- 2 years ago
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Tammy had a mixture of feelings. She hoped she hadn’t lost her chances with Greg by going off with Sylvia yesterday. She wondered if Greg had told her about fucking Amy to make her jealous or to let her know that she wasn’t important to him. As great as her day with Sylvia had been, it was nothing compared to being with Greg. She hoped he would call her. She was too embarrassed to call him.
When her phone rang she grabbed it, hoping he would not be mad at her. Good morning Greg how are you.
‘I am anxious to see you. I want to see your new hairdo and plan our strategy for getting more evidence.’
Tammy said, ‘I make a great omelet if you are hungry.’
‘I will be there in 20 minutes.’
When she hung up she said, ‘Yes!’ She chose short shorts, a tank top and high heel sandals to bring out the muscles in her leg.
When Greg saw Tammy, he said, ‘Wow That is a fantastic haircut. And the rest of you looks pretty spectacular too.’
‘Well thank you. You look pretty good yourself. So how about that breakfast.’ He sat at the kitchen counter and enjoyed the view as she fixed their breakfast. He thought, ‘Damn she has a nice ass.’ She turned around and saw him focusing on her ass and gave it a little wiggle.
Tammy served Greg a beautiful omelet along with bacon, hash browns and toast from her homemade bread. She sat beside him and they both knew they belonged together. She dreamed of him always being at her kitchen counter. The challenge was to figure out how without putting demands on him. She decided not to worry about the future, but to enjoy the day.
‘This is a killer breakfast.’ He helped her with cleaning up the dishes and then they took their coffee and their laptops onto the patio to plan strategy. He showed her how to capture what was happening at the cameras installed in Sylvia’s house. He played the video from when Sylvia literally raped George. They saw the part where Sylvia went back to the den to finish her wine in the nude. His laptop was already set to pick up any action. She had gotten up, showered, dressed and left for work at her salon. It took action or sound to activate a camera. Just when he finished setting up Tammy’s laptop, the camera in the bedroom came on as George woke up and went into the bathroom, As soon as he entered the bathroom, the camera in the bathroom came on and the one in the bedroom shut off.
When he returned to the bedroom, he took his pajamas off and got dressed in casual clothes. He went into the kitchen next and poured a cup of coffee from the pot that Sylvia had made earlier.
Tammy said, ‘After what he said about her last night, I wouldn’t be surprised if she put a little arsenic in that coffee. She said she was headed home to show him what she could do. He didn’t have a chance of just going to sleep.’
As he was drinking his coffee, he made a phone call. The computer automatically traced the location of the call and recorded the entire conversation.
Greg said, ‘He is calling the salon on Main St. Isn’t Sylvia working out of the salon on Washington St?’
‘Yes, she has salon managers at all the other locations.’
They listened to the conversation. ‘Hello, Sylvia’s Main St. Salon, this is Sharon’
‘Good morning Sharon, I was just calling to confirm that you would be here at 10:00.’
‘Are you sure Sylvia won’t catch on to what you are doing.’
‘She doesn’t have a clue. She is still madly in love with me.’
‘Ok, I will be there at in 30 minutes.’
The next call was to the Walnut St. Salon.
‘Hello, Sylvia’s Walnut St. Salon.’
‘Can I speak to Brenda?’ They could hear the person who answered phone tell Brenda the call was for her.
‘Good morning Brenda, I decided I would like to see you again today. Be here at 1:00.’
‘But last week you said…’
George cut her off and said, ‘1:00.’ and hung up.
Greg said, ‘Could you take stay here with your computer and have Sylvia come here to watch what takes place. I don’t want to take the chance that he could be having her watched. Tell her to carry in her portable massage table, so it will look like she is just making a house call. You might even get a massage out of the deal.’
Tammy couldn’t help thinking that maybe he was using this as an excuse to hook up with Amy again. ‘Are you going to be here?’
