L'amante Marocchino free porn video

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L’amante di mia moglie è un muratore marocchino. E’ un bell’uomo, quarantenne, prestante sia fisicamente che sessualmente.
L’abbiamo conosciuto due anni fa quando venne a fare dei lavori a casa nostra.
Mia moglie Laura, anche se tra i cinquanta e sessant’anni era (ed è ancora) una donna desiderabile e lui cominciò a corteggiarla spudoratamente anche in mia presenza. La cosa, inizialmente, mi diede fastidio ma poi cominciò a farsi strada in me il perverso desiderio di vederla posseduta da quell’uomo.
Ne parlai con Laura che, in un primo tempo si scandalizzò ma poi, un po’ per la mia insistenza e un po’ perché l’uomo diventava sempre più audace, finì per cedere.
Il marocchino ormai frequenta la nostra casa da allora e viene a trovarci circa due volte al mese di sabato.
Quando cominciò, mia moglie, era appena entrata in menopausa e, per sicurezza, lo obbligavamo ad usare il preservativo. Dopo qualche mese decidemmo di fare tutto in libertà per il godimento di tutti.
Laura dopo i primi rapporti quasi forzati cominciò a prenderci gusto ed ebbe una profonda metamorfosi.
Da quando gode intensamente con lui, si sente in colpa nei miei confronti ma io la rassicuro perché, anche a me, la cosa, procura emozioni grandissime.
Il nostro amico è una persona rozza, a volte, anche maleducata e spesso penso di metterlo definitivamente alla porta ma poi non lo faccio pensando che quel suo atteggiamento irriverente faccia parte del godimento che ne traggo.
Quando giunge il sabato in cui lui viene, Laura ed io siamo già eccitati sin dal pomeriggio facendo i preparativi.
Accendo il caminetto e stendo davanti ad esso un tappeto di pelo lungo bianco rigorosamente ecologico. Laura, intanto, prepara la cena tenendo conto delle esigenze religiose del nostro amico. Quando l’ambiente è ben caldo, Laura si prepara. Di solito mette un vestitino corto e leggero e sotto ad esso un piccolissimo perizoma che copre appena il taglio della fica ma dal quale spunta il folto pelo. Prima di conoscere il marocchino, Laura si depilava completamente ma lui da subito ha preteso che si lasciasse crescere il pelo.

