L'amante Marocchino free porn video

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L’amante di mia moglie è un muratore marocchino. E’ un bell’uomo, quarantenne, prestante sia fisicamente che sessualmente.
L’abbiamo conosciuto due anni fa quando venne a fare dei lavori a casa nostra.
Mia moglie Laura, anche se tra i cinquanta e sessant’anni era (ed è ancora) una donna desiderabile e lui cominciò a corteggiarla spudoratamente anche in mia presenza. La cosa, inizialmente, mi diede fastidio ma poi cominciò a farsi strada in me il perverso desiderio di vederla posseduta da quell’uomo.
Ne parlai con Laura che, in un primo tempo si scandalizzò ma poi, un po’ per la mia insistenza e un po’ perché l’uomo diventava sempre più audace, finì per cedere.
Il marocchino ormai frequenta la nostra casa da allora e viene a trovarci circa due volte al mese di sabato.
Quando cominciò, mia moglie, era appena entrata in menopausa e, per sicurezza, lo obbligavamo ad usare il preservativo. Dopo qualche mese decidemmo di fare tutto in libertà per il godimento di tutti.
Laura dopo i primi rapporti quasi forzati cominciò a prenderci gusto ed ebbe una profonda metamorfosi.
Da quando gode intensamente con lui, si sente in colpa nei miei confronti ma io la rassicuro perché, anche a me, la cosa, procura emozioni grandissime.
Il nostro amico è una persona rozza, a volte, anche maleducata e spesso penso di metterlo definitivamente alla porta ma poi non lo faccio pensando che quel suo atteggiamento irriverente faccia parte del godimento che ne traggo.
Quando giunge il sabato in cui lui viene, Laura ed io siamo già eccitati sin dal pomeriggio facendo i preparativi.
Accendo il caminetto e stendo davanti ad esso un tappeto di pelo lungo bianco rigorosamente ecologico. Laura, intanto, prepara la cena tenendo conto delle esigenze religiose del nostro amico. Quando l’ambiente è ben caldo, Laura si prepara. Di solito mette un vestitino corto e leggero e sotto ad esso un piccolissimo perizoma che copre appena il taglio della fica ma dal quale spunta il folto pelo. Prima di conoscere il marocchino, Laura si depilava completamente ma lui da subito ha preteso che si lasciasse crescere il pelo.

