L'amante Marocchino free porn video

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L’amante di mia moglie è un muratore marocchino. E’ un bell’uomo, quarantenne, prestante sia fisicamente che sessualmente.
L’abbiamo conosciuto due anni fa quando venne a fare dei lavori a casa nostra.
Mia moglie Laura, anche se tra i cinquanta e sessant’anni era (ed è ancora) una donna desiderabile e lui cominciò a corteggiarla spudoratamente anche in mia presenza. La cosa, inizialmente, mi diede fastidio ma poi cominciò a farsi strada in me il perverso desiderio di vederla posseduta da quell’uomo.
Ne parlai con Laura che, in un primo tempo si scandalizzò ma poi, un po’ per la mia insistenza e un po’ perché l’uomo diventava sempre più audace, finì per cedere.
Il marocchino ormai frequenta la nostra casa da allora e viene a trovarci circa due volte al mese di sabato.
Quando cominciò, mia moglie, era appena entrata in menopausa e, per sicurezza, lo obbligavamo ad usare il preservativo. Dopo qualche mese decidemmo di fare tutto in libertà per il godimento di tutti.
Laura dopo i primi rapporti quasi forzati cominciò a prenderci gusto ed ebbe una profonda metamorfosi.
Da quando gode intensamente con lui, si sente in colpa nei miei confronti ma io la rassicuro perché, anche a me, la cosa, procura emozioni grandissime.
Il nostro amico è una persona rozza, a volte, anche maleducata e spesso penso di metterlo definitivamente alla porta ma poi non lo faccio pensando che quel suo atteggiamento irriverente faccia parte del godimento che ne traggo.
Quando giunge il sabato in cui lui viene, Laura ed io siamo già eccitati sin dal pomeriggio facendo i preparativi.
Accendo il caminetto e stendo davanti ad esso un tappeto di pelo lungo bianco rigorosamente ecologico. Laura, intanto, prepara la cena tenendo conto delle esigenze religiose del nostro amico. Quando l’ambiente è ben caldo, Laura si prepara. Di solito mette un vestitino corto e leggero e sotto ad esso un piccolissimo perizoma che copre appena il taglio della fica ma dal quale spunta il folto pelo. Prima di conoscere il marocchino, Laura si depilava completamente ma lui da subito ha preteso che si lasciasse crescere il pelo.

Al suono del campanello vado io ad aprire. Lui mi saluta “cordialmente” con un “ciao cornuto”
Entra, mi porge il cappotto e poi abbraccia Laura. I due si baciano oscenamente infilando le loro lingue l’uno nella bocca dell’altro. Le loro mani accarezzano i loro corpi. Laura massaggia l’uomo nella patta dei pantaloni ottenendone un’immediata erezione mentre lui infila la mano sotto la gonna di lei per palpeggiare il sesso ormai umido. Dopo qualche attimo Laura, gemendo, piega le gambe e allora lui la sostiene massaggiandola con decisione. Per Laura è il primo orgasmo della serata. Io, defilato, mi accarezzo a mia volta con molta attenzione a non godere e finire il gioco ancora prima ancora di cominciare.
Durante la cena, l’uomo, racconta di essere in volontaria astinenza ormai da dieci giorni per poter offrire più sperma a Laura e, indirettamente, a me.
Ad ogni portata, quando Laura è accanto a lui, allunga le mani e le apre il vestitino facendole uscire una mammella che poi accarezza e lecca avidamente. Credo che Laura sia ormai completamente bagnata.
Finita la cena si avviano insieme verso la sala dove il caminetto fa un caldo boia. Laura si sfila il vestitino e guardo da dietro il suo splendido culone solcato dalla cordellina del perizoma. I due si tengono abbracciati e si baciano. Vorrei seguirli ma devo prima sparecchiare e spazzare per terra. Sento la musica e so che stanno ballando cominciando a strofinarsi l’uno contro l’altra. So anche che Laura, eccitata ma ancora in grado di connettere, temporeggia per darmi modo di finire i miei lavori e far parte del gioco senza perdere fasi importanti.
Quando entro nella sala aggiungo un po’ di legna nel caminetto, mi spoglio completamente nella penombra, mi siedo nella mia poltrona preferita e comincio a masturbarmi, sempre con cura.
Laura è già nuda e il marocchino indossa solo lo slip. Mia moglie mi lancia uno sguardo, sorride e lentamente sfila all’uomo l’ultimo indumento che indossa. Si inginocchia e comincia ad accarezzare il bel cazzo scuro. I due sono bellissimi così nudi ed osceni illuminati dalle fiamme del camino. Laura ora lo succhia avidamente e vedo il cazzo dell’uomo uscire luccicante dalla bocca della mia donna. Laura, quando siamo soli, mi dice che quel cazzo ha un sapore diverso dal mio, ha un sapore aspro, inebriante che quasi la fa godere senza essere toccata. Vedo l’uomo in piedi mentre Laura si siede e si piega all’indietro per raggiungere il culo del marocchino. Gli apre le natiche e infila la lingua nell’intimità posteriore. Lui non è certo insensibile a questa carezza orale e allora piega le gambe gemendo, pronunciando parole sconce. “Sei una vacca!!, sei una troia...fermati che mi fai godere!!” Ben presto i due si ritrovano nella posizione del sessantanove con Laura sotto. Lui la apre e infila la sua lingua, lei geme e la sento godere come una pazza. Nell’aria della stanza sento l’afrore di sudore che proviene dai loro corpi ormai lucidi per l’eccitazione e per il caldo che il camino emana.
Ora però viene il momento topico. La monta. Laura, quando siamo solo noi mi dice sempre una frase “Tu mi fai l’amore, lui mi monta e mi fa sentire davvero una vacca”.
Ecco, lei si inginocchia e lui la prende da dietro. La sbatte con forza e lei gode urlando. So già che dopo un po’ si sfilerà e appoggerà quel magnifico cazzo davanti all’ano di mia moglie. In questo e un maestro. La penetra lentamente e sempre più forte. Laura geme dice che le fa male ma poi gli va incontro come se volesse far entrare anche le palle. Dalla mia posizione non vedo la penetrazione ma sento i due corpi sbattere uno contro l’altro. Laura viene sodomizzata per diversi minuti ma il marocchino non vuole godere in quell’antro. Quando si sfila, mia moglie, si stende e lui le va sopra e la penetra nella fica. Lui la monta cambiando continuamente ritmo. Ora lento e dolce, ora più veloce e violento. E’ il momento in cui vado a posizionarmi dietro loro per vedere quel bel cazzo che appare e scompare nella fica della mia donna. Lei lo abbraccia con le gambe sulle natiche e geme come una pazza. Quando lui comincia a fare movimenti scoordinati capisco che è vicino a godere. I suoi non sono gemiti ma il ruggito di un leone. Le sue natiche si contraggono e alla fine resta piantato in fondo al sesso di mia moglie. Vedo le cosce opulente di Laura che tremano in un orgasmo che sembra non finire mai. Lui la sta riempiendo del seme di una decina di giorni.

