Ma Brune Secrétaire free porn video

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Je fais un sale métier que je dois assumer. Je vous rassure, je n'en eu
point la vocation. On ne s'extirpe pas du ventre de sa mère en criant :
« Je veux être huissier ou rien ». Convaincu qu'il n'est point malgré
tout de sot métier je n'en souffrais pas du moins d'un juste préjugé
dont j'étais alors victime. Je ne répandais sur ma route que
consternation et désolation. Je ne vous cache pas que cet état
retentissait parfois sur mon bien-être et ma santé. Aussi n'était-ce
qu'en de rares occasions que ce métier me prodiguait de rares bonheurs
et compensations.

Le jour où je vins sonner à ce pavillon, j’étais loin d'imaginer la
teneur de ma rencontre. Il était aux environs de 15H00. Un pâle soleil
d'automne illuminait placidement les rares feuilles qui jonchait alors
la pelouse du jardin. C'était la fin de ma tournée. J'aspirais à rentrer
vite au bureau boire un coup avec quelques collègues. Le type que je
devais persécuter était un coquin notoire. On m'en avait dit assez de
mal. J'étais paré à toute éventualité et bandant mes muscles attendait
la confrontation jusqu'à un point insoutenable. Je ne répugnais pas au
rapport physique.

Aussi ne fus-je pas peu étonné en même temps que soulagé de voir
paraître dans le cadre de la porte un petit bout de femme brune et
charmante. Je lui donnais dans la quarantaine, coquette et apprêtée.
Elle représentait tout ce que j'adorais chez la femme. Je distinguais
outre un tailleur élégant, des bas couture et des escarpins sur lesquels
elle était juchée avec autant de classe. Son visage maquillé au juste
point respirait une assurance de soi. Elle mesurait avec conséquence son
pouvoir sur les hommes. Croyant tomber sur un tigre, je devais assumer
une femelle.

Je dus lui paraître peu crédible lorsqu'en mon bafouillement je lui
annonçais mon titre. A-ton déjà vu un huissier si minable et pataud ?
J'étais furieux de trahir la trop grande impression qu'elle exerçait sur
moi. Je n'en déballais pas moins tous les griefs du Trésor. Au final je
sus qu'elle n'était pas le conjoint mais la secrétaire de M X. Elle ne
sembla pas émue outre mesure des exploits de son employeur. Elle faisait
montre plutôt de flegme et semblait avoir arrêté à l'égard de mon style
de personne un certain discours voire une stratégie affûtée. Elle
m'invita à rentrer.

Déjà elle parlait de malentendus et de courriers croisés et qui ne me
seraient pas parvenus. Je connaissais la chanson. J'étais blessé qu’elle
usa à mon encontre d'arguments si grossiers. Je tâchais en tant que cave
supposé de me rebiffer. J'avais davantage L4habitude d'être craint
plutôt que le contraire. La garce se jouait de moi. Il était par trop
évident que j’avais du trahir dans mes gestes et mes regards, mon émoi.
Elle devait être si familière à faire bander un mâle. En effet je ne pus
réprimer ma pulsion d'examiner son petit cul qui roulait dans une courte

Elle m’invita à m'asseoir dans un fauteuil face au sien. Elle me demanda
si de fumer m'inconvenait tout en croisant haut les cuisses qu’elle
avait magnifiques. J'eus l'impression que la chaleur était suffocante ou
que du moins on avait poussé à fond le chauffage . Ce genre de poule me
fait irrémédiablement pareille impression. Son regard était dur et
ironique. Tel un serpent on eût dit qu’elle voulait me dissoudre sur
place. Pour me donner bonne contenance je consultais mes papiers tâchant
vainement de détacher mes yeux de ses maîtresses cuisses.

Il était difficile de ne pas savoir qu'elle portait des bas d'autant
qu'elle exposait impunément la chair blanche qui affleurait à la
naissance de ceux-ci. Me perdant en conjectures, je tâchais stupidement
de comprendre où une femme dès le plus jeune âge maîtrisait si bien cet
art de la séduction. Celle-ci m'avait d'emblée mis sous hypnose. Je lui
obéissais au doigt et à l’œil. Ses paroles me parvenaient dans un vague
bourdonnement. J'aurais été fort incapable de vous rapporter ce que je
lui répondis. J'étais perdu dans le carré ou le triangle d'où
rayonnaient sa culotte et la jointure de ses cuisses.

