Meeting An Xhamster Friend part1
- 2 years ago
- 42
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Let me begin by giving you an idea of who I am, or rather who I was at the time the following events took place. My name is Jack – well, it's not, but that is what I use for these accounts, my real name is a bit too uncommon to give me the comfort of anonymity if I were to use it. I was nineteen, two months into my second year of university in Birmingham (the UK one, if you haven't guessed from my British idiosyncrasies). I was (and still am) about 5ft 10 or 178cm tall, and skinny.
I have light brown hair that goes curly when it gets longer than a couple of inches. It actually looks better then, but I was not a fan of my looks at the time so I kept it short, though not shaved. Somehow, I picked up the habit of combing it back from my forehead when wet, so when it dried it had a sort of centre parting with small curls at the top of my face. It probably didn't really look that bad, but I cringe a little when I see photos.
My eyes are grey-blue, and at the time, always behind glasses – I only tried contacts when I was . I tended to go for rounded rectangular wireframes. My facial features are "soft" I would say – I do not have distinctive cheekbones, a particularly pointy nose, or a jutting chin. I looked – and still look – very young. Back then, it was a curse – always getting asked for ID when buying alcohol, even past thirty. Now in my mid-thirties, I suppose I should take it as a complement that so many people assume I am still in my twenties.
At nineteen, I was still a virgin. Not out of choice, but probably mostly from lack of trying. Of course, like most young males, I was horny most of the time, but I was very shy and socially awkward. I was not really out as being bi, so whilst now I wish I had joined the university LGBT club and gone out a lot more in general, I did not. My sexual frustration was not helped by sharing a house with a couple who were fucking noisily every other night, a rather hot Sikh guy, and an Italian girl I fancied, but who had a boyfriend back in Italy. Combined, these factors meant that naturally, as a bit of a nerd, I turned to the Internet for solutions.
Porn could only satisfy me for so long, at such point I discovered adult dating sites. Later on, I only used one website, through which I arranged almost all the other meetings recounted in this series. Before I found that one though, I tried a number of others – this was back in 2003 or 2004, long before smartphones and the apps we have these days. It was on one of these other dating sites that I met Dave.
Yes, his real name was Dave. I usually change the names of my partners in these accounts to respect their privacy, but it seems pointless with a name as common as Dave. There are probably a hundred thousand Daves in the Birmingham area alone. There are probably a few hundred who used to meet up with younger guys in the early 2000s. In fact, there were probably another five Daves fucking younger guys that same night. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
I had been using the site for about a month when I received his message. I must have messaged him just out of hand as part of my usual amateurish, scattergun approach to Internet dating (which I later abandoned): I would send a message or wink or poke or whatever it was called (I can't quite remember, it varied site to site) to anyone who vaguely fitted into my idea of who I would like to fuck.
Dave did not even really fit into this category, as he was much older than the limits I had set of no more than ten years older than I was – he was in his late thiries according to his profile, close to twice my age at the time. However, it must have been (what else?) his cock pic that drew my interest. Even now I remember how beautifully thick it was. He did not have a face pic, but then neither did I – I was too paranoid that someone I knew would see it – and at the time I was so horny I didn't care.
In any case, unlike the vast majority of people (both male and female) whom I had sent messages to, Dave replied. Not only did he reply, but also after exchanging a couple of preliminary messages, he said that he could host the meeting. He travelled regularly for his work and often stayed in hotels in the Birmingham area. This was very important for me, as I really did not fancy the prospect of the Italian girl in the room next door to me (and on whom I had a massive crush) finding out that I was fucking guys, especially guys as old as him.
We exchanged messages for a couple of weeks. I even sent him some short clips of myself wanking that I had taken with my digital camera – remember this was before every phone had one built-in. They weren't particularly good videos, but I got a thrill knowing a stranger was watching them, and was turned on when he said he enjoyed them and came thinking of sucking my cock.
We arranged a time to meet. By then we had exchanged face pics, and I remember now his was somewhat blurry, taken from an odd angle. Maybe I should have asked for more, but the hope of finally losing my virginity made me so horny I didn't really care as long as that cock was his, and a few more photos assured me that it was. We arranged to meet at the main city train station, New Street, at 5 o’clock on a Saturday afternoon and exchanged phone numbers to make sure we would not miss each other.
The night before the day of the meeting, I excitedly packed my bag with condoms, lube, and clothes for the following morning. Then my fantasising about what we might get up to the next day got me aroused enough to have a long wank in bed, instead of hanging out and getting drunk with my housemates. I had been on these dating sites long enough to see plenty of profiles complaining about people wasting other people's time and I was determined not to be one of them.