I due restano abbracciati, immobili, ansimanti. Due a****li che hanno appena goduto.
Dopo qualche minuto lui si sfila e vedo il suo cazzo scuro imbrattato di sperma. La fica di mia moglie rimane spalancata ma non esce nulla perché l’uomo le ha goduto troppo in fondo.
Lui, chiamandomi sempre “cornuto” mi invita a prendere il suo posto e a cibarmi del suo sperma. Mi dice anche di non scomodarmi che la strada per uscire la conosce. Poi si infila nel bagno.
Strisciando vado a stendermi accanto a lei che ancora sta ansimando. Ci accarezziamo e lei mi sussurra “ti amo”. Si alza e si mette sopra al mio viso. Solo in quel momento, quando lei è in posizione verticale comincia ad uscire lo sperma dell’amante. Scende sulle cosce di lei in rivoli bianchi e cremosi. Lo raccolgo con un dito e lo porto alla bocca. Sentiamo la porta di casa che si richiude. E’ il marocchino che se n’è andato. Laura si china e mi offre la fica da bere. E’ un liquido denso, appiccicoso, lei geme e io lecco avidamente, mi riempio la bocca, le apro le natiche e lei urla di smetterla che le fa male. Si alza di nuovo, indietreggia e va ad impalarsi sul mio cazzo ormai sul punto di scoppiare. Bastano due o tre movimenti e mi svuoto in lei mescolando il mio sperma a quello del marocchino rimasto ancora copioso dentro di lei. Godo, finalmente godo mentre lei mi bacia e poi, esausto resto immobile tenendola tra le braccia.
Lei mi accarezza dolcemente e mi sussurra “sei un porco!”.
“Solo io!!???...dai andiamo a farci una doccia va!!!”

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It was plain and simple: Jim Scott had given Jaime Regan a blowjob through a glory hole at a gay bar. Levon wasn’t sure if Jim had actually been ok with it, or if he was just so drunk that all of his inhibitions had left him and he had no control over his urges. Either way, Levon felt somehow responsible. Even though Jaime had intentionally gotten their boss drunk and then took advantage of him for his own sexual gains, Levon shouldn’t have let Jim out of his sight, especially considering...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of an Innocent Girl

Warning: This story contains some non-consensual sex. If you are uncomfortable with these sorts of things, do not proceed and find a different tale to read. Chapter 1: Learning "Do you remember everything we told you, darling?" "Yes, mom." "Where are the keys?" "In the drawer" "Where's the backup?" "In the pot" "Where's the money?" "In the safe" "What's the code?" "7845" Lily's father brought the luggage to the car, a 2018 Toyota Corolla, as her mom continued quizzing her like a manic high...

