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It was a quiet evening. Most of my work had already been completed for the night, so I was in the living room reading, some old sitcom playing as white noise in the background on the TV on top of the small bookcase full of movies.

He was in the other room, finishing up some project or another for one of his classes, drowning out my TV sitcom with anime music. As I neared the end of this particular story, I took my laptop off my lap and placed it on the coffee table in front of me. Deciding I better check on my scatterbrained boyfriend, I got up and silently opened the door to the second bedroom, which we had converted into an office.

There he sat at his desk, project open on his computer, fiddling with one of his headphones. Quietly, ever so quietly, I snuck up behind him, licked my finger, and stuck it in his ear. He jumped with surprise and twirled around in his chair, grabbing me by the waist.

“You sneaker! You little shoe!” he exclaimed as he glared playfully at me, his large hands tightening their grip on my waist.

“You were zoning!” I cried, desperate to save myself from what I knew was coming. Then I saw the look, the devilish gleam in his eyes, and I knew I was done for. He tickled me mercilessly, grinning as I whimpered and giggled and squirmed under his hands. It wasn’t fair, he was only ticklish in his armpits, and I couldn’t even reach those.

“Do you surrender?” he asked in his baritone voice with a wicked grin. I was gasping for air, so I couldn’t speak. “I’ll take that as your surrender then,” he said with a smirk, as he released me from his iron grip.

I harrumphed out of the room while he chuckled, returning to his work. Back out in the living room I plopped down on the couch and picked up my computer, pouting. I hated losing, but he was stronger than me, and hardly ticklish at all, certainly not enough for me to win a tickle fight.

Having finished the previous story I was reading, I backed out of that page and selected another story with a similar plot and the same characters. Reading these stories while he was still working were my indulgences for the day, my little bit of alone time, and I took full advantage. My eyes scanned the page as I read a heated story between two of my favorite characters from a book I had recently finished. Finding this story boring and poorly written, I backed out of the page, setting my computer down again, and sighing in boredom. I sprang to my feet, deciding to go bother him again.

Treading quietly up to his chair, I placed a soft kiss on the back of his neck as I massaged his shoulders. He sighed in appreciation and leaned his head back for a kiss. I pecked his lips lightly, but then he turned around in his chair, standing up and wrapping his arms around me, squeezing me tight. I hugged him back, burying my nose in his shoulder, taking in his scent. He smelled good, clean, but a tad musky. I relaxed into his arms. He ran his right hand lightly over my hair, while his left hand reached for my chin to softly guide my head upwards, so my lips would meet his.

I always loved kissing him. His lips met mine softly, caressing them. His hands glided down my sides to rest on my waist, while my arms went to wrap around his neck. Tightening his hold on my waist he pulled me closer, and I increased the pressure on his lips. Matching my passion he pulled me even closer. It was a never ending circle until we were kissing passionately; our bodies flush against each other.

Suddenly my tongue flicked forward, softly swiping his lower lip. He parted his lips in response, granting me entrance. My tongue slowly swept over his and his plunged into my mouth, earning a light moan from me. I felt something pulse against my stomach causing me to gasp, breaking the kiss.

“Well, hi there,” I chuckled, glancing down. “Someone’s excited.” He smiled sheepishly and shrugged, leaning in to kiss me again. “Jon,” I whispered lightly, as his lips hovered only a breath away from mine. “You have work to do.” I attempted to break free of his hold on me, and he reluctantly let go.

“You’re right,” he admitted, but suddenly, with a smirk, he pulled me closer, tickling me. He really was stalling, but my mind was stuck. I could either leave and let him work, which I really needed to do, or stay and let him ravish me, which I knew I wanted but he had to have this project finished by morning. I whimpered and squirmed as he tickled me, and I felt him pulse again.

“My noises really aren’t helping here, are they?”

That caused him to loosen his hold on me slightly. “No they’re not,” he said with a light chuckle and a shake of his head.

