Alison Jones And The Search For King Sundew free porn video

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Alison sat there by the porthole window, bored, fiddling with the strap of her Leica camera, when is this contraption going to finally take off? she wondered, stuck in Paris aboard a decaying old Imperial Airlines bi-plane from Croydon that morning. They were headed for Marseilles on the next leg of her trip to Juba in the Anglo Egyptian Sudan. At Marseilles they would change to a Short flying boat to cross the Mediterranean Sea and continue on their 10 day journey calling at Rome, Athens, Alexandria, Cairo and Khartoum among other cities before finally landing at Juba. Although Alison was looking forward to spending time in this fabulous places she was keen to get to Cairo where she would pick up all her gear that the Professor had sent on ahead by freight.

The Professor was based at the Sorbonne University in Paris and Alison had met him for lunch earlier in the day to finalise plans for her expedition to the Belgian Congo. The Sorbonne was world famous for its school of Palaeobotany and although Alison was somewhat surprised at receiving a telegram 5 days earlier saying that she has been chosen to take the lead in an upcoming expedition, she should not have been. Alison’s father had long been a benefactor and contributor to the funding of the school from his earnings in the fledgling diamond market in Tanzania before he died along with Alison’s mother in a car accident coming back from Monaco.

With a bit of time on her hands Alison read through her notes once more, although a dedicated botanist; extinct plants were of little interest to her as Alison was more interested in the here and now and not the past. But this particular study drew Alison’s interest because the specimen study was of an evolutionary pre-runner to Droera regia, or the King Sundew to give it its common name. Droera regia is the world’s largest flesh eating plant, a distant relative to the Venus Flytrap and only found in central Africa’s tropical rain forests. She had plenty of time on her hands to get to know the subject so Alison settled into a restful sleep.

The stopovers were short and uneventful, Cairo was the only excitement as that is when she was able to go through all her gear needed for the expedition. She was tiring of the glitzy lifestyle she was leading, although the flapper and close fitting maxi dresses highlighted her shapely figure she longed to be back in her expedition clothing and roaming through plain and jungle alike armed only with her trusty Leica.

Eventually she arrived in Juba and then made it as far into the Congo rain forest as the poor train connection would let her. The final stage of her expedition would be on foot with a small team of native guides hand-picked by the Professor. They were three days into their expedition and there was still no trace of any live King Sundew let alone any fossilised remains, normally upbeat Alison was becoming a little brought down by the lack of adventure. Sure the rainforest was all that she expected it to be, it was lush, full of broad evergreen trees, she could hear the sound of monkeys up in the canopy and was fearful she may come across a band of gorillas. What would she do if they became aggressive towards the expedition team she thought to herself as she was cutting through the understory vines and ferns. She would soon find out.

The expedition team were all resting after a particularly difficult fourth morning, the rainforest seemed denser than before and the humidity was becoming unbearable to such an extent that her khaki shorts and skirt were soaked through with sweat. She took off her hat and shook her head in a vain attempt to stimulate some air movement through her hair. She had taken the precaution of cutting her long blonde hair short for this trip to avoid any issues with bugs and spiders trying to nest. Alison closed her eyes as she poured some canteen water over her head and the cool water fell down her face onto her now unbuttoned chest. She momentarily began to feel refreshed then she heard a loud rustle behind her, she turned around and came face to face with a Silverback.

Time stood still.

There were at least ten gorillas in the clearing with the Silverback at the front, tall and incredibly muscular in stature. No amount of research could have prepared Alison for what she was seeing. The other males were waiting his instruction. The native members of her expedition had fled, leaving all supplies in the open. The gorillas foraged through what there while the Silverback stared at Alison for what seemed an eternity. Then the Silverback stepped back and went to his troop, Alison seized the opportunity and went in the opposite direction careful not to make any noise that would attract the Silverback. When she was out of earshot she ran and ran and ran.

Alison had no idea where she was running to but she knew what she was running from. She paused for breath, all she had upon herself was the clothes she was half wearing, a canteen and her camera thankfully still attached to her belt. Great she thought, no chance of getting hold of those supplies and at least three full days travel with only half a canteen of water to drink. Should she wait to see if the expedition party returns or go on ahead alone? She favoured the former but the later got the better of her tomboy side. So Alison set off.

It would be night fall in a few hours, with the dense canopy making the jungle dark even in daytime she needed to find safe refuge soon. She had learned a few jungle tricks in the short time she has been in the rain forest, she could collect fresh water easily and there were some low hanging fruits to be had so food was no issue. Alison climbed a vine and made for a hollowed tree trunk for shelter that night. She was used to the night time cacophony and that night it seemed like strangely like harmony to her. She was alone and up a tree in the middle of the rainforest, but to Alison this seemed somehow much more appealing than been squeezed into maxi dress at one of the Professor awful dinner parties.

