The Last Holiday Party free porn video

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(The beginning of this story was written by someone else here, I felt it left the reader hanging so I have modified and ended it, try as I might I was never able to go back and find the Author’s name foe the proper acknowledgement)

I’m Jim my wife Linda and I are in our late 20s and both work for a medium sized manufacturing firm in a small town in the suburbs of DC. I’m of average build, about 6 foot and 170 lbs. Linda is about 5 foot 7 inches and about 130 lbs. She has blond hair, blue eyes and an athletic figure. All the guys comment on Linda's long legs and 34c chest. We have been married 10 years with no k**s and good jobs. Linda is very outgoing and tends to flirt a bit. Linda has told Jim that it’s all innocent and she would never do anything to harm the marriage.

The company we work for puts on a holiday party in early December as a thank you to its employees. This year the Party was held in museum which actually had been a mansion at one time. The family had sold the mansion to the historic society which converted it to a museum. The party was held on a Wednesday evening in the old ballroom on the first floor. After dinner and announcements from the management team the music started and drinks began to flow. Usually Linda was not a heavy drinker but tonight she had a few more than usual and was having a good time. She pulled me out to the dance floor time and again until I was too tired to dance. At that point Jerome from Operations came over to table and asked Jim if he could dance with Linda. I said fine. Jerome took Linda by the hand off to the dance floor. After several fast dances the DJ played several slow tunes. Jerome held Linda tightly and Jim could see the two whispering back and forth. After the last dance, Jerome brought Linda back to the table and thanked Jim for letting dance with Linda. He asked if he might dance with her again later. I said of course.

I asked Linda what they talked about, she replied really nothing but small talk. Linda said she has known Jerome for several years as she would have to go out to the floor several times a week to check on the status of sales orders. Jerome would always help her and was always a gentleman. Jim commented that Jerome was built like a linebacker, probably 6 foot 4 and 240 lbs solid. Linda said she heard Jerome had played college ball.

With that we continuing drinking and socializing with our coworkers and danced to several more songs. At about 11 pm, Jerome came back and asked Linda to dance. I said fine, I have to go to the bathroom. Upon returning, I scanned the dance floor but could not see Linda and Jerome. Then out of the comer of my eye I saw Jerome heading down a hallway on the opposite side of the ballroom. I decided to quickly follow to see if Linda was with him. I stayed back in the dim light of the hallway so not to be seen as Linda and Jerome would not see me. They turned down another hall which lead to a door and a stairwell. I removed my shoes as not to make any noise and followed them to the 3rd floor. There Jerome led Linda to side room. I approached the door which was ajar. The room was good size and appeared to be used as storage. I could see Jerome and Linda move to the back of the room in the dim lights of several emergency lights s**ttered through the room. I noticed several rolling racks of tables and chairs adjacent to the door. I scooted in between the racks on my hands and knees where I could see and hear what Jerome and Linda were saying and doing without being seen. I got out my cell phone and began recording in low light setting. Linda asked Jerome do you think it’s safe here. He just bent over and kissed her. Linda immediately returned his kiss with passion. Soon I could see their tongues dancing together. While their lips were still pressed together Jerome quickly unzipped the back of her dress and pulled it off her shoulders and it fell to the floor. Linda was standing there in her black lace panties, her black thigh highs and black high heels. Jerome began kissing her again as both hands slid under her panties. I thought for sure she would stop this soon as this was farther than she had gone with her flirting. I thought about stopping it but then I thought that she was a big girl and should take care of it herself. I was shocked, jealous, hurt and pissed off to watch this big black stud seduce my wife, and her willingly letting him do it. Jerome quickly found Linda's clit and began working it while he sucked her nipples. After a few minutes, he told Linda to take his cock out. Linda says we don’t have much time. Jerome says I have seen you eyeing my budge all night while we danced tonight, you practically felt me up on the dance floor. Linda reached over and rubbed his cock through his pants, Linda smiles you know how much I love your big black cock. Come on baby, take it out. Linda slowly undid his belt and trousers and slipped his pants and boxers down to reveal his massive tool. Oh my god she gasped, every time I see it I can’t believe it’s so big! Show it some love, use your mouth you suck it so good. Linda knelt down and began to suck on the massive head when she slid back the foreskin. She could only fit a few inches in as it was too long and too fat. After a few minutes, Jerome pulled her to her feet and kissed again. He told her softly I want to fuck you right now. Jerome, she said, do you have a condom you know I’m not on birth control, its ok baby, I will work it in slow and I will pull out if you want. I could barely hear her whisper ok. I thought, she is really going to fuck him and flush 10 years of marriage down the drain, then I relized this wasn’t their first time together, she obviously didn’t give a damn about our marriage. His cock had to be 11 inches long and as thick as his wrist. Jerome then sat Linda on the table and knelt between her legs and began to lick her pussy. Soon Linda had her long legs wrapped around his neck bucking and thrashing her hands clenched the side of the table as she gasped I’m cuming, I’m cuming. I could see her legs shake as she arched her back as the orgasm swept through her. I was in disbelief. Jerome then stood up and placed her legs on his shoulders as she laid on the table. He positioned his cock head at the entrance of her wet pussy. Jerome said to Linda, what do want. She said, I want you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me right now. Jerome pushed it in an inch or so then back out and go back in. Every time Linda would moan. Soon he had 5, then 7 inches in her. He withdrew and pushed several more times finally going balls deep. I’m all the way in babe. Linda, I can feel it you fill my pussy so full baby, my husband has a midget dick compared to you. The head of your cock is touching my cervix. Jerome asked, ok baby what do you want? Linda replied, I want you to fuck me hard and fast. Jerome started pumping in and out, slowly at first, then faster and faster. Linda was moaning oh my god over and over and soon clenched the table and raggedly moaned I’m cuming, her hips bucked as if she was trying to pull even more of his cock inside. Her toes curled and her legs shook as she rode an orgasmic wave. Jerome felt her cunt grip his shaft as she came all over his big black cock. He knew he wouldn’t last long. Jerome told her, babe I’m gonna cum soon, do you want me to pull out? She reached up and put her hands on his face and pulled his head down to hers. She kissed him and their tongues entwined as he continued to pump his hard black cock in and out of her tight white married pussy. Linda, broke off the kiss and still holding his head in her hands looked into his eyes. She said, I want to feel you’re cum in me. Jerome said, you sure baby, you’re not on the pill I could knock you up. Linda said, I know but I want to feel you’re cum in me I want a real man’s seed in me, give me your baby. Jerome said ok, then here it comes. He grabbed her hips and began pumping harder and harder. He then moaned and pushed all the way in letting stream after stream of hot black cum fill her pussy. It was well over 30 seconds before he finished. While his cock began to soften, he bent down and kissed her. She smiled and said you really pumped a lot of sperm into me. I haven’t had that much sperm in me ever. Jerome said, well I hadn’t cum for almost two weeks when your husband was away for work. He pulled out of her gaping cunt and some cum trickled down her ass crack onto the table. She had him hand her the panties so the cum wouldn’t run down her legs. As she got up she bent over and sucked the last drops of cum from his cock. Then they both dressed and started to leave. Jerome grabbed her and kissed her and said I want you again, Linda replied, I know baby, I want you inside of me again. The way you fuck me is unbelievable. Jim is a pencil dick compared to you he can’t satisfy me anymore. She grabs his cock through his trousers and said you keep that cock hard for me. He says spend the night with me. Linda asks what about your sister and her k**s, Jerome says they are away visiting family in New Jersey. Linda thinks for a second takes her cell phone out of her purse and text me saying her best girlfriend at work June had a fight with her husband and she was driving her home in June’s car and that she would see me in the morning at work.

I backed out of the room ran down to the hall to the stair well tears streaming down my face put on my shoes and ran down stairs. Just then as I’m leaving I am stopped by June and her husband Bob and she can see that I appear upset and she asks if I’m ok I say not really, and she asks where Linda is and I say I have no idea, June about Linda’s afair with Jerome and guessed she was off somewhere with Jerome. I get Linda’s text about staying with June because she and Bob had had a big fight, I think what a lying bitch. I go stright out to the parking lot get in the car and drive home. I crank up the computer all our house locks are electronic and I change the pass code on them, I had driven so her keys are here, I cancel all the credit cards, electronically open a new savings and checking account in my name only and transfer all but funds from our joint accounts to my new accounts leaving one dollar in each of the old accounts. It’s one am I send a copy of the video of Linda fucking Jerome to my brother, who is also my Lawyer and say John I want to divorce her as fast as I can and press send. Ten minutes later my phone rings, it’s my brother John he says how long has this been going on I say I have no idea but as you herd this was not their first time. He asks do you think she was too drunk to know what she was doing, I say she wasn’t to drunk to text me a story about her best friend at work having problems and she was going home with her and spending the night with her. I say the house was mine before we got married, the cars are in my name and I paid cash for them, I canceled all the credit cards and opened two new bank accounts in my name only and transferred all the money from our old accounts to my new ones. John says just because your my brother I’m going into the office right now so I can be at the court house when they open to file the devorce papers and we can have her served by noon tomorrow. I say I can’t believe this John I mean everything appeared normal we were at the company Christmas party, I went off to pee and when I came back I saw them sneaking off followed them to a side room and you have seen the rest. John says this happened at a company event, I say yes, he says how pissed are you I said very, John says well we will sue your company and this Jerome guy for Alienation of Affection, you may not get any money but you will get both of them fired, I say do It! I spend the rest of the night putting all of Linda’s things in boxes and plastic trash bags.

