Collateral - Ch. 5 free porn video

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Chapter Five

Jake was getting restless. There was no TV or other means of entertainment he could use while waiting for that annoying bastard. He had a mind to just get out of the house, but he didn’t want Klaus to chase him down from the first day. There was enough time to observe his surroundings later. For now, he had to admit he was very curious about this insanely rich guy, at least by his standards, and his unusual interest in someone like him.

The door finally opened, Klaus coming in with a small box in his hand and a mysterious smile painted on his face.

“Don’t you know how to knock?” Jake said defensively.

“And ruin my chances of catching you masturbating?” Klaus twisted his lips as if he could barely refrain from laughing out loud. “Come now, pants down.”

“What? You said you wouldn't force me!” Jake complained instantly.

“And you will not be,” Klaus closed the door behind him and came closer. “You will have to trust me.”

“Yeah, right,” Jake snorted, while still sitting on the bed with his arms wrapped around his knees. “You took me away from my brother …”

Klaus raised one finger to stop him. “I believe the correct way of describing the situation is that your brother gave you away. How do you feel about that, by the way? He has not come to bring your stuff, either, although he promised.”

“He will,” Jake said with a small huff. Yes, it was annoying that Diaz hadn’t bothered to come around.

Klaus waited by the bed, looking very much amused. “Just take your jeans off. I promise I will not touch you … any more than necessary. Do not tell me you are frightened?”

Jake eventually moved. He was really curious about what the man wanted. He was anticipating being touched by the gorgeous blond. And he had to prove that he was not scared.

With quick moves, he flipped open his jeans and stepped out of them. He liked going commando; there was no underwear to bother him. He stood up straight, his hands in front, his legs slightly parted.

“So?” he challenged Klaus with his eyes.

The man caressed Jake’s cheek briefly, and turning, picked up the box he had placed on the table earlier. Jake’s eyes spoke volumes as he saw the object.

“The fuck is that?”

“This is … let us call it a little more sophisticated model of a chastity belt,” Klaus presented the small transparent case in his hand.

“No way,” Jake took a step back, but his calves hit the bed.

“Yes way,” Klaus said with a small laugh. “I told you I would not have you masturbate on my expense. If you are the stoic you claim you are, although your actions speak otherwise, then what is the problem? Plus, it is not like I will have you running around and mess around with my staff, either. Agnes is particularly off limits,” Klaus joked while climbing on the bed and pushing Jake down with a firm hand.

“She could be my grandma, what the hell?”

“Now, Jake, be a good boy,” Klaus cooed and reached between Jake’s legs to fondle his balls a little. “No harm will be brought to you.”

“Like hell it won’t,” Jake said defensively, although he could feel his eyes rolling in his head, as Klaus’s hand was moving between his legs. “How am I going to piss? Or wash?”

“I will show you. The belt is designed to prevent you from getting it up, not stop you from relieving yourself. It will be a bit uncomfortable, but doable. You will be able to take showers, do not worry. I will help you should you need help.”

“Fucking pervert,” Jake tried to push Klaus away, but the man didn’t budge.

“Look, Jake, it is this or you running back to your brother. What is it going to be?” Klaus asked a bit annoyed.

That was enough to make Jake back down. “Whatever. Put the damn thing on me. It’s not like I’ll get hard around you anyway.”

“Should we test that theory?” Klaus bent more and placed a small peck on Jake’s left cheek.

The hand moved on his cock, and Jake let go of a small moan.

“I should get you off before putting the chastity belt on,” Klaus said mostly to himself.

“Don’t,” Jake whispered, but his mouth was captured into a kiss, and he let go. It was just a hand job, right?

He could feel the tight grip on his organ down right into every fiber of his being. It was like there was nothing else but the hand moving maddeningly slow, gathering liquid in the small slit. A thumb teased the head, spreading the moisture around.

“Please, let go,” he begged, moving his head away from the kiss. He could not think with Klaus’s tongue in his mouth.

“Jake, you’re so hot right now, you should see yourself,” Klaus murmured into his ear.

He was made to get up from the bed, as Klaus moved away. Confused he stood up. Klaus dragged him in front of the large mirror he had noticed earlier in one corner.

Klaus stood behind him and gently seized his jaw.

“Look,” he beckoned Jake to look in the mirror. “What do you see, Jake?”

“A pervert all over me,” the brunet said softly.

He could not believe that was him. His eyes were moist, his lips looked a bit swollen, and there was a stranger’s hand moving on his cock steadily, unhurriedly.

“You are beautiful, Jake,” Klaus whispered against his cheek, placing small kisses all over it.

He could feel his toes curling against the plush carpet on the floor. He could not bear it, so he closed his eyes.

“Let go, Jake,” Klaus spoke seductively in his ear. “There is no one here but you and me.”

He came so hard Klaus’s strong arms were the only thing that kept him from falling. His breath was ragged as he slowly came to his senses. He barely registered how his soft organ was pushed into the small transparent case, and thin leather straps were locked behind his back and right under his buttocks.

