L'amante Marocchino free porn video

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L’amante di mia moglie è un muratore marocchino. E’ un bell’uomo, quarantenne, prestante sia fisicamente che sessualmente.
L’abbiamo conosciuto due anni fa quando venne a fare dei lavori a casa nostra.
Mia moglie Laura, anche se tra i cinquanta e sessant’anni era (ed è ancora) una donna desiderabile e lui cominciò a corteggiarla spudoratamente anche in mia presenza. La cosa, inizialmente, mi diede fastidio ma poi cominciò a farsi strada in me il perverso desiderio di vederla posseduta da quell’uomo.
Ne parlai con Laura che, in un primo tempo si scandalizzò ma poi, un po’ per la mia insistenza e un po’ perché l’uomo diventava sempre più audace, finì per cedere.
Il marocchino ormai frequenta la nostra casa da allora e viene a trovarci circa due volte al mese di sabato.
Quando cominciò, mia moglie, era appena entrata in menopausa e, per sicurezza, lo obbligavamo ad usare il preservativo. Dopo qualche mese decidemmo di fare tutto in libertà per il godimento di tutti.
Laura dopo i primi rapporti quasi forzati cominciò a prenderci gusto ed ebbe una profonda metamorfosi.
Da quando gode intensamente con lui, si sente in colpa nei miei confronti ma io la rassicuro perché, anche a me, la cosa, procura emozioni grandissime.
Il nostro amico è una persona rozza, a volte, anche maleducata e spesso penso di metterlo definitivamente alla porta ma poi non lo faccio pensando che quel suo atteggiamento irriverente faccia parte del godimento che ne traggo.
Quando giunge il sabato in cui lui viene, Laura ed io siamo già eccitati sin dal pomeriggio facendo i preparativi.
Accendo il caminetto e stendo davanti ad esso un tappeto di pelo lungo bianco rigorosamente ecologico. Laura, intanto, prepara la cena tenendo conto delle esigenze religiose del nostro amico. Quando l’ambiente è ben caldo, Laura si prepara. Di solito mette un vestitino corto e leggero e sotto ad esso un piccolissimo perizoma che copre appena il taglio della fica ma dal quale spunta il folto pelo. Prima di conoscere il marocchino, Laura si depilava completamente ma lui da subito ha preteso che si lasciasse crescere il pelo.

