LA ESTETICA free porn video

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Generalmente, tardo en cortarme el cabello pues no siempre coincido en horarios con el lugar donde habitualmente lo hago. Suelo esperar, más en esta ocasión tuve que buscar otras alternativas.

Así pues, decidí que lo mejor sería cortarme el cabello en el primer lugar que encontré abierto, por lo que me dirigí a mi hogar, tomando el metrobus sobre Insurgentes, contrario a mi costumbre,para evitar los constantes retrasos en el metro en esta época.

Bajé una estación antes de donde debía transbordar antes de lo que debía, así que decidí tomar otra ruta antes de volver a intentar subirme a este transporte, por lo que salí de la estación y caminé en dirección a donde abordaría la combi a casa, más a dos cuadras, la lluvia inició, caminé un poco y la lluvia arreció, por lo que busqué donde guarecerme.

Avancé y encontré una estética, ¡Justo lo que buscaba!, abierta, por lo que sin pensarlo dos veces, entré saludando y pregunté si había servicio.

Una voz femenina me respondió casi a mis espaldas, lo que me sorprendió.

"Sí, claro, pase."

Era una dama en mallón, una batita y debajo una blusita ajustada, que enjuagaba un t****ador.

"Permitame, el agua salpicó y tuve que secar la entrada para no resbalar."

El piso era de losa, por lo que era entendible.

"Acomódese, ahora estoy con usted."

Asentí y mientras me quitaba mi chamarra, por el espejo pude apreciarla mejor: Mujer, en sus 40 imagino, rubia, arreglada coquetamente como corresponde a su profesión y con un tremendo culo.

"Si quieres pon tu chamarra en el perchero."

Eso hice y me acomodé en el sillón justo en el momento en el que la lluvia arreció y para mi fortuna, el viento cambió de dirección, empujando el agua en dirección a la entrada, por lo que la dama se apresuró a intentar bajar la cortina.

"¿Le ayudo?"

"Por favor, se acaba de soltar el aguacero y nos llenaremos de agua."

Sacó un gancho y bajó la cortina a donde la alcanzaran mis manos, bajándola yo a la mitad mientras la lluvia arreciaba.

"Bájela por completo, de cualquier forma ya no vendrá nadie."

Eso hice, mientras ella se colocaba a un lado mio para terminar la labor.

Se colocó en cuclillas y la imagen me hizo fantasear un poco mientras ella separaba sus piernas, para luego alcanzar un candado que estaba a su derecha y colocarlo.

Me incorporé para hacerle espacio y nuestras piernas se rozaron, lentamente mientras me levantaba, dando un paso atrás.

Di otro paso atrás para que acomodara un segundo candado, atento a la acción, por si necesitaba ayuda.

Puso el candado y giró, a lo que le tendí la mano para ayudarla a incorporarse, más acompletar la acción, quedó de frente a mi, su rostro a la altura de mi pene, ligeramente erecto.

Me dio su otra mano y las apretó suavemente, mientras se incorporaba, quedando su cara a la altura de mi pecho, sin soltar las manos.

"Tranquilo, no voy a violarte, solo voy a cortarte el cabello. Permteme, deja me enjuago las manos y enseguida regreso."

Su mirada se fijó en mis ojos mientras decía esto y su voz resonó en mi pecho, en un tono que aceleró mis latidos.

Secó el piso mientras me sentaba, agachándose para escurrir el trapo en una cubeta y yo no despegaba la vista de su culo.

Exhaló una vez que terminó, limpiandose un ligero sudor de la frente con el antebrazo.

"No tardo."

Pasó al baño del fondo y se enjuagó, salió, se secó las manos y me puso la bata.

tomó su teléfono celular y me miró diciendo "espera, deja aviso en casa."

"Ya se soltó el aguacero, tuve que bajar la cortina. Estoy con una clienta, termino con ella y voy para allá, a ver si mientras se pasa la lluvia."

"Ajá, si, no te preocupes, mi vida, ya lo compré y te lo llevo."


"Mi hija, luego se preocupa pero de cualquier forma cierro a las 9."

"¿Cómo va a ser tu corte?"

Le expliqué y preguntó si tambien me arreglaba la barba, a lo cual asentí.

Inició su labor y le expliqué como había llegado ahí a lo que rió.

"¡Casualidad, entonces!", y volvió a reír.

"Sí, ya me urgía y no podía esperar."