Alison woke refreshed and ready for day one of her three day trek back to civilisation, albeit an empty railway halt. She set off and stopped a few times in the first hour to photograph some amazing plants, she had the jungle to herself, no silly fossilised Sundews to find and log. Then while she was bent over looking down on the rainforest floor, Alison spotted some large pink flowers, easy to pick out against the green understory of the rainforest. These flowers were large even in comparison to the rest of the rainforest fauna and very pink and strangely lip shaped. They intrigued Alison. The green leaves were long and thin, similar to the machetes that the expedition natives were using. Alison was fascinated by this plant, she cast her mind back to her notes and the characteristics of this plant was similar to that of the King Sundew only much larger in size.

Alison moved closer so she was almost in touching distance, took out her camera and went to take some photos. While she was focusing the lens, she felt a strange sensation against her bare leg, Alison looked down and noticed that one of the lower leaves had somehow become tangled around her lower calf, she went to pull it away but found that it was quite sticky to the touch and was had almost glued itself to her leg. Another leaf moved, Alison could scarcely believe what she was seeing but the leave started to coil around her other leg, again sticking fast to her skin. Suddenly she could see movement all around her, more leaves were coiling around her legs, now her bare thighs were caught up in this plant’s leaves.

Alison started to panic, the threat that was posed by the Silverback paled into insignificance when compared to what was happening to Alison right now. She could not move, she saw that each leaf was tenticular in nature, and covered in spines that were secreting a thick, sticky mucus resin to help capture its prey. “My God!” Alison suddenly thought, she had been trapped by the very thing she had been sent to study, photograph and log.

“Help, someone please help me! shouted Alison in vain, she had been trapped by this flesh eating plant. Her upper body was now seemingly shackled, the plant’s leaves had wrapped themselves around her breasts and her back from beneath her now ripped shirt, her arms were caught and two of the plant’s leaves had also made their way up beneath her ripped shorts. The last thing that Alison remembered about the plant was a leaf winding itself around her neck, tightening all the while, she had passed out by the time a hunter/gather party of the Batwa came across her.

Alison’s eyes opened, she was laid out on a feathered vine bed in a village mud hut. She was still feeling groggy and trying to understand what had happened when she noticed some movement around her then nothing, silence. She fell u*********s again. This time when Alison awoke her eyes were more in focus and she felt much better, she then noticed the ropes that were tied to her wrists and ankles that were restraining her. She then felt the stinging pain across her still naked breasts and between her legs, where she was also without any clothing, all she had on were her boots. Alison was trying to make sense of what was going on when in walked three native women.

The three native women all carried two wooden pots, each containing some form of lotion. The medicine man had been in to see Alison’s wounds while she was asleep and had made up two herbal remedies. None of the natives had seen pale skin before, this tribe were almost black in skin pigment, Alison was quite the opposite. The women were no more than young girls Alison surmised, as they made there way towards her, giggling as they walked towards her. The medicine man struck what must have been his medicine staff against the soil floor in an effort to silence the girls. Alison had learned of the pygmy tribes in the Congo rainforest but these natives seemed taller.

Immediately the native girls stopped giggling then started to pay attention to where Alison’s skin was at its most red; her breasts and between her upper thighs. One of the girls made her way to the base of the vine bed and the other two went higher so that one stood either side of Alison so that each were within reach of Alison’s breasts. The girls were naked apart from woven grass skirts that offered protection and to cover their modesty. The girls where slim and yet to come to the age of body decoration when they would be given to one of the male members of the tribe to be their wife.

Alison’s pale skin made it easy for the girls to find where the leaves had taken hold, the plants leaves had chosen the parts of her body that would yield the highest nutrient content, lactose and proteins from her breasts and the proteins from her vaginal juices. Luckily for Alison she was still a virgin so her body was yet to provide the nutrients the plant desired.

One of the girls started to apply some of the lotion to her side, it smarted and stung badly, the lotion was made with the juice from the plentiful jungle lemon and other acidic fruits that are found in the rainforest. The girl worked the lotion into the skin, the acid would kill the spores that were left in Alison’s skin when the men removed the stuck leaves. The second girl joined in on her other side, closer to one of Alison’s bare breasts. Alison winced at the thought of the stinging sensation she was about to endure around a very sensitive area. Alison liked the sensitivity on the top of her breasts, at home she often found herself stroking her breasts absentmindedly when reading through journals during her studies, but no one else has touched her breasts before this moment.