The next morning Jerome just finished fucking Linda for the fifth time in eight hours. Linda has hicky’s on both boobs and her neck. Linda asks Jerome to give her a ride to June’s house so she can barrow some fresh clothes and get dressed there and get a ride to work. Linda calls June and asks if she can come by and barrow some clothes and get ready for work there, she says of course but why, Linda tells her it’s a long story. When Linda gets June’s house, June asks her what the hell is going on. Linda says I cheated on Jim again and spent last night and if Jim asks you had a fight with Bob and I spent the night here last night. Linda says that’s not going to work Bob and I saw Jim as he was leaving last night and he was very upset, it looked like he was crying. June looks at Linda as she takes her dress off and says holly shit you got hicky’s all over, and you smell like sex, what have you done, Linda runs in the bathroom looks in the full length merrow, and cry’s out JUNE HELP ME! June comes in and says there is nothing I can do, you better call Jim and find out how much trouble you’re in! Linda grabs her cell and calls Jim’s cell no answer, then she try’s the house phone again no answer. Linda says god June do you think he knows, June says check your bank accounts, Linda does then sits down and starts crying, June looks there is only one dollar in each account. June says get a shower I’ll find something for you to ware with a turtle neck, maybe Jim will be at work and you can beg for forgiveness.

Jim goes to work he has an early meeting with the company CEO and a top client that should last thru the day. Linda and June get to work a bit late at nine thirty. Linda goes to Jim’s office and asks if anyone had seen him and is told that he is in an all-day client meeting with the CEO. At nine AM there is a knock on Linda’s office door Linda says come in a man walks in and says Linda Miller you have been served and hands her the devorce papers. At the same time Jerome is served the papers for the Alienation of Affection suit. The CEO is called out of the meeting and served the Company’s Alienation of Affection suit. The CEO goes back into the meeting and says we need to take an early lunch if it’s ok with you all My assistant Sally is going to take you all to the top floor restaurant and we will join you shortly, Jim can I see you in my office please. When we get to his office he asks whats going on, I tell him and show him the video. He says I understand why you have sued us but you need to understand this forces us to immediately fire your wife and Jerome. I say soon to be X wife yes I understand they will both be fired, he says very well and calls human resources tells them to send security guards to get Linda and Jerome and fire them immediately with no severance pay. Then says we need to get back to the clients we will deal with your suit tomorrow. Linda is in her office June is trying to calm her as she is upset about getting caught and possibly losing everything. Jerome comes into her office and asks what this Alienation of Affection law suit is all about. Four security Guards come into the office and say we are here to escort you two to Human Resources, we were told to bring you two a box each to put all your personal positions in because you won’t be coming back.

At a break in the client meeting I text Linda and copy her pairents and June, saying;

I have loved you from the first time I saw you. I have tried to give you everything you ever asked for including my love, my heart and my sole. I have no idea what I have done to drive you into the arms of a black man. I thought we were going to start a family, you stopped taking birth control pills, but insisted I use condom’s “until the time was right” I guess it wasn’t timing it was the person you were waiting for as you showed last night who’s seed you really wanted.
I have all your things packed up please have June stop by and pick them up, I have also included 10K half of our savings and checking accounts I have no need for the money I have no family to use it for all I have left is a big hole ripped out of my chest where my hart and sole use to be, included is a pre-paid second honey moon trip to Hawaii I got for us for this time next month for our anniversary knowing you would be fertal hoping to start our family, you have crushed my heart, my love and my self-respect you might as well have the trip too. I’m not sure who you will take the trip with as I just learned your lover is married and his wife is visiting her parients in New Jersey this week with their six k**s, I hope you all get along well together. I don’t know how or if I can or will go on from here.
Less you forget I have included a copy of the video of you destroying my life last night.


I hit send then block Linda from all my sites.

Twenty minutes later Linda is sitting on a bench in the park across the street from her now old work place, she has given up on contacting, Me she calls her friend June, she answers asking where are you, Linda says I’m in the park across the street can I come stay with you for a while, June says Bob talked to Jim and saw the video and is pissed at you for cheating on Jim and using us as an excuse to spend the night with Jayson and he is pissed at me for letting you clean up and change here this morning, there is no way he will let you stay with us, as a matter of fact he has forbid me from talking or seeing you again. Have you tried your pairents? Linda says I’m afraid to call them, they Love Jim and are both super conservative there is no way they will accept what I have done. June says you might have to stay at the YWCA until you get yourself back on your feet. Linda says how I am going to do that I have no car, no job, no money, no clothes, no home no family and a black baby growing in my belly. I’ll try my parients, Linda calls her pairents house her Mom answers Linda says Mom I need help. Her Mom says how could you destroy Jim the way you did. We brought you up in the Church, you were taught adultery is a sin. do you relize no one can find him and we are all worried he has hurt himself. Linda says Mom I was drunk, her Mom says don’t give me that we have seen the video and seen the text you sent him so you could spend the night with your black stud. If you were drunk and horny why didn’t you go to your husband for affection he would have been more than happy to make love to you and give you a baby. It wasn’t bad enough you fucked your black stud you belittled your husband saying he was inadequate and could never satisfy you again, do you have any idea what effect that had on any man much less Jim your loving husband of ten years. Ok Mom I fucked up is that what you want to hear, can I come stay at home. Her Mom says your Dad always said we spoiled you too much, you haven’t said once you were sorry, or shown any remorse for what you have done or said, you made your bed lay in it, but not here CLICK the phone hangs up.
Linda goes to the bus station puts her stuff in a locker and goes to a lesbian bar, she surmises a woman is more likely to take her in faster than man. Linda goes in the club at sits at the bar. Linda figures if there is a woman alone in their most likely they would be looking company. She sits at the bar surveys, there are six other women there, two couples that are dancing in what can only be described as a standing sex act. There is one woman looks to be about her age just staring at her drink, I ask the bar tender whats her story, she says her and her girlfriend broke up about a month ago and she has been depressed ever sence. I ask if she lives alone the bar tender says yes, I say thank you. I unbutton three more buttons on my blouse walk over take her hand pull her up and over to the dance floor and join the standing orgy on the dance floor. Her head is buried in my chest I take a finger lift her chin and kiss her a hot deep french kiss, we break our kiss and I say take me home and make love with me. She grabs my hand pulls me out of the club to her parked car she pushes me up against the side of the car, buries her tongue in my mouth and her hand between my legs. This woman is as hot as I am and in no time flat she has my pussy soaked, she pulls her hand out of my pussy and sucks her fingers and says umm good, she opens my door as I get in I make sure my dress is up around my waist and my legs are spread wide for her viewing. She gets in and pulls her skirt up grabs the back of my head pulls it to her pussy I dive in very willingly. She starts driving as I eat her sweet juicy pussy, she runs her fingers thru Linda’s hair. When they get to her house as soon as they are in the door they are pulling their clothes off and kissing and pawing at each other’s bodies on floor in front of the open door, she needed Linda so bad and Linda readily gave herself to her. She is on top of Linda has her fingers buried in Linda’s pussy humping her like there is no tomorrow, she sits up and takes her finger and runs it over Linda’s fresh hicky’s Linda says they cost me everything. I was drunk and now I’m homeless, unemployed and being divorced because of them. She says Marcy I say no I’m Linda, she says no I’m Marcy and I think they are sexy and you have a home in my arms and bed and as long as you want and I’m VP of a company here in the city and you have a job starting Monday morning if you want it. A tear runs down Linda’s cheek Marcy sucks it into her mouth then looks down at Linda a tear runs down her cheek and Linda sucks it into her mouth. Marcy says look at us we are rescuing each other, I’m giving you stability and your restoring my faith in woman kind. Linda says I have to tell you I may be pregnet, Marcy gently puts her hand on the side of Linda’s face and says my last lover and I broke up because I wanted her to have a baby, looking at Linda the thought of your boobs full of milk and your nipples turning dark and your belly all swelled with our baby in it is so exciting your so beatiful I can’t wait. Linda says Marcy I have to tell you if I am pregnet the baby is black, Marcy pulls Linda into her arms and says it will be ours it’s that’s all that’s important. They are both crying Linda pulls her body tight against hers and they kiss passionately. Linda says to Marcy your floor is hard think we might try your bed, Marcy grabs her hand and pulls her up the stairs and into the master bed room it’s all pink, with an unmade pink king size bed. Marcy says sorry I haven’t made the bed in a few days, Linda gathers up the sheet holds it up to her face smells Marcy’s scent on them and says it’s like being in your arms come hug me for real. Marcy says I need to shower first Linda asks can I join you in the shower Marcy smiles and says of course Linda says I get to clean your pussy first in the shower. They jump in the shower turn on water they get wet and Linda kneels down in front of Marcy and buries her face into Marcy’s pussy, Marcy grabs onto Linda’s head and starts to fuck her tongue and says oh baby I need this so bad and she explodes into a mind bending orgasum, filling Linda’s mouth with her sweet juice, Marcy pulls her up and they kiss, Marcy pushes her fingers into Linda’s pussy and fingers her into a massive orgasum. Finally they wash each other get out of the shower and dry each other off, Marcy gives her a big fluffy white robe and puts on a matching one, they look into the full length merrow together they look like twins, Linda says hold up your foot Marcy she does and Linda holds up her foot alongside of hers and says we even have the same size foot! Marcy says boobs too and you have greats boobs and they both giggle. They kiss Marcy pulls Linda into the bed room and they sit on the bed, Marcy says we need or at least I need to let loose, I have to go to a charity event to go to tomorrow evening at the Waldorf will you come with me please. Linda says of course, Marcy gets up straddles Linda pulls her into her arms and they kiss a deep loving kiss. Linda says I have to get my things, this could be difficult I need to get my phone.
Linda runs down stairs gathers all their stuff and clothes laying in front of the door, her robe has fallen completely open, when she looks up there is a delivery man with a small box staring at her, she indicates with her head to open the door he does and Linda says just put it on top, he does and she says thank you and he says no thank you. Linda goes back upstairs says grab your delivery, Marcy grabs her box and blushes and says where did this come from, Linda blushes and says after I picked up all our stuff the delivery man was at the door staring at me with my open robe, he gave me the box and I gave him an erection. Marcy laughs then looks at Linda and says I have laughed more today than I have in six months, they kiss. Linda asks why did you blush when you saw the box, Marcy blushes again and says it’s a strap on, Linda’s eyes get real big and says really is it for me, Marcy says it is now!
Linda says this is not going to be fun. She calls Bob, June’s husband. He answers and she says Bob this is Linda please don’t hang up, he says you bitch why did you hurt Jim so bad, she says I didn’t intend to hurt him it’s just something that happened. Have you talked to him my Mom and Dad are trying to get ahold of him and can’t. Oh so now you’re concerned you weren’t last night when you destroyed his self-esteem and manhood. I can’t take back what I did but if you allow June to get my stuff from Jim this afternoon I’ll send her back with the signed devorce papers no exceptions. Jim says done its worth it to get you out of all our lives. Linda gives him the address and agrees to meet June at Marcy’s at four that afternoon. Bob hangs up on her, Marcy says that sounded difficult, Linda says just ending a chapter in my life, Marcy asks will I be in your next chapter, Linda says you are my next chapter Linda sheds a tear Marcy pulls her into her arms and they quietly cry in each other’s arms. Marcy asks what happened, Linda says I destroyed a perfect ten year marrage and my perfect loving husband. Marcy says mind telling me how, Linda tells her I was stupid and dumb I had an affair with a married black guy with six k**s, I didn’t know he was married, but I got drunk at the company Christmas party and let my black lover talk me into sneaking off and blowing and fucking him and in the process I said some things about my husband’s cock size, then I spent the night with my lover he wound up fucking me bare back five times that night while I was ovulating. Jim my husband saw us sneak off and got the whole thing on film, and caught me in the lie about spending the night with a distraught friend. Marcy says you know what we deserve a spa day, she grabs her phone calls her spa and says this is Marcy Miller I need a full treatment for myself and significant other, for tomorrow she says great see you tomorrow. Marcy says lets go find something to ware and Linda asked Marcy to take her to the bus station so she can get her some of her stuff out of the locker.