"¿De verdad te urge?", contestó, con una sonrisa coqueta.

"Sí", dije, "Mañana temprano tengo un compromiso importante."

"Me imagino, bueno, aprovechemos", dijo mientras daba inicio a su labor, la cual fue rápida, pero con algunos roces y acercamientos de ella, pegando su rostro al mío, sabiéndome inmóvil por la bata y el sillón de corte.


"Sí, aprovechemos, de cualquier manera no puedo ir muy lejos." y es que en ese momento arreció la lluvia golpeando la cortina.

Reclinó el sillón y me dijo "Te voy a poner una toalla caliente para abrir los poros."

Sacó una toalla, la humedeció en agua caliente de una llave y la acomodó sobre mi rostro.

Tomó dos bolsas de té y me dijo "¿No te m*****a?, es para relajar tus ojos."

Dije que no y cubrió mis ojos, permaneciendo ahí, escuchándola mientras me decía unas cosas de su vida.

"Vivo aquí cerca, con mi hija, hace rato me divorcié y tengo que atender las necesidades del hogar."

No podía responder, con la toalla en mi rostro y las bolsas de té en mis ojos.

"Es un poco pesado pero hay que hacer lo que se puede."

La escuché preparar algunas cosas, imaginé eran los utensilios para afeitarme.

Me quitó la toalla del rostro y me dijo que no me moviera.

Me enjabonó y fue pasando la navaja, suavemente, con detalle, perfilando mi barba.

"La tienes grande, ¿Muchas novias?"

"Ninguna, soy ave de paso."

"MMMM, ok, espera, no te muevas, voy a terminar el bigote."

Afeitó y por momentos podía sentir su respiración, ligeramente agitada, muy cerca de mi rostro.

Pasó sus palmas en mi rostro, como midiendo la simetría, sentí su respiración cerca, de frente.

Claramente sentí su aliento en mis labios, más cuando dijo "te quedó bien, no te muevas."

Levantó el respaldo del sillón ligeramente, retiró las bolsas de té de mis ojos y dijo "Agacha la cabeza, voy a rasurarla nuca."

Agaché la cabeza sin abrir los ojos, para facilitar su labor.

"Te voy a quitar la bata, no te talles los ojos."

Eso hizo, escuché como hacía esta labor mientras, a mis espaldas, pasaba una toalla seca, con ligeros toques para retirar el exceso de humedad.

Así permanecí y tras dejar la toalla, pasó sus manos sobre mis hombros, delicadamente, lo cual me pareció buen detalle, para llegar a mis omóplatos y empujarme hacia el frente.

"¡Qué bien!, te dejas llevar.", y rió, a lo cual dejé escapar una ligera risa.

"Ah, ah, ah, no te muevas."

Traté de abrir los ojos pero mis largas pestañas aún tenían humedad, así que permanecí intuyendo lo que pasaba.

Afeitó mi nuca, mis patillas.

Pasó sus manos por mi rostro y las colocó en mi frente, empujando sensualmente para acomodar mi cuerpo.

"Espera, me faltó un pequeño detalle."

Esperé, en silencio, imaginando que pasaría de nuevo la navaja en mi rostro, más en lugar de eso, sentí su mano abrirse paso por mi camiseta, frotando mi pecho y, con su otra mano, acariciando mi rostro, bajando por las mejillas al nacimiento de mi barba.

"¡Te ves bien cabrón!", subió su otra mano y repitió la caricia anterior, ahora a dos manos, recargando sus pechos en mi cabeza, ya sin su batita de trabajo.

Enderezó mi espalda, levantó mi rostro, pegando mi nuca a sus tetas y dijo "Quedaste muy bien, ya terminamos y sigue lloviendo, ¿Te vas a ir así?"

Afuera el aguacero seguía, sonaba fuerte y respondí, "No"

"¿Qué hacemos?"

"¿Qué quieres hacer?"

Recorrió mis pechos con sus manos, subiendo por mi garganta, dejando una en mi barbilla y otra en mi frente, echando mi cabeza hacia atrás, con un beso de piruito en mis labios djo "¡Lo qué quieras!"

Pasó frente a mí, poniendo sus manos en mi pecho, indicando que debía permanecer así.

Subió a la piecera, acomodando mis pies entre los suyos, reclinándose, subiendo su cadera en mis pernas, acoplando su pubis al mio.

