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Partie 1

Il est une heure de l’après-midi quand Caroline me rejoint dans la chambre que nous partageons depuis six mois. Sans un mot, elle déboutonne son jean, qu’elle tire à ses chevilles, dévoilant une culotte fuchsia qui prend le même chemin. Le tout atterrit sur le sol. Elle se glisse souplement sur le lit, dispose ses jambes à l’équerre. Provocatrice, comme à l’accoutumée, elle me jette :

— Allez, salope, viens entre mes jambes, je sais que tu n’attends que ça.

Et c’est vrai. C’est notre rituel de début du mercredi après-midi, et ça me manquerait, si cette tranche temporaire démarrait sans ça.

Je glisse sur le lit. C’est amusant comme on peut se créer des rituels, quand on est en terre inconnue. C’est ce que nous avons fait, nous tous quand nous sommes arrivés à la Chambre des Métiers, pour suivre nos formations. Une manière de survivre.

Caroline est une grande rousse. Au cas où on ne serait pas convaincu par l’authenticité de sa magnifique crinière, elle a tracé au rasoir un triangle lorsqu’elle a rasé ses poils pubiens, dont le flamboiement est en harmonie avec ses cheveux. Triangle qui surplombe ses lèvres. Lèvres sur lesquelles je plonge de la bouche et de la langue. Un instant, son sexe est clos et sec, le moment suivant, il commence à s’ouvrir, et ses sécrétions coulent dans mon palais. Je tourne, agaçant ses lèvres qui gonflent, dardant la pointe de ma langue à l’intérieur d’elle, remontant sur le capuchon qui recouvre encore le clitoris. J’ai toujours mis un point d’honneur à faire jouir mes partenaires, à leur donner le meilleur, et, pas plus avec Caroline qu’avec d’autres, je ne veux démériter.

Amélia, une petite brune aux formes voluptueuses passe. On ne s’interrompt pas pour autant. Ici, toutes les filles, c’est une tradition, se mettent en couple dès leur arrivée. Elles sont plus fortes ainsi, et elles surmontent aussi l’isolement de l’internat. La fille a une capacité naturelle a basculer vers des partenaires du même sexe que n’a pas l’homme.

— Alors les filles, vous sortez cet après-midi ?

— Comme tous les mercredis, je pense, répond Caroline.

J’ai la bouche pleine de ses jus, accrochée à ses lèvres comme une moule à un rocher, ce n’est pas moi qui ait répondu.

— Nous on va faire du volley au centre ville. Moi, Lisa et Édith.

— Bon après-midi.

— J’ai quand même le temps de goûter à ta chatte, fait Amélia, dont le regard brille d’envie.

Elle vient se glisser sur le lit à côté de moi. Ça change la donne, mais c’est très agréable. Elle penche le visage sur le bas-ventre de Caroline. Ses cheveux viennent caresser ma joue. On se partage le terrain, trouvant facilement une harmonie, elle sur le clitoris de Caro, à présent sorti, moi sur ses lèvres, ou moi sur la muqueuse anale de ma partenaire habituelle, elle est très sensible de ce côté-là, pendant qu’Andréa lui enfonce la langue entre les lèvres.

Là où je me dis que les choses sont définitivement meilleures c’est quand Andréa vient glisser son bras dans mon pantalon, que j’ai ouvert, s’insinuant sous le tissu de ma culotte, pour remplacer ma main, qui, quand je viens de la bouche sur Caroline, rejoint automatiquement ma vulve. Elle m’écarte, et se met à tourner sur mes chairs congestionnées. Elle attend sans nul doute que je lui rende la pareille, ce que je ne tarde pas à faire. L’accès est plus facile, je n’ai qu’à venir au contact de son slip et à pousser celui-ci dans son aine. Sa jupe très courte étant en effet remontée jusqu’à ses hanches quand elle s’est posée à côté de moi sur le lit.

Nous jouissons ainsi, Caroline avec sans doute plus de v******e qu’à l’accoutumée, de se sentir fouillée par deux langues au lieu d’une, Andrea et moi avec plus d’intensité de nous caresser mutuellement au lieu de simplement nous masturber.

Andréa disparaît, l’intérieur des cuisses poisseux de ses sécrétions, alors que je pars sous la douche. Quand j’en ressors, je me change et je suggère à Caroline :

— On va se balader ?

