- 3 years ago
- 30
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Cigarette burns pockmarked the yellow surface of the long, oak table sitting in the center of the room. A single, overcrowded ashtray sat lonely on the table’s top. Stale smoke hung in the air and, judging from its lack of movement, could have been hanging there for years. The only window, placed too high on the wall to offer any real illumination, had wire covering its stippled glass. Officer Murphy guarded the door like a centurion – one who had just won a major battle. Sitting across from Moe, leaning back on two legs of a chair, was Detective Jansen, known as Janney to his detective buddies, and pain-in-the-ass to Moe.
Back at Moe’s house, Murphy had had the decency to allow Mona some privacy while she dressed and he never cuffed her. Moe didn’t get the same courtesy. Murphy and his goons watched Moe dress from his socks to his tie.
“Eyeing my wanger might lead me to believe you got other designs, Murphy. Maybe I should be blushing.”
“Shut the fuck up, Gafferson, and get a move on. We got a cell with your name on it.”
“Then there’s no reason to make Mona come along.”
“Ain’t my call about your moll. For now she goes.”
He slapped the cuffs on Moe and then carted him and Mona into the police station. All three policemen had refused to answer Moe’s questions about Metzger’s murder. At the station house, Mona had been escorted to a side desk and offered coffee while Moe had been presented to Detective Jansen.
Moe and Jansen hadn’t become friends or planned any cocktail parties. Twenty minutes had passed since Moe was dragged into the interrogation room. His wrists were still handcuffed, and nothing but the p’s and q’s of Moe’s detective license had been discussed, with Jansen begrudgingly admitting the license was on the level.
Jansen was old for a cop, knocking on the back door of fifty. Too many beers or someone’s home cooking had given him a nice sized paunch. The two thin chair legs seemed to bow under his weight. He looked at Moe through low-lidded eyes. “Why’d you kill him, Gafferson?”
Moe considered not answering, but a murder charge hanging over his head had him feeling a little more cooperative. “Metzger didn’t deserve to live, but it wasn’t me that sought the resolution,” said Moe.
“Murphy tells me the guy cut you up pretty bad.”
Moe cast a glance at Murphy. The flatfoot was wearing a shit-eating grin and leaning casually against the door. Moe didn’t mind pushing a couple of Murphy’s buttons, if for no other reason than to wipe the smile off the copper’s face. “If Murphy knew Metzger committed a crime, why didn’t he get the bum off the street like a good cop would?”
Murphy’s fists clenched, and the grin evaporated. A buck said an audience was the only thing that kept Murphy from using his clenched fists on Moe. It was Moe’s turn to smile. Murphy reacted with a growl and took a step away from the doorjamb he was making love to. Jansen must have sensed an impending scuffle. With a thud, the head detective pushed the front two legs of his chair down to the floor and used his bulk to shove the table toward Moe.
“Listen, Gafferson, we know Metzger had a good hand with a blade. And we know you made a trip to Appollonia’s asking after him – a little tail named Lily Mae gave you up. It’s pretty easy to put two-and-two together.”
“Sorry, Mac. You’re coming up with five. There must be a hundred members in the Sliced-by-Metzger club. Ask Lily Mae, she’s one of them. A peep show with her as the main attraction would reveal some of Metzger’s handiwork on her left tit – whacked off at the nub.”
Moe could almost hear Jansen’s brain ticking as the detective made a mental note about Lily Mae. And then his eyes focused again on Moe. “None of the other ninety-nine were seen fighting with Metzger on the street only hours before he was found dead. That honor belongs to you.”
Moe shrugged. “If I wanted to kill him, I would have done it then. I had him down on the street. Didn’t any of your eye witnesses tell you that?”
Jansen tilted back in the chair again, folding his arms across his chest and resting them on his gut. The bottom button of his shirt tried not to pop. “Nah, I think you’re stupid, but I don’t figure you to be that stupid. You wouldn’t kill a man with so many witnesses screening the action. Where were you last night around midnight, Gafferson?”
