LA ESTETICA free porn video

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Generalmente, tardo en cortarme el cabello pues no siempre coincido en horarios con el lugar donde habitualmente lo hago. Suelo esperar, más en esta ocasión tuve que buscar otras alternativas.

Así pues, decidí que lo mejor sería cortarme el cabello en el primer lugar que encontré abierto, por lo que me dirigí a mi hogar, tomando el metrobus sobre Insurgentes, contrario a mi costumbre,para evitar los constantes retrasos en el metro en esta época.

Bajé una estación antes de donde debía transbordar antes de lo que debía, así que decidí tomar otra ruta antes de volver a intentar subirme a este transporte, por lo que salí de la estación y caminé en dirección a donde abordaría la combi a casa, más a dos cuadras, la lluvia inició, caminé un poco y la lluvia arreció, por lo que busqué donde guarecerme.

Avancé y encontré una estética, ¡Justo lo que buscaba!, abierta, por lo que sin pensarlo dos veces, entré saludando y pregunté si había servicio.

Una voz femenina me respondió casi a mis espaldas, lo que me sorprendió.

"Sí, claro, pase."

Era una dama en mallón, una batita y debajo una blusita ajustada, que enjuagaba un t****ador.

"Permitame, el agua salpicó y tuve que secar la entrada para no resbalar."

El piso era de losa, por lo que era entendible.

"Acomódese, ahora estoy con usted."

Asentí y mientras me quitaba mi chamarra, por el espejo pude apreciarla mejor: Mujer, en sus 40 imagino, rubia, arreglada coquetamente como corresponde a su profesión y con un tremendo culo.

"Si quieres pon tu chamarra en el perchero."

Eso hice y me acomodé en el sillón justo en el momento en el que la lluvia arreció y para mi fortuna, el viento cambió de dirección, empujando el agua en dirección a la entrada, por lo que la dama se apresuró a intentar bajar la cortina.

"¿Le ayudo?"

"Por favor, se acaba de soltar el aguacero y nos llenaremos de agua."

Sacó un gancho y bajó la cortina a donde la alcanzaran mis manos, bajándola yo a la mitad mientras la lluvia arreciaba.

"Bájela por completo, de cualquier forma ya no vendrá nadie."

Eso hice, mientras ella se colocaba a un lado mio para terminar la labor.

Se colocó en cuclillas y la imagen me hizo fantasear un poco mientras ella separaba sus piernas, para luego alcanzar un candado que estaba a su derecha y colocarlo.

Me incorporé para hacerle espacio y nuestras piernas se rozaron, lentamente mientras me levantaba, dando un paso atrás.

Di otro paso atrás para que acomodara un segundo candado, atento a la acción, por si necesitaba ayuda.

Puso el candado y giró, a lo que le tendí la mano para ayudarla a incorporarse, más acompletar la acción, quedó de frente a mi, su rostro a la altura de mi pene, ligeramente erecto.

Me dio su otra mano y las apretó suavemente, mientras se incorporaba, quedando su cara a la altura de mi pecho, sin soltar las manos.

"Tranquilo, no voy a violarte, solo voy a cortarte el cabello. Permteme, deja me enjuago las manos y enseguida regreso."

Su mirada se fijó en mis ojos mientras decía esto y su voz resonó en mi pecho, en un tono que aceleró mis latidos.

Secó el piso mientras me sentaba, agachándose para escurrir el trapo en una cubeta y yo no despegaba la vista de su culo.

Exhaló una vez que terminó, limpiandose un ligero sudor de la frente con el antebrazo.

"No tardo."

Pasó al baño del fondo y se enjuagó, salió, se secó las manos y me puso la bata.

tomó su teléfono celular y me miró diciendo "espera, deja aviso en casa."

"Ya se soltó el aguacero, tuve que bajar la cortina. Estoy con una clienta, termino con ella y voy para allá, a ver si mientras se pasa la lluvia."

"Ajá, si, no te preocupes, mi vida, ya lo compré y te lo llevo."


"Mi hija, luego se preocupa pero de cualquier forma cierro a las 9."

"¿Cómo va a ser tu corte?"

Le expliqué y preguntó si tambien me arreglaba la barba, a lo cual asentí.

Inició su labor y le expliqué como había llegado ahí a lo que rió.

"¡Casualidad, entonces!", y volvió a reír.

