Southbound Ch. 01-02 free porn video

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I won’t go into detail about the flexible packaging industry. Suffice it to say it involves plastic packaging which you are all familiar with in your everyday lives. Not rigid plastic, but plastic film … of all types. This story is a romance that involves the packaging business. I hope you enjoy it.

Originally edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks. Additional fiddling was by me and any errors or omissions are my own.



Chapter 1 A Chill in the Air

There must be tens of thousands of us. There has to be. In all the flights I’ve taken in North America, I seldom recall seeing a familiar face. We’re the nameless guys, often in wrinkled suits and loosened ties, carrying a briefcase or a laptop, or both. We stand in line to get our boarding passes, shuffle through security, sit in the waiting room (or lounge, if we’ve got enough points) and hope the damn plane is on time for once.

My name is Gordon Andrews, although my family and friends know me as Andy. I’m almost forty-three well-worn years old, tall at six-two, and reasonably fit at 205 pounds. I’m the sales manager for Flex-Tek, a flexible packaging convertor primarily aimed at the food industry. My sales staff covers the west coast of the U.S. and all of western Canada. Our plant is based in Langley, not far from Vancouver.

Yes, it’s true I’m on the road at least two weeks out of four, but that’s by choice. I want to be in touch with our customers and I want to know just how effective my sales guys and gals are as well. I also find I’m a lot happier on the road than I am when I’m at home.

I married Carla Mertens a year after I started work at Flex-Tek. I’m a college drop-out, a permanent undergraduate I call it. I wasn’t ready for the college environment and it wasn’t until I was nearly thirty that I realized how immature I was then. By my thirtieth birthday, I had married, fathered two sons, and acquired a mortgage. I started in customer service, moved into sales two years later, then was made manager of sales at the ripe old age of thirty-five. I’m not sure I’ll go any further, but I’m not really upset about that. I’m happy with my job and I’m very well rewarded for my efforts. We are very successful in our chosen market segments.

Carla and I are mismatched. She’s a foot shorter, to begin with, and not at all curious about the world we live in. She is, however, very attractive with a very nice, well maintained body. She dresses nicely and has a lovely smile when she chooses to show it. Over the years I’ve had a number of people comment on how good looking she is and what a nice person she was.

She barely glances at the newspaper and only picks up what is on the evening TV news. As a result, she’s often baffled by events and misinterprets what she hears. She’s not dumb, just uninterested and unaware. I long ago quit trying to educate her.

I’m her opposite. I’m an information sponge, always interested in what’s going on and why things are the way they are. It’s part of what makes me successful in my career. I really want to know what’s important to our customers and I listen and attempt to understand how their businesses work. I try very hard to remember everything I’m told. To my credit, I’ve had a number of customers mention to my salesmen and my boss how they appreciate my interest and attention to their needs.

We started our family very early on in our marriage. Our eldest son, Neal, was born a year-and-a-half after we wed when I was twenty-one and Carla was only twenty. Our second son, Philip, was born thirty months later. Looking back on it now, I’m glad we started as soon as we did. It was tough for a while, trying to raise two boys and provide a nice home for them on one salary. Carla had a job when we married, but gave it up when she became pregnant with Neal. She never went back to work.

Neal is studying engineering at UBC. No surprise there. Like me, he’s curious about many different things which led him in that direction. Unlike me at his age, he is extremely focussed and dedicated to his studies. He has a number of scholarship grants and bursaries to help the financial load. Since the commute is too much for him, he lives on campus.

Philip, or Phil as he prefers, is less studious and not quite as mature. He still lives at home and commutes to school. However, he is bright and is very much immersed in computers and computer design. He’s also the athlete of the two. He plays golf as well as intramural hockey which he is passionate about. He plays defence and kills penalties when he isn’t the one in the penalty box to begin with.

We’re proud of both our boys. They’re good citizens and do nothing that would embarrass us. At least, not that we know about. I’m pretty confident that both of them will succeed in the business world. They are different in personality and that’s to be expected I suppose. Phil is the outgoing one while Neal is much quieter and more controlled. It’s nice to be able to enjoy our children and not worry about them very much.

