Ma Brune Secrétaire free porn video

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Je fais un sale métier que je dois assumer. Je vous rassure, je n'en eu
point la vocation. On ne s'extirpe pas du ventre de sa mère en criant :
« Je veux être huissier ou rien ». Convaincu qu'il n'est point malgré
tout de sot métier je n'en souffrais pas du moins d'un juste préjugé
dont j'étais alors victime. Je ne répandais sur ma route que
consternation et désolation. Je ne vous cache pas que cet état
retentissait parfois sur mon bien-être et ma santé. Aussi n'était-ce
qu'en de rares occasions que ce métier me prodiguait de rares bonheurs
et compensations.

Le jour où je vins sonner à ce pavillon, j’étais loin d'imaginer la
teneur de ma rencontre. Il était aux environs de 15H00. Un pâle soleil
d'automne illuminait placidement les rares feuilles qui jonchait alors
la pelouse du jardin. C'était la fin de ma tournée. J'aspirais à rentrer
vite au bureau boire un coup avec quelques collègues. Le type que je
devais persécuter était un coquin notoire. On m'en avait dit assez de
mal. J'étais paré à toute éventualité et bandant mes muscles attendait
la confrontation jusqu'à un point insoutenable. Je ne répugnais pas au
rapport physique.

Aussi ne fus-je pas peu étonné en même temps que soulagé de voir
paraître dans le cadre de la porte un petit bout de femme brune et
charmante. Je lui donnais dans la quarantaine, coquette et apprêtée.
Elle représentait tout ce que j'adorais chez la femme. Je distinguais
outre un tailleur élégant, des bas couture et des escarpins sur lesquels
elle était juchée avec autant de classe. Son visage maquillé au juste
point respirait une assurance de soi. Elle mesurait avec conséquence son
pouvoir sur les hommes. Croyant tomber sur un tigre, je devais assumer
une femelle.

Je dus lui paraître peu crédible lorsqu'en mon bafouillement je lui
annonçais mon titre. A-ton déjà vu un huissier si minable et pataud ?
J'étais furieux de trahir la trop grande impression qu'elle exerçait sur
moi. Je n'en déballais pas moins tous les griefs du Trésor. Au final je
sus qu'elle n'était pas le conjoint mais la secrétaire de M X. Elle ne
sembla pas émue outre mesure des exploits de son employeur. Elle faisait
montre plutôt de flegme et semblait avoir arrêté à l'égard de mon style
de personne un certain discours voire une stratégie affûtée. Elle
m'invita à rentrer.

Déjà elle parlait de malentendus et de courriers croisés et qui ne me
seraient pas parvenus. Je connaissais la chanson. J'étais blessé qu’elle
usa à mon encontre d'arguments si grossiers. Je tâchais en tant que cave
supposé de me rebiffer. J'avais davantage L4habitude d'être craint
plutôt que le contraire. La garce se jouait de moi. Il était par trop
évident que j’avais du trahir dans mes gestes et mes regards, mon émoi.
Elle devait être si familière à faire bander un mâle. En effet je ne pus
réprimer ma pulsion d'examiner son petit cul qui roulait dans une courte

Elle m’invita à m'asseoir dans un fauteuil face au sien. Elle me demanda
si de fumer m'inconvenait tout en croisant haut les cuisses qu’elle
avait magnifiques. J'eus l'impression que la chaleur était suffocante ou
que du moins on avait poussé à fond le chauffage . Ce genre de poule me
fait irrémédiablement pareille impression. Son regard était dur et
ironique. Tel un serpent on eût dit qu’elle voulait me dissoudre sur
place. Pour me donner bonne contenance je consultais mes papiers tâchant
vainement de détacher mes yeux de ses maîtresses cuisses.

