"je Veux Ta Chatte Zoé" free porn video

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Ça s’est passé un mercredi soir, un mois de février, je rentre assez tôt du travail, fatigué. L’appartement est vide, ma femme doit rentrer tard… travail travail. La moitié des affaires sont dans des cartons, quelques jours plus tard tout allait se retrouver dans un camion de déménagement. Je pousse des affaires, m’affale dans mon canapé, une bière à la main, devant la télé éteinte. J’avais pas la moindre idée de ce qui m’attendait ce soir là.

On sonne. Je m’étais assoupi, je me demande si j’ai pas rêvé cette sonnerie. Surtout que je vois pas bien qui viendrait sonner là maintenant. Ça sonne à nouveau, à la porte. Bon ok. Je pose ma bière et je me lève. C’est Zoé, la fille de la coloc d’en face. On se connait un peu, enfin tout juste. On a discuté parfois de banalités dans le hall de l’immeuble alors que je descendais mes poubelles ou qu’elle relevait son courrier. Très jolie, presque "trop". Si Ludivine Sagnier avait une petite soeur cachée d’à peine 20 ans, ça serait elle. Un petit bout de jeune fille, très petite, fine, un nez court et étroit, des yeux clairs, des cheveux très lisses, une frange châtain clair qui la rend encore plus innocente, et l’aura excessivement séduisante de sa soeur. Je lui demande ce qui lui arrive. Elle m’explique un peu gênée que la porte de son appartement s’est fermée derrière elle. Sa coloc ne sera pas là avant un moment. En somme elle est un peu enfermée dehors. Je lui propose évidemment d’entrer, qu’elle vienne patienter le temps nécessaire.

On passe un moment tout les deux dans le canapé, à boire des bières. Je sent que la boisson lui fait de l’effet. Elle m’a dit qu’elle tenait pas très bien l’alcool. Elle semble de plus en plus à l’aise, de plus en plus enjouée et libérée dans sa manière parler des choses. Pourtant elle ne manque jamais de me vouvoyer. Elle évoque des choses intimes. Très vite arrive ce moment où ça ne devient plus drôle. Son petit copain l’a beaucoup fait souffrir, et apparement elle ne se permet pas souvent ce luxe d’en parler aussi franchement. Elle entame beaucoup de phrase, et les termine rarement. Je me sens très con, je ne sais pas comment réagir. Ça y est elle fond littéralement en larme. J’ai une envie irrésistible de la prendre dans mes bras. Je prend conscience d’un coup pourquoi je la trouve "trop" jolie, comme je disais. Elle fait parti de ces filles qui semblent si jolie que le simple fait d’être en contact avec elle inhibe le naturel. Je ne sais pas comment je dois dire bonjour, comment je dois dire au revoir, sans que ça laisse échapper un implicite "je te trouve très jolie", ou "j’aimerais que tu me laisse t’embrasser" ou "j’ai envie de te voir nue et que tu me laisses te regarder". C’est très troublant une aussi jolie fille. Et là elle pleure sur mon canapé. Alors je me contente de penser au problème pratique. Je vais chercher des mouchoirs dans la salle de bain. Je lui tend un paquet, je me rassoie à côté d’elle, un peu plus près. Elle se mouche, laisse peser un silence qui me semble interminable. Enfin, avec une minuscule voix, presque honteuse, elle lâche un "es-ce que je peux avoir un câlin ?". Là je n’ai plus d’excuse. Je passe mon bras derrière elle, Je me penche contre elle qui se tourne pour accueillir mon câlin. Je la serre fort contre moi. Ce moment est surnaturelle. J’ai mon nez dans ses cheveux. Ça sent le safran, ou peut-être la vanille. Je ne sais pas. Ça sent bon. Je ferme les yeux, et la laisse pleurer autant qu’il le faut contre moi. Ce moment dure. Il dure. Assez spontanément je lui adresse un petit baiser dans ses cheveux. Ça semble calmer un peu ses sanglots. J’en adresse un nouveau, plus près de la tempe. Elle devient peu à peu plus calme. Quelque chose, peut-être elle même, sans le vouloir, me fais sentir que le type de réconfort dont elle a besoin à cet instant n’a pas beaucoup de limite. Je crois que c’est à partir de là que j’ai eu l’impression de passer dans une autre dimension.

