My Choice free porn video

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My Choice By Jennifer Allison A scream vibrated through the mall. "My wife must have just woke up from her hypnotic trance," a man said to himself, sitting on a bench near the ladies bathroom. I was the one who let out this loud scream. I awoke from a sleep looking at someone I had never seen before. Staring back at me in the mirror. What I found staring back at me was a beautiful twenty-four year old woman. Wearing a blouse showing off plenty of cleavage. Wearing a mini skirt showing off an hour class figure. My very feminine looking legs were incased in a pair of sheer black pantyhose. I was wearing on my feet a pair of high heels with 4 inch heels. When I lifted my skirt to see if I lost anything else. I found I was all woman. I could even feel my slit and see some pubic hair through my lacy top panty hose. What the problem was: The last thing I remembered was that I was a twenty- three year old male, with a nine inch dick. My memory started coming back to me. It started by finding an advertisement in one of those smut magazines I like reading. I found it in the Boys Who Want to be Girls magazine. It Read: Become the Girl of your Dreams The cost will be reasonable and six years of your new life. Please send a legal Stamped Self Addressed Envelope with a recent photo. Expect a reply from us within four weeks. We will inform you of your acceptance or denial in our program. Figuring I would never be accepted I sent in my envelope and photo. Four weeks to the day. I received my SSAE back. I had been accepted. In the letter was a bus ticket to a city out of state. A letter stated if I wanted to continue the program, or seek more information about the program. I should use the bus ticket, if not return the ticket with the provided SSAE. They also asked for to me call a 1-800 number and leave a message with my arrival time if I was coming. It also stated to bring enough money to pay for the return ticket if I decided not to go through with the program. It took me six weeks to work up enough courage to make that call. I left the next morning. Arrived at three in the afternoon. A very good looking woman in a mini skirt and showing off a lot of cleavage was holding a sign with my name on it. "I am Dean." "I am Tina, please come with," she didn't say another word to me. I was taken to a place in the country about five miles outside the city limits. Tina escorted me to an office where I meet a Kenneth Sawyer. "Hi, my name is Ken Sawyer." "Hi." Mr. Sawyer must have heard something in my reply. "May I ask you a question?" he asked. "Why did you send us the SSAE envelope?" "I don't really know. I just wanted to see what would happen. To tell you the truth I didn't expect to be accepted," I replied to his questions. "Did you bring enough money for your return ticket?" he asked. "Yes I did." "What I would like to do now is explain what Dream Girl is. How we plan to make you a dream girl. How much it will cost you in the long run." "What about my old life and how will you make me a dream girl. Will I just walk out the door, a boy dressed up as a girl?" "I will explain everything. When I am done you will have until eight o'clock tomorrow morning to make up your mind if you want to be a dream girl." "What will happen if I decide against your proposal?" I asked. "You'll be taken back to the bus station. But, before you leave you'll be put in a hypnotic trance. In this trance, you'll be given commands that will make you forget everything dealing with Dream Girl. This way we can control who knows anything about Dream Girl." "That is okay with me." "First you'll be given one of three choices. 1- Stay as you are and leave in the morning. 2- Become all woman with all the right equipment. 3- Become a she/male. A woman with a body of a woman with a dick between her legs. Would you like to see some of our handiwork?" Ken asked. "Yes, please," I replied. "Tina could you come in here, please?" Ken said over the intercom. Turning back towards me, "Tina just completed her program. Tomorrow she will start her new life on the outside." The same gorgeous chick that had met me at the bus station walked into the office. "This is what Tina looked like a little over a year ago." Ken said, handing me a picture. I found myself looking at a picture of a guy, with acne scars on his face. We all know the type. If he had ever been on a date, it was a blind date, because he couldn't get a date any other way. If he had gone to his prom, he would have gone alone. "Tina, show Dean what you are hiding under your skirt?" asked Ken. Tina proceeded to pull up her skirt and pull down her panty hose. To my amazement I found myself staring at an eight inch dick at full erection. "Tina decided to become a she/male. You may leave until I call you again, Tina." "Dream Girl can do that for me?" I asked, sounding almost like I was begging. "Yes we can." Thinking over what I had just seen. I had to ask a question that had been bothering me ever since I received the letter of acceptance from Dream Girl. "Something has bothered me since I received your letter. Why Me?" I asked. "With all the people in the world. Why did you pick me in just four weeks from