Chapter 25 - Fond Farewells free porn video

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After Christmas and New Year there’s always a sense of anti-climax and this year was no different. We got back from Matty’s about lunchtime to find Emma & Tasha still asleep – rather surprisingly alone. Lisa woke them with some coffee and told them to be in downstairs in ten minutes if they didn’t want to miss out on the bacon butties she was preparing. They were a bit non-plussed by the guys not being present too – they’d gone to bed with them – then Tasha noticed a previously unread text and they’d both promised their parents they’d be back for lunch. Paul and Sophie were heading back to Preston on Tuesday so we needed to know if Tasha and Emma were going with them – Emma did still officially live in Preston with her Dad and a lot of her personal belongings were still there. Tasha was only too keen to leave – I think her relationship with Nick had more or less run its course and she wanted to spend some time with friends and family before returning to uni. Emma wasn’t so keen – her relationship with Chris was getting pretty serious so she wanted to spend as much time as possible with him. Her plan was to partially move in with me and Lisa since Chris was studying at the local uni. so with Emma being down in Leeds she was only an hour or so away. In the end it was decided that Tasha would leave with Sophie & Paul and we’d drive Emma over to Preston at the weekend, she could pick her stuff up, we’d all stop there overnight and drop her straight at her halls in Leeds. Charlie and Jacob were taking the train back to Bristol and were also planning on leaving Tuesday.

Tom decided he was going to host a low-key ‘going away’ party for his house guests on Monday night and invited us along – since many were back at work or travelling the following day he was going to start and finish early and keep the alcohol to a minimum. Sunday was a nice quiet day after the excesses of the previous night. Emma and Chris went out somewhere early evening, Tasha had officially split with Nick, so there were just the three of us sat in front of the fire, Lisa and I having showered earlier just in our robes, watching the usual dismal ‘holiday’ television offering. “I hope Emma doesn’t bring Chris home” said Tasha suddenly “Why” asked Lisa “Cos I don’t want to sleep on my own but I can’t share a bed with those two ‘cos they’ll be fucking all night” she replied bluntly “Well they might let you join in or if you’d rather you can jump in with us” offered Lisa “although you may have to eat some pussy first” “Oh I’d love that” said Tasha perking up considerably “Are you going to eat mine again too?” she asked “No – I’m not – but Steve is - and he’s even better at eating pussy than I am” I rather got the impression that we were likely not to make it upstairs and that was confirmed when Lisa opened her gown, reclined on the sofa and beckoned Tasha closer. “Just do what you did the other night and make me cum” Lisa demanded “and I’m gonna give Steve a blow-job” I was happy to hear that and joined the two of them at the other end of the sofa. Lisa moved around so she was sat more upright on the settee with her feet on the floor whilst Tasha knelt between her legs and I stood on the sofa with my legs either side of hers and my cock poised to enter her willing mouth. Glancing down I could see Tasha had two fingers in Lisa’s pussy and was licking all around it, being careful to miss the clit initially. “Fuck my mouth” Lisa commanded as she enveloped the end of my cock in her lips. Unlike some women Lisa does genuinely like having a cock in her mouth – the feel and taste of it she finds a turn on. I could tell Lisa was gonna come really quickly – Tasha’s fingers were almost a blur as she worked them in and out of Lisa’s pussy and by the position of her mouth I could tell it was her clit that Tasha was feasting on. I had been fucking Lisa’s mouth fairly slowly – it wasn’t something that we did often and it felt wonderful so I was in no hurry to come. Lisa wanted me down her throat though so I stopped moving and let her dictate the pace and depth. It didn’t last as long as I hoped though as Lisa experienced a shuddering orgasm and slumped back on the sofa losing contact with my cock” Fuck you’re getting good at that” Lisa said smiling down at Tasha

“What do you want now?” asked Lisa “Do you want Steve to fuck you or eat your pussy?” “I want what Charlie got last night” said Tasha quietly “She got both but I think I’ll eat you first” I said. I’d only just realised that Tasha hadn’t had chance to get naked herself, although since she was only wearing shorts and a t-shirt it didn’t take long and as she reclined on the sofa I could see her pussy was glistening slightly, her juices evidently already flowing purely in anticipation. I moved closer and the first touch of my tongue on her pussy was like an electric shock had passes through her as her back arched – the same reaction that she’d had when Lisa had gone down on her a couple of nights earlier. She relaxed as I continued and was moaning softly – moaning that became more muffled as I realised that Lisa had locked lips with her and was gently caressing her breasts. I could tell it wasn’t gonna take long to push Tasha over the edge if I attacked her clit so I left it alone for the moment, caressed her g-spot with two fingers and licked the length of her pussy stopping just short of her clit. She was becoming more and more aroused and desperate to come – breaking contact with Lisa for a moment she muttered a plaintive “Please”. I caught Lisa’s eye and she nodded so I went to work on Tasha’s clit – she was in ecstasy and came probably three times in less than a minute – the last one causing her (I think) to lose consciousness for a moment. “That was even better than the other night” she murmured quietly. “Time for you to do some work” I said to Tasha “What do you mean” she said sounding a little confused. “Don’t worry” said Lisa “I know what he’s got in mind and you’ll love it” I laid on my back with my head propped up with a couple of cushions from the sofa and after Lisa had spent a few moments ensuring I was sufficiently hard she motioned Tasha over and as she straddled me slowly manoeuvred my cock into her tight pussy. “Mmmm I love it” she moaned as she eased it all the way in and our pubic hair intermingled. Whilst Tasha was getting into position Lisa was too, she dropped to her knees and then shuffled around until her legs were either side of my head and her pussy within easy reach of my tongue. Mere penetration was never gonna be enough for Tasha and she soon started riding my cock, slowly at first but then picking up speed as her passion increased. Meanwhile Lisa was on all fours facing away from Tasha whilst I licked gently at her pussy and at the same time I’d slid a couple of fingers gently into her arse – the combination of sensations I was pretty sure would result in another orgasm.

