"je Veux Ta Chatte Zoé" free porn video

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Ça s’est passé un mercredi soir, un mois de février, je rentre assez tôt du travail, fatigué. L’appartement est vide, ma femme doit rentrer tard… travail travail. La moitié des affaires sont dans des cartons, quelques jours plus tard tout allait se retrouver dans un camion de déménagement. Je pousse des affaires, m’affale dans mon canapé, une bière à la main, devant la télé éteinte. J’avais pas la moindre idée de ce qui m’attendait ce soir là.

On sonne. Je m’étais assoupi, je me demande si j’ai pas rêvé cette sonnerie. Surtout que je vois pas bien qui viendrait sonner là maintenant. Ça sonne à nouveau, à la porte. Bon ok. Je pose ma bière et je me lève. C’est Zoé, la fille de la coloc d’en face. On se connait un peu, enfin tout juste. On a discuté parfois de banalités dans le hall de l’immeuble alors que je descendais mes poubelles ou qu’elle relevait son courrier. Très jolie, presque "trop". Si Ludivine Sagnier avait une petite soeur cachée d’à peine 20 ans, ça serait elle. Un petit bout de jeune fille, très petite, fine, un nez court et étroit, des yeux clairs, des cheveux très lisses, une frange châtain clair qui la rend encore plus innocente, et l’aura excessivement séduisante de sa soeur. Je lui demande ce qui lui arrive. Elle m’explique un peu gênée que la porte de son appartement s’est fermée derrière elle. Sa coloc ne sera pas là avant un moment. En somme elle est un peu enfermée dehors. Je lui propose évidemment d’entrer, qu’elle vienne patienter le temps nécessaire.

On passe un moment tout les deux dans le canapé, à boire des bières. Je sent que la boisson lui fait de l’effet. Elle m’a dit qu’elle tenait pas très bien l’alcool. Elle semble de plus en plus à l’aise, de plus en plus enjouée et libérée dans sa manière parler des choses. Pourtant elle ne manque jamais de me vouvoyer. Elle évoque des choses intimes. Très vite arrive ce moment où ça ne devient plus drôle. Son petit copain l’a beaucoup fait souffrir, et apparement elle ne se permet pas souvent ce luxe d’en parler aussi franchement. Elle entame beaucoup de phrase, et les termine rarement. Je me sens très con, je ne sais pas comment réagir. Ça y est elle fond littéralement en larme. J’ai une envie irrésistible de la prendre dans mes bras. Je prend conscience d’un coup pourquoi je la trouve "trop" jolie, comme je disais. Elle fait parti de ces filles qui semblent si jolie que le simple fait d’être en contact avec elle inhibe le naturel. Je ne sais pas comment je dois dire bonjour, comment je dois dire au revoir, sans que ça laisse échapper un implicite "je te trouve très jolie", ou "j’aimerais que tu me laisse t’embrasser" ou "j’ai envie de te voir nue et que tu me laisses te regarder". C’est très troublant une aussi jolie fille. Et là elle pleure sur mon canapé. Alors je me contente de penser au problème pratique. Je vais chercher des mouchoirs dans la salle de bain. Je lui tend un paquet, je me rassoie à côté d’elle, un peu plus près. Elle se mouche, laisse peser un silence qui me semble interminable. Enfin, avec une minuscule voix, presque honteuse, elle lâche un "es-ce que je peux avoir un câlin ?". Là je n’ai plus d’excuse. Je passe mon bras derrière elle, Je me penche contre elle qui se tourne pour accueillir mon câlin. Je la serre fort contre moi. Ce moment est surnaturelle. J’ai mon nez dans ses cheveux. Ça sent le safran, ou peut-être la vanille. Je ne sais pas. Ça sent bon. Je ferme les yeux, et la laisse pleurer autant qu’il le faut contre moi. Ce moment dure. Il dure. Assez spontanément je lui adresse un petit baiser dans ses cheveux. Ça semble calmer un peu ses sanglots. J’en adresse un nouveau, plus près de la tempe. Elle devient peu à peu plus calme. Quelque chose, peut-être elle même, sans le vouloir, me fais sentir que le type de réconfort dont elle a besoin à cet instant n’a pas beaucoup de limite. Je crois que c’est à partir de là que j’ai eu l’impression de passer dans une autre dimension.

