LA ESTETICA free porn video

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Generalmente, tardo en cortarme el cabello pues no siempre coincido en horarios con el lugar donde habitualmente lo hago. Suelo esperar, más en esta ocasión tuve que buscar otras alternativas.

Así pues, decidí que lo mejor sería cortarme el cabello en el primer lugar que encontré abierto, por lo que me dirigí a mi hogar, tomando el metrobus sobre Insurgentes, contrario a mi costumbre,para evitar los constantes retrasos en el metro en esta época.

Bajé una estación antes de donde debía transbordar antes de lo que debía, así que decidí tomar otra ruta antes de volver a intentar subirme a este transporte, por lo que salí de la estación y caminé en dirección a donde abordaría la combi a casa, más a dos cuadras, la lluvia inició, caminé un poco y la lluvia arreció, por lo que busqué donde guarecerme.

Avancé y encontré una estética, ¡Justo lo que buscaba!, abierta, por lo que sin pensarlo dos veces, entré saludando y pregunté si había servicio.

Una voz femenina me respondió casi a mis espaldas, lo que me sorprendió.

"Sí, claro, pase."

Era una dama en mallón, una batita y debajo una blusita ajustada, que enjuagaba un t****ador.

"Permitame, el agua salpicó y tuve que secar la entrada para no resbalar."

El piso era de losa, por lo que era entendible.

"Acomódese, ahora estoy con usted."

Asentí y mientras me quitaba mi chamarra, por el espejo pude apreciarla mejor: Mujer, en sus 40 imagino, rubia, arreglada coquetamente como corresponde a su profesión y con un tremendo culo.

"Si quieres pon tu chamarra en el perchero."

Eso hice y me acomodé en el sillón justo en el momento en el que la lluvia arreció y para mi fortuna, el viento cambió de dirección, empujando el agua en dirección a la entrada, por lo que la dama se apresuró a intentar bajar la cortina.

"¿Le ayudo?"

"Por favor, se acaba de soltar el aguacero y nos llenaremos de agua."

Sacó un gancho y bajó la cortina a donde la alcanzaran mis manos, bajándola yo a la mitad mientras la lluvia arreciaba.

"Bájela por completo, de cualquier forma ya no vendrá nadie."

Eso hice, mientras ella se colocaba a un lado mio para terminar la labor.

Se colocó en cuclillas y la imagen me hizo fantasear un poco mientras ella separaba sus piernas, para luego alcanzar un candado que estaba a su derecha y colocarlo.

Me incorporé para hacerle espacio y nuestras piernas se rozaron, lentamente mientras me levantaba, dando un paso atrás.

Di otro paso atrás para que acomodara un segundo candado, atento a la acción, por si necesitaba ayuda.

Puso el candado y giró, a lo que le tendí la mano para ayudarla a incorporarse, más acompletar la acción, quedó de frente a mi, su rostro a la altura de mi pene, ligeramente erecto.

Me dio su otra mano y las apretó suavemente, mientras se incorporaba, quedando su cara a la altura de mi pecho, sin soltar las manos.

"Tranquilo, no voy a violarte, solo voy a cortarte el cabello. Permteme, deja me enjuago las manos y enseguida regreso."

Su mirada se fijó en mis ojos mientras decía esto y su voz resonó en mi pecho, en un tono que aceleró mis latidos.

Secó el piso mientras me sentaba, agachándose para escurrir el trapo en una cubeta y yo no despegaba la vista de su culo.

Exhaló una vez que terminó, limpiandose un ligero sudor de la frente con el antebrazo.

"No tardo."

Pasó al baño del fondo y se enjuagó, salió, se secó las manos y me puso la bata.

tomó su teléfono celular y me miró diciendo "espera, deja aviso en casa."

"Ya se soltó el aguacero, tuve que bajar la cortina. Estoy con una clienta, termino con ella y voy para allá, a ver si mientras se pasa la lluvia."

"Ajá, si, no te preocupes, mi vida, ya lo compré y te lo llevo."


"Mi hija, luego se preocupa pero de cualquier forma cierro a las 9."

"¿Cómo va a ser tu corte?"

Le expliqué y preguntó si tambien me arreglaba la barba, a lo cual asentí.

Inició su labor y le expliqué como había llegado ahí a lo que rió.

"¡Casualidad, entonces!", y volvió a reír.

"Sí, ya me urgía y no podía esperar."

"¿De verdad te urge?", contestó, con una sonrisa coqueta.

"Sí", dije, "Mañana temprano tengo un compromiso importante."