Tasha was riding hard but couldn’t quite cum – normally I would raise my hips, tilt the girl forward and start thrusting myself but I couldn’t do that whilst Lisa was astride me too. Fortunately, Lisa came rather more quickly than I’d anticipated and rolled out of the way so I could indeed get Tasha off which moments later I did. She laid on my chest with my cock still buried inside her “I saw stars that time” Tasha murmured. “I need to come myself” I said to no-one in particular. “Fancy fucking my arse babe” said Lisa “Those fingers felt wonderful just then but I could really do with the real thing” “Will you fuck me in the arse too Steve?” asked Tasha. I knew she was an anal virgin and, whilst Lisa fetched the lube, I told her the same thing I’d told Sophie all those months ago – I think she understood. When Lisa returned Tasha watched intently as Lisa applied the lube to my cock whilst I slipped two well-lubed fingers into her arse. She then got on all fours in front of me and I very slowly eased my cock into her tight arsehole until it could go no further. “Mmmm I love it” said Lisa quietly before I began sliding to and fro in her arse, I could feel her quivering beneath me and I could feel my orgasm was imminent. Lisa and I were so attuned to each others sexual response that we could get each other off in a matter of moments, and as I sprayed her bowels with my spunk she achieved orgasm too.

“Time for bed” announced Lisa. We were soon in bed, Lisa and I in each other’s arms and Tasha spooned into my back. I half expected Lisa & Tasha to have sex again but both were tired and were soon asleep – as I was I until awoken by something. Listening intently, I realised it was the rhythmic sound of bedsprings creaking and quiet moans of passion – Emma & Chris had evidently returned. The speed of the creaking increased as did the volume of the moans coming from Emma and shortly afterwards a cry of passion indicated she’d succeeded in achieving an orgasm. I thought the noise might have woken the other two but they appeared to be fast asleep and I joined them moments later.

Monday we were up early, Lisa was planning on having lunch with her girls so picked Sophie up and dropped Tasha off at Tom’s – that left me at a bit of a loose end so I called round Dan’s and he also had no plans – Ally having gone into work for a couple of hours. It looked like a mega-session of FIFA on the PS4 was looming. By the time we finished it was almost lunchtime and we were about to stroll round to the pub for a bite to eat when Ally returned bearing fish n chips. She hadn’t realised I was present but still insisted on splitting the two portions three ways – fortunately our local chippy does serve very large portions so there was still plenty to go around. “What’s the score tonight round at Tom’s place?” I asked nobody in particular “I dunno” replied Dan through a mouthful of fish “but I can guess it’ll involve Lisa, Ally & Heather fighting to get fucked by Jacob and me, you & Tom shagging the young ‘uns” he concluded “That sounds uncannily accurate” said Ally smiling. “Has Tom invited anyone from the stables and Stu & Helen” I asked “Yes and Yes” Dan replied “Although I don’t know what answer he got” Just then Lisa called wondering where I was, so I wandered home.

Lisa hadn’t been home long and was sat in the front room with Emma and Sophie drinking coffee, I grabbed one myself and joined them. The girls were chattering away about clothes, celebrities, television etc and after a while, as often happened, I just sort of zoned out. I was brought back to earth by a well-aimed cushion bouncing off the side of my head “You weren’t listening were you” Lisa said “Erm no” I had to admit “I was asking if you would fuck me before I go back home tomorrow” explained Sophie “and if you wanted to do it now or later at Tom’s party” Somewhat taken aback by her bluntness I was lost for words for a moment “Do it now babe” interjected Lisa “You might miss your chance later, ‘cos I’m sure Tom will want to spend some time with her” Sophie knew I could never refuse her as she jumped up and headed for the stairs “Lucky cow” I heard Emma mutter quietly under her breath. Sophie was only a few seconds ahead of me but by the time I reached the bedroom she’d already stripped and jumped under the covers, throwing them back and demonstrating her nakedness as I entered the room. I wasted no time in joining her as we embraced and kissed for some time our tongues wrestling with each other. We were both breathing more heavily when we came up for air. “Skip the foreplay and just fuck me Steve please” Sophie almost begged. I was already laid more or less on top of her so it took only a moment for us to slightly adjust our positions as I eased my cock slowly into her pussy. She let out a long sigh of lust and contentment once I could go no further “God that’s so good – I’m gonna miss this” Sophie murmured quietly. I let Sophie dictate the pace I started slowly but she was meeting my every thrust and urging me to speed up which I did. I could tell by her breathing and the way she was gripping and releasing me with her internal muscles that an initial orgasm was close. It was as she yelled with pleasure, went stiff as a board and then relaxed “That was good” she purred I’d stopped momentarily waiting to see if Sophie was satisfied – I probably should have known better “Don’t stop” Sophie demanded “Keep fucking me - make me come again” She was becoming more and more animated “Do me from behind “she commanded I was happy to do so and turned her over before sliding back inside her. I knew this drove her wild especially when, as I did now, I grabbed her hair and pulled gently. This made her back arch and meant my cock hit the exact spot that triggered her orgasms. It also had a habit of making me come too. “Oh God I’m coming” moaned Sophie and I could feel my spunk rising “Gonna fill you full” I mumbled as my orgasm hit and I emptied my balls into her.

I rolled over and we lay in each other’s arms for a while getting our breath back “How come you and Paul and sometimes Tom can make me come so good and so often but other guys struggle – even Jacobs big cock doesn’t always do the trick.” Sophie asked. “I guess it’s ‘cos we know what buttons to press – every woman is different when it comes to making them come” I explained “You learn what gives them pleasure, sometimes it takes ages but it’s great fun finding out” I continued “Now I think we should get dressed and get you back to Tom’s so you can change for the party tonight” I concluded. Downstairs Lisa & Emma were watching something on the box and when I told them the time they announced they’d best get ready too. I ran Sophie back round to Tom’s and by the time I got back I just had time for a shit, shower and shave when Dan & Ally strolled in “All ready?” asked Dan – knowing full well what the reaction would be. Ally went to hurry things along whilst we grabbed a beer. There was a knock at the door “If that’s Chris come in, if it’s Jehovah’s fuck off” I yelled – fortunately it was Chris. I told him to grab a beer ‘cos we could be a while.

