Maduras Anonimas Cap. 02 free porn video

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Habían pasado un par de días desde mi primera experiencia con una madura. Me encontraba desesperado y ansioso por volver a follar otra vez, pero lamentablemente eso no era posible. Tenía que esperar hasta la siguiente reunión, la cual no llegaría sino hasta varios días después.
Las cosas continuaban con normalidad en el complejo departamental. Mi madre seguía con su horario irregular de doctora, a veces pasando todo el día en casa y otras dejándome solo la mayor parte del día.
Yo continuaba con mis paseos por el lugar, tratando de fijarme más en las señoras e intentando memorizar sus números de departamento para las próximas visitas.
Me excitaba el imaginar cuantas de esas maduras serian parte de la urna, que clase de fetiches tendrían, como se comportarían en la cama. A veces sentía que la polla me iba a explotar de solo imaginarlo.
Mis ratos en solitario los pasaba en la computadora buscando técnicas y consejos para poder complacer mejor a mis próximas amantes.
El tiempo pasaba lentamente pero al fin llego el tan ansiado día. Recibí un mensaje de doña Elide informando que la próxima reunión seria dentro de 2 días, esta vez durante la noche.
Afortunadamente la noche en cuestión mi madre trabajaría en el turno nocturno por lo que yo podría salir y regresar sin preocupaciones.
Al llegar la hora y día señalados me encamine hasta el cobertizo con mi mascara puesta donde doña Elide ya se encontraba en la puerta y alegremente me dio la bienvenida. Al entrar me encontré con un número similar de jóvenes como la vez pasada. Reconocí a varios de ellos y también vi a un par de nuevos.
Doña Elide entro y nuevamente pronuncio su discurso para posteriormente sacar la urna. Procedí a formarme en la fila para sacar mi número. Esta vez me había tocado el 408.
Trate de recordar a quien pertenecía aquel departamento pero no podía ubicarla bien. Llegue hasta mi destino y toque 5 veces como era el procedimiento.
Al abrir la puerta me encontré a una madura exquisita. Su figura era delgada. Llevaba el pelo corto y gafas, las cuales se había puesto sobre una máscara para ocultar su identidad pero al entrar en su departamento y ver la decoración supe de quien se trataba. Doña Mara, 58 años y una hippie ambientalista, de esas que adoran la naturaleza y los a****les. Doña Mara según se contaba vivió antes con su esposo, aunque en realidad nunca se habían casado. Este había fallecido un par de años atrás y ella se mudó al complejo para estar cerca de la escuela donde había encontrado trabajo de maestra.
Ella había ayudado a que yo ingresara a dicha escuela y me había topado con ella un par de veces por los pasillos de la institución. Era una persona muy inteligente y agradable, solo a veces se ponía un poco insoportable con aquello del medio ambiente, vegetarianismo, derechos de los a****les y ese tipo de cosas.
Su departamento estaba lleno de plantas y de libros, con las clásicas persianas de cuentas y el olor de incienso minando el lugar.
Parecía acababa de llegar del colegio pues aun vestía como la había visto por los pasillos; con una falda negra y un saco a juego y una blusa blanca debajo y medias negras con tacones.
-Bienvenido joven amante.- me dijo al entrar.- Te agradezco te ofrezcas a ayudarme a calmar mis ansias carnales. Toma asiento mientras me preparo.
La señora se retiró a la cocina mientras yo me sentaba en la sala del lugar. Al regresar me ofreció un té que según ella me ayudaría a durar más. Mientras me lo tomaba la señora puso manos a la obra y comenzó a desvestirse. Se despojó primero de su saco y luego se desabotono la blusa para dejar sus senos al aire. Tenía unas buenas tetas, no tan enormes como las de doña Claudia pero aun así apetitosas. Al despojarse de su falda dejo a la vista uno de los coños más peludos que haya visto. Pude darme cuenta que no llevaba ni bragas ni bra, lo que me hizo preguntarme si andaría así por la escuela. Tendría que prestar más atención cuando entrara a clases con ella.
-Espero que no te m*****e este desorden. No soy muy afecta a rasurarme el coño- dijo la madura.
-Para nada, señora. Es muy bonito y me gusta más así.- dije halagándola.
-Vaya que eres un caballero como pocos. Tomate otra taza de té. Quiero que me folles con ganas.-dijo sirviendo otra taza más.
Mientras la bebía sentí sus manos dirigirse hasta mis pantalones donde se dispuso a despojarme de estos llevándose hasta mi ropa interior en el proceso.
-Espero que no te m*****e, querido, pero hace tiempo que estoy deseosa de una polla. Tuve que salir de la ciudad y me perdí las ultimas 2 reuniones por lo que te imaginaras lo caliente que estoy.- una vez dicho esto se llevó mi polla a la boca devorándola magistralmente.