Il était difficile de ne pas savoir qu'elle portait des bas d'autant
qu'elle exposait impunément la chair blanche qui affleurait à la
naissance de ceux-ci. Me perdant en conjectures, je tâchais stupidement
de comprendre où une femme dès le plus jeune âge maîtrisait si bien cet
art de la séduction. Celle-ci m'avait d'emblée mis sous hypnose. Je lui
obéissais au doigt et à l’œil. Ses paroles me parvenaient dans un vague
bourdonnement. J'aurais été fort incapable de vous rapporter ce que je
lui répondis. J'étais perdu dans le carré ou le triangle d'où
rayonnaient sa culotte et la jointure de ses cuisses.

Elle se leva enfin pour aller récupérer le café. Je mis à contribution
ce temps de répit pour me reprendre. Je rangeais dans ma serviette tous
mes papiers qui me plongeaient dans la confusion plus qu'autre chose. Je
devais retrouver mon verbe et la persuasion qui font le charme du
métier. Je fus presque heureux de son retour et qu'elle installât de
nouveau sa croupe sur son fauteuil. Je parlais hâtivement comme pour me
débarrasser. Haussant le ton, je lui signifiais que je devais procéder à
un inventaire des meubles. Elle sourit précisant : « Vous savez. J'en ai
la liste. »

Elle me fit entendre que d'autres collègues avaient procédé de la sorte
lui ayant infligé le même procédé. Bref elle n'était pas impressionnée.
Sans se départir d'un immuable sourire, elle écarta alors les cuisses
qu'elle avait longtemps tenu, croisées. Elle demeura ainsi suffisamment
pour que je pus considérer que sa culotte était rouge, transparente et
trahissant le dessin d'une chatte parcouru de poils pubiens. Il était
manifeste qu’elle le faisait exprès. Elle m'allumait impunément. Elle me
testait. Le deal était par trop évident. Elle s'offrait. On l'obtenait à
trop bon compte.

J'avais peu d'expérience de cela. Certaines femmes avaient tenté déjà à
me séduire voire à me débaucher dans l'exercice de mes fonctions. Des
collègues avaient cédé à ce genre de tentation et s'en flattaient. De
même un ami, plombier de son état sautait régulièrement nombre de ses
clientes. Je l'enviais secrètement. Il se trouvait qu'aujourd'hui
m'était attribué une telle bonne fortune. En semblable circonstance,
j'avais plus d'une fois rompu la conversation et d'un ton outré et
sentencieux proclamant que j'adresserais un prochain courrier
redoutable. Je ne répugnais pas à fuir.

Cette fois quelque chose de profond et de l'ordre de la concupiscence
semblait l'emporter sur ma couardise native. Je perdais pour lors toute
réserve et dignité. Elle semblait deviner la lutte dont j'étais l'objet
et n'en écartait que plus ses cuisses nantie du même sourire. Si un
miroir eût alors réfléchi l'image de mon visage, nous eûmes vu alors un
bouffon pathétique. Il faisait chaud. On se fut cru dans une étuve.
Percevant mon malaise, elle dit : « Vous allez bien ? Voulez-vous un
verre d'eau ? Je fis signe que non de la main. En moins d'un temps elle
fut auprès de moi.

Accroupie à mes pieds et secouant sa chevelure brune, elle enfonçait ses
yeux au fond des miens. L'air était plus que jamais saturé de son lourd
parfum. Je vis mieux le vernis rougis des ongles. Une de ses mains
s'était hardiment portée sur mon genou. Sa voix était chaude toute de
miel. J'étais tenté de fermer les yeux comme dans un rêve. Je mis un
temps à m'apercevoir qu’elle s'était enquit à déboutonner la braguette.
Ma queue à ma grande honte était irrémédiablement dure. J'avouais ainsi
mon désir coupable. Pouvais-je raisonnablement dénier et me refuser ?

