- 3 years ago
- 34
- 0
Ashley, or was it, Alison.
The present:
We knew that the full moon could be a problem, it was too bright, and we were sure to be spotted as we approached the marina. We were going to have to delay until it set. The ideal time for us to approach the yacht would have been 1:30 AM, but the moon didn’t set until 2:30 and we needed to be back on the ‘Girl,’ well before any of the local fishermen began stirring when dawn broke.
The three of us waited by the beached zodiac, dressed in black wetsuits. We watched as the moon crawled towards the horizon. At last, it disappeared, and the moon glow vanished, leaving the sea and the coastline of the island in almost complete darkness. Our only illumination the countless stars in the night sky and the reflected lights from the small town the other side of the marina.
No words were required, the inflatable was launched, and the almost silent electric outboard started. We headed out to sea, moving out of the safety of the cove and began the long sweep around the headland that hid our destination.
Part 1: London - Lost Love Found
The hotel bar had been slowly filling up as the nearby theaters and restaurants emptied. I sat back in my chair at the bar, and managing to catch the eye of the barman, pointed at my empty glass. He nodded and a few moments later, a fresh glass of Armagnac sat in front of me.
As I picked up the glass and inhaled the heady aroma, I was deep in thought. Jesus Christ, that really had been Alison in the restaurant. Shit, talk about a walk down a deep dark and very painful memory lane.
I raised my glass to my reflection in the mirror behind the bar and drank a toast to the man I’d become. The thirty-year-old man reflected in the glass toasted me back. I’m Josh, Joshua Thomas, but only my mother calls me by my full first name. I’m a tad over six feet when I’m not sitting down and staring at myself. I’m no Adonis but then nor am I Quasimodo. I’m Mr. Middle of the road, and I was emotionally wrung out from the events of the last couple of days.
I hadn’t been back to London for a couple of years; hell, I hadn’t been back in the UK. A week ago I’d been enjoying the sun on the deck of the ‘Lost Girl, ‘ my forty-five-foot sailing catamaran moored in the marina in Valencia harbor, and I’d no plans to leave the Mediterranean. My boat was my life; it was my home, it nurtured me because I was damaged goods, and Alison was the reason I was damaged goods.
I had required a good reason to decide to return to the country of my birth, and that reason was why I was sitting here. I’d been relaxing on the bench in the cockpit of my boat, contemplating my upcoming cruise to the Aegean Sea. I could sail the Lost Girl single-handed at a pinch, but it was a lot easier with help. I’d put the word out amongst the local sailing community to see if I could find someone interested in joining me for the trip. There were usually several ex-students hanging around looking for a cheap way to travel the Med. I’d met with several and one girl; Mandy stood out.
She was 21 and an experienced sailor, her parents had an apartment on the island, and Mandy was living on their 35 ft. Yacht moored the other side of the marina. I met with her, her boyfriend and her parents for a drink at a local bar, and she impressed me with her calm confidence. She’d been sailing since she was ten and was looking to travel and earn a little pocket money during a gap year between her bachelor’s degree and starting her masters.
Her boyfriend, Paul, wasn’t as experienced but at least understood one end of a rope from the other. Initially, I’d only anticipated taking on one crew, but they looked so happy at the chance to sail together I offered both of them a place, with the usual conditions. I’d cover all their expenses, pay a small salary and provide transport to an airport and a ticket home when the trip was over.
That’s was when my phone rang, and I learned that Stephen had died. I told them I’d be back in a week and caught a flight the next day.
The reason I had returned was to attend the funeral of an old university friend and honor his parents request that I give one of the eulogies. That wasn’t why I was sitting at the bar contemplating drowning my sorrows; that was a deeper, darker and very personal reason.
The funeral service had been the usual depressing event that I’d anticipated. Stephen and I had gone to school and university together before going our separate ways, but we’d been good friends and had continued to keep in touch. I’d been stunned when I got a call the previous week from his parents, telling me he’d been killed in a freak skiing accident and asking me if I would please give the eulogy.
I met up with several other university friends at the funeral, and five of us had agreed to meet up the next evening for a meal. Paul, who was a very successful journalist, had managed to get us a table at one of the very latest fashionable restaurants in the west end.
The evening had begun with great promise. This was the first time in several years that all of us had been able to catch up. It was nice that after the somberness of the funeral, we were able to relax. There were five of us, Paul, Catherine, Julia and her husband, William, had met up in the bar of my hotel for a drink before walking to the restaurant. We sat and enjoyed the good food and wine, reminiscing about Stephen and his exploits at university; our version of an Irish wake. Then catching up with everything else that we’d been up to.
As the meal drew to a close, Julia grasped my arm and gestured across the room. She said, “Isn’t that Ashley Bell, the actress, over there?”
God, I hoped she was wrong, I turned to see where she was pointing. My stomach turned to ice and my evening to shit. She sat in the corner of the restaurant, the woman’s whose face was indelibly engraved in my mind. There were some subtle differences: her nose looked cuter. She’d apparently lost that little dimple on her chin. Her long blonde hair has a more golden tone to it, but it still flowed down her back. She was smiling as she spoke to her companion across the table from her; he was a handsome man in his mid-thirties. Oh yes, I knew this woman; only when I’d known her, she was know as Alison Peters. Seeing her brought back all those bad memories of abandonment that I thought I’d managed to suppress.
I gave Julia a noncommittal shrug, “I can’t tell.” I lied and then, hoping to deflect her interest said, “I don’t think so.”
I was lying to her and myself; there was no doubt in my mind it was Alison.
“I’m sure it is,” Julia insisted. “I love her films. I’m going to ask her for her autograph.”
I started as Julia stood up. I watched as she made her way across the room and asked the actress for her autograph. A man at a close by table half stood, only to settle back down at a nod from Alison/Ashley. She smiled at her, and they spoke for a few moments. Julia pointed back at our table, Ashley looked across at us, and our eyes met. For a moment she looked puzzled then her mouth open in; surprise, shock, horror, I couldn’t tell? My feeling of nausea grew unbearable, I stuttered my apologies, and dropping some money on the table, I hurried away. I glanced back and saw Julia looking at me in surprise and Ashley holding on to her arm and speaking urgently to her.