It sounds like an ideal family, doesn’t it? An attractive wife, two well-behaved sons, a house in the suburbs, and a great job. Most people would be content with that. I wish I were content. In the last two years Carla has not been the happy homemaker she once was. At first I thought she might be anticipating both boys being gone and her being alone. When I talked to her about my observations, she steadfastly denied there was any problem.

We discussed moving to a newer home. We’d been living in our current three bedroom split-level for eleven years at maybe it was time for a change. At first she was interested, then talked herself out of it when she thought of all the work and confusion involved in a move. Alternatively, I suggested some home renovations to upgrade our current home. No, that would just make a big mess. Plus, after all the horrible things that renovation contractors did on some of the reality TV shows, she wanted no part of that.

‘So, tell me, Carla. What is it you do want? You’re obviously not happy right now. What can I do to make your life better?’

She had no idea how to answer that question. I could see her mouth move as she tried to say something, but nothing came out. In the end, she just shook her head and said nothing. That was last month, and in the meantime, nothing had changed.

I was sitting in the Alaska Air lounge in Los Angeles, waiting for my flight, now delayed two hours and counting. I finished my report on the trip and e-mailed it to my boss, grateful that it was one less thing I had to do this coming weekend. When the flight finally got off the ground, I would be arriving in Vancouver at sometime around midnight, hopefully not delayed in customs, but with a further hour’s drive to my home. Not an appealing prospect, but not the first time either.

As I helped myself to some snacks and another glass of wine, I noticed a familiar face. While the face might have been familiar, I couldn’t quite grasp the name from my memory. I know I’d seen him before, and not that long ago. As I sat back in my seat, it came to me. His name was Gerry something and we were seatmates on a previous flight a couple of months ago. With nothing better to do and surprised at having discovered someone I recognized, I walked over and reintroduced myself.

‘Hi, it’s Gerry isn’t it?’ I tried tentatively.

‘Yes … Gerry Lowrie. Oh … I remember you, but I’m sorry, the name escapes me.’

‘Andy Andrews. We were seatmates a while back … on this same flight if I remember.’

‘It would be,’ he nodded. ‘This is a regular flight for me.’

‘Looks like we’re going to be late getting home,’ I said idly.

‘Yeah, the inbound Seattle flight is delayed I’m told. Nothing new.’

‘So, how are things with you? How’s business?’

‘Business is okay. The rest of my life has turned to shit.’

I gave him a questioning look, letting him deci
ded what to tell me.

‘If it was the flight I’m thinking of, I got home to find the house empty and my wife and kids gone. She had left with them, all their possessions, some of mine, and most of the money in our bank accounts.’

‘Oh shit. That’s bad. What happened?’

‘Decided I didn’t measure up any more. Filed for divorce and moved out while I was down here. Never said a word. Just up and left.’

‘You think there was another guy?’

‘If there is, she’s kept it well hidden,’ he sighed. ‘Right now, she’s not talking to me, living with her parents. Any communication goes through her lawyer and all I’m getting is she’s filing for irreconcilable differences. That tells me absolutely nothing. My lawyer says it’s a done deal. We’ll end up splitting things fifty-fifty, except it won’t be fifty-fifty. She’ll get the house and I’ll get the mortgage. Throw in child support and alimony and I’ll be living in a cardboard box and eating Top Ramen noodles.’

‘Jesus, it can’t be that bad,’ I said.

‘Damn near. The worst part is I don’t even know why.’

We talked some more before he changed the topic. He’d obviously had enough of talking about his troubles. We weren’t seated near each other on the flight and it gave me plenty of time to think about my relationship with Carla. Were we headed down the same road as Gerry and his wife? It sounded like it. The more I thought about it the more I wondered if I should be taking precautions. Maybe I should do a little investigating on Carla’s whereabouts during the days I was away. I had quite a bit of unused vacation time due me. Perhaps I could spend some of it keeping an eye on my wife.

On the other hand, shouldn’t I talk to someone about her behaviour? If so, who? Perhaps her sister, Ruth? We always got along well. Maybe she could tell me what the problem was. What was the risk? If I asked her to keep a confidence, I was reasonably certain she would. Another decision to make.

I was off the road for the week and I had the opportunity to observe Carla more closely. I was at a loss to explain her sullenness. I could see no evidence that she wasn’t healthy or that she was under pressure for some unknown reason. I wondered about her health. Had she been given a negative diagnosis by some doctor? Had she run up some debt that I didn’t know about? What the hell would cause her to turn off me?