The native girl knew that this lotion would be painful for Alison, and Alison could see the look of concern on her apologetic face. So the girl gently applied the acid lotion with a fur tipped bone and traced the red line of the spores left by the leaf from the soft underside of Alison’s righthand side breast, across the top of her nipple and then along the top of her breast and up to her shoulder. Alison cried out in pain, she now understood why she was tied down to the bed. The acid had to dwell on her skin for only a short time, soon all of the areas on the front of her upper body had been treated. While she waited in agony for the pain to die way she saw the two native girls immerse their hands in the second pots.

The second pots contained an aloe vera lotion intended to sooth the treated areas, the two girls worked together to apply the welcome sedative. They both worked using their fingers and palms of their hands with one of the girls paying special attention to Alison’s sore breast and in particular her nipple. As their hands worked in the soothing lotion the stinging sensations began to ease and Alison felt a different kind of sensation, a strange one of pleasure as the two native girls continued on. Occasionally the lotion would spill on to the native girls own bodies and they would either rub it to their own skin or sometimes one girl would rub in the lotion if the other was busy tending to Alison. Two native men then came in and released the rope ties to turn Alison over so that the two girls could attend to her back. All the while the third older looking girl would just watch on.

Alison did not put up a struggle when tied down again revealing her back, the men left and the two younger looking girls repeated the same process, this time Alison knew what to expect as was waiting for the painful sting knowing that soon it would be soothed. There was only one spore trail across Alison’s bottom and this ran low, horizontally from one side to the other. The medicine man once more came in and tapped his staff, the two younger girls left, only the older girl remained. The older girl said nothing, just pausing for a moment to look, then dipped her bone in the acid lotion. The girl then blew gently across Alison’s cheeks to stimulate the spores to make them easier to remove. Alison was not expecting this and felt quite vulnerable as the older native girl blew across her left cheek, she seemed to pause for a moment, still blowing, just where Alison’s cheeks would touch. The native girl gently parted Alison’s cheeks, then continued on. Alison felt the first dab of the acid stick and winced knowing what was to come, the girl then moved her attention to the back of Alison’s thighs and then again at each calf. Alison was getting used to the sensations that her body was experiencing was, she thought, prepared for when the two native men would re-enter and turn her over, revealing once more her naked self to the older native girl.

This time the native girl started above Alison’s ankles, her trusty boots having protected her feet and toes. Alison was more than relieved that the leaves never got higher that her inner thighs, for one reason in particular, hair. Alison never felt the need to shave, she is a natural woman. The thought of having the native men pull the leaves away from an area where no man has seen let alone touched was to much to think about. The older girl continued upwards to Alison’s thighs with the acid bone, Alison had to part her legs slightly so that there would be no transfer from one leg to the other. The stinging was more intense here, maybe the spores were deeper and the older girl had stronger acid or maybe Alison’s senses were heightened because of the events that were unfolding. Once again, the aloe vera lotion was applied, but this time the girl only used her fingers, she seemed more skilful than the two younger girls before her. Alison was more aware of this girls fingers now as they moved up the back of her thighs towards her bottom, how high would she go wondered Alison.

The two native men entered the hut once more and the ritual process was repeated only this time they propped her upper body and head up so that Alison could see what was going on. Alison was more prepared now that she could see the older girl’s movements the two younger girls this time came in and stood either side of Alison also looking down at the older girl. Alison’s senses were at an all-time high as the older girl applied the acid, with each dab Alison flinched even more than the previous one. Alison began to shake as the acid bone reached ever closer to ‘that place’ as her mother used to refer. The leaves never got there so why was she heading closer with the acid bone thought Alice as she began to squirm, the two girls either side began to restrain her. Then she pulled back the acid bone much to Alison’s relief.

Alison was aware of the stinging sensations all over her legs and was again grateful as the older girl applied the aloe vera lotion with her skilful fingers again from the ankles upwards. As she reached Alison’s thighs she nodded to the two younger girls who then promptly placed their hands in the aloe vera pots. Alison wondered what was going to happen next, her breasts, particularly her right one was still a bit sore. The two younger girls waited. The older girl continued up towards ‘that place’ with her fingers. Alison was now quite nervous although the experience was pleasurable. The older girls fingers now reached Alison’s hair line, as she was blonde the outline of her pink labia was obvious to the native girls whose hair was much more dense and darker.

Alison could do nothing about what was happening as the older girl’s fingers moved along her labia but she did notice for the first time that the native girls’ breasts were slightly higher then hers and that the older girl’s breasts were firm and full while the two younger girls had yet to fully develop. Alison was intact as she was still a virgin, the older girl felt this and stopped immediately. Confused, Alison sat there, she felt strange at the thought of the older girl’s actions and coupled with the two younger girls, whose lotioned hands were all over her breasts, for the first time Alison felt aroused.

