Rocky Shores (Submerged Desires #1) free porn video

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Cass giggled as she ran across the wet sand, dropping her bra and panties behind her onto the deserted beach. Her feet made little splashes as she ran into the chilly surf. Once the water deepened, she began to swim with strong, confident strokes. After swimming a couple dozen yards, Cass tested the depth with pointed toes and was satisfied that she could still touch sand. She turned in the shoulder-deep water to face the squeals and gleeful shouts on the shore behind her, barely making out her friends’ silhouettes in the moonlight.

“Hey guys! Come on in! The water’s great!” she yelled. They had just arrived in the seaside town on a train from Barcelona an hour or two ago. After a few drinks, everyone decided they couldn’t wait until morning, or until their swimsuits were unpacked, for a quick dip. A satisfied grin spread across her face as she surveyed the group. She had organized the villa rental as a sort of last blast before the group of college friends scattered to begin their respective careers after a summer spent traveling.

It had worked out in the end, but it wasn’t easy for the nine friends to coordinate their plans. Each of them had traveled from their northeastern university to Europe on a different itinerary: Jed and Jeremy, former roommates who had been traveling Western Europe together for the last few weeks, visiting as many music festivals and smoking as much weed as possible; charming Sam, who had flown straight here from school, chilling out and strumming his guitar; Noah, her best guy friend from college and maybe the one she shouldn’t have let get away; Mara and Lainey, former roommates and generally cool chicks who usually hung with this group of guys and occasionally with Cass; dear Lola, all around wackadoo, and Lola’s best friend Caroline, who was always hilarious except when she was depressed.

Last but certainly not least, there was Cass’s best friend, Danica, with whom Cass had been traveling for two weeks now, and fighting since Madrid. Really, it was more of a détente. Her brows knit in a momentary frown as she considered the likelihood they would make up before leaving the Costa Brava. Slim to none, she decided, unless Cass sucked it up and apologized. God knows she wasn’t going to hear an apology from Danica. Cass decided for what seemed the hundredth time that she just wasn’t willing to do it right now. Friendship was supposed to go both ways and she was sick of Danica’s bullshit.

Cass quickly dipped her head back into the water to clear the hair from her face. She felt sexy and free without clothes, her naughty bits rubbing together as she moved through the water. As her head came back up, she felt something brush against her bare thigh, and froze. Shark? No way. In her characteristic paranoia, she had already read up on sharks of the Med, and knew that sightings were quite rare. Like not for over 20 years. Jellyfish? Her heart sped up. Maybe, and that could still be really dangerous.

Suddenly a sinewy arm came from behind and wrapped itself around her waist in a vise-like grip, a hand on her breast. OK, not a jellyfish, but…Cass began breathing faster. “Noah?” He had never done anything like this before, and this newfound forcefulness was hot.

A stubbly chin rested where her neck joined her shoulder and her shiver was more like a convulsion. Hello erogenous zone! “No. I’m Lex. I thought you were a mermaid.” His low, deeply resonant voice was not without humor. Cass panicked and turned to face her assailant, not quite breaking free from his strong arm, which still held her close. The tanned skin, the chiseled jaw, the high cheekbones; none of these registered with her at first because underwater something stiff and slippery pressed against her thigh…was that the stranger’s—Lex’s—cock? It was the slickest, most slippery cock she had ever felt, and both its length and girth were astonishing. Oh. My. God. She felt a warmth spreading from between her legs.

Still, she was indignant at being manhandled, and a little scared. “What the hell are you doing?!?” Cass wondered if he was going to pull her under, maybe a combination rape/murder by drowning, and she began to scream. He flashed white teeth and bright blue eyes for just a moment before he disappeared under the water. She waited for him to come back up, but there was no sign of him. “What the fuck?”

There was something familiar—and hot—about this stranger. She had to admit that she wanted him, and now she was almost sorry he was gone, despite the creepy interaction they just had. Maybe it was an accident—maybe he had thought she was someone else. They could have made up, gotten to know each other, exchanged numbers. But then she considered that, right before he went under, he looked almost…feral. Maybe she wasn’t sorry.

Noah swam up first. He was a strong swimmer. “What happened, Cass? Are you OK?”

“Huh? Didn’t you see him?”


“Oh my god…A naked stranger just grabbed me. I felt … I felt his dick brush up against me.” A thrill shot through her shudder.

“What?” his face reflected disbelief.

“You didn’t see him?” She was beside herself.

“Nooo …”

“But he was right here! I mean, how could you miss him?” She shuddered, a bit more dramatically than necessary.

“Are you sure there was someone here? The moon’s pretty bright. I think we would’ve seen him—unless he held his breath for an exceedingly long time.” He spoke in a wry tone that was de rigueur among his group of guy friends, falling just short of mocking.

“I guess. I don’t think I imagined it. Do you think I was hallucinating?”

“Definitely,” he chuckled gently. “It wouldn’t be the first time.” Now he was mocking.

She pushed him playfully on the shoulder, a bit giddy from her earlier run-in. Their naked bodies brushed together momentarily and she felt his substantial hardness brush against her hip just as her heavy breasts brushed his chest. He paused for a moment and gave her a hard look before the mood broke. He lightly dunked her and then swam away as she pursued him, both laughing. A little faster than she would have liked, they were joined by the rest of the group. Yet another Noah and Cass flirtation without action. She sighed and wondered if they would ever hook up.

She had recently learned that, apparently, all of his boys assumed they’d slept together at some point in their three-year friendship. She couldn’t blame them. The guys had watched the two of them retreat to his room together, alone, several times, and had even walked in on the pair in bed together. Little did the guys know, however, that, though they’d cuddled many times, Cass and Noah had never even kissed.

The group reminisced about the past week’s travels as they laughed and splashed in the moonlight. For a few moments Cass felt apart from her friends, as if she was floating above them and eavesdropping, rather than part of the group. She dove under and swam a couple of body lengths, but the silence of the pitch-black seawater was too eerie for her. As she broke the surface she overheard Jeremy tease Mara about sharks as he grabbed her ass, and she watched Lola’s and Sam’s bodies intertwine—they couldn’t get any closer—as they explored each other’s mouths with their tongues, her breast in his hand and his thumb gently rubbing a stiff pink nipple.

The group played for another few minutes and then Caroline got a leg cramp and they all decided to head back up to the villa. As they filed up the rocky hill path, Cass closed her eyes for a moment and enjoyed the scent of night-blooming flowers.

Noah came up behind her and gently put a hand on the small of her back to help her up the steepest part of the path. In the face of this typical thoughtful gesture, she asked herself why they couldn’t get it together. In many ways, she blamed herself. Cass always knew he had a major thing for her, and he was not unattractive. In fact, though he had never made a move, she considered going for it herself, many times. But she feared she might change her mind after hooking up, thereby ruining their special friendship, and she was too self-righteous to comfortably play the bad guy.