Recorrió mis brazos con sus manos, como simulando el que me dejaba atado, regresó a mis hombros, subió a mi rostro echándolo hacia atrás y me besó, suavemente al inicio, acomodando mis labios para introducir su lengua por mi boca.

Mi pene reaccionó, instintivamente y para ese momento, ya estaba más que duro.

Abrí los ojos y puso un dedo en mis labios para luego pasarlo por los suyos, indicando que debía guardar silencio para luego introducirlo en su boca y chuparlo, lascivamente.

Desabotonó mi camisa y la retiró, mientras me besaba, frotando su pubis en el mio, en pleno control de la situación.

Pasó sus manos bajo mi camiseta y la fue levantando junto con mis brazos, dejándome a su merced.

Así la dejó, con mi rostro cubierto, mientras acariciaba mi pecho y lo besaba, mordió ligeramente mis tetillas.

Me dejó con los brazos arriba, casi a ciegas, mientras echaba su cadera hacia atrás y, acariciando mi pecho, bajó sus manos y desabrochó mi cinturón.

Se echó más atrás y metió mano para sobar mi verga sobre el bóxer. Sobó mis huevos y dijo "La tienes grande, ¿La sabes usar?, ¿No te vienes rápido?"


"OK, confío en tí, ¿Tú confías en mi?"


Se incorporó bajando sus pies al piso, acariciando mi pecho, bajando sus manos a mis caderas para jalar mi pantalón y bajarlo a mis rodillas.

Desabrochó las agujetas de mis zapatos y los quitó, junto con los calcetines.

Al sentir mis pies libres, los saqué del pantalón, sintiendo sus labios en mi pecho, su lengua, bajando y lamiendo, llegando a mi verga, aspirando mientras decía "¡Rico!, ya me hacía falta una así."

Pasó su lengua por mi pubis, sus manos pasaron por mi pecho, mis piernas y con una en mi abdomen, pasó la otra por debajo de mis huevos, acariciándolos con las uñas mientras su lengua recorría el camino de mi verga, de la base a la punta.

Bajó su mano del abdomen a la base del tronco y lo sujetó, mientras con la otra sujetaba mis huevos para engullir la cabeza y empezar a chupar.

Suave, lento, gozando la mamada que me prodigaba.

Afuera, la lluvia no paraba.

Subía y bajaba, tragando todo, sacándosela para besar mis huevos mientras sus caricias me hacían retorcer de placer.

En algún momento, recorrió mi cuerpo son sus manos, desde mi pecho hasta las piernas, apoyándolas en mis rodillas, subiendo su cuerpo, pasando sus tetas y frotándolas en mi verga, tallando su cuerpo en el mio subiendo sus manos a mis axilas, levantando mi camiseta mientras frotaba su húmeda vagina sobre mi tronco, masturbándose.

Primero sacó mi larga barba y la acarició, levantó la camiseta sobre mis labios y me besó, permaneciendo inmóvil.

Me besó y dijo "¡Si qué aguantas!, ¡Y la tienes bien dura!, ¿Vas a aguantar hasta el final?"


Me besó y fue sacando la camiseta por completo, la lluvia seguía y los autos pasaban, las luces que se filtraban me permitieron apreciar ese rico culo, mientras mis ojos se fueron adaptando a la obscuridad descubrí su rostro.

¡Hermosa!, prodigando su belleza en esa semi obscuridad, nunca me di cuenta en que momento apagó las luces, dejando solo las de la tele y el baño.

Con mis brazos libres al fin, recorrí su figura, pasando mi mano derecha entre sus nalgas mientras nos besábamos.

Recorrí su húmeda vagina, mojando mis dedos, humedeciendo su culo en ese abundante flujo. !vaya que la dama estaba caliente!

Seguí fajando mientras le daba la vuelta, lentamente, al sentir mis pies en el piso, bajé mis labios a su cuello, el cual lamí desde el hombro hasta la oreja para luego soplar en una caricia que correspondió rodeando mo cintura con sus piernas mientras sus brazos me acercaban a su pecho.

Fui bajando y chupé sus tetas mientras la dedeaba.

Metí un dedo, dos, sin dificultad, alternando mi boca entre la suya y sus tetas para luego bajar, besando su cuerpo de diosa, dispuesta al amor, alternando el movimiento de mis dedos, a veces lineal, a veces agitando en su vagina, disfrutando el flujo de su miel.