Elle est encore cul nu. Elle passe une culotte propre, un jean, et suggère :

— Je crois qu’on doit faire quelque chose avant, non ?

Ce mercredi après-midi, d’abord synonyme d’ennui, durant lequel nous restons là, car nous sommes trop loin pour rentrer chez nous, est devenu un étonnant espace de récréation dont nous aurions du mal à nous passer.

La toute première fois, on était dans la même chambre depuis deux semaines, et en couple depuis une, elle m’a suggéré :

— Si on allait en ville ? Il y a certainement quelque chose à faire.

Il y avait effectivement de quoi faire. Au-delà de nos espérances. C’est pour cela que nous reprenons chaque mercredi le chemin du centre urbain. Même si tout se passe avant, sur le chemin qui y conduit, le long de la départementale. Comme toutes les zones urbaines, la ville s’est étendue au fil du temps, dans un patchwork sans logique, avant les POS, en mariant maisons, commerces, entreprises.

C’est là que tout se passe.

— Tu as raison.

Je vais att****r le pack d’eau ramené de la maison le lundi matin, et nous nous enfilons chacune une bonne bouteille d’eau d’un litre et demi. Cela ajouté au fait que nous avons bu plusieurs verres dans la matinée sera sans doute suffisant.

Il est 14 heures quand nous quittons l’internat, et nous nous retrouvons au-delà du portail sur le macadam. Le trottoir est large ici, car il y a un arrêt de bus. Juste en face, une concession auto.

Je repère le jeune représentant qu’on a déjà aperçu plusieurs fois. On semble lui plaire beaucoup et cette fois ne fait pas exception à la règle. Dès qu’il nous voit, il a le regard brillant, un regard qu’il ne parvient pas à détacher de nous. C’est plutôt flatteur.

On se regarde. Elle comme moi, on a envie de jouer. Le ferait-on si on était seules ? C’est être deux qui nous donne de la force. Et puis c’est vrai que la séduction est dans nos gênes.

On traverse la route. Il a pris l’habitude, mercredi après mercredi de nous mater en tournant autour des voitures. Je suis même convaincue qu’il nous guette tous les mercredis, car nous sortons à peu près toujours à la même heure.

Il ne s’attendait certainement pas à ce qu’on vienne vers lui. Le simple plaisir des yeux lui suffisait.

Il nous voit traverser, nous jette un regard aussi surpris qu’horrifié. Il devient tout rouge. Il veut s’enfuir, mais nous sommes déjà sur lui, lui bloquant le passage, moi d’un côté et Caro de l’autre.

— On a vu que tu nous observais tous les mercredis, on a pensé que ça te ferait plaisir qu’on vienne te voir.

Il baisse les yeux, pris en faute. Il est pourtant beau garçon. Il n’a sans doute pas confiance en lui.

— Je contrôle les véhicules d’occasion, je ne vous regardais pas…

Comme preuve, il nous montre sa tablette, laquelle affiche effectivement une page renseignant les coordonnées de voitures. Un bel alibi.

— Alors tu ne sais pas ce que tu perds…

C’est moi, qui, la première, viens me coller à lui. Je frotte mes seins contre lui. Contre ses épaules, puis son torse. Caro s’y met aussi, qui se tourne, tend ses fesses vers lui et le masse. Il est comme paralysé. Je me colle encore plus à lui, et j’appuie mon ventre contre sa hanche. Ma main vient se promener sur lui. Je sens sa queue s’allonger au contact de ma main. Je le caresse furtivement, puis laisse la place à Caro.

Là où nous sommes, on peut voir nos silhouettes de la concession sans en deviner plus. On ne peut pas en dire autant de la route. La dizaine de nos camarades qui sont à l’arrêt de bus, attendant l’arrivée de celui-ci, qui doit les conduire dans diverses parties de la ville, et elles profitent du spectacle avec un mélange d’amusement et de fascination. Elles seraient tout autant capables que nous de jouer à de tels jeux. D’ailleurs certaines se sont déjà risqué à pire lors d’un après-(midi de l’étudiant où le pire s’est surtout produit. Enfin le pire pour ceux qui ont un sens moral, et le meilleur pour nous.

