Nursing the Warrior
- 3 years ago
- 26
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They never thought it would be like this. They promised us flying cars. Robots to do all of our dirty work. A whole meal in a pill that you only need to add water to. No, they never said it would be like this. In the late 80’s, a war began that would spell the destruction of life as we knew it. A small country in the Middle East had gotten its hands on some sub-nuclear weapons. Instead of making idle threats to a government that they knew wouldn’t listen, they launched them at the US. They struck four key targets. Los Angels, New York City, Miami, and, of course, Washington, D.C. All hell broke lose.
The United Nations began to fracture into two distinct groups. One side supported the US in it’s right to war for the unprovoked attack. The second, formed the Nations Alliance. The Alliance supported the nations that had launched the attack. Feeling that they were justified and America was ‘asking for it.’ The two forces meet on the battle field. War raged across the planet. Spilling onto the US homelands for the first time since Japan attack Pearl Harbor.
Fearing for their own lives, neither side would employ full scale nuclear weapons. Instead, the majority of combat was fought man to man. However, weapons of sub-nuclear nature where used to level the landscape of the enemy. Leaving many countries in a peril. The US being one of them.
To save itself from collapse, the US incorporated themselves with major companies based on it soil. They called themselves, AmeraTech. AmeraTech set out to revise it’s democracy. This brought the government to a rapid decline in an already failing system.
Now, after ten years of war, the world is in a fragile stalemate. Each side fearing what the other will do next. The effects are evident everywhere you look. Once proud people now live with the common trailer trash of the lower income. Only the people of the corporation are allowed to live in the grand cities of the City-States that were once great nations. Those of the lower caste, criminals, homeless, wanderers, people that refused to swear loyalty to the corporations now wander the out laying areas. Some still try to hang on the remains of a dead lifestyle. Others, however, have adapted to the new order of things. Adopting a ‘Road Warrior’ mentality. Living the lives of pirates and outlaws.
I am one of those people. My name is Syber. I am a road pirate. This is my story:
I watched as the three trucks rumbled over the hard packed sand of the Arizona desert. Each transported weapons for the AmeraTech armies in New Mexico, though you wouldn’t know it from looking at them. The trucks were of post war AmeraTech production. Big sports utility vehicles painted black, as not to stand out from any other corporate issued vehicle.
‘Well, Syber, looks like it’s time to see if you have what it takes,’ a voice behind me spoke. It was Jy-Ryn. Jy-Ryn was the leader of the pirate group known as, The StarRaiders. He was a tall man with a thick chest. He wore his brown hair military style with a thin line cut around just above his ears. A ruthless man ready to see if I was ruthless enough to be one of his.
I turned to face him with a slow spin. His eyes watched as I did so. I didn’t have anything to say. I knew what I had to do. I had to show this man before me what kind of man I was. Maintaining my silence, I walked to my car. A pre-war Nissan Skyline. I took one last look at the flawless red and white paint job, as I knew it wouldn’t look like this after this was all over.
I walked around to the rear of the Skyline and opened the trunk. From inside, I grabbed my armored jacket, combat helmet, and my Beretta 1911.45. I pulled the armored jacket over the tattered leather vest I wore and fastened it up. I tied my black hair back to keep it out of my eyes as I slipped the helmet over my head.
I climbed into the driver’s seat, placed the Beretta between the seats, and keyed to ignition. The six cylinders were quick to answer with a silent shimmy and steady hum. I reached over to the glove box and removed my sunglass from where they were stored. As I slowly placed them over my eyes, I turned to Jy-Ryn. ‘I’m ready,’ was all I had to say as I shifted the car into gear and started toward the caravan of SUV transports.
By the time the boys in the black trucks saw me coming, it was too late. I had already closed the distance between us and was preparing my Skyline for the initial attack. Almost as second nature, I swerved the four-wheel drive coupe into the path of the lead truck. I slammed on my brake and allowed the truck to slam into the back of my car. This brought the convoy to a halt. The rear doors of the back two trucks swung open and four armed men began to crawl out.