Al suono del campanello vado io ad aprire. Lui mi saluta “cordialmente” con un “ciao cornuto”
Entra, mi porge il cappotto e poi abbraccia Laura. I due si baciano oscenamente infilando le loro lingue l’uno nella bocca dell’altro. Le loro mani accarezzano i loro corpi. Laura massaggia l’uomo nella patta dei pantaloni ottenendone un’immediata erezione mentre lui infila la mano sotto la gonna di lei per palpeggiare il sesso ormai umido. Dopo qualche attimo Laura, gemendo, piega le gambe e allora lui la sostiene massaggiandola con decisione. Per Laura è il primo orgasmo della serata. Io, defilato, mi accarezzo a mia volta con molta attenzione a non godere e finire il gioco ancora prima ancora di cominciare.
Durante la cena, l’uomo, racconta di essere in volontaria astinenza ormai da dieci giorni per poter offrire più sperma a Laura e, indirettamente, a me.
Ad ogni portata, quando Laura è accanto a lui, allunga le mani e le apre il vestitino facendole uscire una mammella che poi accarezza e lecca avidamente. Credo che Laura sia ormai completamente bagnata.
Finita la cena si avviano insieme verso la sala dove il caminetto fa un caldo boia. Laura si sfila il vestitino e guardo da dietro il suo splendido culone solcato dalla cordellina del perizoma. I due si tengono abbracciati e si baciano. Vorrei seguirli ma devo prima sparecchiare e spazzare per terra. Sento la musica e so che stanno ballando cominciando a strofinarsi l’uno contro l’altra. So anche che Laura, eccitata ma ancora in grado di connettere, temporeggia per darmi modo di finire i miei lavori e far parte del gioco senza perdere fasi importanti.
Quando entro nella sala aggiungo un po’ di legna nel caminetto, mi spoglio completamente nella penombra, mi siedo nella mia poltrona preferita e comincio a masturbarmi, sempre con cura.
Laura è già nuda e il marocchino indossa solo lo slip. Mia moglie mi lancia uno sguardo, sorride e lentamente sfila all’uomo l’ultimo indumento che indossa. Si inginocchia e comincia ad accarezzare il bel cazzo scuro. I due sono bellissimi così nudi ed osceni illuminati dalle fiamme del camino. Laura ora lo succhia avidamente e vedo il cazzo dell’uomo uscire luccicante dalla bocca della mia donna. Laura, quando siamo soli, mi dice che quel cazzo ha un sapore diverso dal mio, ha un sapore aspro, inebriante che quasi la fa godere senza essere toccata. Vedo l’uomo in piedi mentre Laura si siede e si piega all’indietro per raggiungere il culo del marocchino. Gli apre le natiche e infila la lingua nell’intimità posteriore. Lui non è certo insensibile a questa carezza orale e allora piega le gambe gemendo, pronunciando parole sconce. “Sei una vacca!!, sei una troia...fermati che mi fai godere!!” Ben presto i due si ritrovano nella posizione del sessantanove con Laura sotto. Lui la apre e infila la sua lingua, lei geme e la sento godere come una pazza. Nell’aria della stanza sento l’afrore di sudore che proviene dai loro corpi ormai lucidi per l’eccitazione e per il caldo che il camino emana.
Ora però viene il momento topico. La monta. Laura, quando siamo solo noi mi dice sempre una frase “Tu mi fai l’amore, lui mi monta e mi fa sentire davvero una vacca”.
Ecco, lei si inginocchia e lui la prende da dietro. La sbatte con forza e lei gode urlando. So già che dopo un po’ si sfilerà e appoggerà quel magnifico cazzo davanti all’ano di mia moglie. In questo e un maestro. La penetra lentamente e sempre più forte. Laura geme dice che le fa male ma poi gli va incontro come se volesse far entrare anche le palle. Dalla mia posizione non vedo la penetrazione ma sento i due corpi sbattere uno contro l’altro. Laura viene sodomizzata per diversi minuti ma il marocchino non vuole godere in quell’antro. Quando si sfila, mia moglie, si stende e lui le va sopra e la penetra nella fica. Lui la monta cambiando continuamente ritmo. Ora lento e dolce, ora più veloce e violento. E’ il momento in cui vado a posizionarmi dietro loro per vedere quel bel cazzo che appare e scompare nella fica della mia donna. Lei lo abbraccia con le gambe sulle natiche e geme come una pazza. Quando lui comincia a fare movimenti scoordinati capisco che è vicino a godere. I suoi non sono gemiti ma il ruggito di un leone. Le sue natiche si contraggono e alla fine resta piantato in fondo al sesso di mia moglie. Vedo le cosce opulente di Laura che tremano in un orgasmo che sembra non finire mai. Lui la sta riempiendo del seme di una decina di giorni.

I due restano abbracciati, immobili, ansimanti. Due a****li che hanno appena goduto.
Dopo qualche minuto lui si sfila e vedo il suo cazzo scuro imbrattato di sperma. La fica di mia moglie rimane spalancata ma non esce nulla perché l’uomo le ha goduto troppo in fondo.
Lui, chiamandomi sempre “cornuto” mi invita a prendere il suo posto e a cibarmi del suo sperma. Mi dice anche di non scomodarmi che la strada per uscire la conosce. Poi si infila nel bagno.
Strisciando vado a stendermi accanto a lei che ancora sta ansimando. Ci accarezziamo e lei mi sussurra “ti amo”. Si alza e si mette sopra al mio viso. Solo in quel momento, quando lei è in posizione verticale comincia ad uscire lo sperma dell’amante. Scende sulle cosce di lei in rivoli bianchi e cremosi. Lo raccolgo con un dito e lo porto alla bocca. Sentiamo la porta di casa che si richiude. E’ il marocchino che se n’è andato. Laura si china e mi offre la fica da bere. E’ un liquido denso, appiccicoso, lei geme e io lecco avidamente, mi riempio la bocca, le apro le natiche e lei urla di smetterla che le fa male. Si alza di nuovo, indietreggia e va ad impalarsi sul mio cazzo ormai sul punto di scoppiare. Bastano due o tre movimenti e mi svuoto in lei mescolando il mio sperma a quello del marocchino rimasto ancora copioso dentro di lei. Godo, finalmente godo mentre lei mi bacia e poi, esausto resto immobile tenendola tra le braccia.
Lei mi accarezza dolcemente e mi sussurra “sei un porco!”.
“Solo io!!???...dai andiamo a farci una doccia va!!!”

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The three of us were in our usual position in bed — Rosie on my left, Rebecca on my right. Our body heat under the comforter felt good. Both of them had a hand under the sheet, gripping me. Rebecca had a smile in her voice, “Mr. Murdock?” “Mrs. Robinson.” “That is some show that Penny and Miss Melanie put on.” Rosie whispered, “Mrs. Chambers let us watch.” Rebecca, “Encouraged us to watch.” Rosie, “Some show.” “Oh?” Rebecca, “I was thinking, we were thinking...” “Yeah?” Not hard to...