La madura trabajaba como posesa sobre mi polla, tragándola toda hasta la base y luego la lamia de arriba hacia abajo. Sorpresivamente se dirigió hasta mis bolas las que lamio con deleite demostrando que en verdad estaba hambrienta de polla. Su lengua jugaba con mis bolas mientras con su mano me hacia una paja estimulando aún más mi erecto miembro.
Una vez se hubo deleitado, doña Mara se puso de pie quedando su peludo coño frente a mí. Mi primer instinto fue regarle una buena mamada pero la madura tenía otros planes.
Se subió al sofá y de un sentón frente a mí su coño se tragó toda mi verga. Aquel coño peludo hizo desparecer mi miembro por completo. La señora emitió un gemido de placer al enterrarse en mi polla y luego comenzó a cabalgarme como si de un rodeo se tratara.
-Ahhh que rico, ya me hacía falta una buena polla, mmmm siii, masss, cariño.- la madura gemía mientras se movía de arriba hacia abajo. Sus tetas se me ofrecieron como dos manjares y sin perder tiempo las ataque con lujuria.
Chupaba aquellas tetas como queriéndoles sacar leche y luego pasaba a los pezones que apuntaban erectos de la excitación.
Gracias a que ella hacia el trabajo de empalarse en mi polla me dedique de lleno a sus senos, usando mis manos para amasarlos mientras mi boca danzaba de uno al otro.
La señora gemía más y más y de improviso arqueo su espalda hacia atrás emitiendo un gemido mayo que indicaba había llegado al orgasmo.
Yo aún no alcanzaba el mío y dado que me había retirado sus apetitosos pechos me decidí a buscar mi propio alivio.
La tome por las caderas y la levante lo más que pude para luego llevarla hacia abajo y meterle mi verga hasta el fondo. La madura entendió el mensaje y comenzó a ayudarme a llegar al orgasmo subiendo nuevamente arriba y hacia abajo. Empujaba mis caderas hacia arriba lo más que podía, tratando de llegar más profundo. El placer no tardó en llegar y apretando su culo con fuerza me corrí llenándole el coño con mi leche y de paso provocándole otro orgasmo.
Doña Mara cayó sobre de mi jadeando y me dio un emotivo beso, metiendo su lengua dentro de mi boca.
Una vez pasada la excitación empecé y mientras recobraba fuerzas a sentir el deseo de orinar, causado seguramente por el té que me había dado la señora.
Me excuse para ir al baño pero ella fue detrás de mí y al llegar al baño dijo algo que me sorprendió.
-Tal vez te parezca extraño o asqueroso pero te importaría mear sobre de mi.- dijo la madura.
Era obvio que con mi experiencia en la red ya había leído y visto videos sobre la llamada lluvia dorada pero no creí que alguna vez realizaría dicha práctica.
El morbo en mi fue mayor y le dije que no habría ningún problema. La madura se metió a la ducha y me pidió que la rociara con mi orina.
Entre la excitación y lo extraño de la situación mi orina tardo un poco en salir pero luego de hacer un esfuerzo lance un potente chorro de pis sobre la ansiosa madura que la esperaba con deseo.
Doña Mara disfrutaba mientras era bañada con aquel liquido amarillento e incluso abrió su boca para recibirlo y degustarlo. Apunte el chorro hasta sus tetas hasta dejarlas cubiertas de orina y cuando el líquido comenzaba a aminorar se llevó mi polla a la boca para tragarse los restos.
-Mmmmm, nada como un buen baño de orina- dijo la señora relamiéndose los restos.- ¿No te gustaría intentarlo?
Contra todo pronóstico y una vez llevado por el morbo termine aceptando aquella extraña propuesta. Esta vez fui yo quien se colocó en el suelo de la ducha mientras doña Mara se paraba frente a mí, separando los labios de su peluda panocha de donde comenzó a salir aquel amarillento chorro.
Era sin duda lo más extraño que había hecho hasta aquel día, el líquido caliente me pego en la cara y pronto me cubrió todo el cuerpo empapándome por completo.
La madura se frotaba el clítoris mientras la orina seguía fluyendo sobre de mí y no sabía si había perdido la cabeza o que pero también comencé a excitarme y mi polla pronto fue recobrándose.
Doña Mara se percató de esto y agachándose dirigió los últimos restos de la meada hasta mi erecta polla dejándola cubierta por completo. Una vez hubo terminado se levantó dejando nuevamente su peludo coño frente a mí y esta vez me lance sobre de el sin darle tiempo de reaccionar.
Doña Mara tuvo que apoyarse en la pared del baño para no caerse de la sorpresa. Usando mis manos separe aquella selva profunda hasta encontrar sus labios aun hinchados por la anterior cogida. Mi lengua penetro en ellos donde pude sentir el ligero sabor a orina así como los restos de mi corrida anterior. He de admitir que el sabor no fue de mi agrado pero la excitación pudo más haciendo uso de lo aprendido me propuse causarle otro orgasmo a mi madura amante.