There was one other possibility, of course. My travel kept me away ten days of the month. With the boys being so independent and Carla home alone, maybe she was bored. Maybe she had taken a lover. I suggested she look for a job, or even volunteer work a few months ago, but she showed no interest whatsoever.

The mood around the house wasn’t hostile. It was as if I didn’t exist other than to be there. I had no role, no real function. I got up, made my own breakfast and went to work. I came home and Carla served Phil and me the evening meal. Most evenings, the only discussion that took place was between my son and me. After dinner, Phil would retreat to his room to study while Carla moved to the living room and turned on the TV. I could decide to join her or go to my office to do whatever. Not much of an existence when I thought about it.

On the weekends, it was gardening when that was necessary, or washing the cars, or various home handyman tasks. Carla would go off shopping for an hour or two, but never failed to come home with purchases. I never had any reason to suspect she was anywhere other than where she claimed.

We seldom went out to dinner any more. She didn’t seem that interested. I know she visited with Ruth now and then, but I can’t recall the last time anyone else came to our house to visit. When I thought about it, she had become very insular. I was the one who travelled and socialized regularly.

As far as making love, we hadn’t done that in several months. We had indulged in some perfunctory sex a couple of weeks ago, but I got the impression she was going through the motions and little more. Something was seriously wrong with our marriage now that I tallied up all the recent evidence. Had she fallen out of love with me? Had I fallen out of love with her? I didn’t think so … yet. However, I had the feeling I was well on my way to that destination. Could I put a stop to this potential train wreck?

‘Hi, Ruth, it’s Andy.’

‘Hi, Andy, what can I do for you?’

‘I was wondering if you and I could talk … in confidence?’

‘What about?’

‘Uhhm … it’s kind of personal, but it’s about Carla.’

There was an uncomfortable silence before she replied.

‘I’m sorry, Andy. I can’t do that. I promised Carla.’

‘Promised Carla? Promised her what?’

‘She’s asked me to keep a confidence and I agreed. I don’t want to break that confidence.’

I was confused, but now beginning to get a sick feeling.

‘This is about me, isn’t it?’ I demanded.

‘Yes,’ she said quietly after another pause.

‘Okay, Ruth, I guess that tells me what I want to know. Looks like I’m going to have a serious talk with Carla.’

‘Andy … I’m sorry,’ she said. I could hear the regret in her voice.

‘Yeah … sure.’ I hung up, upset and on the border of being angry.

‘Carla, I had a conversation with Ruth today. Is there something you want to tell me?’

I expected she would be completely caught off guard, but that wasn’t the case. We were in the kitchen, finishing up the dinner dishes.

‘I know. Ruth called me. You’d better sit down.’

I didn’t have to be too perceptive to understand I wasn’t going to enjoy the next few minutes.

‘Andy, I’m sorry, but I will be filing for divorce this week. I’ve discovered I’m no longer in love with you and now that the children are adults, I feel I can start a new life that might bring me more happiness.’

‘Is there someone else?’

‘No … I wouldn’t do that to you. I’ve just come to the point where I don’t see us carrying on in this loveless, pointless state. I know you’re not happy either. You’re on the road half the time and I’m sure part of that is to avoid me. I get the feeling that aside from cooking and cleaning, I won’t be missed.’

‘That’s not true,’ I said, almost pleading.

‘It is true, and you know it,’ she insisted. ‘Half our lives are gone and I want something to look forward to other than another forty years of boredom.’

‘Boredom? Is that what our life together was? Boring?’

‘In the last few years, yes. We don’t have enough in common to make this marriage last. I’ve fulfilled my marital obligations to you and the children and I want a life of my own.’

I sat silently, looking at her, trying to see even a hint of regret. I couldn’t detect anything like that.

‘So, what do you want from me?’ I asked, starting to wonder just what I would be left with in the aftermath.

‘Not much. I’ll be living with Ruth for the time being until I can find a job. My lawyer has said he will ask for $2500 a month for support for three years. He tried to get me to push for more, but $2500 is fair, it think. You’ll keep the house and I’ll keep my car. You’ll be responsible for Neal and Phil’s expenses as well.’

‘You’re just going to abandon them too?’ I asked incredulously.