Had the older girl gone to get a male to come in and take her thought Alison, after all she was a virgin as all the other girls must be so that they can be promised to a male. She felt ill at the thought of a native male taking her in this way, she often thought of how she would lose her virginity on her wedding night and it was certainly not on makeshift bed in a mud hut in deepest darkest Africa.

The men came back into the hut and removed the rope ties and then took her outside, this was the first Alison saw of the village and its tribe. Now she was genuinely scared. They took her and bound her arms and legs to two upright posts in the centre of the village. Another man appeared, grander than all others. This must be the chief she thought. Night would soon fall so fires were lit in the clearing and the tribal drums were being played with all the men of the village in line, no women to be seen. Then the older girl from the mud hut appeared with what looked like war paint on her face which accentuated her high cheekbones and her dark eyes, she had what looked like another bone, larger than before, tied around her neck, resting on her high firm breasts, all that she as wearing was a small leopard skin skirt.

The men played on the drums and chanted in rhythm to their beat, all the while two men where rubbing some form of grease or a****l fat all over the near naked body of the older girl. The chief looked on and nodded to the medicine man who in turn came over to Alison and applied the same all over Alison’s trembling body. He came round to face her after doing her back and smiled broadly at Alison as his greased hand slid between her legs back and forth a couple of times. The medicine man is the only man allowed to touch a female there prior to marriage. Unbeknown to Alison, he had carried out the ceremonial fertility right.

Nsamba was being consumed in large quantities by both the men on the drums and the women in the mud huts. It was only good fortune that there was some palm wine being fermented otherwise the ceremony could not go ahead. The medicine man approached Alison and was carrying a rhino horn filled with Nsamba, he forced her to drink this cloudy white sap extracted from the many palm trees. It tasted sour and not dissimilar to the stiff gin cocktail that the Professor would make, and too, force her to drink but in slightly different circumstances and then tell stories of his time in Africa.

The drumming was loud and Alison found that her body was swaying to the rhythm. The nsamba was doing its trick, both the older girl and Alison bodies were gleaming in the firelight, the older girl was as if she was carved out of ebony, finely textured yet smooth all over when layered with oils and Alison was if she was made out of porcelain, translucent yet tough. Almost trancelike the older girl came over, her eyes unmoving, focused on Alison. Alison could sense something magical was going to happen, for the first time in her life she longed for contact of another.

They stood opposite each other, Alison was slightly taller and because of this their breasts met and pushed together as the older girl rubbed herself against Alison, who wished that the ropes were untied so that she could touch the beauty that stood before her. The rhythmic drumming stopped. As did the chanting. Instead a slow beat on one drum, boom, Alison counted to four then another boom, this time with two drums.

The older girl then reached for the ceremonial bone around her neck and pulled it free, snapping the chord. The bone was smooth and oiled up just like the older girl. She took it and traced a line from one of her thighs in an arc following the contours of her body, over and across her breasts, then down the other side to the other thigh. Alison was becoming mesmerised; the beat was the same but each one louder as another drum joined in. The older girl took the bone to Alison and traced the same trace as she did on her own body. She then pulled away her leopard skin skirt to reveal herself fully for the first time to Alison and then took the end of the bone and placed it inside her own special ‘that place’ She pushed it in deeper and then left for two beats then took out slowly and placed the end of the bone on Alison’s lips and then pushed it into her mouth so Alison could taste her.

Alison did and wanted more, but this time it was Alison who was to receive the bone in her own ‘that place’ The older girl knew that this would be the first time for Alison, so she placed it once more between her own legs to add more juices to the bone before she pushed it inside Alison. Alison could see what was coming and she allowed the older girl to push the bone up inside her. She winced momentarily but almost immediately the pain gave way to pleasure as the older girl moved the bone inside and out of Alison. The drums were still beating the slow loud beat. The bone was still inside Alison when the older girl moved closer and placed the other end of the bone inside herself. Alison was lost to the older girl now, who was thrusting her hips to the beat.

The chief waved his hands in an upward motion to call for an increase in the beat tempo, Alison was relishing the increase in tempo as the older girl thrusts were getting faster and faster until as the bone was pushing up against her clitoris for what seemed like the umpteenth time her body involuntarily reflexed and wave after wave of pleasure ran through her with an uncontrollable tingling sensation all over. The older girl then stopped and removed the bone from inside Alison and stood watching her. All Alison was thinking was that she had owned her body her whole life and had been missing out on such sensations as were delivered to her today and she would not make the same mistake again.
Alison was then cut down and carried to a larger, better equipped mud hut by two males and then laid on a bed made of the finest feathers. Soon the older girl joined her and they were left alone together to explore each other further. Alison was to learn that the older girl who had taken her was in fact the chiefs first born and only surviving c***d. This made Alison the wife of the next chief in line.

