L'amante Marocchino free porn video

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L’amante di mia moglie è un muratore marocchino. E’ un bell’uomo, quarantenne, prestante sia fisicamente che sessualmente.
L’abbiamo conosciuto due anni fa quando venne a fare dei lavori a casa nostra.
Mia moglie Laura, anche se tra i cinquanta e sessant’anni era (ed è ancora) una donna desiderabile e lui cominciò a corteggiarla spudoratamente anche in mia presenza. La cosa, inizialmente, mi diede fastidio ma poi cominciò a farsi strada in me il perverso desiderio di vederla posseduta da quell’uomo.
Ne parlai con Laura che, in un primo tempo si scandalizzò ma poi, un po’ per la mia insistenza e un po’ perché l’uomo diventava sempre più audace, finì per cedere.
Il marocchino ormai frequenta la nostra casa da allora e viene a trovarci circa due volte al mese di sabato.
Quando cominciò, mia moglie, era appena entrata in menopausa e, per sicurezza, lo obbligavamo ad usare il preservativo. Dopo qualche mese decidemmo di fare tutto in libertà per il godimento di tutti.
Laura dopo i primi rapporti quasi forzati cominciò a prenderci gusto ed ebbe una profonda metamorfosi.
Da quando gode intensamente con lui, si sente in colpa nei miei confronti ma io la rassicuro perché, anche a me, la cosa, procura emozioni grandissime.
Il nostro amico è una persona rozza, a volte, anche maleducata e spesso penso di metterlo definitivamente alla porta ma poi non lo faccio pensando che quel suo atteggiamento irriverente faccia parte del godimento che ne traggo.
Quando giunge il sabato in cui lui viene, Laura ed io siamo già eccitati sin dal pomeriggio facendo i preparativi.
Accendo il caminetto e stendo davanti ad esso un tappeto di pelo lungo bianco rigorosamente ecologico. Laura, intanto, prepara la cena tenendo conto delle esigenze religiose del nostro amico. Quando l’ambiente è ben caldo, Laura si prepara. Di solito mette un vestitino corto e leggero e sotto ad esso un piccolissimo perizoma che copre appena il taglio della fica ma dal quale spunta il folto pelo. Prima di conoscere il marocchino, Laura si depilava completamente ma lui da subito ha preteso che si lasciasse crescere il pelo.