‘No! Of course not,’ she said indignantly. ‘It’s just that they will need a home and a base for now. Otherwise they’re pretty self-sufficient. The registered education savings plan (RESP) will look after those costs. I’ll be seeing them regularly.’

‘What else?’ I asked.

‘Nothing. I’ll take my personal items with me and a couple of pieces of furniture that were in my family. I’m not trying to break you, Andy.’

‘Thanks,’ I said sullenly.

‘Cheer up, Andy. You’ll find someone else. You’re a good looking guy and you have a good job. Some woman will latch onto you. Find one that’s more like yourself, though. Someone you can share your life with, not exclude them
like you did with me.’

‘Is that what you think I did … exclude you?’

‘Not on purpose, but you know that we didn’t have a lot of common interests. After a while I got tired of trying to adapt and pretend I cared about your travels and the business people you dealt with.’

I couldn’t think of a thing to say at that point. She’d made herself clear. I bored her. We didn’t have much of anything in common. So … it was over.

I stood up and wandered over to the fridge and took out a beer.

‘When are you planning to move out?’ I asked as I opened the bottle.

‘Ruth will help me starting tomorrow. It should only take two days to deal with everything. The lawyer said the papers will be served Thursday. They will be brought here after six. I don’t intend to embarrass you publicly.’

‘Thanks for that,’ I grumbled.

‘Cheer up, Andy. Who knows, a year or so from now you may be thanking me.’

I shook my head. She was impossibly calm and controlled. How could it be this easy for her? This was the end of twenty-three years of marriage and it was like she’d decided to go to the mall for a couple of hours. No big deal. Like hell!

I was about to say something nasty when I realized it wasn’t worth it. I was pissed, but I was going to keep myself under control for now. I may kick a hole in the wall with my boot when she wasn’t here, but not yet. I shook my head in resignation once more and headed to my office. My sanctuary.

Chapter 2 Moving On

‘Jesus, I’m sorry to hear that, Andy. That’s got to hurt. I would never have dreamed Carla would just walk away like that.’

I was talking to my boss, Leo Cornell, filling him in on my domestic situation.

‘How are you going to be for money?’ he asked.

I knew what he was thinking. He was wondering if Carla was going to hit me with all kinds of financial burdens and make my life even more miserable.

‘That’s the strange part, Leo. She only wants twenty-five hundred a month for support. She just wants out of the marriage. It’s hard to believe I’m getting away so lightly.’

‘No kidding. Well, no matter what, I feel for you. It’s got to hurt after all those years. What about the boys?’

‘I’ll look after them, as much as they need looking after. Neal’s pretty well independent of us already and Phil’s education is covered by our RESP. Other than feeding Phil’s bottomless pit, he won’t be a problem.’

‘So what’s your plan … as far as work goes?’ he asked.

‘I guess I’ll stick to what I’ve been doing, Leo. Two weeks a month on the road. It’s working for us, so why change?’

Leo was silent for a few moments, seeming lost in thought. At length, he spoke.

‘Look Andy, this is off the record and completely confidential, so it can’t leave this office. Can you agree to that?’

‘Of course,’ I said immediately.

‘We have an opportunity to acquire a small converting business in California. It’s an operating business but is going nowhere presently. The current owner can’t raise the money to modernize and is pretty much forced to sell. Because it’s not very big, there isn’t much interest in anyone acquiring it. However, with our strategy, it might fit us very well.’

I could feel the wheels in my head turning rapidly. Was this a golden opportunity for Flex-Tek to solidify our position in the western U.S.?

‘No one knows our strategy and our markets like you do. I’m thinking of forming a group to study this possibility. You, an accountant, and a manufacturing guy would make the decisions about whether this made economic and marketing sense.’

This was exciting. An opportunity to expand and have a say in how we did it. New markets. New customers. New products. It couldn’t get much better than this.

‘I can’t wait to get started, Leo. This is every peddlers dream, getting a chance to expand and do new things. Wait ’till I tell …’ My voice tapered off and I closed my eyes to hide the pain.

‘It’s okay, Andy. I understand. Just take some time to get adjusted to the idea. Nothing’s going to happen until I hear back from the people in California. Why don’t you take a few days off? I’ll call you when I hear anything. In the meantime, just keep it to yourself, please.’