“No more kisses, Jon. You have to work.” He leaned in to kiss me and I turned my head away. ”No.” So he tried again which made me laugh. “No, Jon!” Then he slowly leaned down to kiss me; his lips stopping centimeters from mine, trying to lure me into kissing him. His nose lightly brushed mine and I could feel his breath on my lips. My mind fogged, and the only thing I could even think about is how close he was to me. My whole body began to tingle, coming alive.

“You realize if you kiss me now we probably won’t stop,” I murmured in a breathy whisper, not wanting him to stop but knowing he needed to at the same time.

“I know,” he murmured in a soft growl, finally pressing his lips to mine. Flames ignited within me as I struggled to grip him closer, my fingers tangling in his hair. One of his hands went lower to grip my butt, pulling me up on my tip toes and even closer to him. Tongues met instantaneously, tangling in a fiery passion.

My brain went to jelly inside my skull. Something inside me was screaming, this had to stop, he had work to do. Against the instincts that were telling me to let him have me, to submit to this burning deep in my core, I pulled away. His hands remained on me, tracing the curve along my side from my ribcage to my hips, making it hard for me to stand, distracting my brain from the words I’d worked so hard to form.

“You realize we’re beginning an intricate dance that only has one end?” I asked, attempting to gain back both my breath and my mental function.

“And that one end is where your hips dissolve into nothing?” he asked with a chuckle.

“Well...” I let out a breathy giggle. “I would’ve put it more… eloquently.”

“So how would you have put it then?” he asked, leaning down to kiss my lips again.

“If you keep doing that my brain won’t function well enough to tell you.” He stopped his descent, his lips pausing just over mine. I could feel his hot breath on my mouth, jumbling up my words. “Um… I,” I stammered. I swallowed and tried to regain my composure. “I would’ve said something like an explosion of extreme heat and passion.” 

“Sounds about right,” he said as his lips collided with mine once more. I was a goner the moment he kissed me. I had no more resistance and he knew it. This kiss was just as passionate as the last and he pulled away after a moment, looking deep into my eyes.

“You’re looking at me like you would a steak,” I said with a giggle. He cocked his head at me in confusion so I sighed and explained, “You look hungry.”

“I feel hungry,” he said in response, his voice raspy, his blue eyes smoldering into mine.

“But not for food.”

“No.” He shook his head, and attacked me once more with his lips. His hands roamed my body as we kissed, sending molten lava moving under the surface of my skin. I burned where ever we touched. He broke the kiss and pushed my hair off of my neck, sweeping it back. Kissing my neck lightly, he caused me to moan and sigh in pleasure, and I felt him pulse against me again, getting ever harder. He bit the soft skin lightly, and I gasped.

“What do you want?” I asked him in a voice that was barely above a whisper.

“I want you,” he growled as he gently nibbled on my earlobe.

“But what exactly to you want?”

“I want my rod to move in and out of you like a piston. I want you to wet it with your juices and you to collapse underneath me with pleasure, your mind a scrambled mess”

“Well, you can have that,” I said, my knees weakening under me as he continued his assault on my neck. Without a word he swept me up into his arms and carried me into our bedroom. Pulling back the comforter and the top sheet, he gently laid me down on the bed, stripping off his black shirt not a second later.

I loved the way that shirt looked on him but I loved the way he looked without a shirt even more. His neck muscles flawlessly blended into the muscles of his shoulders and upper chest. He had a line of hair running from the bottom of his ribcage which led downward, past the waistline of his shorts. I realized that staring at him, I probably looked hungry too. He then climbed into bed with me, kissing me hard, but lifting me to sit up. Swiftly he undid my bra over my shirt, and then lifted both my shirt and bra off, revealing my large pert breasts.

“Perfection,” he remarked, laying me back down and kissing down my neck. He pinched the nipple of the left breast, causing me to whimper with desire. “I love how they respond to me,” he said as he wrapped his mouth around the right while cupping it in his hands. “I love how they feel in my hands.” He nipped at the tip of the nipple, running his tongue along the bit that remained behind the teeth, causing me to thrash in pleasure under him. He pinched the left one harder, causing me to moan and my back to arch. I felt another pulse between my legs, but I couldn’t tell if that was him or my clit that was begging in need.