However, as the agreed hour crept up, I became ever more nervous and unsure about whether I really wanted to go through with it. Nevertheless, I forced myself, insisting to myself that I would regret it if I did not at least go to the train station. Once I was there, I told myself I should at least look for Dave. In contrast to my lessening desire for the meeting, I also started to realise how underdressed I was – I had just put on my usual clothes of jeans, sneakers and a black hoodie over t-shirt for some obscure rock band.
Just as my nerves were about to give in and I was ready to get on the next train home, a voice called out behind me.
"Excuse me, are you Jack?"
I turned, and there he was. I was a bit taken aback. In front of me was man in a dark blue suit, towering a foot or more above me. From the little that I could tell whilst he was clothed, his body looked like it would have been muscular and athletic in a rugby player kind of way ten years before, but his loose-fitting shirt didn't disguise the fact that any six-pack he may have once had was long gone.
What really brought the reality of our age difference home to me though was his face. I am writing this more than fifteen years later, and realise now that he probably did not look nearly as bad as it seemed at the time. As a fresh-faced, nineteen-year-old virgin though, the face looking down at me from under receding, gelled-back hair, styled in a crew cut, seemed saggy, tired, and above all, old. And he had a goatee, no less! This man was extending a rather hairy hand towards me and grinning sheepishly.
Shit! This was Dave!
I wanted to run. Instead, I heard myself saying, "Yes, you must be Dave!"
"Do you want to go have a beer?" Dave asked, indicating the train station bar.
"Okay," I said, or at least the person that had taken over my voice box and willpower did, and we walked over to the pub.
While he ordered us both a beer, part of me was still screaming at my body to turn and run back to the train, but as my self-control returned, I forced myself to stay and at least have a beer. I was starting to question if I really was bi – until now all my fantasies involving men, and all the gay porn clips I watched, were with young, hairless twinks close to my age. In a way, the only masculine thing I imagined about my theoretical partners was a cock and lack of breasts. Dave on the other hand, with his stocky frame, hairy hands, facial hair and mature skin, was a whole lot more manly than I thought I was ready for. After this beer I can just go, I told myself, although who I was trying to fool I do not really know.
When Dave returned with the drinks and sat down at the table, we both attempted to make small talk but soon fell into an awkward silence.
"Jack, you're quite nervous aren't you?" Dave said, finally. I nodded. "That's okay. I've met with a few young lads doing this for the first time, just like you. You don't have to worry, we don't have to go through with this if you're really not sure, there'd be no hard feelings."
I glanced around self-consciously. Of course, even if someone had overheard, it is unlikely they would guess what we were talking about, unless they themselves were in the habit of meeting other people off the Internet for sex. That was not nearly as ingrained in popular culture at the start of the millennium as it is now. He was giving me a way out. This was it. I would either go through with it or abandon the whole idea.
I took a deep breath and plunged in with my reply: "I'm sure."
"Would it be easier if I take a more dominant role here, like a teacher?" he asked. I nodded, sensing that having some of my control taken from the situation was exactly what I wanted. "Okay, I can do that. I quite enjoy it, actually. We won't bother with safety words or any of that: 'no' and 'stop' still mean 'no' and 'stop'. I'll just tell you what to do, and you do it."
I swallowed and nodded again, and that, really, was the last time I could seriously have backed out that night.
I did continue to consider it at various moments over the next half hour though – as we finished our beers, walked from the train station to the car park, got into his car, and drove out of the city centre... When we stopped at the first motorway service station, I suppose I could have jumped out and called a taxi, but I didn't. Instead, I went into the shop to get a six-pack of beer on his instructions. Just as I got to the counter, Dave came up behind me and dropped a tube clearly marked ‘personal lubricant' on top along with the cash to pay for it all, and placed his hairy hand on my shoulder.
"We'll be needing that tonight," he said, winking at the first wide-eyed and then smirking blonde cashier. She looked about sixteen and was quite pretty beneath the excessive makeup she had put on for work, but I felt my cheeks burn when she caught my eye. I could tell she knew exactly what I would be doing with this older man, or at least her guess would not be far off. As I walked away with our purchases, feeling her eyes on the back of my head, I realised she hadn't looked disgusted, and that gave me a little shot of confidence.
My nerves returned as soon as we pulled in to the car park of the hotel he had booked though, just as it started raining. The hotel belonged to one of those chains with "travel” in the title that you get all over the UK, next to another, larger, motorway services. I stood back while he checked in, listening to him say that his wife had booked a room for him, doing my best not to catch the eye of the pretty short-haired brunette behind the counter, who was probably only a couple of years older than me. I could feel myself going bright red again as these attempts failed and I saw the receptionist giving me a knowing smile. I still don't know how I feel about that smile to this day.
