Ma Brune Secrétaire free porn video

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Je fais un sale métier que je dois assumer. Je vous rassure, je n'en eu
point la vocation. On ne s'extirpe pas du ventre de sa mère en criant :
« Je veux être huissier ou rien ». Convaincu qu'il n'est point malgré
tout de sot métier je n'en souffrais pas du moins d'un juste préjugé
dont j'étais alors victime. Je ne répandais sur ma route que
consternation et désolation. Je ne vous cache pas que cet état
retentissait parfois sur mon bien-être et ma santé. Aussi n'était-ce
qu'en de rares occasions que ce métier me prodiguait de rares bonheurs
et compensations.

Le jour où je vins sonner à ce pavillon, j’étais loin d'imaginer la
teneur de ma rencontre. Il était aux environs de 15H00. Un pâle soleil
d'automne illuminait placidement les rares feuilles qui jonchait alors
la pelouse du jardin. C'était la fin de ma tournée. J'aspirais à rentrer
vite au bureau boire un coup avec quelques collègues. Le type que je
devais persécuter était un coquin notoire. On m'en avait dit assez de
mal. J'étais paré à toute éventualité et bandant mes muscles attendait
la confrontation jusqu'à un point insoutenable. Je ne répugnais pas au
rapport physique.

Aussi ne fus-je pas peu étonné en même temps que soulagé de voir
paraître dans le cadre de la porte un petit bout de femme brune et
charmante. Je lui donnais dans la quarantaine, coquette et apprêtée.
Elle représentait tout ce que j'adorais chez la femme. Je distinguais
outre un tailleur élégant, des bas couture et des escarpins sur lesquels
elle était juchée avec autant de classe. Son visage maquillé au juste
point respirait une assurance de soi. Elle mesurait avec conséquence son
pouvoir sur les hommes. Croyant tomber sur un tigre, je devais assumer
une femelle.

Je dus lui paraître peu crédible lorsqu'en mon bafouillement je lui
annonçais mon titre. A-ton déjà vu un huissier si minable et pataud ?
J'étais furieux de trahir la trop grande impression qu'elle exerçait sur
moi. Je n'en déballais pas moins tous les griefs du Trésor. Au final je
sus qu'elle n'était pas le conjoint mais la secrétaire de M X. Elle ne
sembla pas émue outre mesure des exploits de son employeur. Elle faisait
montre plutôt de flegme et semblait avoir arrêté à l'égard de mon style
de personne un certain discours voire une stratégie affûtée. Elle
m'invita à rentrer.

Déjà elle parlait de malentendus et de courriers croisés et qui ne me
seraient pas parvenus. Je connaissais la chanson. J'étais blessé qu’elle
usa à mon encontre d'arguments si grossiers. Je tâchais en tant que cave
supposé de me rebiffer. J'avais davantage L4habitude d'être craint
plutôt que le contraire. La garce se jouait de moi. Il était par trop
évident que j’avais du trahir dans mes gestes et mes regards, mon émoi.
Elle devait être si familière à faire bander un mâle. En effet je ne pus
réprimer ma pulsion d'examiner son petit cul qui roulait dans une courte

Elle m’invita à m'asseoir dans un fauteuil face au sien. Elle me demanda
si de fumer m'inconvenait tout en croisant haut les cuisses qu’elle
avait magnifiques. J'eus l'impression que la chaleur était suffocante ou
que du moins on avait poussé à fond le chauffage . Ce genre de poule me
fait irrémédiablement pareille impression. Son regard était dur et
ironique. Tel un serpent on eût dit qu’elle voulait me dissoudre sur
place. Pour me donner bonne contenance je consultais mes papiers tâchant
vainement de détacher mes yeux de ses maîtresses cuisses.

Il était difficile de ne pas savoir qu'elle portait des bas d'autant
qu'elle exposait impunément la chair blanche qui affleurait à la
naissance de ceux-ci. Me perdant en conjectures, je tâchais stupidement
de comprendre où une femme dès le plus jeune âge maîtrisait si bien cet
art de la séduction. Celle-ci m'avait d'emblée mis sous hypnose. Je lui
obéissais au doigt et à l’œil. Ses paroles me parvenaient dans un vague
bourdonnement. J'aurais été fort incapable de vous rapporter ce que je
lui répondis. J'étais perdu dans le carré ou le triangle d'où
rayonnaient sa culotte et la jointure de ses cuisses.