Pasé mis brazos bajo sus piernas y la acomodé como si la fuera a penetrar, más tan solo froté mi verga entre sus labios, sintiendo como se mojaba.

"¡Ya métemela, cabrón!", dijo, más era el momento de tomar el control y la besé mientras aflojaba la tensión de sus piernas, predisponiendo una embestida.

Así, con sus piernas en mis hombros, bajé mi rostro y metí mi lengua en su concha, mojada, escurriendo miel por sus muslos, que chupé para volver a su vagina, lamiendo su clítoris, turgente, húmedo y palpitante.

Me di un atracón de sus jugos mientras bajé el sillón para dejarlo recto, acomodando a la hembra para que dejara sus rodillas sobre los descansabrazos, a mi entera disposición.

Chupé, metí mis dedos y le arranqué varios orgasmos, saboreando el primero mientras dejaba que sus jugos corrieran hasta mi garganta.

Seguí chupando y dedeando mientras ella se retorcía, llegando al punto en el que, casi sin que se diera cuenta, encontró su rostro frente al mio, su boca frente a la mía, y en un beso profundo penetré su mojada vagina, bombeando con rapidez, llevándola al orgasmo y parando para que se dejara venir para luego arremeter con furia.

Repetimos varias veces hasta que ella pasó sus brazos bajo los míos, me aprisionó y me dio vuelta, con mi verga dentro, bufando de placer, tomando un respiro y cabalgándome a lo largo de varios orgasmos, mientras sus jugos corrían por mis huevos.

Acariciaba sus nalgas, la dedeaba por la vagina y por el culo y ella solo se dejaba hacer.

En algún momento, se dejó caer sobre mi cuerpo, sintiendo mi verga adentro.

Sonrió, me besó y así permaneció unos minutos, apretándose sobre mi.

Yo sobaba sus nalgas y preguntó "¿Todavía no te vienes, verdad?"

"No", respondí.

"Quiero tragármelos, ¡Echalos en mi cara!"

"Aún falta", dije, saliendo de su abrazo, dejándola boca abajo para penetrarla de a perrito.

Paraba las nalgas, hundía su rostro, apretaba las manos, gemía y se llevaba un puño u otro a los labios, reprimiendo un grito que seguramente pudo alertar a toda la colonia.

La volteé boca arriba, bese sus tetas y sus labios mientras seguía bombeando, sintiendo como ella ya se desmadejaba, disfrutando la sensación, sin fuerzas para seguir pero con el placer suficiente como para dejarse hacer, ¡Era mía!

Así, cuando sentí que me venía, saqué mi verga y me masturbé, lentamente, con sus jugos como lubricante.

Ella entendió el momento y me empujó levemente hacia atrás, se incorporó temblando, la abracé y me llevó al centro del salón, arrodillándose y metiendo mi verga en su boca, agarrando el tronco con una mano mientras con la otra empujaba desde mis nalgas hasta que mi venida fue inminente, tragó el primer chorro y lamió mis huevos mientras el resto de mi esperma caía en su cabello y en su frente, escurriendo por su rostro.

Embarró mi venida en su rostro, en sus tetas, y dejó caer su cara entre sus rodillas, en completa sumisión.

Me abrazó desde las pantorrillas, limpió mi verga y reposamos juntos, en un sillón, abrazados y acariciándonos, mientras ella permanecía, con los ojos cerrados, gozando y guardando el placer recibido en su memoria.

Nos besamos mientras nos vestíamos, miramos el reloj y eran casi las 10, escuchando los carros afuera.

Acomodó un poco el desorden, salimos y nos despedimos, tomando cada quien su camino, con la memoria de un dulce pecado de lujuria que estoy seguro recuerda.

No supe como, pero llegué a una estación del metrobus que iba directo a mi casa, justo una despues de donde debí transbordar, tratando de recordar el camino, pues si algo me faltó fue llenar de mi leche su culo.

Damas, parejas, estoy dispuesto a contactar casi en cualquier horario.

Mensajes a mi perfil.

Espero hayan disfrutado leyendo mientras llegaban al punto de masturbarse y disfrutar.


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A boys luck

Author’s note: This story is completely fictional. If you find reading about incest offensive, please skip to another story. Chapter 1 It began on a hot sunny afternoon in August while I had been guarding our fields in my village. I could never dream that such things would happen with me…but it happened, and thereafter my life was changed for forever. Let me start from the beginning. I am Rahul, twenty…about five ten in height…have a lean athletic body and I feel that I’m quite handsome. Six...