"Me imagino, bueno, aprovechemos", dijo mientras daba inicio a su labor, la cual fue rápida, pero con algunos roces y acercamientos de ella, pegando su rostro al mío, sabiéndome inmóvil por la bata y el sillón de corte.


"Sí, aprovechemos, de cualquier manera no puedo ir muy lejos." y es que en ese momento arreció la lluvia golpeando la cortina.

Reclinó el sillón y me dijo "Te voy a poner una toalla caliente para abrir los poros."

Sacó una toalla, la humedeció en agua caliente de una llave y la acomodó sobre mi rostro.

Tomó dos bolsas de té y me dijo "¿No te m*****a?, es para relajar tus ojos."

Dije que no y cubrió mis ojos, permaneciendo ahí, escuchándola mientras me decía unas cosas de su vida.

"Vivo aquí cerca, con mi hija, hace rato me divorcié y tengo que atender las necesidades del hogar."

No podía responder, con la toalla en mi rostro y las bolsas de té en mis ojos.

"Es un poco pesado pero hay que hacer lo que se puede."

La escuché preparar algunas cosas, imaginé eran los utensilios para afeitarme.

Me quitó la toalla del rostro y me dijo que no me moviera.

Me enjabonó y fue pasando la navaja, suavemente, con detalle, perfilando mi barba.

"La tienes grande, ¿Muchas novias?"

"Ninguna, soy ave de paso."

"MMMM, ok, espera, no te muevas, voy a terminar el bigote."

Afeitó y por momentos podía sentir su respiración, ligeramente agitada, muy cerca de mi rostro.

Pasó sus palmas en mi rostro, como midiendo la simetría, sentí su respiración cerca, de frente.

Claramente sentí su aliento en mis labios, más cuando dijo "te quedó bien, no te muevas."

Levantó el respaldo del sillón ligeramente, retiró las bolsas de té de mis ojos y dijo "Agacha la cabeza, voy a rasurarla nuca."

Agaché la cabeza sin abrir los ojos, para facilitar su labor.

"Te voy a quitar la bata, no te talles los ojos."

Eso hizo, escuché como hacía esta labor mientras, a mis espaldas, pasaba una toalla seca, con ligeros toques para retirar el exceso de humedad.

Así permanecí y tras dejar la toalla, pasó sus manos sobre mis hombros, delicadamente, lo cual me pareció buen detalle, para llegar a mis omóplatos y empujarme hacia el frente.

"¡Qué bien!, te dejas llevar.", y rió, a lo cual dejé escapar una ligera risa.

"Ah, ah, ah, no te muevas."

Traté de abrir los ojos pero mis largas pestañas aún tenían humedad, así que permanecí intuyendo lo que pasaba.

Afeitó mi nuca, mis patillas.

Pasó sus manos por mi rostro y las colocó en mi frente, empujando sensualmente para acomodar mi cuerpo.

"Espera, me faltó un pequeño detalle."

Esperé, en silencio, imaginando que pasaría de nuevo la navaja en mi rostro, más en lugar de eso, sentí su mano abrirse paso por mi camiseta, frotando mi pecho y, con su otra mano, acariciando mi rostro, bajando por las mejillas al nacimiento de mi barba.

"¡Te ves bien cabrón!", subió su otra mano y repitió la caricia anterior, ahora a dos manos, recargando sus pechos en mi cabeza, ya sin su batita de trabajo.

Enderezó mi espalda, levantó mi rostro, pegando mi nuca a sus tetas y dijo "Quedaste muy bien, ya terminamos y sigue lloviendo, ¿Te vas a ir así?"

Afuera el aguacero seguía, sonaba fuerte y respondí, "No"

"¿Qué hacemos?"

"¿Qué quieres hacer?"

Recorrió mis pechos con sus manos, subiendo por mi garganta, dejando una en mi barbilla y otra en mi frente, echando mi cabeza hacia atrás, con un beso de piruito en mis labios djo "¡Lo qué quieras!"

Pasó frente a mí, poniendo sus manos en mi pecho, indicando que debía permanecer así.

Subió a la piecera, acomodando mis pies entre los suyos, reclinándose, subiendo su cadera en mis pernas, acoplando su pubis al mio.

Recorrió mis brazos con sus manos, como simulando el que me dejaba atado, regresó a mis hombros, subió a mi rostro echándolo hacia atrás y me besó, suavemente al inicio, acomodando mis labios para introducir su lengua por mi boca.