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I had been browsing a dating site for a couple of days when I got a message from a woman asking if I was free in the day.First thing I did was check out her profile. Married, 5ft 2 tall blonde blue eyes buxom bored housewife.I was interested and she was only 5 miles away from me. I sent a reply asking where, when and what she was looking for or expecting.within an hour I received a reply stating where and when to meet her the following day.I was to meet her at 9:30 in a layby and we would both...

1 year ago
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The Other Side of Me Part Twenty Four

The Other Side of Me - Part 24 by Lily Rasputin "Well?" The furious woman across the table from me said. "I'm waiting." I stared at my mother, pain aching in my chest as I was torn between the elated feeling of seeing her again, and the sheer terror that her sternest glare always provoked from deep inside me. Unlike my father, Mom was slow to anger, but when she got mad, she really got mad. I held up my hands, shaking my head back and forth. "I ..." Her finger came back up...

2 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 48 Ashore

Time passed slowly in my small cell. Rats came sniffing around now and then, and I got some bread and cheese every day. When we got down around the Delaware Capes a few days later, I guess it was around the first of August, they hauled me up on deck and took the chain off my ankles. I could barely see the shore line, and I guess they thought I would not try to swim for it. They were right. A big ship came out from Delaware Bay, and pretty soon flags were going up and down, and the sails of...

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Janets New Home

Michelle?s New Home Janet?s New Home  By Tojo Chapter 1 It wasn?t his fault- she was the one who?d suggested it in the first place- who?d made it possible. For months, they?d been communicating via email, exchanging fantasies. Hers was to be captured and carried off by force, never to be released. To be used as a slave, kept chained in a dungeon in the dark. He?d decided to go along with it, just for her sake- just a bit of fun really. Hell, she?d begged him to do it! Was he to blame...

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DentistryChapter 4

It was two weeks later that John Wilkinsing came to the clinic to have the crown put on. This time before that was done Brad gave John a little tour and showed him all around the clinic. The staff Brad could see was excited when John was introduced to them. As he was doing this showing and introducing John, Brad mentioned that a credit for what they had previously charged him would be applied to his credit card. John said, “Please don’t bother to do that. I think I can afford to pay for...

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The Taking of Pamelas Anal Cherry

Lesley is my wife, she is a self confessed raving bi-sexual, in fact if we hadn’t been married I think she would have been a raving lesbian. Sex was always high on Lesley’s mind. Because of this we started to experiment early on in our relationship. Firstly it was with other men, then it progressed to couples and eventually we found ourselves entering the swinging scene. It was total sexual liberation for me and for her. We both loved nothing more than to see each other give and receive...

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EvilAngel Alexis Tae Interracial Anal Gaping

Tall, slender and topless in lingerie, black babe Alexis Tae teases, lewdly spreading her ass for the camera. The young vixen hopes to stretch her anus wider than she ever has, and horse-hung stud Chris Diamond assists. Chris immediately bulldozes her bunghole, sodomizing Alexis to extreme anal gaping. The manhandling stud spits in her mouth and fucks her throat, Alexis gagging and slobbering throughout. Wild interracial butt sex comes with sloppy, ass-to-mouth cocksucking and a messy cum...

1 year ago
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Marnies first time with her boyfiend and his four friends

Hey whats sup every one, I'm Marnie 24 years old engaged to my boy friend of 2 years. Last night my boy friend and I were watching a porno of a girl who was being used like a toy, by 5 guys. I was getting so wet watching it that my boyfriend saw and asked me if that was something that turned me on. I told him not to get mad at me but I really wanted to be that girl in the porno, I wanted to be used and treated like a slut. I rubbed his cock with my had as I told him what I wanted to do. He was...

Group Sex
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Too Small

Too Small By Margaret Jeanette Sam Markham was making love to his wife of two months, ridng her and enjoying every minute of it. He didn't realize she wasn't reacting but just lying there. Trudy, his wife, was wondering why they even bothered, since she couldn't feel him doing anything. Then she felt the spurt. "I know you got somethig out of this but I didn't. You are too small for me. I think it's time to do somthing drastic." She got up and got a pair of her lacy panties...

