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Growing Pains 2: Above Average

While I was greatly enjoying the changes, they were not without difficulty. Taking care of my breasts and their associated lactation was beginning to be a part-time job. The struggles continued to grow at the same pace as my breasts. That is to say, very rapidly.

Thanks to my breast pump, I tended to be sufficiently empty before school which greatly reduced my anxiety and paranoia. No longer did I have to worry about my breasts bursting at the seams or my clothes being soaked by milk. Life was a lot less painful now that I was engorged less frequently. I could almost, almost be a fully-functioning student.

As I said earlier, however, life isn't perfect. I noticed my grades starting to slip. I feared this was due to my social anxiety as well as the reduced free time I had for studying. My masturbation had really begun to impact my homework time, and oftentimes I found myself reaching for the breast pump or between my legs before the pencil. At school, I simply craved release as my mind wandered. I was a lonely, horny teenage virgin.

I was stunned that no men had approached me now that I had noticeable breasts. I was officially above average. It didn’t compute in my head. Was I really that socially awkward? Was I seen as the weird girl because I had no friends? Some women complained so long of men who thought only of women physically, and now I so dearly wished for one. Yet there seemed to be nobody in sight. I could have approached a man myself, but I hadn’t the faintest idea and was sure I would break down into a nervous wreck. Plus there was the issue of my lactation, something that might be a bit of a turn-off to many.

So the single life it was for me. For now.
Math was always a productive class. Everyone worked hard, and they worked silently, alone by themselves. It was my type of class because it meant that I did not have to embarrass myself in front of others. This particular course was Algebra II. Not my favorite subject but I was still perfectly good at it.

I was lost in my work, deep in the long worksheet we had been assigned to do while the teacher was busy. I had pumped during lunch so I knew I had no milk-related worries. Just when I had almost lost all connection to the world outside my desk, I felt a tap on my shoulder. A girl, Mikayla, handed me a note and giggled. I took it from her and opened it.

“What’s up with the breasts? Paper or plastic?” the note read. My bras were not stuffed and my breasts were certainly not filled with silicone. I was furious. My pale face flushed red in an instant and I fought back tears.
A group of girls behind me laughed. The class sluts. The cheerleaders and athletes. Practically braindead but dead set on ruining the lives of others. I wanted desperately to punch their leader, Jennifer. She had bullied me for years because of my flat chest. I knew, however, that I would be punished greatly for anything I did to confront her. I put my head back down and continued working on the assignment.

My last class of the day was physical education. I was thankful I didn’t have this class last term when I was experiencing the leaking. It used to be an easy class for me, but with the growth of my breasts I found it growing more and more difficult. I had no funds for sports bras or comfortable exercise clothes, so I relied on old shorts, t-shirts, and the same old bra I wore every day. Whenever I jumped, my tits would flop around. I was thankful for the pump, for without it I can’t even imagine how much leaky embarrassment I might have faced.
I was glad the gym teacher pushed everyone so hard, because it kept my peers distracted from me. It made this class into the happiest moment of my school day, my one break (aside from my lunch pumping sessions) from harassment. After class, I always took a nice long shower after the others had gone home. Sometimes I even milked myself into the drain as the warm shower seemed to trigger my letdown reflex.
It seemed that day in the math class had been the tipping point. In the days since I suffered new levels of annoyance. Now peers, mostly girls, were not afraid to torment me. They were bold, and cruel. Some jokes, I admit, were clever. Most were dumb, and had no thought behind them other than the intent to hurt.
What irked me was that my breasts were not overly large by any means. In fact, a number of the girls bothering me probably had larger breasts. What they took offense to was the fact that I was once flat, and had broken free of that prison. Somehow my growth pissed them off in the most extreme way.

School had become hell, but I still had home to look forward to. Nice and quiet, where I could unwind. For most of my life, I had come home to do my homework right away. Nowadays, though, I found myself settling into the chair in the living room or flopping down on the couch. I had entered a period of depression. I thought having breasts would have fixed everything for me.

What a silly thought. I dismissed it as I walked in the door to my house. I had grown bolder in the past week and had stopped wearing sweaters and instead proper shirts. No fears from catastrophic milk leaking, after all. Today I was wearing a loose white button-up blouse. I retrieved my breast pump then threw my backpack down on the floor and laid down on the couch.

My breasts were starting to fill up as they tended to do after school, so I unbuttoned the blouse and revealed my bra. This bra was too small, that much I knew. I wouldn’t have any money to deal with it for another week, so I just sucked it up and went along with it. I carefully slid each breast out and over the cups that struggled to contain them. The blobs of fatty flesh poured over the edges of the bra and rested my hand on one of them. I decided then that my next bra would probably be a nursing bra, for ease of access.

I turned the TV on and flipped between house shows and food shows. Relaxing stuff and unlikely to get me too aroused. I placed the greedy pump on my right breast and started pumping away. I wasn’t full, probably only 75%, but I figured I might as well avoid the pain of being full. I couldn’t help but let out a soft moan as the device sucked my mammary dry. I really did love this thing.