Al suono del campanello vado io ad aprire. Lui mi saluta “cordialmente” con un “ciao cornuto”
Entra, mi porge il cappotto e poi abbraccia Laura. I due si baciano oscenamente infilando le loro lingue l’uno nella bocca dell’altro. Le loro mani accarezzano i loro corpi. Laura massaggia l’uomo nella patta dei pantaloni ottenendone un’immediata erezione mentre lui infila la mano sotto la gonna di lei per palpeggiare il sesso ormai umido. Dopo qualche attimo Laura, gemendo, piega le gambe e allora lui la sostiene massaggiandola con decisione. Per Laura è il primo orgasmo della serata. Io, defilato, mi accarezzo a mia volta con molta attenzione a non godere e finire il gioco ancora prima ancora di cominciare.
Durante la cena, l’uomo, racconta di essere in volontaria astinenza ormai da dieci giorni per poter offrire più sperma a Laura e, indirettamente, a me.
Ad ogni portata, quando Laura è accanto a lui, allunga le mani e le apre il vestitino facendole uscire una mammella che poi accarezza e lecca avidamente. Credo che Laura sia ormai completamente bagnata.
Finita la cena si avviano insieme verso la sala dove il caminetto fa un caldo boia. Laura si sfila il vestitino e guardo da dietro il suo splendido culone solcato dalla cordellina del perizoma. I due si tengono abbracciati e si baciano. Vorrei seguirli ma devo prima sparecchiare e spazzare per terra. Sento la musica e so che stanno ballando cominciando a strofinarsi l’uno contro l’altra. So anche che Laura, eccitata ma ancora in grado di connettere, temporeggia per darmi modo di finire i miei lavori e far parte del gioco senza perdere fasi importanti.
Quando entro nella sala aggiungo un po’ di legna nel caminetto, mi spoglio completamente nella penombra, mi siedo nella mia poltrona preferita e comincio a masturbarmi, sempre con cura.
Laura è già nuda e il marocchino indossa solo lo slip. Mia moglie mi lancia uno sguardo, sorride e lentamente sfila all’uomo l’ultimo indumento che indossa. Si inginocchia e comincia ad accarezzare il bel cazzo scuro. I due sono bellissimi così nudi ed osceni illuminati dalle fiamme del camino. Laura ora lo succhia avidamente e vedo il cazzo dell’uomo uscire luccicante dalla bocca della mia donna. Laura, quando siamo soli, mi dice che quel cazzo ha un sapore diverso dal mio, ha un sapore aspro, inebriante che quasi la fa godere senza essere toccata. Vedo l’uomo in piedi mentre Laura si siede e si piega all’indietro per raggiungere il culo del marocchino. Gli apre le natiche e infila la lingua nell’intimità posteriore. Lui non è certo insensibile a questa carezza orale e allora piega le gambe gemendo, pronunciando parole sconce. “Sei una vacca!!, sei una troia...fermati che mi fai godere!!” Ben presto i due si ritrovano nella posizione del sessantanove con Laura sotto. Lui la apre e infila la sua lingua, lei geme e la sento godere come una pazza. Nell’aria della stanza sento l’afrore di sudore che proviene dai loro corpi ormai lucidi per l’eccitazione e per il caldo che il camino emana.
Ora però viene il momento topico. La monta. Laura, quando siamo solo noi mi dice sempre una frase “Tu mi fai l’amore, lui mi monta e mi fa sentire davvero una vacca”.
Ecco, lei si inginocchia e lui la prende da dietro. La sbatte con forza e lei gode urlando. So già che dopo un po’ si sfilerà e appoggerà quel magnifico cazzo davanti all’ano di mia moglie. In questo e un maestro. La penetra lentamente e sempre più forte. Laura geme dice che le fa male ma poi gli va incontro come se volesse far entrare anche le palle. Dalla mia posizione non vedo la penetrazione ma sento i due corpi sbattere uno contro l’altro. Laura viene sodomizzata per diversi minuti ma il marocchino non vuole godere in quell’antro. Quando si sfila, mia moglie, si stende e lui le va sopra e la penetra nella fica. Lui la monta cambiando continuamente ritmo. Ora lento e dolce, ora più veloce e violento. E’ il momento in cui vado a posizionarmi dietro loro per vedere quel bel cazzo che appare e scompare nella fica della mia donna. Lei lo abbraccia con le gambe sulle natiche e geme come una pazza. Quando lui comincia a fare movimenti scoordinati capisco che è vicino a godere. I suoi non sono gemiti ma il ruggito di un leone. Le sue natiche si contraggono e alla fine resta piantato in fondo al sesso di mia moglie. Vedo le cosce opulente di Laura che tremano in un orgasmo che sembra non finire mai. Lui la sta riempiendo del seme di una decina di giorni.