In fact it was only ten minutes and the girls looked fabulous as usual – the mini-bus we’d ordered was bang on time too so we were soon round Tom’s. After exchanging the usual pleasantries Dan and I escaped to the games room – Paul and Jacob were already playing pool so we joined them. “What have you two been up to all day?” I asked “Charlie took me shopping” said Jacob “I’ve got job interviews soon so I needed some smarter clothes” he explained “I’ve been fucking Tasha” said Paul I must have looked a bit shocked as he continued “Well we were both a bit bored, so what better way to spend a dull January afternoon – she’s a fucking good shag too” I thought now was probably not the time to inform him I’d been fucking his fiancée most of the afternoon as I picked up a pool cue .We’d had a couple of games when Charlie appeared in the door-way and announced there were two girls who required Jacob’s presence. “I sometimes think that English girls never see further than the crotch” he said as he put down his cue. “You saying we’re shallow?” said Charlie “I’m saying nothing ma’am” said Jacob diplomatically before smiling, giving Charlie a mock bow and leaving the room. “Who’s after him anyway” I asked Charlie – expecting the answer to be Lisa and Ally. “Two of the girls from the stables – dunno their names but the boss lady is with ‘em” she replied “You mean Sammy?” I asked “Yeah that’s her – just the three of ‘em though” My curiosity pricked I wandered back into the living room to see what was going on. Sammy was sat with Heather “You got a pass out?” I asked “Yep left Matty in charge and fetched Amy and Chantelle down ‘cos they missed out on Jacobs big cock the other night and want to experience it before he goes home” she explained. “I thought Lisa & Ally wanted him too” I said “I got ‘em a better offer “said Heather smiling “the girls from two doors down are on their way over” “Say no more” I said “So since you’ve been deserted by your good lady do you fancy fucking me & Sammy?” Heather asked “I would be honoured to” I said smiling and Heather led us upstairs.

The girls stripped as soon as we entered the bedroom and reclined on the bed “Who do you want first?” said Heather “I really don’t mind” I replied “OK – you get me then while I eat Sammy’s pussy” she replied, getting on all fours and dipping her head towards Sammy’s crotch. I slipped easily into Heather’s pussy and she let out a long sigh of contentment “Mmmmm I love it” she smiled as she looked over her shoulder at me “Eat my pussy bitch” said Sammy fiercely but light-heartedly directing Heather’s head back towards her pussy. From my position I could see that Sammy’s pregnancy was starting to show now but it wasn’t preventing her from having sex, she was loving Heathers oral attention. From previous experience I knew these two reached orgasm quickly and Sammy was the first to get there, Heathers ever active tongue doing the trick. Heathers own peak was approaching fast and I knew exactly what would make it happen as I licked two fingers and inserted them into her arse. “Oh you fucking bastard” she growled “You’re gonna make me cum” – and she did loudly.

We laid relaxing for a short while “What do you fancy?” I asked Sammy “I can’t decide if I want your cock up my arse or just ride you until you come” she answered “And it depends what Heather wants” “Oh I’m easy – not a word Steve” said Heather smiling “If you wanna ride Steve I’ll sit on his face – if he does you up the arse you can fist me till I cum” she continued “Ohhh” said Sammy “I’ve never done that before – is it nice?” “It is if you like being a bit stretched – like a really fat dildo” confirmed Heather. ”Let’s try it then” said Sammy. Heather took a small bottle of lube from the bedside table and passed it to me. I spent an enjoyable minute or two working the lube into Sammy’s arse and she was already breathing heavily by the time I’d finished. Heather had been doing the same to my cock and since I hadn’t come yet it was hugely erect “I almost wish that was going in my arse” she said “Tough” said Sammy smiling “It’s my turn” “Why don’t you two get yourselves sorted first” I suggested. Sammy had been working some lube into her hand and now knelt between Heathers parted legs she slowly slid two fingers into the glistening pussy exposed before her. As she inserted a third a low moan emanated from Heather, as the fourth went in the moans got louder. Sammy tucked her thumb in but couldn’t initially get any further “Push harder” said Heather “It’ll slide in” Sure enough it did and Sammy’s hand disappeared from view. Heathers eyes almost glazed over as an initial orgasm coursed through her. “Just open and close your fist and slide it gently in and out” Heather instructed Sammy. Meanwhile I’d moved into position behind Sammy “ready for me?” I asked “Mmm yes” said Sammy quietly “Take it slow to start with” I positioned my cock against her puckered arsehole, pushed gently and with just the smallest amount of pressure I slid slowly into her arse until I could go no further. “Mmmm that’s so fucking good” she moaned. I moved slowly to give Sammy chance to become accustomed to it, whilst she concentrated on giving pleasure to Heather – I’d not been paying a lot of attention but I think she’d already had three minor orgasms prior to one huge one which had her thrashing from side to side on the bed. “Slide it out please Sammy I can’t take anymore just at the minute” begged Heather Sammy did as she asked and slid her hand slowly out before looking over her shoulder at me and in a lust filled voice stating simply “OK Steve – fuck me” I quickened the pace and Sammy started having mini-orgasms but the big one she craved seemed to be eluding her. “I’m so fucking close” she moaned “Wish I had a cock up my pussy too” “I might be able to help with that” said Heather as she reached into the bedside cabinet and retrieved a pink dildo, still in its original packaging “How about this?” she said to Sammy “Oh yes please” moaned Sammy “Give me it” Heather moved round alongside me and as I stopped for a moment she slid the dildo into Sammy until it was buried almost to the hilt “Oh yes that’s what I need” she moaned I started thrusting into her again and Heather worked the dildo in and out of her pussy. It took less than a minute to tip her over the edge and she came hard, slumping down onto her stomach and then rolling over with the dildo still buried in her pussy. “Fuck that was good” she muttered.