“Don’t you think I will be able to take this out whenever I feel like it?” he said breathily, his eyes still locked on his own image in the mirror.

“No, I do not,” Klaus answered, his words followed by a playful smack on Jake’s buttocks. “You see, this is an item that comes with a small feature … a cipher. Of course, if the situation becomes unbearable, you should just come to me,” he placed a quick peck on Jake’s lips. “Now, get dressed. We are going out for a walk.”

“At this hour?”

“Do not tell me you want to be in bed by nine? You basically slept for hours before dinner.”

Without a word, Jake grabbed his jeans.

“At least, can I ask where are we going?” Jake eventually spoke, seeing that Klaus was doing nothing else but stare at him while he was getting dressed.

“You need a new wardrobe.”

“I don’t think there are many stores open at this hour. Plus, I don’t have any money on me. Wait, I hope you don’t want to put me in a suit? I won’t pay for it, and I won’t wear it,” Jake said defensively.

“We will go slowly, at first. I still think you could use some new t-shirts and jeans. The ones you are wearing are just too …” Klaus struggled to find the word.

“Cheap,” Jake obliged with a small frown. “I told you, I don’t have any money. I dress the way I dress because I cannot afford much else, and damn if I am going to feel bad about it, only because you’re a bastard coming from money.”

He had said all that in one breath. Now that he was down from the high of his release from earlier, he had to face the harsh reality. Klaus was out of his league, even if, through some miracle, he could try his luck with the guy.

“You are under my care, Jake,” Klaus said gently. “This means that I will take care of all your expenses. As long as you live in my house, and obey my rules, no harm will come to you, and you will be treated well. That includes me buying you some clothes.”

“So, I’m like a whore or something,” Jake mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

Klaus seemed amused by his attitude. “To be a whore, you would have to offer certain services. So far, while I must admit that I find you enthralling, I had to coax everything out of you. Due to your reluctance, I am quite certain ‘whore’ would not be an appropriate term. Plus, each time I have put your pleasure above my own, have I not?”

Jake bit his bottom lip. He couldn’t understand what Klaus got from their strange trysts. It was true that the man showed no interest other than making Jake come. Maybe he was suffering from some impotence? That could not be.

The man exuded sex through all his pores; yet, Jake had been the only one naked, and the only one getting something from both the times Klaus had touched him. That was strange alright.

“Can’t you get it up or something?” Jake blurted out without thinking.

“What makes you think that?” Klaus seemed a bit taken aback.

“You didn’t jump me; you’re just … talking,” Jake said a bit embarrassed. If the man had a problem, chances were that he had no intention to talk about such a delicate thing with a stranger.

“Do you want me to jump you?”

“No, of course not,” Jake pushed his hands into his pockets.

Klaus caressed his forearm and made him take the hand out of his pocket. He entangled his fingers with Jake.

“Right now, we have shopping to do, and later I will show you there is nothing wrong with my … equipment,” he gently rubbed his lips against Jake’s earlobe.

Jake felt his blood getting hot again; the man’s proximity seemed to cause summersaults in his stomach. An unpleasant sensation made him wince. Then he realized. His cock was trying to get up, but it was pressing against the case closed over it.

“Is there a problem?” Klaus questioned, feeling the youngster’s distress.

There was an odd exchange of looks between the two men until realization dawned on Klaus.

“Oh, I see you are starting to see how the belt works. Good, at least we both know for sure that you are not having any erectile issues,” he joked, and Jake cast his eyes down quickly.

The man was right. The damn thing wasn’t comfortable at all when the wearer wanted to get an erection.

“What if …” he expressed his worry. “What if this thing causes some damage and shit?”

“I doubt a four-letter word has anything to do with what you are getting worried about. You should learn to speak without the excessive use of cuss words. You said it yourself that you will not get hard around me. So, what is the problem?”

“Maybe I will get hard for other reasons. Like imagining a girl going down on me or something,” he tried to act brave.

“Are you sure it will not be because you will imagine me going down on you instead of some random girl?” Klaus almost whispered the words.

Jake’s face was a parody of emotions. Klaus felt compelled to laugh.

“Are you picturing it?” he hovered closely, without touching Jake with more than his fingers wrapped around the brunet’s hand. “I must say that I am getting anxious to taste you again. Oh, by the way, we will go see a doctor.”

“A doctor?” Jake’s mind was mudded with images of a blond head burying between his legs and tasting him fully.

“Yes, we need to know that you are clean.”

“I’m not an a****l,” Jake tried to move away.

“Do not be difficult. I like to experience my lovers to the fullest, and if a piece of paper saying that they are healthy stands between me and my desire, then do not see why a small medical test should be a problem.”

“I’m not your lover,” Jake said fiercely.

“Not yet.”

“I don’t intend to be.”