2 years ago
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Those Three Little Words Part Four

He came back for me…eventually. After a few hours of ‘punishment’ – and after I had worked up a sweat trying to wriggle into any possible position that might free me from the cuffs. When I first heard a car pulling into my drive I panicked. I was frozen with fear about who would be unlucky (or lucky) enough to find me, I was prepared to be majorly embarrassed until I saw His perfect outline approach me in the semi-darkness. ‘Have you learnt your lesson?’ He asked and I could hear the smile in...

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Her Pleasure

She’s not sure how to take this new man. He only does things to make her happy. The finger fucking, the oral sex, the licking of her nipples, and soft gentle touching and kissing. He seeks out every part of her body with his tongue and fingers. Licking at every sensitive spot. She tries to give him pleasure but it’s all about her. She loves all the attention even when he has his face buried between her legs and is licking and sucking at her clit. She feels orgasm after orgasm as he relentlessly...

4 years ago
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Vacation with Teens 11 The Meeting

Lily felt the first rays of sunshine stroke her face. She had been awake for quite a while, still trying to get back to her dream. When she first opened her eyes this morning it was still dark, she knew she had been having a nice dream tonight. But now, she couldn’t even remember what it had been about. Unwillingly she raised herself from her bed, knowing her dream was now lost forever. She tried to open her eyes fully, but the gleams of sunlight quickly restrained her from doing so. Lily sat...

3 years ago
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My JC Teacher

IntroductionI lived through the four years of my secondary school life in an all-boys environment and tho we dont get the chance to ogle at chio bus walking past we had lotsa fun tgt like you know the all guys stuff like stripping some guy in class when a female teacher is teaching and when the principal is giving his speech. Those were the days but thats not exactly what my story is gonna talk about so lets just leave it aside for now.Basically, I never had any problems in terms of studies...

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Love Dont Run ch 3

Love Don’t Run Pt 3 By: Hisangelbeauty and Ropetease copyright 2011 Joe looked at the feast she had on the table, trying to remember the last time he had such a good breakfast. Joe noticed she wasn’t eating and was just watching him when he picked up a pear slice off his plate with one hand then pulled her chair closer to him with the other. He recalled their breakfast in the cafeteria and how she picked at her food. Hell, if he was honest she really hadn’t taken more than a few bites that...

2 years ago
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CHAPTER 62C: THE BACHELOR PARTY, CONCLUSIONI was encouraged to take a long soak in the tub with some Epsom salts to help me recover, which I did. Then, I was sent out to get more beer, Jack Daniels, and some sides for when the guys grilled steaks later. Tim had me wear the tight ‘volleyball shorts’ that he likes Helen and me to wear when we workout. Then a smallish sports bra and shoes. I was to say I was returning from the gym if asked. Really, though, he wanted me exposed more in public, and...

3 years ago
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Mike and Sam Part 5

Mike and Sam Part 5: Back Home, Again The plane landed at about four in the afternoon, and Masumi and Miyuki were met by Miyuki's sister, Ruth. Ruth recognized Masumi right away, but had to look twice at Miyuki. She gave both of them big hugs, and in hugging Miyuki, and said, "Mike, your hair it's so nice, and you are gorgeous." "It's not Mike any more Ruthie. It's Miyuki full time now. And, the hair has some extensions, until mine grows out." "Is mom ever going to be...

2 years ago
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Fighting It Out pt2

My life changed the day after my sister Princess Hanna, my sister is known to me as now. After I cleaned up my piss Princess Hanna had me set on the floor at her feet. I could not set still my ass was on fire. I had no idea how I was going to make it through school tomorrow?"Bitch! Stop moving are." "Yes Princess Hanna..." She snapped her fingers and I looked right at her. All she did was laugh. I started to cry again, just balling my eyes out. Princess Hanna was no longer my sister she did own...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Lauren Phillips Eliza Ibarra Nicole Doshi Avery Jane Squirting Stories Squirters Anonymous

Four women (Nicole Doshi, Avery Jane, Eliza Ibarra, and Lauren Phillips) are having a Squirters Anonymous meeting. Lauren, who is leading the meeting, asks everyone to introduce themselves and share their stories. Nicole shyly introduces herself as she gets ready to share her story. She recounts an embarrassing experience where she accidentally squirted right in her girlfriend’s face… then her girlfriend dumped her on the spot. Avery introduces herself next. She shares a shocking...

3 years ago
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Aphrodites RevengeChapter 4

The morning darkness faded and Kaia was finally able to look around to take a full assessment of her predicament. She was on a ship manned entirely by centaurs, there must be at least a hundred of them. The ship was large and moving quite swiftly, propelled by the centaurs incredible strength. Piles of plunder lay on the deck around her. The heavy chain which bound Kaia to the mast pulled at the iron collar around her neck, chafing her skin. Her broken arm was now aching severely and was...