The streets were wet, and I pulled up my collar against the cold wind and rain. My mind was as cold as the wind, and I shivered as I made my way back to the hotel and the warmth of the bar. My phone rang several times, but I ignored it.
How do I describe Alison? Everyone already knows her as Ashley Bell, the actress. I gather she’s supposedly one of the world best actresses of our generation, one who had been nominated for an Oscar for several of her films. To me, she’d always be Alison Peters, Ali, the girl who used to live next door. The girl I’d grown up with. My first girlfriend and was the girl who’d broken my heart and destroyed my confidence in myself as a man.
She’d been five when I first met her. We had moved into the house next door, and my first recollection of her was a blonde haired girl peering over the low fence between the back gardens. Her face was smudged with dirt, she smiled at me, and the five-year-old me met my soulmate.
“Another?” The barman’s question interrupted my thoughts. I focused on him and was surprised to find my glass was empty.
“Please.” A moment later, a fresh glass was before me. I picked it up and swirled the amber liquid around the glass and inhaled the heady aroma before returning to my memories.
She’d been my best friend throughout my childhood. Her parents, Michael and Joyce, had become my second parents. We held hands as we first walked the short distance to school. She’d given me my first kiss at my eighth birthday party. I was the only person she would let call her Ali, and she was the one who called me Jos, no one else was allowed!
At the age of fourteen, she was a beautiful teenager who showed the promise of the stunning woman she was going to be. She was also possessive; she walked up to me at the school disco and pulled me away from the girl with whom I was dancing. She slapped the girl and told her to stay away from her boyfriend. Then she wrapped herself around me pulling my face down for a kiss that had all my teenage hormones buzzing.
At the age of 16, she was the most beautiful girl in the school. She rejected the advances of the most eligible boys and confirmed our relationship at every opportunity she could.
Then a brief 18 months later, she was gone, vanishing in the blink of an eye from my world.
It had all the elements of a grand Shakespearean tragedy. My grandfather had moved to Australia to live with his new wife. My grandmother had died before I was born, and several years ago he’d met and fallen in love with Beverley, an Australian woman he’d met on a cruise. They’d been in a serious traffic accident, Beverley had died, and granddad wasn’t expected to survive.
Beverley had no family, so my parents and I flew over to be with him. He died a week after we got there and it took another two weeks to sort his and Beverley’s estates out before we were able to fly home.
I had been desperate to see Alison after almost four weeks away. I’d missed her so much, and I’d made my mind up that I’d never be separated from her again. Amongst my grandfather’s belongings had been my grandmother’s engagement ring. An impressive diamond and sapphire ring. My parents had offered the ring to me, and I was going to be able to give her the ring to seal our engagement. We had agreed that we would get engaged on her 18th birthday and marry after we had completed university. Now I had a ring; I wanted to show it to her.
I was out of the car before it had even stopped, the ring box in my hand. Then I stopped dead in my tracks. Their house was empty, the windows bare of curtains and an estate agent’s sold sign lay on its side in the front garden.
“There was an almighty row a few days after you left,” Mrs. Carpenter from across the road told us. “The police came and took the husband away. The wife and daughter packed up and left the next day.”
She had no idea where Alison and her mother had gone. “Michael came home after a couple of days with a big van, emptied the house and put it up for sale. It was sold last week, and nobody knows where Michael has gone. The new owners are moving in next month.”
“But didn’t Alison leave any messages for me?” I asked, barely able to speak as I fought back my tears.
“No lad, she got injured in the fight and was taken to the hospital, she never came back here. It was Joyce who came back the next day and packed up the suitcases for her and Alison.”
“What, who hurt her?”
“I don’t think it was that serious lad, she was holding her arm when they put her in the ambulance, that’s all,” Mrs. Carpenter said. Then said in a so-so voice to my mother. “She from number 45 said that Michael caught Joyce in bed with her fancy man, her American boss.”
Nobody could tell me what had happened to Alison. After watching me mope around for several days, my father went to Joyce’s office and spoke to some of her colleagues.
When he got back, he told me, “I’m sorry son, they couldn’t or wouldn’t tell me much. Joyce and her boss have resigned. They think the three of them have gone to America. I’m sure Alison will get in touch as soon as she can.”
She didn’t, I wallowed in my misery for some years. I sleepwalked through most of my first year at university, only coming out of my shell because of the attention of my flatmate, Stephen, and his friends, the same Stephen I’d given the eulogy for the day before.
I had to wait ten years before I got my first clue as to her whereabouts, and it came in the last place I’d expected. I was 38,000 feet above the Atlantic Ocean, flying to Canada, and there was her face staring out at me from the monitor set in the back of the seat in front of me. She was the female lead in the film I was watching.
I know that given the current culture of 24/7 entertainment news, it was inconceivable that I hadn’t been aware of her career as an actress earlier, but in my defense, I have been living on a boat for most of the past five years, and as I discovered, she was no longer calling herself Alison.
I rarely watched the television, and when I could, only for the sports. The only time I ever bothered to watch films was when I was flying, and then only if I hadn’t got anything to read. I’d only decided to watch that film as it was an adaptation of a book I’d enjoyed.
Books, music and the local cuisine were my choices for enlightenment, not that surprising, as I was a travel writer, and I liked to embrace the local culture. I paid the bills by writing holiday and travel articles for magazines and the Sunday supplements. I paid for the luxuries by being a semi-successful novelist, selling just enough copies to live comfortably on a sailing boat in the Mediterranean.
Her face haunted me from the screen, yet I couldn’t recall seeing her name in the details of the film. She was the woman I’d loved so deeply that after she disappeared it took me years of therapy to get over her and attempt to lead a normal life, or at least as normal as possible.