Elle se leva enfin pour aller récupérer le café. Je mis à contribution
ce temps de répit pour me reprendre. Je rangeais dans ma serviette tous
mes papiers qui me plongeaient dans la confusion plus qu'autre chose. Je
devais retrouver mon verbe et la persuasion qui font le charme du
métier. Je fus presque heureux de son retour et qu'elle installât de
nouveau sa croupe sur son fauteuil. Je parlais hâtivement comme pour me
débarrasser. Haussant le ton, je lui signifiais que je devais procéder à
un inventaire des meubles. Elle sourit précisant : « Vous savez. J'en ai
la liste. »

Elle me fit entendre que d'autres collègues avaient procédé de la sorte
lui ayant infligé le même procédé. Bref elle n'était pas impressionnée.
Sans se départir d'un immuable sourire, elle écarta alors les cuisses
qu'elle avait longtemps tenu, croisées. Elle demeura ainsi suffisamment
pour que je pus considérer que sa culotte était rouge, transparente et
trahissant le dessin d'une chatte parcouru de poils pubiens. Il était
manifeste qu’elle le faisait exprès. Elle m'allumait impunément. Elle me
testait. Le deal était par trop évident. Elle s'offrait. On l'obtenait à
trop bon compte.

J'avais peu d'expérience de cela. Certaines femmes avaient tenté déjà à
me séduire voire à me débaucher dans l'exercice de mes fonctions. Des
collègues avaient cédé à ce genre de tentation et s'en flattaient. De
même un ami, plombier de son état sautait régulièrement nombre de ses
clientes. Je l'enviais secrètement. Il se trouvait qu'aujourd'hui
m'était attribué une telle bonne fortune. En semblable circonstance,
j'avais plus d'une fois rompu la conversation et d'un ton outré et
sentencieux proclamant que j'adresserais un prochain courrier
redoutable. Je ne répugnais pas à fuir.

Cette fois quelque chose de profond et de l'ordre de la concupiscence
semblait l'emporter sur ma couardise native. Je perdais pour lors toute
réserve et dignité. Elle semblait deviner la lutte dont j'étais l'objet
et n'en écartait que plus ses cuisses nantie du même sourire. Si un
miroir eût alors réfléchi l'image de mon visage, nous eûmes vu alors un
bouffon pathétique. Il faisait chaud. On se fut cru dans une étuve.
Percevant mon malaise, elle dit : « Vous allez bien ? Voulez-vous un
verre d'eau ? Je fis signe que non de la main. En moins d'un temps elle
fut auprès de moi.

Accroupie à mes pieds et secouant sa chevelure brune, elle enfonçait ses
yeux au fond des miens. L'air était plus que jamais saturé de son lourd
parfum. Je vis mieux le vernis rougis des ongles. Une de ses mains
s'était hardiment portée sur mon genou. Sa voix était chaude toute de
miel. J'étais tenté de fermer les yeux comme dans un rêve. Je mis un
temps à m'apercevoir qu’elle s'était enquit à déboutonner la braguette.
Ma queue à ma grande honte était irrémédiablement dure. J'avouais ainsi
mon désir coupable. Pouvais-je raisonnablement dénier et me refuser ?

Chuchotant, elle commença à me branler. Ses mots évoquaient comme une
berceuse. Ulysse s'est défié d'un semblable chant de sirène. Je me
raidissais songeant à cela. Elle m’en branla que plus énergiquement. Je
songeais dans ma tête : « Qu’est-ce qu'elle astique bien, la salope. »
J'en vins à me étendre peu à peu concentré sur le seul sort de ma bite.
Il en relevait le sort du Monde. Elle en était passé quant aux travaux
pratiques à la seconde étape. Elle me lécha d'abord légèrement le gland
comme pour me titiller voire m'exaspérer. J'ouvris les yeux. Elle me
toisait et souriait.

Je n'étais pas peu fier de cette queue longue et lourde et j'eus
apprécié qu'elle m'en complimenta. A défaut elle commença à l'enfourner
dans sa bouche doucement, méthodiquement puis peu à peu avec vigueur.
J'étais pompé, aspiré au propre. Quelle pipe ! Mon Dieu ! J'ouvris la
bouche cherchant de l'air. Peu loin de défaillir. Pouvait-on rêver mort
plus douce ? Elle aurait invoqué l'homicide involontaire à la façon des
prostituées à l'égard d'un client. En effet j'avais idée qu'elle faisait
cela souvent avec des hommes et qu'on l’avait recruté pour ce seul talent.