‘No, I am going back to my house to do more research. I need to see how much information I can get about the money trail. There are at least fifty women out there that have participated in some part of this scheme. If we can find dissatisfied models, we might learn more about how they are pulling this off. Would you go to the motel with me tonight’
Tammy threw her arms around him and said, ‘That will give me a chance to show you my other hairdo.’ They embraced briefly and then Greg left to go back to his house.
‘Hello, this is Sylvia’s Washington St. Salon’
‘Can I speak to Sylvia?’
‘Hello Sylvia, it is important that you bring your massage table to my house right away. The pain is going to get severe at 10:00.’
Sylvia caught on right away. She told her staff she had a customer with terrible cramping, got her table and massage bag. She was at Tammy’s house in 10 minutes.
When she walked in carrying the portable table and her massage bag, she said, ‘So where is the pain?’
‘He is still at your house, but he is meeting Sharon from your Main St. Salon at 10:00.’
‘How do you know that?’ Tammy played the recording of the phone call for her. ‘Attorney Barker told me he had the right man for this job. I guess he should have said he had the right team. Where is Greg?’
‘He doesn’t want to take the chance of being seen with you in the event George could be having you watched during this last 45 days.’
Tammy showed Sylvia how the cameras worked in her house. They could see George in the kitchen getting a second cup of coffee when the phone rang. The number showed as a cell phone in Caroline’s name.
‘Well hello Caroline. Do you just miss me that you are calling this early?’ Sylvia put her finger in her mouth to indicate she was gagging.
‘I have another hot firecracker on the hook. I have her convinced that the bank will force her to move in ten days. I want to interview her tonight.’
‘We have Gloria coming back tonight at 6:00.’
‘That’s ok, we can interview Tawanda and then let her watch Gloria work. Then we can let Gloria join us to watch Tawanda’s screen test. Who knows, before the end of the night we might have a double working.’
‘This Tawanda sounds like she might be African-American.’
‘She has the most beautiful ebony body I have ever seen. She is six feet tall with a perfect body.’
‘The man at the bank that approved her mortgage slept with her the night before he gave false information to the mortgage board. He is no longer with the bank, so she doesn’t have him to fall back on.’
‘Is she really that close to losing her house?’
‘Of course not. With the least competent lawyer in the city she could keep the bank at bay for six to nine months.’
‘We make a hell of a team. Once I get free of your sister, we have a great future together.’
‘Back to business, I will have Tawanda come to the motel tonight at 7:00. Have you lined up the customers for Gloria?’
‘I will have them by tonight. I have some other business to take care of today.’
The doorbell rang and George greeted Sharon.
‘Sylvia looked at Tammy and said, ‘I can’t wait to see what this is all about.’
‘So are ready to move up in the Salon business?’
‘What are you offering?’
‘I am planning on suing for divorce as soon as we pass our fifth anniversary. My lawyer has the papers drawn up for me to acquire half of everything we have. That means that I will become the owner of half of the salons. Since I don’t have
any knowledge of running a salon, I need someone to direct the operations.’
‘Are you telling me I am that person?’
‘I think you are the perfect person. Your base salary would double plus you will be able to make much more through profit sharing.’
‘I could sure use that type of job. God knows there is not much opportunity for advancement the way Sylvia runs her salons.’
Sylvia said, ‘She is the highest paid of all my salon managers. Won’t she be surprised when she is out of work in 2 months.’
George looked at Sharon and asked, ‘Have you heard the term sleeping your way to the top.’
‘Are you suggesting?’
‘No, I am not suggesting, I’m informing. I expect women that work for me to be available to meet my sexual needs.’
‘Mr. Lake, I am a married woman.’
‘Ok, then this interview is over.’
‘What would I have to do?
‘You can begin by going back to the guest room and removing your clothes, pulling back the sheet and stretching out totally nude.
‘You are kidding aren’t you’ George simply shook his head. Sharon picked up her purse and started for the front door. She put her hand on the doorknob, but did not open the door. She turned and looked at George sitting in the chair. She went to the bedroom and took off her clothes.
