Bankrupt Ch. 01 free porn video

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I never thought my life would end over a homecoming date. Funny how the course of a life can turn on one moment, one tiny decision, so small you’ll never know it until your future has changed forever. Maybe that’s the whole point. If you saw them coming, you might have actually done things differently. I know I would have.

At the time, I thought it nothing more than a chance encounter with an annoying admirer.

‘Hello Amanda. Guess who I’m asking to homecoming this year?’

Victor Moralles. Tall, darkly handsome in a way that veered a bit too close to pretty, but definitely good looking. Cute enough to catch my interest, or at least he would have been if he hadn’t been one of the most stuck up, egotistical brats I’d met . The self-appointed king of the school. Or rather, its wannabe CEO, a position he claimed as his natural right.

We were all fairly well off. You had to be, if you wanted to afford a good school ever since the mid-century education collapse gutted most public colleges (and many private ones). But even here, some families were better off than others, and his was at the top of the heap. He took that to mean that he deserved whatever he wanted, and sometimes, whoever he wanted.

Bringing him back down to Earth had become something of a guilty pleasure. Disturbing as his attentions could be (I had a boyfriend, after all. Not that it stopped Victor), there was a perverse joy to be had in crushing his pretensions. Even if I wished he’d leave me alone, it was fun putting him back in his place.

‘Your mother?’ I asked him, not bothering to look up.

‘No,’ he said. I smiled to myself, hearing the newfound strain in his voice. ‘I’m looking at her right now?’

‘You’re looking at your mother?’ I said, trying to keep a straight face as I made a show of surveying the lounge.

‘Does she know that you’re over here bothering me, instead of saying hello like a good son?’

The downside of looking up was that I noticed how he leered at me. Staring down the front of my nice new dress, a green and blue designer outfit I’d bought that very day on an afternoon trip out to Paris. The hypersonic had just gotten in an hour or so ago, and I couldn’t wait to show all my friends. But something in the way he stared made the whole thing feel tawdry.

Look, I know I have a large chest, I’ve always believed that ‘if you’ve got it, flaunt it’, and aside from the occasional creep it’s worked pretty well. But the way he looked at me, like I was some cheap merchandise on the clearance rack in one of his daddy’s stores, that bothered me. I felt an urge to cover myself, but ignored it. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

‘And here I thought you were some kind of scholar,’ he joked, ‘but I’ll spell it out for you in tiny words. It’s you. I’m asking you out to the dance with me.’

I did laugh that time. No matter how much he tried to play it off, I could see I’d gotten to him.

‘After you’ve already asked your mother? My, how disappointed she’ll be that you’ve stood her up.’

His face darkened, but I was on a roll.

‘You know, Amanda, most girls never get an opportunity like this.’

‘We should all be so lucky.’

‘Do you know who I am?’

‘Of course I do. I’m telling you off, aren’t I?’

‘One last chance,’ he told me, ‘That’s more than I usually give. Think carefully before you answer, it’s not too late to say yes.’

‘Since you like small words so much, here’s one for you: No! Nope, non, nyet, nein! Was that small enough for you? Here it is again. No. Even if I wasn’t already going out with someone, and you were the only boy in a school full of girls, and a date was mandatory, I’d still have the same answer for you. No’

‘Funny,’ he said, his voice dripping with malice. ‘Nobody ever told me you were stupid.’

‘Someone must have, if you thought I’d say yes.’

He turned and fled the room, and I wasn’t the only one laughing behind his back as he retreated. Chuckling to myself, I called my best friend Emily and told her to swing by my room to see the new outfit, though I decided to add a really cute shoulder scarf I’d bough a couple months back.

At the time, I counted the day as a win. Sure, he’d probably come up with some petty revenge later – he was a spiteful little bastard, after all – but I’d handle that when it came.

After all, what could he really do to me?

The announcement came midway through my French exam, several weeks after my encounter with Victor, and interrupted right as my instructor was grilling me on the finer points of Proust.

‘Amanda Doyle, please report to the head office immediately.’

I paused, stumbling over my answer as I suddenly fished for words. It was more difficult than I’d like. I was competent enough at the language, but certainly no natural Parisian.

Had that really just happened? They knew full well I was in the middle of an oral exam. They never interrupted those. I remember a kid who lost two grandparents and a sibling in a hypersonic crash last year, and they still made him take a full three day course of examinations before informing him.