I shifted the Skyline back into gear and spun the wounded vehicle around to face my advancing attackers. I gassed it forward as I pulled the Beretta 1911 from between the front seats. They forced me to swerve off course as they open fired with the small submachine guns that they carried. I answered back with gun fire of my own. The 1911 braked hellfire as I squeezed the trigger.
One of my shots struck home as I watched the blood and gore fly from one of the gunmen’s legs. His company was quick to let me know they were not going to take this laying down as the light ammo slammed into the armored sides of my car. A few rounds cut through the door panel with a skull splitting bang. One of them grazed me across the left shoulder.
I didn’t want to wait to see what was going to happen next, and I had a job to do. With complete disregard for myself, I turned the car back toward them. As I dropped it into a lower gear, I slammed my foot onto the pedal. With a bone shattering collision, the remaining three men were wedged between the now defunct hood of my car and the side of the middle SUV. One man survived, crying from the pain of having his entire lower body destroyed.
I jumped out of the car and quickly advanced toward him. ‘Where are the weapons?’ I asked as I place the warm barrel of my gun against the dying mans temples.
‘What… weapons…?’ His voice was weak and broken as he tried to speak through the blood that had begun to gather in his throat.
‘The ones you and your little party boys here were transporting.’ I snarled as I gestured to the dead.
‘We… weren’t… carrying weapons… Only… the… ‘
The poor bastard never finished what he had to say. With a choke, blood began to trickle from his mouth as he slumped forward onto the hood of the trashed coupe. Frustrated, I began to search the vehicles for what they had, in fact, been carrying. It came to me as a shock, when I found it. In the first truck sat a young lady. She couldn’t have been more than 18 or 19 years old. Dressed in the finest that AmeraTech has to offer to its corporate citizens. Her blond hair was long, pinned back by a small band across the top of her head. Her features were thin, yet dignified. I was speechless as her big, vivid green eyes fell on me. Her eyes contained more fear than any I had ever seen before.
‘Please, don’t hurt me. My daddy will pay you a lot of money for my return.’ Her voice was cracked with fear and anxiety. I could do nothing but stare into those big, petrified eyes.
My trance was broken as I heard the sound of Jy-Ryns Dodge Viper pull up behind me. I turned to watch as he got out and closed the door. He smiled like I had never seen the man smile. There was a certain spring in his step. It was almost like he was pleased with himself.
‘Job well done, Syber. I do believe there may be a StarRadier in you yet.’
‘There are no guns. Only this girl.’
‘I know. The girl is what I wanted.’
‘What? Why? You didn’t say anything about this!’ I could feel anger building inside my gut, and I wasn’t even sure why.
‘What does it matter if I did or didn’t?’ Jy-Ryn asked in a kind of casual way.
‘It wasn’t part of the deal!’ I screamed.
part of the deal? You want to talk to me about deal? I call the shots around here. Not you. Now grab her and let’s go.’ Jy-Ryn spoke with an edge.
As he turned his back to me, something happened inside of me. I could feel the anger in my gut grow to extend itself into my whole being. I struck out and slammed my fist into the back of Jy-Ryns head. A bit stunned, he turned on his heels’ ready to fight.
‘What in the Hell are you thinking?’ he raged as he moved toward me again.
‘You can’t have her.’ I managed to calmly protest despite the rage that had overcome me.
‘Oh, I can’t? And you’re going to stop me? Why?’
I didn’t give the big man an answer. I just renewed my assault. Jy-Ryn greeted me with an attack of his own. His fists were like stone as it slammed into my chest. Not letting the blow distract me, I landed a punch of my own. What happened surprised even me. He collapsed at my feet.