It wasn’t until I checked the credits at the end of the film for her name that I worked out that she was now going by the name of Ashley Bell, a name that sounded vaguely familiar. I remembered reading sometime in the past that Ashley Bell was an academy award winning actress.
The flight I was on was the start an important business trip, and I was kept very busy for the first few days. In what little spare time I did have I cyber-stalked the woman Alison had become. It took me a few days to locate her; she was in Australia on the set of her next film.
I tried to get in contact with her. I guess thousands of people send her messages each year. I found the name of her agent and email contact address for Alison. I emailed her. A simple message where I used her real name and professional one. I gave what I thought was enough details of her earlier life that should have indicated that I really knew her. I gave them my contact details and sat back and waited hopefully.
Several days later, I got a message back to say that Miss Bell had read my mail with interest but was sorry she didn’t recall me and couldn’t enter into personal correspondence with her fans. I’d tried her Twitter account and fan site at the same time and was equally ignored. What little hope that I’d get answers to my overriding question of why seemed dashed. It seemed she didn’t recall the boy who lived next door to her for so many years. She’d obviously moved on and wanted nothing to do with her old life.
I thought it would have hurt to be ignored again, yet somehow, it didn’t. I suppose that time had insulated me from my younger emotional self. That’s when I understood my feelings; just what seeing her again after all these years meant to me and the revelation I had only been interested in finding out why she’d never tried to contact me all those years ago. Now, even that didn’t matter anymore.
Now, two years later, after having accepted that Alison would never be part of my world. I’d seen her in the flesh, and suddenly those feelings of loss I thought I was over, were overpowering back. All I could think about was to get as far away as I could. Totally irrational behavior I know, but finally seeing her once more had brought back all those feelings of heartache and loss I’d thought I was over. The thought that she probably wouldn’t acknowledge me if I’d tried to speak to her was more than I could bear.
The noises of the bar drew me back to the present, and I drained my glass. I must have been musing for some time as the crowded bar had thinned out somewhat; there were only a dozen stalwarts left.
My phone buzzed, for the umpteenth time and again I ignored it. A voice I’d never forget spoke softly from behind me.
“Damn you Jos, are you going to keep on ignoring calls from your first girlfriend, your oldest friend?”
I didn’t move; I kept staring at the glass in my hand. “My oldest friend,” I said bitterly, “would have found a way to get in touch twelve years ago. My girlfriend would have known she was breaking my heart. She may have even considered answering my emails two years ago, but apparently, now she’s far too fucking important to correspond with ‘old friends,’ especially one she doesn’t recall. Are you sure you’ve got the right person?”
I heard a sob and felt a presence settle on the stool beside me, but I didn’t look at her.
“I’m sorry, Jos,” She said tearfully. “I didn’t know I’d hurt you that much.”
“Don’t call me that, only one friend was allowed to call me that, and you aren’t her anymore.”
There was a silence that was finally broken by another sob. “Jos I’ll go if you want me to, but please, love, let me try to explain what happened.” She looked nervously at me. “Can we go somewhere a bit more private and talk?” she pleaded.
I looked around the bar, most of the patrons were subtly, and in a couple of cases, blatantly watching us. No, not watching us, her!
I was sure I was going to regret this, yet I wanted to know why she’d abandoned me so completely all those years ago. I was bitter that she’d thought so little of me.
“I can ask if there’s somewhere quieter, or I’ve got a room here, we can talk there if you want,” I offered.
“I’d prefer to use your room.”
I nodded in agreement, and she stood and stepped away while I signed the check. I added a generous tip, thinking that at least one person should benefit from the disaster of the night.
Turning, I saw her in the doorway that led to the lobby, the man she been sitting with at the restaurant was standing by her side, holding her arm possessively. I wondered who he was; friend, boyfriend, lover, husband? The possibilities were endless. He didn’t look happy with me, casting icy glances in my direction as he spoke to her. I hung back, the last thing I wanted to do was to walk into a domestic argument. I stayed where I was, leaning on the bar.
“You know Ashley Bell?” the barman asked. “I couldn’t help overhearing the two of you.”
What business was it of his, but to my surprise I found myself saying. “I knew her a long time ago, but this is the first time I’ve seen her in years.” I nodded in her direction, “Any idea who the guy with her is?”
The barman gave me a surprised look, “You don’t know much about her, do you. He’s her ex-boyfriend; there was a story on E News a few days ago that he wanted a reconciliation.”
“Fine, I understand the ex-boyfriend bit, but you still haven’t told me who he is?”
“Shit, you really don’t know anything about her. That’s Simon Davies, you know, the actor; they stared in that film last year. Lovers on and off the screen, so they say.”
His name sounded familiar, but as I’d said, I was no movie buff. As I watched he put his arm around her, she shrugged it off and pushed him away. He glared at me before spinning around and walking away.
“I guess no reconciliation then,” I said to the barman, and he gave a short laugh.
She gave me a curt come here gesture, which given my emotional state, really pissed me off. Who the hell did she think I was, some type of lapdog to be called to heel? I walked away and used the second exit that led to the lifts. She hurried after me and caught up as I waited for the elevator doors to open.
She gave me a surprised look; I doubted that she’d been ignored like that for years. One look at the expression on my face told her I was not amused by her attitude.
She grasped hold of my arm. “Please, Jos, don’t go, I can explain,” she said. “I accepted Simon’s invitation this evening to try and clear the air between us. Unfortunately, he read more into the acceptance than I intended. Seeing you at the restaurant was such a shock, I couldn’t get rid of him fast enough. Your friends gave me your number and told me where you were staying. He must have followed me here.”
“Ali, I don’t care about your personal life. I do get pissed off when you start acting all high and mighty. I’m not a dog you can call to heel when it suits you.”