By the time they returned to the villa, the group’s big travel day had finally caught up with them, and everyone was ready to hit the hay, or, hit it, at least in the case of Lola and Sam, who had just retreated into a bedroom together. Cass noted Jeremy and Mara were also now kissing in the hallway.

As Cass grabbed her stuff and got ready to drag it up to her room, Noah stared at her with puppy eyes. She could almost taste his vulnerability. Whether he finally wanted to consummate their relationship, or just wanted another cuddle fest, Cass ignored his plaintive glances.

The handsome stranger had her hot and bothered, and she preferred to scratch her own itch. Unlike Noah, self-pleasure was a sure thing, and anyway, a drunken hookup with Noah tonight seemed like a bad idea. She knew he must think she was toying with his emotions—how else to explain their increasing distance over the past several months?—but it was probably for the best. She couldn’t bear the thought of hurting him, though maybe she already had.


The house was quiet by the time Cass slipped under the duvet cover and sunk into a mountain of pillows…all except for the faint but unmistakable grunts and moans from Sam and Lola or Jeremy and Mara that were now filtering through her open balcony doors. As she concentrated on the stranger’s face, Cass’s cool fingers slipped under the waistband of her silk panties, and slowly moved between her legs. She slipped the panties and her tank top off so she was naked, wanting to feel that same bareness she experienced while skinny dipping. Cass began gently rubbing her clit, already wet after hearing her friends getting it on.

Cass imagined the stranger’s hands on her full breasts, sliding down her torso to slip between her legs. Her breaths came faster as two fingers disappeared into her swollen vulva, while she used three fingers of the other hand to stroke her wet clit. In her mind’s eye, he turned her around and now they were face to face, pressing their bodies together. That’s when she first noticed he didn’t have legs—only a giant fish’s tail that swooped gently from side to side in the depths below her. “Mmm…is that a tail?”

“Yes…does that bother you?”

“No…I think it’s hot.”

His enormous member retracted from his body, unlike anything she had ever seen, and he slipped it between her legs, rubbing teasingly against her slit. The friction of the slippery cock rubbing against her pussy delighted her, but in this fantasy, she quickly grew desperate to have him inside of her.

Before long, she was begging: “Lex! Fuck me! Please, fuck me!” She realized too late that she had just cried out those words aloud, and froze. Cass blushed a little when she considered her friends might have heard through the villa’s many open windows. When a few moments passed without any response, Cass re-focused on her pleasure. In her mind, Cass began pressing her fingernails hard into Lex’s back, and finally, he slowly, tantalizingly pushed his impossibly thick, slippery cock deep inside of her, while kissing her roughly.

As Cass continued to lie in the bed imagining this scene, she moaned and keened, her fingers sliding rhythmically in and out of her dripping wet pussy. Cass began writhing on the bed but never stopped massaging the little nub, the movements coming harder and faster as she imagined him pounding into her, over and over again. She held her breath once, twice, again, felt the pleasure building, imagined his cock in, and out, hard, thrusting, felt the orgasm building, building, and then it crashed over her as he shot cum deep inside of her.

For several minutes Cass waited for her own panting to stop, imagining that Lex cradled her. “Oh, Lex.” She sighed aloud. As her breath slowed down, she began drifting off to sleep, a wide smile on her face.

In what felt like just a few minutes later, Cass awakened to the wind banging against her balcony door. The Mediterranean night air was still warm, but a brisk breeze rustled the trees outside. What time was it? Was it raining? Did she need to close the balcony door? She rolled over in the bed and opened her eyes a crack. A male silhouette stood out in the moonlight, just an arm’s length from her bed. She gasped in terror, and he quickly put a hand over her mouth.

“Shh. It’s alright. I’m not going to hurt you.” She recognized the voice from somewhere…“I’m Lex. From the beach.” He continued to hold her gaze as he slowly removed his hand from her mouth. She stared at him. “I know you remember me. I heard you say my name…a few times.” He raised an eyebrow.

She blushed a deep crimson. “Were you watching me just now?”

“Yes. I know what you were thinking about, and how good it felt, by the way you cried out…”

“Why were you watching me touch myself?”

“Because I couldn’t stop watching you, Cassandra.” How did he know her name? Had he been hanging around outside, listening, all night?

He lay down on the bed next to her, staring intently at her with his light blue eyes. “I want what you want.” She shook her head to clear it. She shouldn’t let him stay here. She should scream bloody murder. She didn’t know this guy, and wasn’t this breaking and entering? Or didn’t it count because the balcony door had been open?

“You don’t know what I want.” She wasn’t sure what he planned, and, whatever it was, she wasn’t sure she wanted to stop him.

“I do. You want me.” He said simply. “Don’t deny it. I heard you.” She kept staring at him dumbly, a prickling sensation between her legs, then looked down and suddenly remembered that she was completely naked. Mortified, she reached for the duvet to cover herself, but he stopped her with one hand. At this moment, she realized, both her mind and body were laid bare for him.

“Please. Don’t. I want to look at you.” She was ambivalent with shame and arousal. The prickling grew stronger, became nearly unbearable, and she almost touched herself again, just to feel some release. But finally it was his finger that lazily traced the curve of her breast, down her ribcage, over her pelvis, and into the tangle of hair between her legs.

“Mmm. You’re so wet! Did thinking about me make you wet?”

She blushed deeper. “No.” She paused. ”I mean, maybe.”

He grasped her hand in his, and whispered, his lips brushing her ear, “Let me tell you a secret: watching you come makes me hard. Feel how hard you make me.” As he spoke he moved her hand downward to grip that impossibly long and thick cock. She tested its girth and noted she couldn’t even encircle it with her two longest fingers. They didn’t even come close to meeting at the fingertips. She looked down at his cock with curiosity. It stood at attention, bending back so far it touched his belly. She wondered for a moment what it would feel like inside of her. He would probably break her in two.

“So…um…did you see and hear that whole thing? Me. Earlier.”

“Mmm hmm.” He murmured. “Don’t be ashamed. I liked how deep you put your fingers inside of yourself, and how hard and fast you moved your body just before you came. Will you move like that with me when I put my cock inside of you?”

His hand rhythmically rubbed her clit, now even wetter than before, as his other hand played with her erect nipple. He pinched the nipple between his thumb and forefinger, and then knelt to taste it, teasing it with his lips and bathing it with strokes of his tongue. The licking, and now sucking, on her nipple made her gasp, and her pelvic floor contracted. It felt like a flower blooming, in time lapse.