Bob calls me and asks where Linda’s things are, Jim asks why, Bob says you might be mad at me but I made a deal for you, if June takes all of Linda’s stuff to her new lesbian girlfriends house Linda will sign the devorce papers totally uncontested and give them to June to bring back to us. I say when, Bob says June is supposed to drop off Linda’s stuff at 4:00 this afternoon. I tell Bob all her stuff is in the garage June has the house key then I ask Bob to get the papers to John as soon as he gets them he says no problem, and I say thank you, and say there a brown envelope with Linda’s name on it please see she gets it, and carful with it, it has 10K in it.

At 3:45 June pulls up at Marcy’s, Linda introduces them they unload all of Linda’s stuff. Linda opens the envelop from Jim, a copy of the email from he initially sent, 10K in hundred dollar bills, she sees the trip package, knowing Jim had bought it to rekindle their marrage and start a family and starts to cry, June and Marcy come over and comfort her. Linda asks Marcy for paper and pen so she can send him a letter in reply.


I know you can never forgive me and I totally understand. I am sorry and I do apologize for the untrue full mean and hateful things I said and my adultery. Please understand you were the most hansom, loving, truthful husband, any woman could ask for, believe me you did not drive me into another man’s arms, I did that all on my own I have no idea why. I was stupid and I know I don’t deserve to say this but you were my first love, I do love and have always loved you and I will love you for the rest of my life. I hope someday we will be able to sit and talk again, but I understand right now I have hurt you and believe me I never intended to do that. Any way I’m sending back the trip package because you should share it someone deserving of your love, along with my wedding rings which I have tarnished and the signed devorce papers. You have been more than fair sending the 10K from my share of our accounts when we both know you contributed most of the funds in those accounts.


Linda, signs the devorce papers puts them in the brown envelope, takes her wedding rings off puts them into the envelope, and hands it to June and says please see that Jim gets this as soon as possible, and now it’s done.
The next morning Jim is sitting in the CEO’s office he says to Jim your performance yesterday in the clients meeting was outstanding you wowed them, after your presentation they signed the biggest contract of this company’s history, you did this under the most extreme pressure anyone could imagine and having not slept in over thirty six hours. Now as to your law suit due to the circumstances of the act occurring under the company’s control and during a company event we do relize we are liable but the company intends to fight your suit until the day after your devorce is final. We were thinking around half a million, I say I was thinking of one dollar. The CEO says so including us in the suit was not about money or us but revenge because we had to fire them and that’s what you were after. Not only can you put together a presentation under pressure you can be cut throat too, I say yes if you fuck with me. He says well Jim due to your performance we are going to have to promote you to vice president and give you a one hundred percent increase in salary. Ok our meeting is over have you had breakfast I say no he smiles and yells Sally can you come in here please. A beatiful red head walks in and says hello to me and says she is sorry for my misfortune of the past few days I say thank you Sally, the whole thing is about over and I’m starting over. George the CEO asks have you had breakfast Sally, she says no sir he says please call up to the restraint get my table and tell them there will be three of us. When we get back have the corner office cleaned out and Jim’s office stuff moved up here from down stairs. Then George says you know there is a black tie event at the Waldorf this evening and the company has a suite there I really hate these things I want you two to go in my place, Sally take Jim to my tailor after we finish breakfast and get him a new tux then you go get a new evening dress and go to the my wifes spa and get the full treatment. He looks at her and says use my phone I gota go to the bathroom chop, chop and George walks out of his office. Sally quickly makes all the arrangements. I say to Sally what is he up to she looks at me and says no good, he playing match maker AGAIN. I say with us I mean I’m still married for now and why would you even be instreaded in me, Sally gets an evil grin and says maybe because you’re intelligent, very handsome, probably the nicest guy I know, you have a great bod and butt. I say that my line for you we are both blushing as George comes back in and says you k**s playing nice. He laughs and says from your red faces looks like we are all getting along well, Sally says everything is taken care of Boss he says something has come up you two get out of here I don’t want to see you again till Monday afternoon Oh and it’s the company suite so please make use of it stay as long as you want, here is the company credit card use it for everything, Oh and Sally be sure to shop at Vickie’s, Sally says GEORGE!

Sally and I go up to breakfast, we order and talk while waiting. Sally says as long as I have worked here I have no idea who your wife is and asks do you want to talk about it. I say it’s so screwed up I’m still kinda numb I guess I’m still in the anger mode. Sally asks any chance of you forgiving her. I say I’m probably the most forgiving person in the world but too many thing were seen that can’t be unseen, too many demeaning and hurtful things were said that can’t be unsaid and what hasn’t been said was sorry, there has been no remorse. Honest Sally I have never said a mean thing to her or disrespected her in anyway, I have enough self-respect to know I don’t deserve to be treated this way, so I have already served her with devorce papers, my Brother is a very good devorce lawyer. I reach over take her hands in mine, and say enough about that tell me about Sally and her wants, needs and desires. Sally says what I have desired for a man I could never have, now what I want is suddenly in reach and what I need is you for the entire weekend, and hopefully beyond. Our breakfast is served, while we eat we just stare fondly into each other’s eyes. I ask her what George was talking about stopping at Vickie’s. Sally blushes and says Victoria Secret’s. My eyes get big and say I love that store, Sally says then I will defiantly have to stop there then. We finish eating I leave a twenty dollar tip. I pull her chair out for her and walk her over to the elevator with my hand on the small of her back just above her butt. We get in the elevator and set it for the parking garage and Sally turns and looks up into my eyes puts her arms around my neck and kisses me a deep loving passionate kiss I wrap my arms around her and return her kiss. I say this is going to be a life changing weekend, Sally kisses me again and says I hope so! Then she says if this keeps up you might to get to see what I buy at Vickie’s. I say on you, she says or on the floor, I kiss her again and the door opens and June gets in as we get out I say hi June and the door closes.

Sally takes me to the Bosses tailors we pick out a tux than she says I gota go to the dress shop and Vickie’s! I’m going to leave you here to get measured and fitted a car will pick you up at 7:00 at your house, ok I say great as she turns to leave I pull her into my arms give her a kiss and say I’ll miss you, she kisses me back and says I’ll miss you too. I get measured and fitted get new socks and shoes and they say they will have everything delivered to your house at 3:00 pm I say great thank you. My phone rings it’s Bob and he says John wants to meet for lunch I say hold on, I ask the tailor where is the closest restaurant to have a privet lunch, he says Hennery’s just two doors down, I say Bob how about Hennery’s as soon as you can get there he says great, John says it’s about your devorce papers, I say ok I’ll call John and tell him where and as soon as he can get there.