Je continue ma série de bisous, en levant doucement sa tête, jusqu’à ses joues, puis jusqu’au bord de ses lèvres… Je la prend entre mes deux mains, et l’embrasse. Dès que je sens le contact de ses lèvres contre les miennes, je sens automatiquement que mon sexe commence à durcir sous mon pantalon. Je l’ai embrassée simplement au début, puis de plus en plus langoureusement. Son corps pivote pour mieux profiter. Elle est à genoux sur le canapé, sa main à échouée sur mon ventre. Joue contre joue, elle déboutonne ma chemise, nos respirations deviennent bruyantes. Sa main descend plus bas et s’attarde sur ma ceinture. le système d’ouverture est capricieux, Ça serait bien dommage que ça l’empêche de venir à bout de ce qu’elle cherche, je l’aide. En quelques instants je me retrouve le pantalon sur les chevilles, mon sexe dans sa main. Je profite de ses mouvements de poignets très habiles et énergiques. Elle embrasse mon ventre. Elle me masturbe. Ça y est je bande déjà comme un fou entre ses petits doigts. Je sens qu’elle hésites à descendre plus bas. Je place une main sur l’arrière de son crâne, je pousse mes hanches vers son visages. Elle comprend qu’elle peut. La tête posée contre mon ventre, je sens sa bouche qui commence à prendre mon sexe en bouche, ses cheveux qui frottent contre moi au rythme de ses vas et viens buccaux. Je relâche ma nuque contre le dossier, ferme les yeux, et lâches quelques gémissements de plaisirs. Elle abandonne mon sexe un instant. Je devine à ce que j’entend qu’elle commence à se déshabiller. J’ouvre les yeux et redresse le tête. Ses seins sont superbes. Légèrement en poire, des petits tétons roses. Nos regards se croisent furtivement avec un petit sourire complice avant qu’elle se penche à nouveau, Je crois que je n’ai jamais senti autant de bonne volonté au travers d’une bouche pour vouloir donner du plaisir sexuelle. Je peux maintenant regarder à loisir sa petite bouche glisser le long de mon sexe de haut en bas, et ses petits seins qui remuent à chaque mouvements. Elle me suce comme ça pendant un bon petit moment. Je ne suis pas le seul à gémir comme un idiot. Chacun de ses petits gémissements nasaux font vibrer ma queue contre son palais. Son copain doit vraiment être un con quand je vois le talent qu’elle a. Elle s’arrête brusquement, file vers mon oreille, et me souffle "j’ai envie de plus". Je l’embrasse. Je la repousse. Je me lèvre. On se lèvre. On se déshabille. Elle retire ses chaussures, son pantalon, sa culotte. On est nus. Je devine un très beau sexe, lisse, exactement comme je l’imaginais. Parce que oui, honnêtement, pardon mais… qui n’a pas déjà cherché à visualiser la chatte de la voisine de pallier, jeune étudiante à croquer. Elle s’allonge sur le canapé, les cuisses entre-ouvertes, le regarde très explicite. Je me place devant elle. dépassé par ce qui m’arrive, je reste un instant devant cette petite chatte parfaite, une cheville posée sur mon épaule, le gland assis sur ses lèvres douces et soyeuses. C’est elle qui prend les choses en main, littéralement. Elle appuie mon sexe contre le siens avec la paume de sa main, et se déhanche pour se masturber contre lui. Au file des mouvements je manque parfois à peu de chose d’entamer une pénétration. Nous ne somment pas protégés. Quoi qu’elle dise on ne devait pas se permettre de faire n’importe quoi. Mais je sais pertinemment que je n’ai pas de capote, j’ai rien. J’ai une envie incroyable