Professor Engles was every bit as shocked as I.

‘That can’t be right,’ she said. ‘There must have been a scheduling error. Stay right there, and do not attempt to access any outside materials. As far as I’m concerned, this examination is still in progress.’

She left the room briefly for her adjacent office, and I stood there like an idiot trying to come up with a colorful way to work flower metaphors into my answer – the professor was always a sucker for those. What in the world could it be? Professor Engles was probably right, some sort of weird mixup was the most likely answer. Certainly, I knew she’d get to the bottom of it. That woman had as hard a teacher as I’d ever had, but just as ruthless when fighting on behalf of her students. I was sure that any minute now she would return to tell me that it was all a mistake, and the examination would continue as planned.

That wasn’t what happened.

Her face was ashen when she returned. I’d seen more cheerful expressions at a wake.

‘I’m afraid we will have to interrupt this examination,’ she told me. ‘If possible, we will try to reschedule for a later date.’

‘If possible? But, what about my class, my grade. What is going on?’

‘I’m sorry, Ms Doyle, I really am, but I don’t know. You will have to go to the office if you wish to find out.’

A lie, at least a partial one. There’s no way she’d let them cut one of her exams short, not unless she was satisfied it was essential. Maybe she didn’t know the full story, but that look she gave me…

‘Please,’ I asked, ‘my parents, my family, are they-‘

‘I can’t say. Just do as they instructed. I’m sure that everything will turn out perfectly well.’

‘And Amanda,’ she caught my wrist just as I was walking out the door, ‘Good luck.’

As it happened, I didn’t have to wait for the office, or for the chancellor. As I passed a study nook on the way over, every head in the room turned to stare.

‘What?’ I asked in response to all the wide eyed stares, getting mighty sick of the way they looked at me. Like some kind of exotic animal in a zoo, ignorant of the placard on display for all the world to see.

Finally, someone worked up some courage, even if just to point me towards a viewscreen. A newsfeed was playing the 24 hour TNN livestream, right in the middle of some financial scandal. The stock ticker on the bottom flashed by, even as the talking heads blathered on.

‘What does that-‘ I started

‘Just keep looking,’ someone interrupted me.

I kept my eyes on the screen, not understanding until the screen rolled back to the headline:

‘Conglomerated Industries Faces Scrutiny After CFO Indicted For Fraud’

‘Chief Financial Officer Armande Doyle was taken into custody today after an
anonymous tip revealed serious financial malfeasance. Following a full confession under truth-inquest, the suspect has been indicted of several class I felonies. The CEO insists that the errors were the isolated work of a single unscrupulous individual, and assures investors that-‘


Impossible, I watched in disbelief as everything crumbled around me. It made no sense? Daddy wouldn’t do something like that- he couldn’t. But the newsfeed said he’d confessed.

My boyfriend Adam was there. He’d been there all along, watching with the others. I turned away, ashamed to let him see me like this. Ignoring my resistance, he enfolded me in his warm, comforting arms. Despite everything, I almost felt safe.

‘Whatever happens,’ he whispered in my ear, ‘I love you. Always remember that.’

I nodded, unable to speak. In a perfect world, I could have just stood there in his arms forever, and damn the consequences. But this isn’t a perfect world, is it, and sooner or later I was going to have to face it. Stepping from his embrace, I gave him one last kiss for good luck and left for the office. Ready, I believed, to face whatever fate had in store for me.

The mood was somber as I finally entered. Like walking those final steps to the execution block back in the days before they’d replaced death row with government slave chips.

The chancellor was waiting for me in his office. Stark, intimidating, I stood in front of his desk and had no trouble imagining him as a judge waiting to pass sentence upon me. Like the one who had condemned Daddy. We sat there a moment, neither of us speaking, a tension filling the room that neither of us were willing to cut. The clock ticked, an old fashioned mechanical one that sat on a shelf along the far wall. Antique or replica, I couldn’t tell. I waited, listening to it count off the endless parade of seconds.

Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock.

He steepled his fingers together before running a hand through his thinning grey hair. Opened his mouth to speak, and closed it without saying anything. For some reason, it called to mind Daddy’s face back when I was seven and he was about to take our sick dog to the vet for the last time. Finally, she spoke.

‘Ms. Doyle, I don’t know how to tell you this, but I’m afraid I have some bad news.’