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Rubys New Life Ch 15

They also resumed my anal training so that my body would be ready and willing as it should be, regardless of what they decided. I was so thankful for that. The machine had been removed from my room and there was no reason to bring it back in. Mental training was on hold, they had no idea what to do with me. One morning when I awoke, I saw that Grandpa had laid out clothes for me. He hadn’t done that since …. Well, since before. Just a simple crop top that really only covered my nipples,...

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StepSiblingsCaught Kylie Page Dumped Again

Kylie Page can’t believe it, but she’s been dumped again! She can’t understand why the boys keep leaving her high and dry, so she turns to the one man she knows won’t lie to her: her stepbrother. Approaching Tony wearing just a bra and underwear, Kylie asks if he can tell her what’s wrong with her body. Tony offers to give an unbiased opinion, but first he must feel Kylie’s breasts and ass so he can give the best assessment possible. Finding herself...

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Camp part three unfinished update

Celeste:- "Jonah it isn't your fault, it never was, all the things you did they were never you, he contolled you, turned you into something you're not" Jonah:- "But.." Celeste:- "No but's mister, in the end you get to be the hero, you have to finish this, finish of lance for good, protect the camp and protect yourself" Jonah:- "But you..I..I.." Celeste:- "I know Jonah and it's too late to do anything, i want you to do one thing for me though, Jonah i want you to be...

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A Paladins JourneyChapter 20 Two Swords

It was hours later when Shenla left Ossarom’s tent. She stood outside for a moment and looked around. The world looked ... different, somehow. The towering trees in the park shifted this way and that as the wind tugged at them sporadically, just as it tugged at her hair and clothes. It was hard to tell time with the dense clouds blanketing the sky, but she thought it might be the early hours of the morning. She walked absently, only partially aware of the fact her body was moving. To which...

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ExtraCurricular Part 9

Christ, he has me fucking a damned cucumber!In the midst of her erotic haze, Amanda added to her list of reasons why this cocky youngster deserved her wrath. But she kept moving on the cucumber, not least because her sexy schoolgirl charge was on the other end, sweaty and bedraggled with mascara-smeared cheeks. Good God, what a hot slutty mess that girl’s become. It’s a really good look for her.She had recovered from Gavin’s face-fucking barrage in time to witness some weirdly tender interlude...

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Girls night in

I was 18 at the time, in collage studying American History. It was Friday evening I had invited my friend Jade who was also 18 was down for a girly night in, chick flicks, take away chocolate covered strawberries. Neither of us was really interested in boys just because we didn’t ever seem to have the time along with studying nights like this were a rare occasion. We were sitting down watching a film and I began to notice Jades body more, I always thought she was prettier than me, but I never...

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Eighteen Thirty six Fifty four 18 36 54

John Doe. One day, he would be known to everyone in the world. Through nothing magical or especially technical, he would accomplish something so statistically abnormal and so socially unacceptable that it would shake people's perceptions for generations to come. On July 15th, 2018, he would turn eighteen years old. He would be sharing the party with his sister, Summer. The two of them had lived a rather undesirable life. Neither was popular with other people, did excellently at sports or...

4 years ago
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Neko Necro

Neko Necro By: Set3 The year is 2038. And as much as how the movie "Back to the Future 2" was a misrepresentation of the future, the future of 2038 doesn't look too much different than today. Much to the dissapointment of many a futurist I'm sure. Although a huge contributer to this lackluster future was greatly due to the fact that in 2021, an unknown fanatical group had somehow set off a dirty bomb in the oil fields in the middle east. While this didn't have much of an impact in the...

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training a slut

Suzie had no idea how it had happened. One minute she was at a party, the next she was bound and gagged, in the boot of someone’s car, and being driven around. The ropes around her wrist, behind her back, would not budge, try as she may, and the ones around her ankles were also tight. She had tried rubbing her head on the carpet in the boot, trying to get the gag out, but straps around her neck and also over her head, made sure this did not happen.She tried to think back to what had happened,...