“What? Are you scared of needles now? The good doctor will only take a tiny drop of blood,” Klaus spoke to him like he was a hard-headed c***d.

“I’m not scared, I just …”

“We are going, and that’s final. A medical test is required for all my employees, so, even if you have no intention to be my lover,” Klaus said with a small smile, “you will still be on my payroll, and solid health is expected from you.”

“There is no winning with you,” Jake said morosely.

“Of course there is. You are just fighting with the wrong weapons, Jake. You just need to be honest about your desires, nothing more.”

“Alright, we’ll do whatever you want,” Jake admitted. “Maybe the doctor will discover I have cooties and you’ll send me back, washing your hands off me.”

Klaus laughed wholeheartedly. “You look fine to me. And, if you have cooties,” he ruffled Jake’s hair, “Send you back? No, I will just have you treated for them. I will definitely enjoy bathing you using my own hands.”

Jake rolled his eyes.

“Really, does the pervert in you ever sleep?”

“No, not really. Not when the one I desire is right in front of me.”

“You were all business-like at work,” Jake pointed out.

“Yes, but it was a bit difficult for me to be like that, with you in the same room. So, for the sake of business, maybe you will perhaps agree to give in and give me what I want.”

“I don’t give a shit about your business,” Jake said with something akin to satisfaction in his voice. “What, you’re afraid you won’t be able to eat caviar or something if your business goes bad?”

A cool finger pressed against his lips. “Language, Jake, language. And actually I am perfectly able to set my business apart from my pleasure. Since you are here, in my house, I have no issue with seeing about my work at the office and playing with you at home.”


It was a bit unnerving for Jake to sit across from Klaus, in the limo, and let those deep blue eyes scrutinize him. He held his hands between his legs, linking his fingers and playing with his thumbs. To say he was a bit nervous was an understatement. That strange device over his sex was not uncomfortable when he wasn’t hard, but keeping the sensation at bay seemed difficult while having the object of his desire right in front of his eyes.

“What?” he eventually snapped to break the silence and make Klaus look away from him.

“I just like looking at you, is that a problem?” Klaus showed his perfect white teeth. “Does it bother you?”

“You know me already, you won’t learn anything new about me, if you just keep staring,” Jake mumbled.

“You are cute when you are miffed like this,” Klaus crossed his legs and looked at Jake with half-hooded eyes.

Jake could bet those insanely blue eyes could look a lot of ways, especially when their owner was taken by desire. But that was something he could only picture. He winced. His cock apparently had its own agenda these days.

Klaus bent slightly and placed a hand on Jake’s knee. “Why are you fighting so hard? What do you have to lose?” he asked patiently.

“Everything,” Jake said somewhat fiercely.

That seemed to surprise Klaus a bit.


“Yes, really. Plus, I don’t want it,” Jake suddenly realized he had forgotten to deny it.

“You do want it,” Klaus said simply while lying back in his seat. “I can understand your fear.”

“So, will you leave me alone?” Jake stared straight into Klaus’s eyes when asking the question. He could feel a claw gnawing on his chest while waiting for the answer.

Klaus slowly shook his head. “No. I am not giving up on you just yet. There is … potential,” his voice dropped a note or two. “I think you would be happy. This is not just about me and my desire to be all over you, getting inside you and making you scream my name.”

Jake’s heart skipped a beat while hearing Klaus speaking so casually about what the man wanted from him.

“This is about you. You feel lost right now.”

Lost? Jake frowned.

“You’re wrong,” his jaw tightened.

“What do you plan to do, Jake? Live a lie your entire life? Feel miserable just because your brother and the others do not condone homosexuality?”

“I told you I’m not …” Jake couldn’t bring himself to say it.

“You keep telling that to yourself. Although,” Klaus pondered for a moment, “you may, perhaps, have a plan?” he quirked an eyebrow.

“What plan?” Jake looked pretty much like the notorious cat with his whiskers soaked in stolen milk.

“I don’t know. Find yourself a new way, leave everything behind …” Klaus fished for information, his curiosity spiked.

“Maybe,” Jake murmured, staring stubbornly at his fingers again.

“I can help you with that. I can help you stand on your own.”

“Because of the goodness of your heart,” Jake showed his disbelief, cocking his head to one side and staring at Klaus.

“Nothing is free in the world, Jake. I told you what I want. And, since you react so well to me, where is the harm? It would be enjoyable for both of us. Plus, before stepping out in the big world out there, a bit of experience wouldn’t hurt, right?”

The car stopped right that moment.

“Here we are.” Klaus said, and Jake felt like he had missed his chance to say something meaningful.

Thompson hurried to open the door, and Klaus got out, followed by Jake.

“We should not be too long, Thompson,” Klaus said courteously, and the chauffeur nodded.

Jake murmured a small ‘thank you’. For some reason, he found the towering man a bit scary.

“You’re welcome,” he heard him say, and, for a short moment, he looked at Thompson and saw a bit of understanding in his eyes.