"Sí, ya me urgía y no podía esperar."

"¿De verdad te urge?", contestó, con una sonrisa coqueta.

"Sí", dije, "Mañana temprano tengo un compromiso importante."

"Me imagino, bueno, aprovechemos", dijo mientras daba inicio a su labor, la cual fue rápida, pero con algunos roces y acercamientos de ella, pegando su rostro al mío, sabiéndome inmóvil por la bata y el sillón de corte.


"Sí, aprovechemos, de cualquier manera no puedo ir muy lejos." y es que en ese momento arreció la lluvia golpeando la cortina.

Reclinó el sillón y me dijo "Te voy a poner una toalla caliente para abrir los poros."

Sacó una toalla, la humedeció en agua caliente de una llave y la acomodó sobre mi rostro.

Tomó dos bolsas de té y me dijo "¿No te m*****a?, es para relajar tus ojos."

Dije que no y cubrió mis ojos, permaneciendo ahí, escuchándola mientras me decía unas cosas de su vida.

"Vivo aquí cerca, con mi hija, hace rato me divorcié y tengo que atender las necesidades del hogar."

No podía responder, con la toalla en mi rostro y las bolsas de té en mis ojos.

"Es un poco pesado pero hay que hacer lo que se puede."

La escuché preparar algunas cosas, imaginé eran los utensilios para afeitarme.

Me quitó la toalla del rostro y me dijo que no me moviera.

Me enjabonó y fue pasando la navaja, suavemente, con detalle, perfilando mi barba.

"La tienes grande, ¿Muchas novias?"

"Ninguna, soy ave de paso."

"MMMM, ok, espera, no te muevas, voy a terminar el bigote."

Afeitó y por momentos podía sentir su respiración, ligeramente agitada, muy cerca de mi rostro.

Pasó sus palmas en mi rostro, como midiendo la simetría, sentí su respiración cerca, de frente.

Claramente sentí su aliento en mis labios, más cuando dijo "te quedó bien, no te muevas."

Levantó el respaldo del sillón ligeramente, retiró las bolsas de té de mis ojos y dijo "Agacha la cabeza, voy a rasurarla nuca."

Agaché la cabeza sin abrir los ojos, para facilitar su labor.

"Te voy a quitar la bata, no te talles los ojos."

Eso hizo, escuché como hacía esta labor mientras, a mis espaldas, pasaba una toalla seca, con ligeros toques para retirar el exceso de humedad.

Así permanecí y tras dejar la toalla, pasó sus manos sobre mis hombros, delicadamente, lo cual me pareció buen detalle, para llegar a mis omóplatos y empujarme hacia el frente.

"¡Qué bien!, te dejas llevar.", y rió, a lo cual dejé escapar una ligera risa.

"Ah, ah, ah, no te muevas."

Traté de abrir los ojos pero mis largas pestañas aún tenían humedad, así que permanecí intuyendo lo que pasaba.

Afeitó mi nuca, mis patillas.

Pasó sus manos por mi rostro y las colocó en mi frente, empujando sensualmente para acomodar mi cuerpo.

"Espera, me faltó un pequeño detalle."

Esperé, en silencio, imaginando que pasaría de nuevo la navaja en mi rostro, más en lugar de eso, sentí su mano abrirse paso por mi camiseta, frotando mi pecho y, con su otra mano, acariciando mi rostro, bajando por las mejillas al nacimiento de mi barba.

"¡Te ves bien cabrón!", subió su otra mano y repitió la caricia anterior, ahora a dos manos, recargando sus pechos en mi cabeza, ya sin su batita de trabajo.

Enderezó mi espalda, levantó mi rostro, pegando mi nuca a sus tetas y dijo "Quedaste muy bien, ya terminamos y sigue lloviendo, ¿Te vas a ir así?"

Afuera el aguacero seguía, sonaba fuerte y respondí, "No"

"¿Qué hacemos?"

"¿Qué quieres hacer?"

Recorrió mis pechos con sus manos, subiendo por mi garganta, dejando una en mi barbilla y otra en mi frente, echando mi cabeza hacia atrás, con un beso de piruito en mis labios djo "¡Lo qué quieras!"

Pasó frente a mí, poniendo sus manos en mi pecho, indicando que debía permanecer así.