Aquella mata de pelos me causaba un cosquilleo en mi nariz mientras mis labios se juntaban con los suyos. Entre aquel poblado monte de venus busque su clítoris hasta dar con él y comenzar a estimularlo con mi pulgar.
La señora gemía de gusto mientras le devoraba el coño, sentí sus manos posarse sobre mi cabeza y presionarme para que hundiera más mi lengua dentro de su raja. Le metí la lengua lo más que pude, recorriendo su intimidad y saboreando sus jugos.
La sentí presionarme con más fuerza contra su panocha y de improviso soltó su corrida sobre mi boca con lo que casi me ahogo.
Doña Mara estaba perdida de placer, sin duda alguna esto compensa por las dos últimas reuniones perdidas.
Una vez recuperada, doña Mara me tomo de la mano y regresamos a la sala.
- Te has portado tan bien que te mereces un premio.- diciendo esto se empino sobre el sofá con su culo apuntando hacia mí. – Adelante, mi cielo. Te lo has ganado. No muchos han tenido el placer de follarme ahí.-
Con sus manos separo sus nalgas dejándome ver su oscuro ojete. Por la posición también podía ver como su coño aún estaba chorreando con mi semen.
-¿Qué esperas, cariño? Lléname el culo con tu rica leche.- dijo visiblemente ansiosa.
Un tanto nervioso me acerqué a ella y alinee la cabeza de mi polla con su ojete. Sin saber muy bien cómo proceder comencé a intentar penetrarla lentamente. Mi verga fue abriéndose paso delicadamente dentro de aquel estrecho agujero. La sensación fue muy diferente a la de penetrar un coño. Sentía como su ano apretaba mi polla al entrar.
Doña Mara me miraba mientras entraba lentamente en ella, podía verla haciendo ligeras muecas de dolor.
-Uff, hacía rato que no tenía una buena polla ahí dentro, te agradezco que vayas despacio, cariño- dijo la señora.
Poco a poco su ano fue tragándose toda mi verga hasta que esto toda dentro de ella. Manteniendo el ritmo lento la volví a sacar despacito y de nuevo volví a meterla. Era algo increíble sentir como su ojete apretaba mi polla al entrar y salir. El ritmo lento y calmado me permitía disfrutar más de aquel culo madura pero la señora comenzó a aumentar el paso al moverse con más fuerza y velocidad.
Siguiendo su ejemplo agarre aquellas nalgas y las apreté al tiempo que aumente mis embestidas. Tomando de referencia lo visto en las películas porno le propine una nalgada que la hizo saltar de sorpresa. Al no recibir queja alguna le propine un par más que la hizo dar pequeños gritos de placer.
-Ufff señora, que rico culo tiene, me encanta, uffff, arghhh- gruñí de placer
-Ahhhh, que rico, sigue, mmmm, masss, asiii mi cielo, follame con ganas, uhhhhh, no pares, me corroooo, AHHHHH- gimio la madura soltando un grito de placer.
Yo tampoco aguante mucho y acto seguido vacié mi semen dentro de su apretado culo.
Caí sentado sobre el sillón mientras doña Mara se desplomaba a mi lado. Cuando recupere el aliento me dispuse a vestirme para marcharme.
-Una vez más te agradezco me hayas ayudado con mis ansias carnales y el que hayas tenido la mente abierta con mis peculiaridades. Espero que nuestros caminos vuelvan a cruzarse nuevamente.- dijo doña Mara al acompañarme a la puerta y me dio un beso de despedida.
Salí del departamento un poco extrañado de lo que había ocurrido. De verdad que estas maduras tenían fetiches un tanto extraños. Me preguntaba cómo serían las demás, que clase de prácticas nuevas y extrañas tendrían.
Antes de regresar a mi casa y dado que mi madre no se encontraba decidí ir a la tienda cercana por algo de comer. Al cortar camino por el patio trasero en el silencio de la noche pude escuchar unos leves gemidos. Me di cuenta que provenían del departamento de doña Elide. La curiosidad me hizo acercarme hasta ahí, donde encontré una ventana semi abierta. Espié con mucho cuidado a través de ella y pude ver la causa de los gemidos.
Doña Elide estaba siendo penetrada por 2 jovencitos mientras frente a ella un tercero le ofrecía su polla para que chupara. Aquellas jóvenes vergas la taladraban con fuerza haciéndola lanzar gemidos ahogados por la polla en su boca que se sacaba por momentos para pedir la follaran con más fuerza.
Era increíble ver como se tragaba esa joven polla y por el rostro del chico parecía que era toda una maestra en el arte. Los otros chicos ponían todo su empeño en meter sus pollas de sus agujeros, lanzando gruñidos al hacerlo.
Vi como el chico de adelante se retorcía y de pronto se corrió, lanzando su semen dentro de la boca de la madura quien hábilmente no dejo ni escapar una gota.
Al parecer ser la anfitriona de los encuentros tenía sus ventajas. Me aleje de ahí en silencio pensando en cuando podría tener la oportunidad de follarla. Mientras tanto tenía muchas más maduras por descubrir y gozar con ellas.

