BarbaraChapter 31 free porn video

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The next morning as Joyce Collier was emerging from a sound sleep, she stretched luxuriantly on the warmest, softest, most comfortable bed she had ever slept on in her life. Sensually, she moved her breasts on the bed and felt the most luscious sensation on her sensitive areolae. Finally, she realized that, although she was naked, she felt wonderfully snug and warm.

Dimly she realized it was Saturday, the day she could sleep, so she just snuggled down against her pillow to go back to sleep. Then it began to penetrate her consciousness that there was no pillow. She just snuggled down and vaguely pondered the problem: What happened to my pillow?

Only then did reality begin to dawn: she wasn't in a bed at all. Then her memory of the day before began to return, slowly at first, but then with a rush. She wasn't in bed; she had been sleeping on Rajah!

Opening her eyes for good this time, she wriggled up on his chest and whispered, "Hi! Are you awake?"

The huge tiger, keeping his eyes closed tightly, communicated, "No! I'm sound asleep." Then he opened one eye and communicated, "Don't you know, Mistress, that tigers need their sleep? I'm sleeping."

With that he slammed his eyelid shut and pretended to sleep.

"Oh, sleeping..." she mused. "I see..." With that she began to tickle the big cat's ribs. Only moments later, the two were rolling around the floor with poor Rajah trying to escape Joyce's furious assaults while at the same time trying to pretend he was sleeping. Finally, he gave up.

When he did, she wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, kissed him softly on his cheek and said, "Good morning, darling Rajah. Have I told you how much I love you yet this morning?"

Following her kisses, Rajah found he couldn't even pretend to grump. Instead he flipped her on her back and proceeded to lick her beautiful body. When he did, the events of the preceding night came back so she reminded him of his "punishment".

Spreading her legs wide, she raised her hips and said softly, "Remember, at least twice a day, whether you want to or not, you have to lick my filthy slut's cunt."

The huge animal, instead of going down on her succulent love box, stalked over her body so that he covered it completely. Then he lowered his head until his huge mouth was only inches above her face. "This is the end!" he communicated fiercely. "You have the loveliest, sweetest, purest sex in the world. On your honeymoon, Jack will drink at your source by the hour.

"Now I will not stand for it, do you hear? Joyce Collier is kind and sweet and good and ... pure! You're blessed by the Holy Spirit, Himself, okay? That is God Himself, in His third person, okay? Now that Jack is going to marry you and create an endless bliss, do you really want to wreck it? Do you?" he demanded fiercely.

"Darling Rajah," she said, "my cunt is flooded with its juices and is waiting for you. Please? It's clean and fragrant and nice. I think you'll like it. Please?"

The tiger bared his teeth, let out a quiet but fierce snarl, and then to her utter amazement kissed her on the lips.

Then he looked embarrassed and Joyce asked what the trouble was. "Could ... could ... could you get me ... something to eat?" he stammered. Suddenly, she was mortified. Realizing that the poor animal had only had two pizzas in the past twenty-four hours, it was scarcely enough to fuel his 600-pound body.

Jumping up, she grabbed a phone book, looked up the number and called the Los Angeles Forum. She reached Byron Crosby, the general manager of the circus. After receiving directions to her apartment, he told her a truck with Rajah's food would be there in whatever time it took to make the trip. It would leave at once.

Before she even had the phone back on its hook, Rajah's great tongue was working on her slit. Joyce lay down on the floor and raised her hips to assist him and then just enjoyed the marvelous sensations he was creating in her loins.

Glancing down at his head and darting tongue she realized that she would have to warn Jack that, in all likelihood, by the time they were married her pubic area would be completely bare. In less than twenty-four hours, she estimated she had lost nearly half of her pubic hair, and the patch was significantly smaller in area than it had been at any time since she reached puberty.

After rendering her nearly unconscious with orgasms, Rajah did not quit. Instead he began to lick first one leg, then the other. When she reached down she realized her legs, which suffered from what one company referred to as "briar-patch legs," were now as smooth as a baby's bottom. Then he insisted that she raise an arm and licked first one armpit and then the other.