Subió a la piecera, acomodando mis pies entre los suyos, reclinándose, subiendo su cadera en mis pernas, acoplando su pubis al mio.

Recorrió mis brazos con sus manos, como simulando el que me dejaba atado, regresó a mis hombros, subió a mi rostro echándolo hacia atrás y me besó, suavemente al inicio, acomodando mis labios para introducir su lengua por mi boca.

Mi pene reaccionó, instintivamente y para ese momento, ya estaba más que duro.

Abrí los ojos y puso un dedo en mis labios para luego pasarlo por los suyos, indicando que debía guardar silencio para luego introducirlo en su boca y chuparlo, lascivamente.

Desabotonó mi camisa y la retiró, mientras me besaba, frotando su pubis en el mio, en pleno control de la situación.

Pasó sus manos bajo mi camiseta y la fue levantando junto con mis brazos, dejándome a su merced.

Así la dejó, con mi rostro cubierto, mientras acariciaba mi pecho y lo besaba, mordió ligeramente mis tetillas.

Me dejó con los brazos arriba, casi a ciegas, mientras echaba su cadera hacia atrás y, acariciando mi pecho, bajó sus manos y desabrochó mi cinturón.

Se echó más atrás y metió mano para sobar mi verga sobre el bóxer. Sobó mis huevos y dijo "La tienes grande, ¿La sabes usar?, ¿No te vienes rápido?"


"OK, confío en tí, ¿Tú confías en mi?"


Se incorporó bajando sus pies al piso, acariciando mi pecho, bajando sus manos a mis caderas para jalar mi pantalón y bajarlo a mis rodillas.

Desabrochó las agujetas de mis zapatos y los quitó, junto con los calcetines.

Al sentir mis pies libres, los saqué del pantalón, sintiendo sus labios en mi pecho, su lengua, bajando y lamiendo, llegando a mi verga, aspirando mientras decía "¡Rico!, ya me hacía falta una así."

Pasó su lengua por mi pubis, sus manos pasaron por mi pecho, mis piernas y con una en mi abdomen, pasó la otra por debajo de mis huevos, acariciándolos con las uñas mientras su lengua recorría el camino de mi verga, de la base a la punta.

Bajó su mano del abdomen a la base del tronco y lo sujetó, mientras con la otra sujetaba mis huevos para engullir la cabeza y empezar a chupar.

Suave, lento, gozando la mamada que me prodigaba.

Afuera, la lluvia no paraba.

Subía y bajaba, tragando todo, sacándosela para besar mis huevos mientras sus caricias me hacían retorcer de placer.

En algún momento, recorrió mi cuerpo son sus manos, desde mi pecho hasta las piernas, apoyándolas en mis rodillas, subiendo su cuerpo, pasando sus tetas y frotándolas en mi verga, tallando su cuerpo en el mio subiendo sus manos a mis axilas, levantando mi camiseta mientras frotaba su húmeda vagina sobre mi tronco, masturbándose.

Primero sacó mi larga barba y la acarició, levantó la camiseta sobre mis labios y me besó, permaneciendo inmóvil.

Me besó y dijo "¡Si qué aguantas!, ¡Y la tienes bien dura!, ¿Vas a aguantar hasta el final?"


Me besó y fue sacando la camiseta por completo, la lluvia seguía y los autos pasaban, las luces que se filtraban me permitieron apreciar ese rico culo, mientras mis ojos se fueron adaptando a la obscuridad descubrí su rostro.

¡Hermosa!, prodigando su belleza en esa semi obscuridad, nunca me di cuenta en que momento apagó las luces, dejando solo las de la tele y el baño.

Con mis brazos libres al fin, recorrí su figura, pasando mi mano derecha entre sus nalgas mientras nos besábamos.

Recorrí su húmeda vagina, mojando mis dedos, humedeciendo su culo en ese abundante flujo. !vaya que la dama estaba caliente!

Seguí fajando mientras le daba la vuelta, lentamente, al sentir mis pies en el piso, bajé mis labios a su cuello, el cual lamí desde el hombro hasta la oreja para luego soplar en una caricia que correspondió rodeando mo cintura con sus piernas mientras sus brazos me acercaban a su pecho.

Fui bajando y chupé sus tetas mientras la dedeaba.