‘I saw,’ I said. Barely more than a whisper. ‘On the screen outside.’

He nodded.

‘Then you understand what we have to do? With his confession, the bulk of your family’s assets are forfeit. I’m afraid your student account is in arrears, effective immediately.’

Arrears? Suddenly, I understood. It was over, I was about to be expelled for nonpayment. Everything I had worked for, gone in one sudden swoop. What would I do now? I could try my luck in the lottery for a public university, hoping that maybe someone would honor its degree. Or perhaps I might hope to find work as someone’s assistant, with half a degree from a real school. But all that I’d worked for, any chance of a serious, meaningful career, it had just flown away.

‘I’m very sorry about this,’ he said gently, ‘You have been an exemplary student, and if there was some alternate source of funding… but as things stand, I’m afraid that our hands are tied.’

Someone from a better family might hold out hope of an uncle, or a grandparent, or a cousin. But we had none. It had taken three generations to work our way up to this, and without daddy, there was no one else who could cover the fee. Even if I was able to get a job and somehow scrape by, my assets belonged to my family until I turned twenty five. They’d be just as subject to forfeiture as the rest.

‘There is, however, another alternative.’

Slowly, almost reluctantly, he pushed a tablet forward. Scanning the page, I recoiled from it at once. A bill of enslavement! He couldn’t possibly be serious.

‘I know it’s a shock, but I urge you to consider our school’s conservatorship program. You would continue to live here, attending classes until your graduation. You would have certain rights, in terms of meaningful employment once you’ve graduated. In fact, most graduates are able to buy themselves back within ten years.’

I’d heard of it, everyone had. There were always a few in every year. The ‘lucky’ handful of lower class students who’d navigated the necessary prep schools without getting saddled with an indenture along the way. Sold, by their own hands, in hopes of jumping ahead and forging a better life for themselves. The lowest of the low, and now he was suggesting I join them?

‘But- I can’t, I mean I-‘

‘I strongly encourage you to think it over. I know it’s painful to imagine, but think, Ms Doyle, on what exactly awaits you. What do you think will happen once you leave here? What will your family’s creditors do?’

‘They- Oh!’

If father defaulted, an event that seemed more and more likely by the minute, then the entire family would be liable. If we couldn’t make the payments – and I didn’t see how we possibly could – then any of us might be at risk of repossession.

‘We cannot force you to accept this, but as things stand, I think it’s your best option. I wish things were otherwise, but the law ties our hands. Take some time to think it over, but I need an answer before you leave the room. We’ve already received inquiries about your family’s finances, and yourself in particular. This school has certain prerogatives, but if someone lodges a claim before us, we may run out of options.’

Vultures, already circling around the fallen carcass of my family. Again, I wondered what my father could have possibly been thinking. Surely this wasn’t real. At any moment they would come in and tell me it was a mistake, a setup. But he’d testified under a truth inciter. It was real. Somehow, for some reason, he had thrown it all away, and taken us down with him. I wanted to hate him, but all I could feel was sorrow and terror for whatever fate awaited him.

I looked at the contract again, read it over. Just the press of my thumb against the reader, and that would be all it took. No longer would I be a person, an independent being with her own rights and dreams. Instead I would be property, a possession.

But if that was what fate had in store for me either way…

‘Wh-who might. I mean, who would -‘

-buy me. I couldn’t make myself say the words, but he understood. His face softened and he tried to be comforting, but what comfort was there for me now?

‘We do not allow corporate purchasers, but beyond that,’ he held out his hands helplessly, shrugging his shoulders. ‘It could be just about anyone. There is a certain cachet in owning an up and coming student, and with a young, attractive lady… well, that also inspires a certain amount of interest.’

I shuddered, stomach heaving and grateful that I had not yet eaten. The chancellor would no longer meet my eyes.

‘However, most potential buyers are discouraged by our policies. That you live here fulltime, and continue to engage in your studies. Very few are willing to pay so much for someone they can only get during breaks and visits. In all likelihood, you will find yourself under the… care of a classmate.’

Again, I cringed at the thought. The idea of my friends, my classmates seeing me so vulnerable and lowly was intolerable. Never mind having one of them hold the strings in that relationship. Even a wretched anonymity seemed preferable to a more comfortable fall in public. Better to be chained to an assembly line, or a helpdesk.

Or a brothel. What chance would I have of escaping that?