Lex slipped two fingers past her swollen vulva and deep inside of her. Then he began exploring her from the inside until he found her G-spot. Lex’s thumb rubbed her there, vigorously, while he rubbed circles on her wet clit. She was almost immediately on the brink of orgasm, and found it hard to catch her breath. Lex stopped abruptly and turned her over, face down on the bed.

He stretched his entire body length over her, his muscular chest against her back, the hard cock between her ass cheeks. He moved his body up and down, penis rubbing against her ass. His hands pinned her wrists to the bed. He moved his cock down between her legs, rubbing against her slit. Cass moaned. Then Lex was kissing the back of her neck, her most sensitive spot. She cried out as he bit her at the base of her hairline without stopping the unbearably pleasurable friction between his cock and her slit.

Lex turned her over so she lay on her back, face up, and he pressed the front of his muscular body against hers. Her breasts crushed against his chest and his erect cock nestled directly into her vulva. They rubbed their bodies together a few times, her nipples, hard and round like pearls, skipping against his strong chest. She took a deep breath, trying to maintain self-possession. It was becoming increasingly more difficult.

He pulled away slightly, found her mouth, and caught her soft lips between his strong ones. She dipped her tongue into his mouth as if tasting honey. He gently bit her lower lip and slipped his tongue into her mouth, slow and sly. She immediately crushed his lips with her own. They explored each other’s mouths, their tongues slowly moving in and out.

Cass realized Lex had begun slipping the tip of his penis between the folds of her labia. He was almost inside her when he stopped and stared into her green eyes, his bright blue ones burning the question into her. For a moment she considered the fact that she had no condom. Maybe he did. “Do you have something?”

“No. But don’t worry about it.” That wasn’t really an answer, and she certainly didn’t want to get pregnant. But she wanted him badly. She nodded and he began slipping it in…tantalizingly slow. Even with her wetness, it hurt, but it was a sweet pain. He paused when he was about halfway in. Then, without warning, he plunged the massive cock deeply into her. She gasped in shock, then sighed roughly as he filled her completely…and then some.

She felt Lex’s enormous cock stretch her almost to the breaking point. It hurt—but the pleasure was a thousand times the pain. He looked into her eyes, “am I hurting you?” he asked, concerned.

“No.” she lied. “You feel incredible inside of me.” This part, at least, was true. His cock touched all of her vagina walls at once, simultaneously pressing against both her G-spot, and her clitoris. It was so good—his girth was such that it would have felt incredible even if she hadn’t moved at all. As it was, she could barely get the words out. She felt she would go wild with the pleasure.

After a few minutes of feeling their bodies move together, he rolled her over and they flipped, Cass on top. She sat back a bit on her heels, silently thanking her yoga instructor. He penetrated deeper at this angle, and could see much more. In the mirror next to the bed, she watched herself, and him, as he thrust with a hard jerk, pulled his cock almost all the way out, and then thrust it into her once again. Cass could tell from Lex’s face that he liked what he saw as he watched her breasts jiggle, then cupped them in his hands, smiling devilishly. Almost without warning, he slapped her ass, hard, which only further inflamed her.

Cass and Lex almost telepathically anticipated each other’s rhythm, as if they had done this a hundred times before. She noted how well their bodies fit, moving silently together, only their rapid breathing giving them away. Their movements sped up, her ass cheeks filling his hands completely as she rode his cock faster and rougher. Cass heard him moan, unable to contain his need, and she gasped as his hard thrusts drove the massive member deeper and deeper inside of her. She panted, yearning desperately for release.

The look on his face intensified. “I’m going to come.” She lowered herself to feel their bodies together. She held her breath and tensed a bit, wanting to hasten her own orgasm so they could come together.

He cried out, and drove into her, ever faster and harder. Suddenly, Cass felt herself coming to her peak, and pausing there for a few blissful seconds. She was dizzy, and it felt like her heart had stopped. Then she began falling, falling, and crashing with a colossal release, her vagina contracting powerfully. At the same time, Lex cried out again, more loudly this time. With a few more powerful thrusts, he pumped his warm juices into her, just as her own throbbing orgasm began to abate.

They both sighed and Lex pulled Cass closer to him. They lay together like that for long minutes, his arm beneath Cass and Cass nestled into his chest, their heartbeats slowing.

“How was that?” he inquired.

“Amazing.” she gasped. It had been an unforgettable night of pleasure, and she drifted off almost immediately, nestled into his chest.


The sun was high in the sky when Cass woke up, and Lex was gone. She sighed, and wondered for a few minutes whether she had dreamt the whole thing. As she stretched and felt the sweet soreness between her legs, she realized it had all been real, and she smiled with pleasure. She was not entirely surprised by his disappearance this morning, though slightly dismayed. No question, he could be abrupt.

Cass fervently hoped to see him again soon as she quickly pulled on some clothes and rushed downstairs.

She wondered if it was earlier, or later, than she thought when she got downstairs and no one was there but Lola, glowering over a cup of coffee. Hungover, or homicidal? She wondered what was on Lola’s mind this morning. Cass was relieved to see Caroline stroll in. She was bound to perk up Lola’s foul mood.

“Hey, guys. Morning! What’s up?” Cass forced herself to sound chipper, even though she wasn’t sure yet what kind of crowd she was facing.

“Nothing.” Lola muttered.

“Morning, Cass! Do you know where everyone went?” Caroline was practically yelling.

“No…are they gone?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

“They went to some seaside cafe. For brunch.” Lola looked pissed.

“Café de la Playa? How long ago did they leave?” Cass asked, bemused.

“Yeah, I think so. Like 15 minutes ago.”

“Well, that’s really not much of a brunch place. It’s more of a lounge. But let’s go find them.”

During the walk Cass gathered that Lola was pissed the rest of the group had left without them, and that she had even tried to persuade them to stay a few more minutes, but to no avail. She also picked up on some other undertones of frustration—perhaps Sam’s passion toward Lola had dissipated in the cold light of day.

Cass wondered briefly if it would be the same with herself and Lex. Who was she kidding? She’d be lucky to ever see him again. Despite their intense coupling, and her warm feelings toward him when she woke up this morning, she had to admit to herself that it was probably a momentary fling, and nothing more. Isn’t that what European vacations are for, anyway?

As they carefully walked down the steep downhill road that led to the small town’s largest beach, the three friends spotted a dark-haired, fiftysomething woman sitting at a card table by the side of the road. They didn’t see her until they were almost upon her, as she sat behind some bushes at a bend in the road. The fortuneteller wore leopard-print spandex that barely contained her tan, wrinkly breasts, and lots of dark eyeliner. Cass understood “fortune” in Spanish. Lola understood her better and crowed with laughter, the dark mood gone. “Guys, she wants to read our fortunes. Let’s do it!”