We left the counter and walked down the corridor to the room (number 207 – I still remember), my heart threatening to come out of my throat the closer we got. Dave opened the door and we walked in. I knew there was no going back as the door closed.
"Well, this is nice isn't it!" Dave exclaimed, turning the light on and dropping his bag down. I did the same with mine and stood looking around at the standard, you-can-find-it-anywhere room: a queen-sized bed facing a long counter with a TV, a mirror beside it, two bedside tables, a cheap armchair and couch, and a clean, plain bathroom. I had stayed in rooms exactly the same on countless holidays with my family. This was the room in which I was finally going to be fucked. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy.
"Would you like another beer first?" he asked, cracking one open himself.
"Yes please," I said, thinking maybe if I got at least a little bit tipsy it would calm my nerves.
"Is that how you address your teacher?" he asked, withholding the beer. Ah, I thought, back to school I go.
"Yes please, sir?" I ventured.
"That's better," he said, giving me the can. I drank it a little too quickly, spilling some beer over my hands and almost choking on it. I suddenly felt very hot. We were both still standing, so I sat down on the bed and removed my hooded top.
"Let's watch some porn to relax before dinner," Dave suggested, taking out a laptop and putting it on a chair, which he moved next to the bed.
"Okay", I agreed, a little relieved at the possible distraction, and then added hastily, "Sir."
I let him choose something, and was pleasantly surprised that it was a fairly vanilla compilation of gay, twink on twink clips, of the sort I might have chosen myself. He took off his jacket, sat down on the bed next to me and rested a hand on my lap, sending electric shivers through my body, whether out of shock, arousal or disgust, I wasn't sure, but I didn't move. The strong scent of his aftershave or cologne – I don't know, I've never used either – crept into my nostrils. I took several more chugs of my own beer and stared ahead, only half seeing the images of a young blond guy sucking the cock of a cuter tanned guy that was playing on the screen. In almost no time, my beer was empty, and Dave seemed to notice immediately.
"I think you're thirsty for something else," he said with a smirk, standing up to take my empty can. He turned and stood in front of me, blocking my view of the screen to force me to look up at his face. He took another sip of his beer and looked down at me to issue his first direct order of the evening. "Undo my belt."
"Sh-shouldn't we shut the curtains first, s-sir?" I stuttered, suddenly very aware of how visible the brightly lit room must be to anyone in the dark outside the large windows, which were currently acting as a second set of mirrors. The whole hotel was on the ground floor.
"No," he replied, smirking again. "But don't worry, there's just the car park out there. Most people will be too busy trying to get from their cars to reception without getting wet to pay attention to what they might see in here. Undo my belt. I'm not going to ask a third time."
I fumbled with the buckle, his words not having made me feel any less exposed. Once I succeeded, I decided not to wait for what I knew would be his next instruction, so I slipped off the bed to my knees, unbuttoned his fly and pulled his pants down to the bottom of what I discovered to be very hairy legs. It was rather hypocritical of me to mind that fact, given how hairy my own were, but it was one more reminder of how "butch" this man was.
I took a moment to appreciate the contrast between his rather promising looking bulge and the decidedly un-arousing faded old red y-fronts that contained it.
My contemplation was interrupted by a hand on the back of my head pushing my face into the subject of my study. It turned out this was exactly what I needed. My nose was overwhelmed by the sweet but undeniably masculine scent of a day's worth of male crotch sweat, and I knew that I loved it. I inhaled deeply and opened my mouth to taste the slightly damp cotton, rubbing my face against the soft package trapped inside. My hands had found their way to Dave's bottom and I now tucked my fingers into the waistband of his underpants and pulled them down, unwilling to wait any longer for the final test of my sexuality.
Dave relaxed his grip on my head enough that I could avoid being slapped in the face by his suddenly freed cock. It was no clean-shaven, Viagra filled porn cock that I was looking at. The balls and base were half hidden in a tangle of untrimmed, course, curly black hairs. The cock itself was still flaccid, the head enveloped in the foreskin. Yet the percentage of reluctance mixed into the tingles running down my back at the sight of it was rapidly declining.
Unlike my own cock, which when soft is barely three inches long and an inch wide (but grows to be the one part of my body I have never had feelings of inadequacy about), Dave's was a hefty piece of flesh to begin with. He let me hold it in my hand, feeling the weight in my palm as my fingers wrapped around a diameter not much less than mine when hard. I did the same with his balls, wishing I were a better judge of weight. This is what it felt like to touch another man's penis, and I definitely liked it.