4 years ago
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Hi, everybody, I am Harshith from north Karnataka I am 22 years old just now I have completed Degree I have a huge cock 7 inches which will satisfy anyone easily I am a good looking and I have an athlete bodyFriends Please leave a comment your valuable feedback to [email protected] let’s get into the story this is the real incident which happened with me. This is my first story in Indian sex stories please forgive me if there are any mistakes. This story tells about how I...

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InterdictionI checked my daily schedule it was full, the curse of this job is so many reports to write. Too much paper work gets in the way of the action, I would have to delay my next escapade till tomorrow. I buzzed down to holding and ordered them to bring a suitable subject up. She had been arrested earlier this morning so wasn’t ready for interrogation yet, she had adopted the standard plan of non-cooperation most of our guests of her kind adopt. She was an anarchist being asked to grass...

1 year ago
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Reaffair with same lady bhabhi 1

Hello friends ,Welcome to “ Re-affair with same lady (bhabhi) ” Part – 1. What you are going to read is a 100 % factual. This is my real life incident. It is a write up of what had happened in my life with my cousin brother wife. Hope you will enjoy the entire STORY. Before ending, i bet you, your one hand will reach your private part.Never expected in my life that, i will be lucky to have secret relationship with my loving bhabhi. Myself :- Aman from Punjab. I am 30 Years old. I am not sex...

1 year ago
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Nude By My Pool

I’m Cara, forty-two years old. I’m a middle school science teacher. My husband Tom works for a biotech company. During the school year, I keep my nose to the grindstone. Summer is “me time” to get myself back in shape by running and stand up paddleboarding. Also, I hate tan lines. We live in Southern California; our house is on a cul de sac. We’re lucky to have a pool in the back yard. Our back yard is secluded; only one house has a view into the pool area. Our neighbors, Keith and Sarah, both...

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"Comfortable?" His sardonic smile didn't quite make his eyes. She looked at him through tear swelled and reddened, half closed lids. The saline water of her tears seemed to enhance colours; the silver SS badge on his tunic shone and branded her mind. Not waiting for her reply, he slapped her pussy with the flat of his hand. The resounding smack rebounded off the whitewashed walls. She would have screamed, but the tape across her mouth allowed for a muffled murmff only. Two grease-covered...

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Husband pays a stripper to fuck his wife

For my wife's 40th birthday a bunch of friends decided to have a happy hour for her. As a stay-at-home mom with 2 k**s the ladies decided that a "girls night out" was better than a family event.Since I wasn't invited I did not participate in the planning but at one point one of her friends asked me if I thought a stripper would be in order. I quickly agreed - the thought of that was hilarious.So when the day came my wife got dressed in a nice outfit - button down shirt, unbuttoned way down and...

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EdenChapter 53

The morning transmission began as tumultuously as Meiersdottir had expected. Toshimura, in particular, was outraged that she had departed so drastically from their plans aboard the Gardener, and spent the first two minutes expressing that with phrases like "cover-up" and "betrayal of trust" and "high-handed unilateral decision-making" sprinkled liberally throughout his tirade. "All right, John," she said when he finally began to run out of words, "but that's something I don't want...

3 years ago
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The Passenger Seat Chapter 1 Wood

WOOD THE MOVING TRUCK was a welcome surprise.For months, Tara watched prospective buyers come and go from the house next door. Couples, singles and families. Some older than her. Some younger. And for months, she hoped for new neighbors.It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy the privacy of their remote home. In fact, part of the appeal when they bought the house was its secluded lot, and the fact that it was entirely wooded on one side.It was simply that Tara sometimes felt alone.Her husband’s job...

4 years ago
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The creampie my stepmom made for me part 1

But I became obsessed with the site. I went on there more often without my friends, and started to actually become serious about it. Girls in my high school and college freshman year had sucked my dick and also jerked it off, but I never actually had a penetration sex experience. So you could say I was still a virgin. One day on the site during summer vacation, I finally tried the site out. There was a women (with a picture only of her ass showing) that lived nearby to where I was staying....

2 years ago
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Sex with girlfriend8217s hot mom

Hi, all the readers of ISS, this is Alex back once again. Today i’ll be sharing one of my very first adventures, where from I got obsessed to mature ladies. During my graduation days I used to have a girlfriend, her name was Lakshmi. She was good looking and I was known to her family as they were open minded. I used to pick her up from her home whenever we planned to go out. And we didn’t ever have sex as she used to say that she wants to save her virginity for her husband. So I used to be very...