She looked shocked at my statement and then embarrassed. The elevator doors opened, I entered the paneled and mirror-lined box and pressed the button for my floor. The doors were starting to close when she hurried in to stand beside me. We stood in silence as the elevator rose to my floor and the doors opened; she followed me out and down the corridor to the door of my room. I entered the room, and she hesitated in the doorway.
“Can I come in?” she asked. I nodded, and she stepped in and closed the door behind her.
I hung my coat on a hook and took off my jacket and placed it on the back of a chair. My room had a seating alcove by the windows. The room was a corner suite, softly lit by one light in the bed head and another lamp by the chairs in the window alcove. Ali stood watching me move about with an odd expression on her face. I held out my hand, and she slipped off her coat. She was wearing a dark blue strapless dress that fell a couple of inches above her knees. Her long slim legs were encased in stockings that shimmered. Her beauty took my breath away, and I had to swallow hard to try and get my emotions under control.
“Do you want to sit down?” I asked.
She looked at me gratefully and sat down on one of the comfy chairs by the window. She folded her hands in her lap.
“Would you like a drink, I’ve got a bottle of whiskey, or I guess there’ll be wine or beer in the minibar.”
“A glass of white wine if you’ve got it.”
I found a bottle in the minibar and poured a glass for her, placing it on the table. “So what should I call you; is it Ashley, or do you still answer to Alison?” I asked.
“I’ll always be Alison for you, and I’m happy that you still think of me as Ali. Ashley lives in a fantasy world that I’m not sure you would want to be part of.”
I poured myself a whiskey and settled into the other chair. “So, do you want to explain why you broke my eighteen-year-old heart?”
“I was.” she paused and shook her head. “I’ve always been in love with you Jos. After what happened in the house...”
“Yeah, you really showed how much you loved me,” I interrupted, then took a deep breath and asked. “What did happen? All I ever heard was speculation and innuendo.”
“Mum was having an affair, that’s what happened,” Alison replied, “and she dragged me into the fallout.”
She took a long swallow from her glass, and I filled it again. “It was all so stupid,” she said. “I was sick at school and needed to go home. They called my parents but couldn’t get through to Dad; when Mum arrived to collect me, she was with her boss, Chad. I didn’t pay much attention to his presence; I was feeling so sick, after Mum checked me out I went straight up to my bedroom. Chad stayed downstairs with her. Dad must have picked up his messages as he came home early and found them together on the sofa. There was a screaming match going on, and it woke me up. Unfortunately, I was still groggy, and I slipped on the last couple of stairs. I put out my hand to stop myself and broke my arm.”
She shook her head. “I only cracked a bone in my wrist.”
“So the rumors were true; your mum was having an affair.”
Ali nodded, “It had apparently been going on for some time. I wasn’t aware how bad it had become between my parents. He’d been hitting her when I wasn’t around.”
That surprised me; he’d played the innocent party when he’d spoken my parents. They were convinced it had been all Joyce’s fault
“Dad had come home early because of the message from the school and caught them,” she continued. “I remember sitting on the bottom steps looking into the lounge. Mum was holding her unbuttoned blouse closed, and her bra was on the floor at her feet. Chad only had his trousers on. They all stopped shouting when they heard me hit the wall.”
“Mrs. Carpenter said you were taken away in an ambulance.”
“Yeah, Mum called one when she saw me holding my wrist. She wouldn’t let Dad come with us. I spent the night in the hospital, and then Mum took me to a hotel, and we stayed there for a couple of days. The next thing I know we’re at Heathrow and we are flying to America with Chad. I didn’t want to go, but Mum insisted. We stayed in a cabin in Colorado for the first couple of months.”
“Why didn’t you call or write?”
“I wasn’t allowed to contact you, just in case you told my father where we were. Mum said Dad was threatening to kill both of us for running away.”
“Bullshit, why would I tell your father, I haven’t seen him since you left.”
“But he lives next door to your parents.”
“None of us have seen him for years. Your house was empty and sold before we got back from the funeral. We only saw him a couple of times. Christ, your mum knew that. In any case, all you had to say was ‘don’t tell my dad,’ and I wouldn’t have.”
“Shit,” Ali looked horrified at my statement. “I swear she never told me that. After a couple of months, Chad got a transfer to Dallas, and we moved to a small town near Dallas after the cabin. They got married a few months after her divorce came through.”
She paused to sip her drink. “I was told that my father was sending threatening letters to Chad’s company. We got a visit from a company security officer, who told us the FBI was warning us to be careful. I wanted to write to you, but I was scared, I had to do an extra year of schooling so I could graduate. It was a new school, and it was all so different. Then a year had passed, and you hadn’t contacted me, and I sort of forgot.”
“Forgot, you sort of fucking well forgot me! How the hell was I supposed to get in contact? I had no clue where you were. Well, I’m glad it was that easy for you. I cried myself to sleep every night for six months. I had to see a Counselor for the best part of a year because Mum and Dad thought I was suicidal.”
Her hand touched mine, and she made me put the glass down. She pulled me around to face her. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am; everybody kept telling me you’d get over me. You were in Australia, and then my world turned to crap.”
“How do you think I felt, at least you knew where I was!”
She gave a sob and tears formed in the corners of her eyes. I got a box of tissues from beside the bed and gave them to her. She dabbed at her face.
“All I know was I came downstairs, and Daddy was shouting at Mum and trying to kill Chad. Mum was trying to stop him. He just lashed out at her and then me when he tried to get in the ambulance, I was scared, and I just shouted at him to go away. That’s the last time I saw him.”
“I lived fucking next door; you could have least got your mum to stick a note through the bloody letterbox before you did your midnight flit.”
“It all happened so quickly; one day we were a happy family, then everything I thought I knew changed. We were on a plane two days later, and then we were staying in an isolated cabin in the mountains for a couple of months, I never got a moments peace. By the time we were settled, England and everything seemed a dream. My reality became a small town in Texas.”
