"je Veux Ta Chatte Zoé" free porn video

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Ça s’est passé un mercredi soir, un mois de février, je rentre assez tôt du travail, fatigué. L’appartement est vide, ma femme doit rentrer tard… travail travail. La moitié des affaires sont dans des cartons, quelques jours plus tard tout allait se retrouver dans un camion de déménagement. Je pousse des affaires, m’affale dans mon canapé, une bière à la main, devant la télé éteinte. J’avais pas la moindre idée de ce qui m’attendait ce soir là.

On sonne. Je m’étais assoupi, je me demande si j’ai pas rêvé cette sonnerie. Surtout que je vois pas bien qui viendrait sonner là maintenant. Ça sonne à nouveau, à la porte. Bon ok. Je pose ma bière et je me lève. C’est Zoé, la fille de la coloc d’en face. On se connait un peu, enfin tout juste. On a discuté parfois de banalités dans le hall de l’immeuble alors que je descendais mes poubelles ou qu’elle relevait son courrier. Très jolie, presque "trop". Si Ludivine Sagnier avait une petite soeur cachée d’à peine 20 ans, ça serait elle. Un petit bout de jeune fille, très petite, fine, un nez court et étroit, des yeux clairs, des cheveux très lisses, une frange châtain clair qui la rend encore plus innocente, et l’aura excessivement séduisante de sa soeur. Je lui demande ce qui lui arrive. Elle m’explique un peu gênée que la porte de son appartement s’est fermée derrière elle. Sa coloc ne sera pas là avant un moment. En somme elle est un peu enfermée dehors. Je lui propose évidemment d’entrer, qu’elle vienne patienter le temps nécessaire.

On passe un moment tout les deux dans le canapé, à boire des bières. Je sent que la boisson lui fait de l’effet. Elle m’a dit qu’elle tenait pas très bien l’alcool. Elle semble de plus en plus à l’aise, de plus en plus enjouée et libérée dans sa manière parler des choses. Pourtant elle ne manque jamais de me vouvoyer. Elle évoque des choses intimes. Très vite arrive ce moment où ça ne devient plus drôle. Son petit copain l’a beaucoup fait souffrir, et apparement elle ne se permet pas souvent ce luxe d’en parler aussi franchement. Elle entame beaucoup de phrase, et les termine rarement. Je me sens très con, je ne sais pas comment réagir. Ça y est elle fond littéralement en larme. J’ai une envie irrésistible de la prendre dans mes bras. Je prend conscience d’un coup pourquoi je la trouve "trop" jolie, comme je disais. Elle fait parti de ces filles qui semblent si jolie que le simple fait d’être en contact avec elle inhibe le naturel. Je ne sais pas comment je dois dire bonjour, comment je dois dire au revoir, sans que ça laisse échapper un implicite "je te trouve très jolie", ou "j’aimerais que tu me laisse t’embrasser" ou "j’ai envie de te voir nue et que tu me laisses te regarder". C’est très troublant une aussi jolie fille. Et là elle pleure sur mon canapé. Alors je me contente de penser au problème pratique. Je vais chercher des mouchoirs dans la salle de bain. Je lui tend un paquet, je me rassoie à côté d’elle, un peu plus près. Elle se mouche, laisse peser un silence qui me semble interminable. Enfin, avec une minuscule voix, presque honteuse, elle lâche un "es-ce que je peux avoir un câlin ?". Là je n’ai plus d’excuse. Je passe mon bras derrière elle, Je me penche contre elle qui se tourne pour accueillir mon câlin. Je la serre fort contre moi. Ce moment est surnaturelle. J’ai mon nez dans ses cheveux. Ça sent le safran, ou peut-être la vanille. Je ne sais pas. Ça sent bon. Je ferme les yeux, et la laisse pleurer autant qu’il le faut contre moi. Ce moment dure. Il dure. Assez spontanément je lui adresse un petit baiser dans ses cheveux. Ça semble calmer un peu ses sanglots. J’en adresse un nouveau, plus près de la tempe. Elle devient peu à peu plus calme. Quelque chose, peut-être elle même, sans le vouloir, me fais sentir que le type de réconfort dont elle a besoin à cet instant n’a pas beaucoup de limite. Je crois que c’est à partir de là que j’ai eu l’impression de passer dans une autre dimension.