C’est Caroline qui se décide enfin à extirper de son pantalon son sexe bandé. Il a une belle queue très longue.

— Vous êtes folles !

— Profite bien de ce moment, je lui dis. Je ne suis pas sûre qu’un aussi bon moment reviendra de sitôt.

Nous nous agenouillons toutes les deux et nous nous partageons sa queue. C’est bon de pouvoir jouer avec une bite. A force de plonger sur une chatte de fille matin et soir, on oublie aussi que les queues existent. Notre relative frustration nous fait jouer avec d’autant plus d’ardeur avec ce morceau de chair dilaté qui tremble sous nos caresses buccales. Nous le dévorons littéralement, alternant coups de langue, succion, engloutissement de couilles, et il ne sait plus où donner de la tête. Mais nous sommes pour ainsi dire prises à notre propre jeu, plus troublées que nous ne pourrions l’admettre. J’ai le ventre en feu et je sens que je sature le tissu de ma culotte d’humidité. Et Caro ne vaut sans doute pas mieux.

Les filles nous regardent, en face. Certaines, sans fausse pudeur, se caressent. Il y en a même deux qui se tripotent mutuellement, la main glissée dans le pantalon ou sous la jupe de l’autre. Malheureusement pour elles, elles n’en verront pas la fin. Le bus arrive et les emmène toutes.

C’est quelques minutes après que, la bite dilatée et toute rouge, l’employé de la concession auto jouit enfin, sa semence partant dans les airs, se répandant sur la carrosserie d’une voiture toute proche, dans nos cheveux et sur nos visages. Nous rions. Sa queue est à peine dégonflée quand il la range dans son pantalon, et, sa tablette à la main, s’enfuit vers le large bâtiment, craignant sans doute que son patron ne l’ait aperçu.

Nous nous redressons. Ce n’est que le début de notre périple, il a à peine commencé. Confiantes, certaines que le meilleur est à venir, nous nous engageons côte à côte sur l’avenue qui s’ouvre devant nous.


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The Fuckerware Party

The Fuckerware Party ? Chapter 01by Tappy McWidestanceEven now I can't believe I'm in the situation I willingly, no compellingly, put myself into. How long as it been? 15 minutes? 30 minutes? An hour? How much longer will I have to wait before I can cum? Will she show up to help me or was she just teasing me? Who is she? What does she want from me? Why is my body so out of control?My name is Tina. I am 26 years old. I have been married for three years to Jim, also 26 a salesman at the same...

4 years ago
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The Bachelor Party

DEDICATION This small story is at once a dedication to, and an indictment of, the bachelor party that my youngest son roped me into organizing and funding. I honestly think young men expect their fathers to provide a wild last hurrah, complete with babes and free flowing booze. As a responsible parent, I did help to make it quite a memorable night, but alas, not as wild as he might have envisioned. The Bachelor Party By Ashley ...

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My Cousins Birthday Party

Jason!" shouted his mother from the foot of the stairs. "What?" he shouted from his bedroom. "I need to go into town to get some things for Cindy's Birthday party on Saturday." "OK, see you later," he shouted back. A moment later his mum shouted, "Come on, I haven't got all day." "Why can't I stay here?" he asked. "No, you have to help me choose a nice birthday present for her." "Mom," he moaned, "I'm busy!" "Busy playing that play station thing," his mum retorted, "now...

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Tesss Transformations Life of the Party

Tess's Transformations: Life of the Party By Julie O. Edited by Amelia R. Chapter 1 "So, do you have your costume picked out yet for the boss's costume party, Jack?" asked Chris Washington, a tall muscular man with short black hair. He was thirty-two and was the department head for thirty employees at Chambers Industries. "It's still a week away," replied Jack Easton as he turned around in his chair to look at his supervisor who had just entered his cubicle. Jack was...

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Wife fills in for Bachelor Party

My Name is Derek and my wife is Kristy. We have been married for eight years and are both in our early thirties. We had just opened a Party Store where we sell party supplies and put on parties for various groups of people. We have catered parties for local dignitaries, weddings, fundraisers and even the occasional bachelor or bachelorette parties.The business had been very successful so far. We were trying to build a solid reputation as a place you can count on for a great party. We are...