just my photo?" "Your photo was used for the decision if you were going onto the next step, only. Step 2 was an investigation into your life. The PI we use in your area just finished a case and she was able to start looking into your case right away." "That still doesn't answer my question, why me?" "Why is from what the PI found. You are a loner, with few friends who would worry if you disappeared suddenly. Same as at work. If you don't show up at work in two days, they will just figure you found something better and didn't tell anybody. You also have no family to speak of. So you are just prefect for our program." "So what will happen if I do decide to become a dream girl?" "Tomorrow morning you will be put in a hypnotic trance. You will stay in this trance for a year. Just like Tina has done. During this year will be made the required changes in your body structure. While we are doing this, you will be learning how to pass as a woman in public. If you decide to become all woman, at the ninth month you will have your operation." "What if I decide to be a she/male?" I wanted to know both sides. "The same except for the tenth month you have a minor surgery regarding your dick." "My dick? Why would you do something to my dick," I wanted to know. "We make it so you have a hard on all the time. Almost all of the she/male's husbands want a hard on, on their wives all the time." "Husbands, you make the she/males get married?" This came as a complete shock to me. "All of our Dreams Girls will be married when they leave here. That is part of the deal." "I think you had better explain these marriages in more details." "Dream Girl isn't a nonprofit company nor it is run by some rich millionaire. There are men out there who want to marry women who were once men, or those women with dicks still between their legs. They will pay handsomely for their special woman." "So if I decide to do the program. I can plan on being someone wife with no way of getting out this marriage." "No, you will have a chance to get out of this marriage. All that is required of you is: Spend five years married to husband. At the time of the marriage your husband and you will sign a prenuptial agreement. Saying that if the marriage doesn't work out he will pay you $20,000 a year for each year of the marriage." "So I will become someone sex slave for at least five years," I inquired. "No you will become someone's wife with all of the wifely responsibilities: kitchen, the house and the bedroom. Just like a normal wife, unless you decide to do something else." "What about a she/male marriage?" I wanted to know both sides. "There are some men who like to fuck and be fucked also. The difference between the two choices is what happens in the bedroom." "What happens after the five years?" "You can stay married if the your husband and you decide too. Otherwise, anything you want. Are there any more questions?" "No, I have all I need to make my decision." "Oh, I forgot to tell you. There are five other men making the same decision you are making tonight." Speaking into the intercom. "Tina, could you come here. Tina will show you to your room. Then show you how to make your decision." "Will I see you again?" "Not really. No if you decide to go home. If you decide to do the program, I will be around but you won't know me." Tina didn't say a word as she led me away. After walking for about five minutes, we stopped by a door. It had no doorknobs. Tina opened the door with a pressure switch in the door jam. "This is your bedroom for the whole time you are with Dream Girl. One night or the whole program. The door switch will not work after midnight, unless there is an emergency." Pointing down the hall. "The common room is down the hall. The other doors in this hall lead to the other bedrooms." "What do I do to let my decision be known?" I asked. "Do you see the two teddies laying on your bed? One is pink the other blue." "Yes I do," I replied. "If you decide to become a she/male like I am. Put on the blue teddy. If you want to become all woman, put on the pink. You will given until six in the morning to make up your mind." "What do I do with the clothes I am wearing if I decide to join the program?" I asked. "You will find a laundry chute in the bathroom, use it." Tina then left me standing there, with the biggest decision in my life. So I procrastinated. I decided to head for the common room instead, to meet the others. What I found was five different clicks. Five different people doing five different things. "Hi, my name is Dean." I said. I was ignored. I could see that two of them had already made their decision. One was wearing a pink teddy and the other was wearing a blue teddy. An hour later Tina and another dream girl came back with our supper. "I know there isn't much. The girls starting the program will need to start their diets," said Tina, when she was asked why there wasn't much on the plates. Fifteen minutes after we finished supper one of those still dressed in their manly clothes left. He or should I say she returned ten minutes later wearing a blue teddy. By nine-thirty I had decided I wanted to be a dream girl. My problem was I couldn't decide which one I wanted to be. A woman or a she/male. After spending