A knock on the door stopped Moe from answering. Without waiting for a response, a blue-gray haired woman bustled into the room. Her robust stature forced the seams of her uniform to perform a Herculean feat. She marched over to Jansen, whispered in his ear, and then turned to walk out. Whatever she said didn’t sit well with Jansen. He grumbled under his breath, and he and Murphy followed Mrs. Blue Hair out the door like the Three Stooges mimicking a train.
Moe shifted irritably in his chair. The being-alone-part was fine, but the still-cuffed-part was grating on him. His shoulder cramped and an itch in his armpit, where he couldn’t reach, was annoying the hell out of him. He was tired. Plain and simple. The past week had been rougher than most. He hadn’t slept much and his gut still ached – not the sharp, burning pain of a few days ago, but a dull ache that never subsided. Red embers, like blistering fireflies, burned the back of his eyes. He wanted to snooze for a week. Maybe wake-up a time or two for a tumble with Mona.
Fuck. Mona. What the hell had Moe gotten her in involved in? He knew better than to get cozy with a dame when he was working, especially a dame like Mona. It never worked out. Dames got in the way, screwed up your thinking, reminded a man he’s a man and has a role to protect the weaker sex.
But as a protector, Moe had come up short. The sight of Mona bound and gagged when he’d come home last night, and the look of panic in her eyes, was etched in his brain. If Metzger had still been loitering at Moe’s house at that moment, the police would have had a real reason to haul Moe in. Blazing anger still simmered in his bones. He hoped whoever had offed the louse had made him suffer.
Moe hadn’t been able to keep Metzger’s evil from touching Mona, but he’d be damned if he’d let her get dragged into this any further. Maybe when this was all over, Moe would take her in his arms, squeeze her delicious body close, and the two of them could mull over the cards they’d been dealt. But for now, he was determined to keep her out of trouble.
The stooges returned sans Mrs. Blue Hair and took up their same positions: Murphy at the door and Jansen in the chair opposite Moe. Jansen slipped off his suit jacket and slung it over the back of a nearby chair. As hefty evidence there was no Mrs. Jansen: the wrinkles only slightly outnumbered the stains on Jansen’s dingy dress shirt.
The detective wasted no time getting back to the grilling. “Let’s set the record straight, Gafferson. We know you were Over the Rhine. Schmidt was killed and you got cut up real good. What we don’t know is who Schmidt’s party favor was. And since you do know, we’d be obliged if you’d tell us.”
“I can’t help you.”
“Maybe it was Miss Mona Dale.”
“Keep her out of this. She’s got nothing to do with anything. She’s a nurse I met at the hospital. That’s it!”
“A nurse you’ve gotten pretty friendly with.”
“Drop it, Jansen. You’re barking up the wrong tree.”
Jansen folded his arms across his body and settled them once again on the bulk of his belly. Obviously, his favorite position. “Funny thing, Miss Dale was defensive about you too. Right up until Murphy here told her why we hauled you in and how Lily Mae had a hand in it all.”
Moe jerked around to see a smug Murphy. While Moe and Mona had never discussed dating one-on-one, Moe knew the
red-headed nurse would not look too kindly on him bedding a whore – business or not. “You’re a bastard, Murphy.”
Murphy’s smile nearly broke his face. “According to Miss Dale, we both are.”
“Where is she?”
“She seemed in a hurry to leave, and seeing we had no real cause to keep her, she left.”
Moe slowly turned back toward Jansen. He could only imagine what Mona was thinking about him at that moment. Moe was a low life. Maybe no better than Metzger. Sure, Metzger was rougher, but no doubt Moe had hurt her, too. And got her mixed up in the seediness of his world.
But maybe it was better this way. Wasn’t he just thinking how much trouble a dame could be when he was working? And Mona hating him was a lot easier to think about than Mona in harm’s way. She was a damn fine woman who deserved better than Moe could give her. At least now she would be safe.
“Like I said, she’s got nothing to do with this.”
Jansen sighed and rubbed his face. “I’m inclined to believe you Gafferson. Miss Dale seems like an upstanding citizen, someone most men would treat like a lady.”