Chuchotant, elle commença à me branler. Ses mots évoquaient comme une
berceuse. Ulysse s'est défié d'un semblable chant de sirène. Je me
raidissais songeant à cela. Elle m’en branla que plus énergiquement. Je
songeais dans ma tête : « Qu’est-ce qu'elle astique bien, la salope. »
J'en vins à me étendre peu à peu concentré sur le seul sort de ma bite.
Il en relevait le sort du Monde. Elle en était passé quant aux travaux
pratiques à la seconde étape. Elle me lécha d'abord légèrement le gland
comme pour me titiller voire m'exaspérer. J'ouvris les yeux. Elle me
toisait et souriait.

Je n'étais pas peu fier de cette queue longue et lourde et j'eus
apprécié qu'elle m'en complimenta. A défaut elle commença à l'enfourner
dans sa bouche doucement, méthodiquement puis peu à peu avec vigueur.
J'étais pompé, aspiré au propre. Quelle pipe ! Mon Dieu ! J'ouvris la
bouche cherchant de l'air. Peu loin de défaillir. Pouvait-on rêver mort
plus douce ? Elle aurait invoqué l'homicide involontaire à la façon des
prostituées à l'égard d'un client. En effet j'avais idée qu'elle faisait
cela souvent avec des hommes et qu'on l’avait recruté pour ce seul talent.

Stoïque, je m'étais bien gardé d'exploser dans sa bouche. J'en voulais
davantage et sollicitais le reste. Elle me dit : « Ferme les yeux chéri
si tu veux la suite.» Je goûtais ce ton et ce tutoiement vulgaire. En
effet je perçus qu'elle s’installait sur moi, cuisses ouvertes
s'empalant sur ma bite. Celle-ci entra dans sa grotte baveuse et humide.
J'eus la réticence trop tard de me retirer. Nous faisions cela sans
autre forme de protection privilégiant le plaisir au risque. Je
pétrissais avec mes mains, ses fesses que j'avais entrevues. Elle me
dévora la bouche avec la sienne.

A ce moment je balançais par-dessus bord toute prévention et prudence.
Je la voulais faire jouir cette pute et que nous parvenions ensemble au
septième ciel. Je lui dévorais ses deux mignons nichons qu'elle avait
entre temps extirpé de son corsage. Je pouvais croire qu'elle prenait
effectivement son pied sur mon pieu. Je ne concevais pas que mon gros
sexe laissa indifférent sa chatte. Elle conduit alors l'un de mes doigts
vers l’endroit de l'anus pour éprouver que celui-ci était gourmand et
facile en accès. La garce aspirait à être enculée.

Elle me souffla à l'oreille : « T'es cap de m'enculer avec ton gros nœud
? » Je rugis que oui. J'étais résolu maintenant à finir le boulot.
Bientôt elle courut jusqu'à un divan se couchant sur le ventre et me
tendant ses fesses. Il s'agissait d'écarter le fil impromptu du string
et de dégager le trou fumant et déjà engageant. On y pouvait enfoncer
facile deux voire trois doigts. J'avais peu enculer en ma vie. Mon
épouse étant totalement réfractaire à ce jeu qu'elle trouvait sale. Je
n'avais obtenu cela que de prostituées. Je trouvais bénédiction qu'une
femme m'offrit pour rien son petit trou.

Je ne fus pas peu étonné d'entrer dedans avec autant de facilité. La
garce devait souvent se faire défoncer dans cet endroit. On eût dit un
tunnel familier à une forte circulation. Son patron devait assurément en
disposer régulièrement. L'hypothèse que je ne fus pas le seul me
rappelait ma folie à n'avoir pas voulu me protéger. S'il devait y avoir
de graves conséquences, je serais bien puni de ma témérité. Pour m'en
venger je pilonnais rageusement ce cul. Elle gémissait sous mes coups de
boutoirs. Lui ayant retiré l'escarpin je lui caressais le pied qu’elle
avait sensuel.