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THE CHEERLEADER CARWASH CAPER By STORMKING (M/fff, NC) All characters are fictional and are assumed to be at least 18-years old or of the minimum legal age in your community or region. The idea for this story came from cheerleader car wash pictures someone shared with me a few months ago. A picture really is worth a thousands words or more. Bear in mind that this article is fantasy and not real. Don't try this for real, or you may suffer an adverse change in your life status. If you...

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The Sidewinder Caper

Orlando eased back on the yoke, cut thrust, and the sleek Gulfstream jet settled gently onto the runway of the King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh."Hey! Wake up, beautiful!" he said, leaning across the thrust console and giving Indri a gentle nudge. He braked seconds after touchdown, steered towards the apron, and cut across a taxiway, heading for a private hanger on the outskirts of the busy Middle Eastern airport."We there?" she murmured, rousing herself from an inflight nap. Indri...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates The Baby Sitter Caper

THE BABY SITTER CAPER by Eric David was desperate! He wondered if he could kill his parents and then plead for mercy on the grounds he was a poor orphan! His parents had converted to the weirdest damn religion. They had pulled him out of public school and he wasn't allowed to his see any of his old friends any more. He now went to religious school where the studies and the kids were god awful! They had pulled all the TVs out of the house. Bad influence. All his favorite books...

3 years ago
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The Cinderella Taxi Caper

A sequel to Cinderella's Taxi From Eric: 90% of this is from my shy but talented friend, though I polished and edited it. From Gambler: My reason for writing this is that the initial story ending seemed weak enough to stand on its own, but what really happened was that I was too tired to go on in the morning after writing it for about 6 hours (while downloading MP3 files from Napster and watching TV with one of my eyes in the same time, a real multi-tasking person I am!). I...

4 years ago
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The Props Master 1 Ritual RealityChapter 2 Midnight Caper

Judith tucked her hair up under the short black wig until no blonde strands could be seen. She positioned the black broad-brimmed hat on her head and fastened the cape neatly around her black bodystocking, its red silk lining adding the only color accent to her costume. The cape also served to cover the black shoulder bag that was slung behind her. Finally, she fastened her rapier to the belt. This was her third date with Wayne in two weeks—a kind of dating speed record in her experience....