Al suono del campanello vado io ad aprire. Lui mi saluta “cordialmente” con un “ciao cornuto”
Entra, mi porge il cappotto e poi abbraccia Laura. I due si baciano oscenamente infilando le loro lingue l’uno nella bocca dell’altro. Le loro mani accarezzano i loro corpi. Laura massaggia l’uomo nella patta dei pantaloni ottenendone un’immediata erezione mentre lui infila la mano sotto la gonna di lei per palpeggiare il sesso ormai umido. Dopo qualche attimo Laura, gemendo, piega le gambe e allora lui la sostiene massaggiandola con decisione. Per Laura è il primo orgasmo della serata. Io, defilato, mi accarezzo a mia volta con molta attenzione a non godere e finire il gioco ancora prima ancora di cominciare.
Durante la cena, l’uomo, racconta di essere in volontaria astinenza ormai da dieci giorni per poter offrire più sperma a Laura e, indirettamente, a me.
Ad ogni portata, quando Laura è accanto a lui, allunga le mani e le apre il vestitino facendole uscire una mammella che poi accarezza e lecca avidamente. Credo che Laura sia ormai completamente bagnata.
Finita la cena si avviano insieme verso la sala dove il caminetto fa un caldo boia. Laura si sfila il vestitino e guardo da dietro il suo splendido culone solcato dalla cordellina del perizoma. I due si tengono abbracciati e si baciano. Vorrei seguirli ma devo prima sparecchiare e spazzare per terra. Sento la musica e so che stanno ballando cominciando a strofinarsi l’uno contro l’altra. So anche che Laura, eccitata ma ancora in grado di connettere, temporeggia per darmi modo di finire i miei lavori e far parte del gioco senza perdere fasi importanti.
Quando entro nella sala aggiungo un po’ di legna nel caminetto, mi spoglio completamente nella penombra, mi siedo nella mia poltrona preferita e comincio a masturbarmi, sempre con cura.
Laura è già nuda e il marocchino indossa solo lo slip. Mia moglie mi lancia uno sguardo, sorride e lentamente sfila all’uomo l’ultimo indumento che indossa. Si inginocchia e comincia ad accarezzare il bel cazzo scuro. I due sono bellissimi così nudi ed osceni illuminati dalle fiamme del camino. Laura ora lo succhia avidamente e vedo il cazzo dell’uomo uscire luccicante dalla bocca della mia donna. Laura, quando siamo soli, mi dice che quel cazzo ha un sapore diverso dal mio, ha un sapore aspro, inebriante che quasi la fa godere senza essere toccata. Vedo l’uomo in piedi mentre Laura si siede e si piega all’indietro per raggiungere il culo del marocchino. Gli apre le natiche e infila la lingua nell’intimità posteriore. Lui non è certo insensibile a questa carezza orale e allora piega le gambe gemendo, pronunciando parole sconce. “Sei una vacca!!, sei una troia...fermati che mi fai godere!!” Ben presto i due si ritrovano nella posizione del sessantanove con Laura sotto. Lui la apre e infila la sua lingua, lei geme e la sento godere come una pazza. Nell’aria della stanza sento l’afrore di sudore che proviene dai loro corpi ormai lucidi per l’eccitazione e per il caldo che il camino emana.
Ora però viene il momento topico. La monta. Laura, quando siamo solo noi mi dice sempre una frase “Tu mi fai l’amore, lui mi monta e mi fa sentire davvero una vacca”.
Ecco, lei si inginocchia e lui la prende da dietro. La sbatte con forza e lei gode urlando. So già che dopo un po’ si sfilerà e appoggerà quel magnifico cazzo davanti all’ano di mia moglie. In questo e un maestro. La penetra lentamente e sempre più forte. Laura geme dice che le fa male ma poi gli va incontro come se volesse far entrare anche le palle. Dalla mia posizione non vedo la penetrazione ma sento i due corpi sbattere uno contro l’altro. Laura viene sodomizzata per diversi minuti ma il marocchino non vuole godere in quell’antro. Quando si sfila, mia moglie, si stende e lui le va sopra e la penetra nella fica. Lui la monta cambiando continuamente ritmo. Ora lento e dolce, ora più veloce e violento. E’ il momento in cui vado a posizionarmi dietro loro per vedere quel bel cazzo che appare e scompare nella fica della mia donna. Lei lo abbraccia con le gambe sulle natiche e geme come una pazza. Quando lui comincia a fare movimenti scoordinati capisco che è vicino a godere. I suoi non sono gemiti ma il ruggito di un leone. Le sue natiche si contraggono e alla fine resta piantato in fondo al sesso di mia moglie. Vedo le cosce opulente di Laura che tremano in un orgasmo che sembra non finire mai. Lui la sta riempiendo del seme di una decina di giorni.

I due restano abbracciati, immobili, ansimanti. Due a****li che hanno appena goduto.
Dopo qualche minuto lui si sfila e vedo il suo cazzo scuro imbrattato di sperma. La fica di mia moglie rimane spalancata ma non esce nulla perché l’uomo le ha goduto troppo in fondo.
Lui, chiamandomi sempre “cornuto” mi invita a prendere il suo posto e a cibarmi del suo sperma. Mi dice anche di non scomodarmi che la strada per uscire la conosce. Poi si infila nel bagno.
Strisciando vado a stendermi accanto a lei che ancora sta ansimando. Ci accarezziamo e lei mi sussurra “ti amo”. Si alza e si mette sopra al mio viso. Solo in quel momento, quando lei è in posizione verticale comincia ad uscire lo sperma dell’amante. Scende sulle cosce di lei in rivoli bianchi e cremosi. Lo raccolgo con un dito e lo porto alla bocca. Sentiamo la porta di casa che si richiude. E’ il marocchino che se n’è andato. Laura si china e mi offre la fica da bere. E’ un liquido denso, appiccicoso, lei geme e io lecco avidamente, mi riempio la bocca, le apro le natiche e lei urla di smetterla che le fa male. Si alza di nuovo, indietreggia e va ad impalarsi sul mio cazzo ormai sul punto di scoppiare. Bastano due o tre movimenti e mi svuoto in lei mescolando il mio sperma a quello del marocchino rimasto ancora copioso dentro di lei. Godo, finalmente godo mentre lei mi bacia e poi, esausto resto immobile tenendola tra le braccia.
Lei mi accarezza dolcemente e mi sussurra “sei un porco!”.
“Solo io!!???...dai andiamo a farci una doccia va!!!”

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CHAPTER 2—Pool Time By the time Nicole’s mom and sister got back, we were both fairly more relaxed, but we were not sure what was going on in the movie. Just like we expected, the first thing Cara did was run down the stairs to bug us. ‘What’s going on?’ she asked, pointing towards the screen. ‘Cara, we’re not going to explain the whole movie to you, it’s kinda complicated, and we’re most of the way through it.’ Nicole was lying through her teeth about it being complicated. It was only...