Je continue ma série de bisous, en levant doucement sa tête, jusqu’à ses joues, puis jusqu’au bord de ses lèvres… Je la prend entre mes deux mains, et l’embrasse. Dès que je sens le contact de ses lèvres contre les miennes, je sens automatiquement que mon sexe commence à durcir sous mon pantalon. Je l’ai embrassée simplement au début, puis de plus en plus langoureusement. Son corps pivote pour mieux profiter. Elle est à genoux sur le canapé, sa main à échouée sur mon ventre. Joue contre joue, elle déboutonne ma chemise, nos respirations deviennent bruyantes. Sa main descend plus bas et s’attarde sur ma ceinture. le système d’ouverture est capricieux, Ça serait bien dommage que ça l’empêche de venir à bout de ce qu’elle cherche, je l’aide. En quelques instants je me retrouve le pantalon sur les chevilles, mon sexe dans sa main. Je profite de ses mouvements de poignets très habiles et énergiques. Elle embrasse mon ventre. Elle me masturbe. Ça y est je bande déjà comme un fou entre ses petits doigts. Je sens qu’elle hésites à descendre plus bas. Je place une main sur l’arrière de son crâne, je pousse mes hanches vers son visages. Elle comprend qu’elle peut. La tête posée contre mon ventre, je sens sa bouche qui commence à prendre mon sexe en bouche, ses cheveux qui frottent contre moi au rythme de ses vas et viens buccaux. Je relâche ma nuque contre le dossier, ferme les yeux, et lâches quelques gémissements de plaisirs. Elle abandonne mon sexe un instant. Je devine à ce que j’entend qu’elle commence à se déshabiller. J’ouvre les yeux et redresse le tête. Ses seins sont superbes. Légèrement en poire, des petits tétons roses. Nos regards se croisent furtivement avec un petit sourire complice avant qu’elle se penche à nouveau, Je crois que je n’ai jamais senti autant de bonne volonté au travers d’une bouche pour vouloir donner du plaisir sexuelle. Je peux maintenant regarder à loisir sa petite bouche glisser le long de mon sexe de haut en bas, et ses petits seins qui remuent à chaque mouvements. Elle me suce comme ça pendant un bon petit moment. Je ne suis pas le seul à gémir comme un idiot. Chacun de ses petits gémissements nasaux font vibrer ma queue contre son palais. Son copain doit vraiment être un con quand je vois le talent qu’elle a. Elle s’arrête brusquement, file vers mon oreille, et me souffle "j’ai envie de plus". Je l’embrasse. Je la repousse. Je me lèvre. On se lèvre. On se déshabille. Elle retire ses chaussures, son pantalon, sa culotte. On est nus. Je devine un très beau sexe, lisse, exactement comme je l’imaginais. Parce que oui, honnêtement, pardon mais… qui n’a pas déjà cherché à visualiser la chatte de la voisine de pallier, jeune étudiante à croquer. Elle s’allonge sur le canapé, les cuisses entre-ouvertes, le regarde très explicite. Je me place devant elle. dépassé par ce qui m’arrive, je reste un instant devant cette petite chatte parfaite, une cheville posée sur mon épaule, le gland assis sur ses lèvres douces et soyeuses. C’est elle qui prend les choses en main, littéralement. Elle appuie mon sexe contre le siens avec la paume de sa main, et se déhanche pour se masturber contre lui. Au file des mouvements je manque parfois à peu de chose d’entamer une pénétration. Nous ne somment pas protégés. Quoi qu’elle dise on ne devait pas se permettre de faire n’importe quoi. Mais je sais pertinemment que je n’ai pas de capote, j’ai rien. J’ai une envie incroyable