Introduction: Another lewd trip to St Tropez…. This account is directly after my tale of Alisons journey, and because it has been too long telling it of one day in the South of France, I have divided it into 2 chapters, but both related. Of course as I publish these true tales, IF I dont get any comments on my writing, I will stop publishing, my tales and true-life adventures here. A lot of people seemingly read my words, but as yet, no comments. [It is the worst poosible thing for an author] ...
“Hey, Alison, suck my cock! How’re you doing?” said Rob, his eyes lighting up at the sight of her spit-covered face peeping out from under Claire’s ass.“Shit, Rob, I wasn’t expecting you. But… come in…” said Alison uncertainly, not really knowing what else to do. “Claire, Brad: this is Rob – Rob: Claire and Brad.”“Suck my cock, Claire,” said Rob politely. “Fuck a bitch, Brad.”“M’ pussy,” muttered Claire. “Bitch,” grunted Brad. Both were surprised to see a total stranger – and a black man to...
HardcoreAlison Bond is lead into the room buy the leash hooked to the blue collar around her neck. At the end of her leash a black hooded male slave. Sitting on the coach in the hotel suite is her master. He looks at her as orders her to come and kneel before him. The hooded man hands the leash to the master turns and leaves the room.Master grabs a naked tit and asks: ?How are you cunt???Fine Master? she answers. ?How may I serve you???Crawl over the table and come back with the flogger.?Alison...
“OH FUCK, I CAN’T FUCKING DO THIS!!!” screamed Alison in frustration. She was standing naked in the bathroom, scowling angrily at a flexible suction-cup dildo which waggled mockingly at her from her wall-length mirror. Her mouth was drooling – but her pussy was not. There was nothing, Alison thought, nothing at all pleasant about trying to deepthroat a dildo.“What is it, pretty cunt?” called Claire from the bedroom.“THIS FUCKING DILDO! I CAN’T FUCKING TAKE IT!!” replied Alison.“I’ve never known...
HardcoreDear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.It was Saturday morning,...
Incest“Fucking or Non-Fucking?” asked the lady behind the ticket counter.“Fucking, please,” replied Alison confidently.“First Class or Shit Class?”“First, please.”“Two-berth, four-berth, or seat?”“Uh… what’s the difference?”“Well, it’s a long journey, so frankly, if you’re planning on doing any fucking, I would avoid the seat carriages. You can just about give a blowjob, but there’s barely room to spread your legs. Are you travelling alone?”“Yes.”“Then I’d go for a four-berth fucker. More fun that...
HardcoreAlison trudged despondently homeward-bound up Tottenham Cunt Road. She was numb, bewildered, livid. “FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!” she screamed. There was no reaction from any passers-by, for whom the word, in Enlightened Europe of the twenty-first century, was mere background noise. “WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, CLAIRE?” Alison shouted into the middle-distance. “WHAT RIGHT DO YOU HAVE TO FUCKING…” – she quietened her voice now, so as not to cause public offense – “… ‘love’ me? What the...
LesbianIt was a quiet time at the beach. The period between spring break and the summer crowds. There were a few surfers in the water and some families farther down the shore. You could tell when the shuttle boat arrived as the crowd, if you would call it that would migrate and change.Alison sat on the white sandy beach and looked out over the emerald clear waters of the Gulf. White puffy clouds were lazily drifting across the blue sky as a warm and humid breeze churned up the waves. The six foot...
Alison always felt safe going back to work in the afternoons. She was a teacher in a school that was safe. The students, she thought, all liked her. The janitors were always around and the school had no problems. She had no idea that this day would be different. As she walked into her classroom, she turned on the lights. She turned on the computer and began to get the grades ready for the mid term progress reports. She pulled up her chair and crossed her ankles. She began entering the...
Introduction: the end after chapter 1 Chapter Two After we lay quiet for a while, the two cocks still embedded in me&hellip,.the filling of the sandwich, we staggered to the shower. It was big enough for the three of us and I could only sit on the tiles and get soaked. A soapy hand lifted my arm and flexed my fingers and were slipped into a warm cosy place. Looking up in the spray, Joelle had pushed my fingers into her bald pussy, and with more soap, squeezed my entire hand up into her cunt....
Introduction: Continuing with Alison and helping her with her sex-life ALISON UNCOVERED 2 This is the continuing adventures with my new found friend, a married english gal, just moved into my local village&hellip,and who I wickedly seduced and opened her up to a new vibrant world of sex. Husbands away, wives go out to play, especially when plied with the local wines. Alison and I returned to my home after an outrageous outing to St. Tropez market. Watching (and photographing) Alison,...
“Where’s Claire?” asked Dick-Dick – for indeed, Claire was missing.“She was with Danica and Johnny,” said Alison. “I think she wanted to catch the beginning of their lecture.”“Ah – excellent idea,” said Dick-Dick, “but I hope she isn’t late. We all have to go in as a group here.” It was nearly three o’clock, and Dr Dick and the NDF students were gathered in the lobby of the Princess Asshole Hospice on Oxfuck Street.“I’m here!” came a voice, as Claire flung herself through the glass double...
HardcoreAlison had been out on a hen do with her friends,and its fair to say it had been a heavy night. They'd met at 6, and here we were at 3AM. The girls were all absolutely wasted, but they were giddy and they were happy. The club was closing up, so all the girls left and went to a takeaway for food. The queue was crazy, and the girls were all laughing and joking, as they waited for their greasy, late night food. They'd left the club, probably some 20 minutes ago now, and, as the girls started to...
“TITS!” declaimed Cunts, baring her own. Nor was Cunts wearing her auto-dildo today – “presumably because she doesn’t need it to suck tit!” whispered Claire to Alison as they resumed their normal stations in “the Money Lab”. Monday morning marked the beginning of a new topic in Professor Cunts’ morning sessions: Female Oral – “kissing, tit-sucking, cunt-eating, and rimming,” explained the Professor. “The latter term, today, refers to rimming female assholes, in case you were wondering, girls:...