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Lamb of GodChapter 15

Connie and Michelle drove back toward the metro center where Connie worked, searching for an address on the card. To keep Michelle's vaginal motor running so that Connie could use both hands on the wheel, Connie told Michelle to masturbate. At first, the child denied knowing what that meant, but Connie wasn't buying. A few blocks of pressure and Michelle began using her fingers for the purpose God intended--one hand working the clit, the other fingering the hole. Connie kept looking over...

3 years ago
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The weekend as the babysitter part 2

It was 8:30 am and I sent Lauren and the girls to go wash up and eat when the phone rang. “Hello.” I said as I answered the phone. “Hello Mike its Heather.” “Oh hi, how is everything?” “Its going great, I was just calling to check on how last night went.” “Oh god it was great!” “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, you know if you want you can use your cock on Savannah if shes up for it.” “Can I really!” “Yes and if Rayne wants to you can finger her.” “Oh that’s just great!” “Glad your...

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Simply SaraChapter 16

When Sara woke, the sun was in her eyes and for a moment she could not focus on anything clearly. Then, something came between the sun and her eyes and she roused herself to see what it was. It was the figure of a girl, and as her eyes became accustomed to the light, Sara saw it was Faith Hoyle. The girl was carefully standing so as to shade Sara's eyes, and finally Sara moved so that she could see without the help. "Hi, ' said Faith. "You were asleep, but I wanted to talk to you, so I...

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My first time with my boyfriend

Me and my boyfriend were sitting on his bed kissing whilst I was rubbing his leg and I slowly moved my hand up his leg and on to his penis and it was so hard at the same time he moved his hand up my shirt and was slowly moving his finger in a circle around my nipples which was turning me on even more than I already was then we laid down on his bed and I moved my head down towards his penis and I started pulling his trousers down and there it was his 6 inch penis my mouth was already filling up...

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Born to be a bull not for faint hearted cuckolds

Hello All,Until a few weeks ago I had no idea that there was even a term "bull" and a community of "cuckolds" putting their partners on the market willingly. I found this out after having a drunken kissing and groping session with a middle aged woman on the First Capital Connect train back home from London. Having exchanged details before she got off 4 stops from me I was bizzarely contacted from her husband the same night who invited me to their house in St Alban's saying his wife wanted me...

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Aunts Birthday

it was my aunt karens birthday so i went to get some flowers,card and a cake to give her, but all she really wanted was my cock. my aunt is looking hot as always, she is wearing a tight black boat neck shirt tight blue jeans and her ankle boots, hair all done make up she just got back home. tommy!!!! she says with a big smile, how are you honey? gives me a big kiss. god she is hot.happy birthday i tell her and give her the gifts. she smiles and loves them and gives me another big kiss, i stay...

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York1Chapter 7

Life had been going well for us the last few years. Carmelita and Diego's marriage was a delight for us all. They had produced a beautiful daughter and another child was on the way. Juanita and Jesus returned after the death of Juanita's mother. Juanita asked that Carmelita continue in her role as chief housekeeper; Juanita would be happy to fill in on an emergency basis, but she was just tired of responsibility and wanted to rest. Jesus was not anxious to take over, so Diego continued in...

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Tales from the FrogLady Part 2 of 2 A Night Out

Notes: 1 - I don't believe Catherine suddenly discovered she didn't enjoy having sex as a woman. it is more probable that she had cold feet because the marriage and rebelled against the typical male/female roles. 2- This is the first story I write centered in a female to male transformation, I would appreciate you opinions to help me improving it. 3- Sorry for the translation errors, I will correct "Wedding Night" soon A night out by Sylvia Wechsel I caught myself daydreaming...

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Best Sales Job In The World 09

That Wednesday Barb and Cliff went to lunch together. They had not had sex in the office that morning as Cliff was saving that for the afternoon. They had a leisurely lunch as there was no rush to get back to the office. None of the staff was expected until Friday. As they were leaving the restaurant the skies opened up and they made a dash for Barb’s car. They got in and Cliff told Barb to park in the back of the lot away from the restaurant. Barb pulled into a parking space just in time as...

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Instant Messenger

Kai settled in her soft computer chair, cracking her knuckles in anticipation. Smiling broadly as his name popped up on her instant messenger. She couldn’t help herself, he made her smile as if nothing else in the world mattered to her and for these moments in time, nothing else did. Not her crappy job, not her sometimes distant husband or his children playing noisly behind her. Nothing matter as long as she was right here talking to him. Tony sighed as he watched her name flash on the screen....