Wow, she thought as she was coming to terms with what happened over the last few months here in the Congo. Lost assumed dead she presumed as she had not made contact in over three months. Both of Alison’s parents were killed in a car crash in the early 30s leaving her ‘uncle’ to take care of her. The Professor was more of a father figure that he ever was and she will miss him, but not so much so as to turn her back on her new found freedom and self-awareness of who she really was.

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“Okay, m’ cunt, guys, are we all ready?” It was dawn, and outside the window a drear misty late-November morning was beginning to break, as Alison and her friends gathered in her room at Fuckers’ Hall.“Check!” they all chorused.“Okay, let’s go through it. Riley, are you and your friends clear about what’s happening?”“Yeah, I’m meetin’ ‘em at Oxfuck Circus at eight. From there, we’ll be able to see Chad comin’. Chad will turn norf towards All Cunts Langham Place, then weave ‘is way frough the...

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Miss Amanda JonesChapter 2

It’s my wedding day. The ink is drying on the proper lines, and the seals are embossed on the documents, so I’m legally a Mrs. now. It’s a little bizarre and surreal. I’m fourteen and married, and tonight I get to legally make love to my husband and best friend. After our honeymoon, I have to be back in school. I’ll undoubtedly be the topic of most of the gossip at school. I’m hoping no one gives Randy a bad time about having a fourteen-year-old wife. The principal knows about our wedding,...

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A new Story I've been working on, I've got a lot of it written already and i just need to format it A bit better. It's taking place in a Sliders type parallel universe where Women are 90% of the population like all my stories. It's femdom themed but "gender role reversal" more than humiliation or BDSM. Hope you enjoy it. Feel free to make requests. Full disclosure: it's written with AI DUNGEON. You are Tom, a low level employee at a large bank. Your boss Alison is very attracted to you and...

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Grandpa Jones

1 - Visiting Grandpa Jones 2 - The Secret of Life 3 - The Secret of Death 1 - Visiting Grandpa Jones "Hi, Grandpa," Brie called in greeting as she pushed her way into the hospital room. Ben Jones looked up at the movement he caught out of the corner of his eye, and smiled. Brie was the youngest of three grandchildren, and the only one he seemed to have a connection with. She had turned eighteen the month before, and was looking forward to her high-school graduation in a few short...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 7 Catherine ZetaJones

The least fun part about being an agent out here in Hollywood is having to do damage control when some sort of bad press happens to one of your clients. They say that any news is good news, but I have to disagree. Sometimes a celebrity can do something so stupid that it damages their career for the rest of their life. That is of course, if you let it happen. I was faced with one of those situations now and my mind was racing as I tried to grasp what to do. Sitting in front of me in tears was...

2 years ago
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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Erotic Tales Of Dana Jones Landing The Contract

Thursday afternoon, 2:00 pm  "Come on, Mark, fuck me… get on with it… yes… yes… oooh… that's it, Mark, let me feel it deep in me,” Dana moaned as Mark's searing hot flesh pierced her pink wetness. Her ragged breathing filled the office as his huge, thick cock jack-hammered into her silky hot tunnel. "Ooh, you fucking bastards," she groaned, head hanging down in a gesture of submission. Dana Jones, a tall, lithe, attractive 32-year-old, stood in front of her desk, her skirt and panties discarded...

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The Queen the King and the Kings Aide

The Queen, the King and the King's Aide By Rosie "The King will see you shortly," said the girl at the reception desk. The wait gave me time to admire her dress - it was most definitely made of pure silk, in a pale shade of purple. The fabric of her sleeves seemed to dance around her arms and when she got up to let me through the door, I saw there was a flounce to its skirts, as if she was wearing a petticoat. This was just another sign of the Queen's influence in the Royal...

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The Erotic Tales Of Dana Jones Landing The Contract Part 2

Thursday afternoon, 12.40 pmDana Jones stood in front of the vanity units in the office restroom and regarded herself critically in the enormous mirrors. Her dark shoulder length hair normally pulled back into an ugly bun, was loose and wild looking. The tiny amount of make-up she usually wore wouldn't have turned any heads in Los Angeles more popular singles bars, let alone the office, and that was fine. However, Dana was anticipating something a lot more exciting than an afternoon of looking...

