Sissy Sisters Schooling
- 3 years ago
- 39
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“Ow! Ow! Miss, you can't spank me, Miss...”
“I am spanking you, Susan. And the more you keep fighting me, the longer I shall go on spanking you.”
“Ow! Oh, Miss...”
Eventually the struggling subsided and the punishment was finished with six hard slaps across the centre of the sixteen-year-old's seat. A rosy glow was visible through and around the snug white cotton and Miss Marshall gave a small sigh of satisfaction.
“Up you get, girl. Here, use this.” She held out a tissue for the girl to blow her nose and dry her tears.
“Now that's all over, it's a clean slate, Susan. Though remember that if I have to do it again, I'll take your knickers down first.”
“Yes, Miss.”
“Right. Then off with you...”
“Oh God, she really did, didn't she?” In the changing room a small group of admirers clustered round the bared bottom.
“Ooh, it's quite hot. That must be sore...”
“Yes it is, Jeanie. And – ow! – don't poke.”
“Hey, someone's coming...”
The trio separated in short order and Susan pulled up her netball shorts, feeling the flesh tender under the clinging material. To think she had just been spanked...
Miss Marshall had a reputation for strictness in the sense that she came down hard on the smallest lapse. But corporal punishment? Okay it was only a smacked bottom, which didn't rank high in the scale of such things. She thought of a cane slicing into her bum with a shudder. Then further reflection was cut short by the bell and Susan made for the door...
“Hey, Sue, d'you think she'd spank me? You know if I caused a ruckus?”
“Jeanie, you sound as though you'd like that.”
“Well not like exactly, but wasn't it a bit, um, exciting?”
“I don't know what you mean, girl. It bloody hurt, that's what it was like.” She hissed crossly at her roommate who shrank back apologetically into the bedclothes.
“Okay, okay, keep your hair on. Hey, that's footsteps in the corridor. Better settle...”
They had the lights out and eyes closed before the door opened and the prefect's head poked round. Then all was quiet again.
“Goodnight, Jeanie.”
“Night, Sue. Sleep tight.”
But sleep didn't come easily as her mind ranged over the afternoon event. Exciting, eh? That word had touched a nerve and Susan fidgeted in her bed. Held down tight over that lap with her bottom up – she couldn't stop thinking about it. And on top of it all the idea of her knickers coming down was definitely giving her that kind of shiver.
The kind of shiver that led to what had become rather a habit. One she had vowed to wean herself off this term. But now, in the tingling aftermath of the spanking she was getting way too primed.
The breathing from the other bed was deep and even and Susan quietly eased down her pyjama trousers. The lips her fingers found were already slick and probing between gave her a jolt of pleasure. Then another and another, and soon she was once more riding the waves that would break in one final spasm of bliss...
Ten days passed without incident until, without knowing quite how it had started, Susan found herself involved a playground fracas. Receiving a punch on the shoulder she pushed back hard and the other girl was on the ground. And at precisely that moment a prefect was on the scene.
“I saw that, Susan Smith. Another roughhouse and here you are at the centre of it.”
“I wasn't, I mean it just sort of happened, and I didn't –” She was cut off by a grip on her arm that began to drag her away.
“Enough. You can explain yourself to the Duty Mistress. Come with me...”
Susan let herself be led across to the office and waited outside with a sense of defiant despair. How could she explain anything when she wasn't sure how the commotion had got going in the first place? It just wasn't fair.
Then the prefect emerged and she was pushed roughly in. When the door closed at her back she looked up to see Miss Marshall eyeing her with tight lips. Oh God, of course it would have to be her day on the duty roster...
“Well Susan, I have to say the spell of good behaviour has not lasted very long.”
“Oh Miss, it really wasn't my fault. The thing just sort of blew up.”
“Mmm. Even when you're not looking for it, trouble just manages to find you. Strange that other girls don't get targeted in the same way.” She gave a small sardonic smile. “Well, it won't do. I'm putting you in detention this evening and you will be confined to school premises at weekends for the rest of the term.”