Without taking my time to reflect on my victory, I removed my helmet and turned back to the truck. I reached in, grabbed the girl and yanked her out. ‘Come on. He won’t stay down long.’ I warned as I ushered her toward the waiting Viper. I opened the passengers’ door and shoved her in. With a leap and slide across the hood, I made my way to the driver’s side. I climbed in through the open window into the seat and put the car into reverse. Without thought, I pointed the car toward New Mexico and drove off.
Other than the sound of the Vipers V-10, the ride was quiet. I watched the highway stretch out before as the young girl looked out the window at the passing scenery still devastated from the war. I couldn’t help but notice her lithe figure. Her corporate issue blouse hugged her small breast that slowly rose and fell as she breathed. Her legs weren’t exactly what I would call long, but they were still sexy with the blue skirt covering to just above her knees.
‘Where are you taking me?’ She asked suddenly.
‘You were heading to New Mexico right? Then that’s where we are going.’ I tried to keep my answer short and to the point.
‘Why did you help me back there? Was it the money?’ She shifted in the seat to face me. I watched as the hem of the skirt rode up a bit and exposed more of her creamy thigh. She must have noticed me looking because she quickly adjusted it to cover herself again.
‘Maybe,’ I replied.
‘What’s your name?’, she asked.
‘They call me, Syber.’
‘Like the sword?’ Her voice had lightened up a bit. I could tell the fear was slowly escaping her. So, I decided to answer her questions to keep her talking.
‘No, not quiet.’
‘Well, my name is Diana. Diana Stalkwright.’
‘Stalkwright? Are you related to the AmeraTech CEO and US President?’
‘He’s my father.’
Great, just my luck, I thought. ‘So, that’s why he’ll pay to have you returned.’
She answered me with just a nod. ‘Thank you, Mr. Syber. For saving me.’ Before I could protest, she wrapped her arms around my shoulders in a hug. Her tiny hand fell on the bullet wound on my shoulder. As I cringed, she pulled away and looked at the source of her wet hand.
‘You’re bleeding.’ She exclaimed.
‘I’ll be all right. We’ll be stopping soon for rest, food, and gas. I’ll take care of it then.’
Within a couple moments, we pulled into a small wayside motel. I motioned for her to stay in the car as I jumped out. The lobby of the motel was your typical seedy place. Decorated with cheap paintings that looked like they had been made in a photocopier. The clerk sat behind a lexan partition with a bored look on his face. His greasy hair was long and unbrushed. He watched as I approached.
With a forced smile, he greeted me, ‘Afternoon, stranger. What will it be?’
‘I need a room for the night. Something with two beds.’
‘Okay, it’ll be two-hundred.’
‘Two-hundred? Are you crazy?’ I demanded.
‘Well, I could call the AmeraTech Security and tell them some strange road rat crawled into my fine establishment with a bullet wound. Or, I could ask no questions.’
‘All right, fine. You bastard. Two-hundred. Do you have a medical kit?’
‘You’ll find one in your room.’
I paid the man and received the key, then headed back out the car. I opened the trunk and pulled out some supplies. A bag of clothes, some automatic weapons, and a couple boxes of ammunition. I motioned for Diana to follow me to the room. She hurried behind me.
The room was dark when we first entered. After a quick search for the lights, I flicked them on. What greeted me was no less typical than the lobby. Two small single beds sat along the wall and stuck out into the center of the room. Each was draped with a dingy bed spread with a single pillow located in the center. Smoke stained curtains covered the window. A small televison occupied the corner next a doorway that lead to a tiny bathroom.
I dropped the bag and weapons on one of the bed and began to unpack. Taking out a set of clothes, I tossed them to Diana. With a motion toward the bathroom, I instructed her to change. ‘You’ll stand out dressed like that. Get into these and trash your old clothes.’ She just nodded and walked toward the bathroom. To her displeasure, she discovered that there wasn’t a door to the small room. I watched as she looked toward me, I just sighed and stood up. ‘I’ll be outside,’ was all I said as I exited the room.