Caroline and Cass both shrugged and they began negotiating with the woman. 25 Euros each was the final price. Caroline declined, but Lola and Cass decided to do it. Lola was really into this sort of thing, and Cass found her enthusiasm infectious. Everyone listened as the woman read Lola’s fortune in Spanish. Something about being in love with a guy for years, and finally getting what she wanted. She just needed a little more patience. Lola was positively giddy.

“Could she be more generic?” Caroline was irritated.

“Shh. She was so detailed. She said he was dark-haired, and that his first initial starts with ‘S.’”

“Yeah, after guessing ‘T’ and ‘R’ first.”

“Whatever.” Lola rolled her eyes.

It was Cass’s turn. She stepped over to the fortune teller, who had Cass shuffle the cards. She began to lay them out, and then looked up at Cass with an ominous look in her eyes.

“Peligro. Peligro del agua.” Cass thought she said “danger from the water.” The fortune teller went on to say more, something about a man who meant her harm, a man with dark hair. She thought she caught the word “Sireno.” Was that like, a fire engine siren? An ambulance siren? Was some guy going to put her in an ambulance? Or was it the water that would do that? It was particularly creepy because she had a few extended family members who had drowned, and sometimes it felt like a family curse. At least, that’s what her cousin said. She shivered.

“Guys. Guys. What is she saying?” Cass interrupted Caroline and Lola, who were still griping at each other over the fortune teller’s earlier pronouncements. They ignored her. “Guys! Would you stop arguing and come over here for a minute please?” As Cass raised her voice, Lola and Caroline stopped and stared at her. She gestured at the fortune teller. “Repite, por favor.”

But the woman had crossed her arms and would say no more. She looked at Cass with wild eyes and shook her head.

“Fine. Then I’m not going to pay you.” The woman held up a hand and said something. Cass thought she was trying to tell them to leave. Lola held up some cash, but the woman wouldn’t take it. She shooed them away. Lola shrugged and they all started walking quickly down the hill, hungry now and eager to catch their friends.

“That was weird. Why wouldn’t she take my money?” Lola wondered.

“I thought it was kind of creepy, what she said, and then how she acted after she read my fortune.” Cass mused.

“What did she say?” Lola asked.

“Something about danger in the water, a dangerous dark-haired man.” Cass was thoroughly spooked, and began walking faster. She heard Caroline’s snort of derision behind her, and sped up even more. The trees here were thick enough that they walked in shadow.

“You guys know that’s bullshit, right? She’s just a gypsy, trying to make a buck.” Caroline was scornful. Lola was quiet.

“Maybe.” Cass said tightly. The shadows gave way to sunlight after a few moments, and as they came around another bend, they could see the beach and the many seaside cafes, bars, and shops scattered on the shore below them. In the full light of the sun, her fears seemed silly. “OK. I guess you’re right. Maybe I should stop freaking myself out.” Caroline nodded and raised her eyebrows. Lola remained silent. They began walking down the ancient stairs carved in the cliff side.

Cass heard loud ambient music as they approached the Café de la Playa, wondering for a wild moment if she might run into Lex while she was here, and what she would say if she did. She entered the gates of the seaside café, and scanned. No Lex.

Cass did see their friends, though, in front of a few large wrought iron tables that had been pushed together. The remains of what looked like hummus and pita, and some leftover sushi were spread in front of them. As she neared the group, Lola and Caroline joined Noah and Danica at one end. Cass sat near Sam and Jeremy at the other end, and noticed a couple of unfamiliar guys had joined them. Sam and one of the guys apparently knew each other, and animatedly discussed a soccer match in Spanish.

The other guy looked up at her as she approached, and held her gaze. He had dark black hair; eyelashes so thick he seemed to be wearing eyeliner; tanned skin; dark eyes; fine, strong bones in his face; and a Roman nose: not tiny, with a slight curve. He was exactly her type. She felt a flutter in her chest as she stared back at him. “Hey, Cass.” Sam broke in. “This is Javier and Juan Carlos. I met Juan on the train a few weeks ago and we hung out together in Amsterdam. Dude, I can’t believe we ended up meeting up again. It’s crazy!”

“Hola,” she said shyly, holding out her hand. “Soy Cass.” Javier took her hand and drew her in closer, kissing her on each cheek. “Mucho gusto. Soy Javier.” He dropped her hand slowly, continuing to look into her eyes.

“Much gusto,” Juan Carlos double cheek kissed her as well, but somehow it felt much less intimate.

“Do you speak English?” she asked Javier casually. She was fully aware that her Spanish wasn’t good enough to carry on a conversation for any extended period of time.

“Mmm hmm. I went to university in the U.S.” Yes!


“UC Santa Barbara.”

“Nice. Is that near the beach?”

“It’s bordered by the Pacific on three sides. There’s water everywhere you turn.”

“Mmm. That sounds amazing.”

“Do you like the water?”

“I live for it. I sail, surf, scuba dive, and I used to be a swim instructor, swim coach, and lifeguard.”

“Me, too! I’m scuba certified, and I sail. You should come out on Juan Carlos’s family boat sometime.”

“I’d love that. So, how do you two know each other—you and Juan Carlos?”

“We actually met pretty recently. Maybe a year ago? On the beach. We both sail, so, I race with him sometimes.”

“Which position?”



He told a few stories about some races, and some Mediterranean island hopping they had done. As he spoke she stared at his white teeth, his soft lips, his impossibly long eyelashes. She thought he noticed her staring at him, and he smiled back at her several times, feeding off her giddiness with his own. The rest of the table carried on their own conversations as if the two of them weren’t there.

Cass admitted to herself that she was powerfully drawn to this man…and man he was. Nothing like the college boys she was used to. She wondered if Javier would ever be interested in her, then considered that maybe he already was, as he again flashed that irresistible smile. She briefly registered that Noah was scowling at the other end of the table, but quickly dismissed it. This was her vacation, and he didn’t own her. She would deal with him later.

Javier suddenly put both of his hands on the table. “So,” he looked a little nervous. Him? Nervous? Around her? She looked at him expectantly. “Juan Carlos is having a party at his parent’s house this afternoon. You and your friends are all invited.”

She smiled back at him shyly. “I’d love to. We’d love to. What time?”

“Why don’t you stop by around 5pm? It should go late. Oh, and bring your swimsuit.”

“We will.” She bit her lip for a minute. Would she be able to convince her friends that they had to go? With Noah’s and Danica’s moodiness, which seemed to involve some animus toward her, maybe not. With this weird little sexual tension between Sam and Lola, who now sat as far away from each other as possible, maybe not. But she would try.