Elle dut être étonnée de mon endurance car elle ne parvint de suite à me
procurer l'éjaculation. J'en obtins de la prendre encore deux fois. Nous
étions en sueur. Je n'étais pas peu fier de contempler son anus défoncé.
Il était un peu plus évasé, trou d'obus dans un vaste no man's land. J'y
laissais comme ma signature. De façon saugrenue je lui balançais : « Tu
vas avoir difficulté à t’asseoir. » Forfanterie de mâle. Enfin
j’éjaculais sur ses fesses puis sur son joli visage dont je ravageais
avec cruauté le maquillage. Je triomphais. Elle ne se départit pas
pourtant du même sourire.

Elle me signalât en un coin les toilettes pour me refaire. Quand je
revins, elle en avait fait autant. Elle fumait nonchalamment sa
cigarette. Elle devait avoir le sentiment du devoir accompli. La pute
avait vidé les couilles de son client. Celui-ci était repu et content.
Le client en l'occurrence était un imbécile car sottement demandais-je :
« Que dois-je faire des dettes de M X ? » Elle me regarda de façon
dédaigneuse et me jeta : « Tu en as eu pour ton fric. Dégage ! » J'étais
sur le point de m'offusquer. Elle coupa court. « Vois-tu tout à l'heure
je suis allée récupérer le film de nos ébats. »

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TheDickSuckers Luna Silver I Love It In My Mouth

Luna Silver is an amateur model who hails from Europe. She’s an Arab babe with big, all-naturals, a sweet phat ass…and a penchant for sucking dick. Enter Mr. POV. He’s on a European tour at the moment, picking up babes when he can in order to fuck their holes: mouths or cunts or buttholes! Luna’s cool with the cunt tease, but she’s not so sure she wants to commit to sex acts for Mr. POV’s camera — yet. Luna’s cunt tease really works up quite a...

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Butch and Stacy 12

Butch and Stacy 12 Since I came out of my coma I have seen myself as Stacy the girl. Now I am told that for most of my life I have been Butch, a guy. Who am I? WHAT am I? Is there any place in the world for a creature like me? ............................... The very next day mom and I moved into our apartment. It was spacious, bright, and modern and I had a huge bedroom to myself with my own bath. I wanted to be happy, but instead I was miserable. I had asked Liz about my past...

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Pickup LinesChapter 5

Lyle McFadden had held off on actually selecting his second concubine until it was clear what would happen to Hortense, of course. For one thing, despite the illegality of the manner in which Hortense had been impregnated, she WAS pregnant now. He would have a girl of proven fertility and the next child would be his, he was sure of that. Lyle could wait a bit, and it was obvious that his fellow Civil Service officers agreed with him on that point. “Mother and both daughters ... yes, I would...

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Fucked My Married Reader Tanya In Mumbai

This is Aniket, doing my engineering in one of the renowned colleges in Mumbai. I am 23 with a small belly and a 6-inch cock that is very eager to fuck pussies! This is a fictional story. One fine evening, I was checking my mail on my way home from college and I found this reader named Tanya. She said that she was really excited about the story and wanted to connect. Later we talked for a month via email then he asked me to connect via Facebook. We had sex in chat on Facebook and one day, we...

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Original Stunt Queen

Bernadette McGee was an original stunt queen. During her lifetime, she had run games and cons on all manner of people and companies while remaining conviction free. The 57 year-old transsexual had been arrested a number of times for simple misdemeanors usually with the charges being dropped. Bernadette swore she had found Jesus and was working for the good now. She was born in rural Mississippi in May 1962. Her parents, a farmer and a seamstress, named their second c***d James. It was evident...

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MrCardwellThe German Trip

Mr.Cardwell and me, a fourteen year old boy, and his horny paedophile teacher...YAY. * * * The lobby seemed huge as our whole group stood, waiting for the bell-boys to guide us to our rooms. Mrs.Connell, Ms.Bryson, Mr.Cardwell, and about 17 kids (including me), were here in Germany on a trip. Finally, 10 bell-boys came, grabbed all our stuff and guided us off in pairs to our rooms....