I switched to the other, less-productive breast, and started draining that one as well. A few minutes later and I had emptied my breasts of their bounty. Six ounces. This meant that I could have probably been looking at around Eight ounces if I had been full. My production was definitely increasing, and that I thought was most welcome.
I placed the milk bottle in the refrigerator, hoping to drink it down later at dinner. I laid back down on the couch with my blouse open and breasts spilling out. It was a good, lazy day. A part at the back of my mind kept urging me to complete my homework, but I knew it was really no worry. School sucks, now it was me time. I zoned out to the TV as I watched a couple looking for a house in New York. I thought it would be fun to visit there someday...
There was a knock at the door and I bolted upright. Nobody ever knocked at my door. Not ever. I was perplexed. I turned the TV off and hid the pump, and then stuffed my breasts back into their bra holder and buttoned up my blouse. I stood up, straightened my hair, and went to open the door. Outside stood a classmate.
“Good afternoon, Natalie! It’s me, Mike!” said the short young man. I knew very well who he was, even though he was one of the quiet k**s.

“Oh uh, hello there Mike!” I answered. Why was he here?
“Everyone at school has been wondering for a while now about your breasts. I’ve been dying to know; are they real or are you stuffing your bra?” the boy asked.
“I uhh... I...” I stammered.

“No, it’s okay. It’s really forward. I just really wanted to know because I am pretty sure those are real. You don't have to worry, though, your secret’s safe with me.” he assured.
“They’re... they’re definitely real!” I sputtered out.

“Could I see some sort of proof? Even just a quick glance?” “I really don't think-” I started.
“I’ve got $100 for you if you take that shirt off and show me,” Mike interrupted. $100 was a lot of money for me. I could buy a nursing bra and save myself a hassle at every pumping. I could buy new clothes. I felt dirty. It was like prostitution, or at least like stripping. I needed the money, though.
“$50 now and $50 after I’m done, alright?” I offered.
“You got it, Nat,” he accepted, pulling out five ten dollar bills and handing them over to me.
Now was the hard part. I motioned for him to enter the house and closed the door behind us. I looked up at him and he had a look of pure anticipation on his face. He was pretty nice. He’d even called me Nat, a nickname I had been hoping would catch on for years. I decided that I had to go through with it since I’d accepted the money and welcomed him in.

I fumbled with the buttons on my blouse, starting from the bottom and working my way up. Towards the end, I hesitated, but I pushed on. After what felt like an eternity, I finished the final button. I pulled my blouse to the side to reveal my breasts crushed in my oppressive bra. The tops of my pillowy breasts spilled out ever so slightly over the rim of the bras like muffin tops.

“Is that good enough,” I asked nervously. This was my first time ever displaying my chest to the opposite sex. I wanted desperately for him to like it what he saw, but I still had my woes regarding modesty.
“Going to need to actually see them, sorry,” he instructed.

I sighed and reached around to unclasp my bra. I hoped he wouldn’t see the pads under the cups as I slowly removed the undergarment. My breasts bounced slightly, happy to be free. The nipples hardened rapidly due to the cool air and stood at attention, pointing slightly to either side. I was glad I had just pumped because to leak right now would be truly humiliating. I wanted the fact I was lactating kept hidden under wraps.
“Oh my goodness, they are real!” Mike exclaimed, eyes widening.

“I mean of course they are?” I asked him.
“Damn, I just lost a bet,” he announced. I froze. It hadn’t occurred that people would be betting on whether my breasts were real or not. Just as I was about to ask more questions, Mike thanked me and ran out the door, tossing $50 inside before he slammed it behind him.

I had no opinion of what had just happened apart from a sense of discomfort and confusion. He had made no indication of whether he liked what he had seen or not. Before worry depression set in, I decided enough was enough, and that I had experienced a long day. I went to the kitchen and took out two sleeping pills. It was an early bedtime for me. I reached into the fridge and downed the pills with my bottle of milk. Never stops being satisfying.
I pulled my pants and blouse off entirely, and laid down in my bed. All I had on were my panties, and to be honest they were not needed. I was simply too tired to take them off. I wrapped myself up in blankets up to the chest, set my alarm, and dozed off within minutes of my head hitting the pillow. My slumber was fairly restful but dreamless.

I woke in the middle of the night once more, wondering why I had been disturbed from my slumber. It took only a moment to realize my chest was damp, as were the sheets by my sides. I had slept through my usual late night milking and had paid the price! It was like I had wet the bed. I enjoyed the situation as fresh milk rolled down the top of my breasts. These new drops crossed paths with old trails of dry milk that had stuck to my poor soggy breasts. Clearly I had been leaking for some time if some of the milk was old enough to have dried.
There was something sexy to me about leaking milk whenever I was full, and doubly so when it resulted in my chest and sheets being soaked. I was simply too tired to retrieve my pump, or even get out of bed really, so I decided on the easiest and laziest option. I rolled over onto my right side and started squeezing my nipples.
Beads of milk shot out, some landing an inch away, and others a foot away. The nearest ones continued to soak my sheets, while the others went as far away as the hardwood floor next to the bed. I would clean in the morning, I told myself. In the meantime, I doused my bed with a few ounces of warm milk. Once I felt I had emptied my tits to a satisfying level, I laid back down to doze off again. Perhaps I should keep my pump at my bedside should a similar situation arise in the future, or at least a towel...
My alarm clock jolted me out of a brief but pleasant dream that I cannot now remember. I sat up in bed, resting my hands on dried milk stains. What I had done last night was a bit

messy, but certainly nothing that wouldn’t come out in the wash. I stood up and began my morning routine, milking myself in the shower and then in front of the sink, and again with the pump while I ate my breakfast. I was drained dry by the time I headed out for the bus.