Just as he finished, the doorbell rang. Slipping on a terry robe she opened the door and saw two men standing at the door with a huge container of raw meat. Although Rajah was only fed once a day, that one meal was huge. Thanking them, she brought the huge container into the kitchen and set it down on the floor.

Then she made coffee for herself as she watched Rajah tear into the meat. Seeing his huge jaws move to masticate it and seeing his teeth ripping into it, it was all she could do to keep from laughing, remembering Nathan Wiesman's accusation that the tiger's teeth had been removed. She shook her head when Rajah finished his huge meal in less time than it took her to drink two cups of coffee.

Slipping into a tiny halter top and a pair of ancient Levi's cut off at the thighs to make short shorts, she tied her hair back into a ponytail and left the apartment, still barefooted. Seeing that she was not wearing shoes Rajah insisted on carrying her on his back to the nearby park where she planned to run with him.

When she began to run with her smooth, long-legged stride and had already covered nearly a mile, the tiger who had been trotting at her side communicated, "One hundred yards? Two hundred on your best day? Ha!" She grinned, stuck out her tongue and kept on running.

The fact was that Joyce really didn't like to run. To her it was boring, deadly-dull and lonely. Rajah trotting by her side changed all that. She could tease him and he could tease her back without her even opening her mouth. Rajah was a wonderful companion, she decided.

After slowing and finally coming to a stop, she announced it was his turn to work. He grinned as she lay on his back with her head on his. For the tiger the joy of being able to run free was priceless. Although his stride was so smooth that Joyce actually dozed on his back, he was moving at over twenty-five miles an hour and roaring past dozens of runners and joggers out for their Saturday-morning exercise.

Fortunately, Lieutenant Collins had had the foresight to alert police communications. As a result the officers were able to reassure the dozens of callers: "That's just Miss Collier with Rajah," they said. "He's a wonderful animal, and a great friend of the police!"

After running for ten miles, Rajah felt better than he had in years. Since Joyce had fallen sound asleep, the tiger was standing at the apartment door when he finally communicated with her. Slipping off his back, she opened the door, then kissed him, and thanked him for the great run.

Back in the apartment she checked the time and found it was after noon. The meeting with the Animal-Rights activists was scheduled for the studios at two. First, she carefully groomed Rajah. As she was working on him he told her how much he loved her and how wonderful it was for him to run free through the big park, particularly with his beloved mistress on his back.

"And what do I do for the wonderful creature who saved my life?" she asked. "The wonderful creature who gave me the love of my life? What?"

"A kiss?" he asked diffidently. "A little one, maybe?"

In an instant she was bare and moving all over him kissing everything in sight. Finally, she gave him a kiss full on the lips and poured all the great love she felt for him into it. Remarkably, she felt the same great joy and purity that she received from Bobbie's kiss.

Pulling away slightly she said softly, "It is the Holy Spirit in you, isn't it, my darling? You're an agent of God, aren't you?" The animal's eyes widened in surprise but then he just nodded once.

With that she went into the bathroom and showered. Coming out, she consulted with Rajah and decided to wear an outfit similar to what she had just taken off: Levi's with the legs cut off and an ancient chambray shirt with its sleeves torn off.

With the shirt tied just below her breasts and the Levi's riding very low on her hips, there was a vast expanse of beautiful golden skin showing between. After tying her hair back in a ponytail, she spun around toward Rajah and asked, "How do I look?"

With great affection he replied, "Like you're about ... oh, fifteen. Of course," he communicated with a wide grin, "like one of those early-developing ones with the big tits."

With a sexy grin she faked slapping his face. After slipping into a pair of old moccasins, they left the apartment. On the way to the studios Rajah spent most of the time sound asleep. When she parked her van and got on his back for a ride to the studio, she teased him about sleeping all the way. Pretending to grump, he reminded her that he was a cat, after all, and cats spend a lot of their time sleeping. She giggled merrily at his reply.

The meeting was scheduled for a seldom-used studio that was kept set up for news-interview-type programs similar to Meet The Press. To avoid any possible misunderstandings later, the station management had insisted on its right to tape the entire meeting, although they assured the Rights people that nothing other than possible short clips would air without their permission.