Javier and Juan Carlos excused themselves. They had to start getting ready for the party. As he rose, Javier gave her one last, meaningful stare after getting up from the table, and whispered “I really hope you come tonight,” in her ear as he gave her a lingering cheek kiss. He was shorter than she had expected, with a wiry frame. In fact, he was probably a bit shorter than her five feet, nine inches. As he strode purposefully away, he moved with a compact confidence that she found incredibly sexy, height or not.

Cass did feel like a bit of a slut pursuing the next guy after the last had left her bed a scant few hours ago, but she rationalized it as normal behavior for post-graduation travel. She certainly had some steam to burn off, and as amazing as last night with Lex had been, she didn’t really expect to see him again. She chalked it up to one of those insane things you do before you go off and act respectable in the real world. The good thing was, the whole thing with Lex was a secret. No one even knew he existed! She could pretend it had never happened.

This guy, though. Javier. He had promise. She wasn’t going to let this one slip through her fingers.

*Stay tuned for Part 2: The Sea Cave. Both Rocky Shores and The Sea Cave are currently available at your favorite eBook retailer!*

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Hi everyone, I am Raj, and I am 19 years old. I am staying with my mom Shalini in Mumbai. She is 45 years old and works in a bank near our home. I always wanted to have a gf as I was a virgin but I was a bit shy about girls. I had many friends in my society with whom I used to hang a lot. They used to talk about girls, Milfs and bhabhis a lot. I too started fantasizing about milfs but I was not that lucky to get a milf. I had a friend in my society whose name was Rocky. He was 23 years old and...

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Rocky Emerson 124000

Rocky Emerson was born on December 12th, 1991, in San Diego, California, to parents with Serbian roots. At a little over six feet two inches tall, her claim to fame is her height. She's one of the tallest porn stars on the market.Girls Gone Wild: An Inspirational FilmRocky discovered a Girls Gone Wild commercial on late-night television as a youth. Every man above the age of thirty remembers those commercials. We used to stay up into the wee hours to get a couple of strokes in while watching...

Twitter Porn Accounts
1 year ago
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Rocky and Bullwinkle A Lost Adventure Episode 3

In the last episode Rocky and Bullwinkle, along with their temporary ally Natasha Fatale, were frantically searching for a young lady who had wandered away from their group. The young lady was none other than that villainous spy, Boris Badenov who had been transformed by an errant shot of exotic radiation developed by Pottsylvanian scientists. This occurred as a result of a bungled- "Don't make it sound so bad, darlink," said Natasha. "You don't want to embarrass the lady, do...

3 years ago
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Lonely Shores Resort

Sarah and I had been working our butts off, and we decided on a vacation. We thought of getting away from the usual hubbub of our lives. We devoured every pamphlet of every resort in the Caribbean and were about to give up when we found the one brochure that sounded close to what we wanted.Lonely Shores advertised good food, a private beach, a relaxed atmosphere, and no children. They promoted older couples from the 30 to 60 age range. We were on the young end of that range, but it sounded just...

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Rocky Having Sex With Colleagues Wife Kavita Part 3

Hi all, apologies for the delay of the 3rd part. Please do send your feedback to Please do read 1st and 2nd parts. That night when kavi revealed that they used my name while having sex was the most memorable nights of my life. I heard their conversation and listened their sex sounds enjoyed them to the core. Kavi to Deepak conversation: Kavi: aajaa rocky, come and fuck your lover. Enjoy her.. Satisfy her.. Deepak: yes dear.. I’m going to fuck you and tear your pussy. Kavi: yes rocky. Do as...

2 years ago
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Rocky and Bullwinkle A Lost Adventure Episode 2

When we were last with Rocky and Bullwinkle, they were frantically digging a hole into the ground with the goal of reaching China on the other side of the world. Flying there wasn't an option. "I can't get my antlers past airport security," said Bullwinkle. Their goal after reaching China is to get a strange weapon repaired for none other than those two nefarious arch villains, Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale. Or perhaps, should we say Natasha Fatale and a cute little...

2 years ago
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Rocky Horror Halloween

Rocky Horror Bet "Come on Lisa, don't you think this is going too far?" I asked nervously. "Tom, a bet is a bet. And you lost fair and square...besides, this is my final, and we need to have you ready for the show tonight." I swallowed again and shut up. It was no use whining, I had lost the bet. I wiggled in the chair in the beauty school as she worked on me. Part 1 It all started last week as my Jets faced off against her Giants. It was one of those rare times in...

3 years ago
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Rocky And Me

ROCKY AND ME BY JANICE My name is Mathew, I am fifteen and a cross dresser, I have an older sister, Joyce, by 2 years, which should tell you why I cross dress, Joyce knows but neither of my parents know I cross dress, at least I don't think they do. It was supposed to be one of those weekends when I had the entire house to myself as Karol, my name when dressing up. My sister, Joyce, had gotten a new dress a few weeks ago that I was dying to wear but we had a pact, I could wear...

3 years ago
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Rocky and Ronda

I didn't believe it. There I was sitting in a bar on the Greek Isle of Los. Working hard all those summers during high school and college, I saved my money. Now it was paying off. I deserved a vacation, and the Mediterranean was my first choice. Lots of girls, dancing and booze, my three favorites and in that order.The music was changing as the clock pushed past eleven. The DJ was playing for the younger crowd that was starting to come in. There were lots of girls just out to have a night of...

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Rocky Harte gave me a good seeing to u

I asked one of my friends with benefits, Fay Marsh, to write an account of the last sex she had with me for xhamster readers. This is what she said.....Last week I had sensational, satisfying sex for a long time that I can remember. My pussy felt rejuvenated. We were not getting along and I thought at the time that the relationship had run its course. I was in the kitchen getting a bottle of chilled champagne from the refrigerator. I closed the door. When I turned around Rocky Harte...

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Rocky Having Sex With Colleague8217s Wife Kavita 8211 Part 2

Hi all, This is continuation to previous sex story. I posted complete story of the first part, but due to some issue, only half was published. I got many requests for complete story. I’ve replied everyone with complete story. If anyone missed it please send a test email to to get complete story of the first part. Some readers asked for pictures.. Guys please don’t ask, no one will share their loved ones’ pics for someone else to shag off. I just share the story, but not their details. Comments...

1 year ago
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Rocky and Bullwinkle A Lost Adventure Episode 1

We begin our story in the tiny hamlet of Frostbite Falls, Minnesota USA, population 27, where two of its leading citizens reside; Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose. It looks like they're involved in some intense study. Let's listen in. "Do you have any tens?" "Go fish," said Rocky. Well, it looks like they're more involved in leisure time activities. Unfortunately, a couple of dark figures are approaching their quaint cabin that is sure to break up this relaxing...