Throughout the morning, I felt no breast-related distractions, save for the typical filling sensation I experienced just before lunch. I went to my usual low-traffic bathroom on the far side of the school and began pumping myself in one of the stalls while I ate my lunch in peace. Dessert, of course, was the bottle of warm, fresh milk that I had just pumped.
After that, I had no worries. Everyone left me to my own devices. I wondered if Mike had put the rumors to rest somehow, and perhaps I would be seen as normal now. Even in my math class with Jennifer and the rest, they simply didn’t bother me.

By the time P.E. rolled around, I was feeling pretty good with myself. This had been a good day. I ran around the track, keeping pace with some of the best runners in the class, while I smiled as I felt my breasts slowly bloat with milk as they heaved in rhythm with my movement. I was looking forward to a nice, peaceful shower in the locker rooms.
Finally, during our cooldown, the bell rang and my teacher dismissed us. As per usual, I did not take my shower with the rest of the girls. I claimed that I would take it later, at home. Half of that was true. I walked out and hid behind the bleachers, drenched in sweat and waiting for the other girls to leave. After ten minutes, everyone was gone and I returned to the locker room.

I made sure the coast was clear, and then peeled my clothes off. I tossed them on a bench and then slid my panties off and unclasped my bra. I was paranoid and afraid of being seen naked, even around other girls, so I kept them close by me. I unclasped my bra as well and hung it on a shower head along with my panties. I stood under a neighboring head and sighed with relief. It was going to be nice to take a long shower and earn my prize for the day.
With my hand I twisted the knob and turned the water up almost as high as it would go. Here, that meant pretty damn hot but not nearly scalding hot. I stood beneath the torrent of water and sighed once more with satisfaction. It was good to be me today.

After I had stood in the water for a bit, I let the faucet blast my breasts and soak them entirely as I massaged them. With both my hands, I dug in softly to the two fleshy masses protruding from my chest and kneaded slowly. This combined with warm water has always triggered my letdown reflex and would let me hand express pretty quickly. Just as I had hoped, the moment I began squeezing my nipples, they started gushing warm milk right down into the drain below. I continued for a minute or two, almost lost in my own little world, before I was interrupted by a door opening.
I freaked out and shut the faucet off, throwing my bra on first for safety. I clasped it tight and then pulled my panties on over. Just as they reached my hips, three girls walked around the

corner. Mikayla, Mary, and Jennifer at the lead. I cursed under my breath that I had decided to take a shower here, rather than take one at home.

Jennifer was a tall girl, who dwarfed my 5’6” figure. Normally it would be bad for a girl to be as tall as she was, but she was also the head cheerleader and thus secured many, many boyfriends and as much prestige as she wanted. She was also strong, muscular, and intimidating. Her breasts were actually smaller than mine, but hers were pushed up tight with a push-up bra, and her tanned skin, tight ass, and long blonde hair tended to be all a man needed to be entranced.

“What do you want?” I asked as the cheerleaders approached. I was soaking wet, and practically naked, with just a bra and panties to wear. Worse, I was mid-milking and I was certain my letdown was not yet finished. Whatever was gonna happen here had better happen fast.

“We wanna know where you got those tits of yours. You’ve been flat for as long as anybody can remember, but a few weeks ago you decide to start getting big? You have to have breast implants, there’s no way those things are natural,” Jennifer stated. The girls grew closer and I grew more afraid by the second.
“Just leave me alone, please. I’m not trying to upstage you guys or anything. Look, Mikayla, you’re bigger than I am by a longshot, and Mary, you’re the same size,” I reasoned.
“You’re so much bigger than you were before, and that’s all that matters, you little slut,” she hissed.
“Please, just go,” I pleaded.

“No, we came here to find out why you’re big now. There’s been all kinds of rumors floating around, that you were stuffing your bra or that you had implants. Mike busted the theory about you stuffing, so we need to confirm you’ve got implants so we can laugh even harder at you,” the cheerleader continued.
“Just go, okay, just go, it really doesn’t matter,” I begged. I tried to make a beeline for the exit, but Mikayla grabbed my arm tightly, and Mary soon captured my other. The two pinned me up against the wall as I panted and my breasts heaved.
“You know, there’s one interesting theory floating around that might be the only other explanation,” she teased.
“W-what’s that?” I stammered. What could she possibly have in mind?

“My mom works at the store you’re always buying bras from. She said you bought a new bra every two weeks, and nursing pads from her. She also said you stole a breast pump. So is that it, are your tits full of milk, mommy? How big are they gonna get?” the woman teased. The other girls just about fell over in laughter while I went cold as ice and white as a sheet.