de la pénétrer, mais je n’ai rien. Elle fini par me demander clairement "vous avez des capotes ?". Je lui balbutie que je crois que non mais qu’on peut aller regarder dans la salle de bain. Ce qui m’inquiète aussi c’est que je me sens tellement sur excité que je sens qu’il faudra très peu de temps pour que jouisse une fois en elle. Sa réaction ne semble pas vraiment prendre en compte ma réponse. Elle se saisie de ma queue, la place à l’entrée de sa chatte trempée d’excitation, et je l’entend dire "allez-y on s’en fout, allez-y". Impossible de résister, impossible. Je donne un coup de reins, mon sexe commence à rentrer. Elle est assez étroite, très humide, mais étroite. J’insiste, je donne plusieurs coups. À chaque coups mon sexe rentre un peu plus en elle. Ses gémissements son de plus en plus haut en décibels. Je sens enfin que je suis tout au fond d’elle, mes couilles tapotent son entre-jambe. Jamais je n’ai senti mon sexe aussi confortablement installé, tout entier dans un vagin, j’aurais aimé ne jamais en sortir. Malgré l’ivresse du moment, j’arrive à ouvrir les yeux. Je vois son visage qui grimace de plaisir ses seins qui rebondissent, son ventre qui respire à toute vitesse, et surtout sa chatte déformée par mon sexe. Mon sexe semble énorme par rapport à son petit corps de jeune fille. Elle crie comme une folle, Je sens que je ne vais pas tenir longtemps. Je ne crois pas que je peux me permettre n’import quoi. Je lui dit "Zoé je vais jouir". Elle me dit juste "oui… oui mais pas en moi". Je prend ça pour un feu vert. Je donne tout ce que j’ai, je fait trembler le canapé, je donne les plus gros coups de queue que je peux offrir. Plus je la lime plus je sens qu’elle va jouir. Elle joui, elle crie très fort, elle me perce les tympans, elle hurle mon prénom. Pour moi c’est le point d’honneur, j’en peu plus. Je me retire au bord de l’orgasme. Une main agrippe son épaule, l’autre saisie mon sexe chaud et couvert de mouille pour me branler énergiquement contre elle. Regarder mon gland secoué contre cette superbe petite chatte lisse me fait craquer. Je lance un premier jet de sperme le long sa petite fente. J’expulse un second, très épais, très généreux, qui dépasse son sexe, rempli son nombril, et asperge ses petites lèvres trempée. Là je me suis senti dépassé par mes désirs. Il fallait que je la remplisse de mon sperme, que je poursuive mon orgasme dans son ventre. Sans même réfléchir, toujours le sexe en main, je descend ma queue, et pénètre à nouveau le sexe recouvert de sperme de la petite Zoé, Elle cherche à me repousser en disant "mais… attend…". Je laisse échapper un "je veux ta chatte Zoé". Je saisi ses hanches, je la pousse contre moi de toute mes forces. Je la regarde dans les yeux, elle semble perdue entre l’envie de se sentir inondée de mon sperme, et sa conscience qui lui dit qu’il ne faut pas. De toute façon c’est trop tard, j’éjacule tout ce qu’il me reste en tout au fond d’elle, et il en restait vraiment beaucoup. J’accompagnant chaque nouveau jet de sperme par de grands coups de reins. Je me vide un peu plus les couilles en elle a chaque coup de queue. Elle s’abandonne, elle m’embrasse, se déhanche au rythme de mes coups. Le bruit très organique de ma bite qui lime sa petite fente me fait comprendre que je l’ai remplie à raz bord. Sa déborde. Il y a tellement de sperme qu’on jurerais que trois autres type ont giclé des litres de foutre en elle juste avant moi.