Would it be so bad, if everyone saw? To see their smug faces, so long as I could finish school, have a chance at my career? What other choice did I have?

Reaching my hand out took effort, an intense force of will. Everything in me screamed not to do it, to find some other way, but there was none. With an act of savage finality I pressed my thumb down against
the reader. It chirped, and just like that, I had given myself away.

Sorrowfully, but with no hesitation, the chancellor pulled a small white injector from his desk. It was short, nondescript. Maybe the length of a finger, maybe a bit less.

‘One press, straight against the inner elbow. You’ll be out for several days while they install the chip. They’ll explain everything then.’

I took it, cradling it gently like some rabid animal that had not yet decided to bite me. Dangerous, I didn’t want to provoke it, but that wasn’t a choice that belonged to me anymore.

‘Will- will it hurt?’

‘They tell me it’s completely painless’

This thing was dangerous. One little press, and it would take everything from me. No, I’d already done that, hadn’t I. Daddy had when he decided to cheat the system. All that was left was to finish what I had already started. With a deep breath, I pressed the end up against my skin. There was a sharp hiss, but I felt nothing.

Then I remembered nothing.

Did it hurt? I couldn’t tell you. There was a vague sense of time passing. Blurred shapes surrounding me, a pressure in my head. I laughed, I cried, I smelled fresh cut grass, and then salty ocean spray. Someone asked me something, and I replied, but I remember neither question nor the answer. They tell me that the process is mostly automated, with very little human intervention, and I believe them. What was real and what was a dream, I wasn’t really sure.

When I woke once more, I was back in the school. In the infirmary this time. There was no pain, exactly, but I felt sore and tired. I sat up slowly, and the nurse came over. Tentatively, unwilling to face the truth, my hand reached back to feel my skull. Intact, no scars, scabs, or even any bruising. For a brief moment, I held out hope that something had gone wrong, or right, and I had been saved before they implanted the chip. But no, I was wearing a thin hospital gown instead of my school clothes, and my aching throat was dry and raw from days without a drink of water.

‘That’s ok,’ said the nurse, ‘take a moment to collect yourself. You’ve been out for nearly four and a half days. Can you stand?’

‘I think so,’ I told her, doing my best to rise, but it was my thoughts that carried my attention. Was I different, changed? What did it mean for me to be chipped, was I still myself? Nothing felt out of place, there was no sign that I was under the influence of anything but my own self. Had the process failed after all? Was I somehow free of the chip’s control? Or was its hold so subtle that I’d never even notice.

Now that was a terrifying thought. How would I even tell? Was I cursed to spend the rest of my life second guessing every thought and decision I made?

‘Everything seems to be in order,’ the nurse said after giving me a cursory inspection. ‘There’s a shower in the other room, for you to freshen up and change before you go meet him.’

‘So soon?’

It had loomed large in my thoughts since yesterday – no, almost a week ago – in the chancellor’s office. Always there, in some terrible, unspeakable future. But now that it was almost here, I found that I wasn’t ready. The nurse’s formerly sympathetic face hardened.

‘Your time isn’t your own anymore, young lady. It’s best you get that through your head as soon as possible.’

She sighed, the iron draining from her bearing.

‘It really is the easiest way,’ she said, trying to console me. ‘You don’t want to fight it, the best you can hope for is to face it with dignity.’

Dignity. A funny word, now. I wasn’t entirely sure what it meant now, but the thought had some appeal. After all, we weren’t a school of sadists. Yes, I had lost my status, my social position, and I was doomed to spend the rest of my academic life trapped in servitude. But maybe, just maybe, I could work with it. Find a way to preserve some semblance of grace and poise until I was finally free. Maybe, just maybe, I could find some comfortable accommodation with my new… owner. I still hated that word, but I could work with it if he could. Maybe, if I played this right, it wouldn’t be quite so bad as I feared.

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RendezvousChapter 23

Cora Ya know ... holding that big ziplock full of dreams ... I missed my man. Take that anyway you wish. I laughed. Chuck looked the question. Back down the road a piece, there was a sort of a visitors center ... kinda. A wide spot with a pull off that made a turn or two and ended up in a parking lot. There was a sign board commemorating the Show of Shows. It listed the bands ... some of whom I’d never heard of ... and some of the eventual greats; Santana, Hendricks, Grace Slick and the...

