April and Nicky get wet

I had lots of fantasies about her little friend April Who’s tiny little body was heaven sent, her long very blonde hair almost white with her peaches complexion and bright blue eyes always excited me and I normally ended up sniffing Nicola’s panties and masturbating as a result of her just being around. I knocked on the door and my sister Julie answered and greeted me as usual. I smirked to myself as I reminisced about the time when I cam back from a rave still high and managed to finger...

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April and Nicky get wet

Introduction: I have had the pleasure of sniffing Nicolas panties on many occasions and had recently had the pleasure of using her body as a toy I could not wait to get round to my sisters house again to sit for Nicola my niece and her best friend April. I have had the pleasure of sniffing Nicolas panties on many occasions and had recently had the pleasure of using her body as a toy. I had lots of fantasies about her little friend April Whos tiny little body was heaven sent, her long very...

2 years ago
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LOCK_AND_KEY EROTIC SHORT STORIESWET: WET: WET I stand at the edge of the pool, already dripping wet and feeling the now cool water drip down my now tangled wet hair, hanging in submission towards the ground. I lift my arms above my head, drips added between my perky breasts, I bend my long smooth legs and push forward, I break the cold surface of the pool, the water thrusting and groping at my breasts tugging at my bikini, the water also gripping as it rushes along my bikini...

3 years ago
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Youre all wet

Luke pulled into the driveway in a cloud of west Texas dust. He'd been out all morning checking cows and fixing fences. He was hot dirty and ready for a cold beer and lunch. As he walked around the front of the truck he caught a glimpse of his wife, Molly. Molly was watering her flowers in the front yard. She was in her usual summer Saturday kick back clothes, bikini top cut-offs and those well worn white topped boots she loved so much. She was usually more modest unless it was Friday night and...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Waking up wet

Everyone in this story is over 18 so fuck off.I lived with my mom and stepdad and everything was great. I had my privacy so I could jack off 2 or 3 times a day at least.Then my stepbrother, Jimmy, moved in. He was a skinny, blonde haired blue eyed k**. We had plenty of room but he had to sleep in my bedroom. Now I wouldn't have the privacy to engage in my favorite hobby. We got along fine, being almost the same age, and liking the same things; sci fi, ninjas, war shit, movie monsters, etc. But...

3 years ago
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warm and wet

Miranda: It Had Been a Very Long Two YearsShe left me two years ago for another man. To this day, I still think about how she just walked out without giving me any explanation at all. Since then, I have not seen any other women. None. That is because of two reasons. One, I am scared that another would do what she did to me, and two, well, I am still in love with her. You would think after two damn years I would be over it. Well, I’m not.Every day that goes by, I still think of Miranda. I still...

2 years ago
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Cold Meat 2 Slippery When Wet

Slippery when wet By Forcemaster2000 He kept telling himself, at least it's a job. Spencer Drake had spent more than enough of the last few years on the unemployment line, or worse yet, standing in line at a soup kitchen. There were plenty worse jobs than pushing corpses around the morgue, at least that's what he kept telling himself. At the moment, he was pushing some old dead fart from ICU down to the meat locker. The old guy came in that morning complaining of chest pains,...

3 years ago
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My Life Part 30 Taylors Wetness

A little after enjoying dinner, I headed south to Taylor's apartment. I noted as I entered the complex that quite a few more people appeared to have moved in. It was newly constructed and the last time I had been here it had seemed a bit like a ghost town. Most of the occupants still seemed to be concentrated near the front, and Taylor's unit seemed still unpopulated. I parked, grabbed my overnight bag, and made my way up to her unit. I knocked on the door. A few moments later Taylor...

2 years ago
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Slippery When Wet

I have a jacuzzi at home that I use when I am relaxing, and also when I want to masturbate while reading sexy stories from the Internet. But it is really just a glorified bath tub with jets, not something that you and I have had much success at enjoying together. It is just too cramped for more than one person at a time. On the other hand, the spacious jacuzzi that they have at the local fitness center has been a place that you and I have fantasized about. During regular open hours, we have...

4 years ago
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You make me so wet

Introduction: He was an older guy, and his confidence & humor turned me on like no other. The way he was so casual, so cool, so calm.. drove me wild. The fact that he didnt pay me much attention, drove me insane. I wanted.. needed.. craved his attention. Every time I saw him, I just licked my lips and wanted so badly to taste him.. and when I looked at the bulge in his pants.. my mind went nuts. I so badly wanted him to just bend me over and take complete advantage of my wet pulsing pussy, that...

3 years ago
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Rainy 4th makes coeds wet

The PA system crackled one last time and as if to put an exclamation point on it a peal of thunder shook the skies and the drops of rain that fell got a little bigger. “So much for fireworks tonight.” I heard one of the college girls say as we all scurried back into the rear of the orchestra shell that had been erected for the night. Fortunately, it was deep enough that we could all put our instruments away without getting soaked, but getting to our vehicles was going to be whole different...

2 years ago
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Eva So Wet

The next morning, I was up early. I started taking my Christmas decorations down quietly so I wouldn't disturb the hungover sleeping beauty in my bed. It was around noon when I was done. I was trying to find anything to do, anything to distract me from going into my room and joining Eva in my bed. So I decided to take a shower. I reeked of alcohol and sweat from last night's party.I was so accustomed to living alone that I didn't think to lock the bathroom door. I had the shower on, letting the...