“Did you not like that? Are we gonna call you mommy? Was it a miscarriage or what?”
“No, no it’s not anything like that!” I shouted. I almost couldn’t believe that Jennifer’s mom was that cruel lady who worked at the department store... but of course it made perfect sense.
“Sure it wasn’t. Anyway, my bet’s on plastic. Those are obviously full of silicone, and a really poor boob job at that,” she continued, “Girls, let’s find out what they’re made of!” she shouted.
With that as their signal, both girls reached around to unclasp my bra with their free hands. I struggled but within seconds they had unhooked my bra. Jennifer reached forward and pulled it off my chest, tossing it to the side. I looked down at my chest, thankful no milk had appeared just yet. I looked back up and to my sides to see that all the girls had gone wide-eyed.

“Definitely a poor boob job, you can see how they’re a bit saggy,” Mikayla suggested.
“Probably right, look there’s a scar!” Mary said, pointing at a vein on my breast.
“Alright, time to put you to the test. This’ll be just like those mammograms you’ve never gotten at the doctor before, tiny-tits,” Jennifer announced.

The cheerleader reached out with her hand and touched my breast. I wanted to scream and shout and struggle but I knew if I did, then I would risk leaking milk as my tits bounced around. Still, I was in danger with Jennifer touching my chest. I was frightened, but the slightest bit turned on despite that. What started as a light touch soon turned into groping as Jennifer dug into my tits, likely searching for implants. When none were found, she stepped back, dumbfounded.

“What the hell, these aren’t plastic?” she shouted. The other two girls started pinching at my breasts to confirm.
“I told you they weren’t, you fucking asshole!” I screamed. I kicked her between the legs and she doubled over in pain. The other two girls pinned me harder against the wall. What happened next seemed to happen in slow motion.
Jennifer stood back up and balled her hand up into a fist and launched it with all the force she could muster into my right breast. I screamed in pain as it had hurt on two levels - being punched hard always hurts, but she had hit my milk-filled breast. The punch itself had compressed my milk ducts, and just as her hand broke contact, milk began spraying out of my right nipple, blasting Jennifer and Mary in their faces. Everyone went silent.

“You fucking cow. I should have known my mother was right,” Jennifer announced. She reached forward and tugged on my nipples with both hands and was greeted by sprays of milk that landed at my feet. At this point I could hold it no longer and I burst into tears.

“You’re a cow and that’s what we’re going to call you!” Mary shouted, wiping the milk off her face with disgust.
“Natalie’s got udders! She’s a big fat cow!” Mikayla yelled, laughing.

“This shit is fucking disgusting, you fucking creep. Why the fuck are you even lactating?” Jennifer asked, wiping milk off her own face.
“I-I uhh...,” I started.

“You know what, I don't even want to know. Get the fuck out of here. Go home. Can’t wait until you get to school tomorrow, you fat cow,” Jennifer interrupted. She pointed toward the door and the girls let go of me. I gathered up my belongings and sprinted out of there, changing into my undergarments as I ran. I didn’t stop running until I reached my house, eight blocks away, tears streaming down my face the whole time.

I locked myself in my house, and turned off all the lights. I sat in darkness at my desk, pondering the future. Worrying, mostly. News was going to spread like crazy, I would never live this down. No girl my age lactated, I would be the butt of every joke. I could face even worse humiliation than I had today.

I removed my shirt and bra, and leaned over my wooden desk. My breasts were not properly milked, and my right breast was sore and beginning to bruise. They were still half full, and with my afternoon and evening milk beginning to arrive. I cursed my breasts for the pain they were causing me and wished that I was still flat. My tears intensified as I struggled to cope with what had happened and how my life might unfold. My life was ruined.

With each sob, my breasts bounced and milk oozed in response. The milk gushing out of my sulking nipples mirrored the tears in my eyes. Eventually my tears and the milk ran together as the puddle pooled on the table against my chest, which was now slumped against it. I had been having so much fun with the pleasure, the excitement, and the routine of these growing breasts and the milk that came with them. Yet they had effectively destroyed any chance of me graduating as a normal student.

How would I ever go back to school now? I could quit right now, just drop out and figure out something to do instead. That wasn’t acceptable though, I was a star student and I knew it. My grades may have been slipping lately, but I still had the option of online classes. I just had to finish the term off and then I could graduate. I could spend all day at home, in peace, and still make it.

My academic worries began to evaporate, but my worrisome mind led me back to the loneliness I was forced to live in. I knew I was never going to find a regular man being a mess like this. If I wanted a normal man, then I needed normal breasts, not these milking monsters.

Then it struck me.
I wanted a normal man. I wasn’t a normal woman. Perhaps I needed to broaden my horizons and look for a man who wasn’t necessarily normal, but who would love me for what I am. One great big milky mess with a bit of a growing problem.

I needed a man with a... fetish? A fetish for women like me. There had to be some out there, considering all the lactation porn that I had seen recently. There must be some sort of dating community where I could find a man interested in me. I just needed someone, so I wouldn’t be alone anymore. I would find that someone, someday.
Armed with these two thoughts in hand, I felt somewhat more optimistic about my future. It still seemed to be in the gutter, but perhaps it was salvageable. I looked back down at my breasts and quickly fell in love with them again. The size that they had grown to... this milky bounty inside of them. Everything about them was fun and large and wet now. I didn’t want to change them. They were perfect the way they were, and so was I. I would graduate, find myself a partner, and make it far in my life one way or another.