Before entering the studio, Joyce gave Rajah another kiss to thank him for the nice ride. Opening the door, she found Jack sitting in a chair facing three men who, she assumed, were the Animal-Rights people. There were eight chairs arranged in a semicircle: Jack was sitting on one side with two empty chairs to his right and one empty one to his left. Across from him three of the four chairs were occupied.

When she entered the studio, all of the men rose to greet her. Rajah was pacing proudly at her side. Jack made the introductions: there were Jonathan Crawford, Homer Higgins, and Dr. Simon Cohen. He explained that Dr. Cohen claimed to be the greatest living authority on tigers.

While she was being introduced, Rajah had dropped down into his house-cat pose and just watched the proceedings with alert but friendly eyes. Turning to him she said, "Raj, these gentlemen are here claiming to protect your rights. Now greet them nicely, please."

The huge animal sat in front of each man in turn and held up his right paw to shake hands. Instead of taking the proffered paw, the men backed up with Cohen almost falling over backwards when he backed into a chair.

Although he had communicated the comment, "What pompous idiots!" causing Jack, who had heard him clearly, to put his hand over his face to hide a grin, Rajah looked up at Joyce and pretended that his feelings had been hurt.

"I really don't know why they didn't want to shake hands, darling," she said responding to his look. "But I'm sure they didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

"They are your friends, after all. They're here to tell us all the ways you and your friends have been abused." Then with her eyes wide she asked, "Rajah, have you been abused?"

His real response was, "Whatever you want, my darling Mistress," but that certainly wasn't what she responded to.

Instead, she stamped her foot like a petulant little girl and exclaimed furiously, "That's just about enough of that, Rajah Collier! I'm sick and tired hearing how Domino's shorted you on pepperoni. Besides," she added with a cute shake of her ponytail, "that's not the cruelty they had in mind."

Looking at the men who were now seated and looking at her with various degrees of amazement she asked, "It's not, is it? Cruelty, I mean? Getting a large pizza with maybe a couple of slices of pepperoni fewer than there should have been really isn't cruelty, is it?"

The men were baffled but Rajah played along perfectly, nodding his great head and looking triumphant. She looked at him and said peevishly, "Oh, okay! Maybe it was short a slice or two."

Then she wheeled on him and reiterated, "But it still isn't cruelty, damn it! And if I hear one more word about it, you'll never get another one, either!"

At that point Rajah dropped flat on the floor and looked up at her with his eyes pleading. Dropping to her knees, Joyce kissed the top of his head and said, "Okay, you big baby! I wouldn't be that mean. I know how much you love pizza."

Then she said, "Okay, I'll order. By the way, darling, do you remember how Prince and Sasha eat theirs? They'll be here any minute with Tom and Bobbie, so I might as well order for them, too."

She rose and went to a studio phone but then stopped and wheeled around again. "Rajah Collier, are you sure? You're trying to tell me that Sasha has anchovy and peppers? A tiger, and he wants anchovy and peppers?"

She shook her head and added, "If you're wrong, young man, don't come crying to me for protection when Sasha goes after your furry hide!"

So far the visitors were utterly baffled. First, Joyce looked like a teenager, not like the co-anchor of a major news show. Secondly, the whole exchange about pizza completely baffled them, but finally, it appeared that the beautiful young woman was actually communicating with a Bengal tiger which was, of course, utterly impossible. When she went to the phone, Dr. Cohen reassured his colleagues of its impossibility.

The episode with the pizza had not ended. When she called the local Domino's, she insisted that Rajah's pizza have wall-to-wall pepperoni. Then she ordered a sausage and meatball pizza for Prince and a anchovy and peppers for Sasha. She was assured that, like every other Domino's in the region, they had been alerted to supplying pizza to the tigers and was told it was now the chain's highest priority.

The manager made no bones about the fact that Domino's was receiving priceless publicity and would do anything to maintain its position as the tigers' preferred pizza supplier. She concluded the call by asking if the delivery man could stop at a market and pick up ten gallons of lemonade and just add it to the bill. The manager instantly agreed.