Je continue ma série de bisous, en levant doucement sa tête, jusqu’à ses joues, puis jusqu’au bord de ses lèvres… Je la prend entre mes deux mains, et l’embrasse. Dès que je sens le contact de ses lèvres contre les miennes, je sens automatiquement que mon sexe commence à durcir sous mon pantalon. Je l’ai embrassée simplement au début, puis de plus en plus langoureusement. Son corps pivote pour mieux profiter. Elle est à genoux sur le canapé, sa main à échouée sur mon ventre. Joue contre joue, elle déboutonne ma chemise, nos respirations deviennent bruyantes. Sa main descend plus bas et s’attarde sur ma ceinture. le système d’ouverture est capricieux, Ça serait bien dommage que ça l’empêche de venir à bout de ce qu’elle cherche, je l’aide. En quelques instants je me retrouve le pantalon sur les chevilles, mon sexe dans sa main. Je profite de ses mouvements de poignets très habiles et énergiques. Elle embrasse mon ventre. Elle me masturbe. Ça y est je bande déjà comme un fou entre ses petits doigts. Je sens qu’elle hésites à descendre plus bas. Je place une main sur l’arrière de son crâne, je pousse mes hanches vers son visages. Elle comprend qu’elle peut. La tête posée contre mon ventre, je sens sa bouche qui commence à prendre mon sexe en bouche, ses cheveux qui frottent contre moi au rythme de ses vas et viens buccaux. Je relâche ma nuque contre le dossier, ferme les yeux, et lâches quelques gémissements de plaisirs. Elle abandonne mon sexe un instant. Je devine à ce que j’entend qu’elle commence à se déshabiller. J’ouvre les yeux et redresse le tête. Ses seins sont superbes. Légèrement en poire, des petits tétons roses. Nos regards se croisent furtivement avec un petit sourire complice avant qu’elle se penche à nouveau, Je crois que je n’ai jamais senti autant de bonne volonté au travers d’une bouche pour vouloir donner du plaisir sexuelle. Je peux maintenant regarder à loisir sa petite bouche glisser le long de mon sexe de haut en bas, et ses petits seins qui remuent à chaque mouvements. Elle me suce comme ça pendant un bon petit moment. Je ne suis pas le seul à gémir comme un idiot. Chacun de ses petits gémissements nasaux font vibrer ma queue contre son palais. Son copain doit vraiment être un con quand je vois le talent qu’elle a. Elle s’arrête brusquement, file vers mon oreille, et me souffle "j’ai envie de plus". Je l’embrasse. Je la repousse. Je me lèvre. On se lèvre. On se déshabille. Elle retire ses chaussures, son pantalon, sa culotte. On est nus. Je devine un très beau sexe, lisse, exactement comme je l’imaginais. Parce que oui, honnêtement, pardon mais… qui n’a pas déjà cherché à visualiser la chatte de la voisine de pallier, jeune étudiante à croquer. Elle s’allonge sur le canapé, les cuisses entre-ouvertes, le regarde très explicite. Je me place devant elle. dépassé par ce qui m’arrive, je reste un instant devant cette petite chatte parfaite, une cheville posée sur mon épaule, le gland assis sur ses lèvres douces et soyeuses. C’est elle qui prend les choses en main, littéralement. Elle appuie mon sexe contre le siens avec la paume de sa main, et se déhanche pour se masturber contre lui. Au file des mouvements je manque parfois à peu de chose d’entamer une pénétration. Nous ne somment pas protégés. Quoi qu’elle dise on ne devait pas se permettre de faire n’importe quoi. Mais je sais pertinemment que je n’ai pas de capote, j’ai rien. J’ai une envie incroyable