I took a deep breath, bracing myself for the final plunge, but excited far more than nervous now. I pulled back his foreskin and extended my tongue, slowly licking around the smooth head. My lips closed around it and I felt a twitch run through his shaft. I continued the circular motion of my tongue, gradually feeding more of his soft cock into my mouth. I already knew I loved giving blowjobs, and he was not even hard yet!
He groaned with pleasure when I pushed his dick against the roof if my mouth, the tip tickling the entrance to my throat, my lips pressed around the base just above where my fingers still held his foreskin back. I sucked a little harder and pulled my head back so that he gradually slid out over my tongue, wet with my saliva. I could feel it pulsing as blood pumped into it. When I took him back into my mouth, he already felt thicker and was further into my throat by the time my lips met my fingers again.
"Oh Jack," Dave moaned after the fourth or fifth time my mouth had travelled the length of his cock like this. "You're a natural!"
"Thanks!" I replied, pausing my sucking to catch my breath and give him my first unforced smile since meeting him at the train station.
I wrapped my hand around his now slick and swelling penis, stroking it firmly to feel it complete its transition to fully hard. At the same time, I ducked beneath and nuzzled his hairy balls. Despite most of the cocks I'd been looking at online being the shaved ones in porn, I discovered that I wasn't in the slightest bit bothered by the sensation of his course, curly black hairs on my tongue when I slurped his scrotum between my lips, nor by the way they tickled my nose.
I drank him in with all my senses: the colour of the veins on his cock, now standing proudly to attention; the sound of his encouraging whispers; the feel of his hardness encased in soft skin; the taste and smell of his crotch sweat. I wish we had filmed it or at least photographed it. It may seem ridiculous to call kneeling before the erection of a man twice your age a moment of spiritual revelation, but it's the closest I've ever come to one, finally certain of my sexuality.
My moment came to an abrupt end when Dave gripped my hair and pulled me roughly down on to his cock. I gagged slightly in surprise, but soon relaxed my throat muscles enough to accommodate the wide bulge pushing its way in. I had practiced deep-throating with my twelve-inch dildo, which whilst made of softer jelly, was thicker, so taking an actual penis proved easier, and tasted a lot better too. A thrill of pride went through me when on my first attempt I succeeded in taking in his full length, pressing my nose into the hairs above the base and feeling his balls touch my chin. My breath control was not perfect, however, and I had to push back rather quickly, gasping and spluttering when he finally released me, drool cascading down my chin to soak into my t-shirt.
By way of recovery, I bent to catch the strand of spit dangling from the tip of his cock on my tongue and followed it back up to his balls and shaft. With both hands on his hips to steady myself, I took his dick back in my mouth and sucked eagerly at it, no longer taking my time as before, but bobbing my head back and forth in a steady rhythm. I loved the feeling of the two bumps of his tip where the skin met his slit sliding over my tongue. Every ten or so strokes I would open my mouth wide again and swallow him, each time trying to last a little longer, before resisting the hands on the back of my head that instinctively tried to hold me there.
When I needed another breather, I used my right hand to massage his shaft whilst swirling my tongue around his cock head. As I looked up over the slight bulge of his shirt into his half-closed eyes, his open mouth emitting a groan, I got my first taste of another man's salty precum. I could not help but smile in delight, giving his slick cock a couple more firm strokes with my hand before taking him back into my mouth with renewed vigour. I moved my hand down to squeeze his hairy balls gently, cupping their weight in my palm.
"Yeah," Dave moaned. "Suck my cock, boy slut!"
I managed to get his cock down my throat one final time, and resumed my enthusiastic sucking, this time with my hand following behind my lips with a firm grip on his shaft. Just when I was gearing up to another big swallow, he yanked me away by my hair with a growl, replaced my hand with his free one and planted one foot on the bed behind me.
"Open your mouth and stick out your tongue," he gasped. "Beg for it."
He didn't have to tell me what "it" was, not when he was frantically wanking his gorgeous thick member an inch from my tongue.
"Please," I said, not needing to fake the desire in my voice, "please cum in my mouth."
"Remember who you're talking to!"
"Please, sir, cum in my mouth!"
“Louder!" he ordered through gritted teeth.
"Please, sir!" I repeated, excited, but also suddenly conscious that other people were staying in this hotel and might hear me. "I need to taste your cum, sir!"
"Uuuuuuggghhh!" was all Dave could manage, screwing up his face as he finally climaxed.
Hard as I tried to keep my eyes on his, I couldn't help but blink and flinch a little as the first squirt of semen shot out directly at my face. By some fluke, it was a perfect shot, going straight into my mouth. The sudden arrival of a stream of hot, thick, salty-sweet liquid on my tongue triggered my jaw to close automatically, so there was no chance the next one was going in. Instead it splattered over my top lip and all the way up over my nose, filling my nostrils with its overpowering, musky scent.