As I stood outside, I couldn’t help but think of the shapely woman probably standing naked inside at that moment. In a vain effort, I tried to find a good place to have a look in. Fortune smiled on me as I found a small place to view the show. I watched as Diana began to unbutton her blouse and reveal her silk and lace-clad chest. I wouldn’t have given her more than a ‘B’ cup. But that was a very full ‘B’. She reached behind herself and unfastened her skirt and lowered the zipper. I could only watch in awe as she pushed the material down her thighs. There she stood at the foot of the beds in nothing but her bra and low-cut, cotton panties. She was beautiful with her small chest and thin waist. I watched as she began to get dressed in the sleeveless flannel shirt and baggy jeans I had given her. Even in the clothes of a ‘commoner’, she was dignified and refined.
‘You can come back in.’ She called after she finished dressing. She was seated on the bed farthest from the door with a black box resting in front of her. ‘Close the door and come here. I found a medical kit.’
I didn’t argue, figuring I wouldn’t be able to get her to New Mexico if the wound became infected and made me sick. I closed the door and removed my armor and vest. I crossed the room and sat on the bed in front of her. I could see her eyes looking me over, and decided to let her keep on, so I pretended not to notice. After a few moments, she open the kit and pulled out some bottles and bandages and began to patch the wound.
‘I really appreciate what you did for me.’ She said as she dabbed something onto a bandage and placed it over the wound. It stung a bit and surprised me to a start. A small grin crossed her lips as a muted giggle escaped. ‘Ah, I’m sorry.’, She apologized as she began to lightly blow on the scrap. I could barely contain myself with her so close to me. Her hand wrapped around the underside of my biceps. She finished wrapping me up and looked up at me. ‘All better,’ she said in a bright voice.
‘Thank you,’ was all I could manage, in a low tone.
At the sound of my voice, she looked up and we locked gazes. I reached down and placed my hand on her chin and began to pull her to me. As our lips meet, I began to kiss her. She hesitated at first, then relaxed and returned my kiss. Gently, she pulled away and stared up at me. Without speaking, I rested my hand on her shoulder and slowly moved it down her torso until I encountered her perfectly round breast. Gently, I rubbed the palm of my hand over the fabric that covered her. She placed a hand on my ch
eek and pulled me to her again for another kiss.
As we kissed, I began to unbutton the flannel shirt. When the last button came free, I pushed the shirt off of her shoulders. I moved my kiss from her lips to her neck. Once again, I began to mead her breast. I slipped a finger under the silk cup and pulled it down to expose her pale tit. Her nipple was erect and hard as pebbles. I moved my kisses lower to her breast until I wrapped my lips around her nipple and began to bite lightly and run my tounge around it. She put her hands behind my head and pulled me into her as she began to breathe heavy.
With one hand cupping her breast, I continued to suckle as I ran my other hand down her arm, to the waistband of the oversized jeans. Slipping my hand under, I began to run my fingers over the crotch of her cotton panties, which were wet from her excitement. She moaned as she pulled my head back up to hers to engage me into another passionate kiss. I ran my fingers over between her legs, lightly touching her lips through her panties.
She wrapped her arms around my shoulders to pull me closer to her. As she began to nibble lightly on my hear, I could hear her whisper, ‘I want you. Take me, please.’ I didn’t need anymore prompting than that. I unbuttoned the jeans as I easily pushed her back unto the bed. She raised her hips to allow me to pull them down off her. Before I could react, she had already removed her bra and panties. There she lay, completely nude, looking like a goddess out of an old Celtic story. A thin layer of blonde hair barely concealed her womanly mound. I removed my pants as I watched her play with her own nipples. My erection was raging, almost to the point of being painful. And my relief lay in front of me, waiting for me.