Hanging up the phone, she joined the others in the semicircle. Instead of sitting in a chair, though, she asked Rajah to lie down across the front of it so she could sit on the floor and lean back against his shoulders. When he instantly took up the requested position, she sat down and decided the floor was too hard. Getting up, she asked the tiger to turn and lie down facing the camera, putting his back to the group. When he did that, she kicked off her moccasins and lay down on his back. Rajah held his head up high to provide a good head rest for her.

"Much better!" she sighed. Then after rolling over to thank him with a kiss, she looked at the men attentively and said, "I guess we might as well get started. It looks like Bobbie and Tom may have been held up in traffic. Now, gentlemen, what exactly are your complaints? But, by the way, aren't you missing someone? Isn't Mr. Wiesman going to be with us today? He is your president, isn't he?"

Cohen was obviously serving as spokesman. After looking uncomfortably at his colleagues he replied, "He ... he's not feeling well today. His doctors feel he needs a complete rest. The poor man is so dedicated to animals, of course. Apparently he overworked."

"Oh?" Joyce replied with concern. "Golly! He seemed fine at the circus last night. It must have been very sudden. What happened? How is he feeling?"

Looking even more uncomfortable, Cohen stammered, "It happened last night. Poor Nathan could only mutter a few words. But he did seem terribly distressed about something. Unfortunately, he wasn't very coherent."

Still resting against Rajah, Jack thought she looked incredibly beautiful as she had pulled up her long tanned legs slightly so they were bent at the knee. It was all he could do to keep from completely breaking down with laughter. He had never realized Joyce was as good an actress as she so obviously was.

With her eyes still wide she asked, "Words? What words? And what was he so distressed about?"

Having gone as far as admitting Wiesman's problem, Cohen blurted, "All he said was, 'Claws! Big claws!', and 'Teeth! Big teeth!' As for the distress, he was constantly looking for paper and a pen. All we could make out were disconnected words. He said, 'Apology! Write apology!' Does that mean anything to you, Miss Collier?"

"Well, in honesty, it does ring a few bells. But we'll get back to that in a moment. After all, we're here to talk about the animals, not Mr. Wiesman. Now, gentlemen, shall we begin?"

Cohen appeared visibly relieved to change the subject. Taking notes from his pocket, he reviewed them to get them in correct order. But then he ad-libbed: "Miss Collier, what tranquilizer are you using on this poor beast? And where is his keeper? Frankly, I am amazed at your bravery, being so close to a wild animal like that."

At the word "tranquilizer", Rajah responded to an instant instruction from Joyce. Unceremoniously dumping her on the floor, in an instant he was looming over Cohen. His paws were on the armrests of Cohen's chair and he glared down at him with baleful, gleaming eyes. He drew back his lips exposing his great teeth and released an utterly terrifying growl. Cohen turned white and just stared upward at Rajah who was now acting as menacing as Cohen believed all tigers should.

Meanwhile, Joyce ignored Cohen and Rajah as she got to her feet, said, "Ouch," as she rubbed what she pretended to be a bruised bottom, then carefully brushed the dirt off her shorts. Going over to Jack she asked him if her hair was still together.

As she did, they exchanged winks and Jack whispered, "Rajah is unbelievably good!"

She just winked back and casually walked back across the circle to the terrified man.

Putting her hands on her hips she just sadly shook her head. "Oh, dear!" she said sadly, "I guess Mr. Wiesman didn't deliver his message very coherently. You see, he had a problem last night. He said that these tigers had no teeth nor claws.

"That upset Rajah and his friends because they are all very proud young men — particularly proud of their appearance and bearing. Well, I guess from the comments you heard — you know: sharp claws, sharp teeth — that he was convinced on the point." She grinned and added, "No pun intended.

"But anyway, he could have worked around that okay, but then he really tore it: He said these boys were druggies."

She shook her head sadly and said, "They hate that. They really do. It gets them terribly upset. And then you go and do it again today."

Going closer, she casually peered around Rajah's looming body and asked, "Dr. Cohen, does Rajah really look tranquilized? Right now? Does he really? Raj, are you tranquilized?" This time the tiger let out an earsplitting roar right in the doctor's face, then changed the sound into the loudest, most menacing snarl anyone had ever heard.