Moe ignored the dig. It was none of Jansen’s business what had passed between Mona and Moe. And anyway, Moe wasn’t sure he could define it. She was special. That was enough. Moe changed the subject.
“How about removing these bracelets?”
Jansen nodded and waited while Murphy undid the lock on the cuffs. Moe massaged his wrists and stretched his fingers. Like a Hop-a-Long Cassidy twirling his gun, Murphy swung the handcuffs and stuffed them in his pocket and then sauntered back toward the door, his cocky grin still in place. Moe would have liked the chance to connect his fist to Murphy’s chin, just once for good measure. Maybe another time, another place. It was bound to happen. Even in a big city like Cincinnati, Murphy’s and Moe’s paths were always crossing.
“So if Miss Dale wasn’t your client, who was it? Or maybe you didn’t have a client. Maybe you were a partner. Maybe you, Metzger, and Schmidt had a racket going. What happened? Metzger and Schmidt get too greedy?”
“You sit up all night coming up with sham theories like that, Jansen?”
Jansen pointed a beefy finger at Moe and glared at him through steely eyes. “Watch your mouth, Gafferson unless you want to add a busted lip to your list of injuries for the week.” Cincinnati’s finest wasn’t above using a little muscle whenever they saw fit. And in Moe’s experience, they saw fit a lot. Moe kept his mouth shut and let Jansen keep on talking.
“We know Metzger was using Appollonia’s as a clip joint – slipping in hidden doors, shaking down patrons, blackmailing big wigs who have wives or aspirations. What we don’t know is, where do you fit in?”
Moe ran a hand over the back of his neck, working out the kinks that had taken up residence there. If he ever wanted to get out of this hell hole, he was going to have to cooperate. Now seemed as good a time as any. “Lily Mae summed up my one visit to Appollonia’s. Anything else going on there I wouldn’t know about.” It wasn’t much, but it was all Moe had.
Jansen wasn’t convinced. “Metzger did the grunt work. Schmidt put on the air of respectability. What were you?”
Moe sighed. Maybe it just wasn’t in the cards for Moe and Jansen to get along. “Conjecture some sort of game for you, Detective?”
“Indulge me,” said Jansen. “I’m an old man with so few chances to play games.”
Moe leaned back in his chair and crossed an ankle over his leg. He took his time fingering the cuff of his trouser. Something told him Jansen was just on a fishing trip now, hoping to reel in a little information. The truth was an easy thing to give up. “I’d never seen Schmidt before in my life prior to the night he was killed,” said Moe.
It appeared Jansen hadn’t caught his forty winks lately either. The disheveled detective scratched his belly and stifled a yawn. But he didn’t give up. “That leads us back to the unknown player in our little chess match, don’t it Gafferson? The dame that hosted Schmidt’s erection?”
Moe kept silent, still playing with the cuff on his pant like he’d suddenly taken up tailoring. Kitty Winslow was most likely just a woman looking for love in the wrong place. Moe was nearly certain of that now. Unless there was something more to link her to Metzger and Schmidt, he would keep her name out of this. “That’s none of your business,” he said.
Jansen pounded his fist on the table, sending cigarette ashes flying across the room. “Who sent you there to take pictures that night?” he demanded.
Moe figured an angry cop was a cop who didn’t have nothing. He suddenly felt a lot more comfortable. “Sorry can’t help you, boys.”
Jansen took a different tactic and relaxed against his chair. “I admire your loyalty to your client, Gafferson. Too bad it could get you a cell block for life.”
“I’ll have to take my chances. My client couldn’t vouch for my whereabouts when Metzger was iced.”
“Where were you last night?”
“Got any proof?”
Yeah, he had proof – wrapped up in a pretty nurse’s package, but Moe had already made the decision to keep Mona out of this mess. He stayed mute, again.
Jansen barged ahead without waiting for answers. “You own a gun, Gafferson? Maybe one of those new Smith & Wesson .357 Magnums?”