It looked like there were the only visitors in the large store at this hour. Jake knew they were in some posh place, but he could not remember if he had ever seen it before.

“We are not in your hometown, in case you are wondering,” Klaus spoke, as if he could read his mind.

“I thought so,” he responded curtly.

A woman in her 50s approached with open arms.

“Mister Metzger, what a pleasure,” she chanted, and Jake felt the need to make himself little.

Everything about the woman spelled class and elegance, at least if he was to take in her clothes. The woman placed imaginary pecks on both Klaus’s cheeks, while he did the same.

“Anna, I have a young man here who needs a new wardrobe,” Klaus presented Jake, who felt compelled to take an awkward step forward.

“I see,” the woman placed her small white fist under her chin and looked critically at Jake.

Now he was really feeling out of place. All that was missing was for the woman to say that he was a cheap piece of shit.

“I know what size he needs,” she concluded.

What? Could she tell just by looking?

“What will it be, Mister Metzger? Should we start with a nice suit, maybe?” she turned to Klaus with a questioning look in her grey eyes.

“Some jeans and t-shirts would be just fine. And whatever sports shoes you find to complete that,” Klaus answered.
If the woman was surprised, she didn’t show it.

“Please, take a seat, I will be right back,” she spoke, and she disappeared.

Jake sat gingerly on the red leather sofa.

“Why are you so stiff?” Klaus questioned. “I know for certain that I didn’t use a butt plug to make you this uncomfortable.”

Jake’s eyes spoke volumes and Klaus had to laugh. “No need to be disappointed, we will get there,” the blond joked.
“What am I doing here?” Jake said defensively. “I have my own jeans and t-shirts.”

“Should we take Anna on her offer for a suit then?”

“No,” Jake said with a scowl.

“Now, now, be a good boy, Jake. You will try everything she brings over and whatever you like, we’ll buy.”

“You mean you’ll buy.”

“Technicalities,” Klaus waved his hand.

“I don’t want to be a good boy,” he tried to revolt, just realizing what the man had said just earlier.

“Do you want to be a bad boy, then?” Klaus’s eyes twinkled with amusement. “If you want, I could put you across my lap for a bit of spanking. I really would not mind.”

“Who would want such a thing?” Jake asked, completely mortified.

“There is pleasure in a bit of pain if done right,” Klaus’s lips twitched, and he winked at Jake, making the younger man avert his eyes.

“You really are a total pervert,” Jake mused out loud.

“I believe you do not know what that word means,” Klaus spoke.

Before he could come up with another snarky remark, Anna was back, with her arms full of clothes. He offered to help right away, to avoid sitting next to Klaus for a while. The woman guided him to a changing room and left him to try out his clothes.

He fiddled with one pair of jeans, cursing under his breath. Jeans were jeans; it didn’t matter if they were signed by some fancy designer or not. He pulled over a t-shirt and turned to look in the mirror. He felt a sudden need to frown. He was still himself, but now he looked a bit different. The clothes fit him just right, but there was something in the way the new jeans were hugging his hips that felt better. Looked better. With a shrug, he exited the changing room and went straight at Klaus.

“Well?” he gestured, opening his arms so the blond could take a good look at him.

He noticed how Klaus took advantage of the little break to light up another one of those... wait, what did Klaus call them…ah yes, cigarillos. Jake had to chase those thoughts from his mind of how wonderful Klaus smelled or he’d be more uncomfortable from that crazy thing Klaus put on him. Now, Klaus was staring at Jake through the curtain of smoke.

“That will do. Next,” the man said clearly, and Jake huffed.

“They are all the same, just jeans and t-shirts. I want these, nothing more.”

“Turn,” Klaus gestured with the hand holding the cigarette, and Jake rolled his eyes, but obeyed.

He had no idea when the man got up so fast from his place. A hand was appreciatively touching his ass.

“They look good on you. Try out some more.”

“I don’t want to. This is enough, and I’ll pay you for them,” Jake said stubbornly.

Probably hearing their bickering, Anna made her appearance.

“Is there something wrong?” she questioned, with a genuine look of concern on her face.

“Not at all, Anna,” Klaus spoke, without tearing his eyes off Jake’s face. “Please, pack all of them, and put everything on my tab.”

“Thank you, Mister Metzger,” the woman hurried to take all the clothes left by Jake in the changing room.

“Let’s go,” Klaus took Jake’s hand. “The clothes will be delivered at home. Now I can only think of the promise I made to you.”

“What promise?” Jake mumbled although he knew fairly well what Klaus was talking about.

On the way back, Klaus’s continuous stare became one notch less bearable. Or his restlessness had something to do with the fluttering he felt in his stomach. Jake tried to convince himself, that he was probably coming down with something, but he knew the truth.