We relaxed for a short while before the girls decided it was time I came – I had been very close whilst I’d been arse fucking Sammy so it wouldn’t take much to get me off. Heather took my cock into her mouth whilst Sammy licked and sucked at my balls. Heather knew just how to get me off and with the added stimulation Sammy was providing I warned them that I was about to cum – I came explosively causing Heather to almost choke as I unloaded into her mouth but she just swallowed the lot. After Heather and I shared a smoke the three of us dressed and wandered downstairs.

Emma and Chris were sharing a kiss on the settee but there was nobody else about. I asked Emma everyone’s whereabouts “Mum and Ally are with those two lesbians, Tom’s with Sophie (no surprise there I thought), Jacob’s with those two girls from the stables, and Dan and Paul are with Charlie & Tasha” Emma informed us. Heather & Sammy had joined Emma & Chris on the sofa – Heather was whispering something in Chris’ ear and he whispered something to Emma who just nodded. Heather slid off the sofa, dropped to her knees by Chris’s legs and, with practiced ease, whipped off his trousers and boxers almost before he could react. She grabbed his rapidly hardening cock and stuffed it in her mouth. Alongside them I was surprised to see Sammy and Emma kissing and fondling each other, Sammy had managed to free one of Emma’s boobs and was sucking on it wantonly – Emma with her head thrown back obviously enjoying the sensation.

I took a seat opposite, content to just watch the action, although I could feel my cock stiffening already. I had my back to the stairs and thought I heard someone descending them just before hands were clamped over my eyes “Guess who” a female voice whispered in my ear I knew it had to be Chantelle or Amy – I plumped for the former and got it right. She came around the front of the chair and sat in my lap, demonstrating as she did so that the fairly short, summer dress she had on was all she was wearing. We shared a kiss and she whispered “are you gonna fuck me Steve” in my ear. I nodded my assent and replied “shortly” as I was still engrossed in watching the scene unfolding before me. Emma who’d resisted Tasha’s advances so many times was succumbing to Sammy who’d slowly stripped her naked and was now knelt on the floor between her legs lapping lazily at the exposed pussy before her. I knew from my own experience that Emma loved oral sex and I also knew (from Lisa’s experience) that Sammy was very, very good at providing it. Emma came loudly and slumped back onto the sofa, alongside them Heather had brought Chris to the brink of orgasm with her mouth but now wanted some pleasure herself so stood, turned around and slowly inserted Chris’s very erect cock into her pussy.

Meanwhile Chantelle had not been idle, although I’d barely noticed her unfastening my trousers and sliding down the zip – in fact it wasn’t until she made contact with my cock that I realised what she was doing. It was already semi-hard and as she grasped it, it swelled to full-size very rapidly. I thought I probably should return the favour so slid my hand under her dress, she figured what I was about to do and stood briefly, whipping the dress off over her head as she did so and then grabbing my trousers and dragging them off as she sat back down again. “I don’t need any foreplay Steve just fuck me” she almost begged. I sat on the edge of the chair and while still facing me and with her legs wrapped around my back slid my cock into her wet pussy “Mmmm that’s fucking good” she murmured. We were in something of a constrained position but we were able to share a passionate kiss and I could feel her whole body trembling slightly as she moved gently up and down. I looked over her shoulder to see what was happening on the sofa – Sammy had stripped naked and was in an embrace with Emma – and as I watched Emma rather hesitantly caressed Sammy’s boob before moving down and putting her lips around the nipple. Alongside them Chris had already come once but Heather was working hard to get him erect again – and her active mouth and fingers seemed to be doing the trick.
I wanted to increase Chantelle’s pleasure and nice though it was to be locked in an embrace I persuaded her to lift up and lie back on the carpet. As she did so I inserted my cock back inside her and started fucking her properly “Oh yes that’s good” she moaned “Don’t fucking stop” I had no intention of doing so and continued to fuck her powerfully with long, rapid strokes that soon had her thrashing from side to side “Shit I’m gonna come” she moaned before moments later going stiff as a board and crying out loud. I slowed a little to let her recover - and also ‘cos I was getting knackered “Can I go on top” Chantelle asked “Please do” I replied Just before I moved I glanced back at the action on the sofa – Heather had succeeded in her task and was now getting soundly fucked up the arse by Chris and alongside them, much to my surprise, Emma had overcome her reluctance and was knelt between Sammy’s legs with her mouth secured firmly over her pussy and clit and two fingers jammed up her arse. Evidently she was a quick learner as Sammy was building to a big orgasm.

We untangled ourselves and I laid back as Chantelle swung her leg over me and then squatted over my erect cock. She hesitated for a moment and I looked questioningly up at her “I can’t decide if I want it in my pussy or arse” she said quietly She must have come to a decision as I felt her warm, wet pussy envelope my cock as she sank all the way down on it. Squatting over me as she was I knew she was gonna ride me hard and she did, almost losing contact a couple of times – this wasn’t going to be a prolonged fuck and Chantelle came again, shuddering from head to foot before slumping to her knees and then pitching forward onto my chest. “Will you do me from behind now please?” she asked “And keep on going until you come” We moved across to the chair and I got her to lean against it whilst I entered her from behind. She felt even tighter at this angle and the feeling was obviously mutual as she muttered “Fuck it’s even fatter” I started thrusting into her, slowly picking up speed – I could feel her bearing down on my cock with her internal muscles and could feel my orgasm approaching. Chantelle was almost there too but I beat her to it, emptying my balls into her tight cunt. I kept pushing though and moments later she reached her peak too and I grabbed her around the waist so she wouldn’t fall to the floor and lowered her into the chair.