de la pénétrer, mais je n’ai rien. Elle fini par me demander clairement "vous avez des capotes ?". Je lui balbutie que je crois que non mais qu’on peut aller regarder dans la salle de bain. Ce qui m’inquiète aussi c’est que je me sens tellement sur excité que je sens qu’il faudra très peu de temps pour que jouisse une fois en elle. Sa réaction ne semble pas vraiment prendre en compte ma réponse. Elle se saisie de ma queue, la place à l’entrée de sa chatte trempée d’excitation, et je l’entend dire "allez-y on s’en fout, allez-y". Impossible de résister, impossible. Je donne un coup de reins, mon sexe commence à rentrer. Elle est assez étroite, très humide, mais étroite. J’insiste, je donne plusieurs coups. À chaque coups mon sexe rentre un peu plus en elle. Ses gémissements son de plus en plus haut en décibels. Je sens enfin que je suis tout au fond d’elle, mes couilles tapotent son entre-jambe. Jamais je n’ai senti mon sexe aussi confortablement installé, tout entier dans un vagin, j’aurais aimé ne jamais en sortir. Malgré l’ivresse du moment, j’arrive à ouvrir les yeux. Je vois son visage qui grimace de plaisir ses seins qui rebondissent, son ventre qui respire à toute vitesse, et surtout sa chatte déformée par mon sexe. Mon sexe semble énorme par rapport à son petit corps de jeune fille. Elle crie comme une folle, Je sens que je ne vais pas tenir longtemps. Je ne crois pas que je peux me permettre n’import quoi. Je lui dit "Zoé je vais jouir". Elle me dit juste "oui… oui mais pas en moi". Je prend ça pour un feu vert. Je donne tout ce que j’ai, je fait trembler le canapé, je donne les plus gros coups de queue que je peux offrir. Plus je la lime plus je sens qu’elle va jouir. Elle joui, elle crie très fort, elle me perce les tympans, elle hurle mon prénom. Pour moi c’est le point d’honneur, j’en peu plus. Je me retire au bord de l’orgasme. Une main agrippe son épaule, l’autre saisie mon sexe chaud et couvert de mouille pour me branler énergiquement contre elle. Regarder mon gland secoué contre cette superbe petite chatte lisse me fait craquer. Je lance un premier jet de sperme le long sa petite fente. J’expulse un second, très épais, très généreux, qui dépasse son sexe, rempli son nombril, et asperge ses petites lèvres trempée. Là je me suis senti dépassé par mes désirs. Il fallait que je la remplisse de mon sperme, que je poursuive mon orgasme dans son ventre. Sans même réfléchir, toujours le sexe en main, je descend ma queue, et pénètre à nouveau le sexe recouvert de sperme de la petite Zoé, Elle cherche à me repousser en disant "mais… attend…". Je laisse échapper un "je veux ta chatte Zoé". Je saisi ses hanches, je la pousse contre moi de toute mes forces. Je la regarde dans les yeux, elle semble perdue entre l’envie de se sentir inondée de mon sperme, et sa conscience qui lui dit qu’il ne faut pas. De toute façon c’est trop tard, j’éjacule tout ce qu’il me reste en tout au fond d’elle, et il en restait vraiment beaucoup. J’accompagnant chaque nouveau jet de sperme par de grands coups de reins. Je me vide un peu plus les couilles en elle a chaque coup de queue. Elle s’abandonne, elle m’embrasse, se déhanche au rythme de mes coups. Le bruit très organique de ma bite qui lime sa petite fente me fait comprendre que je l’ai remplie à raz bord. Sa déborde. Il y a tellement de sperme qu’on jurerais que trois autres type ont giclé des litres de foutre en elle juste avant moi.