While he was performing, Joyce was carefully studying her finger nails. As Rajah completed his roar she punched him in the side and complained, "Damn you, Rajah Collier! When you dumped me like that, I think you made me crack a fingernail. Just look!"

At that Rajah ignored Cohen and dropped off the chair back to the floor. Instantly taking his house-cat position he looked intently at Joyce's finger tip. Looking remorseful and forlorn he moved his head forward and kissed her finger tip. "You kissed it, Raj, but you didn't make it better! I'm mad at you."

Same as Barbara
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The third half OK, OK I know I’m not too good with fractions…so here is my third HALF of my story with at least one more half of the story to go later.. hehe Over the ten year or so time that I went to the beach my mind was like a ping pong table of thoughts. I liked looking at pretty women, I was fascinated by penis, I really enjoyed ‘showing it’ on the beach but was shy off the beach. I liked looking at people having sex on the beach and watching the guys looking at those people too, or...

3 years ago
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Maa Ke Sath Suhagrat

To me aap sabhi ko meri sexy story sunane jata hu… Mera naam rahul hai, meri age 26 saal ki hai. Meri maa ka nam varsha hai or uski age 46 saal hai. Uski kayamat jesi fiber 38-34-44 hai. Main patan. Gujrat ka rehne vala hu. Main jab college mai aaya tab se maa ko chodane ki soch raha tha par ghar par mere papa or bade bhai or badi bahen ki vajah se kabhi moka nahi mila. Ye bat un dino ki hai jab me 25 saal ka ho gaya aur meri engineering khatm hui. Uske bad kafi mushkeli se muje gandhinagar...

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The History

Hi!!I’m Ashu,18 ,male, from Mumbai. This is another of my creations for all your readers enjoy!!! And mail your comments on A lot of history has happened since then, but there are parts of that year I remember like it was yesterday. I remember being a shy, eighteen-year-old kid, in my second-last year of high school, and I remember that I was not exactly Mister Popularity, either. I remember that feeling of not always fitting in, although I still had a few friends of my own, and I wasn’t a...

2 years ago
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Idaho Wild Child

{There is almost no sex in this story, so be warned…:).. MGM) The full moon peeking over the canyon rim lit up the valley down below nicely. The view was as bright as it sometimes is in early morning or late evening. The canyon was a short season’s graze but it was always lush. The melting snow fed streams, and kept the ground moist. The tender grass shoots the Sheep loved seemed to know there was little time, they made up for it in explosive growth once the warmer late Spring days arrived. ...

4 years ago
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Slave and her master

This is a story my slave wrote for me hope you guys enjoy it as much as i didI'm trembling with anticipation as I sit in the taxi you sent for me. I have no idea how long it will take or how far there is left to wait.The taxi pulls up outside a hotel and I walk past the reception and up to the room number you've given me.I knock on the door and it swings open. Nervously I step into the room.It's dark and I can only see the outline of your body as I shut the door behind me.'Hello slave''Hello...

2 years ago
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The Dark Lord

You push open the door, hands trembling as you bring carry the tea set into the study where Katniss and President Snow are currently talking. A smell of blood and roses hits your nose as you walk into the room, and the conversation that was ongoing pauses. Keeping your eyes downcast as you step into the presence of the most powerful man alive, you place the rather simple tea set onto the table. You feel eyes boring into your back, and although you cannot see President Snow's face through the...

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I know a bunch of this stuff, probably 98 percent of it, is false about i****t. But in email chats with this guy Long Boy Slim, he convinced me to let him post this story I forwarded to him, word for word. It's true. It's what happened between me and my mom. I can't say it's right or wrong, but it happened. And it's still happening. I hope it doesn't offend anyone. But this stuff happens to people sometimes, like it happened to me.If any of you readers out there know anything about southern...

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Rainy Day at Mudd Lake

Enjoy the intensity of your desires. Chapter Eight A Rainy day at Mud Lake The day started out warm and breezy, the weather forecast was calling for rain. She anticipated the arrival of her date. She had planned a nice dinner for outside. They were to meet at the park and drive together to a secluded spot by the lake. She had packed a nice bottle of wine, salad, spaghetti, garlic bread and chocolate mousse. She hoped all would go as she had been dreaming of in her mind. She dressed in a...