Tammy called Greg and asked, ‘Are you watching what is going on?’
‘Yes, how is Sylvia taking it.’ Tammy handed the phone to Sylvia.
‘ I am going to castrate that bastard.’ Sylvia responded. Tammy had her phone on speaker.
George walked into the bedroom and took a picture of Sharon stretched out nude. He set the camera down and started removing his clothes. ‘I am going to make you a rich woman and you are going to make me a happy man.’
Looking at the size of his cock and opening her arms to him, she said, ‘That sounds like a fair trade.’
Sylvia said, ‘I have to admit the man has a nice cock. If I remember correctly, that is why I married him.
After a healthy round of sex, they took a shower together. When they were finished, he informed her she needed to strip the bed, wash the sheets and towels and remake the bed. He picked up his camera, took another picture of Sharon and said, ‘That will be all for today. I will see you here tomorrow at 1:00’
Sharon got dressed and started doing the laundry. George went to his office and uploaded the pictures of Sharon to his computer.
While the sheets and towels were washing George continued to work in his office. Sharon just sat on the bed, knowing she had made a big mistake. When her maid duties were finished, she just left and went back to the salon.
Greg hacked into George’s computer and found the folder holding the pictures of the salon managers that George was enticing with the promise of big jobs. Sharon was the ninth manager to be photographed by George. Greg downloaded the pictures to his computer and forwarded them to Tammy to show to Sylvia.
When Sylvia saw the pictures she wanted to immediately fire all of them. Tammy convinced her not to do anything yet. ‘Let’s all meet tomorrow at the office and see if we can come up with a plan.’ Sylvia set up the massage table. ‘What are you doing?’
‘I need some way to work out my aggression.’
‘So you want me to get on the table, so you can beat the hell out of me?’
‘I won’t be too rough. We need to fill the time, to see what happens at 1:00, and working my hands helps me relieve pressure. Just take off your tank top and lie stomach down.’ Tammy did as she was told. Sylvia had wonderful hands working over ever inch of her back. When she finished her back, she massaged her legs.
‘You have such a nice tight ass,’ Sylvia said as she ran her thumbs under the bottom of the short shorts. You don’t ever have any little love handles hanging out under the shorts. Lift up a little.’ When Tammy lifted up, Sylvia reached under her to unbutton and unzip the shorts. As Tammy continued to lift up, she pulled the shorts down and off. She was not wearing any underpants. Sylvia starts massaging the buttocks. As her hands went under Tammy, she closed her eyes and opened her legs. Sylvia was now massaging the inside of her pussy and Tammy started to hump against her hand until her orgasm hit hard and she collapsed onto Sylvia’s hand. Sylvia’s hand was soaking wet as she continued to gently massage Tammy’s pussy.
Greg called Tammy and said Brenda, the manager of Walnut Street Salon, had just arrived at George’s house. Tammy turned the computer on and watched George open the door for Brenda.
George had just gotten out of the shower and was just wearing a towel around his waist. He leaned up against a bookcase and told Brenda to get on her knees in front of him and let the towel drop to the floor.
‘This wasn’t part of the deal. Before you fucked me last week, you said it would just be one time.’
‘And you were dumb enough to believe that? You probably think I am going to pay you some big rate. Unless you get on your knees now, you will be lucky to have a job.’ As she turned and started to the door, he asked, ‘Would you like to take this to your husband or would you like me to mail it him?’
She turned around and he was holding up an 8 X 10 framed picture of her nude on his guest room bed. She reluctantly walked back and got down on her knees.
‘You know I don’t like women with their clothes on.’ Without saying anything, she got up, stripped and proceeded to suck his cock. She actually was quite good at taking a large amount of his cock down her throat.
Just as he was filling her mouth with cum he said ‘Brenda!’ She looked up and the camera flashed catching her with a mouth full of cock, cum running out the side of her mouth and she was completely nude.