2 years ago
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Crisis at IshtarChapter 46 Visiting Captains

Bethany walked forward once Brad had left the room. I was puzzled by her action until she reached down to pick up something. It took just a moment for me to recognize that it was the uniform Captain Gates had been wearing when she first arrived. "We definitely should return that to her soon," I said. Bethany nodded, but made no move to exit the transporter room. Instead, she walked over to stand next to me at the control panel. I turned to ask her a question as the speakers started to...

1 year ago
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Valentines Day Night Cap

So me and my girl of 8 months wanted to celebrate Valentine’s day without going to a restaurant and not doing cliche things. So I made dinner by my house and had a couple of drinks with her. I think we had more drinks than food. We had a really nice buzz by 1 am and wanted to do something. So I came up of going to the gym to enjoy the large whirlpool. My girl also agreed it would be nice to be in a warm whirlpool while she is buzzed. I was a member at the local gym and knew there wouldn’t be...

Cheating Wifes
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Tiberius at Capri

Tiberius licked his lips as he watched his newly bought slaves walk off stage. They would be a nice addition to his household. As he was being carried to the palace in his litter, he thought of his niece Mara and what she would be like. Just recently her mother had asked him to admit her into his clan, no doubt to gain political power over him, but Tiberius didn’t care. I will take her to Capri he thought to himself after I break my new slaves in, and he smiled wickedly at the thought....

4 years ago
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KEVIN Andrea’s spending the night with my sister. Most girls their age hardly have nipples, but Andrea’s are totally obvious when she’s adjusting her goofy nightcap, a Night-Before-Christmas type, except it’s not Christmas. Katie’s breasts, I know all about from wrestling around. When the three of us play Monopoly, the two complain I own too many hotels, so I make them loans to keep the game going. Banker Andrea in her nightgown has to lean forward to make change while Katie pretends to sort...

3 years ago
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Hypno Captions

// All characters in this story are at least 18 years old. Sometimes an image begs for some text to really bring out its true potential. This story is for those pictures and captions. Stories will be on the shorter side, just as some bite-sized entertainment to accentuate the pics, though if the fancy strikes, longer stories are fine as well. Mind-control stories only. Fictional or non-fictional, existing licenses or entirely of your own creation, anything is a-ok, as long it's attached with a...

Mind Control
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Sexcom Captions

Most of you guys already know of I mean, it has one of the most recognizable domain names in the world, so it would really be weird if you didn’t know about it. I know that some of you must have at least once in your lives, maybe when you were younger, typed in into google and ended up on this website. When you were on it, you might have gone to the videos, but today I’m not going to look at those. I’m not even going to look at generic gifs or pictures either. What I’m taking a...

Funny Porn Sites
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Empire of vampires 123 Capsule

1.2.3. CapsuleRichard liked the twitching of his prisoner under the latex sheeting. She seemed to like the vibrator. He was sure that she had just reached her first orgasm and was already on her way to her second. It took him some effort, but he took his eyes off her and turned to the small cube of Selene's skull.The cube with an edge length of one centimeter seemed to be a package made of some kind of plastic. The cube was almost entirely black, but had seven small white dots distributed...

3 years ago
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Cuchilla Captivity

Cuchilla Captivityby [email protected] 1Jane looked down from the window in her room to the courtyard below.  She had come to view this as her room even though it was more like a prison cell.  It was comfortable enough.  Actually, it was almost opulent in its elegance.  She had a spacious private bath, a sitting room and a bedroom with a luxurious four-poster king size bed.  She even had a walk-in closet.But it was more of a prison cell than a room.  The closet was devoid of...

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OUR NAUGHTY ESCAPADEHi baby, first let me say what a great time I had this morning, the thought that I helped put a smile on your handsome face brings great joy to my heart. However, we didn’t get to finish our naughty escapade, so just lie back and let me give you the kind of pleasure I know you deserve. It’s late and you have had a long day at work. We have been together for close to a year and the relationship is great, but the sex is of the chain. I hear your key in the lock and I rush...

3 years ago
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Isle of Capri

I don’t know why I’m here. The Isle of Capri had such a lovely ring to it and Italy has always been of interest. It’s been so many years since I had a vacation and so much has happened to me I knew that I had to do something. I thought maybe a few weeks in the hot sun would do me good. I woke up today and realized that it was a most incredible day and that if nothing else, I should go down to the water and see what happens in the Isle of Capri. I don my bikini and put a dress over top of it...