La tempête est passée, je retire mon sexe du siens, à peine débandé. Je me sens un peu coupable de n’avoir pas su me contrôler. Je crois qu’elle m’en veut un peu. Elle ne dit rien, m’adresse un sourire un peu gênée, puis va s’enfermer dans la sale de bain. Allongé sur le dos, je manque de m’endormir. Dix minutes plus tard, sa coloc est rentrée, elle part en me disant au revoir timidement de loin. Il y a une énorme auréole de mouille et de sperme. Je lance une machine avec la housse du canapé, je dirais que j’ai renversé une bière dessus. Je prend une douche. Il fait froid dehors mais je dois aérer ça doit sentir à plein nez la chatte de Zoé. Deux heures plus tard ma femme arrive. Trois jours plus tard je déménage.

Depuis je n’ai jamais eu de nouvelle de Zoé. Mais pour quelqu’un qui n’a pas vraiment l’habitude de tromper sa femme, je dois avouer que cette expérience m’a marqué à vie, et que j’y re pense souvent. Tout le temps en fait. L’image de son visage, déformé par la jouissance la bouche grande ouverte, n’a pas fini de hanter mes rêves. Son regard perdu lorsque je l’ai un peu forcée à recevoir mon sperme aussi… pourquoi j’ai fait ça ?

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Ajeeb Raat Tayi Ji Ke Saath

Hello friends ye meri pehli story hai or bilkul sachi hai or kuch hi din pehle kii hai jyada se jyada 10 din pehle ki. Mein aksar is website se stories padhta rehta tha aur fir mere andar incest sex jaagne lga. Ab mein story pe aata hu. Mera naam Rajiv Thakur hai aur mein Rajasthan ka rehne waala hu. Mein ek mnc company mein job karta hu aur meri umar 27 saal hai.  Mere ghar pe mere papa maa bhai bhabi aur mera chota sa bhatija hai.  Meri tayi ji hamare ghar k backside mein apne ghar mein rehti...

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3some fun

We meet up with another female in a bar for a few drinks, she is wearing a little dress, and you can tell she has no underwear on underneath, I'm wearing a very short skirt, low cut top, and stockings.After a couple of drinks we all head back to the the hotel room that we have booked, stopping on the way to get more drinks in.As you pour the drinks me and her settle ourselves back on the bed and start kissing, taking our time as we know you are watching. She starts moving down my body, starting...

3 years ago
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Slump Buster Supreme Part 1

Disclaimer: As far as I know, this is a fictional story. But this could easily be someone else's reality.When I was playing college baseball during my senior season, I was in the middle of my worst hitting slump ever. I had just gone 0-5 with 3 strikeouts, and even worse, I grounded into a game ending triple play in the bottom of the 9th with the team down 2 runs to secure our 10th straight loss. (Anyone that knows baseball knows how rare it is to hit into a triple play at all, let alone one...

1 year ago
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How my girlfriend turned me gay

A few months after my divorce I moved down the coast a short way from San Francisco, to a smallish town where I hoped to get some of the quiet I had long craved. The divorce had not been especially angry or bitter, after a while my wife and I simply had nothing to say to each other, and while we rarely argued, the long silences at had home become oppressive to us and to our teenage kids. Luckily they were old enough so that our split wouldn’t traumatize them, and we didn’t have much trouble...

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Vanished Ch 11

My brown nipples were suspended. I looked at them in horror as tension on the rings was causing the recent puncture wounds to elongate. I closed my eyes, I couldn’t watch. I felt ill. I felt the bed move, someone was moving. Suddenly my ass was pulled off the bed as Buddy drove into me. My eyes flew open. “NOOOOOO. No.” “Oh man, Geoff is she hot, so tight….. very wet …. Gawd she’s juicy. She hugs my cock like I was made to fit in her. You sure she isn’t for sale? Name your price.” It finally...

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the doctor

I have often wondered about my sexual fascination with my parents, aside from the obvious appeal of something taboo and forbidden. As I was growing up I was happily delighted to start growing breasts and pussy hair at a very young age, I was already a full c cup at the age of 14. I am currently 18 and you could portray me as a voluptuous 36dd pear shaped rosy nipples - 30 waist - 40 inch hips, 5 foot 4 with full curly auburn red hair, with an hourglass figure.Following the agreement my mother...