Metí un dedo, dos, sin dificultad, alternando mi boca entre la suya y sus tetas para luego bajar, besando su cuerpo de diosa, dispuesta al amor, alternando el movimiento de mis dedos, a veces lineal, a veces agitando en su vagina, disfrutando el flujo de su miel.

Pasé mis brazos bajo sus piernas y la acomodé como si la fuera a penetrar, más tan solo froté mi verga entre sus labios, sintiendo como se mojaba.

"¡Ya métemela, cabrón!", dijo, más era el momento de tomar el control y la besé mientras aflojaba la tensión de sus piernas, predisponiendo una embestida.

Así, con sus piernas en mis hombros, bajé mi rostro y metí mi lengua en su concha, mojada, escurriendo miel por sus muslos, que chupé para volver a su vagina, lamiendo su clítoris, turgente, húmedo y palpitante.

Me di un atracón de sus jugos mientras bajé el sillón para dejarlo recto, acomodando a la hembra para que dejara sus rodillas sobre los descansabrazos, a mi entera disposición.

Chupé, metí mis dedos y le arranqué varios orgasmos, saboreando el primero mientras dejaba que sus jugos corrieran hasta mi garganta.

Seguí chupando y dedeando mientras ella se retorcía, llegando al punto en el que, casi sin que se diera cuenta, encontró su rostro frente al mio, su boca frente a la mía, y en un beso profundo penetré su mojada vagina, bombeando con rapidez, llevándola al orgasmo y parando para que se dejara venir para luego arremeter con furia.

Repetimos varias veces hasta que ella pasó sus brazos bajo los míos, me aprisionó y me dio vuelta, con mi verga dentro, bufando de placer, tomando un respiro y cabalgándome a lo largo de varios orgasmos, mientras sus jugos corrían por mis huevos.

Acariciaba sus nalgas, la dedeaba por la vagina y por el culo y ella solo se dejaba hacer.

En algún momento, se dejó caer sobre mi cuerpo, sintiendo mi verga adentro.

Sonrió, me besó y así permaneció unos minutos, apretándose sobre mi.

Yo sobaba sus nalgas y preguntó "¿Todavía no te vienes, verdad?"

"No", respondí.

"Quiero tragármelos, ¡Echalos en mi cara!"

"Aún falta", dije, saliendo de su abrazo, dejándola boca abajo para penetrarla de a perrito.

Paraba las nalgas, hundía su rostro, apretaba las manos, gemía y se llevaba un puño u otro a los labios, reprimiendo un grito que seguramente pudo alertar a toda la colonia.

La volteé boca arriba, bese sus tetas y sus labios mientras seguía bombeando, sintiendo como ella ya se desmadejaba, disfrutando la sensación, sin fuerzas para seguir pero con el placer suficiente como para dejarse hacer, ¡Era mía!

Así, cuando sentí que me venía, saqué mi verga y me masturbé, lentamente, con sus jugos como lubricante.

Ella entendió el momento y me empujó levemente hacia atrás, se incorporó temblando, la abracé y me llevó al centro del salón, arrodillándose y metiendo mi verga en su boca, agarrando el tronco con una mano mientras con la otra empujaba desde mis nalgas hasta que mi venida fue inminente, tragó el primer chorro y lamió mis huevos mientras el resto de mi esperma caía en su cabello y en su frente, escurriendo por su rostro.

Embarró mi venida en su rostro, en sus tetas, y dejó caer su cara entre sus rodillas, en completa sumisión.

Me abrazó desde las pantorrillas, limpió mi verga y reposamos juntos, en un sillón, abrazados y acariciándonos, mientras ella permanecía, con los ojos cerrados, gozando y guardando el placer recibido en su memoria.

Nos besamos mientras nos vestíamos, miramos el reloj y eran casi las 10, escuchando los carros afuera.

Acomodó un poco el desorden, salimos y nos despedimos, tomando cada quien su camino, con la memoria de un dulce pecado de lujuria que estoy seguro recuerda.

No supe como, pero llegué a una estación del metrobus que iba directo a mi casa, justo una despues de donde debí transbordar, tratando de recordar el camino, pues si algo me faltó fue llenar de mi leche su culo.

Damas, parejas, estoy dispuesto a contactar casi en cualquier horario.

Mensajes a mi perfil.

Espero hayan disfrutado leyendo mientras llegaban al punto de masturbarse y disfrutar.