I managed to keep my eyes and mouth open again for the follow up, but the force of his hand stroke caused that one to miss completely, decorating the side of my chin and left cheek with a milky white streak. He got himself and me under control for the rest, pressing the tip of his pulsating cock into my tongue and flooding it with his semen. I had tasted my own once or twice before of course, but the cum of another man was different, and seemed stronger, sweeter. I did my best to swallow it as it gushed into my mouth.
I was too much in the thrill of the experience to continue counting his ejaculations. By the time he let go of my hair and let me close my lips around him to draw out the last of his orgasm, my chin was drenched in his sticky seed, and my neck was being tickled by a slow trickle of his jism working its way down towards my chest. I could sense something dangling from my face, a fact confirmed when with a final sigh Dave pulled his dick from my mouth and moved aside to allow me to see my reflection in the mirror behind him.
"That was just what I needed!" he told me. "Look at yourself. You're a work of art!"
No doubt, the passage of time has exaggerated my memory of just how much cum was on my face, but I am certain that my recollection of the stunned look staring back at me from the glass is accurate. There was indeed a long string of spunk and saliva hanging from my chin, in real danger of dropping the whole way on to my T-shirt or jeans. Both of these already had a few spots of translucent fluid slowly soaking in. The dollop of semen that had landed on my glasses explained the blurry area of my vision to the left. There were even a few drops clinging to my hair like milky dew. Around my mouth was a total mess, made worse when Dave began wiping his still semi-erect cock through the spunk and feeding it into my open lips.
"You'll want to lick as much of that up as you can, Jack," he said, the smirk returning to his flushed face. "I would prefer you not to use any water, tissues or towels to clean yourself before we go out to dinner. Just your hands and what you're wearing. I want anyone coming close to us to smell me on you."
My eyes went wide, but my own cock was swollen with unsatisfied arousal, dominating my thoughts. I nodded, regretting it immediately because the motion caused that tail of cum clinging to my chin to detach, landing right in the middle of my dark-coloured T-shirt. My new master laughed and tucked his softening penis back in his pants. He left me on my knees and went to the bathroom.
(To be continued in part 2 of this chapter…)
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Love StoriesProfNigma Stories #1 iCarly: One Night Part1 iCarly: One Night Part 1It was a late night in the iCarly studio as Carly, Sam, and Freddie cleaned up the mess from one of their skits. The gag revolved around Gibby diving into a k*ddie pool full of chicken salad while dressed a chicken suit, but as humorous as it had seemed in the planning stages, the stench, hours later, was certainly not funny."Whose dumb idea was this in the first place!?" Sam yelled as she cleaned up the car prop on the far...
This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...
Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...
Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part1I (Ashley) was a hot blonde 18year old girl, Had big breasts almost a 36D, I was tall, Had long hair, Long legs, Had perfect curves, Perfect round ass, A bald tight pussy and lovely pink sensitive nipples with a perfect size areola.I was a horny girl, Always had the many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral.I was popular and famous in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends.I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my high school. The...
I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...
Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2As Sarah, Kevin & myself laid spent on the huge king size bed in my casino hotel room I learned that they really were in trouble. They had lost a lot of money. They had no way home, no money for food and no place to stay for the night. Since I had just won a large amount of money I decided to help them out. Turned out they lived only 20 minutes away from my house (which was 2 hours from the casino). I told them they were welcome to stay the night with me and I...
My Boss, Mr. Paul Cooper: Part2I walked towards the couch to start my strip tease for Charles, Paul played a little slutty music in the background for Charles to have a good show. I got in the camera view and winked at charles and bent forward jiggling my boobs for him on cam.. "Hey there Charles, Why don't you screen this in your conference room, Only the strip tease part, on the projector and get a few of your members to join you in this show too? Then we'll give you a pvt screen of our...
Part2"Is this naughty enough for you?" I ask. His cum all over my face. He's nodding, and as he's doing so I get my index finger and sc**** up the cum on my chin and suck it off my finger. I do the same with the cum on my cheek."Now come over here and give me yours!" I demand. Jeremy walks over, his hard cock bouncing as he walks. I reach up and grab it firmly, giving it a good squeeze as I pull it into my mouth. I'm working his cock good for about a minute when I feel Jeron's hands on my...
Hi guys this continuation of d story to enjoy full experience please read the previous parts Introduction Hi, guys and girls. My name is Shahid. I basically from Bangalore recently completed my graduation in health and wellness with specialized in massages which is a science and art. I have learned the art to relax any girl/women and to give her ultimate pleasure. Any girl/women who want to get satisfaction along with massage can contact me. I also have special massages for brides and...