2 years ago
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The Therapist

Jim and Carries relationship had been on the rocks recently. Carrie was a petite brunette with beautiful green eyes, long sexy legs, a nice ass and DD breasts. How Jim managed to land such a catch was beyond him and the sex was fantastic at the start but once they got married the sex became less frequent. It got to the point where they were only having sex maybe once a month and it was taking a toll on Jims psyche. Carrie was also unhappy and suggested seeing a marriage counselor...

2 years ago
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Sweet Surprise

I was stepping out of the shower when I heard my phone beep. It was a text from you saying you were on your way. I smiled to myself as I quickly dressed and checked on dinner. Everything was ready, so I dressed and put a little makeup on. We have been planning this night alone for weeks and I am quite excited. You walk through the door with a bunch of lilies. You hand them to me and kiss me on the cheek. I notice the look in your eyes that says we are in for a very good night.I put the flowers...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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My Son brings me another Part 2

Our Lovely Son'sAnd so it ended, our first of many nights to remember, Toby, with his cock still buried in my puss, Jorden, with a silly smile, buried cock deep in Susey. Susey and I holding hands, knowing there was still a cunt sucking seasion in front of us. We did have a cook-out........, but. Two young, ever hard cocks to play with, suck. I thought about Debby, a sweet young girl in one of my classes, her mom was having a hard time. We could help, all of us. Life is good....... Oh suck a...

2 years ago
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Episode 13 8211 The Risky Encounter

It was a fresh and sunny morning. Reddy’s Gym was buzzing with a lot of people, and he too was busy in assisting them, showing them some exercises, sharing tips etc. He is normally very charged up and excited every morning, and ever since he had been having this affair with Kiran, he looks more fresh and energetic. At the other hand, Kiran and Gautam were heading for the gym too. Kiran was quite tensed and nervous. During these days in her husband’s absence, she had gone quite far with Reddy...

2 years ago
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RansomeChapter 8 Shopping For Nudity

It was after a week of shots of her in the flimsy nightwear, “I really would like to try some life studies,” David said, “Nudes, you know. How do you feel about at least one of the nightdresses without the underwear under it, as a first step towards that?” Wendy felt the inevitability of this progression, but decided that as he had not made the slightest move to touching her, contenting himself with verbal instructions as to where and how to pose, she would go along with it. “Well, won’t...

1 year ago
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No FutureChapter 35

Honourable Service Alex 2028 Despite having spent a great deal of the millionaire's money on projects related to the online world of Virtual Reality, or perhaps because of that, Eden's request to meet him in his Mayfair house was filling Alex with dread. Although he'd worked hard at the hopeless task of making a success of his poorly specified role, he was acutely aware of who it was who would make the final assessment of the project's worth. Eden's London home was very impressive....

2 years ago
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Redbook escort AshleyMature Meth Queen Part I

I first met "Ashley", who's real name was Wanda, in September of 2008. After searching Redbook for a mature, sexy lady who liked to have a drink or two, I called Ashley to set-up an appointment the following day. Her voice was very upbeat and cheerful yet very soft and sexy sounding. We agreed to meet at 9 the next morning so I offered to bring a fresh cup of Starbucks for us and some Bailey's to add to it. I always enjoyed ladies who drank and smoked as I saw that as a sexy and naughty...

3 years ago
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Julies Christmas

It had been over a month since our Halloween party at mom’s house. It was now much colder out, with snow that had fallen everywhere. Over the last little while, I had taught Klintuck about some of our human traditions as he did not know everything, but he did know some. As such, I spent some of the time explaining Christmas and other holidays based on different religions. I started to feel very close to Klintuck, more than a friend but not quite like a husband. I felt that we were kind of like...

4 years ago
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Fucking Keerthi In My Flat

Hey Guys this is “Safeinn – name changed” I am Good looking Guy with 6 ½ inch Cock … this is my first story over here in ISS .. Been a fan for ISS from long time..Girls & Aunts if interested .. mail me – This story is about my team mate Keerthi & she is one of the amazing babe in my company.. those soft 34d breasts.. smooth 28 waist.. and 38 butt… woowiee… just irresistible… but the worst part is.. She’s too homely.. if anyone see for the first time they will surely have a good opinion on...