4 years ago
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Mmmmm I can feel it now as Rocky still has my throat full of his gigantic huge cock as he caries me over to the bed his giant form toweres over the bed as he dropes down to his knees and slides his huge cock out of my mouth and lays me on my back on the bed he lays the gigantic long shaft overtop of my body sliding the shaft up over my stomach through my cleavage up till the head is resting on my lips ,im trembling with both fear and anticipation my tiny virgin pussy is spasming waiting for it...

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Rocky My First Time

His name was Rocky , A Big Old Boxer that was still a Virgin like Me . He was owned by the old sister of My Sexual Abuser that lived in a huge old corner house with their 90 + mom . I would visit on occasions but not for sex . I had never been entered by My Sexual Abuser as he only fucked My Virginal Ass Cheeks like They were Breast and would Cum Quickly on My Back and Ass Cheeks . They would all go downstairs for dinner and Spanish TV for hours and I would tell them I was going upstairs to...

3 years ago
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Rocky Horror Halloween part 4 5 6 nice ending

Rocky Horror Halloween Part 4 I stood shaking in the cold October, ok, since it was two am, November air outside the Moonlight club. The high heels where starting to ache. I clutched my arms around my chest and rubbed my arms, my boobs jiggling slightly above my arms. The place was already packed, the line of girls in skimpy costumes, and the guys trying to pick them up wrapped around the block. I was just another one of those girls, except for one problem, I wasn't a...

2 years ago
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rocky my giantess shemale lover

I have been having this wild hot dream of a friend that lives close to me a great tall CD I know on here and have been fantasizing of him getting much taller : I see Rocky walking up the walk my huge breasts are heaving in my tight dress as I rub my big long gurl cock in my tight silk panties ,a knock at the door tells me he is here as I open the door he even with out his heels on is much taller by almost six inches his eyes are wide as he takes in my huge swelling chest that looms just below...

1 year ago
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I have been having this wild hot dream of a friend that lives close to me a great tall CD I know on here and have been fantasizing of him getting much taller :I see Rocky walking up the walk my huge breasts are heaving in my tight dress as I rub my big long gurl cock in my tight silk panties ,a knock at the door tells me he is here as I open the door he even with out his heels on is much taller by almost six inches his eyes are wide as he takes in my huge swelling chest that looms just below...

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Rocky Bullwinkle A Lost AdventureEpisode 3

In the last episode Rocky and Bullwinkle, along with their temporary ally Natasha Fatale, were frantically searching for a young lady who had wandered away from their group. The young lady was none other than that villainous spy, Boris Badenov who had been transformed by an errant shot of exotic radiation developed by Pottsylvanian scientists. This occurred as a result of a bungled— "Don't make it sound so bad, darlink," said Natasha. "You don't want to embarrass the lady, do you?" Of...

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Rocky Having Sex With Colleague8217s Wife Kavita

Hi All, This is the story about sex with my colleague wife which happened few years ago (All names are changed for obvious reason). I’m Rocky 5.7, athletic body. Kind at heart, jovial and good guy. Can reach me on Comments and responses are welcome :) My colleague Deepak is a best friend to me. Before marriage we used to hangout a lot. First I got married and after two years Deepak got married. I helped him in his love marriage against their parents wish. Her name is Kavita. Deepak is from...

1 year ago
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Rocky Bullwinkle A Lost AdventureEpisode 1

We begin our story in the tiny hamlet of Frostbite Falls, Minnesota USA, population 27, where two of its leading citizens reside; Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose. It looks like they're involved in some intense study. Let's listen in. "Do you have any tens?" "Go fish," said Rocky. Well, it looks like they're more involved in leisure time activities. Unfortunately, a couple of dark figures are approaching their quaint cabin that is sure to break up this relaxing atmosphere...

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Rocky Bullwinkle A Lost AdventureEpisode 2

When we were last with Rocky and Bullwinkle, they were frantically digging a hole into the ground with the goal of reaching China on the other side of the world. Flying there wasn't an option. "I can't get my antlers past airport security," said Bullwinkle. Their goal after reaching China is to get a strange weapon repaired for none other than those two nefarious arch villains, Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale. Or perhaps, should we say Natasha Fatale and a cute little girl? "Please...

1 year ago
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Rocky fucks a innocent gay 2

Hi this is Rocky again with mine other real story, hope u like this too. Contact me at I told in my last story “Rocky fucks a innocent gay” that I had a guy with me in my college, His name was Jimmy, and He was really a innocent guy. He was slim, not so good looking but an ordinary guy. We Became good friends n started to visit each other’s place.My last story was liked by many n got many mails too. so thought of telling u wat happened after that story………. As i told jimmy`s mom saw rubbing...

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Being Me Part 10 On Home Shores

Being Me By Karin Roberts The Cruise - Voyage of Discovery - On Home Shores The Finale - Part 1 3 Months Later It's been three months now since the day that Michael / Tracey left the Cruise ship and arrived back to good old normal home life. I left my story the last time as we approached Avril's house in the back of an unmarked Police Car. WPC Crawford a rather attractive woman in her thirties helped us inside with our bags before leaving us to it. This was the first...

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Being Me Part 11 On Home Shores Finale

Being Me By Karin Roberts The Cruise - Voyage of Discovery - On Home Shores The Finale - Part 2 We walked along the corridor towards the lift down to the lobby. Mhari pressed the button and we waited. "Just a minute do you mind if I check on Mom," I asked. "Ok go on then," Mahri said. I turned and walked back along the corridor towards Mom's room. I knocked on the door my heart beating out of my chest wondering what I would discover, would it be all ok or had Avril...

4 years ago
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Rocky fucks a innocent gay

Hi this is Rocky again with mine other real story, hope u like this too. Contact me at I had this guy with me in my college, His name was Jimmy, and He was really a innocent guy. He was slim, not so good looking but an ordinary guy. We Became good friends n started to visit each other’s place. He never talked much with the girls, which looked lil strange to me as at this age all boys try their lucks at least once. One day, when I visited his place, he was alone watching TV. He told me that his...

2 years ago
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The Sea Cave Submerged Desires 2Part 2

“Where are you taking me?” Only the waning moon and stars lit their path down the seaside cliff. Cass’s stomach fluttered in anticipation, and fear. One wrong step, and she could go tumbling down. “Just wait. You’ll see.” He was subdued, and held her hand firmly, apparently unruffled by the darkness and the rocky shore beneath them. They hadn’t spent more than a few hours apart over the past several days, and it had been one of the best weeks of her life. Javier had shown Cass around the small...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part Two

Rocky Mountain Road Trip: Part Two Friday morning finally came and after I got out of the shower, all slick & shaved, I discovered my clothes for the day laid out on the bed. Looks like Mark laid out a black leather high waist pleated skirt with suspenders, a red tube top and red, spike heeled leather platform pumps. No bra, No panties today. This outfit was super hot and showed a lot of leg and way more than that if I wasn't careful getting on and off the bike. The tube top allowed my tits...