I suddenly realised we had an audience – Lisa, Ally and the two girls from a couple of doors down were sat at the other end of the room watching the action intently. I’d had my back to the sofa whilst fucking Chantelle and turning around now realised that there’d been another change of partners – Chris was fucking Sammy from behind, whilst Heather was tonguing Emma to a gentle orgasm. Chantelle and I dressed and joined the girls at the far end of the room. “Had fun” I asked Lisa “Mmmm we did babe” she replied with a look that implied she’d be visiting Tom’s neighbours again .”Is that your daughter?” asked Sarah (the blonde half of the couple) “I didn’t realise she was bisexual too” she continued “Erm she wasn’t when we arrived” said Lisa looking a little confused. “Heather can be persuasive” said Laura (the brunette) “Heather had nowt to do with it” I interrupted “it was Sammy doing the seducing” The four of them on the sofa must have sensed they were getting discussed as, having achieved orgasms, they quickly dressed and joined us. Everybody else had gathered in the living room by now too. Sammy was the first to leave with Chantelle and Amy in tow – I think Amy had fallen for Jacob as she was almost tearful as they left.

Our minibus was due so we all left together for the short drive home. Dan had, apparently, spent most of the night fucking Tasha and she was keen to have more asking to go home with him and Ally. Ally had no objections and with Lisa’s warning to not be late in the morning ringing in her ears they left. Emma and Chris went up to bed and Lisa and I followed them up the stairs shortly afterwards. Laid in bed Lisa murmured “I need some cock babe - anything left in the tank?” “I dunno” I replied “Try working some of your magic” Lisa did so, stroking and caressing my cock and balls – it felt great and didn’t take long before I had an erection “Spoons” whispered Lisa and I slid gently into her pussy from behind “Mmmm that’s lovely” she murmured We made love slowly and gently for maybe twenty minutes “I’m right on the edge babe but I don’t wanna come yet this feels so good” said Lisa quietly. I was getting close myself and wasn’t certain how long I could last. A few minutes later Lisa’s body betrayed her and her much delayed orgasm swept over her. I knew it was a big one and I could feel the rhythmic contractions pulsating through her body. “Fuck that was good” she murmured when she got her breath back. I’d abandoned my self-restraint when Lisa came and I came explosively inside her pussy moments later. We remained in the same position with my cock in her pussy as we drifted off to sleep.

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CHAPTER 1 The taxi pulled up outside the all-white Fulton Mansion resplendent with light blue doors and shutters and harmonious architecture. The sole passenger Clark Fulton jumped out when seeing his departing sister-in-law about to enter her parents’ Mercedes and called, ‘Hey, Fonda, wait up.’ She turned and Clark was dismayed at how lined the face of the 30-year old blonde was and she’d also had lost weight. He’d last seen her two years ago when she’d married his elder brother Jack. ‘Oh...

2 years ago
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iFondle Sams Boobs

iFondle Sam's BoobsSam decided to clear the table so she can keep sleeping as Carly and Freddie were still working together on finding interns, but was having no luck there and Spencer decided to go to his room and try to contact the museum to try having his sculptures being exhibited there.Carly then felt something, something that aroused her."Freddie?""Um, yes Carls?""You seeing Sam now?""What about her?""That pose. I feel… kinda… aroused.""Me too." Freddie admitted, knowing that they were...

1 year ago
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Mechanics Daughter now an Adult and Fondlabl

Mechanic's Daughter now an Adult and Fondlable And Fuckable And Restrained And Deepthraoted! I was doing some gardening for my mechanic fifteen years ago at his house and shortly after I discovered his wife left to go shopping with friends, this had left their three daughters home alone with me doing my outside work repairing the irrigation. After an hour the summer heat got warm and I went into the back to solder wires and glanced at the patio area, the oldest daughter had come out and...

3 years ago
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SRU Fondest Desire

SRU- Your Fondest Desire By Mister Double-U I thought of this while making drinks for a party. I hope you like it. ************************************ Morton Winslow hid behind the bushes as he made his way back to his dorm room on the other side of campus. It was the middle of the day and students were busily heading for their next class, or that beer down at the pub. All Morton wanted to do was to make it back without being seen. Even he knew that was asking too...

3 years ago
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Fond Memories

Not to her face of course, but that was her nickname. And yes, she had huge tits. She was a junior in high school, and she had the biggest breasts I'd ever seen. (She still ranks in the top 3 even now.) Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. My name is Gary Boyd, and I was a junior too and easily the biggest geek in our class (it doesn't really matter to the story but just so you know), but back to Melissa's tits. Spectacular doesn't begin to describe them. They were like two...

2 years ago
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Fond swinging memories

13 years ago was my last experience of threesome pleasure with another couple. Doug and Carol were married and we met through a contact swingers magazine. Computers and the internet were not prevalent then as they are today. I remember being invited by Carol, who called me one day to say they wished to meet me. I went over to their house and we chatted at their bar, got to know each other a bit and after awhile they said lets go into the lounge. We all got naked very quickly. I was a bit...

1 year ago
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fond CD memory

When I was a high school senior I had a horn on for a friend of mine but when I expressed my desire to him he turned me down and told me he was not interested in m2m sex with me and leave him alone. Then through a strange set of circumstances we became roommates with a couple of other guys in a four bedroom house, I was 19.One night our roommates went home for the weekend and we were alone, I had just crawled into bed when the door to my room opened and I saw the figure of a woman through the...

3 years ago
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fond memory03

9/30/2007As I mentioned earlier I have had strong desires to suck cock and new that I would have to meet some body and do it soon or would always chicken out of it. So finally everything was right I met someone on line and agreed to meet that Sunday afternoon. I drove the 50 miles or so to the town and called him for directions well I was miles away so he said he would drive there and meet me, I almost drove off 2 or 3 times and finally he drove by and wave as he called me on the phone and...

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Fond Memory

We are spooning with you behind me as we watch start nibbling on my ear. I can feel your hot breath on the side of my face neck and the top of my shoulder. It sends little bolts of lightning through me that seem to go straight to my moistening pussy. You know how I love that! You take your time gently kissing and biting my neck. mmmI can feel you start to caress my arm and leg.... slowly sending goose bumps to my skin. The desire in me is building. I want you, but I know that I cannot...