I due restano abbracciati, immobili, ansimanti. Due a****li che hanno appena goduto.
Dopo qualche minuto lui si sfila e vedo il suo cazzo scuro imbrattato di sperma. La fica di mia moglie rimane spalancata ma non esce nulla perché l’uomo le ha goduto troppo in fondo.
Lui, chiamandomi sempre “cornuto” mi invita a prendere il suo posto e a cibarmi del suo sperma. Mi dice anche di non scomodarmi che la strada per uscire la conosce. Poi si infila nel bagno.
Strisciando vado a stendermi accanto a lei che ancora sta ansimando. Ci accarezziamo e lei mi sussurra “ti amo”. Si alza e si mette sopra al mio viso. Solo in quel momento, quando lei è in posizione verticale comincia ad uscire lo sperma dell’amante. Scende sulle cosce di lei in rivoli bianchi e cremosi. Lo raccolgo con un dito e lo porto alla bocca. Sentiamo la porta di casa che si richiude. E’ il marocchino che se n’è andato. Laura si china e mi offre la fica da bere. E’ un liquido denso, appiccicoso, lei geme e io lecco avidamente, mi riempio la bocca, le apro le natiche e lei urla di smetterla che le fa male. Si alza di nuovo, indietreggia e va ad impalarsi sul mio cazzo ormai sul punto di scoppiare. Bastano due o tre movimenti e mi svuoto in lei mescolando il mio sperma a quello del marocchino rimasto ancora copioso dentro di lei. Godo, finalmente godo mentre lei mi bacia e poi, esausto resto immobile tenendola tra le braccia.
Lei mi accarezza dolcemente e mi sussurra “sei un porco!”.
“Solo io!!???...dai andiamo a farci una doccia va!!!”

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Author's notes: If anyone wishes to archive this story, please E-mail me at [email protected] with your request and the address of the site where the story will be located. If you intend to post any of my stories on a dedicated XXX rated Hard-core site, or any site that charges a fee to enter, Don't even bother to ask. I will not permit this. If your looking for a story with strong sexual activity in it, this is not the one for you. Although there will be some sexual...

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My Mother is a very beautiful woman. She’s five feet five inches tall, and her measurements are 38-24-36. My Mother has long curly red hair, and green eyes. She has the sweetest smile, and the warmest personality. Myself I’m 18 years old.My name is Derek Beaudry and I stand six feet two inches tall, and I have a nice body due to all the swimming I do. I forgot to mention that my mother is only 34 years old, since she had me at a very young age. I never knew my father. My grandparents gave my...

3 years ago
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Wife vs wife

Hi! To all ISS readers, my name is Atharva (27), I am from Rourkela working with ntpc. This is my first submission to ISS about my wonderful experience which i want to share with u all. I got married to my girlfriend Shriya (25), few months back and we truly enjoy our sex life. She is very broadminded( more than me also). I must tell u she is extremely hot, she can get any men on his knees with one blink. She has the right figure , with an ultimate combination of 38d-28-36. She looks extremely...

3 years ago
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The Other WomanChapter 10 Taking A Full Load

So Edy’s life went on, her older partners falling into a pattern not unlike that of married couples, though in this case the marriage would be of one woman with many husbands, each happy to push aside any thoughts of the rival partner in Edy’s bed. Mark, Jorge, Paul, and the occasional Don, each similar, each quite different and fun and interesting, and while Edy often fantasized about a simple life with a single loving and attentive man, she did enjoy the unexpected pleasures and surprises...

3 years ago
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What This Night May Bring

“It’s lonely up here, when the tricks have been played. And the spotlight has faded, and the plans that we made have fallen apart. It’s lonely as hell. And there’s no magic spell for a broken heart.” -Warren Zevon, “For My Next Trick, I’ll Need a Volunteer“ NOTE: This story takes place about two months after “So Night Follows Day.” I’m planning a little break when that story finishes, however, I’m aware that I owe everyone a “Festival of Cupid” story, so thought I’d bring it to you in time for...

3 years ago
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The Career WomanChapter 8 BTB with Only One Sentence

Simon: Surveys show, if kids were born in family with older parents and if these kids were lack of any chromosomal or genetic problems they could achieve higher IQ than the kids of ordinary maternity aged women! Newer blood tests check these chromosomal and genetic syndromes (Down, Edwards) well during early pregnancy. When Sean arrived at our family I showed these surveys to Amy and she looked at me with surprising eyes. She searched her words for a while but she found at last, "Simon, I...