The Magnum was mostly used by cops in big cities. Moe thought they were overkill. Murphy had one hanging from his shoulder holster. “I’m partial to my Roscoe. Only a man with no aim needs a gun like a Magnum.” Moe didn’t look back at Murphy. He didn’t have to. The sound of the copper’s shuffling feet was enough to make Moe smirk.
“Does your client own a gun?” continued Jansen.
“I don’t ask about firearms when I sign on to a case.”
“Seems risky.”
“I’m a guy who likes to take chances.”
“Covering for your client might be too big a risk, Gafferson.”
Jansen was pushing hard for the name of Moe’s client. Moe had to wonder why. There was no way the police could have found out Moe was working for Dutch that night, or that now Moe was working for Kitty. Not unless Mr. and Mrs. Winslow had offered up the information. And that didn’t seem too likely. Especially since up until now, their names had never entered the picture. Something was missing. Did Kitty have more to do with Metzger and Schmidt besides being the bull’s-eye for Schmidt’s arrow? Moe figured it was time for a little give and take. “What if there was a woman who got mixed up with the wrong guy without her knowing?”
Jansen leaned forward, salivating at getting somewhere in the interrogation. “Why do you suppose she got out of this situation without a scratch? Schmidt was killed. You were meant to be. What protected her?”
“Luck, my lily white ass. The broad had something – something that meant a lot to somebody. Enough that it kept her alive.”
Moe had to admit the idea didn’t stink, but he wasn’t completely sold. Kitty was weak and love struck. She wasn’t a leader, only a follower. Knowing that didn’t make the game any easier to orchestrate. The players in this high stakes hullabaloo were folding all around him, and Moe didn’t like thinking he may have underestimated a friend.
“Come on, Gafferson. No tail is worth spending your life behind bars.”
“I didn’t kill Metzger,” Moe said.
“You’re in this up to your neck, and as soon as we piece it together, we’ll be pulling the noose tighter.”
Now Moe knew Jansen was bluffing. “Book me or let me go. I’m done.”
Jansen’s eyes narrowed to slits and the tiny muscle in his jaw clenched. He pushed back the chair an
d stood. The waist of his pants was wedged well below his gut, but he didn’t bother to adjust it. He suddenly loomed larger than his girth. In a tone full of menace, he said, “I’ll say when we’re done, Gafferson.”
For the first time all morning, Moe understood how Jansen had become lead detective and why Murphy had played second fiddle out of the limelight. Jansen knew how and when to use his authority. Moe felt a grudging respect. But he wasn’t about to give up Kitty’s name. At least not until he had a chance to check her out again for himself.
Jansen grabbed the suit jacket he’d draped over a chair and struggled into it. It did a good job of hiding the yellow sweat stains in the armpits of his white shirt. When he looked at Moe, most of the purple had left his face, and he looked like just another fat cop again. “Today’s your lucky day, Gafferson. I’ve got an appointment, and you’ve got an alibi.”
“An alibi?”
“It seems your little chippy vouched for your whereabouts all night last night. And lucky for you, Murphy was a witness this morning.”
Moe glanced at Murphy. The scumbag was grinning his little voyeur grin.
“You really are a bunch of bastards parading as do-gooders around here, aren’t you?” said Moe.
Jansen was on him in a heartbeat. He grabbed Moe by the lapels, lifting him out of his chair. His breath smelled of onions and rotten meat. “We don’t owe you anything, Gafferson. Not one goddamn thing.”
Moe’s fists balled up in self-defense, but he held them tight at his side. The last thing he needed was a night in the hoosegow for slugging a detective.
“We’re letting you go because we got nothing to hold you.” Jansen let loose of Moe’s lapels, and Moe slumped back into the chair. “But we’re still looking, and when we find it, your ass is ours.”
“You say the sweetest things, Jansen. A guy could get mushy for being wanted so much.”
Jansen turned his back to Moe and bellowed at Murphy, “Get him out of my fucking sight.”