3 years ago
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another bbw adventure pt1 my ex co worker

i worked at a supermarket years ago and i met this woman at work blonde bbw:) and i had to have her !! i know that you re not supposed to bag chicks at work but i knew that under her baggy work clothes was a tigeress waitin to be unleashed!!!so over the next few days i worked my charm and eventually i got her to my house and hit it 3 times in a row befor i sent her home whats so special about this story and this woman??well later on i found out she was a freak!! my 1st adventure with her...

4 years ago
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The Story of My Wife PT 3

“In my last story, I shared how my smoking hot fifty-year-old wife Vicki seduced a younger woman, and my ass lost its virginity to my neighbor Gene’s big cock.” Part 3: Lets get started…It was now Monday morning. Vicki took Deb to her hotel, but returned home much later than I expected. I guess they just started talking and lost track of time. “Yeah right!” I thought to myself. These two women can’t keep their hands and mouths off each other. When Vicki did arrive home, I asked her how my...

2 years ago
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Boarding School Punished by Matron 3

If you’ve read part 2 you’ll know that Matron invited the head girl, Rosie Saunders, to witness my punishment. This was very embarrassing, which is exactly what Matron intended. I had been naked in front of the head girl and she’d seen me caned and then seen Matron spank my cock because I had an erection. A week or so later I went into the library and as I turned a corner I bumped into Rosie. I went red and she went scarlet, remembering the last time she’d seen me. In a way, this mutual...

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Life On The Road MFF

If you travel enough you start to see the same faces. Business travelers seem to take the same flights. They go to the same cities. They stay at the same hotels. Everyone picks an airline or hotel chain based on a loyalty program. So if you spend a month in the downtown Hilton in Minneapolis, it's not uncommon to run into someone you met in the bar a year later in the same hotel brand in another major city.It's not like you become friends. You might strike up a conversation in a bar. But...

2 years ago
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ChristineChapter 5

As the weeks went on, Christine didn't eat or talk much. She'd lost weight and her pretty face was so pale. She would think about Janice every single day. Though she fought hard not to keep loving her she couldn't help it. Janice had been the only person that had made her heart melt. Christine had been getting very sick. The constant throwing up began to worry her. She figured it was just stress from quitting the job she loved and losing the woman of her dreams. "You're not too well....

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 32

... Ten minutes later, "Medic! Medic!" Carter's voice came over the radio. "Ingles isn't breathing." Fisher's head snapped up from what she was doing. Turning, she met Jeff's eyes from halfway across the lab. He stared back at her. She had wondered when Jeff and Bill left together so ... casually. Now she suddenly knew. She had no idea how they had done it, but she knew they had. The stare had lasted for three or four seconds when a smile twitched the corner of her mouth. She went...

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Becoming Teachers Pet

Well, Here we go again. Another month, another school, and it seems this one is about half a semester behind the one I just left. Gives me time to think, to sort things out, which is good. What is bad is that it puts me back in the Physical Fitness Test. If I do two more sit-ups, I think I'm going to puke. I tried to get out of it, but the vice principal here wasn't listening to me or my parents when we complained about me having to undergo this thing twice in one year. About the only bright...

1 year ago
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Fetish Central

You wake up in your hotel room, still a little unsure of your surroundings. Your friends had brought you out into the middle of nowhere to a place called "Fetish Central" and by all means you were fine with fetishes, but you were sure you could do without a night of gallivanting around in a sex crazed environment. You sigh as you get out of bed and look at the sky and realize that it's still night time, confused you look at the clock, it reads 7:34 am, but it's pitch black and the moon is...

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Halloween Surprise

Let me start off by saying that Halloween is for kids. I would tend to think that most of you adults on this site would have to agree. It is not like I am anti-Halloween or anything, that would be far from the truth. Believe me, I thoroughly enjoy seeing the little ones come to the door dressed in their colorful costumes. Even better when they come to the door escorted by their hot looking moms. Not that I would ever even consider using a kid's costume as a conversation starter just to make way...

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It was so stupid of meive used the wifi plex to download a porn on torrenti never tought a second i could be caught if not i would have make sure not to download files with such titlesive never met the landlord until that friday evening back from schoolhe was waiting his his landrover when i got inside the lobbyi saw him got out looking at me with a huge smile''hi, you live on 1st floor at 104 right''''iam Mike the owner, im here to check the fire sensors''his strong firm daddy dark hand shook...