4 years ago
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After The Races

We had a hot time last night with a guy named Justin. He had sent us a message on Adult Matchmaker, an Aussie dating site. He was attracted by Sophie’s blonde hair, big tits and hot curvaceous body. I contacted him and arranged to meet at 7.30 Saturday night.Sophie decided to go to the races on Saturday afternoon with some girlfriends. This was perfect. They usually go to a pub after the races so I knew that when I picked her up at 7.15 she would be drunk and very horny.In fact the races are a...

1 year ago
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Choto Temple Ch 09

The content of the message: call me. There was Cy on the other end of the Skype line. Her hair was in even more disarray than last time, and a towel was hanging around her neck. ‘You’re lucky I picked up,’ she said. ‘I’ve just been at the beach.’ ‘Of course. What else is an Australian to do?’ ‘Dan-o,’ she said, ‘you owe me big time, and I don’t mean sexual favors.’ ‘What did you find? I’m very intrigued!’ ‘You sure as fuck should be! Exactly nothing like this has ever come out of...

2 years ago
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Broken Ch 18

Dimitri grinned from his seat on the porch as he watched Madi sit with his niece on the lawn. She smiled as she leaned her head back, letting little Naomi tug at the large pendant on the choker around her neck. She had seemed nervous the whole car ride down, quiet and fidgeting with eyebrows just barely knit, as though she were trying to preplan her actions and words. He chuckled softly as he thought of the surprise that had taken over Madi’s face when his mother had gone directly for a hug. He...

1 year ago
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Cuckold Captions

The cuckold world is very split, you are either a hardcore cuckold lover, or you do not understand it at all. Since you clicked on this review, you are either a lover, or you do not understand what the cuckold fetish offers. Well, let me give you a simple explanation. When a person enjoys watching their spouse or significant other get fucked by another person, they are called a cuckold.Of course, this is a spectrum. Not all cuckold videos are the same; they can also be separated into two...

Reddit NSFW List
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Call Girl Ne Invite Kiya

Hi friends, main hu apka dost Neel Patil from Pune,age 28. With slim body and normal looks aur cock size 6 inch long 2 inch wide. Mujhe bahut saare mail aate hai. Kai ladies ko mil bhi chuka hu. But kai ladies puchti hai kya sach main tum ye sab karte ho aur kya sab stories real hai. To main batana chahta hu ki main 18 saal ki umar se sex karta aara hu. Aaj tak jitne bhi ladies mili har ek ki wish puri ki aur satisfy kiya. Jinhe vishvas tha woh fauran mili aur maze liye. Jihne trust ho please...

4 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 111 Games People Play

Kim walked up the path leading to the front door of the Plummer house. It was quite dark outside since it was nearly eight o'clock in the evening, but the path was well lit. As she came to the door, she saw two burly men dressed in work clothes carrying a lot of equipment headed the other way. They politely nodded their heads in her direction as they passed, but while still in Kim's earshot one said to another, "Did you see that? There goes ANOTHER one! What is this place?" The other...

3 years ago
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Vishi Czarina of GrokChapter 9

Over the following weeks Vishi visited Twania's room nightly, each night a new lesson and new adventure for the wide eyed young woman who never knew such pleasures existed or even could exist. She and Vishi grew to know each other as well. Sharing their bodies and feelings with each other, they became close friends. Vishi was still a slave and never once assumed otherwise, but Twania treated her almost as a sister, albeit an incestuous one, when they were alone. Vishi brought up the...

3 years ago
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Sacred Seedings

Brenda is a natural “high priestess”. She is a “Substantial Figure” in body and personality. Quite beautiful with dark brown eyes, full lips, more than 6 ft tall, long blond hair, a very full but shapely figure with a firm bosom equal to two average women. She exudes a strong but warm personality. It was discovered at puberty that she had congenitally absent fallopian tubes. She still had menstrual periods and a high libido. Realizing that she could not possibly get pregnant turned her loose,...

2 years ago
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my monster experience

I must admit this story is hard to tell. I've told it before only to be told I'm lying, fantasizing, or daydreaming about an experience I had involving the biggest cock I've ever faced. I can understand why people are skeptical since if I wasn't there I probably would question it as well but since I was there and my ass hurt for days after being ruined by a huge cock I know it to be true. Anyone that has had a cock that's in the double digits can testify to the fact that such men that are...