La tempête est passée, je retire mon sexe du siens, à peine débandé. Je me sens un peu coupable de n’avoir pas su me contrôler. Je crois qu’elle m’en veut un peu. Elle ne dit rien, m’adresse un sourire un peu gênée, puis va s’enfermer dans la sale de bain. Allongé sur le dos, je manque de m’endormir. Dix minutes plus tard, sa coloc est rentrée, elle part en me disant au revoir timidement de loin. Il y a une énorme auréole de mouille et de sperme. Je lance une machine avec la housse du canapé, je dirais que j’ai renversé une bière dessus. Je prend une douche. Il fait froid dehors mais je dois aérer ça doit sentir à plein nez la chatte de Zoé. Deux heures plus tard ma femme arrive. Trois jours plus tard je déménage.

Depuis je n’ai jamais eu de nouvelle de Zoé. Mais pour quelqu’un qui n’a pas vraiment l’habitude de tromper sa femme, je dois avouer que cette expérience m’a marqué à vie, et que j’y re pense souvent. Tout le temps en fait. L’image de son visage, déformé par la jouissance la bouche grande ouverte, n’a pas fini de hanter mes rêves. Son regard perdu lorsque je l’ai un peu forcée à recevoir mon sperme aussi… pourquoi j’ai fait ça ?

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The Setup Chapter 4

"Mr. Edison, I think I left something in your classroom. Have you seen my underwear?" Melissa's soft sexy delivery had Luke investigating in a flash. He dropped his oven mitt at the sight of her. Long skinny legs led up to a short schoolgirl skirt, hitched high for maximum upper leg exposure. On top she had a plain white blouse, worn very much non-regulation. The buttons were open all the way down to her belly button. With no bra on underneath her small A-cup buds produced little cleavage...

2 years ago
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Aurora marched in line alongside dozens of other women abducted during the last Piscean attack. She was a space marine, and had no shortage of survival skills and talents, but unfortunately she also had been stripped naked for the trip. It was an indignity. All of their belongings were taken, from shoes to hair braids, and their nails were trimmed as far as they could go. They had been bound for examination and probed everywhere. Aurora had already had her head shaved, along with the rest of...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Girlfriend Monisha

Hi myself Karan from Bangalore. Aunties and girls of Bangalore who are interested to have sex plz gmail to This my first story I am writing. When I was studying in degree I was in room . I had loved one girl mostly I liked sex wit her. Her figure structure 32-28-32 perfect figure she s height 5.7′ white color she is . Once I got chance to take her movie . When she was watching movie I suddenly placed hand on her boobs and squeezed it .. She didn’t say any thing . I got green signal from her …...

4 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 11 The WeekendFriday Night

Friday night. At last, a quiet evening at home! Some time to relax and reflect on the events of the week. Not! The parents had all been planning a big weekend for some time. Okay big may have been a stretch. Essentially, Mark's family was coming over to swim and barbeque and play cards tonight, and then we were all going over to their house to do the same on Saturday. Usually, the kids just played video games or swam or whatever and stayed out of the way. The biggest stress point in my life...

2 years ago
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An old friend of mine returned earlier this evenin

We made love and fell asl**p. I woke a few hours later to a belly pain. Nothing odd, it’s been going on quite a bit and I’m told it’s normal as things work their way back to normal. The super part is I’m losing the tummy and thighs fast while keeping the huge chest. I’m down to 142 pounds and a CC cup. I hope I get to keep the boobs! I’m starting to actually appreciate the softness and size, thought the green veins have to go. I Pee’d, cleaned, pumped and breastfed the hungry one. I made...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Psyche

Psyche gasped for air. Monstrously large hands gripped her throat. She searched for an escape from Hyde's death grip. The beastly villain had her on her back over the edge of the skyscraper. "Why do the bad guys always pick tall buildings to fight on," she wondered as her long copper hair fluttered in the warm night air. His fetid breath sickened her. "Tonight you die, Psyche. It's about time." "All talk and no action," she thought. "Just like the rest of the men in my life." She...