As he replaced his towel, he left the picture on the bookcase, said, ‘I will expect you next week at the same time’ and went back to his office. She let herself out with tears running down the side of her face.
The folder of pictures Greg had found had seven other women in that exact shot. Sharon would be the next one to be photographed with her mouth full.
Greg and Tammy arrived at the motel just before George and Gloria. They watched the two of them arrive in separate cars.
The heat sensing equipment showed Caroline and George getting things set up for the night. As soon as they turned on the cameras in the bedroom, Greg logged into the frequency being sent to George’s computer and had a full shot of the bedroom.
George’s camera mounted on his SUV showed Gloria walking across the parking lot carrying a suitcase. When she entered the motel room, George asked what was in the suitcase?
‘I brought my own outfits. I will be more comfortable in my own clothes. I think you will be satisfied. She went into the bedroom and put on a leopard skin jump suit. It fit her body skintight showing every bump. Her tits looked like they were in a mold with the nipples pressing straight out.
She said, ok, I am ready for my first customer.
Greg said, ‘The call is coming in from Monaco.’
A male’s voice came over the speaker saying, ‘You are beautiful, and sexy.’ Gloria was moving around like a kitten. She crawled right up to the camera and pretended to be licking the lens.
‘I really like to lick things. Do you have anything I could lick?’
‘You could lick my cock’
‘Do you have it out?’
‘Not yet.’
‘Drop your pants and get a grip on it. Tell me when you are ready.
‘OK, I have it out.’
‘Now tell me all about it so I know what I will be licking. Are you circumcised? How long is it? How thick is it? Gloria reached under the covers on the bed and pulled out a dildo in the perfect shape of a cock. She showed it to the poor sucker on the other end of the phone as she ran her tongue over the end of it.
He gave her the answers and the most interesting answer was that no one had ever licked
it. ‘Not even your wife.’
‘She would be the last person to ever lick my cock. She always demands the lights be out before she would remove her pants. It has to be the missionary position with no foreplay.
So your cock is a mouth virgin. Close your eyes and let me tell you what I am going to do to your pussy
She logged twenty minutes before she showed any skin. She would not let the caller jerk off, because she wanted to keep him on a hook.
‘Does your wife have big tits?’
‘No, she is almost flat.’
‘Let me show you a real pair’ Gloria said as she unzipped her jump suit to the waist. She didn’t let him see the nipples yet. She bunched the tits together and ran the rubber cock up between them and licking it each time it came up to her mouth. ‘I wish you were here to put your cock between my tits.’
Pulling one side of the jumpsuit to the side, she exposed the nipple. ‘Would you like to lick this?
‘Oh yes!’
She moved the nipple right up against the screen and said, ‘We can pretend. You can lick your computer screen.’
‘Lick your computer screen.’ She squeezed he tit so that the nipple was right against the computer screen. ‘Are you licking it?
Greg looked at Tammy and said, ‘The lady knows how to keep a guy on the hook.’
Tammy reached down and took a hold of Greg’s totally erect cock and said, ‘She also knows how to give a guy an erection doesn’t she?’ Greg just laughed.
Gloria asked the caller, ‘Are you still holding your cock while you are licking my tit?’
‘Oh yes, I am about to cum.’
‘Take your hand off of your cock and wrap both hand around these.’ She pulled on her tits and squeezed the nipples.’
She could hear the guy breathing heavy and knew he was close. ‘Ok, now go ahead and jerk off and shoot the cum all over my tits.’ She had the tits against the camera. When she heard him groan she knew he had just shot cum all over his computer screen and knew she had to hook him for the next night.
‘When you call tomorrow night, I will show you something else to lick. She turned her back to the camera, removed her jump suit and went into the bathroom.
She had logged a full hour on the first call and made $300. The customer was instantly billed for $3000 at $50.00 a minute. The instant cash transfer funneled through an invisible account in Caroline’s bank and then to Swiss accounts. She put 75% in her account and 25% in George’s account. He complained about the split, but he didn’t have any way to process the payments without her. Caroline took $300 in cash into Gloria while Gloria was changing into another outfit.