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Zach Naked in SchoolChapter 4

Thursday, September 10, 2005 I decided since I was going to be naked all day anyway, that it wasn't any use to put on any more clothes than the law required. I just pulled on boxers and a pair of jeans. I decided to put on an anklet for Bernie's benefit. My hair was starting to grow back a little, so I went ahead and shaved it again. When Bernie saw me, he was impressed. "You look great," he said, and leaned in to kiss me. "Not yet, let's save it for school," I responded, and we...

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DanicaPart 9C

Danica went to Cheron's room that night at the appointed time. Cheron kissed her and whispered, "Playtime," into Danica's ear before leading the redhead to Janelle's room. Cheron knocked softly, and Janelle opened the door to let them inside the room. Cheron didn't waste any time, moving to undress Danica the moment the door closed behind them. Janelle pulled off her own clothes while Cheron undressed Danica. In short order, both women stood naked, their bodies pressed together in a...

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Sapphires EmeraldsChapter 11

"And this has nothing to do with the fact you attacked a restrained prisoner, with the fact you attacked a man without being provoked or having a reason, and have yet to charge the man? Do you assume just because you found out who the man really is, and I'm going to assume that it was actually a member of your team who made the discovery, that I will overlook your actions?" Morrow was furious; furious at Franks for putting him in a tenuous situation; furious at the FBI for letting their...

4 years ago
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Suddenly Last Christmas

I'd looked forward to it for weeks, a whole four days in a cosy hotel tucked away in the Lake District.   It should have been magic - just me and James....alone all through Christmas..fine mulled wine, champagne, good food - and lots and lots of hot sex.   'Course his wife had to go and wreck it - didn't she.   She'd arranged to go and stay with her parents but at the last minute had taken ill - or so she said - or so he said for that matter.   Which ever way ... my parents had gone abroad, and...

3 years ago
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The SmallholderChapter 21

Angela arrived at the ward with a bag of apples from the store, and a bunch of grapes and bananas she'd bought on the way. She saw him sitting up in bed, a bandage round his head. He smiled and her heart jumped. She kissed him long and softly. "I brought some fruit," she said. "For some reason hospitals seem a bit short on providing fruit." "Thanks," he said. "Barry tells me you sorted all the animals out, and milked not one but both goats! You are amazing!" "I checked the...

2 years ago
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A Simple Parlor Trick First Take

It was a delightful little party at my best friend Hugh's house, with about a dozen of us present all told. His parents were out of the city, and with their gracious permission we were granted access to Mr. Blackbourne's stupendous collection of liquor. The drinks offered pleasing warmth on a harsh winter afternoon. It was still light out and we were hesitant to imbibe too much so early, so we'd gathered some chairs in a circle and were swapping stories. Edward, my other best friend,...

1 year ago
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Autumns Over

I hate what I became. Some monster that I don't even recognize anymore. I did it for the thrill. The love. The love of being the seducer of men who come to me for a good time. They would send me a message, begging me to help them and I would oblige. Every time. Don't get me wrong. I was still a virgin. Just not when it came to my words. With my words I would undress myself and kneel in front of them naked. I would take their pants off and run my nails over their already hard dicks. In my i.m.s...

First Time
3 years ago
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What I saw at the door

I couldn't believe this was happening. Was i really seeing it, and why was my cock hard in my pants. I was leaning against the door because i couldn't move, and was watching my wifes older brother's cock slamming into her pussy. "OH FUCK!!!! She moaned out loudly. "Fill my pussy James. Fill it with that cock!" "Goddamn little s*s I had forgotten how tight and wet you get." Was his reply, as sweat rolled down his forehead. So this was obviously not the first time this has happened and as I...

4 years ago
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Lick N TiffChapter 3 Lick n Mom

"What?" I stared at Licorice and then I giggled as he nodded his head seriously. I'd just gotten home from school and I wasn't sure if I believed him or not. Part of me wanted to, just because it had been a pretty cool story, but most of me didn't because it made me a just a little bit jealous too. I mean, how would you feel if you'd spent eight hours at school, bored out of your mind listening to some nun tell you how important geometry was going to be in your career as a...