4 years ago
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Sacrificial Snuff

As they passed through the gates into the great city the warriors were cheered loudly.  After two days of pillaging a neighboring village, they had returned home bearing the spoils: weapons, pottery, farming implements and more. Perhaps the most valuable spoils were the villagers themselves. Although many of the men had been killed, the survivors had been taken and would become slaves. They would work either in the mines or on the temples, eighteen hour days, every day until they died. The...

3 years ago
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The Piano Bar Ch 12

Suggested music – Depeche Mode – World in my eyes / Policy of Truth / Duran Duran – The Man Who Stole a Leopard. The smell of perfume was so thick that it could intoxicate you alone, save for the expensive alcohol-filled bottles, carefully lined up on the bar shelves, like museum pieces, shinning from the small lamps placed under them, meant to draw your attention and seduce you into each and every one of them. I made my way to the end of the room, opposite of the entrance door I had just come...

1 year ago
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Private Marica Chanelle After Class Anal

Blonde, tattoos, big tits, there’s nothing not to love about Marica Chanelle and today this beauty has come to Private Gold, Sexy Yoga in Paradise ready to get hot and horny with instructor Potro as they head to the Jacuzzi after class for some post yoga fun. Watch Marica show off her spectacular body in the tub as she gets to work with a sloppy blowjob and titfuck before taking things over to the bedroom where she enjoys a hard and deep anal pounding that has her moaning with pleasure until...

2 years ago
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Football season starts SIL Domination part two

So, at the July 4 picnic my SIL and my wife conspired to make me their little playtoy, and I willingly complied.My part of this deal is to serve the football party women anything they want for as long as they want. Hopefully they get really drunk and develop wandering hands...hehe. I have arrived at SIL's house and have been stripped showered, chastity cage removed and shaved from head to toe. SIL is making me hard, and forcing me soft with ice. YOW. I guess roving hands will be a sure thing!...

3 years ago
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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 53

I woke early the next morning to Zeya working on my cock. Kola was still asleep. I smiled a good morning to her in the dim interior light of the camper and then whispered for her to be quiet. She didn't agree. Instead she rolled away from me until she was flat on her back beside me with her legs parted. With a tug of my cock she indicated that she wanted me. I didn't resist. I did however take my time getting there. I really didn't want to wake Kola. When I got into position I found that...

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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 32

We received an invitation to a couple's house to play cards. I told her I was free on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays to play. We set up a game for Friday and there were three other couples. One was younger and they were in college. One was in their mid-twenties and the other was late twenties or early thirties. Dottie and I were the extremes on age at seventeen and fortyish. We met at the older couple's home about a mile from campus. She worked at Shands Hospital as a nurse and he worked...

2 years ago
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Maureens Older Pussy

Maureen is a older woman i used to work with she is 62 years old short brown hair to her neck glasses,nice tits, some sag to them but still nice, nice ass and a trimmed pussy, this happened a few years ago, i meet maureen at work very nice from the day i started, sweet lady, grandma like, would help you out anything you need she was there, very sweet lady.she was set to retire and the office staff wanted to take her out for drinks and dinner, maureen was surprised when she showed up...

4 years ago
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Ficken RENDVOUS in Berlin

WARNUNG! Diese Website enthält sexuell eindeutige Bilder von jemandem, den Sie kennen.Täglich wird diese Seite von 7 Millionen Mitgliedern aus Deutschland besucht, die nach gelegentlichen, sexuellen Begegnungen Ausschau halten. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist extrem hoch, dass Sie auf ein Profil von jemandem stoßen, den Sie kennen. Sie könnten hier das Profil Ihrer Bankberaterin, Ihrer Nachbarin oder sogar einer Ex-Freundin finden. Viele von diesen Mitgliedern haben auf ihrem Profil eindeutige Fotos...