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Sheriff PorterChapter 74

"First of all Sylvia, EZ lived within twenty five miles of Jefferson Island most all his life. He was living around New Wales all of those five years. He has been in trouble with the law, but he has cleaned up his act. Had his share of woman troubles, but there was no sign of hostility issues. You can't say the same for Brian. But there is no connection between them. If they ever met, I can't tell from there cyber footprints," Wilson said. "Okay I gave him some cock and bull story...

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Castle Keep 4 Seeds of Evil

Author’s note: Castle Keep began as a single story with no intention of adding to it. However, at the request of readers that have favorably responded and wanted more, the original story has grown. Some of you voiced questions about William’s quest and how it took root. This is my attempt to answer those inquiries. ********************** CASTLE KEEP 4: SEEDS OF EVIL A woman noisily pushed her way past heavy brush. Her brown eyes swept from side to side looking for the berries of food-bearing...

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Kinky KatelynChapter 3

Dinner was a strange event. I mean the food was great and all, and Katelyn was animated and chatty and all; but, she was in a mood I'd never seen before. When dinner was finished, I started to help pick up the dishes and she tried to shoosh me away. "Go into your room. Let me clean up and I will be there when I finish." In that moment I decided to be bold, I decided to take a chance and I walked up to her as best as I could. I had no idea why she was acting the way she was, but I wanted...

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A Mother and Her Son 6

For some strange reason, Sue suddenly felt very submissive. It wasn't like her to play that role. However, at the moment, it felt right. She moaned submissively and let her son pound into her mouth. As his movement grew more rapid, saliva began to drip from the corners of her stretched mouth.Tommy's legs were spread wide and his knees slightly bent as he moved rapidly in and out of her mother's willing mouth. His fingers were curled tightly in her hair as he moved almost violently in and out....

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Varna The Grojan War Book TwoChapter 16 Release

The carriage rattled along the cobbled street, the leather and wood suspension barely isolating Minara from the uneven surface, the early morning light only just illuminating the still deserted city streets. It would be another hour before the traders would be opening their shops and the market holders advertising their wares, each adding to the noise and bustle common in cities everywhere. She yawned, and her mind wondered to the previous night, and she smiled to herself as warmth suffused...

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Cheaters Night

It was about 3am and I was scrolling to see who might be up, I wanted to fuck all night and morning but I needed to find someone. I saw this one guy but I knew he had a girlfriend, that has been my crush for a long time and I seen he was online so I texted him and he sent a message back saying he liked me. I wanted to fuck and suck him that’s all. I told him to come see me he had to sneak out but I told him it was gonna be worth it. Around 3:40 he came and knocked on my door I was already...

1 year ago
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Chinny the hot girl

I live a very nucleated neighborhood with my parent in Aba but we are from Onitsha. My dad is a peasant farmer who always travel to the village to work on his farm every planting season. My mum is a petty trader who tries her best to sustain the family. I was sent to a local secondary school in our area in Aba. In school I was not what you can call the popular figure because I was somewhat reserved and timid. I had a crush on a girl in school then whom I wanted to fuck, which I did but that is...

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Transgender Latex Lust Samanthas Story

Several years ago, I was asked by a major latex clothing designer, to model for her latex- wear catalog. I had done it once before, with my then girlfriend, Karen, so I had no reluctance to doing it again. This time, I again agreed to do it, as it was so much fun wearing all those hot, skin-tight outfits, especially under the blazing studio lights. Teamed with me this time was Samantha, a very attractive girl of mixed parentage. Her Father is an American, her Mother is Japanese. Samantha is a...

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From Unwanted Guy to Maid and Slave Part 1

Chapter 1: Answering the Ad. It was my third and final year at University. I was a young student named James, studying hard and looking forward to finishing and heading out into the world. My grades had been good, I had developed a great social life, almost everything was amazing. The only problem was the past two years I couldn't hold down a place to stay. I stayed in halls during my first year, but all of my friends on the floor I lived on decided to move in with classmates for the...

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The Halloween Themed Costume Party

Our company has a Halloween Party every year and for the most part, I have simply ignored attending, or attended and simply left after a short visit. This year, I decided that I’d go and dress up in a full regalia as a pirate. I even decided to go so far as to have a professional make-up artist do my make-up, so one would know who I was, just for the fun of it.Everyone who attended the Party dressed up and for the most part, folks were quick to figure out who was who behind the masks and...