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Gay MaleI was asked by a woman to write a rough sex short story for her to go with some pictures she had. I never saw the pictures but here is the story.As you walk into the room, which is dark, I grab you and haul you over to a large wooden X on which I strap your wrists and ankles. I put a ball gag on you and using your hair I pull your head back. "So you like it rough do you, well bitch I am going to show you rough" and with that I slap your face and grab one of your tits and squeeze it so hard I...
Three weeks after my meeting with Major Erwin I head to a secure office in Albuquerque to meet the senior officers from the US Marshals Office and the FBI with their analysts. They’ve all done their homework, but they let me know they still don’t know where I’m heading. After being introduced to everyone I ask, “Have you worked out how they killed Johnson and Fellows yet?” The FBI man frowns as he says, “The police were surprised when we came to stick our noses into the investigation. We...
STATE OF Pacifica DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Pacifica Women?s Correctional Institute - Sing Sing EXECUTION REPORT Prisoner ID No. 00-9375079 Name: Gina {last name deleted} Date of Birth: September 9, 2068 Crime(s): Adultery (third offense) Sentence: Death by Electrocution Height: 5?5? Measurements: 30B-23-25 Hair: Brunette Eyes: Blue GINA?S Execution All executions in Pacifica are carried out at the State Penitentiary at Sing Sing in our new electric chair. Gina was its...
“Hey, love!” “Hey, babe!” Mollie replied, her eyes not moving from the TV. “Whatcha watching?” I said, hanging up my jacket. “Shhhh,” she replied quickly, her eyes still glued to the TV. I sighed, knowing she was already too far into the show to be distracted. “Two to one she is watching Island of Love,” I thought to myself, although Love in the Tropics was the other contender. Either way I think she would throw me out the window if I changed the channel. I took off my shoes and sat down on...
AnalI dont really know how to begin my story, but I figure Id start with a description of myself at the time. I was fifteen years old (turning sixteen in a month), around 5 foot 3, with brownish-blonde hair, green eyes, and pale white skin with a few freckles. A bit of an unusual combination, if you ask most people. I also had a somewhat average dick, just short of six inches and of reasonable girth. One of the reasons that kids always used to bully me was because of my rather feminine build: I was...
Myself Ankit, I am 25 years of age. I am an avid reader of ISS. This is my first attempt to write and I hope you like it. I am going to share with you this true story of mine. I have a girlfriend and her name is Shruti. We recently entered into a relationship. I used to share a flat in Nagpur with two of my friends. As it was Diwali, both of them went home for their holidays. I stayed back and so did Shruti. We told our parents that we had some work and couldn’t come for Diwali this time. We...
When I was sixteen, I officially met Rodney. He would never have been the kind of guy I would befriend. Although we had been in school together for a couple of years, we had never interacted.Our friendship came about when I got bullied at school one day. Bullying had always been part of my life because, being as timid and small as I was, it was as though I had a sign on my forehead inviting potential bullies to pick on me. As the bullying occurred on that day, Rodney interceded on my behalf and...
Gay Male“Oh! where’s daddy,” whimpered a soaking, cold Trish as she gratefully grabbed the powerful arms reaching down for hers and clambered up into the big dirty white van, to grab a cheap ride home in a van her dad occasionally used. The weather was atrocious, lashing rain and howling wind so any shelter was welcome. For two hundred cheap yards to her house, it was worth it in her simple minded view. She was lifted and squeezed between two men, as the driver gunned the motor and the Transit rumbled...
Trumped-Up Punishments – Chapter 2: ExecutionsA large punishment horse was wheeled onto the stage by one of the security guards. This had been specifically manufactured to Mr. Barton’s specifications: it allowed the culprit to be firmly secured in any position desired. There were Velcro straps all over it, allowing endless possibilities. While one of the guards took Burt’s arm and moved him over to the contraption, the voice warned that the use of video equipment was strictly prohibited and...