Mi pene reaccionó, instintivamente y para ese momento, ya estaba más que duro.

Abrí los ojos y puso un dedo en mis labios para luego pasarlo por los suyos, indicando que debía guardar silencio para luego introducirlo en su boca y chuparlo, lascivamente.

Desabotonó mi camisa y la retiró, mientras me besaba, frotando su pubis en el mio, en pleno control de la situación.

Pasó sus manos bajo mi camiseta y la fue levantando junto con mis brazos, dejándome a su merced.

Así la dejó, con mi rostro cubierto, mientras acariciaba mi pecho y lo besaba, mordió ligeramente mis tetillas.

Me dejó con los brazos arriba, casi a ciegas, mientras echaba su cadera hacia atrás y, acariciando mi pecho, bajó sus manos y desabrochó mi cinturón.

Se echó más atrás y metió mano para sobar mi verga sobre el bóxer. Sobó mis huevos y dijo "La tienes grande, ¿La sabes usar?, ¿No te vienes rápido?"


"OK, confío en tí, ¿Tú confías en mi?"


Se incorporó bajando sus pies al piso, acariciando mi pecho, bajando sus manos a mis caderas para jalar mi pantalón y bajarlo a mis rodillas.

Desabrochó las agujetas de mis zapatos y los quitó, junto con los calcetines.

Al sentir mis pies libres, los saqué del pantalón, sintiendo sus labios en mi pecho, su lengua, bajando y lamiendo, llegando a mi verga, aspirando mientras decía "¡Rico!, ya me hacía falta una así."

Pasó su lengua por mi pubis, sus manos pasaron por mi pecho, mis piernas y con una en mi abdomen, pasó la otra por debajo de mis huevos, acariciándolos con las uñas mientras su lengua recorría el camino de mi verga, de la base a la punta.

Bajó su mano del abdomen a la base del tronco y lo sujetó, mientras con la otra sujetaba mis huevos para engullir la cabeza y empezar a chupar.

Suave, lento, gozando la mamada que me prodigaba.

Afuera, la lluvia no paraba.

Subía y bajaba, tragando todo, sacándosela para besar mis huevos mientras sus caricias me hacían retorcer de placer.

En algún momento, recorrió mi cuerpo son sus manos, desde mi pecho hasta las piernas, apoyándolas en mis rodillas, subiendo su cuerpo, pasando sus tetas y frotándolas en mi verga, tallando su cuerpo en el mio subiendo sus manos a mis axilas, levantando mi camiseta mientras frotaba su húmeda vagina sobre mi tronco, masturbándose.

Primero sacó mi larga barba y la acarició, levantó la camiseta sobre mis labios y me besó, permaneciendo inmóvil.

Me besó y dijo "¡Si qué aguantas!, ¡Y la tienes bien dura!, ¿Vas a aguantar hasta el final?"


Me besó y fue sacando la camiseta por completo, la lluvia seguía y los autos pasaban, las luces que se filtraban me permitieron apreciar ese rico culo, mientras mis ojos se fueron adaptando a la obscuridad descubrí su rostro.

¡Hermosa!, prodigando su belleza en esa semi obscuridad, nunca me di cuenta en que momento apagó las luces, dejando solo las de la tele y el baño.

Con mis brazos libres al fin, recorrí su figura, pasando mi mano derecha entre sus nalgas mientras nos besábamos.

Recorrí su húmeda vagina, mojando mis dedos, humedeciendo su culo en ese abundante flujo. !vaya que la dama estaba caliente!

Seguí fajando mientras le daba la vuelta, lentamente, al sentir mis pies en el piso, bajé mis labios a su cuello, el cual lamí desde el hombro hasta la oreja para luego soplar en una caricia que correspondió rodeando mo cintura con sus piernas mientras sus brazos me acercaban a su pecho.

Fui bajando y chupé sus tetas mientras la dedeaba.

Metí un dedo, dos, sin dificultad, alternando mi boca entre la suya y sus tetas para luego bajar, besando su cuerpo de diosa, dispuesta al amor, alternando el movimiento de mis dedos, a veces lineal, a veces agitando en su vagina, disfrutando el flujo de su miel.

Pasé mis brazos bajo sus piernas y la acomodé como si la fuera a penetrar, más tan solo froté mi verga entre sus labios, sintiendo como se mojaba.

"¡Ya métemela, cabrón!", dijo, más era el momento de tomar el control y la besé mientras aflojaba la tensión de sus piernas, predisponiendo una embestida.