Susan stood agape, speechless. Saturday afternoons in town with her pals were the highlight of the week. And the term had only just got underway. Then it struck her what the Mistress had not proposed as a punishment. “But, Miss, are you not going to, um, to spank me? I mean, last time you said –”
“I know what I said, girl. And then I learnt that what I thought was a matter between the two of us became the subject of widespread gossip with you showing off your bottom in the changing room. Gossip that has, I understand, spread beyond the school.”
Oh God, oh God. The hot flush burned her face as she struggled to find words. “Oh Miss, it was just my pals. I didn't say a word, except to them, and that was in secret. Somebody must have seen us.”
Miss Marshall sat forward and put her hands together. “As an independent institution we are free to discipline as we choose and there are two of us on the staff who consider mild corporal punishment to be appropriate in a small number of cases. But given the wider hostility to any form of it, we aim to be discreet and avoid the publicity your spanking was in danger of generating.”
Susan was staring at her shoes, mortified. She remembered hearing the odd story about “the slipper” supposedly wielded by a gym mistress, but thought little of it. Now here she was having set in train a story of her own that was quite real.
“Oh Miss, I'm really sorry. Please don't gate me. And instead, please, please, if I swear that nobody will ever know, not my pals, nobody, would you please spank me again.”
The Mistress was shaking her head, but with a smile and the girl felt her spirits rise.
“You know, Susan, that is a first. I am confident I have never before heard a girl begging for a spanking. Now you know the implications I believe I can rely on your discretion, so I'll grant your request.”
“Oh thank you, Miss. Thank you.”
“Four o' clock, then, in my study. And be warned, you will not get off lightly...”
Oh God, to think she had actually asked for this. A couple of weeks back corporal punishment figured in her life only as the occasional rumour that circulated without ever being confirmed. But now she had been spanked herself once, and was about to be spanked again.
Susan hesitated outside Miss Marshall's study. She was apprehensive, even fearful, though overlaying that was a small but undeniable thrill of anticipation. Five minutes to... That wasn't too early and she raised her hand to knock.
“Now to drive home the message about discretion I'm going to start by punishing your lapse with this.” She took up from the desk an oval piece of leather that had been sewn into a short handle and whacked it against her palm. Susan gulped at its thickness and obvious weight, that was going to sting...
“I'll have you bending over the chair, please.” In position with her hands on the seat she felt her skirt folded up and the implement measured against her bottom. “Ten hard ones, Susan. No jumping up and no loud squealing. Do you think you can manage that?”
“I'll try, Miss.”
“Good girl. Then brace yourself.”
Susan bit back a louder cry, gripping the edge of the chair. God, did that thing burn...
At last the count of ten was reached and she was able to jerk up and clutch at the seat of her pants. “Oww...Miss...oww...”
“That's it, have a good rub, girl. You did well.” Miss Marshall replaced the instrument in its cupboard and took her seat on the couch.
“Right, Susan, come over here. Now you remember what I said the last time? If I had to repeat the exercise.”
“It'd be knickers down, Miss.”
“Indeed. So lift your skirt for me, please.” As she did the Mistress leaned forward, put her fingers in the elastic waistband and drew the garment down to mid-thigh. Susan was hotly aware of her nakedness which was being eyed with a cool smile.
“Over you go, my dear –” she patted her lap and raised an arm to bend the girl forward “– it's this other side we're concerned with here. And my, these cheeks are quite red. I'm afraid you are rather going to feel this...”
Ten minutes later a tearful schoolgirl was on her feet accepting the offer of a couple of tissues. “Have a good blow. There. Now come here and sit by me.”
Miss Marshall patted the sofa beside her and Susan lowered her hot bottom carefully onto the cool material. “Ooh, Miss...”
“Yes, that was quite a spanking. But it's all over –” she put an arm round the girl's shoulder and gave her a little hug “– though you are going to be rather bruised, girl. You'll be too sore for a massage now but if you'd like to come back tomorrow I'll see what I can do. My rooms, to make sure we are not disturbed...”
Oh God, back over the lap to have her bottom tended. And of course it would have to be bared. The idea made her insides quiver with a jolt of that feeling between her legs, and Susan made her way back along the corridor with her head spinning...
“Hey, what are those? Sue, there are marks on your bum.” She turned away grabbing at her pyjama trousers but Jeanie had her by the arm. It was no use trying to lie her way out of it.