Stoïque, je m'étais bien gardé d'exploser dans sa bouche. J'en voulais
davantage et sollicitais le reste. Elle me dit : « Ferme les yeux chéri
si tu veux la suite.» Je goûtais ce ton et ce tutoiement vulgaire. En
effet je perçus qu'elle s’installait sur moi, cuisses ouvertes
s'empalant sur ma bite. Celle-ci entra dans sa grotte baveuse et humide.
J'eus la réticence trop tard de me retirer. Nous faisions cela sans
autre forme de protection privilégiant le plaisir au risque. Je
pétrissais avec mes mains, ses fesses que j'avais entrevues. Elle me
dévora la bouche avec la sienne.

A ce moment je balançais par-dessus bord toute prévention et prudence.
Je la voulais faire jouir cette pute et que nous parvenions ensemble au
septième ciel. Je lui dévorais ses deux mignons nichons qu'elle avait
entre temps extirpé de son corsage. Je pouvais croire qu'elle prenait
effectivement son pied sur mon pieu. Je ne concevais pas que mon gros
sexe laissa indifférent sa chatte. Elle conduit alors l'un de mes doigts
vers l’endroit de l'anus pour éprouver que celui-ci était gourmand et
facile en accès. La garce aspirait à être enculée.

Elle me souffla à l'oreille : « T'es cap de m'enculer avec ton gros nœud
? » Je rugis que oui. J'étais résolu maintenant à finir le boulot.
Bientôt elle courut jusqu'à un divan se couchant sur le ventre et me
tendant ses fesses. Il s'agissait d'écarter le fil impromptu du string
et de dégager le trou fumant et déjà engageant. On y pouvait enfoncer
facile deux voire trois doigts. J'avais peu enculer en ma vie. Mon
épouse étant totalement réfractaire à ce jeu qu'elle trouvait sale. Je
n'avais obtenu cela que de prostituées. Je trouvais bénédiction qu'une
femme m'offrit pour rien son petit trou.

Je ne fus pas peu étonné d'entrer dedans avec autant de facilité. La
garce devait souvent se faire défoncer dans cet endroit. On eût dit un
tunnel familier à une forte circulation. Son patron devait assurément en
disposer régulièrement. L'hypothèse que je ne fus pas le seul me
rappelait ma folie à n'avoir pas voulu me protéger. S'il devait y avoir
de graves conséquences, je serais bien puni de ma témérité. Pour m'en
venger je pilonnais rageusement ce cul. Elle gémissait sous mes coups de
boutoirs. Lui ayant retiré l'escarpin je lui caressais le pied qu’elle
avait sensuel.

Elle dut être étonnée de mon endurance car elle ne parvint de suite à me
procurer l'éjaculation. J'en obtins de la prendre encore deux fois. Nous
étions en sueur. Je n'étais pas peu fier de contempler son anus défoncé.
Il était un peu plus évasé, trou d'obus dans un vaste no man's land. J'y
laissais comme ma signature. De façon saugrenue je lui balançais : « Tu
vas avoir difficulté à t’asseoir. » Forfanterie de mâle. Enfin
j’éjaculais sur ses fesses puis sur son joli visage dont je ravageais
avec cruauté le maquillage. Je triomphais. Elle ne se départit pas
pourtant du même sourire.

Elle me signalât en un coin les toilettes pour me refaire. Quand je
revins, elle en avait fait autant. Elle fumait nonchalamment sa
cigarette. Elle devait avoir le sentiment du devoir accompli. La pute
avait vidé les couilles de son client. Celui-ci était repu et content.
Le client en l'occurrence était un imbécile car sottement demandais-je :
« Que dois-je faire des dettes de M X ? » Elle me regarda de façon
dédaigneuse et me jeta : « Tu en as eu pour ton fric. Dégage ! » J'étais
sur le point de m'offusquer. Elle coupa court. « Vois-tu tout à l'heure
je suis allée récupérer le film de nos ébats. »

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I could feel his finger slide in my gurl pussy. Being instructed to push back on his finger was a new feeling. I could hardly catch my breath. Mark kept telling me what a lovely little pet I was being. He was telling me how glad he was that I walked through the door and as his words were washing over me, I felt a jolt and I felt something a little cold but much bigger press up against my hole. I grunted loudly enough for him to hear.Mark just said to take some deep breaths and open wide,...