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Thursday was not a terribly productive day for me. Personally, I didn’t worry about it for one minute. My world was spinning on a new axis and I relished the feeling it gave me. I realized I’d not introduced Gabrielle to Mike, even though he knew who she was. We’d agreed that she’d meet me at the store after work and we’d go to the outfitter from there. She arrived just before four o’clock, a surprise, but a pleasant one. “Mike, this is Gabrielle Lamont. Gabrielle, this is Mike Trask, long...

3 years ago
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Smooth And Silky Satisfaction In Her Lifetime

I’m Sujay, aged 25 years, in my final year Post Graduation in Bangalore. After reading my story titled “Unforgettable Marathon Sex” here in Indian sex stories , a couple of months back, a girl, in her late 20’s, 28 to be exact, mailed me giving a feedback saying it was very romantic to read the story. I thanked her for her feedback and she asked me how the experience was. I replied it was the best I have ever had and the other girl was in heaven for 2 days and it was literally a heaven for both...

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A Feeling So Right

He watched her as he sat in her recliner in the living room. The television was on, the control in his hand, but he only had eyes for her. She busied herself with the dishes, had been busy all day with little things here and there. Her hands were hidden in the suds, her mind lost in thought. He smiled to himself as he noticed the way she was worrying her lower lip . . . obviously her thoughts were on the naughty side. Her gaze was fixed out the window, seemingly into the neighbors driveway, but...

4 years ago
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Fun Times with Friends on Saturday April 3 2010

Fun Times with Friends on Saturday, April 3, 2010 Chapter One I’ve been thinking about it ever since he called. “Hi babe. How are you doing?” he said in that low sexy voice of his. I checked the caller ID for his name and then I knew for sure that it was him. “Oh, Eric, hello lover, I’ve missed you very much,” I said in return, wishing that I would’ve thought of something more clever or enticing to say. Eric continued, “Hey, I’m going to be in town this weekend and I was wondering if you’d...

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The ParkersChapter 20 Trying girls

Sally Parker was nervous. And, also, curious. So she was watching everything and everybody as she entered that club, that Monday night. It was her first time in a lesbian club. And part of her, despite the fact that she had no less than two bisexual sisters (and one bisexual brother!) still thought that it wasn't "natural" for girls and girls to be together. But there was the promise of pleasure. Matt had asked her to do this, for him and, so far, everything he had suggested had been so...

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Spanish vacation

It had been a while since our last beach holiday and we had chosen somewhere nice on the coast of Spain. Our first day on the beach was very relaxing and we had an early night after the previous days travel. The second day Linda went topless on the beach, not wanting tan lines and telling me that tanned tits were so hot. That day the beach sellers were around a lot more, ogling Linda’s ripe breasts. That night Linda was the one who initiated sex, she was so wet when I went down on her pussy....

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Bhabhi ada par hum phida

Hello! Main Ratan age 30 h 175 w70 tool size 5″ meri kahani bahut simple hai. Mujhe jyada paresani nahi hui. Kahani es prakar se ghati. Meri bhabhi dikhane main badi khubsurat to nahi hai lekin sexy bahut hai. Usaka rang savala hai unchai 170 cm hai usaki choonchi do do kilo ki hai. Main jab nashik me aya to mujhe rahane ke liye ghar ki jarurat thi main hamesa news paper main add dekhata tha ek din mujhe ek add dikha news paper main ki paying guest chahiye aur main us address par gaya darwaja...

3 years ago
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Papaji Ke Saath Sex Anubhav

Mai ek higher educated family se belong karti hu.Mera naam reetika hai dosto aaj mai apni life se bahut paresaan hokar aap logo ki help ke liye apni real position rakh rhi hu please sugess me. Mai kya karu..Mera naam reetika hai meri saadi retd. Army officer ke bete raajev ke saath hui.Hamari family me hum teen hi log the meri mother in law rajeev ke bachpan me hi exp. Kar gai thi.Hamara ek beta bhi hai 4 saal ka aarav.Rajeev ek pratisthit company me quality controller ki job karte hai . Unki...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Nina Elle The Exchange Student

My son is in college and we signed him up for the student exchange program. I’m a stay at home mom and I love when these cute young boys from all over the world show up so I can flirt with them while my boring husband is away. It was finally the day when Anthony arrived from Paris. Soon after he settled, I couldn’t help myself and started flirting with him. He was very nervous in the situation; which I found so hot. And it was exactly how I like it. I was wearing sexy heels and a...

3 years ago
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Teaching Carol Ch 8

Teaching Carol, Ch. 8 By Zen Mackie When Carol told me that she was going to have to make a presentation on Parent’s Night at her school I knew I’d have to do something to make it memorable for her. I didn’t tell her I was planning to attend; I simply arrived at her room about half an hour before the meeting was supposed to begin. She answered my knock on the door in a dress of dark maroon silk—or some fabric that looked like silk. It was very conservative in cut and came down past her knees....