Elle se leva enfin pour aller récupérer le café. Je mis à contribution
ce temps de répit pour me reprendre. Je rangeais dans ma serviette tous
mes papiers qui me plongeaient dans la confusion plus qu'autre chose. Je
devais retrouver mon verbe et la persuasion qui font le charme du
métier. Je fus presque heureux de son retour et qu'elle installât de
nouveau sa croupe sur son fauteuil. Je parlais hâtivement comme pour me
débarrasser. Haussant le ton, je lui signifiais que je devais procéder à
un inventaire des meubles. Elle sourit précisant : « Vous savez. J'en ai
la liste. »

Elle me fit entendre que d'autres collègues avaient procédé de la sorte
lui ayant infligé le même procédé. Bref elle n'était pas impressionnée.
Sans se départir d'un immuable sourire, elle écarta alors les cuisses
qu'elle avait longtemps tenu, croisées. Elle demeura ainsi suffisamment
pour que je pus considérer que sa culotte était rouge, transparente et
trahissant le dessin d'une chatte parcouru de poils pubiens. Il était
manifeste qu’elle le faisait exprès. Elle m'allumait impunément. Elle me
testait. Le deal était par trop évident. Elle s'offrait. On l'obtenait à
trop bon compte.

J'avais peu d'expérience de cela. Certaines femmes avaient tenté déjà à
me séduire voire à me débaucher dans l'exercice de mes fonctions. Des
collègues avaient cédé à ce genre de tentation et s'en flattaient. De
même un ami, plombier de son état sautait régulièrement nombre de ses
clientes. Je l'enviais secrètement. Il se trouvait qu'aujourd'hui
m'était attribué une telle bonne fortune. En semblable circonstance,
j'avais plus d'une fois rompu la conversation et d'un ton outré et
sentencieux proclamant que j'adresserais un prochain courrier
redoutable. Je ne répugnais pas à fuir.

Cette fois quelque chose de profond et de l'ordre de la concupiscence
semblait l'emporter sur ma couardise native. Je perdais pour lors toute
réserve et dignité. Elle semblait deviner la lutte dont j'étais l'objet
et n'en écartait que plus ses cuisses nantie du même sourire. Si un
miroir eût alors réfléchi l'image de mon visage, nous eûmes vu alors un
bouffon pathétique. Il faisait chaud. On se fut cru dans une étuve.
Percevant mon malaise, elle dit : « Vous allez bien ? Voulez-vous un
verre d'eau ? Je fis signe que non de la main. En moins d'un temps elle
fut auprès de moi.

Accroupie à mes pieds et secouant sa chevelure brune, elle enfonçait ses
yeux au fond des miens. L'air était plus que jamais saturé de son lourd
parfum. Je vis mieux le vernis rougis des ongles. Une de ses mains
s'était hardiment portée sur mon genou. Sa voix était chaude toute de
miel. J'étais tenté de fermer les yeux comme dans un rêve. Je mis un
temps à m'apercevoir qu’elle s'était enquit à déboutonner la braguette.
Ma queue à ma grande honte était irrémédiablement dure. J'avouais ainsi
mon désir coupable. Pouvais-je raisonnablement dénier et me refuser ?

Chuchotant, elle commença à me branler. Ses mots évoquaient comme une
berceuse. Ulysse s'est défié d'un semblable chant de sirène. Je me
raidissais songeant à cela. Elle m’en branla que plus énergiquement. Je
songeais dans ma tête : « Qu’est-ce qu'elle astique bien, la salope. »
J'en vins à me étendre peu à peu concentré sur le seul sort de ma bite.
Il en relevait le sort du Monde. Elle en était passé quant aux travaux
pratiques à la seconde étape. Elle me lécha d'abord légèrement le gland
comme pour me titiller voire m'exaspérer. J'ouvris les yeux. Elle me
toisait et souriait.

Je n'étais pas peu fier de cette queue longue et lourde et j'eus
apprécié qu'elle m'en complimenta. A défaut elle commença à l'enfourner
dans sa bouche doucement, méthodiquement puis peu à peu avec vigueur.
J'étais pompé, aspiré au propre. Quelle pipe ! Mon Dieu ! J'ouvris la
bouche cherchant de l'air. Peu loin de défaillir. Pouvait-on rêver mort
plus douce ? Elle aurait invoqué l'homicide involontaire à la façon des
prostituées à l'égard d'un client. En effet j'avais idée qu'elle faisait
cela souvent avec des hommes et qu'on l’avait recruté pour ce seul talent.