Introduction: no one should endure this.. especially from the one they love A Proposal I Cannot Forget This is my first story on here, so be kind, please comment, will take criticism. This is a true story.. wish I could forget about it but maybe I was ment to share this. The names have been changed for confidentiality. A little backround. Hi my name is Marissa. I am 23 now. I just turned 18 when at the time and was seeing this guy named Derik for about a year when this happened. Derik was...
I will tell you about the time when my girlfriend when completely ballistic on me one day, and I ended up getting the beating of my life. I have to admit that I did deserve the hiding she gave me, but I never thought it was going to come in such form. I know that I am a difficult person to live with and understand, and I have the type of personality that is always pushing boundaries. I don't have a lot of patience, and I hate repeating myself to idiots. I'm very honest in that if I've got...
EroticWith Clemson slipping away once again, Alex and company decide some 'R and R' might be good for morale, but is 1944 Hartford ready for the Empress and her entourage? How could a young girl, killed in 1942 Burma, possibly make one of Emily's hometown neighbor's life complete? Episode 5 "Departures" 1050hrs, Pearl Harbor, August 20th, 1944 "Cap, Admiral Demmit and Mrs. Scott just appeared on the bridge," Jack informed...
XXVIII. Departures. It was one of those mornings that seem unable to decide what it wants to be. Halfway to the airport, a fine rain blew up against the windshield of the pick-up. A few miles later, the sun unexpectedly broke out from a temporary gap in the impregnable line of gray clouds massed like battleships laying siege on the horizon It had finally been agreed that Phoebe would return to New Jersey and sign in to an outpatient rehab clinic. At the same time, she would take...
One aspect of these sex sessions that Jessie Harper found herself noting and being really intrigued about was the way she always seemed to have a much better singing voice the next day at a choir practice or even at a church performance as a result. Somehow all the naked, sexual fun of the night before seemed to enhance her auditory awareness and her ability to find perfect pitch when she was about to perform. And it was one such sex session at the Terrence’s house the day before the final...
Manufacturing a Partnership Part One By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers JUST BEFORE MIDNIGHT "Hey, you ok?" said Greg seeing Blake looking wiped as rummaged through the red pocketbook on the vanity. "I'm fine," shivered Blake as he stood staring at his reflection. "But I need a minute. This has all been just too much to handle!" He took a deep breath standing in front of the bathroom vanity clutching the ends with his hands quickly becoming mindful of his sharp long...
“What’s this about, were still kids?” I say to mom as I grab some cereal from the cupboard. There is a strong hesitance and Dad says, “We were offered a two week cruise to the Bahamas.” I say, “Okay so what’s the problem? I mean myself and Taylor are teenagers. We can handle two weeks alone. Besides I am going to be an adult soon anyway.” Mom has a look of uneasiness. Dad says to Mom, “Honey you need to let them grow up. You can’t baby them your whole life. Besides our anniversary is in a few...
“What’s this about, were still kids?” I say to mom as I grab some cereal from the cupboard. There is a strong hesitance and Dad says, “We were offered a two week cruise to the Bahamas.” I say, “Okay so what’s the problem? I mean myself and Taylor are teenagers. We can handle two weeks alone. Besides I am going to be an adult soon anyway.” Mom has a look of uneasiness. Dad says to Mom, “Honey you need to let them grow up. You can’t baby them your whole life. Besides our anniversary is in a few...
They were seventeen. While Kyle had darker blonde hair and blue eyes, his sister had bright blonde hair and blue eyes. They were both slim and fit. Katie had matured well for a girl her age. She had medium sized breasts and a round, toned buttocks. She was a tan beauty that all of the guys at school drooled over. None of them would ever have the bond that he had with her, though. It all started on the morning after their seventeenth birthday. Kyle yawned as he woke up, stretching comfortably....
My name is Elliot I had gone away with my family this was to be my last holiday with my family being 18 and going to university of central Lancashire, so it was a big one my mum had never been one for flying so we hadn't had a proper holiday for years we had been camping but it wasn't for us and we left on the 3rd day. We had saved for years, we sailed from Southampton the ship was docked in Europe's top cities Lisbon, Majorca, Genoa, Naples, Sicily and finally the place where it all...
I went to the tallest building I had ever seen before in my life. It was my library, and it was about six stories tall. The elevator was out of order so I had to climb all of these fucking stairs and shit. When I finally got to the ledge I pulled my pants off and began to scream to the people down below that I was going to jump. They were so small like tiny ants. After a little while, I think maybe about 9 hours, a rescue truck showed up. Two men got out and I could see them pointng and...