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I hugged Lakshmi very close. She leaned on my chest, her heavy breath pushing her breasts against my chest. I grabbed her by the hips and squeezed it and she left out a very sexy moan. I held her neck and slowly planted a kiss on her lips, there was no acceptance, and I slowly smooched, sucking the succulence of her lips. I was squeezing her boobs over her nighty all the time. She started to respond and when our lips parted she would whine a moan and It was such a turn on. Underneath the quilt...

3 years ago
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An incest birthday chapter 15

Randy and I had come downstairs to see Aunt Lisa sulking at the table with mom. Her house was damaged in the storm and now she needed a place to stay until it could get repaired. Being the loving family we are (no pun intended), it was quickly decided that she would be staying here, but where at we had no clue. We had debated it for a while until we finally came up with a conclusion we were all happy with, Randy and I especially, she would take my room and I would share Randy's...

3 years ago
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Mom ask son to bring me big cock

I came home just about the sun was going down.Mom was looking for waiting for me.She said to me son I want to ask you. I said ask mom anything.You are my mom.Mom said U know I love sex, I want you to get me cock that be big and thick one/You know your dad had a small cock. Can u get me bit hard thick and long/She said Pleas son help me but don't let anyone to know.I said mom I never tell anyone about us. Yes mom said u dont tell.I said to mom U have to wiat to get and man like u want.Ok I...

2 years ago
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Glorias Second Wedding Ch 02

Buck arrived for Sunday lunch and Amelia West practically launched herself out on to the front porch when answering the doorbell to kiss him flush on the mouth and to push against him. That rather hot welcome left Buck thinking if her daughter didn’t want him perhaps he could consider taking her mom to bed. That’s providing if women in their mid-fifties still did it. Amelia took him through the living room and out to the patio where she screeched, ‘Gloria look who’s arrived.’ Buck had three...

3 years ago
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The Spanking Couples Weekend GetawayChapter 5

"Well, what do we have here?" Debbie feared the worst, for she looked up and saw Marion, Jacki, and Sara staring her and Beth locked in the pillories. And, each was holding the leash attached to their subby. Sara also had two additional leashes: each one attached to Debbie's and Beth's naked subby husbands. Sara turned to Marion and Jacki and said: "I'll leave you two to play. By rules I must chain up these two subs while their mistresses are in the punishment pillory. I'm taking...

3 years ago
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Accidental Adultery

It was the summer after my first year of college. I was working as an assistant in my dad’s tiny legal office in, let’s just say the middle of nowhere. I was feeling pretty down because the guy I had been seeing at school had decided that he didn’t want to do a long-distance of the summer. In retrospect, I totally understand since he was going to be interning at Google for the summer and presumably fucking his way through The Castro. I had a ton of time on my hands during the day, especially...

1 year ago
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Ты молодой в то время волшебник нежелающий воевать. Ты вообще был достаточно миролюбивым человеком и не принимал войну ни в каком виде. Поэтому когда началась война перехал в соседнюю страну но потом война докатилась и туда и вскоре воевал весь материк. Ты решил бежать и бежал всё дальше и дальше и нигде не мог найти покоя и решил просто переждать. создал для себя саркофаг и уснул на 400 лет, не потому что так захотел а просто так получилось. В чарах длинного сна так просто немного ошибится.

3 years ago
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My Race Is RoyalChapter 2

Rory's bark snapped Donnie out of his daze and he realised they had reached the ravine. There was some shelter from the rock walls here and for the first time in nearly two hours, he was able to see more than a few feet in front of himself. The sheep was lying as he had left it and he shuffled forward before kneeling by its side. The animal didn't have the strength left to raise its head this time, but Donnie could see its eyes were open and there was still life in them. Unrolling the...

4 years ago
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Devins Torment 1

It was the beginning of a laid back and uneventful summer for Devin, a chance to finally relax after a tough and stressing school year. He had just survived sophomore year of high school and had celebrated his 16th birthday during finals week. He was less than happy about that, but he put it behind him. Devin was walking down the street in his quiet, suburban neighborhood, on his way to the corner store to get a soda, then he planned to sit around idly strumming at his guitar or maybe...

4 years ago
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Hell House

Hell House By Randy MacAnus As I sat checking my monitor wall, I said to myself, "It's good to be rich." You can afford the most delightful hobbies! I have lots of hobbies, but my favorite is breaking straight college boys and turning them into whores for men. There are easy "thug" ways to do that, of course. But I like being creative and elegant in my perversions. Now mind you, there are a lot of really good and decent young men out there, that don't deserve to be fucked over like...

1 year ago
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Layla Part 1 True story

It was a few years back when I noticed my 'interests' were getting more deviant. At that time I met a girl, well, woman. She was just over 30, I was 23. Impressed by her confidence and looks I felt intimidated. Working in the same grocery store, there was no escaping this captivating creature. Blonde hair, blue eyes, a smile to die for. Her body was curvy, hips, tits and a round ass. A woman. Not like those girls I was used to.'Layla' and I had to work late most of the week. And in our talks...