another thirty minutes tying to make up my mind. I decided to let lady luck make up my mind for me. So I returned to my room. Then took off my clothes and dropped them down the laundry chute. Then taking the two teddies and then turning off the light, I then twirled the teddies so I couldn't tell which one was which. I stopped after a minute and dropped the teddy in my left hand done the laundry chute. Then I climbed into the remaining teddy. Turning on the light, I found myself wearing the pink teddy. When I returned to the common room. I found the others had gone to bed. "Time to get up girls. We need to get you all started on the road to womanhood. There are four of you in the class." It took a couple moments for me to realize where I was. "Before serving breakfast we need to get you started on the program. So what I want you to do is: walk down the hallway from the door you entered the sleeping quarters until you reach a door blue in color. Enter this room and sit down and then wait until you are called into the other room." The others just glanced at my direction as I joined them outside my bedroom. Entering the room of the blue door, we found a room with six chairs and another door. As we sat down, a voice said, "Richard, please enter the other room." Richard was one of two dressed in a blue teddy. Fifteen minutes later Richard returned. He had taken off the teddy and replaced it with a training bra and a pair of lace panties. He came over to us and said. "Hi my name is Elizabeth and I am a girl." "Sam." Sam was the other pink. As it happened with Richard. Sam returned and announced. "Hi my name is Suzanne and I am a girl." "Phil." Fifteen minutes later. Veronica announced herself to us. "Dean." I knew what was going to happen to me, but I still walked thru that door. I noticed at what looked like a dentist chair in the middle of the room, but without dental equipment. Lying on the chair was a set of earphones. "Dean, the first thing I want you to do is take off your teddy, then come over to audio tapes and pick one and put it in the cassette recorder. Then lay down in the chair and put the earphones on." As I did this, I wondered where would I get my feminine name from. Three minutes after I put on the earphones I was in a hypnotic trance. "Hello Melinda. I want to welcome you to Dream Girl. Who are you? What are you?" "My name is Dean. I am a boy." "No you are not. Your name is Melinda and you are a girl." Over and over the tape kept repeating. "Your name is Melinda and you are a girl." Finally it asked. "Who are you? What are you?" "My name is Mean and I am a goy." "Your name is Melinda and you are a girl." Over and over again it went. Then those two questions again. "Who are you? What are you?" "My name is Melan and I a giry." "Your name is Melinda and you are a girl." Again it went on, over and over again. "Who are you and what are you?" "I am Melinda and I am a girl." "Who are you?" "I am Melinda and I am a girl." "Good girl. I now want you to do something for me. It will show the trance is in effect." "What?" "Shoot a load of cum." Without touching myself I started squirting cum. "Now Melinda I want you put on your training bra and panties and go out and announce yourself to your girlfriends." "Hi, my name is Melinda and I am a girl." It is now a year later. I find myself in the ladies room at the mall staring at one beautiful woman. Looking at my left hand I found an engagement and wedding ring on my ring finger. Knowing my husband was outside waiting for me. I still walked out of the ladies room. I found a man in his mid- thirties, slightly overweight standing just under six foot waiting for me. "Melinda?" "Yes." "I am Victor your husband. Let's go home." He then bent down and kissed me full on the lips. Wanting to know, I asked. "Have we done it yet?" "No we haven't. Dream Girls didn't want us to have sex, until you were out of the trance. That is one of biggest reasons I want to get you home. Ever since the day I met you, I have dreamt of fucking your brains out. It has gotten so bad. I had to start masturbating before I went to sleep at night." We didn't even make it to the bedroom. As we walked through the front door, Victor pushed me to the floor. Standing over me, he started unbuckling his pants. "I can't stand it any longer," he almost screamed. "Then don't." As I said this, I pulled down the zipper to my mini skirt. We did right there in the hallway by the front door, the first time. We then proceeded to spend the next two weeks in bed enjoying each other bodies. The only time we got up from the bed was to eat or go to the restroom. That was eight years ago. Victor and I are still happily married. I still see the other Dream Girls. We meet every Thursday afternoon. We call it the bridge club. The only time we touch a deck of cards is to cut to see who our sexual partner is for that day of fun and games. Our husbands don't mind our Thursday afternoon get together. As long as the eight of us get together for more fun and games on Friday evening. I like seeing my husband as he fucks me. Have a dick up his ass and one down his throat. Or the pleasure I received when I have three dicks fucking me at the same time. Pussy, ass and mouth. THANK YOU DREAM GIRL!