HardcoreDr Hildegard Fotzenficker had had a hard couple of weeks. “Fucking overagers, fucking Undesirables, fucking escapees – fuck the whole fucking lot of them!” she grumbled to herself, as she sat at her large oak desk in her office at the Princess Asshole Hospice. “To ruin that whole funeral party – and to force me to implement Emergency Measure Number Six – ungrateful fucking fool! He could have gone in the ecstasy of Pleasure if he had been more co-operative. As it is, he died in pain, in a...
MasturbationSo after the Christmas party, Alison was very keen to have round two with, now let give him a name, not his real name but better than guy, so we will cal him Bill.So Alison and Bill have arranged to spend the night in a hotel together, they have not seen to much of one another at work with the Christmas holidays, but enough to chat about what they did and decide they had no regrets and were both keen to meet more privately this time. For me I had been encouraging this to happen especially...
“Okay, m’ cunt, guys, are we all ready?” It was dawn, and outside the window a drear misty late-November morning was beginning to break, as Alison and her friends gathered in her room at Fuckers’ Hall.“Check!” they all chorused.“Okay, let’s go through it. Riley, are you and your friends clear about what’s happening?”“Yeah, I’m meetin’ ‘em at Oxfuck Circus at eight. From there, we’ll be able to see Chad comin’. Chad will turn norf towards All Cunts Langham Place, then weave ‘is way frough the...
HardcoreA new Story I've been working on, I've got a lot of it written already and i just need to format it A bit better. It's taking place in a Sliders type parallel universe where Women are 90% of the population like all my stories. It's femdom themed but "gender role reversal" more than humiliation or BDSM. Hope you enjoy it. Feel free to make requests. Full disclosure: it's written with AI DUNGEON. You are Tom, a low level employee at a large bank. Your boss Alison is very attracted to you and...
I started chatting to this woman called Alison. She seemed really nice. We shared photo's and dirty text messages for about a week. This was the first week after I had moved out from my wife. So when she asked if I wanted to meet her I jumped at the chance. I drove to mermaids wharf Cardiff, and we arranged to meet in the Japanese restaurant. When she walked in my cock sprung to attention. I got us a drink each and we sipped and chatted.After about 5 minutes she whispered to me that she needed...
Alison’s Awakening Preface Chapter One Mrs Alison Barber is one of a new breed of middle aged housewives that are exploring a new sexual freedom. She calls it her ‘enlightenment’. Many of her close friends are experiencing a similar sexual renaissance as well. Like many women of her generation, sex in the early days of her marriage was new and exciting. Alison was a virgin when she met her husband Michael. The pressures of working life, commuting, keeping house, raising a child, and caring...
Alison was young, short, sassy. Her body’s curves had a power over me. She was controlling. She would tell you what to do, like, ‘come over here fucker!’ I loved it. I love when girls have brashness. Alison could make me do anything. All she had to do was start kissing and grinding me. It was dirty. She was too little, too cute to be that sexy. Then, when she had me, she could say yes or no or lick my shoe or whatever she wanted and I would do it, and she knew it. She wasn’t evil. We had sex...
Introduction: A teenage girl going through Highschool Living with all older boys and a younger sister is hard for any teenage girl. Being 17, 53, naturally dark brown hair and 110 lbs with almost D sized boobs, only made it that much harder. I live with my dad, my older brother whose probably around 200lbs, on the football team with brown hair as well, and my younger sister who looks very similar to me but her hair is a shade lighter than mine and not fully developed. Mom passed away just as I...
Ah, HentaiFoundry. One of my favorites! Puberty is such a weird time. All of a sudden, you’re flooded with hormones telling you to fuck everything you see. A minute ago, you were just trying to watch cartoons, and now you can’t even see an animated pair of breasts without wanting to whack off. It’s no wonder, so many of you pervs grew up still wanting to look at drawings of superheroines while getting your porn fix. If you’re into comics and cartoons cunts,, aka hentai...
Hentai Porn SitesEventually they divorced and he left Alison with the house to sell and it sold and she bought a small 2 bedroom house as there was just her. It is a nice house. 2 decent sized bedrooms and a bathroom with a bath and shower cubicle, sink and toilet the only problem was the colour of the untiled partition of the wall in the bathroom. It was a deep blue The main bedroom needed redecorating and the rest of the house could do with a smarten up. As I was out of work and had done some...
Alison was one of the sweetest, cutest little girls that I have ever seen. Sandy coloured hair, incredibly pale skin, beautiful little body, butter melting smile, ocean blue eyes. On this particular day, Alison was wearing a little pink t-shirt, denhan overall, and little white sandals. I had woken up not feeling particularly well, and with my mums permission, decided not to go to school. I was in the first year of high school. Alisons mum dropped her off, as she did every...
Alison's Awakening Preface Chapter One Mrs Alison Barber is one of a new breed of middle aged housewives that are exploring a new sexual freedom. She calls it her ‘enlightenment’. Many of her close friends are experiencing a similar sexual renaissance as well. Like many women of her generation, sex in the early days of her marriage was new and exciting. Alison was a virgin when she met her husband Michael. The pressures of working life, commuting, keeping house, raising a child, and caring...
Wife LoversAlison's story. Chapter 1 I can't believe that I am actually writingthis down after so many years. I am now a ‘respectable' married womanof 38. Happily married to John, with two lovely kids, mortgage, the works.Sixteen years ago I was a newly qualified secondary school teacher. I hadleft college with an overdraft and no job. Worse than that, I had no whereto live. That's where John helped out. We had been together for over a year,and things were going well. I had met all of his friend,...
Weighing around 110 lbs. with small breasts, and fine chestnut brown hair, Alison looked a bit like a young Jodie Foster. Her cute mouth included a little pink tongue she'd stick out at you for various reasons. Alison's slender legs and flat stomach were well-toned, and she had an amazing thigh gap that drew the eye. I was in my mid-twenties, and considered good-looking by my friends, acquaintances, and, at times, complete strangers. Standing 6' even 180lb, a shit job, and hair that...