Así, con sus piernas en mis hombros, bajé mi rostro y metí mi lengua en su concha, mojada, escurriendo miel por sus muslos, que chupé para volver a su vagina, lamiendo su clítoris, turgente, húmedo y palpitante.

Me di un atracón de sus jugos mientras bajé el sillón para dejarlo recto, acomodando a la hembra para que dejara sus rodillas sobre los descansabrazos, a mi entera disposición.

Chupé, metí mis dedos y le arranqué varios orgasmos, saboreando el primero mientras dejaba que sus jugos corrieran hasta mi garganta.

Seguí chupando y dedeando mientras ella se retorcía, llegando al punto en el que, casi sin que se diera cuenta, encontró su rostro frente al mio, su boca frente a la mía, y en un beso profundo penetré su mojada vagina, bombeando con rapidez, llevándola al orgasmo y parando para que se dejara venir para luego arremeter con furia.

Repetimos varias veces hasta que ella pasó sus brazos bajo los míos, me aprisionó y me dio vuelta, con mi verga dentro, bufando de placer, tomando un respiro y cabalgándome a lo largo de varios orgasmos, mientras sus jugos corrían por mis huevos.

Acariciaba sus nalgas, la dedeaba por la vagina y por el culo y ella solo se dejaba hacer.

En algún momento, se dejó caer sobre mi cuerpo, sintiendo mi verga adentro.

Sonrió, me besó y así permaneció unos minutos, apretándose sobre mi.

Yo sobaba sus nalgas y preguntó "¿Todavía no te vienes, verdad?"

"No", respondí.

"Quiero tragármelos, ¡Echalos en mi cara!"

"Aún falta", dije, saliendo de su abrazo, dejándola boca abajo para penetrarla de a perrito.

Paraba las nalgas, hundía su rostro, apretaba las manos, gemía y se llevaba un puño u otro a los labios, reprimiendo un grito que seguramente pudo alertar a toda la colonia.

La volteé boca arriba, bese sus tetas y sus labios mientras seguía bombeando, sintiendo como ella ya se desmadejaba, disfrutando la sensación, sin fuerzas para seguir pero con el placer suficiente como para dejarse hacer, ¡Era mía!

Así, cuando sentí que me venía, saqué mi verga y me masturbé, lentamente, con sus jugos como lubricante.

Ella entendió el momento y me empujó levemente hacia atrás, se incorporó temblando, la abracé y me llevó al centro del salón, arrodillándose y metiendo mi verga en su boca, agarrando el tronco con una mano mientras con la otra empujaba desde mis nalgas hasta que mi venida fue inminente, tragó el primer chorro y lamió mis huevos mientras el resto de mi esperma caía en su cabello y en su frente, escurriendo por su rostro.

Embarró mi venida en su rostro, en sus tetas, y dejó caer su cara entre sus rodillas, en completa sumisión.

Me abrazó desde las pantorrillas, limpió mi verga y reposamos juntos, en un sillón, abrazados y acariciándonos, mientras ella permanecía, con los ojos cerrados, gozando y guardando el placer recibido en su memoria.

Nos besamos mientras nos vestíamos, miramos el reloj y eran casi las 10, escuchando los carros afuera.

Acomodó un poco el desorden, salimos y nos despedimos, tomando cada quien su camino, con la memoria de un dulce pecado de lujuria que estoy seguro recuerda.

No supe como, pero llegué a una estación del metrobus que iba directo a mi casa, justo una despues de donde debí transbordar, tratando de recordar el camino, pues si algo me faltó fue llenar de mi leche su culo.

Damas, parejas, estoy dispuesto a contactar casi en cualquier horario.

Mensajes a mi perfil.

Espero hayan disfrutado leyendo mientras llegaban al punto de masturbarse y disfrutar.


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Star Trek Mirror Universe Turnabout

Ever wondered how the events of 'Turnabout Intruder' might have played out in the mirror universe? STAR TREK: MIRROR UNIVERSE TURNABOUT by BobH (c) 2014 All characters herein are the property of Paramount Pictures -1- I beamed down to Camus II with a security team of five redshirts loyal to me, materializing in a large, recently-unearthed subterranean chamber. Janice Lester and her toady Arthur Coleman were waiting for us, as arranged. My...

4 years ago
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Sophias Showcase 1Chapter 4

They sat for a while, without talking. John seemed to be daydreaming, while his daughter Sophia, sprawled naked on the living room floor, clicked through some of the pictures they’d taken earlier on her laptop. A little bit out of the blue, Sophia returned to their previous conversation topic. “Do people really do that? I mean, be nudist?” John considered. “I guess so. You hear about it, but I guess it’s kind of one of those things people don’t publicize if they do it, because other people...