I walk down the street, get us a table, John and Bob walk in just behind me John asks with a concerned voice how are you doing Bro. I say actually fantastic I was promoted to VP this morning with a one hundred percent increase in salary, I just bought a new tux, I’m going to a charity event at the Waldorf this evening with the most beautiful woman in the world and we have full use of the company suite there thru Monday. John says Sara and I are going to the same event. John says you know it’s good to know people in high places, he opens his briefcase and hands me two brown envelopes and says one is your finalized devorce you are a single man, the second is from Linda I take the envelopes and say already, John says yes Jim, I say I thought it would take longer, John says it was uncontested. I open Linda’s envelope read her letter slide the rings out into my hand, Bob sees the look on my face and says are you ok I hold up the envelopes and say these represent my biggest failure and ten wasted years of my life. I look at Bob and John say thank you, two for helping me thru this. Bob says your welcome I know you would have my back if things were reversed, now who is the Vogue Cover Girl June saw you locking lips today. I tell him my next wife if everything goes well this weekend. We have our lunch and part our ways. I have some time to myself, so I just walk to try and clear my head as I am aimlessly walking down the street and find myself in front of a jewelry store, I walk in and tell the jewler I just got a devorce, would he be interested in buying my wedding rings, he says let me see them, I hand the set to him he examines them and says very nice he says I’ll give you seventy five percent of its current value, then out the coroner of my eye I see a flash from a ring set, I ask the jewler if I can see that ring set he says of course, he says we just got this set in it is absolutely specular, it’s a lot more ring than you have here but I’ll tell you what, I’ll give you ninety percent value of the old set and you can have this set for another fifty five hundred dollars, that includes resizing, and full value trade for another set should she not like it. I say that’s a very good deal I’ll take it.

Linda and Marcy walk into the spa and are seated in chairs next to each other, just then Sally walks in Marcy says to Linda check her out Linda asks should I be jealous Marcy says damn right I’d eat her in a heartbeat, think we could seduce her Linda says I don’t know but I think I know her from someplace. Sally is seated next to Linda, Sally’s hair dresser Liz says damn who is he Sally says what do you mean Liz says you’re glowing, you’re down for hair, facial, nails, bikini wax, ok spill it girl, Sally says his name is Jim and is the most wonderful, hansom, loving, sexy, kindest, man I have ever known, Liz says wow where did you meet him she says at work, Liz oh a new hire, Marcy says no he’s worked there for years, so what took you so long to make a move on him, he was married and very fateful and did I mention he has a great bod and butt! Liz so how is he suddenly available, Linda says his dumb assed wife had an affair and got knocked up by a lowlife married black guy and was dumb enough to have sex with her lover at the company Christmas party and Jim saw them sneak off and followed them oh did I mention he is smart he had enough sense to film them with sound. You would not believe the totally unfounded hateful terrible things she said about Jim, then adding insult to injury after she sucked and fucked her black stud bare back while she was ovulating she texted Jim telling him that her best friend had a fight with her husband so she was spending the night with her the only problem was after they had finished fucking Jim snuck out of the room, he was standing beside her friend and husband when he got the text so he knew his dumb assed wife was spending the night with her black stud, she was served the devorce papers by noon the next day. Liz says his wife is one dumb slut. So what are your plans Sally says by the end of this weekend I plan to have his baby in my belly and happily married as soon as his devorce is final. Linda bolts out of her chair and into the bathroom she is sick to her stomach, she has finally realized the affect her actions have had on other people’s lives especially Jim’s her dear sweet loving husband it had all seemed like a dream or a game to her until now reality had set in everything was very real and now she was losing her perfect husband to the most perfect woman in the world. She never dreamed he would actually devorce her much less find someone else her plans to cockold him had just blown up in her face. Marcy comes into the bathroom to check on Linda, she asked her if she was ok, Linda says might be morning sickness. They go back to finish up with their hair and nails the stylist says they should be done a little after one pm. Linda’s phone rings it’s June and says can we meet for lunch, I have a lot to tell you, Linda says hold on, Linda asks if Marcy if they can meet June for lunch, Marcy says sure Argo’s at one thirty I say one thirty at Argo’s June says great.

Linda and Marcy get a table at Argo’s a few minutes later June comes in and takes Linda’s hand and says I just finished talking to Bob he had lunch with Jim and John and John told Jim and Bob your devorce is complete your single. Linda looks shocked, and says I thought it would take longer. June says to Linda I have to tell you something Jim has already moved on, Linda says I know, I just spent several hours sitting next to her in the spa listening to her tell her stylist how hot he is and how his wife fucked up and lost him. Marcy says that hot POA is now you ex’s girlfriend, Linda says worse that she told her hair dresser she planned to have his baby in her belly by Monday and be married to him as soon as our devorce is complete. June asks Linda did you actually think a guy as hansom and built like Jim was not going to attract women like bees on honey when he became available. You have no idea how many times I saw him shoot down women hitting on him. Linda says ok well it’s done we have both moved on and she pulls Marcy to her and gives her a kiss. Marcy says I’ll make you feel good tonight after we get back form the Waldorf tonight, June says wait are you two going to a Charity Event at the Waldorf tonight? Marcy says yes how did you know, June says I didn’t but Bob said Jim told him at lunch he and Sally are going to it too so is John and Sara! Linda says Sally who, June says Sally Simmons then Linda says wait a minute isn’t she the CEO’s personal assistant, June says yes, Linda says I thought I knew her and June says you might as well know Jim got promoted to VP, with a one hundred percent increase in salary, and was moved to the excretive floor and given a corner office. Marcy says did you say her name is Sally Simmons, do you two work for GP Parkers, June says I do Linda did and yes, why. Marcy says small world my company sells most everything we make to them, this should be an interesting and somewhat awkward evening.

John and Sara my sister-in-law walk into Ballroom the hostess asks his Name John tells her his name and she says your seated at the table to the left where the two attractive blonds are seated, Sara looks over and says oh my god it’s Linda, John says oh shit, the hostess asks is there a problem, John says please don’t tell me Sally Simmons is also seated at that table, the hostess says yes she is why. Sally’s date just got a devorce from the blond seated closest to us. The hostess says how about I move you all over to the other side of the room, Jim says that would be wise! The hostess says follow me and leads John and Sara to a far table picks up four table cards and seats John and Sara, makes an adjustment to her seating chart, then walks over to Marcy and Linda’s table and says excuse me and exchanges the table cards, Linda watches as she takes the cards over to a table on the other side of the room and realizes it’s John and Sara cards plus two more she figures it was Jim and Sally’s cards. Marcy asks I wonder what that was all about, Linda says appearently those cards belonged to my ex and his brother, Marcy says that would have been very awkward. Marcy says to Linda are you going to be ok, if not we can just leave, Linda says no but please understand if I get upset when I see him, Marcy says I understand it’s been really fast for you and know I’m here for you.

Jim goes up to Sally’s door knocks I hear her yell come in I’ll just be a minute she walks in the room, her dress is black with a base black fine mesh material with strips of sequins the top isn’t cut real low but exposes the top of her big firm breast, the hem is cut just at the knee in back and half way up her thigh in the front, it’s almost transparent but not quite. She has her head tilted as she puts her dangling diamond ear rings. Her hair is tastefully up in a bun, showing off her long slender neck and ear rings. She says do you like a tear runs down my cheek I say you’re the most beatiful woman I have ever seen. She says I pulled out all the stops I wanted to impress the most hansom wonderful man in the world that I want to be with for the rest of my life. She sees the budge in my coat pocket and she knows from its size and shape what I have in my pocket, I say well you have defiantly impressed to the point that as far as the rest of our lives go and I start to reach for the ring box, Sally yells STOP don’t you dare take that out of your pocket I haven’t got all dressed up spent half the day getting my hair and nails and well you’ll find out latter and two hours putting on makeup to have you pull that out and make me mess everything up and wind up not going to the event and showing us off together. I say but wouldn’t it nice to go to the event with some spectacular bling on your finger and a fiancée on your arm. Sally says damn you Jim no wonder the Boss likes you so much you could sell ice to an eskimo and damn I love you so much do it and don’t make it too mushy I want to try and salvage some of my makeup. I get down on one knee and say Sally you literally saved my life, I was broken you picked me up put me together, gave me a reason to live, made me feel like a man again, you are the most beatiful woman in the world I love you with all my heart and soul would you do me the honor of becoming my wife and spending the rest of your life with me. I open the box she covers her mouth with her hands, I say if the answer is yes I’ll need your hand Sally yells OH GOD YES and lowers her hand to me and I slide the ring on and it fits perfectly. I stand up she trough’s her arms around my neck hugs me so hard I thought she was going to break my neck we kissed so hard we both have tears running down our cheeks she says Jim I have loved you for so long you have no idea. Damn I have to go fix my face, then she kisses me again and says I love you so much Jim and goes and fixes her face I follow her to her bedroom as she sits at her dressing table and touches up her make up, I place my hands on her sholders smell her neck Sally looks at us in the merrow and says this is very intimate I have dreamed of us together like this for years. She’s done and says we have to run, we go out to the limo the driver opens the door for us we get in and she snuggles up next to me looking at her ring saying this is the most beatiful ring I have ever seen, I said I was walking after lunch found myself in front of the jewelry store, went in to sell my ex’s wedding rings and this ring flashed at me and I knew it was ment for you. We have one more issue my dad is old fashioned and he would want you to ask for his permission to ask me to marry you. I say damn when can I meet your dad, will he be really pissed, she giggles and says no he knows your impetuous and a go getter, sometimes I think he likes you more than he does me that’s why he promoted you. I think for a second and say holey shit George is, she says your future father-in-law and giggles again. The car stops and the driver opens the door for us we have arrived at the event.