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Casting Sinnndy

I work out at least 5 times a week and look better than I did when I was a teen, and I looked pretty good back then. I didn't want to get too muscular, just nicely toned. I'm still not afraid to show off my body, after all, if you got it... The hardest part of being a mother of 4 is all of the sporting events. Almost every weekend and a bunch of weeknights are filled with being on fields and in gyms, but I love every moment win or lose, and we have made some good friends. I wrote a lot of...

1 year ago
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Best Friends Have Some Fun

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi, before I start this story I'd just like to say that it DIDNOT happen, but I exaggerated it (quite a bit) in this story. And we were both children, so don't be offended. We were just discovering our love for each other, nothing sinister there. So just relax, slip off those underclothes and enjoy the story. Hope you like it! I'd discovered that special place called the clitoris when I was girl, but I'd just left it there. I had tried touching it but...

1 year ago
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Mumbai Air Hostess At Her Best

Hello, Myself Sam, male aged 29 from Pune working in an MNC. I am an experienced masseur only for females and couples. I am OK to travel as well. I do this as my hobby and get to meet a lot of interesting people. I love to network and hence meet a lot of wonderful people across territories through my job. Needless to say, the massages are done at the clients location (home or hotel). Come and experience Nirvana!! Send in your suggestions, feedback regarding the sex story if any, inquiries at...

3 years ago
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Taking Her

I grab you from behind, swiftly covering your mouth, and whisper in your ear that’s it’s time for your punishment. Your hot breath against my hand makes my cock pulse just a little, and as you struggle against me you can feel it growing against the top of your arse. With my stiff cock prodding into you, you reach behind your back and rub your fingers across the front of my jeans, groaning deeply as you feel the entire length, marvelling at its thickness, terrified of what it will do to your...

3 years ago
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Tabbu Cousin Ki Chudai

Hi frnds mera naam Habeeb Khan me Hyderabad se ho. India me iss reader ka bht bada fan ho. Mujhe incest story bht pasand hai ap sab logo kahani sach hai ya jhoot nahi malum lekin itna bol sakta ho me ke everything is possible ab me mere bare bolta ho. Mera naam aap sab jaante hi hai me 24 year ka hoon meri height 5.11 hai me good looking and very understanding nature ka insaan hoon waise meine aaj tak kafi ladkiyoun ko apni gf bana ke bht chudai ki hai spl aunties mere may be 20 se 25 gf hogaye...

2 years ago
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Working late

This story follows on from my last story “On the Road”Working Late.Dannielle had been woken by a call from Paul asking her to come into work early as they had some figures to go over. She knew what that meant, a quick fuck before work. As she was getting ready she remembered what those builders had said yesterday, the photos they had taken and the note they had left. “Wonder if they where actually going to come to her work and find her if she did’t get in touch” she thought as she got ready. It...

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A Squirt Adventure

Jamie flopped back onto the bed, smiling to herself. She rolled onto her side and looked at Kelsey, her legs still spread and the evidence of the night’s pleasure glistening on her thighs. Jamie ran a hand over her friend’s stomach and snuggled up to her side, laying her head on her shoulder as she enjoyed the sounds of Kelsey’s breathing evening out from her third orgasm. The women laid in silence, the early morning sun just starting to peek in through the parted curtains. Kelsey looked at the...

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cuckold lifestyle26

Being a cuckold husband is always fun but when your wife is as crafty as mine its almost to much fun. She knows how to run the ragged edge. Buy this I mean doing her cuckolding while we have friends over or at public places , like the ZZ Top concert in story number 16. Well we had a wedding to go to one Saturday, I didn't want to go...( what guy does )? I was about to complain about having to go when my wife walked in wearing the dress she had bought to wear. It was pale blue, to her knee, and...

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