I kneeled on the bed beside her and leaned down and began to kiss her chest. She reached out and wrapped her hand around my member and began to stroke me. I could feel the energy building in my balls as she caressed me. Not wanting to ruin it, I removed her hand and placed it on my neck as I moved over her. I could feel the head of my cock brush lightly against the hair that covered her. Gently, I pressed myself into her, only to feel the resistance of her virtue.
With a sheepish smile, she looked up to me, ‘Do it.’ Was all she said. I thrust myself into her as she let out a scream. I felt her tighten up on me as she began to dig her manicured nails into my neck. Gently, I kissed her, sliding my tounge into her mouth. Slowly, I felt her relax. I began to pump myself into her, only a little at first, not wanting to cause her any more pain. She arched her back and slammed her hands to the bed and gripped the sheets. I began to press deeper and deeper until my weapon was sunk to its hilt in her. Her hips began to buck in time with my motions. A shudder started from her womanhood and quickly spread through her whole body as I pounded myself into her. Her moans became screams, the sound of them bringing me into a frenzy. I couldn’t hold back any longer. She let out one final scream of ecstacy as I pressed inside of her one more time feeling my balls tighten as I exploded into her.
Slowly, I moved off of her and lay on my back. She quickly cuddled into my shoulder and placed an arm over me. I wasn’t sure that what had happened just now was the best idea, but I was not going to question it. Slowly, her breathing returned to normal, and even slowed a bit. I looked down to discover she had fallen asleep. I thought I was supposed to be the one to fall asleep, I thought.
My thoughts were interpreted by the sound of a familiar voice outside. ‘Syber, I don’t know what the in Hell you thought you were doing, but the games over. I’m here for the girl and my car!’ It was, Jy-Ryn. He had caught up to us quicker than I had thought. Quickly, I jumped from bed and pulled my pants and armor jacket back on. I grabbed one of the assault rifles off the other bed and looked out the window. Outside, Jy-Ryn and six of his men sat on the hoods of various cars and looked in my direction.
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Author's note: All characters except for the original characters belong to Koei. The original characters, however, belong to me. Hello and welcome, John Doe! This is the Dynasty Warriors Virtual Reality Simulation, a sister project to Samurai Warriors Virtual Reality Simulation. In this simulation you can fuck any of the numerous men (if you're female) & women (if you're male) from the Dynasty Warriors series. (see add new thread for more information)
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Saturday, January 29th – Khoshilat Maqandeli, The Hidden Realm Britney followed Kyle into the War Room. The room was constructed entirely out of Sapphire, blocking any form of Djinn telepathy or scrying. She and Kyle were completely cut off, and if the Marid emissary turned out to be a trap and attack them, they would be unable to call for aid. Her hand drifted down to stroke Waterclaw's hilt. The katar was tucked into the blue sash wrapped around her waist. The Marid emissary was a...
"This has been the most wonderful Christmas I can ever remember," Glynnis cooed as they lay entwined in their bed. "You spoiled both Jamie and me, especially with that car you bought me." "The Oldsmobile was not ageing gracefully. I wanted to make sure you were driving a safe car, especially when I wasn't around to rescue you," Cam smiled, kissing her. "The Volvo will do you nicely." "You don't always have to rescue me, you know. But, I do appreciate it. After all, that's how I...
Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta-reading this! Saturday, January 17th – South Hill, Washington Christy stumbled out of Ms. Franklin's house. She felt so dirty. Last night she had given herself to Kyle, and today she had let her body be soiled by the teacher. She reached her car, slumping against it. Her lips still tasted of the teacher's sour juices. I'm so sorry Kyle! She fought off her tears, feeling eyes upon her. Ms. Franklin watched her from the porch. Bitch! Why did you do this to...
The forests by Peking were dangerous and isolated. Daiyu bandaged her hand as she went deeper and deeper into the woods. She had no direction to go but forward. She had no idea where to go but forward. Hours went by for her. She didn’t care if she was lost, for she knew that she was lost. It was her mission to do so. “I don’t know where to go!” she yelled. Daiyu put her hand on a Chinese fir tree. She was proceeding west, northwest. She walked and walked and did not know where to go. Each...