de la pénétrer, mais je n’ai rien. Elle fini par me demander clairement "vous avez des capotes ?". Je lui balbutie que je crois que non mais qu’on peut aller regarder dans la salle de bain. Ce qui m’inquiète aussi c’est que je me sens tellement sur excité que je sens qu’il faudra très peu de temps pour que jouisse une fois en elle. Sa réaction ne semble pas vraiment prendre en compte ma réponse. Elle se saisie de ma queue, la place à l’entrée de sa chatte trempée d’excitation, et je l’entend dire "allez-y on s’en fout, allez-y". Impossible de résister, impossible. Je donne un coup de reins, mon sexe commence à rentrer. Elle est assez étroite, très humide, mais étroite. J’insiste, je donne plusieurs coups. À chaque coups mon sexe rentre un peu plus en elle. Ses gémissements son de plus en plus haut en décibels. Je sens enfin que je suis tout au fond d’elle, mes couilles tapotent son entre-jambe. Jamais je n’ai senti mon sexe aussi confortablement installé, tout entier dans un vagin, j’aurais aimé ne jamais en sortir. Malgré l’ivresse du moment, j’arrive à ouvrir les yeux. Je vois son visage qui grimace de plaisir ses seins qui rebondissent, son ventre qui respire à toute vitesse, et surtout sa chatte déformée par mon sexe. Mon sexe semble énorme par rapport à son petit corps de jeune fille. Elle crie comme une folle, Je sens que je ne vais pas tenir longtemps. Je ne crois pas que je peux me permettre n’import quoi. Je lui dit "Zoé je vais jouir". Elle me dit juste "oui… oui mais pas en moi". Je prend ça pour un feu vert. Je donne tout ce que j’ai, je fait trembler le canapé, je donne les plus gros coups de queue que je peux offrir. Plus je la lime plus je sens qu’elle va jouir. Elle joui, elle crie très fort, elle me perce les tympans, elle hurle mon prénom. Pour moi c’est le point d’honneur, j’en peu plus. Je me retire au bord de l’orgasme. Une main agrippe son épaule, l’autre saisie mon sexe chaud et couvert de mouille pour me branler énergiquement contre elle. Regarder mon gland secoué contre cette superbe petite chatte lisse me fait craquer. Je lance un premier jet de sperme le long sa petite fente. J’expulse un second, très épais, très généreux, qui dépasse son sexe, rempli son nombril, et asperge ses petites lèvres trempée. Là je me suis senti dépassé par mes désirs. Il fallait que je la remplisse de mon sperme, que je poursuive mon orgasme dans son ventre. Sans même réfléchir, toujours le sexe en main, je descend ma queue, et pénètre à nouveau le sexe recouvert de sperme de la petite Zoé, Elle cherche à me repousser en disant "mais… attend…". Je laisse échapper un "je veux ta chatte Zoé". Je saisi ses hanches, je la pousse contre moi de toute mes forces. Je la regarde dans les yeux, elle semble perdue entre l’envie de se sentir inondée de mon sperme, et sa conscience qui lui dit qu’il ne faut pas. De toute façon c’est trop tard, j’éjacule tout ce qu’il me reste en tout au fond d’elle, et il en restait vraiment beaucoup. J’accompagnant chaque nouveau jet de sperme par de grands coups de reins. Je me vide un peu plus les couilles en elle a chaque coup de queue. Elle s’abandonne, elle m’embrasse, se déhanche au rythme de mes coups. Le bruit très organique de ma bite qui lime sa petite fente me fait comprendre que je l’ai remplie à raz bord. Sa déborde. Il y a tellement de sperme qu’on jurerais que trois autres type ont giclé des litres de foutre en elle juste avant moi.