“Okay, okay. I got spanked. Again. Here, have a good look.” Susan bent over the bed while her roommate studied the damage.
“Cor, this is a lot worse than before, girl.”
“And you know why? I got whacked with this leather thingy because of all the gossip last time. My fault, she reckoned. And then I got the spanking I was due anyway. So now, if you breathe a word of this to a living soul, I will kill you...”
“Okay, cool it, girl. Total news blackout. In the morning I will have no memory that I ever saw this spanked bottom. But for now, Sue, here it is and it is really hot. And I'm not talking temperature.” She was kneeling down, fondling both cheeks then Susan felt soft lips pressed to the sore flesh.
“God, what are you doing, Jeanie?”
“Whaddya think I'm doing, girl? Kissing it better, of course.” With that Susan's temper vanished and they both dissolved into hoots of laughter.
Then voices in the passage sent them diving under bedclothes to pass muster for the prefectorial inspection until, once again, all had fallen quiet outside.
“Hey, Sue, do you really not find this spanking stuff just a little bit of a turn on?”
“Well, girl, it is meant to hurt. And that leather really scorched.”
“Yeah, sure. But now, when it's all over...”
“Okay, I give in. If I was on my own I'd be good and ready for a bit of something that begins with 'm'.”
“Don't you mean 'w'?” Jeanie giggled. “Well you're not on your own, and I'm good and ready too, so what do you say...”
“We do something about it, like, together? I think you're on, girl.” She threw back her covers and Jeanie eased into the bed by her side. “Dunno when I'm getting another invitation like this, so I'm going to make the most of it.”
“Mmm, so am I, pal, so am I...” And Susan spread her legs for probing fingers to slide into the slick vulva while hers found the juiced lips between her partner's thighs. So much for breaking herself of the habit; now they were both at it...
It was some time later when they were lying in the afterglow of sexual release that Susan had a sleepy thought.
“'re quite struck on this spanking business, yeah?”
“Well I get to see the lady the get, um, a rub...”
“A rub? God, girl, she has the hots for you.” Jeanie had sat up and was staring at her.
“Don't be daft. But I could mention your, um, interest. See how she reacts, like.”
Jeanie planted a kiss firmly on Susan's lips. “Yes, yes! You are my pal for ever. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” She sat up and put her feet on the floor. “But now my leg's all cramped from your tiny bed. So I'm off back to mine. To dream about what your hand was doing a while earlier.”
“While yours was doing the exact same.” Susan grinned to herself and turned over. “Goodnight then, Jeanie.”
“Night, pal...”
“I've a confession to make, Miss. My room mate saw these marks last night. When we were going to bed. Don't spank me again, please, I'm too sore...” Susan had on her best pathetic face and it was met with a wry smile.
“Silly girl. I'm going to help heal those bruises, not create more. And I imagine she has been sworn to secrecy.”
“More than that, Miss. She's got a bee in her bonnet about spanking lately and I said I'd mention it to you.”
“I see. Interesting. So maybe she could be drawn in closer... I'll think about it. But for now, let's have your skirt and knickers off, shall we?”
This time she was almost nonchalant about baring herself, though still aware of the unhurried appraisal of her belly, thighs and the parts between. Once in place, cool hands ranged over the contours of her buttocks then gave each cheek a little smack.
“Yes, I did rather lay into you with the leather spanker, my dear. Overreacting to unwanted publicity, I'm afraid. So let's see what we can do to make amends...”
The massage was wonderfully soothing and Susan fell into a trance-like state as the hands stroked and kneaded the fleshy rear cheeks. As the treatment continued it gradually impinged on her that beyond the oiling there was another kind of lubrication going on. Oh God, she couldn't – not here, not lying across Miss Marshall's lap...
Then two fingers pressed gently to the moistening labia between her thighs. “Oh my dear, don't be embarrassed. It's only natural. And if you wanted, I would love to continue.”
“Yes. Oh yes...” And with that she surrendered herself to the deftly arousing touch...
Later she stared critically at her image in the bathroom mirror. Sex mad, that's what you're becoming. Jeanie last night and now a Mistress. But the image just stared back with what seemed to be a hint of disdain. “A healthy young woman pushing seventeen, there is something wrong if she's not into sex. Get a grip, girl...