CHAPTER 1: On the Road Again >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The winter storm in Salt Lake City comes to a halt just before sunrise. The interstate is reopened before noon after the roads are plowed and salted. In the motel, Luke and Kathy wake up in bed in the spooning position they were in last night. The same position that gave Luke the opportunity to have an intimate evening with his grandmother. He wakes up thinking it was all just a dream. He knows it wasn’t. Especially once Kathy...
Tiny handed me a pair of sleeves with two Corporal stripes on them, "You'll need to wear these Tony, don't be frightened to use your authority when need be but don't be too pushy, just remember, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink." Thanks Tiny, for Christ's sake pull me up if I'm doing the wrong thing, I'm flying blind here." "It's mostly common sense Tony and you seem to have more than your fair share of that so don't worry." A short while later a...
I made it through an entire state without having sex – about three hundred almost 'nonstop' miles through Nebraska, and not one woman threw herself in front of my motorcycle, not one situation emerged in which a daring rescue of some sex-crazed maiden was required, and nothing else happened of note, except I stopped for gas and a couple of times to stretch. Nebraska was boring, and so was a good part of Kansas on my way to Salina where I'd made overnight reservations at a Best...
After seeing Yellowstone National Park, I knew that I wanted to come back in warmer weather. A few of the side roads through the park that looked interesting were closed to traffic. I headed for Livingston, Montana for an overnight stop before getting on Interstate 90 and heading west to Coeur d'Alene where I had an ex-Army friend. The day had started sunny, and according to the forecast, clouds would roll into the region before a small front swooped through with a chance of light snow...
CHAPTER 1: INTRO >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Are you kidding me?? Just come home already!! Luke screams angrily into his phone as he pulls into the driveway of his house. -I don’t care if you’re a “High-Risk!” You’re already vaccinated!! Just come home Sara! -Ok Fine!! Stay in Denver! WHO GIVES A FUCK that we haven’t seen each other in a YEAR!! Without much luck in winning his argument, Luke ends his phone call in utter frustration. He has had enough! Ever since the start of the...
We were on the road from Mysore to Ooty in India. It is a beautiful road, with picturesque lodges along the road, and it passes through Karnataka's richest wildlife sanctuary. For miles, you can just see green trees, densely populating either side of the road. Deer, jackals, gaur (wild bison), peacocks, elephants, and sometimes even tigers can be seen on the road. It is a sure bet to raise a spirit of adventure in anyone travelling the road. Our bike was a powerful Roadking 250 cc...
First TimeThe windscreen wipers tore back and forth but their efforts were futile against the deluge. The storm was monstrous. What started as spots of rain dotting the windscreen had developed into a full-blown meteorological onslaught. Rain hammered down and a savage wind battered the hedgerows, bending branches low over the road. Thorny foliage caught in the wipers, scraped arcs across the windscreen, scratching the glass. Ignoring it, Seren leaned forward and peered anxiously into the darkness. She...
SupernaturalRoad Trip When I was younger, I used to go on long road trips with my parents in their RV. The kind of RV that they had was the kind that had the cab over bed. Every once in a while, we had to drive down a two lane highway (the kind that had the yellow dashed and solid line in the middle) and that was when I would “go take a nap” and climb up in the bed and close the privacy curtains. Along the front of the bed where some windows that faced forward so I can see the highway. One day, I had a...
This story began as a couple of questions of mine on Mindy's Polling Site, the ones about the six college men who spend time at a Summer rental that somehow changes at least some of them into women. I've played around with it for a while, until I came up with this version while I was on vacation. (Yes, parts of this story were written in three different states, on the ground and in mid- air.) Some of it is rather explicit, though all the sex happens off-stage. Road Trip By Ellie...