3 years ago
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Pyari guddi didi

Didi aur main k saath baithe they aur didi mujhe ekdum pari aag rahi thi. Maine didi ke seene par hanth rakh kar kas kar daba diya didi chillai dheeme se dabao sab tumhra hi hai aisa nahi karo tab maine aur jor se dabaya aur noch liya didi tilmila gayi aur apne doodh sehlane lagi gussa hote hue boli – kahin neel pad gayi to dard hoga. Maine didi ke pair par choom liya aur didi ki lal panti utarne laga didi boli achha apna man hai to sab kar rahe ho par pareshn mat karo.aur didi ne panti utar di...

2 years ago
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The Master WarriorChapter 16

We broke off observation of the building well before sunset. Grace had heated water for our evening meal of freeze-dried food, and we would have more of the roasted venison also. The moon had risen that morning and would set just before midnight tonight according to the data that I had. Again from the same data, Astronomical Twilight would be just before 9:30 tonight. Since the moon was four days past new moon, it would provide some light for part of the night to see by. We would be starting...

2 years ago
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Hot Sex In Rainy Afternoon

I looked at the clock on the bookshelf. The entire morning has been wasted. I had no idea that it would be so tough. It was true I didn’t have any concrete and definite ideas in my head. Still, there were a few half-developed thoughts and glimpse scenes from my favorite porn videos and erotic stories which I had hoped I would be able to replicate in my writing. After all, I was really looking forward to write a hot, sizzling adult story for a long time now. But I just wasn’t able to create a...

3 years ago
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My Students Used Me 8211 Part I

My heartily welcome to all the readers. This is my first story so please forgive me for any mistakes. Let me introduce my self first. My name is archana gupta, 21 year old from varansi. I am an engineering third year student. I am a sweet and sexy girl with asset size of 34-27-35.White complexion of my body makes it more charming. I belong to a very good family. I am a decent girl, very good at my academics and do not involve on any affair till last year. Last year an event happened which...

4 years ago
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MissTaken identity pt4

Sara took the coat off Jamie once they were inside. Mom was standing there glaring at us. She was more upset that we had left without a note or calling her, not that we had gone someplace or even how I was (un)dressed. We sat in the living room and talked for a while then she asked what I wanted for supper tonight. I asked why it was my choice and she started to laugh. "Well, if you don't remember what today is I'm not going to remind you". "I don't even know what day of the week it...

4 years ago
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Saturday Morning with my Favorite Secretary

Work is work as usual... meetings, calls, drawings, brainstorming till it hurts. The job is great and the money is greater. Being a beautiful,single woman working her way up to the top of the company definitely has its perks. Great parties, meeting famous people, rubbing elbows...... and other things if you know what I mean. My assistant Tracy is flawless..... she keeps me caught up on everything that's going on in the building and never skips a beat. I mean she's smart and I think she has a...

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Act of War SOS Book 2Chapter 17

Proxima Centauri The human fleet had been destroyed, they had put up a strong fight, using all its resources it had taken 2 days of fighting but in the end the alien fleet had only been reduced to 1400 ships, they were beginning to move in to attack and destroy the colony, at fleet HQ it was chaos, no one knew what to do, the colony was about to fall. There was no other alarm that could go off as all were already blaring, in the streets of the colony the citizens watched the sky as the...

2 years ago
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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 15 Flying High

January 1970, age 14 Double dating didn’t end up being as bad as I’d feared. Peter had been going out with Jacqueline since the OHMSS premiere, so we became a foursome. Ellie and Jacqueline together worried me a little as they seemed to feed off each other’s wildness, but we kept our next few dates on pretty safe ground. Ellie wanted to go back to the penthouse — that wasn’t happening so I lied, saying I’d got in trouble for using it last time. The thing that I took away from the meeting...

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BusherChapter 11 Emily

I was in bed, under the covers, and pretending to be asleep when Dave finally came into the darkened room and joined me in the bed. It was a full-sized bed and I was lying on the right side -- the side next to Dave's alarm clock and his portable radio and a Sound Machine with the sounds of ocean waves and the clickity-clack of a train rolling over the rails. Sleeping aids. Dave, apparently, didn't need any sleeping aids that night. He quickly took his place on the other side of the bed,...