Marcy sees us walk in (and says to herself damn Linda why in the hell would you give him up) then see’s the bling on her finger reflecting off of every light in the event. Marcy takes Linda’s hand and says baby they are here, Linda squeezes her hand and says how does he look Marcy says that’s not important (actually he is gorgeous). I see John and Sara and go over to them and I introduce Sally to John and Sara as my fiancée Sally Ward, Sara and John jump up Sara gives Sally a big hug and says I am so happy for you two he is the nicest guy in the world, Sara steps back takes Sara’s her hand and says damn Jim you got the most beatiful ring for the most beatiful woman. Sally blushes and says thank you. John says congratulations Jim said you were beatiful but that was an understatement, John pulls me to him shaking my hand and says look over my sholder at the two blonds sitting across the room, yep its Linda, I say I really don’t care there is nothing she can do or say that can upset me now. We all sit down Sally and I are looking stright at them, I always take the bull by the horns and say to Sally see the two blonds sitting together the one closes to us is my ex. Sara asks are you ok with that Jim, I say like I told John there is nothing she can do or say that can upset me now. Sally says oh shit I look at her and say Sally what, she says well I know she hates my guts I kinda told her indirectly today she was a dumb assed slut. Sara says obviously she is but you have to tell me, Sally says she was sitting in the chair next to me this morning at the spa, you know how your hair dresser knows how things are going with you just by looking at you and seeing what you’re having done well she took one look at me and saw I was getting bikini wax said who is he we got to talking about you I told her I had known you for years but you were married, but your dumb assed slut wife had cheated on you with a black guy and got knocked up. Sara looks at John and says you never told me he was black and he knocked her up. I say well I intend to have a good time tonight and I’m not going to pussy foot around all night trying to avoid her. I’ll be back. I get up and walk directly towards her.
Marcy says oh shit he’s walking directly to us and I know him I deal with him all the time at work what should we do Linda says I thought he would come over just be cool. As I approach they both stand, I put my arm behind Linda’s back and kiss her cheek and say are you doing ok, Linda says I’m doing good I hear you already know Marcy we are together now. I say hi Marcy how are you she says great, Linda is a wonderful woman I say yes she is, you two look really good together. Linda says I understand you are seeing Sally Simmons, I say actually we are engaged and she asked me to apologize to you she didn’t mean to upset or hurt you feelings today, Linda says nothing she said was untrue but I relize she was talking about my actions and not directly about me and I deserved it, hopefully we will get to meet and talk at some point and get to know each other better. Well I hope you two have a good time tonight. I give Linda another kiss on the cheek and walk back to our table. As I’m walking back the band starts playing when I get back I put my hand out to Sally and say would you like to dance she says yes I’ll use any chance I can to get you in my arms, Sara says JOHN he says yes dear don’t you want a chance to get me in your arms he says yes dear would you like to dance she says I thought you would never ask we all laugh and John says your making me look bad Bro, I say you have to up your game if you want to get layed tonight! We all laugh again and dance for about forty five minutes the band stops playing and they announce the band is taking a break and the serving line is opening of course Sally and I wind up in line with Linda and Marcy so I make the formal interdiction they hug and I say to break the tension damn, I’m the luckiest man here tonight I’m sounded by the three most beatiful women at the event and immediately get three kisses on my cheek and a bunch of giggles, Linda says to Sally so let’s see it Sally holds her hand up Marcy and say it’s beatiful then Linda looks at me and says it’s a lot bigger than the one you got me, I say I make a lot more now than I did when we got engaged, Sally pulls Linda into her arms and whispers into her ear please forgive me for today Linda whispers back it’s ok just take care of Jim he deserves the best they hug each other tighter and their eyes well up, Marcy says to me well if they’re going to stand there and make out I’m going to get something to eat how about you. They break their hug and Sally hugs me and Linda hugs Marcy John and Sara walk over and Sara says it looks an orgy going on over here Linda says are you coming over to make us behave Sara says no I want to join in everyone laughs, Linda introduces Marcy to John and Sara, Sara hugs Linda and asks are you ok baby Linda says thanks to Marcy yes I’m doing great. I say look we are all made up you two are sitting over there all by yourself why not join us at our table they say yes that would be good. John says you all can have your orgy but I’m getting something to eat Sally says to me you better get a lot to eat your going to need your energy this weekend! John NO we have golf tomorrow Sally says not this weekend Sara says don’t worry I have you taken care of John says oh really baby Sara says yes the basement needs to be cleaned out, John says but I want to be doing what Jim is doing, man this sucks Sara says maybe Sunday afternoon if you do a good job on the basement.

We all get our food, we eat and talk and laugh and ever one dances with each other except John and I. Linda and I are able to dance as friends and were able to talk, finally as Sally and I dance she has her head on my chest and says I’m getting I say tird, she says no and whispers into my ear horny. My eyes get wide and I say bingo I grab her hand lead her over to the table and say look guys it’s been fun but we are Sally says HORNY I say well and Sally says John when I’m done with him he won’t be able to play golf for a week maybe more! I say night and Sally pulls me to the elevator!

We get in the elevator Sally puts a key card in a special slot the door closes, I pull her to me and kiss her with a deep loving kiss. Sally looks into my eyes and says you know I love you I say yes and I love you more than you can ever imagine. She looks into my eyes again and says I want you to put our baby in me this weekend are you up to that. I take her hand and put it on my cock that’s hard as rock and throbbing, I say I want to put our baby in you that we will love and raise together I want to make us a real family are you ready for that, she takes my hand and slides it up her thigh to her soaking pussy. The elevator door opens directly in the suite. I cradle Sally in my arms she puts her arms around my neck I carry her directly to the bed room, Sally says put me down and undress me, she says I didn’t spend three hundred dollars at Vickie’s so I couldn’t show it off for you. I put her down she walks us over to the closet turns her back to me and says unzip me please. I unzip her dress slid my fingers thru her sholder straps spread them and slowly lower he dress down her arms down her body across her perfect butt which I kiss as I continue to lower her dress she stops me at her knees and lifts her legs and 5” spiked heels out of the dress. She lays back against me and says please hang up my dress. I hang up the dress as I turn around she is facing me and asks so did spend Daddy’s money well, she had a black lace shelf bra, that lifted her dam near huge breast exposing her large dark pink areolas and big long nipples, below her matching lace garter belt connected to a pair of black thigh high nylons and black 5” spiked heels and her matching black laced G-String, she says again well this outfit was selected so we could make love with it on soooo. I say you are the most beatiful woman I have ever seen and that outfit is good for at least triplets! She walks over to me takes off my coat, and hangs it up, takes off my bowtie puts it in the pocket of my jacket, removes the vest and hangs it up takes out the cufflinks, shirt studs and puts them in the pocket of the jacket, she takes off my shirt, then pulls up my Tee Shirt and removes it, then puts her hands on my chest and kisses it then lays her head against my head chest and says I have dreamed for years of taking care of my man like this, I say I just enjoy watching your boobs bounce as you take care of me, she says like them do you I say ummm yes, she takes my left hand and cups her right breast and says get to know then better they are all yours for now in nine months you’re going to have to share them with our baby, but we aren’t going to have a baby if I don’t get your clothes off! She bends down unties my shoe laces and has me lift my feet up one at a time to take off my shoes and socks then looks up at me and smiles and runs her hands over my the growing bulge in my paints and says baby I’m not going to suck you off till I am pregnet, I not wasting any of your seed till you make us pregnet, BUT once you do I’m giving you the best blow job you have ever had! Then she gets a grin on her face and says now on to the main event and she grabs my belt I say Sally she says no not now she unbuttons my paints and pulls the zipper down all at once my paints fall to the floor and my now very hard cock pops out hits her in the face as she was kneeling and kinda off balance she falls back her arms behind her back and her legs spread wide, She looks up at me giggling then she sees the look of pure lust in my face, she reaches between her legs pulls her G-String to the side lays back on the plush carpeting and says come make me your woman, I kneel between her legs pull her in my arms we kiss I feel her nipples against my chest, she straddles my lap and rotates her hips to bring her sweet pussy in contact with my cock I slide my cock head up and down her hot juicy slit then move it down to the opening of her pussy and slowly push in the head of my cock that spreads open her really tight pussy, she groans and says pencil dick my ass, I keep pushing in the walls of her pussy grab my cock, I stop so she can adjust to my cock’s size she says how much more I say a lot she says fuck you’re going to knock me up and the woman in the next room too, I feel her relax and move to slide a bit more inside her then she pushes and says how we doing, I say making good progress Sally says ¾ I say more like ½, she says roll on to your back, she somehow manages to keep me inside her as we roll over she straddles me her pussy juice runs down my cock, she leans down wraps her arms around my neck I pull our bodies together we kiss passionately, she breaks our kiss and says I love you baby pulls me tight to her and shoves her pussy onto my cock to my balls and her body goes limp in my arms, I was afraid she had fainted she rested her head on my sholder and says god your big, I say honey you’re really small and tight she says I hoping by the end of this weekend you will have broken my virgin pussy in so I can just jump on and ride to glory I start to pull away she says don’t you dare pull out of me, I say why didn’t you tell me you were a virgin, because I know you would have waited and I wanted to be able to jump right in and screw like mad on our wedding night. Ummm you feel warm in me make love to me now. I roll her back over on her back she wraps her legs around mine and digs her heels in behind my butt cheeks, I start to slowly rock my hips Sally digs her nails into my back after a few minutes she starts to move her hips to my movements and her breathing begins to quicken and she takes over the pace she is almost continually moaning, she bites into my sholder and screams as her body explodes into her first intimate orgasum. I hold her tight to me but I keep slowly rocking my cock in and out of her, she puts her hand on the side of my face and says that was the most wonderful thing I have ever felt in my life honey what are you doing, oh honey again baby your pushing against something inside me I say in a painting breath it’s your cervix that’s where my seed needs to go to make us pregnet, I start moving faster , she says oh god yes Jim faster harder ahhh your in my cervix I say damn you’re so tight Sally says honey you’re getting bigger I explode inside her rope after rope of seed flows into Sally’s womb she screams OH MY GOD JIM YES YES Yes and she does faint this time.