After turning 18, Helen was working in a roadhouse and lots of young truckers came through the joint. Helen had fucked most of them after only 4 months slinging hash........she had slung her juicy young cunt at a lot of cock.She had been fucked in Whites, Macks, Freightliners and even gang-banged on a pile of tarpaulins by a gang of truckers. She loved the feel of cocks ramming deep in her young pussy driving her over the top with orgasm after orgasm. Eventually the inevitable...
Saturday saw the five of us heading off down the highway to Bairnsdale. Ernie was sitting in the front seat with his gammy leg stretched out in front of him, Jess was relegated to the backseat. Dom and Cheryl followed in Dom's roadster. Doug and his wife greeted us at the farm. Alice, Doug's other half suggested we take a tour of the old homestead and then we could decide if we were still interested. Interested was an understatement. Doug had removed the hay bales off the veranda and...
Alan Prescott, the Sire officer invited us in. "How can I help you folks?" I introduced everybody and gave him a brief outline on our plans for the roadhouse. "What we are here for today is to see if we can use the old homestead for that purpose, if so, what do we need to do from now on?" He pulled out a map and we located the house, pointing out that the title was for ten acres. "The area is zoned Rural A, that's agricultural. We can rezone it Rural B, that will allow you to...
Ahhh, the first summer heat wave! Technically not really summer yet, it was still a few weeks away, but just try to tell the weather what to do. The man on the radio warned that it would reach the high eighties before noon, then of course went into full 'scare the public' mode with warnings of heat stroke, hydration, blah blah blah. I tuned him out, thinking how fortunate I was. I had scheduled an off-site meeting with a vendor several towns away from corporate headquarters. Could life get any...
Office SexKelly and her husband, Mitch decided they needed to get away for a little while. Since Mitch was working from his laptop for the next few weeks, they decided to head up to the summer house. It was a nice two-room cabin in the mountains near a lake. They would normally go up for vacation and hike, fish, sail with friends and relatives. This trip, it was just the two of them, and in the off-season.Kelly dressed in shorts and a tank top for the ride up, getting a head start on being comfortable....
ExhibitionismOne of the bike clubs I belonged to was the sponsor and organizer of the STP. Over the thirty years that they had been doing the STP, they had gotten it down to an art form. As an event, it pretty much ran itself, or at least that’s how it appeared to the riders on the event. To the organizers, it was just this side of a nightmare! Picture, if you will, trying to provide enough logistical support for roughly eight-thousand cyclists along a two-hundred mile route across two states, over a...
In another few months, all hell would break loose in the Arkansas wildlife refuge I camped at overnight: the various hunting seasons would begin. Rabbits, squirrel, ducks, geese, deer, and even chipmunks beware! The hunters are coming! The hunters are coming! In absolute stillness, I stood with a small empty envelope in my hand, alone on the banks of the White River in Arkansas, as I watched my late wife's ashes drift slowly away from me on the surface of the water carried by hidden eddies....
Back when I was relatively young, eighteen or so, but still thought I knew more or less everything , an old boyfriend of mine invited me to go to his parents' house near Perpignan in France. The house was on the coast there and sounded adorable. Despite my arrogance, I wasn't stupid and soon checked out that we weren't going to go on our own but with three more friends, two girls and a guy. I wasn't even the youngest, the youngest was a partial friend of mine who was only seventeen then. It...
ExhibitionismThis is a continuation of my A Wish to God characters. Just like A Wish To God, it stands as it's own story. But you probably should read Wish To God first before reading this story. Enjoy. Raod Trip by Brad Miller Part 1 Ron and I were going to have a lot of fun with our unique powers. It was about ten minutes ago when Ron came to my house to talk to me, well actually he came to Raquel's house and talked to me inhabiting Raquel's body. Ron wasn't himself either. He was...