Al suono del campanello vado io ad aprire. Lui mi saluta “cordialmente” con un “ciao cornuto”
Entra, mi porge il cappotto e poi abbraccia Laura. I due si baciano oscenamente infilando le loro lingue l’uno nella bocca dell’altro. Le loro mani accarezzano i loro corpi. Laura massaggia l’uomo nella patta dei pantaloni ottenendone un’immediata erezione mentre lui infila la mano sotto la gonna di lei per palpeggiare il sesso ormai umido. Dopo qualche attimo Laura, gemendo, piega le gambe e allora lui la sostiene massaggiandola con decisione. Per Laura è il primo orgasmo della serata. Io, defilato, mi accarezzo a mia volta con molta attenzione a non godere e finire il gioco ancora prima ancora di cominciare.
Durante la cena, l’uomo, racconta di essere in volontaria astinenza ormai da dieci giorni per poter offrire più sperma a Laura e, indirettamente, a me.
Ad ogni portata, quando Laura è accanto a lui, allunga le mani e le apre il vestitino facendole uscire una mammella che poi accarezza e lecca avidamente. Credo che Laura sia ormai completamente bagnata.
Finita la cena si avviano insieme verso la sala dove il caminetto fa un caldo boia. Laura si sfila il vestitino e guardo da dietro il suo splendido culone solcato dalla cordellina del perizoma. I due si tengono abbracciati e si baciano. Vorrei seguirli ma devo prima sparecchiare e spazzare per terra. Sento la musica e so che stanno ballando cominciando a strofinarsi l’uno contro l’altra. So anche che Laura, eccitata ma ancora in grado di connettere, temporeggia per darmi modo di finire i miei lavori e far parte del gioco senza perdere fasi importanti.
Quando entro nella sala aggiungo un po’ di legna nel caminetto, mi spoglio completamente nella penombra, mi siedo nella mia poltrona preferita e comincio a masturbarmi, sempre con cura.
Laura è già nuda e il marocchino indossa solo lo slip. Mia moglie mi lancia uno sguardo, sorride e lentamente sfila all’uomo l’ultimo indumento che indossa. Si inginocchia e comincia ad accarezzare il bel cazzo scuro. I due sono bellissimi così nudi ed osceni illuminati dalle fiamme del camino. Laura ora lo succhia avidamente e vedo il cazzo dell’uomo uscire luccicante dalla bocca della mia donna. Laura, quando siamo soli, mi dice che quel cazzo ha un sapore diverso dal mio, ha un sapore aspro, inebriante che quasi la fa godere senza essere toccata. Vedo l’uomo in piedi mentre Laura si siede e si piega all’indietro per raggiungere il culo del marocchino. Gli apre le natiche e infila la lingua nell’intimità posteriore. Lui non è certo insensibile a questa carezza orale e allora piega le gambe gemendo, pronunciando parole sconce. “Sei una vacca!!, sei una troia...fermati che mi fai godere!!” Ben presto i due si ritrovano nella posizione del sessantanove con Laura sotto. Lui la apre e infila la sua lingua, lei geme e la sento godere come una pazza. Nell’aria della stanza sento l’afrore di sudore che proviene dai loro corpi ormai lucidi per l’eccitazione e per il caldo che il camino emana.
Ora però viene il momento topico. La monta. Laura, quando siamo solo noi mi dice sempre una frase “Tu mi fai l’amore, lui mi monta e mi fa sentire davvero una vacca”.
Ecco, lei si inginocchia e lui la prende da dietro. La sbatte con forza e lei gode urlando. So già che dopo un po’ si sfilerà e appoggerà quel magnifico cazzo davanti all’ano di mia moglie. In questo e un maestro. La penetra lentamente e sempre più forte. Laura geme dice che le fa male ma poi gli va incontro come se volesse far entrare anche le palle. Dalla mia posizione non vedo la penetrazione ma sento i due corpi sbattere uno contro l’altro. Laura viene sodomizzata per diversi minuti ma il marocchino non vuole godere in quell’antro. Quando si sfila, mia moglie, si stende e lui le va sopra e la penetra nella fica. Lui la monta cambiando continuamente ritmo. Ora lento e dolce, ora più veloce e violento. E’ il momento in cui vado a posizionarmi dietro loro per vedere quel bel cazzo che appare e scompare nella fica della mia donna. Lei lo abbraccia con le gambe sulle natiche e geme come una pazza. Quando lui comincia a fare movimenti scoordinati capisco che è vicino a godere. I suoi non sono gemiti ma il ruggito di un leone. Le sue natiche si contraggono e alla fine resta piantato in fondo al sesso di mia moglie. Vedo le cosce opulente di Laura che tremano in un orgasmo che sembra non finire mai. Lui la sta riempiendo del seme di una decina di giorni.