I stroke her face and her big green eyes open and she smiles up at me and says your still in me and hard, I say I know are ready again, well I’m stuck she says what do you mean how are you stuck. I say your cervix swallowed all of my cock and clamped down on the base of my cock and clamped off the blood vessels keeping my cock engorged and hard so the blood can’t drain back out so I can get soft. We have to wait for your cervix to relax. Sally says come here and hold me and kiss me I say no, she asks are you mad at me I say no but if we start up again you cervix will never relax, she giggles and asks is this normal, I say I have never had it happen before but I have never impregnated a woman before. Her eyes get real big and says you think you made me pregnet, I say I don’t know but I think your cervix is using my cock to keep my seed trapped in your womb till you egg is fertilized. She says how long does that take, I say I have no idea this is new territory here. I say come cuddle and let’s try and nap I take her in my arms she looks up into my eyes and asks do you still love me Jim, I say of course I do you are my whole world, she says that’s good because I love you too and cuddles in my arms and we drift off to sleep.

When I wake up its six thirty in the morning I can feel a gooey mess in the area of my cock and balls, then I relize I am free I look down at the angel in my arms her Vickie’s Lingerie still in place and still working as she lifts her nylon covered leg and rubs it over my legs, as my cock began to again to harden and press against Sally’s belly. She gets a big smile on her face and reaches down strokes my cock. She opens her eyes smiles and says I love you. I kiss her a deep loving kiss pick her up and take her into the bathroom put her down turn on the water in the two person whirlpool tub she strips off her lingerie, I pull her into my arms and kiss her deeply, she says do you think we did it last night, I say I don’t know if we weren’t trying to get you pregnet I would say yes, but sence we are I’d say we need to keep trying. Sally grins and says I like trying! She reaches over grabs a bottle and pores it into the tub where the water is flowing into the tub and clouds of bubbles start filling the tub I say all damn this is girly not sexy Sally says get in I say ladies first and take her hand as she climbs in the tub she sits down and disappears in the bubbles. I say I coming in, Sally says come sit by me I say where are you an arm sticks up out of the bubbles I take her hand and gently sit beside her, she takes her arm and hand and clears a circle around us I say there you are and give her a kiss. Sally says I need to sit here for bit and soak my pussy some, it’s a bit sore, very happy but sore. She says she was going to text my ex and raise hell with her for not warning her about how big my cock was, Sally says you know whats not sore is my nipples and they should be they are so sensitive, I say I’d love to if I could find them. Sally cleared away more bubbles and held up her lush breast, god they are beatiful Sally says they are all yours. I reach over cup her boob and lower my head and suck her nipple into my mouth, Sally closes her eyes creases my head and sighs a deep sigh of pleasure then shutters as she has a small orgasum. I reach over and tweak her other nipple, she jumps up straddles me and impales herself on my cock and begins humping herself down lower and lower on my cock until she has the entire eight inches buried in her, I pull her boobs to my face and suck her a nipple into my mouth she explodes into a massive orgasum and sets me off pumping load after load of cum into her fertal womb. Sally puts her arms around my neck and we kiss a deep passionate loving kiss. She lays her head on my sholder and asks are we stuck again I say no I was careful. Damn guess we are mated now you went right in me well almost a few more times and I will be able to slide you right in me. I look at Sally and say you are the most beatiful woman in the world I don’t deserve you, Sally hugs me to her and says I’m so beatiful because I have worked for years to be attractive for the most hansom wonderful man in the world you. Sally stands up I turn around on my knees and burry my face in her sweet pussy and go stright to her clit Sally grabs my head and pulls my mouth to her pussy and yells OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME! Well I couldn’t answer, but I reached up and tweaked both her nipples she pressed her pussy against my mouth so hard she banged my head in

Same as The Last Holiday Party Videos

3 years ago
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A Fun Holiday Party

It’s Saturday evening and we’re getting ready to head over to a friend’s house for a holiday party. As you’re getting ready, I ask you to wear the red sweater that I like so much. You smile and say, “You just want me to wear it because it’s so tight and low cut.” With a wink, I respond, “No, of course not, that’s not the reason. It’s a holiday party and red is festive.” After coming up behind you and nibbling on your ear, you hear, “Well, it is pretty hot too.” We finish up getting ready and...

Straight Sex
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Theft on Holiday

Emma and Cathy were already settled into their cabin in the holiday park. Both eighteen-year-old girls were in skimpy bikinis that showed off their well-toned figures and had just got back from their daily swim. They sat on the veranda and looked out for the two grannies who were going to join them for their two-week break.Mabel and Janet were in the car and were close to the camp. The two sixty-five-year-old grannies were thankful that Emma and Cathy agreed to let them join them on holiday,...

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Masters Holiday Party

Sammie was exhausted.  Last night her master had hosted his annual holiday party.  Having hosted it for a number of years, it had become a tradition.  He loved inviting people over, playing host, and entertaining friends and colleagues; but of course, he was not the one doing all of the work.  Sammie looked at the mess in the kitchen, the dirty cups and glasses piles around the living room and sighed.  She could not bear to imagine what the rest of the house looked like.  Master would never...

2 years ago
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A Fun Holiday Party

It’s Saturday evening and we’re getting ready to head over to a friend’s house for a holiday party. As you’re getting ready, I ask you to wear the red sweater that I like so much. You smile and say, “You just want me to wear it because it’s so tight and low cut.” With a wink, I respond, “No, of course not, that’s not the reason. It’s a holiday party and red is festive.” After coming up behind you and nibbling on your ear, you hear, “Well, it is pretty hot too.” We finish up getting ready and...

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DiSH 4 Holiday Party

After the debacle that was the DiSH Thanksgiving dinner, Ken came to the Holiday party alone. The hall that the group had rented in local firehouse was decorated for Christmas, Hanukkah, Diwali, Ramadan, and other holidays that he didn't know. He saw a group of guys he was friends with at the DiSH meetings and made his way to their table. All the women seemed to remember what happened at the Thanksgiving dinner for none would speak to him. The guys were talking and munching on bowls of...

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Holiday Party

This story was told to me by my friend Tim. Tim and his wife Laura are mid 30s and both work for a medium sized manufcturing firm in the suburbs of Chicago. Tim is of average build, about 6 foot and 170 lbs. Laura is about 5 foot 7 inches and about 130 lbs. She has dark hair, brown eyes and an athletic figure. All the guys comment on Laura's long legs and 34c chest. Tim and Laura have been married 10 years with no k**s and good jobs. Tim has commented, though, the Laura is very outgoing and...

1 year ago
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Great holiday party

At the holiday party she had started drinking and then double fisting her drinks having a good time talking with her co-workers. Soon Ann and her co-workers started talking about their party days and how they would fuck anything that moved Ann laughed out loud and said the she hasn’t even stopped. They all looked at her confused “how do you do it Ann?” one of her co-workers asked. “Like this said Ann!” She went on the dance floor and started dancing soon guys from the bar were watching and...

3 years ago
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Holiday Party

Dominique had arrived at the venue dressed up business casual for the early afternoon gathering. She went to the table, grabbed a pen and wrote Dominique on one of the blank labels, placing it on her right breast of her red cardigan. That matched her black mini skirt, black leggings and her patented leather red flats. She headed into the doors of the holiday party. There were little ones running end to end on a mixed sugar rush that consisted of pop, hamburgers, and candy(lots of candy). They...

1 year ago
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Ed Kilpatricks Holiday in Kumar

Ed Kilpatrick'sHoliday in KumarBackground:Thanks to everyone that has contacted me over the months about my series of short stories about a fictional island state in the Gulf called, 'Kumar.'It is September 2010 and it has been a long summer and a few stories released for other websites but after a month of writers block, this latest tale has come to me so I really do hope you enjoy.As usual, this story includes the usual bondage, cross-dressing and of course lot's of veiling, which is...

3 years ago
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Wifes Holiday Party

As the holidays rolled around, I was looking forward to taking my wifeto her companies Christmas party. It meant a night out with her alldressed up, and a night in of tasting her sweet pussy since our twok**s were with family for the night.Mary is a knock-out. 37 years old, two k**s, yet a nice 5'2" frame with115 pounds on it. She has 36D's, which I love to suck. She is rathermodest, though, and has never really been wild at sex. I enjoy it whenit happens, but it always consists of me eating...

1 year ago
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Dream Holiday

Dream Holiday Synopsis Connie enrols on a specialist, virtual reality, Dream Holiday where she is taken back in time to an era where debauchery is commonplace amongst the aristocracy. Read also Virtual Punishments (2006) and Chamber of Horrors (2006) Dream Holiday by obohoboWarnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in...

3 years ago
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Sex Holiday 3 Caribbean Experience

This is again only FANTASYIt wasn’t long after we returned from Florida that the thought of the next year’s holiday came up. My wife still didn’t want to try any swinging outside of our main holiday time (afraid she might meet someone she knew if we tried it in the UK) but after the last 2 year’s holiday she said she loved the freedom she got for a week or so each year. The last 2 years had opened her up to naturism and being around naked people so she said that all future holidays had to have...

2 years ago
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Beyond Humiliation Chapter 1 Holiday Planning

BEYOND HUMILIATION Chapter 1 - Holiday Planning Back in November 2012 I wrote a story called "How Humiliating". It told how Stephen, an occasional and secret cross-dresser, was caught out by his wife Sandra and forced, through a series of humiliating experiences, to confront and come to terms with his obsession. Although angry with Stephen for him not being open and honest about his desires, Sandra found the whole idea of cross-dressing strangely exciting and...