5 years ago
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Cassis ass

Cassi and I had anal sex once before when we first started dating. But after the first time we didn't really do it or chat much about it for a while. Then the night after movies we chatted a lot about it and eventually with a bit of help from my stepsister we managed to have some alone time together at my parents house.Cassi and I rather quickly made our way to the bedroom where we undress each other. Once naked I laid her down on her back and made my way to between her legs. I started muffing...

2 years ago
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My Secluded Parking Lot

Recently, I was checking out some local walking tracks looking for a good spot to go out in my short shorts and pantyhose. The idea of finally going out in public in pantyhose gave me butterflies just thinking about it. I was searching hard ( no pun intended ) to find someplace safe with only adults likely to be present.While looking for a "safe" spot on Google maps, I noticed an abandoned parking lot that caught my eye. I am always on the look out for a good outdoor place to "play" and take...

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Bible Camp BluesChapter 7

Anne-Marie then grabbed her father and led him to the bed, blowing kisses to my cousins as they pouted over not getting a longer turn with him. They changed their tune fast when Anne-Marie gestured for me to join her and spread her father's cheeks to lube him up good. She kissed me deeply on the mouth and guided my cock toward Marten's asshole to start fucking him for the next part of the deal. He reacted with delight, just as Nicole did while Melvin/Melissa ate her out. "Papa, are you...

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EvilAngel Nicole Clitman Young Blonde Corrupted By Sodomy

Blonde dreamboat Nicole Clitman looks stunning in sexy workout garb. She strips and posies to precede an intense butt fuck with director Mike Adriano. The athletic, perky-breasted goddess spreads her sphincter for some of Mike’s trademark tongue fucking, then effortlessly swallows his thick tool to the root. The energy heightens when Nicole rims his asshole. She takes a powerful rectal reaming loaded with nasty anal gaping and sloppy ass-to-mouth cocksucking. The sweet girl never lets up...

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A Gift For My Wife

The settlement was nice but the feeling that I regained in my lower extremities was even better. Dana was choked up seeing me walk again for the first time even if it was with assistance from the balancing bars. On the ride home Dana teased me by rubbing my thigh and asking me if there were any other feelings coming back down there. What she didn’t know was that those feelings had come back months before but with me unable to move on my own I didn’t want to waste her time. Dana always tried...

1 year ago
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Just before the wedding

Me and my friend have been best friends for many years. We shared everything. But After he started going out with his girlfriend seema, things were different. When they decided to get married I was the first one to know. I was close to seema as well. If they ever had trouble between them, she would always bring it up to me. But before I get into the story let me tell you a little about myself. I am married and my wife is amazingly good looking. I am 5'9 decent built and my wife is 5'7 36 A...

Cheating Wifes
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An adult son services his mom while dad gets an eyeful

My wife Ellie and I have a good relationship. After 20 years of marriage she still takes down her panties whenever I want to fuck her. She never has a headache or tells me it’s late and she’s tired, or any of that kind of shit. When I want pussy, hers is always available. As for being faithful, well, we have an understanding about that, sort of. I know she’s had several secret lovers throughout our marriage, and she knows I never pass up any pussy that comes my way. When she...

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New Girl in TownChapter 5

Tom and Jessica had been lovers for several months and they decided to go out of town on a trip together and just enjoy being alone and having fun doing whatever they felt like. Tom looked forward to their time alone especially because Jessica had been hinting that she was going to give Tom some special treats and that she was going to treat him really good. He could hardly wait to find out what his sexy girlfriend had in mind. Tom and Jessica drove to the resort up in the mountains where...

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I pulled off the road and lit a cigarette. It was a warm summer evening and I’d taken a drive to escape the house. Not that I missed Sarah, I was better off without the slut, but her presence still contaminated the rooms. Memories of her cheap scent seemed to linger, the smell exuding from the walls like rising damp. I couldn’t look at the dressing table without remembering the bottles of her highly coloured nail varnish and lipstick, all neatly set out within easy reach. Even the bedroom...

3 years ago
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Friends and BenefitsChapter 17

"The summer flew by," I told Sherri. "I suppose I should have made more of an effort to see Tina, maybe driven up more than the one time. But the fact was, I got buried in my research." "More than the one time?" Sherri asked. She'd pushed her plate away, satiated with the brunch I'd served, and was now resting her elbows on the table. "So you drove up to Tempe?" I nodded. "Tina's father made it clear that he didn't want her coming down to Tucson just to see me. So I went up for...