4 years ago
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Ron and Ronnie Chapter 13 Is this going to be Joes child

Ron had been telling me the story of him and his wife Ronnie who had recently left him. It seemed that my wife had encouraged Ronnie into taking lovers on the side. Sexual satisfaction is not always obtainable by people involved in a loving marriage, something that can lead to wives or husbands finding a lover who can supply that essential ingredient to their lives. With Ron and Ronnie, it seemed, another ingredient had been added which was less common. They knew of each other’s infidelity, in...

2 years ago
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young pokerfun first trophy

Had some good feedback thankyou, but if your not into young sex dont read on this is my story im writeing it to get it off my chest so if you dont like it read something else. read part 1 so you know. Part 2, I learn how to please with my hands and mouth. I kissed granddad goodnight and went over to frank, come here my little trophy girl, with this he picked me up into his arms and I wrapped my legs around his body. He cupped one hand under my bum placing his middle finger along my wet slit...

3 years ago
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teach me to love cock

I woke up from my soft bed and started watching tv then the door bell rang and it was the mail women she was black and she had big lips big huge tits a big nice round ass and a thin body she want to welcome me to the naberhood she also had sexy long green and red hairshe gave me her number and said i was cute and would like to hang out some time i said ok mybe we can play some video games at my house later when she got of work she said that would be niceso it got late and then i was dark out...

2 years ago
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Sunita Aunty Massages And Seduces Me

Hi readers, this is Rahul again with my story about how I was seduced by Sunita Aunty, who lived in the same gated community as me. Now I have relocated to Chennai, please email me your comments, feedback at Since living on the same floor I used to smile and make small talk with her when we met, her husband used to be away travelling most of the time. About Sunita Aunty, She was around 48 years, fair good looking, a little plumpish, she had Good boobs and she was always well dressed in such a...

4 years ago
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The Slumber Party

The Slumber Party By RogerGirl I was standing in the bathroom that was between my room and my sister's room and was checking my makeup in the mirror. I stood back and admired myself in my cheerleading uniform. The skirt was short and showed off my long smooth legs and my long blonde hair was tied back with a ribbon. My three friends were downstairs in their cheerleading uniforms waiting for me. Oh, I should probably mention that I'm a straight guy and so are my three friends. ...

3 years ago
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Holy Love

His beauty was loin-tingling and breath-taking all in one glimpse. The impact of his beauty was overwhelming: pale, almost luminous skin on a slender frame of perfect proportion; intelligent eyes set like dark jewels under delicate brows and long lashes; a proud, straight nose with slightly flared nostrils; a wide, mildly upturned mouth framed with rose-tinted lips, strong in expression but gentle in form, a mouth that expressed a voice both silky in timbre and harmonious in tone. His was the...

2 years ago
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While You Were sleeping Part 2

Everyone loses when cheating is involved.Matt wakes up to a new, nightmarish reality.Reality really sucks, at least mine does. What the hell am I supposed to do now? The woman that I love more than anything, and that I thought loved me the same, fucked my former best friend Jim. How the hell do we get past this? Can I get past this?First thing I need to do is get healthy again, then go kick Jim's ass. How dare that asshole? He was supposed to be my best friend. Instead, he takes the first...

2 years ago
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A Dreamy Afternoon With My Rain Drenched Mother 8211 Part 3

We slept together that night. Both nude and wet and dripping juices all over the bed and hugging each other tight. We slept well. It was almost 9 in the morning when we woke up. Mom was the first to wake up. She must have woken up some five minutes before and had dived to my crotch. She had peeled back my foreskin and was sucking my cockhead and the sensations hardened my cock and I woke up too. For some time I was groggy from sleep sex and alcohol and did not know what was happening. I put my...

4 years ago
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My introduction and pathway to group sex Part 11

Continuing my life story.   Please read Parts 1-10 first. My sex life had become very good at this time.   I had three boys on constant rotation; trying new things that I thought of or were asked of me.   I had developed a great confidence in myself.   I knew I could please boys and be appreciated by them.   I wasn’t scared to ask for what I wanted and nothing I knew of was going to scare me because my body was so accommodating to whatever was asked of it.   I developed very strong urges...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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DeepLush Haley Reed All About Haley

Haley joins Small Hands and I for a super fun threesome in this new scene. Small Hands and I indulge in touching, kissing, and licking all over Haley’s beautiful body before we take turns fucking her. Haley has an intense orgasm while we use a hitachi on her clit and have sex in a bunch of different positions. She surprises us and requests to have us both fuck her pussy at the same time. We rotate through a bunch of positions and end up finishing with Haley riding Small Hands as I fuck...