2 years ago
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My much needed Naturist holiday

As my open hands caressed my body, my mind wandered, thinking they were my husband’s hands, my nipples beginning to harden, my lou-lou began to get warm and wet. Thinking I would put my pumps on and pump more milk. Malcolm always loved suckling me when I was full of milk, giving us both a terrific orgasm. Oh, how I miss him still. I got my pumps out placing them on both nipples, setting the suction to medium. Stripping off I leant back on the sofa, I placed my feet on the edge letting my legs...

2 years ago
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Emilys First Solo Holiday Part 09

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 09 DAY 15 and Back Home Day 01 ************************ After an early breakfast I just had time pack my bags before the coach was due to pick me up. I was feeling quite depressed as I went down and checked-out at reception. I wore the same skater skirt that I’d arrived in and a tube top that wasn’t see-through...

2 years ago
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What happened on holiday

One of the best holidays I ever had was with my ex-girlfriend C, several years ago. We went to the sunny island of Tenerife, and the weather was fantastic. For the whole two weeks we didn’t see a drop of rain, or even a single cloud! But it was what happened during the holiday that made it so good. At the time I was 27 and C was 24. We had been together for three years and had hit that ‘comfort zone.’ Sex was still great, but we had started to share our fantasies. C thought my...

1 year ago
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Emilys First Solo HolidayChapter 9

DAY 15 and Back Home Day 01 After an early breakfast I just had time pack my bags before the coach was due to pick me up. I was feeling quite depressed as I went down and checked-out at reception. I wore the same skater skirt that I’d arrived in and a tube top that wasn’t see-through but the material is very thin and it hugs my tits like a second skin. My nipples were doing their best to bore holes in it. I’d had the bullet on charge all night and when I was getting dressed to leave I...

2 years ago
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Emilys Second Solo Holiday Part 01

by Vanessa Evans If you haven’t read ‘Emily’s First Solo Holiday’ and ‘Emily’s Home Life Changes’ I suggest that you read them before reading this. Part 01 Before I tell you about my second solo holiday I think that it’s best that I tell you about some of the things that Jack has been making me do since I wrote about how my home life has changed. I think that it’s right to say that I am VERY happy living with Jack and being his submissive exhibitionist. We’ve even talked about us being...

3 years ago
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Chris and Mark Go on Holiday

Chris and Mark Go on Holiday by DKB What I Did On My Holiday by Chris Burns For my holiday I went for the first time on holiday without my mum and dad. I stayed with my friend Mark and his parents in a cottage in Cheadle near Stoke on Trent. We saw people making pots and we played football a lot and ate ice cream a lot and the best bit was going to Alton Towers and going on as many rides as we could. My favourites were Oblivion, which was really scary, and also the...

4 years ago
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12 days 121 dicks Holiday tinder frenzy part2

In January this year I went on a holiday. My Daddy thought it was a great opportunity to train His slut. I had a car to my disposal, lots of time and tinder at that place worked like crazy. I could get a new dick in a matter of minutes. Daddy set a goal for me to fuck 10 dicks. He was so proud that I exceeded that objective! I love to please my Daddy by being more and more slutty and using my cunt like it supposed to be used: getting all the dicks I can!Holiday dick #127Slutty, Polish 30-yo...

3 years ago
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Teasing Holiday to Mykonos

I've recently booked a holiday back to Mykonos which has brought back some rather vivid memories of my last trip there. This is a repost of what happened some time ago now - I wonder if this holiday will be as memorable!The tale concerns a holiday I once had with my now ex-wife Wendy, I've changed her name - though now divorced it was on the whole a pretty amicable split and as we remain good friends I'd still like to keep it that way.In true Lit fashion I suppose l should now describe Wendy;...

3 years ago
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My wife Sarah and I have been including others in out sex lives for nearly 10 years now and during the Covid restrictions we have been reflecting and remembering some of the most exciting encounters we have had. However we also got on to discussing each others sexual adventures from before we met, which wasn't until our mid thirties. It’s amazing what you remember when you start to recall events from the past and when Sarah asked me about my first ever MMF threesome this happy memory came...

1 year ago
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Holiday with Sister

It all started a year ago when my sister and I decided to go on holiday together. I got married about 10 years ago to a long- standing school friend, we were both 29 at the time and the relationship produced 2 kids, boy and a girl. My wife was a good woman but not too adventurous in bed, during the marriage we just got in a rut, then started to argue a lot, not enough money and the usual family things, so in the end we just split up went our own ways and got divorced, with both our kids living...

3 years ago
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The Exhibitionist Girls Solo Holiday Part 1

by Vanessa Evans A girl goes on holiday to find ways to live her exhibitionist fantasies. Part 1 Hi, my name is Sadie and I’m and exhibitionist. No, I’m not at a meeting of exhibitionists anonymous I’m at home, my own small apartment typing this story. It starts about six months ago when I broke off my relationship with a young man that I’d been going out with for nearly a year. Why did I break up with him? Well basically he turned out to be a prude. We’d been making love in all sorts...

4 years ago
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Sex Holiday 2 The Lifestyle Friendly Hotel in Fl

Another FantasyAfter our holiday experience in Maspalomas I was interested in finding out if wife had really meant it when she had agreed to maybe having sexual experiences during overseas holidays. After dinner one night at home I suggested we look online for a venue for our next holiday. I asked if she was up for some new experiences and she said yes. I told my wife that we could go to Florida as I had been reading about a lifestyle friendly hotel just north of Miami. We could do some...

2 years ago
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Holiday of a lifetime

I'd finally done it. I'd saved enough money to go to America for a holiday. I'd always wanted to holiday at a working ranch and learn how to ride. After a long-haul flight, an internal flight and transfer by car I finally arrived at the ranch feeling jet lagged and very tired. On arrival it was late and there was a brief introduction to other guests. There were a number of other people holidaying at the ranch, mostly Americans, and they were all couples. I was the only guy on his own and I...

3 years ago
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Long Holiday

Copyright Oggbashan September 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.************************************************* Long HolidayAs it was Monday morning, I got up early, washed, shaved, put on a business suit and sat down for a quick breakfast. I put the...

2 years ago
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Bob Sue and Anitas holiday romance 3

Although this could be read as a standalone story, it may be easier if you read the previous chapters. I am happy to receive comments and PMs. I welcome constructive criticism. Thanks to Mfan and others for helping proof read ------------------------- Two nights running Bob had returned to his wife Sue late, she being bedridden with a migraine in their holiday apartment. So far Bob had successfully managed to convince her that he befriended some lads on a stag weekend that got him into a...

2 years ago
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Holiday adventures a new beginning

HomeDartmoor, in the winter as rugged and rough as the thorny gorse bushes that thrive on the hillsides, in the summer as beautiful as the woodland that nestles along the banks of streams that trickle into the rivers.It is my home of choice outside the bustling city of Exeter, where I’ve worked for the past 10 years. My job is a high salaried, its high-profile stressful working for the city council. Big budgets, hiring and firing people all the daily problems all add to the stress, but I love...

1 year ago
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On Holiday with My Mother in Law

My wife has persuaded me to take her 73-year-old mother on holiday with us in our caravan. I had to show some opposition to the wife idea and that I was not too keen in holidaying with my mother in law, but I am looking forward to it really, as we have been lovers for sometime on the quite.I have just picked my mother in law up at her house when she tells me that I am in for a big surprise if we are lucky enough to be alone sometime. We head back home to pick the caravan up that my wife is...

2 years ago
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Sophies Summer Holiday

Today the girl sat at the seat in front of Julia, who watched as the routine continued – the girl shuffled the skirt of her school uniform up an inch or two, so that she displayed just a little more black nylon-encased leg, and ran her fingers through the long dark ringlets of her hair, tousling and teasing them into what she obviously hoped was a more street-wise and sexy look. Julia smiled to herself, all the girl’s actions reminded her so much of herself as a schoolgirl twenty years...

2 years ago
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Sophies Summer Holiday

Introduction: This is my entry for the second writers competition on the forum. I apologise for the length as its nearly 20,000 words, but Im quite pleased with it, and I hope you take the time to read it. Thank you x The bus lurched to a halt at the stop. From her seat, Julia looked on as the petite pretty young girl impatiently waved goodbye to her mother at the stop, and got on board. As ever, the daily routine took place the girl paid the driver for her fare, and marched down the aisle, sat...

3 years ago
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Holiday Fun Pt 3

HOLIDAY FUN 3Not read parts 1 & 2 yet? You need to ?Holiday Fun part 1 Fun Part 2 next morning we were woken to the buzzing of Deb’s phone somewhere in the room. Deb jumped out of bed naked and started searching for her purse, her ass pointed in my direction as she bent over to pick her purse up from the floor, her tight puckered ass looking fantastic and her...

2 years ago
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First Wife Claire Has Holiday Fun With Locals

My very naughty fiancée had turned into a very prudish mother, but she was still beautiful and had kept superbly fit. She had long, dark, shiny hair, a porcelain complexion, and red lips. Although naturally athletic, she had worked out a lot, and the slim flat tummy and round arse were all good, but mostly, her big tits always looked and felt fantastic – it was like she had not had children.To my knowledge, she was faithful to me for nine years, but we went on a family holiday to Tunisia and...

Wife Lovers
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Holiday in Barbados

Many years ago, after the k**s had got to an age where they could be looked after by grandparents, the wife and I organised a holiday for the 2 of us to Barbados. It was the first in 12 years on our own, and we overspent, with a beachfront villa with private pool, constant alcohol top-ups, etc. etcThe direct flight was before business class had flat beds but the wide comfy leather seats were good enough for a daytime flight. The flight attendants made sure booze flowed, the excitement and the...