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In the NavyChapter 24 TeaRoom Politics

Harriet was squinting her eyes in the bright sunlight as she stepped from the manor house. The weather had improved over the last weeks, and they had a hot summer for a change. It was not just the weather that had lifted Harriet’s mood. Two weeks ago, a letter had arrived from Tony. It was just a little over one page, but it had changed Harriet’s outlook completely. For weeks and months, she had been morose and depressed, fearing that her mistakes had damaged her marriage irrevocably. True,...

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GenerationsChapter 45 A Night At The Hilton

“Well, Mr. Tallman, our honeymoon suite is right here,” said Lauren, pointing out the windshield of Peter’s Jeep towards the Sheraton across the street. Peter glanced in the direction his new wife was pointing. He grunted noncommittally and kept in his lane, passing the hotel. “Peter, you just passed the entrance!” remarked Lauren. Peter glanced over at his wife again. Shortly after they had gotten into the Jeep, Lauren had undone several more hooks-and-eyes, opening the slit in her dress...

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Suzannes first gangbang

College parties weren't anything new to me. A break from the drudgery of classes, they happened almost every weekend, and more frequently around exams, at the small northeastern school I attended. It was late fall in my sophomore year, probably just before Thanksgiving break, when I was inspired to try something new. I asked my friend, Jin, if she wanted to join me. We were both becoming sexually adventurous, and I thought this might be something she would want to try."If it's going to be a...

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Alaina Morgans First Time

I can't tell you how old I was, but I can tell you how amazing it was... I had just finished watching some random movie on HBO with my boyfriend at the time, Josh Baker. I was about to go to bed and he gently kissed me goodnight,which naturally led to a sexy make-out session. We began to feel each other up as he ran his hand up my shirt. He caressed my brests and rubbed my tender nipples. I ran my hand down his muscular body towards his crotch. I knew where this was heading - sex. I had never...

First Time
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A Wifes Inner Desire To be Gang Banged Hard By Three Young Men

We all at one time or another dream or fantasize about being in a sexual situation that isn’t normal to our everyday lives. There are women out there who want to be that 40 year old milf while there are others who fantasize about being with another woman. There are men who want to be with that beautiful 20 year old, while other men want to see their wives with another man. We all have some kind of deep dark secrets inside us that brings out the nastiness in all of us. This brings us to...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 593

This is compliments of Charmbrights A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She reduced altitude and spotted a man below. She descended a bit more and shouted, “Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago but I don’t know where I am.” The man below replied, “You’re in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You’re between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 76 and 77 degrees west longitude.” “You must be a...

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Fishing at the Phone Booth

This is a true story. Several years ago I lived in an apartment on a busy street corner where a bus stop was located. I could look right down onto the people who were waiting for the bus or about to cross the street. Behind the bus shelter was a payphone attached to a small neighborhood deli and when the phone rang, anyone standing nearby could easily hear it. I obtained the number of the payphone and I would watch the people gather at the bus stop and I would call the number hoping someone...

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leslies surprise

Leslie was in her senior year of highschool. She was 5'8, 120 pounds. Shehad large, firm breasts. They were a C cup. Her hair was dirty blonde andshe had blue eyes. Leslie was a lesbian. She has been with one girl. Butthat was a year ago. Leslie's pussy has aching for the caress of anothergirl for a year. As Leslie walked home from school everyday, she would walkthe same route as another girl. Her name was Jodie. She was 5'6", 110pounds, blonde hair and brown eyes. Her breasts were perky and...

4 years ago
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Morning Woods

I awoke to the delightful sounds of morning birds, singing their early music and the quiet lapping of water on the rocky shore. When I opened my eyes, I was staring up at the beautiful morning’s sky, the tree tops glowing in the rising sunlight. Chris and I had slept under the stars, beside our campfire for the last night of our camping trip. The food bag hung high in a tree well out of sight, and our tent still fully soaked from all the rain we’d been having. We finally had some amazing open...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Riley Reid Kristina Rose Chloe Cherry Newest Makeup Artist

Chloe Cherry’s finally graduated makeup school and it’s her first day on the job. Her boss instructs her to work on Riley Reid. The girls have instant chemistry: they can’t help but flirt with each other. But Kristina Rose is not impressed, she’s shooting a scene with Riley today and is wondering who this new girl is and why she’s being so unprofessional. She complains to her makeup artist that her new girl is making her uncomfortable: Kristina needs the chemistry...