La tempête est passée, je retire mon sexe du siens, à peine débandé. Je me sens un peu coupable de n’avoir pas su me contrôler. Je crois qu’elle m’en veut un peu. Elle ne dit rien, m’adresse un sourire un peu gênée, puis va s’enfermer dans la sale de bain. Allongé sur le dos, je manque de m’endormir. Dix minutes plus tard, sa coloc est rentrée, elle part en me disant au revoir timidement de loin. Il y a une énorme auréole de mouille et de sperme. Je lance une machine avec la housse du canapé, je dirais que j’ai renversé une bière dessus. Je prend une douche. Il fait froid dehors mais je dois aérer ça doit sentir à plein nez la chatte de Zoé. Deux heures plus tard ma femme arrive. Trois jours plus tard je déménage.

Depuis je n’ai jamais eu de nouvelle de Zoé. Mais pour quelqu’un qui n’a pas vraiment l’habitude de tromper sa femme, je dois avouer que cette expérience m’a marqué à vie, et que j’y re pense souvent. Tout le temps en fait. L’image de son visage, déformé par la jouissance la bouche grande ouverte, n’a pas fini de hanter mes rêves. Son regard perdu lorsque je l’ai un peu forcée à recevoir mon sperme aussi… pourquoi j’ai fait ça ?

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Benni declared a cycle of mourning and all non-essential personnel were ordered to stand down. Most people found a place to sit with handcomps set on streaming news. The best estimation was that whatever was not destroyed by the fusion beam would have been decimated by the blast wave or seared by the wall of radiation emanating from the implosion of the fusion reactors on Callisto. No one really knew what the final tally was. As Qi sat next to Benni, he fed the patriarch data. Qi learned...

4 years ago
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Mother Part One

The last time I was awake, everything was normal. In fact, the last day I can remember was very uneventful. Something felt different now and even before I opened my eyes, I knew something was seriously wrong. Intuition wasn't my only indication. I could feel this "something" through a straining weight on my chest. I opened my eyes. The world was blurry yet tangible. I raised my hands before my eyes, but they couldn't have been my hands. Inch long, beautifully manicured nails of a...

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All That GlittersChapter 1

Gwen has been on the Rowen farm for just a few months now. It was hard to adjust to life here at first, but slowly as each day passed, she has become more and more used to the idea. It could have been worse; she could be Rob’s property. As it is, she belongs to Ivy, one of the farms more experienced mistresses. Gwen was placed with the woman because the matriarch of the family, Cyra, knows of hers and Rob’s relationship before life here and his character flaws. Character flaws: her words not...

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Daddy Watches Me Part Two My Turn to Watch Daddy

Daddy sat back down, his cock so hard and long and bouncing from each beat of his heart. Daddy had trimmed the hair around his manhood neatly and shaved his rather large balls smooth. It was something beautiful. With a precise cut, daddy's cock head was perfectly shaped and the veins around his long hard shaft popped out as the blood pumped to it and kept it hard. Dollops of precum dripped from the small slit of daddy's cock and he had not even started stroking it yet. That, of course, was the...

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TeacherFucksTeens Ana Rose Physical Education

Ana Rose has missed a bunch of phys ed classes, and her teacher Alex Adams needs her to make it up to him. He calls her to his house after school one day to give her the opportunity to make up all the missed class. Alex takes her outside for a training routine that includes jumping jacks, running in place, and arm circles. They move inside for some yoga practice. Alex tries to teach Ana some yoga positions but he can’t help but get an eyeful of her camel toe. When Ana shifts to the...

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JulesJordan Natalia Queen 18 Year Old Teen Natalia Queen8217s First Interracial

Natalia Queen gets the DREDD treatment for her FIRST INTERRACIAL scene! Natalia is a sexy spinner from Kentucky that’s 18 and is ready for the biggest cock she’s ever taken. Dredd met her at the mall and decided to bring her to Jules’ house to have some fun. Natalia’s dressed in a sexy white lace top with tight daisy dukes and high heels as she and Dredd make out and show off her body. Dredd helps her out of her clothes then pulls out his MONSTER COCK as Natalia opens wide and tries to take...