4 years ago
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"Okay, we need bell peppers, corn, eggs, mustard, oil, vinegar, and onions. I should have more than enough pasta at home". Austin, as always, has the complete overview of our dinner plans for the evening, while Ryan and I are just kind of tagging along, letting him make all the decisions. Master chef that he is, he doesn't really need our help anyway, but we're glad to serve as his kitchen hands if it means we get to enjoy one of his legendary meals for free in return... "Move it guys, this...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Accident At Reunion Changes Everything 8211 Part 2

Its my first story submission and any mistakes take it easy and go with the flow and rhythm. I am one of the reader of iss since many years & fan to iss. Thank you iss for giving us a platform to share our real time experiences. Please share your feedback or discussion or anything you want to talk email me at: Read the first part for the building rapport with the story and involve yourself. I was in pain and she was crying this continued for sometime. My pain started to subside and she...

2 years ago
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An evening out with my stepdaughter

Just an evening out no reason than we like each other’s company, even more now near mother my wife died.i booked a lovely restaurant and we dressed for a fabulous evening, at 22 tall slim my stepdaughter is beautiful, particularly as she was wearing the tight figure hugging red dress and high stiletto heels on, bringing her more up to my height of 6’ 3’. At the table after our first drink she says she needs to go to the toilet, before she leaves I say remove your panties and after you pee,...

4 years ago
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New neighbours part 3

“Oh, hi Sarah. Yes,” I started, “it was a very interesting night. Your parents are good company.” I responded, feeling stupid even as I was saying it. “Erm, how was your night out? I think your mum said you stayed over with Lizzie? Which one is that?” I asked feeling even more stupid at my lame attempts at conversation. “You know Lizzie,” she replied, “You must have seen her around. She has long curly light red hair – almost strawberry blonde, and she’s a little taller than me. She lives...

3 years ago
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A Different afternoon

I was upstairs having a look on xhamster since the wife was at work, I’d been doing the usual, wanking and when I was ready to cum I’d go and have a cig then wank again and repeat the process not wanting to cum until I was ready, I’m sure we’ve all done this. A couple of hours later and I was simply gagging for a cumshot.When out of the blue there was a knocking on the door. ‘fucking hell’ I cursed to myself as I got dressed and went downstairs, on opening the door there stood a younger man of...

3 years ago
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bet lost so bbc gangbang friend told me this sto

story from a friend of first BBC(s) was a doozy. I was 18. white dark hair, smooth about 5' 11" and maybe 135 pounds. I lost a bet w/ my gay friends, whom were all white and ive played w/ many times since i was 15 and talked about lots of fantasies. i had to walk around a few blocks around the south side of chicago only in a tube top, a short skirt, a blond wig and shoes. i had 2 hold a sign saying i lost a bet and now have to dance and show myself. little did i know he talked to a...

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Girl Gets Her Man Ch 14

David and Karen watched from the doorway. They’d left James in his seat to go after Daniel. James Croix watched them go, but didn’t make a move. Karen seemed confused, which was something that she never showed. David had never seen his son stand taller. Jerry was inches from his face, but Dan didn’t move away. David wondered what happened to the quiet boy that he’d always known. Daniel held his shoulders back as he spoke with conviction, ‘She’s nobody’s girl!’ Jo put a hand on the boy’s arm and...

3 years ago
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RavagedMe Part Five

“Well he does deserve to be able to claim a first with her!” looking to where Melinda lays shivering as they decide their order “But there something I been dying to know!” Walking over to her “The first night in the chat room when you posted about your ability to suck cock, you weren’t lying so just how many have you blown, Melinda?” Melinda tries to hide her eyes so she doesn’t have to see the look on his face as she tells him “One,a few times!” the sound of her voice getting quieter with...

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A Better World IIChapter 22 I Love You Mrs Savage

Cynthia looked at me. I knew she was scanning me. It actually felt good to be able to share my true feeling for her. "Tom, love of my life, remember those funny little robots you gave me to drink? They fixed my back and then some. I could fuck like that ten times a day. I just don't want it to become common or boring... The Indians have a book called the Kama Sutra. I have ordered us a copy. I don't want to be boring." I LOVE YOU MR. SAVAGE! We snuggled for a while longer then fell...