Stoïque, je m'étais bien gardé d'exploser dans sa bouche. J'en voulais
davantage et sollicitais le reste. Elle me dit : « Ferme les yeux chéri
si tu veux la suite.» Je goûtais ce ton et ce tutoiement vulgaire. En
effet je perçus qu'elle s’installait sur moi, cuisses ouvertes
s'empalant sur ma bite. Celle-ci entra dans sa grotte baveuse et humide.
J'eus la réticence trop tard de me retirer. Nous faisions cela sans
autre forme de protection privilégiant le plaisir au risque. Je
pétrissais avec mes mains, ses fesses que j'avais entrevues. Elle me
dévora la bouche avec la sienne.

A ce moment je balançais par-dessus bord toute prévention et prudence.
Je la voulais faire jouir cette pute et que nous parvenions ensemble au
septième ciel. Je lui dévorais ses deux mignons nichons qu'elle avait
entre temps extirpé de son corsage. Je pouvais croire qu'elle prenait
effectivement son pied sur mon pieu. Je ne concevais pas que mon gros
sexe laissa indifférent sa chatte. Elle conduit alors l'un de mes doigts
vers l’endroit de l'anus pour éprouver que celui-ci était gourmand et
facile en accès. La garce aspirait à être enculée.

Elle me souffla à l'oreille : « T'es cap de m'enculer avec ton gros nœud
? » Je rugis que oui. J'étais résolu maintenant à finir le boulot.
Bientôt elle courut jusqu'à un divan se couchant sur le ventre et me
tendant ses fesses. Il s'agissait d'écarter le fil impromptu du string
et de dégager le trou fumant et déjà engageant. On y pouvait enfoncer
facile deux voire trois doigts. J'avais peu enculer en ma vie. Mon
épouse étant totalement réfractaire à ce jeu qu'elle trouvait sale. Je
n'avais obtenu cela que de prostituées. Je trouvais bénédiction qu'une
femme m'offrit pour rien son petit trou.

Je ne fus pas peu étonné d'entrer dedans avec autant de facilité. La
garce devait souvent se faire défoncer dans cet endroit. On eût dit un
tunnel familier à une forte circulation. Son patron devait assurément en
disposer régulièrement. L'hypothèse que je ne fus pas le seul me
rappelait ma folie à n'avoir pas voulu me protéger. S'il devait y avoir
de graves conséquences, je serais bien puni de ma témérité. Pour m'en
venger je pilonnais rageusement ce cul. Elle gémissait sous mes coups de
boutoirs. Lui ayant retiré l'escarpin je lui caressais le pied qu’elle
avait sensuel.

Elle dut être étonnée de mon endurance car elle ne parvint de suite à me
procurer l'éjaculation. J'en obtins de la prendre encore deux fois. Nous
étions en sueur. Je n'étais pas peu fier de contempler son anus défoncé.
Il était un peu plus évasé, trou d'obus dans un vaste no man's land. J'y
laissais comme ma signature. De façon saugrenue je lui balançais : « Tu
vas avoir difficulté à t’asseoir. » Forfanterie de mâle. Enfin
j’éjaculais sur ses fesses puis sur son joli visage dont je ravageais
avec cruauté le maquillage. Je triomphais. Elle ne se départit pas
pourtant du même sourire.

Elle me signalât en un coin les toilettes pour me refaire. Quand je
revins, elle en avait fait autant. Elle fumait nonchalamment sa
cigarette. Elle devait avoir le sentiment du devoir accompli. La pute
avait vidé les couilles de son client. Celui-ci était repu et content.
Le client en l'occurrence était un imbécile car sottement demandais-je :
« Que dois-je faire des dettes de M X ? » Elle me regarda de façon
dédaigneuse et me jeta : « Tu en as eu pour ton fric. Dégage ! » J'étais
sur le point de m'offusquer. Elle coupa court. « Vois-tu tout à l'heure
je suis allée récupérer le film de nos ébats. »

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RetreadsChapter 3

I filled Al in on my conversation with dad as he got ready for his date. I couldn't tell which he was happier about, the date or the money. I was surprised that they were seeing M*A*S*H, but Al said that's what Joyce had chosen. He was afraid she'd want to see Love Story. He told me he was going to try and go to the track with pop to collect the winnings because of the amount of cash but I convinced him to bet the Preakness with some of it while he was there. They could do the same for...

3 years ago
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That One Day When The Women In Me Rose

I was quite upset and on being questioned by my best friend Ajit, i told him that i am feeling lonely and am bored from watching porn and i want to go a step ahead. We were on phone call. I insisted that lets masturbate together by watching same clip on phone, he didn’t agree, i told him then lets role play and have phone sex because i was feeling lonely and i was bored of same old way of masturbation. Ajit disagreed and said lets meet up some day, watch porn and masturbate together. He said...