4 years ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 8

“Perfect, we’ll see you Saturday around lunchtime then,” I said as I hung up the phone. God that man was stubborn, but I guess being a multi-billionaire slave owner means you’re used to getting your own way. My initial offer to breed the girls had been almost a quarter of my net worth, and I was surprised when Julien had accepted it. Two million was quite a bit for me, but buying even one of his pets usually ran up to ten. He had steadfastly refused my offer to pay out half the contract...

3 years ago
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Senior Year Ch 14

Friday night, Bobby went to a school dance in the high school gym. Even though he went alone, he was having a very good time. Kim and Desiree were both there, so there were at least two girls who were willing to dance with him. That was a new experience for Bobby. The year before, he’d been thinking about not going to dances any more because none of the girls, at least none of the attractive ones, would dance with him. Right now, Kim was in his arms dancing one of the few slow dances the D.J....

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Agents of Gor Part 6

Agents of Gor: Part 6 Two Girls are Prepared to Serve in a Paga Tavern by Albedo This is a fan-fiction set in the world of the Gor novels. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorizes the readers to archive it themselves. No other dissemination...

2 years ago
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Wife Got Fucked Surprisingly By Hubby8217s Friends

Hi this is Disha 26 years old from Bangalore so this is my true story. I am a housewife n got married before two years. We r settled in Bangalore. In my story if there is spelling mistakes am sorry. So let me start my story. At first wen v r married we had normal sex. N we both loved n trusted each other. Usually we have many fun in home. Some time he makes me roam naked in front of him n sometimes I don’t wear panty n bra n wear top exposing my boobs. My hubby likes to see me seminude. But one...

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Mind Over Matter

Feedback and suggestions for other plot lines welcome. This is an attempt to get straight to the point - smut galore instead of a heavily story-driven style. I'll be adding branches for different characters, and maybe some options, too. Everyone featured in this story is 18 years or older. 'Mr Perfectly Bland.' That's what my first girlfiend called me when she left me. If you looked for the definition of 'average' in the dictionary, you would find John Deer there as an example. Average height,...

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Supprised by my Bosss 19year old son

This past weekend I was invited to a party at my Boss's home which was odd because he never throws parties so I decided to go the invite said it was a costume party so I had to find myself a costume I found a costume of a Female Devil but it was so thight that I wasnt able to wear any panties and or a Bra it came up just above my knees and had a tail on it and a heard piece with horns on it so I did my make up and went to my Boss's house when I arrived the party was underway there must have...

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Toms DiaryChapter 9

Saturday, March 23, 2002 I woke up later than usual, half past seven, and I spent a few minutes looking at Jenny, her face peaceful in sleep. I leaned down and kissed her lightly, and she opened one eye. "Gonna sleep," she muttered. I got out of bed, tucking her in. I put on jeans and a t-shirt, and went out to the kitchen to find something to drink. My dad was doing the same thing, and he glanced at me. "Want to go for a walk?" I contemplated that, decided that walking was just part...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 235 So It Begins

"Geese, after taking all our money, Eve is going to buy breakfast isn't she?" Jake asked. "She is standing right here Jake, ask her," I said. "So Eve are you buying?" Jake ask playfully. The game was a simple fun game because everybody put up $100 dollars. No one was allowed to bring more money into the game. When the money was gone, so was the player. "I'll buy your breakfast, but anybody who orders over a hundred dollars worth of food is on their own," Eve said playfully. I was...

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Hunger and Memories

With a sigh of resignation, she realized that like all the other recent nights, if sleep was ever to find her...she would have to breakdown and pleasure herself in order to dim the turmoil of thoughts lingering in the back of her mind...not mention, tire herself out so that sleep might come. After a month's worth of successive nights of this... she'd also given up on the idea of ever satiating the gnawing desire. She breathed in deeply for a moment as if girding herself for what must follow,...