4 years ago
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Luck Happens Ch 01

This is the first part of a new series. It begins with romance and straight sex but will include much steamier explorations as the story develops in future episodes. These stories aren’t for little kids so all you underage, go somewhere else. I’ve been in the doldrums for the last few months. Not that things were bad, it was more like things were blah. Everything was blah – my writing, my social life, just my whole demeanor. I knew that I needed to change this outlook but it seemed that every...

3 years ago
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LucianChapter 2

Why do we think in absolutes so often, like good and bad, fire and water? Why, for instance, do we insist that there only should be men and women, and call that the natural order? Isn’t that just a lack of imagination? Lucian sat on a bench in the shadow of a big tree with a crown of flaming leaves – a sycamore, maybe? He loved the word, but he knew nothing about trees. It wasn’t an oak, surely – there were no acorns lying around. He looked across the vast lawn to the school building. “So...

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Freshman Orientation

Chapter 1 Everyone told me college was unlike any schooling I had experienced before. My parents told me that, my teachers, my counselor, my older brother, just about everybody. And, now, as I started my freshman year, I was seeing that they were exactly right. It was adult, for one thing, you were on your own. I saw just how grown-up things were when I got to know my new roommate, Shannon. Especially when she told me she was bisexual. Well, my roommate. Now, before you think badly of me, I...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 34

The SUV's conversation was livelier. The first order of discussion, of course, was the house. "Even if we don't go in as partners, I will convince Daddy to either let me buy it or to give it to me," Rachelle stated. "We will be living in that house in June, one way or the other. We will be frolicking in that tub and lying out topless on the back deck by June 1st. That is my vow." Mary laughed. "You're getting a little frisky, aren't you," she said. "Shelly, do you remember the...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Gabriella Paltrova Sloppy Seconds

Client Derrick Pierce is early for his massage appointment with Gabi Paltrova. He gets there just as a satisfied customer is finishing inside the sexy masseuse. She runs over to the reception area to smooth things over. Gabi’s hair is disheveled from sex. She’s wearing nothing underneath her untied bathrobe and she’s basking in the afterglow of sex. Derrick isn’t bothered by what he saw. In fact, he kind of likes the idea of sloppy seconds. The problem is that he’s...

3 years ago
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Sweet Reunion

The invite says 8 pm sharp. Thanks to the slowest taxi in the world I am twenty minutes late already. The driver and his overbearing opinions are beginning to grate on me as we finally arrive outside the Cedar Rooms. He is angling for a tip, but he doesn’t get one as I pay him and angrily slam the door behind me as I exit.If there is one thing I hate it is lateness. I’ve always been the same since I can remember, to me it’s a personal insult if somebody can’t keep time. So I am really hacked...

2 years ago
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The Paper RouteChapter 23

Dad came into the kitchen as Nadine and I sat at the counter drinking coffee. “Sit here, Dad. I’ll get your coffee.” I poured him a mug of coffee and turned to look at him. He looked tired and I knew he must have been under some pretty heavy stress the past few days. He had to make a stopover at the raw materials shipping and receiving terminal in Bresden. That took two days longer than planned, and now he’s home. “Eddie, you need to make plans to be with Nadine and me all day tomorrow. We...

4 years ago
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The Ride Home

It all started after a weekend in Las Vegas. Admittedly, we didn't have as much fun in the bedroom as we would have liked, but it was a good relaxing weekend and we were ready for our long drive back to reality. I had packed up all our stuff, placed in the trunk (I really didn't think I'd be needing any of it) and away we went. As we drove away from the strip, our conversation quickly turned to the trip we had and how nice it was to get away for a little bit. She was wearing jeans and a blouse...

2 years ago
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John CarterChapter 10

John woke up at four in the afternoon, when Dr. Hilbert, Nurse Betty, and Mary entered the room. His back hurt from sleeping in a chair. John glanced at the clock and saw what time it was. He realized that he had missed all of the hospital staff that had come to visit him. He shook his head and said, “Nurse Betty, you should have woken me. All those people went out of their way to come up here and you let me sleep through it.” Dr. Hilbert answered, “You might be a hero, but you’re not a...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom London River 24231

Yoo-hoo, Ms. River! Lucas wanders into the home of his friend’s mom, London River, to clean the place as he does each weekend to make some extra money for his Europe trip, and when he finds her outside he can’t stop staring. Bending over in pose, the shapely blonde is unknowingly turning Lucas on as she practices yoga in the warm sun. Lucas eventually breaks from creeping and interrupts her, informing her of his arrival and readiness to get to work. The MILF tells him she’s about to prepare for...