I reached down and undid the knot in the string that was holding up his basketball shorts. I pushed them down his legs as far as I could, and I hoped he’d get the message. He leaned down to push them down farther, finally kicking them off his feet and the edge of the bed. I stared at the bulge in his boxer briefs. It looked like he was about to bust them open. He’d made jokes about doing that to jeans before, but I knew he never had, he just went through them fast. He needed durable things. Though these underwear looked like they were about to pop open. It made me wonder if he’d ever actually done that to underwear before.

My train of thought was suddenly cut off by his lips on mine again, his hips pressing against my core. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back, my nails lightly scratching down the length of his back. He growled in response and pressed his hips harder against mine.

He then broke the kiss and I whimpered, wanting more contact. He lifted my hips and slid off both my yoga pants and my panties. Apparently he wasn’t in the mood to be patient, not like I was either however. He then stood and slowly slid down his boxer briefs. His cock bounced out after he slid them off, proudly arching up to an angle slightly more than perpendicular with his hips.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him back to bed with me reaching down to feel along the length of his shaft. It felt like a hot iron bar in my hand, long, hard, needy. I kissed him again, our tongues once more connecting in wet passion. He ran a finger up my slit, sending sparks of pleasure up my spinal cord, causing me to shiver. ‘

“You feel ready for me,” he said in a voice that was half a growl. “Soaking wet.”

“What do you need?” I asked, looking up at him, spreading my legs farther apart to give him better access.

“I want to pound my iron rod in and out of you like a piston, so much so that you won’t be able to walk in the morning.” My body shivered in pleasure at his words.

“Please, Jon,” I whispered, attempting to spread my legs even farther apart.

“Please what?” he asked me, aligning himself at my entrance.

“Please take me.”

With that he plunged in, pushing his whole length in in one solid thrust. I let out a moan of appreciation as I was filled completely, my walls gripping his length. He let out a breathy moan as my muscles enveloped him. He just lay on top of me for a second, fully immersed in my folds. Then he began to move, very slowly at first, acclimating himself to the feeling.

He wrapped his arms around my shoulders to gain leverage, then began to thrust long and hard, using his whole length. After only a few thrusts he was moving quickly, not being able to hold the slow speed. I cried out in pleasure as he hit a specific spot within my walls, causing his name to spill from my lips. He growled my name in my ear in response. I felt the pressure build slowly in my lower abdomen. As it grew closer I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he let out a small moan in response.

He was breathing heavily, and his thrusts were getting harder, quicker, more frantic. He was close. Suddenly he reached down and pressed on my clit. “Cum for me, Kat.” He moaned. “Grease my pole for me.”

His words and the way he rubbed my slick button pushed me over the edge. It hit me, like a tidal wave crashing over my head. I cried out, my walls clenching him tightly, cum gushing out. My nails scratched hard down his back, most likely drawing blood. The world went white around me, then black as I came down from my peak.

A few thrusts later I felt him. He got more and more frantic, his breathing heavier and shallower, then he stiffened with a groan, his whole body going rigid as his cock pulsated inside me, fulfilling some primal need I didn't even realize I had.

After a few second his sweaty body collapsed on top of mine, his arms no longer able to hold his weight. He rested his head on my chest and attempted to catch his breath, his cock still lightly pulsing inside of me as it began to go limp.

I ran my hands through his hair, enjoying the feeling of him on top of me, basking in the afterglow. He kissed the area between my breasts and looked up into my eyes. “You’re beautiful you know. I love you so much. My beautiful sweet Neco.”

“And I love you.” I lay there in silence for a moment, enjoying being together. His cock continued to go limp until it slid out of me altogether. I let my mind wander, my hands still absentmindedly stroking and playing with his hair. Suddenly I laughed. He looked up at me confused as he used his remaining strength to lift his weight off of me to look up at me. “So much for finishing that project.”