2 years ago
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this story on how i fucked this bitch from fond du

her name was casie she lukked good too white average thick had a booty and a tight ass pussy..she was fucking wit my neighbor one nite me and my guy drunk coming home one nite and he susposingly told me to dial her phone number but it was late in da am for a nigga to get at da next day i get call from her (off my phone) not even knwing me she invites me over to her house to her two k**s. i asked if i can smoke a doobie blunt in her house and she said yeh. so after i get done...

4 years ago
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Fond memories of my Mom

I grew up in quite a liberal upbringing, even all sexual matters were handled with ease within our family. I am happy to say that my Mom was the most laid-back family member in this regard. So I was used to see her naked body regularly and considered it to be normal.Although she was not a very big person (height 5'3'', 135 lbs.) she had quite large tits with large pink areolas, a little saggy. Her pussy was covered by a nice even bush, see-thru type, so that one could see easily the outer labia...

3 years ago
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Let Her Eat Cake an afternoon doodle a fond memo

Let Her Eat CakeThe association of food with sex is ancient and wondrous. At its simplest is such as the time honored route to the male heart through the stomach. But what young man could realize that it might work with a woman?!Once upon a time he and a delicious colleague were engaged in that exquisitely awkward dance to enchantment when the ankle sprained, the boat ran seriously aground due to unfortunate inadvertence. Whatever caused the sublimation of fire to ice is unrecalled if...

4 years ago
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Fond swinging memories

13 years ago was my last experience of threesome pleasure with another couple. Doug and Carol were married and we met through a contact swingers magazine. Computers and the internet were not prevalent then as they are today. I remember being invited by Carol, who called me one day to say they wished to meet me. I went over to their house and we chatted at their bar, got to know each other a bit and after awhile they said lets go into the lounge. We all got naked very quickly. I was a bit...

Wife Lovers
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AngelicaChapter 12 Fond Hearts

Angel spent the weekend alone with Jordan and it seemed to her that for a short time at least, the outside world didn't exist and she and Jordan were the only two people on earth. It was a stark contrast compared to Monday morning when she accompanied Jordan to his office to resume her new job as his receptionist. Even though Angel had only known Jordan a matter of days, to her it seemed a lot longer. She was surprised he was able to accept her, despite her filthy past. Connie and Meredith...

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Jessicas fondest wish

JESSICA’S  FONDEST  WISH.David Flyinn Was  a widower, having lost his first wife to cancer. Jessica flyinn had only had a daughter before her untimely death, and Being born at Easter her name was April.April grew up to look exactly like her mother in all respects.But time waits for no man and as the years past David found someone new, her name was Kaye Barker. David swept  Kaye  off her feet and asked her to move in  with him and April This happened a few weeks After April’s eighteenth...

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Absence makes the heart grow fonder chapter one

ABSENCE MAKES THE HEART GROW FONDER Chapter One - Two mistresses have a long weekend away 1. An unexpected announcement It was just after 3 o'clock in the afternoon on a mid-May day in one of the suburbs of London. Seven people were gathered together in the sitting room of a semi-detached house entirely typical of the neighbourhood, set in a small side street, but just off a busy High Street. As it was still light, the curtains were not drawn but the light had been switched on, so...

2 years ago
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

2 years ago
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An Evening to Fondly Remember

It started out like basic "date night" – a movie and dinner.  My husband "B" was humoring my mood although he made it clear he was in the mood for more.  Just to show that my heart was in the right place, if not my mood, I dressed as sexily as suburbia would allow. A red blazer, a short black skirt with thigh high stockings, no panties or bra, and a tailored white blouse unbuttoned one button more than was "proper".After the movie and a relaxing dinner with a few glasses of wine, we were headed...

Group Sex
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The Crush The Friendship The Final Farewell

The Crush  The first time I met you, a feeling never experienced before came over me. It did not take long to realize that it was called the crush. You were much older than I. A woman whose knowledge and travels were willingly shared with me. I was fortunate enough to spend every weekday from late August to early June with you. Everyday when it was time for me to leave, I came up with reasons for staying a little longer. You were kind enough to let me. For that brief time you opened my eyes to...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

This day could not have come any slower. My heart quickened with anticipation at the thought of reuniting with my love, my Mischa. As I stepped out of the plane, I scanned the crowd that was growing around Terminal C. I didn’t see her anywhere. My heart fell to my stomach and I continued searching, making my way through the sea of people. Probably because of my army uniform, people congratulated me and easily allowed me to pass through. I figured she’d be waiting outside of the airport so I...

3 years ago
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Absence Makes the Cock Grow Fonder

I met Angela at the local library while doing some research for work. I was the project foreman for a new three-story office building we were going to be building in a new city, and I wanted to learn a little bit about the area before getting this three million dollar construction job off the ground. I found a few books on the area I was interested in, and then looked for someplace to sit and read through them. I looked around and found a quiet table next to the window so there was lots of...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

This day could not have come any slower. My heart quickened with anticipation at the thought of reuniting with my love, my Mischa. As I stepped out of the plane, I scanned the crowd that was growing around Terminal C. I didn't see her anywhere. My heart fell to my stomach and I continued searching, making my way through the sea of people. Probably because of my army uniform, people congratulated me and easily allowed me to pass through. I figured she'd be waiting outside of the airport so I...

First Time
4 years ago
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Sex makes the heart ponder and grow fonder

She was 21 and had been away from home for two years when she called to ask if she could come to stay for a few days, and then was meeting her boyfriend at the airport to go east for her first trip to the Big Apple. As we chit chatted and brought each other up to date on the way to my patio home, I realized that she had indeed matured quite a bit. She no longer had that little girl approach and wide eyed wonder at things. She had become quite a beautiful woman. When she left her Mother and me,...

1 year ago
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Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Time is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. Distance is measured in feet, yards, acres, and miles. But time can feel like it’s frozen in place and a few hundred miles can feel like hundreds of light years when you are away from the one you love. There is a delicate equilibrium to maintaining a long-distance love affair. Most people think that the time and the distance away from a lover keep the relationship fresh and exciting. The perception is that if you...