"Mom, I don't know what to do. I'm pushing and pushing, but it won't go in," Josh said, totally exasperated. "Just slide it in nice and easy, baby," his sexy mother Erica replied. "Okay." Josh did as his mother asked, going nice and slow, but once again, he found his efforts stymied as he tried to slowly push it further in. "It's not working. I don't know what to do. I feel like giving up." "C'mon, baby. You can do it. I know it's long and thick, but I think if you just...
Sid arrived in class early to watch the arrival of Cynthia. It was her grand unveiling - the first day in which she was going public, wearing her new wardrobe. He wondered which of the new outfits she would wear. He hoped that it was the blue dress since it was the sexiest of them. When Cynthia glided into the room, even Sid was surprised at the transformation. The loose fitting blue dress came down to her knees, was tight at the waist, and had a plunging neckline that just begged a man to...
Patricia is fucking my brains out tonight pulling out all the stops her body soft but demanding I could barely keep up with her and that usually only means one thing she is going to ask me to do something I probably won't enjoy doing and this is compensation sex not that I am complaining mind you Patricia's compensation sex is always unbelievably hot and especially dirty she'll do things she normally doesn't ask for but knows that I like!... Tonight she wants to be tied up spanked and then ass...
I was suspicious as soon as I heard the oozing sweetness in her voice. My wife of four years called me at work just before noon to ask me if I would be willing to go "rescue" her 18 year old little sister and bring her back to California. She went on to tell me how her sister had just broken up with her jerk of a boyfriend and was out of a place to live. She then confessed that she had volunteered me to do the four hour each way turn around trip from our place to Vegas.Six hours later I pulled...
I was suspicious as soon as I heard the oozing sweetness in her voice. My wife of four years called me at work just before noon to ask me if I would be willing to go "rescue" her 18 year old little sister and bring her back to California. She went on to tell me how her sister had just broken up with her jerk of a boyfriend and was out of a place to live. She then confessed that she had volunteered me to do the four hour each way turn around trip from our place to Vegas.Six hours later I pulled...
Once upon a time in happened that I was dating a girl named Chrissie. Let me tell youfrom the start guys and gals, Chrissie was a hot little number who was hotfor cock. Specifically, she was hot for my cock and had been since she'dfound out how good I was from the other girls.And how big I was.She did everything within her power to get a piece of me.I thought right from the first that she was a hottie. And I couldpretty much tell right from the beginning that she was clearly...
It had been a long week, visiting the in laws. My wife's parents were assholes, more so her mother than her pussy whipped father, but I shut up and acted like I enjoyed the visit, for the sake of my wife. The two oldest were spending another week with Nana and Poppa, and so we were driving back to northern Michigan with the two babies. The drive had tuckered them out, and they slept peacefully as I navigated the interstate. Once we got north of Bay City, Sheryl developed a mischievous twinkle...
(The erotic memoirs of a department store ‘Floorwalker’) My Father passed away three months ago to the day. He was a good father and seemingly lived a very quiet, mild-mannered, average life. At least that’s what I thought until I pried open a locked large brown trunk in the attic of his small 2 bedroom home in West Hollywood and discovered the three dusty, well-worn black books inside. They contained the tightly scrawled handwriting of my father. The realtor listing my dad’s house was calling...
The peak of fall foliage time had passed, but some Aspen trees still carried their leaves and late color. One or two of the taller peaks showed evidence of high altitude snowfall. I felt awe struck by the scenery. Gunnison, Colorado, sits on a wide plain at the base of Tenderfoot Mountain where students from Western State College placed a huge 'W' on the façade of the mountain. In another direction, Blue Mesa graced the skyline. Taller mountains fill the horizon in all directions. During a...
I walked through the headstones towards Dad's car. It was my car now after that accident. I was walking away from the double funeral for Mark and Carol Arrowstone. It was less than a week ago that I had come home to the cops sitting in my driveway to tell me that Mom and Dad had been in a car accident. The drunk driver that hit them was dead too. Standing next to the car was Mike Larter, Dad's lawyer. He was handling the reading of the will and the distribution of my parent's assets. I knew...