4 years ago
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A Sexy Wife and Mother Ch 4 6

That night, I decided that I would spend the night with one of the boys. The one thing I was trying very much to do was to spread our sexuality as equally as possible between the boys so that neither one of them felt I had a preference. Although, if I was totally honest with myself, I really did enjoy being with Ethan more than Sean. He just seems more loving and adventurous. Sean seems to just be enjoying the sex and the wonder of it and is less likely to try new things without some...

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Deep Wood Diaries Part 1

Between my junior and senior year of college, I got the offer to do an ecology internship deep in the woods of New England. I jumped at the chance, knowing it would be a great educational experience as well as an excellent networking opportunity, and who wouldn't want to spend three months getting paid to hang out in the woods? So come the end of finals in May, I packed up my Jeep and drove up into the deep woods. My grandparents lived in a similar environment in a different New England state,...

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Muthal Iravu Kaama Kathai

Vanakam nanbargale, en peyar Vinoth, vayathu 26. En manaivi peyar Subashini, vayathu 22 aagiyathu, en manaiviku mulai perithaaga irukum. Avaluku lesaga thopai irukum aanal aval mulai perithaaga irukum. Naan oru software companiyil velai paarthu vanthen, ithu naal varai naan oru pennai kuda oothathu kidaiyaathu. En manaivikaaga ethanai natkal aanalum kathu kondu irunthen, enaku pengal mulai perithaaga irunthaal migavum pidikum. Ithu naal varai entha penaiyum oothathu kidaiyathe thavira nandraaga...

1 year ago
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I Always Knew She Was BrokenChapter 18 A Fearsome Foursome

A couple days before Amy and I planned to depart for Europe, Devi and I returned to the label office. After Devi signed the contract and received copies for Gobstopped to sign, we paired up. Tom and Devi went off to listen to music and chat while I gave Tracy another session in contract law. The three days since our last meeting she mulled over what I showed her and created a long list of questions. The specifics of small label music not being anything I knew, I found her questions insightful...

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My Widow Tution Teacher

I am 22 years old .You can call me S.S.I am not really handsome or playboy type.I am six feet tall with wheatish completion.And not mascular type.I live in Delhi and work in IT company.I am preparing for CAT preparation and i really need to improve my English so i was seeking for a good English tution.I really dont want to enroll in prestigious institutes like T.I.M.E or CL or Tathagat as they pay little attntion to weaker students.So one of collegue told me about a good English tutor who had...

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Mending a Cable

Ted had been thinking recently how bored he was with his job as a computer mechanic. Upon reflection he decided it was not so much the job, it was the workshop environment. The work was still interesting, reasonably well paid, he got on with his boss, the female clerk in the office and his one co-worker at the bench. It was an informal environment, a four person, owner-managed business and that side of it Ted liked very well. But the nature of the work had changed over time. Instead of moving...

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Fantasia o realtagrave

Il Racconto Di un marito Cornuto.Continuavo a domandarmi cosa avesse mia moglie Sissi. Da circa una settimana il suo atteggiamento era divenuto insolito. Sembrava sempre sovrappensiero, distratta; quando le parlavo avevo l'impressione che neanche mi ascoltasse. Alle telefonate rispondeva in modo evasivo e frettoloso, quando invece eravamo insieme evitava di incrociare il mio sguardo. Non riuscivo a capire, ero molto confuso. Stavamo sposati ormai da pochi anni e non l'avevo mai vista con un...

4 years ago
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A Brand New ManChapter 18

“They’re hiding on Hebron Island,” the spirit guide told us, having evidently searched ahead of us. “In the caretaker’s cottage?” I wondered aloud. “In the camp hostel,” the spirit answered. “Interesting. Well, we’ll deal with them and sever their heads. I want the heads of every person who died in this raid mounted somewhere as a warning. I rule this town now, full stop, and I refuse to let anyone have room for doubt about my authority. From now on, whenever someone who fights me dies,...