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Spoilt brat gets poor child

It was the 15th of June, a special day for one young boy It was the 15th of June, a special day for one young boy. Well a spoilt young brat to be more specific. Billy Broome was residing in his master bedroom after a hard day at school. Well hard for Billy as he has always been given all the attention and needs by his father. They lived in a very elegant mansion, surrounded by the cities wealthiest neighbours. His Father Tony was a prosperous man; he started out life as a poor child,...

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The CavemanChapter 40

The test’s going to be run in our conference room, with the tech segregated in a booth that’s normally used on the rare occasions we need to run projection equipment. Irving’s made sure the sound will be off; the tech will be able to see Hugo, but not hear him or Irving. I’m pretty tense, but it’s still fun to watch Hugo’s reactions as we drive through rush-hour traffic to the office. He’s never been in bumper-to-bumper before, and he doesn’t much like the experience. Most of the other cars...

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The Nubile Nymph by loyalsock

Virna Reynolds was lonely and depressed! Her best friend Alicia was vacationing in Europe, and coupled with the fact that her husband of forty years had been gone for less that six months, and you had a woman who wasn't used to being alone for such a long period of time!!! After wandering around her apartment for about a week, she dialed the number Alicia had given to her before she left! After two rings, a sultry feminine voice on the other end of the line answered, "Sensations Unlimited, how...

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Market ForcesChapter 22 Ready For My Close Up Mr Demille

In her Prep Centre cell, Rachel was in a pretty sorry state. The guards and anyone else that felt like it had taken the opportunity presented by the "available" sign on her cell door. Someone had started chalking five bar gate counts on the wall by the door. It had reached twenty eight. As I got to her room, the Prep Centre's receptionist was emerging with a smile, clutching a strap-on dildo and a harness. "Hi, Larry," she said, "back again?" as she ticked off another stroke on the...

3 years ago
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Unexpectedly Blacked last night

It has been a while since I done anything with another man and was not really looking to but when the chance happened I jumped. I was driving back from Knoxville last night and stopped for gas. As I was filling up I saw a car with the hood up and a nice looking black man standing there working on it. I walked by him to go in and pay and casually ask what was wrong. He said he had no idea that it had just stopped running. I ask if he needed help, he said it was his buddies car and he was just...

4 years ago
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Two blacks just for me

My girlfriend Helena and I had shared a nice friendship with Caroline during the first years we moved to the States; but one day she and her hubby moved to a near small town from us.After some months, Caroline invited us to spend a week end with her.We arrived during a Friday evening and all three of us were really happy with this lovely meeting. Saturday morning Helena and I spend another glorious time with our dear girlfriend and then at late afternoon we both went for a walk in the local...

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Indian Wifes Transformation

When Priya came home from her evening classes that day she sounded quite happy and excited. She told her me that she had made friends with a new girl in her class. Her name was Jenny. Priya said that Jenny was a really sweet girl and they even went to have a coffee. I was really happy for Priya as she had finally found a friend in her class.Priya was like any other typical Indian housewife settled in US. She was incredibly beautiful and sexy lady but just like any Indian wife she was quite...

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The Long Lap Dance

My girlfriend Sara had been out of town for almost a month. We would talk on the phone every night. As of late our conversations focused more and more on sex. We both knew that she would be back home in a few days, and she had told me that she had bought some new lingerie as a reward for being so patient. As sex talk grew into phone sex we were both getting frustrated. I had instructed her that she was to wear the new lingerie on the plane under her clothes, and that when she was about an hour...

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Working Late

All I wanted to do was sleep. I’d been awake for almost thirty-six hours by then and probably had as much as another twelve to go before I could head home. I started at the coffee cup in front of me and wished caffeine had more effect on me. The clocks on the wall said it was 1:04 am, already Sunday afternoon in Hong Kong and London would be waking up soon. I yawned, again. There wasn’t much else to do.This weekend was the culmination of eight months work—the migration of all of our...

Straight Sex
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Rachael and her three geek friends

One of the primary reason Rachael did that cause she thought of herself as one of them, although her looks completely disagreed with her.She was a beautiful blonde having blue eyes,ample boobs and an ass to die for.No wonder,all the players and popular guys had tried their luck with her but miserably failed.Rachael was still a virgin and she wasn't planning to change that anytime soon.She was aware that most guys who asked her out just wanted to fuck her maybe that's why she found solace...