2 years ago
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Neighbor to Neighbor

After eighteen years of living in a small town Beth and Tom had decided that it was time to get out of that stultifying place and move to somewhere more exciting, more liberal. Small towns are notoriously small-minded and conservative. They had never really fit in, Tom especially. And Beth had made friends but she could never talk freely around them about her true feelings concerning politics and religions especially. So they moved and found a great place in a larger college town where they...

3 years ago
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I sat fairly smugly in the meeting room waiting for John, my boss, to arrive with the figures. Thing was, I'd not only done well this month, my first month, but I'd outsold him by pinching one of his prospects following a quick chat with his PA. He'd know this by now, of course, but this monthly presentation to the CEO was going to get my name in lights. I wondered how John would pitch it. A pat on my back surprised me. "Well done, Tony!" John smiled back at me as he walked to the...

1 year ago
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First Night With My Wife

Hey friends I am Harry (pet name), I want to share my first experience with you. I am a regular ISS reader. I m 28 years old guy and just got married to a beautiful women. Its an arrange marriage. My wife name is anu(pet name). She is very beautiful. Actually beautiful is an under statement ,she is damn sexy. She has a perfect face with long nose and beautiful sexy juicy lips. We both are from middle class family and are engineers. I worked at it firm in Mumbai and she worked in Pune (before...

3 years ago
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My new friend Rhonda

I was at the motel in the town about twenty miles from my college, I liked to go out of town when I want to walk on the freaky side of sexual fulfillment. I was in the restaurant down the street from the motel and saw a very sexy young thing walking towards the discount store on the corner. I watched from the window of the restaurant to see if she would come back up the street, I had just finished my meal when I saw her come around the corner. I hurriedly paid for my meal and went to intercept...

2 years ago
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The Solution

"How could this be happening?" she wondered as she sat in the sunroom drinking her morning coffee. After 24 years of relative bliss, her and Lou were now having problems. Serious problems. They had always been envied by all their friends for their ability to be best friends and still maintain a great sex life. They were still best friends, but their sex life had gone to hell! Her husband had lost all interest in her sexually. Nothing she did revived his interest. She had been battling this...

2 years ago
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Satisfying My Aunt8217s Desire

Hi, everyone, this is my first time in Iss and am narrating my first sex adventure with my neighbor aunt. Quickly going into the story. My name is Dheer and I am chennaiate, age of 26, good looking and you can touch me on I am residing at Chennai with my parents. As I am the only son I had a lot of leverage with everything. My mom is very much reserved so she doesn’t speak with anyone except this one neighbor Nisha, whose portion of the house faces my bedroom window. She is a mallu age of 32,...

2 years ago
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Me My Aunt Her Daughter

Hi ISS readers this is Prakash here I want to tell you the one of my true experience. I too was thinking will the sexual encounters with aunties will work this was my question to myself but they are really attracted to young boys  well coming to my story I am Parkash doing my engineering in Bangalore actually my native is Chennai. I stay In a good and rich apartment which is near to my collage alone .well it was Saturday week end I wanted to go to pub with my friend but I suddenly got a call...

3 years ago
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Bec3 It Aint Over Til Its OverChapter 23 Sunday Morning

I woke feeling warm and comfortable and cozy. I was also feeling as if I’d just been poked in the shoulder. The poke didn’t go with the other feelings. I blinked my eyes open and looked out into my room. Daylight filtered through the curtains and lit up the unhappy face of Angie. She was watching me with an uncertain look on her face. I think she was wondering if I was awake. Once she noticed that my eyes were open her face cleared into a smile. “Good morning, Angie,” I whispered, my voice...

4 years ago
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How Traditions Start part 9

An original story by Starrynight Enjoy: Presley opened her bedroom door and stepped out, quietly closing the door behind. She was wearing a grey cotton night gown that reached half way down her thigh and a pair of pink cotton panties. She had no bra on underneath, the gown complimenting her magnificent rack as it clung to it, and the outline of her nipples was visible through the thin material. Presley's bedroom was right between Jack and Lisa's and she could hear talking coming from...

2 years ago
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Caught and disgraced whore continues

After I sent her the pictures I didn't hear from her for about three days, I had already bought me a card cellphone and was just waiting to hear from her, so I uploaded the pictures and videos to the other phone and sent her another picture and a brief message, I saw guys at church too! And then in less than a minute later she answered, who are you? What do you want? I Answered, I want your attention? I want you to get ready with $400. Dollars let me know when you get them and I will tell you...

2 years ago
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Dulcies DevastationChapter 4

The summons came for Dulcie to see the Bishop just two weeks after Dennis returned to London. She went with some trepidation, visiting old Edith Spurgeon in hospital before her appointment. She was surprised, and a little worried, to see the Archdeacon, who shook her hand, and the Area Dean, who gave her a hug, there as well. "Come in, Dulcie, and take a seat ... coffee? Tea?" "Thank you, Bishop – coffee would be welcome." He checked her preferences for the beverage and once she was...