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andrew my brother in law

At 24 years old I became a widower. Karen, my wife of three years waskilled in an auto accident on the eve of our third anniversary. She waskilled by some idiot running from the police. I had been depressed andunder a doctors care since the accident. I simply could not get past herbeing gone. Karen's parents and her younger brother were the only family Ihad now. My parents having passed away when I was 13. The aunt who hadraised me after their death died just before our wedding three...

2 years ago
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A lost day

I made it through the door, a sense of relief overcame me, was glad to be away from all the shit I was getting. “Paul, is that you?” I heard moms voice. “Yes mom, its, me who else can it be”, I said sarcastically. “Young man don’t carry that tone with me”, she said as I walked into the kitchen. “I’m sorry mom, it’s just the whole year, has been a hassle, and I’m glad it’s over”, I told her. Mom smiled at me saying, “it’s okay honey, I know what you been going through, maybe this summer things...

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Daddy and Little One Ch 02

Little One watched the streets and houses fly by the window of Daddy’s car. She had never been this far from the Home before. The houses were now larger and most had long driveways and gates. The car slowed down and Daddy pulled up to a large iron gate. The gate began to slowly move out of the way and beyond the trees, Little One could see a large house, two stories with tall windows on the second floor. Daddy stopped the car in front of the big front door. He walked around and opened Little...

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Chances AreChapter 8

So, on that peaceful Saturday evening I was sitting up on the roof of Murder Mansion, alone and slowly enjoying four fingers of fine quality rye, enjoying the late-night spring breezes and the sounds of the city from off in the distance. Most of the flat roof was covered with a series of four long rectangular greenhouses, but everything inside had been dead for a full decade or more. Orchids most likely, from all of the dried petals on the floor. At the northwest corner of the roof, the...

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A Surprise Visit Part 4

Her heart was in her throat as she approached room 343. Back in her room, she battled with herself for almost the entire hour as she debated whether or not to go. If she was going to go, should she get changed and arrive angry and defiant? Or show up in her dress and pounce on him the moment she got in the door? After all, she had worn it for him whether she wanted to admit it or not.  She tottered in the heels a bit as she made her way down the hall. The drinks she had helped her decide to...

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John CarterChapter 20

The middle of the afternoon is a quiet time in the living quarters of the President of the College. John, the President, was on his back, in the middle the living room. Little Beth, now four years old, was curled up inside one arm and little John, now three years old, was curled up inside the other. All three of them were asleep. Ling and Kelly stood at the door watching them. Ling whispered, “It’s hard to be a mother when the fathers spend all their time with the kids.” Kelly giggled, “Yes,...

3 years ago
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A Million Dollar Nightss

I m studying in Kota & preparing for Iit-Jee 2009 this incident took place last year when i went to my Aunt’s (mothers sister) house during summer vacation. My cousin brother is working in a call centre & is usually at work at night. When ever i used to go to my aunt’s home my bhabhi use to talk to me about the problems in their house and i used to listen it showing my keen interest in it. One night when my uncle & aunt had gone to SHIMLA on their 25th wedding anniversary my aunt was alone with...

2 years ago
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Closing TimeMy First Erotic Story

It was a Friday night, I didn’t have to work the next day, and I was bored, lonely, horny, and maybe looking for a bit of trouble. What do you do given that combination of circumstances? Go Drinking of course! Not feeling up to going into town proper, I stopped at the dark and smokey little dive on the outskirts of town called the Buckhorn, or the Fuckhorn by the more colorful locals. To some, it’s a love-hate relationship, love to hang there sometimes, hate to be seen slumming there? Whatever...

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Im the Man of the House 3

I’m the Man of the House 3As mom and I figured, that ass hole of a so called dad didn’t come home when he was supposed to, and so mom called his office to find out just when he would be home from his business trip, she was told that he is home and wouldn’t be back here till maybe next week, so mom asked them when he transferred to where he is at now, and they told her he had done that like a year ago, when he got the promotion to manage the other office building.The following day of the phone...

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my cousin julia

For years she has been tormenting me, whenever they came to visit during my younger teenage years she would tease me with her looks, her words and her actions.??I am 26 and Julia is 27 now, nothing had changed, my Aunt and Uncle have come to visit and Julia has come with them, unfortunately. Since we were much younger I can always remember Julia being "advanced" for her age. My mom had described her as an "early developer" but I was sure she only knew the half of it. Julia was well developed...

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MrLuckyPOV Avery Jane Anal Obsessed Avery Jane Gets Cum Filled

Avery Jane is the definition of a hardcore slut. This Anal obsessed hottie is ready to get all three over her tight holes fucked and filled. She comes ready for action with a butt plug in her asshole prepared for a pounding. She uses her warm mouth and wet pussy to lube up the dick so it can slide right into her ass. This horny babe moans and cums as she gets fucked all night. What really pleases her is getting her holes filled with cum for a pussy and anal creampie. She gets the cum dumped...