1 year ago
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Chapter I I WAS BORN, BUT WOULD KNOW HOW TO SAY NO HOW, when or where, and therefore I allow the reader to accept this statement of mine and who creates it while you think. Another thing is also certain: the fact of my birth is not even an atom less true that the veracity of these reports, and if the intelligent student deepens these pages wondering how it happened that in the course of my journey through life -Or maybe I should have said I jumped for her endowed with intelligence, powers of...

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My love's hands are deformed. They were deformed at birth. If you see her on the street, or walk up to her at our library's reference desk, you will see that three fingers on her right hand are shortened and webbed, and her thumb is curiously shaped. Her left hand is more affected—all the digits are stubs, so that it looks something like a paw. On its own your face will swing to her hands. You won't notice, or will forget, her tired-looking eyes, always tired looking though green and bright,...

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Laura part 9

"Happy birthday dear teenager..." Mum yells in my ear, startling me into awakeness as the sun streams through my bedroom window. "Happy birthday to you!" "Mum!" I tiredly moan into my pillow. "What time is it?" "8am," mum says. "Which means that you've only been thirteen for 8 hours and already you're acting like a stereotypical teenaged girl!" I chuckle as mum whips the covers off of my nightie-covered body and dumps a LOT of presents besides my hairless legs. "Thanks," I say,...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 6

It had been three months since that fateful encounter with the erotic truffle, which had afflicted village schoolteacher Trevor Defreitas, Annabel Montford, a former pupil of his on Earth, her two younger sisters Tracy and Dinah, and their tour guide, Amelia Cross. That accidental exposure, in a shared meal, led to a night of drug-fuelled sex between Trevor and all four girls. Afterwards, upon considerable reflection, the girls realised that apart from all three sisters losing their...

4 years ago
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The King in Yellow Chapter Eleven

There was a long silence. Dmitri sat still and composed, despite the dull steel chains restraining him in his chair, but Katya shifted nervously and struggled to control her breathing. They both waited until she trusted herself to speak; she stared blankly into the middle distance and the papers hung limp in her hands. At last she spoke. “You killed four women just to make a theatrical performance out of Rosa’s death” she said, absently. “A woman who finds the Yellow Sign is called to give...

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A New Secretary A Change In Robbies Status

A New Secretary A Change In Robbie's Status. By Trish Edited by Robyn Hoode When I met Alan through my mum I was just getting over splitting up with Alex. He was offered a post-graduate course at University College London and we split on good terms. I had known from the moment we started seeing each other that he wanted to pursue an academic career, and would be moving away once he graduated. It was...

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Brad The Hypnotist Ch 04

Thank you to everyone who took the time to send feedback. I appreciate every one of them. I hope my efforts bring some enjoyment. The sun streamed through the small opening in the window blinds and brought me out of my deep sleep. I was alone in bed and naked. The image of my wife, Amy and my daughter, Sue sharing Brad’s semen burst into my mind and my cock sprang to life. I was extremely agitated with myself for my lack of courage to stop Brad from using them and even more alarmed that it...

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Wearing nothing but a robe and tennis shoes, I sit on the couch starring out the picture window of our living room. It’s 1:00pm on a Saturday and I can’t relax, and for good reason. My wife and I are expecting visitors. What’s happening today started out as an idle fantasy, something that Heather and I had come up with over late night chats in the bedroom. We are admittedly a rather kinky couple. Case and point, we own one of the strongest shock collars on the market, but have never owned a...

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Hose and also a HardOn

Growing up within the midwest Alex was an excellent student, common with each boys and girls. As a k** he was athletic, playing baseball, football and track. When he reached puberty he went by the typical growing pains that other c***dren went through, but his physique under no circumstances developed sufficient to continue playing competitive sports. When he stopped expanding he was 5? 7 " and thin with narrow shoulders and hips. In High School he ran the gamut of dating; taking a girls out...

3 years ago
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Reunion My Long Lost Lover

I wait nervously at the airport, just outside the security gate. I haven’t seen you since the summer after senior year in high school and I’m not sure if you’ll recognize me after all these years. I watch as people exit from your flight one by one. An elderly couple passes, eyes searching, and I smile to myself as they happily greet their family. I love to see people greeting each other saying hello and goodbye at the airport. But I’m supposed to be looking for you, so I turn back to the gate...

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