Gay Male
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The Sappho Virus

The Sappho Virus, most peope viewed it as an Urban Legend, a sexualy trasmitted vius that turned women into beautiful lesbians and men into werewolves? It sounded unlikely to me. But that was before, I used to be a bookworm really, small breasts, plain face and clothes, I wore glasses even, my name is Casey by the way. I had a few friends, but I perfered to keep to myself. Yesterday, just before gym class started I had come into the locker room, stripping off my usual clothes, I'm just about to...

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There is Always Mother

NINA'S SURPRISE VISITORNina had kicked off her shoes and made herself a martini. She had been out shopping all day and she had the house to herself. Her daughter Suzie was gone for the weekend with some girlfriends. Nina wondered if any of Suzie's friends fooled around with girls and whether Suzie would have the opportunity to experience another lesbian encounter. She had just flopped on the couch looking forward to some relaxing time with her drink when she heard the doorbell."Shit, who could...

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Doris taken for a walk

I was at the door in minutes, welcomed into their presence, Jack, Joe, and the delectable Doris, and told we were going for a walk. Doris had on a summery yellow dress just above the knee, with buttons all the way down the front, and in fairly high heels. The dress was tight waisted, which showed off her curvy little bum very nicely, and it also fitted quite tightly across her pert little high set tits. Her pretty face framed by her mop of black hair looked strangely blank as she was...

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My first time with David

David’s sitting on his couch with a drink in his hand, his legs crossed, the top two buttons of his shirt are undone. “You want me to what?” He seems only mildly surprised by my statement, it seems my ‘shock value’ seemed to have little effect on him. David knows I’m blunt, brutally honest, whatever you want to call it, I speak my mind and always have. “I said, "Would you teach me how to give a blow job?” I stand in front of him, my confidence fading. I’d expected a different reaction, but he...

Gay Male
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Second Chances Ch 07

Chapter 7 Aidan woke the next morning to the sound of birds singing in the trees. He was about to roll over when he felt Naomi stir, sighing softly in her sleep. He cracked his eyes open and tilted his head to look down at her. The sight that greeted him made him smile. Early morning sunshine streamed in through the tiny window over the bed, gilding her silken limbs with a pink radiance and casting red highlights through her tousled chestnut curls. She was snuggled against him, her cheek...

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The Ring of TruthChapter 12

As always, my characters involved in the sex are all over the age of 18. Since this is my fantasy, there are no STD’s or unwanted pregnancies. All of my characters enjoy good hygiene so showers are only mentioned when part of the sex. They also eat when needed; none of my characters go hungry. This story has taken a huge curve. I wanted to see if the ring could be used for good versus evil. It is no longer a simple sex story. The last chapter was a challenge to write. I have never written of...

3 years ago
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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 7 Doing Whats Expected to get by

February 2006 On February the fourteenth, Brian came out of his room and announced to the kids and Mary that this was Peggy's twenty-ninth birthday. "Get dressed for school," he ordered. Tonight we'll celebrate your mom's birthday. She would like for us to have a good time." "Will we give her presents?" Amanda asked. "Your darned right, I'll pick them up and you can wrap them," he said, smiling for the first time in days. He saw the kids off to school, and went to Peggy's...

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Those Days With Bhabhi Pt 2 Bhabhi Ki Chudayi

Deepti bhabhi aur main eek bahut badhia party organise ki, Vivaan ke b’day ke liye. Uss sham hum party mein busy ho gaye. Maine bhabhi ki har tarah se help ki. Hamari najrein bar bar mil rahi thi aur woh bas smile karke thanks hi bol rahi thi itni achhi arrangement ke liye. Fir woh cake leke mere paas aai. Db: Lo tumne cake nahi liya. Me: Main cake nahi khata. Mujhe nahi pasand. Aur fir unhone woh kia jo maine socha nahi tha kabhi. Unhone cake jabardasti mere muh mein daala aur kaha, “Bade...

1 year ago
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My best birthday present

Note : This story is completely fictional! At supper the evening after my eighteenth birthday Mother said “I guess you were kind of disappointed in my gift yesterday, huh?” “Nah, huh uh Mother,” I lied, “I’ll be needing a shaving kit pretty soon, I’ll just save it till my whiskers start showing.” “Well, you’re close enough to being a man now that I can give you what you’ve really wanted for a couple years now.” I looked at her, a question in my eyes, what could she be talking about? She was...