I due restano abbracciati, immobili, ansimanti. Due a****li che hanno appena goduto.
Dopo qualche minuto lui si sfila e vedo il suo cazzo scuro imbrattato di sperma. La fica di mia moglie rimane spalancata ma non esce nulla perché l’uomo le ha goduto troppo in fondo.
Lui, chiamandomi sempre “cornuto” mi invita a prendere il suo posto e a cibarmi del suo sperma. Mi dice anche di non scomodarmi che la strada per uscire la conosce. Poi si infila nel bagno.
Strisciando vado a stendermi accanto a lei che ancora sta ansimando. Ci accarezziamo e lei mi sussurra “ti amo”. Si alza e si mette sopra al mio viso. Solo in quel momento, quando lei è in posizione verticale comincia ad uscire lo sperma dell’amante. Scende sulle cosce di lei in rivoli bianchi e cremosi. Lo raccolgo con un dito e lo porto alla bocca. Sentiamo la porta di casa che si richiude. E’ il marocchino che se n’è andato. Laura si china e mi offre la fica da bere. E’ un liquido denso, appiccicoso, lei geme e io lecco avidamente, mi riempio la bocca, le apro le natiche e lei urla di smetterla che le fa male. Si alza di nuovo, indietreggia e va ad impalarsi sul mio cazzo ormai sul punto di scoppiare. Bastano due o tre movimenti e mi svuoto in lei mescolando il mio sperma a quello del marocchino rimasto ancora copioso dentro di lei. Godo, finalmente godo mentre lei mi bacia e poi, esausto resto immobile tenendola tra le braccia.
Lei mi accarezza dolcemente e mi sussurra “sei un porco!”.
“Solo io!!???...dai andiamo a farci una doccia va!!!”

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It had been a while since they'd needed this.He strode quickly toward the door, hoping he'd really find her there. The brief message he'd sent, proposing this place on this night, had gotten an equally brief response. In a way, that was perfect: it was what she knew he'd want. Still, one of these times, they might cross wires and be in the wrong place... and after all they'd gone through to find each other in the first place, any missed chance would be frustrating.One of these times, too,...

4 years ago
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Angels and Guardians Pt 03

Author’s note: Part 3 of a multi part series. Best if you read the character development of the first two. All characters are 18 or older. *** Chapter 9 Moving In Ashley woke the next morning to Jasmine stroking her arm. ‘Hmm…good morning,’ she said. ‘What time is it?’ Jasmine smiled down at her and said, ‘It’s 9:30. Time to get up.’ ‘I don’t want to. This bed is so nice.’ Ashley rolled over and dozed off. Jasmine watched her breathing get deeper. ‘Oh no you don’t! Get up, pretty thing....

3 years ago
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Kisi aur ki aurat

this is about 3 years ago, when I came new to states from India and was working for a company, taking care of paper works invoice and money.There were 3-4 girls on register,selling items and then giving me the money and invoice. I was happily married, fucking my wife 2 times a week for last 10years, always doing straight indian sex, had no problem. One day i was sitting at work, and suddenly one married emlpoy name sangita (all names are false, to save indentity)came to give cash and her top...

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Anomalistic Encounter

*** Anomalistic Encounter is a short cyberpunk erotica that takes place in the same futuristic world as Dreaming of Eden, but occurs before the grand events of my novel. Download my novel for free, see my profile for the link. *** New York City was abandoned twenty-five years before it had become an Outlaw Zone, a quarantined city controlled by The Mara Salvatrucha Mafia (MS-13). Legal citizens live in the underground super-cities. Due to chaotic weather and lack of upkeep, the Big Apple is...

3 years ago
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Friend8217s Sister My Personal Slut

This is my first story hope you guys like it. And please ignore some grammatical mistakes. If any girl or aunty want satisfaction can email me and please comment how you liked the story. My email Note-all the characters are real and based on true story names are changed for some privacy issues. Me or mera best frnd gautam apne childhood frnd vicky ke ghar gaye the for the boys dayout he was getting ready then suddenly the godess of the story arrives. Kajal ek dum gori and little chubby but...

4 years ago
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My Journey As A Whore 8211 Part II

Hi all, Its me Sweta again. Here to tell you more about my journey. Last time, I told you about how i lost my virginity, and got introduced to being a man’s currency. I wish i could say that right from the moment i walked into Sharma uncle’s bedroom that i started enjoying the sex. It was pleasureful, dont get me wrong on that. But my mind could not accept the fact immediatly. Just not yet. In the days after my first fuck, I remained at home most of the time, thinking about what happened. The...