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The Halloween Party

The Halloween Party By Vivian Bird Robin and Erica Green had been married for three years. Erica is a practicing Gynecologist and Robin is a technical writer and primarily works from home. Both of them had been satisfied with their marriage and careers, but Erica was starting to feel dullness creeping into things, especially their sexual relations and she wanted to do something to liven it up a bit. "Robin," said Erica, "You know that Halloween is...

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JessiKa and Serana Part V My First Private Party

In this sex story, JessiKa and Serana offer me a chance to join the Red Garter Strip Club Private Party Crew and attend the private parties the Red Garter can host. JessiKa and Serana Part V: My First Private Party I've recently had just finished being trained by JessiKa and Serana on how to pole dance and how to lap dance. I was ready to be a stripper. JessiKa, Serana and I showed up to work on time. We pole danced our sexy asses off. We made it rain money, and we have gotten amazing...

1 year ago
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Claires Sweet 18 Poo Party

100% fiction! Part 1 - The Party "Mum, mum..come look what I did" said soon to be 18 year old Claire Bishop excitedly, as she proudly marveled at the solid brown log resting on the kitchen bench. "Wow honey that’s a nice one, that will go perfectly in the casserole I’m making for dinner," "Yum!!!" said Claire, "your the best mum ever." What came out of the back passage was something to be celebrated and enjoyed in the Bishop household, which consisted of Claire's mum Carol and her 18 year old...

2 years ago
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An XMen Party

Jean If one were just to look at me. They would see me only from my outer shell; the pretty little red-head with the green eyes and killer smile. If I were to walk out in public, you wouldn’t notice anything about me that was different. I stand at about five-five, five. No real identifying marks. I’m twenty-eight now, a far cry from when I first knew the Professor, meeting him at eleven, after all the trauma with Anne dying in my arms. I’m living in the boat-house with my...

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Game On After Party

A quick note to everybody: This is the next Game On story. I have decided to not go nuts on more than 1 maybe 2 types of games per story. I am also going to declare this as a new 'universe', so anyone that wants to write stories for Game On can do so as long as it some how revolves around a magical and/or sci-fi game. Once again, please feel free to e-mail me ([email protected]), or send me an instant message through ICQ (247193981) I will be happy to receive your comments and...

4 years ago
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Accidental Slut A Halloween Party

Hi! My name is Mollie and I'd like to tell you all about the Halloween party at my brother Jake's house.Wait...Let me back up a step or two.Picture a gorgeous 19 year old with huge 36D melons and a perfect bubbly ass and gorgeous green eyes and the whitest blonde hair that naturally curls all the way down to the top of my butt.At least, that was what I was going for. The original costume. Before I lost the blonde wig that would have covered by straight brown hair that comes about half way down...

2 years ago
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That Engagement Party

The Engagement Party It was late August 2004 when my wife’s brother Art got engaged. Art, who I’ve known since he was thirteen, is a great guy. Their engagement party was an afternoon affair starting at 5:00 pm and held at a local Holiday Inn. At the time, my wife Lenora and I had been married for almost 20 years. We had two c***dren aged sixteen and thirteen, and we both worked. Our marriage and sex life were about average with the usual Friday and Saturday night standard action. At the time...

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The Engagement Party

The Engagement Party It was late August 2004 when my wife’s brother Art got engaged. Art, who I’ve known since he was thirteen, is a great guy. Their engagement party was an afternoon affair starting at 5:00 pm and held at a local Holiday Inn. At the time, my wife Lenora and I had been married for almost 20 years. We had two children aged sixteen and thirteen, and we both worked. Our marriage and sex life were about average with the usual Friday and Saturday night standard action. At the time...

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The Engagement Party

It was late August 2004 when my wife’s brother Albert got engaged. Albert, who I’ve known since he was thirteen, is a great guy. Their engagement party was an afternoon affair starting at 5:00 pm and held at a local Holiday Inn. At the time, my wife Lenora and I had been married for seventeen years. We had two children aged sixteen and thirteen, and we both worked. Our marriage and sex life were about average with the usual Friday and Saturday night standard action… At the time we were just...

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Tricked and Treated at a Halloween Party

My whole life has been somewhat of a planned activity. Everyday I had the same routine; go to school, stay after for soccer, go home, clean up and do homework, hang out with friends, and sleep. I didn't have time much for anything else, let alone a girlfriend, hell I was too shy to even approach a girl I wasn't already friends with. Don't get me wrong I watch porn and masturbate a lot, so I have some visual experience, unfortunately I have noone to use it on. This little tidbit of...