2 years ago
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Stir crazy from quarantine

Family background Ethan(you). 5'10" and 22 years old. A junior at a university. When the shelter-in-place order was given he moved back home with his family. Emily (Your sister). 5'8" and 19 years old. Freshman at a different university from you. Your sister also came home from the university when the shelter-in-place order happened. Gorgeous, trendy, and a terrible flirt when she isn't buying new clothes she is posting about it on Instagram. Ashley (Your mother). 5'9" and 46 years old....

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Innocent Divyas Ordeals

Prologue:This is the story of Divya, a typical Indian woman whose life changed rapidly and in unimaginable ways within a couple of years. Let me start at the beginning.Divya was born in a small town in Madhya Pradesh in a conservative middle class household. From c***dhood, Divya was recognized as very good looking. She was fair-skinned, had thick straight hair, and had sharp features and big eyes. Her parents and grandparents, wary of how the society preys pretty women, became extra protective...

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Mistress Sabines Sissy

My phone vibrated softly signaling a text. I almost didn't look at it. I was at a meeting of the board of the corporation I work for, trying to steel my nerves for a presentation I was scheduled to make. This was my first time and instead of running through my presentation in my head I was focused on what I was wearing under my suit.I glanced at the phone."Someone in the room knows exactly what you're wearing..."It was from Mistress Sabine, a woman I'd only met a few weeks ago. She was also the...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 51

"Mr. President," it was Yosef, my Chief of Staff now that Rick was heading up DHS. ""There has been a specific threat and several credible unspecific threats against public places, from people identifying themselves as ISIS. "The Speaker of the House has called an evening session to discuss several things about homeland security, safety, and how America should respond to being threatened. It is set for seven P.M., and the Speaker has asked if you would be willing to come down to the...

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The Door

Lucy had struggled to sleep as the wind and the rain battered against the glass. A window was open somewhere and she could hear the constant tap-tap of a door down the landing. Lucy’s was a large rambling house which was once an old school but along with the old barn had been converted in the 1980s. She loved that her bedroom was in the back, where she could look out at the little orchard at the bottom of their huge garden. As a child she had been frightened of the shapes made by the old walnut...

1 year ago
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Student Exchange

We had last year two students rather than the normal one a girl from Spain and a boy from Portugal. We had collected and were given the rotation for each day of the stay. Both students were 19 years old and good looking. On the Friday of the first week I came home early and my wife was already there. As I entered I heard noises from the bedrooms and then saw Sophia sat on stairs looking into our bedroom at same time I heard my wife moaning and knew she was fucking someone. I was then spotted by...

Group Sex
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New Life in Rianate 2

Introduction: Eris and Dallas move their relationship a bit further. An Iceball flew at me and I laughed. 14….15….16… I quickly turned the ball into water then chucked it at Aya. …20! Youre out! Tao cackled. We were in my Yard and playing 20 seconds with our affinities. Aya tossed the ball at Tao then stood on the side and started counting. 1….2….3…4… Tao lurched another Iceball at me but I sidestepped then caught it. I chased Tao around with a Waterball and she screamed. 12…13…14…15… I...

3 years ago
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Joerg IsebrandChapter 2 How Young Joerg Isebrand Was Banished from the Marshes

Joerg Isebrand was tired. He, his father and his brothers had been working the whole day to bring in the hay from the first cut of the year. With three strong sons and two daughters, the Isebrands prospered. They all worked hard, the land was good, and there were no taxes or rent to pay. The Marshes were still free, and all the Isebrands paid was the tithe for the poor, like everyone else. Joerg, at sixteen years of age, was the second youngest in the family, but in the last two years he had...

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Ariel Chronicles Cougar of Soho part 2

Part two.My students continued to fuck and gang-fuck me, incessantly for the next two months.These young men were supposedly intelligent, but like most men, their cocks were ruling their decision making.With all of the photographic and video evidence they had on me, they assumed they were blackmailing me in to partaking regular sexual deviant activities with them.They were playing into my obscure sexual kinks perfectly. I wanted the attention of these young cocks. I craved the attention of...

2 years ago
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Alexs Story

Alex's Story by Lisa Paige That I as a Junior should be going to Seniors Night at the biggest amusement park in the state was something of a miracle - or even a collection of miracles. I had volunteered for the "Social Committee" as a way of meeting new kids at the high school. It seemed like a pretty lame idea at first: I did all the grunt work for Heather, the senior girl who was planning the all the graduation activities. She and the others on the committee treated me...