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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part Ten Final Chapter

Rocky Mountain Road TripPart TenSo while I was sucking John he stood up and I justcontinued to suck his cock. Then he opened a knifehe had taken off his belt and for just a second I gotscared. I continued to suck him but my heart was beating faster now and I thought, what the fuck is hegoing to do with that knife? Then he bent over me andcut the rope off my wrists and then said, "Undo yourpants and pull them down enough to finger yourself while you worship my cock slut. You have permission...

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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part Nine

Rocky Mountain Road TripPart NineWe really enjoyed the tail end of the concert andafter saying good night to our two new friends,with some long, hot kisses, and plans to meet forbreakfast in the morning, we went back up to ourroom and got a well deserved good nights sleep.Saturday morning would be a new day and we'dbe ready for whatever the day would bring.Next morning we all showered, shaved, and thenafter dressing in the clothes that were laid out forus girls, tight pants, high heels, and...

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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part Eight

Rocky Mountain Road TripPart EightKathy was kneeling before Mark & Keith with her back to her husband who was laying on the bed with his armsaround Sherry & Angel looking very content.Mark told her, "Lick my hand and suck my fingers as ashow of submission and do the same for Master Keith."Kathy said, "Yes Master Mark." Then she took hold of bothmen's hands and obediently licked and sucked fingers.After awhile of licking and sucking Master Keith told her,"Continue sucking our fingers and...

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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part Seven

Rocky Mountain Road TripPart SevenWe all went up to our room and once the door wasshut Mark pulled open a drawer and took out my leash andclipped it to my collar and Keith did the same with Angel.John and Kathy looked on with, I would have to say, greatinterest. We were led over to where John & Kathy were seated on the bed and told to kneel before them.John said, " Wow, we've had fantasies but never actuallytried any bondage. So what are the rules here?"Mark said, "We practice consentual...

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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part Six

Rocky Mountain Road TripPart SixAfter we showered and put on some makeup we found the clothes the guys had laid out for us and got dressed. We were feeling sexy and looking forward to dinner and an evening of fun.We were both now dressed in very soft leather dresses which had 2-way zippers running fully up the front and a wide belt around the waist. Underneath our dresses we wore seamed, full fashion stockings and open cup shelf bras that pushed our tits up but didn't cover our nipples. No...

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Rocky Mountain Road Trip Part Five

Rocky Mountain Road Trip Part FiveMy husband Mark now took charge and we both waited to see what he would do with us? It's always exciting when I don't know what's coming but I do know that Mark is a creative master.Mark looked us over and then said, "Both of you on your knees." We immediately obeyed him and dropped down onto our knees with our hands palms up on our knees and heads down in the classic "Submissive Presentation" pose.He walked around us and then he took a bowl off of the dresser...

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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part Four

Rocky Mtn. Road TripPart Four:During the ride south we went over several high up passes and what they call the "Million Dollar Highway." What a great ride with fantastic views and before we knew it we were there.We rolled into Durango and found the hotel. After parking the bikes Mark clipped my leash onto my collar and Keith did the same with Angel and we were led into the lobby to check in.There was a large biker event in progress so although we did get some looks, these events can be pretty...

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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part Three

Rocky Mtn. Road TripPart ThreeAfter we got back on the bikes and back on the road again Mark spotted a bar with alot of Harley's out front and we pulled in looking for some lunch.This was a pretty normal biker bar. They had two pool tables, lots of stools at the bar itself and small tables and chairs around the stage. Yeah, they had a low stage right next to the juke box and right in the middle of the stage was a gold plated pole. Very much like the ones I used to dance on in my younger...

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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part One

Rocky Mountain Road Trip: Part OneWe were kicking it after dinner the other night and Mark said, "I spoke with Keith this morning and we planned a road trip on the Harley's for a few days of riding. We'll leave Friday morning and do a two nighter then back Sunday. Both Keith and Angel have the 3 days off so it should be a kick ass weekend."Keith & Angel are a couple in their 20's who work for Robert at stores he owns at the mall. ( See my first two stories ).I said, "Sounds like fun baby,...

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Rocky Horror first time

My wife Michelle had booked two tickets for Rocky horror show, I knew what she was up to ,last 6 months I was constantly dressing up for her not that I really minded but I guess I could maybe get away with a public display as a lot of guys get into the spirit of the show ,just didn't want to embarrass myself. She had been buying a lot of clothes lately & had become a bit more forceful & had taken a more dominant role & I had become a lot more submissive ,to tell the truth I had...

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Rocky Bullwinkle

I just spoke to a Lana, heard a great story and she asked me to write. Lana was out with a large group, all Iowa alums, with one black guy in the mix. The guys are all super good pals. In this bar/club there were a whole lot of southern boys up north participating in some outdoor sports promo. One funny guy is getting on Shawn saying stuff like "stay close to us, these guys might see your size and want to take you back home" Another adds on something like "big neck, that ought to be a strong...

2 years ago
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Rocky Horror Pegging Show Part 1

This is the story of my first and really only cross dressing and pegging experience. It was 2003 or 2004. I was dating Christine at the time and we lived a good hour apart which meant that we usually only saw each other on the weekend. She was about 5'6", red hair cut above the shoulder, B cups that looked large on her small frame, and a tight little ass. She had a strong sexual appetite almost exclusive to the vanilla category. Or at least that's what I had thought and what she'd...

4 years ago
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Rocky Horror Pegging Show Part 2

I woke early the next morning from a very wet dream and instantly regretted opening my eyes as I knew that I'd be missing out on one hell of an orgasm by leaving the dream world. But as the morning light coming through the blinds cleared some of my fog I realized that I was still in the wet dream. It had followed me out into the waking world. I was flat on my back with a set of very supple lips wrapped around my cock bobbing up and down. She was drawing up until only the head was still in...

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The Sorrowful Shores of Dream

I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls. – Job 30:29 (For Robin, who asked me to write a story about dragons, elves, and unicorns . . . . ) Melissa came awake with a start, her heart beating in great excitement. Her husband Tim had turned over in his sleep, tearing her from the world of dreams, and the transition was so jarring that she almost wept for the loss. Melissa glanced over at the alarm clock on the bedside counter, it’s glaring red 6:45 mocked her. Time enough to fall...

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Ghost of Statum ShoresChapter 2

It was eight o'clock p.m. in the town of, Abbeville. In the middle of town, stands a huge white building with twirled pillars, and woodcraft that is pleasant to the eye. The bar was just a few short walks from the town's courthouse. Jean Leon was the owner of the establishment. He arrived in Abbeville just a few short months ago setting up his bar to make money, and found Abbeville very rewarding. He hired a few ladies that lived nearby, most were single. Work was hard for woman to find in...