2 years ago
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A Full House

They all knew the score. They were off to Audrey’s parents for a few days and Audrey announced sternly to her husband “We are going to Grandma and Grandpa, and they are family so Jeff if you earn a spanking then it will be carried out with my parents watching.” Jeff blushed and nodded. He knew his wife would not hesitate to discipline him in front of her parents. Ever since Ryan was born Audrey’s parents were addressed as Grandma and Grandpa, even by Audrey and Jeff, whenever Ryan was...

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The Bet Chapter 40

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 40 (Wednesday - week 6) He tossed and turned on his blow-up mattress for hours, trying vainly to fall asleep. At first he thought it was that he simply couldn't get comfortable. His glued-on breast forms were bulky and uncomfortable, his chastity device was irritating, and the pins from the earrings in his ears kept sticking him. The only thing that he didn't consider as bothersome was the bulk of his diapers, which ever so gradually...

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Fucking My Tenant8217s Daughter

Hi guys, this is Jai from Andhra Pradesh… I want to tell you a true incident which happened two years back….I am just an avg guy with a height of 5″6 well i use to go for gym from my tenth class…Now i completed my graduation…. Well coming to the story..The heroine of my story was my tenant’s daughter…She is damn sexy in her figure…Well she is two years elder than me….But the lust has no age… Well i feel shy to talk with girls or women…Thats why i fear to talk with that girl more often…. While...

3 years ago
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Her Uncle Made Her Cum and She Loved ItChapter 8

Watching K’s young teenage body moving up and down as she fucked B was an unbelievable sight. B was laying his back with his hands under his head, just watching her tight body and enjoying how he was being fucked. His hard-thick cock up inside K’s body was as hard as he had ever felt it. It was also as deep in her as she could get it. K was still fully nude like she had been since her parents left yesterday. She was enjoying the learning her uncle B was giving her as he taught her about sex...

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A Visit from Beth

I left home 5 years earlier and managed to get a job as a fireman in Reno. My sister who is six years younger than me came to visit because she wanted to try life without our parents looking over her shoulder every time she breathed. She told me that even being alone for the 300 mile drive from there to here was liberating. I rent a small apartment and she was welcome as the morning sun in my place. The first night she stayed she crashed on my fold out couch. She was sleeping soundly when I...

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Cant Buy You LoveChapter 12

It was early February when I went to the south ranch to select a site for the hunting lodge. Albert was looking forward to being the guide and lodge manager. It was late afternoon when I pulled into the driveway at the house and sensed something was wrong. There was a note taped to the back door that read: Jake, Got the report of an illegal hanging around your house. Found her messing around in your smokehouse. Rick “Her,” I said out loud. I ran into the house. “Rosalia,” I called...

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Louise Liebes 2 Film Fragment


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expanding the pack

Intro. The creature moved closer to the road. He could now smell and hear his prey. Slowly he moved closer making sure to stay low so he wouldn’t be seen. As he approached the tree line he caught a glimpse of her between the trees. Staying low he positioned himself so he could get a good look at his prey. As she walked down the road she moved into the creature line of sight and he got his first good look at her. She was 5’ 6”, 130 pounds with black hair and tan skin. She couldn’t have been...

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More Than Hanging OutChapter 3

"Yes, I want to, so much," I told her. "Let's do it doggie-style, I just love it that way," she said and she had me get off and she turned over on her hands and knees and asked me to get between her legs and do it that way, from behind. I knelt between her legs, her beautiful round butt so soft and warm in my hands as I looked at her pussy's lips, wet and eager, a little of my white cum showing between her pussy lips, as I pushed into her snug, warm insides and began fucking her once...

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Chapter 1 - I Must Be A Big Cock MagnetMy name is Brittany and what follows are my unbelievable Big Cock sexual encountersduring my trip to Las Vegas last month. I thought I had been fucked by some big cocksbefore, but the cocks are even bigger (and better) this time around! For those of you whoare not already familiar with me, I’m 25 years old with blonde hair and blue eyes. Mostguys say that my best feature is my 34DD breasts which really stand out on my 5 foot 3inch, 103 pound frame.The...