I will never forget the day Carrie enter my secret world. It was the summer I was 17, I had been dressing my sisters clothes since I was about 8yo. In more recent years I had started buying a few of my own clothes and lingerie nylons and make-up. It was a Saturday and I was home alone and decided it would be a good day to dress and be girlie, excited about my day I waxed my legs and bikini line painted my nails a soft pink and took a relaxing bath with lavender bath beads, feeling very sexy I...
Introduction: A story about a brother and sister who discover a new love they have. Today finally June 21st the day all of us wait for, summer. It was a normal day just like any other summer day, wake up, shower, and eat breakfast, then swim maybe, but whatever the case, I had free time. I woke up surprisingly early for summer, about 7:00 AM. I usually wake up much later, about ten oclock was my normal wake time. But today I guess I just wanted to wake up early. Sometimes you just want to. I...
A few months ago my neighbors Daughter, Carly, came to see her Mom. Apparently there was a history of problems. I did my best to stay clear other than general politeness. I was also warned by her sister, who I'd been fucking when she came for visits. One afternoon Carly was sitting in the sun doing crafts wearing a tiny bikini top and Daisy Dukes. The top was one of those tiny triangles that barly cover the nipples. Her breasts were 36DD and I could tell she had small quarter sized areolas but...
I was pretty excited when I woke up this morning. I quickly discovered that my wife had bound my four limbs to the bed as I slept, and when she noticed me starting to stir, she treated me to a beautiful smile. "Morning darling. Happy Birthday!" "Thanks baby. I think we both know what I want for my birthday present this year." I glanced down at the cage locked onto my cock, then the key hanging around her neck. She smiled at me again. "You're going to absolutely love your present, I know you...
I just have to share my most reacent mind blowing experience. My husband and I were throwing a small party a little drinking a little smoking everyone was feeling great. I was feeling horney and made sure my husband knew I had plans for him later on in the night. Finally about 3 AM we decided to call it a night. We smelled like smoke from the bon fire and both hopped into the shower. We stood there for a minute letting the warm water wash over us. I turned to face my husband and we kissed...
Hello to all Indian Sex Stories Reader. I am very grateful to all of those who have read my previous stories and send their comments to me. I write true stories that have been happened to me. I am now writing another true incident, though I wished to not disclose u, but reading true stories of many guys in this site, I thought, why not I also make it open. As I said previously, My Sweet Sister in Law-Preeti, was the one who explored my sex-longing ness, and made me her pet whore. But this is a...
IncestHi ISS readers this is lovecandy writing my forth story if u want to enjoy this story u will have to read my other three stories written by me. Ramya was my bio teacher when I was in class 10th ( to know about her how I started having sex with her read my other story) so friends it so happens that there are moments in once life that v can’t forget throughout our life so today I am narrating one such incidence as my story tells u me and Ramya were having sex whenever I went for my extra classes...
I will never forget the day Carrie enter my secret world. It was the summer I was 17, I had been dressing my sisters clothes since I was about 8yo. In more recent years I had started buying a few of my own clothes and lingerie nylons and make-up. It was a Saturday and I was home alone and decided it would be a good day to dress and be girlie, excited about my day I waxed my legs and bikini line painted my nails a soft pink and took a relaxing bath with lavender bath beads, feeling very sexy I...
CrossdressingDear readers, i am an incest lover. I used to read all incest stories and dream for that. In my life also that happened and my dream has fulfilled very recently. I want to share that unforgetable event to some one, so i am writing to i am 35 years, married and having a kid. I have elder sister, 39 years, married and having two kids. In childhood we used to take bath in open bath room. That time i have seen her nude many times. I like touch her vigna, but not have courage to do that. We...
IncestHi vincy here once again this happened like this sushma is a friend of my wife from her town,she was nurse and had come to my home in search of a new job.sushma was nice with good boobs and average build up.and me also with average buildup but with a good dick 7.5 inches length & 3.5 inches width. Ours is one BHK house she used to sleep in the hall & v in the bedroom. I and my wife used to have sex atleast thrice a week & she would hear our mornings & get heated up.this continued for many...
hi fraind raj here meri ye story latest he sirf 1mahine purani he meri wife pregnant thi to humne meri sali ki ladki ko bula liyaa apne ghar kaam ke liye meri sali mujhse bhi 10 saal badi he uski ladki 16 saal ki he pinki jab wo aaye to me lene station gayaa use dekhke dang rah gayaa 2 saal me complete change ho gaye thi wo dubli patli ladki se bhadi hui sexBOM ban gaye thi woh mujhse gale lagi to boobs ke kade hone ka ahsas hua tabhi lund me uthan aa gayaa raste me bike ke baar baar lagte...