The Foundation By Katharine Sexkitten I'd been here before. A few times, over the years. It never failed to impress me. The hardwood floors were dark and shiny, and wide. They were so smooth you could skate in your stockinged feet. The house itself, well, mansion, really, was the biggest I'd ever seen. The rooms were deeper than normal, and taller than normal. Even the closets were big. There was a grand entrance, and a ballroom, a media room that seats a big crowd, a gym,...
Foundations My wife and I fell madly in love with each other in High school where a case of raging hormones and a faulty condom made us parents at the age of 16. We weren’t ready for it, but our parents agreed that we would be held responsible for our promiscuity. We got our G.E.D.s, got married and got night jobs. Our parents helped us out by watching our son, Seth, while we worked and we lived with my parents until we could afford a place on our own. Shortly after we got our own place son...
Mankind in its present state has been around for a quarter of a million years, yet only a small fraction of that has been of any significance. So, what did we do for nearly 250,000 years? We huddled in caves and around small fires, fearful of the things that we didn't understand. It was more than explaining why the sun came up, it was the mystery of enormous birds with heads of men and rocks that came to life. So we called them "gods" and "demons", begged them to spare us, and prayed for...
After breakfast the next day, I decided to check on the ladies that were working on the three tasks that I had assigned. The two ladies working on the seminar for the remaining 23 ladies planned to invite the ladies to a seminar on Saturday, two weeks from now. I agreed and told them to send out the invitations and to make the catering arrangements through Belinda’s catering service. Bob and Sharna agreed to arrange for the invitees to have a dream similar to the one my first group of ladies...
First in a series of loosely connected stories about a space colony. This first tale was written as a stand-alone piece, but the setting gave me another idea…. ***** One: Space wreck The bulkheads were failing one after the other, we couldn’t keep pressure in the spaces around the meteorite hit. I told the captain and he ordered us to forget it, to abandon ship. I told my damage control party to evacuate, but leave the closest escape pod for me. I was going to give the rest of the crew time...
She was excited for tonight. Her boyfriend, Mark a very tall dark muscular black man said he had a big surprise for her. She loved his surprises. They were always so hot and sensual. She remembered on when he tired her to the bed and ravished her all night long. Every way he could think of in all her hole. She took every inch and loved it all. He had a very large cock. Not only long but also very thick. She sucked him to orgasm happily many times. She loved making him cum. And always licked him...
I wake up from a hand shaking my leg. Hovering over me, James, with his hand a little higher than it should be on my thigh, specially since I sleep in a tank top and my panties" get up Aliway Another day of school, but at least it's Friday". Summer and I always get ready together since we go to the same school, James is in college and has his own truck. Fridays are late start days, I drive Sum an I to school in dads old junker. We have 20 minutes or so when we get there, so Sum gets her...
“So that was Josh,” Lucy said as we sat in the back of the limousine at the start of our journey to the television studio. “He wasn’t what I was expecting” “What were you expecting?” I asked. “I don’t know, someone younger, less weather-beaten; couldn’t he afford anything more than that pokey little room,” she said. “You realize he’s the same age as I am, he’s been living on a yacht for the last few years, so of course, he looks weather-beaten. You were a bit hard on him earlier,” I...
Almost Three years later: Early was in a bad mood. Being in a bad mood was a common occurrence recently. Damn! It was still three weeks until he had to read that letter from his cheating slut of an ex-wife and the dread was as bad as the event. Every time he thought about just how manipulative she was it made him furious--with himself--for marrying her. Early parked his new Mercedes in an open slot and looked around. This was one of the rougher parts of town. The cops didn't have to patrol...
It’d been years since they ended: “Why, Donald?” “Ann.” His tone slightly sliced with threat. “Is there someone else?” “Christ.” He started to rise then fell back into the chair. There never had been someone else and there never would be. He’d loved one woman and would love her until he went “into the dust that was always the end.” “It’s the sex, isn’t it?” A slight streak thru her tone. Don came back, right over the top: “What sex?” “You knew the rules, Donald. My father forbids...
She was house sitting for me. The concept of the plan had actually materialized several years earlier. I am a computer consultant and travel around making the big bucks. This is great, except as I neared retirement I had no way to start preparing for it, being out of state most of the year. I had tried to get local work, but I was too specialized and there was no market for my skills locally. I had watched as both of my parents took on a mortgage at retirement and I was bound and...
Stan When the camel cricket jumped up and landed on my glasses, I knew I had officially been told to get out of his crawl space. Knocking him away, I went back to probing the wood with my knife blade. Given the age of the house I was not surprised when it sank deep into the wood. That it didn't do it more often was the shock. Moving a few more feet towards the back of the house I saw where someone had been here before me and replaced a part of the floor. All the new black iron pipes gave me...
The pulse continued its expansion; it lapped through the lab and across a two-mile radius of countryside, before breaking and finally dissipating into the dawn. The first to respond to its call lay tangled in the clinical unit. The trio, who had been relaxing following countless orgasms, enthusiastically started to masturbate each other with renewed vigor. Jenna quivered and strained against leather restraints as multiple orgasms, fueled her Vagran dreams. Beyond the lab countless couples...
Dave followed the directions in the email and downloaded the video Alice had sent him from the cloud account the family shared. He smiled to himself, already suspecting the pornographic content. He loved Alice, and given the decade or so they’d been married, plus their courtship time, he knew her well, both her old personality and her new one forged by the loosening up process they’d both gone through. He expected to be teased to edge of his comfort zone. The file was over 500 megabytes, a...
Graydon was exhausted. His eyes had sunk into their sockets, dark circles lay sagging above his gaunt cheekbones, and his face bore signs of strain and a weariness beyond his years. For a week he had spent his nights alone in the hayloft, isolated and immersed in his connections, seeing the harm that had befallen the Jacobs family. His days were filled with work, sweating to clear ditches, cut brush, weed the garden and repair fences around the old homestead. He drove himself hard, stopping...