3 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 89

"I think I had a breakthrough with Marcus!" Yvonne's excitement drew a smile from the two girls as they entered the door. "Oh?" Hope asked as she threw her jacket towards the coat hooks. Shawna caught it and ferried it the rest of the way. "What happened?" "I came back. I didn't realise he was here, so I got out my guitar to practice," she explained, pushing up her floppy sleeves as she followed them into the kitchen. "He came out of your room - didn't say a word - pushing his...

4 years ago
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Depression Leads To Sex

Dear Readers I am regular ISS reader. This is my First Sexual incidence which i am going to put forward to you. My name is Krunal. This story is about my friend Tina(named changed). Please send ur valuable comments on my incidence on Let me start from the beginning in 2008. During my graduation days i was in love with a girl named Tina(named changed). We were madly in love and couldn’t stay without each other. We both used to roam a lot, go for movies, shopping, walk. We both were hostelites....

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Ring of TruthBlog 2 The origin of the ring

13th July 2004 I arrived home at nine o'clock, Dad was watching a big football match on TV and from his thoughts, I knew he was totally engrossed in it so I went to my room and took out the little book that came with the ring. The pages were seer and brown and, apart from the title page, the writing spidery and microscopic in size. Even with a magnifying glass it was difficult to read and it was only when I tried my X10 hand-lens that I could make out the words fairly clearly but with that...

4 years ago
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In Broad Daylight Short Story

Dark eyes stared at me, devoid of emotion. Were they empty, or just tired? I stared at the photo in my hands for a good long while, committing his face to memory. The sharp jaw, the sunken cheeks, the bumpy Roman nose, the inky black hair. The man in the photo was lean with broad, jutting shoulders and a tattoo on his neck that I couldn’t make out. ‘This is him, huh?’ I said under my breath. ‘And you’re sure?’ ‘It doesn’t matter. Until we know he’s not a threat, he’s a threat. Resort security...

4 years ago
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Educating Cathy Chapter 03

Sunday morning we slept late and had brunch. Normally we would rush off to the shops but it was more relaxed this day. I was sure she was still thinking about last night. I know I was. The thought of her with another woman excited me. Not being involved, just watching them make out. So erotic. We finally got our shopping done and had a snack when we got home. It was hot and Cathy said she needed another shower. I decided to try to spur things along. I got up a lesbian video and hit pause. I...

2 years ago
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HandsOnHardcore Stacy Bloom MILFs Anal Fantasy

All-natural sexpot Stacy Bloom is pleasantly surprised when her hubby David Perry returns home from a work trip early when she’s least expecting it. The stunning all-natural brunette thought he was far away and that they were sexting from afar but no, he’s soon to bring her fantasies to reality. While fingering her shaved pussy dressed in sexy lacy lingerie Mr. Perry waltzes into the house and the horny couple starts getting after it in the livingroom. Watch this steamy Hands On...

3 years ago
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Escape from BuggeryChapter 10

Sharon eventually got to sleep after tossing and turning in the dark fetid heat, crammed between Sweetness' and Tracey's own hot bodies, and long after the moaning and gasping ceased from the mattress where Buttercup was sleeping with Joy. When she awoke it was on a lumpy mattress sodden with sweat and the strange sensations of a slobbery tactile probing in her vagina. As she blinked in the dark, her legs were wide open and she was enjoying the sensation despite herself. What was the...

4 years ago
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Playtime for Possum Part 1

"Titty Comp! Who's first?" Cara excitedly asks."Oh! Oh! Oh! Me! Me! Meeeeee!" Mel exclaims frantically waving her hand in the air."Jesus, Mel, settle down. You look like Horshack from 'Welcome Back Kotter'!" Cara responds, shaking her head."She is just proud of her tits," Val chimes in. "And they are hot!"Cara loudly sighs, "Fine. You can go first."Jake walks over to Mel as she lifts her t-shirt over her head. A smile spreads across his face as he eyes her mounds."Cara, I really...