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the first party

Hi everyone, my name is Brian and my wife is Jenny and we'd like to tell our experiences of our first swingers party from this past August. my wife says I can do a better job of putting the events into words so here goes.first, I'd like to give a little background as to how we got to this point. I've had fantasies about becoming a swinger for some time and finally decided to talk to my wife about it. she wasn't very receptive of the idea at first but she didn't say "no" so I considered that a...

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Lonely Wedding Party

Jenny was busy sucking her boyfriend Jimmy's cock in the den of her parent's home. Her hair was being held to the side as Jimmy watched her lips slide up and down his hard cock, her spit oozing out to coat her hand that was cupping his balls. Jenny looked up at her boyfriend, his eyes slightly rolled back in his head as he luxuriated in the feel of her practiced mouth. With a quick glance Jenny checked the clock and realized she only had about 10 minutes before her mother would be home from...

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Woman Partner Chapter Thirteen My Coming Out Party

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 13 - My Coming Out Party) This work is copyrighted to the author ©2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....

5 years ago
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The Chauffeur 37 Time For A Party

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 As the rest of the week wore on, Mom went into high gear prepping for our FBI party on Saturday. She had both Bobby and Sammy sitting down multiple times with her going over the food list, making changes each time she sat with them. At some point, I just told them privately that it’s her first west coast party and she wants it to be a big success. The chefs were both cool about the whole thing saying that they completely understood. Anita showed up...

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God is a Slut Chapter 5 A Devil at the College Party

God and I sat back in the observation room as Rachel changed into a hospital gown. We were both wearing white doctor’s coats, a stethoscope, and scrubs. The theatrics weren’t necessary, but the monotony of immortality could wear on a woman, so spicing things up with a little role-play was always fun. “I need you to lie on your back,” I said to Rachel through the microphone, “and hold your breath when the light goes on.” In the middle of the room Rachel was in, was a CT-scanner I’d...

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The Halloween Party

(episode 18) This follows College SexscapadesI believe it was a Monday morning while sitting in class next to Brittany that she asked what I was doing for Halloween the next night. I told her that I was planning to go over to my fraternity house for the Halloween party there. Brittany then asked, “What costume have you come up with for Halloween?” I responded, “I haven't come up with anything yet, but I will be at the party.”Brittany then informed me, “Jennifer, Renee and I are going to a huge...

College Sex
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 281 My HouseWarming Party

Saturday, September 24, 2005 All too soon - because it was nearly the end of the summer vacation - the time came to send out the invites for my house-warming party. I'd intended the invites to be nothing more than casual phone calls; Julia wanted to send out real invitations. Guess which approach we took? [On the topic of alternative approaches, I'd also been thinking of a nice, casual pool party. Julia had considerably more upmarket plans. Guess which approach we took for that too? I'll...

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The Engagement Party

It was late August 2004, when my wife’s brother Albert, got engaged. Albert, who I’ve known since he was thirteen, is a great guy. Their engagement party was an afternoon affair starting at 5:00 pm and held at a local Holiday Inn.At the time, my wife Nora and I had been married for seventeen years. We had two children aged sixteen and thirteen, and we both worked. Our marriage and sex life were about average with the usual Friday and Saturday night standard action… At the time we were just...

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The Party

 Sixth form in England meant there were regular party invites, but out of control teenagers drinking themselves into oblivion was simply not the type of scene that interested me. My wild teenage side showed itself sexually; enjoying sex with both male and female friends, whenever possible allowing others to see.It was December, following my seventeenth birthday, when Jacqui Hill invited me to a party at her house on Friday of that week. I’d fancied Jacqui for years but she had a long-term...

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Lactating Wife Impregnated by a Stranger at a Halloween Party

Jill’s PerspectiveHalloween has always been one of my favorite times of the year. And even now, at the age of twenty-five, married, and with a five-month old daughter, I still look forward to fall and the chance to dress in costume. My name is Jillian, but most people call me Jill, and I am married to John, who most people call Jack. I know it sounds kind of corny having our nicknames be Jack and Jill, but we have a lot of fun with it.We started our lives together in a nice suburb outside of...


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