The Foundation1Welcome to HarmonPandora Kinky slid the luminous purple dildo into Lulu Sordid’s pink anal hole and pulsed her hips until the hilt brushed against the moist opening. Lulu moaned as the hardened plastic slithered deeper inside her, but her tongue was busy pleasuring the clitoris of Wanda Mounds, who was leaning back on the grass and massaging her huge breasts.?Are you sure about this?? Pandora asked the man crouched beside the sharp light of the camera.?This is great stuff,...
Altered Fates - Lost and Found by cj Permissions: Archival and/or sharing of this story, along with derivitive works - WITHOUT profit from reselling/repackaging, are permitted as long as the story remains complete, unchanged, and correctly attributed to its original author "cj". These permissions are to be included with shared or archived story, and extended to any derivative works. Written permission from the author is required for any "for profit" use. Special Thanks: Thank you,...
This story goes off in a bit more from the original storyline, and I was a little rushed towards the end and may redo it later. I have a fourth episode already done, but am seriously unhappy with it, having been in a hurry when I did it. I will probably do another episode to replace it, bringing the storyline back to Kevin and Susan a bit more. Reverse Rings III: Lost and Found A Spells R Us story By Morpheus 23 Jan 98 WARNING: This story contains some adult material, so if...
“Come on, baby. Give me that cum. I want that fucking cum, ” said the six-foot blonde. She was one of the sexiest women that Dave had ever seen in his 50 years of life. Decades ago, he would’ve never been able to get a woman this attractive. It’s amazing what success can do for a man. Dave had made a career of the military. He mostly served in infantry. He joined when he was eighteen years old and lasted thirty years. Now in his second year of retirement, he just wanted to have as much fun as...
AnalGia had fascinated me since I became aware of girls. Gia is slightly more than two years older than me and my big sister. Gia is a small, slender girl with dark hair, heart shaped face with full lips, light brown eyes' and a Ballerina's body. She is slender but shapely and best described as eye candy. Gia is not aware of the power she has over me and is oblivious to her beauty and sexual power. Since she started Ballet Lessons as a child she has always been a dancer. Gia developed curvature...
Thursday Night George George collapsed on the bed next to his girlfriend Lucy. "That was the best yet sweetbuns. Night". He laid down his head, closed his eyes, and smiled as remembered the big game the next day. "George Hallis Lindern, what do I tell you day after day?" "Like I care?" He heard Lucy give an audible sigh. "Sometimes I don't know why I stay with you. You treat me like shit and you don't even care if I cum or not". "Bitch bitch bitch ... that's all you do. I wish...
March, 1984, Chicago, Illinois Monday flew by and I was back home before I knew it. I’d easily aced the quiz and turned in a couple of fairly major assignments. With less than six weeks left in the semester, I was still on track to making all A’s. The feedback I’d had from Scott Bannerman indicated that I’d get an A for my independent study, and Dave had heard the same thing. If I could get through my senior year the same way, I’d graduate summa cum laude and have a chance at being...
Commissioner Eddleson approached the microphone as the press corps edged closer. There weren’t many reporters, many were already assigned to the tech conference at the Jacob K Javits Convention Center. The reporters knew something was up, but the commissioner’s staff kept a tight lid on the information, so they didn’t have a clue what it was. “I’m sorry to announce that Councilman Adrian Adams of the Fourth District was found savagely murdered yesterday. His wife, the socialite and fund...
I set up an appointment with Clara for Tuesday, after my sole summer lecture. Before I had a chance to take my car for a rare drive my phone vibrated with new email. It was Genefice. Looked like they really were in a hurry. Their offer was very close to what I was asking, but they had a tight deadline. Looked like I would be getting another seven-digit payment! Clara was pleased with the extra work. "Okay, Mitch. Looks like you were right. They pretty much crumbled. I don't see anything...
Mary called me on Sunday afternoon. "Jake, I'd like to talk to you sometime, soon." I hadn't heard from her in a month, since Sandi and I had held a party announcing our new non-profit for young women who wanted to straighten themselves out after realizing they were 'Young'n'Dum!', so to speak. Since Sandi was now a wealthy ... well-fixed, anyway ... woman, and I no longer needed my lottery based trust income, it made sense to fund something for a tax write-off. And unlike other...
Princess Found By Arecee Susan Collins wearily walked across the hall to the hard marble bench and sat down to reflect on the horrors of the past three weeks. She looked up at the sign next to the double doors and read what it said, "Superior Court, Room B." Actually she didn't really read the sign but just used it as a point of reference as she lost herself in thought. How could such an innocent thing escalate to...
Tina, who runs the shipping office, is 35, single, and has a daughter that is 9 years old. Her and I have been going out, on and off, for the past year, but it is mostly for sex, because neither of us wants to be tied down in a relationship. Tina is 5’2, 140 lbs., brown hair and beautiful 34D breasts, with lovely pink nipples, that when aroused, get very hard. She has a pretty good body too, although a little chunky around the hips and ass. When we go out, we usually go for dinner, then this...
I was working in one of our ski resorts as a ski instructor.On Saturday afternoon I was required to help locate a young German woman who had become separated from her group while cross-country skiing. As a member of the Ski Patrol, we are frequently asked to search for and rescue people who had become lost or injured.The group leader briefed us on where the girl had been first noticed missing from her group.A small group of three patrol personnel were allocated an area where she may have been,...
OutdoorLOST AND FOUNDThis is a TRUE story…..well 90% of it is, I just can’t remember the other 10%. The names and places HAVE NOT been changed to protect anyone. In 1991, while in my pool, with my 18 year old step-niece, (my wife’s sister’s daughter), after she had caught me by surprise and French kissed me in the morning as I was getting dressed, I found myself staring at her skimpy and ragged bikini top that was not able to hide her ample tits very well. We stood there, facing each other with the...