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Miss Teresas Beauty School

I wrote this story as a narrative and I made it into a 45 minute audio story. The Interview: Come in, I've been expecting you. I had a long talk with your boss the other day and it seems that you have a little fetish for women's underwear, isn't that right? In fact-you've been caught stealing things from the other girls lockers. Mostly their panties and pantyhose. Is it just too hard to be the only man at an all girl company? Do you want to be more like the other girls? Is that the problem...

4 years ago
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Saritha and her uncle in lodge

Hi all. This is new story from me. This is a story told by Saritha, servant to my grandma. She is 23 now. She is very cute with very blessed figure.(I saw once while she was bathing ).When I came to visit my grandma at Thrissur, we became friends. During our little chats, she told me this incident. Saritha belongs to a poor but joint family in Kottayam in kerala. Her father died when Saritha was 11.After that, her uncle (father’s brother) Sukumaran looks after her family matters. Saritha is a...

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Its Bigger Than a Pinky

It was my wife’s Christmas party for her job. She said it was important for me to be there with her. “Why?” “Because I always get hit on at work. Because the men there seem to think my husband would be small like me. Because the women keep telling me about their affairs at work and how hung their men are. Because they keep trying to get me to cheat on you like they are with their husbands. And because I am proud of you and want to let everyone know that you are mine and I am yours.” “OK. I...

3 years ago
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Davids Plight

David Dawson could not believe his luck that week. His mother and her new husband were going on a three week trip to Europe. His new step-sister would be in charge. Shelia was a twenty-two year old student. For a sixteen year old boy David saw nothing but blue skies for three weeks. David loved to play hard and work little. His father had been killed when David was six and left the family well off. David would spend most of time doing nothing. In the summer he partied with his...

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adult book store

There's an adult bookstore by my house that I would go to all the time to buy magazines art. I had been there numerous times and always just got the magazines and left. Well one night I'm in there and I see numerous people going to the hallway and to the arcade. Now I pictured this like a bunch of people in one room, but I was curious so I walked down there. They had all the video covers in a glass case and what channel they were on. So i find a booth where you latch a rope for privacy then...

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A New Style of Education Part 11

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Part 11 Jill and Anna looked rather apprehensive as we walked from the car towards the main entrance. Their hands, which they had held all the way from Milton Keynes, were still firmly conjoined. "That must have been very difficult," I said to them. "I didn't know about the rule when I joined and neither did any of the other students." "Jill couldn't have stayed at home any longer," said Anna, "and I would hate to loose Jill. I...

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Teacher Needs It

The bell rang. I began to put away my papers and notes, stopping now and then to acknowledge a goodbye or answer a quick question. ‘Hi, Ms. Jay!’ I heard someone in the hall say as Tina walked into the room. She was a popular teacher at our high school. Tina was in her mid-twenties and as cute as a button. She was wearing what I call ‘a woman’s suit.’ It was a Navy jacket, white top with a short skirt. ‘What’s up?’ I asked her as she walked intothe room. ‘I’ve got the Chapter 12 Test and the...

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The Glass Elevator

I am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here. co-workersChelsea tries to resist the charms of Jeremy,her jackass co-worker. I had to shake my head as Jeremy Pax came into the teachers’ lounge. I was under the impression that the new person always has to earn their place — you know, serve their time before they were accepted among the supremely ignorant with degrees, or at least that’s how I think of the staff at the elementary school I work for. It...

4 years ago
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The nymphs of summer

Sweet! Wonderful! Finally we were here. And what brilliant weather! I stepped out of the back seat of my fathers BMW and was surprised by the heat that met me. The car's air conditioning had been turned down to an almost unnecessarily low temperature, and now the heat that I felt upon me was similar I envisaged to that of the desert. At home it had been a bit cloudy, but out here near the coast I could see a single cloud in the sky. I had followed my parents to the summer house they had bought...

Group Sex
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Sex Adventures Of HR Trainer 8211 Ooty

Hi everyone myself Maddy currently working in Chennai as HR . I’m a person who love sex always I never forced a girl for sex also never missed a chance to enjoy. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories enjoying stories posted here.Thanks for your feedback mails and messages in hangouts for my first story. This is my second story and more to come, kindly pardon my mistakes send your feedback to Let’s come to the story it happened a month ago December 2015, you guys remember swetha the girl...

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Runaway TrainChapter 51

“Hey, let’s take a step back,” Jill said. “I’d try to stop him. I really think this will be fun. Cabo is a fun place!” “I’m sure it is,” I said. “I’m not talking about the specific activity. I’m talking about a disturbing habit that’s developing. I know where she learned it so I can’t even be pissed at Liz. We talked about this trip a hundred times. None of you mentioned barhopping or clubbing as a nightly ritual. If you had, I’d have stayed in San Diego and you could have come down without...