‘That was a great job. You have spent a lot of hours on the phone having sex with Joe and his buddies haven’t you?
‘Yes, I have.’
‘Now we need to see how you can do with a female caller.’ Gloria put on a sheer negligee and stretched out on the bed in a provocative manner.
‘Bring her on,’ she said as she envisioned making a lot of money tonight. The female caller was from Hong Kong.
‘Look who is coming to the door,’ Greg said to Tammy. An absolutely gorgeous black woman in a cocktail dress and a lot of jewelry was about to be interviewed.
After the normal introductions and basic questions George asked, ‘Have you ever had phone sex?’
‘Baby, my phone is so hot every night, the wires almost melt. Do you know what I mean sweetie?’
Flipping on the screen, he let her watch Gloria in Action. ‘Are you as good as her?’
‘Let me show you what good is man.’ She stood up and removed the dress. She took off her bra and threw it at him. Then she propped a foot on the chair and pull her thong aside to reveal the most black hair George had ever seen surrounding a pussy. If you pay me enough you can put your tongue right here. She drove a finger up her pussy and then walked over and ran her finger under Georges’ nose.
‘You tell me, if I am as good as her.’
Gloria said ‘We pay $5 a minute for you to do what she does.’
‘If you pay her $5 a minute, I want $10. Cupping her hands around her enormous tits, she asked, ‘When do I start?’
Gloria led her into another bedroom that was set up with cameras and said, ‘Put your clothes back on stretch out on that bed. A caller will be on the line in a few minutes.’
Greg found the signal for that camera and watched as she bled money out of a mayor of a major East coast city. In 45 minutes she was holding $450.00.
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Bill Warwel is a 55 year old man that has some business on his name and is wealthy. He is fat He is married to 32 year old vixen, Tammy Walker. She is a slim woman with 32F-boobs and firm booty. She asked for her Christmas some court seats for a basketbal-game. So on Christmas-day, she received her gift and it were 2 tickets for the Christmas gae Lakers vs Clippers. "Fuzzy bear, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS GIFT" shouts Tammy and hugs her husband."You are welcome sweetie, but you know that we...
So we were looking for a stud...white or black, it really didn't matter. We just wanted to have some fun...we looked here on Xhamster first...came up very we posted an ad on Craigslist. I am very leery of strangers over the possibility of std's or weirdo guys. We posted our ad and had over 25 hits in the first 15 min! We asked that in the first pic the guy hold up three fingers and a card of that days date 'which was July 4th' and in the second pic to hold up seven fingers with a...
Staying home with my stepmom, Alexis Zara, is driving me crazy. Watching her walk around the house has me dreaming of fucking her juicy MILF pussy. But the way I show affection is by playing pranks on her. I snatch her keys and shove them down my pants, I drop stuff on the floor to watch her pick it up, I even grab her stimulus check before she can get her hands on it! The only way she’s getting it back is if she lets me smash her MILF cooch like I’ve always wanted. I guess she doesn’t need to...
xmoviesforyouI had honestly forgotten about telling my UPS guy we could go on a picnic so when he brought me another package and caught me once again laying out in the nude I grabbed my robe and signed for the package. He was walking away when I remembered and I said hey when we doing this picnic? His turned around and his eyes lit up I said do you got time for a quick soda or iced tea?. I feel like a cold one but don’t want to drink alone. He looked at his watch and I could see him calculating his route. I...
Stacey Dixon, Rita Meckler, and Carol Davidson formed a writhing heap of warm, naked flesh on the king-sized bed in the bedroom of a mountain cabin Carol owned in a rural area of James county. All three of them squirmed as hands, lips, and tongues slid over warm flesh and bodies rubbed against one another. It was dizzying, delightful, and erotic, each person kissing another, their hands caressing, seeking. Passion built in the lusting trio as they excited each other beyond belief. ‘Ohhhhh!!!’...