1 year ago
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The vacation Trip Part 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai my Incest loving Readers The Vacation trip Part three is here now the original Incest that my favorite Incest happens in this episode read and cum readers "Oh, boy, I guess I'll have to change in that tiny little bathroom again," Vincent moaned. "Oh, I don't guess there's any reason to do that," Martha laughed. "I'm sure Jancy is comfortable enough with us now not to be embarrasses." After saying this, she went into the back section, leaving the...

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Opening Laurie

Background Terri and I had been married for about seven years when, out of the blue, she left. I had no idea why. She returned about one month later. During the marriage counseling sessions that followed Terri’s return, she said she didn’t know who she was. She said, “I wouldn’t let her be her.” What the hell is that supposed to mean? During one of our sessions, I had told Terri, “...look on your driver’s license. That will tell you who you are.” I have what the psychologist called a "concrete...

First Time
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Bangalore lady wants to get fucked hard

Hi, my name is Aryan. I am a consistent writer of my real-time experience of sex and make-outs over ISS. Please read my here. I am a 26-year-old guy currently residing in Bangalore. I have the wildest fun and eroticism in bed by meeting real horny, wild, erotic women. This story happened way back in the initial days of lockdown. I was constantly on the lookout for a horny woman who liked exploring sex and having fun. I met one such woman online called Pallavi. Pallavi was a married woman in...

3 years ago
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Sex affair with my neighbor

I am Naresh 24 working in a private firm in Madurai in Tamil Nadu. I am yet to be married. I look handsome with 5’8″ tall. I used think of those sexy girls and masturbate in the nights. One family has moved to our next house. There were only two husband and wife. It seems they are newly married. After 15 days, the husband was missing. In the meantime, my mother and the neighbor lady become friends and she used to come to our house for small help. Mother asked me to help in getting some thing,...

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Sucked into Skyrim

Sitting alone staring at the character creator in Skyrim, a young gamer prepare to click ready and began your journey as Dragonborn once again. This time with the ultimate modlist. The gamer finally get the journey they always imagined. When suddenly a bolt of lightning arcs through their window striking both them and your PC as their spirit is lifted from your body and transplrted into an alternate reality to inhabit a real version of the avatar they just finalised. - In this story, we will...

4 years ago
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Sales Girl Ko Choda

Hello friends mera naam Brijesh he aur me Bhopal me rehta hu.meri age 20 yrs he.ab jo me kahani aap logo ke sath share karne ja raha hu wo mera pehla experience tha jo ki ek salesgirl ke sath huwa ab me kahani par aata hun ye bat tab ki he jab me class me tha aur meri age lagbhag 20 yrs thi ye Garmiyo ke mahine ki bat he shayad june ya july ki he.mere ghar ke sabhi log papa, mummi aur chota bhai sab gao gaye huwe the aur ghar par me lagbhag 18 dino ke liye akela tha aap logo ko ek bat...

1 year ago
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Fateful Meeting Part 5

After my phone fight with my boyfriend Tom, and after Kat’s boyfriend Dave had fucked me so amazingly good, I was supposed to confront Tom the next day. But I had no idea what to say to him. After I got home from Dave fucking me so hard, and so good, I pondered and pondered on this. Then I picked up my phone and called Kat. “I think I have an idea,” I told her. “About my planned talk with my boyfriend tomorrow. To figure out our relationship. Or if he and I even still have a relationship. So,...

2 years ago
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Happy Birthday

                                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY I don't know why I did it. A crazy impulse. Maybe just that I was a bit randy. I'm not really in a relationship these days, haven't been for a while. And I guess I'm beginning to wonder if I will ever be again. It isn't my biological clock I'm worried about, the hell with that, I never wanted children anyway. But I did want a man. And men who could fulfill my particular needs while still treating me with love and respect--outside of...

1 year ago
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Discipline Correspondant 03

The Discipline Correspondence School. Chapter 3. Dear master, Saturday started really strangely for me, I woke up from dreaming about our meeting. I trembled at the thought of being in your presence and must confess nearly did not turn up, However I did show and was glad I did. I Selected the clothes you demanded I wear, took a shower making sure to clean not only my pussy but I had three enema’s, self administered of course, to ensure my arse was clean for you. I took my time in shaving my...


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