When she emerged Miss Marshall took her hands with a business-like air. “Now shall we say meet in a fortnight's time? To review your behaviour and decide what kind of, ah, disciplinary intervention might be necessary.”
“Certainly, Miss. Here, or...” Suddenly it was all clear: the Mistress was taking her in hand. She was embarked on a future in which her bottom was regularly and lovingly chastised. It was a thought that gave her a shiver of pure lust.
“Here I think, dear girl. Where we can be sure not to be disturbed. So, to round things off, there's the matter of your friend Jean. Will you tell her that I'm ready to see her now?”
Miss Marshall smiled at Susan with a gleam in her eye. “And then we'll find out how a yen for spanking survives the real thing...”
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My name is Angie. I’m 19, and a few months after starting work as a shop assistant in the local butcher’s, I was asked to witness a very exciting punishment of the Saturday delivery boy, Jim. He started doing deliveries each Saturday when he was 16, and even though he was younger than me, I quite fancied him. He was fit, attractive and had a sense of humour. The shop was owned by George Andrews, but really it was his very attractive daughter Janine who ran the place. Another young lad, Dave,...
My name is Angie and I worked in a butcher’s shop where Janine, the owner’s daughter, ruled the place. A few weeks ago I was made to witness and take part in the spanking of Jim, the 17 year old Saturday lad. She made him strip off and used the cane on his bum and a springy plastic ruler on his cock to teach him to control himself. When he came into work the following Saturday he looked down when he saw me and was clearly embarrassed so I did my best to put him at ease. I reassured him that...
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I’m 19, my name is Angie and I work in a butcher’s shop where Janine, the owner’s daughter, rules the place. To set the scene, a few months ago I was made to witness and take part in the spanking of Jim, the 17 year old Saturday lad. She made him strip off and used the cane on his bum and a springy plastic ruler on his cock to teach him to control himself. I really fancied Jim and a week or so later Janine caught him and me in the act in her stockroom and spanked us both. Jim and I started to...
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SpankingMiss Winters bent the riding crop between her hands with a small smile. Not far short of a yard of braided leather its tapered end carried a head an inch square. One of a number made to her specifications, the instrument was intended not for horses, but for its role in Riding School discipline. Highly flexible, it carried a bite designed to bring a wayward girl sharply to heel. And one such was now awaiting its attentions.The young lady to be punished was arrayed across a wooden trestle, legs...
Spanking“Right Johnson, I'm Mr. Jones. You have been sent to us for six weeks' disciplinary training, and it starts now. So bend over the horse. Right over and get a grip on the crossbar in front.”The instructor flexed his rattan cane into a semicircle, eyes on the backside filling a snug pair of shorts. “Six strokes, boy, and these are going to hurt. It's not a punishment – you've done nothing wrong yet – but an exercise intended to leave you eager to shape up and avoid any future encounter with this...
SpankingHy and hello friends my self virat from bhopal m.P.And my height is 6ft.Tall.Fair and handsome and me 20 sall ka hu..Mu dick size is 7inches so freinds ye hua mera intro ab jiske mene soft boobs dabaye aur unke sath sex kiya unke bare me bata du to vo ek dam sexy fair mall lady he my bhabhi unko dek ke hi kisi ka khada ho jaye figure 30-28-32 approx.But aise mall he baba ki chodne maza aa gaya..To ab me direct story pe aata hu bhaiya ki shadi ko 5 sal ho gaye the aur unka ek beta bhi he bhaiya...
This Fictional Story is written by Jennifer and contains explicit sexual material and situations involving consenting Adults No reference to u******e persons is intended or implied. No reference to real Persons dead or alive is intended or implied. I had been visiting my Aunt Hazel every summer for as long as I can remember, but this year would be different because now that I am 21 I will be traveling by myself and my parents will be staying home. When I told my Aunt she said that would be...