He groaned in frustration and collapsed on me once more, causing me to laugh harder as I kissed the top of his head. I knew I’d love this man forever, no matter how easily distracted we were by each other. He was mine, and I was his. There was no turning back now.

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Gracie May Green is ready for a hot night out with Robby Echo but she is feeling a bit aroused as he watches her from bed. Maybe a good fuck before dinner will really jump start the night. She shows off her curvy tight body in her lacy white lingerie and knows just how hard his cock is as she shows off her ass and perky tits hiding within her lace. Gracie gets his cock in her grasp and into her mouth making Robby want to bury his face in that sexy ass! It’s not long until he’s...

3 years ago
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She offers the tough love

Hello there this is Paridhi, I am the one who would take you to this erotic journey. I am single 30 years old. I am an Indian brunette with fair complexion. With my 34D cups, I stand at 5'8 and a structure close to 38-26-36. I am the general manager of the leading bakery brand of the state. This is a story where I marry the man working under me. Sonak is 30 years old. He has been going through widowhood since 2 years now. I get to marry him and turn our relationship to much erotic and...

4 years ago
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The Thief of the RoseIntroduction

Reginald Ravensblade, Harpist of Time, sat idly watching the roulette wheel spin as the small gold ball travelled around in the opposite direction waiting to find its home. He was in the Maytag Casino, the largest, most prestigious gaming establishment on Rito III, a pleasure planet known for its gaming establishments. Reg had been on the planet for a week and had just finished his latest quest, another task where time had been manipulated. Several unscrupulous men had found an ancient relic...

3 years ago
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Casper takes me to Heaven

Casper takes me HeavenI moaned low in my throat as the plum sized dark head of Casper’s black dick reached my wet, swollen pussy lips. I begged him to fuck me as he teased me with the head of his hard cock. "Are you ready for me, bitch? I am going to tear that pussy up…”I moaned and nodded my head as his cock starting pushing into my tight hole. Casper’s hands held onto my thighs as he pushed my body down on his cock. My tight cunt stretched as his huge cock impaled me, my juices dripped down...

3 years ago
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TimeChapter 4

Monday morning came with the jarring sound of the mechanical alarm clock. At one time it was pleasant to wake up to some classical music gently playing from a radio. My hand went over to silence the alarm and felt the small hammer trying to strike the two bells. As the pulses came to my hand, my finger found the switch. It was thrown, and the spring-powered clanger stopped its incessant quest for noise. Grade nine was both a long time ago and just a few months, depending on which set of...

4 years ago
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Strawberry Blonde

Names changed? Yes, because I respect the woman that I am writing about. Is the incident true? Yes, it happened just exactly as I will describe. Were there any actions by her or me as a result? NO. If you like what you read, give it a thumbs up, it is what encourages me to write. Don’t like what I write? Why not comment what you didn’t like if you want to hit the thumbs down?How many times do we wish we had a digital camera attached to our eyes to capture that glimpse of a sight that we want to...

1 year ago
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Beginning form The Unforgettable Picnic

Salim even doesn’t know how he got this in her character. Salim doesn’t feel that much attraction to the younger girls. He always likes to fuck the older and . He almost regularly fucks some mature ladies and even fucked few of his aunts and grandmas in distant relation. As only son of a very rich man and being handsome, he is heartthrob of many college girls and he fucked few of them but didn’t get enough pleasure and he started believing that only mature ladies can give him full satisfaction....

3 years ago
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Feminizing Bobby Pt 2

The morning sun streaming through the kitchen windows beside her rendered the thin, billowy fabric of Linda's yellow, baby doll nightie practically transparent. It was no accident that as she vigorously stirred a bowl of pancake batter, the shape of her huge breasts and rock-hard nipples were clearly visible to her young son, Bobby. The twelve year old sat just a few feet away wearing a pink cotton nightshirt she had bought for him. The nails on his fingers and toes were painted a shade...