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Bookstore Fun

I woke up on Thursday morning horny and going through porn withdrawal. I did some chores around the house, and then called to see if I was needed for work that day which I wasn’t. I decided to head out to one of the better adult bookstores in Parkersburg. When I pulled in there were only a few cars so I grabbed some quarters and headed inside. A little about me first, I am six feet tall with a good size dick and nice tight ass. I have brown hair and green eyes and am always noticed whereever I...

1 year ago
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Still On Saturday

After my sex romp with Ezinne, she left and I took some time to relax and catch some strength. I got a call from my mechanic telling me that he's about closing his workshop. I cleaned up, got dressed and left. I got to his workshop, thanked him and drove my car home. Mmmmm... Finally home. Man, it's been a long day.Dark, shades drawn and that smell... sweet, citrusy, kinda sexy. Hmmmm ...As my eyes adjusts, I see the gentle flicker of candle light coming from down the hall. I think, Now what...

2 years ago
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Meri suhagraat

Hi, mera naam roshni hai or mein 24 saal ki 38-26-38 figure wali ladki hu or me iss k regular reader hu Yeh meri real suhaag raat ki story he jo me aaj apko batane ja rahi hu. Mere pariwar me meri mom,meri badi sister he jo ki married hai. Mere dad ki death karib 9 saal pehle hi ho chuki hai. Yeh baat karib 1 saal pehle ki hai jab me 23 saal ki thi aur meri shaadi hui thi. Mere pati ka naam ashish hai or who bilkul salman khan ki tarah tight body and gud figure wale insan hai. Jab wah muje...

1 year ago
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China Doll

It was an early night in the house as Shen sits down and readies herself for bed. She was a smallish girl from China, a slight body with a rather large pair of breasts for someone of her body type. She was nervous as she waited for the man she was sold to. She was brought in at the request of a man who simply told her Madame that Shen was to be sold to him. The man’s maid who promptly told the girl to bathe and wait inside the room, naked, showed her into a large bedroom. Shen had even made...

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RuthAnn High School Ch 03

By the time that Ruth-Ann got to the last period of the day, she was so excited it was hard to sit still. Going to all of her classes, knowing that the panties she left the house with this morning were now in her Principal’s possession had just kept her wet all day. It was a very strange and cool sensation to go to biology class today and have to sit on the little metal stools. Because she was bare underneath, her moist pussy had been resting directly on the cold metal, which was very...

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Free HD Interracial Porn

FreeHDInterracialPorn! We all know huge black cocks and tight white cunts are a match made in heaven. For many reasons, the interracial niche keeps on growing. I guess all of you serial masturbators can't get enough of pale, white chicks in awe of the black meat rods coming their way. And then hear them squeal as their tight holes are penetrated by some of the thickest dongs you'll ever see on the internet. Fuck it; I know some of you jealously admire the dongs these black dudes are rocking...

Black Porn Sites
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My First Happy Ending

So I have been wanting a massage for a while now, and decided to get one the other day. I LOVE LOVE LOVE massages. I thought it would be fun to go to place where it was possible to get a HE from the masseuse, so I looked on Craigslist and Backpage. Trust me, I know I could get into trouble this way, but I think that was part of the thrill. I know the general rules, no talking about fight club, but knew how to signal, so I figured at worst, I would get a shitty massage with no happy ending. At...

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FantasyPart 4 Alice

Alice showed up. Listen to it. Three simple words with monstrous meaning. She wasn't there, and then she was. She was announced by the doorbell. The damned doorbell again! I should have heeded its warning. One instant everything was looking up and I was finished with that part of my life. Then she was standing in the doorway, looking straight at my chest, silent, like a ghost or a zombie or something. No! No, no, no, no, no! "Get the fuck out of my life!" I slammed the door and locked...

2 years ago
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The night was cool and crisp and the moon was full. She smiled, almost basking in the light of the street lamps, a poor replacement for the sun she once knew so well. She ran her hands down the front of her gown, admiring the black lace trim and delicate bead work of pearls striking against the rich green of the material. The two-inch straps hugged her forearms and the stiffly boned bodice dipped low into her bosom. It had been a wonderful evening...and Victor was so handsome and commanding in...