3 years ago
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Dogging no cinema Porno

Confesso que não sou grande fã de assistir a filmes porno, mas a ideia não me saia da cabeça.Ir a um local apenas frequentado por homens devia ser vibrante. Saber que está a ser projectada na tela uma grande vaca a ser comida por vários gajos, e os espectadores completamente excitados. hummmmcomo seria a excitação deles ao saberem que estava ali uma mulher ao lado deles? devia quadruplicar.As minhas idas ao cinema sempre foram normais, na maioria delas, até fui sozinha. Compro pipocas e lá vou...

2 years ago
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A Great Day

Slowly I raked the leaves out of the pool, my mind occupied. I heard the chatter of Carlita, my stepdaughter, and Bradley, a supposed friend. They were in the hot tub. It was a cool Saturday morning, and I was getting the pool ready for summer. My name is Clay Newton, and at twenty-four I am a widower. My wife, Sonia, passed away eighteen months ago from cancer. I had married her when Carlita was fifteen. Carlita was eighteen now, and a few months away from graduating high school.I had married...

Love Stories
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Mo And Betty And Me

I was just leaving the posh supermarket, having paid over the odds for a whole range of things from milk to organic broccoli. They got away with it because this was an affluent part of the island and also midway between the two main supermarkets, both of which sold good stuff at reasonable prices. But the fancy one was here, right in the heart of Simpson Bay, and didn’t require a road trip to get there. And it was organic this and finest that and types of bread you’d never heard of.I grudgingly...

2 years ago
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Good Things Come In Small Packages Chapter 4

Life, for the most part, was almost unchanged for the next five weeks. The new cage was noticeably tighter, but after a couple of days, I ceased to really notice I was wearing it at all, with the exception of being awoken by a raging nocturnal hard-on on a few occasions. As usual, a quick trip to the bathroom fixed this problem.I still wore the cage six days a week, with Mandy releasing me on Saturday nights for our usual evening of sexual frolics. Mandy still got her juicy pussy serviced by my...

1 year ago
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Sucky VacationChapter 10

“This is the best day ever!” Lori danced around in her tight blue denim shorts and a pink spaghetti-strap top. Jeff noted she wasn’t wearing the cotton bra-like-thing she normally wore. Her pinpoint nipples pushed out the fabric covering her barely-there breasts. “She’s definitely in a better mood today,” Shelly murmured to Amy and the two of them giggled. After their parents finally got moving and out of the resort, their day in the big park flew by. The theme park was absolutely packed...

1 year ago
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Lets Make a Deal

"That's it, you little cocksucker," I said to my kneeling, 15-year old stepdaughter. She began to bob her head up and down on my shaft all the faster. She knew it would only be a few more minutes, and then she would be free of her duty, at least for now. "Oh yessss, that's a good girl!" Back before I changed the rules on her, she would probably have been finished by now. In those days, I had allowed her to use her hands to stroke my dick while she sucked on the end. However, I soon...

1 year ago
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My First Bottom Experience

Those were the summer days and I have been long away from my girlfriend. I used to log in to yahoo and search for girls without much success. That’s when a guy contacted me and asked if I would like to spend time with him. I did not say yes but started imagining how will it be if I am with a guy, how will it feel what would I do will I be able to come close to a naked man’s body what if our cocks touch and slowly I started enjoying imagining this and was thinking what the problem is if I try...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Courtneys ConversionChapter 9 Cooking ndash Thanksgiving sex or neighbor gets some special hospitality

It was Thanksgiving and there wasn’t any family in the area to share it with so Courtney suggested that we invite Ramiro and his son to dinner. They had no one else in the USA to be with either. He had been so helpful to both of us during the last several months that it was the right thing to do. The big Hispanic man had helped me with a variety of house repair and yard maintenance projects that might not have gotten done otherwise. He’d frequently taken care of our youngest son who was his...

1 year ago
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The Choice

The Choice Mistress looked down at me, I could see the pleasure in Her eyes as I knelt there by Her side. I was wearing hosiery, panties and a lacy bra stuffed to give the illusion that I had something worth keeping inside it. And, of course, the collar. My heels sat next to me, today I managed to wear the 5 inch heels all day without complaint, and Mistress was pleased with my progress and allowed me this small respite. She spoke, "Ah, my little Sapphic toy. Today is going to be a...

2 years ago
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Vampire Omicron Chapter 1 Home Invasion Updated

See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story DISCLAIMERS -I'm just trying to be helpful with these disclaimers. I don’t want to spring things on anyone! -My writing is SUPPOSED to be gross and wrong, which is what makes it so thrilling to write! You SHOULD feel icky reading it, which is why I consider it HORROR! I try to creep myself out as I write, getting into the mindset of a perverted VILLAIN. We're all acknowledging he is evil and wrong....