2 years ago
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Watching the Wife Fuck Another Guy

As I hid in the closet of my own bedroom, I couldn’t believe I was about to go through with this. Sure it was my idea to have my wife fucks another man while I watched, in fact; I was the one who talked her into it. And it hadn’t been easy. Ria is a beautiful 40 year old woman that men lust after, but she’d always been faithful to me throughout our relationship. When I first suggested that she screw another man, she was outraged, even going as far as to threaten separation. But I was...

1 year ago
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A Planet Is BornChapter 14

The temperature began to drop quite dramatically over the next five or six weeks. There was still a lot of rain, but now it was beginning to turn to sleet, with the promise that snow wouldn't be long in making an appearance. The twins had done well in those weeks, adding significantly to their store of meat to see them through the winter. They had also managed to replicate some thread and a pair of scissors and the girls had grown adept at making rough clothing from the animal skins. The...

2 years ago
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Love With Mamaya Wife

Hi guys!! This is shankar from Chennai. I would like to share my personal experience with you which happened few Years back. Post your comments on Actual appreciation of a story is guys cock should get hard and cum before the End of story. Girls pussy should be wet and cum should ooze like anything. Hope my experience will fulfill you and satisfy you.If you wanna know how to start such a relationship with your family members. Mail me I will help you to open the love door between you. Now let...

3 years ago
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sister In Law

Oh my sweet sister in LawI read a number of stories about how guys have a fling with their younger and old sister in laws. How they enjoy fucking other member of their family and how hot they are compared to their wives. But my story is truly true and to this day I still can’t believe what happened between us. It started when I was dating my wife and we went to visit my now sister in law in another town , My wife and I had not been sleeping together so I got to sleep on the couch in the family...

3 years ago
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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 13

"You are all my guests. Please sit down. Forgive me for the bad furniture." The Warriors of the Guardian were quite hesitant at Lord Falagor's kind request, but obeyed once Atrus and Anna sat casually on the nearby tree stump. The small hut supported only simple furniture, mostly made from timber from the nearby wood. Even though the furniture was simple, the room was cozy. The small hut only had two exits, one led to the bedroom and the other one out. There was a small fireplace on the...

1 year ago
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My First WomanWoman Experience

Bob, my husband, and I had talked about putting some variety in our sex life for some time. We fantasized about many things while making love. One story though, kept repeating itself in theme but with different settings. I slowly figured out Bob was a voyeur and wanted to watch me with another man or woman. He didn't care which or even if he joined in. We played that he hid in the closet and watched me and another man. When I joined in with these fantasies, his passion was untiring. The more...

2 years ago
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Nurse Deana Chapter 1

His name was Jack Powell, a tall muscular man; age sixty-five, with a prominent chin, long broad nose, blue eyes, and black hair speckled with gray. In her mind she was thinking, “For an older man he is quiet handsome and sexy.” Deana quivered clear to the center of her womanhood, hoping this time she would remain calm, because she’d always went beyond regular care and relieved many of the men’s sexual urges, after all they were suffering. She tapped on the door and heard Jack as he...

2 years ago
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Fuked by a hot call boy

Hi, I am rohini here I am from Chennai. First I want to thank ISS for giving me this opportunity so other can read my story. This is a real story just happened couple of month’s ago. I finished my graduation. In reputed collage in Chennai. I am 34-28-36 and I am 24 year old, all the guys ogle at me when walk are pass them because of my complexion and figure. I am a Brahmin girl and sex is a sin for us. I am a horny girl from the child hood I never had sex before marriage I am married to a...

3 years ago
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Interview With a PimpChapter 3

"Hi there little darlin'" smiled Spiker, virtually ignoring Marlene, as Trixie rushed into his arms. "I ... I can't believe you're finally out!" gushed the teenager. The kiss was strong and powerful and Trixie almost melted away, overcome with joy and affection as the young man French kissed the naive teenager. The length of both the kiss itself and his tongue took Trixie's breath away and one look and Spiker knew she was his for the taking. "Yeah, it's good to see you too,"...