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Pool HustledChapter 4

The divorce dragged. Dee seemed to fight it every step we took. From counseling, to therapy, to just plain threats. Finally she tried to go after company profits and that led us back to court in mid July. After a couple of hours of arguing about how to figure out how much profits I was going to get from the company. I stood up. "Your honor, could I say a few things please," I asked. I watched the judge rubbed his face and eyes. He looked at me and nodded ok. "Your honor, we have been...

1 year ago
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NaughtyAmerica Aidra Fox VR 22639

“Love and sex…they really have nothing to do with each one another.” Fuck YES, Aidra Fox! Those are the words you want to hear from your wife’s friend during a secret 1-on1 meeting with her. You thought you were meeting her to plan for your wife’s birthday; instead, Aidra’s telling you that she thinks about you when she masturbates everyday — yowza! She takes it to an even higher level by throwing out an invitation for you to head over to her house tonight for yet another private meeting. This...

2 years ago
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Love Turning White Bitchs Lesbian

My name is Vera; I am a black woman 26 yrs young. I am 5' 6" tall and nice curves with huge breasts. I just love sex - male or female, it's all-good. I love black men with huge cocks, black women and white men can be fun but most of my entire favorite thing in this whole world I lust after white females. I love to seduce them and dominate them, making them my sex slaves. That is what I live for. Nothing makes me feel better than making a white girl my sex slave, my fuck toy, my little bitch!My...

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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 12

The next day, we were all awakened by the alarm. Dawn was eager to go out and was waiting for us by the bedroom door, whining softly. I dressed hurriedly and blew out the candle while the others slowly got their bearings and started the search for clothes. I took Dawn upstairs and got her outside in record time. I put her on her tether in the backyard and she wasn’t as picky as usual in finding a spot to go. While I was out, I flexed my shoulder experimentally and it felt okay. I cleaned up...

2 years ago
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Youre the first woman Ive ever

You’re the first woman I’ve ever.. It had been raining all morning and Karen hadn’t been feeling well. She had stayed home from work for the fourth time this month. As she lay in bed she tried to convince herself she was unwell with a cold or something due to winter setting in, but deep down she knew the truth was she was lonely and becoming depressed. The phone rang and although numb she answered, ‘Hello?’ ‘Karen? It’s Martin. I’ve just come into the store and Margaret tells me you’re...

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Screwing Nicki

The door creaked open, and I did my best to hide behind the door of the last cubicle in the bathroom. "Hello?" Came a voice that was soft and distinctly feminine. The voice of someone I knew. Someone from my SAC class. Nicki Lore. Nicki Whore. Oh, how I wanted to fuck her. "Jack, are you in here?" She called. "Miss Beckins wants to see you." I stepped out from inside the cubicle and looked at the thin fuckable body of the girl before me. "I bet she does," I said. "But you know...

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strangers masturbate for eachother

Something so sexy happen to me this morning I can not keep it to myself.I was out very early to walk my dog, he decided to go off chasing rabbits,which left me to wander about. Thought I would check the small quarry for wild life, and came across the wildest yet............I slowly climbed up the slippery slope, to enter the quarry between two standing stones.lAs I reached the top my head just up to ground level. I saw a slim dark haired woman, with her back to me. She was unzipping her boots....

2 years ago
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Suck Art Offline

Author's warnig: this story contains netorare and extreme humiliation stuff, don't read if you feel offended by this. Kirito and Asuna walked through the park, chatting freely and enjoying their first date after a long time. Kirito already planned to start another game and was hyped about it. Suddenly Asuna walked away. Kirito stopped, looking with surprise as she ignores him and walks to the tall, fat guy that stood nearby. A man waved his hand on Asuna as she approached him. "Hey,...

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A Love Lost Never to be Forgotten

A man sat at his expensive table waiting for the woman he loves. On the table were two candles flickering softly, a single red rose, and two glasses of dark red wine. It had seemed an eternity since she had left for her trip, a life time since he had seen her beautiful face and the way her dress hugged her soft curves in all the right places. It had been an unimaginable stretch of time since he heard her silky voice escape in moans as he played with her body, her wonderful tastes filling his...