4 years ago
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Anna Janet L. Stickney "The way you see me now started back many years ago." The old woman sat in her rocker facing her Great grand son and daughter. "I know that you found it when you were in the attic cleaning. Lord knows that I should probably tell you how it started. When I was young, the women wore very fancy dresses of silk and satin, big bustles, and lots of lace. There was a war stirring in Europe as the Kaiser kept arming his troops. Then that Duke was killed by a...

1 year ago
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After The Fall The Beginning

A puzzled expression crossed Tim's thin face. He shot Caesar a look before turning to Eve. Her face was radiant as she came down the stairs. John Bull followed, carrying her overnight bag."Is this what you meant?"Caesar nodded. "Tim, I said you needed to be ready for this. Are you?"Tim looked at the glass of beer in his hand and studied the bubbles drifting upward. He and Caesar had talked about Eve going home with John tonight. Caesar had said the most awkward sting of wife sharing is when...

Wife Lovers
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Fuck of the century

This is a real story about how unexpected sex can be mind blowing. I am a 32 year man who runs his own business. I recently bought a house from a young couple with two little kids. The wife (sally) is a beutiful women who when we were discusing the purchase always gave me a curious look. She was very shy in front of her husband but when he was not there was very open and like to touch people when she talks as if she is flirting. Any way one day son after i bought the house a anu the daughter of...

2 years ago
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What Do You Do When You Love Your Boss

I am in love with my boss! There I said it, even if it's only mentally. I really am in love with my boss! I know, dangerous and foolish territory -- but you should see her and get to know her. She's amazing!Her name is Deanna, and yes there is more than a little teasing about a like-named Star Trek character because there is a resemblance. I think Dea is taller than Deanna Troi, but the dark hair, dark eyes, sexy smile, and similar builds make the comparison inevitable. What's amazing is...

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Robert JenkinsChapter 10

Sunday evening I went to the fraternity house for supper where I met the pledges. They all seemed so young and eager. There I met Beauregard Lauder of Lauderdale County Mississippi. He introduced himself, "I'm Beauregard Lauder, but everyone calls me Colonel." He offered his hand and we shook hands. "I was away when you joined the chapter last spring, but Thornton spoke most highly of you. I wanted to welcome you. A noncommissioned officer with the Combat Infantry Badge and multiple...

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Shadow on the EdgeChapter 4

We ran several more raids and ambushes on each other to keep the edge. Our Scout Lance even got ambushed by one of Major Martine's Scout Lances. Even though they picked the time and place they still bought the drinks that evening. I think I felt better after that engagement than I did when I 'killed' Marci. Everything went their way except the outcome. We kicked their butts! No'kills' for them and three for us. I was in the lead and when Gentry yelled 'Ambush', I jumped. I spun around...

2 years ago
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Love of Cum

In my sex life as a straight guy, my favorite type of sex was oral. I loved the feel of lips and tongue on my cock even more than that of a vagina. Some women didn't like to give head; my relationships with them didn't last long. Being willing to suck cock and swallow cum was a deal breaker for me. My tastes applied to the porn I watched as well. Seeing a pornstar working her lips and tongue over a hard shaft was much more sexy to me than watching a cock sliding in and out of a pussy. I think...

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Lady Blackrook Victorian Adventuress En Pointe

[email protected] Lady Sally Blackrook, Victorian Adventuress By Gincrack Lady Blackrook?en pointe!The Forests of the Carpathian Mountains Urging his horses on the coach driver steered the carriage through the darkness of the forest. There was still snow on the ground and the gibbous moon shone from a cold cloudless sky its reflected light helping the driver to find his way, he light from the carriage lanterns being pale and ineffectual. Behind the screens on the carriage windows sat a...

3 years ago
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CarolChapter 5

As I walked past Ray on the way to the kitchen, I smiled, as I noticed that he had managed to put his dick into Carol's mouth. It appeared that she was sucking on it like a baby with a bottle, only her cheeks were moving. The rest of her body was as limp as a sleeping child. I also noticed that Kyle's hands were caressing her body and probing her crevices with his fingers. I went into the kitchen and looked around for something. Yet I did not know what I was looking for. I pulled open the...