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Game Night 2

Jessica walked with her mother down the hall towards the bathroom. Her pussy tingled as semen slowly dripped down her thighs. She looked over her shoulder and could see Curtis following them. He grinned at her and she glanced lower to see his long thick cock swinging from side to side. Her mind whirled as she remembered just how that cock had pummeled her virgin pussy giving her pleasure she had never imagined. She suddenly smiled at him too.“Can we have a few minutes of privacy to clean up?”...

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When I arrived, they had me register and fill out a form to indicate what parts of my body were the most stressed, and I just circled the entire diagram, indicating my whole body needed attention. I was shown into a dimly lit room, with candles lit and a light fragrance in the air. I could feel my body immediately begin to relax. My masseuse came in and introduced herself as Clarissa. I told her my name was Sophie, and explained how much I was looking forward to this massage, given how...

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480 the ladies on the moor

480 the ladies on the moorIt was getting dusk, when the motor spluttered and died, I had driven thousands of miles in that old girl and she chose here, the middle of bloody nowhere to splutter out on me. After a quick look under that bonnet thing at the front, at the ….erm engine…yes that’s what the dealer called it… anyway it was nothing I could put my finger on …well it was all too hot, and as I hadn’t looked under there since I bought it 3 years ago, I had no idea what I was looking at, or...

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Lust Pleasure And Passionate 8211 Part V

Hello I am pankaj from Goa and this is 5th part of my sex story those who read they know how it started physical affair with Roma.Brief about Roma she is catholic married with one child ,she is gorgeous and have extremely hot figure, presently staying in UK. Let me began with story lust & pleasure with Roma as we both were starving for wild sex. As I had mentioned about her maid which was one of big obstacle for us not getting that kind freedom in her home especially Roma told me she like to...

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Punishment in Dubai part one

This story is written by Jennifer, it is not entirely fiction but based on a recent trip I had to Dubai, the names have been changed to protect the innocent and the challenge is to decide what is fiction and what is not. My assistant Tanya and I had been assigned to the UAE to collect data and video for a Television feature, we were to meet an older British couple named Charles and Penelope who lived there and they would help us get around and meet the right people. Once we met them they...

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Sweet Dreams Are Made of This Ch01

Chapter: January "Starting the Year With a Bang” * “Hey, asshole.” Isn’t it funny how some things never change? First and last impression, like mirror images. Those were the first words Greg Bartels had ever spoken to him, and despite not having seen the guy for nearly two years, were the first to spill out of his mouth again. It wasn’t unexpected, but Jahn hadn’t liked the guy since the beginning; he came off a cocky bastard who had none of the physique to back up the unspoken threats of...

Love Stories
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BlacksOnBlondes Lily Rader 10172017

What starts as an innocent game of billiards turns quickly into an all-out fuck fest. In addition to being a “BCS”, Lily Rader considers herself a “pool shark” — but her skills are obviously lacking. And instead of money, they’re playing for articles of clothing. Miss a shot? Pull off your shirt. Sink the cue ball to scratch? Pull those panties off! Since she’s a black cock slut, it doesn’t take much for Lily to drop to her knees and open her wet,...

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Thieves Guild of Blessings and Curses

Tales of Airousse Moor One Thieves Guild, of Blessings and Curses Worming her way through a narrow air shaft Kayren lowered herself into the room. Not trusting the small rug under the air shaft she swung herself to a clear patch of floor. Landing safely she quickly went to work on the locked door. Finding an odd resistance as she slid the door open less than a millimeter she began a check for traps. She discovered a deadfall and quickly disarmed it. After locking the door...

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My wife Jane wanted to spice our relationship up a bit and asked if she could use something on me? what like i asked, she said a strap-on -dildo. well at 1st i thought that might hurt and then i said well if you get one make sure its small and thin, but 1st when we have sex tonight i want you to use your finger and poke me whilst wanking me off. Jane was up for that. bed time had come around and i had a quick shower and Jane was already laid out on the bed waiting for me. i dried myself off and...

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Beach Fun

Beach Fun By [email protected] happened to me when I was a freshman in college. It was Spring Break time, and me and a few of my buddies flew down to Florida to party and to have some fun. I was doing okay in college, and we wanted to have fun and meet some chicks at the beach.The beach was full of women of all ages tanning themselves in the great Florida sun. A lot of them were lying face down with their tops undone so that their backs would get a no line tan. I thought I would have...