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Another Punishment By Cassandra Morgan Mary Jane Williams dropped her telephone and stormed through her house with nowhere to go. She wasn't a kicker, or the cat would have been at risk. She wasn't a plate-thrower, or she would have gone thought a place-setting for four. But she was a pacer, and so Mary Jane stalked through her house, from room to room, as if to try to escape her problems. Or, to be precise, her problem. Mikey. Damn it. Couldn't she get one good kid? Just one?...

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the day i found myself loveiing 2 women at the sa

hi kerby26 here 2 months ago i found myself booking a strip party for a young women where she asked me how much for a all nighter but in her private home in manchester ..well that was great and sore no problem with that . then she asked if she could film and take photo,s at the same time i said no problem at all .so i took the booking and set the date ect . so i travelled up to manchester and found the address i went and rang the door bell as i could see though a pain of glass in the door and...

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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 11 Requiescat In Pace

April 1969, age 14 I heard Dan pounding up the stairs at full pelt, and he was at my side within seconds. Another security guy followed him, speaking into a walkie-talkie, and moments later Mrs O’Keef gripped me firmly by the arm and led me out of the room. For a lady in her late fifties, she was surprisingly strong. Caity had also appeared and was asking what was going on. All I could say was: “It’s Grandpa”. A few minutes later I heard an ambulance siren and then there were ambulance men...

1 year ago
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TransparenceChapter 13

It’s early morning and a fresh coat of snow has blanketed the city. Light filters in through the slats in the blinds. Yulia has just finished with her bath and is lying on the bed on her side. Her skin is cool and still a little damp. Curtis is behind her, rubbing her neck and shoulders. She can feel him pressed up against her completely. Yulia’s thighs are squeezed gently around his mostly erect prick. It is a nice feeling—one that makes her believe, for just a little bit, that they do not...

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TimeChapter 12

Much later the party started to break up. Pictures were taken of all the rescuers and John Jr. in my arms. I refused to have any picture taken of me without the police and, by now, our favourite mechanic. Helen asked about Aron, and I told her. She didn't seem to worry about him, for he was in good hands. I kissed faces the Italian way, or shook hands with everybody present. Mario came back out of the kitchen and I shook his hand, too. The reporters raved about his cooking and said they...

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A Passionate Family 8211 Part 2 The live sex show

Welcome back to the second part of Sai and Soundarya’s tale of a dark tragedy that befalls them and their family. Sai and Soundarya were in the room, with the door locked. Sai’s dick stuck between Soundarya’s boobs! Sai was getting a titfuck from his sister. Soundarya then took her brother’s dick in her mouth to suck. Her phone suddenly rang. It was the two guys calling her. Soundarya put the call on speaker while sucking her brother. Guy 1 – Hi sexy! We are waiting for you in my place come...

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Corsets and Boots

Boots and Corsets by Richard Head Foreword (Taken from Chapter 18) A considerable amount of nonsense has been written about Corsets and Tight Lacing over many years by authors who have no practical knowledge or personal experience of their subject. Most of these writers will try and titillate their readers by relying upon the constant repetition of popular words and phrases such as "I felt as if it was cutting me in half," or "She laced me in until I was unable to...

3 years ago
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The Little Girl Whow Thinks Differently

Introduction: Based on true events Let me tell you a story. A story about the little girl, who thinks so much differently from everyone else. She sat alone shivering, her clothes gone and forbidden. She looked about the unfamiliar place, unable to gather any comfort from its distant atmosphere. She looked down at her feet. the unforgiving material pressed into her flesh, causing her toes to tingle and eventually go cold and numb. How dare she think of removing the wreched shoes that bit into...

3 years ago
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Fantasy about my wife on our wedding night

It was the second marriage for both of, we were both in our 40s but inshape and she is very attractive. Her pics are on my profile. We had lives together 6 years before we were married and she had told me she had fucked black men before we had met and I think a couple after. The thought of her taking a big black cock in her tight little white pussy has always turned me on. This is what I fantasize that happened on our wedding night. I had made a deal with her that if we got married she could...