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Bikini Beach The Nerds Holiday Queen

This tale is part of the continuing tale of the Nerds and their adventures with Bikini Beach. Earlier installments define the characters, which are very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds. The cast is repeated here for convenience. Cast of Characters: Brandon - a nerdish type who fits the stereotype to a tee, and Robert's best friend and roommate. Robert and Brandon grew up together. Brandon is a computer genius, but is very awkward around girls. Robert - Not quite...

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The Exhibitionist Girls Solo Holiday Part 3

by Vanessa Evans Part 3 I woke when it was still dark outside and I got to my feet and went out onto the balcony. I was suddenly wide awake when I saw a group of young men walking towards the hotel. I quickly went into my room and got the plastic water bottle and went back outside and started to pretend to drink whilst making the bottle crackle. It worked and first one, then all of them looked up and saw the naked girl with her legs wide open. One of then shouted, “Hey beautiful, wanna...

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The Holiday Gift

1The Holiday Gift.        As she settled into the backseat of the cab for her ride home, after sharing some after work Christmas Eve drinks with some of her female coworkers, Danielle felt a touch of anxiety.  This was a distinctly rare occurrence for this usually very self assured young woman.  But this would be the first Christmas Eve that she would be spending with Reed, since they had moved in together ten months earlier, and she didn’t quite know how to react.  After a surprising number of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

4 years ago
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Holiday in Africa

I was so happy to finally go on holiday again. It was already a few years ago. My husband, John, was always so busy that he only took one week off a year and he travelled so much professionally that he preferred to spend his free time at home. I understood that of course, but the other way around I was mostly at home taking care of our daughter Sarah and I craved a holiday that pulled me out of the daily grind. However, this time John had to go to Bulagandra for a week for his work and we had...

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Mr Coxs Holiday

Author’s Note. This story is dedicated to ChrisM. Thank you for your generosity. I sat at my desk looking out over the London skyline. It was July and the rain was pouring down. I sighed and drank my tea. I was a coffee man but after three months in England, I had been hooked on the tea. It wasn’t my office I was sitting in but one that was provided to me by the company who had contracted my services. I’m a marketing consultant and travel the world helping start-up companies to find...

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Part 7 Matric holiday Fuck a MILF

Waking up Tuesday morning Mark said he felt as if he was starting to get the flu but nevertheless he was still keen to go have as much fun as possible as it was the final 4 days before I headed back to Johannesburg on Saturday with my parents. After a hot shower we got dressed and went to the main house for a good breakfast. After breakfast we made our way to the beach front for the day. We could see the matric holiday was ending as most of the youngsters had started heading back home and the...

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Jamies Holiday Panties

"You'll never guess what I found in the dryer this morning," Mother greeted me at the door. I was just coming in from school and was quite surprised at the question. I thought quickly, remembering that I'd done a load of laundry the night before. I didn't think I'd left anything in the dryer. God, I hoped not! "It's just the cutest Victoria's Secret signature cotton collection holiday panty, dear." She held it out opening it so the whole panty was fully visible. Not like a woman would...

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Mother on Holiday True part 1

Recently my mother and I went away for a week, Just for a Break. We Booked a Cravan at a Holiday Park in Essex UK. We drove down on the Saturday Morning and caught the usual holiday Traffic. We were on a busy Road when all the traffic came to a halt. We Found out later there had been an accident. We had been sat Stationary for about Thirty Minuets, When Mother became Restless and was moving about on her seat. When I asked what was wrong she Said "I wish i hadn't had those two cups of Coffee...

3 years ago
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Building An Appetite For Holiday Sex

I had surprised myself, finding out how easily I could pick up a holidaymaker without even trying too hard. I wasn't expecting Alan to get in touch again. We had swapped phone numbers, but he was, after all, on a lads' holiday.But, just two days later, I got the call. He wanted to see me again, but there was a problem with using their holiday villa because one of his mates was ill in bed. I told him that there was no problem coming over to our place and that I would pick him up if he wanted...

1 year ago
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Holiday Fun

Holiday Fun By SONIA email [email protected] - Please send comments!!!) If this is not the type of story you like then please don't just slag it off - it may not be your scene but I enjoy writing them and some others enjoy reading them!!!! Chapter 1 - A Bad Start to a Holiday The PA announced, "Last call for flight BA430 to Paris." "Come on, Sue, hurry up!" I said to my wife as we rushed towards the check in desk. We were going to a Gite in France for a...

2 years ago
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Bright Sparks Childrens HomeChapter 5 The Extension Starts and They Go on a Holiday

The next morning Mandy was woken by the feeling of Dennis’ cock sliding in and out of her vagina. At first she panicked but less than a second later she relaxed and enjoyed her first fuck of the day. When they were in the shower together Mandy asked Dennis if he’d wake her like that every day. “On the days that I wake up first I will, but if you wake up first you have to wake me with your mouth if I’m soft and climb on and ride me if I’m hard.” “Of course I will.” The highlight of the...

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Heathers Birthday Party

I'm usually a party animal, but tonight I wasn't in the mood for dancing or flirting and especially not taking some random guy into a private room for fooling around! All these were things I would usually be doing... but not tonight, and all because of Drew. Drew was Heather's 18 year old boyfriend, he was gorgeous, Nearly 6 feet tall, with an amazing body, warm chocolately brown eyes and longish, messy, sandy blonde hair. I of course had the hugest crush on him! The weird thing is I...

4 years ago
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Holiday Hell Part 1

Holiday hell - part 1. Day one. The flight had been uneventful, we'd landed in Spain, picked up the rental car and even managed to find the villa we'd hired without getting lost. It was looking like being a great holiday. As with all our holidays, my wife had made the bookings. The villa was remote, about two kilometres from the closest neighbour and five from the nearest town, but Caroline knew that at the time she made the booking. In fact its remoteness had meant it was a little...

1 year ago
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Another holiday alone

The first thing she noticed when she arrived at the hotel, was how incredibly handsome all the waiters were! Not an unattractive one in sight! This could only make for a happy holiday she was thinking!!She was a very experienced lone traveller and had been holidaying alone now for years. Nearly every holiday routine was the same. Find herself a nice quiet hotel, beautiful location and secret secluded part of the beach.She would rise early, take a long cool shower, attend to her personal...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The HolidayMany years ago when we were k**s my Grandmother used to take one of us on holiday with her, we had to wait till we were 13 or over so i was 5th in line to go. The holiday was in a caravan at a seaside resort. The van belonged to my uncle he bought it so my Grandma could have a holiday as she was not to good at getting around. On the holiday with us was also my aunt both my uncle and my aunt were single my uncle had a few flings with the ladies but never married the same with my aunt...

1 year ago
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The HolidayMany years ago when we were k**s my Grandmother used to take one of us on holiday with her, we had to wait till we were 13 or over so i was 5th in line to go. The holiday was in a caravan at a seaside resort. The van belonged to my uncle he bought it so my Grandma could have a holiday as she was not to good at getting around. On the holiday with us was also my aunt both my uncle and my aunt were single my uncle had a few flings with the ladies but never married the same with my aunt...

3 years ago
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Family Holiday to Turkey Amys holiday

She’d been to a hotel close to the one we were staying at (i’d planted the seed of where to go with my parents) and had given me the number of a guy she’d kept in contact with who was local. She didn’t give me a lot of information but couldn’t stop smiling and her only comment was “be careful what you wish for”! I pushed her for more but she refused and said I’d have a holiday to remember. I took his number and wrote several messages that I deleted and didn’t send. Did I really want this? I...

3 years ago
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On Holiday

I have known Allison ever since we were very young and we're close; more like sisters than best friends. Allison's older sister was not going on the family summer holiday last year because she had plans with some friends for a skiing trip to the Alps. Therefore, Allison's mum asked if I would like to accompany them on holiday to Spain. Before we went, Allison helped me choose a new bikini, a black and white mini Shorty that went up in my bum just a little. Allison said it looked sexy so I...

2 years ago
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Part 1 Matric holiday in Plet

December holidays before Christmas my parents and myself went down to Plettenberg bay for 2 weeks from the 6th December to the 23 December. It was my matric holiday even tho they were with. My stepsister didn't come with as she joined a friend and went down to Durban for a few days. We stayed by my aunt who had a lovely 4 bedroom house with a 2 bedroom cottage. She had two c***dren Hailey my 15 year old girl cousin and Mark my 17 year old male cus. It was set out that Mark and I were going to...

3 years ago
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Happy Holiday ndash Part 2

We had been in the holiday resort on a Spanish island for several days, as a sixteen year old I was hormone ridden. A ten day holiday with my Mom and sister, as Dad had to pull out at the last minute. The only female close to my age was Becky my sister, who was a little more than a year older than me. I spent the first couple of days of the holiday with a hard on, fantasising about a German woman I had seen by the pool. Things went a bit unexpectedly and I ended up having sex with Becky.The two...

2 years ago
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Holiday Away From The Care Home Spanked Again

Dale and Sandra weren’t even aware that they had upset Ella and the others so much. It had been a nice sunny afternoon and all the college girls were sitting in a corner of the swimming pool patio listening to Miss Mason explain about the project they were going to be doing. Dale and Sandra commented to each other how lovely the girls looked in their skimpy vest tops and very tight cotton shorts and joked about going across their bare thighs for another spanking. Of course, the memory of last...

3 years ago
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Long Holiday

Copyright Oggbashan September 2014 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* Long Holiday As it was Monday morning, I got up early, washed, shaved, put on a business suit and sat down for a quick breakfast. I put the coffee...

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