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Friend of the family -Bi Curious story This is my very first story, I hope you enjoy reading it and I hope it inspires you to contribute My name is Jools I grew up in the west country from the late 60’s until the present day My tale based on a true story happen in 1970. At the time I would be at the tender age of 16. When your young the time can’t pass fast enough. cold winters and hot summers. Being a male and the eldest of six brothers, you could say that I had to be the one that dips...

2 years ago
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Friend of the family -Bi Curious story This is my very first story, I hope you enjoy reading it and I hope it inspires you to contribute My name is Jools I grew up in the west country from the late 60’s until the present day My tale based on a true story happen in 1970. At the time I would be at the tender age of 16. When your young the time can't pass fast enough. cold winters and hot summers. Being a male and the eldest of six brothers, you could say that I had...

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Discovering Mom8217s Sexcapades

Hai, this is Agil, I’m a big fan of ISS. I love to read the cheating moms and wives stories. Also I love the incest and gangbangs. I appreciate all the writers in here for giving us the ultimate pleasures of our dreams. They are the inspiration to the new writers like me. I’m not a good writer, actually this is my first try. I hope all ISS readers will forgive my mistakes. Now about the story. This is a fiction story that made up through my imagination. You can understand while reading it. Ok...

2 years ago
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My Fleshless Captor

11 / 12 / 2011My Fleshless CaptorI opened my eyes into a dark covering I sensed. My hands were above my head and binded and my legs were spread wide opened and restricted. Coolness kissed my nude body and I could feel the air move. I sensed a presence in the room. I trembled with fear wondering what all my captor would do to me. I felt a ….seemed like a hand but not a hand rub my thighs. It stroked my thigh up and down until it found its way to my pubes. It twirled strands of hair until...

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Ashleys Spring Break Captivity

As long as she kept reminding herself that it was a joke, she was fine ????????  As long as she kept remembering that it was all a joke, she was fine; she was just another girl on stage in shorts and a tee-shirt. But it was getting harder to treat it as a joke when all these other people were telling them what to do and where to go; how to stand and how to walk, and smile, smile, smile. It was they started taking it seriously that she got nervous.?Because? it was a joke, and it had been...

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OUR NAUGHTY ESCAPADE Hi baby, first let me say what a great time I had this morning, the thought that I helped put a smile on your handsome face brings great joy to my heart. However, we didn’t get to finish our naughty escapade, so just lie back and let me give you the kind of pleasure I know you deserve. It’s late and you have had a long day at work. We have been together for close to a year and the relationship is great, but the sex is of the chain. I hear your key in the lock and I rush...

4 years ago
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My First Escapade

My First EscapadeHi to all Readers, This is Arjun i'm here to submit my "Escapade" experince which is the third one that i enjoyed in my college . A little bit introduction about me my name is Arjun 26 years old , 5'8 Ft tall and Slim Built guy and to an extent Energetic or Enthusiatic most of the time or a careless mindset guy with enthu always. I'll try to post all my RAVISH experience in a series and will try to narrate it in a intresting way.This Story will be a bit odd to believe but this...

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Morgan had dressed for the night, short blue dress with a plunging neck line, dark pantyhose only, no panties and heels to draw attention to her long shapely legs. Morgan was sitting in the bar waiting for friends to arrive. She notice me sitting in a corner booth at the back of the bar. She was curious and intriged, I was dressed in a dark suit, my salt and peper hair neatly trimmed, rugged facial features, muscular build, and she gussed my age to be about 54. She asked the bartender to...

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A Tale To Tell At The Cape

I'm not sure if it was the actually incidence, or the telling of the event that excited me most. Lisa had put on quite a display for the contractors that were working our basement. Every time I relive that episode in my mind, it gives me an erection ( see "A Tale to Tell"). The thought of her being admired by other men (and even by women) in either a scant outfit or a sexy flash, drove me to ask Lisa to do it again, and again. I could tell from the way she paraded herself in front of the...

2 years ago
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Dream Scape

This story is not typical DG Hear. To be honest with you, I don’t know what a typical DG Hear story is. The readers define it to me that way. This story has more sex than usual. It was just a fun write for me. Hope you enjoy it. I want to thank Techsan for his editing prowess. He is definitely one of the best at his craft. * Chapter 1 I’m just an elderly man in my late fifties who spends a lot of time sitting on my porch and watching the world go by. The world to me is watching all the young...