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Suddenly a Girl Part 7

Suddenly a Girl (Part 7) Robbi and Deb drove home, together with three bottles of pills in Deb's purse. Each promised Robbi some hope - temporarily reversing one of the effects of the EPF chemical Robbi (then Rob) had been exposed to: gender change, age regression diminished intelligence. But only one of them could be taken at a time. Making things even more complicated, Robbi still had not recovered her memories. She had been told who she really was, but still had no...

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Rebeccas Journey

It was 1700 hours UTC and Rebecca was finally in her cabin on board the latest luxury cruise liner waiting for it to set sail from Southampton. This was the trip of a lifetime, paid for by her inheritance. Both her mother and father had died in a plane crash whilst going to a medical conference in America. The private jet they had chartered had simply fallen out of the sky at 35000 feet and both her parents and the four members of the crew had plunged into the freezing waters of the Arctic...

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Dads Love

I am currently at the University of Oregon. It had been almost 4 years since I had visited my father for that one unforgettable summer. I had been waiting for this summer to come because it was the last summer before my brother and I graduate. My father always loved having us all there for the summer, and he always made sure that we all had the most fun as a family. But the last summer my mother just didn't want to go anymore and she wanted to stay here in Texas for a change. She told us both...

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My Mami8217s Ass

Hi everyone! My name’s Kiran(name changed). I’m going to narrate a story of my mami (Ranij) and me. She is hot and has big boobs. Her husband works at night, and I’ve been craving to take care of her sexually. At the time, her son was only 1 year old. Both mama and mami eat a lot of paan. So one day, I am at their house for lunch along with other family members. After eating lunch, my mami brings me some paan. As I ate some, and she was holding the dish for paan, and supari, I looked up at her...

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Boston to BirminghamChapter 6

Hardy woke with a start, trying to understand why he felt so happy. Then Gwen stirred and snaked a hand over his chest, hugging him lightly. "Good morning, my love. Did you sleep as well as I did? I have to tell you, it's the best nights' sleep I've had in over three years." He caressed her hair lightly. "Like a rock, you wore me out. In my defense, I'm still not quite up to my old self." She moved languidly over his body, rubbing every inch of skin she could into to...

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Life on the Bottom RungChapter 3

We won the game that night, 16-3, and the crowd went home happy. Why not? Tomorrow was a day off for almost everybody -- Independence Day! But not for the Bluefield Orioles. We'd be back here, at the same old stand, for an afternoon game. At least we didn't play many doubleheaders anymore. My players had headed for the concrete-block building that served as our locker room and shower, but I lagged behind to see if I could get another look at Orlie Martinez. I was peeking around the edge...

4 years ago
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My Transformed Wife Part 2

"Absolutely," I said, rising to my feet and offering her my hand. She took hold and I pulled her to her feet. Her knees wobbled and I caught her by the waist before she could collapse again. "Woah, easy there.""I'm not used to using those muscles like that," she said, grinning."Yeah, I'll probably be walking funny for a while myself." I helped her into the shower and she sat down on the built in bench next to the shampoo and soap bottles. I pointed the shower head at the wall, turned on the hot...

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Patti Petite Ron Jeremy and my first wild crazy

I love women! I love asses! I love my ass! So, the following true story is near and dear to my heart, or cock, or maybe they are the same ;) She was my employee, she was older, she overweight, she was rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. So when she and I were talking in my office and she suggested that she suck my cock, I gladly accepted of course. She gasped when she saw my big cock and dove for it. That wasn't unusual in those days; I was young, hung, horny and not bad looking. Her...

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Fucking the twins and more

Jo and Linda were reluctant to ever plan on being with me at the same time for a while. Generally what would happen is that I would take one out, then when I took her home the other would join in, or not depending on their mood, because of course I was always up for it. That all seemed to change after a couple of months. I was getting tired of the bullshit and having to worry about who would be jealous of who and when. It was like I was tip toeing on thin ice all of the time. Of course word...

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Jerrys World Anna Part 2

My young cock was already bursting under my boxers as Anna made the first move pulling her top off over her head, OMG her nipples were sticking out of her flat chest and I must have looked like a privileged schoolboy as I froze staring at them, she looked down at my bulging shorts and giggled under her breath at the sight of my bulge pulsing but my focus was on this woman in front of me.You got to understand that at my young age I hadn’t seen that many women naked let alone someone of Anna’s...

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