4 years ago
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Senior Year Part IChapter 14 Theyrsquore All Sick

Monday October 10 Before I left the hospital, they’d given me instructions on how to rehab my hip pointer. They called the first few days the ‘acute phase.’ I assumed that meant pain level because I agreed it was ‘acute.’ The suggested treatment was to rest, ice it down, take pain and anti-inflammatory meds, and to wrap it. They warned me not to try to do too much until the pain subsided some. My instinct was to stretch and exercise, but they’d warned that I had to let my injuries heal before...

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Lost Virginity To A Junior Boy

By: Superhothd Hi! Friends I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories and developed the courage of sharing the real incident that happened to me. I have lost my virginity just 5 days back. For a girl loosing virgin is a great thing and everyone remembers this throughout her life. Friends, it is not any story but the real thing happened. Now I am going to share with you what has happened. I am 21 years old, 5’5 height with almost fair complexioned female. With 34 28 32 I look too sexy and...

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Highland Magic Ch 33

Cien paced the length of the dining room anxiously the next morning. He’d had lain awake in his bed all night making plans, ideas on how to win his Rose back. He shook his head. How could he win her back, he thought, if he had yet to win her at all? With that thought his head began to pound. All of this time traveling nonsense was much a bother. He’d lain awake most of the night with a pounding headache when he thought about such things. It really didn’t matter to him. If he had won her or...

3 years ago
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Cheaters Stone Double of Nothing Part 4

Marcia and Julienne returned home not long after Jay did. Marcia was carrying dresses that she picked up from the cleaners. The very formal prom and cocktail dresses were encased in plastic. They were Jimmy's work attire. Marcia brought them up to her bedroom to be put away. When she came down, Marcia wasn't wearing a shirt nor her bra. "Mom, we have guests," Julienne reminded her. Marcia reluctantly went back to her room there was a clear pout on her face. When she returned she...

1 year ago
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The athletic club

Mitchell stood under the needle like water jets in communal shower at the at the athletic club he had been attending for the past two yearsm, and out of the corner of his eye he could see several other men lathering up their bodies and then rinsing off the suds down the drain. Mitch's penis thickened slightly as he ogled the large cocks hanging between the thighs of his shower mates, and since this was a gay club, it was not unusual to see men strolling around with huge erections pointing...

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the Girl 5

Mom and Dad couldn’t comprehend what that horrible phonecall was really about. Had it been blackmail then there would have been demands. And they didn’t even know who made the call and how to get back to them. They agreed on one thing though – there was a connection between their successful mission last night and the Girl disappearing. Mom wondered if they had found out about the theft and wanted the dongle back. Dad’s face went dark. “An exchange like that will never happen”, he...

3 years ago
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Naughty Girl

The following is a dream I had.... We were having a smallish party at our home with lots of drink as usual. My dream began with this knowledge. I had gone to sleep as it had gotten quite late. I prompted you to do the same soon and you agreed but kept partying and drinking for a while longer, saying you'd be to bed shortly but needed to get anyone staying over set up. You were very intoxicated and were having a good time so I wasnt about to argue with you. I went to bed and was shortly sleeping...

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A fun night out

There she went, petite, with long, sexy legs, wearing extremely short jeans, stressing your small, but well-shaped arse and a nice black top. Her hair was dirty blonde, tied up in a cute little ponytail and her dark eyes were casting a flirtatious look at Alex as she passed by. Alex and I exchanged a quick look and he whistled after her. She turned around instantly, walked uo to Alex, who looked puszzled.But instead of telling him off or slapping his face, she asked in English, in an innocent...

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Sitting in our modest house naked while stroking my pathetic four inch cock, I listen to my breathing, but I have to stop and use my hands to adjust the mask I’m wearing. It’s a black leather strap across the bottom part of my face which supports a stainless steel ashtray sticking out front. It feels loose and is throwing me off, so I make it a little tighter. There, that feels better. I wonder what the studs that bang my wife think when they see me in this getup. The ones she keeps around fuck...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 14 Erica BradfordChapter 9

Erica lay in bed. She wasn’t sleepy and, for once, she wasn’t horny. She had gotten up and just left her brother. His last word: “Please!“ rang in her head. Her mind had calmed, while she lay there, unable to sleep, still in her robe. Her anger had faded to a dull ache that, while she didn’t realize it, was associated with her general wish that things hadn’t happened the way they had. It wasn’t just her brother. She wished her parents hadn’t died. She wished Billy - Will, she reminded...

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