1 year ago
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BlackAmbush Jane Rogers 09192020

You saw Jane pop her anal cherry on BackroomCastingCouch, you saw her getting good and fucked on ExploitedCollegeGirls (not to mention a threeway cumfest too!), so what hasn’t this 22 year old stripper turned pornstar wannabe done? Taken a big black cock is what, and you know what that means, it’s ambush time! We sent our man Jay out to the ranch to pick her up (yes, ranch) and after a few dusty miles she was waiting there with her boyfriend (yes, boyfriend). He’s not crazy...

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The Defeat of Prince Altan

This story contains material of a sexual nature. It has explicit descriptions of sex, bondage and non-consensual sex. If you are at all offended by this kind of story, DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER! Any characters in this story are the property of Paul K. This story is written for the sole purpose of entertainment and is not written for profit and cannot be transmitted, reproduced or otherwise traded for profit. If you have any comments, want to get in touch, please contact me at...

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Motorcycle Rose

Motorcycle RoseFather's Day dawned crisp and clear. At least that's what I was told. It happened about 3 hours before I crawled out of bed. By the time I got my eyes open it looked like a great day for a ride. Unfortunately the ride would have to wait for a while. Since the closest of my k**s lives about 1000 miles away, we no longer have family gatherings on these special occasions so we had made arrangements with our friends to meet for lunch at the local truck stop. They had...

4 years ago
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Unseen People 8 Birth of the Songbird

Chapter 8 Thanks as ever to Chris, Robi and Jess for indulging my imagination. And to you who continue to read and comment, we few, we [cough] lucky [cough] few... Six months Later The bassline started /Your back's against the wall/ Jack locked her flat door behind her and started her warm up. She'd been jogging from her flat in Shoreditch to her work in the City every morning. She found it cleared her head. She picked up the pace as she turned off Totter's Lane onto the...

1 year ago
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uBlock Origin

I just had a really weird experience that I might have avoided with uBlock Origin. My breakfast Viagra was kicking in hard, so I pulled up a lesbian tube. After watching Abella Danger eating pussy for a while, I tried to skip ahead to the scissoring. I got a spam pop-up for my trouble, but I was so engrossed in my fapping I ended up cumming to an advertisement for fake Rolex watches. I think I have a new fetish, as well as a newfound appreciation for cheap plastic watch bands. Metal chafes the...

Useful Software
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Milf and the young man at the convention

My wife was a member of the local ceramic club and was voted in as an officer. We were invited to attend a convention out of town and we were going to work the booth at the convention. Peggy and I were assigned shifts and there were usually 3 people in the booth except when the committees met. Peggy and the other officers were scheduled to go to a meeting one day and that left me and a young man named Marty to tend to the booth. While we were there it was boring and Marty and I discussed a lot...

3 years ago
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Hot Indian Aunty Ko Choda

Hello readers, I am 24 year tall handsome boy from ahmedabad. You can send me feed back on my mail id : Ye meri first story he jo me share kar raha hu. Bat kuch 2 month pehle ki he me mere ghar ke pas shopping center pe khada tha , tabhi mene dekha ki ek mast hot and sexy aunty vaha par store par kuch saman lene aayi. Kya batau friends ekdum mal lag rahi thi unki age 35 thi jo ki muje bad me pata chala. Me to unko dekhta hi reh gaya. Fir mene dekha ki vo baju ke flate me gayi. Fir muje pata...

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Snow White and the Seven Wharfs A Lush Christmas Special

In a land, not so far away, there lived a blonde-haired girl, who had skin as light as pearl. She was named Daniela or Danny, but all her friends called her Snow White on account of her amazingly fair complexion. On reaching her eighteenth birthday, she prepared to be presented at the debutantes' ball, where it was presumed she would find a suitor. Whispers spread across the land that someone bewilderingly radiant was about to burst on the scene. It was said that she was so hot, even birds...

Love Stories
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Zeus and Io Book 3Chapter 32

In the fourth floor suite of the 5225 building, Melody Armstrong checked her off-net computer system and looked in on her source, Peter. Peter was slowly failing, and now needed continuous dialysis. The cocktail of psychotropic drugs that she administered almost around the clock had finally almost done him in. But the drugs did some good, too: they caused him to see into the future. Not reliably, but beggars can't be choosers. She asked him again about the Gold Target – the man who was...