4 years ago
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“Are you wet?”I flushed. I was always embarrassed by the copious amount of fluid produced whenever I was aroused. “Feel.”His hand moved up under my skirt, finding the damp crotch of my panties, but that wasn’t enough. He shoved those roughly aside, seeking my inner heat, and I thrilled at the sharp intake of his breath in my ear when he discovered just how wet I really was.“Christ,” he murmured. “That’s a hot, wet little waterslide, isn’t it?”“Mmm-hmm,” I agreed, working his zipper one...

3 years ago
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The weather had been looking dubious all afternoon, threatening rain, but never coming through with the goods. It wasn't until I actually left the office, and walked out in the open, far from both the shelter of the buildings and my car, that the skies opened and the backlog of summer rain plummeted to the earth. I ran for the car, but I knew I wasn't going to make it. By the time I unlocked the door and wrenched it open, I was soaked. My shirt was sticking to my skin, and I had to wipe my...

3 years ago
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You make me so wet

I couldn’t think of how I could get him. I had come up with a few plans but none seemed coy enough to have him alone. So, I went with a classic. “I need help on an English paper” seemed pretty legit.. in my mind. I went about my plan anyways. Called him up, explained that I was in a pinch and needed help asap. He complied, told me to come over later. I did. But, I didn’t go unprepared. I threw on some lacey lingerie under my ass-hugging jeans & low cut shirt. I grabbed my bag, and left. ...

3 years ago
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Shes sexy when shes wet

I seethed in frustration all day, I wanted to get back at him for doing this to me again, I wanted to get even, but how? It was a few days later that a plan came into my head, I hadn't worked out the details yet but I thought that somehow I could get my revenge through his daughter Sara who also worked in the office. She was young and beautiful and very popular with the guys. Over the next few days I started to take opportunities to chat to Sara, only a little bit at first but I gradually...

4 years ago
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My wife comes home dripping wet

That afternoon my sweet Ana came from work laughing…I asked her if she was in a good mood and she said it had been a fine day.Then I insisted why, but she said only that it was a fine day.All week she had this huge grin on her face coming from her office.I asked everyday why and everyday she said she was just happy…On Friday evening she called me to my office, saying she was coming home a little late; she was going to the pub for a couple hours after with the guys…Ana arrived late that evening....

3 years ago
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Watching Daddy Shower and getting wet

Every girl has a dark secret and in my case, it was sexual, as is normal but the dark part was, it was with someone close to home, and nobody comes closer to a girl than her father, especially if she was the instigator, as was the case with me.Being the only c***d I was spoilt and preened over. Celebrating my twelfth birthday as my coming of age, I was treated to a day out, a nice meal, and two glasses of bubbly, what harm can two glasses of bubbly do to a young girl, after all, French c***dren...

4 years ago
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Finding my stockings were wet

Two days ago we had received at our home one of Victor’s good friends, Terry, a former coworker now living out of the town.Terry was on his way to the West Coast, so my husband invited him to stay with us at home.That night my beloved hubby had purchased tickets to the theater. I was dressing sexy for my hubby and within a few seconds I forgot about someone watching me as I was in a major rush.Then I felt him again, someone was watching me. I should have wrapped the towel better but I did not...

4 years ago
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Anita dripping wet

That afternoon my sweet Ana came from work laughing…I asked her if she was in a good mood and she said it had been a fine day.Then I insisted why, but she said only that it was a fine day.All week she had this huge grin on her face coming from her office.I asked everyday why and everyday she said she was just happy…On Friday evening she rang and said she was going to be a little late; she was going to the pub for a couple hours after with the guys; so would meet me at home…Ana arrived late that...

4 years ago
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Hannah Getting Wet

I watch her as she teaches, in her black coaches top and shorts. Both are a bit baggy, but as she climbs down the ladder into the water I think about what she'll look like when she comes out! Twenty minutes later Hannah climbed out of the water, her clothes clinging to her sexy little body. Her shorts hugged her tidy arse and had ridden up slightly towards her crotch, revealing more of her smooth slim thighs. She saw me watching her and I swear she smoothed her top over her small tits to show...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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02 Cold and Wet

Cold and Wet. The Saga of Ajay and Raja. Part.1 The two figures huddled, shivering in a corner of the bus stop caught my attention as I got down from the bus. It was late at night, wet and extremely cold, as only a hill station can get. None of the other few passengers, who had been on the bus seemed to notice them and went hurriedly on their way. A closer look revealed two young boys, dressed in what appeared to be school uniform pants and coloured shirts. They were wet through and...

3 years ago
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Wetness It had been too long since she’d felt a man’s body working into her and fractions of each second passing fueled the fire growing inside her, a ball of need and gnawing desire. As she and her date sat across from each other, there became a natural pause in conversation and his eyes played against hers with promising tension. Smiling, she leaned across the table and set down her wine glass. “So,” she said, “would you like to go back to your apartment and masturbate with me?” Dark...

3 years ago
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WetnessIt had been too long since she’d felt a man’s body working into her and fractions of each second passing fueled the fire growing inside her, a ball of need and gnawing desire. As she and her date sat across from each other, there became a natural pause in conversation and his eyes played against hers with promising tension. Smiling, she leaned across the table and set down her wine glass.“So,” she said, “would you like to go back to your apartment and masturbate with me?”Dark enveloped...

2 years ago
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I am not a virgin anymore. I lost my virginity to my boy friend 3 years ago. When I fell in love with him, I knew that he was the one and I asked him to make love to me. Ever since then my lust has grown gradually but I make sure that anything else entering me beside his cock is just a toy. But this morning that determination also failed.I was walking back home from school late at night. Although I was supposed to remain in school the whole night and work on a project, it got done by midnight...

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