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Rincy having sex with 2 bus drivers

Hi readers..This is the most exciting experience of my good friend, Rincy, whom I helped to draft this blog. Enjoy..!I am Rincy, a happily married, working woman in Bangalore. I am 27, got married in 2016 to a kinky hubby who played a major role in fulfilling my dark fantasies. I love watching hot porn movies and erotic blogs and read many such blogs from various websites. It was my hubby who introduced me to the world of porn and sex blogs and later I got addicted to it. He keep telling me...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Natasha Starr I Caught My Wife Fucking The Help

Natasha Starr stops by the jobsite to check on how work is progressing. Isiah Maxwell tells her he’s almost done and shows Natasha around. Natasha is extremely happy with the work so far. Getting a horny look in her eye, she tells Isiah that since her husband isn’t around at the moment, she wants to thank Isiah for all his hard work. She has the PERFECT way to thank him, getting on her knees and sliding his cock down her throat. Natasha just LOVES showing Isiah how much she...

4 years ago
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Just A Little Help 2 The Start

Just A Little Help 2 - The Start I'm so confused, I really don't know what to do, I'm in a house that I don't know, in a body that I don't know, with a life that I don't know. Wait, let me think one second, if the angel face is the brunette hooker, maybe I'm the blond one. I look around to find a room, a big room, two beds, a huge wardrobe behind me, in front of me a big desk, with many girlie things on that and a mirror. Now is time to face the fear, I stand up noticing my...

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A Rose By Any Other Name

We’ve been friends for a while, Jack Hart and I. Neither one of us in a steady relationship and Jack always counting on me to fix him up with someone, ‘like you, Rose, but not like you.’ I knew what he meant by that and I was never really hurt by it. Trying to set him up with friends and acquaintances. But things were changing. My feelings began to change towards him and today of all days was my first Valentine’s Day without anyone. I was in a relationship that lasted over 3 years. It was...

2 years ago
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My Mommy and my best friend 8211 part 2

My Mommy and my best friend – Part 2 *** Moms budding sexual extravaganza *** Hi iss readers… This is Jeeva, back with my story’s next part. First of all I would like to thank you all for the lovely mails that I got from you people. The readers who haven’t read the first part can follow this link.. Do send your precious comments to http://indiansexstories2.net/stories/Incest/my_mommy_and_my_best_friend__part_i_136735.html Before we start, lemme present you one more fact about my moms...

3 years ago
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The Polish Pecker and his Girlfriend

Finally – a recount of what happened at the encounter with the Polish Pecker and his girlfriend. Things have been a little hectic of late and with the disruption to normal life in August, I have not been able to get around to this. In fact I have not been screwing around for the last four months and it is really only with my trip to New York a couple of weeks ago that I got my va va voom back and am now firmly in the saddle again.So, the PP and I had been messing around for a couple of weeks...

2 years ago
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BBW at the Sex Party

Everybody knows what's up at a sex party. Everybody knows who's married and who's not, who's kinky and who's not. Who has the dick the ladies want, and who has the pussy the men want. Nobody there is looking like a supermodel. But everybody there is looking to fuck.At this one party, all the men seemed to be paying attention to this one black lady. Deep dark olive-tone skin, gold tooth, bad perm, big belly, big fat ass. Anywhere else she wouldn't have even gotten a first look. But tonight, she...

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Yankee Swap Chapter 11 Sunday

Yankee Swap, Chapter 11: Sunday Connie didn't wait for Kim to show up at her house Sunday morning. She came in at 7:05 bearing coffee. "Up!" she commanded. "OK Connie, relax! I'm not a Quidditch broom you know!" But Kim did get out of bed. She was wearing a very soft blue tank top dress as a nightgown. Connie had given it to her when they got home from the salon. "Thanks again for this - it worked perfectly as a nightgown." "Nothing's too good for my Kim!" Put on...

2 years ago
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Anita pays a bet again

Anita pays a bet again.When we lived in L.A., my dear Victor used to play poker with friends on Friday.That was Friday night and my loving hubby had promised me a romantic dinner outside to celebrate his new promotion in the firm.So, I was in my bedroom thinking to wear a little black dress, a sexy garter belt and stockings with sexy high heels. My cunt started to get wet thinking a sensual night after the romance…I was in the process of completing my hair and makeup when the doorbell rang.I...

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Maria and I while babysitting

I've known Maria since I was about 3, and have seen each other maybe 6 or 7 times a year every year. We are now both 17. For so long I could only think of Maria as just a great friend whom I had done so much with and knew so well. But as I hit teens, like many boys of that age, my mind began playing with the sexual scenarios we might have. She began to grow small but well-formed breasts and she became overall curvier. It was late spring and my family were visiting hers. We are the each...

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Thanksgiving BBC

The Thanksgiving Holiday brings back so many memories for me. Eight years ago I left my small town on the east coast to attend college in the Midwest. I was pretty good in basketball and my parents made damn sure I was pretty good with the books as well. When I received a basketball scholarship to attend college it came as no surprise to anyone. To my disappointment my first year I was red shirted. I spent my freshman year hitting the books and chasing skirts. My second (red shirt freshman for...

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My Wife The Assassin

My name is Brett. I’m 28 years old and married. My wife and I live in a nice two-story house in Reno, Nevada. Sounds pretty normal so far, right? Well, it’s about to get abnormal. My wife is a professional assassin. Her name is Deborah and she’s the most extraordinary woman I’ve ever known. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman – confident, smart, beautiful, powerful, athletic, and feminine. I consider myself the luckiest guy in the world to be married to her. Debbie is 32 years old,...