2 years ago
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sister Sucks Best pt8 Deepthroat and Anal Stuffi

Judy scrambled off the bed. "Go to it, Tommy. Ream herfuckin' asshole." She dropped to her knees in front of her fatherand hauled out his cock. Dolores leered at her son's prick. A lump clogged herthroat. She touched his cock, caressing it with the tip of herfingers. "Your cock is gonna feel so good up my ass, Tommy," shesighed as the trembling spasms finally left her body. "So damnfuckin' good." Tommy moaned, his prick aching. "Get on your knees, Mom." Dolores stretched,...

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Lunch date

It had started out as a normal day off. I got the k**s up and off to school and had occupied my day for the most part with watching videos and playing a few video games. I had just decided to make myself a sandwich when my phone buzzed on the table next to me. I smiled when I saw it was a text from my wife. “Hey so that fantasy of yours... were you serious or was that just dirty talk?”She was referring to the night before, while she was mounted on top of me riding my cock I had told her about...

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Protection and Preservation Book 04Chapter 35

[Preservation – Janice] It was a quiet night and we started early the next morning. Bennie wanted a defense in depth with wide coverage. He was concerned about the dogs returning and wanted to be ready and able to keep any interruptions from our observers, particularly since Carolyn was not very mobile. The observers, Ann and Carolyn, were at the ridge line with Laura and me. Laura was there to take notes but I was there to shoot animals as necessary. Back about twenty feet were Bennie,...

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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 46 Malin

Thoughts There are two Malins, although most people only know the story of the second one who would rescue Anna's memory years from now. The first Malin arrived at the House years before Anna would need to hunt down her identical twin. Malin is representative of a certain type of economical, limited use robot that caught on wildly shortly before Anna left the House. It's perhaps good that they also caught on before the World Government started establishing its grip on things, since surely...

4 years ago
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my first sex expirience

I am a 19 yrs old girl sharing my first sex experience with readers. ….I lived in Delhi……. Two years back when I was in the 2nd year of graduation, one day I went to my friend’s house to pick up some study notes at about 3 PM in the month of hot July………. Since I was a regular visitor to my friend’s house I entered the house without knocking the door. ………The door was open and I just opened it entered in the room…… I found nobody in the house……. Suddenly my friend’s brother came out of bathroom...

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Caught in the Act

It is early evening. I lay there on top of the bed, naked. My body glistening with sweat in the midsummer heat, my hand moving and down my engorged erection. I feel so horny. Being 18 and still a virgin doesn't help my hormones. I groan loudly as I gently rub my palm over the helmet. Christ! That feels so good! I move my hand back down the hard shaft and resume my stroking action. Images of naked women swim through my head. I can imagine them on the bed with him, riding up and down my...

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RuneswardChapter 69 Kings and Queens

“I was just as surprised as you,” Bishop Renud intoned, his voice sounding perplexed. Even sitting, the man towered over the little red-headed princess. His black hair was pulled back into a small, severe ponytail. He was dressed as he usually dressed, with a green, richly dyed linen shirt, a single button open at the neck, and a jade tabard, cinched at his waist with a dark, silk belt. His trousers were a deeper, forest green made from the same linen as his shirt. “I am also just as upset...

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The ‘Under Wraps’ project is described in the book ‘So I Like To Get Tied-up ... So What!!?’In a letter prior to a Restraint and Physical Endurance workshop, I explain ..."This is a Project I’ve been working towards for quite a while. Basic premise is that most ‘bondage’ photos or commercial video footage are of people only recently tied, wrapped or strapped. I’m interested in the subtle variations of body language and the progression of psychological/physical changes which happen when the...

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Eagle in the Sunset 2019Chapter 8 Miguel and Sharon

October 5th, 1995, 5:30 PM CT, Side of the road, Near Palmer, TX Sharon Roberts cursed in frustration. She was driving back to I-30 when this happened. Chex had the “day tank” option that was really common on Checker Taxi cabs but was something of a rarity on the consumer-oriented Marathon. But then, the four-cylinder Perkins diesel was a rarity on the Taxi and unheard of practically on the Marathon. The “day tank” was a 35 gallon fuel tank that allowed the car to to go about 450 miles on a...

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Thoughts about Matron my strange lust for cocks

I went to all all b*ys school. About 1000 boys, all male staff apart from dinner ladies- rarely seen just one WOMAN.our lovely mature Matron. Think about all that adolescent virile testosterone flowing and nothing much to attract you.well my mate Stan and I liked to look at Matron. What else was there?. I remember standing in the main corridor near her office with Stan. She was ahead in the corridor. We watched her she was bending down a pupil sat on a chair he had hurt his knee, I think. It...