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Our first anniversary part two

Throughout the day, we worked in the yard. It was a hot summer day and we got a lot done. Amy looked sensational and she was full of zest; it seems that her morning sex with Gary gave her an even bigger libido than she had before, I certainly wasn’t complaining. She would tease me at every opportunity that Gary knew what lingerie she was wearing but I didn’t.Amy fixed lunch and we ate in the back yard, I did everything that I could to reassure Gary that I was okay with him having sex with my...

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Sexy Step Daughter

My sexy step daughter who I have lusted after for years met and married her husband in 2017 aged 27 and I was asked if I would give her away. I agreed and the day came when she became a hot wife. I was there or there about's for most of the day and seeing her in a number of stages of undressed as she got ready was straining my cock to the limits. She looked amazing as we set off for the church and I told her so when we were seated in the back of the wedding car. She said thank you and leaned...

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My first big black cock blowjob

I've been getting a lot of questions recently about my first black cock. As my screen name implies, I love fucking chocolate dick, and get to at least 5 days a week. Most of the times it's gangbangs and I love riding them, sucking them, and getting fucked by them till they're exploding all over me and in me. So I figured I'd tell you about the first time I sucked a BBC and do another story about my first time getting fucked in a different story. I hope you enjoy!So this was the end of my senior...

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2 Boy 2 Girl Cousins Volume 6 7

Well we left off on Sunday evening, we had worked on the neighbors farm, helping get the hay up and then into the Hay Mow. We were tired for sure, we had just returned from a refreshing skinny dip in the pond, it was not even 8 yet, but we were tired. Grandma said I bet you kids are beat, we all replied yep we worked hard today, that dip in the pond was really refreshing. PopPop said Mom's going the grocery in town tomorrow bet you will want to go, that money must be burning a hole in your...

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Ballad of the SamuraiChapter 14

Kyori stared at the weapons the god held in his enormous hands. One was the biggest sword he had ever seen. Well, not totally true, he had seen it before when Arrian had been transported to this place for the first time. The other weapon was a monstrous axe. It spanned four feet from the tip of one edge to the tip of the other. The handle was at least seven feet in length. Kyori look down at his Muramasa and smiled. As he did, the point of the blade pulsed a faint green glow. He looked back...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonEpilogue

When I had been told by Phaltina that I was going to my paradise, I did not think that she would mean being sent back to life. I awoke to find myself naked on a rocky crag not that far from the village. Just after I appeared there, Aphronia, of all people, found me. She had heard of my death, so she was shocked to find me there. She had a blanket in her pack and gave me that to allow for some semblance of modesty on our trek back to Int’samba. I asked if Janet and the others had come and gone...

2 years ago
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Expect The Unexpected Twists

Hello Everyone I’m Krish from Hyderabad, 22-year-old guy with 6ft height and well built body and a 6 in cock to satisfy the needs of a women. I do have a good smile well that’s what many have told me, I have been a big fan of ISS as it allows people to share their experiences with the world which may help a few in spicing up their sexual encounters. Now coming to this incident it happened a couple of months back with one of my friends’ friend, her name is Indu, she is 25 years old dusky in her...

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The House In The Woods A Sexual HistoryChapter 5

The next morning I woke up early in Sarah's warm, heavy arms. Restlessly, I thought about us, about Ed, about the future. It was so frightening, and yet it was actually possible to visualise a future with Sarah, if we could just wait until she left school. I would plan a trip for us, a big, big trip to the places whose names haunted my atlas. Marrakesh, Nepal, Kashmir, Ceylon ... Sarah would have a gap year to last a lifetime. Wouldn't it seem entirely natural for two young women to go...

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The Reunion

Introductory notes: John and his sister are attending the 10-year class reunion. Depending on the choice selected, they either know they're siblings or they don't, and they find out during the course of the story. Option 1: They know they're siblings. Option 2: They don't know and are actually married. Option 3: John goes by himself but meets Amanda in town and she was best friend from high school.

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No Strangers Allowed in TombstoneChapter 5

Lucy thought Bat looked a little subdued when she entered the jail. He usually was quite loud and demanding just to show her who was boss. He told her to go upstairs. She surmised that something was amiss and was not surprised to see him appear at the door with his leather belt in his hand. Lucy quickly went down into the doggy position to give Bat good access to her rear end and lots of room to swing his belt. She had become a well-trained submissive after months of obedience training by...

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