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my secret life

Introduction: on the outside i am a housewife and mother, but when no one is around i am a cock hungry slave…just a normal day for me I have a secret, a dark secret. I have a secret life. During the day and when my husband is home I am a mother and a housewife. I run my house and make sure everyone is out and about on time for work and school. I keep my house clean and make sure everything is in order. But once everyone is out of the house I become a different woman. I have an hour to get ready...

3 years ago
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Business Trip fun

nternational business trip gets an exciting finishThis event happened only last week and whilst it's very fresh in my mind I thought I'd put it down for you all to enjoy.So there we were my boss and I away from home for 5 days in Greece and not a sniff of any sexy ladies anywhere, I was getting hornier by the day and those urges I get from time to time kicked in with vengeance.During the international summit we were attending I made many acquaintance's from around the globe and found a few good...

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Trying out my new digital camera

It was a normal birthday for me. The weather was wet and horrible, and I came home to an empty house. It was Friday, 5pm, and I knew my Mother would be home in a few minutes. Hopefully with the present I had asked for. A new digital camera. I had gotten interested in photography and cinematography a few months earlier, fascinated with capturing images of beauty in anything and everything.Unfortunately, my Father was away on business for the whole week, so was going to miss my birthday. So, just...

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Mom's New Year's Recordbyzipadofan©First of all, let me say that I fucking hate my cousin Shawn. I fucking hate him. But I guess if it weren't for him I wouldn't be writing this story. My name is Chris. I just turned 18 and I live with my mom (Lana) and dad (Eddie) and my older sister (Sarah). So anyway, my parents have a New Year's Eve party at our house every year. We have a lot of bedrooms so my parents usually get a pretty big crowd since people can drink as much as they want and not have...

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With 23 Years Old Indian Sex Stories Reader

This is a story happened with a Indian sex stories reader from Noida when we met after some chat and sharing our feeling. I am sunny. 21 years old. Now Working in Bangalore. She is Kavya. 23 years old. Working in Noida with killer figure. Reading my story, she messaged me. We shared our feeling and did some sex chats. Then decided to meet up. We managed to meet up in Noida. As planned we met in some mall. I was dumbstruck seeing her. Seriously, the body she has gave me instant hard on. I...

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A Knights Harem

In 1095 Pope Urban II called all Christian knights to set forth to liberate, or reconquer, the Holy Land, and specifically Jerusalem, from Muslim control. In 1096 the knights who answered this call set forth to do just that. In July of 1099 the Crusaders, after much strife and suffering, succeeded in their endeavors. Robert De Sadistville, a second born French nobleman, was one of these knights. But alas for him he had been captured by a Muslim from Baghdad just before the succesful siege of...

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Roman toy boy

Roman toy boyI decided to try and write something a little different from what I usually write and because I find Roman history fascinating decided to write a first person femdom roman historical story. I choose the mid 70 AD’s because it was a time of change but one where the empire was quite stable and also before Vesuvius erupted and the information we get from Pompeii. I also wanted to make it reasonably authentic and make my hero and the other characters Roman and not English circa 1980...

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A Squirt Here A Squirt There Chapter 1

Chapter One Sitting naked on her deck, Cindy spread her creamy thighs wide and revealed her semi-trimmed red haired pussy to the world. She reached one of her hands down between her legs and spread her nether-lips and sent a command to her bladder to release what was stored up in there. The red head let out a blissful sigh as her hot, honey colored piss trickled out of her at first and then turned into a powerful arch. “Ooh,” she hummed softly as her free hand began to fondle her dusky pink...

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A tale of Two sissies As told by one of the wives

A TALE OF TWO SISSIES As told by one of the wives. By Betty Noone It is now almost 3P.M. and I have been crying since nine this morning. I can't stop. I don't know when I felt that my heart was broken as I do now. I don't know what to do. Since my husband of ten years left for his office, I have been in tears. Let me tell you why. Howard Wattell, my husband is a good provider. He is a stock broker and has many good clients which...

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