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Amazing Grace Part Five Chapters 1720

Chapter SeventeenMac woke up to an empty bed and felt discombobulated for a moment. Then, he grabbed his phone and saw that it was only 5:30 a.m.“Grace?”When no reply came, he got out of bed and wandered into the living room. There she was with a cup of tea in her hands while staring intently at her laptop.“Babe? What are you doing up so early?” he asked.“Oh, sorry. I hope I didn’t wake you. I’m just rearranging the slides for this morning’s presentation. I woke up and couldn’t fall back...

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MommysGirl Cadence Lux Mona Wales The Science Experiment

Teen Cadence Lux is frustrated by her science experiment. She sticks two electrodes to her forehead to record her biofeedback, and inputs different values into the program she designed on her computer, attempting to signal the body to feel a range of emotional responses such as anger, fear and hunger. But her experiment is not producing results, until she drops the pads onto her lap. She retries the experiment on her pelvis and is amazed by the intensity of the electrical impulses surging...

3 years ago
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The Chronicles of Arthur Hawk Part 2 A Shower With My Sisters Friend

I stood in Sarah's shower and attempted to move or speak, but my entire body had locked up. All I could do was stand and panic as I attempted to cover my junk, which despite the situation had already started to grow again at the sight of Sarah in her bikini top and a pair of jean shorts she had thrown on after losing the bottom of her suit. "I....I.....I...." I repeated the syllable about a dozen times in an attempt to explain my situation but my mouth refused to produce a legible...

4 years ago
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OMG What a dream come true

Sudden pleasure for all Yesterday in my studio DING DING DING my phone was getting blown up with messages. OMG, my little clitlit started leaking under my panties as I opened the photos. The message read “Just like you” It was from Jimmy (previous stories about him) the high school boy that started doing yard work for me years ago and turned into a wonderful thing. He looked so cute on his knees in the school basement storage room with a cock in his mouth. The same room I would go to give the...

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Sugartits sister Saviour

You may be asking how I ended up in this position. As always, the answer is money...A lack of it, in this case. I was let go from my job, and I had been behind on rent because of it. I could barely afford it with the job, let alone without. I had asked some friends for money since my birthday was coming up, and they talked to some acquaintances who ended up talking with some unpleasant people from the past. You could call them bullies since that was what they were and I suppose they still...

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BrattySis Harley Haze Scarlet Skies Some Dick Would Make You Less Stuck Up Stepsister

Juan Loco walks in on his stepsister Harley Haze and her friend Scarlet Skies having an interesting chat. He tries to insert himself into the conversation, but it just annoys the girls. They dismissively tell Juan that they were talking about how easy it is to get a guy off. Harley looks Juan in the eye and tells him she could get him off in two minutes, which is scandalous to Scarlet but in a really titillating way. It’s not long before Scarlet gets Harley to admit that she has sex...

1 year ago
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When the Subs are Ready the Master Will Cum

When the Subs Are Ready, the Master Will CumNancy, my wife, and I had just entered the nice hotel suite I had rented for us on the sixth floor. The view out the windows showed the city lights and the last vestige of the sunset. We were both horny, as I had promised her a “sexual surprise” for the evening. I refused to give her any clue what it might be. Soon, we were on the bed, making out and losing our clothing piece by piece.If I knew then what I know now, would I have done it? I don’t know....

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The wifes promotion

Works Christmas party 1992. Promotion for my wife was not a certainty she'd have to go to an interview in the new year, but she really wanted this job more then anything. At the works Christmas party the party was held in the office. Food was brought in and everyone was told to take a bottle in and the party would start at 12 noon and finish at 7pm.My wife, Donna was 17 stone, 5'6", 44DD tits and this day she was dressed in a black dress, black stockings and red knickers. The first part of the...

1 year ago
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Sex Education To My Female Friend

As I said I was in 12th standard so we had many chapters about sex educations. I had a friend of mine who had a huge boobs believe me there were as huge as watermelons and also a busty ass. She used to sit beside me we were good friends and frank enough. I use to masturbate by thinking about her. Once we had a debate competition and I and she was in a group. For the same purpose she use to cone to my house to discuss about the topics and when she use to come there would be no one in my...

2 years ago
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Encounter With DestinyChapter 10

"What a funny little creature! That girl must surely be a special order - she is not even as pretty as the house slaves." "Special? Very - very special indeed, monsignor ... or should I now say 'your eminence'?" "Ahh, Stephen, not yet - I am just a humble member of the Curia until the formal proclamation." The portly, bespectacled man smiled as they both looked through the two-way mirror at the naked, cowering girl desperately trying to adopt position after position as quickly as...

3 years ago
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My New LifeChapter 4

That Thursday morning it was hard for me to get up on time. I had a hang over from all of the drinking and I was worn out from the late night of sex. In spite of all this I managed to get to work on time. I got a strong cup of coffee and settled in to clean up all of my phone calls and e-mails that I didn't get to on Wednesday. I was just beginning to feel a little better when Bob arrived to finish his purchasing list. I said, "Good morning Bob. How you feeling this morning?" He said,...

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