3 years ago
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Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

Caroline dumped her books so loudly on the table that it caused Mike to look up momentarily from his laptop.“Hi, Caroline, I take it the tutorial didn’t go so well?”Caroline slumped onto the chair opposite him.“The pompous bitch basically told me to start again.”“Look I know nothing about art, I don’t even know what I like, but I do know that you know your stuff. Why don’t I get you a drink and we can talk about something else.”As Mike placed the two pints of beer down on the table, Caroline...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Who Needs HumiliationChapter 2 Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

When I arrived at my hotel in Costa Mesa I called Lisa to let her know I arrived safely and to give her my phone number. Lisa told me that she already missed me but she sounded like she was okay. As I had promised I called her every night that week and every night Lisa told me she loved me and missed me terribly and wished I didn't have to be away from her. When I called Lisa on Saturday night she told me that she was horny. She said, "I wish you were here so I could suck your cock like I...

2 years ago
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Neighbor SurprisesChapter 2 Absence makes the heart grow fonder

I left early on a Wednesday morning to drive to a client's office where I was to install a new software package on his computers that would allow his machines to communicate with each other, as well as keep the whole network secure from hackers and viruses. I got the system up and running in record time, for which I received a nice bonus. Instead of staying until the next day, I decided that I would head back home, arriving about ten o'clock that evening. I was so bushed from travelling and...

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Chapter Two of my personal story

Chapter Two of my Personal StoryFirst of all, dear readers, I want to thank you all for the response I received from Chapter One. For the start of this chapter I must back to my age five because it was then that I met four wonderful people. My folks had been friends of the people next door to us for years and when it came time for me to start school my Mom and Dad thought it best if I joined the home school that the folks next door had going with their twins aged seven. Their names were Jon and...

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Chapter 4 of Helenrsquos Hairy Slutty Cunt

Chapter Three see's Dan's wife, Helen, bound, tied-up, blindfolded and helpless with a nice deep spunky creampie suprise flooding her soaking wet hairy horny pussy. In Chapter Four, Helen assumes now I have had my wicked way with her I will just unbind her and let her go so she can go pee. Poor Helen, with her tied-up, blindfolded and spread-eagled in front of me and her hairy pussy leaking her juices and my cum . . . and her now needing to pee, the very last thing on my mind is letting her...

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Chapter Seven

Chapter seven! The words echoed silently through the hallway, reverberated in his ears, rolled down the marble, or was it granite, stairway. Chapter seven accompanied him as he walked through the lobby, his shoes squeaking on the polished floor. He listened to the squeaks and noticed the accompanying sharp clicking high heels beside him. She walked beside him now, just like she had stood beside him, worked beside him and finally failed beside him as the papers were signed and initialed and...

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Chapter 5 of Helenrsquos Slutty Cunt

This final chapter sees Dan’s slutty wife and her wet hairy pussy turned over and restrained on all fours. Against Helen's will my intent is to lubricate my hard cock by dipping it into her wet hairy fanny then to give her an anal creampie… However, Helen might have something to say about me ruining her tight arsehole....find out in this Chapter how my intent to fuck her tight puckered fuck hole goes! Not for the feint hearted! Helen and Dan can be found at:...

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My fondest HS Memory

It was the end of the school year, 12th grade. I was a fresh 18 years old. Just a couple of weeks to go until graduation. All I was looking forward to was getting school over with just like everybody else in my class. I only had a couple classes that I really needed a pass and order to graduate one of them being last period's US history which was taught by Ms. P.   Ms. P was a young teacher probably in her early 20's. She was just out of college and was filling in for our very old and very...

4 years ago
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Just one of my fondest memories Edging

So, just wanted to say Hi (to anyone thats reads this!) Ive been on Xhamster for several years but never really posted anything. Ive had a very interesting and fun sex life over the years - and thought Id share some of my experiences/memories. This particular one here, is about the first time I had a major edge session (back then I'd never heard of edging or gooning! lol ) which led to hands down, one of my best orgasms in my life!A quick bit of back story. Ive always been pretty highly sexed,...

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She grants his fondest wish

For as long as I can remember, I've been an ass man. Not that I fail to appreciate the beauty of a slender leg or plump breast and taut nipple. Far from it. But ever since I was a teenager, stroking my cock to the glossy images in girlie magazines, the primary object of my desire has been the soft, peachy fullness of a woman's bottom. The image that never failed to send waves of pleasure crashing through me, while thick streams of cum spurted from my painfully rigid penis, was always that of a...

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Chapters 212223

In bringing the Beech Mountain story to a close for awhile, I’m reminded of the stories of Nikki in South Carolina, the Cruise ship stories and the brief encounters like Atlanta. They were shorter because there were less people involved and I had no reason to draw them out. I have many one day/one nighter's in my journal that could be told if enough interest is shown. The Beech story was a wild ride for all involved, and I wouldn’t trade the experiences or the friendships I made for...

1 year ago
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Chapter 8 or 9 Ms Party

Chapter 8 or 9- M Has Her PartyBecause I had a late afternoon meeting, it was well into Friday evening before I arrived at her house. I wanted to work on finishing the stock, pillory, and fuck bench for the party that was to happen the following weekend.Rock the Dock was that weekend- it followed the M & K Fertilization Party the weeklend before and was described in my prior chapter. RtD was a summer weekend event held one Saturday per month and was designed to draw visitors AND their...

3 years ago
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Chapter I Amy

Introduction: I am republishing this chapter, since there seems to be some problem with the first on I posted. I can find and read it just fine, but it seems others cannot. This is the first chapter, which ends where Chapter II — Mark picks up. The summer when I was eleven, Amy came to stay with us for a month. This was not the first time she had stayed with us in the summer, of course. Amy was my cousin, the daughter of my fathers twin brother, and until we were six years old, lived next door...

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Chapter 1 Mrs G and the Awakening

Chapter 1- Mrs. GIt has been several years since I last posted a story. Here is the first chapter of a narrative of a portion of my life. The events and persons are very real; usually I modified or changed the names and I might be ambiguous as to the locations where the events occurred for obvious reasons. This chapter begins years ago when my family moved from the rural south to a nice village in northern NJ.I had just started 9th grade and shared the third floor of an old Victorian home with...