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The Mermaid and the Witch

There once was a man who loved to swim. Whenever he could, he frolicked all day in the waves. When he was working, he pined for the siren song of the sea. Luckily, the man had a lovely witch of a wife who could help him with his passion. She gave him a spell that granted him gills, with the warning that he must never use it for more than a sun's trek across the sky. The first time the man spoke the spell, he very nearly forgot his wife's warning. The joy of being able to fully...

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Essie The Next Chapter

When I entered my apartment, I immediately undressed, brushed my teeth and hit the sack. Tomorrow was going to be another eight hours of grueling work. I fell asleep within a few seconds of my head hitting the pillow. My alarm sounded right on time. I moaned and stretched my muscles while lying in bed. I was still sore from working so hard. I didn't want to get my ass out of bed. The thought of Essie and how much I loved her made me jump out and get ready for work. I entered the dining hall and...

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Mamma Mia or How I Ended Up in Bullies AnonymousChapter 5

The scissors worked for wholesale removal of most of her curly pubes. I could cut close to the skin, and take off whole tufts of hair. Once it was short, the disposable razor worked much better, and fifteen minutes later she was smooth as a baby's butt. I had to go get a washcloth to clean her up with, but otherwise everything worked much better. I leaned back after running the warm wash cloth all over her loins. She murmured about how good it felt. I paid particular attention to her pussy...

3 years ago
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Kira The Next Two Years

Thank you everyone for the comments to "Recharging the Batteries". I hope to answer a few of the questions here in the sequel, which has been a long time coming. Any of my stories may be re-posted on other sites as long as it remains intact and proper credit is given. (Spelling and grammar errors may be corrected). And now on to the sequel for "Recharging the Batteries". Kira: The Next Two Years I was stunned. Two years locked in this tube! Two years as my wife's maid! Two...

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The Darkness

Darkness is an odd thing to see. Sometimes darkness can be scary, but not this kind. This was self-induced. The sun shone from above onto my neck and head—a spectacular feeling. It just couldn’t overpower the feeling of nerves, and yet sexual excitement I felt. I felt, as I can only put it, like a slut. I’d never felt this way before and I wasn’t too sure I liked it. Sure, I had done this before but not like this. As I had woken from my slumber that morning, I decided to check my emails....

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LeefsticChapter 11

When we got into his study he closed the door and I sat on a chair but not facing the computer. Tom sat too facing me. "Leif, I like you but I have to know what you are planning with my daughters?" "There are still a great many things you do not know about me. You will learn those in the next few weeks. Some things take time to settle in before something new is added." This he readily understood even if he didn't like it. I said, "The family I grew up in was very strong and cohesive....

1 year ago
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My life ndash About me and mom this whore this slut

My life – About me and mom, this whore, this slut, this cumdumpMy life, as I can call it that way, is something special, a lifetime job for any psychiatrist and psychologist, and before one of them likes to heal me, don't try, I love my way.I have two functional "dads", one, whom I call dad, my legal one, the white knight in any boys life, the one who taught me all about old, ethical values, honor, proud, respect, to fight for others if needed, the one who taught me calculating, logics,...

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Hey DummyChapter 2

The crowd had dissipated, and Tejal and Frank stood outside in the empty parking lot of the nightclub, next to Frank's black sedan. Shivering in the cold night air, they vaguely talked for a while about what they'd just seen ... or, perhaps to be more accurate, they talked around it. Neither Frank or Tejal could remember any of the specifics – any at all – of Benedict and the Amazing Bartleby's ventriloquist act. Both were in perfect agreement that Benedict's act was absolutely hysterical...

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The school counsellor part 2

Part 2. “I knew you’d be back!” Gary said as he greeted me. “Of course, you did say the job was mine!” I laughed. “You still on for that stag tomorrow night?” He asked. “You bet, looking forward to it,” I replied. “Good, but its fifteen now, still ok?” “I told you last night, I can handle twenty,” I said, wondering if I really could handle even ten. It was a fantasy. A fantasy I was anxious to experience. I walked to the bar. The young barmaid from yesterday was again serving, the one who...

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An Episode of MichaelsChapter 2

A few minutes later we called time out on account of breathing, which is something neither of as had been able to manage very well during the lip lock. Even then, it was all I could do to just remain upright by leaning on his chest and feel his heart pounding in the same rhythm as mine. "Wow!" He took the word right out of my mouth. If that kiss was any indication of what a plain old Michael could do then clearly I'd been wasting my time with pretty boys like Adam. I skootched down a...