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he made me so wet but he is my friend

...I looked for my top and Lola stood up and walked towards the foot steps. what is she doing? I heard her say hello to someone, a man's voice said hello back, he said 'where is Dita, I have someone she should meet, he is big in Vegas'. Lola, looked back at us and Dita was already on her feet, dressed and heading back to the bar. Lola, helped me up gently hugged me and caressed my ass. I don't want her falling for me.. I smiled, put my top on and walked back into the club. I stared in...

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FamilyHookups Emma Hix Slim blonde teen Emma Hix fucks her British stepdad

Slutty teen Emma Hix needs to take a shower, but her stepdad is still in the bathroom. She decides to just waltz right in and start taking a shower anyway. Her stepdad is floored, he’s never seen his hot young stepdaughter naked before and he doesn’t know how to feel. She tells him he shouldn’t be nervous, but how can he not be when he’s so turned on? Even if he can’t admit it, Emma can tell that he wants her, so she gives it to him, she gets right down on her...

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Daddys Little Bitch0

I did just that. We were standing up in the kitchen when I yelled They're not even my fucking dishes! He took one step foward and shoved me into the refrigerator so hard it cracked my back multiple times, and knocked the wind out of me. Unable to inhale, or exhale I crumpled to the floor, gasping for air. He grabbed my long brown hair and dragged me down the hall to his bedroom. He boomed I'll teach you to respect me! As he threw me onto his bed he said You little shit. He closed and...

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Sex With Surat Hot Citylight Bhabhi

Hello friends!,I’m karan (name changed) I’m Regular Reader of full story of ISS so I would like to share my 100% real story on these site for you..hope u can enjoy it..basically m from SURAT n also live in surat So nw i have textile business ..M good lucking guy,6’ft,68 kgs,my age is 27 n have good athletics body and big cock 8”,so these my first bat kuch dino pehle ki heee..holi kee festival mee meri bua kee ghar gaya hua tha kuch kam se wo citylight area mee rehte hee..waha par...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 710

Ship Emma had asked to remain with her patient in Sick Bay, which led to a discussion about Ship’s abilities to heal. “Come on. I, for one, am hungry,” Jeff told her. “After what you’ve told me, there’s no reason for me to stay with him, I suppose. It’s just that a patient who has lost that much blood...” ...”Will wake up ready for a big meal,” Jeff inserted with a grin. “Seriously though, I was very concerned about him on the way back here, but he’s in one of Ship’s healing chambers now....

1 year ago
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The Tease at Work 2

“Get my shit and leave? I don’t fucking think so. I took your shit for almost an hour. I watched you get off over and over again. And you think I’m going to leave without getting something out of this arrangement?” “W-what are you going to do?” she asked. For the first time since I came in the room, she wasn’t totally in control anymore, and she wasn’t all together pleased about it. In fact, she almost seemed a little scared. “Relax, I have no intentions of forcing myself on you. In fact,...

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The Awakening

Watching from her office just after noon Kate could see the huge crowds of people on their lunch break in a hurry tripping over one another. They were so involved in their pathetic wasted lives, busily watching their feet or just keeping distance with the person in front of them that they failed to live. They were like robots programmed to wait for the little red hand to fade and the little white man to appear before crossing the street.Kate really hated her boring new day job but it paid the...

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Wild FireChapter 2

Early October, 1841 Shoshone River Valley Wyoming. The giant, flame-red colt known among wrangler camps as Wild Fire, is now 19.5 hands and coming on eighteen months. With hooves hardened and honed by days and miles of gravel, dirt, sand and stone he’s trekked, he’s as surefooted and agile as an antelope. Though his long legs are strong and muscular, he appears tall and awkward, walking a short distance from the herd as he grazes and keeps a close watch for danger... ... Running full...

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Paradise Trail Parts 14 Complete

-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Paradise Trail -=-=-=-=-=-=-= By Maria 2 (a.k.a. Maria) To my valued readers - - There is quite a bit more to my diary. Here is what you may read thus far. Let me know if you want to read even more. (Part One starts here.) (Part Two starts at Chapter 6.) (Part Three starts at Chapter 9.) (Part Four starts at Chapter 13.) Introduction - May 6, 1953. This is a true story - as true as I can tell it, as true as I can put to words. There will be...

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