1 year ago
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Reddit Threesome

Any dedicated porn lover out there will tell you they have seen it all. Be it cock sucking, ball-sucking, cunt eating, facial, gay, and even group sex porn. No matter how long you have been jerking off to the show, a threesome always brings a whole different twist to the game.Who doesn’t love n experience that is a notch above the mundane show of two love birds making out? Now, a threesome doesn’t involve as many people as group sex does, but it does spice things up some. In my recent search...

Gangbang Porn Sites
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Horny at a part

I'm sitting here on the couch thers a party in the kitchen a a big group of people getting drunk. U walk in wearing heels and a skirt. I see by looking at u that ur as drunk as I am and so horny. Standing infont of me u start striping dancing for me to the music. Now ur only wearing ur panties and heels. U get down on ur knees and crawl seductivly to me. Ur undoing my belt u look at me and say u want me inside u and u don't care if anyone see cause u want me as bad as I want u. U rip may pants...

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ScamAngels Valentina Nappi Karma RX The Crypto Scam 8211 Part 1

Valentina Nappi is a smart business woman so she won’t let Seth Gambles or the boss screw her over! Karma Rx, Bella Rose and Athena Faris join her and they put together the biggest scam so far! Busty Karma and curvy beauty Valentina seduce Seth. They give the perfect sloppy blowjob, ride his dick and let this guy plow their luscious pussies. After these horny ladies get some fresh cum on their tongues they reveal how Seth just got screwed! They recorded every bit of this incredible fuck fest...

2 years ago
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Alone after dinner

I was starting to like Peter more and more. I came on this ski trip fully intending to hook up with a boy and Peter was a nice choice. He was, like me, a virgin and as interested in exploring my body as I was in his. We had made out last night, spent the day together, and showered together before dinner. I smiled remembering how quickly he "spurted" when I took his penis into my mouth in the shower. I warmed remembering how his naked body looked and how pleasantly different it was than mine....

4 years ago
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She Got a Quick Rub in Her Room

He was about to begin massaging her breasts. His slickly warm right hand was resting just below their rise, fingers stretched into her cleavage. His left hand was lightly gripping the top of her right thigh. She was feeling pretty hot about that. She was wearing the bottom half of a pink string bikini. She was hot about that too and even hotter about the certainty that soon she would not be wearing even that. He would pull it down her legs and off over her feet any minute. He had unclipped...

3 years ago
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Lost FoundChapter 76

Charlie Taylor and I got back to campus around 4:30 that afternoon. Brian Henson was moved into my old room already, so I left my bags in the living room. I'd spend the night on the couch. I completed checking out of the apartment that afternoon before dinner. Trevor, Damian, Chip, Brian and I joined the crowd of football players heading for the Training Table at a quarter to six. The guys teased me about the football I carried over to dinner, at least until I showed them what it was for....

1 year ago
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Reddit Thongs, aka r/Thongs! I assume you are an ass man, right? Why the fuck else would you click on a subreddit called r/thongs/? You are about to see loads of gorgeous babes show off their booty, and well, if you are not an ass man, I am still not sure why you are here. With that said, if you want to see plenty of cuties wearing thongs and showing their ass, I think that you are going to love r/thongs/.Anyway, if you check out r/thongs/ and you are not really impressed with what this...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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A Romantic Quest for Love

IceyFire, My most desired beautiful blue eyed love. I wrote this story for you. I hope you enjoy it. It may be a little ruff around the edges. But has some honest feelings of, what strong romance can be felt by first encounters. Inspired by you because of you 08-08-03. Thank you, Tyler. I found myself driving toward a place unknown. I needed to just explore as I traveled. looking for nothing more than a place to call home. That was a place where I could be content, secure, and wanted. I...