It's been awhile since I attended one of Veronica's famous lingerie parties, missing the latest one a couple months ago. But there is already interest in the next one coming up this Spring. One of Laurie's co-workers, Carlita hinted that she would like to be part of it. Laurie gave her some line about having to pass an initiation to be invited, and the naive brunette said she was willing to do whatever it took to be a part of our intimate group.I've met Carlita a couple times before, and I'll...
The date 01.01.2016 is memorable for our friendship as we four joined in our new office on that day and became true friends.We promised to stay side by side always though there is difference of age but friendship has no brier for age.We four couple joined this factory as Engineers and employment in compensation ground as the youngest member has got the job of his deceased father at the age of 18 then suddenly the Question arise married? But how? I am Honey aged only35 yrs. mother of the above...
IncestI was just texting my friend that a woman I’ve been wanting was coming over. She asked if I was going to get lucky; I replied: “I hope so!”Ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door. I set my phone down and answered. She was smiling and seemed to be more ready for me than I was for her. This was Katrina. We worked together and always seemed to be flirting, even when it was a little inappropriate. She was wearing a tank top and a plaid mini skirt. As I invited her in, I heard my phone go...
Luke slides into his desk and leans over to whisper to Candace once her lesson is over. “Have you heard anything about anything?” he asks. “With Brandy gone I’ve got no new information,” she explains. “I haven’t heard from Randy since that night. Brandy left me all the money, so I assume she went back.” “No call or anything?” he asks. “Nothing,” she says. “With the exception of going back, I don’t know how to contact her. And most likely, my tribe has moved on to someplace safer.” “How...
Charlie and Daniel turned back to normal, and tried to wake Harry up. "Give him some time," Antonella said, the van driving away quickly. "He's had quite the shock. We'll need him conscious though for the journey." "What journey?" Daniel asked. "Right now that guy is almost certainly phoning his superiors, meaning he's about to realise he's been fooled. He knows who Harry is, meaning he could find his house, and from there, find yours, Charlie. You can't go home." "Of course...
This is a story and all over 18.My name is Jess and I’m 23 and this story of the day things between me and my mom when we want shopping together.Frist let me describe myself, I’m 5’9 slim but in shape, I have a bubble butt witch both guys and girls like and 40 f breasts and guys and girls love to look at them when I wear bikini tops and small tops and I always have a shaved pussy too.Now let me describe my mom, she 5’7 with a plump body and she is 45 years old, she has big breasts too and I...
CHAPTER 25 -If you don't like something, change it, if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. Needless to say, Ellen was thrilled. It was getting late and they had to pick up Ariel from the sitter. Ellen put her daughter in her car seat, but, rather than heading home, she drove to the mall. George felt a sinking in his stomach and asked, "What's up?" "Dear I am sorry; it appears you are going to have to stay as Heather for a while longer." "Wait a minute! I...
In the past one of the more delightful times I had as a younger, perhaps slightly more active man than now, was to end up bedding three members of the same family and then a family friend as well. Even though it sounds like incest, in fact as I wasn't related to them it wasn't. The best thing about it all was that they all knew about the others - so it was the choice of all worlds, no jealousy, no bitching, nothing. I think the worst remark I heard in all the time I was with them was, "Hey,...
CheatingThis is Shiva (29) from Southern part of Tamil Nadu. I have been a very regular visitor of Indian Sex Stories website right from my school days and started to satisfy all my sex thirst by masturbating, reading the lovely stories here. First of all, i thank all the story writers here for giving daily feast for guys like me. I always think of writing some story here but sadly nothing happened in my life till last weekend. So I am providing you the real story which happened last weekend in a train...