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The ReEducation of Jesse Conclusion

The Re-Education of Jesse - Part Two Chapter Eleven - Massing the Troops Jesse drowsed. He was lying on Jennifer's bed, the only illumination coming from her bedside lamp. He was vaguely aware of her body pressing gently up against his, turned slightly toward him, her hand on his stomach. They were dressed only in bra and panties. Jennifer's eyes were closed, her breathing soft and regular. Presently, she opened her eyes and yawned, then turned and smiled at him. "So, how was...

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Private Shows Are Extra

It was during my second year at university that I started earning some extra money by doing a bit of part-time stripping in one of the pubs near my student house. It was Katie, one of the girls in the house next door, who suggested it. She’d done the same thing during her second year, though she’d now had to give it up to concentrate on working for her final-year dissertation and exams. We’d met up in the Union building for coffee, and I was moaning about not having any money for important...

4 years ago
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Happy Accident

This is not so much a story as a series of memories. My recollections were prompted by a lady on xHamster who expresses an interest in this kind of fun. So I dedicate the following to her. Happy water sports J xx If you don’t like the subject matter then you can just P**S OFF ;)My first wife and I had a fairly mundane sex life until we had out “Happy accident”. We were making love in a fairly conventional way. missionary position. When due to an over full bladder I wet myself...well not just...

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FaceoffChapter 7

That's when I heard a weak voice try to shout, "Get Sir Hank in here. Move your asses or I will do it myself!" That was obviously the King's voice, but it was so weak and thready that he was difficult to understand. A man rushed in from the next room and said, "King Haran IV orders you, Sir Hank, to his presence." I nodded and rushed into the room. It turned out to be the fanciest hospital room that I had ever seen. Lying on the bed was the King, and he looked to me to be in very bad...

2 years ago
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Spit roasted in an Adult Theater

One day I was feeling particularly horny from not having any satisfactory hookups in quite some time. So I showered and shaved my legs smooth and slipped on a pair of bright pink bikini thong panties. I put on a pair of sweat pants that I could easily slip off and just put on an old sweat shirt as a top. I then headed off to a popular adult theater a few towns north of where I live, about a 45 min. drive away. I paid the $10 admission, got my ticket and walked inside the theater. I...

1 year ago
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The Black Security Guard

I was outside walking my dogs while waiting on hubby to get home from work and the security guard where we live walked up to me and started talking to me and as we talked he told me how attractive I was to him. I must admit I felt the same. Bare in mind my hubby is white and I have never even touched a black man other than a hug. Well I have to go quickly cause I know hubby is enroute home and so the guard asks me if he can have a hug and so I agree and he said if so it would have to be inside...

Cheating Wifes
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In The Principals Office at Middlesex High

Bonnie Anderson was the very domineering principal of Middlesex High, a well known all girls school in a large southern city. The school had a fine reputation for turning out well-behaved graduates that both their families and the community could be proud of. Many young women, not thrilled with that reputation, went there because their parents were attracted to the discipline Miss Anderson offered. Many of their mothers had been students there before, and while not happy going over the knees of...

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My Sexiest Encounter

Hi All, I am a regular visitor of Indian Sex Stories. I love to read about everybody’s lovely encounter. I am not sure whether everybody’s is a true experience, but mine is definitely one. Let me tell you something about myself. I am 34 years old, medium built with whitish complexion. I am not the jazzy kind of male, with whom you would like to have sex in the first glance. But let me tell you I am and always very horny, and always eager to please women in all their sexual likings, no matter...

2 years ago
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The birth of a young whore ndash pt3 ndash tortured deflor

The birth of a young whore – pt3 – tortured deflorationsequel of : mom lay in this straw, 15 yrs old, weak, trembling all over after my uncle destroyed her ass, after he fucked her with his big 8 inch cock ballsdeep in that asshole, that has been virgin when she woke up in the morning, she relaxed. Made plans how to escape these two monsters, my...

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Wolfs Friends Diane and Peter

Diane and Peter are a retired couple who run a superb Guest House in Surrey. I have a client nearby and have stayed there so often that they've become friends. Their house is large and modern with a paddock and a reasonably sized private indoor pool. Usually this is not available to guests but fortunately I am one of the few exceptions. This is great for me, as I know neither Peter nor his wife used the pool in the evening, which leaves it free for my sole use. One evening I'd finished my...

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