1 year ago
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Raiding the Dark

I was the halfbreed son of a sidhe or I guess Dark. My father raped my mother on one of their last raids on a human colony. Of course my mother did not want me and I was placed in an artificial womb and later went to a human creche home. What my father had done was shoved into my face at every turn until I left at eighteen. I was lucky in one way, unlike thousands of other halfbreeds I inherited whatever it was that kept the sidhe young. The system the Dark claimed had been blockaded and they...

1 year ago
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My mums birthday

I knew that my mum had let herself go a bit after my father had left her for a younger woman over a year ago. Although she was aged 50 and rather overweight, she would go out dressed in skintight leggings and a tight t-shirt with no bra, which accentuated her big round belly and surprisingly firm breasts and prominent nipples. Although no oil painting, she would get a lot of attention from some men, and would happily take drinks bought for her until she was well pissed. I had long harboured...

1 year ago
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Mistress Adelaides Travelling Gimp CircusChapter 10

After The Shows The second night’s performance was no less successful than the first. Word had got around and the audience turned up from nearby villages too. Finally, though, the applause for that show too had faded. The audience, for the most part, had gone. A few, specially invited patrons remained or returned, the guests of Mistress Adelaide for a celebratory drink. Alicia two other local landowners and the chair, vice-chair and clerk of the village council were seated at a tables set...

2 years ago
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King Universitys New Slut Part 11

Chapter 11: A New Star Is BornI wanted to feel nervous and scared to what was about to happen, but my instincts were telling me otherwise. This was my time to shine in front of the camera and for the first time I was able to show the skills I had learned over the past few days.  I stared at all the men surrounding talking about the shots they were trying to set up and what was about to go on. I had no say in how this would turn out but most actors don't in general. Quinn was grinning at me like...

2 years ago
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Remix Chapter 2 Bass Line

Remix, Chapter 2: Bass Line By Brevdravis Hubbard hadn't been gone more than five minutes, when James saw familiar shape of his mother in the hospital room's doorway. She stared at him with a sad look in her hazel eyes, before moving into the room without a greeting. Anne walked to the side of James' bed, and reached down to take his hand. She held it in both of hers, her eyes closing slightly. She took a deep breath, before she spoke, with the air of one who is about to announce a...

3 years ago
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A HOT Way To Pay A Debt

Damn….where was I gonna get the money to pay for this. My Parents were gonna kill me. I had run up 700 dollars on their credit card that easily. The one that was ‘Only for emergency use Delilah, ONLY for emergencies’. Fuck, my Dad told me I had one week to come up with the money, or he would take my car. I had to think. I finally decided to sell some things at one of those shops. You know the ones that offer the best prices around. I made my best friend Kara go with me. She was nervous...

4 years ago
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At The Pool Kaylies First Time

Ever since my wife left us, I’ve spoiled my daughter Kimberly, “Kim”. Not that she wasn’t already spoiled before, as she was an only child. But I just found it more and more difficult to say no to anything that she asked for, for anything that she wanted to do, or anything that she did. So when she announced that she, or rather I, would be hosting a pool party and sleepover at our house for her high-school graduation, I gave in.Fortunately, the crowd turned out to be a little thinner than I...

First Time
2 years ago
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Friends wife Early Experiences

As I have told you, I believe Ann's underlying thrill at submission and exhibitionism partly stems from her early sexual experiences. When she was a late teenager she had a crush on one of her brother's friends. He was about 4 years older than her. Ann was final year in high school when she lost her virginity to this guy. Her brother and 2 friends (one being the subject of her fancy) invited her to join them on a picnic (read that as booze up) at a nearby lake. At her age she was not used to...

1 year ago
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One Day in Germany

One Day in GermanyKarin made the short walk from her flat to the train station and waited on the concourse as arranged. 8am was early for her to be up, but this was easy money. As a student she needed all the money she could get and easy money was her favourite kind. She stood at the agreed place, her feet fidgeting in her old tan boots, trying to stay warm. The cold winter air was blowing straight through her well worn blue denim jeans. Her silvery white jacket gave slightly more protection,...

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