5 years ago
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The Kingdom of Jones

1. The land between the rivers, in Southern Illinois, it’s called Little Egypt. There are coal mines, corn fields and enumerable small towns, that you don’t know about unless you’re from there. A little bit north of there is the land between the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers, it’s called the Kingdom. Trenton was right on the Illinois River, with the river on one side and the bluffs, or small hills on the other. The high school in Trenton was back away from the water and was situated right...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E17 Ashley Mathews 29 from Newcastle Northern Ireland

This week’s show begins with that same old rusty bedstead, and that same old dirty mattress. Pausing to take in the magnificent filthiness of it, then pulling back to reveal the bare concrete floor around it, and to take in the harsh lighting. And then we hear our guest of the week approaching, quick little footsteps ... Light clicks on the studio floor. We pan round to see what we’ve got this week and see a slight, pale, small-boobed lady walking in quick, short strides ... She’s not is a...

4 years ago
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The Erotic Tales Of Dana Jones Landing The Contract Part 4

Thursday afternoon 2.20 pmThe two men timed their thrusts, one pushing in while the other pulled out. It meant there wasn't a given moment when Dana’s orifices weren’t being ravaged by hard cocks. The double-barrelled action created a sensual roller coaster ride and wave after wave of pleasure rippled through her body. Unable to contain the depth of her ecstasy, Dana threw her head back and, with eyes closed, moaned loudly as the studs got into their stride.She couldn’t decide which cock was...

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The Erotic Tales Of Dana Jones Landing The Contract Part 3

Thursday afternoon 1.35 pmBefore approaching Dana from behind, Robert Cranton-Smith had unzipped his fly and fished out his erection in anticipation of her reaction. After wrapping his arms around her, he pushed his huge manhood into her shapely rear-end.Dana felt the hard flesh nestle between her buttocks, despite her tight skirt. She reached for it, and even with Robert's body pressing against her, she slipped her hand easily between them. Then her delicate fingers encircled his flesh. His...

4 years ago
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Taking Aunt Val to meet Mrs Jones

To give you a little background on me, I would have to say that I do not judge. I am here to give pleasure and help women achieve their ultimate fantasies - no matter how kinky or deviant they might be. I get off on helping women get off. I hope you enjoy exploring your deepest, darkest fantasies. That is the short note that I left for Aunt Val before heading out to work. I was still a bit weak from showing Aunt Val a taste of what she could expect. Today we had to finish up a job over at the...

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Mrs Jones p12

After two weeks Mrs Jones and her husband returned from their trip, and I had never been so excited to see my hot blonde older neighbour.And I think she was eager to see me as well, because the next day as I stood in the garage working on my moped again, Mrs Jones stepped out of her house and moved towards me.Dressed in jeans and a blue blouse she crossed our shared lawn area and stepped into my parents garage."Hey Robbie" she said smiling."Hi" I replied stepping towards her."Are you busy?" she...

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Miss Jones Our Substitute Teacher

I’m finally graduating high school. It has been an amazing four years. I’m a senior and will be having my graduation on Tuesday evening. I’ve done really well in high school. I have maintained an A average and have been on the National Honor Society all four years of high school. I also did very well on my SAT’s and received a scholarship to Rutgers University in New Jersey. I’m the quarterback for my football team. A few schools were interested in me, but I chose Rutgers University. Rutgers...

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Jones Beach

Jones Beach by Pamela ([email protected]) Chapter 1 Cathy Margolies, blonde and pretty with a sunny disposition locks the front door of her modest home in Seal Beach, California, and walks behind her fianc?, Brad Featherson, as he carries her luggage to his Jaguar XKE convertible parked at the curb. Brad, sandy-haired, tall, well-built and well-dressed is driving her to John Wayne A...

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Mrs Jones P7

I was sat watching TV in the afternoon, trying not to think about my hot blonde thirty something neighbour when my phone beeped and glancing at it, I saw the message 'Come over now, by the backdoor, let yourself in" from Mrs Jones.So I quickly stepped out of the house, climbed over the back fence into Mrs Jones's garden and strolled to her back door, then making sure no one was watching, I opened the back door and stepped inside.I then stood in Mrs Jones's sparkling clean kitchen and for a...

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Mrs Jones p3

It was a few days later when I got a text on my phone from Mrs Jones, my hot blonde neighbour, 'Meet me by my car in five minutes" it read and that's exactly what I did.As I crossed my parents front garden into Mrs Jones's, I saw my thirty something neighbour coming out of her house with another hot brunette woman about the same age."Hey Robbie, this is my best friend Polly, Polly this is Robbie my teenage neighbour from next door" she said introducing us."Hi Robbie" smiled Polly as she stood...

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The Ballad of Ms Jones

Chapter one Just ask me nicely To Ms. Jones' annoyance, Vito raised his hand when she asked the class if anyone had forgotten their gym strip. "Again, Vito?" The rest of the class snickered. Red faced, Vito nodded as big blond Trent Larson acted the spaz, flopping his muscular arm over his desk, provoking hooting from his cronies. "Quiet!" Ms. Jones, in six-inch heels, clacked over to Trent's desk, a ruler in her hand. Trent continued thumping his arm and making...