4 years ago
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Maid love

Hi folks, this is not a story but an account I want to give , this was the time when I had just finished my college and taken a up a job. I live in Pune with my parents and in our house we used to have a maid .she would have been around 40years old married and having three small kids. Her husband was a drunkard and used to be seen lying around all over the place. There was a rumor that she was promiscuous in our colony. It so happened that me and my parents had to go out of station .during this...

2 years ago
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Why Me FChapter 2 Confiding

“I’m sorry,” Candy said when she got to Professor Pierce’s house. “Three ELs and a bus. I couldn’t judge the time.” “Quite all right. Tell me your last name again.” “Wharton.” “Freeze!” That was directed at the boys running around. Indeed, Prof. Pierce turned around to face them before shouting. The boys stopped and stared at her. “This is Miss Wharton. And, no, she’s not a babysitter. Mama’s going to be home all night. That one...” she pointed, “is Johnny. That one...” she pointed at the...

4 years ago
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The Old Police House

It was a bit off the beaten track, but my tour of the north of England was going well.Staying at small guesthouses, I was visiting the more remote parts of the north, those small towns and villages you have never heard of but there they are on the map.Tonight’s guesthouse was intriguing, to say the least. The address was The Old Police House, Birch Grove. It was easy to find on the Satnav and was a short road, a cul-de-sac, with many trees on either side. I wondered if these were the birch...

3 years ago
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CulDeSac A Story in Around Ch 07

Travis came home to find Sara and Yvoine in bed. This was becoming a more and more frequent occurrence. It wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate the fact that his fiancé had discovered both her love of dominating others as part of her sex play and that she had also discovered her bisexual tendencies. What bothered him was that all too often he would find Yvoine in the house without her collar. ‘She had to wear it,’ he instructed Sara, trying to keep his voice under control. They had entered into...

2 years ago
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Tales of a toilet gloryhole

My favourite cottage had two cubicles, one being conveniently tucked away in a far corner. This one had a waist-high gloryhole that I made very good use of. Periodically, the door would be removed and replaced with a new one, only for the hole to reappear almost as quickly as the door was replaced! This was a real mystery because it was always perfectly round and smooth. It looked machine cut, but couldn't possibly have been. I talked about it with Bob on one of my regular visits to his house....

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Another Fourway

I had decided to attend the party at the bar. It was more of a casual social gathering than a party. My girlfriend, Sarah, hadn't come because she said that she had other plans tonight and couldn't come, which disappointed me somewhat because I was looking forward to some drunken fucking with her afterwards but I thought that I might as well go at least.As the evening progressed I had seen a stunning girl at the bar as well. I had no idea who she was but she was stunning and was a gorgeous...

2 years ago
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RockmanChapter 36

When the bandages came off his left hand, the x-ray showed that the ring and little fingers needed strapping for a few more weeks, though the index and middle fingers and the thumb were at last free. The orthopaedic consultant examined the two fingers to be strapped. "You will need some physiotherapy before we know whether you'll get back full use," he said "but the thumb and first two fingers are good as new." The right hand was also x-rayed and the bones were pronounced nearly...

2 years ago
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A Kiss Worth Dying

A wonderful feeling had woke her in the middle of the night. Sally Findley was positive that she was either having some type of erotic dream, or that someone or something had been touching her gently between her thighs. The bright morning sun, now shined through her bedroom window, and then like someone who realizes they’ve left the stove on, while there out, she realized that she had closed her blinds last night, as she did every night before bed. “ How did they open?” She asked herself...

4 years ago
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12 October 2008Chapter 5

Wendy and Karen were greeted by the hungry eyes of almost every man in the hockey arena. Wendy’s stomach was very pronounced carrying their twins, yet she still felt very sexy in her short, low cut dress. Today’s game had Kingston Frontenacs as the visitors. Scott, Vicky, Abby, and Brenda watched Peter with love and pride. Abby was again greeted with appreciative applause for her low cut top and short skirt as she sang the national anthem. Derek and Diane sat in the upper bowl to watch the...

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