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Tricia Time III A Real Date with a Real Man

Tricia Time III - A Real Date with a Real Man The first time I went out with Vince, I kept insisting to myself and everyone else that it wasn't a date, but simply an opportunity to go to a club as Tricia. He was more or less an escort for my evening out, someone to keep me company. I was, of course, just fooling myself, and after we ended up in bed, I knew it. This time, however, I was thrilled to admit that Vince was taking me out on a date. Yes, Tricia was going out on a real...

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I fell in lust the first time I saw her. She was sitting on that barstool, with her skirt stretched about as tight as it could go across her sweet little butt, looking for all the world like some kind of Hollywood starlet. When I thought about it later, as we were balling our brains out in my big old bed, I remembered that I had actually seen her for the first time as she walked into the bar. That makes me a liar? Big deal! That time she was just a long pair of legs in a short skirt. It wasn't...

3 years ago
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More bang for your buck from the economistcom Par

FOR those seeking commercial sex in Berlin, Peppr, a new app, makes life easy. Type in a location and up pops a list of the nearest prostitutes, along with pictures, prices and physical particulars. Results can be filtered, and users can arrange a session for a €5-10 ($6.50-13) booking fee. It plans to expand to more cities. Peppr can operate openly since prostitution, and the advertising of prostitution, are both legal in Germany. But even where they are not, the internet is transforming the...

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Summoning the Succubi Pt 07

‘Well, might as well get Neko from Shinji’s room’ I said to no one in particular. As I was walking to his bedroom I saw him walking towards my bedroom with Neko at his side, his face flushed and pants wet. I swear, Neko better not be hurt. ‘What happened?’ I asked. ‘Well… You see…’ We went to my room and he had explained everything to me. Neko had spilled the juice he gave her on his pants and she hadn’t wanted to waste it. So she bent over and started licking the juice, which happened to...

2 years ago
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Always hard the beginning Chapter 2

Summer of 1953 Discovering His Manhood It was July of 1953, and the two Eddies and Vic had gone to Astoria Pool to go swimming, nothing else. They never even talked about girls, let alone looked at them. They were just three young k**s looking to have fun the only way they knew, and that was swimming at the pool, playing stickball and riding their bikes. Girls, no matter how nice they were, just never fit into their plans. They didn't want them, didn’t need them. At least that's what they...

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Andy Part 1

The work Christmas party: a time where everyone gets insanely drunk just for the hell of it. And also the time to see your boss doing his own interpretation of "dance" in the middle of the floor. Hilarious doesn't quite cover it.Seeing as I'm 18, I'm one of the oldest of my friends. Which makes me the official drink buyer. You'd think I'd hate having to go up to the bar to order a constant stream of baby drinks like WKD... but not when your friend pushes a £10 note into your hand and demands...

Straight Sex
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Going Bi 10

Once again, if you aren't into boy on boy, don't even bother reading this. You'd be disappointed. *** Except for one "knowing glance" at supper, Alexander acted completely normal as he served supper that evening. That doesn't mean that things were good. I was having massive regrets, just like any sixteen-year-old who had stuck his dick into one to many places. I was sorry I had done Alexander. For that matter, I was sorry I had done things with Jason. Tyler didn't get...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Gina Valentina Take Me

Damon Dice is busy on the computer when Gina Valentina joins him at the table. She pulls down the straps of her dress to see if that attracts his attention. When that doesn’t work, she pulls up her miniskirt to shake her bottom. Finally, she resorts to rubbing her hand up and down Damon’s thigh with her top around her waist. Giving Gina his full attention is easy when his hot Latina lover is practically throwing herself at him. Damon gives each of her breasts the attention the small...

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Dare Book IIChapter 2

It was morning and I washed myself in the small tiled area that served as the bath for us. It had a deep sink mounted on the floor with a hose running from the faucet. A lip around the tiles kept water from spilling out. An old wooden rack held different things; brushes and soaps for the dogs, strong and made for removing fleas. Some mild ivory soap for me, which was tolerable to our noses at least, and unscented baby shampoo which was hardly unscented at all and a smell I actually...