Thanks so much for reading my story, I really hope you enjoyed it! Any feedback/comments are welcome ***** This is so unfair. I’m pretty sure hobos have been treated better than this… I’ve worked here for over four years. I have given my best years to this company. I have proven my loyalty. I’m a brilliant executive assistant, and my boss knows it. I’ve spent countless nights at the office typing up his deposition briefs, calling international clients, booking last minute flights for him....
it was a warm summer day, i was just getting off work and i spot an old friend. he was standing by his car. his name is will. now will is very easy on the eyes. he stands about 6foot 2, very muscular, dark skinned, and nice. he has a very warm smile and gives amazing hugs. i stand about 5foot 5, kinda thick, size 38f tits, very pale creamy white skin and have an amazing personality. i run up to will and give him a hug. something felt different about this hug tho. he opened the passanger...
I am 40 years old. I have a pleasant wife and a 13 year old son. It's not that I don't love my wife, I love her, and fuck her as much as she wants, but sometimes I just need to fuck someone else, if you see what I mean. Well, when this happened, it wasn't done on purpose or anything. It just happened. My wife, son and I live an apartment, but we also own a house not far from where we live. No one lives in that house, but we use it a storage space for various stuff. I also run a small...
Emma froze, immobile on the dance floor as her worst fear came true. The silence was total. The audience, just a few seconds before cheering and clapping were as still as statues. None of them could believe what they were seeing. Emma wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole, but more than that, she wished she’d never agreed to appear on the damn show in the first place. It had all started with Emma’s wish to be a journalist. She had dreamt of being a journalist from an early...
Emma froze, immobile on the dance floor as her worst fear came true. The silence was total. The audience, just a few seconds before cheering and clapping were as still as statues. None of them could believe what they were seeing. Emma wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole, but more than that, she wished she'd never agreed to appear on the damn show in the first place. It had all started with Emma's wish to be a journalist. She had dreamt of being a journalist from an early age,...
Fetish"Tell me about that really cute girl you had over this afternoon, Sis? I really liked meeting her." "Oh, Michelle. I guess you haven't seen her before, huh?" "Oh, is she a hottie." "Well, actually, she is a pretty hot girl. She's not a virgin, she tells me. She's new, been at our school about a month now." "Man, what I wouldn't do to have a little of her." "Don't you wish." "Man, I'd give anything. She is so hot." "I could try to set you up, big brother." Well,...
She gets middle stumpThis is a true story from some years agoI had always been an active guy, playing many sports and always played to win. No point in doing any sport if you just wanted to take part.Well this story all began when I shattered my ankle and hence an operation to have the ankle removed. After quite a few stays in hospital I finally got to do the rest of my recover at home, unfortunately I needed help until I could be fitted with a prosthetic so I moved in with my parents for 3...
She gets middle stumpThis is a true story from some years agoI had always been an active guy, playing many sports and always played to win. No point in doing and sport if you just wanted to take part.Well this story all began when I shattered my ankle and hence an operation to have the ankle removed. After quite a few stays in hospital I finally got to do the rest of my recover at home, unfortunately I needed help until I could be fitted with a prosthetic so I moved in with my parents for 3...
Story buried her sister in the wee hours of the morning. Sage thought it best to wait a few days before going for the extraction point. Story didn’t want to wait afraid that her transformation would take place. Sage, of course, insured her that the information that Doctor Reading supplied said the transformation would take time. And so time they had, too. So the pair settled in for a rest in an old abandoned building while Tanttan stood guard. With the array of sensors and weapons and...
Cat wakes up wrapped in the feeling of warmth. She always does. From her first waking moment, it reminds her how incredible and wonderful her life has become, all because of him. He has a way of sensing when she is slowly waking, so she can count on feeling his tender touch as her first sensation each and every day. He doesn’t have a name, or at least not one that the scientists didn’t give him already. Cat doesn’t even know that one and if he himself does, he can’t express it to her. He...
The lithe woman in a hooded cloak slides over the large stone wall surrounding the Inner Sanctum’s Research Center. The courtyard is dark except for the few streetlights stationed here and there. The night is fairly clear except for the still massive cloud of dust and debris hanging overhead. There are enough shadows cast about to avoid any kind of detection. “Son of a bitch,” the woman mutters and draws a sword out from the sheath strapped to her back, sensing the danger before it...
Four months of pregnancy with a trio of little tentacle monsters has changed all of Cat’s life completely and irrevocably. All the squirming in their active phases exhilarates her and makes her horny as fuck. The little creatures already have their own tentacles and can easily use them to explore areas outside of her specially created womb. Fortunately, Cat has the perfect medicine against this kind of feeling right underneath her, on his wonderfully soft body. Of course she always can count...