Just fifteen minutes before five o’clock, and the beach was beginning to empty out. This was probably one of the best times to venture out into the sand, and enjoy the sun. Most of the tourists, or at least the ones who chose to come to this beach, were packing up and leaving to go have dinner. There was probably another hour or so before the sun was about to set, so it was best to find a spot soon. That was a bit difficult, because people at the good spots hadn’t left yet.Raising a hand over...
ExhibitionismA few weeks have passed now. I have been pushed down the road to becoming a public slut with my identity being disclosed to more and more people without me knowing who all know my secrets. MISTRESS Natascha, MASTER Michail, and their friends do their utmost to add to my humiliation in front of others. Slowly and methodically they have begun to control all aspects of my life. They use their power over me to drive me deeper and deeper into servitude to them.Especially MASTER Michail turned out to...
After his successful elk hunting trip, Kincaid returned to visiting the ranch four times a year—he had cut this down to no more than twice in the deep of the Great Depression. And each time he returned, he and Hugh would go up to the Hahn’s Peak timberline for three days—and they almost always came back with an elk. Kincaid made clear he didn’t want the elk for itself. He only symbolically wanted to conquer the elk, again and again. He was happy to let the ranch have the meat for the supper...
"Hey, Javi," Stephanie said, popping her head around my office door."Hey, Steph, what's up?" I answered, looking up from my computer screen where I'd been reviewing the last five years worth of multicultural research published in Communications Quarterly."Nothing," she said. "Just going to grab some lunch at the Union. Want some?""Sure," I replied, hitting 'save' on my work. "I'm starving."Stephanie and I were colleagues at Clinton State University. We'd both been hired at the same time a...
Straight SexSaturday afternoon and I was still worried. What if May Wilson was stringing me along? What if she was really going to tell people? I would be ruined. Maybe arrested for bestiality. I watched the clock tick around to 2pm. A knock on the door. Was it the police? I opened the door and there was May standing on my doorstep with a huge grin. “Hello honey. I have been so looking forward to this” she gushed. My concerns were unjustified as she stood there wearing a loose fitting top and a skirt....
Vanessa Sky is brand new to bondage and new to Kink. She wants to have all of her limits pushed and so The Pope gives this little slut exactly what she wants. He begins with an inverted suspension. He builds a device that holds Vanessa tight against the wall, upside-down, and in a spread-eagle style position. Vanessa settles into the bondage as he begins to torment her with impact, and then nipple clamps. She is instructed to hold the chain of the clamps in her mouth. The Pope has his way with...
xmoviesforyouAlison sat there by the porthole window, bored, fiddling with the strap of her Leica camera, when is this contraption going to finally take off? she wondered, stuck in Paris aboard a decaying old Imperial Airlines bi-plane from Croydon that morning. They were headed for Marseilles on the next leg of her trip to Juba in the Anglo Egyptian Sudan. At Marseilles they would change to a Short flying boat to cross the Mediterranean Sea and continue on their 10 day journey calling at Rome, Athens,...
Daniel and Jennifer had been best friends since their freshman year in high school. Although their relationship started off rocky, they learned to respect each other’s differences and eventually love each other like best friends tend to do. Jennifer had always thought of Daniel as cute and a total sweetheart, he played tennis and was quite good at it; he was the ultimate preppy boy at school. Blonde hair blue eyes, charming personality and the only child, so he usually got everything he wanted....
It took me a while to return to the village, the blood moon had finally set, and the sun had already started cresting over the hillside. It had taken me a long time to get back because I had decided to bring the bodies of my kills with me. I did not want to start a panic with the villagers, so I had to make them look like more victims. It was hard to stomach, cutting into them like that, but it had to be done. If I brought them back with the injuries I gave them as wolves, there would be...
The door to his apartment opened for him as Stan was reaching for his key. The girl was there, smiling at him, helping him inside, helping him off with his coat. He smelled dinner in the oven, and his formica table had been covered with a sheet. Unlit candles stood on either side of a festive display of fruit. The table was laid for two, his simple Corelle set carefully. The apartment was clean, spotlessly so. He walked through the place admiring it. No more mold in the bathroom. His shirts...