1 year ago
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Guy from the bar

Guy hubby had arranged to meet in the local it got a bit naught After meeting in the bar we all sit around and chat, not much small talk, it’s already been said. Just her sitting between us and getting slightly loosened up on southern comfort and American dry We are sitting facing away from people. A good idea as my hand is running up the inside of the short skirt I insisted she wore and stroking her inner thigh, up to her already juicy cunt lips. I nod my head to him inviting him to do...

Sex With Stranger
4 years ago
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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 15D

Ronnie said to me as I sat nude on a three-legged stool and she started drawing, "Martha won't let me draw her, you know." I asked "Why not?" "She sat for me about the time we first met. When we were roommates. And she had such a classic, gorgeous figure, I told her she just had to pose nude for me, just *had* to. Or in a swim suit or something." "She wouldn't?" Ronnie sighed, erasing something. "No." I said, trying to balance myself with one foot on the floor and my other...

3 years ago
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Maiden by Decree Chapter 8

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter 8 Life in the Palace Or How Am I supposed to Remember all this stuff?!! "Sheesh!" Deirdre protested. "I had to learn needlepoint, knitting, and fortunately I already knew how to sew. Then there was meeting a bunch of fluttery little ladies who are supposed to be the cream of the nation and remember all...

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Johns Breakup

I had known John for several years. We had worked together and had gotten to know each other quite well. He was a few inches taller than me with short, light brown hair, muscular build, and the nicest ass I had ever seen. We flirted casually around the office, but I didn’t think anything of it, because he already had a girlfriend. We were friends outside of work, and we often met up, trips up to the cinemas, picnics in the park, or even just movie nights in front of my TV. One night, my...

2 years ago
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The Other Woman Part Five

The Other Woman - Part Five Continuing the story of how a wife meets the other woman in their lives, who happens to be her husband. This story is dedicated to my friend and fellow author Warm Hearted, who has called me his cheerleader. We have become good friends and confidants, sharing comments and ideas on our stories as well as messaging and emailing each other regularly. I can never find the proper words to say thanks to my editor and friend Chris, who finds the time in a very...

4 years ago
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Nuru massage first time

After an exhausting first term of my new air stewarding job I had just arrived on my first adventure in Hong Kong. There I was, a young pussy hungry 18 year old virgin alone in Asia for 3 days. It had been a long held dream of mine to experience a body to body massage- I used to wank for hours over clips of hunky white men being rubbed and sucked by hot little Asian beauties. I didn’t have much money but I was prepared to pay anything to have my first taste of sex in an Asian cunt, after...

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Liz Discovers Her Sexuality

Elisabeth never had any problems attracting the boys. She looked like the ultimate girl-next-door, with her slender 5'3 frame, long blond wavy hair, perky B-cup boobs and an ass like a peach. But, she had no interest for them. The idea of sex interested her somewhat, but all the boys in her neighbourhood were too immature for her tastes, and she went to an all-girls catholic school.However, she did feel herself becoming more and more attracted to Mr. Hatherfield, her 35-year old IT teacher. A...

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The Touch Ch 12

WARNING TO READERS – This is a long, rambling, multi-part story and VERY British. The individual chapters will make more sense if read in sequence. Chapter 12: Family Business The rest of the week was pretty routine. Maggie and I interviewed a further eight candidates between Tuesday and Wednesday and recruited three more people onto the team. The first was a very pleasant man, Graham Young, who was 22 and had been working as a labourer and gardener for Southampton City Council, Parks and...

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First time gay fantasy

I meet him on a cruising site. We will call him Jack, just for putting a name to him. My name is Chuck. I have never been with another man, but I have dreamed about it a lot. I want to play and see just how far I will go. Jack can host, I can't. I work a strange schedule, but I am off on Mondays, so, it is a good time to get together. Jack is retired, so, he has all the time in the world on his hands. Just so you know, I am about to retire also, so you have two older men getting...

2 years ago
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TwentyYear High School Reunion With Kelly

It was early August of 1998. A couple of months prior Kelly and I had received, and RSVP’d to, an invitation to our twentieth high school class reunion. We were both looking forward to the event, but Kelly especially. That night she was the sexiest and most beautiful she had ever been in her life. And everyone noticed.Our class was huge, a byproduct of the baby boom, and graduated over three hundred. The class stoner and chief idiot as a joke ran for class president and, also as a joke, we...

Straight Sex

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