3 years ago
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My Future SisterinLaw Part 2

“I’m going to have a quick shower babe” I said, meant for susan to hear, but meant more for Jo. “Ok dear”, I might have to leave you alone again with Jo though. I think I forgot a few things. “Is that alright hunny bunch?” I almost puked when she called me that, but said, “ya, I think I can handle being alone with Jo again. She’s not too much trouble”, I laughingly said. With that, I picked up my shorts, grabbed my cock and started stroking it so Jo could see, and then walked to the...

3 years ago
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Caught part 4

Hello All, It's been a while since I last posted any stories. I have been working on the stories but progress has been slow. I have a blog at thefeminme.blogspot.com. Please visit and follow some of my real life adventures. I plan to continue this story. Feel free to let me know what you think, and any ideas you'd like incorporated. My email is [email protected] Part 4 The barman approaches with a beer. "From that guy over there," he said pointing to a guy dressed in...

4 years ago
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Fair GameChapter 2

After the first frenzied rape of their captive women the four abductors directed Sophie and Priscilla to clean themselves up. They were told to take a shower and put on some pretty clothes. As they made their way to the room assigned to them Sophie heard a generator start up and the gloom in the cabin was relieved by electric light. Alone in their bedroom, Sophie tried to comfort her daughter but Priscilla was having none of it. She was beside herself with rage and terror. She blamed her...

3 years ago
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chat with friend

spooning will be mandatory, morning sex to start of the day too i thinkwell if i have lectures in the morning i will need a good shag to get me goingok ok mornings will consist of a good strong quickie, but with the possibility of me coming back from lectures in the afternoon to finish what was startedin the evenings, i suggest full blown rampent sex, making sure we are both extremely satisfied, then with having the much needed post sex ciggerette, then carrying on if we have any energy...

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KinksChapter 14

I prayed the Confederacy wouldn’t be too late. Or too early. One minute later and with no sign of Mr Evans that I could see, the lights went up, the music stopped, and a loud voice came over the microphone. “Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is Paul Morris and I’m from the Confederacy. As I understand it most of you know that this collection is specifically for you, and again, as I understand it, there is no one here who isn’t part of a pre-arranged group. Is that correct?” I found the speaker....

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Seeding Hope Among the AshesChapter 13 Casting Seeds on Untilled Soil

"OK, folks, listen up. We've had a couple unfortunate incidents where my girls have disappeared without a trace. We've completely lost touch with both Monique in Charlotte and Debbie in Raleigh, both in North Carolina. Let me remind you, if our people are injured, it means entire regions of the country won't get treated. Thousands who we could save will die needlessly. We realize how dangerous things are now. We've also lost touch with our contacts in Hilton Head, South Carolina, Palm...

3 years ago
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Inviting a PickupChapter 20

Friday Megan was walking a little funny and Jake just chuckled. "Thanks a lot," she said to him, slapping him on the chest. He gave her a "what?" look and Bonnie busted up laughing. "Four fucking times last night," Megan groused, trying not to smile. "Three in the front and one in the back," she stage whispered to Bonnie. "Yeah, and you loved every second of it," Ken said, catching up with the group as they entered the building. Megan smiled as she kissed him, not responding again...

2 years ago
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Sexually Tortured by my Devil

I’m a married Women. Born & brought up in Hyderabad. It was a long cherished dream to write this page, so that those who could wet themselves while reading my true sex story. To start with, let me tell you something about my husband. He is very handsome, with 5’7” in height, slightly tan colored, rugged look on his face with thick mustache. He looks really majestic & very sexy, with the kind of built he has. He calls me by the name ‘Sandy’ (name changed). We had a kind of a deal between us...