College Sex
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Pattaya 8211 Where Sins Are Committed And Forgiven

I am aged 37, mother of two, wife to one. An open-minded homemaker, a responsible daughter, and a supportive woman. I need not discuss my physique, I am sure you would have imagined me in the right way. It was our 10th year of anniversary, and men being men, my hubby had his way of celebration. A surprise for me until we reached the airport. We were heading to Pattaya. The land where sins are committed and forgiven. My hubby was a desperate man. Tries new things, not sure where he gets these...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 5

Rebecca was at a loss for words when she walked into the last tent in the line and found young Raymond James face down in his bunk sobbing like he had just lost both his parent in an airplane crash. She knew that wasn’t even a remote possibility because the James family was one of those “never go out” families and were the only family in the neighborhood to never light up their porch for Halloween. Of course, that wasn’t a reason to take a dim view of their social skills, it was just...

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Tingles Twenty

TINGLES TWENTY By Katharine Sexkitten I woke, in the same place I'd fallen asleep. I was wrapped in Peter's arms, my face on his upper chest, buried in his neck. His breathing was soft and gentle, his chest rising and falling in the most peaceful manner, and I could feel and hear his heartbeat. There was enough light streaming through the slats of all the window blinds to let me know it was morning. The sun was up. I could hear occasional birds chirping and squawking at each...

2 years ago
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GolemChapter 12

Shanor. I had not known why I had said what I did, I guess I had feeling for Entoch, I had before his family had left the village. At the time he had seemed a bit immature, but when he returned there was a new strength to him, he was nearing the time when he could be mated. I had reached it last winter when I had my first bleeding time, Now I was seriously thinking about what that meant, something I had not cared for before, now however with Laura's addition to the village and taking on...

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My Birthday Surprise Part Twelve

Chapter Twelve After our shower, my wife stuck her head in. She looked a little disheveled and her lipstick was smeared. She looked a little wild-eyed. She looked at Rod's little sex toy who was standing there naked after taking a shower with me. My wife acted like she'd seen it all before. "Cherry, I want you to help get my husband dressed." Then she turned towards me. I was also naked but was covering my erection up with a towel. "Honey, I want you to wear your little ballerina...

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First time with boyfriends best friend

So, me and my boyfriend have had this whole cuckold fantasy going for two years now. Nothing has ever happened before, and we were happy to leave it like that, slowly making our fantasy’s more extreme and trying new things, getting a dildo and naming it after his best friend (we’ll call him Ty) and making my boyfriend (Jamie) watch while I fuck myself with Ty and making him pretend to eat his load out of me. That sort of thing.We even agreed for me to make this profile to fuel our fantasies...

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Sex With Ankita In Delhi

Hiii This is GAGAN from delhi and aaj mai apko apna ek sachha incident btanna chahta hu. Phle mai apne bare me bta du meri age 21 hai mai ek healthy, tagdda aur thodda bhot smart ladka hu but my hieght is only 5″ foot and my dick kabhi measure nhi kia but jisse chodda tha usne kha tha ki tera bhoot bda lund hai. So hua kuj aise ki mai delhi me apnne dosto ke sath rhta tha flat leke ek din mujje call ayi meri neighbour ki jo ki mere home town panipat me meri neighbour hai unka nam ankita hai age...

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F45130 The High Desert Inn

"The High Desert Inn, Air-conditioned" proclaimed the neon sign. The motel was in the old style that was new in the 50's and 60's, but now looked like a relic of a past age. An L shaped row of one story motel rooms is flanked by an office on one end of the L by the street. Inside the L was a parking lot and a fenced area with a swimming pool and a slide. A smaller sign below the big one said "Rooms from $35, HBO, ESPN". Luckily the motel was clean and well kept. Amy's family didn't have...

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