He is right in front of the door of his hotel room. He leans his forehead on the door. Cannot decide if he wants to open the door or not. He is scared she won't be there, he is scared she will be there. He wants her like crazy, but he knows he's crossing all the lines he always swore he won't. He knows he already crossed them this afternoon when he run into her at work in an elevator after weeks of smoldering chats with her on IM. Though, he was able to stop the hot conversations on IM few...
They get up to finally go to his room. Finally to have each other. For a few second he walks right behind her. He cannot get enough of the view of her slender figure, but still curvy delicious ass clad in this little black dress. He can only think about squeezing himself to her from behind sliding his hands from her waist down to the curves of her ass and feminine thighs, touching his lips to the bare skin of her back. He wants her so much that it doesn't feel like he came so intensely just...
Hi friends this is harish. I am submitting my own story which happen one year ago. After my exams i got my summer vacation leaves. I dont what to do and how to spend time without meeting my gf for two months. In holidays i was spending all my time by watching porn movies and masturbating but not satisfied with that. One day i thought to do sex with any prostitute but i not did that because of i don't have that much dare to call prostitutes. Because fearing of hiv. I called my gf and said her i...
First TimeIt was Helen’s turn to drive to the party and she was telling him about several weeks of hypnotherapy that helped her stop smoking. It had been a complete cure and thought he would be pleased. It had been a mistake telling her husband though. Nigel became angry seeing it as deceit. He thought it was a deceit but it certainly wasn’t her opinion of the situation. It was just his pride that had been dented. He already resented her position as managing director of her late fathers company and this...
The Mistress slowly stepped over to the basement door, and the sound of her four inch heels clicking on ceramic tiles was deafening. She reached the door of the basement and stopped to listen to the gale outside. The sound of the rain beating on the tin roof of the shed sounded like the devil wailing to raise the dead. There was a wind howling through the trees, and the sound was only adding to the coldness of the winter night. A wisp of a smile was on her lips as her mind acknowledged...
Noon, Friday July 23rd 2004. Christina leaning back in a chair, her legs crossed at the ankles on top of her desk. She sat in her office going over files from the Lamure case. She was to testify on Monday about how Charliman Lamure was cheating on her husband Ronald. The evidence her firm had gathered seemed that it wouldn’t be a problem. She brushed a few strands of crimson hair out off her brow as she looked down at the files. Her boyfriend Bill was leaving for the weekend. She thought that...
This is my first story on here, so be kind, please comment, will take criticism. This is a true story.. wish I could forget about it but maybe I was ment to share this. The names have been changed for confidentiality. A little backround. Hi my name is Marissa. I am 23 now. I just turned 18 when at the time and was seeing this guy named Derik for about a year when this happened. Derik was 29. We started out as friends with benefits but I soon fell inlove with him. He was my everything,...
As a petite, pretty, and now fairly confident young transvestite, I feel fortunate to have discovered so many things about myself. I am proud to have a slim, smooth and well-exercised shape. I have longish streaked blonde hair and my goal is to always develop and improve my feminine elegance.My friends tell me I possess a very strong believability in my appearance as a young woman. I think it is due to the constant experimentation and hours of practice that I joyfully spend in front of my...
CrossdressingDay 6 Steph woke up in her bed like she normally did, in her birthday suit. Hell pajamas are over rated at this point. She got up and thought about putting on at least something. After a few minutes of thinking it over she decided to put on at least a thong and a t-shirt from Yale. As she put on her things that she decided to wear a few things nagged at her. She only knew Amanda for a year as roommates and in that year she got close. Amanda knew just about everything about her well at least...
NovelsMeeting Millie By Emily Ross Prologue Robbie Anderson was an ordinary kind of guy. He was a senior accountant in one of Northbury's leading accountancy practices. He enjoyed the benefits of a good salary, living in a smart part of town with his lovely wife, Helen. He drove a new BMW and every year he and Helen holidayed in exotic places like the Caribbean or the Maldives. In his early thirties, he was good looking, hard working, charming and ambitious. He expected to be offered...
Meeting at the Mall (Continued) Jim and I fell asleep and I think we fucked one more time during the night, I am not sure, but I know when I woke up the next morning, I had a ass pussy full of cum and Jim had a satisfied look on his face. Whew, it's Sunday and I need to prepare for my meeting on Monday. When Jim finally stirred, I had already showered and was dressed in only a pair of panties and bra, full makeup, and a white terrycloth robe, working on my computer. I was only in...