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Once you go black yoursquoll really want to do it a

Here is how I came to love and crave bbc! I’ve been with my husband for 25 years. About 10 years ago to spice things up a little we started looking at porn together and talking about different scenarios and what turns us on and really opening up sexually. We are both really turned on by white wives with blacks. He bought me my first black dildo and that was it - I loved it ! At the time it was huge for me. I loved being filled up so completely, it was like nothing I’d ever felt before... over...

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Under a Genies Power

Jacob Masterson was an 18-year-old, 1st year university student. Like most 1st years, he lived in university accommodation, and in his case that meant a small, university-owned house. He lived with 2 other students, a boy named Andrew, and a girl named Lizzie. All 3 of them were typical “losers”. None was particularly attractive, and all 3 were virgins, though none knew this of the others. They sometimes hung out, but mostly kept to themselves. Our story begins one Thursday morning in...

1 year ago
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Private Eyla Moore Young Wild And Addicted To Sex

Today we have the honour of introducing you to Eyla Moore, a wild blonde who has come to Private Specials, Forever Young for her www.private.com debut where she looks to take advantage of any opportunity for a good fuck. Today the lucky recipient is stud Joohn Syx who’s in for a real treat as he gets a taste of Eyla’s perfect tits and sweet pussy just to warm up. Then watch as this horny babe returns the favour with a quality blowjob before spreading her legs and going on to enjoy and...

3 years ago
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The Last True Fan Ch 04

Dan Harris sat on the couch of his idol as she fetched him a beer from the refrigerator. He shudder and trembled: this kind of conversation wasn’t going to be the kind he usually had. It was going to be open and personal and all the things men usually don’t talk about. Brenda Keans opened it and brought it over, sitting down next to him, her body snuggling up against his and her head on his shoulder. ‘What kin Ah tell ya?’ he began. ‘Where did you come from?’ ‘Holden, Missouri. Dad was a...

2 years ago
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The Adventures Of SallyChapter 6

I woke up the next morning to the alarm clock buzzing. Out of habit, I walked around the bed quickly to hit the snooze button, then crawled back into bed, and scooted myself back, looking for Leesha. To my surprise, there was somebody there. The form slid in behind me in spoon fashion, and put an arm around my waist. I woke up with a start, and turned over to see Sally lying next to me. I got up fast, and put on my robe. The motion I made woke her up. "Good morning." She said sleepily. I...

2 years ago
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Painful ParadiseChapter 9

Pal was lying across her bed, miserable and full of loathing for herself and for Paul Harshman. He had used pain to tear down barriers that she thought should never have been disturbed. She hadn't even known that they existed, much less suspected the animal lust which had lurked behind them. By forcing down these barriers, he had revealed to her the slut that she really was in her subconscious mind. Or so it seemed to her now, as she lay there. There was nothing to do but think. Paul...

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Mary Grant First BBC

Mary Grant had just finished her morning Body Pump class, and wanted to introduce herself to the new instructor.She had not seen him before, so she walked up and said hello to the dark skinned man, who introduced himself as Terrance. Mary told him she really enjoyed the class, and asked if he was new. He said he had just started teaching in his free time, as he normally works as a massage ther****t.She said what a coincidence that was, as her regular ther****t had recently moved, and wanted to...

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That Time I Got Isekaid To Another World Full Of Busty Girls

“It was on that fateful day. I was walking home from the latest anime convention held in my town. I had gone a bit overboard with the spending, so I didn’t have enough money left to buy a ride home. I was about a block away from my apartment where I could store my newly purchased figurines and signed merchandise, when it happened. A signed figure of my favorite isekai protagonist, Kasubito, fell out of my overstuffed bag into the road. As I reached down to pick it up, I dropped even more things...

3 years ago
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It Is Good to Be the DemonChapter 2

The next day started out fairly early. I tried to sleep in, but it never works for me even at this age. I've driven girlfriends crazy because no matter how late we are up the night before, I never sleep much later than 6 AM. I always try to explain that it is due to my time in the service (US NAVY '81 to '85). It is just something that stays with you, as well as being early for ANY appointment. And I'm lucky in that I live here in Orlando, with a VA clinic that's within 30 to 40...

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