2 years ago
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My Changing Life The Diary V

I woke up to aching breasts and an aching butthole. Bobby stretched me beyond what I could ever imagine. But it was a good aching. Now, If I can just get this milk pumped. Where were the girls? It was only 6 am. They're not usually up this early.I eased myself up and gingerly walked to the bathroom. Ah, there they are in the shower, wrapped in each others arms. They looked so lost in Sapphic love. Such a different world we have found ourselves in. I so wanted to join them and have them drain...

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Aarandor war ein kleines Inselreich weit von anderen Küsten entfernt. Einst lebten die Menschen, Zwerge und Elfen auf den über vierhundert kleine und große Inseln in Frieden und Eintracht. Sicherlich, es gab gelegentlich Konflikte und Kriege, aber die Zeiten des Friedens waren lang und die Reiche wohlhabend. Doch vor neunzig Jahren überfielen Dunkle Horden die Inseln, unterwarfen viele und überzogen die übrigen mit Krieg und Zerstörung. Es gelang, die Eindringlinge zurückzudrängen, doch sie...

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creepy landlord leads group sex

I rented a room in an upstairs apartment last year. It was a 2 bedroom apartment, and I rented the smaller room. It was above another house (owned by the same guy) that was rented to someone else. Anyway the landlord said ‘if I ever need to move back in here, I reserve the right, but I probably won’t because I am happy living with my girlfriend at her house.’ Anyway, the landlord Mike was 72 but kind of a young 72 and could pass for late 50’s or so. His girlfriend was in her early 50’s....

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Taking care of my aunt p2

I awoke the next day in my aunts loving arms, our naked bodies wrapped together on the sofa just they way he had fallen asleep together.Aunt Kristie woke moments later as I was staring at her naked body in the soft morning light and immediately looked at me in horror, before jumping up and trying to cover herself with her hands."Oh god Joe, what have we done?" she exclaimed "you know what we did" I replied standing up and letting my soft cock hang out in front of her "It was what you wanted,...

3 years ago
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The weekend as the babysitter part 2

It was 8:30 am and I sent Lauren and the girls to go wash up and eat when the phone rang. “Hello.” I said as I answered the phone. “Hello Mike its Heather.” “Oh hi, how is everything?” “Its going great, I was just calling to check on how last night went.” “Oh god it was great!” “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, you know if you want you can use your cock on Savannah if shes up for it.” “Can I really!” “Yes and if Rayne wants to you can finger her.” “Oh that’s just great!” “Glad your...

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Will and CarrieChapter 7

"Hey!" Will reminded Becky, "You're already one over the limit, here. You said you'd stop at five!" Of course, Carrie had to rub his nose in one glaring fact. "Hold on there, buster. All we did was send Vicky out to see you! You did the rest all on your own!" He thought about arguing, but Will knew he would lose. She was right. He didn't regret what had happened, but he resolved to be more careful in the future. Knowing his limitations, he pleaded "I'm only a man! I love you...

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Invisible Girl An Erotic Romance Pt 9

As they continued along towards her house she suddenly remembered all her news.   “Oh Peter, guess what?” she said.  “My parents are going away for the whole weekend!  You can come over!”  She stopped, struck by a new thought.  “Hey, why don’t you come over for dinner tomorrow night?” Peter smiled at her.  “You can cook, too?”  He looked thoughtful for a moment, and said, “God, that sounds great.  We could actually just...be together.  Yeah!”  And he even gave a little jump as he said...

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MistisAdventures Part 147

It had started off that Essie and Francis had gone to his apartment to gather his things, and Luke and Barbara had followed them in Barbara's car. Essie had borrowed Bruce's pickup to haul his belongings out. Francis had been thinking of buying a car, but hadn't made his mind up as to what he wanted to get, yet. He had, at one time, figured on buying a car. Something hot, and showy, but now was thinking more of a pickup. The newer ones were just as nice as the cars, and were outfitted just as...

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my female spouse cought me on bed taking a black c

I cross dressing & son of my landlord loves me specially on bad. he dosent like to talk to me , he needs me only to satisfy his lust. I m ok about that as he is tall, dark n handsome & he has huge thick cock mmmmmm.I love him so mad for that.one day he called me to see if I m available for him, I said I have one hour only as my spouse mit may come back after that.he came to my basement & surprisingly called his friend too. before I ask something he stuck his already hard tool in my...

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Theatrical……. 5 I was still holding his head and I rested my forehead against his, “I love you, do you know that, have you any idea how much I love you and thank you for this morning, how long was I out for?” I asked, “oh! about 10 minutes, and there is no need to thank me, you were fabulous and I hope you got what you wanted as I suspect that there was a tiny bit of fantasy being lived in you choosing to fuck a black guy” he said, I could feel myself blushing, “maybe just a little bit of a...

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