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My horny bhabhi 8211 1

Hello ISS readers, I am Rahul and this is my 1st true story about the things which happened to me a year back. Hope you guys enjoy it. This story is of me and my beautiful bhabhi. Here is the full description what had happened with me in last 1 year. A year back our whole family went to Shirdi in a car. Me, my mom, my cousin brother and his wife (my bhabhi) and 3 of my masi. We moved around 6 in the evening as it takes a full night journey to reach Shirdi from our place. Whole night passed and...

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Tabloid TV Chic Lit

Chick Lit Author is Actually a Dude! NEW YORK: The literary world was rocked this week when world famous author Christine Ericson announced that she was actually Christopher! Ericson, whose bestselling novels 'Why Chocolate is Better than a Man, and Cosmopolitans at Five' have been mandatory purchases for American women everywhere, stunned her fans with a Tuesday press release. It seems that the queen of women's literature is really a king. "Fifteen years ago, I never expected...

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The Nazis BoyChapter 19

It was during the wee hours, Claus and I slept on either side of the colonel, when a huge deafening explosion went off somewhere outside the hotel jolting the three of us awake. We were suddenly very alert. The flash lit up the room brighter than day, followed by subsequent blasts near and far. I was so frightened that I peed the bed. The colonel scrambled from the bed snatching his gunbelt and bolted naked through the door shoving aside panic stricken soldiers entering from the...

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Mary's parents were split and she lived with her mom but stayed with her dad on the week ends. She loved her dad and was happiest when she was with him and he also loved having her with him. She was excited because he was picking her up tonight and she would be with him till Monday morning. She carefully packed her suitcase and was ready when he pulled up. She ran put and jumped in the car. He grabbed her and hugged her giving her a kiss on the lips. He told her "Hi baby. You look so pretty."...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed into becoming a TV Slut Part 3

PART 3 I followed Kelly timidly through the front door and waited as she locked up. In the cool air, the short skirt offered little protection and I was very conscious that I wasn't wearing any underwear. Thankfully the taxi driver had returned to the car, and I hovered near Kelly like a frightened chick afraid to leave the nest. There were a few steps down from her from door to the path which looked very solid, as I concentrated on maintaining my balance. I had visions of falling...

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My first BBW

It all happened last summer, I was hired to clean a couples pool. I get in my truck and head to the address of the house. In the town were the couple lived at, there was a ton of hot girls outside. I knock at the door, the lady that opened up the door was a very pretty bbw. She had sky blue eyes, blond hair and a perfect bbw body with massive tits. I caught my composure and said: “Hi, I’m Randy from Carson’s pool cleaning. ” She said: “Hi, I’m Ms....

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Aunty Ko Choda

Mein is site pe bht salo se sex stories phor rha houn……. Mera height 5ft hain air dekhne mein accha houn mera lund ka size 7inch lamba aur 2inch mota Hamarr ghar ke pach ek aunty rehti thi uska ek 8 sal ka beta hain aunty aksar hamera ghar par ati rahti thi aunty dekhne me thik thak thi uska size 36 32 34 uska boobs aur gand dekhke koi bhi unko chodne ko man karega Mein aunty kar hamesha apna lund sahlta tha aur kabhi kabhi supke se uska panty le akar khub chusta tha woh kafi sexy panty pehnti...

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I Love Older Women Chapter Five

Chapter Five At six-forty-five, May’s phone beeped. It was a SMS from Mags. May sent her an SMS back. May said, “It is from Mags. She wants to know how I got on last night. I have asked if I can call her as I don’t want to write what I want to tell her. I told you this would happen.” Then May’s phoned beeped again. May read the message then signaled for me to follow her as Val was still fast asleep. We went to the lounge. May dialed Mags then put it on speaker phone. Mags asked how it went. May...


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