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Chapter Five XHamster profile of Love2Bused

Chapter Five Xhamster profile love2bused It wasn’t long after that when Fred took me over to their frat house to meet with the guys. In the days leading up to this I kept going over and over in my mind what it was going to be like having men coming up to me and pointing their cocks at me and then jerking off in my face. I would imagining their cock heads being pointed so close to my face that I would be able to smell the pungent...

3 years ago
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Chapter Two of Meg Brown at school

I had completely forgotten I had written a second and third chapter of this series. Here is chapter two. Meg Brown is a real person however the stories are fictional,sadly. Meg at School ………. Back to the present.Meg Brown thought seriously about telling her Mother about the caning she had received from Mr Spencer .Dad was out for an hour or two and Sally Brown , Megs Mother was in the kitchen preparing food for supper.“Hello dear” said Sally to Meg who was getting...

2 years ago
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My farewell

History: My farewell.Today, I have thought about something that I have wanted to do for a long time. Something that started as an idea, and that today, I still like it and I want to make it happen. What would you think if someone tells you that you want to go far from where you live, to live a new life? Well ... Exactly that has been going through my mind for months, many, but many months. I didn't know how to tell my parents, what they were going to tell me, that they were going to ban me, I...

4 years ago
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9 Lisarsquos Big Farewell

Sunday morning we had a late start, I was up first and made a big pot of coffee which I took upstairs. There was some initial confusion as not everybody had slept in the same bedroom they’d removed their clothes in. so there was much toing and froing until everybody found what they were looking for. Dan & Ally were the first to leave, Lisa offered to drop them off but they are literally only two minutes from me and due to the way the estates roads go it’s usually quicker to walk in any...

1 year ago
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Quickie With Classmate During College Farewell

Hi readers. I’m Sarfaraz Khan a 23 year old male from South India, single. Those girls and guys who haven’t read my previous stories are requested to read them and enjoy. I’m sure you’ll enjoy shagging. Married women or girls of any age group can approach me for fun. This is a true incident except names changed. So it was the end of our college. Graduation and all formalities were over and now everyone was literally a free bird. Away from all academic tensions. Ours was, as usual, a...

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A Fuck At College Farewell

Hello it’s me, Sam again this is a recent story. It happened just few days back, we had this farewell function arranged for the 4th year students of our college. I have this friend in college called Sona. She is just the sex goddess I want. She was sexy, hot, she had a nice figure, 33c breast, 26 waist, and 36 hips. She had long black hair, she was 5’6″ tall, beautiful, big dark eyes, fair complexion, and she was, oh my god just awesome. We were in a relation since past 1 year, naughty fun...

4 years ago
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A time of changes Part 7 Farewell

Part 7: Farewell Rachel and Chelsea drove back home as quick as their anxiety allowed them. Neither of them spoke. When they arrived, they slipped into Chelsea's bed and hugged tightly, eyes wet with tears. Morning found them like that. They slipped out of the room without being seen and took turns to take a shower before breakfast. Steve walked into the kitchen while the two stared silently down into their cup of cereals. "What's up?" he asked worried Chelsea had tears in...

1 year ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 39 Catrsquos Farewell

Saturday afternoon, Raven and Scarlet sat on the couch watching Cat suck on Andrew’s cock like a baby sucking its thumb. Eyes closed, her head was resting in his lap, his cock was in her mouth, and she was sucking on it gently. There was a look of contentment on her face. Andrew’s head was rolled backwards and his eyes were closed. Little tremors ran through his body at times. The sensation she produced was enough to keep him erect, but not enough to bring him to climax. They had been like...

1 year ago
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Where the Mountain RisesChapter 14 Last Farewell

June 20, 2029 “Hello ... hello Brother Matthew. It’s me, Clark.” It was almost seven in the evening when Clark arrived at the monastery. He had come down the mountain the previous morning to spend two days working in the garden and the field. The work wasn’t as difficult as in previous years, but it still took a lot of time and effort. It had rained the day before he left the cabin for the farm. The vegetables were growing nicely, but the weeds were thriving too. The corn was nearly five...

3 years ago
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Chapter Two In My Fairy Tale

I know I have my Categories backwards and I apologize. This is the romantic chapter. Also before I start my story I would like to say I read the comments and I was shocked, very shocked. I would also like to say THANK YOU to the comments that I have, but frankly there is to parts of this story. I would also say this story does NOT turn me on, at all. Its disgust I know, it’s actually the second chapter that’s romantic. Also that was the first time of me making a story, so thank you for the...

1 year ago
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Chapter 5 How my wife turned into a slut Annas 30th Birthday

It’s my birthday today and I know that my husband Chris and our Michael are planning something big. If you haven’t been reading the other chapters Chris and me wanted to have a threesome and that is when Michael became our new friend they would both fuck me in my mouth, pussy and ass. They would tie me up and whip me hard. They would also use all kinds of toys on me the biggest been a 12 inch long 3 inch thick dildo. Over the last couple of months we have gotten more torture devices so the two...

Group Sex
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Hello followers! it has been few weeks since my last post, when I told you about virgin-twink-Thomas and our oral sex session and how motivated I was to pursue being the first man inside his ass. I also told you about my friend Tina and how drunk sex after Saint Patrick turned us to regular lovers. And this is what my last 3 weeks have been: sex with Tina at least once a week and helping Thomas get off when he is stressed with school, still no ass he "saves it for someone special". And...

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Chapter 21 The new training class and Chapter 22 Training New Slaves

The new class of training will have 12 weeks of training because it’s a large class 40 girl and 10 boys. The training will be starting in two weeks right now they are being seen by the doctor I will be observing looking for some new dom’s or dommes. I have one of the subs bring two of the girls in, so I can talk to them. The first one in her name is Julia 18 she is a manly looking girl, so I know she is gay the other girl looks shell shocked Beth 16 is her name I think. I begin by asking them...

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