4 years ago
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The Great Escapism

John. He lashed out at the bedside clock, as though it were some vicious yet punch-prone alien. His hands and mind fumbled with it, he turned it over – what the hell is this thing, and what’s with all the friggin’ breeping? He couldn’t fathom as to why anything would make such an awful noise so damn early. Bloody inconsiderate, he thought. Some part of him, perhaps his kidneys, gathered whatever resources were available, and established a ramshackle base camp due south of his yellowed pillow....

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Santa Scape

The grey-haired woman released her lip and said, "Reganald, I wasn't going to call, but it's been a day, the whole time with no communication at all. I am starting to get worried—" "Wait, ma'am, are you saying you haven't heard anything from him for a whole day?" Suddenly there was the sound of alarms and klaxons behind Reganald. "Don't worry ma'am, the SC Ops is on the job. Give us two days tops to find out what happened." The woman breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you,...

3 years ago
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Finding the best landscaper

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. The times can be stressful and exciting at the same time when your husband is promoted with a huge salary increase. But, there is the problem of having to relocate to a new state because of that promotion. Bill and Sally Wilson were excited, it felt like the beginning of a new life. They were moving from an apartment to a new state and...

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The Escapist

Her lips cried no, but her body writhed with carnal passion. Her cries fell on deaf ears, but the language her body spoke was one her incestuous family knew well. Her body began to quiver against her will. She was cumming, and cumming hard. As her uncle, brother, and father filled her every orifice with their cum, and as her stepmother, aunt, and twin sisters watched with lustful stares, she was filled with so much shame, guilt, and hatred that it felt as though her soul was breaking into...

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Suzys sexcapade

1 Suzy got home from work tired and bored from another mundane day at work. Bill was sitting in his chair smoking a cigarette as usual, doing nothing. Going to the bedroom to change Suzy couldn’t help but wonder how things had gotten so far off track in her life. Suzy had a job that paid well but was basically boring, and giving her no challenge at all. A husband that sat at home doing nothing but smoke up the house and spending what she earned. He didn’t even have an interest in sex; it had...

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It was a nice day in June, a nice day to sit out in the sun with your friends and enjoy a cool drink. For the 2 friends Tony and Sidney, it was Capri Sun for them. They both sat on Tony's porch, sipping their juice pouches. The air was thick with humidity and not to mention the awkward silence between the two attractive teens. They didn't know what to say, they just sat there on his porch. They kept on sitting and sitting for about an hour. "Oh gosh, this is really awkward. What...

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Lynns Next Sexcapade

"Really, you're not upset about my being so slutty or wanting to have sex with a dog. "My reply was "No, I get hard just thinking about you with a dog or fucking a group of young boys." "Didn't you say something about a Gloryhole, last night?" "Yes." "What's that?" I explained that at the adult bookstores they have movie booths and in the walls there are holes that go thru to other booths and guys will stick their cocks thru hoping for a hand job or blow...

2 years ago
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Terror in the Snowstorm Final Capter

About fifteen minutes before breakfast was to be served, Tara came down the steps. I motioned her to follow me as I headed for the recreation area. As soon as we were out of range of the servants who were beginning their daily duties, Tara grabbed me and kissed me passionately, smashing her wonderful breasts into my chest and clutching my ass to grind her mound against me. She almost made me forget what I had to say. “Tara, are we going to be in trouble for last night?” “What do...

4 years ago
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average. However, these dreams are not usually the full length movies but the trailers, and most if not all are forgotten upon awaking. They do stay buried deep in the subconscious and occasionally the smallest word, the simplest visual, can bring back a snatch of them... ...The girl stands nude under the evergreen tree. She is very petite, with small, pert breasts. She stands with her arms raised above her head in seeming invitation for something to come from the sky. I notice that...

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It started as any other day with an uneventful drive to work. It was still dark when I started out but, even through the torn up paving in the construction area near my house, I was able to avoid all the major potholes and ruts on the drive. Once out on the highway, traffic flowed pretty much at the speed limit actually letting me get to work a bit early where I easily found a choice parking place close to the building. During the drive I watched the sun rise in my rear view mirror so by the...

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