Hey I am Sunil Roy from Calcutta and this is my first narration. Well I am 18yrs old, 6′ ft tall and athletically built ….. Anyway my experience – It was a Sunday I had just come back from economics tuition to find mom and dad had gone out and won’t return till late evening. Now unlike a lot of people I never found maids to be sexy or attractive. So when our maid Mamuni came to work at around 11’o clock I was just being myself watching TV. It was hot so I didn’t have a shirt on. I opened the...
Summer in Calcutta is not that hot but humid and most of the men folk wear half pants and sleep with bare body. This is about a couple of summer back and there were repairs going on in the house. The family members had moved to a relatives place leaving the servant and me. The servant would come and go but I had to stay since the labors worked in the house. Since she was a servant she couldn’t go and sleep with my relatives place so she would sleep in the house. One day after the day’s work was...
First TimeChapter Four – Ian’s Moves/Rick’s Moves Ian went into his home office, leaving Sammi and Debra in the living room. His first call was to Alex Brown, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University. He politely mentioned that he had heard the Board was being called into an extra session and that the topic of the session was tenure for Sammi and Debra. When Alex confirmed this, Ian suggested that Alex delay the meeting until the following week, citing schedule conflicts. Alex took the hint...
Rough Cut: A Moe Gafferson Mystery Edited by Poison Ivan Chapter 7 Vine Street was one of those streets in Cincinnati that ran east to west the width of the city, and it was busy its entire length. In the upscale part of town there were snazzy apartments, four-star restaurants and sidewalks full of shopkeepers, bankers, and customers with fat wallets and open-ended check books. In the blue-collar area, the factories hummed and buzzed with mechanical regularity, and the off shift workers...
All persons depicted in this story are eighteen or older. This was all wrong! I could just barely see through the slits that had become my eyes. My chest ached, I was sure my arms were broken. I couldn’t move my legs. Damn! What the hell had happened? I heard the tinkling voice of a female talking in Hmong. As an Air Asia pilot I had considered it prudent to learn that language as well as Vietnamese. The girl said, ‘He is in bad shape. We cannot move him. We were lucky he didn’t die in the...
This is a story which occurred a while after my hubby and I got married.Two months before we started talking about have a c***d of our own, I was 29 and he was 31. We both agreed the timing was right and I stopped taking the pill. In the two months leading up to this day, we had sex many times in many different positions and hadn't fallen pregnant yet. Then this specific thursday night arrived. He got home from work and found me in the kitchen. I was wearing an oldish casual dress. He greeted...
Your phone rings, you answer it and see its my number you answer in the usual way "Hey? Hows your day been?"I say to you "Ok, i'll be home at 5pm. Have to go see you when i get home."You could tell by the way i spoke that I've had a rough day and knew you where going to be punished for it. Driving home all i could think about was fucking your tight asshole until i filled it with cum, but tonight was different i was going to push it a step further i was going to take my frustrations out on you.I...
Hi friends. Thanks for the overwhelming response to my story. If you haven’t read my first part, please read it. So I am continuing with the story of day 2. I woke up late in the morning and saw Shruti was not there. I went to the kitchen to find her. There she was, my angel, looking as bright as sunshine. She was wearing a pink one-piece which barely covered her thighs. Her beautiful long hairs were hanging loose and came up to her waist. I was in my boxers, I went close to her nimble-footed...
The son of my elder brother, let’s call him Rahul, must have been very young since he started being a real brat. Me and my brother’s family would meet over dinner and after dinner, we usually went for a short walk. He would walk behind me and touch my ass. When we were going to a party or some place, he would try and sit with me on the back seat of the car and sneak up his hands on my thighs. I was of course turned on by his doings but also felt the social stigma that would entail if someone...
”Step out of the car please, ma'am.”Nicole was in deep shit.Moments earlier, her now ex-boyfriend dropped ship.Note to self, never date jobless pot-smoking losers ever again, even if they’re fun and exciting at the time.Slowly, nervously, she wound down the window. “Is there a problem, officer?”Even though it was dark, she could make out the heavy muscled contours of his body, straining tightly against his shirt.Her question was met with silence and a steely gaze. Without much choice, she...