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Mrs Jones p4

It was a few days after I had fucked Mrs jones and her friend, and even though Mrs Jones had told me she would call me soon, I was soon getting frustrated and horny again, then my phone beeped and glancing at it I saw a text from Mrs Jones, and it read 'Come round now!"So I quickly dashed out of my parents house, climbed over the back fence into my neighbours garden, and moved towards her back door.Knocking on the door, I then stood impatiently waiting when finally the door opened and Mrs...

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Me and Mrs Jones

Me and Mrs Jones CHAPTER 1 The Trap is baited: "Me and Mrs Jones We've got a thing going on, And though I know it's wrong It's much too nice to leave alone." I'd often fantasised about getting one over on the stuck-up bitch who'd beenmy teacher at school. She'd always given me a hard time in my opinion and whenI left school and went into the local police force I plotted for ways to takemy revenge. One day I was going through records on my computer when I found some dynamitenews. I saw...

5 years ago
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Dean Jones

*All black characters; dont like it dont read.... get the fuck off my story.Standing at the average height of 5'6" with sandy brown hair cut pixie style and gray eyes Victoria was a knockout. Victoria had moved to a new town and was headed to school, new school new life. Victoria, or Vic for short enjoyed all types of activities. This is where the story begins...As the class re-entered the locker room to shower after gym for the day the girls began to talk. 'So Victoria- sorry, Vic, are you...

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Miss Jones Part One

When I was growing up back in the fifties, our family lived in a small Kansas town where everyone knew everyone. Besides the Catholic School, it had only one elementary school, one junior high, and one high school. Corporal punishment was a given, and my parents had signed papers allowing my teachers to punish me by spanking me. I didn't necessarily liked being spanked, but that was the way the school was run. This incident happened when I was eighteen years old and was in high school. I was...

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Mrs Jones p6

It was Friday night and I was sat at home waiting with my phone for Mrs Jones to call, it had been nearly two days since we last fucked, and because we had done it in the middle of the afternoon, in her back garden, and she had let me fuck her in the ass, I was now hornier than ever to touch her hot thirty something body again.But by eight o'clock I was beginning to think she would never call, when finally my phone buzzed 'Come to my backdoor in ten minutes' the message read, so I quickly...

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Nurse SmytheJones Loses Her Undies On The Night Shift

Ever since she had been a little girl, Hyacinth Smythe-Jones had wanted to be a nurse. She had originally wanted to be strictly a hospital nurse, but she realized her talents were better suited to private duty because she was a perfectionist at heart and wanted her charges to receive the best of care.Her most recent assignment was a good example of her unusual lifestyle.She was the nightshift nurse for a billionaire retiree that owned more golf courses that he could ever hope to visit in a...

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Mrs Jones p8

I sat at the front window on Saturday morning watching my neighbours drive way, and just as I had hoped Mr Jones came out with his golf clubs, put them in the back of his black Jag and a minute later he was driving off for his day of golf.I waited for a few minutes, and then a few more, but after nearly ten minutes Mrs Jones still hadn't text me and I began to grow impatient.I really couldn't wait to get my hands on my hot thirty something neighbours body and to feel her riding my cock once...

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Watching Mrs Jones

It was a warm and sticky August night. There was just enough light for Jason to see his watch. He saw thatit was after 10:00 PM as he sat there in the darkness waiting for the lovers to come. He knew they would come. He had no doubt about that. He had planned everything too perfectly and he was sure that nothing could possibly go wrong. He would be hiding out on the balcony when they returned and here he had a perfect hiding place to view the action. But yet, something was bothering him....

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Mrs Jones p10

"Good news" my mother said as I strolled into the kitchen "The Joneses next door are having a BBQ party this afternoon and we're invited!""Great!" I replied grinning."Why are you so happy?" my mother asked"I just like BBQ's" I replied before I quickly left the room.For the next few hours I sat watching TV, just trying not to get too excited about what might happen at Mrs Joneses party and then as I began to hear people arriving, I couldn't wait any longer.Throwing on a clean t-shirt I strolled...

3 years ago
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Professor Jones and His Student

“But Professor Jones, there has to be another way! I’ll do anything else to make up my grade, anything!” He shook his head, patting his lap once again. “Be a good girl and take the punishment you deserve, Maggie. If I have to tell you again, I’m afraid I’ll have to fail you.” Shaking with excited, nervous anticipation, Maggie stood up and walked over to the desk. She tried to think back, wondering how this had happened. Just weeks ago, Maggie Collins had been a normal college sophomore in her...