2 years ago
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Playing with my clone

(I'm very interested in comments. Please feel invited to send me feedback. Tell me if it turned you on. Tell me if you came to it. Thanks!) Playing with my clone The sex industry of the year 2090 had made a lot of stuff possible thatwas entirely unthinkable until now. Photo realistic computer animated porn movies where you could change the scenes and camera view points however you favored. d**gs that could trigger orgasms so strong that they would sweep you from your feet. And all forms of...

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Stranger Ch 03

He had called her the next day, just like he promised. They had a short conversation about nothing in particular, and he told her he would swing by around 7 on Saturday to take her to dinner. Rosalie had never fallen for a guy so quickly before. Alistair was sweet, attentive and so good looking it made her nervous. She could barely wait till Saturday, just wanting to feel his silky smooth lips against hers again. She smiled to herself and she thought of their date. Saturday couldn’t come fast...

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Gaias ChampionChapter 8

Jason woke to the sunlight streaming through his apartment window and blinked against the bright light. He smiled, knowing that today was going to be a good day! Having found out Brad’s secret and exposing him, had dusted the bastard in a way that he would never recover! He still shivered at the thought of what both he and his dad had gotten away with for all those years. He also felt a pang of sympathy for Luke, who had found out the real reason behind the breakup with his high school...

2 years ago
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Elisha Cuthbert berührt ihre vollen Brüste, streichelt sie zärtlich und fühlt, wie ihre Warzen dadurch steif werden. Sie sieht an sich herunter und beobachtet, wie das heiße Wasser auf ihren eingeseiften Körper niederprasselt und den weißen Schaum über die weichen und schlüpfrigen Rundungen ihrer Brüste und Hüften, Backen und Oberschenkel gleiten lässt. Und sie versucht sich dabei vorzustellen, wie es wäre, wenn sie jetzt mit ihrem neuen Freund zusammen wäre. Ärgerlich schüttelt sie ihren Kopf,...

1 year ago
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Just another night at work

I got my "dream job" working at an Adult Bookstore w/attached Arcade. Dream job you say? Sure. I am a dirty old man and have a bit of voyuer in me, so when I applied fot the job, and discovered that there were a few security cams, I knew I had found my home away from home. The first couple months in training I worked during the days, and then was switched to the "Graveyard" shift. I figured boring....as my experience to this point had been a few inquisitive visits to the store. Two weeks into...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 123 Gwen and Me

As soon as we were out of sight of the house, and the cop on duty there. Martin pulled to the side of the road. He went to the rear door of th SUV to do a lot of mumbo and jumbo things back there. When he returned to the driver's seat, he had a satisfied look on his face. It was obvious to me that he had rearmed himself. I was still naked in that respect and not liking the feeling a bit. The cops had all my weapons used in the firefight and we hadn't been able to get back to my stash. When...

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2 din padosan k sath

Hi readers i’m a regular reader of this site i like this b/c i like this. I’m 22 male from mumbai. This was happened with me at age of 15 there was a 42 yrs old aunty she was my neighbor.uska nam malti hai uska figar 32-28-44 hai. Dikhne mai to wo bahut hi sundar hai.woh mere ghar ke samnewale flat me rahti hai isliye mera unke ghar aana jana tha. Ek din unka gaav ka koi karibi rishtedar off ho gaya to unka pati off se direct train se gaav janewale the or aunty ko train ka kuch malum nahi tha...

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Anal assault

First day of school I won’t have to tell you the rest of story you can look up the comic story on the Internet anal assault by anasheya where ash or Ashley attracts two futa s because of his round ass until he is called to nurse Olga office.

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The Stolen Bride

"I'm going to raise me a whole passel of cattle, horses and kids but not necessarily in that order." Len James started making that brag from almost the moment he arrived in Riviere Que Barre. He was a young bachelor who arrived in the small community to claim a homestead in 1933. It was the heart of the Great Depression and most people in the area had nothing but the clothes on their back and the will to carry on until things got better. Len was in the same boat. He lived in a small wooden...

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Trouble in the Forest Book IIChapter 5

MORE SARAH Travis tried his best but he could not convince Kim to go on a date, even after her fourteenth birthday. Truthfully, I think she was a bit scared of his reputation, because by then, it was pretty common knowledge that he had high expectations of the girls he dated. After the sap run had concluded, he just didn't have that many opportunities to be with her casually, and she obviously was not seeking him out. That doesn't mean that he went without companionship. Far from it,...

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