Not long after Johann has left does the door open again. Story almost doesn’t bother looking up. When she does, however, she sees Doctor Reading standing before her. See recognizes the woman right away. “We don’t have much time to get you moving,” the doctor says, kneeling down to help Story to her feet. “You’re a little late,” Story says groggily to the other woman. “And I would have met you sooner, if had you not gotten caught or Johann not moved quite so fast.” The last part of the...
Ghost School by Paul G Jutras "Better get up or you?ll be late for school!" Mrs. Howard called from the bottom of the staircase. "You can finish unpacking your things when you get home." Her daughter, Gloria, came downstairs dressed in a purple blouse, jeans with holes in the knees and sling back shoes. "Been up for hours. You?d better see if rat boy is out of bed." "That brother of yours," Mrs. Howard murmured. "Don?t worry, Gloria. I?ll see that he gets off to school. Now you...
Robin reflects on High School Robin Jacobson and his cousin Beth were in the cafeteria of their Pennsylvania High School, both wearing the white robes and mortarboards of graduating senior girls. Underneath their robes they were both wearing pastel colored dresses, required by their high school dress code for graduation. Both girls were of course wearing heels, as they were both eighteen years old. Like every other girl in their graduating class, they had their purse makeup bags...
When I got to school on Monday, it was a pretty normal day, I thought. I was wearing a red plaid dress and a white blouse. It was a pleasant enough day for mid-September; in the low 70s and partly cloudy. It was two weeks into my junior year. My name is Karen. But when I got inside the front door, I had to push my way into a big crowd. I asked someone what was going on, but didn't have time to listen to their answer. "Karen Wagner, right?" a guy said. I nodded, and he...
Introduction: Part One of two — Monday When I got to school on Monday, it was a pretty normal day, I thought. I was wearing a red plaid dress and a white blouse. It was a pleasant enough day for mid-September, in the low 70s and partly cloudy. It was two weeks into my junior year. My name is Karen. But when I got inside the front door, I had to push my way into a big crowd. I asked someone what was going on, but didnt have time to listen to their answer. Karen Wagner, right? a guy said....
The Montana School for Boys ? by: Jeff Sevem It was three o'clock in the morning and High School Senior Jeff was on the Internet looking for a college to go to. Unlike the other students in his class Jeff loved to dress in women's clothes and often wished that he was born a girl. He was determined to find a college that had a good gender studies program that focused on transgender. He was having no such luck. After looking at over 200 college web pages Jeff was about to give up....
A REPORTER: Back to School?It was the tiny manager's office of The Free Press, and AthenaValentine was standing shamefully with head bowed before herangry editor, who was seated behind his small, untidy desk. Theman was so upset with her that he had not even asked her to sitin the room's only other chair.She stared at the small, wrinkled face. It was red with fury ashe continued to read her hastily scribbled report, the fewstrands of his remaining hair standing straight up over hisscalp. He...
18 Year old Sharon Montgomery was soon to leave School- with her final exams about to come up,then,one very hot saturday night she entered a competion-'win a free 8-week holiday to Swaziland!'-a company was offering an all expenses paid trip for a maximum of three people to the little African country-it sounded wonderful!she typed in a random question-not seriously expecting to win!ten to her utter amazement she found by e-mail she had won!the delighted Sharon shows both her parents!'are you...
Turbulence: Back to School By Julie O Edited By Amelia R. Background: Returning from a business trip, Roger Lyons was pulled into a world of magic when he became the unwilling partner in a body swap with Iona Beddau, a lovely twenty-one-year-old woman who had magical powers. He became Iona permanently due to a car crash that killed the original Iona, who was still in his body. The new Iona has inherited the magical powers of her host body. For the complete story read the...
My First Day at Understanding High School By Jennifer Allison "I want to welcome all of you to Understanding High School." said Ms. Roth-Morton, my new school's principal. "This is a new school in an old school building, but a school set up for the needs of all its students." Let me explain how Understanding High School came about and the reason I am attending. First the school. The city I live in has a population of around a half million. This city is also one of the richest...