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Ghost of Statum ShoresChapter 3

People were scattered on the river struggling against her currents. Men cried out in pain as alligators made their way to prey and ripped their limbs and arms profusely as men and woman suffered imminent death to the creatures of the river. The ships-hull screak as it rubbed against the rock loudly enough to be heard for miles. The crew of Sara fight to stay above surface and were pulled under by the rivers fierce current and gators grabbed their next meal easily in their territory. Sara...

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Ghost of Statum ShoresChapter 4

It is a beautiful sunrise on the morning of, July 11, 1860. The water could be heard running downstream and the survivors looked astonished for the ordeal they encountered. The night was tiresome and most of the survivors were weak and very exhausted, Amazingly enough no Indians appeared to their beckoning call. It was if the Indians understood the peace of the dearly lost was settled. Thomas awoke by the side of Marlowe and nearby, laid James and the remainder of the crew. Just above the...

2 years ago
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Ghost of Statum ShoresChapter 5

Marlowe drempt, and slowly, but quietly children playing were heard in her mind, pouncing on the water and the voices began to repeat themselves in an echo, she was shuddered and the sounds grew louder and louder, take her down, take her down... take her down, and Rebecca grabbed her by the arm as she come close to her on the bank of the Ocmulgee, Rebecca's face was beautiful to the eye and then rapidly changed in to a horrible corpse, and the drums began beating, louder, in a rythmic beat...

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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 6 The Shores of Diminishing Returns

The Gurmots were happy to have us, and very interested in meeting and getting to know Alianna. She knew in general that the knowledge of other facets and worlds was to be kept secret, but we reinforced it fairly strenuously before we left. Master Jo decided that this wasn't a trip he needed to be on, and that if he was indeed going with us come spring, he needed to make arrangements with Dad and the other advanced students to continue his classes while he was away. He was also going to have...

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No FutureChapter 47 Foreign Shores

Molly & Mark 2072 It had taken a long time for Mark and Molly to get used to living in Dagenham. It was a definite climbdown from North West London and it still wasn't a change in circumstances they were comfortable with. However, at least they'd both found jobs: not particularly good ones compared to what they had before but the compensation was they didn't have to squeeze themselves together all day long into the cramped space of a studio flat. The novelty and delight of spending...

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No FutureChapter 49 Foreign Shores

Diane 2043 "It doesn't matter however much I enjoy making love with you," said Diane, "it still feels wrong." "Because we're both women?" wondered Lakeisha who was spread out on the sheets beside the vicar. "Because I'm in love with Doris," Diane replied. "It's not as if you're living together, is it?" said Lakeisha. "Didn't you enjoy making love it just now? The moistness between your thighs tells me you did." "Doris and I are lovers," said Diane. "We've even...

2 years ago
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Rocky Mountain High

Back in the 70's, I worked, at a restaurant, in a resort town in Colorado. The cook and I became good friends, during and after work. We mostly talked about missing our lovers and school. One weekend, my friend invited me to go camping with him. I eagerly accepted because I love the outdoors and the beautiful mountain scenery. I didn't expect anything much beyond hiking, fishing and relaxing. We drove to somewhere in the Rockies. We set up our tent, fire pit and decided to take a short...

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The Sea Cave Submerged Desires 2Part 1

Cass threw another swimsuit onto the bed. “Argh!” She yelled in frustration. They were supposed to leave for the party five minutes ago, and everyone was waiting for her downstairs. She felt stress sweat bead up under her arms. Cass needed to look irresistible for Javier, but she still wasn’t sure her outfit was quite right. Maybe the black halter bikini was too predictable? At least she knew she looked hot in the blue silk halter dress. She reluctantly decided to just go with what she was...

3 years ago
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The Sea Cave Submerged Desires 2Part 2

“Where are you taking me?” Only the waning moon and stars lit their path down the seaside cliff. Cass’s stomach fluttered in anticipation, and fear. One wrong step, and she could go tumbling down. “Just wait. You’ll see.” He was subdued, and held her hand firmly, apparently unruffled by the darkness and the rocky shore beneath them. They hadn’t spent more than a few hours apart over the past several days, and it had been one of the best weeks of her life. Javier had shown Cass around the...

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The Sea Cave Submerged Desires 2Part 1

Cass threw another swimsuit onto the bed. “Argh!” She yelled in frustration. They were supposed to leave for the party five minutes ago, and everyone was waiting for her downstairs. She felt stress sweat bead up under her arms. Cass needed to look irresistible for Javier, but she still wasn’t sure her outfit was quite right. Maybe the black halter bikini was too predictable? At least she knew she looked hot in the blue silk halter dress. She reluctantly decided to just go with what she was...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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This is an episode in the NAKED LEGAL group of stories. It is recommended that you at least read the original story, NAKED LEGAL, before reading this story to understand the origin of the office relationships and the main characters. NAKED LEGAL stories preceding DESIRES: • NAKED LEGAL • THE CHAIR • ACCESSORIES BACKGROUND: This is the continuing story of Grace McBride, a former attorney with a hard-driving, dominant, and extroverted personality; or, at least, that was what she showed...

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Rocky Horror Picture Show

I’m sitting there staring at my cock with nothing else to do. It’s still standing very proud and tall. The veins have subsided a bit since I’ve been able to cum, but the knob that is the head of my dick is still expanded out. I haven’t lost any of the expanded length of girth either. I’m ready for a good fuck. I want to follow her into the bedroom and lay her out flat on her back, but I’m very intrigued by the plan that she has in store for me. I’ve never seen her this intent on having...

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Rocky Horror Picture Show Part 2

I’m sitting there staring at my cock with nothing else to do. It’s still standing very proud and tall. The veins have subsided a bit since I’ve been able to cum, but the knob that is the head of my dick is still expanded out. I haven’t lost any of the expanded length of girth either. I’m ready for a good fuck. I want to follow her into the bedroom and lay her out flat on her back, but I’m very intrigued by the plan that she has in store for me. I’ve never seen her this intent on having...

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Rocky Mountain High

FROM: Paul Mason TO: Mike Olson Hey, dude, your luck’s changing. Didn’t I see you out at MacMurdo’s Friday night with some hottie? FROM: Mike Olson TO: Paul Mason Nope, no hotties in sight. Friday night I took my little sister out for a burger and a movie. She’s a great kid, but I wouldn’t call that a change of luck. FROM: Paul Mason TO: Mike Olson Wait, that angelic brunette in the white sun dress was your sister? My God, man, you’ve been holding out on me! FROM: Mike Olson ...

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