Hi to all the readers. Thanks for all the mails. Love you all. I guess now I am becoming as good at writing as I am at fucking ladies. As you know, I have been fucking ladies since a long time. Most of the ladies have been my maids. And there’s been my aunt too. Bharati, my maid, was fucked by me for last six months, and had got into the routine. I used to fuck her as and when I could. My parents had then gone out for a function. Just me and bharati. And there was my aunt who used to stay with...
Dave feeds me my first When I started looking for porn on the Internet, it was really difficult for me. Like so many other inexperienced surfers, I battled to find the right sites. Most were pay sites and there was no way I was giving my credit card details away on the net. There were constant pop-ups and sometimes it became so bad that I had to switch the pc off to stop the pop-ups. I did however finally get a tip from our IT guy (I am sure I often left tell-tale signs of what I had been doing...
Back in High School I though of myself as quite the player. I would never hook up with girls more then a year younger then me, and I would never go out with a slut. But in the end I was always getting my fair share of sex. A girlfriend was nothing I really ever wanted that much. Even though I never had that many girlfriends me and my guy friends always had quite a few female friends. Most of them were very attractive with great bodies and nice curves. There was a lot of flirting and occasional...
EroticFamilie Müller war eine Familie der Oberschicht. Vater Georg (40) war Rechtsanwalt in seiner eigenen Kanzlei. Er verdiente so gut, dass seine Frau Andrea (39) nicht arbeiten gehen musste. Die beiden hatten sich bereits auf der Universität kennen gelernt. Für die beiden war es Liebe auf den ersten Blick. Es störte sie daher auch nicht, als Andrea bereits im 2.Semester schwanger wurde. Sie brach daraufhin ihr Studium ab, um sich ganz und gar der Familie zu widmen. Dies war auch nötig, da sich...
It was a couple of weeks after our evening of fun with my wife Lucy and her friend Sally that she asked me if I wanted to do it again, "sure" I said it was fun, so a date was set for the following Friday night.I got home from work and was sitting at the kitchen bench having a beer when a knock came at the door, that will be Sally I thought, but in walked Lyn, I had met her a couple of times, then another knock, this time it was Sally. Then a few minutes later another knock, this time three...
So here's another true story of mine.In case that someone haven't read my previous story I will introduce my self a little. I'm calling myself Kotryna, i'm a 30 years old Crossdresser from Lithuania (sorry for my English btw). Iv'e been doing that since my c***dhood, but my experience with other people while crossdressed is not that big as my experience crossdressing. In this story I will tell you my first experience with other men while I was still thinking that i'm a straight like a string. I...
we are sitting in a bar when i lean over & whisper 2 u " i wanna suck your big hard cock !!cum & meet me in the men's room !! "then i take my drink in there& sit down on a toilet 2 wait 4 u... 4 a while no one cums in & i think that i have made a fool of myself but a few minutes later the door opens then u smile wickedly & ask " are u ready 4 sum hard cock ?? "& the sizable bulge in the front your pants tells me that u are ready 2 be sucked...i smile up at u& motion...
“Master…Master please wake up.” I shook him gently and he begins to stir, asking “What girl…go to sleep, it’s four in the morning.” “Please Master, I have to pee. Please” I begged. He rolls over and undoes the chain to the collar and I rush outside, there is a slight but steady rain as I lift my leg to release my bladder next to the oak that is my designated bathroom. I finish and stand, wiping myself as best I can and turn towards the house, he is standing in the doorway yawning and snaps his...
BDSMIntroduction: This is my very first sex story and I am very excited to share it. It is a complete work of fiction. Constructive criticism is always welcome. I also need an idea for the next story. Should I write about how the two started? Should Sasha be the dominant one in the next story? Ideas are welcome and all will be taken into consideration. I hope you enjoy this story. I felt him before I heard him. Taking a deep breath I braced myself for what I knew was coming and I opened my legs for...