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Neha With Rocky On Cloud 9

Hi everyone, This is Neha (name changed) Mine is love marriage and had a peaceful life after marriage. My husband Viki (name changed) works for a big IT company here and travels US very often. To satisfy my sex urge i used to finger myself. Even with fingering, there is little dissatisfaction. That’s when I got a lesbian friend in my gym.. She is little stout and we used to explore all kinds of sex.. It continued for 3 months and we both were very happy and satisfied. Unfortunately she got...

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Animal Urges

a****l URGESI Awakening Upon awakening, my first sensation was of nausea. The difference, from the prior three occasions, only manifest in degree. Yet I did not have to open my eyes to know that, as before, I lay naked and covered in blood – hardly any my own – that was largely dried, especially around my face; eyes crusted shut, mouth tasting of blood, vomit, and I-dared-not-think what else. Not to mention the other vile bodily excretions in which I lay. Despite my being largely u*********s of...

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Ghostly Visitor

Today had been different. No one came to the house to see her and only one friend called to check in. She knew this would happen; it’s all part of the cycle. Everyone is there in the beginning, but over time it dwindles down to just those few diehards who really care and love you that remain. It had been a month since her partner of decades had passed on. She knew the time was near, but that was of no consolation when it happened. The two of them were amazing together. Everything they touched...

1 year ago
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An Aunt Feel

This happened with one of my neighbor aunty in 2005. Her husband was in investigation bureau so lots of out station visits for him. Our family had a good relation with them and i never had any intention for her. I am 28 now so at that time i was aroung 25 n even her son was in 11th standard so never thought that i m gonna fuck lady of that age. Coming to the point, i went to her house for diwali lights fixing as her hubby was outstation and supposed to come at diwali n her children were out to...

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Another One of Those Stories

I was in what sociologists would call an "at risk" group. You've read the same stories I have and know the type: long dirty blond, some would say red hair, great figure, married to a sweet guy who makes plenty of money, two children in preschool. I was... well a lady never tells her age, but I'd hit that time in life we all know is coming, when women start to get horny enough to "do" things. I had been a virgin when we married, as was my husband, Gary, so we didn't know much about sex....

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The Pervasion of the Bodyswappers

"White." "No way. Red. Definitely red. I'll bet - on my life - Ms Prim and Proper is dreaming about her sexy, naughty red lingerie inside. And those panties - will most definitely be red." ""Hey, come on," he drawled. "Just because you're my girl you've got, what? A sexth sense? You don't know what colour her undies are, and neither do I. All we can do is extrapolate. Exhibit A:" He gesticulated with his spam-laden fork. "Headmaster's daughter, good Catholic girl, the kind of...

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Helping Hands

Liz sighed, watching an especially amorous young couple who had obviously forgotten they were on a public beach. He was gorgeous, and as much as Liz would have liked to live vicariously through the redhead he was pawing for a few minutes, she blew her whistle anyway. The pair looked more than a little embarrassed when they finally realized after the second tweet that the whistle was meant for them. Shaking her head to toss her tawny curls, a few of which were sticking to her lotion-covered...

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A Box Equals Glory Hole Fun

I have a side business in flipping foreclosures which is great because it gives me a place to play. One day in getting a home ready I had a refrigerator delivered. I told the men I would take care of disposing of the box. I wanted to use the box as a makeshift glory hole. I put a hole in one side, a small stool inside and hung my ipad so I could watch porn. I had my own little porn arcade booth. I put an add up and had a few quick responses to which I gave the guys an address with...

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Dman2Chapter 1 Jamaica

I closed my eyes and let the sun beat down on my pale skin. There was a soft breeze off the sea that kept me cool even when the temperature was in the high eighties. The dark sun glasses I had purchased at the resort gift shop helped keep the sun out of my eyes and finally I could relax. I was happy with the decision to come down early to the resort so I could have a couple of days alone to relax and de-stress. The resort was beautiful, right on the beach but still had a couple of pools. It...

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A Night Out with Jack

It had always turned me on, the thought of having a man drop a pill in my drink. Falling into his arms, unable to stop him from unbuttoning my dress. Slipping it off my shoulders, removing my bra and panties, and laying me on the bed. Lying there, unable to move as he spread my legs wide, sliding his hard cock deep into my vagina. Kissing my lips, down my neck, running his hot tongue over my hard nipples and sucking my breasts into his mouth as he thrusts into me. Paralyzed from the drugs, but...


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