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Young Indy Jones the Gift of Wet Pussies

Young Indy Jones & the Gift of Wet Pussies Egypt 1916 Now in his sixteenth year of living, Henry “Indiana” Jones Jr. lay in his berth listening to the rhythmic clackety clacking of the steam engine’s steel wheels as they passed over the uneven rails of the Egyptian desert. Outside his darkened window nightfall had cloaked the never-ending landscape in a shroud of mystery and magic. What adventurous escapades awaited this daring young man in this wild, untamed land? [Part...

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Mrs Jones p11

It was Friday evening when I got a message from Mrs Jones, my hot blonde thirty something neighbour.'Come over!' it read, so slipping out of the house so my parents didn't see me, I climbed over the back fence like I had done several times now, and then made my way to the back door of Mrs Joneses house.As I reached the door, it opened and Mrs Jones stood there in just a white fluffy dressing gown, with her hair up in a bun and smiling at me eagerly."Come in!" she said and stepped into the...

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Training Mrs Jones

"Mrs Jones could you come to my office" "Yes Sir"About 10 minutes goes past before she arrives. Standing in the middle of my office."Mrs Jones sit down. We need to talk about your job performance. Frankly it's bad. Your typing is full of errors. Your at least 10 minutes late each day and then... You leave early. You have let your appearance become scruffy. What do you have to say for yourself?" "My husband lost his job and I don't have the money to spend on nice clothes any more. Please don't...

3 years ago
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Mrs Jones p5

It was a hot day, the sun was shining and I sat in the back garden in my shorts and t-shirt wondering when Mrs Jones, my hot blonde thirty something neighbour was going to call me next.It had been a few days since I had last fucked her and her friend, and as a teenager I was really begin to feel horny again.As I sat staring at my phone waiting for something to happen, I thought I heard some noise coming from Mrs Jones garden, and moved to the fence to see what was happening.Peering over I saw...

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Mrs Jones p9

It was a quiet day as I sat playing a video game, and was just beginning to wonder what my sexy hot older neighbour was doing, when my phone began to beep, and glancing at it, the text read 'Robbie, come over, I have a surprise!"So I quickly slipped out of the house, climbed over the back fence again, and made my way up to Mrs Jones's back door."Hey baby!" she said smiling, as she greeted me at the back door "Come in!"I stepped into the house, and then followed her through the kitchen and...

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THE PROS AND CONS TO HITCH-HIKING Episode One I screamed as the fire-engine red Porsche peeled out, spitting gravel at me like buckshot. I picked myself up off the ground. And just like that, he was gone, just as quick as he had cum. One look at my hard cock and the lousy prick shot his load before he could even undo his belt. It's not that he came so quick, I can handle that, it's that he abandoned me on that lonesome road...

4 years ago
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Mrs Jones p2

After fucking my hot thirty something blonde neighbour Mrs Jones, I could hardly think about any thing else, and for the next few days I hung at every window in my parents house waiting for her to call me over again.But to my frustration Mr Jones was suddenly spending time at home, and even though I caught her eye several times over the next few days, she never once indicated to me to meet her.Finally I couldn't take it any more, and slipping out of the house one afternoon, I climbed over the...

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Unforgettable Moments With Chandni

Hi iss reader Mastram is back with my unforgettable moment to share with u all,and thanks again for lovely feedback to my previous stories. To aap logo kaa jada time naa lete hue mai story pe aata hu,let me introduce to the lady her name is Chandni,figure 34 30 36 approx.Coming to the story. Ye baat tab ki hai jab mai Mumbai,Vasai shift hua mai apni studies ke liye mere ghr jo kafi time se band pada tha.Aur mai apne purane ghr aur aunties aur bhabhiyo ko bhi miss kar rha tha,but mai shift ho...

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Mr Jones

Mr. Jones has lived next door to my mom and I for a couple of years now and we have become good friends with him. Mom is always complaining to him what a bad girl I am and how I need someone to teach me a lesson. I never quite understand what she means by this, she is always saying to me that if I was Mr. Jones daughter he would know how to deal with me. She will even say that when I am standing right next to him and he just looks at me and grins. I like Mr. Jones, he is a good looking strong...

3 years ago
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Mrs Jones

The year I turned 14 I got my first job. My father had died 5 years earlier, and mom had her hands full, providing for me and my sister. There was never enough money to go round, and a weekly allowance was out of the question. Not that I complained much. I loved my mom and my sister, and our family was a good place to grow up. So when the need for money turned up, a ticket to a movie, a fancy add-on for my bike, or whatever, I got myself a job every afternoon. 'Office messenger boy' I believe...

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