3 years ago
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Asmodais Vengeance

Asmodai howled in impotent rage. The Slayer had bested him! She and her pathetic friends had destroyed the Crystal of Agnathi, breaking his thrall over those that were to be the implements of his rise to power. The Slayer and her pet vampire had shattered it between them, and to add further insult the witches had cast him from the dimension! Asmodai snarled at the images that swirled in the mist before him. They had defeated and insulted him and he would not stand for it. They believed...

1 year ago
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The Barbecue

As everyone came over, my dad started up the barbecue. I was running in and out of the house setting things up. I walked by our neighbour Bill and bent over to put a salad on the table. I knew I just gave him a good view of my butt and I knew he liked it. I continued to set things up and noticed that he didn't stop looking at me. Whether it was at my chest or at my butt. I was starting to feel very violated so I tried to stay away from him. As the night went on, we ate our food and the...

3 years ago
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There Is a ReasonChapter 13

Becky looked out the window of the Horizon Air turboprop as it flew over the mountains on the short flight between Missoula and Great Falls. The sun reflected brightly off the snow-covered landscape below. The scenery was unbelievable but it looked very cold. Photos just couldn't capture the beauty of western Montana. She was excited and nervous; excited to see Bret and Amelia after more than two months apart. Had it only been a little over two months since they had dropped her off at...

3 years ago
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Ericas first time

This story is about my first time. That’s right, my first time being fucked by a hard cock. I am from a small town somewhere in Northern Europe. You know the kind of place, one shop, everyone knows everyone and if you as much as kiss a guy on the street you are branded a slut by the entire village. My name is Erica, and at the time I was dating a guy named Karl. We were both seventeen and madly in love. He tried to have sex with me on several occasions, but I always said no. I wouldn’t even...

First Time
1 year ago
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School Afair 2

Introduction: The continuation of a story about my teacher and myself,and our little affair As I sat there in the classroom all by myself. Tired and exhausted from tapping my smoking hot computer-science teacher,I was waiting for her to return from the bathroom. She and I were supposed to go to her apartment as soon as she returned, so we can continue our little affair there. I knew that she was married and had a child thats only a couple years younger than me, but I was hoping they wouldnt be...

3 years ago
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mom and daughter

Mom and Daughter It happened when I was f******n. No, I didn’t have sex at that age. It was when I discovered my love for members of my own sex. Surprising as this may sound, it was my mom’s fault. You see, in our house, if the bathroom door is shut, that means someone is using it and you don’t enter. If it is open, it is free for use. My parents have done a good job of enforcing this in our house. So it came as a surprise one morning when I went to the bathroom to take a shower, and walked...

1 year ago
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A DaughterinLaws Love

It had been a year since my father-in-law's wife passed away. Ed, who is retired, was not handling the loss well. It had been years since Ed lived by himself. He was lonely and depressed. It was winter and my husband Jon suggested he take a break from the cold of Chicago and visit us in Arizona. I always enjoyed Ed and welcomed his visit. The first week was a bit strained. Ed was uncomfortable and stressed. I tried to get him to take part in various activities however, except for meals, he...

2 years ago
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When the Cats Away Pussies Cum Play

Alica my girl was out of town for the night. I was horny as hell. I laid in the bed on top of the covers, naked. Fantasizing, stroking my dick. Remembering the feeling of her pussy wrapped around my dick. My cock becoming harder and bigger with each stroke. Massaging my balls with one hand. I was in such a deep trance of self satisfaction. My girlfriends roommate Jade who didn't know I was in the room burst through the door. Looking for hairbrush or something she had just got out of the shower....

4 years ago
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I didn’t recognise him instantly. Truth be told, I was so engrossed in my brand-new paperback from WH Smith that I wouldn’t have even noticed him coming into the departure lounge if it wasn’t for his kids. There were two of them. Young enough to look like angels but old enough to make their mother head straight for the bar. Within a minute of them arriving, they’d talked so loudly that I presumed the entire lounge knew their names. Ginnie and George.They were full of energy; leaping over seats,...

4 years ago
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Why Didnt I JustChapter 39

I took off from Santa Ana at first light, refueling in Sacramento just before ten o'clock. I stopped again near Red Bluff to top off my tank and then landed in Salem a little before four that afternoon. I rented the same car as on my first visit, leaving another three hundred dollar security deposit. My guardian guided me to Diane's location. I was just pulling up in front of her apartment when she came walking out her front door. I parked and got out of the car, calling her name. "Jimmy,...

1 year ago
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The Night of Napoleon Drake

The room filled with applause as Dylan switched off the widescreen tv. “That, my friends, is us at our best. I'm so proud of all of you.” Napoleon Drake was a triumph. Dylan had been sceptical about the concept of a megalomaniac duck bent on world domination. But Austen Animation was a risk taking company and it didn't take him long to realise that this show was destined to be a hit. It was goofy enough for kids to love it, and with a darkly satirical sub text for adults. ----- The security...

Quickie Sex

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