ReluctanceHello ISS readers, my name is Jay and this is a story about how I fucked my slutty ex-girlfriend. She is now married but still thinks about fucking me all the time, we are still in touch and her husband doesn’t know. So, getting to the story. This was when we were 21. It had been about a year since we broke up and we had not spoken the whole time. One day, I got a message and it was from Natasha (my ex-girlfriend). Natasha: Hey. I was shocked because we hadn’t spoken in a year and she texted...
--- I Dream of Demie 10 - The Cutback (MFF, caution, interr, magic, mc, oral, impreg?) by Krosis of the Collective --- 'We need to talk.' Those are some of the most dread-inducing words you can hear, or read for that matter, since they were written on the note that I found behind my apartment door. It was signed by Erica. She was my neighbor from down the hall. A few weeks ago I had pulled her into my apartment, thinking she was Demie trying to fool me with her shapechanging power, and...
When the skies turn cloudy on a cold november day, theres not much left for a boy in his late teens like myself to do, which is why I was sitting down infront of my computer. Sitting down infront of my computer jerking off to images of hot blonde women being hogtied and fucked, that is. I had my best friend, John, to thank for those images - He was always fond of emailing the very best he could find to me. Earlier in the day John and another friend, Rowan, had called to see if they could...
Je m’appelle isabelle, 40ans, parisienne, et j’adore porter des petites culottes tendances, strings, bas, collants, chaussettes en pensant que je vais pouvoir les envoyer à des hommes. Rien que d’y penser, et hop, cela inonde ma culotte d’un délicieux nectar … C’est un moyen pour moi d’avoir un rapport aux hommes basé sur le fantasme, l’érotisme : de votre côté je vous imagine déjà en train d’ouvrir l’enveloppe avec ma petite culotte, de la regarder, de la toucher, de la renifler, de la...
You are Harry Potter, the boy who lived, and the boy who is still lonely while his best friends are in a relationship. You are 19 years old and haven't been in a relationship befor! You are horny as fuck and surrounded by hot females. It seemed just like a normal day but yesterday night you found a the spell "Deflatus Os Cutis" in one of the forbidden books. It says that it could turn anybody into a bodysuit but it could also be a prank. There also stood that you had to cast the spell on a...
Cutechick456 introduced me to four nubiles at a wedding.Being an enchantress, she cast a spell over them and told them that the next man they met would take them on an adventure in which all would play their part, but only one would be the ultimate recipient of his seed. That girl would be blessed and impregnated with a daugh ter.This is how it would happen....... deleted
Mi madre se llama Maria es una señora de 60 años, no es gorda, solo un gran trasero que le han dado los años, ancha de caderas, pero no tanto, muslos torneados, chamorros flacos, delgada con cintura aceptable y unas pechos grandes, área pélvica abultada, es decir panochuda, se podría decir la mujer perfecta.Es morena, pelo quebradizo, siempre a los hombros, cara linda, labios carnozos.Ella esta divorciada de mi padre desde hace 20 años, el tiene 70 años.El video en mención data de hace 18...
Private patriarch Paradise: encouraging eldest dear daughter tasty teen virgin Anna offers her flowerPrivate negotiations to pay six sari's at a rate, as I partly pay Eve's nice niece 'in natura' for itPhilosopher Peter Poet has a hot time in India, initiating five foxy sexy s!sters top-down from AnnaProfound profane wisdom with wanton women and great girls are the highlights of my tasty trip there!Anna has a tasty tight teen sexy sphincter which I try to penetrate with the tip of my long...
8Yo tenía 18 años y el amigo de mi papá, Alberto, siempre buscaba quedarse a solas conmigo. Desde pequeña recuerdo que el sr. Alberto entraba a mi casa con gran confianza de mis padres, pues venía a hacer reparaciones. Al terminar se sentaba a conversar y me decía que me acercara. Allí aprovechaba y me sentaba en sus piernas. Con gran disimulo acariciaba mis pequeñas nalgas y a veces deslizaba su mano por mi entrepiernas. Claro!!! sin que nadie se diera cuenta. Yo, inocente, creía que eran...