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JulesJordan Anny Aurora Interracial Creampie

Jax Slayher is one lucky guy, always getting to bang the hottest chicks and has more hitting him up online to come bang them! What a life, right? Anny Aurora has been sending him private messages but there’s a small issue, she doesn’t speak English, but he doesn’t want to let that stop him since she’s smokin’! Anny knows how to use emoji’s and after sending him a bunch of “snakes”, Jax gets in the car to go meet up with her. She comes out to meet him in the car wearing a sexy zip-up red dress...

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Lust In Teenage Life 8211 Part I

Hi iss readers’, I am Rahul from Karimnagar city of Telangana state. And this is my first post here on iss hope u will like it & after reading such beautiful stories since 2years I decided to share my own experience with all the beautiful ladies & aunties here in iss so let’s begin!! Well I am Rahul & I am 22 now. Doing my engineering in reputed college in Hyderabad & yes my sexy cousin; her name is Pinky (nick name) which I call her. This happen about 3 years earlier when I had completed my +2...

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Burning Embers

She was waiting in her chair of the living room anxiously. Her friend from across the sea had promised that he’d be coming around lunchtime but not to bother about food as he’d probably already had something. But this was night time and she kept thinking back to their conversations over the internet. They flirted with each other outrageously whilst they were online and even though both of them knew that It was a little wrong, they couldn’t help themselves sometimes, especially with some of the...

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Marys Discovery

Mary's Discovery. by Trish Linda Write assumed that the students next door were out when she got home from work, owing to the lack of thump-thump music through the wall. They had been her neighbours since the start of term, in early September and at first she had resented their presence. As she had got to know them she changed her mind and began to almost enjoy their madcap company. There were three of them sharing the house, Mike and Bob were third year art students and Tom was...

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Pervert Camp part 3

I found her sleeping when I woke up. She was sleeping cozily right beside me. And she did look beautiful. I couldn't resist her cute face and bent down to kiss her on her lips. As I was kissing, I felt a slight response and realised that she had woken up. I was directly over her and kissing. "Thanks for the kissssss" she said and yawned. I smiled and started to kiss her again, holding her around her waist. We played with our tongues. Her lips were juicy and tongue was soft. She also bit my...

1 year ago
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TouchMyWife Santana Ayo Leaving Ladies Night

With a hot wife like a Santana Ayo, you never know what to expect. When her hubby gets a call from her on her ladies night out – telling him to meet her by a dumpster, he knows he’s in for another wild ride. He shows up to see Santana with her hands all over a mountain of a gentleman, Jovan Jordan, apparently. Clearly, this insatiable hot wife wants to bring Jovan home. But first she wants to size him up – right there in the parking lot by the dumpster! Santana was not...

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Real with A Delhi Girl

Infact to be honest, I did not realize, that there were lot of sex starved women in India, especially in delhi/ncr also, wanna meet me can mail me at my id , sorry this is my real ok… We had a large group of friends that comprised of both boys as well as girls. Of the whole lot i was especially crazy about Shaina, for simply her presence made your dick go hickory dickory dock. A real goddess of venus carved out of the wildest dream of god himself. I had seen her a few times in her...

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The Wrong Planet

So that’s what happened to the wee folk Monday morning. I was hung over as usual. What made today any different? A small person lay on my back porch, just outside my sliding glass door. I could tell that he was male, non-human and sick as hell. Why non-human? Humans don’t mature at fourteen inches tall, have tiny scales all over their skin or have pointed ears. How did I know he was sick? He was curled up in a ball, shaking despite it being early summer. The shakes were getting visibly weaker...

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Ali my Big Old Black StudChapter 2

I released my husband from the chair and we followed him into the bedroom, where he again was tied to a chair beside our big bed. I lay down on the bed and invited Ali to fuck me by spreading my legs. Ali straddled across my breast and "forced" me to suck his soft cock, it was not soft for long. Then Ali placed a pillow under my ass, he said: "Now my seed will have a better chance to stay where it belong, in that way there is a better chance for me to knock you up!" I felt his cock...

4 years ago
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Similar Interests

Similar InterestsI had run an ad at a spanking website that I was an older male disciplinarian spanker that was looking for women in the area that needed a good spanking. About two months after the ad ran, I got a response from a woman who lived in the same city I did. Her name was Vivian, and we first got to know each other via email. Then she told me about using instant messenger, and that got us talking to each other in real time. I also write spanking stories, and I shared a few of them...

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